Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 05, 1859, Image 4

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I l'i tihl v Inline
Ml l!
hi "I l.n-1 n l. Tl." I. mi. I'D.
ii,, li nl I!.!- Hil l.'. I, li"! I
1. Hll',,'
I'll. OH III,.
I. Hi:.
It bit 1 1 I--,s
in ll,
it;, 11. t'i
I lit' only trial, w it Ii w
il.Ui t
'ni'iil wi'S t : 1 1 -1 ill nl n;i tin-.
lin In.--., w lii'i'f lli" cdne.iti
clicliillv !H 'iiii( ,1 nit' . .Hi-;,
L ill II eel
HI llln I ll.ll'.l-
V llli.'V.
I :i) pec utiint y c mil 'dciiec n y posses
' I, tilde ii i" :iM it :i- a JT'"U In;' ililli' iilt y
I tmils in In. ili lit .-, in i-iiliifii lit li:ill,l,l
i ho d.t-s ill iiit'st inn. wiiit'li wtiiiM In'
. i .iiml in tin' upper 1" els nl ih,' ; i ,;,t in it I
,.le order of ( , fit ly, is not 1.,, r , ii. ii .'ii to
,'lli'Ct 1 1 10 Ifllll'IH (if til,' Wll'ili' llllti, ,11,
I 'lit it is ono in which there in much ii,-tiv-1
y of ton;'iit an, I )n'ii, mid w here any do
iiijxluc'it utlt.icts a uood tl, ;,l o!' atlt n
..on. The people comprised in it ;uo cm
iiit litly wi'ilin ami t.ilkin j'- j -Is-, ami
'hV talk ail'l Wiito of w liat romc- lioln,'
no! t'otfil'ly to tli,nir!v,-. Tl,,y arc
, !co ol' no f mall inlliii'iic", aiul tor tl,i.-,
'1 wull list i'or goiit ral lva.-im-,, it i inn, li to
im w isliol (lint tin-atiomaly coiiM In' it
i lovotl. A yi'im la,ly ot ti,i-, l.,- - l,,i- m.t
., I'iiit' I'lianct! of, llin coiiiii'itiil'l;,' inar
icil, but tin; fault ami th" n in, ,l i.'ii I,"
ntli imlirati'tl in a in, ,ni, 'i,t. Mot.nT.s
must not o.itI l'ui' tlicir tlnm-hl. : - at tin1
."jo !' Iwcnly-ono Mich an t'li-luii.'i;'.
n tlnv cii.jtty llicinsflves alt, r tliii-iy yi :n
I' liiiitriinony. Noitlioi- k,!. - loi,., m,r
ortnncs fun Iiij (il'taiiiftl lulli own. The
.istako lies in tlio omloavoi' to r,''i oilurt'
loo taroiit cstaljlislinit'iit on its lull sralo
:'i tlio case of I'licli cliilil at its lirst -,'ttlt'-noiit,
just as if tlio lamlhuhl'T with (Jil.iniii
i year were to expert that every , t,e ol
lis tlatiliters flimiM eiittr i'V niarriac
,',on exactly such it I't'op'Tly.
houlil reineniltfr that their
, inie hy ileprces, fons that they
:rully the Hiinio I'loliation to ,
ami inotheis, that what they
i !iev lnul not when thev l
have ni'.t
i throuh,
have now
. To the
l.itighters we say nothing, for
ircly theirs ; Imt the w hole
the fault is
evil Wollhl
aniah at once, if it yvcio
.nowleiletl that the l'l-opl
ut openly ac-
inilit move
ii the samo Kocial level with l,ro.i,l ilis
.nctions of livin ami :iiean..
The Spirit and the Lcnitn. Tiiat a
i.ian should compound for the ".-in.- he it
inclined to," l,y "(lainnin thoso he has
ir) niiml to," is natural .n,,uh. J-utj
lirre is soniethin extremely jiiahit ami
i ,.'freshiii in the instances upon which, we
,'i'ca.sionullv t-tiiiiiMo of j eoj le v, ho, in one
hreiith, will lioth cuni,oiin.l for ami .laiiiu
ilioains they have a niiml to. Such cxhi
'ttions, argue, a clianniii ;,.,' ..: in the
nlivi' iierlonuers, while tl.ey sj e.ik
'ily illustrate the "ravity o I'll, at p.rva-
,ve iitniosphore of cant in whirl: the ma
jority of men live, ami move, ami
have their hein. At an examination of
i 'lie of thu national schools in Knlami
1 u-t Minimer, a little hoy li e son, it ap
eareil, of a stableman, ami one of the
::lont jiromising scholars of the institu--iion
was reitieste,l to write a "composi
tion" on the custom of hoi M'-l:irin. His
paper was handed up in due couisc ol
time, and read as follows:
"llersc-iticin is a very wicUedciislom
i very cruel to horses, and it makes gen-
Iemen painMo and lose their time. None
I ut very had croons have anythiie; to do
.villi horso-raein. The last I'erhy was
von hy Mr. .lanson's l'.link Honny. and
'.vas one of the finest races ever seen."
The liil.ute which the oor child had
paid to the morality ho learned l y role,
lid not save him from the p, -unity incur
red hy his betrayal of knowleile that lay
nearer his heart. An older adept in the
homage w hich character pays to custom,
would have strengthened tlie orthodox
- erinon and supprcs-cd Ih,- le li iodox
revelation, without provin himself t here
by a much more commendable ni'-mber of
octet'. We must therefore admire the
honesty with which one of our Ve-!oni
"otemporaries uncoiieiousiy imitates the
Knglisli H-hool-boy in dealin with the
kindred institution of ptiili.-m.
"Mr. Iteck," says an Ohio editor, "is
,iu American by birth, and one of the most
respectable men in our community. His
ireiht rises six feet straiht us nn arrow
and neighs, when stripped, 'Jmi pounds.
lo uronoscs to iiL'ht loin I ver lor s.i.mmh
l fiilo. His) lint'e tind .triiitit-iikc truliio in- j at his shop, nml that he manufactures to order,
ilictltcs him to Lo a liiatl of vci y stil'crior ' (of superior finish,) every description of house
.iHIlL'th ; ami, though we boiie the two '. bildien furniture, anion- which are
,,l (.,,. , ,- ,.,,.( , i ir i tt - ' eiilie and Iiiinne; Jnbles Mnho-nnv nml I'om-
combutants n.., ih-u-i -(, Vt'l at.. ins-, n v,.c,..(, ,mllln ,, p-,ln(.v ' ,!ti,tt,s
idion so tlisfn'.n'i'lul slionbl cv, r firnr, we , s.lfl,Si Cupboards. Sofus, i,,.,,,,,-,.-, ,
,l'0,liottor tlio l'.uckcyc Hoy tho l-lilllilti-! l,ich he is determined to ili.-,.,-,,. of nt as cheap
iotisliip of tho WOll'l." ' rules, lor cash, ns they can le purchased .it nnv
The nllirtutitive oharactcr of ii woman's j other establishment of the sort iii ihe i-ouui v.
Iionative l'lovci biiil. )mt wc doubt if
there wai " rvcr woniiiii's "No!" Hint
tncuiBt more cb'.ti ly "Ynn," (halt thi-, dc
tumciatioii of Mm "d'c-ni nei l'i 1 1 ' ' contest
whili it to transfer 'lie bell of the l iii
vcrse, or tho United State.-, to Mr. Mock,
vitl his fos'iootabilily. his six le t,, and
his two linndred pounds weight. Wo sus
,cct our rotompornry is a ilovoul romlor
f tho Wi'mir; nti'l lib' that inpniotts
;oumiil, firmly Iiojts tho I'liinn w ill tint bo
ilistolvi-d, while ho it convinced Hint if it
should I o, we shnll till bo
tliercby. X. V. Times.
r'l'i tit "111 tiers
An inc ItEiic. Mr. Mavid Young,
of 1'indrroi'ort. showed usrerenlly nn inter-,
opting relic, found nt Valley l'ornc, sotno
timo within the year past, by Mr. JJuii
diilph .Supplcc. It is a portion of n course
comb, on tho upper part nf which is the
name of Genro 'ashiiiL'ton. It is made of
iron which hud, tio doubt, been nilded or
silvered. The whole name is perceptible,
except tlie letters O X, a part o! the comb
having been broken oil' w ith the iustru-,
ment used in ilk'giiifr. Mr. Suppleo wiis
ilisnina a tiost-holo nt the time. Tho
comb was evidently tho property of (Jen.
aslunirton, nicl win urn, pen or lost i,y
Uroppe,l or lost l,y
lum nt Alley I or'o durm? tlie perilous'
time of the, ltcvohitioary War. Some of
the teeth nre entire", nnd tho lottors, with
iilint-n iiVitnt.tirMtu 1 1 i.t 1 n 1 f 1 r 1 1 liia ktiudl
I !.. si KMl.tetblln- verv (ill... no doubt, in
those day,, i. now, in hdcrestin, relic.
.wrtA-trn Jiejister.
, , 7",. , ,
. . J . . .. '..
l;jA ui'' iiu nii; u'n i.'i'ii imk; 1 i'h ii
otupleted to LexitiL'ton Mo.
FANV) 7 7,W
I Hi I i II h I lltl Mil A.
I Mil
1 1 1' i
LA' :
LA'1 ?iu i j t
, i
in: ti
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ni . im.
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I .ii
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ill 1 11 1 1 . i tt , ' 1 1 ; 1 1 , ' II', t,
i. ,,l
I I i;-
hi' I I I
I I I I','. I
i I I I I K
!nl ll.fl tl,.
o,u. r,.
,t scnl vi'
,',' nit'l
ll,. In
,'t ,., I., i ,. r l i , ih.. . . i ,.i r I'm . ,.
:,ll I " i ll I III , nl It'll ll II rl li '4 I III'
ll.'l, in ?,,,-y tt ,i.t .' .,'
IT I, S .! ,
1 I'llll II I lint l i'. fill I in
l.i, .! I v llif in" I '
hi liu r -lur,' ,l I- i inii
, ,, ,'- us tt ill fiiilinii,'
tt t Imt i' lini iii' t'T yii
:n In-1.. Jul- :i v. , v'
' I n II'; ,'
''. Dil l ll i ' I.. I'M II,
,'l,:,, 1 ,1,1 tt ,., I, , if ,i :
" I In .-i ll Ih nl
I" " I: , l'ui l , .iii.
, I'ml i-, In s, I! a
; roKiiK i : i : i i : us ,! .i tt,.u t,
ml!, us I li " V fill I'm I 111';f-l n Inunl l.v
I n' lo M'l.'t I i.'iiiii in i!ii Cilv, ni, I ut inn 1 1 i In -
" I'1''' '"
.i 1 1 x r.u;ii:ii ,i m,
.... SIS Mm U.t -lifl, i,l, ut,' Mh, IMiila.l'a.
St'.. i'.Mli. ls.'s. .tins
; .t i. i. .1 .v ii ir .v y ; ;.
' (I
Mll'i Sue scriltrr lius just rii'civi'il :nnl openeil
III liis st,,r,'r,i,i,il f.ll Alllllirt si. (lilft'tiy t,,,-
Mtf llu' I It'iirlii-ltl II, ',i-,', ii lur',' it,,,! tv. 'II sfl.',..
It, I STOCK nl HiASH.YUil.l' (loUHS, wlnel.
Ii,' will mil ut ii very .," 'eio.'.
Hi,-' si.tek en-i.-is tf a nfiiiTiil ussi.rl, mm! ..'
Dry Goods, Groceries. Hard
ware, Quceosware. Glass
ware, Lriife's, Oils,
in. hiilin:,' n Imsl nl' flln-r in lii If s in liis liin'ii
ni"ii;r which cun I, ' t'liinil :m ox c n.'it -i ninl vill i
f,t M'l.'f linn tl' l..Ill' illf.-s ; 1.-; mi. I, .-
'"r ii r.o'.iii r'o'f, )!, .., (,.-
o'y.", ( '-A, iVi .., '. '",, .', .1-
y'l,.-.,-', 'A-,.,-, .l,r.',".v,
'',.: f, ,.,'wwi' 11 O .V.V.YA'7'S .In- '.
His (iK.Vn.K.Ml-iN'S wonr , ,.t,-i.-t.s f a lur.-f
ll.-M,,,RT,t Hi'
I as-i meres. Cliitl.s, Sail in.'tl s, Siilia
I'.-tia, Ttvofus, 11. us mi 1 Cups,
am ax i:Tr.xsivi: vahimtv ,.r
ll'Mi T S AND Silo
ir ...
: Jyi :,:- :.;,'t'.;.;, ,,. (,.',,,,
w ith al most every nllirr in lii 'e C.:i! ticty I,,' 1,"-t-essary
totoipply tbe ttituis ,.t Ihe fn'iinnuiily.
'ihe iiressiup ,if Ihe ni'iney iiniile't l::ivin hu-l
the ftlfft of r, nlu, -in '4 ll," iri,',t uf ni uiv uilie'i'
nt' in,T,'hua,lisf , the iiii,kTsi:,'riel luis I'.'.-n en:e i
lilf, I ttl I'tlV liis ..tuck lit Sll 'll lit e.s thllt hi' cun
rll purl.- nt prices to -ult tlie times. Ami Iriv
ili he retuttire einh :iv..u, ,. plea-r 1,1s eu t"iii,T,
inilli In the quulilv t,t" imi, Is iiinl the j rifrs ut
K'hifh ho Mild theiii, he hopes In receive a rca
("ttiil.le sliurtf ot put rom, ;:. .Ml in w:u,l !' n.,.-,
will pli'n.-e cull ninl exiiiui'.io l.i.- .-Im ii ,1' thctp.
e,t Ko,Ms.
.'j-Coiintry pro luce, of nil kimb t.iken in vx
ehune lor r.nuils.
ii'M. r. mv;..
C'leniliehl Nov. 10, 1-.',S.
"M1K urn id -ifii'd i'',. i,e,"l'iiilv iiil' ,nir hi-
eu.-t 'iuers nti'l the i .ill l i- L'.TieraHv. that he
I has just reuirned from Ihe Mast, ami opened nt
I his cs',,-lum-i,t in N.I IC'.V III) If Cleurlielil,
Pa. a line stock of WATCHIiS of ,1 ill, ivnt .pial-
ili-, and .1 li U'libriY of t veiy varirlj-, li i a full
sett tn a .-in;;''" piece, wnich lie will sell at the
i most ren.-'.mtlile price s Pt CASH.
Abb kinds of Clucks, atelns und .Jewelry
cart fully lepuire l ami ll'.o .
A eoiitin'i.'ince of pntronai,''' is snlicileil.
Nov. loth, lSaS. ' 11. V. NAbObl',
I "
I itj.l.
:j V i ll.. s,t ..:3
KllATZbrS' are just op, nin- a liiir-e ami
well Fclcfteil .-trek of la-hionnbU' f.o,l-,
Inch they will be nbl.,' to fell at pri eey tn suit
the times, as tln-v halo been bought at net ea-h
, pi ices. In inblitioa to the usual variety of ftn
; pie article , particular nttentpiii is culled to Ml
1 lolloiviin; new and de.-irahle dress p,,n.s l!:,ii
1 dcr,.' nn. I r'nii'l Vab neiu?, l'oil ,le Chctre, l.a-
v.ll ( l.'th, l'lai Ca-liniiT.', l!cb. ', r.r.-ian
Twill, I'reneli .Ma linos, (i ri :,.inia ( Irth, llom
liiine, Ili-luines, Jiue.ils. llr'thi', Komid-rni ner
cil and bi.jie; Sl.atvls Al'n a l irr.'e lot i f Ladies'
burs, AVinte bontict , lr,s Tiiiaiiiiii,;-, ,t.('.
(,1'uiii (alien in exchange I't jr'nl- ut cash pri
es. C. KIlATZlIIt .!. SONS,
n, t. I'.",, V,S, lt),il.
(n A I'.TTT'.n"."-!
f v J ''
t4' A4..UiJti J:-J I, lI,.h jivl-o
AVIN'ii fitted up n simp a few doors east
of the "tli.ii Jf.w Stihik," on Market St.,
desires tn intnrin the rot nnninitv ut larire, that
ho keeps on hand n variety uf
i ' etsonii wishing tn buy furniture nre invilcd
come tn Ins shop nti'l exiiinine his nrlielpn, nml
.iiidge for Mienisclv"" of (heir iiinlilv und lini-h,
before ,nreh;i.-ini; elsewhere, us lief, els eouli.
dent that he enn suit them in j.rice nml qunlily.
N. 11. J lo is nl.-n prepared tn mnke f'orr'i.vs to
(.nl, r on Ihe shortest not;.-,', and attend funerals
will, u hear.-e, when culled upon.
'fAll Kinds of country produce wil' bo re.
eeived in pnvment for work,
nnv. 17, t :. I j.
C ablnct, ( liair Making;,
a n ii o v s i: v a i . t inc;.
JOHN' Cl'LK'II A ItAMEI, lii:xi;n having on the shortest possible notice, upon np
entered into partnership in the ahv bu-i- plication being made to him nt his resi-
uess, win ne prepare,! at an limes to a'lcnit to any
business in tho above line on short notice and in a
proper manner. Tliey will uLoKeep cn-tuni ly
nil hand at their shop on Marltct si., nearly oppo
oilo the .lew store, a Inrce ussorlincnt of MuhnL'o-
f v- ii ntl Cnne bottom ( hiiirs, nml Cubinet wuro of
every description which they will lie found eve-,
ready tn di. pnse nf on ns rea.- .unl.le terms as thci
sninn articles can be had elsew here in the county. '
'1 cir stock of L'abimt Wuro now on, con.'
?..-ls in part ot
uressiii ntl, I i omtnon liurenu
fas, SewinR
in i ash Slnlids, Desks nnd Hook Cases, French
in. I Field I'ost bedsteads, Pinine;, lSrcakfast, t'cu
lr), Card nnd 1'ier Tables, Ac.
ol FINS uiaiiulaetured ami delivered at any
, .j ,(,0 ,i,,ir0,i
May 2:s, ISO 1
- . ..
(-73 - ( wjrn r TT-e
A hl' I":1"'"""" 'fo
h rchy cautioneil niraista
: Tun in .lie 7lRh
, i i.-e, of JSrady township, Clearfield Cou nty, an
i the same beloue; to uie, ami are in his posseesion
1 lturc lasin? or
, on loan oniy
liny, .t, lH,',8.:it.
IVM. b. H0HN.
voiisr.ii sromu
I I I W I V' III ! .
A litter tnifiit n
i:v coons,
1 i' 111 I "I "I ll- Ml ttitcf rnifl..., I i -
. , r,
A. 'it .1,-. ,1,-.
- ;, -,. ir,,,.
Iliaily made t- tot ll I ll ir- HwiM ln(",
llnls .v ii", 1. 1 till Minis,
Spanish Sole Lent fur,
I'iltf, Mollis... , ii,1 Su
1 1 i.l.-j. ,V Furs. Shind,
, nl Win. Lout" it
(I ruin ,'f nil
Kin. I
t ii K i' ti in exchange In r
Oft. I.-I, IsJ
GRE AT REVIVAL Read ! Read ?
Mt Ilk ( liNYi:i!Ti:i. Tin. Kr.-:it revival
ii' i," ii,nt'ii,' (.-,,. , in nl . (ivory
iiui v iiml town in I In' t iiiiili, .mt -iiln nf
State, '
I It in lielil. T I, er. lore, in et'iisitlerulinii ol' Iho I
, ii'int e nn, ior, I'nnik Short li an tuken the respon- .
. iilniity upon hnnscll In revive he. llnnl ,t Shoe
i l.ii.-i,!, .' s in I'li-nrtit'ltl, nml set u frond example
I I" his Iflhiw men. lie lins to ininniiiien In lii. I
"bl ci.-l r., u, ni us iiiMiiy new ones us limy ln-
or hiinu it h u cull, Mint he hns on hum! it lar'n ;
:. -sort mem of lin.t work nml any iiinnnnt of eourse :
; Also, (ieiils' I in iters inn, In lo or.ler, nml of liny ;
style to nil euslnniers. Morroeen. I'reneli enli',
ninl I'nt lit enli' iter eniistnnllv on In, ml. ;
l'in.liii' tor snlo, kit exeepleil. All work lenv
in'ihis .hop w inriinleil not In rip. Cnstoniers
coining .t, tow n will Iiml him ut the ,liiip fornier
j ly oeeiiu ie,l hy lv. It. Welsh, dcc'il u.s u watch .1 j
jclock nH iihlislnnenl, iienrly opposiln Heed nml I
iioer'ss ,ire. Itoll in hoys nml net new soles'
! or ymir old ones rcpuiied, us m.iiil' of them stund '
i in treat need of it.
11! tk' sumcr
.lime ::o, l!'."is. .im. i
V. S. The puilneiship heretofore existinj; he-1
ttteiTi John Jlct nl.e A (ieore Newstm is this
day dis.-sove.l hy iniituiil consent, and the hooks, !
n.f'.i nils, ami all elleets, are in, w in the hands I
ol V. Short (or settlement. The liusiness will he
carried on in future hy 1'. Short. Alas. ) r Yn
HIIIN .M.'CAlti:,
(ilioltliK .NbWSIlX, i
I'lltsr IN..!'iHST siu'.vkp:
ijoots & siioks
fcVii WSTit ii!.sstiU'3
TIIANKl'l'b rr pa-t favors, and riilcful f"r
t'linui' pro-pects, ili-.-iies to infnriu the eitiens of
this vicinity, nml his old friends ami patrons in
parti, 'iilai-, that lie has removed t-j the MUST
It'MtJl in the Kast end of
n - ,. ' '.",- iiv." , .J,.,,,;..,, j i.
Iiito lit' lins oil luitnl
im ut ut' ni'ry
oit.-tiiiitly, a larj
n lie t v ill the
r,!)!)T AM) MIDI' LLK
ers I'oM w uiti; a i ii:, to
't he very best of slock w il
t I I II l'i:
I ho use 1,
I' 1, il
II II I llo
pains spur, 'd to make neat tits and duralile work.
A II of it lii. li can l.e ohiained from the said Jo.-vph
ij.ion VliHY l.oW for the iikahv niiivn.
ci,.:nt;, :,i, An, is.,s.
"llo.MK ACAIN."
LLU A M KAVKil are now receiving an
V ol "ii'ni ' a lnr" ninl well .-..lectc 1 Stock ol
liood.-, eonsisiin- in
Dry (e.ictls, (Ji'iici i ics, ISardwnrr. (Iiut'iis
nni'C linols and Hint's, Oils, 1'iiints v
Drills, lints anil Hounds, uils c
Sjiikcs, "alt and I'Tsli,
as well as every other arlielo I'.-ually reipiired in
tlie eniinlry, which they ofi'cr to the public on as
fair t'Tius as can be had in the county. Call
and see the new, beautiful andii-eful.
jane 11, lsjS.
Iron Depot, Kept by Mcrrell & Carter
tin ,V, ', ,.!' ,S'-,W, ,i',;:rt:', lil, J'n.
S the place where nil the '
can be had at reduced price
illowiti ' articles
,.,, ,.t ,7,.- tl.r
ii.I'i'ii; (:,l Mr. l,.f r .;.
r lh.-
no', '.,'.
' .' '
.iirmrtif i t' .S'.'.i.v, fi,,,..,-
,;,', v;n ,.,l the .Y.wi Vorhl i '."',
'.(. ''.-),. drat Itipuh!',,; Jluc;'. it
n.t, inul thr tl, nti,;l .l.'jn.r.M..r. J .,,, a
'., ,.-.-',.' rlii'i'ht ir f, -',', ; aiul Purlin
A'o.v.i, unit Air-li'jlits ;' ruiunm Putlrriii., J'iillS of the lu'st llhll IKlf.TIK.
Alxii, of their n'l-n Manufui-tiir'nii) a lnri: us
snrlnii iit of Tin-verr, (S''m ,, in'iir, iShrrt-irim
tni$ of till ,ii:e.f, unit ' urit-lcx ot ihe knnl in
their A';.,' lept ah-nyx on hiirul. llmixr nuni
timi tlnnc to nrif r, ami Tin limjim' June villi
ih .ipnteh. Al-'o, a lurie tuMirtmciit of all'.
hi mlf of li00se-L-i-iiini iifcii.s'Js ronxtiititlif on'
hJ. ' COr.XTIlY Mi:i!CllAXT.S
nre invited tn mil, ns they can be aceoinmoihited
lit very low lij;ii rs tt ith anylhiiif; in our line.
All orders will be tliankfiilly received and
promptly attended to.
0. r,. MKi.r,T::.L.
1. it. rAirrbu.
N. Ti. They will also receive every variety of
nliejen mi e r niFsion, nt low rule. M. A ('.
Important to
Till", f i bscribei'. takes thisj method
iniormi , any and till persons wishing'.!
proeiiro t tie
i that ' e s iho.ifient for Clearfield County,
and wil furnish and nut in tho said w heel.
dctieo in Lawrence township, three miles
south of ( 'learlicld borouph, or by letter
ndtlrcsst'd to him at Clearlield 1 ).
.KdiN a. i ; i : i: i .
Lawrence tp., Sept. 1, lS.IS. iltn.jid.
VLL persons are hereby caiitiond iiKiiinst
huyiiif, or in uuy way nichllini with the
, followniR pr perty, now in tho possession
(.eorgo t.arls 111 luvinKton tp. viz: Ono roan
mare, one cow, six hoj;s, ono bull, ono comer
; ciiplioanl, one cooki e stove, ono tied nnd ono
' lot of Imoltw hent, ns the pnino hclongn to inc and
is only lett Willi mini I 11 rl on loan, eulijcct to
1 my or.ler.
Se,!f. 22' 1858. fiias
A. 10. M I LL10R,
-" v iv now ,' tin-, euuni" pny, pvc their notes, 'J'he books
1)LANK AFSKSSOnS' NOTH'IOS, in letrnl , ,v,lp,' ll0 wil1 remninn fur frw iny out,,. w!" remain at their old office, whero Dr. Harts
) form, for snlo nt Iho oflico of tho Clearlield, All who would desire a life-lilt o likcnos,',,! the V." h" c"""1 tt" 'i"101'' ei,llur ,0 "Oleor
i;,l,u,,lk!ln' dee. l.lSiS. hUcst nnd ininrrve.l .tvl It , t ii "K "U,'J ' lirotcssiotial calls.
, mien nnu iiiipm e,l tyle will plense coll. JIFXISY TORTN
C't'J ' " Y"" ""'t 1"v' benuty slionbl lo Hull take it, 1 Oct. IStli, 1s,",S. J. i. l'lAKTSWICK
WtUUi. Q
A LARCiK 'iiinulily of Suit for Sale nt LOW
I'HICl'.K. nt Mm slon, i.V W M V rnuiv
No 117 A 110 t?n .it.nWr Alih.
('Torn .ill.1 i"l .i
,1. . t .1 ,ii I. , ,
if ,,i" i'1'l I i. ii I. it , 1 ",,' ",,'ii. f .
i.l.l I I. II I. It'll "I" I'll1'!!
.i-i I: i: . I t V I ! H
, nti'l I" li' ll In n ,; I
lli'i ii. i- i. H" l' i' ' I
II,,,, I " I ...
toi.ttii II ..ft
1 1.'' n mi l
l,..t mil
.ml:, I ! In
I. e ! l.l,.'.
Mr II Im- Ini't it In,
i .. n ' hi li' l. i I , .
i II,', lit Illls ll.i lit' III, I I'.ll I '
tt nl I, ii, I lii I, ni or n l'i,'.-,-
"lit ll,'' I'llll lll L"l' 'I '
ni i.inl ..'-,iiil.l, -i".
Ml' ,
I, I (III) 1'1,'l'i'iilfi I.M'.'lli'.tl ,'fHlil llnlfl fur J' IT-
"lis i'itinn III.' t'llt, rillit'r nil
'V ; ,v 7 s v ni; ,:. l.v. .'.,
il is ilf.'IIH'il l,ll"(.','ll,,T llllti" I'l'f tl V I" f ,'llli,
ii" tin II,, If I ill 1'liili,,l,'l'l,i,i is ln'lliT Itiii'ttn limn
tint "lil'l .t.i.iiit I . , ii, .ii."
1 1 v f .i.' Illlf nll"li In ill,' Biinlsnf Ins riislinii.
its Mr. II. lniif! In tlosi'i v t) ii flinii' ,'l I'lililir
I'llll, 'llii;,'.
X. II. His tiTllts ,IT ,I:IV llllS
I, mm I', xi', I nt 111
Inw rnlt' nl' $1." ,.
S,-, '.'I'lnl, IS.iS. 1 jr.
M ansion norsi: i
,v;ir .t a a . (ih'.ii:.r.
'1 he Miliserilier re-peetlully annoiiuces to Ihe pub
lic that he h.'is tuken Ihe uhove slinrl, in the hor-1
oiih of Ch iirlichl, and is prcpurcl to aecomino-'
date all who may (rive him a enli, The pulilic
limy rest assured Mint it will he conducted in the
I, est miiiincr iiossihle. His luhle will he supplied
willi the hell the inurket nfl'cpl. His Pur iilleil
wilh the ehoicesl Iniinil.s ol tt iocs iiml liiiior.s, iiml
stnhles will In) under Ihe cant f attentive, and
eu refill ostlers. KAMfJ, JI. YVliAVKK. :
l'Yli. II, Is.i7.-y.
1 't he mi
uhseriber haviui; taken the iihot e well
know n slnnd, formerly kept by 11 in. A. Muson,
in Ciirwensville, l'a., is ready to iiccinininlut.' all
who may favor lii n witn llicir pntroiiune. His
tiikle will altvnVH he supplied with the hest the
arket allords, and It liar with Iho chnieos'
li,ii,,rs. His stnhlo will he under :he care of a
tcntive hnsllers. HAVIH S.MI'I'H.
t'urwensville, April 21. IS.'iS.
(l''oinir.i:i,v known as the (Iuoii
' 'A -itrlli'ltl Cninit', JVmisiii'iiittit,
The siihsei iher lice leave In inform his old
customers, ami the public fsenerally that lie has
recently tuken the nhove well known slnud, nml
that he has tntirelj- refilled ami refurnished it in
a style adapt'.', I to the n'e, and the wants of the
entire traveling coin mini it v.
will always be pr.ivi. led with crcrv luxury the
inurket.-' and Mirrnundin; countrv .w ill nil'., id.
will In Hippl'iiMl with the clnHc-pt inrs :inri li
which me Ihe best and must ciiiiuiinilioiis on the
road within a day's travel, will nlnnys be in
charge of careful and attentive lio.-tler. In
-hm t
bvery dcpailnienl of his J'-lablislnnciit will
be supplied with nil the con, forts ami cont'd, icu
cies the tvearv travelKr could desire.
jutie 2, '.'s. W.M. A. JI AS MX,
t . A T K Will IK SWAN.)
Race st. above Third, Phila.
ftors of tln nlnn't1 liinnvn k-
ii t 1't inL; tli:iiiv)'i;l l r tin. v.-ry
t a
I'f.oluwcil Ul'oll tli'-in tlie ti;i.-t
year. Iin,e tin:
a, nl the ulilii
' coiinnoilut" th
l'uiinjf the
ihoroiihlv r'
; other el,',i-'v
iii rt In i.l it" in!'i tilling tli fir tritittls
tli:it t!n'v nre still 'iri:in''l tn xw
iii i I ;i oi cil u ii li a mil.
tiiniiiiT niuii (lis the Ikhim' Im'cii
noval'-il, itni'iovt'iiH'iits ami
' iil't-raii 'ii-' in r nn tt-in t ! ;i i i tu .
j We nre .let, rnnne.l to .letot,, our whole utt"n
: tioii to bii.-iiic.-s ami Hatter uirj.dves t-ith Ihe
' eo, it i.'ti. ,i that tte -hall be nbl,, , liu, -aii.-lae-
Mnn. si ni:s x st(.ivi:ii.
! X. 11. Carria :;c will nlwayt be in readiness to
I convey iii'.-f ii.-crs to nml coin laind
, iu's and IEui!r..ti-l 1'ei'i.t.-. S. A S.
I .lar.-!i .'IL-t, sjs,v,
Ciirwcnsville. Penna.
Ihe sul.scriber, for rlv "f the li.t.lian'',' lin
tel. I'liil'msbm ir. hnviiiL' taken tlif above I
new staml Mtiial" on the bank of the river, in the j
letter cud ., I riiMven.-ville. would auooin.r" that:
he is now ready for th" iiei-oinuiodatioii of stran
gers nml all others tt hn may Invor him w ith a
call. The Iml,.-" is Kro and eoiiilnrtuble. and
traveler- tt ill tin, I ctei v convenience ii"ces.-ary tn
their comfort. Ample .-tabling is nlluehcl tn'the
rcbruarv 10, Is.'.s.
CLi: All 11 KM)
)'' l'i US r AMI
Till', ti:i'ler.-ij;ned respectfully informs his
friends and thu traveling ,ublic in ."ueral, that
he has tuken the above house..
l'OKMLd.'LY KNoU'.N AS TllK IIKMl'-!
Tut: 1 1, it st' has been recently relit tod im-1
proved, and newly furnished-, i
it as tiir.N : t,!MiT.l.ri:i) ; ami iik is fi;i:r akkii !
All w ho may j;ive him a call, in tho most
plcisino mid nrectililo inanner.
3 A;;;ipHy ITsrvitSo'il
r;i thin i) to reiner his house a JetiraUc
With ei:
.iliiiiimr Jure,
will bo supplied with nn assortment of choice li
quorK : und ho w ill endeavor to entertain his in r manner that cannot fail to give tho
Tho house is situated in a pleasant mid
fUlet 1'iirt of tho town, and no expense
ne i.ttenlinn tvill bn 0r,..,1 i i...
" "v --j"t".'i it, in.iite ii one
of tho best houses in the enniilv A 111.
era! putronano is resi,oct fully solicited.
JI. HAYS MoltltoW.
Clearfield, nu. IS, H 6s;. ly.
TIIIO above Hold, having recently ben fitted
up for n house of entertainment, in now open
for the nee, mum iihition of tho public. Travelers
will find this n convenient house.
May 111, ISiH, JolIX JOltDAN.
I A MPT? AT VP l"C r. sn
nm.BIs.Vi ir LB 1 OT 00 CIS
undersiKncl would respectfully inform
I,AI)ll.s anil C.IOXTI.IOM lo
, A
i.f I' rr,., ,1 n .1,.!..!,.. n... I.. I..
, .,;:, " " "
, iou Mint huvo none, houlJ go lot him make it
I i ,,
,. . n. ill.
Sept. 24th, 1S.'iS. tf,
I. Yt f Y I; , . V .
I I HI) ll.
)u.f M. I.IMitl, nl
,,,, I.I l IM 111 Mill).
Mt i n
I1 i- l..,i ,
I n , I ti' .
, i, I
,ii,' , ,
n. I I '
,.l .,,
IM, i,
I l l.
hoi. ,.,.. n
n i, it...
1 1
II I i,"
if t " n ? I
lr. , .l'i-. I . "Imt
t t n o i I i nti'l ti'lt mil:,,:
iifl, ni l,-'I in. I ii till!,'
It , ill 111 V nil
's i till ii
l.y it I'fil.ft
i r
Im- ('(milled In" In unite n, it lcci-iie, .lir.'tt
,.li. lli'ei'.-"llll coin se ol 1 1 1 1 1 ,,, II I lor lli" posi
liv, nn, I radical eiin, of nil ilirt'iis.-n "I 'Mm
llllUIAT, l.l'MJS AM) Allt-r -S l.KS.
Ily inhnliilion I he nil nl it i. prop, rl if of nir ,li
fines lire din oily nihil, --ed tn th" ili-en-ed or
.iii nn. I ll," inletonnent, I ,. iml inlvi-i' the
use ol M. iIm nl ol iiny km 1. In the t -elusion
,.f i: i: vi in i. l. i: 1 1 tiiM ; nnd ullli..u.'h I
con-iiler il n ii -i' 1 , 1 1 ii'lint nut in ihe prnpor mini,
neliienl ol those I'.'uiliil Ji ill nit, 'ii fatal discuses,
Jet I tlcetii it very iiceessniy (hut eneh nlieiit
rhoiild liuve the limn lit of hnth ciM iiAt, nml lo
cnl trentiiieiil. 'I'll,, Mieee-s of my trciitment il
the nhove ili.-eir-es, nml the hili ehuiiieter of
Ihe In-liliilioii over which I have so l,,i,n hud
the honor In preside, urn Ion well known In need
liny eiiliifry or eiimmeiit from me. At tin, fnlici of niuii y private ninl professioiinl friends,
through who.-,, philiinthrnpic uid tli.tuhi'Vit chur
ily has been Inn;,' mid lii,, 'rally suppnrleil, und nf-
ter dun cniisiilcrnlinn, I hut ,, cm, eluded In make
Mich arrnl, Yemenis u.s will hrin' Ihe benefits of
my experienee and treiitin, Tit w ithin the reach of
all, and not contino nivself as heretofore, In
those only n hn entered the Infirmary, or w hn
went alilu In visit nn' in m.V on, re. jinpin,
therefore, that. Mm arninnciucnt will j;ive entire
salisfuctiun, dot Ii to my professional brethren
und the public, I would respectfully announce in
conclusion, that rnn Hoc Itr 1-nUHillti ii pi riimnt-
ty or , ti ller, on all tlisenses n above, all, I that tho
iiicdieiiies, the sunn, us used in tlie In.-tilution,
are prepare,) tn suit each individual case,
inhaling Vapors,
111 (M I IC'l I
I T 1 1 If 1? I 4
Ac. (' c, will be ferwanleil by express to
pint of the L'nited Slates or the ( iniinlns.
T Kit MS:
My tciiiis of tl'eiittiient, by ltd let' iil'O us
r,iil,,vs vi. : Sill ief lnntltll l'i ir cuch I'll-!
tiellt, wliicli will il)rll,e llie'lieill,' sillli-'
ciiTit lin' ono iiKintli's use: ul-" inli.Tliiij: -vii).,ir,
nti'l nn liili:iliti! Apiiiit'titii". I'ny.1
in, Tit ns l'uMows: Si'ito be to -!.nvss
Annul on tin, ieeei,t of tlit;b,ixd' Meili
cilli', ill id tlie ui In i ice Sl'i nt tlie c.,if:iti,,ll j
til'tlie month, il' tlie 1,,'itinil l,e ciued or is !
entirely sulistld with the trciitment. I'n-j
tient-, by r;ivinv; ii I'nll history ol' theirj
i :i-c, nml tlicir symptoms in lull, c;m In
tleatc'l lis well by Idler lis by lieisomil c.
it 1 1 1 i 1 1 ii t i ii i . J'ut it-Mts iiviiilinn tlietn-,clvcs ;
ot I if. .lai'i ett's treatment may rely on im
iiicliatc ami iiT iiiaiienl reliel',:, ; he cl,,ini
has to tn at a ca-e over thirty , lays. I.ct-j
tefs ',,f a ivie,' ,riiin)'l!y ail-Wei cl. For'
lurther iiartitTilat- mlilress j
' ,i.M i;s m. ,i.!;i:r.T'l', M. D. !
.V". m'ii :,-. ".'"'.-, r.r, !!, ,v .v. '. :
1'. S. l'liv ii inns und tilers vi.-itn,.: tlie city
are lopeciliiily iiitit. il t , call at tin: Infirmary, i
where many i;,', -r, '-tin-.' i n-es can be w i: n.'.-.-rd,
aii-l v lit i t'
la t i-Hi n' til'
Itr .,y,i,,
iticatcd v:
(or tlio iulia
l ii ami in.-iM.u t-
No. 3 3, North Second Street
Oppnsiie ( lu ist ( liiircli, IMiilinb Ipliia.
re-pci 1 1'iiily inlnriiis
.'in l.illv. tll.ll ll" !.:,
Miimi s:ci)i
lis friend
taken the
an i ti
More, ut .
it here he w ill be pi. 11
In see his '
Id eti.-tolu-
ers nml tii'Tid-'.
lb, has irr.v on hau l a splendid assortment
Parlor, Kail, Office, Store r.nd Cooking;
l'i 1 1 -ll.
,f the late: t n,i, 1 in ,.-t nppr ived Kinds, nl whole
ale nml retail. W.M. C. NKMAX,
No. II.",, North Second Sired, Philsi.l .Iphiii.
N. b. V'liii' l'lirlienlnr atteiiti,,n i intited tn
lIliK'S I'A f li.NT (IAS lll KMNil WAKM
ANli VKNTlbATINil KToVKS, f" 1'ar-
lnrs. Oll'ices. Stnrcs, Hulls, Curs, Ae which fnr
eenneniv, puiitv ofuir, ninl ease of lnnnnement
has no ciiual. ' V. ('. N.
(i.l l I'li.-tius f..r all Kinds of Stoves, on
linn. I.
I V vir
I) of."
irtne of 1111 order ol the Ori'hiiii s Cmirf
lcnrlicld rnuulv, there will be exposed
In sill'', l.y ollltTV. on
j Mi.U'n. the j."., ,,,.- .Y... ',- ,,-, l-,s.
: at 2 o'elnek, p. m. 111 die emirt hmise in the
I boroii'-h , f rieniliebl, all that
j Certain piece or parcel of Land,
Situate in Morris township Clearlield county,
'containing about I l'i Acres, liein" part of
: Furvey warranled in niuiie of llyninn (iralz., and
beinthe Xorll.en.-t Corner of said survey, Kiiitwn
in Ihe pnrti'i, ,11 of estate of .Tunics, Allport, de
! ceased, as fntrmil No. 7. This land is desira
!ylb located for tanning purposes, and is. toler
, ably well timbered.
j TKKMS. Ono half cash at confirmation, nnd
.the balance in one year, to bo secured byjudg
' ment.
Oct. l' 1:;.-S, Kiecolri.e.
y I'A It MS nnd bnihliiie Lots in the (iold lie.
pion and other luirtious (,r Vircinin, and to be
divided nnmnnst Ihe subscribers for the benefit of
Ihe new town of I! it aii ann,,i k. Siibsci iptiuns
oslv tkn pm. i. Alls r.Arii; one hnlf down, the rest
; on the delivery of the br.F.n. JO very subscriber
will Ket u biiildine; Lot or a Farm, runcing in
value from 1 10 to Jllll, Ullll. Theso J'arms nnd
Lotsnresold nt chenp to induco settlement, n
n',.i.m, ,,,,...l, i ., '
!. vi ;.r.. i i.i . 11 r1'"10
rent low Price now asked. One acre lot, in ,
' will he oivkn to industrious mocbanics who
build iii..,n them
', A coinpan.y of cetllerfi called ''Tub H ieeAtitv-
"," mtcKii tssoi iatiom, is now l'itililin(;,iind
n in c.iiooi.'iire ineir setiiement m
A , , : :,, l . ., . . . ' n
I He siirmt'
i,,,c s,iiini nin oc Kivcn ior tlie lailhtul per
forinnnee of contrnets nnd promises.
.r.i-.Miii: A'iints Aim Wantkh to obtain
fiibscribers, to whom the most liberal Induce,
in cuts will be Kivcn. Some Aifents write that
they are making Jljutl per nmnth. For full pnr
tieuhus, Subseriptiuns, Agencies, ,ve., apply to
10. llAl DlOli.
Port lioyar; ( nrolino Co., Va.
nov. IS, JSOS.
"11 h J'artnershin hemtnfuro existing i.tit-A..
1 n'.111 I)r' HTl'wick in the prac- tlicir constitutiunfl nnd chorteniii)' Ibeir H
tleO ol Medicine1 is this day (lissolfe,l I.v ,,,lr,.l phoubl USO these Troches iin.neilinlelv ndl1
.. .
roiueui. aii persons iinvin necouiits with
I"1' " cu" ."" po," ''nmeditely,
TbANKAnTICL10,S,7f AKreemci,t,icRarior,n,
1 1 1 between Sehuol Directors, nml T i,nP. c...
) at tho ollieo of tho "Clearfield Itopuuliouu."
it. It: . t ,
iioim ihm'hv,. wiiL'iiiiiin 1
1 m I vi M ' I i VI 111
1 1ll !- n re t'l-r
i,e n I. n h hu in t i t
i. I y ll,, t ! ' r
s.,'n" nitililiiili mil
I'hj .i, nn-- 1 1 ... t lil.t
Un, n,r,nri (
H'l",llv .1,.,,
, I,
M " li'fh, ..
''peeittl'v th n ,p(
bf" in Mm I.I i
tin I. t'T.' all ,,
i ricitmt" In It -,i ,
, i in " nv.T's Mint nitii,. i,l have their nr... .
In boll, the ,.,d nml llui l" of Mm ,f" .
the I, tiler piepntidernte, howver, l a ij',,,,)
nin I nifdirnl M,ill hi, i b ii rl v di'ninn.trnt, ".
nl ,'ii-l Iwn thil l" of Ihe ill', thiit Iniiiinn ..t
Ii.-ir 1", Iimvp Un ir f"iir-o hi nn
Impure stixtv of iJ
A In-tfitifi' in flirt lotwr,, ,,(,,!
.Scrolulii, letter, "J!;irl)ci',rt Itchj
l'ni)i!es, Motclies, hrysi)(;las,l
eers, Salt-Kliemn, DiHclmrtJ
from tlio r.iir, 1' ever sores, or i
niptivc Diseases of any kind.
'I hesiinro ascerliiiued hy well known Inpil;
lawn tn ariso from had blood while the hid.
me, Ileal aiilhoritief declare thllt most foveri
(jiniite i n the same .iianner, and mure imrticnl,.
ly 'J'yphnid and .scarlet tint furmer heiiiir tn iJ
ternal, and the bit ter an external irruntira il J
ciirse ; and in all person." nttaeked hy tlicio m j
ladies the hn, is found to he coagulated, ot 1
a dark unhealthy color. 1
To ward otl' a larL'O majority of distniati J
well as tn cure a number which have nlri'dyi,
m'ii iii,.,i nit' sjsieni,
it is A7:r-;,v,v.i;r to
I.IMISKV'S I tll'ltOVEII jjl.lllll) Sl'.A KlilF.R Df'tl
I'niversal I'linaeea for every disenso known. tJ
proprietors claiiii lor it the power nut onlj
. a li I e.i
lyiiiiuiii urn .in iiiiituiiuvs ui
1 J1UUU,
1 ... 1 .. .1. . 1 -I r. .1 - t: e i. ,
old (lie MWI1U1 coilioiiiaiiou Ul well KnotJ
trill cure (..hvmcv uriniinj J rom a derm
id xtalc nl tin' Jiu'rr iW.r nut 'y.ty,foj.ii'(i
nml ijn'i' Vi'in'irs'l tinr inul r'xnr
to fin' Stiiimirh,
That tlie lilood Searcher irf all that is claim
for il, the l'roprietors can pro, luce
It is only a few years since it was discover,
ami yet it hu- jrrown into such a businesi that
!ur::e biili'iratiiry has been built expressly for :
tun im t net n it- a uf'i- number of men cuiplm
in pulling it up, und still
Tlio Supply does not Equal tli
Demand !
Ve asl; any eaiulid man could this he so, ifi
ledieine did not pn-pes.s a I.L the virtues claim
for it ?
The 1'ropri. tors have hundreds of certifier
from men of probity and sinmlin in the eiiiiimJ
inly, show ni' what the medicine is doing da
f,,r tin' stitlcrin,-.
Who has ever used the BlooJ
''. f !! ''..' .r.M "''. o
allliiTi'il '-ive it a trial a single but
Let th
coin i nee the in i.-t keptical of its cllicucy.
I :. .1. M. LiM'snv : Ijoar Sir I take pi
sure ill ni'kn.iu led.'in"; (lie (.'rent lift
your I inpnn e l IU.i" l Searcher has been to
.,.n. lie bus been inflicted w ith w hat physici.
eullfd 11 scroluloiis ,Iis.:i-o of the itltsul..
i-lnnds of the stomach. He has been nlHic
with tin- di.-tus.) Imm iulaiiey. lie is unit
teen yea 1-5 of line; diirin;; all this time ho 1
hud .scl eral si 1 ere nltncks, and all the fund
I. en into the .toiiincli imparted little strength
the system. 1 h:nl several cut me lit physici,
j alien, 1 iii- l.i, ,1, liul I found very little ndv
l.i,:e, a., tli ' 1li.-e.1-e stiil r. i.irncd wilh nil iUiA
', lill e,,llsC'l,eue, s.
In April I ' .''7, lie hud n violent iiltnek, so mt
so, that all who saw him supposed he was in 1
last st.,.:e ol I I was advUcl to
v,,ur blii'id Searcher: 1 accord'nn'lv prorui
,,i, e ! 1 1 tie of it, und by the time he hud ureii
1 he appeared restorer,! to perfect health.
! ll is now one year sine e he used your invili
i ble Illood Searcher, and I am perfectly uti
. cd it bus snved him from an untimclv crare.
now iiiilie-itatin'lvreeoinnieml it to nil who ltd
be si-iilarly alllicld, and deem it 110 mere t!
justice to bear this public testimony to itst
t ties.
Kespeclfully voiir?, ,t e. r. ii:vbix,
' I'omroy Stntion, A. 1'. It.,
.Mr. b'evliu is well Known to the of
diane and V..s(ni irelnud counties.
; duly tt, Is.'. ..
l'Olt SAI.i: I5V
', C. U. WATS' iX, (1,-nilield.
.lA.MLS IS. MISAIIAM, ('.r.'itinmpton.
.UiilX l'ATTDX. Ciirweusville.
! K. 1". bKKXXLiS, .M,.rris,b,l".
.I0IIX lU'SSLI.L, I'ennsville.
11. II. MilOlii:, Luthersburs.
JI. O. ST1KK, New Millport.
CIIAULKS I!. l'OSTLH, I'ltilipsburg.
II. SWAX, Ansonville.
lit SSELL .MeMl'HKAY, New W'asliinS:
KDWAItlt AV1LLIAMS, Williuinsville.
JACK SOX I'ATCHKX, llurnside.
SAM I I-L HAliKKTV, (ilenhnpc.
iniL,'. 1 1, lSjS (im.
Important to
1K. (il'STAV l.lNNAliD'S
y.i.s" ; liKisrojiA ti vi; tikhiii
The f iieiit sijixliiilc for Tt Imeeo.
It is i well known nml inmnlrovfrliM H
that the use of Tobacco is the promol'inKf!"
many of the most severo ML'XTAb AXDW!
ICAL lUSOIt DKltS to which tho race ofn'i
subicct, ns cart ul iinalysis and lonir andpi
experi nee liavo clearly proven that it cot J
certain narcotic and poisonous propcrti"! "j
(lit njri-r.ius in their (Tied, which by enlerinf '1
1,1 "' Mood Jeran,-,,., tho functions nnd orm
IT "f !'' h' r'"'.'.'" "'.n,,y to "'H10 ""'
will TrXVrY' .1
1 OlbU CO nlfeets also tho entire ticrvoui
tein, mnnifetinir itself nn nil who hnvettK1
noxious weed will bear testimony in I.ii''H
Nervous Irritability, Water Krnsh, Dj-f pepf ,(
many other disorders, of n untilnr rliarnrw
(lesie-ued to eouiiteract Miese haiieful ioflu"
nnd have 1, roved conniletelu miccessful Til4
tltlldo of cnsen. mill w-lti-verer llscl. Tielnirll
less in thcinselvcH they exert a lieneficuil A
upon the entire system, restoring the TartC-.l
bus become vitiated or destroyed by prcnH1-
Kencc, coiiiidelolj- reinovinc tho irrimtif 4
iiecoini'aiiyinj; tickling lensation of the It'1
w hich net nlu nt,, ,,r,.,. ..,..,( .w,n llm ulsitl1
from the use of Tohm-co, anil by ;irinKM
tuno to the slomneli invij;orato tho whlf f?'
1 ersons Who nrn ,rs,,lr,nr i V nnilt'nD'1
tho Mio injiirions nnd tinplensiuit habit of 1'
co cliewinjr,
'J'hcse Troches or Lo.enjrott nro r'1 flI
eitnt-oit lent ntt.l t,,lnl.ln f..... nl (1,a I,, tin'
5(1 cents per box. A liberal discount tntk'H
l'rcparcd solely by the underai(;ncd t
nil (inters shuubl be "nddressed.
.AMES K. llOWERS, Vntf
Cor. 2,1 and Unco strf?1".
April It',, I85i. ly.
i -Jub Print in g neatly executed M