9klMk ?1 " V N ( I i .;, '(. - . y C (".'.'H lij'.,,,:, V-f '! u ti.i:. if i i i.i.n. .i.ui'i u'v hvi. OBITUARY. Our Court was liriirlt to u muMcii trr miimiidii tliis iiinniiiiL Ly the I'liitil'iil nn- IKIIIIKH'tlH'Ilt vf 1 1 to (lentil ol our IVollliy l'rulljonotiiry lii;iii;..r V.i.th::h J... v I ...... ..i ii.. '.. i.,..i, .. ...in,. 1 1 r , Tl.-nnut't. .,, mn iimti.m ....noii.t,.,! 1 11 I inittiv to .r':s in mi ui'in'oiiviiitt' man- :.cr llic iii'iui i'iiilioii oi Uiu iioitii . .' .1... , " ""- . I.u.mi.i.,l 111. i l.ia.lli.i nm'f f.ii.1 llm r.r.ni.. ' . . niuiiily liivvc sttstn'meil ill his tlr:itli an, I il.nl.cvm.v.llv ..-ill. 1,is P,,;i,. In II ' jhoir-.jmr.itlo villi ins lamily in (heir, ,0 Iiwivy llllhctlull. ti. Tho rroeceiliii.rosolutionHiVe.ivillar. I, iear next week. THE NEWS- j Tlio most interestinj; ilom ol foreign lions fcciiis to ho the announcement of , I ion, our biili.-ci i'tion li-t has steadily in thc termination of the Chess ooti'est be-! creased, ami the additions have Leon jiay tweon Jfcusrs. Jlftri'liey ami Aiulersscli, '! suhserihevs, whose ,ati'oiiae ifwe con- whicli has been in 1 roej-css nt ivhich reHulicd m lavor ot Jlorjihey. i lie American ctiainp'.on won seven pnmos, Iho Kuronenn two, mxl two drawn games. . . ., ., , i , ,i a-- AtornWor.eeiilei.toeetirreilattlioio- oria theutro in Lambeth Ki.'lund nt iv'.iieh sixteen liersoiis ivero killed. The aeei- .lent win caused liv mi alarm of Urn bem vaiscil, at whieh the audience became iriel.teneil nml ill their cn'orls (o escane ...c I - , crushed the ubove nuniber to death. Congress i.s still occupied with the ipies-1 tions of the aeiui;-ition of Cuba, and the j TV-iiie, rail road. An exelling debate took place on last Saturday in the hou-e, between Mr. Cox ..udMr.t.iddiiigsoft.hioon the .juesti.m r 1 of negro equality. It is stated that ordi is have been issued from tlio war Hepartnieiit to use the troops now in Kansas, as a ,.,m.V.,',,, to enforce the laws during the present distirlmne?. A revolution in Jlayti has taken place. . Gen. fled'ard 1ms been declared I'rcMdoia Mr. Ward the newly appointed Minis. ; tor to Cliimi p.iiled from Savannah, rout,- for the Celestial Empire, vi;v New York on lust Sunday. j It in said that Ottawa is to be made thej seat of government ol . anada, by order of hep Majesty. A 1..H.,. frn.ii ll.n AT. Mill, -in ,.nn 11 1 r v (il. ! leges that, although tlio "Saints" seem fjuiet, they arc evidently meditating mis chief. Cold w eather prevailed during the early part ofhust week in all northern latitudes. At New York, lloston and other place in New England the cold was intense. The American S,,uadron has threatened 1 to bombard Jaffa, unless the murderers of; tlio American missionaries were punished. Still later advices furnish further par ticulars of the insurrection in I'.uenos Ayres. The revolutionist have been dis persed mid (several arrests have been made. The New Mexican mail of the 7th Dee. We trust that the sound arguments ad reaehod Independence) on last Sunday. j vaneed by him and oilier distinguished Tlio Navajo Indians arc still hostile in ..Senators may have the el!', ct of dispelling feeling although an armastiee exists, A destructive fire occurred in New York on last Monday night. The Salt Lake mail reached St . Joseph on last Monday week. It reports very se vere weather in tlio mountains and on the jilaiitft, several persons having been rioaeri tole;it!i; while old mountaineers pronoun') it the coldest winter in ten years. Tho safety of tho Neosho mail party which was supposed to have been lost in tho snows, win announced by a special messenger at Santa Ee just as the New Mexican mail was starting, us having ar rived safely at Alhu.pieriUe. From Tike's l'eak ii o have news of the. 1 comfortable condition of the miners, who iiavo suspended operations mid are ouar-i ,, . . ,, .. tcre.l generally 111 eomionanio .ins, u-lll. ......cui l.in .T li..-,ua..1'l fortll.l.r Kl.l.-'r.nt i,i, . . v i j .i .... v. '-... i ..... Bisteneo, Game, ivood and water is liortci! abundant. Hon. Lli Slifc Hon I'll S lifer Kei'iiblican landidalo lion, lil cnui in j milium .iiuuuuiu was eiecieu ;iaie i reasiucr on nisi inon-, . , ... .,. ..... r ... mil) by vote on joint lutllot oi Mt to i.i for II. S. M.nraiv the Moinocratie nomi- nee. A NKW VOLUME. Tho present number of the "llenubli. i "nvo ol-en Heard ol iirowing dust in iieo.ot like stamlmg in the country. I do not (1,0 result can make no difference in the Mi" commences ft new volume, the llll ! J'.08 s to blind them, but to -produce pretend to say that these are all: by no mnount of any man's ta.Nes." lfthereev tr comm. nus ft new lorn. !, ho (,,:ct there is no dust like gold means, but, I just cite themas examples of T was an instance of rea-onimi "id ab- cf the now series. It may not I e improper dll8t. Jfr Covoue knows the fact, lllalrs-1 this class of books; and it is to Hose's A- surduiu " this is one I'ublie interest e n to can me aueuuoii oi our puuous luuim.mii: jucuih. fact, and also to refer to some of the events that havo transpired, if not since its ostab- li.lunent. nt least sinea the commence.' ment of tho voluuie which has just closed. ' Shortly previous to that lime, the whole : country had had its hilsinesn prostrated, and much f.naeial digress had been expe-1 r ,i rienced In eonsequeneo cf the severe, monetary crisis which swept lik,9 n ava- lanehe, not merely over one section Cf the country, Or a single State, but from continent to continent. And whileour 1 - r ,1. - 1 ' 1 .'.I I ' (OUi-oi-uio-ivuy K"uS"lI'"'1 'in J lusniou nniy Jiay.e had much infiueneo in protecting ,our ppoplo from tho ovewhelining conse- ' , .. i I quenees of the eommereial embarrass-1 iint ,of,tlie.ciuutiy,ypl it can not be dc- lit ,1 II , V N I. 'i I . i.. .,- I c Mel I io. i. ... mi I in II,,. in hi I, .1 ' ' I I. I, ! n ill !c in ll.i i , (he ll, ' I" nl In in " ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 in I '1'iili 'I ir, id i !'. it In i ,,, i i ; i . i ...... . I t.'!iitn "I'll," . mi. I h h . it ml iii'lir 1 1 V rn In In i'i 0 it i i I In- . ii frit) "' "" I'"1 ,jr I''"'"" ' "' """") "I'i'liMii) i ri in in i',, I'ldlli lllg I' '"' 'l ' lli'il ) ; ll i lit - Hi ll J'lll ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 I it lilU' h luol o ihllii lilt t,i. i 1 1. 1 1 i'i' I In' . .Idir .1 ;.,ti - in n (- I 'i I .Ii- 1 1 in n IHT tllllll III lllnlc lively lllld prosperous tiiii"'. 1 1 llii'ii w 1 1 1 1 v n'i -mingly liiilt'il in m iiiii' degree in orr duly tn our patrons, i WO 1 1 11 V Still 1 1 Ml CoUcioU.-llcs'S ,( ivillg , done oiii' ill most In n i Til in ii- t In' ditleul- j tics tllill 1. resented t helll-ell ii ill till' v.iv i f ,,l., r ...... i ... t, ,, f.ii. hi ,i... ,nu.iM ,--u,..'i mil ItJlir- ll.ll. A II 1 1 if 111' IlilV lllleal'ed l umin . . ' 1 m, n ..,.; i' Hum nt. ivo n-..i I ,, , ' .. ' . ' v -. "' iiir'i' liuniijcl (il i, iir t'.'.ii'iM I'll i't" tliiit tlii'V ..i'im ril i'i tliiit 1 1 icy . . ,,..,.,,, , u ., render us ll..' en m'ru ' lion of . iv, t... 1,1 i.i, .I li.l to the extent of . thf'ir sul,scriitinns M'l I I i. i ' i I ins iieiievi r ive mo ) 1 " "VI"? '""it. nun tll0SB ,.u ,,,,, S() ki,v aI, ,M,f t.m. I - llv lelueuilieccil us in the tini" of (mr . ... ,...,, ,.. ,,,,..,:,. c..,,.,... um. ... ' IV UIIIIIH, 1,11,, J'll'llUllll. l" ll, ,1, lll'l l I I ol (i.l ,riui c. Y nt under eireuinstnii , looaMiia- wo Li'V. i iiif" in in., in i.ij iiu.si. mil. i.oi'ii's, Cl ient reason f r culieratula- t i-l- lukili'- In. ,, .,. e maile uiiol her- i.ll.i. Ic itinue to merit, we e to retain formally long years lo nunc. With nidi oncour- njiomont, we would i.ewcit content, it it : fully nnulo up for the delitioiiciicies of our 1 " i -i i . i ! non-paying Mihsenhcrs : lait we have a j largo amount of outstanding subscript ions 'due, which we absolutely need to enable us to carrv on our miner in thn ininiiicr manner. we would like to do ; and whirl, we scarce- Iv know how to I'ct alo'.iir wilhoiil. Ve along without. V - - lri:stthat our friends will come forward , promptly and relieve us to the extent of their arrearages, ami we a-siiri . . i. 'in l nit tl. "l:e,.l,i;.,,"sl,.,ll I,..,,' il,.. ,,el.s nf - , their generosity in its improved appear - janeoand the increased interest of its pa - ' -es ' j 'e liope too, our friends w ill aid us in increasing our subscription list for the 1 present vear. We publis'i our paper at a j very low-price, (,. allhough we ,! no. ' aim at a subscription li.-t like the ".Vi-iv ! York Ledger" vet we would be vcrv glad t0 ,!, a few hundred to it before the ,..(eiit vomme progresses very fir. Ii a,., subscriber will obtain for us another one, the thing is done. Senator Bigler's Speech- ()ur distinguished Senator, Hon. Win, Iligler, delivered an able and eloquent ! speech in the V. S. Senate a few davs ago . 1. , 1 ).. . .1 ll II 1 llll f.. 11'.. .. . .-,u, iiiei 11. .1.111, ai'i'ioie 01 me coiu-e marks were patriotic airl practical, iukIm. ,,nv l,y its author, in regard to kee throws much light on the ijuction. I ping u register in school, and at the end The initioi'limcc of il railroad lo the Pa - i of the term, have it published. I believe eltie nind.t lo 1. so io n,i. l,',.,'v tnnn . 1 . ' ' , 1 1 that it seems singular that the tnee.-upc ; linn Leon so long delayed : and even now 1 tcr, and make better progrc.-s than thev doing hi-liist literary and legal produc opposition ii oll'irud to the passage of the ' 'lid before, but to prevent Uiem from 'Lai'- tioii iiii;:!it evince tothewojld bis legal 'hill, when weshould think every member .' -it of both Houses of Con res; should unite nt once in passing it. And while 1 enn-; sylvnnia, has long been alive to the vast itnportance of the enterprise, Mr. Eider is '.he first of her Senators who has echo ed her voice in the National Legislature. the unreasonable prejudice that seems to exist in some quarters n to the Vaeific coast, n ' d iiinst a railroad j that in future ,jd ,.,-) ;,, i ociicieo-iiis, is in... ,',ii...i ii. i..v.i,,i..i, determination of Congress Upon tiie sub ject. Ifnossible. we will .'ive the speech re -.. 1 ferred to when the current business of the season nas necn aiiemieu io. .vi .resent, , i .. .I i. ..... however, it is impossible. JOHN covin E. It appears that this gentleman niadi ; the letter ol m r. miiianw lo Uie coin- i t ...... r 1 1 .. . (..,... . . ; . i . -..!,. i. ,.i',i,. taking of fort Ihiiiucsiie, the basis for ol- fering n resolulioii in I ' ingress, to appoint i -1 11 committee to investigate the subinct of '""'"'V bal ing been u.-ed in lVntisy Ivania l , t'' ; -i't 'eciioi s uoeis ( 01 1110 iioiise 01 ne prescniaiives, anu unit tilC iousu i.m,;ilt.,l jt down aiul laughed it Mo (',,..,., a ,..,('. .......... I .. 1 .. 1'...., I -. .v'Ji.'.'r. I., ttiiiui iiiii.te.-,, i. ri ii ro-'tlns distncl, and on that, account ive niay o perin.ueu o express some regret tnal . 1 r i ,i ' . TV ; ,s ,no,.0 1,1,,1 (l,;l ,,vt.n we would desil'i '. I I ,1, . ,4 reun i ion iv,. .-i.l . i... . iiK,i li.-i . .... ... . n ne iiei not use iart'e amounisoi niiiiii" io prouioie ins mic election oyer ( .en. ros-, u J""."bose talents, comprehensive , i iioi ii u;e, i ii i eg i u.i , Mi llies nun graces i ...................... k.i n . 1 i. K , '. 1 I ,.. iipn,,i,.i,i.., ,. omimretl with tho gnus intellectual dark- Such books are Cobb's series of Headers, Wlis done. "As a quest ion ol public inter jiiess whieh surrounds Mr. Covom:. We (Unsound J 'ike's Ai Ithineties, and others est it can only be fairly submitted when "Men compound for the sins they are 'inclined to," by 'damning those they have a mind to." should henceforth hr. ll.n rim- ding of this (luotation- Mr. Covode adopts the old trick of crying "stop thief," when 'a guilty conscience tells him ho pursued thinking doubtless, that his zeal in trying ,- ., ... ,. ... ,f to stigmatize tho Administration, will di- vert attention from himself. Or probably he hopes to escape punishment by in the conviction of others. Tfo reminds us forcibly of an anecdote 1. 1 , C . l . . . i . u uuec neiiiu in a, cerium (livinc WHO ono day in tho midst ot his sermon while in a strain of denueiation of Adam's sinful . .. , . . , ... posterity, observed coming down the aisle, an aped lawyer, who it waa well know" ' ' i ' . ! I II" ' I ll . I ,, I, I,,. i ii-i-.i-mi.-1 mi" i ni ti i '"n ii'.ii.'..i ii, I.. 1. 1,.., ",, tll.iml iih,. 1 1 ' l , 1 t 11 1 1 ", . I f ' 111 I ' ill Ir'liiimiiv nt I In. I'i ii in "i i 1 1,,, i y , , f ' -II... -Mi'i.,t,,i,i,i,,i.,im,, . . HUH l.ll.-'HII ll'"l. I. HI), M ll'll 1.1111,1 .1 H. i I (1.1 I'tiiii ly ii !i. '! ill I III' I'I .1. I ii'C . i. "I iin i' iii .mi i iirii- I' Hi.' l.in I..T..I.I tin Ii i- I mi..'. Is ill i, ,v .iiii.iii. f. ... 1 1.;. i , i: Ill t lil 'I 1 I'lll V a! i'-t llll'l I lillVi" I'M'!' I'.llll'l (In, I til M1'' SCIIIIII tll'IIO' is III" Hist tu tin n ''lilt. S ,S l' t- Lctter to the Republican. .v,-- ),.,,". ;,',,' '.;,,,,'. I,, ( 1 1 iilwl.i I.iiihL i iii'i I'tiimn, m (SV.; r,r t illili"li iS.7i;,.v.t Ii:iii Urn mn v It I i'i:ui ivrn iiik it liiiiy, (..'iliiiiis, In n it.t... I ;....i.. r ' ' r '"" " V " ' 'O'l'-i I" l.iinw liiiivulil.Mi.il' lis. tlio syroiii.l "P.iini-l, i p'ttiu uloii,;, mill hmv tlR! i.iu is ileal.-, tiavectiioycl the In. Ill, lays. 11 is tai liloiialili! i:i cities like unto Kyler- town, V "'Y'''11 "in'icsun occasioiis j m . . , i ic . i;. s, lor soi i le one oiino no- nest citizens to Kivo u dinner, a! whieh.all (M''"M",S "'1" V" llt:l1' 1 U MVlill-nlli.-'tif. fee '"' ,V'l",L' "' t' sin . .no.. i ii, o um s .rein i i.oani. i .on .1. .. I ...... .(.. I I ll.s 111 l , .IS .1' issiiiuea l.y your tornici' Icl.ow townsman, .1. i. .union, r.so. i, niVM-ii, was one ol tlie lionore. it L ,i i... i... ...ii . , upon ji, ilium, l.ut in a short tnnn - A .,iind were couipelled to fall bin k on every day fare, old tobies. I Yesterday b 'lii" I he .1 iv li"fni'. Vnv. v ...... will, a ntinil,,..- ol ,,il,',.,-s ,,f i." ,. thy citizens, 1 jiaitook of the most nahi- l'""u suj.j.ei wuh u i naie ever seen "'"v;"1 oul tu ,"V1raV,sl,i"r i'z,' ,T,1'i i least w ,s ju'epar".! hy Mrs. Mvartz an. 1 her hy l,u,. assistants, h wits n time long to 1. remembered, by all present, and as for '"'. I h,. lie the dose may often he re- l'1'''1'1 ; ami .' , 1 , - ;i""-" "'.-o ";)m", , ... a luxurv' ui'llliar Voiiisn t ....... t v- V Ii .... s.. . .'. .... '' i ........... ..... .-..i'i'. .. .i.-i.o.-v. .. ..U...M-U- . ,, ,,, s, .,- ""-' 1 io a sled and look a tlslijh-riile, to I . . .. , . , cio .uinMi imu i,,;, inosi iiuicii. mgan.i imeresuni: iiesenption ov J.l.ler i . ...... . .. '. ....... . wam.-i'ii, .'1 .'iiivi'lll'. u I 'I i - ... i,.i i I, ., - " "'o .seuuoii uie mem- ' bers engaged in their exercises, which were , klTl ; t'.H '"elve o'clock, when all ivti- I !" '," 1 """i l'.CiMlTl",( h"ln' '""!,; -lvi";: ; thanks to tiieir I n ator, who had pre.-erv- ed them through another year bile oth- i ers who were not so deeply engaged '',iu'il t!' 'X;'ieie. lircl pistols and cut j;;,;;;-!!;!,! ' ' l'M MUl"" , We have some fr.'e inches of muhv hcie, ! which makes toler.ii.le gou.l leigliing, and tlio logging liiisilicss is liein can led on ve ry extensively, There are, perhaps, more logs to be driven on the Moshaniioii, this season, than have ever been known in one season before. Some c i i .1 j mn i. s are put ting in, and are going to tloat, nine mil lion feet, board measure, while others, less ext.'ii-ive, are doing a large bu-iuess. In looking oyer your columns of last week, Inoti. d an ai'tH le headed "A wold and being engaged in that ,1'1 leaeliers, j business myself, I gave it a careful pi 11 'r ' ''U'licial to a-cl,ool. In (act I know so, as I have tried it, and that the impils apply thcm-clves bet- i ''" ,,llt u,".' 1 -1"".",t "Vnk s"- ........... Il.n.t- . I.. II... I... !. . 1. I I , Illlllll "i ll'JIII 111. I.l' I, 111... 11' IS no matter whether their report 1..,, i.ul, hshed or not. When th iiollnlays conn in order to oh they want their treat, an tain it, they r.-ort;.) ia-!eiiiiig the door upon their teacher. In country schools it is a practice too much indulged in, and whii'h will be hard to eradicate. 1 believe in the course of a leiv years, it will die away as rclineiiicnt iidvanees ; but to tin del-take to suppress ii l,y a single blow, I think would prove to bo a failure. It is true that if the question were left for them to decide, whether they will choose a treat or have the leport published, ami they wouiil preicr the report, tluri would still I be a desire on the p.irt of tho-e ii', 7. to , - , bar the door against the teacher'. I'.ut 1 i fear. too. when the niicstio-.i is lefl to them for their decision, owing P smaller 011,1,11 ""'""y' u" u" f;v ,'" nlinosl ,,v,.i'v si'l,,,, .1 i ...V ,i , ,) il... . .................... ... ".sweets," beyond doubt. Hut there are other considerations which impede the progress of ehildien in our common schools. fact In a great many of our schools in in the greater number of them, the lul- "ulreii are not provid"d with l,o... them to study. Our schools, t hi' I'i'Hhf'i:. are eon I a niinal ed with such i.,..,!. ' 1 , . 1 1 .1: 1,,, ,.,,,' 1 .;, , , " ',1 ,"" t . , , Vi-li t , n hi tT..r.-tan.iiig. ..r to i ing ,liiu to t,,.,,,..;,,. or liiiiis.-lf. T icy an WToii;: voting detilated -o, to create false am in the mind of the I. ' ,,,,, ...mil,.-, ,.l...l I I !S1.UK,1S with a zealous care. .U thev are , ,lt vf)ln inalilioo.l,anil it is this eo.isnl, 'ration which , i...,..u i, :..i., . e .. . . . -i . -. . . . . . ... I,,,, ii,., i..,.i i, l..... .... of hjs ' .tipils at heart. "'Tin Kin cattiiin form the common mind, Just n,. the twig is boil tho tree's inclined." --,.' ..u ..lvc. riiiimeuc iiiai i wish lo call vonr ntten- . tion. I know there me some teacherj lnal, "l"'01' Ulls worn, nm say tney catCof burthens, l'ut the question to the j.eo I . i ' .i ' . . V , ! " V ( woi k in it, but my elass cannot. i.uv ii en in i ou a eu ii u. .-si.f-iii. W..1I -ys one it is your place to show them H ' .hould be called .lohn or Jane; Thy cor! I ' , , "cm 11 " toaclierean show respondeiit says "Should a removal be 1 ' UlTlolwZL h'm nil iTj ;'!;.":tVtll0,ftm"m,t f , ,,ho 1 i "Ot necessary to hliow them all the tune lu hties lor (amazes would exceed the eosl givo them the principles of Aril.,metie,'1(rn new court house in' vtimesov , and that is sufficient, That is just what 1 1 Whence does V a.'ouiro his t lie' 1 J IZlf Aritl Vnr v., 1 g ''X I l''''t gives hnn ni.iro right than 11. totho take the 1 Ith sum on ,,MH!.V.w'r ii!'. rns,a."s' lon ? , be law of the land in which i, in , ...1.1 . , ...111 ; !. , , .I.. iriiiuiKuic, iviiicn is ' l nat 19 Hie price I" '" - 'lrs- 14 lbs of steel at the rate S' , , , , ,Z I. ,s ln Uir Nnglo Hulo of Three, and if I know nnv thing about that rule, I would take the 2') cents for the third term reduce the I ' ' i ',. ii n- i ., ,." I l,,l,o lint , nii'l II i I I .. ,1. I 1 I' 'I i, ..... I ii,. .' ii, in i!l. Iv ll'i Ii nil I ilil l I I Hi.. i ii ' .'it ''I, I "I I In !!"' '," ;!'' ',;',, ... 1 1'. i.l.'U. , ..' , "... N"i. il ii-n ' i. tni', I .ml I' li'H I .1 ....:..', , 1 '"' r.' I I,,' I.i i. , I . Ill . i I in ,1 ll v "1 1 1 ill I I 1 1 I" "' II' i'i ,,,,, . ., , A ll' I M,niili, ill :( li'l, lli'll ivc o my i yi- nii'l tin' tllill' i iv, N". h, iiih'IIu i. i'. in. illy Mil.' 1 1 1 1 I I t . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' , 1 1 1 1 1 i i i.ioi .' In nr., ll'I.Us. II s " ii lint ml I HI I. "I I, I II.. ms i'.i-t Wi. ll II i'i-... IV 1 . 1 1 1 ' I IIL'IIII tuKo llio "I '. I I. Is. I'or tli.'lliinl l.'i'iii. I I''. 1'i.f tli. s. i i.ihI, iiihI liwl. nr lln' lii'l tl l lil. llll'l pl'iu'i l i ,'ls lirl'iil'i' slilli il, wllii'll, JIIN'onlill to Illy Wnlk, 1V..i L'i'.'o inn il V-'J. rti. i r II,. ; lint in tit o ivork it i-i ' ll. .NolV, It Is l'',i'llt 1,1 I'Vi'l'y L 1 i n t. in u It i 1 it m 1 l.V i uls. licr rlillil til, 11,., ivniili fiiv.' us S.', r t u t., uii'l I civt. iviitiM conn' at tliiit ratr, to till; l.ut til" lcii'l "st l.'l II els., Ilii'li't'oiv It Hill ti.kc 1 1 io '.l-'J." (if ii cent to liiaUii 111. llii! .,,.,,,,,iil (Uiu. is ..I' tin. Miiiin kin, I iv..'. n,i,,,j, ,.;(,.. I.ulivis lorliciir. ns it ivuiilil oi- (.,lllV ,,, ., ,I1U. , N,a,.(.. t no'.v, let mo.irk, ilel not tint Conn jy Convention ol Nhool Itir.'ctors, ivliuii ,( , t'le.u li.1,1, 1 do not llolV remelil- ,. when th.v cnvenpil.) reeoii..uei.,l a seri. s -f I ;s, out ofwhieli the llireetors of cad, town-i.i,, were to s.-lect l.ks f,,r i ... ,. ,,, j ..... .. i,.,,, to ,n , we have referred, rejected ? 1 think such w til" case, nit I mav tie mistaken. I lie great troiiblo in getting scholars lo pur- cha-i! the kind of books we innil and the kind i e xl,,mi,i ii.n-i- is, that their parents say every teacher who conies along wanl.s ii ne'v set ol books, and Hull lliey win have to he all the tune Inlying new ones. Well, iio.v, I ask all such, if they do not think (he latest improved, i.'id most siui- i,Hli,Ml woi k if th bcsl I hey say yes, but they cost ao much! Parent.-i do they cost you as much asseliding your eliildreti lo school and doinij -noaming nini cunning iiieio, without their hell, at home n hi! they ire not learning anything ivhercbv thev lllav be belleli t ted '.' It is time ami money spent in vain, and you " "'"t ''' " i " V,TI..,'U"";SS ""' i 'u. i win tu iiii i iitiii .-wii.". ii iiw.-r unit; ,as l.eeii sin nt at sc hoo . oouriii'' over tin .... . ...... nlM v OI ;l luiiiui eu 1 ears ago. .mil .... i. i- i . . . i . i ... i i ,.., a,siue you. il We get the light kind it kind my new ,.... 1. ...... I ................ n . . 'i.,-,,,,,,,, ,.,..,,, i.,,ui ,, i .,,.,..,. 1K, .... ,, ,,,. l w oe. J " -'O - ' Us nave spoken. II.,; what mi: ias that some goo.t may come Horn remain about the same. To talk of erect .vn said, I remain ' ing buildings without inciy-a-ing taxation, ' ' lit' 1. January 1 s i.l Ki:ii:mi I.iKinui Thy valued paper published on thct'ith of 1st month, con tains an article over a very iUeer signa ture, to pronounce which chum h those who are accustomed to plain language as disagreeable .-eiisitions about the na-al organ as do dead Hies in the apothecary's ointment. Tlum. of course, knoivest who w as the author t hy readers nesst gu. .-s. l'crha.s it was written by an anti, jiiarian, who searching amongst the musty ar chives of an "old town" discovered that lonir years ago, when his parents wore lul. and tucker, certain things were tian-act-ed, and he now with laudible zeal would lelre.-h the nicinorii s of those who are now living, and were iclors in those scenes. I Ir perhaps it Was penned Ly a hitlMledgeil briciless lawyer, having vani ty enough lo believe that r.lack.-tic.c would he unproved l.y i.icorperat lug in the common law sum ; ol which are not common , ns crude whims n-e--that by mi ''u' , l I . ..... I ... I 111 I ... .......... ..I .".r',1 .....I .......... ......... , .. , ,n, , v ...... tnnn, However luiini'ie uie pn-iiioii an. homely the language of it advocate is entitled to resi defender, the .ei ful coi'.sidi'r- anon. I l.y c..rresp..n.i. nt einiiot regar.l with any toleration those who would n-c the fool's argument, ridicule, to counter- act liny popular movement, and he al-o deprecates the personalities which betray ' the iveakm-s ot a cause which have been indulged in l.y writers on the removal e,ues-: lion. j Cacophonous Chineleehaniouse i its in supposing that only a few speculators are j seeking the change. If he had atUiuled'i to the large meeting in. (. urwensville on i the 17th of 1-th mouth, where the tax-! pa y r liirnci from dilli lent parts of the county out in Mich liiunbers that the Me thodist Meeting House could not contain them, and oh-crvcl the unanimity of the u.eeting, a regard for truth would have .1.- . . . prevenieii nun even, lnumat.ng bueii n thing. The nrlicle contains several declarations w hich deserves a passing notice. io man possessed of reason acts without n mot ive : prospecuve gam or pieasiiro is the ineoii- lit for live, .o long as one acts without eoiit r.t iallv in veiling the moral I.uv he is rLdit, even .ho' lie iiiereoy jUils money in Jus p.u -e. the eiti.eiis of (,'urweli-i ill" are williii; erect the iniblie buildings at private c lcl their oiler ineeecd lii.in e..:iec e l If t to .St. in- (I ease in the uliie ol' lands, or f (ill I pub lic spu it i; matters not; there cm be no thing wrong in the oiler, and the tax-payers are jiisi ilied in ai.'cepting their oiler. There can be no danger in accept im: it of ling a "precedent that would set lis of the counties in the State by , ...... murium il,..,,.,,s Wlu'ii the county seat of Co- liunl.'.a county was removed IromPanville to r.loouisburg, precisely the same oiler was made and aeeeiited, and possibly in some oilier counties, ivncre the seat ol jus- . , , , ., i ice iiui necn removed, lie same l imc .js.ts in convenience increase of facilities to lu-.juirc desirable things, and decrease " 111 .''"ape Itiallliey may have no ,,, ..... .-,. ,,,, it as well n lunil I,. i.l . . ...1 .1 . .. .- . . . , i neni iv nei oer i.rueen leiiien. u .u.v i ,. , . - -' .1,1 I.l,, IS. HI It .-l. I.l S collected will. Notwithstanding thy ooin respondent's emjihiitic assertions, I aver t lint no legal gentleman, having any posi tion at your bar, would, over his'name, nnblish to tho worlil fin niiinlnn I tinf in oaio a removal is ofl'ected. the e'oimt of i - ti., v,.,.n i..iii,. u .I.'.i.t ,.i 1 1 , ( .), i i ill.,)! "I I . 1 1 . I .!' III'' I I hi . i.iiiiM ill ll I'lH 'I'l'lill i t -, , I i ii li "i 1 1 I I I I, l Hi in r; I' ..I'I. . I nt I'll' ill. li'H I" pllll il l i'lil't I. ii- n iintiiiii 'it ."in. 1. 1 iii'li ' .iiitii' ii - ll'" III). I I ll'Ml III" (ll1 1 ' 'I I ."t ii i it III tli.'l nv. 1 1, i r" is nil li.i'li. 'I n h ill . ii t In' i in I "I i i i ti ni' iiil'i r of i i.'ii lv ll. il Ins mill Hi' I n ii in , I imIIi.M' si , ii 11 in i'n-r "I in , ,-niiiiv i , , I i llifil i, tli I'liliilnliniM . lint kioii1. ii '..vhi iiiiu tit i'iir, iii'.H' lli'lll ill. HI III" 111 is III 1,1 I III ll'lls, lit 11 li.'ll I ll" I'olllllli Mill llll ll I" lllilllll Til liv mi invailui l"i', ii lio, c ,ii. Ih" mi nifty el I'lll'lllls, llllH l'VI'1' llll'sl illlllll lll'l tilit lo .Ollllllllllll lll'f I'ltii'llS to Slll'l ili,'!' tlll'il' iio,. ity iiii'i .iivnt" inti'li'st- n v , to lav .low llii'ii' i I'll' tin1 1,'imii'iii ii.'i l. W'olll'l ll" I ll Sllit llll'li'l' Slll'll I'ilClllllstllll- ccs Im iiii ii 1 1. , 1 1 1 a I y .' A loiul ,;ss,.s thro' a tnnn'M Imi'l. lie erects near it n costly ami colli cui. 'tit mansion Tlio l co.l" say til" roa.l Inc. I. ii in "ineolivciliciit, lis"- less , Inii'ili'iisoine," timl die law lino' its i,ro,ercl,a.,iicl, the court, vacates tl," roai. i nai man s iiio ,ei iv lie iieeiaics in nit man s mi, i.i'i'tv del. l.'Ciatcs in value. W ho ever lieanl of ll suit for i la" ma;.' 'S Uli.ler Hlieli eircilliistallces? I'llill- clatnolisclie int roil i ices into liis iir'iiineiH ,,0111,. remarks al.ont ii fruiinintcf winch i : ,,, , the Coininissioliers now lilivir. II ivj.nrt ;'" -'' , m ,,,,ks correctlr l.o lias not state.l lltl,ei . , ,..a . A- 'HHYVKft. terms of that L'llanuitce. For that puxr ! ' ,,;,. isonly in a eerla'm i.lan of ! " ..Jv I,.1vl,I,-,70 ' i w ... ... ..... ).,. . ... i'.....,., ..... ers and proposals oU'erisI for its Imihling1 ivillnn :, ,,,.rl:ii ln ,!, v soirw lnv- miyers think this is merely an etfoi I. to coerce the Commissioners and prevent the legislation which the people desire. If a rait w ere once let for t he erect ion ol ,n i, 1 ,n.s. t hen t hen-Hugh t I." soic.et lung lid about, dama.'cs. iv correspondent believes that fine coiiniv in iiesiiicKcii iiii in mo cai, : 1 1 i . . . i .i ii- would it not sound Letter lor him to ik why the necessity of erecting new buil dings when about losim; so ari.'e a l.or- I1(,n 0 our lnliiii.itnnts, an, I so scope of territory which is a Imitte largo a I on all : hand . to be a more urolith; field for litiirn- :,-.,, l,,,n n.ie oilier uiwlinu ll.in In ,,-k win' is remoyal necessary. I'.ut sup- i ose that the g'.iarantee named was not n.i irm in ntui lononni I , v I'MnniiiMiii; what i it amount to? Simply a loan to: 1 . -; 1 1 I i Comity of the sum which the riiilil ic I, ml, lii, ..s will cost. The nrcsent rate oft: ixalion barely meets the current .... ...... expenses ot t no eounty. JI J me eouniv Tim ':...... .. ..... ...in l.,. .1... , 11 l 111 till. Ill' Hill Utl Ml' IIIVI'l d of a source of revenue, and our ordinary expenses will for win, f is e(,ni:ih'Til eri'-nf ill ii Miailili eoiiivalcnt, creating debt, is chimerical. Why the necessity of removal '' Cur-weii-ville is nearer Iho Lull.; of the tax payers : it is mor convenient for them to transact lisine. s there, and indepeiil"nt lv of taxes and county buildings, the Ii ieii'ls of removal siiythe removal would be a huge annual saving to the people of this firmly. Then let us haven vote on this question the people can be tin-ted with this as w ith other questions. No bribe, no mer cenary motive, will influence tiieir action. They v. ill vi.-w ii in its moral inivell as its other aspects, and their decision will be right. Kl'SSKLI,. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A C.UtP. A. I'I. KILLS would inform his pa trolls that he will beab-ent I'lotii his ofliee during the three lir-t weeks of I-Yhriiai v. n a professional vi-it to Elk County, OVarlicl.l, Jan. l'J, ls'.S. . v'.i '; or nouKirr v;ajj:v, ., .,;!. IVJOTH'I-: i.s li.'i-.'l.y givon Mini hi'llwr? i.f A. I iniiii-li'iilii.ii have l.i'.'ii grunti'il In tin. 1111-'h'l-U'iiO'l. 1.11 llii' I'.sialt' i.f lluln'it Wri'.-li'T, Sr., li.l.' nl Pra.lti.r.l, toiMi.-l.ip, .1, um.,1. '.f ,,-. -.liv liming liii.-ini'-H ci.iH'oriiinif 111., yam,., nr.' li.Ti'liy imlilic'l t'. iiiiikc iiiiiii 'iliiiti. p.'lili'i.n'iil wuli Iho ailiiiiuistral'.r. V 1 1,1.1 A .M K. WHIHI.KV, .,.i,Pi,',,i(.,,-. lliailfuiil Iconisiiip, .hui im ry 111, Is.,'.'. I' AL'TIOX. 4 l.h iiT.s'iiis im; Iirn liy raiitii.aril nniiisi l.iiy. in'. i.i-in 11 11 y i.s 0 in c il , 1 1 i 11 g with llio In 11, liv ing pi (..'i 1 v, limv in the i.,s,.,'.s.-iun (,f liain'l llnrii, ut lltaily to uslii , ('li'iiiliil I I'mnily, I'm, i. : Tun lh, ir., iv, iine.V'iii.l Mill, one l,,ij Sliil, "lie i.im Slcil, .mo lut i.f lings, 1111. 1 Ivnlii- Oxmi tin" ."iiino 1,1'lniigs lo me, am! is 1,11 ly li'I't will. mi'l Hum m hum, Mil.jivtt 1 my nnlcr. (i. W. 1I0KX. Jiuiiiiiry l'., I S.,0. ;jt.il. , Al.L AIil.l'. LANDS AM) SAU-MII.I. ici illl' Siil.se, i'.ers offer the follow ins valiinlile 11-al I'sliile at privnlo rule, situnli in lleeca ria tinriehip, Clearlield Coimtv. euiuaininu' n. 1! Ill Mil:i:ii mi'l SK KNTY TWO A' lll'.S. in two l-aels or parcels ly i ti ir eollti.ruous, i ; FIFTY EKiUT .If 7,7X w ilh u Saw -, Mill Iheri i n. .- ml Tin Acre- eleiin d, A N t nF IlFXnitFI) A XI) FOVIi'TFFX ilh .il'Oiit. thirly neriin cleared. Uolli Iraels nr.! well tiinliered willi l'ino Tiiuher, find lire well suited fur liimlierinu, nml w uiild suit liny iino winning to pu iiilu tlio l.usine.s. Thev will lie pold nepnrnt.'lv or together, to suit pur- misers, icrnu one (lunl ol tlio Mire hnso nio- ncy in luind, nml the lmlnnco in two yciirlr pay ...v.i. a. M.it ii,iiv-i put l.i:i.l..IP IllljUirO 01 JOU.N sit OKI', or S. W.KEACY, .t7iiiiii(rui of the E'lalc uf Abruham .V. A"c f.y. ili-crimviU Jiinuary 19, 18,19. If. PROPOSALS WANTED. SKALK 1) VIinPOSA l.S will be received nt tho olheo l Iho Coiiiniifs-ioners of Clearlield County, in Clenrlield, until tin 2fllh day of .Inn- nary, lS.IJl, for the huilding of ii new Court- , ,,.-,-, I Inline, (ill leet trout liv t'u feet deep, with oflireii ...... . - . . 7 Z IZ. lninsunerH' dilieeK. r",' T l iU f" , f R" ' w m11''o. Clerk, for ten Unji preceding tho 2th Vr"Vu,iilU ro Mre'1 ,u x,.res. what tbo ZnZ: All rropoH.li muH bo neeonipnnied l.y tho -".of a -ponl.lo surety, rcMding in the J01IX IUW1.V. UEOlldK KHIIAUD, UD, V Com'bs. EN, J WM. McCRACKI Attent It. J. Wai.LACk. Clerk Coinmiiisinnen' OITico, Jan. 12, 18.".9. I --.nh Vrn.SC i t ! v-t, - '5 """'j cuiiii .mi v. T . nvt. i...n.i..n.,T.'l A MM.1 JNn f i'i. I i.xt ,,,,, (vJ I'll I' I 'I I 1 1 It 'I' ,1 i II Hill I , , r ' ,1'iV.MI.M i, I.I, ,,n ' ,,', ( 1 1' I' I'M I " " "I Ml iL. i Mill .,1 I. . .11, ll "Hii i'l -. l ill I' .ilKl ll." I'll ... . i . . . i.i.ni , t "HI I I' -' M II .1) l.i'l'l! llntl In. ii' I , . Il. in. hi ll ) I'I' I ' I I I'. I 'iiif il. . .1. I 'll s ,v. I I'll I I ; OH KIM. V M l Al .I K TAVH1N M AXh i FAItM 'l':. ACKIIS (if i.am,, jj " hIiI. Ii mi' I'l.'itn' l iiii.I iiihIit i-ulli a:i'n, itk li'il mi ( l.'iirlii'l'l Cri'fk, i.n ll.n mKinrn.nl lttltn ti.. in Cl.'iirli, M t.mii In C I - r tt 1 t llii,K, J ( l.'iiilli'l'l riiiihly, !'., nml Ihr.'n inil..A i,i,t I'll 'III Mil' f'l'ltlt. T i,(.'.'. Tl. I.',..-.' is lnrh-c, i,m, wi. rnlc uUtiil fur. T,i i rii , nii'l ivill ri.iiiiuiiii.l iii iirly iill il,,. duiua i.l t Ii u wiili.rinmi iliirinir tlio lrolipia, whlrh g nll.V Inst ti n.. i li.iir tn nix wi'i.kn. Thi. i-nrc nl i It. l." 1 t...l ll' . l '"V ....il Hum, Wnml Slinl. W'nth nml Uuke lluuu it"1' riiri'ni" mln'r l.uil.litixt tn'ci'mary Tur rnnv.' "'I "f'Tt. Tim t. rinii i,f ,1 will U ! ';!"-v f"r i...i.,.,.l pieynient,. Korr,lr. , ... t. . .. ,, . . . '- ' ut. , ... n,,.-,...,. i,,.,,,,. .. i ,...:, . e ... tW-l.l. ..rS.'W. Wcl.l, (lluii ll...e, Clenrliui.'l c"n! y l'a. r..iisi-.si..ii run In- iv. ii , U,.,i ," Imyrr or ri'Dli.r inn liuvu tlio liini'tit of the tittn . ltui.iM.tn, ln.-U ali.uo will mu..uu to wuro tbn i i.i.i iv i.r.i i i'.ii. uriMiMMi i tim: tost ohu k at rim. I rim.ii, roit ijr.wiTi;u i:iiiii iu:c, 111, IS;", ' John Kcnkle, Miss Margaret Tie lor 1 m.tli. M iss Scrol'one Shmod, laniel I.uu. brery, ('. Ankeii, ecatur Pinions, Jin, Sarah King, .lames Allen, illin limn S '. 1 iekey, William M.elorhell, Amos Clow. sen, M i s. Hard l'ain, Joseph Davidson :!....' , i. . it . . -. ... . ei oniKii 1 1 hms, iuiss i niieiie i eiui, v m Hamilton, John 'i'rought, AmoaHiilton N. l. I'erson.i calling for letters will plcu.-e say they arc advertised. ('. I. WATSi iX, V. M. Clearfield, January lS'il). AUDITORS NOTICE. M,iil,-r c' Kstnlc tif Sion i I fry, hllli' of Jinniahip ' ctirtitU ( 'miiili Jlfiyjxril. At an On li is Court held at Clearfield on the .'!d Mondav of .Nov. last past. Iho undesigned was iiih pointed Auditor to distribute money's in j 'be hands of L'li Fry, Administrator of the faid Samuel Err. .'. Ilif. t iivrt. ' All I'l'i-sons interested, w ill please take notice that I v. ill attend to the dutiesof the above appointment, at my ofliee in Clearlield r.orough, on Saturday the Nth, lay of January lS;V,l. at 10 o'clock A. M. ol'said day, when where you can attend if you see proper. Til OS. J. M'CI'hl.iKiH, Annum. 1'ee. 17th, 1 -'.S. It. IIOHNSi: ()TI( i:. Dig fullioving n. i llii'ii piTsnriM havo tili',1 in tho ofli. n of (hi (.'1,'ik i.f llii' Oiiirt ,,l' (iuaiti r ,,'.-.-i.iiis of Clrar f.,1'1 I'niiiiiy, llii'ir l'i'titiims fur hii i'iino nt th Jiuiiiiiry Si .-.-iuii next, ugret'iilily Id Art i.f Ai si ial.ly .if M.'tri-I: I'S, lsjil, cntillfl "An A.'t t n gnliiti' lie) suit. .f I ti ti.xii'utinir I.iuiKirs. .tc. W . VV. AmliTsijii, lVnn tn nsliip, Tavern. II. lhiys .Mnri-iiw, CI.'.irfK'lil linnnigli, Tavern. Aug 11. -ins .11, il-,, a, ( 'iivingtnn tntv 11 hip, Tavern. Satiiiii'l ItiiliiiiMi. n, IJnggs township. Tavern, l.y. ini'l W. Wchl, haivrein e town-lop, Titvcrn. A. h.Ugiii'n, l.aii renee Imrnsliip, Tavern. .Iiiniei. Ill, .0111 sen. I'i kn Township Tavern. I'i t er 111. .1.111, Joi 'laii Tuiviiship Tnvern. John Miller Jr. Hoggs t.,wnliip, Tevein. ilre. :!. lsiS. tiKOltUE WALTEKS, HI. OIU'IIANS' C(i-i;i;T SAI.K. V virtue of an nrler of sale issue, 1 out of tin " Oiplians' Cotu t uf ( lenrlieli County, then will I"- exposed to public fnlo nt the Court !li,n-e. in the l.o rough of Clearlielil, Saturday tlie lil'leeiith day i.f ,1 aniiary next. a eerlnin ni".siiiipp, tenement mid lot nr piee of ami, tin c.-t:ile of William Addlemaa, jr., Into of l'iko towtniiij., deceased, homiilcd uiid deserihed follow, to v. il : In gii'iiiag nt the turiipili.) near (le:rg W, l.-li'n san mill, tin nee south ea-l curse, 271 leet, to land of Andrew .id llemiiii. thence nlonj mid An. hew Ail'lieuum's line ."(III feet In the riv er, llieiii e up -aid Su.s.iieliaiina river "."M feet lo paid tui npiUo, thence nl'.nir said pike, 1!I21'."H tho 1 lace of l.eirinnin;.' : siluato in tho towns-hip of l.aivrenee. in the county i.f ( 'lea rticlit, l'n., (villi a Iran,.' hou.se nu t I'rauio stuhlo erected thereon. Term.' Ceh, n'i euntiriieilion nf sale. .M.MKS WliKlI.KY, A Im'r of K 'ditto of Wm. Addlemnn, deeM. Nov. 2.lth, ISA dee. s, isjd. 2 AZXiSSXiS b Till: l'Nl)i;il,Sli;.Kl) tiikuF 1 1, i metliud nf ol iiuanciii); to the citizens uf Clearlield mid tlio sar r .milling country, that ho ha.s opened u I Jalb'Sir fill:.. on !lain Sin et in S'mir'r Xnr A'.er, where eh is prepared tu neeommodatn nil who civs him cull, nml hopes tu receive n lil.enil pntronas. Oct. (ith, l.o.is. JO EM I A II NORMS. OHll W (OI'HT hai.i:. IV virtue of in, order of the Orphan's Court f ( li'arli. i I Coiiniv, there will l.o exposed te . ul. lie .-ill" al iho village of l'e.nvUlo, C It tulioU1 Cuiiii'y, On the 2d Saturday of January, A. B 1859, A I'I'.IIT UN TH 1. T CI' I'tl'l V-TIIIIKr. Al HI S ,'f "''"f'1" in l'o"n township, lmnnde.l hy InnJ ot Win. Wnnn, Jereiniali l'linn, Thoinus Ilnfi'ertv. ii ii .1 . 1', lui 1'. II i.y t, having a largo portion ol cleared laud, and a honse mid harn thereon, lit' tho cstntu of l'elix Itatri-rty, deeeaKi'd. Ternu Cnn i, ill eonrliiniitian of tho sale. MARTI.V MYRTEB, l'ATHICK (il'IN, Adniiiii.itriitori. dec. 8, 18.S. tsV. LOOK lll.ltl'! I.OOIv . l'.Hi:! rfl'I I'- iinder.ignod suliscrilieri., tnke tliiJ melll- X od of informing the nuhlio gencrallT, lhl they lui vo this day entered into coriirtncrfhip ii T11K r.LACKSMITII LL'SINKSS, and enn he found nt the chop formerly ftfriU'M by J. Shunliwiler, nn Third ftreet, in thin k- r."Kn, where they will he plcrmed to oeo the r on .... . " ..i ZZZZ "ZUTaST" " ... , , .. yZD'Zi 'yZff? llf v ''""""" " "f 1 . K ' V i e ' n'7n T"' u lllr"Jeur old ti,u ttton go hare, Sai'K Your mrords too. fihi.ll then 'ho wronghL , To ,'louglishnreuch a Co. no'e, boUgl,lv . I JACOII r!linKWILKR,f i IIKO. W. OUR. i Clenrfleld, Derember 8, 1S58. tf. VIU)l)I t r. WAXTKI). Wheal, Rye, On JL I orn, I'liekwhent rnd Fire-Wnod, wtntei nl t,l. .""'":o."f t'u,rw 1' '" ililienn In pi loc. 1, I men oi printing,