Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 02, 1859, Image 4

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..I the Ai ii-. A,
i.e.. I i i.i.ii
l-p'.. i 'U,t I I '' I' I'l i' mo. ! it 1 . i 1 1 1 . -1- V i'l M
i il i.l.l.V :l I'lilrM. lv i t . i l .1 stunt ! i. .
tlio tin:' nil Nm i. . ' i l. i i :(, I ;.!; t if
r.rv ! ii.'f i it I i .. :i i. , l i ii. I 'i'. ' .... 'i'l' I'.-i-i
i ' V'l'in ';' 1 1 l'' 1 I- r.r of j.n'ti;; lu "-'- '. 1 li ',
t'lTfii'lli'ii,"! iil ' i" nil lilu-lr.itcd Pupcr, n j
ll.u picture ilitvtf r.f.' I nl il fill c I'tnin bciuii- '
ful l'r .I'll" rn,l IV ;;r,n ing. whiti I lift mill;.
IMr. Irate r.ii'l rr"nr.i t.t n riihirct.
The nih.-crihor lnu already cnn;.-.! n O i ps
I'l C'.Utr:l".it''l'S. "ll Haul of Mais," llll.'iin.ll.ti'l
t-r r n:t. Iri'li: :i y, nr.l r.', by tlmsc "f
my nth it jniivii nl i:, w bed. i.n mutter what
may I'U i;s ir"ii'i.'ivn. li i Willi mi sii hi pa
til:cn!i"ii tli'1' In niini'iiures hi1 success in enga
ging, uft'T '. i ll I'l. !' llaslnll, llll' lllle and i xj.cii
Sliced sorvt, I a p'tith-nian, so long nml I,'
J'istly eminent. Mr. Turk llciijiimin. Cumicc-:
t(! fur t"-"ii'y v, Mith the in'-s uf mv York
rity, nn.l n!siv nvn r.-ful in Iiin litomrv imiI'T
prii't'!. m lio'l'i-r iih E'!it"v, Aiiilii.r. or pubiii ppui
kor. tilt miimi iT Mr. I;:jn'i'i;i i nu augury l'
c.-Ttiiin j;iiil tm-liuii'.
'Jl.o .ul.!i.' m.'V I'Vl ii-,-iin'il ilmt n j iiiciiii.
niil he mitrir.l liy (In1 si'li-,.TiliAr to "iiic n
( nml l.i il'.iniil n"0ii! : -luiii. ;. t of i'lf-rt
to t'ttalli.-li tli" hub','!it mi l bi'."t wi'.'kly j'lr.T
(vcr piililmlifil fine ii'illiini; n i,l In: K-I'i mi 1 un;
tlint i-un bo dun" I'y tult'iit.-', r.iiiiln!, t'xn.'riwaL'',
liarnitif. u;i:l rc'ilnto i . mii'iioe. !
"Tim CniiKlt'lliitiuii "ill nml lily rocmiiiu'inl it.
iielf Id a uorJiiil nml luiuiu u)i")i't from the
rery lit m',i;iI.' liy it- iiIitviuk-.j uf p',,, nn.l
avoiiluiit'o uf til. it ill lie nil MinlijecliunnMt) .
eml I'trfcct I'uLii'y mni-piii'iT iviiu; niiWiru lu
nn pect or pin iy-ilio Invuriic nlil.e ul tnitli m lun
-of yoliiig mid oil. Jut' BUl'S'-'i iber.tiaviiij; tilil
noarly u uurur of a ronluiy', erpurionro in the li.-nil..., of ilnllv nml Wirktv 1 . in rim Is. a 11 li llll.
Tinir now conntctoil liiiiii'.'ll'nitli mrli wnll known
nil vulunule eiJitoiilul nul 111 lie bus therein, lint-,
tfn liiineelf ilmt thi, now cntrrpriii will nt oneo
atchiuvo a popular fnvor ana tiiertirti mipni .illuU
l in uewpaper enterprises.
Tlio Uiruiii for " i ho C'oiiilullulioD," will be two
Hollar, per minuni cuch, when ten copies am font
in one envelope to one a-lilmaa.
Twenty -ei-ht oopie, t'j one aildrtH, $19 00.
Five ropiee do. do. JliliO,
Two oopiee, do. do. $i
Ono copy do. do. including poaiage or
delivrry. $'1 00
All subFcriptinrii to lie inviiriiilily in advance.
Riuj:le cr. 0?, i ivo cuta. To Xewopnper eut4,
ti oO per 1UU
A lute euiiinlny evening edition will be pub
liihed, ajfl left em-ly tjuiulny nioriiiiij;., at ibo
resilience of City nilihetiliera, by legulnr enrieri",
employed by tho pnblipbtT. Tho who dearo
to coiomeL'ce with the liiat number, thould een l
in tbeir eubferipliom nnd order a, early aa n
libit tince, owin to llio iiuiuen-'e lino .f the
fhout, etily tucb. liuiuliers will be printed aa may
bo ordered.
All orden unci leltri W be addroiaed to the
12 r.d 11, B,, fclreat, Xew Ytrk.
X'ov, 17, 13i8.
SuLncriber respectfully inform! tho citi
X tens i'f tho Eon, Ugh cf Clearfield au:l vicin
ity, that bo baa taken a leaso ol
nljoiiiing the iown, tvlioro he will con
etiinMy kcoi) on hauil, u lull supply of t lie
nrl:cJ, cither luiupd or uucil lo iuit jiur-
cii stis. l'i'! sons in town can be supplied
Witn it nt tliotf iinaios, at nix cents per
bushel, or nt the Bank lower thim ever. -A
fhitra of imblie pivtronn.' ii f ilieiterl.
' Pfpt. L-t. 1S. tl
k tl.lI-F MKLlvr, XUW-VOK5C,
Glass Syringes, Ilomcqm
lliic Vinfs,
) t "
jliADrATEI) :IKAMJHES, NURSIXO i liruin "k,-n in cbuiife fur goodsut cash pri
I'.n i "l l 1 K i l l ci i-
Glass Waro for t bet.iists, Iiruggists, Perfumers,
Pbotornphtrs, etc.
Green Glas.s Viire by tlic Pack
age. A Liberal I'iseount made to the Trade.
'" 490rders from Country Druggisti and Dea
lera solicit, il.
ir Price l.i.l, sent on application.
August 4, ISiS. 3in,
The bast Article in the WorM for
Is Leiiiau's Superior Phos
pliat(5 of Lime,
At $ 10 per ton, or 2 cts. it lb., by tho barrel.
Analysed and Uecomniended for
' I'rofpsKip C'tl.VS. T. J ACKSON,
Chemist ij the United Slates Patent OJiee,
Washinyton, J. C.
ASflt will repay the outlay 50 to 100 per
cent., and will not buru the od by coming I.l
contact a, tluauo d jos.
0C7 Try it, prove it !
G. A. KKINAl), Proprietor.
Xo. 21, S'oith FnO XT Street,
Ptitadi ldiia Cilii, Pa.,
Or of my Agonts throughout the Country.
j""AxALvi can he sesn at my Offlce.
PlrCasb Matted with the irdor will receive
jsrompt attention.
A liberal discount to Storekeepers wha
buy to sell again.
Pamphlets! can be had at my Office. O. A. L.
aug. 4, 1SSS. Bin.
The rublishcm of the ItepnUiean ro ma
kinzarrnn foment!" tolarpoly increase their
Ftook of JoWiin mntc-rial, nnd will be) jire
pared to do oil kind of
TosTtits, rANiHt.f t., PnonitAMSir.,
Blanks, r.Arii i Boons, Circclaiis,
Labels,, Balu kkevs, IIanuuillj,
and every h' id : rrlniint? iir.vd-y don
in ft cvialf
: op ' i i it r ot sri on-
M.-VrM '7 7,v
I Mt I.Viillii A. nun i;i v,
JOHN r.MII :iit A ,v nv
, V i ' .1, .-'
l in.Aiii 1 1 nn.
'7 "
a jl.
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I'lir-. I' .lli f
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: v t'i
...I I
M r 1 111 I' lll'W ll "II. 'I III' II' VI I
i'.r II r l.l, ni, 'I IN I. It ml"
I 11 I II. .' I l .'i.'lllllll lllllt ' I'llM'
i '.1 1 . III.. p..l !'k (I ir I in l.iiw
t 1 I I
I ,l :
, I'.i " i
,.11 Ill.p ll ll ll lllll hi ; till! II S('!( M'Mlll
llll. Ml III .'II, V W. M M'illL'C 'llll
rrn.s v i' 'ii in ir :,
nt ilii' piTvi.t linii'. nn, I Imvi' In en maun,
nvil l',v tin' in. , t COH'' ,'lit H-i rkliirti ;
tl n'ri'li t" tli'liTiniiinl In mil tlit'in nt mcli
ijniiTs nn will iM'nlni'ii) tu pvo us llio ioi'itiiti,in
'inoliiivo l.iino fur jinrri, in, lu tell a gOo.l
nitifli) f"rnv"iy ,i.,,7 'mjii.
ST01I I K l.i;i'i; US mil t w.'ll to g'v in n
1 rail, in tliry will liii'l llio lur.;"ii iisniii tiiiiuit li.l
f..r t' n-!- t frijui in tbi) Cilv, inul lit uuinufar
i i .'loo
.io i ix F.tnirii v .t ro.
Mmkt't ftli'l't, tll".W Mil, I'liilml'n.
"'.'ill, lllli
.V F A I. I. I .V D WIST y. i:.
UV, Pur.'i'tilii'i' hii-.iii"t iv, 'livcil mill oprnt'il
III li I v Mill' I'm. Ml nil MlllliCt l. llil'I'CtlV lipf'i,-
il'.i ( "Ifn lii'1.1 lliiii.-c. n lnr;u nn, I wull iuiee -M"ni
1. of i;.i.Mi.AI!l.r (.UOLid, liiub
ill .-,.,11 lit ll l i I V .'."( t'ijt'rt.
ftt ick c.'ii-. of ii ji'iu'i'.il nnortiuciit of
Try Cootln.
Groceiic3. Hard-
ware, Gneeosware
ware, Brujs, Oils, &c-
ilinlinir ti lio.-t ol ollii'i" urtirlcs in hia
lint n-
tin. which run n luiniii ;in c. ,ciimv uun mi l
cJ M'l.iction of l.AI'Il-.S' dicra guoils ; mcli at
lur'i. CashtMrts,
;(?, Irtish MiilnOS,
1'lnitlx, ivi't a f'.dl (IS-
tcrtwcnt ' li 0 X , A h 7'S Joy M
Ilia jl.'XTLKMr.XN wear c miisti of a l.irge
nnfortnient of
Ciu'inii'r, s, Clolli.i, Putlinett". Satin
Vesting, Tweed., llnta and Cnpii,
for La lift, G e:tilemen ami Children ;
with almost cvrry other article that nny be no
co'niry to mpi'ly llio wantii of the coiiiintinlty.
The proi'iire of the nionry in.'irUet bnviiip hud
tin) rn,'i-t of reducing the prico of mnny nrticler,
of iiH ii hniiiiiM'. tin1 ui:i!.'ii;:neil ban been enii
bie l to In y Iii t,,clt ut nu ll ra e Hint ho enn
'i!l ,.la at pric'.t to Mill the time.. And bnv.
in in ii'l'iforc rtiilrnvoieil to plen.e bis cu-touier",
boili In the iiiulity of Is nli-l tho price, nt
v liii-h lie e, 1I1I tl 1. be Imp, , to receive a ron-
coitnblo rlini e uf piitronnye. All in want of iriinds.
will plrnse cull und riiiuiine hia ttock of cheap
ct pooila.
-ff Cmirlry produco of all kinds taken In
cluiige lor gooda.
tvm. f. iuw:x.
ClearCcld Nov. 10, 1S58.
IIIE nuderei:noil respeetfully inform' bis
customer, and the public geiiernlly, ttmt lie
l.nsjutt returned from the Kasl. and opened at
bis os'nblUhmrnt in SUA H" 110 II' Cleurflehl.
Fa. a line ft-'ck of W ATCHES r different iMl
ilis, ami J li W F. LP.Y of ereiy mriety, from a foil
colt to n yin'o piece, ni ich bo will Sell tit Ibo
most lensoniilile prices for CASH.
ALU kinds of Clotk,, Watulies anil Jewelry
carefully repnired and irit.'cna.'c t.
A continuance of patronage ia solicited.
Xv. 1 Dili, 153. II. F. NAl'liLF,
liATZF.rtS' ore just opening a large and
well selerti d Hock of ln-liionablo goods, j
wiocn iney win no noie ,0 sen 111 prices 10 imi'(,ir u.riI18 08 0anbe hinl in the county
the times, as thev have been bought at net cash 1
prices. In addition I" tho usual variety f slit-
I'lo niticlc-, prriicular attention i, called to th
iollow inp; new nnd desirable dress good, llnya
dero and Plaid Valencias, Foil de Cue.rc, I.a
vell Cloth, Piai Cashinrre, Debege, Fersiun
Twill, French Marinos, tiermnnia Cloth, Uom
baaine, Dclnine", Ducal,, lirnihe. Hound corner
ed and I.oiig Shnwls Also a large lot ol Ladies' j
Furs, Winio lloiinets, liiess 1 riinmings, ,te.
ocL :
AVIXO littcJ up a shop a few door, east
II of tho ''Olii Ji:w STonE, on Jlurkct tt
desires to inform the community at large,
he keeps on band a variety of
at his simp, and that he manufactures to order,
(of superior finish,) every description of house
hold and kitchen furniture, mining which aro
Centre and Dining Tables Mahogany and Com
luon bureaus Coinninn and Fancy Dcdstend.,
Strnds, Safes, Cupboards, Sofas, Lounges, tc.,
whit h he is determined to dispose of nt as cheap
rates, for cash, ns they can be purchased jt any
othtr otnhli-hinfnt of tho Fort in th? rnuniy
I l'e umi wiHhin t) buy furniture nr invitotl to
cutue to his eh op and cxtuniiio Lin articles, nml
I juil'O fur iheiiiM'lv i uf their qunlity nml finir-h,
l.l'.tr.i iiiirihii.iiiir i.1.ti Imrn na li f.w.l-
dent that he can suit them in price and tunlity.
.N. II. lie is also prepnreu to run k u tol'KlNS lo
order on the shortest notice, and attend funeral,
with a hearse, when called upon.
Jfr-All kind, of country produce wil'. bo re
ceived in pavnuut for work.
nor, 17,
Cabinet, Cliulr Making,
A M) inn s i: i a i x t i x (; t
T0I1X 0ULIC1I ii UANIEL having
tj cntereil Into partncrslnp iu tlio nliovo bust
icss. will bo prepared at all times to adend to any
lusiness in tho uboyo line oti short notice and in a
I busine
proper nianuer. incy w i Keep constuntly
r... l,n,l ., . ,l,ni. .1,, n l rl-..,
oite iIir .lew slors. a. luriro of M.. I. ..'-
sy mid Cane ltottnm Chairs, and Cabinet wnro of
every description which they will bo found eve-!
reatly to dispose of on as reasonable terms ns the '
same article, can be had elsewhere Id the county.
1 eir stock of Cabinet it aro uow on band, con
. ... : .. ...., ..r
Dressing ami common nureau,, Solas, tsenring
ai I tt asli Mantis, Jiesks anil Hook Cases, 1 l ench
ai I Field Post Bedstead,, Pining, Breakfast, Con-
tt Card and Pier Tuble,, Ac.
OFFINS manufactured und dolivcred at in,
pi ia desired,
.lay 2:1, UU
Bushel, C011X, 200 I'fheli Dic-
wnBAT, nnd 800 husheli Rrn, t tho itora
of wm. r. IRWIN.
"PkLAXIf ASTICLK3 Agroement, legal form for
1 41 ,. .. - J ..u .... I t I is. . .1. .-
on, ween .suiii.oi.f, in, i oiu'iiers, lor
tin at tiw oOtcs oT U "ChMrutiiU iU'tntbtioiiri."
r a v n i r i i ;i r r u i
coiiiXKit sroiiiit
l ii hi SMltli:,
A Into Aioitmrnl of
', ti.i.iihit In pit i'f iIik r il..n intr mtii li', 1 1
.'" "',., .' IW-A M. r, ,,
I ' ' i. ...
;..'.. .il'.'',, . ),,',..,
' ':n.f I,', I.,.,,
t . V,7.,
'.' . I l;r,;
1. ., i (Ul,.
V'A" 1 1 --. 1 1 ,-.
U r ,-.!,,!.
Heady iue rlntliiutr, limits ,V "siuc4.
lllltN ,. ( his. Ill nil klll(l.
t . 4 t m .1
nn,! hnpir, lit Wlmloruli' &
0"IliiK X I'iii j, Sliingli"., nml Oruiuofnll
kiii'U tnki n in exi liaiig.) for imiln.
Oil. lit, U.M. IRWIN.
ND UK CONVKIU'ED. The pient revivnl
litis il,, no iiuiueiiiii) ixnii'l In nluiost evrrv
Mule, omniy nml town in the I'niiiii, onl-iile of
I li'.iitiolil. Tlni I'fi.r,'. in i-i.iii- ii I t-r.-i linn of the
al.ove rumor, l'rniik Hunt bus taken the ropi'ti-
ibility upon biinni'lf to ret ice 'lie Hoot A Shun
I1IIMIICSS ill Ck'.'ll lll'lll. mill fit fl pii',1 l;l lll'l,'
to bis frlloiv men. lie has to hihhuiih'o to Iii,
ol. I ciK-tonii'i t, and as ninny new ones as 11111 v In
cur liiiiiivith it rail, that he hits on bninl a Ini'tro
n-i-ftiiH'iit of tin-.' work iilul any i"iiouut of ronrsi'
AI.-,', dents t, altera luiuio to order, nml of nny
stjlet'i lilt cu.-tonicrs. Jlonorro. i'ri'iich calf,
ami 1'at lit calf fruiter, coiislnnlly on hand.
I' imlii, for c.ilti, kit exi-epti d. All work It'.iV
inbia bop Miiirnuted not to rip. ('m-tomcr,
eoiui'i o town will liml him nt the fhop fiiriuer
ly ori ii ieil by 11. U. Welsh, di-e'd na n &
clock us tiiblisliiiteut, licnrly opposite Heed nml
Weiii crVs .tiire. It. ill in boys nml p't new noles
or your old ones repnired, a eoiue of them ttitnd
in grout need of it,
.Iiiiie :'.0, Sin.
1'. t-. T he pu.itiieiship heretofore cxistiiiR bo
twecU John ileCube (ieorfe Xcwson is th'i
day ilis-soicl by nnuiial consent, alid the books,
arcitnts, and nil ett'eets, are now in the hands
of 1'. l-lioi t tor fcttleincnt. Tho business will be
carried un in fit urc by F. Short. Aln.. poor Vo
rick ! JOHN MrCAili:.
viuht ix.riisr skiivedi
THANKFUL for past favor., and grateful for
tut urc; prospects, ib'sires to Inform tin.' citi.ens of
this vicinity, nnd his old friends nnd patrons in
pnrticubir, ilint ho lm removed ti llie I'lHrT
KOOM in the Dast end of
7lv rj iM ? ,
7-7 jui.'?: TTf
The First Door West of Me ,1.ti.ttn ILmsr.
where lie ha, nn blind constantly, a largo assort
nient uf every variety in the
BDiiT ,.D MHiK lim;
The very beft of ttock will be useJ, and no
pains spared to ninko neat fits and durnblo work.
All of which enn bn obtained fnnii the raid Joseph
(kiou VF.KY LOW for tho iibauV KiilXo.
Clearfield, Aug. IS, 18ji.
F.F.D A WF.AVF.U are now receiving an
niieniir' n lare and well selected Slock ol, cotisuting ot
Dry liooila. tirocei irs, llardtvarc, Q,iicciik
ttare. lionts and .Mines., (lilts, I'alins. $
Oi u-s, llalK anil lloiincts. Nails tv
Spikes, alt niul l-'isli,
1. - r..ll .i-itv oihr arliclo usunllv rctuired in
,h ,...,-,. 'i,i,b tbev offer to the liublic on as
and see the new, beautiful auduaeful.
juno 9, 1S53.
Iron Depot, Kept by Merrell & Carter
Oa iStvciif i$trt(i, Clcarjicut, la.
3 the place wbero nil the 'ol'.owing articles
can be had nt reduced price, :
tii.r Iran nt ail $t:ct Oil tic sinai! or ty tin
ruan'ity; Cust tStrrl ' iiiriovt fizn aiul ittsl
ij'ialtln ; u large tiMorhitcnt uf iVocf.,, an,
wl'irh u ill If fomul the Aci? W'vrhl ( 00.
Vok Premium, Great JiriuLlie, Lurk s Pat
ent, and the elfvated M'tnitrsoUi. .lovo, 11
larqe assortment nt' ntne-jdules and Parloi
Moves, a id Air-tinhtt of various Pattern
AUo, Pious of the In-Hand latest patterns.
Also, ol their ow n Manuaeturiii; a lane as
sortment of Tin-ware, iSkoe lij'e, i'lieet-iron
jiansof uU sizes, ami all articles oj tliek'inlin
flirir line kept ahratiS hand, limine f'fii
tun done to order, and Tin Jlmitttip done inl,
d.spaleh. Also, a liirie asxarlment of uii
Units of hi'inse-keepiii 7 utensils eoii.fnnl'i on
hand. ' COVXTll V Ml-:iH 'llAMW
, are invited to Call, ns they ran bo accommodated
I at very low figures with anything in our line,
i All orders will bo thankfully received and
; promptly altoudcd to.
O.T.. MET1T!F...L.
L. U. OA It T Kit.
X. B. Tbey will also receive every variety of
nticlcs i ii ii ' T itunn, at low rates. il. a. t
Iiii c rt;int to Kiiiiibcriiicn.
TIIR r hscrihor tnko this tncthod
inl'orini ij any and till persons tvi.shing t
procure tti
it viz v: ' at x-ir Wlhoo-l, t ,' .j.ont for Clciitfii'ld County,
nn I iii furnish nnd put in llie fnid w heel,
on tlio Fnioncsi jinssimo iinurr, upon up
j.licatioti lieinjl lu.'idMo liiin lit his resi-
(i"tice ill Lawrence township, three lnilen
r f'i,.ul.i,.l,l Lorotiid
i, or hv Ictlef
ed to him ut Clearfield V. O.
joiin a. hei:i.
I.ntvrence tp., Sept. 1, lr).rN. ilni.pd.
I.L persons aro hereby cautiond against
btiyinp, or in any way meddling with Ibo
loll, wing prtperlv, now in .ho possession of.
tieorge Hurls in Covington tp. vi: Ono roan
uinro, one cow. six hogs, one bull, one corner
cupboard, one Cooking st ve, ono bed and one
lot of buokttheat, a, the same belongs to mo and
li only reft with said Onrl, cm loan, subject to
Sedt. 22 1833. dm! A. E. MILLER.
G3 JEi.lXrLSX),,
A l.b persons are iiereny cnutionsa agmsta
purchasing or otlierwin meddlini win,
toko uf black oxen in the pi ,sesainD uf Hugh
tviise. oi nnniy iowsi p, iicarn, in uoanty.. am
the same belong tu me, ind am in hi, sutsesatnti
on loan ouiy.
I u.v. 8, 18. Zt. WI. L. U0RK.
m ) .!;nnr M. Jul n il, ol
, 1 1ll: M.W till It I.l Ml 1M IIIMUIV. 1
M i" nni'i ll. n l"t llif fulit imn uli'i
llll" i.l.'.lr hl,luli,.l, n I lil. f I'll, li'inll, Hl'l
Ini lin ) . ii t ' ('. ni l' "I Hi n lT ili nili. n ii th
I PmIiiioiimi y ('onsimiplinii,
ii. lit klii.ln il il,i im', t"L'riln r null my im
fitnlli'il rl.pnitiinllli t nml n.vnln?i'i, uf pilln.
ln(iriil ti'M nn il ii'.l lillli' I y " rli i t
1 I nu . f
. Iib" 1 1 . ii 1 , 1 1' I nu. tu mm!' nt n iIitikii ilirri't '
' li,l ni', '-. till l'. mi "I tt.'i'tl'H'lll l'i 'I" tho n!"i-
!lv nn,l rmlii'iil i'iiii. ,,f nil ilifi'iiHi'" of tlio 1
! TIIUOAT, I.L'.ViJH AM) Allt-l'A'SAliK.S.
I ly iiiliiiliiliini tin. ,'iiliiluo iinprilli' nl" nifili- 1
I riiii'n mi' iliri'i'lly n,,n f-imI t,i llio illrni'il nr-1
; i, ii inn I tin' iiili'iini.'lil, I ,l'i lint inlii'U tlii
; lf "I .Vi'.lii'iil Inliiilnll.ili nl nny kin, I, t'i tlif v.v-
I'l U.i nil of lil-.SKIIAI, TI:K.TMrJT llllil nltlniiili i
i.ininii!er it i ii'i ful il.iivnnt In lli i-npi.r ninii.
I ii'rini'iil of tliuM) fiiirliil n nil oil ,'n In I ii I ili4rni,
yet 1 nvi'iii u vrrv iii'i'i'hi'ni v nun ,mh ii uiih'iii
'.Imiilil Imio Hi.. Inn. lit nl both okneiui, mnl In-
, trt'ii t uii'ii I . Tlic nurci'HS of my truiiini'iit 1 1
III... ..1. ......'t iilul It.., I'hiit'iirli.r lit
l.t.n I,,.lili.ti..,i .....r u'lili li T si t lulnr bud
I the Iminir Iii preside, are ton well known In nn d
an V 1 iil"' V or roiiinii'tu (V'lin inc. Al the i
tnt 011 ! ninny plivule nnd pnil' frieiifis,
ihroiih hose philanthropic mil the above ehlii
j il v lia.- been lon' 1111, 1 liberally Mipporn il. nml ni
ter dm.' rou, 1 have roiirlmled tomukn
M11 Ii 111 Tulip niciils as wi I brinjr tlie beiivfiiN of
'my cxpeiiciice und trcntineiit within the rearli of
nil, iilul not coiiline myself 11, beret'ifore, to
I tbo.-e only who entered the Iiiliruinry, ur who
ivcio 11I I11 to visit me at nil olluo. Hoping;,
tin rci'iiie. that the nrrnii'4. "Di'lil will ftito i-nliie
1 salisluetioli, botli to 111.V prolessioual brethren
I iilul the public, I would respect I'll liy uuuouiico ill
conclusion, tbut con iioir 0? cmtnniitd jn't-mmnl-
I ur hif It lii r, on all disensi it. iihove.und that tho
I iiii'ilii'ints, the same ns used in the Institution,
Into prepnred to suit each individual case,
1 1 1 1 KI 1 1 1 1 p ilpWS, iMcdll'MI
'", I 7
' . -
j inhale is, ;
I Ac. 14 c, will be ferwarded by express to any ,
i pint of the t.'liited States or tho Uuunilaa. !
T 1: K M S :
IMytefnisof ftn.'itinent by letter are ns
1 luilmvs viz : jut niontli lor eiu-h pa
Mient, tvliieh will include medicine stitli
icient lor one month's use ; uNo i 11 1 1 :i 1 i 1 1
Viiiior, und an liilnlliti'' Api.iraln-". l'i" V.
mcnt its liillows: f (i to In; paid to Express
Aiieiit on the receipt of the box of Medi
cine, nti l the pitlniice li at the expiration
ol lite month, if the luitirnt be cured or i.
entiielv satisfied with the treatment, l'a
tients, by i-'ivin n full hiMorv of their
case, nnd their symptoms in full, can be
treated as well by letter as by personal ex
amination. Patients avniling tliem-elves
of Dr. .Inrrett's tteulnicnt may rely on im
mediate and permanent relief.ns he seldom
hastotiial n c:ie over thirty days. Let
ters lor advice promptly answered. For
further nitilictilats 11. (dress
JAMES M. .l.MMi'ETT, M. 1).
.Vo: FO limt.heau. nr. f.rt'fth Si.. .V. 1'.
1'. S. Fill sicians niul tlicis t isiliiiL' lb,' 1 ill
are respectfully itiviletl In call ut the lulinn.ny.
where innny iiiereslin fuses can be w i: m s.-ctl,
ami where nlir atpi'trct .4y.,o,oioi ii.r llle tuba
In iii, 11 of medicated vapor can be seeu und inspect
ed. STOVKS, stov:$
No. 33. North Second Street
Oppu.ile Christ C Im ri ll, riiilarlclphia.
The subscriber respectfully it. f irms bis friends
and llio public gcnerallv. tin, t he has taken the
Store, at No. S.I, XOlttll SFCOSI) SI' It I AT.
wbtre be will be pleased tti m-u hia old custom,
ers nnd f. iends.
He baa iiir .n band a splendid assortment of
Parlor, Hall, Cflice. Store and Corkinfr
of tho latest and most npprm ed kind', nl whole
sale and retail. WM. C. NK.MAN,
No. 3:1, North Secflnd Street, Philadelphia.
N. II. Your par," ienlar attention Is united to
MKiillKES I'.VI KNT li VS lll KMNtl WAl'.M
lors, Offices. Stores, Hulls. Cars, ie., which for
econeiny, purity of air, and easo of inniiniri-ineiit
has no e,u il. W, C. X.
I5i,0dd Costings for all kind, of Stoves, on
September 22, ISiS.-.lnio.
1"Y virtue uf an crder of tho Orphan's Court
) of Clearfield county, there will be exposed
lo sale, by outcry, on
.loi.i'", the I.V A day of Xocembcr, lS.'iS.
at 2 o clock, p. uit. nt tlio court bouse in tlio
borouirb 'T Clem field, all that
Certain piece or parcel of Land.
Situnlc in Alorris township Clearfield county.
coiilauiin; about Acres, being part ol ,
survey warranted in name of llyinan tirat, and
being t'lp Nortl.e.'ist corner of said ui vey. known :
in the partition of estate of .Iniii'.s
ceased, as jm .-port No. 7. This land ia desira-;
tit, located for farming purposes, and ia tolcr-'
ably well limbered- tbio half rash nt confirmation, and
t'io biilanco iu ouo yea:, to be secured by j -tig-1
nic n I.
Oct. 12, 1.W, Kerch;
rr.w moue of tiiosk iEsir,.wsi.i;
KAUMS und r.uildiiig i.ots, in the U.i.d Kc-
gioti mid oilier porti ins of Virginia, 'Hid to be
divided amongst tlio subsci ibers lor the benefit of
the now town of 11 acTAIIammm k. Subset ipli.'iirf
uxi.v trs not. I. tns KAd ; ono half down, the rest
nn the delivery oftiio 1'Knn. Every subscriber
will get a l'uilding Lot or a Farm, ranting in
lvalue from $ Into $oll,(HlU. Tiioso Fnrms nnd
; 1. ols are so Id so ( henp to induce scttlcuieut, n
i..m.; I...1.... ...............I ,l.n i.....A t..
ruiu.llui, Ll.. I.tL,,..., ,1,-iisu ill
Ibo vnluo of which w ill couipensnto for tlio appa
rent low price now asked. One acre I,, Is in town
will be oivki lo industrious uicchniiics who will
l.nll.l ,. Ilino,
- 1 cunipimv of settlers culled "Tun Hapimw an
vu, K Tionkeii Associatios is now buildin -.nnd
will coiaiin n, o tbo'.r iottlcuieiit in tho spring.
! Ainple socurity w ill be gjveti for the fuitblul per
furnutnoe of conlrncts and promises.
TLj.vMoiie Aoi:nt All Wasti.u lo obtain
subscribers, tu whom lb, most liberal 'mlttce
inciit.4 will bo given. Sumo Agcnls write that
they nre making SUUO per month, l'or lull pir
tieulurs, Subscriptions, Agencies, Ae., applv lo
Port Itnyal, C'arolino Co., Vo.
nov. 13, 1S.
... . .
rlAllb I artncrsbip herttofore cxistinn bltween
JL Ur. Ln-nin nnd l)r. linrtswick in the prai -
tic ot Jledicmo' is this da; dissolved by mutual
I 1T," V'""" ncrounts witn mo
I 'rm win please cat! and setlo iinmediiitely, and
if they cannot pay. pve tbeir notes. Tho book,
will remain nt their old oOieo. mhcro Dr. Harts.
" "" iun nu nines, eutier to stt!e or
nttend to professional calls.
iiKxtty i or A i.n
OcUl8b,lS53. : . . J. O. li Alt M UK
rry cheap at ii.KATZH'S.
)m';ic Oi ii;innh
iMiuR ty or i nr.
1 H
y rVf'fy
1 III l qii'll,.H of i I'll li"'"tl'i" r, mi l
Lin, uhli-li lm iiiMi-r lin n mii(.i' tmily t i . i.f I
nl l.jf t!i p'.ili'fU'U i tin I' "' li t'i' I l'1
u,.iih. iimiiilMin- nml r I'Pi-i k 1 1 V llm "I'l " 1 I
I'll, -ii i ill" - Ilinl lilii tin"' I" ,"' 1,1
thi'ii'li'in nil ili'i ii"''" i.';iiiili' In It I nl I ''""i
nil nrr nui Hint nllnt' M Imvi' lln-lr in l'iinl m,ii
in Imiil iIik "'ili'li nml fln," nl llm ! mli . Tlirt
the InlliT pi"p,'ii,li'r iti', linifvi'i-, i n lu.'.l l.i't,
nml ini'ilinil kill linn ili'iirly ilfinnn-tiiili , Ilinl
nt lin.t Ii" ll'ii'l- nl III" ill" I lint liun.iin llnrli Ii
li.'ir to, lut o 1 1 1 -1 nuiii' ii in nu
Impure Male of thv
A, ft.r In-lnni'K. in llio .m:t iitnltigm, nidi iik
.t rofulu, Teller, "Jliirbrr's Itch,"
Pimples, lilutclics Krysipeliis, Ul
cer., .ilt-ltlieiiin, Dim:Ii;iics
. , ,. .. -
IfOII) tllC l".!ir, I'l'VCl SOIl'.s, Ol IT
if )T 1 Vt I )l M'HSOS ()f III1V KIIK
l(ll' I'll-
1 li 'se are nuertiiiiieil bv well known nic
li..i ,i... '" 1 1. 11 I 1,1 1 while I li'i highest
liit'ilirul iiiilliii' itirr declare that most lovers nri . 11 lb,' Milne iiiniirf, tud pnrliculnr.
ly Xiphoid nml .scai li t lb e former beiii? an in
ternal, nml be bitter an t'M. iiiul irruplive di-s-I'nr.'c
: nnd in nil peis ' n iiliui kcl by these inu
la, lies the blood ia found to bo c, inhibited, or of
11 dm k unhealthy color.
'i'.i ward off a Inr'e majority of ilisi'nu's, n.
well as to cure 11 number which have already fel
led upon the system,
rumrv Tiii: ijlood.
I.iMiscv'ts Imi'iiovkij Hi.iioii Ska rtrn i: hoes
not Claim to iik a
1 niversa
I'tiiversal I'unaci'ii for every diuoase known,
tl" lin.prieton claim for it the power not only of
. .in, . i' . I .
1 Urainiiig 0111 All iiiipuriiiesui uiu
but by the skilful combination nf well known
MriX-BDSTAiaiT.-.l; WJi Z'lr'S&
It will cure all diseases arUinj j'rum a ileruni- j
ed statr of the Liver Iriec out I;spcpsi:'., !
and ffiee renew ;l tone, and riyor
to tin: iV'ioni' t. j
Vbnt the Tilooil Searcher ia nil that is claimed
fur it. the Piopi iel'irs can pro. luce ,
It ia only a lew yenra since It was discovered.
nml yet it baa grown into such a business I lint n I
huge l.iiborat'.ry has been built expressly fir its'
muniirnrliire a large number uf men employed i
ill putting it up. und still I
I lie Supply 'Iocs not Kcpiiil the
Demand! i
We nsk any candid man could this be so. if the
Meilirinv did not pn-so-s a i.l. llio virlira claiinctl
tor it ?
The Proprietors bavo huiiilro'ls of eel lilicntes
Ir.ou in- n of probity and .-lun iin in the t- ,111111.1
nity. fhoiviiu- what the lncdii iae is d"iu tlail)
tor liie suil'crni
ASK AN V 1 i-r'ON j
WIjo Ills cut u.cil ihc IjioucI,
Let tiu nl.'ict1--'! ivc it a tri:il n tiiijjlo liutl;
rt ill cum uico tlio uii'-t I:o;ttictil vl Us vUicacy.
J. M. Listxi'.Y : lo. ir Sir I LiUo
sure in iickin)H-iin; tno rc.nt ilmum:i
ytmr Impnivt'il lll'm-l Sonrehcr lt:is hocn ti m
ln. lit hit lieiMi nflln tetl witli wri
eullfil u HTuful'iiiH ii crito . llio nN"liinr
IjiruN ot" the Ptnrn-li. He liiid l"ou iililictcil
with thin ilirii'ji-u tuna inlaiit'y. 11 o is now tif
t'tll yciirs "t n -o ; hih im ah t'UiS lini'j he ia
h;ul fct'Vfiai te.'oi'e iitt icki, himI tic I'mtii
ken into tliO ftuuilitli Itlilial'UHl Jltliu Ml. n'lii t-t
i 11,0 . 1
atleiiii nig bun.
I.:m1 t'.Vi llll t lillliL'lit 'IJ,t .-li i.lli
hut 1 I'oumi Very Illile lnl;i.
t'i ,
tho tti?j L-i -liil rcl ill lit.' d nil iH ; w
( lul coa.-i'-jui'iiccs.
In April I.'i7. I.c bud li viult lit r.ttui.,,. s i i.iiici
so. tnat all wliosiliv him slippo.-cl lie was in the
j l.i-tal.l,'e ol"C.iiii-u,.tl.ill. 1 nils u li i.-el In tli
your IH. "il Sc.irclici ; I accordingly pmciirtn
: one bottle of it. an I by the nine be bad use I I.
i be appeared re-toi vrd to pel Ted health.
! Ii is now one veer sine e be used your invulini
! bio lllood Searcher, and 1 mil perfectly suli.-ti
' ed it has s ive. I l 1 1 ii from an untimely gruve. J
: now unbe ilittiuly recommend it lo nil who may
be si lilur.y aill ci l, ami deem it li" iin-ie than
jiistico l, hear lit id public testimony to iisin
' me.
Kespccllully J onis, it c.
I j..:i:s f. iiKVLix,
j Poininy Sl ition. A P. K. 11.
Mr. Iit'i ini is well kluiiiu tu .lie citiclis ol In
ilimiK nml esluioreiuiid counties.
! July (I, Is jS.
l-Olt 1.V. 11Y-
C. 1). W.II'.-U.V, Cli arfirl'l.
JA.MEs li. liltAil.AM, in
JoilN I'ATJON, Cm iieosviiie.
U F. bllEX.NKH. MorriMlaie.
JOliN 1(1SEI.L,. IVnnstill.
ll. II. AliMUlK, l.uihci..l,iii.
M. O. r-T 1 K. New M ilpoit.
IIIAIILI:.- 11. I''Ell, Puilipsburg.
ll. sWA.N, Ai tile.
KCSEI,1. Me t.C.tit VV, New Wasbington.
MiltAiilJ 1 l.i l.XMS. A i.lianifVille.
JACK SO V PxTt-ilEN. liuriiside.
SAMI Iii, ll.Alil'iil 1 V, tUciihope.
nu. 1 1, ls! llm.
tiliEAT WSCuVEItY OF Till'. AOii,
Iiiipoi tiiiu to
Tie (iViu.eiA'ii'iuV'f 'Tl area.
1: is ' well kn.iiin in ,1 inr in'iovertil.lo f,et
that the use ol Tolmc
inaliv of :ho most set
. the priiiiloline; i-.iits" of
ICAL, LtlsOKliEKS to which the nice nl man is
subject, as car's "1 analysis and long and pninfnl
exprri nco have clearly proven that it ronlains
ceiLniii narcotic nnd n,isoiu"i. j.rnpcrfies most
dang 'runs in their effect, which by entering into
tlio blood deranges the functions and opfrntions
ol tho licarl, causing ninny to suppose tbut organ
to I.l
seriously diseased.
TOli.MCO nfiects r.lso tlio entire nervous sys
ten., manifesting itseir a, all who havo used lb.,',,,. ,,l tent im, will l.opnred to lillikeitwj
lioxioiis weed w ill lieur lestiinonv in Lassitude. ', r , t, t , i '., . i li
Nei tous irrilnbililv. Water Lru-Ii. l.vsprps.a, i i "' V UW " ' V?""' '. J 1
uiunv olhcr tlisoi.lers of a similnr rhiiriiler. l"ll''lfc'e IS l espeellully sohclM. I
designed In counteract these baneful influences,;
and have proved completcl., iiiecessful in a niul-,
fituilu of eases, nnd w lieiei er used, lleing barm
less in tbeiiiselt e they ecrt a beiiellciul eticct 1
upon the entire st stein, restoring the Taste which
bus bee o vitiated or destroyed by great indul
gence, c pleloly removing tho irritution i.inl
ticconipiiiit ing tit kling leusation of tlio Tlirmia i
' -1 w hich are always consequent noon the nbstnininv
from the use of Tobacco, and by giving n health
I1""" '" llle M"","'11 '''vig"rate tho whole system!
' Persona who aro irretrievably tindtiriu iniug
their constitutions ami shortening their life.'
should use the.o Troches immediately ami throw !
oft tho Injurious and unpleasant habit nf 'r. I
en clicwing.
Those Troche, or Women ur Dill, nu in
ceiitenieut and purlablo form at tho low prioo ol
.Ml renin n,.r Imi- A lii.ri ,i: . ... .i. .. .. ,
rrcpnrcd lolely by tho iindersigued Ui whom
all nrilers should be addresseil.
: y.A.VF.S E. lldWEltS. Druggist.
Cor. .M and Kace streuts, I'liila.
April 1ft, li ' ly. . - ,,c '
"aHI'Tob 1'riatlng neatly executed here.'
nn I l.i,
1 ft ll!) 9ih M.. nlir if i
M. lloi'MXta,.,!,,,
"" " I lli'f(,
( , llift hi- "I I I'll, ii I. n," ll,
'"' ,hr 'n.r.'l.
ilinl l'i' I
i iik I'i'i.M ii
h.,v. t'.
k'.i.n ii II. . I. I, r-ir i.n
I ii Ik a
llir nL'.-, mi I tl " tiitnt" i.f !'i i,n.
I'"" '"H-" M.i.,l. ni'.n hH !
I ll ll'MI'-O H I ' I rli H ll I ....I .i .""'Wi
int. In
i iii In
mil nn.l i..MrM,,
.il l! 'lli'
Ol tin'
I ll 'lfil.ll l.l.'llti
"ftlii. li,.l
r. .
,l , I'ltit',' till, , iv. rl.l,... .. I'''
' ' "n
o.v ruwixrw nn i'u:.wt up
It i ili'.'ini.l nllMfiliiT uniH'ccvrv i .
nt ii, i llni. I in I'l, ; ,i I, ,..,u.r It,, l '1'!
tin. I,...,, 1,, , """mi il,,,
I'l.i"" t li-III ion In tin, until:
r hi,
cr .Mr. II. Inipi'H In il.'m'rvo a
liro of ble
I iili.niiii'.'.
X. II. III. I.., ,n, prr Jny ,, bfen t ill :
low mlti nl $I.-'J.
S 't r.'iiil, IRiS. 1 Jr
11 1 .VK II' A II HA XdF.MF.ST
'I be Mlbsrriber respectfully aiinouneo, totheou'L'
lie I In, t bo lias tnkin the above Man,!, in the bo "
. o , ,r iriieoi, nun is preparetl , nceomn,..
dalo all who may git 0 him a call, the public
may rest ns.-utcd Hint it will ho conducted la tk,
I c-l milliner possible. His table will l. .ii.1
with Ibo belt the market alti rda. Hi, ll... a 1
"'I' Ihe choi I brands of wine, and li,,nu , i
his stab le, will be under tho euro of attentive' .J
direful - sllcrs. DANIIi. JI. WKAVKR
1'cb. II, lMj7.-y.
IOMI. i:xtllAX;i', hotki
lie riitis-ritier liaviiiir taken tlm nl...-.,i
kimwii sliin, I, formerlv ke
I't by H'm. A. M...
, tr
in Curiiiiifville, Pa., is ready to accommodate j
ho may favor biiiiwitu their palrimage. Hi,
tulle will always be supplied with tho belt tin
ink. t iiHoi Js. nml hia liar wj, t18 c,uicM,
liiii,ns His stable will be under the enre of,
i. iitive hustlers. ItAVID SMITH.
Curwensi ille, April 21. ISaH.
-i' Jsi'j .tiii u uuii:l,
( Futtll Kltl.y known ah TI1R Good Intexi)
Cleara id Cminj, Pcnnsihaiiiu.
The subsciibcr begs lento to Inform hi, 0J
customers, anil the public generully tlint helm
recently taken the above well known stand, ui
that be bus uitirely refitted hhI refurnished iii,
a style adapted lo llio age, and tho want, of th,
entire truvcling cotniuiinitv. 1
will nlirnys he pr n i, Inl with every luxury U,
market- mid surrounding country will afford.
will be supplied with the choicest wines and L
nl. ich nre the be-t nod most commodious 0n tl,
"id "fit hi n a d.iv's travel, will alwny, b, h
"li ng,' of careful nnd uttentivo hostler,, i
-burl. of bis Establishment (ll
. sii,iir,l with all the roniforts mid coovenin
irs lb" weary traveller could desire.
jui'c V. WM. A. JIAS0N.
- - -
Kaec st. above Third, Phila.
' Plin proprietors o' the above well known n
1. lulnisbineiit being Ibnnkfiil for tho ,tri
'"vial pun i L'e besomed upon them the pii
tear, Inkr Ibis inctliod of informing their fricidi
ind the pubic that they ure still prr pared Is K
e nii'iii'ilaie them if favored with n call.
I'm in.- tlie summer months the hnuso ha, ken
'In, muchly r,'iinva!,.',l. iiiiproveincnts mail, ml
Iher i .tten ive nlteraii ns in conteuiplaliun.
M'e are 'let. riiiine.l to devote our wholo attn
Hon lo I, nsincfs anil (latter tmiselves with the
'invictii u tiiat We tball be able to give satisu.
N. I!. Carriages will always be in ren.linpil I
"iiv.y pa.'srugrra to an, I lioui Stcnuiboat Land
ings am I llaih-oii'l iJepots, S. i S.
AI irch I t. Is ,.v.
Cui'.vojisville. Penna.
i,' sul.set-il,,.,.. toruiei lyof the lvxelmng. Ill
tol. i'liilipsl.urs.'. bavin'' taken tli, slsa,
iv st mil sitiiulo on tho bank of llni river, in lh.
n ucr vim ol Uiiiien.-ville, would nnnnunce tlta'
be is now ready for the iicciiiuinodntion of rtraa
;eis nml all oih.Ts who y favor him with
'ail. fue house is large and comfortable. an
travelers will liud every convenience iiecrssrj
ilieir foinlort. Amplo s.ubling Is attached to lit
l cbruary 10, ISj?.
CKL' All l- l KKD
COHXi:i? Ol- l'-msT AXI) MAHKET,
llll. iiiiib-rsigiieil respectfully infnrmtl
Mends ami the tini'din; public in geueral, ll-
ne na? i.iKen mo notice hou
I it u llni". e ha-, hi'i-ii ri'ccnilv refitted ia
l oved, mi l nctvlv luriiislieilj
HAS IlKI..; lilMI'I.L'l i.l); AM) HE IS MIEP.tU
TO Al i OMMt .)ATE
All who may .i:ive him n call, in tlienii
I 1 li'i'slli,: m
d ii'Mei'tihle inanner.
1 1? -ss .w "r r- '
' ,:-,, 1 1,
; lo render his hewe a uesin-
.v")'i7 place,
will bo fuiii'lied witli an assortment of ehiJ
iiuors ; and ho will etuleavor to entertain
guests in n in inner tbut cni.not fail la give til
I' l J.I. IIS T !!l.VI Is. At"l'IOX.
The hiiuso is situated in a plrwnnt A
- iOttiet nart of the town, and no ejpenl
11. HA VS 41OKB0.
ClciirDcM, nug. 18, 1 1 is-
THE above lloti I, having recently been t'i
up for n lioiiso nl" cntert linmcnt, is nnw pjj
f ir Ihc nccintiioil iiioii of Ilia nublio. Tr"H
will Cud this a convenient bouse.
' May 111, I sis, JOHN JORDAN
AMBKCTYPt'S For 50 cm!
'pllli undrrbigncd would respectfully iM
i.tnir:s nml ;r.x'Ti.EMr.Ji
of Clearfield and vicinity, that ho has
Ittmnia la Shaw' Xcw Rw
where ho will remaiiin for a fin da
All who would desire a lifelike likoDiM
latest nml imnn vail ,lvla will Dlcas 0"
Vou that have benuty ihonld to Hall
Sou that have none, abould eo lt him
lAlh. !,. rf