M s, y iiii m i. Mmivn - V n. cling to pMi iiii-"i ' ii'iinio iln i Tom lii'M A fi iihmI s i.'iv, Wiii lii'Min iln ' II ,,,.,' on " 1 m I . v i i ni in; of I Ins wci k tm w o iiri highly ;tiill to !; able to dnto 111 '' mdii " ' "'i-1 ii'H'i'i fable in It . I . - . I mini!' 1 M ! ii win M' i namcier ; nun con- lidi'm''!'' interest wn iimnifi tod ly those j,neiit for tint siioees of tin? 'ntfi-pi i. The iiioctinjt was uMy ihIiIiosmI Ly Hun. Jin. Itiunside, linn, ii'n. K. l'.arrott and others. Their rcmai kn were )irn('liciil ami tothfi nri,oci,1 nml wo ravnc'istly hope vill Icid tlico who In'iinl thfin to n lKcl lliiit, w l,r,, u who rat, t lint hh we .alwniust olitiiin tlm w hcrcw ithul to satis fy tin) (rivinjjKof huiifior from sonio souivo or anotlicr, that it would lio mucli inoro to our n'lviiiiliii! a" u couiimiiiity, to iai.-o it ourselves i.KL'M.t of aniiiially nemiing i,t. tniii'ii one and tw o hndiod thousand dol- law to "Kjrypt for Corn," to si.v notliing0'' otir whiskty, ot The proceedings m mn wo .resumo will . be furnished lor our next paper, the Soci. .. ,. i, .., tv liavir-U t'i'eii Hilly oriianizei: and u lull board of officers chosen for tho ensiieing ycar. MiccessK.uie great cause oi .ign- culture! "I'is that ulono that can co rtain- Success to the great cuuso of Agri- lv bless a land with plenty, and make its j - inhabitants contented and happy. A SnohvOhi.. hieof theso rare and insular birds, which has been mudo the subject of an article and an illustration in the patent ollico reports, was shot by a cit ii.cn of Lawrence township, Mr. Win. 1'. Reed, a few weeks ago, on a tree near his barn. This owl was snowy w hite everywhere' except tho back which was beautifully flecked or mottled with brown. The legs and feet being covered with feathers to the ends of the toes. It measured live feet across tho winf s from tip to tip, two ket from bill to tail, and wcidied four and a half pounds. ! This species of the owl is said to bn mi- grutory, and is seldom found in this State.' It bunts in daylight as well as at night.- This one was killed in day-time Coi rt is now in session, Judge Hum- .!de. ami his nssociatesbein.' here. Court: called at 10 A. M. on Monday. A (pioi rum of thif (.ir iiitl jury iut being in atten dance, the court took a ivccss, until the af ternoon, when it again convened. The Grand jury then after being sworn and charged by the com t entered upon their labors. Some causes upon the argument list were disposed of, after which court; adjourned until next day. Since then! business !'ns been progressing steadily. cold and The AVeatiieii is once more winter-like, and is marked by ch ar lold 1 and frosty moonlight nights. (Jlorious times for sleighing, if we only had tho mow. UcoiisioiKiuy wo lien 1110 iami (in kle of the bolls amid the noise and bum. pings of tho sleigh, but it is suggestive of rough-riding and bad sleighing. Finance axu Trade. Ctrurji ll, J,w. 1SV.I In stocks and bonds, not much h:ish?cn doing this week, notwithstanding the number of people attending court. Mon ey is scarco and in demand, tho transac- tions are light, and the prices rate higher At least so we would infer from the relue- veyed at once up into the very heart of . ... i-.i ,1 :,i,,, i Taitary anil the in the interior of the Mus- tance with which holders arc induced to . ' . .. eovite empire. 1 lie unexpected supplies part with the "ready." j ,.lve ,m ntnnishing etlect on the late . , .' fair at Norovgorod, to w hich empoi iuni Among tho many mu dicmes oflered t10 (.Vntral A-i.iti,-resort f,,r tie-purchase to the public' Di Y.m.:s (iAi.vAXic (Mi. is of that merchandise, the value of which turpitssin" all in amuiint of sales. A great- has fallen thirty percent., owing to the crniimh,T of dozen of this medicine have "nv sources of sugar importation: and ev , ,, , , . cry other commodity will shortly lie sum- been sold than any other preparatmn- ..,,,,1 ,,v w',.lt m,.st be a perfect nd why! lVeauso it is a good article and revolution on tho borderland of China, is in demand, have. it. Tho sufferer will always j ! A B.'.ld K.iiii.E Frozen to the Ice. Tie other day n, largo bald eagle caught a wild duck in the Susquehanna opposite IH111- million, near Ilarrisburgli, 1 .1., carried it j to a cake of ieo which had lodged on a ; rock, and commenced Lis feast. During: the operation, it is supposed that, being frozen fast to the ice, and unable to extri cate hiir.self, perished- Ho was seen flap ping hU wings until dank. Thero was a desire to capture the great "American," b'lt he could not be approached on ac count of tho great of tiie great mass of floating ice bet .veeli and the shore, MARRIED. On Monday the 27th I'ec lSoS in Kar thain tp. by I!. I). Hall Ksip Mr. John Michaels Jr. to Miss Mary McCiarvy. On Thursday the Glh inst. nt tho resi dencaof tho bride's father in Bnrreo tp. Huntingdon County, by Rev. It. E. Curran c Jt Mr. JJenry Milson of West tp. same conr- v, to Miss Susanna Jane McCrum. On the !Uh Jan. 1S.P,9 by the R.-v. Thos. Barnhiu t, Martin 0. Stirk of New Millport nd Miss Mary Ellen daughter of Dr. J. P. Hoyt of Ferguson tp. Clearfield Co. Tti. On tho l.ltli Jan. by tho name Mr. Geo. V. Goarhartof lhitdsord tp. and Miss El In. r i ii c ii-... r ill !,. nf "-.i.ii.. iiauiiuier oi in. iuc in is,i. u. , - ., . , mm i i 'in lieu of Htrnps across the inslep, ench wwrenca tp. ! slgtc is r,roviloil with iVpatcnt-leitlhor boot. Acoompnnying the above was ft profit- These nro (irmly attached by a strip of pla-ionof.lelieiousredding-oakcwhici. threw ted silver to tho vhvhwh arc ' of satin-; . ... . , . . , wood, highly polished. 1 ho Fkato irons our typographical corps into extae.es, and tenninBt in front i tho graceful form of omeof them were so rash as to wish that a RWan and both sides nro elegantly elm-. uch such an event would occur every day. sod. The cup that forms the receptacles The happy coui.lo have the best wishes . " , " . . , ,i r i n bands nlK)iit this ollieo, lor uieir m- ture prosperity and happiness. r t . . t. ,,f t. In December, 1S .8, by I W. Barrett Egl. at Iiuthershurg, Thilip V. IMack, to Mr, Susannah Pultery nil of Prndy tp. 111111 , i - t '"Dii-u, daughter ,( ( ni(. ', , ' lWlt.ngidnhout.iv,,,,, ., lur Annie, d.nigi,t,.frU.V.i,.l lien- - , - "II imiii'(;iv tin. I'JH, inst.nt ( lio r' - i.l.'iiooi.f her son-iti-law, (ion. .1- Kyhr, iii F.rn.ltord tji., Mrs .llm tsock, relict of llartsnck, Into of Ilnlfiitoiin. (''initio , ,i. On the lltli .Ian. lsv.) Mary .laughter nl' 1'. IV iiinl Aciroinu Itoeso ngod uliout '' vi-iirs. Suddenly on Thursday tko ll'th inst. in tho l'lit'inls ini'etinjr, hoi,M nt Belli, foiitr, Centre eo. l'u., ,)ohn Irwin Sr. agid aliout 7S yoars Newspapers and Periodicals I he (i iuw I'trm, r. The January mini. her of thin Ioiil' estahlished and lioiuilar iif,'iioulUiinl monthly has l.cen revived ' '. , en received, , circulation is perhaps larirer than nnv s in- ihir pnhlication in the world, and certain- iy ..o ugrxuuurai .journal lumisl.es an eipial nmoi.nt of valuable reading for so ly no agricultural Journal furnishes an low a price. It has introduced the nrac tice of otic - . ering prizes for tho best essays mm comes loaded with n rich collection of ,1,,. yeomen of tho (luardi est il.lished in ; i- i i . . 11 ' Joim ii ui uic iiu.uits, (Miuiu.sin.il in i practical and seientlne suestiom. Its;llM. on a variety of subjects interesting to ev .j,, Kiiglanil. They wove used on hoard' of ery cultivator of the soil. This method j ships by tho Vei.itians, in 1 T '.." , and were of culling out tho experience of farmers 1 in nso among the Turks about tho same mid of their wives and daughters, has ! ""K artillery company was institu , , ' I ted in Luglaudlor weekly exercise in loM. proven eminently succesiful. I ho mini- . .'. ber before us contains a largo number of I I.kttkii ni i 1'iki;'s Te k. TheSt. I.ou- these prize essays, which alone are worth much more than the cost of the "Farmer'' for a year. They are eminently practical, and will bo read with more than ordinary interest. Upon matters of agricultural improvement and farm economy, growing crops, miring and fattening stock, hoiiselnld hints, and domestic receipts, tho ftVuiw I-'armrr, is valuiiblo in tho highest degree. While eery other branch of rural industry, ; f n , 0f attention. It will in ! futuro nUo contain, a monthly review of ! the grain and cattle markets. Terms fifty 1 eon,s' Hi,,-'lc C('VY 1,10 l':o",!t of U' for $2 8 for ?:!. am luii one copy linral Specimens sent free. .1 111. '(.(, l.let. book. Address Josrrii II.mikis, Iloehe.-ter, X. Y. V.''so.'i fur February is on our table, and is a beautiful number. The entorpi i- zing publishers deserve a most liberal pat- ronage for the expense and pains bestow ed 011 this cheap and excellent monthly. Wy Ec-;.h.;f .N't, Washington city. We have received several numbers of this exeeiieni daily paper, ami nope to receive 'many more. It is devoted to , e ner; il in - . , ., , , telligeiiee, the latest news at home and a broad, and is a most desirable evening pa 'per. AllEIMC.W ClMHIEItl'lU. Kn'TEKI'III.-T.. From the Liverpool Times. (M. Th;t Americans have a iuiek perception of 11 now market for their produce, and while Kuroiie is yet ignorant or hesitatini! as to the immense importance of the North A siatio Mississippi, opened up in the river Amour to tho commerce of the world, tho Yankee merchants and skippers have lan ded considerable cargoes of sugar at tho port of Ni.'olaiaw, at the mouth of that stream, which Russian steamers have con Mongolistan and Southern Siberia. Eng. lish cutlery, crockery, cotton, ,ve., Ac, would find amoiio the millions now acees- ;siblcto Htirnpe'in trndo a vast outlet, us the Russians have not yet organized any , i flicient lino of customs, and theis organs admit tha smuggling must bo for years a positive necessity TEKRlricSTEAM Ilyil.F.H Kxi'LOSIOV. FlVE Men In-tanti.v Kiu.ru. A terrific explo sion of a slem boiler occurred at llnmp stoad, the residence of Mr. Henry Webb, in the tippet end of New Kent county, Va. on Monday List, killing almost iu.tantly five vaulalile slaves. Mr. Webb owns a grist and sawmill the machinery to both of which was driven by steam. On Monday last, his servant'", ns usual, went fo the mills to commence their l ibors, and pro- cee'b'd at once toet U si earn. The weath fT lieitig e"ee!ye!V eoni. llieytui kopr near the engine, and not thoroughly 1111 elerstantling its operations, failed to see that the pump w as at work. Unfortunate ly the pump was not in operation, ami be fore they had the least warning tho boil exploded, killed fivo of them instantly, 'and hulling its iron fragments in every di- .-. ii i. ..:,.:i.l .1... roction. A centleman who visited the scene after the accident, says that a large! niece of tho boiler was throw n four hun dred yards from tho mill, by tho force of tho exlosion, the report of which was ter rific. liichmnml lHsptiteh. Qi ef.s Victoria's Skate?. (Jueen Victo ria skates. We subjoin, nsif some interest to the sex, the annexed description of a pair of skates just completed lor (Jtieen victoria: of tho heels is silver plated, nn.l c.utsea with llio design oi n rose, siniiurucn. mn ..... r. same desiprv is embroidered in white silk upon tho hlnek pntont-lenth- er. to which it forms a pleiwiing contrast, g. cvilrefllny corresponds to the tho smnn foot of her Miyesty. nnd who moun- : tc on them, 'tis said she looks elegantly." 1I"'"M l, I'.lfi WoUU ), ;,!:;;.:;ii,i;,;!r;;Vi!H;;:,n::: ,mt. Iv iilli i (hi-( I'M'i !. Iuunll, ).... n,.,,.!.,., t ).. x having ,t . ,-II.t . ni It lii m the I'm lliiiiii. t, nl ,-. M-u... .-nm,,. , I...IN n It,. n It i jssarr 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 )t lilt' ill V I'll' f I nitio, I nil.. I- ll.. in Volition nl triiniii.wilei mi. iiv.ii'i,m. Y tiei'K wi le eiiciiiiiiu'i'il in t Iieeliiuch viinU lir iDnkiii. ot liuw, in 17 12. Ilem e'tln ii' eiienility in i liun h ynnls at the iresent time. (Joatt of anus caino in vopiie in the i-eiii (if li'icliaid 1., of l''.iij!liiinl, and In mum heredilary in I'iiiii ili-s in the year ll'i'J. 'I'hi'v took their rise Iroin the knights iuiiiliii)r their Iuiiiiiom with diU'er ent tijniroVo distinjiiiisli them in the L'ru nad(". The standing nrmv of modern times was established ,y ''hailes the VII. of France, in 1 l"i'). 1'rovioiiH to that time the kill)! had di'ct)de(l on Iih imhleH for contingents in tho time of war A Maud- inir arm v was first established in Knuhuid 111 Hi.SM, liv Uliaiies ., Suit It was decided ; ns well as the or.LMnization of Koy- nl (iiiards. in .-,7'.l. The first permanent ! . i i :,. i.,..i i ! iiiiill'iM ".ill'l l ll.l I l , l l I III t.ll " il nil 11.1 'ains were invenien ny .-nvari., n Her-, man, iilinut the year l.'!75. ami were hro't i into u-k; l tho Yonitians in l.'iS'J. (,'an- non were invented atan anterior. late.They Were first used at, the battle of (..'ressv, in '.trla nd they wein first used at .i. . .: . e i i . i i.- i. ... ..,, -. , . , ' ,, Z ' is JirpuliHrnu of the ll'th inst., contains the following extract from it letter received in that city from John (1. Harris, formerly a Missouri river pilot : ii..,n. v.. i. Mitt-iri ......;..,i nt Cherry Valley, and find it situated on ttie Mjuta initio, .-" miles troiii lort Kearney. Wo have built a house, and ex- peel to niovo into it tojmorrow. llur trii was pleasant. A word about the mines, A man can make from S:; to SID per day, There is gold all over tho country, and old miners say that if a man will work, he will do well at mining anywhere. I am well plea-ed with my trip, and am per- fee.tly satislied that I nrtclo'it. "I think this will prove a good country rnisine st any kind of ram and . . , 11. 1 1 , .1111 111111 10 punier uoour 11 every vnriciy 01 lniei- g.trden products. e haveplenty ol ga::u- h ' 1 of almost every description, f rom the buf, ' T'ho rimo of nrtiuli-is will be a wi.lo one, env iable down to the squirrel tlecr, turkey . eriiur. aiimnir other crounds. K.-suvs. Sketches. and antelope in abundance Ks..."Is there a letter fur me?" Impii red a lady of a notoriously snappish I'ost- master, who :i vepl. a grocery. "No . growled he. "When will there be one?'' "I do n't know anything about it, 1 don't care !" "Then I '11 lake a bar of soap." and j - - i f.M.K, by Mi::: 11 km. t CwiTKIt, . 1 .(.,( x 1 4 ... uipl Com Slirtlir Also a few .neiu 1 tniers 01 ine nest kinil Willi a largo vari ety of (ioods in their line, just received, and will ba sold low fur cash or produce. ClearfioM, Dec. 8, IS OS. ; ' - . . 1 etc., comprising a hue" li-t ufwi'itc.s. aiuoi.,; TVyDTH'll. All persons nro hereby notified whom are 11. any of the must popular ia the c.eiu L that tho undersigned have each n claim of try. 0.10 fourth of what was llio interest of Patrick 1 KalTerty at the timo of Ida deee tho S.'l acres of land, in Pcnn township, now advertised for sale by order of tho Orphan's Court, as the property of Felix KalTertv. THOMAS ItAFl-nUTV, I PATlilCK It A F FEU TV, JANE CLAIiK. dec. 2'.l, lsiS. 2t pd. C.ltl. Af It's COX.sTAXT Into from the East repec- Siib.-crijitioiis may commence at liny time. Sin 1t 1. fully niinoiiiiees to the eitiiens of gle coiics, 2 j cent ; stibseiption, one copy one Clearfield and the County generally, (hat she is year, sent by mail, $:i till : clubs, two copies 0110 prepared to give instruction in Music year, $5 00 ; ei'ibs, three copies one year, $7 00 ; PIANO, MKLOUEOX AND (i VITA It ':M" t''"r copies uie year, if J oil; elubs, live c.,.. . ics one year, $10 Ol) : and nil n.hlitional copies, Al.so. IX Tin: I'lii'.Neil i.anoi aok it bkiIU 111:11 over five, at the rate of $2 00, if sent to tho same native Toxuci:. i club. (Tubs may bo firmed at different post- She refer, nil who may he interested in the above, to tbo Hev. Or. nnd Mrs. M'Lcod. Terms -$S 00 in advance, or $10 00, if not in advance. 0, I '.VS. tf. I inMM acres of pixk timim:?. and 1-1UUU C0AI, i.axds AT l'VULin .SAUL On Thursday, thol 'Uh day of January, 1S.V.I. nt 2 o i loeK. I'. ai., win ue soli ui ino town 01 lielle- none, vei.uu . ..... .... ...... w.iii.i.nu uu'.iy of Land, containing .12 tracts, each .LIS acres and .i:t pciel.es, with the nlbuvanee, siliiale ; partly in Centre county and partly in Clearfield county, Pa., on tho waters of the big and Little a., u vnnrd ...ill. :n ;.... .:ind .... c. .1 .'I , is 11 11 mi ..nn-. ...tin,, 11 , u 1111.cn ,11 ine II I'Sl Fraiii h of the Susquehanna, r'.icr, allljing in one body, ...id known as the Maine Company's I. amis. The above property is well bunted for lumbering being well get with the best white pine a n.l w hito oak linibi-r, und wilbin threo miles, of the creat Sno-Shoe C :i 1 Mines, al which place the Lcllelbnlti and Snow M100 llailnonl terminates, an, 1 wnicii 1. now under contract, it is a property well calculated to attract the alien- lion ol .capitalists. Persons wishing to view I ho property will please call on Edward Perks of tTearficldeouiily, or K. C. liiii tnn or . I nines (iilli liimi, li'lili" ,.".iii', 11,111 iiem I mm pi !,, ii, , will show (ho same. Possession will ho given on tho fin t of April, IS.VJ- title good. For partic ulars address ll. jr. LONd, Tin htkk. Die. 8, is:8.--ts. Lnncnster, Pa. A. H. SMITH ,& CO. Dealers in' HOOTS, SHOES ami THESES. Of EVtllV IiESCKll'TloN. if HOLES ALE nnd Retail, nt prices to suit all. can be found at their new Hoot Shoe 'lore, No. 344 North Second st., a few doors be- low the Black Horso Hotel, l'hiln. x-ti-Wo try to please nnd sell cheap. Notico "nlry merehnn.s.-Constnnlly on hand a lnrire assortment of Men and ISovs' Hoots, (iaiters i and Ilrogims, coarse and fine : also, AVniien's A lisscs' Lnco Hoots, (lailors, Sliiiers, Ac, and a ell sebicled .lock of Youtlna.id Children's wear WINTEH SHAWLS, WOOL, LONG SHAWLS, SINGLE SHAWLS, ROUND CORNERED SHAWLS, For sale by KRATZER'S. T7VRS and ItVFFALO ROBES to snit tho ji sett90Di Bl KRATZER'S. 500 Bushels CORX, 200 ''"'I'"'' 'i' ,'H)0 bush.Is Ryi:, at the store AT nni1 of WM. F. IRWIN. 1 y sdVu'i'' , tJj ( V' ' Kl'". W' ' U JZ. rtr (t I M IIIMIIIMI I , ( nit I .f 1 - 1 - 300 Students AUriuliiifr January, I8r)8. Nun I li" lurgi'M mul inn-l tliurniivli (' uiihk r- cilll Trillin! l. till' I lllll'll Mllln. V.iiii,.,. ti I'lircl I'nr in liiul ilti 1 1 ex I llic I'liiiniiiiL' Uoiiiii. 1 r uuitii i i'r r . r ii l i i .1. I.. rvllTll, A. M. rrnri'liiir I'l Hunk hCl'lillllf , nn.l S i,i ,. f Ai ciiii.it- ' A. T. Ii.iniuTi , T. Iht (.f Aiilliiih li,' lunl ('.mi . ' iii. rciiil t'ali iiliiiiiin. J. A. Hkvuiiii k mul T. C. J i:kiN4, Ti'iu-licrs uf liiHik ki'i'ini. A. 'n i.kv mul W. A. Mii.i Kit, I'rnf-.iir lViiiimu. mIi i . ,si.(ii.i:.M) i)onii,i:i;XTUY hook ki:i;p. ixu, A iikcI iii every tlir(tiient of Imsiue. I'mumvrrinl Arllhmrtir Uiijiiil ki'i llViiny lh tii-l iiiy I'm null ii il M..H, .lrmiiirtf ( 'nmlHitiititi hit t'tntitiurrinl Aim- . ' ri' li"'K'o. nil utln-r miii.i.'cts ii.M'i'ssnry fur tl o .iii'.v.-. nil ilir,iKl. i.,l. ,ni i a ,,.-,, ,. iiim mii iu v n in. pniw,, nil the pri'iiuniiis in l'illliiii'-li fur llio pnut three ypnr. uUi in ICi.-tern mid Wc-stcri. " . miitr-t i uics, ir i.est writing, not rviiiiivnn ,nik. 1 .M V 0 K T A X T 1 X V 0 1 1 M A T 1 0 . . Students enter nt nnv time X.i vnention Time unlimited -Keview nt plensure llnnliinte n-is-ted in olitniniii sil.ni time.; Tiiitlun fur full Ci.iii mereiiil Cmirse. :ij,(l(l..': Aveni'o time, S t., I 'i weelva ; I'.nnr I $'J ."ill per neck ; .Sl;itiiuicry.$f' 00 ; Knliro est, $l!0 00 to $70 110. p-tJ-MiniMi'rs' f'liin received nt hull' price. l'or Curd, Circular, specimens of I!uincs nn.l criiHinciniil wnun;:, iiicuiso llirco stamps, It ..I I aiidresti r. v. .ikxkins. Pittfbiir!i, l'n dec. S, ls.',S. The ''Great Republic"' MontJily. TO TUB IM 1I1.IC, TIIK ll.lliK AMI ITIIIOIUCA I, Til AUK, ami iiii: i'iti:s. TV, havo tho honor to iinu.iuiieo tlint weshutl issue, on or abu.it thu lirst of liceumber .,x,. s . i, i,, .,., . ,i n, ,. ly attention of tho public mid the pcrinili:al lrndo, the first number of a new illustrated m:i'- n.iue, to be culled the "(.rent lli publie" Month ly. It is intend 'd to make (his luii iiiie su perior in every rep"i-'. to anytime.; ever before ipsued ill this country, The ciici'iil sc.peofits ehnrneter enn best be nn.lerst.i.id by it.-i liauio. It will be thor. Highly Xntional in no wife section- nl or ncctniiun, and wholly inipcivuiinl. It will oiler to the writers and thinkers ol tins I'uiun a common field, where they can met on the '. I.!.-lm.it (rri.llliil lit ...nlntltn rv I ! lit r.i I .. t-.i. Il '".7 ' . .-i j lluu.eroiis Tiile?, sitnrits. Ilistori. ul Iiici.lents, Hevicus, Criliqi e", Hiojrrnpliies, Scicnlitic Ar- tii-les, Travels, Table Talk, liranui.-, I b ut-, Politic-1, Poeuis, liiill.'id.'', Slaiins, S ninct, Mu sic, Con espoii.lciice, liossip, etc etc. . etc. The Magazine "ill he profusely illustrated in the highest stylo of wood eiutrnvi.e,'. The Literary depart!!.. .'ill will present, g enter variety, combined w ith more lli'irouu'li excellence, it is oi lieved, than ever pel.ire olb'ie.l to tho A meriean public in a siu'b.' periodical. The M lowing nuthors nn.l pupubir writers arc im-lu-le 1 in the lit of contributors engaged : CI 0. 1). Prentiss, Clinrles Fwain, Kit-. Hrecn Hal eek, (Tins. J. Ingersell, Orc tcs A. Liowii-'.iii, lien, tieo. P. Morris, Xnthniiicl Decriiuf, lion. (Tins, (inyarre. Win. (iilmore .Siuniis, Park licnjiin.i.i, Hon. Albert Pike, of Arkansns, Abbe Adrian l!oiiietle. Hon. It. T. Conrad, ll. v. liulpli II oyt, .Seba r'niith, (Jack Downing,) .J. T. ll.'ndlcv, 1 l'nch number will contain an er:;;inul piece of ! music composed expressly for this work. ot (he superior excellence ol (lie .Mngn.uiu in every respect, and of the certainty of iti perma- ' nenl rns.-ess, very little more need be sai l. I The terms and generul coiidiliuns of tho Ma I inzine will be ad follows: Tkuus There will be two volumes .1 year, ol . about 700 royal octavo page e:!.'!i, commencing ! in .Innuary nn.l duly, and ending in June ami j December, respectively muki.ig six numbers to eneh volume, nud Iwelvo numbers to eneli vear. offices. All sub.-eriptions uuet be paid in ad vance. Premium Sub.o l iptimis ei.tilliu the subscriber for 0110 vear, and to (heir ehoieo of 'either of our two great steal engravings, entitled 'The n,l '-The ( ' Fur lhUart ,.f ll.r lireiit Kiii The engraving will bo sent on rollers by until, prepaid. Agents nnd canvassers can make liberal nnd raii.-uiKii 111 1 a iiciiicuin upon nj.pil cill 1011, sia- ,;,, tho ,,.rn(ory ro,uired. All postmasters nnd elcrsgytnct. nro mitliorised to receive subscription , ,vilidl t,ey mny frHilr, t Uf, e;vinis .1Ine nu, n,blre i,f mi-..ribi.i-. .....1 .1,., ii..,. '. n,.i fr tie;r t roulilo. Tho rnto of postage will not c.xceod threo cents for each . number, to be pa id in all cases nt (he ohTee where it is received. All "oiiiiiiii.iicatio.is to be entitle 1 to nie w . r, mu t contain return slumps Sti'.sci'i'.crs must in all en sen wriie Nan.ee, Tow 11, Conn y, and Stale in full, ns legibly us possible. TT ere is lilileiis.. in sending money by mail. Largo sens should be remitted by drri't, i!" .oj-il,b, or 1 e ;;.m'i' .',1 letter. OAKS.MIT'l A- Co.. - l,lisl 1 of the "Croat ltepublic" Monthl H2 nnd 111, William Sti.et, New York, The Philadelphia Evening Bul'etin, 1 4N Indepeii.lenl l;iilyew-p:i;."r. il"'."t '. im. 1 ,ecially to the interests of IVniv 'Tv.rea contiiining imporlanl Tclcgriqiiiic News, s i -1 cti 1 hours in advance of llio in "ining papers Urigi j nnl Foreign nnd Dmnestic Correspondence, Edi torials on all subjects, nml full repmts of all llio ' news of (he tiny. Tin ('ommcreiul nnd Finnnci ' al depnrlmeiits nro full, and are carefully nttend jedto. Alan advertising nicdiiun there is no bettor paper in tho Stale, tho circulation being ' next to the largest In tho city, and among thu ! most intelligent and inlluential of th p'pulatiou. Ti:liMS Six dollnrs por year In n.lvnnee. CVMMlXdS A PEACOCK, Proprietors. No. 112, South prjiix Street, Phil.lel.hia. THE PHILADELPHIA SATVIIDAV IIULLE- TIX, hantlsi I iuiicr- hanilsome, woll-fllled, Family Weekly News- is I uhluhed by the propriclors at Iho follwii'S unprceo 'ented low rates :-l copy, one year, $1 00 ; 0 copies do. J.i 00 ; 1.1 00 copies do $ioon; 2i copies, do. $iri(io; r,o copies, do. $20 (Ml ; loo copies, do. fiiu iul 1 rinuKii IN- lii cEiirMTs ! The largest club (over 100) will bo sent for throe years. Tho next largest club (over 100) will be sent for two years. Address vt aiAii.Misi - rr.nuiiii, Proprietors, HulleUn Liiilding, No 11 South Third Street, Philadelphia. t LL persons aro hereby cautioned ajaista J.Y. purchasing or othcrniso ineddling won yoke uf hlnek oxen iu Iho p(Fscssion of Hugh Ktise, of llrndy township, Clearlkhl Cminly, as I the samo belong to me, md are in his possession npv. s is'ii.3t. WM. L. HORN. I I ill i iim imi mil ODD IMWIHtt yVorsSnrs;i);irili!l ,n.:,,.,. ' , ,., ,., ,A "."'' 1,1 ,",hf 11,0 1 ' ' . .,l .. ti iii ist Mr- tn.l alt.-Mtivi j ( "r. S "V'1'?',' "IZ, U, " ' ffl&WTKtffltts Shi -Mt'Ui illrt it li imti-d to cure It l In hcfcil tlmt fin li riiiii ily iiwnntnl by tlium who mifl't-r from Stniiimtii ((iniplaiiit i, mul tlint nno wIik h will ttiTiiniiiliM tlieir euro lim--t irovi of iiiiiiii'ii' kervicu to tlii lurco r litis of our , nlllirteJ fi'lliwv-citij'im. How ronijilclcly tliii . ii i .. i i J romixniiiil w ill do It has heen proven by cxper- im,'"t nn mn")' of 11,0 ,vor,t CiU:a t0 lc fuund ''t the folliiwiiiH complaints: SlItnl'l'I.A AND Scmirt't.lll'S CoMrl-AlNTS, Kiu'i'iKivs ami Kuri'TivB Diiieasi:s, Ui,ci:ns, 1'lMl'LKI, lll.Ul'CHES, TuMOII.1i Sa.T ltlllillM, Sca i.ii IIkim, Svi'iiitis and Svi'iui.irm Ar rrcTioNs, Mi iici iiiAt Dibhash, Dkoi-sy, Nr.u uvi.oiv ou Tic Doui.oi'Ui'.i'.x, Dmui.trv, Dvs- l'HI'IV AMI lxi)I(Jl:STt()N-, KltYSll'Hr.AS, ItoHB mi Sr. Anthony's l'iitr, mul inilccil the wholo class of coiiijiliiiiits urising from I si it mi y or iim: III. in in. This c(iiiiinim(l w ill bo fnuntl n prcnt pro. iiiuti i cf li.'iillh, when taken in the spring, to pel the f.ml humoi's which fester in tho : blond at that season of the year, liy the time- I . .. .v fpiilsum nl them many rankling uisoruers ure iiipiied in the imil. JMituutuies can, ny t lie aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions mid ulcerous smes, through whieli the system will strivo to rid itself of corruptions, if not nssisted to do tins through the nuturul channels of tho body l.y nn nlt.'iativu medicine, t'leiuiso out tho vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skill in pimple, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you liud it is ob structed and hluggiali in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, mid your feelings w ill tell you w hen. Kvcu w here no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live i'l i: l .1.,. 1.1... ..I l.",w.v tl, loimn, mi v u .ii mi o; ill's iinHiii. ..!-' ii .. iv. bliiod healthy, and M is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can bo no lasting health. Sooner or later something inns; go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. S.'U'saparil'.a lias, Und deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. Hut the world has beea cgreoiisly deceived by preparations of il, paitly because the drug alone has not till the virtue that is claimed for it, but mere l.ecaivse many preparations, jircMiiliiig to be concentrated extracts of it, -.ml. 1:11 but little of thu virtue of Surs.aparillft, ir e.'.iv thin;: else. 1 'urir.g late years the public have been mis led by huge buttles, pretending to give a quart of Lxtiuct t.i' Sa 1 : MiuiiilLi for i.ne dollar. Most !..!' il -' l,;.v" li'.cn frauds upon the sick, for ; tbey not ei.ly coi.tuin little, if any, Sarsapa ' rillii, but often 110 curative properties whutcY I er. I lent e, bitter and painful disappointment has follow ed the i:sc of the various extiutts of Savsiparilla vT.ieh flood the innrket, until tho name itself is justly d' spi-cd, and has beromr? synonymous with in. ja s. lion and cheat. Still v.c call tins compound Sarsaparilln, mid intcii.i to sup ly stub a lemtdy as shall rescue the name turn, the lead of 'obloquy which lesta up.. 11 it. Ai.d we think wc have grouiul for b. lievieg it has viilms which tuc iuisiilible bv the niilinai'V run id the di.-ca.-i-- il U intend ed to erne. J11 order to scenic thiir compute cradii alien hum the system, the remedy should be judiciously tak'.n iticoiding to iUii.ctiei..s en the Lottie. ri'.i:r.nro nv 1)12. J. V. AVIlit & CO. I..OVi:TiT, IMASS. Pi ii c, gl per llotlle ii llottlcs for J5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has wiin for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, (hat it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it bus lecii cin pii.vcii. As il has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than e.ssure the people its quality is kept up to the beet it ever has 1( n, and that 'it may be relied ou to do for their relief all it lias ever teen fuund to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, rnit T117 curtE oii" CrfrracM, Jimmlicc, Dip.piia, JmUijtstion, 7)yi nkry, Foul Momach, Liyiqn.hu, W.trif, l'iks, llhcuinatism, Eruptions awl Skin Disrates, I.ircr Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Sill Itiium. U'orms. (lout, Aciiratyia, as a . Dinner Pill, and for Purifying tho Llood. ' They arc sugar-coated, so that the most send five can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in thu world fi r all the purposes uf u ' family physic. Prico 25 coats por Box; . Eoxea for $L00. ; Great numbersort.lcrgymcn,lTiysieiaiis,Diaies- men, nnd eminent pcrbonages, have lent their liamrs to ceruiv inc unpniaiuieu o. .... t remedies, but our space here will not permit the j - .! . ..r .1 i'l, A........: l.i.li.w iinn.rd fur- . nMso are given ; with also full descriptions of tho above coiuplaints, and the treatment that should be fol- lowed for thrir cure. l)o not be pnl off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more protit on. Drinaml Avi u s, and tnke no otl.crs. The sick want ()ic b,, t aiJ thcr(, is fur tllcI1) lmtl tlu,y 6h0uld .n,.e it 11 our Itcmeilies are for sale by SOI.!) IiV C. II. Watsov, and M. A. Fit AM.'. ( h ill iicel V.. F. 1 J it k " n 1: j:, Mosri-ilalo. C. I!. I'osii:i:, Pniliiisburg. . , Cur vcii.-cille. , Lullici-' And ail .Ira-,;. :-. -l. e. 22. I s.V i,:,-!, Hurl: it l.i.ft,. Ami '.'.',- ti '..,,'.. CO UXTH Y MFJICJL I MS, And all Others, Will take Notice! That iln'y r;i ii euiily ihrniIvi", in imy 'i':u littt's w'U joTirs- rAxrA:.TED. I'T1'.''.T, M.iX EXPLOSIVE li EIIOi-'KXK, COAL Oils LAMPS, At tho wholesale and retail "Head Quarters,' ,",S. South SECOND S'l, 3f. Tho on. ,n,r where oxclurivo Agencies can be obliiincl for the Slates of l'ennsylvanin, Now Jjasey end Dcleware. These lamps givo a light ciital in intensity of (lame, nnd similar in iippcnrnncc to (las, and aro chained to he superior to all other portable lights now in use. No fear of explosion No offensive odor No miiokc Very easily trimmed As en s'ly regulated as a (las light Can In a tlnptcd to all purposes .ln.l better than all for a poor man, nro .'0 percent cheaper than any other portublo light uow In cuninion use. Sole Agency also, for KNAFP'S Patent Rosin and Coal Oil . uTTlC4 ' JU EaEvL i. O J TVr.T.iimps. oils, Wicks, Shades, and every ti(.,0 j,, lho lin( S. E. SOUTH LAN I), A;1ent. No .IS South Second Street, 1'hii.ad'a, ScpL Sth, ISjS. ;tt. 1LAXK ASSESSOHS' NOTICES, in legal ) form, for sale nt tho olfico of tho Clearfield jicpublican. dec. 1, 1808. A LARGE niaulity of Suit for I 'l'lilCES, st the itoro of V'.M. abi at LOW F. I RW IN. i.ii Sntiflny, .1 : ii um r v lf I'.i. I Ho lit, hn(- -iiit nn I mint nmnilei W i'fH;' NpJihiiiit ..i rr f'iitIUhcil. f tilll 1'8 H mfforli fn!tn iln'ul, il iul Ii lliu tlrt of Ihn New YorM I,(cr ! tun ininlrt iu l-roml puluutna n pfh lii, SI In i li in If nc'h, mul d.iulil th (HnMltT or Tvh 1. ift miitiiT kiivwti l.y miy weekly pnmr nnw pub. Ii-Iii.'; Miilirii. inn I lie rlniieent nml freheit tn(. t. r, m -lf-t !" mul oriiiuil.furiii.ilio.l fnmi nhniRil mul lit limnc. Il nill In In nil re.-pecln, a Livliifr Journal 1 .mliiiinR llf jrrfiduetioni rf tho nwil iniiliir wnl'iJ in lilieiil fMsntit Itonmnect, Sliiriis, V.nnft Vf:m, AneHMM, fkelflirii, Nuliee (if Aiimf if st irnrl ! Arji, ., de. f in tine, nil things wliifk sro Jiow, Nnutlfiil, n. leri'iliii); mul ultrncliro. Ewll nuinlier will 0011. tnin nut only ft cnrefolly efind.od nynopsli of the Ueiienil Xe durinn ec week, but all tha vurv luled infiiriiiutimi snd 7-Rr(ipliio Dei. ! MitelicH nn to llio tiour ufnintf I wm. Thu Cm iiKlelliiliini will u.ii ua an innirTrieo raper, 01 tho nictnre nheels uro, hut it will torrtatfw fcirinti - t"l l'e.iiKii nmi iiiiKMvinj;H, wi.cn iay Many illustrnio nun cii.uu.cni a .uu.iecu .I'l... .....d.t rili.ii. l.ua .ilriimlir nil The fiiluerilier him already cnirueed tforp of Coutribtilurs, "a Train uf tjtnrs," uuequnVif fur genim, brilliuncy, mid reputation by tuoio ti nay other journal mm puhlislied, no matter what mn y bo its pre tcux'ons. It is with no slight Kr 1 1 lit a I i i ii tli'1' he uiiiidunces his gueeuiia in enga ging, niter I. i'h pemunsion, tho able and experi enced service. ' gentleman, ao long and so justly eminent, ' Mr. Pnrk llenjamin. C'onnoo led for twenty years with the piufKof New York city, mid ntwiiys fiieeessful in his literary enter prises, u licthoras Ddilor, Author, or public spea ker, the liainu uf Mi', lieujuu.in is an augury uf certain good fort. me. Tho public may rest assured that no means will he untried by tho subscriber to aocuro a gni ml nn. I iinii.iini aecoinpimiiinunt oi tin euorc ..... . , . i i . i i ''. - "'f l"t.. . ever published since nothing will ho loft niidono that can bo done by talents, capital, experience, k-an.inL'. and a resolute experience. ''The Constellation will mainly recommend it. ' self to item-dial and gi nerotu support from the very best pooplo by ils observanoo of good and avoidance of -vil. It will bean unobjectionable and perfect family newspaper giving ofl'enct to no suet or party the favorite alike ot both telos of young and old. The tiibscribcrjinrlnf bad nearly a quarter of n century ' experience in tho publication uf daily mid weekly journals. unu ha ving now connected bim.'clf with such well known I and valuable cditorilul aid as he has therein, flat ters himself ihnl this now enterprise will at once ati'bievc a popular favor and success unparallel ed in newspaper enterprises. Tho terms fur "Tho Constellation," will be two , dollars per annum each, when ten cipica are lent in one euvelopo to one address. Twenty-eight copies to 0110 address, (49 00. Five copies do. do. $12 00, Two copies, do. do. $5 00 due copy do. do. including postage or delivery, $3 00 All subscriptions -to bo invariably in advance. Single copes, Firo cents. To Newspaper agents, f;t iO per ltlil A Into i-atnrday evening edition will be pub-li.-he l, iisd L'ft early Sunday mornings at the 1 e idi tice.! of City nulcribor:i, by regular cariers, employed by Iho publisher. Those who desire to coinun-ece with the lirst number, should send in their -ubci iptiuns mid orders ni early as po siblu since, owing to llio immense iio of tho , sheet, only such numbers will bo printed as may I be ordered. j Ail orders and letters to bo addressed to tlitf uii'.K-1'..iuncd, j (iKOllOE UOnERTS, 12 and 1 1, Sp Street, Now YcrU. , Nov. 17, LSJS. Coal! Coal! riVic Subscriber respectfully informs the cill-' jt ens of tho liorough of Clearfield und vicin ity, that ho has taken a lenso ot Hjjs Majfss3 0al Basis, ildjoining the town, where ho will con stantly keen on hand, a full supply of the 1 .! 1 I . . ui ticie, euuer iiuuiis or mixed to suit pur- eh-.'sers. 1 ersons in town can be supplied wit Ii it at their homes, at six cents per bushel, or at the Hank lower than ever ' A share: of public patronage is Kolicited. PATRICK MUI.VANKY, Sept. 1st. ISO, tf A. II. C. BKOCKEN, z-i ci.ii'i'" stki-'.ht, xi:h-youk, !.Nl l'.CTLIER OF ry C. ...:,, irnm,n, lllilS C I lllgCS, llOlllWpa- thic Vials, NURSIN( H( ) I 1 Ll, I-, 1 C. , t;a.j V'aie for Chemists, Druggists, rcrfuraers, ! Photographers, etc. ;f, r;. 7nrr. liv tlio PnrV- v. 1 v..... j v..v flgC. A Liberal l'iseount niatlo to tho Trade. .'fi'-Or.lers from Country Druggists- and Don lers solicited. jjrOf-l'rico Lifts sent on application, August 4, ISiS. ;tm. g FAIt.MKUS ATrENTION i The bxjst Article in the World for , raiding ! h LoitKiu's Superior Phos ; )liatc of Lime, 1 At M fM r ton, or 21 ets. A Iii., by the barrel. j Annlypctl nn Ilccommcndcd fof j T 1 1 K W ! I K A T A N 1 ( i RAIV CKOfS li Y ! Professor C'HAS. T. J ACkSON, ' Cu'm'.vf nf the I'nilcil S'iite.1 Patent Ofirt, Wnxhiiiiton, IK (.'. I il-It will repay the enllay SO to 100 per" cent., and nill not burn the seed Ly coining ict contact ns (iiiano djes. (X?3 Try it, prove it ! ! G. A. LMNAU, Proprietor, -Vo. 21, S.uth Ell O XT Sh-rct, J'hilailflphiii ('it;, Ph., Or of my Agents throughout the Country. XfJ-AsAi.ysi oan bo seen nt my Oflfco. j7.0)'Cash Mailed with tho order will receive prompt attention. A liberal discount to Storekeeper, wha buy to sell again. Pamphlets rnn bo bad ot my Office. 0. A. nug. 4, 1858. ,1m. REPUBLICAN JOB OFFICE. The Publishers of the Itt-pulliatn &ro mi kingarrangements to largely incrense their' stock of .lobbing material, anil will b pre' pared to do all kind of Fosters, rAiii'Hi.r.Tj, Programmes,. IIi.anks, Paper Boors, CiRcttAis, liAiiEi-s, Ham, Tickets, II anduii.i.s-,. nnd every tind of printing doiVO in a country job ofi'too. 'i ou? orderi en tvusfeil to us will lw-faithfully xrculel. 3. II. LA It RIMER,,