ioi.i;r I nm i am Aim IV IU H. . I . ' n i.i i 1 1. 1. 1. i ii 1 1 . . . i 'li ni li Ml. I lit Ii If III I' I'I LI n I iiH . hi . 'IM-lH, I'i ill- I I'b is, 1 1 Inn I n Ii I V I I I - , . i i, ,1 I.,, i 1 1 ' I l . ii I M i ii. i I II di'l, .1.. 1 1 , llr . l.l.. ! I I M.d ll... I, W , " ill, .1. Jul '"' ""' l - . n IT . I fl I -ml i i 1 " 1 1. I'i in 1. 1 im-ii l ,.. ,.) i i. ', I ' II I M I I I- II CnitH i, H( . r Mni f. ltili eral Jail l'i.;i rr. nt :b t, " I I'nllll .1 II. II 1. ., In nil I f . IK.. Pmnify nl ( Imifl. I I, mi tlin Tltnl .1..-.7,., the 17''' "' .7 ' .Aim. i. . a, : K'1 ICE H, tin ri l..t", ln r. l t (iiw, t.i lhi Inrourr, Jiislioisif Hip IVncs, nml I'l.n-lnlili'., in nml Inr ful l rnuiiiy nl I Itmrlicbl, in appear in their proper p-' sons, with their Hulls, Record, lli.iii"i!i..i, F n t millions, nml other l(,'in,ui. brnncii, li iIiiiIimmi things villi li In il.-ir ollics, mill in Ihoir behalf, pertain to I.' done, mil Ju ror anil Wiiiiessc m le he thin mi l there attending, ami mil in dopirt without lime, nl their peril. UIVF.X under my hand nt firm field, this 22.1 ily of llccombcr, in 111 o year nl our l.oni, uin thousand eight hundred and lilty-iight, nml tho eighty f 1 t year of Aiiirriiiin luilopou- di Doi'. l'ltKHKHlrK !. MILI.liU, .li,.,iil. 1Y virtue r.f y.iinlry ri'.n nf Vi-inlilinna Kx- pwiiim i...iiii.f out of tli n ('mill nf I'.'iiiiin.ii I'Ii'mm nf Cli'iirtii'lil Ciuiiilv, mul to mt din-i'ti'il, will lie exHi'd to ) iibl i r'(tn U, nt tlii Court ll'.n-u in the homupli of Clciirfii'lil.on Moi.;i,v, tho ITtli 'ly of Jomiury. is.'ili, tlit ftdlowing dvA-rilx-d rt'nl ectntp, to wit : A rvrtnin trnrt of lnnd tllitnto in Dfcutiir town hip, I'lonrflold pounty, nml Kuril townnliip Ci-n. ! fro county, lirsinninR rt nhpiuluvk mplins i'ln.e lo white onk in tho line of ThuninK ' Mirvoy, tlu'iico hy lnnds of A. ios., north, lid do- : frrii (it, l.irt )in-lii'9 to a post liy n .-niiill run: i thonce toiith, 41) dpgrppg cint, I.W uri'hii to n ' poft in tho dividing lino in the trnets of Andrew Allison nml .John Lildcy ; tliiMire miulli, J(l do. ' rreM wpst, pen hc to a snmll lui i li on the : went hrnnch of the Jlusliiiinion i-renk : thi'iici i south, !-J de(?rei. w o.-t, 17 pcndie to plui'i' of! hPKinuiiij,' : pinitiiinini; 1 il'.l ucri'.". 71 pendnn I liuiug pnrt of Thuinim Kdmonimn nud.Ioliu Sildey aurveyn, on which there in u suw inill rrceted. 1 Seined, tuken in rxieiit!iin, nnd to he sold us the : properly of Oivinun Irish nnd In in 1'. Hinds. ; Aim certiiin trncl of lund, nituuli' in Hum- I ide towu.'hip, C'lenilii Id ronnty, eontiiiiiin one ! hundred nertu, hounded hy In'mln of (' f;oiu- l ukIi, . KowIck nnd others, with kg house I nd barn, nnd uhout SO acres cleared thereon ; u"d B.vouii),' nrrhnrd thereon. Seized, taken in execution nnd to he (old us tlio pron.'rtv ef John 1 Hyun. ' j Also rertuin nl of hind, idttmte in Cur- . wciuville, hounded by Killiert nrvel on the weft, 1 nn alley on foiilh Hiidensf, nnd (ieorge stret t on j iho north j huvins ereeled n dwelling hoime, tun j houe, nnd other uiitliouM'n thereon. Seir.ed, ta- j ken in exeeution, nnd to he sold hp the property of Pamuel b. 'J'nvlor. Almi a certain trnetof land situnto in Morris township, (.'leiirlield county, eoutiiiiiinp; III:! ncres, hounded ly ImnN of John IViee, 1- rank JuIiumhi nnd l'etcr llhuliurn, with ahout thirty acres ck-nred, with a houe nnd bum then on. " Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold as the proper ly of Henry tfmeul. Also a certain tract of land situate in Hell township, Clearfield county, ixljoin in 4.- I.uid.s ol (leddei 4 Mariih, A,L'ne. Miller, nnd otiiers ; con taining about lOM ucre?, with L'.'i m-r.' e'eared , - " . vA . iniuo aim 111 ni-1 sold a? tho property nf Jcsso Weaver. ! IL. li.. e -i. .? ... . . nis-u iniueoi a wrii 01 rien 1 iii'ias, tl; c following renl estate, In wit : ... , . iuo unuiviuea lourili part ol all that certain iucjsu,-e. lenemeui nun tract ol land si tun to on tho waters of Trout l!uu and Mushunnnn creek, in the townships of l!u-h and Heciitur. in the counties nf Centre and Clearfield, State of Tern, sylvauin, bounded and ilesci ibe.l as follows : lie ginning nt upon! near the Mo.-hain..n creek, thence south J degrees we-t, perches to hem lock, thence south, 63 degrees west, js perches, to pine, thence north, I j dep. w est, 27 perches white oak; theoro north, 21 degrees west, Jo parches to hemlock: tlnnee north, 8 degrees east, liO pen-lies to post ; thence north, 0 degrees east, 12 perches to pine stump; thence north, ;iij degree vent, 50 perches to hemlock ; Ih nice north 25 dogroes west, Sti perches to hemlock; thecco norttt Clij degrees west, 152 perches to post hy horulock; thence north, 07 degrees, 47 perchess topost by hemlock; thenco south, 46 degree west, 64 perches to hemlock stump; thonce south, 42 degrees cast, 14 perches to post , thence south, SK degree eatt, tiO perches to post; thence south, 60 degrees West, 22j perches lo po.-t; thenco poutn, 121 degrees enjd, 211 perches to n post thence south 81 4 degrees west, 211 pi tches to p.'Sl; thence north, 87J degrees west, M perches: to post; thence north, )2degicei we-t. '.i pen-lies to post; thenee south 4tJ degrees we-t, 721 perch es to post by white oak ; thence south, f,S degrees east, 272 perches to beech stump ; (hence north, 60 degrcos fast, 3iS perches to stones; thence JliJ east, 14 pnrelios M post ; thence north, ;',2 degrees acuUi, 'J4 perches la a laurel, on left or western bank cf Trout Hun; thence down said stream to its junction with Moshtinnon creek, and down east cr right bauk of same by tho cour ses ani distances thereof to southern line of John Harrison tract opposite tlio tea 11 of Oceolie henco 60 degrees cist alonj raid lino to plnej of beginning; conf. ng seventeen hundred nn five acres ar ..n--rr Also the defendant' interest, it le'. (, .i.o undivided fouitli part of the town ef Ocoulu, on Tyrone and Clearfield Kniliood, including within tr-wn plot eighty ucres and allowance. Seized taken in excutioi , nnd to be soldns tho property of J. J. I. ingle. Also nil tho defendants interest in a certain trnct or piece of land, situate in Pike township. Clearfield county, bounded by lands of unu Drinks' estate, lnnd of William Bennett nnd oth ers, containing about 75 acres, about 50 .icn-s cleared, and having a log house nnd other buil dings thereon. Seized, taken in execution, ami Vibe told as the property of Joseph Jleiinett. Also a certain tract of land, situate in Chest township, Clearfield county, containing 4 IS acres, bounded by lands of John MThcrrin, l;ubort MTberrin, A. M'Curvey, and other? with small house, burn, and about 20 aeros cleared ; being the wine bought by H. Michaels mid Hugh Leeds. Also l.'iO acres in Dell township, with house and burn, nnd SO acres cleared thereon ; adjoining lands of J. I,ee, l(. M l-'nddin, nnd es." tare of Thomas Wilson. Also a lot ol land in Xowburg, Chest township, fronting upon Main ptrcetjWitli a large frame store-house nnd dwelling house thereon. Also 3 lots of land in tho town of LuuiborvUlo ) loing tlio fame premises bought by H. Michael from Shoemaker. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as ttip propei t v of Hubert M'Aliciiael it Charles S. Worrell. Also a certain tract of land, cont lining sixty two acre, uiui bounded by Watts, lireeiiwoud, M'Crnekcn, Owens, and others, with lorty ucres cleared, nnd log house nnd barn thereon. Seized, taken in execution, nml to be sold ns the proper ty ol John M'Crnekcn. Also-a ccrtnin lot in Tiridgoport, hounded by Erie Turnpike, east ly mud to IVnnsvillo, south hyjoieph Spencer, west by rond leading to .Jamvs Sencer's, with a houso thereon. Seized, token in execution, and to ba sold as the proper ty of Isaac Chambers. Alto a certain tract of land, siluato iu Wood ward township, with saw-mill, dwelling house, .hJ It. .YinrA.m n I..,.. , . . ., ....... ...v.v.,.,, iiuvui icn ncres, moro or less ; bounded by lands of James M'Koe, John Woolf and others, formerly a part of the liobert M'GhM I i iv ooir tract. M'i7.ea, token in execution, and to bn .niH I . AlsoLa certain tract of land.Tit'nnlo In CbeJ e Ai-r. , . I S .township, hounded by Oedde. Marsh A John Iln.lnn nntnLilnA .1..., t ; -. .., . UI r;i"V.. VLlJlllni- -.' r"' ""',ut tr to U .old a. tb property of f. O. M'Master. 1 lso- cerUin lot of eround In th. b.,,.,,,,,,1, M Cnrwenville, on the east side of Thompson street, containing about CD foot on said street, and J-m feet to an alley ; hounded on the north , by -Vm. lrvio, south east hy an allev, and west ,hy Thompon street, with a two.tory house and table thoreon. Seuad, taken in execution, and ,to he sold a the rroperty of Joseph Pctor FI El.EItU K li. MILLER, Sheriff, .fhenff Office, Clearleld, Dec. 22, 1SS3. rwcvrrns ion Hun k (iiillini.N. JOHN' I A IS I IU , M. . M I . V.. I V ,i.i .1. ..I. .. ..,,., I Mil Ml I I III ) .. M--' I I i -. ....... '.., , ,".,,,, , yV. number of Venn Unit whi li we limn mul Hip l.i- 11 ciiiruiii'il In the r ii r I'liMiieM "inl eliiii ,11 tcr n nnr 1 lir, bolll f nf fHilily ,:! 1-1 iir is f.1 eellllltlv kllimil tlll'.illtflliillt tllM Ci.uiitiy, tout hi' think il uuiii'i e -ary to my 111 ni' lli'in II nl we inc imn npeui'il ur nss.iit ini'iit i l 1 1 Its Inr the 1 M.I, nml W IN 11.11 r,n - the larixt mi l must li'iiiililul thin nc have ever lirfnie nfferril In the p'l,lie. Our Kurs ham all been 1 111 pul led tiiii liii; the pt im nt M-aMin when Inney win feuree and tluin at the present tinie, nnd have been innun-I'ni-uui'ii by the most eoinpetei't workincu; wo are tlMii' nriiT" as 11 ill determined to uell them at mrli L'niaiiiiiii 10 ivo us ine renniattoii we 11:11 c liorno tor years, that i.-, to si ll a good llltiele for 11 verv S-mll I'mit. STOIIUKKMI'KIIS will do well to Rlvo us 11 mil. ns they will liiul the lnr','est nssortinenl hy fur to select from in Hie City, nnd lit nianulae. tiirern prices. JOHN IMIilKHA A CO. No. SIS Market street, above Sth, l'hilad'u. Sept 2wth, l!C'S. 4ms NEW GOODS ' O It f A I 1. A A' I) V I S T t: U. rpill' Smserihcr lias just received and openeii J. at his storeroo'ii 011 .Market St. directly oppo ...... 1 1. 1 o 1: .1 I 1 1 I I ... li .. 1 id stock of si:isiiaiii..' litmus. t,:..i. he will sell at a very .01c fiinu;: His stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Queeosware, Glass ware, Drugs, Oils. &c. iurlmlii n hntnfuther articles in his linen nmiiir lvliich can b finiml an ex tensiv ) nnd vari ed srlcc linn of . I II I .S dress oods : such ns '.''v. ;,-:, ,-i., D, ,,;,; v- o"i;7,-', tiM'i ".I', . 'inn, ,v, A!- n.'..v, li'itn-h Mt'rtit'i,, J'itiJ.-t, ti,,,l it fi-ll at .fiiinriit i,J ' O X X X ' T$ for tin- xrnmm, llif tj 1-NTI.11M I'N'S wear consists of a latre . assortment nf f'as-iiin rcs, ( Intiis, Satlitiells. Satin I I'fting. Tweeds, Hats nnd Caps, j AXJi AN KXTKSMVK Vlllti:TV of I! ( O T S A X D SHOE S I ''n'' J.ll lU.S, C,i nil!, ill, il UHtl CIlihlll H ; j with utmost every other article that may lie no. I cttFMiry Uj supply the ivnnts of the coinniuiiily. j The pressure of the mom y market having had j the I'tfeet of reducing ilie price of ninny articles ! , of nieri htindise. the undersigned has hern cna- bled to buy his !ni '. nt sin li ru es that lie can ' I cll goods ut prices to miU the times. And hav-; ing herctofiirc enib i',v..te. to . lease bis cu-tomcr-, : both In the uuulity of goods nnd the prices nt I which lie sold tlietn, he hopes to receive 11 ren ..,,. .1 .. .1...... , ...... in : r 1 . Idease c 'i. ' i.oocis. all iir.d eMiiuine his stock of ehenp- 'c 'Coumry i cl.migi' fur goo.i,-.. iuce of all kinds taken iu -x- irji. r. ikwlv. Cleat li Id ."o. H, 1..S. WATCH & JEWELRY T IIIK li,lilersigiied re-lie I fully inf.,' hi customers nml the public generally, that he lnisjiist relumed from the Ka-t, and t, and opened at his es'iililislniirnt in .S7.I II ',S' J,'fl II' Ch'artiel.1 1'a. 11 line stuck of WATCH ICS of d iffereut (11111I itis, and JKWKLRY nf cveiy variety, from a f'jll sett to a singe piece, w.i ieh he w ill sell at the most rea'onal le prices for CASH. AI.I, kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired nnd H'fii-ronic7. A continuance of patronage is solicited. N. v. loth, 15-1. H. F. XAI'CI.K, luJo. liiO.!. K IIATZFJi.S' are just opouiiii: a laro and well selected slock of fa-hionublo ironds. ulin-.i they will be aldo to sell at prices to suit 'he limes, as they have been bought at net cash pi ices. In addition to the usual variety nf sta ple article.--, particular ntletitinn is culled to th following new and desirable dress goods Lava-' dcroiimi piaid ynieniins, Poii do Che, re, U-1 '1.0 noil, 1 nn 1 asnniere, 1'encge, rersian Tn,-ll l.v..,.l, M....;., ,!....!.. ,0 .u 1, I v 111 n .'i.lll.lii, wtillinilil 1(11 II, J (Hill. iues, J 1 ucul si , Ilrothe, Kounii-corner cd and bong Shawls Also a largo lot u! I.ndies' Furs, Winlo I'.nuni-U, Iircss Trininiings, in. Urain taken in exchange for goods at cash pri ces. C. KHATZEU Ji SOXS. oct. 2.". '53. 4tpd. JOSHUAS. J0IINS0X, ctj. nAVIX(! fitted up n shop n fei of the "(ll.n Ji.i? Sioiii;," mi donrs cast ' Market St., desires to inform the community ut largo, that lie Keeps on Hand a variety of CAIIIXKT HOKK, at his shop, nnd that he manufactures to order, (of superior finish.) every description of house hold nnd kitchen furniture, nmong which are none ..mi inl ng iai.ios- .uiiiiognvnndCom. mon bure.nis-ioiunion nnd Fancy lJedstead -Stands, ales-.(.,,boar,ls Ndas, Lounges, te.,i which ho is dctcrnnnod to dispose of at as cheap rates, for ca.-h, ns they can bo purchased at nny i other cstablisbiucnt of the fort in the eounlv. ! IVsoiis wishing to buy fiiire are invited 'to come to bis shop nnd examine bis article, and judge lor Ibeinselvts of their ijiinlity and finish, ! nciore iiuretiasing clscwlierc, us he feels confi. dent that he can suit thcni in price nnd quality. X. H. Ho ii aiso prepared to make Con ixs to order on the shortest notice, and attend funerals with a hearse, when called upon. '1'-AU kinds of country produce n il' bo ro ceivod in payment for work, liov. 17, 1SJS. v. Cabinet, Chair Making:, AM) HOI'SK I A I X T I X (; . T 0I1X OULICII A DAXIKL liEXXER having husines. in the ..hove lino on "imrt iiidice und in a proper manner. They will also keep constantly on nniu ui moir siioji on .niirKcl St., nearly oppo oito the Jew storo, a largo assort incut of Miihogo sy and Cano Ilottom Chairs, and Cabinet nnro of every description which they will be found evo ready to dispose of on as reasonable terms a the VIZ 7 , Z'l !T !L' . . . .. . . "'""i lw SIS IH Illlll 01 ',TH'" " J. C"H',n" Bureaus, Sofas, SnwinK Z"Z'TA T.X' r.h Curd nnd Pier Tables, t ............ .,.,11,, iiicuKiasi, ven- any ' Mav 2'TTsSi 'V ' 1 04 jtf -Lpa X -i2r VLL p.rsons are hereby cautioned agnisla purchiusing or otherwise meddling witu yoke of black oxen in the pissession of Hugh Kiise, of llrady towns! -p, Clearfield County, a the same belong to me, tnd are in hi possession on loan only, nov. 3, l58.-3t. ViM. L. UOfiX. ' cottNi:tt sroiu 1 1 1iH I M tl I I:, A InriiO nMnilmrnt of XK.V (iOODS, Chi I Inn in ml nl Hin follow lin nni.. vl ,'. I 7 i h I...., i '...., i ... i'l'" 'I il I'i'-iiii I h ionics, ,...,.,- ,.,,.., S ,,.,, ', '... V ( here, l,li, ( 'llh, S.'h .1,-, ,1,-. (. 1,1,1 tH, lull m i'-ill 11117 ter stylts, llmitv niitilr rlntliinir. It. Kit i ,t Klinra. Hut tl l ap-, nl all kinds Spanish Safe Leather, ! Codee, Moliisses, nnd f'upir, i.t Wholesale A Ketail. , rt' Hides ,1 l''urs, Shindies, nnd (irain of nil ! kinds taken in exi'han(e for g . (h t. 1st, is:,s. WM. IK WIN'. GREAT REVIVAL Read ! Read? 4 M liti COM VKHTKD. The (rrcat revival has ilmie immense nod in almost every Slate, county nml town in the Cnlun, outside of I'lemliold. Therefore, in consideration of the tibove rtinior, Frank Short has taken the resnuii- , sihility upon himself to revive tho Hoot A Shoo business in ( leiirlield, ami set a (food example to his fellow men. Hit has to nnnounee to hi j old customers, nnd ns many new ones as inav In-1 I Vl,r himimh a call, that ho has on hand n hirj;ii . 1 assortment ol tine work and any amount of coarse 'I 11... 1 1 ..' ,'..:. 1 . . . mnu, umim miners iiiinie 10 oruer, linn 01 any 1 1 I-'"'"'" ? -t i 1 ly on hand. 1 I' lining lor sale, kit excepted. All work leav-1 11, ; ni.i . o,, ,1 hi iiioieo 1101 10 rip. i u.iioiners rip. tllitoiners coming o lou n will lind him at (lie shop for r- ly occn ied by It. U. Welsh, ilec'd ns 11 watch & clock e alilishii.ent, nearly opposite Heed and j Weaver's-.lore, lloll in boys and get new soles or your old ones repaired, as some ol them stand in great need of it. I l'ltAXK SHOUT. .lime HI). I'.l.iS. ,1in. ' T. S. The piulneiship horetofoiT existing be-1 day disssoved by 1 cot,s"i,t, ulid tho books, I " ' " "" ' 'U "Sl' "! J - 'V in nuts, mid nil effects, are now in the hands I cd l,il,' iif tin: Jjii'. r tlrice nut 1 h.sjirptia. 01 r. pi.ori inr settlement. 1 he liusiness will be earrii'ii 011 in niMtre ny r. Miort. Alas. ioor 10 rick ! JOIIX MeCAllK. (JKOKiiE XLWSO.V, I'litsr ni si:iti i:i! HOOTS & MIOKS ALWAYS OX HAND, joskpii goox, TIIANKl'l'li for past favors, and grateful for future prospect.-, d-sires to inform the citizens of this vicinity , mid his old friends nnd patrons in particular, that he has removed to the FIKST ItunM in (lie Fast end of T.r First '... ii-,-. nf tli' .V.'i.w'ioi where he has on hand constantly, a large n-sort ! incut of cveiy vaiii ty in tho j HI MIT AM) Ml I IK MM) C'tsTlllt vniKK ATTr.NI'll) TO WITH li I -A'l ' The very best of stuck will be use 1, amino pains spared to ninlte neat fil nnd durable work. All of n liii h can be obtained Ir.nn Ibe said Joseph (joon VFHY l.oW for the tiEAiir 11111x0. Clearfield, Aug. IS, IS'isl. HOME .UlAIX." I)Kl-:i) X V open A WFAYKH are now receiving nn lung n large and well selected Stock ol (.iuods, consisting of Dry C;o(iN, f Jrui'i rii". Hardware, Unit tin ware, Hmits and Slioi-s, Oils, I'aitits .i. lli iis. Hats ami ISounils, iiiU V .spikrs, Sait -AW l-'iHi. as Well ns every other nrticle usually required in tlio country, which they offer to the public on lis fair terms as can be had in the county. Cnll and sec the new, beautiful atiduscful. juno II, SOS. Iron Depot, Kept by Merrell & Carter ; ,j)t esi'ruiut elrert, 1 'icri , v.- , fl 7 . rmuf iSlnrl, ( nor field, 1 , TStheplnco where ull tho 'ollowing articles -1 can bo hud at reduced prices; iir e.. f n't ... ,U ... I... tl..' ... .-, , , '. .' , , '. t u'ttiHttti ; i wio'i i iw rure.'M sirrs una bea (jiHiUtij ; a UtTijC tt.s.wrtnieiit t f iV'oi , tuMniy vftieh Will ! fuitliii the X cm Win hi 'mil; (A.- J'reiiitinn, Wi eut J7i)nil,!ir, liuck'n Pat-: nil, and the eleviiled Minie.sotci. Afso, aj hirije (txnirlmeiit e,j mtw-jilntes and J'arlnr i Stores, nnd Air-t'mils of rariint.t PaHcTiit Aha, ''"",? nf the best and latest paterns. I A a, of thc'ir mm Mann factnr'uni a lurqr ns- sortment nf Tin-irare. Store- pipe, Slirtt-irnn j'uiis of till sizes, and till articles of the Hind at their line kept always on I, anil. House, spun- ' twtj done to order, and Tax liimjinf tlimc a it It de.yinlch. Aso, a laric assortment nf aI kinds of hniise-l.eeiiiif utensils ronstanllt on hand. CO ( A 77.' 1 .lAV.'f 'II AXIS are invited to call, n thev enn bo accommodated at very low res with anything in our line. All orders will bo tnn'nkfully received and promptly uttended to. OH MKHUK'T I," It'i' a'hTFk' ' X. B.-Tlioy will also receive every vnrietv of nticles en c 7 cission, nt low rules. M. Si C. Im K rtnnt to Ltinihcrnicn. i 'If IK r lisetilir-r taken this method itiloitni any ami nil tietsons wishing i 'locttre nn' c i ent for Clenrfield Coniity, tin I will furnish and pit in the said wheel. on tho shortest possidle nnliee,' ni.on nn' t,,'",1 ",! f "'".T J"wnf,'"l' throe miles south of Clearfield Lorotigh, or hv letter addressed to httn ut C leurfield 1'. O. JOHN A. KI-I-D. Litwrenco tp., Sept. 1, lsfiS. 3m. pd. ea.jiy lp2 xsrs A h" persona aro hereby rnnliond iir-ninst uying, or in any way meddling with tl.o following priperty, now in he possession of "'.I' "inK" riy. 0 r, ."-, um, si nos, one nun, one corner cuplioard, one cooking si ve, one bed and one lotof buokwheat, ns the same helm.; l n, ,,.l is oniy ion wiiu aiu u iris on lonti, ui ject to my order. Pedt. 22'li8. 6n.l) A. E. MILLER. 1HAXK ASSESSORS' NOTICE, in lcgnl form, for sale at the office of the Clearfield Kepuhlican. dec. I.ISjg. A LARGE quautity of Salt for Sale at LOW NUCEI5, at the store of W 'Jtf. F. IKWI', w D1111 Dim mm' Oiiiin:il in iMi vn TV or iiiK 1 1I l l a iui il. ii nl i Mnl liu .'Unni e, mid n 11 n li ' h I'll" lii'l i t I'l i n mli"llii I. 'I II? ili-pi.".l 1 f l y Hip pint t a Iim tim h the lirnlitijr mt Hniiip mnititniii nlnl c'pi'i lallv the nld u linnl I'll ti''inii - llmt lite liven in 'he I'l'.i il, and then lore all ilienn oriulimie In It - but inod 'rn neii'iiee avers llmt allun'iits have their nl intuition in both the solid' and fluids ol the 'I'd nl the hitler pii'p.'ii.h'iule, In. never, Is a fuel lin t, nml 1111 'In 11! -kill has clenilv di'iiiiuisliiiled (lull , nt Ii 11 -II it ii third of the Ills thai liuinan flesh is ' lieir to, Inn 1 their source In nn Impure Mnfc of thv Klood! As, for Instance, In the limit cainliipn.i, such as .Scrot'ulalVlIcr, "llarhcr's Itch," rimplos, IJIotchcs, Krysipolas, Ul cers, hlalt-Hlieuiii, Discharges Iroin the Kar, Fever sores, or ir ruptivc Diseases of any kind. These are ascertained by well kuoivn medical 1 lie that he has taken the above stand, in tho bur la ws lo arise from bad blood whilo tho tiiirhcHt nuirh of Clearfield, and is ureiuu'cd to neeoinino- niedicnl uutlioritici declare that most fevers ori- Kiimte i n the same uiiuner, and inure particular- , ly Typhoid nnd Scnrlct the former lieiiig nn in- ternal, nnd the latter nil external irruptivo din- ourse : nnd ill till imumis nttai led bv these ma- ladies the blood is found to ho coagulated, or of 11 dark iinlicalthv enlur, To ward oil a larjto inajorily of diseases, ns well us to euro a number which huvo already sei zed upon the system, IT IS XEVKSSMiY TO I'UIMTV TIIII ULOOD- 1 .1 N if l-:v's I It I'ltnv Kli I'.l.oiili SkaIM'HKR ImiKS vnrl'i iu t,i m.- . . 1 mv,'l','lll I'unaeea lor every disease known, but ,''0 l""',l,rio,,,r" 'llliui '"r a wer not only of Draillillr (Hit All 1 111 Mint ic'S of tile 0 1 JJ(()(, ' lint ny ine sKiltui I'oniiiinatioii 01 well Known ,y -2 liSU 1222E2S ,,,.. ,lie , ifiee 1'i'iieieni rnne unit enor I In ,,- iS'.itoci, That the Wood-Searcher is all that is claimed 1 for it. tho Proprietors can produce ! THE rilOOF: 1 It is only a few years since it was discovered, nnd yet it has grown into such u business that a large Laboratory has been built expressly for its niiiiiiilacliire 11 largo number of men employed in putting it up, ami still The Supply docs not Mqiiiil the Demand! 1 We nk nny candid man could Ibis be so, if the .Meiliciio' did not pofsc-s all the virtues churned for il f The Proprietors have hundreds of certificates In. 111 men ol probity and standing in the . immu nity, show in- what the medicine is doin daiiy fur the .- ull en nr. ASK ANY J'EliSuS Wlio lias ever used the IJlood Searcher I 117 "7.,;- A',-,', ((. .'.'. 'ri, 11, ,. Let the nlili.'ti'd ciie it n trial single bottle will convince the most skeptical of its ct!ieai-y. Hit. .1. M. I.intisrr : ltear Sir I take plea sure iu a. -know lodging the (.lent In in-lit our I niproi cd lllood Seai'-ocr has been to my son. lie has been afflicted with w hat physicians cnilcd n si minimi" disease nf the nhsobing glands ,,f the r toiinicli. He has been iilllielcl with ( 1 1 i 1- disease fri'in inluti.-y. He is now fif teen j ears of 11 i-; during all this time he has bad several severe attacks, nnd nil the food ta ken into the stomach imparted little strength to the system. 1 had several eminent phy sicians attoud ing him, but I found very little ndvnn tage, us the disease still returned with till its aw. lul eoriseiUenccs. 1 Iu April I S .1 7 . he had a violent ntt.u k, so much so, that all who saw him supposed he was in the Inst stage of Consumption, i was advised to try your ljhid Searcher; 1 accordingly procured one bottle of it , und by the time he had used it ho appeared restorer'! to perfect health. It is now one year sine e he used j our invalua ble I!lo. id Scarclii r, 11 11 1 I am perfectly snli.-li-cd it has saved him from an untimely grave. 1 now uiihe-itaiingli'reconiuicnil it to ull who may be si-iilurly allUdd, nnd deem it no more than justice to bear this public testimony to its vir tues. lU'.pcutfullv yours, Ar. JAMF.S F. IiEVM.V, Poinroy Station. A. P. II. Itond. .n r. j lev 1 1 II Is Well k li own tu the cit i en s . 1 In- diaua mid Wcstiuoieluud . COUUtlLS. July fi, l.iis. l-'OH Hl,i: MV C. I). WATSOX, Clearfield. JAMFS II. lilt A II AM, (iralnlmpton. 1 JOHN PATTdX. Curwensville. K. F. lllttXNI.Il. Morrisdale. .10H.X IIISSFI.L, I'cnnsvillc. H. 11. MdHIlK, Lutbersburg. :. M. (I. STII1K. New M'llport. CHAItl.FS It. FOSTFH, ri,ili,sburg. II. SWAX. Ansi.nville. HI SSFI.I. McVl KltAV, New Washington. KDWAItl) WJhl.IA.MS, AVilliamsvillo. JACKSON PATCH FX, linrnside. SAMI KL H.(;EltTV, (ilenhope. aug. Jl, 1S0S Cm. GItKAT JJISCOVEKY OF THE AUE, Important to TOBACCO CHEWERS. I'K. (il'STAV I.INNAKI' S TASTE ni:sTni:ATIYE TllOVIlES. The Great SHl.stilittr or Ttlmrea. H is i well known nnd in ontrovertiblo fact thnt the use of Tobacco is the promoting eaii-e of ninny of the most severe MF.XTAh AXi PHYS ICAL HISOKIiFltS to which the nice of mnn is subject, ns curt u I nnalysis nnd long nnd painful experience have clearly proven that it contains certain narcotic and poisonous properties most dangerous in their edict, which by entering into the blood deranges the functions nnd operations of the heart, cnu.-iug many to suppose flint organ to be seriously diseased. TOBACCO nflects also the rntirc nervons svs- .' " I . 1 "i'd 1 n ' 1 . L' 1 f 1" " h7 ""J many other ilisnr.lers ,,f a similar ch.raM'r. j.. in.-in ncsiuu.iin u i KU( it r., are designed to counteract these baneful influrnrcs, nnd havo proved completely uccessful in a mul titude ofcuse. and wherever used. Itcing harm less in theiuselve they exert a beneficial effect upon tho entire system, restoring the Taste which Ins become vitiated or destroyed by grent indul- " . ..r nimmug me irruanon and "'".""'l'""-'": nekiing sensation of the Tliruag ''"re.,!'!""' e"n upon tho abst.aii.iny " . K . . . " . , ct,n.c. irreiriei umy underin ining .l " .."" '" snortening their liv should use thee Troches immediately and ibr,,- off the injurious and unpleasant habit of Tobao co chewing, 1 hese Troche or Lmenge ar put up in a convenient and ponnble for u at the low price of ii" cents per box. A liberai discount to the i,.i le. Prcpined solely hy the unilersigned to no in all orders should be nildrc-seil. MM ES E. DOWERS. I)rut'Uit. Cor. 2d and Race slieets. I'tnla. April 1(1, 1KS. y. -Job Triiiting neutly executed htre. nor i:t,, No 1 IT A 110 Jn. l!.tnvi Airh. jut rn it imri" v k m, iiurm tit,, ii. s m. rif. in M. IIMPM til,.! (I.. "'" ( 1 1 !' hi" "' I li " lids ind Hie iil li ninlli . llmt Is b lii-l III: HI I M il lbs aline "ll knnan ll .nl, and te (liiid II in a "tile iiMnl l In the Hue, and the nnntaid the timelling piil'lic Mr II. has hud a Imue atpetieiier la li"t I kep tlitf, lie bus no hi lliili.'ll tu snlinK llmt hi" jiim-Is Will And hl biuise a 'lniint and dcMinl.le "top pinil place. CI the cli'tible l.ii nli.'ti nf this Unlet f..r per sons viiliiif the City, either nn f.v n i-.i:.m .:. it is deellied nll' iretber lllinecos IV to Spink, IIS 110 Hotel III I'llilllilelphill is better Mm" II tlllltl the "((. l.,iinf I . 1 mm." Ill' l'i'e lltlellti'HI to the W II II t nf II i s cn-lntli crt Mr. II. Iinpes In deserve n share nf public patronage. N. II. His terms per day tins been fixed at 111 low rate of f 1.2 1. Sept 22nd. IS.'iS. 1 yr. M ANSION IIOI SI , ! A t: w aukasukmest. I j no suiiscHiior respecnuuy anin'iinies 10 ine puo- dato nil who may rivo him a tall. Tho public inav rest assured that il will ho cumin. 'led in the best manner possible. His table Hill bo supplied with the be 1 1 the market atlcrds. His llur tilled , wild the ehnicesl biainls of wines and linn.. is. ami j his stables will hu under the care ol ntteiitive nnd earetul ostlers. Feb. 11, 18.ri7.-y. HAMEi M. wi;avi;u. ATATIONAI. i:CIIACi: IIOTI'.I.. 1 The subsei iber hav ing taken the above well known stand, lorinei ly ki pt by ll'ui. A. .ilason. in Curw ensville. I'll., is ready to accommodate all 11 ho may favor hiin wiln their palronage. His tulle will always be supplied with tho best the illicit nlt'ord", and hi- liar with the clinicos liipiors, His stable will be under the care of a tentivc hostlers. HAVlli SMITH. Curwensville, April 21. ISaS. I1,E MING HOTEL : 1 1 iint KIll.V ', KNOWN' as Till'. (Joi li Intkm,) Cl KWLNSYII.U-:, CnirlieJ f'liuiili. t'ei, o.w, -until. The subsei iber begs leave to inform bis old ' istomers, am I the publii g,'iiei-.,llv that he bus recently taken tin- il.ove well known stand, and that he has inliiely refilled nxl i-.-l'urnislied il iu a style adapted to the age, nnd the wuuts of the entire traveling comiiiuiiiiv. HIS TABLE will nlwnys be pr nided with creiy luxury the mui ketf and sui 1 -minding euiintrv w ill ull u d. HIS EAR ' will be supplied with tlio choicest u iues and Ii miors. HIS STABLES. which lire the bet and most commodious on the road within 11 day's travel, will nlivny. . j charge of careful nnd attentive In. ilcr.. In .-hurt Fury d. pailmeiit oT hi.- F.-tal.!isl m.-nt wiil I." supplied with all the comforts nml couvciiicu eics the weary traveller could d.'-ire. jniie 2. W M. A. M A:-'.!.'. NATIONAL HOTEL (I, ATF. Wllil'K SWAN'., Race st. above Third, Ihila. 'I'llF proprietor "i lb,, above X talilishineiii loin; ihanUoi ."!l kn f"i 1 1 llieni I rv liln-ial 1 iitr.-iag I.CStiiV, "i Up-ill tl.e pat r f 1 n ml -d to ;,,'. year, take this im t hod and the public that the coininuil.ite tin-in if Im f ml. , me 'till piej red wiln 11 ru Mining the suinuicr month- the In In." be, thoroughly renoi ated. in. pint in: oilier cxicn-itc alterati m- in eoiiicu,p!a' We aie il.-t, riiiined to devot- v hub alt" tmn to business und duller -.iirseUes v illi ilie ci.iivii-tinn thnt we shall be able lo y in- tac linn. MliKS A- sinvi-!:. N. II. Carriages nill nin.iv be iu rea-iii ess to convey to 111 d In in Miiinib'.at Land ings and luiilroad Hepots. S. A S. .March 81st. ISjs.y, SUSaUEHANNA HOUSE. Curwensville. Periia. ri'ne subsei iber, formerly of lb- i; " b.-iiige II.. X t''l. l'hiJip-lnirg. having taken th? aboit new stand situate mi the bank of the 1 iv. r. in t':e lower end of Curivei -i ill, , n,.i.M nnm.1 -ice that he is now ready lor tin- ncc..ic.iii.iali.,ii .1' -'ran gers nnd all oiherswi o may tai. i h:m will, a call. The house is large ami orlal.lo. mid travelers will find eicrv coin , niei. e 11 -.-(-,.- -are to their ci.tuf preini.-s. rt. As iple .-tal.iii .- allaclie l to the KAYIH .I0IINSON. Fchn.arv 1(1 !;.. CLL AIM' I i;ld C'OKMJl OK I'i its I' VM) makm;t !TKi;rrs. Till: und rsigiied resiieetfullv informs his friends nnd the tiavcling public iu general he bus taken the nhove RiliMKKLY K.'( N AS Till: HKMr II ILL IK if KL, The Ifiu sK ha lieen reeently refilled im 1'toved, and newly furnished ; EXTENSIVE STABLING HAS np.r.N COMl'l.FTni : AMI 11 K IS l'IM PMtUll Hi Ai l 111! Meli.n 1' All who t'iriv give him a call, in the most .'-a.-ili;' and ngivealiie liianner. Kith arrj thin; to render his ku.,e a di sir. ,. .'1,,ij, noi ),,tre, will be snpi'licd with an assortment of choice li quors; uud ho will endeavor to entertain his guests in a manner that rai.uot fail to give tho I I -LLI-M SATM ACHOX. The house is ntunted in a iileiinnt nnd "r attention ill l,e s,mred to nmke it one " 1 '" ""' i resj.eetfnll v M.ltetted. r... i j.,., i ,M i ne lou n, unit no exneti'-e Clenrfield, ang. IS, U 5b- ... . . . o iuuanun , lv. CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. THE above Hotel, bnvir.g recently been fitted up for a houe of entertainment, is now open for (be accommodation of the public. Travelers will find this a convenient house. May 111, IMAM, j()IIX JORDAN. AMBROTYi i.S For 50 cis ! 'IMIK uuder.igned Would respoctfjlly inform tne . VI I- and Ul:s TI.r.M l: of Clenrfield and vicinity, that he has fitted UU ItiMinih in Hum' New Hour where he will rciuaiuii fur a dnit i,i. All win. would desire a lifelike likcne-. ol the latest and impn red lyle will please call. You that have beauty should lo Hnll take it Yon that have nune, should go let hitn m ike it ! Sept. Wth, '. M. HALL A V,) I 10111 Dr. .IntncH M. ,?ni k , n. S V inllK It Nil IMIhVAht V, ronM-.H.,!' f .f U p.. rij.),, ' ibe sbi'is I ntitnii..ii, ns I l,i,.f -,i,i,i,n " ,a,hc,,.. Z IMilinonmy f unuii,piin and Its kln lrsd di-. a-c, .,r,.IP. n,y ' ru nlb d i''pi.rlnilips and ali sntag;es ,,f Invlcnl re-i-nn h aided tin) a little h; a L,1, VSIelll nf MEEICAL INHALATION- hni fiiabled me to arrira at a derl.lve' itfrt successful coin so of Irinlim-nt for lh n,, tiv and radical euro of all diseases nf th '" TIlltOAT, I.L'MJS AND Ain-PASSUif.s, llv inhalation the curntive pmpertlcs nfai.J cines are directly addressed lo ,o diseased nli gan and the Integument, I do not adritu p-, uso ol Medical lobulation o any kind, lo the (l elusion ..f (IKXKI1AI. Ti.rATMKM?; and although T consider it a useful adjuvant in the prop,,. ,, ngeinent of those fcnrfnl and often fatal diseuin,. yet I deem it very necessary that each mim. should havo the benefit ot both nitxrnAl. and la eat treatment, xne succt'sa of my treatment l ithonbovo discuses, and tho high character of jtho Institution over which I have so long hj. J the honor to preside, are ton well known to nsej! , nny eulogy or comment from mo. At the olici. Itntion of many private and professional friendi! through whose philanthropic aid the above elir. i ity has been long and liberally upHrtod, and tl. : ter duo consideration, I huvo concluded to makr i such arrangement ns wi.l bring the benefit of my experience and treatment within the reach of Jail, nnd not coiilino my,if us heretofore, to- those only who entered the Infirmary, or who were nldu lo visit 1110 at my efiice. Hoping, therefore, tiint lliu arrangement will gia tuir ,. tisliictinii, both In my prof essiouu! aretlire iind tho public, I would resH'ctfull nnnouuee ia conclusion. 1 1;I c'11 noir W r,ntith-tl icrtonnf. In or l,i Inter, on all ui eases ns nliovc.anil that th inedicin,-.-, the same us used .'" the Institution, are prepared lo suit cai-h individual case, Inhaling Vapors, Medical INHALERS, Ac ( p., w ill be ferunrded by express to any pin t of tho I nitid Slates or the Ciinadus. T E li M S : Mv It'itns of treatment ley letter are as loilow. viz: -l- jnr month for ouch -tietit, wliieli ivill itielnile uu liciti e kuIR. 'it'll 1 inl nne month's tise ; ulso itiliuling ViiMir, ami tin I nnulinf: Af jni-ut tie. Pay. incut sis, follows: Slito lie nuiil to E.ires Agent on the leceiid nf Ilie lo. of Modi rine, ami the ).a!aneeSii nt tin; p.xiii ration, of I he inotith. if 1 he luitipiit he cured orb ciitire! sn'.islleil with Ilie treatment. Pa tients, l,y givin..' a full history of their ra-". an, 1 their synijitoins in full, can lie treated !t well l,y letter Its hy et'.-onnl ex atiiinatinti. 1'atieMls iivailin; themselves, nl Ir. .I.ii t'-tl's u e.itnienl may rely m iiu inediate nnil )n rnianent he seldmu ha-- to 1 1 nut a i ;:.-e over thirty days. Lct lei I'm- advice j ii .111 j t ly answeteil. For furl her i.artiiiilni - u-ldress ' .IAMKS M. .lAh'IiETT. M. D. . ". S-il (.-,..,,.. ,;,r. TieelUk St.. X. V. I'. S. Physician and thers visiting the rity ure re.-peeiliii y invited to call at the lntirinary, w h. re many in'.-t e-i 1 ng rases can be w itnessed, and where our ... or. . Ajijiurnint f,,r the inhs latioii of niediiat' d iaii .,1 can be seen and inspect ed. STOVES. STOVEs! INDUSTRIAL STOVE WORKS. No. 33. North Second Street Opposi e Clu Ut Chiirrli. Pliiladilpliia. Tim sub. -ribcr re-pct fully informs his friemli und tin.' public geneially. that he has taken tin St .r... ut No..:::, .Wiil II ST11LET, win re lie "ill l.e pleased to sec his old enstom crs and IVi.-mU. lie has i.'.iv -m hand a splendid assortment of Tailor. Hall, Office. Store and Cooking VES 5 of tl;. sale ii No latest ami most approvp-i kind, nt whole-'-I r.-tail. ' W.M. C. XKMAX, North Second Street, I'liiladelphia. 1 V .. . . ... . .- .... i i pi, 1 1 o-oiar aiieiiii-.n I nil lien 14 !li:i; s I'ATKNT C S Ill'UNINi; WARM- M vr- I Mi i i-.i i in ii i.mi iui t, to t'r- .itin-es. S I -ires. Il.iii. Cars, Ac., which for my, p .ity ofair, and ease of luanageineDt lor-, i in' has li !' bin .1 s I o e.Ulil. , C a-tin . W. (' V for nil kinds of Sf.'Ves, ih 22, 1;.' ORniW S CTil'RT S.VLE VUXAIJU; lot of LANDS. JY virtue of an order of the Orphan' Court ) id I'icarf.el l cunty, there will be exposed to mi'-', by outcry, on Mm. I,,;. tl.,- I V, ,,,,, ,,f Xoeetrdirr. 1",$. nt 2 o'clock, p. in., at the rnurt house in th borough i f, all that Certain piece or parcel of Land. Situate in Morri town -hip Clearfield county, tnining about IK Aires, beiu part of survey wurianied iu name of llyman liratz, and being f'e Northeast corner of said survey, knoai in the partition of estato of James ceaed, ns purpart N'o. 7. This land is desir ylb located for farming purposes, and ia toler ubly well timbered- TFKMS. Ono linlf rash at confirmation, tnd the balance in one yeai,tobe secured byjudg nunt. MATILDA ALLPOIiT. tVt. 12, LT.s, Exccttrir. A HOMESTEAD FOR $10! VFF.W MORK OF THOSE HFSinAIILE FAKMS nnd liuilding l,ot, in the liold K gi..i and other portions of Virginia, ind to be 'livided ntimng-t the subscribers for the benefit f the new town of KaI'Paiusnui k. SuhscriplivB iixt v irs Poii.aik r-a:ne half down, the reft on the delivery of the 1'Ki.n. Every subscriber will get a liuilding Lot or a Farm, ranging is value from $lil to $ ::tl.(iil. These Farms tad Lots are o M so cheap to induce settlement, sufficient nii'iiber being reserved, the increase il (lie value nf which will compensate for the appa rent low price now asked. One acre lots in tuna will be oivrn to inilustriouc mechanic who will build upon tlicm. A company of settler called "Th Rappaiia-noi-h FniNhi a AssociATinn, is now huildinft.snd will coininenre thc'.r settlement in the spring. Ample socurily w ill be given for the faithful per formance of contract and promise. Mr .M iik Aufnt ARt WANTi:n to obuis subscribers, to whom tbt most liberal :nduc iiient will be given. Some Agents write tht they are making fJOO per month. Fur full pr ticular. Suhs riptions, Agencii. if., applv W E. IlAt HER. Port Loyal, Caroline Co., V. liov. IS, ls.'iS. DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP 'PlIE rartnership herstofore existing tutweea L rr. Lo-ain and Iir. Hnrtswick in the prac tice o Medicine is this day dissolved hy mutant roiiiicnt. All pcrsous having accounts with th firm wiM pleas. nil' and settie immediately, and if they cannot pay. give their note. The booki will remain at their old office, where Ir. Harts wick can be found at all lime, either to settieot n lieu u io pruiesMonai calls. IIEXRV LORAIN Oct. I8:h, 1S58. J. (I HARTSWKK II KAYYand IiRBSS 0VER-COATS ellin very cbip at KRATZERf.