Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 09, 1859, Image 4

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.l.lllH':' ,M. .In in II, I'l
ol K I I .,, I I I !; M , l.
' ' .v r , v. v r i t 1 v rv t
corner sioue,
Me I..,, nil,, sr-,,M,K
Mil. i OS-.II I I.AliuV
!' II'. -. ih) M pliovo Auli,
Dors l)isiii.( Oriin:tlrin
ninm i m- nii:
' lit ti
i i i n i.N -
A In t;r ii&roi tint hi
l ir
I .ll I, I.
' I i,
,1 I !
' ' (
' I" I
ill a
, t !
I hi I . .
,,. i i-'i . . MI'i i.
I iein-r ill J ,le Lei p
I l"l,H 1 1-: ll Ulifl
I it M l -i. .slllthln .- 'lip
.! 'I I
,- fill I
i h I
I '1
ll i.
- ' ... l: ii i'l I
: ll. .1,1 r
r i-
I. 1 '!!' I'... l i . .
I Hill l1 nil
'.V III . VA
it i i ' l 1 1 - I nil i
in; '.. i vr;:,
r I'hl.i i i'- I V In fi oak,
lis 11" lli'lel ill riliniilc'i.Vu i-i better known lhall
ll,,. (,-. U...,t r. , , ."
rv I"-, iiiti'iili'm in tlifi want-nt' his enstnm
ers A 1 1-. li. hop. t iIoi-'tvo it share uf public
pllln l"i".
N. II. II, s tonus per day ha., l.icoll fixed III th
J. ilt lull' ..I J;- 1 .-' I.
" C'opl 2211 d, H.A 1 j r.
I. H' l I '
ccrs, rsiilt-Ulioiiin, ui.cii;ircs
anmiiv woi il'rom the Kar, Fever huts, or ir
,xkw AintAl;i;.vt:.r. i .. ,.
Tin. nnlu.Til.iT riviiM tl'uly nuiimini tuiuiub-
lie lit Ikim lnld'ii lli uliovo sliinil, in tho Imr-
mili ol l li'iirlii-lil, nml i.s pri-juiri'il to nceutnmi.-
.Into ull wlni itiii v pirn linn a oiill. Tho public
Miiy rot n.-.-iiri'il Hint it Mill in' r,n.lin't(a in tho
Ih'M inmiitiT 'ii.-.iblo. jliri tiilili will bo supplieil
nilli tin' ln H tlii iiiiiiki't nlli'iiN. Jli.i liar liilcil
wild tin' 1'lniii'c.t lii'iiiulp nruini'iii mi.l lii.jnoTci. an J
li in will l.u uuiliT Mm run' of HUoiiti v nml
rmvliil i. il, iv. llAXIt. .M. W KAVLK.
J ili. 1 1, I S7. y.
K'AIIONAI. I..( JI(.K IIOTI-:!,.-Tbo
Milif.-i ilii'r linviii" liiki'ii the nlin i' noil
Kiii.nn Ftiiml. Iiii iiu rly luipt l.y ll iu. A. Mhmui,
in Ciii n-i'iiMillo, I'u., is ri'snly Id hi'iiuiiiiiiimIiiIo nil
wlm limy liiiiir liiui wit n tlivir 'iilrnrmi. His
tak lu will iiIh ii vs In' Miiilii'il w ith lliu hrt tlm
nrket iilV'H-tl., Mini In-: linr with tliu cliiiicu).'
li I noi-.x. His MuLIu will bo uinl.T :li" nan' nl' u
tuiilivo littt Iitm. UAVID SMITH.
( nrwi'iisi illi, April 21. ISjs.
(Formerly knows as the (ioou Imknt,)
(Y,,),y,,'7 ('.'.;.., 'iiiliryi;u,id.
Tho fiibsfi ibor In1;;.-, loavo tn in Turin liis nlil
ciistiniii'rs, nml tin' pul.lii. p'ncrally that bo liu.
rooontly taki ti tlio aiiuvo woll known slninl, niiil
that ho lui.-J mtiri'ly rolittorl nyrl rofurnipheJ it in
a stylo mliiptuil to tho n,,'o, uml tlio wimts of tho
eiiluu tiiuiliiij I'.iiiiniiiiii v.
will ninny be prjvi.loil wiib cutv luxury tho
lUaikotM un l -urriiiiniliiig oountry w ill nH.inl.
will bo .ij'p!ioi witli tlio chi.icost w'uuu nml li
nbii'b an- tlio bot ami must rmiiiuuiliuus on tho
mail within a (lay'n tniv.-l, will always ho in
rhuro of oaivlul ainl uttontivo hostkri. In
Kv.-ry ilopartiuont uf his K.-tnbliohiii. nt will
bo Mipplioil wi:h ali I he n.infi.rts mil coin oniuu
cii'd tlio wrary traveller f..ubl ilosiro.
j"1"' -'. 'i'S WM. A. MASON.
Race st. above Third, Phila.
riMli: pruprioli.ri. of tho abnvo woll hnuivn en
1. tnblishnioiit Inin thmikriil for tho very
liheral mtrnii:ij;o bottowoil up. in thoni tho past
year, take thin inotlind of inlurniiuK their frioml.
iitnl tho public that thoy nro Hill piepan j to ac
coiiiinoiJiitu tlioin if fuvoroil w ith a cull.
During the fiiiiiinor months tho liouso bus boon
tbiiroii;hly ronovaloil, iiiiprov.niciits ami
othor extensive alterati'ins in contomplnliun.
Wo aro dctormiiieil to dovolo our whole att"
tion to businofs anil flatter -jurltilvei with the
conviction that no nbull be able to jri'vo salisfae
N. B. C'ariia-os will alwy bo in readiness to
convey paFenf;.T.s to ami from Steamboat Land
injs and Hailroad liopots. f 4 S
-March 31, t, IsiS.y,
vurwcnsvuie, l'enna.
ri ,hc Piilmrrihcr, formerly of the Exchange Ilo-
M.l I ll, lll.l.n.n k... 1 1. .1. . 1
newitand. situate on the bank of tho river, in the
lower end of Curweusville, would announce that
bp is now ready for the aeeoiuuio Uitioii of Gran
gers nnd ull Milium who may favor him with a
cull. Tbo liouso id larpo und comfortable and
travelers will Und every cunvenionco necessary to
their comfort. Aaiplc stuhlins is attached to the
, , February 10, 1SS8.
" ' ""'nl .ui'iii-r laacil iub nnuv
THE undersigned respectfully inforuia his
friends and tho traveling public in general, (but
ho has taken tho nhovo house.,
Ru;Mt:i;r,Y k.vowx a'sthi- iikmi'
JIILL Hi ii vr.
I'll K llni'SF. lms lieen l-eceiitlv vfidoil
1'Mvoil, nti.l newly i'lirnishe.l ;
11 ISJlKF.NM'OMIT.KTr.ll ; AM) II Ft t fit KIMIIEU
TO ACI'nslMiili MR
All who tiwy civo liim t mil, in (lir tnsl
Iileasing mid npreenblo iiiHnncr.
H ia Asajtay JFiTJMMcD'fl
11 ilk cvcrif thliiji lo rrml.r ! h'ir a ilniralle
fl,,,iino yhtff.
will to auj.plied with an assortment of choice li
" '' " . . ",.,,,.,, riinieo ii-
fltiora; nuil bo will endeavor to entertain hi,
cuosts in n manner Hint, u ....... . i ... .
, iiinKr. ii, nnt? I
01 tlio liest lioltfM 111 t in eonntu A ltl.
oi mo host liottMM in tlm rountv. A lil
Pini patronni- ik rpppot'tfullvKolirilfvl
, , il iiavs Monnrnv
ClcaiOcld, ang. 13, H sR. ,v
pTTTJ 4 TfyrTT TAVWTCVTTT-n -n. "nd ,lln,'e Pr(,vcJ complete .uecessful iu a inul
CUiJA JiUli.L, J AYAESVILLE, PA. I'tuda of eases, and wherever used. lining harm-
' 's ....... iii, en i
lip for a liouso uf entertainment, is now onon '
inc. n iits inc. nnvinif roeei. 'i. i r....i
ut in iK i-oiuuioiiaiinn in mo puniic. J ravuleri ' " un.u -u or uosiroycl liy great indiil,
will Cud ibis a convenient house. iRcno, eomplctoly removing' tho irritation nnd
. Muy lil, lij.t, JuIlN JOKDAN. "oc'.mpnnying tickling rcnsntiou of tho Throa-)
. , which aro always consoijuent upon the ahttainiuy 1
AMBflTYP.! TV, rn TT i fni Hie no of Tobaooo and by giving a health !
AiajBiiUl Xrl'-b XOI 50 CIS I ituno to tho stomach invigorate tho r;j..e system '
fPHE undersigned would rcMiertfullr inform - .1. V.tnon .whn ro l"elrievahly nrTrlerra inint '
1. " - ,Z 01 "My .'"""i'r constitntiona niwi tl.jir livev
I.ADI EN nnd liEXTI.EM l' ' 'Vii- ' Tr"chM Immediately and throw
of Clearfield and vicinity, that he 1, a, fitted nn ! ctcr"" "Dd "T1-'t "bit of Tob.c-
Itonnisi In Xlian'a Xcy Rw
where bo will remnlan for n fn H.w, .
. i Ail viho wouM dosirea life.iU likeMfi0, tb,
lfttoat nnd imprcvod stylo will please call.
You that have beauty should to Hall take it,
You that linvo none, sboubl go let him make it
Pcpu 2ttb, 1858. tf " .
'I ; i i. ,
.mi l.i I. I...
I b llir ).
'- t. '
I I V -il I. .11 -(',.1,
I .1 nil
i' i
I. nt.,1 i
i n -,i .iii in i
! ill P' r i j
"i '.: i e inn
V. 'I' hi )
i i.i ' t,
I mi, I (lint
i. ill ll -h i.-
-'i'l -.- a. ' I - ' -t .I. .'.'I il i,,n O t :
i ii '...-l l i.' : !. ' - ". ! Iliiitl , il l
III,' I. ill i- i T n.. li.-'.-' i ,
I niiil in Mil i i ill 'Kill li nA I'!.- ; '. .I m-
'ill lem-l two tllinll ft ill ' li' lll.l!
Ii"ir t". Iiiivk lin n- nuiti
Ecu mm
off ilw
As, fur iu.-l.iiK i'. in III" hue; rulalngtia, nn-li us
Scrofula, Tetter, "IJarht-r's Itch,"
Pimples, ISIotrlic, Krysipt'lus,
I t I . f I v I
rlipilVO IJISCaSCS (ll illlV MIKI.
XIk'... nre ii.-i'oituitu''l li.v wi-ll Liihwii iiitilii-nl
lnutu iiri.-i' IVurn la. I Muml ivliilo llio lii);lir?l
jini - ilii'iil iiiitli.irilit'f tli-i-lnri' tlinl iim.-t luver. iui-
L'innto I n tho i-niiii. iniinri. nml inirtiiMiltir-
ly JypiKinI ii ii J rearlot llio lornior In'inu' an in
tornal, nml the ItitLor tin cvli-nial iri-uplivo ilis.
curse ; .-unl in nil poisons nlliiikcil Lv theco nni
hulics llio l.luod i.s found to ho I'uirruluted, or of
a dark unhealthy uuioi.
To ward oil' a lai-'o in.ij.iniy of ilit'asos, us
well us In euro a nmtild' w h.ih lint c ulii iuly .-ii-
I'll 14.1.11 tho NVStOlil,
' i.s' xi: :,ssa!!V to
puiiirv rni: ijlooi).
iI.IMi. LY's I.MI'LlULIl I'.l.onll SuMtrilElt POFS
.not Ci. mm to in-; a
Ijiiversal r.iuaeoa fur every disease known, but
tho proprietors eluiin for il tho power not only of
Draining out All Impurities of the
hut by tho (ikilful combination of well known
'yisiiiii'jft.tsui.'.a iiiia;i:y;n-i;i:
U wil cure, nil ixci,-x uriiinyfrom a i. riin,
i (l slnr 1 lie ..',','). U a i' o I,
Utttf tn'i' I'rllt'iCf'i t''t,c '?.. ey.,'
) tin' Vm((.7..
That tho Iilood Searcher is all that is claimed
lur il, the 1'iopi ietor- can pirnlm e
It is only a few yeiirs sim,.. it was discover."!,
nli'1 yet il has grown into meli 11 I,ii-iii..-s llmi a
lui'KO Laboratory has been built t.vproasly for ils
imtniif'iioliirc a lare number of men omp!iicd
in pulling it up, mi.l still
The Supply docs not Ktinal the
Demand !
Wo ask any candid man could he s.., if i'io
Mcdicino did Hot possess ,m,i. the virtues claimed
lor it ?
Tho J'ropi ii'lurs have liim.lrc.l-. of n-i lilieatin
fro 111 men of probity and slaudiu in the -om in 11 .
nity, showini; w hal tlio medicine is d-'iii daii v
fur tlio Miflernii'.
Who has ever used the Blood
U'.cZi. r I IcHsf .(.;. '.. 7. .0
Let the ulllicted 'ivo it a trial a i-inlo Lottie
..ill convince the most koplical of it- eliieucy.
)n. J. M. Lixnsr.v : Hoar Sir I lake pl, .i
suro in acknowledging the c'oiit lU'Lclit
your Improved Blood Searcher has li 1 11 to my
son. Ho liai been lllictcd with what physicians
called a scroiulous disease of the iibsuliu
jlands of the sloln.irli. lie has been afflicted
with this disease from iiiliiticy. He is now fif
teen years of no; during all this tim- he has
had several severe attacks, and nil the food ta
ken into the stomach impailod iittlo strciiyih t '
tho syBtoiu. .1 bad several eiuiii.-nt ph sicians
attend in; him, lint I found very little inlvan
tn'e, as the disease still relumed with all its aw
ful coDscjiicnccs.
In April IS.'iT, he bail a violent altaik, s. nnich
so, that nil who saw him supposed lie was in tho
last sta;;o of Consumption. 1 .vas a.hii'.d to try
your lllood Searcher; I aecoi Hul-Iv procured
one bottlo of It, and by il. fVMe bo hud Used it
I.- ,.1 .
ho nripeared reslorerd to iicrl'." t health.
It is now one year sine c lie used your iiiialua
blo Iilood Searcher, nml 1 am perfectly sali-li-ed
it, has saved biin from an untimely grave. I
now unho.-itutiiigly'rcciiinincnd it to all who mav
ho si: lilarly alllictd, und deem it no more than
justice tu bear this public testimony to ils vir
tues. Ke.-iicctfully yours, ic.
Pomroy Station, A. 1". K. ltoad.
Mr. Dovliu is well known o. ilm ,1,; ,.r T,,
diana and AV'ostmoroUind counties.
July 6, ISjs:.
C. I). WATSON, ClearfieM.
JAMKS 1). (ill A II AM, lirahatmtun.
JOHN l'ATTON, Cuiwonsville.
K. K. IIULNNKH, Mnrrisdale.
JOHN IilSSKLL. I'ennsviilc.
It. 11. MOOHE, l..itl,rg.
M. 0. STIKK, Now .Millport.
C1IAKI.ES R. I'OSTLH, I'hilip.-huig.
II. SWAN, Ansonvillo.
XUSsjELL McVfCUHAV, New Wa-hinplun.
EHWAItl) WILLIAMS, Villiiville?
JACK SDN' I-ATCIIKN, Iliirnsidc.
SAM I KL HAliKltTV. lilenli.ipe.
nng. 1 1, s.iK(im.
onKAT mscovr.nv nr the hoe,
Imporlant tu
TASTE lli:.ST0n.TlE Tli'M JIFS.
Thr (Irtnt fitlxlUntf for Ti burnt.
It Is i well known and incontrovortiblo fact
that the use nf Tobacco is the promoting eauso of
niiiliy oftho most sevcro MENTAL AMi 1MIVS
ICAL DISORHEHS to which the race of uinn ia
iu.ijoci, bi oar ill analysis and long nml painful
experience have clearly proven that It contains
"is-n-nrt nr.. r clearly proven that it. contains
certain narcotic and poison...,, propertica mn.t
u,i,,,.. i ii...:. .it ' . ... , 1 - "'""i"..
u . , . , vo. ci, nuua Ly entering into
the tdnnd dcramres thn l'nni.ii... ...i
.cm, ninniieninf Itself- aa nil who hare mod the
nnxinna weed wilt Kr i .. ,. ,
noxfnoa weed will bear tcstlmnnT -in Lassitude
Nerrons Irrilnl.iHly, Water Ilrali, Dyspepsia, A
many other disorders era similar cliara nor
THE TASTE KKSTol: trivi.- -i e . i, .. L-
, - . . i u atvr iiLo nrr
designed to counteract tbeso baneful inllu. nee...
icfcs in ineuiscives irvrt..rl.. ,...!l..:..l ...r .
- in M
ul,un the entire system, restoring the Taste w hich
I These Troehea or I.orongoa are put np in n
(p'nv'"'''1t and portnhlo lorin nt tho low price of
all ordori should be addressed.
.AMES K. HilWEIlS, rrnggirl.
j uriI Jfl l84s"r'l2J "" "rrft?'
' -1 . . ' ' ' .5
-4Job Trinting neatly execute? hr7.
n 'in
i in
Mj n
niiil li Un.liril ili-i.
( 'oiiiini)li(iii,
,, , 'tr j- 1 1 I, p. v t,
III, I il.W ..Ml I . i Hi ,.it i I,
iiiu i .
l e h nl 1 1 (I ,1,
uli I
I n 1 lllc I'J ii I ,'iC'i I
rV.H. in 1
liilid lile to 11 11 1 0 Hi a di l i-l 1 ,
,.iid mi-' i -lei 1. in- ' ..f Ii .-atiuriil- I 1. l!ic
iiv unl noli, ul . ore of nil ili..,.,-,,- ll..
lllltiT, I.IWUS AM) AIH-l'-3(iKS.
I I'.v iiihatnliHii llio ciirativo pr"peri o( incl i
I l ines in i' ilii ci ;ly : 1 . 1 . 1 , 1 - . I I . the diseased 1 r-
nti nod the inti-eiiiiioiil, I n,, 1 ii'hi-i' tin
I use ol Medical 1 11 ha la I ion ol any Mini, to I he tv
, elii.-i.'M ( i.i.m ii.M, ti c. iimi-vt : and allhiiu-h I
J cou,ii!ci-il a u-i In! a.liniaiit in the ptui-i.r 1111111
; n;'..iieiil of ih. .so teiu lul nod nfl-'li futnl di-e:i '-,
vet 1 lleeni il HI V IICCC.-MII V llllll each Mlliellt
1 should linvo the Lent Hi ol both i.i:m:iiai. and lo-
e:ll treatllll'llt. TIlO Slll'ecs I of III V 1 1 I'll I III ell t i
(thoiibuvo ili.-cases, iiiiiI the hi.-h iliniael. r ol
j tho lii.-titution imr which I have -u Iuiil; bad
i the huiiiir to preside, arc too well known lu need
any eiilmiy or coniuieiii fioni 1110. At tho s,.!ei -
1 tat. on nl' many prii'iito mid professional friends,
lbioii ;b whoso philanthropic aid llieuborc eliar
j ity has bcon Ioiil' uml lilu ially iipiortcd, ami af-
iter due consideration, I have concluded to iiiakc
li-ueli airiii.;reiiiiiits as i I loin,; tho leiielim of
I my I'Vpeii'Tice and lieatuiei.t nilliin tho roach of
ail, nml unl i-.uilliio ui voll' us heretofore, to
111"--1 only wtio ehleici tlio tnlirmary, or v, liu m 1 eii.-iuuieis. an. I as m;-.ny in w nui-s as ni.iv la
were able to visit, 1110 nt my oUicc. Unpin,;, vor hiiuwith a call, thai he has 011 hand a lai ;i'
tlierefiirc, that tho amiii,'eiiieiil will uiv . nlire assurtniont of tin work and anv nnioiinl of coar. 11
j satislaetiuu, both to my professional La thien j Also, lienls' (jaitcrs niado lu 01 dcr, and of nnv
land tho public, 1 would respectfully annimncc in (. stylo to nit ciistoinei-s. Morrocco. rreiich eaii',
coiicliision, that con iiua- br co, .. y.. , v. 1...- 11 ml 1'nt lit calf jailer eoiisianily on hand.
hi kiln; on all disease? as above, and that tin" Timlin;; fur sale, kit excepted. All work leuv
' inc. liei lies, tho smile as used in the Institution, in;; his Imp warranted not to rip. C'u.-t.",icrs
t.r..,, .....I ..'.. n.,-t. I....1 in c... 1 1.:... .1 , -
i'i j .."u iu run
Inhaling Vnpors, Medical
ic. ib'., will be fci'waidoil by express
pail of tho I'nited States or the C lunulas
T I. !( M S :
Jly tiitiis ol tr.'iitiiniit l.y li'ttur
. loiiows viz : --vj. i'i' immtii 1 . . f k-m
ti.'iit, uiiirli u ill ini luili- iiii'ilii-inc
on lui-
'ci. 'tit I'm' one month's tisi';;i!sii inlialin,
v;tior, ;iniiin Iiili.ilin.' Aipai':iliis. 1'av
lni'lit us lollmvs: to l.c luii'l to Kxnri'--
Ao"!it on the rfccijit uf tho l.ox of Mmli-
i-ino, iiml llio j.ulani'i' Sl at tin .wi.ii.itii'ii
ol'ilio tini!it!i. if (j,. I.iitii-nt l.o I'tnul or is
.'titin-ly MilUili.'ii with tin. tiv.itim-iit. I'u -
tii-iils, l.y "ivino u full liMni'v ( lli.-ir
on-0, ttitil tin ir syniitiiius in full, can In-
troatnl as well l.y l.-t tor as by ).i'i-oiki1 o. - J'alii.'Mls availing tlii'iu-i'lvos
ol I r. .tat'i'i tl's ti calniclit liiav nlv on i ; 1 1 -
in. '.ll. lie inn lieiiiiaiic-iil relief.;,
.sol. l .in '
lias o (v.-.,t 11 ( ;e e over tliirly il.iy -'.
tel I'm' ailvi.e il'olllit!v (IllsWel .-1,
lilt t In f'lieiilai s aili'iress
'.MM IX t .1 i; l!l"r I' M
Tor 1.
V. V.
V, V (l . , ,, . ',-,' ... - i-
o j "in . - ' ' . .1
,- 'I- rl, U Hv i-1' 7 Vo f r''1' "y
me losprctlullj l.ivrtodto call at t ,. Inlirmary
wle'io many ,n-cros,.' can an be es.-ed,
and w here our .anor. .( A 1,1, nml n ,,r the inlm.
lati'.u ol luedieated vapor can be f ecu and in-pect
No. 33, North Second Street
Optiillc Christ Cltiirrli, IMiiladc-li'.liiu. .
Tho subscriber respectfully informs his friends!
and tlio ptiblie generally, that he has taken tin. j
Store, at No. no, XI) lit If SEl.'OSO SIIILKT,
where ho will be pleased to si e bis old cn.-lom.
cis and friends.
Ho ha now on h.vid a splendid n-s..riai. nt of
Parlor, Hall, OfTice, Store and Co okina-i
C in?m TS"T TTt r- 4
of the latest and most approved kind--. :,t whole -
....i.. ...i .... a ic i , . - , -
an, ..ill. ...... 1...1 .1 ,
No. ii, North Scennd Street, Philadelphia.
N. 1!. Your particular attention is in ile.l to
1MJ AND VKNTll. AT1.M1 STOVES, f illr.
lurs, OP.iees, Stores, Hulls, Cars, Ac, which for
ceoiicniv, purity uf air, mil case of luaiiaeiuent
has no oiital. W. I'. .
i. 'j. Odd Castings fur all kinds of Staves, on
h and.
September 22, IsOX.- llmn.
1)V virtue of an order of tho Orphan
) of I'lcnrlicM County, there will bo
'.:. i.-ed
to mi lo, ry outcry, nu
; .1. ml'n, ! i.Vt J,t,,,,f Xn;;,.l, ,-, Is.',-,. I
at 2 o'clock, p. in., at the court liouso iu th... I
biTnmrli of Clem field, all that 1
! Certain piece or parcel of Land. I
Situati) in Morris township Clcarln Id cnuutv, i
containing about 1 1'f Acres, being part id
(survey warranted in name of liyimiu Cratz, and
, being t io Northeast corner of said survey, knowu I
in tno partition nt estalo of Jnmis Allpnrt. do
jeoasi'il, nt purpm-t No. 7. This land is de.-ira-l
ylb located for farming put puses, and is tnler
; ably woll tiniber.'il-
'J Klt.MS. (Ino half rush nt confirmation, and
the balance in one yeni,tobe secured bviiidir.
I Oel. 12, IV,H, Eacalrir.
.MS nnd lliiiblinp Lots, in tin, i!l,i D..
pioniind other portiutu of Virginia, -nil to be i
divided amongst tho subscribers lor tho lieaclit of
the new town of lUfiMnANSorn. Subscriptions
0SI.Y tk.i hoiAAim half down, the rest!
on tho delivery ol the Hr.rn. Every auhseribcr'
in p.-i u nun. ung i,oi nr a farm, rnneini' in'
value rrom fill to f .10,0110. These Fan,,, !
till l. t 41, A.lA nn .. n
1 ..1.1 ... l j i
Pufncicnt lill'iihtr litinr ronri...l il,..
the yalue of which will compensate for the ai.iia 1
rent low .rire now asked. One nor-l,.i. i .. '
will he ciirnto induslrlon, mcclianlea who will
bllllll IT.nill IliPIn
, ' . , .,
A company ol settlers called '-Tint I? .. .
..... Ac i .
w i 11 co in in en co th.'ir siTt I piriPiit I ii ,i.a
-... , ,,,v in w in. -ii rc.iiciipil III in ,-....
Ample will lie given lor the faithful per-
forinnnce of cniitracts and prnniiseH. i
.r.-v .h.iuk Adi xTa an V atki. t ,,i,tai
siibw riliers, to wh.uo th most lihcrnl ndiicc.
menu will l,o given. Sonic Agents write that '
thoy nro making $2(10 per month. For full ,,nr. 1
tiuuhiM, Subscriptions, Agencies, .to., apply t
E. ItAl'lHilt,
, , rort '''O''1'. eurulino Co., Va.
nnv. IS, 1358. '
. :
. M v .n,.,l T- 1Iftr,"i"k '.- prae-
....... in-.sous naving iiccouuis wiihthi,
firm will please call and aeKie iiiiiiicliatclv, mid ,
n nicy i-nnnoi pay, give llmir notes. Tho books ;
will reniaiii at their olH effce, ' hero It. Hurts '
wick enn be found nt nil lime, .lil,..- 'i.. ' I
attend to professional calls. ' i
lIFN't'V larnv
Oct. lath, 1RSH. J. a IHRTsiu-toi.-
..... ' W V l
- . . . , v
.1 1 very iheap at KUATZFK S. " I
m;ut coons.
'I l 111!
r. I..m .
I':,' h,
Hfiiilv uiiiiiii ilniliim
ll iiiIm .'w 1-Ih r-
. . ',ii, ill ii II I, link
Spanish Sole Leather,
--, nod Sir
ir, nL Win. l.i.'
I lielail.
i '.7' Hides k 1'ul's, .'shiiiele
kinds taken in ov-han;;.' lur ;
I (let. l.-t, IsjS.
mill tiiaiii
f nil
v.i. jnwiN.
-Read ! Head ?
1 f ND1IK t (IN V K H'l'KI). Tho prcat revival
lias iloun iniinoiiso cood in alniost evcrv
; Slate, enmity and town in tho I nion, outside of
: tdcin lield. TIn'roToro, in eonsiili'ialiiui of the
, aLovc rumor, l''niuk ."hurl has taken the respiui
sibility upon bim-ell to revive (ho lluut ,1 ,ln,o
j lni.-iuc.-s in (. learlicld. mil set a eui,, example
Mo his fellow meu. lie has to 11 i,ii..iinre to his
'"n ' iiiiu iilC SI101I loruilT-
ly (iccii iod l.y 11. M'clsli, dee'd as a watch .t
clock or .ahlishiisont, really npposito Hood and
j Wcavcr'ss toro. Koll in hoys and pot now sides
. ir your old ones repaired, us smne ul them stand
ill irrcat need of it.
Juno I'.I.'.S. .'liu.
1. S. The piijlneishii. heretofore existing Lo
1 twocn John .Mct'alie ,t (I j;,. .N'.nvson is this
I day disssovod by mutual consent, mid the Looks,
I accounts, ami ail diets, arc now in tho hand.
I of 1'. Short lor settlement. '1 ho business w ill I...
carried on in fuiurc Lv F. Short. Ala-, nooi- Yo
ok !
JOHN M-C All!-:,
';i:nK;ii .vkw.-ox,
' .-V
- I
I i HANK1 TL for I'.ist r.i' and .-r . f.,r
fi'Diro prospc.'t', ile-ires lo inform tlio citizens .,!
t"' vi-i..i.y. m,d bis old I, ie-Js and patrons in
it. ar, , ., , ,u u,s ,..,ovod t. tl ci'JIl
.IJIlM , K, u.
V T. -
Th,- r;,,i j),
) HV.
where h
has on hand
n.-lanlly, a hiro 1
vaiietv in th.'
incut of
ROliT ,M) Midi; LIM-;
l i'.v; nt
The very Lett of stock
ruins sparer! t.i make neat
will be usel, and nu
tits timl ilural'lu Wui k.
All of w hieh can be obtained li ion ih
aid Joseph
ti niii VKKY LliW for the l: i: a nr l;ilin.
i.'iearliold, Auj. 1 s. ls.iS.
ilt'.Mi: a.;ai.7
.'11 sel
r.v-eivin an
1'i-lul St'.i !; ol
I tlOOds, cuns'.s'llllC of
1 Dry (oiods. Ci-i.rrrlrs, Ha nlu are, Otici
I ........ . . ... , . .
n a re.
Ilimfs anil Slint-s, Hi. rain's
li.i. a. ol Itoaiiels, Sail-, ic
?pili--, ali anil l'i-ii,
us well as every other article usually reijoir.
the country, which they ..IVer to the public ,
lair terms us can ho had in tbo c.univ.
and .-co the m w, beautiful andii-cful.
j ine 'J, ls.iS.
1 in
i a. -
. an
(Iron Bcpct, KeptLy ITcricll & Carter
I i a; ,-,., ,Sl,V, i '.' .", ',,.
IS the place where all the 'ollowin articles
cm bo had at reduced prices:
I Hir lrmi(,f uU I,, , r I,, ll,,
! '"""''.'- '"' S'rrl ,,f l',,!-;,,, .;,'.; ,('.,..
y. .a'.'y ,- i, ..,.,;..,,-, , ,V-, ,
I i.-. -; ic , x, .,- nv,. c,,,
Unh i, ,, f.'ccn'j; ,,,:.; ;,, ,,.
j ,l, .;f Ihr .!,, J,,,
I if;"! i.-'.v'i'.'. t tt! i f liinr-jiln'rc tll., J',,:',,,
j ,V'.,v.. mid Air-t'.;lil nf nirin.ts P.illcn,
.1 Voir nftl.r h.:-f ,..! hi, t p,i'rrrx.
. I ..", ) tli,:r mru. Mn.iifirli,,,,., ,, ,.,,-,,, u-v.
. ! ...-.- .ur, ,Vi.
if uU I
io, all int:,:,s uftlif ,(,,
'""" o'.i- 1,'i'pl f-,o.s' en lii,,i, llmixc
t'i'.'l tln' vril, r, nml 'I'm f,',u, li,, n inniril,
lir.-pnlri. Aim. a ,1,-,r ofmirlmmf of
in, .. ,. iilriiT.s rmistniilh ,,
hi',,1. CorXTJlV MFf; JIAXT.S
arc invited to mil. ns thoy can l.o aocomniodntoil
nt very low figures with anythiiip in our lino.
All orders will l,e llia'nkliilly received and
promptly attended to.
. H. Mi:i:i:i' ;.l.
L. It. i'AKT Ell.
N. 1'.. They will nl, u receive every variety i,
iiticlca in c - i issimi, at low rates. M. ,t C.
Iii) k rtaut to Lumlicriiicii.
Wrihr-r takes- thix niethod
tiny nml till icrsoii.s wi.hiti"' t
. iif.iiini
iMMiro in."
; ri ,
til .1 r i "out fop deal fieM r,,u,.t
.... I .. !! ..... . , , ... . -.",
'oi l il. llll llisil tlliu ,U ju u! f... ,1 ..
.,,..!.... 1.. ...... .. .
' i... o.i'.i oossioie lint n t
upon iti.
I"' to hin,
llt iiis
. .
, r nm n-iiii, tim e UilUv
eonth of ( leai (iehl Loroiie;!,, or hy letter
I'l'tro"!..! to Intn ut ( learfiehl V O
J.awrenee tp., Sejit. 1, 1S.S. .;',
i. bu
persons aro hereby caulinnd nirain.l
uying. or m any way uicddlinir w ill. il,.
follow ing pnperly,
now jn the possession nf
"" rL """" 1U V"V1I1,0 P- One
I'd of buokwl.ent, s the same bebu,-, t Z ami
mv order.
'Seilt. 22
'1S5.S. . C
A. t. All LLKH.
1 LL pers
-V I'ureha!
are h-ri'by catitirincd nralstn '
asm g or otherwise meddlimr .in I
y"k of black imen
in tlio pi Fscssion of
Kiiso, of Itnidy townstin. I',..t,i
. , , - ---! - vvuiin, nu
PnV"n' 'oMv'"8 l"""'
A,.... WM. L. Ifi.iHN.
r iNCYI't US
!!. lt' Hill V.
JOHN r A HI I It A A m
. I s 1 A... A... . ''.I .1 I,
I nll.Ai 1,1 I'll I. A.
, ,, , ' . .1.'. ... -. ,',,, .., ,... , , V : .
LaJi. u o . v y J 'sT- u- :a
I ;.,- ..,,.., . , 1 .. .1, .1 .- .. '.. . '.; '
; t ,.. ., , .' ;.. , -.
fl'iii. 1 U11, 1, i ii i,.- Hint wo bavo
I b MM .... ! Ol'.! - I 1)1 1.1. ,' ' . I.lel H."
eel,, I'll I I' ll.,, 'I T 'I' ' ll.' l l'I--, belli I T ,,.1:1,111
i ,, i- s , ; i III uliy klli'H 11 till nllr-holll llio
I i.lll.ll V, ' e tl'llik il lllllieei s lily In sa.V
limio than llial i bin e mm open. I or ii"oit
,, M ,1 I'l I,.-' I "i" the I'ALL an I U IN'TLII sales
1 1,., Ini'eo.l I.l.l most ,eiiuiii,(' ihet wo have
cv. r I i ,. iil.ere l pi I lie p .l.n,-. our I'm s Imv..
nil been I iini.ii l.-il iiiil, liu- pi c-eat mmmiii
w hen i,i:ii"V i .-' ir ( mi l
re i.v i (' , ir :,'
t'ean at the pii-soiil time, mid have been iikiiiii
l'ni lined by the iii'.-l iuiiiileol wi.iliiiicn: wo
are ihor. fnio d. lerlnined In toll lliein nl such
pries ii s will enlii'.uo lo "ivc us Ih" re .illation
we have borno lur years, linit is, to sella pool
in lie,, for a very S.mtll ..,',
f-'I'OD i;K i:i-:i'K l!S i : I ilo well to pm us a
call, in thoy will find llio largest nssorliileiit by
tar In -el ct lioin in tho L'lly, nlid at'.ilae-
1 1 1 1 i It price.-'.
John,ii;i:. a '".
TV... ' IS Mail., t slii-. l, above Mli, rielad'n.
Sept -'.Mb, l'-L'1. Ims
NEW Vn 00 DS
o a a i. i. a .v ; ir - r i: :.
ri'll!; Sui icfibcr has ju -.1 r.'.-.-lve.l and opened
J. a! bis slni' iiioai on .Matlo-t st. diretiv nppo
sii" th.. ( 'learlicld II. m .-. ii lii','e and wei'l M-. oo
tid ST"(.'K -f r:Li.-.;.:v.'.'Al:l.l' (iOMl'S, which
!.c will sell at ii very
', His stuck eeiisisls uf a p'iii'ial as suitniciit nl'
Dry Goods, Grocaies, Hard
i ware, Qiieeoswaro, Glass
ware, Drugs, Oils. &c
iiieluilli. ; a he-t of oilier m liclc- in his lino :i -inner
w nii'h can b found an ex .cn.-iv-j and va: i
oil .selei liiai of 1,A1)IK' dross goods; such a.-
..... r. ,:;,, , r,i,, j.i-;.(,; c
I. ; r.,,i,,,..;. . iu, ;..:. a:-
. ,,;..
,v,u-,, ., : i X .V .V F. 7'S -1 1!-.- ."'"..
His iK.YI 'I. I'M wciii- consists ol ' n lar,;-
as-..rliaenl of
t'.i--ilnerc-. I';. .th-. . : I : i : 1 1 -1 1 -. s'alill
Vc.-tln..-, Tweeds. Hal . a" ! l'-i -,
ami A. i:ti:xsi i: vamiktv or
, 1
', l I ( I T S A Nil Slid ! i S
'.' . ; (.' .-. , o,.: !, ;
j u il!i sl'iio - e . rv '' :ier arlie!.. that i.ia v b.- i.e-ee'-iiry
t. sieui'v tie' wants of l!'" .""ooi'Diity.
I 'Jbe pless'.ue ,, M, uiollev llllili.el i mil'-' ha l
i lie ei.eet nl' rciliieii';; lb" pri-o nl' man.- i :!..
'; of niei'clia:, !i-e, I'i'- uiiil.-i -irii- I ;:, l,,.,'-:i ,ia.
tiled to boy Ilis -lock III Ml- ll r:l i t!ei; b-- can
j - 11 -u.ijs at piic.-s I.. Mill Ihe ti A'.d luv.
ill i'.-r, 't i en.',. ;(..r.'. I" pb a ... ! i- . a-t .in.-r-.
I bi.lh In th - iniality ,.(' p,.il.iind Hi' prices nl
v Li, h be sold ihcn. he Imp s t i e a i e i .
! .-"li i'ee .-liu.. uf pa!:-.. ia, ...... All in . . i : t ,!', ..,,1 ..
! will d-call mid csanii ie hi- M.-k -f cli.-ap.
e.-t c Is.
'""('.. in, try V.I...1.I.-0 ..f all kind.- taken .x
el.mve f...r .''Oils.
II .'!. r. ikv.-.w.
f! .;,r. ! 1 :..v. I f. 1--".
i b i -
lospeettiilly illf.irin hi.
I lib-i.. eeaeral! e. l Imr
.I ti.
ba-jll-t r'-llirned !i nu the 'a-I, and opene l a;
hn es'ablisbiiicnt in ,s.tll" ,'rMl l bun tiiM
I'.l. a i'lne ink of WAT"' II ICS ..I c iilelelit ,,..,
a:-, m. i .ii:vi:i nv ..r. v v , : ::, :,
-elt to a mu-V p: -, w i!eh he
uio-t rca-o'iablo prices t,,r I'ASil.
A LL kinds of C locks. Wal. i
:.l at th.
and Jcwcliy
:; !- i.
i a-n In ly repaired and II
A ciniiianaiii. e , f i a !: i.
: J.oAT'! !'.-' a
1 iV w. se: i
t. ,-k
I la
,.'!' a
able p-
-s to
a' li -t
:etv ..I'
aii- ,1 t'
; v t.'- h ' -i' y u '"
'be tiiu. .. a- t!i .y !i -,
I l ie, s. a id., in;:
pie lirO'le , pi.l'lielll.
' b.i ii-aal
III', lltlnll i.-
i.l.;.. ilre-s
Inli.'C. I!: ; lieW III)'! dv
I .lore and I 'laid Vn!
. - Ii
do t'i,
'll. !.
'. I.a. ,
I. ..01 '
i v I'll Clni:i, I'.a
Tw,:i, l'r. neli M
(a-hinere, 1
li r'l:-I.
l. Una he
A 1 so a l.p .
i Ci ah
I b.i:-i:i,-. Oi l. linos, p.,
II ..uu 1 er:-n
c hit I I End:
1 and Loup SI awls
Furs, Wiiiio I tun n 1-1 s
I train ia cX' h
e-s T
I'.-r e
:!! M!
C. KKA'iy.KU i
I, pi.
m t.
in V-s'J .- e : I'-,) T is 7 T.-. '
I I A A INH nitej up a simp a few e,.,,
11 ot tt I. a r w s rot'i: , en M' st..
ilesiics to intorm tho community nt large, Hint
ho keeps on baud u variety of
( AlilM l' WOlMv,
at bis simp, and that ho nw Tartuics )., ,n,l, r
(of superior liui.-h.) nery den riplimi house
hold and kil. ben l.i, iterc. among which are
t'ciiiro and liiniie; Tallies Muhognnv mid ( ,,,.
bureaus-Coinuion and I'nney 1 .'dstoad-
Stands. Sales, (.'pb i d-, ,":. , ,. '
which ho is dote mined di-poso of at aschenp
rales, or e;eh, i,s ny can In. purchase.! at nn
other o-labli-hnieiit of the f,-e j u ,,v
I'e som wishing ,y I'urnitiire are invited in
coiiie to his shoo and exuniiuo bis .n-in.i.. i
(judge for them-elvs of their iiimlitv and finish
lietore purehieiiig clew her , ns lief, els cnnli
dent thai ho can suit tin in in price and quality.
N. li. ilo is also '.repaid t make t on ins to
order on tho shortest notice, nnd attend funerals
with a henrsc, whi-u called upon.
.''''All kinds of country produce wil'. be re
ceived in pa uieiit fur wurii .
H"V. 1?, 1 S js. ly.
nliiict, (hair Ma kin."-.
A Xl HOUSE I' ll JI X(;.
.r:'.,':':.V'1.,AX'K': Lu,K(lTTrif it, more it!!
' i-eiiooi.-inp iii in,, nl.ovo I,,,
iicss. wil be pr.pai. t all times lo Mo,1(
hiisine-s in Iho ah,, vo lino .I,,,,, .,'
' . " 1 nonce niiil in a
"."vv """
pci manner. 1 in y will also
i.ecn coosii.,,.
nn ii ii ii . i at itioir slioii on y aik.i .1 ,..
oito the Jew store, ii l.'ii'.o , is,-,, i, .'I'l'0
-.- " 1 "I -li .1 li o 1 o
evei-v' . , ,B',,,n'" o .f!
I v wi ! !'!"7" ' ""V " '"'""I eve. :
smnJ ar.ieb' can bo I . J, . L . . " 'r!'"'" ''
i eir stock of Cabinet Ware ,;o;;: ;ui7''
r sis in part of ' ""
Drowsing and Common Hiireniis. Pof-i S ...
.. . ... ... . ....... Lining, liroaklast, Ccu
ir Car l and Pier labloH, Ac. 111
or i i. s uiaLulacturcd und delivered
""J 1
2", l"et
lW.,il colix, ')ftn ,
, nn "- ""-'r.'sTf r.s, " T'a m i ii ins, r....-;si
W H 3 AT, liud ,jlJU I'llllill. l;vi:,,tll)roll;UMti, Y WKI J'-V-KS, 'lltrtU-S
01 WM I' liivrrv
T r ivrinns r? '
I i .... i 'c,-,,:;'j..-V'rocmcnt. i,.gi lurj,lfl)r
, "n" '-coooi.uirei'.is, an, Tem lior fr
I le at the othee of the "(Var.ield He".,'. ";
1 1"
il. id'
ll"', 1 1 '
I ha
I il.
I. mi i
op .1 ph
' a 'iii s in
i,.,l "
J-, 1 1 01 '1 .1
I,, -t I'l' I
, I '
,, .1,
I lie
"I''"'-' "
IMilbe aMll.iub I..,, ."1'"
i i
,1 . I ', lb.' ;
p.aiil ' I'1!'"
i he III b l L
j. . li. ail. I t
I I he
, el,,
Vu.k I. .,ix, ,.,'''
'II I I' ll t ,,
mid il-ubio ,( ip,,,,,,,
.. .' ' n. pupiT ll.i
i,nd; .nibiHcinj; the choicest ami frclicm n ,.
I or, filictiil and iilimiiHl,liirin,,eJ fn)ln ,
mid nt hoii.e. ll will be in nil reflects i ..
Joiiiniil : cniiliiiniiif; the pnnluctio
. .... . , . ' - "i i in.
popular wait, if in liberal nunmitj., lt,u,
eilolics, I..-MIVS, ro-ins, Alice. 1..I,..., hktttl
Ni.liecs of A in ii .-tin.' nt -i nml (ho Aits, A, V
In line, nil Ihiiiits whi.-li nr.- now. I,i.,i'iiit(','i f::
leicsinia; imil aiiiiiciim. l urli nuuibcr i'e
lain not only a caieliilly , doimed yuoi,,i, ij
tbo .O iieial New.- during each Week, butn
very lalc.t iuli.i unit ion mid Telcniphlo htl
palch. s lip to tlio hour o poiu tu prtu, Th,
t'oiistolbitioii will ict ho an Illii.siriiicd ly,fr JJ
tbo pi'-turo sheets nro, but It will coiilni,, l'.aJ(i
fill Hcsiptis and lai-r.ivinm, When thej rftllt
illustralo ami ornaiuoni a subject.
The subscriber has alrcndy cnpngid a Corw
nf t'oiiliihutors. '-ii .rain of (-tars," uiioquaj.rf
, lor gi.'iaiu. I'lllliancy, ami by tliunot
any nt In r join nal now published, no mutter whit
' may be ils preions ons. It is with no alight jnv
"""""""" " """ """"" niciOKS in mslr
".in,;, utter in per.-uasion, tho ahloaii.loxi'ri.
Cliecd SCIVIC". 6 II politician!!, soiling am)
j ny eminent, Mr. 1'ark lknjuuiin. liinmj.
led lor twenty yc.r- with tho press of XCw Vurk
cny, mi. i aiwavs .-ucccs.-iui in ins literary entoi.
pri. es, wiietheriis Ivlilor, Author, or public inn.
kcr. tlio mi hi ti of Mr. llonj.iiuiii is uu augury il
eo. lain ponu lol'iune.
Tho public nni.V l's'f iKKirod that, no tutu,
I will be untried by tho subteniitT to tcnn
, prund and brilliant accomplishment of hii effr h llio largest and tiost weekly ihm.
1 ever publi'heil sineo nothing will bo lufiundoat
' that can h done by talents, capital, exporit-cct.
learninp, and a resolute experience.
-1 he ( onstellaiion will mainly recommend il
sell to a cordial and p norniH support from ll.
very n l people liv its ohservaneo of pood u
i iivnidaneo of v il. It will boun tiuolijuctioaaU.
I'ciliei iii in ii v liews.apcr piviup uttvnoe t
no s. -i or piirtv--llio lnvorito alike ol LulbMit
ot ; ! lt and obi. 1 lie'ilior,huvinjln
, iieariy a ipini i. r of a century's exiierience in th
puliiieaiion ..f daily mil ucehly j.iiirnnl,aoabi.
vinp now ciiiiiceieii liini-elt with such well knur
I and i aluiihle editorilal aid us ho bus therein, It'
i.i 1 1 1 m ' It i li a i i lu - lieu cut ei priso w ill at m
atetilele a pupil,..!- !.',,J- ! . , si'Cl'.'
led iii new-j noer ontor ris"s.
fi.o t'-ilos l.r "The C alielellatiun," will 1,,
'i.i'.al.--per aim liu ca.'li. when ten copies an' It:
' 111 olio clnelnpo o O!10 ll'I ll'l'ss.
i Iii enly-eiebi copies to one uJ.dre.-s, $49 (
1 ivc copies .In. do. ff 12 (
. 1 w-i, ci..i s, il i. du. j5
I duo cupy du. do. i ml !i"f postngo or
delivery, ;
AM subscriptions to be invariably in u.lvan
1 ' in.-l pes, l ive conls. Iu .xewspapt'r ageit
s i ..a per mil
A hii" Saturday i veiiin,' ( diiinii will he pi
t!-"'"'i, a-.i leit f.rly imi.:i v uinri)ins at l!
ic-ideni'L'S of City siil.sei ibcrs, by regular cari
, i iiipi.iye.l l.y tne pub;.-h. r. Tiios,) who 4:
In i- mi'i'i'i' wilh tie- bi"t nuuilicr, slmitldifi
liu their siiliM-i ipiiiuis -.ii.l unlc i-a as curly u (hj
, -i' . .---.-nice, nw nip t" the iuimeiise ;io uf ii
-i.c.-t. nl mii h Mir. ilo i s w ill be ; riiikd 0! Ir:
! be "i .leicd.
Ail oi leis a:,
1 Ictlei-.s to bj a ldro.-scJ, to
t;i:oi!tii: noitKUTS,
.-trcci, ,tn V .ik.
' ami I I
17, Is..
i Coal! Coal!
'i.-eriber r.-pe.-tfully in.'nrius the ci:
f the jh ,,f ClearfieM nml .iri
H.v. limt lie lias taken a lc-i-o ot
: i . , ' . '
i. ii'Vitin
-ianily 1
the town, vela-re he will en
keeo on lii'inl, a full -tiiii.'v of tl
.u-lii 1.
a -el
a it ;i i
oil le-r Iiiiu.-, or taixcil to suit pi
. j ..-on - in town e.m be stippli
at tli.-ir lu.iiir-s, ut .s;x cents j,
or at tho Hani; Lever titan oror.
' ol I'lihlie iatnnane is solir-it!.
. I,-
V :-!. II
.j.!. I t. t
A. il,
i'i ( ili i.'
s: ,iiei-;t, M:u-i)Kii,
MAM I'll TKKB or
(ilass Syringrs, llonurp!
thic Vial;
ATKii mi:asi;i;ks, NnisiN
. ' I I LliS. etc.
'Il.'i-s Wiif fur ( In mists, Iiruggistf, Perfume
Green Glass Ware by the Pact
A Lihor-al Iiis-emnit mail,. (0 (hn Twi
r c"'b''lers from Country Ilrusgista anil P'i
lers solicited.
.T'"c l'ri.-o Lists sent on annlicalinn.
I I, IS a
... - ,
The bes'. Article in the World fc:
Is LiMiiiiti's Superior PIioj.
pliate ol Limp,
At $ III per ton. or 21 els. n Hi.. h the harral.
Aiinlvscd and Wrconmiendd fc'
f'l,.;it uf,! ,V,.Vt '.rVrtf Of
H'o.v.l.o'.io, ), (',
,'V-It will repay tho outlay .'.0 to I'M'
cent., nnd will not burn the seed by crrmltil
coined us iiuniio Usies
.i "
,1V ' C!. A. LFIWI1 P
'''-l-.t-i '
. A-. 21. k.,.11, r,-'ixr:
i, ..V"i'.'. j Ji'ix 7 .y '.',
t; . I r I . '.,
.. , ' . -
1 ' tl , ' '. . '
- I,. nf A lfr,,,u , t, l..,,i .1,., Trail:!
.i.. ii.e'iiiiuuL uiv i.
AA,.va can be soon at mt Offl.-..
r Cash Mailed with Ihe order wilimr
A liberal discount to Storekeeper! 1
duv to sell arain.
Pmnpblets can bo had at mv Office. 0. A-1"
aug. 4, lSaS. ;im.
- , -
Tho I'nlilishois of tho Rrmill'wm
Jiiiigiii'tiin,;. inents largely iueretise li"
.Hio.-k of .lohhiit" ni.-it. i Jul, nml nill 11''
'l.tuvil lo do nil kimls of
1 im(l um J ' ' 1
, i rt rouatn ' ab
rrinlinc tisunl'T
rt '
V:. Yairor'jn
1 tT-i,iv 1
i J
. . f'al;