1 ' 1 '.!. .:;;! III 1 i I .! I. i i f I ! Mi 'jllisdlhintcus. Amnin.n AiiMonm y, '.ir Aiihiii hi til ist'Ml ,m -v i c inn i. ii I cul l'l liov. i , I tui; in in h I m nn lln'.,, i, lie. I., lily, - - titi I 1. 1 ti ll'T lll'lllKlii IIIJ. fills . ! IIIIH'i'til 'iiuv. 'Ilii' pcikirn ii I'l.iin, I. ill lln' Conclusions Jllwl l'l. I Iiikiii tr'il I'.V nllu.lilig 1'iicllv In llie men nl not ie I ii I Ii in i nil' 1 1 1 1 v . iilm look Imi k I tut to tiol'lo nticetrv, ns the "iimw f tlmr frii Mi in " : tiie louiitnin ol tlnnf li.Mlor ; t lie MH'I o tin litioi;i oilier, nl llnir litJi iily. Hill es-entiiil imlulity inititilt'Klit i'mIi in throe, wins : t do noliil ity dl'nor'.. the noi.ilii y l Uiougl.t, tliu ij'iliility 'A life. Tun iioliiliiy n work a limn lice .lues Lis part of tiie ivorM'si lo- -j " " jtiiinii'to work, ifi lonm lu task wtill an. I 'Iihmi it choor till ly , not like tlm inulc or tliu n..i.t. .... tuv nioiikcv. This i.i Iiiuli r iinliilliv ii. in iii.in .... I tail make, niul yct in our time how much 1..... ....:.i ..ii. i . i I.-, iiwu. -i ....mi iiiim'ii. rt'ii a tu''i cuauoii ; 'I'll is loriils tin.- cornel' slum? (,f faciy, .ul I), comes tho cnsi ucc ul' vulvar uiisto eracy. You inav write it in -weat, ami earvo it out with u Hnaile, hut it is never . i. .i . i . . i . . tliulciK l'Cltl to be a nejrro Ihan a yentle- man lnaler. Milt let it not he stti'OM'il that inol'ei nional men, the luain woi kers, are to he classed in this rate'oiy. What would "lldi men iv for the bWeet .-.leej) of the toiler with t!ie lianil, anil yet how these JirolHfjuious are Hooded with men who would hnvo done better if they had been casting iion or making shoes. These men go into improved at mosiheres of labor, be cause tl.fy think it more respectable than planing boards and making cartwheels. Idleness hence is always a.ssociated with yentility. Tho uristociacy of America consists in one man having left oil' shoeing Imrses and felling siiuir, while tiie other despi sed neighbor hasn't. The very constitu tion of American social life ignores a diff erence in blood, and hence the standard reared is wealth. Nobility rests in the in dividual, and what he does is the only standard. All work is noble when ani mated by duty, and the m'.t vulgar thing on earth is idleness. The young woman among lis turns up her nose at marrying a mechanic, and makes up for it by marrying a pmilig.itc or a fool. A moiig the mechanics of the world .-land forth the (iuttenbergs, the Watts, the Ful tons, who have sent forth the artillery of the printing piv.is among the nation. -."and tho pennon of the skam ship as she cleaves tho ocean wave. Kei'oktlk 1i:atii or Cut. Ai.iikhi J'im:. Wc regvet to siv the death of Col. Albei t Pike, of Little Hock, Aikaim-s, announc ed, lie was a distingui.-h.-d l.iucr, poet and bcholar. lie cim. ted a vt i v i.ioini. iient part in the Southern C"iiim.'reial Convention, held nt churleston, m the Spring of 1S54; unci 0gtti t the sc-sion held in Savannah, early in IV.'enJ.er. I W, ho made a s.cech. and attracted uni versal attention. He was a man of mag nificent presence, nearly seven feet in height, and of colossal prcpm'timis in all other resjiects. His long hair li.in-in-in profusion down his bark, and hisjinnicnse beard, (.lightly tinged with grey, gave him :i most tiiMiiKiH? air, and imnii-diatelv livet- ed tiie gaze ot ull with whom he came in ..... i r . .-.,i.... ir ...... . iic .ins un einineni inemiier ol the Masonic Onlcr. ami free,,,,..,,. I v 1.1 . 1 ciseu me conntry, lecturing to lodges in pvety city he v:site.l. An extended hiog raiiliical i-ketcli will no .loul.t 1 e .iibli.-hed utan curly day. rduni A Jcst Vermct. The followin,' traoic inHdont occurred in Jeller-on' connTv, Miss., on tln lsili nit ri.l.,..;,.. ...,'.. " - ..... .-.'ii. .11111 VillCI, and a coinpuiiion by tho nuino of Johnson, atteninted u c."-((iioi'Mr. Ja?. Stnitii. n- t-ii.,2 l.nglo.sp1ns,.,las,,hCiny un.lohsceni- ty. Mr .Smith nilit.iitled under irote.t :md retnonstranco until "r,,rl.o.". e.Ifolin.., Viet,,.. "o,,.l r," , ' , V. ., . . . ' " ; 1 "'K4 L-Aiiiu ie.i ins jjuii, mm llileutened to re- the times, ns they hue been bought at net cash scut their insults, he importuned and hej;- l'rit'fs- In addition to tho usual variety of stn- L'C.l of the I'urties, for the sake of his fain- ,,le ar,ie,e-. particular atlenton i? called to th ily nn.l their own lives, to de.-ist from their '"""winK n,'w n"'1 .lesimble dress goods-iiava- infamy and eoivardiee, and ot until ,.a- Tha'pui'"''!' 'T' "" cud lorbearance wore exhausted Twill, French JIari, (Jcrmnniu Uo.h, lion, i. ; n.la,"lt -wt nt,y ''"stile lesontment. buine. D.dainM, Ducali. Broche. Iiound-eorner-Io ltd himself of nil insolent and .histard- and l.ung Shawls Alto a largo lot ol Fndioa' he wis eomnele.l to u. bi nun TI... Furs, Winte lionucls. I) msM Triiiiniine" .1 .kni i.a.1 tl 1,1 .' .... r- . . duui iuiii urn, i 1 1 I llie victl'tl extilleil IMtll aRingle frasji. The coroner's jury render en vn-dicl ot just thai do homici TUK K.N II OK t .Mil I.TItFsx. Ol('(iftl0 editors of tho llagorstoivn 'IWrhli'ht, who was rooetitly on visit to Baltimore, says, union-; oilier tilings, tliat in tho Jialtimore rtiiu.-uuuse uieic lsaw.iman fjietnlin the nening 01 tier days wlioonee tilled a larfre lltll 11 tli.11 V in 1 il. .1 ..... I.. l.n ... 1.1 : 11'. . .. . ........ ej v 111 1 hit jiuiiiiv; ej IV e iilhi.le to Sachel Cnnninfrham, w'.o ensniu red the atreclinnsof four linsbands, nnd in 11 Ml.r.i-1 11. ...1 .i .. ........ v iin.c -in-i u-u seiiai in ions ironi inree of then, and then- tvivi; tho fourth, a for- mernhenflof this eo.inlj-, gaenliced to her everything, fortune, honor, fame, and for her became felon, and for her died a fel- 011 s death. Under an assumed name sho in now eking out a miserable! existence in tllia institution, nnd nrl,.IJ. So,o atonement for her' hunetftahle quest over CDnnttl.ial honor and doniCBtic rcaOO iD early lilo. . I A Revival of llie Norman curfew lias been in operation for a short time past all over l'ariii, and otrango to mid, there has been no noiso. made uhout it, save the sound of the drum by which it lm been jiroclaimed in the more refractory streets oftho I'm, Latin and oilier unruly local ities. At the hour of eleven r. all ea fet, billiard rooms and sitniliar establish, inents are ntiuctuallv closed. Imvimr l.n..n tisni'lmi Ji. ui, ........ I 1 1 .. .1 . 11. 1 aifruenrr "i REGISTER'S NOTICE. AJOTICE i. hereby given, that tho follow in,, ' 1 account, have ' been ciainincd Jn ZZ ' l.y me, and remain filed of record in tl'i office 1 for th. inspection of heirs, legatees, creditor!. Jt 11 others in any olh-.r war ii.lcrc." and m lie tireseotcl lo ll.. ,., i n... .l...... , vip.iiiu o 'fll i Ul Clearfield County, t.) be held at tho Court House, in the borough of Clearfield, commencing nn the 3d Monday of January, lsji; fr confirmation and allowance : The partial account of Jl,n I,. Cuttle, F.xccu tor of the estate of Solomon Kline, late of Law renct township deceased. The pnrlinl account of Jesse Stone, F.xecutor of the last will and testament f Alexander Stone lata of IJ.ijs township, Clearfield county, dcoea ed. JAMES WRItSLEY. Clearfield, Dec. li, l;;,8. ilfS-r. C-ontablei Hlftiik for ar- nt thi Hhi-M. IWSCYVVUS 1011 l.tll. k llll Hill V. joiin iiii:iit. ,t iu St. (.. .v.i w-tui .i, i.. i. :,., t Illl.AI'l l.liin ..i;i.-., ,V...-.r. i ,ih I , i'i r .-!..., mi. (,,'.,,. i v., r, ,, , 1 Mil. number nf il.nl !.;. I. t,,,.. l.i- n engaged Iii Hm J-,,, I .ii . i tl f., nixl lln. general rhuMcter (,f inir 1-urn, both for Vii.i,iv mul ju ir, , gcrirnlly Known throughout tlu Country, llml we Hunk unticccssnrv l.i uny mure tlinn Hint we hnte tinw opened u'r in-nmi-tnrnt ..I H US lur thn ! A I.I, nn.l WIN TKIt mv. inn uiiKi'ri nun iikimi ui'iiiiiiiiii tiim mi imvi- nor l.tl..ro hU'li-imI H. puhlic. Oar Kan. Imvo ''l',,n ' m)oi-lfl iliii iiiy tin- prcscni m'iiv.ii , uhi.n IIIiikV win ...ii'.... u.i.l . -Urn liiriti'i.! iwi.l iiiiimI hi'iialiliil Ihiu ,. ,nv,. ri'n.s Mr vn lo ii :;,- than nt the pri'icnt linn, nn.l hnvo lu-i'n tnnnn i- i i .. .i . I'l.ClUIVll I.V tllO IllllSl COIIIIII'll.lll U III I II...I. - 1. .. lire lliiTi'l'iirn ili'li'raiiiiiil lu m il thpiu nl nu ll i iron lis Hill ciiiiliiiiit' to pup iis tho ropnial inn wo Inii-o lorni fur y.'urs, llml i,, .. s, H n j.(i, iirlirli' fur ii vi'rv ShihH I'mit. SlOUKKKKi'KHS will w,. f. vn iih ii riill, us tlii.y ill liu.l lhi largest iisihii liiii'iit hv far to KL'liM-t from in the Cilv, mcl ut maiiulac lurer I'l ici's. JOIIX l'.lItlKKA .( CO. No. s s Market utrwl, ulmvo Sih, I'lnliul'u. I.'i.t. i'tlih, lHl'S. 4ms NEW GOODS U It ' .1 . . .1 .V 1, If l .V 7 l- j; 'I PIIE Fum-ribcr has just rtTrivtMj mul opened I Ul h in fttorerotmi on .Mnt kel Hi ilirn n ins kiiinirAoTii lu t, ..u..i u .i . . sue the ( learliulil lloii.e, u lare nml well nelee- ' teu MUllvul M-.ASO.NAIII.l. tHIUlLS, nhiehi he will sell ut a very Lmn figure. j Jlis stock consists uf a generul nssorttiient of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard- ! waro. Quecoswnre. Hlnss- I ware, Drugs, Oils. &c inelmlinc ft host of other articles in his line a - lining wnich cim h foiin.l an I'xa'iisivj nml vnri nl si'leetion of I. A 1)1 1 ' dress gooils ; such in "rn,i', J'rrxitm cloth, lihrii Vu !""':, (Mfnih'rt.i. VAici..', IHU'itK, J-ft'lifi MiTlhttt, J'niix, (iinl a ful1 irv ,"" ',( -, ;' O A'.VA'A' 7'S ',, llis Lit.NTLK.MrJN'j wenr consists uf a large asortiuent of Cas.-imores, Cloths, Sntlinetts. Satin Vesting, 'i'.U'e.is. Hats nn.l Ca,s, ami .in i:ti vsivt: v.mir.TV or i; ho t s a x i) sun i: s l'if .:'. li-nltUiin n . Vlnldi;:n ; nii'i nliiiost every oilier nrtii-lo that inny he no i cs-.-iry lo .-ii..l.v tho nauts of Ihe conminnily. 'J in- I'lessnie of the money nniikel having hml ih" eH'"et of rcilueing the price of many article. of meri'luiii.li.-e, the ninler.-igncl has I. if u cna lilcil lo Imy his -tuck ut such ra c that he can cll goo,l. nt prices to Milt the limes. Anil hnv ing heretofore enilciiv..re. lo ph iise his cu turners, Loth la tiie iimlity of p..u.ls nml the jTices ut hi. h he sol.l Iheni, he h.i.es lo receive u ren MMiiililc sliare of iiitron:ige. All in want of gooil.", vill ilen.-e call and examiae his flock of cheap. C. t gon.l". ..r Country pioilucc of nil kinds taken in x change for goods. U'M. F. IKW.'X'. ('Icurfiild Xov. in, s;,s. WATCH & JEWELRY ' IIK nudersiirned resnectfullv iiif,.rin l.i eiistomcrs nn.l tho public generally, that he i . , , ' V. " . ' re urned fmn ibe I-.iist. ,1 opened .,t Ins es'nblishiiKnt in SUA H '.S' lilt II' Clenrlield, Fa. a fine slock of WATCH FS of different mini. 1.1. .... .1 1 1. II' I. I M I - .. ) in-, .ion j r. ii r.i.n i cu eveiv variety. In. in n a sett to a singe piece, mi ich he will sell ut the inusi leiisoiiunie prices ior v .AMI. ALL kinds of Clocks. W.il, I.e. .,,! .1... carefully repaired and Wnminh I. A continuance of .utruiinge is solicited. Nov. inih, lsjs. 11. I'. XACOLK, J?i WfiatS.T QS'S'Ia. I 1T.TIK, . , KRAJ.f l b ?r J'!'1 0l,,:nin.' . Ctl "l'k olf.shlu,ble goods, '".n uiey win t,e olile to sell ut prices tu suit i (.mm n,Li.n In ,..,.l,.....,. r... ..,.,,1. i. . li iiii taken in exchange for goods ut cash pri- CCS. C. KRATZER i Su.N: o. t. '.'.8., -llpil. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON. 77 A 1NG fitted up a shop a few doors east SL. i JL L f the "0u. Jr.w Ptouk," on .Varket desires to inform the community nt lar -e, tin kneiiB nn 1. .in1 n ..r that ' 1 " "' ...... ' ill luij 1,1 CAKIXKT IVIIIIK . , . , , , ' nt his tnon, nnd that he mannf-nctum. .,. .t... it r 1 , ; ' ' '' .VrKtfr Centre and liining Tables JMuhogarn,l Con, I uion bureaus O iriuon and Fancy 'iledstcnds Ptnnds, rafes, Cupbnnr.is, Sofas. L,Uiie e i wllich be ' J"tvrmined to dispose of at n. cheap1 rB,U'8' for ae l,R'-v e"" bo I'"" li"-ed at any I "'er esUblishment of the ort in the county. I ll' judge for theinselv,, of their Quality .nd fi,," h' I before purchaing elsewhere, an he feel, cotifi! dent that he can suit them iu price and quality ' or,L I!0 nU l'ro.red to make Cms,, to ! ZZl'"' M ! Jr-Al kinds of country produce viV be ro- ceived in payment fur work, tmv. 17, 18i8. ly. j C abinet, Chair Making, A N I) II O U i: 1 A I M I x f; . "WflllXT .-T'T roil a I entered into nartnershin i ,h" ."".. "h "t -r-da, .11 times , : I 1. . i in mo Hoove nne on snort notice and in a pn'ticr manner. They will nl.., .. 1 . . - " ' I' . "li -null I V nn hnnil at their shop on Market st., nearly nppo oite the Jew utore, a large assortment of Aiuhocn- , """m 1 . '"i' 0t"' -'Mnrt "r 'f '"7 d'7lrt"n-wlch they will be found evc- 1? l"A""s " "n V rr"M Wtms " ,lie Z TV r'c i" h",d 1"hwe in '"""'.v. "I tBb,ncl noW ,,n cun- ."""'1'"" ,. : , Oressinir and Common f!,ir..,.,.. s..r. c. I w i u. i i. i , . .' ' ' l"'"K P l l n . V'1 1!,"lk --". Krencb ai irieia rost Itedstearts, Dunne. I!reakfii.rn. tr Card and I'ier Tables. c. ni.,.IV3 r . i . . OJrHNs manufactured and delivered at any 1 ZyZlnU 4 I.L persons are hereby cautioned (gaista IV. purchasing or otherwise meddling wttn -yoke of black oxen In Ihe pi ssossion of Hugh Kt ise. of Brady township, Clearfield County, as the same belong to mo, and are in his possession on loan only. nor. 3, l'?j.3. W.V. L. HORN'. I j ' ' . i . ,i r r n k corner store, xi:v (ioons, "'""'"'K 1,1 I'"' "I ili" I'.uownig nt t i.-lt-a. .'..'. .7 ', .. '. .1 ',( , .v. i iVi. ' ', (,, ,,, .,.,.., (;,. ,, .v : v .( .-. .1,-. ' !'.,'! . Il',. t, ) A'.,.., Hi aily iiihiIc rliiilihu. ItnutN ,t !lim!., HutN l ii !-. el all kind., Spanish Sate Leather, Ci.lli'e, Mb, vt, nml Cii'iir, nt W'l fllll' X Ueliiil. iles .1 Kin s, Sliin,..e, nn.l (Iniin of all hums in Ken in ex Oi l. 1-1, K.s linn lie lor : oil-. W.M. 1 It W I X. GREAT REVIVAL -Read! Read? M- m: t ovi:i:Ti:i. n,,, (rr,,,t revival li:i ilonn inn -.. I ... .. i (Mole, eoiinly nn.l ton,, ,,, ,10 l j,,, ti, Y I ( ein lielil. Therefore, in eoic i,e, i,, )' ,H, above minor. Frank .Mioii hu, lul.eii Ihe re",,n iMlulity iiion liiinel i revive h,. Il.,t ,t ,,,,. j luisine." ,,, flemhel.l, n. s. t a p e.vuini.le to l.ls lellm. ineu. ) ,,, , ,. , ,; ol.l .11,1,111.. rs. nml a.- Iiun.v ,. ,., , v fll. v.r lioniviih ,i .:i II. that he has ,,, hiiml u lar-ii I Also, lienl..' iaiei , ,,,, ,. . i , ,.i minle o or.ler. nml of unv I kf tn mt .....i M,,r, I.' i ii- nml lnt r. I call pnl.Ti eon-imnlv on hmcl. l'niilini; l'r fale, kil exee,t,',. .1 unrklenv hi his ln.i iiuiiiinle.l until, ri,. c'ti -t iiht. eoininy o town will lin.l l,,; t ,1,,. ,h, former. I.V oee.ljeil l.y It. II. Vel,h, .lee', I 11." ,1 Walrll 1 eloek C' 'lllili.-hliienl. t...uili I! I i ZZ, ' in ,-rcat ncc.l el it. ' mill ret In-W M,e some of Ih.'in slum Hi .INK Slf' HIT. .lime .'III, lll.s. :;m. j 1'. S. The .ajiucihii I I tween .l.ihu McCnbe f, (i lny ilis-sol "I h 111 . 1 1 :, , ,. J a.-. i,', mid nil ci:, , !., rel .'for. , . lit. a lo.iv exisiing I,,, "s'.n is l In.. id Hie l ook-', in the Inuid" ol J-. mioN or -ciib incnt. 'i . Ii-Licks ill l.i 1 cariicd on in 'u un-b. I'. .-'I,..n. Alas. r Vi il"'k: ' JOHN .-.ef Mil-;, ! M.o;(,.; N'i: .-UN', i-'iifir i...riit. m j d; I500TS & SIIOHS AI.W'AV.v oX ll AMi. JOSEPH (i()0, Til AN K III. f, r p.,st lav.r-. an I grat, f.il fr flltllle pr..spi'.S, .e. ,,',.. t , i,,f,,ri ,,. e I . 1 1 ,, this . i.-iiiiiy. I hi" old In. n. Is an I pair. .- in paitiiiiliir. that he hi" iciuured ti the Fl Ii s-f l'.Oi'M in tho Fast in 1 of a: n, '. ... if,.,- ,',;, .,.,;.,,. ,,. where he has mi lend c..i,-'.it,t!v, a large ussort I incut uf every varii ly in the Hi HIT ,M) Ml OK LLK Cf.-KIJI WuKK ATlKMUll TO WITH I.ISI'AT. 11 The very best of stock will beu.-el, nml no l'"i"s spand to make neat tit" m,, dariible Work. All ol which can be ..In. lined , tle said Josonh .. I'l'l.l" I ...a .. ir.ni I.OW for the nii.iiiv Kill V I. Clenrlield, Aug. 1V,S. IloMi: ACAIX I " FFI) & WKAVKH nre iv r., , . a v,-ti..,. .i nini ncii seicciC'l ,-loeli ,,t tioods, consisting of lrj ;iinls. iriicrrl s. llar.lu jit, liiccns unif, Iliinls atnl Slini's, oils, niiiis Drills., Ilatsanil lln'im-ls. Nails S. Spikes, alt ami l isli, us well as evei v other iiriie'.- nsonlli' r ,;..! ;.. i the country, which lliev oiler lo the public on n fuir terms us can be bad in the county. Cull and see Ihe new , beautiful nii.hisi Jul. june II, lsjs. T t t- . i , Iron Depot, Kept by Merrell & Carter I ... V. w fl . ..'! i ii in o,,'oii,r ,s,,-,',r, 1 ,,,,;, 1,1 1,1 IS the place where nil Ihe 'ollow ing nrlicl can be had at reduced prices : lull- Irmt ul 11 ,,';,'.. A, il,,- ,c, .,,,;,' nr I 'i ijuaiilihi ; Vfl St, .,,, ,,;,'..,.,,, ;, . ,;.(,, j'ihI '? ; .1 Imyc 1 1 Ucci ul ,S'. it;, u liiih vt! ir fu,,.t il- Sec Worl.t ( i:i k ' Ouk IWmliim, Ural . in, ,,. Hu.-l's iht, nml ll.c c!n;il, I M.,.1, .!..,,, l.trjc a?:rh,ift r.f , -,,;!, s ,j,,d J',-!r iV'i.ivj, ,f,, Air-I'.ji.l.; ..' , l,tt,r, 1wi, l'liiii s nf the lir.il nini luli.st ;,,. r,.v. AImi, f't their uu i MtnHt'.i.-tiirii.i 11 hinii- .c sartiiiciit ot Tui-u urc. ,S.,, ,' ,. S'hcrt-irini jim,, a f nil ,,10 iirllclcx 1 if the hhuiti their liiic kejil oii;n.i ,,,,.,. y .,. ,sy,u. tint done tu order, in,, I T ' ,,',,;'o,;i ,.,,' ,, dcymleh. A''sn, a f,yc ,t.v-,rl,nciit i.f ,dl kind uf li-nise-L, eiim ntet,.-i!i amstnutl, ;1 I,,,,,,!. cor in y Mi:i;viiAXT.s nro invited to call, as they can be nccoinmodiited ut very low ligii res with anything in our line. orders wi ,ro,"l"l' ul,PUlU' ah oruers mil l,t, tliai.kiuM v r.,,,.,,...l .....l d to. O. I!. M K li 11 1: LL. L. II. CAItTKR. B. They will also receive every variety of nticlei in c rcission, nt low rales. ,M. t C. Im Krrtant to Luinlicniien. THE s.-bseribrr takes (his mcth iod 111 lorini 1 : any mid all persons wi procure ih.' ling 1 I th.it c i 'Tiit r..r fl,. iiti. .1,1 r nn 1 wil. furnish and put in the said wheel " 1 ' 1 " ' 1 " I S 1 1 ,. . " 'o i j ossii.ie noitce, p , 1'lieation being made to him nt his resi- il. 'lice in l.aiirctice tinvn-hii, three miles couth d t'leaitieid l.oiough. or bv letter addressed tohiiu ut ( 'h-iu iield 1'. tl. "'UN A.'h'KI-.D. Lawrence tp., Sept. 1, ls."iS.;;m.pd. ry VLt l LL persons nre hereby minion, 1 against u. m. ".ior. or iu any way lneiiiiiiug w ith the i..n.. ; . 1 . . h I'11 ""fi now in lie possession of (icorEo tiarls iu Covington tp. vii : One ro, mare, (inn rnv. bit limm i.h,. I.oii . ,h.r, ... , .u ""lfr 1 fi if, nno noil ami ono lot of bnokwhent, as the same belongs to ml and m;'01r; - t Wilh "iJ iur1' un '. "Jt to bedt. 22' IS5S. fmis A. K. .MILLEfl. I")LAXK ASSESSORS' .NOTICES, in legal iia s.f n i il l form, for snle at the office of the Clearfield republican. dec. 1,1808. A LARGE quautity of Suit for Pale at LOW ritlCES, at the store of W.M. F. IRWIN. noTi:t No 117 111) ffnil St. nWva Anh. VV. Illll'hl i,,!,,., (hi, i,.ill it, fin mi ll'B lo- "I I ll I mi. I III" (.iil'ln i;, i.,ilU, lint h" l..i- iu-i 1,1 nl'IM i . ,, .' know n II. .1.1, in,. , no, , i ,, I,, Mninl.l,, m the niii. mi. I I he wool, i.f the Innillliu .nl.lie. Mi. II. Im hml n hen.. e.i.i.'ii, . in Id. I I p il.K, l.e lina mi ll, Hun.. ii . a nviii.i (In. I hi file-U will lin.l hi" Icii.e n .i.i'iinl nml ilonulile .lup 1'ini; I'lin e. t'l Ihe eli'tfihle l.i. nli r llii" Ilnlel for u r lu'll" i-ilili)- Ihe City, eilher en ox .TA.vxv i;' j'i.i:.,ri;i:. il ileiine.l ill I .l li.r in i-f tv to "I'riik, ii no llMel in l'hiliiii'lihiii i- l.eii. r kin.n ih;oi ll I..'.m v., .,: Ily elose iitlention In the wimltirhia eilnia. em Mr. 11. hoien lo ienerto u uliiue nf put.lic .llliill:iL'e. X. I!. His terms ner day lias broil ll.ve.l ut Ih lew rule of $ l.'.'.i. .".'1.1 L'L'nil, S.,S. ,r. .XIO IIOI'MI'.J .h II .l.'A'.t.W-f lA V' The siihserilier re-p.-. t I nil v iniiioiinces in the puli lie ll.ui he It ii m lukeii Ihe iihove .-Ian. I, in the I. or ough ol ( l..,irlii.., un, I . prepared lo uccoiiiino' dine ull nho mav giie him a cull. The public limy rest ii"Siire. ihul il will I., idin ted in the best nimincr posnibli. table will he sii.,lied wilh the belt Ihe market iitl'crds. lln liar lilled with the clmi.'i'sl I, ram Is "I nines mid lienors, nml his sliil.les will he innb r Ihe care of nlii.nlive mid (.areliil ostler-. DA Nil;, M. WKAVKK. Feb. 11, s.i7.-v. N r ation l. i:( iiN(.r. noli i . . The subscriber Inn ill'' taken I be I... . .. u II known .-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . formerly kept by II in. A. .Ma.-nii, in Ciirncnsviile, l'u., U r ly t.. i ,,.. ,;1.,. all who may Invor him win, their pnironnge. Ili tulle will iilwnys he supplied willi the bcslil.e nrk.t nll'ird-. and hi" liar will, ll hoicis- li.iu.". Hi- Mal.le will l. ua.b r :l nr.. of , u nliie ho.-il.'is. in y i fM 1 II, t urweiiM ill. , April 21. ls;,sr PUiMIXC HOTEL, I I''oi:i.:hi.i i.imiv Tiii K , , v , , !KHI.l I.N..U IS 11,1 I i 1 ' kn.-vii.i.i:, 1 V, ... t 1 ,. ', , ,,,, ,, Sllbseillier be;, bale lo ii, Tic C11-1..11 form i'is obi .1 ll.al he Iin. . 11 siand. nnd 111 ni.-l, cil il in want.- of Ihe rs, .i,,. pubic t i'1'll rt'ci.ilv 1 11 l.i-1. 1:,,. ,,M. , llial I..' ha- . Mil, !v rclitici i, a si vl. ildapted to tl i. a re, 111, entire tun .dm ,.iu nuuiii . HIS TAEL ' 'Iwa.l 1" .l ,...le. I w.l1. "I I, I III, !''ri luxury tic 111. 11 kett 10,, I "ll: 1 , .i . ii ; .ictir'. li ill a;'..l 1. BAR I wil'i the i hi.iei' will be stl p .ll .IS. I n in. .- ,'ind li- HIS STABLES, best and ni.i-i ci .Tii iiii .. ii in i a d i.i '.- travel, mil m ,... - If. 'I Hi I lltt-tltive lo :lle! which lire tl !al will, in cl'iir:- of short II the In Fury ilepiiriineiit of his K il,i. ,t ;i be supplied with ail ll.e ,..it,,f..i. all'l eom.-idei, eii" the Henry liaii Ib r could d.-ire. j"i W.l. A. MA.-.iN. NA TIONAL I') TEL. ' (I.ATi: Will Tl" SWAV.) Race st. above Third, Phila. CPIIK pn prietors ot the above in II known m 1 Inblishiiient b.lng thankful lor llu very liberal patronage bcslowed upon thein the past yenr, take this melh. ,,f int.,. ii,,g their friends nnd the public that they lire still prepared to ne. Commodate them if favored with a call. Jblring the summer iih.ii lbs the I,, .use has been I liori hi i1i I v renovated, iinpron n.i nis niade nnd other extensile a'terati 'lis in ciuiempintioii. We nre ileteriiiin.'d to devote our whole inten tion to business ti ml Halter uir-clves with the conviction that We shall be aide to give snlislac. Hon. SlIiFS ,t SldVI- I! .v I., i nma.'.'s mil ni.vay, be in readiness tc.Iarlor, Hall, Office, Store and Cookinu convey pn.seiigees ,,,,,1 I,-,, in Steaml,,,,,, ,. I - nd lt.iilroad le,.ots. S. A S. .Mi li ::m, ISjS.y, I SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. CurwensviJle. Penna. rpiie subscriber, lorineiiy of the Fichange lln. X tel. t'hilip-biirg, having taken th nl.ove new staii.l situ.-ile on the In nk of ihe river, in the lei.er end ol Cm w eii.-ville, iioiibl aniioiince that he is now ready for ihe a. , ..moioilatioii of .-Hanger.-, and nil ..ih.'rs win, may favor him with n call. The house j- larirc nod eiiioliirtMlile nn.l travelers w ill liinl every com enietice iicces-nrv to n - ir cmiort. Ample .-tabling is attached to 'the lireinisvs. preinisvi I'AVI ll J'HI.NSdX. Fcbruarv IK, s;.S. CM-; 11 KM) (-OKM-.K 1)1' ' It ST AM) SI It 1:1. 1 s. Till', iinder.-i'-t -d resnoetfiillv I.e.., l.;. friends nnd the ti avelin put. lie 111 general, llml he has taken the above bouse. l-oKMKUI.Y KNOWN AS Till-. II KM I' ll ILL IIoTKL, Tut Ilor-r. has ben recently rofi,t,.,J ilu. prme.1, Js.ii. 1 neivlv Itirnished ; EXTENSIVE STAPLING II AS IIKEX . oMI'l.r.TI-ll : AMI nr. S -l;r.ll;r.!l TO Arc.lVMollATi: All who may i'ive him a call, in the most pleasing ;,, agreeable, manner. Ty Ihi-uj t., r.yt. r hi.H ,,..; a d:.,iraVc ."..., ii,. ji'.iee, 'JiUJ 'sii.llLJ will be supplied with an assortment of choico li l'iors; mil he will endeavor lo entertain his guest" in a inutiiicr that c,n.nt fail l givo ,e I I I I lT SITIM AH ION. The house is situated in a l'lcasaut i.nl,.l i I ,.!'.!.... I nn.l i i-iii". nn- .unit, mi. i no expense or attention will be spared to make il one ol the lii'-l hou-cs in the eoiinly. , lib eral patronage isrespet'tfiilvsi.ii,'.il,.d ... . ,. , "ws .von n.Iw. Iciirficl'l, nn;- I", i ;,(.. )v CUBA HOTEL, JAYXESVILLE. PA TI1F above Hotel, having recently been lilt, " r " " 0 "I entertainment, is now op,.,, .m r , '"0 '""'"'' Fravelers win lin l tins a convenient houe. May lit, 18iS, ,0N J0Hr)AX. AMBROTYPKS Tor 50 cis f '1 mm: undersigned would respectfully inform lilt I.ADIIX and (.I'Vri.MM of Clearfield and vicinity, that he has fitted np Hooiim in Shau'a V...r 11..... "hero lie will renininn fur a f, ,r H, ,, .... . . ' -T ' ... All who would desire a lifelike likcnns. l Hm latest and Improved style will plcn. rail You thai bm l.i .1 ii. nn .. .. - "'"nn .o nun iiiae it. - . .i , ... 1 You that have none, should go let him make it A ll in,, Pert. 2 (th, lHOt tf A"M'HALL M Hn I.I r ii. i m i ... innn tv op inE li'lll I'll , 1 1 1 M -i ,l, ,1,1111 II, l i in: n i w M t i "tiii..i ii lt K I I Nil 1M HlMAItV. " for llm l.ii. I eiuhl tenia Kllll I tie nl.. .le .ii-liliiili.ii, un I hbl rinliinii tW el. f ,1 I'llt'N I'olil.e of IrH'll- ic.iil.,n i - , ii ii -I n ii th I It I', HI' Pnliiiniiiirv C ii.ti nipt ifti, mi l lln kin, In il din ne, ti...lier with inv nn liinlleil .pi..i I ii nitiif nml nihnntngct of pallii logical le.iiuih aid., I not n lillle by n pelleel MSlclll i.f MEDICAL INHALATION, ilirei lias I'linlile.l tiie to urn. ii nt n .Incisive ..ml nice, ",-ful coin ' nl lieniinin. fr . l,e ,m. o n nil ilmi'ii",'" of tliu liv mid rinliciil euro of ull diseiisei. nf tliu TllltOAT, I.L'XGS AM) Allt-I'A'S iiil'.S. lly inhiiliilion the ciirnlive properlies of tin.l i eincs lire direclly inldicsM'il lo Ihe diseased or- Itnn mid the inlegii nl, I do not udvise the " Medici Inhahilion ol miy kind, to the x- 1.1 f I1KMKIUI. Tl KlIWKVt; II ml II It hough I coiisiilcr il n u-i lnl iidjuviiiit in the propor mini- iigement of those leiirful mid ollen filial ilisensch, yet iiveryn ssnry that eneli pali, nt nhinild hi.vu the beiiclft ol both ii:st:iiAI. mid lo. cnl t rem nl. The i es of niv treiitinent Ihuiibovu ill-uses, mid the high' cliiirncter of ;he In.'liliilinii over which 1 hme so long hud the h aior to pie.iile, lire tun well known I -oil uny eulogy t I'oiaaiciic from me. At the solid- lull. in of iniiny pi"!Viile mid prolcssionnl friends, inioiigii wiiosn puiiiini 'iropo' nni me mon o ciuir ;,ui,.i.. i i i.i ii..- i i .. c i,.l H.ii.i'i'ii loon linn 1 1 l'l 1 11 . ! ro',,"i 1 1-. , ii iiii ll I I ir ill I, i ei. 1 1 "i ,l.'t i l O.i. I I... i i. on '. el iiil i.i I lii ion I, " '" '" such nrriiiigeuii'iil- us ni. bring ihe Lcnclits of iii.i c..ei icni e nun (icaiiiii'tii within Ihe rc.n o "i all, and lo. I coiilin.. inv.-cll' lis hei'etiil'.ie, lo those only ii ho entered the Inliriuaiy, or who were nble lo visit me ut mi oH'ov. Hoping, therefor.', I ti ii I the an:in'.'i'iii"nl will give entile satisln.'tion, l,..ii, ,, mv pr..!r-o,inal l.n iIipoi I the public, 1 would rcsic'tlullv ninioinie.. in . . li . -1 n -1 . . 1 1 . Hint ,,,,, . ; ,.,,., ,,,, I; ,, , ,-, on nil .licenses us a hove, an. I thai the medicines, Ihe miiiii. as u.-. .1 in Ihe In.-iiiuli'ui, arc pr.'p.uvil lo suit each imln iduiil ease, Inlialinir N'iipnrs, Alodiciil INHALERS, c, will b 1 1 ol the I'nii f 'i n ut ded I v expre-s to any I Mates or lln.- I 'nun. las. T Ii I,' M S: llll- of tr.'alli., lil l.v 1. tier :il'.. Ms My t t ii s vi ; 1 -J, per nionih for ca.'li fa ticn; ci. 'lit va;.oi Cli'llt A.r'-.i c,n. . il l'i'-il ll ill im lllil.' lili'ilicine snlli lor one month's u-e ; ji,iialin . aici an 1 iili.iliiig Anoai aUi-'. J'av. i- f.illoii-: Mi o In Mild III .Nl.le-s III . 'I .''I'.il- ' . . II . . I, 1- III Ll . 11 Oil I IS ' I., i-iv till. a! i .11. d nun tli .' a tiul in ; ' loins 1 tieatiin-iit. 'a-ii-ti'iv n! their in lull, can be li.'lils. ,y g i, c.i-c. and their tlc.l'.cl IIS well I.J ainin.'il: 'ii. I'ali. of I'i . .Inrreli's Ir lellcr lis ij jier.-niiai e-Hl- availing I lienisehc.- alnu tit III. iv le v on lln- llle and ie'inalieiil relief, a- In Idom l.ct- l'or lo ! - for 'her cat a ca vci- I :iii t v days. advii e .roln,llv nii-ucii'.l lei fill Mil li, ill, il- aildi c-s ' .IAMI.S M. .1 A lilt KIT, M. I). Ill ., Iir.iy. cur. 'I'.c'i'i, ,V'., A'. J'. -I'hy.-i. imis tin, I tl.ers i i.-iiiie' the citv V nre re.-pieiliilli invited to call ut the Infirmary. i where many 'ii'. 'resting cae" can lie witnessed, , and where our ,n,i,.c.. Aj.mniiiiM for the iuha be ion of medicated vnporcui be seen nnd inspect : ed. STOVES, STOVEs! INDUSTRIAL STOVE WORKS. II o. 33. North Second Street nipiMile t in 1st t'lnirrli, riiilailclplila. The subscriber re-pcetfully inforins his friends mid the public gcnernllv. that he has taken Ihe Store, nt .No. ;i,l, MUti'll SKCD.XI) SlltlKT, where he will be pleased tu see his old cnsloui crs and friend". I lie has now -in bno.l n -oileti.ti,! ii"u..rtin,.ni ,.r K ' MM V Lljl of the latest and most approved kinds, nt whole, sale nml retail. WM. C. NKMAX, No. North .Second Street, l'liiladelphia. -V F- Your particular attention is iinite.l to MFtillKF.'S I'A I'FXT HAS lU'it.MN.i V A I! M -IN.i AM) V KNTI I.ATI Nil TlV KS. to Par bus, Otli '.", Slnn-s, Halls. Cars, Ac., which for eeoiieiny, puriiy of n ir. nnd case of nnuingc incut has no e.iial. V. . V ... (I. id ('listings for nil kind- of Stoves, mi hand. September 22. s-.-:tm.i. (ilU'HW S f (II RT SLE VM.lWIiU: Ul OF KMS. 1 1) Y lirl.ie of nler of the Orphan' Court; ) ol Clenrlield manly, there will In, exposed1 to sale, by outcry, on Mmidui, Ihe Vtlh ii.. .V. ',,,, 1S.1S. j nl 2 o'clock, p. nu. nt the court housn in ih,, borough i f Cbailielil, nil ihat I Certain piece or parcel of Land. ! j Situnle ill .Morris township Clenrlield county.1 ! coiilniiiing nb. ml M i Arrt'K, being pin t id survey warranted in name of llyman (Irntz. and being Cie Nurll.ca-t corner of said survey, kniiwn, in the partition of e.-lale of Jiiinis Allport, do-; cense l, as juirmil No. 7. This land is dc.-irn-ylb localcd for funning purposes, and is toler ably well tiinliereil- 1 111! MS. Ono half cash nt i-onfirnintii n , nnd the balance in veal, to be secured hyjudg. iu,-li I MATILDA Oct. 12, l;;.".s, A LI.ro NT, K.ieculri.r, A HOMESTEAD FOR $10! VFKW MOflK OF TlinsF. HKSIH AIU.K FAIIMS nnd Iluilding Lois, in Ihe Co,, He. gi .ti and other portions of Virginia, md to bo divided amongst the subscribers for Ihe benefit of the new town of Ha itaiiamxiick. Subscriptions only IKS I'oi.laiis each; one lull f do w ii, the rest on the delivery of the Iikkh. Kvery subscriber will get a Iluilding Lot or a Farm, ranging in vnlue from $10 lu $.!(l,(Hi(l. These Farms mid Loin are sold so cheap to induce settlement, a sutlicicnt number being reserved, the increase' in ine vniue ot which w ill compensate for the upon, rL'"t low price now nsked. One ncre lots in town w.ii ne iivi:s to niduslriouw mechanics who will build upon ihcin. A coinpiitiv of settlers culled "Till; It ai-I'Aiiax- No.-K PlIINr.KH AssoclATIiiv. is n... I...1I.1; 1 ... ...... .u in iii; ,n un will cnmnienee the'r settlement in tho spring. A.npie soeii, iiy will logic, for i h i . . i ol j,er- f'l-m i.f e, .tu .act" and pr'Hm-" .MollB Alll NIS All ri Wantkii to lil t subscribers, to whom tlx most liberal Induce, mcntsnill be given. Some Agents write that a iney are miiKing J.'IUI per month. For full pur ticulnrs, Subscri. lions, Agencies, ,te., apply to K. H A I DKIt. Port ltoyal, Caroline Co., Va. nov. 1, 1S5S. DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP riHK pArtnrrxliiii nrtiirorn o;-t:- 1 I'r. L-nin and Dr. Ilurtswick in the Z, , tice of .Mcdicm." is this day dissolved bv ,,,, , , ro...cnt.-vll persons hiivi, acc , ,1 w the fin,, will picas call and se.Me iinn, , Ihitd . d - -----is '.'-...iwi nan ,e firm will plc,is call and settle immediately, and ii nicy cminm pny, give their note-. The hook, will remain at their old othen, when, Dr. Hint.. "I" II lllll I.D lllllllll HI) attend to prolcssionnl i nli iek can be found at all times, either to s.ttie or Oct. I8th, I8.i8. HENRY" I.ORAIV J. 0 1IAUTSWICK 1 LANK ARTlrt ks ri i 1 1 LAKA"TICLhS or Agreement, lc(c(ll f f he ween bchool D,rcu.ri, and Teachers, for Iti'iltn I Ii !,!.... i . I f -V L i. w s i& !g 1 1114 It ioi.'.iImi, ,,r . 1...1 i... i ne l,. h lina never lu en mtl.ielri. ,, ' ''f l'rVr' r'1,'-"' tMll,li f-oine nmiiilnin- nml e.,e, , (,9 , , " Pliy-iein-i.-tlint Hie lr. In (h, 1,' therelm e nil uWn.ei. .,rlKlni.le In lt-l,t m',i fleiien nver llml nilmenif hnv. n,.., in l.olli lh Kolnli mcl flni.li. of Ihe 1,, T , the luller .JeHiii.leriil, lionover, ii i,,i .', - l ....I 11.... I L ill I -.1 i . . 'Ml. ""'I "" "i I" in nun . n 'nriy 'ieio)ai r,i, .i , nt,,,. tl.lr.t. ,.r Oio illH that human fle.hu ...i. ... i n...i. i tl ." ii i", ii.iiu in. -ii rouii u in un I III llll Mf!ft gx 1(1 ui ll ISMMMIj As, for Justin , in tho long eulnlogtie, uoh M ScTOllllil, 'letter, "IJiirllCr's llr-li ) I p. . . I IIIl)l('.S, I jt tlCIICS, LrVSipclus Ul- -...- C.,t J, I' i ' (. 'h' O'l II-IUICUII), DlSCliargCS IfOlll tllC Ktl V, FcVCT SOTCS Or ir iv ,. ,r" IU)llVO JISCilSCSOi Jlliy KIIIU. Tin so nre ns. nrlained by well known medictl lawlo uii.-e from bud blood while tho highmt medii -nl nutlniritio die In re ihut most ft.v.r nr ginale i n the ..a Hie uminer, nnd inure particular- ly jypiiuiu nini i-ciiriei tne luriuer buintr an in.. ...... ...i i.i... i.... M"- - i. -in. ii, nun oil ii enr". . n n.l in lutlcr iiii fxhrniil iri-ni.i;UA .1:.. a uji. I ' " .."..."i.i .,; uiril nil. bulieii the blood is found to he conguliited, or of 1-111-.- , iiii'l III IIII HTNII II fl 111 IJLl K Oil MV tllAM mm. a nai ls iiuucniiuy color jn mi mi "ii u iiirjra nmjuriry 01 uirieimed, u well .fi t'j euro 11 number which hnvo ulrcadyiei. ''I upon tJjc 'Utciii, IT J.S XIX'BSkSAHY TO : riJH I FY TIJI iiLOOD- , I.IM-I MI'IIOVKIl r.l.OOll St' 1 III II I'll I.Ata i Not (.'UIH Ti) UK A ' t 'liiers.il I'aniiei.ii for every disease known, but Ihe proprietor- claim fur it the power nut only of j Druiiiiii nut All Impurities of the J but by lie- skilful f-.iiil.iniitii.il of well known .;, iij.m, (.(. iirixiiijjrinn a dcrang ,,, l;,Yi- .-,, ( ,m,fm;,. 1 i i J ' -, ,'i.W'l f. ,' ,(,,1 til cyor In ,' iS'.oi, ,,',. ilnt lie I., in. I S. archer is nil tleii id ,.i..:.nnj il. the Proprietor cm iirodnen ...llUCU I IE RIIOOE : It i- on' v a f, iv years since it was discovered",, and vol it has grown into such n biisiniiss that a large l.iiboinl.iry has been built expressly fur iu iii'iiiiif'ii. tnr. ;i large niiinbcr of ineu etnployeil in pulling il up, nnd -.fill Tiie npjily docs not Kqual the Dcinand ! We ask nny eaudid mini could this be so, if th .iie.iicine ma not possi all tho virtues cluiined lor il ? The Proprietors have tin ml r. d of e..ri;fin.... Ironi men ot j roluly and standing in tli. imiuuiil. nn ,, ro.n, ill nni me lacuicuio is doing daily ioi oie suueiini;. ! ASK ANY I'KIISON J Who has ever used the Blood j Searcher ; W'h. ther Iieli. f wiij Kcierievcd. Let the afflicted give it a trial a single bottle. win convince tiie most nkcptical of its efficacy. l'u. J. M. I.misnY : Dear Sir I take plea sure in acknowledging (he great benefit your unproved lilood Searcher has been to mj on. ne img neen u ictert with whm i.bti ... 1 called a scrofulous disease of the absobing oie Momiicn. ne tins been afflicted Willi tuts disease Irnm mfuticv. Hu is now M. teen years of age; during all' this time he hu I hud several severe attacks, and all tho food t ; ken into Ihe stomach, imparted little strength to I ""- '."ifiii. r nan several eminent pliysiciani I iiiieuii nig nun, nut i i.iunu very nttio adiao ; tage, us tin; disease still returned with nil its atr ful coiiseiiliences. Jn April ISaT, he hml a violent nltnck, so muth so, Unit nil who saw him supposed be was in tk 1 Inst stage of Consumption. 1 was advised to try your 111 mil Searcher; I accordingly procure! one bottle of it, utnl by the time ho had used il oe iippeiiien icsioreni toperlecl hcnllli. Itis now one year sine e he used your invnlui bio lilood S. -iiii her, and I urn uerfectlv satisS ed it has saved him froia an untiinely grave. I now .iiibe-iiiitiiiu'ly'reinmiueiid it to ullwlioniaj be si- lilnrly ulllicld, and deem it no more thun justice to hear this public testimony to its vir. l'.e.-peclfully vours, Ae. JAM KM F. 1EVI.IN, Poturoy Snn in, A. P. 11. ltoud. -Mr. Iievlin is well known to ihe citizens of lo diiiiia nml Westmoreland comities, July (i, Isjs. i svi.i: nv C. I'. WATSON, Clearfield. JAM K.S It. (iltAHAM, (iruhaiuptou. JOHN PAT ION, Ciirwensville. K F. 1;. KNN F K, .Morrisdale. JOHN ltFs.SF.LL. Peimsville. II II. .Mi I" UK, l.iiih.r.ourg. M. O. STI UK. Xeiv Millport. ( 1IAKI.KS It. FosTKH, l'hilipsbiir'. II. SU'AN, Ai.sonville. itl'SSKLL .Me M I'll KAY, New Washington I-.I'W AHI W 1 1,1,1 A .MS, Wilhmnsville. Jackson patciik.n. iiumside. SA.MI KL UA.iKltTY, (Jienhope. nug. II, lS;,s.r,n- til'.EAX LISCUVLRY OF TIIE AGE, Iiiiportnni to TOBACCO CHEWEBS. 1N. (.USTAV LIXXAND S T. 1 STE J!i:.srOjiA Tl I E TllOi. -1IE& The Great suhftitutcur Tehuceo. It is i well known and intnntrovcrtible fid that the use of Tobacco is the promoting cuius of many of the most severe MENTAL AXI PHYS ICAL I'l.-OllliFliS to which the race of muni! subject, iis cart ill iiimlysis ud long and paiuful cxperi t. nee hnve clearly proven that it contain' certain narcotic, mid poisonous properliei omit dangerous in their effect, which by entering ill' the blood deranges the functions nnd operaticm of the heart, causing ninny to suppose tlmturjM to be seriously diseased. TOIiACCO nllccts also Ihe entire nervous nvr tcni, tnmiile.ong it.,.p inV(, uwd ih noxious w eed w ill hear testimony in Lassitude. Nervous Irritability, Water crash, llyspepsia, iiiiiny ..iher disorders nfn similar chnra dcr. Ill' IA.-TK I1INTOKMTVE TltO' llKSirt no's.:., d lo coMiieraot tl.Vse hniicful mtiucncMi nnd have proved ciuupleti'l, uccesliil iu a mul titude of cases, and wherever used. Iteinghsrm less in themselves they exert a beneficial tM upon the entire system, restoring the Taste wuii'i has become vitiated or destroyed by grenl ladol-' gence, completely removing' the irriUiti.'B Ml accoinpnnying tickling sensation of the Ton!' which are always consequent upon the abslaininj from the use of T.. I. a i. ..:..:... ko.lih ,.j K,, IIIK . tone, to Ihe stomach invigorate the whole lyste .. M'"""" ."h. ,r0 "."''nevably undermipinf , 1c,","""",,n" ''" "or,l"'"K '' n '.'I t -'W """" TTI,M "u,nu,li'l",y "V.'". " ' ' ,"J"r','U8 UU,i ""I'1""""" of " i urn iili ili-e Troche or LuzonRoi aro put up i " u"..uii.'. m W '."s '. l . .. ,'iiivni nun immune lorill at llie low iriw" all cents per box. A liberal discount to thetrad Prepared solely by the undersigned to wb all orderi should be addressed. .AMES E. MOWERS, Druggist Cor. 2d and Race streets, Fails April 1(1, 185). ly. Joli Printing neatly ojiociiU'oJ hre'