Yionif jiff airs. Agrirullural Mrpting. We have I'i'cti t-. j u t 1 t uli in MM i r. iUI an "iinn-.l in. cling of tin "Clem. (iolilO'iiiity A TicTlltltr.il Society," will bU.tO,me,,.vill... ., .Yiday eyeing. jlI11,rovnt.Kntoll,L'i ionllmvnrou.sj.,v(lnl. Ignited to attend, i t.V,u...ln .l,v ... ' " ", or prhrtps lit ll lurp't tl.au tlio one wo p-mi mwiint lii-t wi'k, lmt jn plary man nml goo.l citizen. tliis vi' iii'ly iv.-?iitlv ly Mr. .VU.Mi Mitch-1 Thu Court appointed II. H. Swoopc, J. II. inrli' proximity t. liis imultry ymd, j M'Knally anj T. J. M'CiiIIoukIi, Ksipurm, the jtliotli.') "t I'1"1 ""t oonimitto.l ntiy : C0",1"ilt-'U reported tlio lollowing re.so deprpilatiimi. It ni';rtl livu icot four lulio,l!' : inehrw Mwwii tli tips ot the winjm, mul . (J ... ,r . U hko tl. ono sl,ot l,y wiminiii. reM-. .,. ,,i,o snot hy.lieiM, announced, therefore lie it l.v tile olliecs Jlr. HiHhI. Jt was also killed in iliiyliht. "'' t,llJ Court, and Iho members of the Uar, Wenwnllv noticed nn account of u tiin- .r1?!" J""lreJ '1'llu' ' 'leuth of (;udrpe , . i i ' i . i. . . . ! "Horn, J-..si., tlio Court lias lout an uni inht IKlitrdbcn shot nMr hasten m this , and excellent ollicer, the people a lm,l!,'i pull! State, which socnis to liavo been iuito ii1 liu '-rvant and tlio community an exeniplury curiosity to those -vho piuv it. They a-! Clt.lf;un. . ., . p.i , , , ., -' 111,1 tne deceased in every situotion ot cOUntitasj.c. H.s oftho enle, hut there l,is life, ,,,her as a number ol the l!eKi"l!i it little iloulit ol tlieir Tu loriin l? to the 1 lllr 0,1 ollicer o the Court, or a nrivate i ...,.,0,'-fmmil.. ..!.! i IZ' m. , v-'i , which Mr. .Mitchell descnl.es on the one ,1P!ho. as being as l,ig as the ..itt.K.n" hiel. ,,-gra,,, our l.v Jam.. A man naineil Jicnnett, was Iralwd in tail last Monday Lv constal.le! ti 1, ,.!,, 1 ..til. .,,,,1.; : 1 . Vl"""""' v -'"" threats ol mjiiry to persons and property of JOD'C ind viduals who had become ob-i noxious to him. I'lobably a little sober ! reflection in his in-esent qiiiot boarding house limy induit; him to re.ent, and re- tract his threats. Such at any rate we hope, may be the ease, and that he may he released from his unpleasant confine- went, "a wiser," if not "a sadder man." i The "Weatiikh. Iut wind's the use of talking, vro have hal every variety known iiitliin the pa-t lew days, and one or two Beiy specimens just lately introduced. Son-, however, it is rathei pleasant, in clining to to he soft and spring like. ; One or the Ciiait Knnom u.. J. Y. Boyle, l(p, editor of that semi-occasional journal, the Elk Keporter. visited our of- mented by the whole community. Though See while on n visit to our town last week, naturally diflident and unobtrusive in his .Mr. Ii. is a fine fellow and un oeeomplish- niauuer, a ciose aeij'iain'aiice with him etl editor, but being nlso a lawy-r, bis le- always discovered a mind highly cultiva cal ciigageinents do not permit him to de- ted, well balanced, and ainplv stored witli tote much of his time to the licporter. n'e were personally much pleased with him as an anniuintance. OlR NE AllVEItTISK.MENTS. Tll'lsl de- partment of our paper is always of inters est to tho public, and we presumo seldom nccdi to have special attention called to it, yet wo cannot omit mentioning the fact of a worthy citizen of a neighboring county losing his Tucket 15ook and its contents, consisting of a (juantity of vnlu- ' able papers, and tex hollars in gold. The latter of which he oll'eis as a reiv.ird for itsrecoverv. Dr. -Wilson, of Lutheisbui " callson his1 debtors to settle tin between now nnd the A first of April next. Very reasonable time. He also oilers for sale his house ami lot;lsnot ,0 1,0 ""ondero.l that tears flowed in I.iithcrsbui" on reasonable terms. jfroely, and that the keenest sorrow pone VI... .1' .1 , Wm. I-. Joiixson, hsq., cautions the pub. lie "ainst meddlini! with certain uronertv . noiv in the possession of 0. nnd L. I)on,n " ' ! Oil ice for sevnral articles in type which will be i .lain, is in iy i. w nun win ut found in tins weeks pa per, on the subject Oftho Con n tv buildings Msothn Court ' lite count j buildings. Also tlio Com t 1'ioiTwimgs. I ' " " ' " Among ti.o many mudicincs ofTercd i to the public' Du Vale's Galvan ic On. is ; urpassing all in amount of sales. A great- j wiumiiero. ,.ozn oi ui.s n.eu.c.no nave Unsold than any other preparatinn ' ,. 1 . , ... i .- i ,: Uliy? Becau-ott.s a good article and ,n.as re,i lloJ t0 hli fatft Death had no It in ,1 1 "VI . ir .Ml I . c 18 in demand. Tho suirerer will always Mve it. PSOCEEDlJfOS OF COURT. Our r, , o-M,, t n.. 1 t'i. Xot much business was transacted the .-oi mntn i.usincss was transattul, Hit rmir, .w.i. :... . .. rr. ..I : - .... ,i.,jw,n mug vol i ii 111 so ay ,u coiiseiiueiit u "f the death ol tho I'rothonotary. Only one ti'il case was tried, to wit : j Xtltt Head rt. Ihn, .1. fteml tl nl. Action - esung n,u or John K.Kead, deceascl. ffill SUstiiined Verdict for I'l iinlilf. M K. l'ly for plaintiff, Wallace for defendant. In the Quarter Sessions thu lollowing cases us U ll0 gn at necessity of being pre eie disposed nf, to wit : j pared for the "end of earth." t-.m. t-, Plri k Curley Mi.sdt-iue.inor in iiffico as Justicii of tin. IV :lf,). n(nrl4lil a..1 quitted. II. J. Wallace Com., W lco fur Defendant. A. Wal Cum. rt. Htnry S mml Larceny of revolver. , Bible Society was held at the Methodist Church ontl? 1loC7ViC,Unn.t'n,?C."'1-,t0 JJ,roT ! in tbe borough of Clearfield, on Tuesday eve niiii imprisonment in County jail. II. J. ,..,,, N-ce and Swooon ffrm iv..n. n,i r,, " for Ueleiid.mt. i Cum. rs. John Ti,-,.,.,--.. r, i fhi r ii ,.i. ..i.iu.iwii.i i,,,- Zi Zlh:r': ilf.'??:1r.t: jM'rosfcution. II. J. Wallace and Swoope IorCom.. W. A. Wslhirn rr ,l..ft win. r,. Juhn Tlwm),Kin, II ash. Sumlerlin and , '. Campbell. Indictment, Hint. Defen- acquitted. Kobert Conner, prosecutor,! J?piycot,. h.j. Wallace and Swoope lor ' Mm., W. A. Wallace for delendai.t. I r,. Juhn Tin nil.n. II m. .VH,lr,U fl. If Mt riu i. i u'..,i i & ..- .... ' . , ....... ... M, ,, u,ill;. mm owuopc lor Mm., W. A. Wallace for delendai.t. I t,. jltmf, itonard. Kcsistinf? an onroent ill Hoiintv i.iil ntwl riu!a if nfrmn J"10. K. 1. Wallace, Test, and Swoope for Crans and M'Cullough for defondant. "D. r. Htnry Ptuninc;ton, Sr. Tippling 2ue. Defendant aeqnittod. .Samuel Vcd- "ri Iiroiee.utnr In i,. ...). I. I U'll-,.o Knally for Com., W. A. Wa'llaoo for Com. n. Jamn Kelly Fornication and bas- """JT. Settled by parties. 'f Ban. Jos. Potter, Adultery ( Jacob 6Dler. l- i .: ... .. .. ... , .. p . uin.-uiioii aim onsinruy I Lauiarine '"lOinirtnn el 1 w i... .. - '"foui.li. ,. uomson, n m. 11. "Ouisonand .S,n,,ol t.i,i ILLS f . . . . ii . t n. . Death of Trnthnnntmy Wlt, , , L v ,', 7r,:""J'"' ' " " . ,,';.. f" ' rr...r,. ,,.,!, n . " J. -! iiH.vr.1 iho fl.w.iMttn,.m of n , ,u f' l''"1 r1-s(uti,in,.N,,,MVU ll( M,i,, M , ZZ,, ,f t(,e direasod. 5 ,i,u ..,.,,,... ltilifft,.rii.. .n.,.ti i.,.,.... .. . " ""'g B"''"""";'u,!.l ""- "ill! .nr. Wiilti-M. nil. iiMirinir ti - stiniony to Ii is high clinrm-tor ai an i-xi'in- r ""'"' l" (K'il'" 01 (i,'orSu " alter!, the l'rotlionotiiiy of the Court. Ii.ih iui Iioim, announce,!. tl.,',:.or.. . . i, ! VilJ oi! . - n, has won the universal ai,i,r,,l,ti,,n ,1 ! '"tot-m of his fellow men. I ad. That wo hereby tender our heartfelt ! 3uri:e?e.,vc,!:i.ta,"iC,Cd tllt'i' j 4th. That acopvofthese proceeding, be far-1 ",u "iiue uecensen, una tn.it .ot-B,i,o oe puuiisnea in the county papers. ' Thu proceedings were ordered to be entered or record, and the Court adjourned, amiouneed the death of (ie.nunr. 'alters V.. in nr last paper, briefly. 'l'bQ "Love nrocvedinjM remind ih that the b'eeasi.d has left a memory worthy of a more extended notice. It is seldom that tbe dispensations of Iiivine l'roy i. lence l"'st a deeper j;loom over a co;nmii:.ity than now pervades ours. lin in a resi- iienee 01 iioout twenty yrars m tho county, tieo.ige Walters had iicipiirud a ieputati.,11 worthy of any man. Honest and upright in all his dealings; ..-tsant mid e..mnau ionabh' in the social relations of iii'e : mod est mid unassuming in his nianii Ms : mild and gentle in Ids disposition: he lived in the enjoyment of the disinterested friend shin ol all who know him: and died la- the richest treasures, gleaned from the higher order of literature. He was a rea ding and thinking man, and in this res pect a bright example, to all around him. His intellectu il endowments, commanded respect: while his dignified bearing, his 1""" of mind, good of heart and gen- el'u'', -l06'l. securcl I11111 unalloyed fnoiidship- For these .jualities of hea l ni'l heart t!ie community mourn for him. Their loss may be repaircl ; but his own family, who alone could know mid feel, ""'I Appreciate his real worth, are not to be consoled with this lollection. To his wi',ow n"l 'bildr,-n t he loss is it-repairable. f"Uo. nlleetionate and indulgent I'!ll'ont 1I,S Leon removed from them. It l,.,,l...l K..;,. 1, ....,1., V... L. ,.r '","e. ..e, ,,u,,,3u, 11,11,1 e.ill i ,.,i ,i ei icf:,ci, l.l lliai I I S , I VS . . . , ... ... ... . " ' 1 ... ." ". ?tt U?',n W0.'Us' U ,en ,:"Km- Willi Ins Fpiritual adviser and comforter I i ' i .ii . i i on earth, he said: ''I have not put oil tl.e work of preparation for eternity until this Lite, hour 1 on" sinee Ihivo muloim- laic Hour, j.oi.g unco, lliac ni.ulo ill peace with my God. I can oaliny survey tl, fto n,,,I , tl. . 1 . i, the luture, nnd enter upon the long jour- tlioy witli the liriglit liopc ol a linppy resu- , i.i rection. .h. how conso htm the tliouulit ,, fll!,, , l..nfiif. b i.i i aeco liiui.siiea a i imn man can , o on rartn : .I-. ,n.i. i .. Uc ttCauirca an nmVm famo to leave 1((.hi1(, him . nnd Had secured an inhori .. , !infltI,np ,, ,. .A1.,,, 7I, He' terrors for li iin. II ...ii . ii ,iow many, n Mienieniy suinninneu to a death be.l, could with Oooriro Walters say. nrn Hilly l.reiiared. Mac not the me-; senger of death. I have long expected ! h n I lallil ,,,,,1 fintb it-i Ilm Ss,,i-in,if f.( i.it, L-', i . I I "'. ....... ... .... .-....... ... ....n, ... . lias prepar',1 tny heart for the grout change, j How solemn the thought ! and vet it must j occupy a idace in every mind. Lot. his ,..... ,, .,..: Innnu.llM ,,,...,. r- - lesson lo the living. Let them admonish Bible Socioty Mootim An annual meeting of thu Clearfield county ning tlio l.tli of January, in pursiianco ol pre- vious notice. Hev. Dr. M'Leod in tho chair. tm . . , .. . . . . ., . jn, rcpori oi inu ec.rcinry lor me nasi ycarwn.rea,l and accepted. 1 ho ruport of the . roasurcr was also road, 'ftlinwir, - . tho finanelill condition of the Socio. ty, and accept,. M , h' Mf" t,U" dunt for ,ho on' Lewis It. Cart -.,rl n....l...l alloway was elected Vice 1'rcsi- dunt for tho ensuinc vear. a Lewis It. Carter was elected a Mauaccr for tbe ensuing year in t tho room of Kev. Mr. Cal ico rresident. lltmhtd, That with tlio exception of tho foregoing changes, tho board of oflicers are ro-elected for tho ensuing year. Jtev. Thomas Dan, hart being called upon made a very able and instructive address be fore tho society. Rcr. Mr. Kirby also addressed tho Society at tome length, and in a highly satisfactory manner. Tho remarks of both gentlemen wcro listened to with great attention, and had the effect of awaking not a little interest in the ccans on the part of thoso present. G. T. Gnelich, Eaoj., being called upon res pouJcd in his usual earnest and impressive 10 ' 1 v Ho stale I ,. h h ,.,., connected , s,,lv Ik tll.lt 10 1,1' ,.,.,. Lev. Ml. G.illollay, Will. II. Il!,,,, !,.. M-l I,ll,..l.l..,.li, ,..., .....r " """, wii'iui iii(.mi,iiik ruixi-il 1 ii ri nr tlio ovnilii A.'fni t,, Thnt ilm II,,;,,,! ,,r I'llHTIn ,f tills Surirlv. In, IVHiirsluil In n,,. "'"'K'ii. nun ut tilt. ollic-L- l J. I!. MDnullv. rs,,.. ,, Tin.,. .l:y v-ntnir K. .,, nst.. -r .1 r - viMthol,,st !,, tun.vi.li.n,,;,,, n tv. im.l .l,i , il,, I, i,., .. '. ..... . " I ' ' .""H I"" lillMU uunilK llIU tnCS- I'l't vi'iirj iiml II, ,,t thry , reiii...sli., to ri.. pin t tin! result of tlu-ir d.-l i l.t-r.i C ions to tlitf iK'Xt inljoiinicl ui,-,.tiiiK of tliis nocirlv. AVviif., Tlmt Iil-ii tlii-i liicitinir !iijoiirn it W ill nilioliril to meet inn,... in ll, ( Iloiisoon tliowci-kol tlie.Muv C t mul on shi'Ii I'VcniiiK t Ilm I'li'Mile'iit shall iii'iioint, mi, I tlmt ilm Hill..,.,. , .. ' ,,,,:.8O0l,''-v ' "'" Ufiolcot, 1 hat tins ini...inp ilo now i.l journ. A. M'I.ijoii, l'leniiifiit. J. Ii. M'Knally, Sfcrctiiiv. (in ont T.Mii.i-;. TllK CoXSTKI.I.ATloN. "A L'ood i 'on,l ll, in,-"....;. I I .. i , '-1 ' '"'eoouy, and we do not fee any reason whv a imihI . "l" Mt ll'aMI" "''.vapio, .'vsjm.er sholiM not l'kewisel 'i e,l -a o,l thi.,.-; even iiiHnv,. l"'l'ts u Letter "thi,,...- Kspei-ially wlicn ""-'" ,,,,.,tr, if it' is what n I'm p"i is m ne, ceinaiin e ci-y variety ,,f readi.,- mat !,., n.b,,,...,! . ...i tasti inn wiien mat variety is served in. to them in style, A , ( n 4I i t v , so Mipcrior and aluindant, that tin- intellectual feast it af fords, may he compared to the rich repast provided f. r some rainl eal.i day, in con trailistiiirtii.il to' tin- eouiuion, every-dav "pork and Lenn-" die! which eli.iraeterizns many of the leading .loiirnals of the ac. The C,,i,.'',l,ii;,.i, is , -ertniidy oiienl'the institutions of tho emmtry and il'it is kept up in tin- sty le it has 1 n com need, and .inproved as luture exju 1 i, in e may snidest, it cannot fail to lake the front rank am. mi.' tin- literary weeklies of t he western hemisphere. Its cUer l'aik 1 '"-'.! wlne name iiei.i; s .senui I..-1 ol' ad cr- to u.s as if copied from m me 1 lised letters where it had been t ransposnd i'. . . 1... . 1 .. no 1 ne .u 1 (. 1-0 01 uacing me siii-nair.e 111 id, liabetie order, is a gentleman of tl.e highest mental culture, and has the repu tation of hein: one of the Lest critics im.l lecturers in the I'.., r,-, 1 s;ii(w .... . . ,. , . 1 lie second and third i sues have been received, (tlie fit si if telithasnevcrrca.il- , , , . , ,. . CltUs.lailll lt.S 11IJ1 1 III 1 II it I. ill. I, I'll I mils ,,t , first sight, positively bewildered us, but when we came to cultivate a closer ac-iiaintiku,-e we soon became perfectly at home in its pages. The heading is highly ornamental, combining and extensive land, sky and water-scape, with several goddesses in the foreground engaged in some artistienl employments. Its size is its nir.c.st' feature, while the type is Pinal ; and if you wish a paper to furnish you w ith a week's leading and make yon a bed spread afterwards, subscribe lor tho 'n nt, lil'ujn, ,Sce terms on our fourth page. ' TATfs, a Washington City daily I-nper, Democratic 111 politics, but unti - Ad - ministration, lias Loon numbered without- 'exchanges for .several days. It is a spirited 11.11,,.,. .,.,. .... 1 .it 1 ' . ' 1,0 "!'0 ".W,'Vl'r ,0 "U ,avora " ,ts dil,1' tliat we may keep posted in r irl to tho t, ;,, .. i -,- , ... sentiments and posit.on of the antl-Ad- ministration Democracy. , . fl-tf-'Ihc Ikmnrrat mul Sn.toul, Kbens- ilr i i,. ,-, ,i, . . n i , J H .iis,a,i ; now edited bv C. 1). M.irrav. K. . ,l t,,,,i,l,f.,l I,,. ii i 7i,, v , ' ' -' "ne, w e i . i: r n... -tr . , ' r e w.si. tlio gentlemen success, and we have no doubt .1. :,, ' Wo have important accounts from lTn- per nnd Lower Cochin China. The kin"- i in i, ,, in.,, i no Kin j- 1"', of Tonk.n, a dependency of the (in- f . . on " pile of Annum, is in full revolution. It is stated that the insurrection was excited ,y t1(, Spanish missionaries nnd that the native Christians motbo ,.;,.;.,l ....,,.- linn, .-.everai vessels were immediate v . . , . . - !in.t 1','"11 T,!1"'" '' M'l"'" '- bo revolt, nnd the capital of the kin-dom itself is . ' 1 j ( fta-Antoine Lu Claim a half brood In "ban, living at Davenport, is said to ho the 's, nest man in tlie Mateol I.nva. (ioy. Grimes ranks next in wealth. , The coik tie.' is beinir extensively ' cultivated in the neighood of t'ineinati. Ten thousand cans of acorns have been j ordered for planting. I f,cafThcro are some men wlin-o opipnsi tion caii be reckoned upon uri'msi overj thing that has not emanated from them selves. EST ATI-: OF 7,' 0 HE! T II' o;-a,;l. .'.".7. i:v, ,sv VOTlt'i: is hereby given that Letlurs of Ad 11 ministration have been grunted to tho un dersigned, on tlio estate of Hubert Wrigley, Sr., Into of Bradford, ton u.'hip, deceased. All per sons having business concerning tho same., urn hereby notified to make immediate settlement with tho administrator. William i.. wi:k;li:v, y1ii,',n'iiO-fltor. Bradford township, January ID, IS.il. C'AITIOV LL person, are hereby cautioned. gainst buy-1 ing, or in anywise meddling with tho follow- mnn. -M N-rolono Mimod, Daniel Loll ing property, now in the possession of Dnin'l brety, ('. Apken, Decatur Simons, Mrs. Horn, of Brady township, Clearfield County, Pa., Snrnh King, James Allen, William S vi: Two Harrows, one Wind-Mill, one Log-Wod. ' Diekov. William MoWl,. .11 Am-, fi ..,' one Long bled, one lot of Hogs and lynk. Oxen as the same belongs to inc. and is only left with i .l,l llurn on limn, subinel lo m nr,l,.r said Horn on loan, subject to my order. O. W. HOItX. January 19, 1853. .It.pd. I'ltS and Bl'l'FALO KOBFS to suit the season, at K UATZ.lt':.. U.I Ull I, Mi (mi t,y Mil l. 'I'lll: Siil,., ,il. olVrlhe following inhiuhlc Real IMi.l.. 111 private Mil,., silinitc In lici.. I 111 town-hip, rl,-iiili,., CimmiIv. ri.tiliiiiiiinr iim: 1,1 ,, I ,'n ,-l iir iiii ,... I J I . ; !. . ... i : . .. . : lll' 1,1, I'll .... I ' I ' I I ', I '"K onligiioii", vi. Fii TY-ri;iir .ri;i:s. " "" "" "i "'"I I' "' A.-n-ii elm, t,, i ,. s-.,. ,., AMI ' 111 ". "' " .x: iii ini:i a.xi eoi'htf.es' ... . IUT.'!'. lllll Al,llt tillv ll,.r i. Ir,l It.., I. ' tnirls nr.- cll tin,l,,.r,,l wild Pino TIiiiIht mul ' " i" "oil utt.l r ml.rnK, mul ,n.ia Miit "'iy on,- wiping tn K into tlic l.uKini'.H. Tlioy will Ii,' M, 1,1 H'liuri.U'ly or tocrllu-r. tu miil nur. flinioTi'. TiTina- nni, Ihinl i.C ll. .,nr..l,., ...... t-ti ii si-rr-. 1 ,'nn.i-nn., llunl ,.f the ,iir, liHo - n..y in liiiml, mul Iho ImiImiuo in two voarly ,i,v- iiii'iit.i 1-i.r lurlliiT Mirtii'iil'irs inniiiro ut' JiHIN MIUFI', or S. W. KKAli V, .t.ioiM,',i,- ,;(,. A'Wr' .l.raim ,V. Km- I. .luiiuiny 111, ls.V.I -tl. PEOFOSAIS WANTED. SK.l.i:ii PKnpliSAl.S will l. roeoiv,,,! a I the ollieo of till, Cilllllli'siolielH of C'lel.rllelil County, in Clem lielil, until lUv 2'Mh day of .I V ",r "'" nuililuij; n m,,v Coiirt- nu,., Cll r, et In.nt l,y !lli foel deep, will, oIlieoK tienenlli nml omul rm.ni above, with life nroul vinills fo? Prutliuiiotiirv's. neuilor, mid Cm. llegintor's ami Cum - .i.-si,,-rn!lii.,w. " peeilii'iilions can ho seen nl the otliee nf H. J. nnllm'o, t lerli, tor ten dnvs iirrm.,linir thu '( tiny ol January, 1S;",;i, ... . . - o Proposals 1110 desired to express wluit tho e.inlnut will he taken fur, Iho eontnielnrs to take the ..Id man-t i l! of Court II, ,11-0 mid ollii-es. All 1 1 roposiil. uuot ho m',.,iiii,nnn.,l l,y the ''f 11 re-pon-ihlo niret;, retiilinj; in tlio County nf ClearlielJ. JiHIN IRWTV. ) ii:o!-(ii-: i:itiiAui, y cum'iis. WM. .M.t'llACKHX, J Attest It. J. Wai.i.ack, ( lerk. 1 Coiiiiiii.-.-ii,ners' (Itliee. Jan. 12, 1S.VJ. A MEETING of the Ton n Coi .m il of 'l EAiii tLl.li I'.oiiornii will l,e held on .Mon day AI'U".'llo,,l, 7, ut o o'clock, for the Mirii'i-e of si-llliii ' !... .... 1 u nf I!.,. ioul.'Ii ollicer.-. who liave unsettled el-iiins a gaiiut the liorough will present them nt or before that time i',r settlement. I'.y oi'.l.-r of Council. L. .1. CHANS, A', .'.. I'oit sai.i: 015 mix ' 4 VAf.fAIiI.l-: TAVKKX ST A XD AXl) l'AI'.M of S.i ACKl'l.S OF LA.N'Jl, 65 of which iiro cleaieil mid limler cultivii'.i'in, situ ted on ('Icarlicl 1 Creek, on tho main road lending I10111 Clenrtiuld town to Clearfield Pride, in Clearlield coiinl v, Pa., und three miles distutit , ti ..in the furmer place. , 'I ho house is bireo. now. Well ralciilntoil for a i1''"',0''"' ,vi!l e-oinniind nearly nil tho custom " wauTiiieu (iuriuK tlie Ireslicls, which usu- , ally last Innn f..nr to ,ix weeks. Theieare nlsu a1 k"Tl U",'"' V"?' Wj'"1' House, """ '"nous oilier iHiinim-s necessary for eonvo- t i .. ...... ,,.) 'II... . . r - 1 1. .i,u ii-iiiis ui sine will no inadj ea-y say four annual payments. For fur - A T s! 1 , 1 ,. , . ,.' ',, ' ' :'-.!;,V,,",,1,U' v'r,IM"'r. 1'-"ll- Clear- lel.l. or ,s. W. ,,.,, l.lcn Ib.pe, Clearlield conn- lv la. 1 os-ession ciin ho piven so that the .nyer or reatorraii have the benefit of tho spring business, which 11I0110 will amount to more than double tho rent. A. T HCH KVVHIt. 1 . 11 , 1,11,111 - ,11 ... 1,. 1 1, 11 '.. 1 1 ir Jununry 5. is;s. tf, "I .' .l?.! ifsi ,.T. sisoi J, Jia -4; a TllK rXl.KliSl.lXKL. takes this inothod of n - uouncing to tho cituensof Cl.w.iold and the sur- r nmding country, that he has opened ' Jlir.If::, "-I,0 blh.JD on Main Ftiict in .V. ,'i, ivl, ere ,.b : . . 1 . . . .. . ' . . I call, nml hones to receivo a liberal i,ntr.n.r.. . ! 1 I'eeoiumo.iato nil wli give hi la ; Oct. Cih, ls;,S JKIUIMIAII NOIiUIS, i LOOK II I '.It I.M)K I ItHI- !mlll',,..l : 1 . .1 .m ' I V'" ,,'. "-'""'I fiiiisitiiiits, IIIKC llll. ,' 1- I I .,,1 ..r ii,,r,;,r ,i i.ii n.. .1.... i "T Luve this day entered into cmmrtnerVhin in 1 THE BLACKSMITH BUSIXESS ' and can ho f.uinil nt the shop formerly occupied byj. s'hunkwiler, on Third street, in this bo. ' rough, where they will be pleased to see the r old customers, and as many new ones as enn mnko convenient to givo thou, u call. I r i , ... ........... -our .iocs y,.r s,.n es ami pic-KS, I 'iur log-eluuns and your pulling sticks, "', ' '' '""r. "-''"" Jullr ll"0 Jour m,lr'. , io imcu-ycar oiu sunn ineil go naro. I W spears will work up then just right, T. prooning honks for every height. Your swords too, shall then ho wrought. To ploughshares such as do, no'cr bought. .TACOfl PIIUNKWILKK, tiLO. W. OKU. Clearfield, December 8, li8.tf. IJItODI Ci: H AXTIII). Vh,,t, Ilyo, Oats, Corn, Buckwheat and I'iro-Wood. wanted c leiirueiu i.epiioiican hi pay. at tho ollieo of tho Clearlield llepiihllcan in pay- '"'"""S- '' 1 1 Xdt SALK. bv Mkiihri i. . r.,,T.n ,,,;,... - ' 1 ;;ill V'f' '-ni A'AW.r-Also a few : -Meat Cutlers ofthe best kind-with a largo vnri. ety of (i.ioils in their line, just received, and w on sold loir ,r cash or produce. J Clearfield, Dee. 8, 1 ..VS. IS7 TOTM'l-t. All persons nre hereby notified Ilia. I no unileivigneil havo each n claim of ono fourth of w hat was Iho interest of Patrick I Itnllerty nt tho limo of his decease, in tho . ;t , lo res of laud, in IV nn town, -hip, n,,, inlverlis.'d f..r sab-by ,. -r of tho (Mpliau's Court, ns tho property of Felix Biill'erty. i ';'A',.liU n '.x1. : 'V,K. p. . i t ,i ,v. I doc. 20, 1S.-.S. 2t.p,l. C.i:t. M1 L-'f fOXPTAXT kite from tho Hast respee-' .. .'!" ' i icaniciii ami ino cniiniy genera lv, Unit she Is incpared lo give instruction in Music- PIAXO, MFLODF.O.X AXL) (illTAIt ALSO.. 1M Till: 1IIF.SCII LAVOtACK IT HMSli Tl I: It NATIVE Toxori:. Sho refers nil who may bo interested in the above, to the Hev. .r. nnd Mrs. M'Lcud. Terms-fS (i0 in advance, r fit) 00, if not in nlvn nc. Doe. 0, IS. 9. tf. LIST OF LETTEIiS nF.MMNlNIl IS TllK POST OFFICE AT CLE Att HK1.H, IOIt (Jf AUTER ENDlXi: nee. Zl, 18,. it. T 1 T ' I I e .... ,J""" . '"KI. lss iMargnret I loder- sen, .Mrs. Harot I'ain, Joseph Dav -Kon v ' -k. , !pr. Mit. ,.M ,. ' OrOniKat.rOSR, jM ,SS A n not t C 1 (t 1 1 1 , 111. Hamilton, John l'rought, Amos Ifuttnn. N. B. Persons calling for letters will pleaso say they nre ndvortisid. C. D. WATSON, T. M. Clearfield, January 5, IftV.i. .--. ' - - - V . I . y (5 - - . ( PII '. I i ( I A I, ( ' ( ) . 1. 1 ( ; I'iumii huh, . . riuim iin, K',.-,, 300 Stuilen.s Attending Jannnry, 1853. Now Hie niL'i'.-l nn, I in,, -i Hi, ,r,, I, c - ...!.., i ' ' ' "" ' '' ' Mk' I I It' ll States. V-, i ' ''"'i'ttua '"' u,,""i "i iiiet'ouinn i:,.,.n .1 (' .. i , ..... , . i . , ,,, r, ,,r u ,,M,K hi', MllliT "f A i 1 1!""111'1 IVuh.-r of Aritl.tuutit 1 C'm 1 t ' """luliim. ',' ' , ;"";!'k ' '' Jf K, Tnu liui.-,.f . ."'K lu'' l"".' A. t'oHi.KV mul W. A. Mn.i.mi, Profs. of Pi-uiimii. rllii. sixtiLi: and D'tt.iii.r: j:n inv liomc ki:i;p. i.Mi. A.1 iiful iii Ill every .le,irtllen f Im-in,, f,. mi.,i,r,,i .,iii,,ii,tl,'i!li,;i ;, ill,,. II, ,u,l j I ,;,i,l, ,1 M,n ii Mnciiitili 'II- I ,n-iviiiint'ft ( 'iinuurrtiiil L, Are tnulit, nml nil other tnl.j, ,'l,i iiceijiii-y fur tlesueees nml tliuri,ii;;li cliiuiliua of u priietieal lni.-iii. -s man. iiti-:.nr.ii i iK-.M. I'rnivi, nil iho l.r.-ii.I..m. ii, Pill-bm-h Ut tho i '..:. . "esifin ,,, T BvuiAVKl. won. i IMP OUT A XT I X r'OII.M ATI ON. I . .... ... .-.in ., r it miv n ,i i-,,..,i .... . cuts outer nt 1111 v tiin---Xn viiralinn Tiino unlimited lte iew at pli-i-uro lirailiiaies psis teil in nhtaiihii' shun linns: Tuition tor full Com mercial Curse, s ;:,,ihl Aveni-o time., Mn 12 weeks; It.iar I J-'.iiiper week j lalionore. i UU ; llutiro cost, $ii'l 1)0 lo fro in). jl:Kf Min Iskr.-' sons received nt half rice. I'or Curd, Cireidnr, sirciuien? nf llusiness ami iirniiuirutul wiiliinf i address iicluso thrco stumps, UuU r. v. .iKXKi.vs. I'itt.-ljur"!!, Pa. dec. 8, 1!?;,S. The "Great Republic" Monthly. To TllK 1' I II Lie, Till: HOOK A VI. CKIIIUIIICAI. Tll.lllU, AMI TIM: I'llLSS, ;rj- Imv.i tlio lemur to iiinioiinco tlmt wcslinll issue, 011 or nhnut thu first of Jiec-mlier next, so 11s to he 111 s-uson to (oiiitiinnd tlio onr ( Iy ntteiiiinii of the public nml tlio ,ei-io.li-al Innlo, the liivt nuinSer of a new ill.Htriilcil imi 'niiio. lo he culleil tho "(iroat Pepiihlii.." Month ly. It is intended In inako lliis ma-azino su perior in ev.-ry rep...f' to nnytliin t"ver heforo ifsiled in this ei.ouli'v. Tl,,. ,.,.,,,,,-..1 ,.r diameter can t.-.t be u.vl..st,i by its nuiii.. It "ill be iboruu-liiy Xatiomd in no iso section- id or seelariiiii, and wholly inipeisoniil. It will oiler to tho writers imd thinkers of this l.'uion a common Held, whero they c.in moot on tho highest ground of eontoinpuniry literature It jwill uini to ealhorubuur it every variety of intol- i loot Tho rnn-o of articles will bo a wide one oruiK', uinoiif oil,, r piunels, H.-savs, rkotchos llumeruiia Ti,U-, .Stories, Jlisioriciil Incidents lteview. Criibp es, l:i,-rapliics, Saonlilic Ar-! 1 tieles. Travels, Tab lo Talk, Urania 1. . 1. Incident, : sic, Correspondence, (iossip, etc., etc., etc 1 O'Uics, l ocals. i;a ails. Mall.as. S,,n,ll.fo Mx- 1 11,1 .1 I r.'l7 , ,,,, , I 1... .,-. .1 ,, j,l .. . I .1 : . I . , v l'"-. iiiuw.ira in ;tho lu.diest flylo ofw 1 ensravins. , Tho Literary departincnt will present g cater ' variety, eoniliined h ith more tliur.,uh excelleueo, f it Is oeliovel, tlinit ever pctoro olfe-ifd to the A - 1 mericiin public In a single porioilical. The fol j hoving authors and pnpulnr writers nro incliided iin tin) list nf enniribnlnrs ni..r,i,., I .. i Prentiss, Charles Swuin, Fitz"(freen HnKeek' ICIis.J. IiiL'cr.ell, Orcf-tes A. Urownson. (iou. !Ueo. P. Morris. Nathaniel Win. ?!.. f-l.. 1 '-'vj. 1 . ..i.'iii.-, nam in ci ieer nl, 11, ,n. L ins. ... ' ., ,, ', ,, . . n ' Albert V 1 " f KrlZi, Abbs Ailrlan nlet , II, n H T C to ,1 I T, U Ii ( j, ek I)i, vn - J ' T ilea Pev' 1 ,"u. waiK I'owniiig, ; j. 1. ilvnAW'y, i i " c"l"l'r"""ff longllst of writers, among ' ul u,usl T'l""- conn- 1 1-,,, 1, number .-ill ,.,. ,;..!.., ..t c music composed expressly for this work. Of the superior excellence, of tho .Magaxino in every respect, and of tho certainty of in perma nent susecss, very little more need he said. Tho terms mid general conditions of the Mag " " .,,',.': Tern, Thorn will h in vi.... , azine win no ns Iollows : i "'-ot 700 royal octavo pages ench. commoncine l" 7 .n"J J,..'-v', "'' ."!""". ' Ju I i ' "-'i'1''1 ' '"""ing six ntimners to: vnlmn'. and twelvo numbers to caeli yenr. I Subscriptions may commence at any time. Sin-! E'0 c"l"l" " rent; subseiption, ono copy ono I "'n uu i ,'1.111'". 'o copies ono J""1. ": ,','. three copie, ono year, i7 00 ; clubs, four copies ono year, $'J 00; chilis, tiro cop. , i,., m0 yenr, SIO U0 : and nil additional copies, over five, ,,t tho rate of 2 ml. if sc.! to il.o s itiio II. . IHO B.II1IU ililTerent post- ao p'lid in ml - ''""' Clui.s may l,o formed at dilT, oliices. All subscriptions must bo p. vnncc. rremiiiui suiisi-riptioiis entilling tho' subscriber for ono year, nnd to their choice of ..r ... .: I o'.n mo groin siciii ciigr.iving., onlit e. .. .. .... ' V 'V The Lusf. ,S',ipn;"anl "Tin- Ci', ,.f Melon Uie nlllietcd thev ran never forget, and nro. ir,;tt Kin',:," j-'ntr J);l!,irs. The enaving will bo sent a rollers by mail, prepaid. Agents nnd caiiva;.sers can mnko liberal and. satisfactory nrrangcincnts upon application, sta-', ting the territory required. All postmasters and ; clersgy-nen ar," nutln. lised to receivo sub.' vkiv neii i.e. niiin.ii.soii to receive nitiseription i " 11 " '"J"'' "' h."S - ........ .... ... u :-. 1 1 .1-1 , nn.. lit-,, uc 1 1 n per cent. ' will nol I 1 for their troubb. ti, r.-,io ,,r ,,. ,.;n ..... fc-ed three eonls for each number, t be puhl I " all cases nt the office wIito it is received. All .1 three cents for each number, to be paid i eoinin.iniciuions lo no cntulcd to answer, mint 'contain return stamps (subscribers must in all cases writo .Names, .own, Cinin y, and State in I j ui!, as legil.ly as pessible. J hero is liitle ri,k in senilmg inoncy by mail. Laren a,i,s sli.nil.l 'i I.. .... .1 i... .i..r. . ."- i.iiiiit.'i ,'v man, n .ossiiuo. or rec iste red 'e.o r. k.s.M I l ,1- ( II., Piiblirhe.- of lb,. "(Ir.nl ('...public" Muntlil 112 ainl 11 1, William Str-ct, ew York. The riuladclphia Eveiiing Uuretin, A N Independent DailvXewspaocr, dcyoted es A 1 iail'v lo tbe i.,l",'e,ts f Pn-vlvsm-!: iieeianv in mo lnieresis ot J'emiv ne t tai,,i.ig,,p.rno,tTelegraphioe,v:. Hxleon I hours in advance nf iho mor i'i.i..g pi.pcrs-ilrigi- al Foreign an 1 Dome-tic Cr respoiiJcnee, Fdi tonals on all subtcets. and full .,., u r ,n , '. s i,r i!,n ,t-,v 'i i, . i'. ,, . i .,- V, , ' . ,7" r V, V, ' 'Ula' ''. ' IU'1,U'1,- d.o Asa c , .,..,,.:.,,, , ".i ,e"" ' ?" !TI" ' " better paper in tho Stalo.tho circulation bci "i next to Iho larere.l in tbe ciiv. ., ' .' ' i iiio-t iutc.iig-..,t and influential r .1. . ., -,.,,i7.,:..- Tunits M.x dollars per year in advance. Cl'.MM I XUrf i, PIvACiiCIC, 1 ropnetors, .No. II.', Mm in priq.T, Slre.'t, Phibblphia. Tin. pim.Anr:LPiii satittiay i i i.ti:. xi:r, 4 handsome, well-fillcil, Family Weekly Xews paper is iiiblished by the p'ropriel ,rs at the following unpreco 'cntod low rates: 1 copy, ono year, Jt 00; 0 copies do. ti 00; 1.1 00 copies do. $10 00; 21 copies, do. $15(10; 30 copier, do. $20 00 ; 1110 copies, do. $50 00. Fi iithrii 1m lu ckmf.xts ! Tho largest club (over 100) will be sent for threo years. Tho next, largest club (over 100) will be sent for two years. Address C I'M MINOS rf; PFACOCK. Proprietors, Bulletin Building, No 112 South Third Street, Philadelphia. WINTER FHAWLP, ' WOOL, LONG SHAWLS, SIXOLE SHAWLS, R0UXD CORN-EKED SHAWLS, For solo by KRATZER'?. Uvfl-Tob Printing neatly executod here. , Scrofuto, or King's Evil, I" a i-nini,i,i,,nid iti, n,', n ! rrtit 'mn nf lliO i i,:. , i i,v vi.i. i. i,,. iin,. I i ti i m . ,,,,,i,,.i Mink, ami juioi. H-n i;i t la rin mutton, it H Hal s tlic hi'le IkuIv, and lnn Imi -t nut i i ... l . . i .... .. .....i in ill iae nn any p ut i.' it. No nii.'mi i fu-p li'i'in in iiit.ii K-, imr m time cue M l.n li it. mny lint dr.tioy. Thi' si r . t'n 1 taint is villi, in .ly cuiMil by hi t, 'ii i , I .1, -eiee, b.'.v liyiiie, ili unli li'il or ii,iliallby I, mil, impure fur, lull, and lilthy habit, tho depre1' in': vices, mul. uliove till, 1 y the viierei.l inlci imn, W Jm t -ever be itsoiiin, it ii her, dilary in tho cen titution, ,l( M i'iidin? " fi' iu 'M, hts to children unt'i the thiid and fnirtl. r'iiei .-. t i"a ;" it'decd, it i"iiii to bo the in. I cf lii,i Mho nivs, " I will vi .it tlie iiiiipiiticfi of tl.e latliiis upon their i l..hhe.i." Its cU'eots ciniim;'!ii'o by dei"sitiiin from tho blood i f corrupt or uleei.ms iiK.tier, which, ii the him; , liver, and int'Tmil nr'Miis, i:i termed t'llie.eles ; in the glands, Fwcilinns ; and on the sarliiee, ornptions or fores. This foul cor riiptiou, which (.'cndei-s in the bl ind, depresses the cncriiiM of life, so that ferofuloiis constitu tiniis not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, hut they havo far le-.i power to with-' stand thf attacks of other disease.,; ennfe ipien'.ly, Viet liuiiiber.') perish by itisorderH wh.lcli. iiHli ni;',h nut scrofulous ill their nature, aru Hill rend red fatal by this taint in the y li'in. Mo-t nf the cniisiiniptioii which de cimate; 111 " l.'.i::i:iii family lun it . origin directly In; .,.,.'i,,':. i; n , 1 1 , , i ,, .1 ;, , ,,,,,1 i, ' d,. ,U, ' . c d a . 5 nf tat liver, kidney, bruin', ,ul,. n.a.'e.l, ot 1:11 the oi'Sims, lirlso lloiil or , a; j i,;.:iav!. I by the tauK- ('.rise. U:' iU.'U!ir nf all cer p'i le me tirnfnloiis ; t mr tHr.-"li lire invaded ,v Ins leikiii!? in . . .... ... 1 lectin i, a at tlie.r le a!',b is lr.idi riniiii d l v it. 'I'o cii.i'ise it in m the sysfm ve n.i.st lei nvnto 1 tic blond by an n'.lci alive medici-'e, ai d in : vlgoi'ate it bv healthy f.md and e::vr:-ii e 'such a liivdicii-.e v.c supply in A YE I TS ('::iiii!o:'.!!(l Extract of Sarsapr,rilla;- the I:-., :! i i't-etu al rctn-'ly which the medicnl skill nf me- times c.i'i drv's f , r tliii every aOi- r-- pr viilii-' and f,;tal malr.dv. It is com 1 :' ',;'' tho mn.' t active remcjii;!. thr.t huvc 1 "-.-.i dl: covered for tho r.vpur;;;.ti;:ii nf this foul de.. r lev frf.;:i the Lined, mul the rescue of the rys-icm fmni its di-tnictiv..- touseiiucnecs. Iienee it I'.cnld l o iii) lnyed for the cure of not i.iily scrofula, but uls'o thnne 1 ther ail'ee tio.i.s which ari-e finm it, fuch as Kui'lTlTK' und Ssts 1isi:asi:i, Sr. Antiioxt'h Fun:,' lins;:, or Kut.siit.i.as, I'imtlis, l'lSTt'Llai, I'LOH'UI.s, lil.MXS Slid Jidll.s, Tl'MOlU), Tetti'.u and S.:.r K:mtm, Scii.ii Hi ad, Kinowoum, liu 1 TMA-nsM, SYPiiii.irieimd Mi.ucchial Dir. LAM S, Dimi-.T, Dvsl'l I-SIA, UlUlILITV, Mid, indeed, a 1.1. C.iMpr.At.NM aiusixo iiiom Viti. Tr.i) on Iui-i-r.E lii.'ioii. The jopiilnr belief hi " impurity of the u'.OMi" founded in truth, fur fevi fiila ia a (kgencrBticn of the blued. 'Hie' particuhu- purpose unci rirtue i f this San-ajuw rilla is to purify and roRviicriitc this vital Huid, without which snui.d l.caltli is impotfiUe in contaminiitcd cuiiL'.itutlnus. Ayer's Cathartic Pilk. . IWl ALL lilt I bi A tela lr A I AiiilLT IjitilU,, J nro ko compot d tlmt tisor.se within tlio rnnpo of- , unu tiviu:ii 1,111 iuii;iiiu vr t'in.o inoiit ' ,. . . 1 , . ' iiieir i.'ui irillim 1111 pel ties senrcll, 1.1, U I'leallSC,. mid iioioic en rv portion nf the hui.inn iirciin- i:n, (ornetin:; its tli.-cikcd nitiun, mid reblorin I'" '-c. lihy italitics. A a cem riiii ik c of these ! pi"l'eitie., Il.e inu.lid who is Lowed down with j P"''1 "r pkyiicid ill lility is Bitunished to tiud hi "." t n.crj.y if stcr'ed by 11 remedy nt once so biuii'lc mid ill vi t i 1 1 1-. .nt 01ib' they ci.re the cvevy-cby romiilnint ! V ,vcr-v '"'.'v' fc,lt m.ny formubiblc and 1 ' "'H"0"" "' 1 ' aR'J't Kotow riniicd is .1 1 . e 1 .- . . .. I I'lea.fd to furm.sh pratis my Aniensan Almaiuca ' 5"n,;!:'"8 f :rti!-au.s of Jh.ir cure, end directiw 1 " VS ''w fol "W,i"B '."'l'l?ii.U: IW.'w-. I W' v '"""' ''"''"''"'WJ' ?'" J'j1 Htwach, Annua, hiitqtrtian, I'aintnmiil Moifad j (irf,o ' the Uim-tli, FMn'mry, Lott oAmtf "'.. "im-aice, anu ou.cr Kiniircsi complaints. miiir.q from n low ct.-.tu of the bodr or ohstructioiv of its function!. Ayer's Clierry Pectoral, roil Ti:r. vmu cvur op Couxhsj t'oldf, InlSuciizn, Ionrscnct,s,- fv,.ii.. 1 1 1 1 1 ?.,..:.-......,., .. Croup, irroiit-.irtis, Incipicut tonwnnp, I tl0I!' '' tI:c r''I,t,f ul C'o.ismn ptf ve ! V.iUi0"ts ia ttdvtt,,cod fcttt f the msensic. m wide is the flcld of ill usefulness and so nil. n.erou. arc the c. crrv sctliun nf cn-iintm aluunds hi ncnans pub- , lirlv known, who bnvc been rehired from alanninK ' and wm desperate ,!i.r-.u;cs of the lung, by itd j ime. When once tried, in superiority over every ! oilier me.licine of its kind is too apparent to ecap ' observation, and wlirrc its virtues nro known, the ( -- - - ...v. .... ..... ni,r, , i pul'he no longer hesitate wluit antidote to employ 1 '"r ''1C dist.esing nud dangerous affections of tho I """) , n, ,ni,i me- mum-iu iu uui i-iiunir. "m ".'""I inferior remedies thrust upon tho coniiilllliilv havo failed nml henn .tiscniilcd. llii-i 1 . i," , . . : ; ,, ' "- has rcimind friends by every trial, conferred benefits dueed cures too nuuicrous and too remarkable to ! lc f"roUc"- mr.r RED BV kWlS, 9 . . illlJt & tOr LOWELL, MASS. NOI.l) HY C. I). Watson-, nnd M. A. Pit A-ir, ClearfluM' L. F. P.im.NSKii. Mnsrinlale. ('. 11. Fustkii, Piilip!liur'. , ''iinvciKi ille. . Liithersl,iir'. And all d: n.; ri -is. doc. 22, 1S53.J I . ACItES OP MYK TIMTM.-r, svn 1-IUUU m, i i .-r - . . n,. ti. i,.- the Mill day uf January, 18.i9.nt 2 o'clock, 1'. M., wiil ho Fold ut tho town of Hello finite, Centre Canty, Pa., all that valuable body of f.and, containing traits, each acres nnd l:: p..ieh.s, with Iho allowance, situate partly in ('.-litre coaly nud partly in Clearlield I,',' , ' ' ' !'- " , U V",''" "' U, mul LilUo ! ,I-1""" "--ok;., wit Inn live mile, of the West enmity, Pa., on tho waters of the big nnd Littlo , ,. , - . .- . : i Z VXSVj"?. i- , v.,-" " : .',. . I ,,,,,. Th0 ,,.. pHy is W(,n i,,,.,,', J(ot ! -."'. neing well set w.iu tlio Lest white pino j nn.i winio on:i liuuii-r, and wit un t hroo miles. --f" ''o Srent Si.., Shoo Coal Mines, at which Shoi B"roa,i !',n"in:,t"' nn'1 .TM V Tn'lercntraet. U " 11 Property well ealeulat'-.t to nt.r.,.-. tho attnn- uu" ul. "'".' 1 "K"" w'.".'n TI0W propeny will please call on Edward Berks of Clearfield enmity, or K, C. Burton or James G'dli land. Centre county, living near tho property, will show the same. !,. session will bo given on Iho fir. t of April, 1 .'..) title g i,id. For partlo ulars addrc, R. n. LONH, Tlll'STRI?. ); H, Hi'.-.'i,! Lancaster, Pa. I' ICI-:XI-: XOTK'!:.-Tho following na J mod persons have filed in the on.' of tin Clerk of tho Court of Q uarter Sessions of Clear field Coiiniy, thoir Petitions fir License at the January Session next, agreeably to Aot of As. sombly of March. 2s, ls.15, entitled "An Aot to regulate tho salo of Intoxicating Liquors, Ac W. W. Anderson, Ponn township, Tavern. H. Hays Morrow, Clearfield Borough, Tavern. Augustus Mulson, Covington townsitip.TaTern., Bauiuel Robinson, Boggs township. Tavern. Lyonel W. Weld, Lawrence township, Tavern.. A. L.Og.len, Lnwrenoe township, Tavern. James Bloom sen. Piko Towndiip Tarera Poter Bl.ioin, Jordan Township Tarem. John stiller Jr. Bog; township, T -vern. dec. 2il. 1S!. UliOlU.E WALTERS, Cl'k. Constablos IllaiJis for sala ut this Oco, i t,