I h 0 Iltl Willful freb't i 1 ii ii .1 x l I X .( v 1 ) Tin The It:ii-1 Si iu-i Si ii.ii, rilrclllj- III II in Up., u nit ladies it was neg.ilix ei' f the committee wit.i i If. 1 1 . i ho new chamber xxie. ready .i(. Mr. (.'l ilti'inli'ii iii ivi- II H brief hilt eln.plollt spe. I. , i Ml et . ' I t t ' I i,.l.l. II. .. I. t'V ' I ' I I llf .'I I , I III! I III' M 11-11 I I 'I .Hint i ,. , I In . Ill I "I ., I X . I I ' 1 . .1 ' i i i ... .... ,m. I . ,. il., , i'n Mill, II' III! I Mir , I' II! .1.1. I In. l il l'., ill - , I, I, I'll I, I III, I, 'I II II hi in, i .I i I ,1 :' I I in' xx 1 Hint . II t,i I, I Tin- iv.r I -la.i.i;; t!i;i I" T Xhe N .1 it-l ll'rt;,,; I'll, ill ii,l ll-Snoiatmns that iamb.!', :i!ii dor -;:. ' Ii ill it la-t I to many Undid llii'lll to tin' old r i.ii'il parlin;; limn it an l.'i'.inity. Tlio house met tin- same limir, but x cry iilllt' Ixisiiu'-k was tran-acU d. A destructive lire in clilT. ,1 ill rhiiaiK'I phiu on hi-t Tuesday moriiim; about 7 o'clock, mi I.axvreiyv Miv.-t, I nt i iim Fourth and Kifih. A lar;.' li.it !'a-d."y' una burned, nnd a number of dxvc!linr"d u rioilfly damaged. Tile lo.-s immnnl.; !.i .'tiU.OM, of xvhich tin' greater portion i- co-1 cred by iiir.iiriinef . i Tlionexvs from the Stat'.' ('.tpi'td is, I'na! I W. A. C. Lnivroneo i , elected Siicabi r o. 1 i ilio House of Kcpicsoiit alive.-, other officers have yet bcon elected. TliePrnwraHe momboss ot" the .v , ; :noi in caucus on la.-t Tii"-u;;y tumiiing. ' md nominated linn. John Cn six. .11 for ificiikcr, Win. If. Miller, K-q. lor Clerk. ! i.id F. M. Ilutchir n, Ehj , for Assistant ' lerk. j A severe snow storm prevailed nt New Voi le on lust "Monday night. : Hon. S. A. Douglas has been rnani-1 mously nominated by the Democratic eat - j us of the Illinois Legislature, fur ro-elee-1 .on to the S onntc. In Mexico Ga.i 1 ilaj ir i has bee n lvhi en by the government troop. (heat anxiety is felt fui this ptovern ment to tako her in hand nnd re.-ton- or der nnd pcaeo. .',, i' i :.,-,', .1- t a! I'm , !i x , !, Ill ' I .,1 Mi'- ! id, 11 III III" lii-t pi I 'it i ', V M III b 1 , 1 , ...i -'ion ,u i: I i, i , ,f which w I I en: ol the 1," ' id.i'inii i', and m:; , i lb.' I., . !- ill ill.", d In .1 -ill all 1 1 ' j ! i ' i'i' t l.i' c .Ulll V M I'llld 1.1 a lew . i ul il, H . ii ii ,1 tu,' ,1111 .it ii i'i : v. .l'"d t'i a Mile. iC", no in .iie.-t I ej i'i .irii I a e fur ii l.i . rill. nut tin.' a 11 i.ir i '! e I lie I'lll V I e .1111 be the tahiii;: of in.uiey it of the ie,i i.l one .itlinj it in! i the j,i,ek- I mi ill i , i , i n 1 1 1 ', I'i il Ml- li.l I n ii. n rmiiM v, mi si j , n , II mi, 1 i "'Hit le I.,' ,, ! , ,n In -''' ' i' ' "Ulil n ill I,,.' Male ; f In in 1 1 ; il, ' Mi Mi ii , .i r ii I ',,11.111' I'lll, . lellianilli;'. Ill ,1 It M e ,,l Ik 'l,"ilnll!' e,i;ll, ,.;i nil. i; i a" , w ii ii.ii ii , iij'l a ii n'li mix i i' Ii i mi i' iin Ill liilll tei'll In i I' nf l.iii-i' of illinlnel, v.illl'Kit iieenlll 'ii:.:iij tin' sli'i' e-t hetiviil tn I lie ulilic. Kvi l-X hnni'.-t l.'i.i.-li.'.nr Wnllld i l,it. ,' Mlell liie.l-llle, 1'ie eliled 1.1 tie' .-Il.l ,e of till I li i II ' nl,e, 1 . ; I iie r.'.i nil tiii, I . In neeeile I In tin' M i.-l,e- nf t !h- .o'.iliiiii'l, xvould be ' I .i e-li.l'ii-ii :i ) 1 1 i ii li lit that n mild net I lie ,,,.ii nf iniir fi.! , nf the i'. un ; ic; iu the i Stale ly thee:.! :. liiolle-.- M rile ami enii i h lit ton wni.ld Le tin.' iiiex liable 1'i-ult. ) Will, t!;e hope, of J ee lilii.u ", (.uill, n'.Miel s i'i Ciiri,l 1,: s.U . i, T eoiinty Inwie. ixnldd be i'liinid ill every eoiuily ivilliiiL' to pui up lb.' ptibhe bii I ,!ius at iheirnwn e. i'in e, i:ii.i.'ur tli.it lle ir 1 Toad uei i'.'. lnii;ht be i mi l sfniil i,.r ti w n l'ii. l i ni.erlv Ulil ru- i.d.itor.s I' iii i nii: inn I'-iv de.-ir"'' 1. In ' i I'p'l ,ii I to in ix I.. .In 'ie. . Il I ll e II, r .I...V ilX . , .1 '.III.' I'I lie.'i an .-. o! liie a. p,-."i I tl.elity llilln. .'" '' , ', lli.it Me embrace xxilbin our l'"iii:el e,niul, nbnxi! fnur bundled .-.niiii" tni!,-, of ton-it. try, nearly all of w inch is si i tiblc nf i nliii'iiliiiii. nnd ll pi i ll lilt i, Hi oi iicai Iv cij'li t In inland, w ho i wnuld 1. b, nelitti'd i,y the erection nf the! Hew ciiunty. I ,', ,v ,'i ,,, that vxe only ah sini ,le ju tic m imr potili i- ; 'tl,;,i the imai a-,. ol I'll ;iii.'--.- .".ml p.'piilalinii (leiiiiinds that Me -.linlild m i I,,. Iniicer subject t.i the ex- ' peii-o and iiicniivetiience xve me under in aileiidin.' our coin I-. i it. that Mohave all tlio elements j ol a pre-) eimi-i cniiuty, t;o,,i faiiil Ian U, j i h nl.y nt limber, c.nnd Malcr power, and 1 iil'iiicianc.' nf cnal ainl oiher in inei ills, niul i that ii new enmity would lend to clcvclnpe ! I he.-e re.-ourei's, iii), 1 make us in a slmrt 1 lii'.ic t!.eo.ii;il, il imt the superior ofiiny ' ni our iieichl.oi inj. ci ii i it t i. -. i v.,,,, that we a-l; the aid in i'lice of the citizens of the al.nvr count u s ill our l-lilet t Allel'lliendnplinli of I he resol ll I iom tlio ineel in:; M ils a.l.lre-' cd bv M. A. i rank lisn "I lilM .11. , b I i I'.ll" f H I led i I ll,, p. mi in ' a lal. , 1 1 j; Ii x In Ii I '1 ll'l ' !l,c b I olilli inn. I bo in 1 i I, l ei In 'J I'i'ii in. Ii.'' HI "i ll i'e, n IliO ,:il I" I i-l I, Hi I i-. I i '. il b 'l ' i. m Hie li llll tin i He till' ; m,,, i.l I, ,, I in r di-pinii;.':i,,: lb,, , i.d lit"' ,, n.ii'T r.,'Iei , i li 'bii - I l ii 1 1 l.i l imi. lie I'i 'h I ha- bin, iti In i I M ll ll the M In .'i ll' MM. lili. d his i in i . r io ci imr, and i. Hi a le I I'ol. i is a ii. ii , ml I ..!.,. . " 'Ml I . Ill I 'in , lletll I- I bey .lie I o! ll.'X In III Mel I- pill I of o l,li "li I I - ,'l hi .r "hi,, at . :.-1 H 1 1 1 . ni Km.n- V, i lor X . ai -. le U ei 1.1 ,. s 1 . 1 1 . -Iiiau. II' plii, ,T, Scii'ilor ol I Stale-, I. lid I, lloM I h. I e i- Imt ''I upon the pa'c nf I hi man's . slale S nat I mt " VI li I'll ID A I. IN HI I x'lM "I I I nl, I I I' , M in, 'I'I . ', In 'In HI he lnisiiii", w l.i, h ni., inline '.Tie: ( i:i ;i eiiiin.iO ;;. the pi.bhc. J; :h b'k ;.ii. u!d. 'I I 111 i I'll t ucii i , 'id i.,r t iw n Jul-., xx u xx'i. ulil be mis, i (lel'll ei.lli il. lull le.v i h ii t . .in i i i i' in of tilings. I admit that I lu re may be in"laticen v i" . r, , . , i i, I i, , 'll ... . . - . , ' ' i . . ' i . ! il 1 1 ' I ' I l,ei ... i hi ni1..:. on, ii I'. hi 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1-- of live xx ere np- il.ted. to confer XX it h the Millie liliiub, !' U.C Oil; XX ".ll l.kail.u.li. J lie 11. S- 1 , ,. ,, ( 'e, ,,.i .: .1 , . , , -, , ii i., ii. i i i i . i ..t , i it- mi ci , 1 1 .' i n ere i n - toll.'; V Milt i.. i. (M. il- tlio l.i.'i,"l,l,llll'ill ,,, ,, ,,. Mi.. "I . , . i -,i ,. , . ' r- 1 .,, ,lu .xx (Pec. .,I-t.. in inako the iicie.- n i. I'M. tlie count V Iiiau Ciii x ensx il le, ,, ., , ., ,. . ... , . . ..'Mir, aii an .'emeiils Iir procuiili;' the pa-.- :.in uui i, ,'iC'i : s;L e to the miiiori v .. ,' ,,. ,. . ,. ,. . ', ,. ,, ' , .. . , , ., is:i'"' o a law ercetiii;; tno colllUv. Jn ill i I!." ii'l i' o tin) eounlv, and to the, m . ,. , ,' , , . L umimn's, James ),nv u-r, . lames Mc- .....i. ... v. , .... . ... ii .IJIiinnv. San. lie Sel sti'lfl. on olt, and xvlneli it eerliiinly xvnl be p. l.n'u xr.iu:i ti;e ns.xi ixxo years ai niosi, u win I y.'. i,,,-,-, uu miicrt :iH-re . i licit cy is a removal .1: 1,,, 1 ;,. ,1 1. -11. .11111! I I . '. I I I I I I 1 I I I . II Iliad.', lie has walehed tali' Senator, i iho I nile a single ! biMorv. While in I en ri 1 ed 11 i ll 111 nt') it nr plll il y of purpoo nnd lnllc llm nwil iiprilil'iosM ni action : lis liovoriinr ol the I 'nllllllnliweall h, liis olhci 1 conduct, xv. 11 bear the strieloM senitiny, and l ince he h is nccupicl II place in I ho Seliale i. t If United Stales, llio leeeid- of that body bear ti'ntimony to the failhlulue-s xxilii xihich lie has dischal'i.'i'.l I ho dulies inci dent to that exalted and lcpon-ibl,. ,-itu-iilioii. As a tiii, .-man ciii'lor liiu'h-r i -cautious and enn-erx ill ive, lis a .ieninci at lii'iu and iinyi.'l.liii;.', but at the same time careful (if thrive points of conduct xx hicli 11111 ! iv the ceiitleiiian, In dob-ale Si nator '.i",ler is ,iain and 1 1'ai licnl, nl- May-, coiiinilll.' Ills lemaiKs tn tin' Mlb,rol I a. il . "'" '"!' cnii-ii l.'int inn, cimn-iii;: rather in , I eiV Up. 'II lilcis, Iiiau nlloM lolial.le Mati ei 1 I . . .. , 1 1. t , ,. , 1 III. Ills liccM U (ill I III lalicy cnlnrs In ila !zle I In; iniayinal inn and inblM. tliejud;: Miicnl. Jn a xx urd, Seiiat.ir liL-ler is u fair spoi'iinen of a -olid, sub-lant ial van la -tat. '-111:111. one xx Im iho pi tiu-ted in the pa t, and moan .1 i:.ii 1 1 iii the ''nt ure, ami I , , p, 1' 11 Is tn pi 1 jieln e him m iii , xvlieu ail the fact- :ir,'o:,( ,, put ' fore the Jienpln ..f I'i nnsy lx am.'. In a liit f number of the , , , ,'.' ',-,. Ill II I. II 'I . I li V f I X 1 1 I i M ll I,- u I i, 1 11 , r I ' ; 1 1 , ni, I f 1, 'I , t III ' 1 I .1 I ,, , , I I I I- I I '" I I I I I'I 1 I 1 I I 1 ' I"" H I" '1 I I In in I I- .11 li. i I innii .i I , ml,,' t I', , I I I. 11 li. I I . i.iihi., Pa in I ilir.-n 1.11I1 . In .ii il.ii f, in,,. 1 f. 1, ,-. '1 in. leu ! o im, .., iimi. .11 1 if 1,1 n 1 r .r 11 T.I I .it'll, It II I III II I , III li.ll I,, I ll, Ml I III I 111,' I'll - I "III .'I ll " mm 1 ti bni e lli i , .,i ., u I,,, I, a-a la-1 lo in l"itr ,i 111 ... . k. 'I ,.'i , mi' nb,i 11 I .-In I. W ii-'ii 11 11, 1 llnl , Ili., Hut I, nil, I le; ' I i x ..r X lei mi' ml i'. nil, -i I. 'I lu 1.1 1; . i.i,li, 11 ill fi, mini ni' x-- - ax 1. 111 r 11 11 11 1111 1 i, 1 x 111 fui . b-i lut ll.i r in ,,i ntii linn in,iiiii. ,, ,1. ,. I'i. it,,, );..(. ij-. . '!'. ,M, n l r. .Ii, . I. ;n 1 im, r, ( ,,'U l l'l. r S. W. V,.,I, Iii, ,1 l,.,. rli,',,'i. M 1, I.V I'll. I'l..-l..-l.in I llll III. (il. FH thill (. I. MX IT IT H'-I,, .llll lllll.l llll' I', II, 'l , i,. M,iil ill II linilll.l 11,1,1 0 li, I I I,. ... ni limn, W, , m,T x in 1011' i,i 1 1 in 1. ft -. ' . r... . I I,, H I IT I I' HI. I I ft. I .11.111 I Iir I.l l i.lll,. I . ll . ,...T. I, I", Ih" I'I, n, 11, 1 '1,11 I ,.,,il , 1 10, 1 1, 1 ml .bnl I'. In, I , Ulll X ill I .,, .1 .vol lot: 1.- l't,r,,ii,T, Jieli in a ml I t :.i 1,,,: 'e. . . II .'in,. nit, I in Hi.-ir fi l :,!l. p, ,1. ,11, I ,, .t. ... ni,j ' 0, is iimi w in,,...,,, , i,.,nit.,i,.,i , i,t,', llii'fi. nil I ,,.! ., ,1 ... . .11 ll'l 1 1 II" I I' II ' el. X ' ',, 'I ll-, O; I '. I I I ' , , 1,1 :.t, 1 1, 1 a ii - -..I, 1 1 , ' "l'...,. x, ' "".i.,,:,.,,u; " t" "I''. 0, ,M v. 1 1 1 i-l id, :- 1; . . n 0 1,.,,., i f i,l II, V. ! 11 1 ! y ,,l I'i" '"'IM, IMI l I i '' II I Ill-Ill, rl'l "ui, ,i( '""llll,;,, "'fpiir i niul I '-I-l. I ll .IN, A. T. i-tiinvvi;ii. Ill iln ir 1 ri il. l IS iiinbr li iv I. ami i.t I ll.IV en I'll ill il , "iii 22! Jiiniiiry ,'i, I ;.".S. tf. us i or u;rri;i;.s hi m ximnu is- tiii: i-o-i' i'i i ii k .xr ci pxii- ITI.I.I., I. HI vl'AKTKIt -Mil Mi HIT', ill, lS.'iS. John Kenkle, Mi s Mar-ant Tl.'hi llllll. Mi-s Selolono Shminl, l,i, l lam- bierv, '. Apkon, I'ecalur iiii.iii-. Mi-.' Sarali J'in, .liimcs Allen, William S. Ilickcv, William .M. lnrhell, Amos (',,w M'li, Mrs. llaret l'ain, Jn-eph I'avi'l-on, Vei'Oitikn ( ii , Mi-; Anneiio r.'ttii, Win. I laiiiill , ni, .lohn Tioii;'ht, Ami,- llni'mi. N. I1'. I'it-i'Io; e.illiiiL' lor h;i,i'. will mi v t hey nro adx .: ', i-ed. C I. WAT.-OX, 1'. M. t field, January o, l.'i'.i. il.iy nf l I'.'.'inl.ir, hi Ih,. vi'ur of nur I.r, !" (IhiumiimI 1'ijrl.t li Mi.fi i. l n, rii'tv.ii.i,.',-! He' .-Ui'.v iu.-1 x,..i- ..: a ,,.,;,' ,,; '" H'il'C. rilKMiKI. K II. .MIU.l.;, M,nl siii;imffs SAL sT 1) V x.iriii.' . I'.-iiiiihy xuiM r V.-I, liii,,,,,,, y I'i'i.i.s i,.-i..i ,u.r ii,,, (,.( , , I ni mon in' ill r.-uted "ii rt il,.J 111 lac li,,iu.li i ( irailii'l bun .M,,i,;,,. ii,..;7 . ' ' m v , , , n '"""""'i' "I'SlTitlill 1- ,, I li lil li.M I utility. 111: I " 1 pi.se 1 1 t,, pui,;:,- s;ili", I Pi II tli, llic II,. I'I silii.-iti. n Ttccaliir town, n i lbi.'li l.nvii-liin 1 -iipiiii" cluu '- l!,llii,0n i" ni,, iio d. p. r. ii... t i a it l,v a 5M, ,,11 ,.. so 1111, III Hi' -roi'ii ,.,ut. p,; ,,r, ,, ,. ' . I. hi tin, ilivnliiit; linn in i, tni ts nf An,lr- nun i ,1,1,1 Uioilll.c'i'-i,;,,.' l,,T,.lc 'it!-. : ti.' 11.1 .lam! lb.ii ' I'r -I'O'l' mil 1 !i ,,l l, I I x- 1,1 III,' , i.ui'i. i ;! In .,.:,' If, ..f I'll I ll I il , I', I ! ill,' "I ,11 ll iieci'ssurx Wiiere criunty m a!s l,avc been, or should j be eliaii- .1, 1; i.msl bo Inst u.ade apparent I hut llic fiU'.e .';..Viv. ixhich are para 1 ;u 011 n I to ail others 1 e.jiiire such removal, j Hence, ttnli'i-s it ran : shoxvn that the 1 1 ,-, .-an. 1. ei .eoriii;: anil ,1 ;ioi;.-i ,11 xvere iiiipninli'd that euinmittee. tiiilt tlll'-o liroooellin"s Im l.nb. .. .. ' -a . 1 j in tl Kait.-iiians .Ji.urna ' um ' ' .... .. ' l'.i pui li-hcd at York, lowing imtieo of (. course with 1 oforen.-.' In S 111. 1 pun-'i'iit : 1; lin I'm lie, tin an 1 1. atoj Hi'lci'. It I'llitl I 1 1 1 1 - In;,, 1,,,'v :el. "i'l;..,,l I'!' I",: Hfiil, ill'.- .'..hl'l. lis li,.. IX l.llli.'ll V. 'I iio.M S IPM'PlillTV, I'ATIiH i; 11 l I'bllTV, .!.'!i o.l;K. ilnx el' .llllllllll v, I 1 i'lll I'sin 1.', in im: A .'. rh',111 triii I i.f hiinl -llip. rinili li,-i, 1 ..Hilly, tin in' omii'.v, l.p.'iiiisni.; ni 11 e, 11 xx In ; ,1.1!. in iii i;,. Mll-X. X, ill. 'Il,',' I V I.l Hi, of It'i's r,l-l, I ll 111.11 I "" 1111 i.uiicy ; in. .m il ninth, ;,o dc. 1 ' " ' '- 1 ' a --mi. 1 1 la i'. li on u,, ""' -I"s Iiiii.i i iiili : il,fnc, v"'--'. 1 ' ' l"'i-. In 1 P. i.liir. .( nile-' I' iir i'i'.'.', VI 1 Tilie, p. tl : ..1 I I!.. I,;.,- 1 I'V . .X l."il, I l l X Ai.-,. il '. i 1. 1111 im, a nt Iai,,, I,.' i. .xx ii.diii,. ri.i.iiu i. ii.iisiiv iiora. -,-t 1,1 : .'., ni I 1 111.11:.. .- J..iiii.,ii..,.,i, mill Jii Sibley " 1 "I- ' 1 ' - MO' llilil I'l l'ctl'J, in n 111 ox, out 1, 11, :,u, t l. s,., u, ttj( 1 "i.-niiio 1 ii? 0 niul inn P. )IiJ, nielli, in urn. C'llti, initio ,.n 1 1 1 , . , , ' . r u in.ii.i.iu 1111 3, n kiicicj "X Jlui,.j 1, t !-Ue.illiold 1,'opuhlioall. (hi motinii, In.' nicetuiu' ailoiiniod. , .K11X MAIIAFI'Y, l'liLs'i. .1 Mr.s i.'i'.x 1.1. 11. nro lo vcnliirp to assert that lniitlier l,ralH-liol the l.ei -hiiui e, ixi.lin1 10 iidvecite :i bill lux o, ii::' the n-i:iox; l of . the enmity seiit from Clearfield tu Cur-' XVell-ville. 1 b::t, say tlio peliliuiiers, tin: penjde of t'1.1 eniinty will be saved f.iiV'tU in tuxes. 1 and therefore ti:e j ' c ro;t. xvill l..e I' 'l'.clitte.l. If tiii- xvere Hue. it Xxollld be a x 1 i'v lame, if not ilishone-t, ai'gument. i 1 J.e Lijunty v. jmii'.i Lionel s nnxv nave a iui;.r;.lUeo that the cost of .1 new court liMi-p i-liiiil 11, d exceed ,f l.',i!!i;i, that it .daiii be ereetod f,.,i' th..t sum, mid pai l for x' ithout iiicrea.-in the piv-eiit county r.ac ofsi.-c mil!', ami that the conn1 y funds be kept al par. Siiuilid a l emnx ,1 be cll'ecled, in.- amount ct tnc county's hubiiity for .u. ii', .-,, xxollld e.ci ed the cost of 11 noxv 1 .0 which extent the National Tivn.-ury has , com t hnu-o many time.', over. Tim rant j o be taxed to make up the di. icier. ry. jUiiil houu.i of Winner xvas mad.. "j'..r a I'he Tost Muster General, to roaiclv'this ;""V uxvay tlio "purpose" for , 'i 11 11 11 1111, 1, 111 iii.iin iinii 111. 1 ui us 1 l ' ii,.i , 1.: 1...; i it 1 I- 1,1 liii: 1,1 11.111111 u,i III I ', minims ililil , assigns, xvith interest. No laxvver, xvitii a if postaee ol nbout scvenl v per cent ti'mn , , paruclu of either le;:al or common sense, hose noxv chiirL'P'l. ' deny this. I therefore assert that the i novation iiu'.i a removal xvoui.l be a .-av- 1'i:i.i,:.i;ick (i. Mll.I.lt, - See t. m , . 1 1 . . 1 ne .nu r 1 orney, ever .-III M XT-i-aiice of ihn-o voi x iiitiniale re with .Mr. r.iiehaiiaii, alimit xvhioh I, so mii-li, 1 XT-11 I'rniii the slump, Iu lUakill!: War In 111.' hlilfe llpnll i1- the lliollS talks be. l lllltoi' thus iilfeeted, J j man can l u found &50.GC0 Paved In the T.iv Pn vpvq nf n- .1 . i. ... ,j . - -iii - llearlirld County -anti a Poor-Hnn Built -J200 Tax Taycrs in Consulta- !l0t iion ; ' , , 1 , i,n 1 , 1 11 1 nii.-u 1 ii o 1111 it; n 01 liis paper the V'-'. lis columns i,,' a year pil-l have I.'. -mod xxilii atb.eks iipmi his pnlili- per.-oiial cnai-acter. Put he has; llli-l epie.-elit. j , and abii.-iii'' ' THE POSTAL SYSTEU. It is sincerely toTtc regretted that a m s. cm so complete and extensive in its ile ails, and 80 necessary to cur c,,nv nintu e 11 sho postal fystem should liot be 11 M.-ifi ustnining one. By the report of the IV-1 1 'luster General, on abstract of xx bieh xve i .ublisheil bust xveek, It will be r-cin thai, he expenditures of this department r-x' eedits receipts by f-omctliin iiire lhan ; hreo millions of dollars or amimn : defect in tho operation of the postal i vs. .in, recommends nn incrcrc i'i the rate In thelo l'ill.l.. iccordaiu-e wit li a previous notice a-.-cmbled at the .-cliool-hou.se iu is.', LaivrencetoxXTishin. n lar'-o 1111m- bcr oi' tax payers, tu tithe into coiisjileia '.: mi the retii'iViil of the county buildups, Martin Nieht.ls, jr., xvas called tn the chair, A. drier, Kul'u, Thompson, c.'lias. Mei.'umber, Jacob i.liilich, 1 ' 1 1 1 i i j .Mullen, and (ienr;:,.. Carter, xvere elected vice-presidents, and A. I,. 0o"b-n and S. C. Carden, si-cr.'tai-i"'. N. K. McMull'Ti, .loiiathan Nichols, .him. s Shaxv, K. Sh.r.v, si., audi;, li, Irxvin, '' ci'i' ilppoimed a committee to draft leso lutioii-.. In their absence John McCiliuber xvas called 011 and addressed the nieotiiig in a forcible and entertaining speech. N. I!. MeMtillon xvas id-o called on and in n eloar and fared. le style set forth iheir claims for the much coveted county buiid i Mr-. On niolinii, it, xvas lcsjlved that his remarks be prepared for the p;c-:i. 1 lie iollo'.xni;; 1 e-olutiiiiis xvere adopted: the eiinils of our Oui'ivon.sx ille eal and p,-r. nu.i nioiited him.-cli' xx i'.h Hi'' lii cotir-o in toe Scnale. him roundly, but has eiidoavo him the subject of hi- n it and hold him up to ridicule, and r.s small and ridieul. ais in th" public as p,, -.-il.l,.. In -iii mh til' I hl'Vailer 111, e .leu'lnUsly j'.t i I 'I'heio has I ,.( u iioihiu' oiilier iiiipiiiii-ipi,.. nr ridieiiloiis iii Senator Hitler's cni:i-e in the Senate of, he I'nite.l' Mates It ha- oeeu iii-uiiieii, sirai. 'iiiinrxvar.i, i-.m '. ed to make . s::i i';t 111. tn render him I'V OS .',' l!.e ii altemvl- ii( f:i: miik i.. J llil'.l I."! s I, ,11' ,ii,"l Cl-ik "I Iho I'., ni l , ) tjiiiii i,t .- i 111 1. 1 I'l.lllli;-. Illi'ir I'e! i I i,,i:.- 1, 1 1. .Illlillllly e.-ssioll II, XI. 11 . , I'iilily 1 .-"iiibly el M;nr! : s, p;.,i;, , i,i,',i. ! O',' llillll- t!,f silll' 1,1 lull, Ml ulil, j, l.i y . X . A niii'i ti, I',. 1111 ,,n 1 . -1 in. 11. Ilnx.- .Morn. xv, 1 I. mi lid. I li ,L Aiiii-,'10 .'.le!-,, a, r,,i ii,t,,i. :.,Hii.., .Si mii.'l lb, 1, in-, ni. It.-s I'.h ii.-iiip. I.Vulli-l V. Wi lli, l.iiixniiic i llli.-l;i ,. I,, (leili'll, I.I1XX 1-,'IU',. t,,ll li-li in, 'J'i .linai'f Ph, 11;, 1 l'.'l.T III, ,'Hll, .), .b.ln, Miller ,lr. .ii-.'. 1 -..s. I' u .'.liti mi. , :ii . ,,1' tie i'.li.- el' 1 h :i- ,-1. " ill ll,,. 1 , !' "All ..' t I;, piii'-.". A,-. T o-, ni. IlL'il, Taxeri,. .-!, .ii.Tiivii 11. p. 'I'llVl'lll. 'i'ilXTTIl. '1 11. 11. ;-ik.i 1 . 1 iv 11 i, ii pn ,-ni. r liiii Tmx a-hip 'l .-ix i'i 11. 11. p.ii u.-iii p, 'I' -x inn. uhoutii: xv.i.Tiii;s, en,-. .1, till' p hill'. linn- j.vM'.inv ,',i,!'iiit.iii: r., 1) I!. J A r K :' t.i X , ,.in n, ;;'.;,,;,:. , ( ',, ,,,',V. ,,,-f.j or 1.1:11: 111 i . r 1., !:e Coifullc! as felh.xi s ; yn ! 110:1, Umxlc ,i'''i i .nn, aiei in, ,t .-I) t.lTtf 11", I II X ,.1.11 , ..1 ,'ii.n I ;i;,.r,.M, i .O'l-.llwu ., ,t to ., , 1 b.i.n;. Al.n.-.'i'ltii.i l.is ,.f XI I'l'-l ill.', I;,IU,1,., ,y J i,!,,., ., , , llll Iliii'V I, 11, Ulil niul ,'ii-t, ,n J 1 d,c in.. ih : lunii," i iii'i,.' I ii ilm III. I..-.-, illl'l l.lil.'C I, lllli, ai.,,.. l!i, j(" 1., '11 1,1 1 .iiul:,ai, I i0 1JL. t,,,l lls ,1K. j,,,,,rl.. el' .-.emu I Ji. i 1,. ;, 1. I. ........... 1 . ... .-, . ., i , , ..on o .i -, u( linm sutim,. m .x;,irri4 lX', llslnp.l ,, iirli,'l,l r,nii-. I'lintiLitiiier l.i'l ,., I.nnii li'.l l.y hul ls l .b.lin 1'i-i,.,., 1,, J iliuiuJ illl'l 10 1 lr Uliiilioi n, xinli iihiiut I ,-ll'ill'i'll, Xlilll ll In n.-... I, ,, lin.,,. liilo-n ill i'X,'i iili ,ii, ami to hi' .-,i, ly .4' J I-m v ."-iiiu.il. XV, 111 1,,; 0UM "'iii-'l linroon ' I, t.uen in oi'oriy ri' John iie'i' in (,'u.-. 'I ' II till! ItCft, n ll',l' Slroi't I.U lii. I'iiisi', tun ,'i. :td, u urrti ;ciiiU, n I ui' priijiir. 1 i i.ii.i ' , ai'i ,,i' pin, 0 t.tillit il-lllp. (-., l ie- -X. .Mi ,1,- -,r;i-. i.-ii. I' 11 . 1 '.ila. ih- ia Eoil 1 .iie.:,,' inU'ls ol Hi, I ul-ii rs ; cull. -' ll.'K'j li'l'ilicd lti',11 llll.J til ht What let' have ir- lcr per il',, nf i. ,e .1:. 1 ' V ie. ,,,. ;en.,.ii.n ( uj, ,() (ho t ....j ,.iy is t Qll the ,ve have some doubt, xvhich we shall ps.i ..,,.,t.-,,vv n i....-.m'..l -..n!.l l.t.i ii..... !. nrcss in ns respectful terms rn 1 o.-Mible. -coniiiv"ixith a debt main times creator nv, il:lV'' 'I0V0'1 1111 "'''' hulure to even r than ilic . :.n of Public buiMm-s-un!, 'ss. l'"llt(''' '' oxedement 111 re-artl to Hie "'"r " -1 1. . 1 1 1 1 . , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...a ., . ,. .. . . :...,,:.., removal ollhecnuntv i-eal. us xvas Inllv I . I I 1 1 ' I 1 I 1 1 1 ' 11 1 10. rii . ' - V 1 1 .iinXll. I l-n l.u 1 I .1... A . 1 K...!.. ..... ' -Il 1 .iii.u ui 'iiiiiiiiui i i' 1 .11 1 iij lll.-ilillli'll .i 1 . 1 ,1 . 1 , 1 I 11 ,- ii - e x es In keen lie 0.111 n I - l.i-m, L-vn " - - v. n endorsing, but xve think 1:11 im roe in .In) rates of taxation nv.ty xvi.-ll Iia co-iim1-red a question of doubtful jir.'.icy. Nd 'le. ausethc burde::s of th" peoi le xvould de increased thereby, bait it would be ret 0o'rading in our progress iou ards a sys etnof chen) postage similar to tho'c oi )thcr countries which have aih-p,(-d ar.d u.itained with succe.-.s ki.i1 great inix iin 1 11 ;o to (lie et'istol.'iry inteieoui-'-e of (ho 'ii.tsses, and has been the jioliey of this r' 'vernment for the l.pt fci" teen f.f ' , ic :n years. The u-diiclion of the fades 0. pc?tngu has r.lwnys been received xxiih ereat favor by the ma.-s of tl.o pe"i le, .,nd an increase therein xvould beiuo- t like;, to meet xxith coi responding disfavor. Tho general ubolition of the iVankin pi iv ilece may however be regarded in another licht, nnd probably material reform mitdit he effected in that direction. 10 fiyBiichnnnn xvrote a letter tn the Pit t tiuih celebration deploriim the use nf money in elections ! l'oor felloiv, if Tor ney xvould speak, what tales he could tell of 1856 about tho use of money ;-, - v. ( llueher Sxvnope, one nf the Knoxv-noth- iiiir hinh txriesls in 1 lip. cimui'iion r.P 'in '.. t. ' spoken, and tho tnlos ,,- told xvere any tb nfi but ereditable (o some of the oppo fit on editors in nnd ixround the Juniata valley. Let him that is without pin An. JiiUuhmshnrg ,Slan. It is very unkind of you, friend Tratiph, thus to disturb the train of honest retlec .ti ins in which the "immaculate" have been in lulling recently. Their expressions of viituons indignation a'0 as refreshing as (1 a ad'oeted "holy horror" of a courtezan for tho vice by xvhich she lives. :.il -U 'a il.ltu.ije.;. l'llt tile plopn.-iiinn tn subinit the ipies I: in to a -opu b: 1 vote, 011 the terms pro l osed, is dishonorable. It is in the shano i a L-'Jx snvini; to everv tax-paxer "hero.' ls' ; . . .. ;,i. i' .. .. .'. . 1 coin t 1. iiu 'pp. '1 1 1. 10 1 101 .jn in 1 . ie niiiiicx : into your oxvn pocket. S'lij.po-e tl 1 O.IUoll 1,0 Stnppeil 01 tilts ,,., e.,:u,e, 1 xvould liie di.- in tei est. 'd j dlfi, a of ''ur. X'.iiisviiie be anxious to te.-tthe popularity of the m-at 11 re? If the ;n,,.',- ,,;,,,.... do rian. 1 a chance, and the oue.-:i..n i,, tn I (. (c.derim.'i, tmty, it r.aiv ir., 'lives or luiiunei es. . ; a o 10s timi of".'.',,' ,'i;.'. v..-'.:, it e:ii only be lairly siibiiiiliid xiht u il.e i c.-iiit .'.in make no iLlleronee m Hie tuimimt o anv ...mon-1 rat. f lii" 17lh- tln: d IH '(.iranil .Mass l-'i.zlu'' Very person seems ii lavor of the biii!iliu;-s remainiim 11 therefore ! e it u . That the enrporat i. tn nf Tara tands pledged to the erect 'mil of n .use, .jail, and oiher coiivonionecs li il' ll.-o oi' I 'loal liol 1 oi 111 nt 1- tv 1 1 1 -i . 1 1 1,0,1 H, !!."'" iid-o ;i ronr-IIntise, ainl i;iv all iho ox't, cu es of the oniintv lorovcr : and as it ha. i beconie a lixed 'act that dauiaycs car. be icilect, d lor the do rossinii (, property of I l. ;:l li.-id boi l ti'Ji l.v r-uch 1 .'iiiox al. "lil'l oi;::tni' Pl.'- lak. 11 ui on Iho I.ocuiiiiiloii mi, s. tii'U ? Win !" el-e -iinlihl t,o I lem, ,cl a' ic Senator I'mm I 'en n-x lva n i.i have been fntitid but ti oil the side and in d,.;, n,,,. ,, 11 l'eiui.-ylx imi 1 l'le-idciii ' .n- otiier course xv.iiild haxo covered him xxilh iL'li-)-miiiy, and xx.nild ha.e been i'.-iisured b- triernls and Iocs alike. Si-natm- li 1 1 . 1 , , , uas none 111.- unnio iiutv, .ami K. pas formed :t l.ke a mini, fearb ssb ami ably. e can see noihiu ri'lieuloiis or enn tenipiibl,' in a I'nii. f Stall's Semitor 1 a n -cin- bim-eli 0:1 tho side ,,f, and defend in.:; with all tho ability xvill, xvhich he s L'ilted, the mci-ni es and j elicyofa lVllli syiv.iuia J'lo i ient. I'.iit xx e can see ninio tiling m.'ie ih in ,, .',', .', . ,i- in a man who clamored I,, ihiriy years for the elevation of the giv.it l'eiin-x ivanian to the 1'resi-.b-noy ..'.,-i-i;ii . him ill his Jiour of in cd, beeatl-e he X'.ii- Imt mad.' l'ostm l-ter lioll cral. il 1 il in r. peal iii ' pi ix-ato cotivcl sii tion and tin- contents of pi ivale ietters fro 111 tlio .-tump, and through the columns r-' bis pill-el'. .Villi XVO can n P- , . -eo wane. I'I C har; c : rfi.-I'l. Pn.: ".M in-i 01 lb.t V. MM I Silll, '.IV, J t'lll;l!-' ip-'i-i: :-, l'.i.. ':.Si.-i" ii , 1- t.Tit'.i.ti iir. 1 T!'.:r.-,l.-i i'.i-.'i 1111 1 I'di. I.i: (li. l sl.L 1 u'. I'll., ".-I:i;:i' Hn;iM'," .laiiiiaiy H'tli. Ilrimhx illi;' l'.i., "Aniorieaii lb P'l." !' ur,l:iv, ami i ur.ihiv, .(.uiiitirv 1 I'll, It!i!i.' !!i;li'tvny, l'.i., "St ni;n lliiiiso" Janniirr 1 fib, until, uii'.i :i-t. i- -; I:ty. !n r s-'i. 'llll.l '.'ill. V,'" hirol.lV nf. 1. J iaaaiT- aili Mi l:,'..v. Ida v. S:it l.itli, 11 n 1 1-stli. 'l'.-, Xlilll i l!.. i.-.,ii. i.'.'.l. 1, j,, t.x i .-.'i'i Us til.; p: ,., ; 1 v ,,; ',, ... ! '"; .' ' "' a ul "I 1 K-ri l'lii-lna, Uii) '"'-' l".;i ,-! ..... !', w,i j 1 1 .' u a , 1 , . , 1 ' : i' , ' , 1 1 a pui t,f all timi corljiin -'. .',.' i- 1 im-'iii .'um 1 i.i e t 1,, I. ii-i .--liuiiie 'ni I'.ui ban ine I .; ,-11, um,,,, crui'k. - "I Itii-li inei lii'i-iitnr. in Hi in, - and I'I, .1 'li-l.l. f 1'enn. I 101 I a s -ri,,i 1 .1.. I'lilun.. : liu. "". I, i'ir llm .M,,.-hiiiiii,,ii i-ritcl. d ili'ri".-: lit',!, i'S .i-rvlii's ti Iiiau i.i.in, ii , .P'-iv.'s XX...I, i.,.rei,i- I ni pun.', iiu'ii.'i' iii :a, ,, xx.'.-t, it iutpIim 1 11, -i' ii.nili, il d'"i,'i'. iTi-so 4,1 . s m lii'iiib.i-k. ; tli-iii-,. luiili, s .li-.ri-ci I'll pori'ln s to p,,.-t; Ihi'iice nmiii, 0 lUroi-i lie- xx,iti'.s el ill tilt' toxx 11 -1, ! ,-,.ll'ili. ,,- IV , -X U ,lii;i, li.,u-; J llllllllll III II ' lit- 11. -i- south 1-iih, tl'i lieu i I X. hii'.' u.i 1: : lilt ixli. im'Tamc i:i:mi:lih:s I'lithl.-ul .!',li.':i- 1- li ;,u p, .-.aiiip .- P. hl'l tlll-l. in.'li : l'- Iii I bix-' i, ,-t,,, 1, 1., !,, i; S'-roliihi, S!i l;ln'...i ili.-t'i.-.'s ,'iii-iii' fr. Wl'lllillrjS. 1111,1 -!ji ;, -11 llll I H 111- III I'lll, ,; IlltVi.' gixi'tl I'I .lit, I,. 1'r. .Iil.-i alllc; li. lung, ll,!-";ii, li-ai'i mi I iaviti'M in ,.',:, -iiltnii in,'i,l.'til Pi ll:.. htitti llciisaii't ci-. s vt; I' ' lin- I.iia - unit ('', 1 M.-lll. N.-IXT's. si.ii, pebl-. iii'V nil 1 ,-tll a iinpiiro l.',,.l, I'lni.ih I'i-. il-.'S nl' ;iH hll: Is : ;,1 i- IT l.'le: .-l.ili.li'i ,l. ,;.-, s a a ii'.li.l v i.!i' r. ptitnii'i . ;;h pax in ,, i-i., 11 1 r - : t i , a Ml.ll,. .li-i',1-.'-. nb. 1 ill clii-.iii.' .i i -o.-t - ' lit. S", !!!;; I::;n.. hi' is 11 i ll pi 01 ai-,. ,1 1,1 :ixi' 1:11 (.pinion i.s the ( iimi iii y u iii.i 1 -2 la. ri 1 liu lit', 1 1 . -- !' . c. 1, .i.'i'i' .! il" l: , tiling '''''' '. ex el v xve al-o lor that 1 1 1' , , 1 , , , 1 anion in .U'Z in peal i v s ; . ;n,i ' ' 1 lie. iixite ol tie! pen pie oi the 1 . , , , , . , sho-.-.hl bo ,i,..:e hvo l':,,,,, .r.'k,i""' 1"' ll' ""1. Il.it lives or iulhlll.'i OS. A : a 11 U'S-! ''"'.'"'d0- , . 1 mil wc nro located 111 ilieren Ire of the ctiunly, on one of the mo-t beautiful, fertile, and level river bottom'', to be f.iuud, extending from the river to ine xve-i iinu 1101 tu aiioiu txvn miles', I Hi in. in s - ill favor ; taxes. Should the unioritv decid oi'i.-mo.v under si, oi, ei,e:..st ,n,os ,l,n i "'" " Imles, tin-.. I here should be n complaint. I'.ut for s'Ul'h I"l'""i "!"' ol "o' l;e-t xva-cr I,oxve, s fexv iii.livir,'i.,!s, i the hop,. ,,f making a"" ,,"- -,.,!n,.v' ung on it already m'ct.'d ;-cJ V'o".'..-.'.'. :n in the sale of toxxn lot 1, tV; 'j r .,, . . , , ., .. , make proclaimi! ion that they will 1!x thr. 1 , y'" .', . ' ;'ns of (hanied ; '.of, .axil,;; lhetaxesc,l'a..-it,lincomm,..;:"1n",, t""'"'''J';." bands with us ami nitv. il-i'hat communilv will voto accord- tl,om. 1"''l,V,i iUl I''""' ' .r:a to their xvisl.es, r.iil!..r a M-rioas lmr.i1',"l,:,n", 'r1"" M"' ""' 'b'm tie!d cii. oc uieir Mi'iiiner cmin rv seals, to xvhich they can it lire from their liibo;s at court. .i',-.'.,'tv:, Thai the committee 011 Cr-so-it ions beal '.i 'i enmmit to 011 l'..citemrtit to procure iimtinitiou for the stru:" le. I. 1'hal the proceedings of ihi be ptibil-liod in tho Clem-field M.ii, 1 - -. 1 I the '. - ,i'. -v I 1 I.. bin, ,,11 accoiuds .,1' , rix iiitoxi. ali d i,i. syi,i n thy 1, ' aii'i I 1..1V0 him. 'V '" the c , and l:ii.- 1 ly dim ale tor, i ( i im on tho ri ius I thit:k xvopj, lion by tho hone eotmtv. CIUXCl.LCLAMOUiSCIIi: ui 111 sui.'rage, aivi sucii i bospunied xx ith indiciia- i tiix-payer.s of Cleariield 1 1,1 a ni. in ,' -,-1:1; ry . fiviii king" id old the ., 1- ' it", and .! .. xi.-iing l ei',-, 1 oil Mr. I.' iviiiiii.g gaibled. c. liv er- ad. ,11 tn haii ami a-king them for cd him as a lather, nigil pure Inx e. the bc.-t ii. iv- of my liie to piomoi iiig his po litical ad-nim-i-'ii. nt,'' and .-.u , siulf and noiiseiise. In.iulging in cnniplaiiil- about , on a par in di-nny xxilh tho-o ofadis. 'chaigt'd c.,..k. l'eople in -!a-.- Imn-i .should in I thinix- stone-. .lei,,, V, l'oi-., ney ;s the l;,-l man tn try to h.-Id Senator ' J'li. h r 14. lo ridiciih'. We xmuld icmind ; linn in con-id. 'ratiou of his e 1 1 ;iva.:;i!i 1 expeiiditiiie of ink in tho eh'.. it p, w 1 i 1 1 1 'i -xx 11 e.ii:;,-i "lchaiian and Senator I'.igh-r, , tin. ! il x o:y xi , e man rpee.-aid !iM ,, iiiau xvas oxer xxt it ton , h.xx n, " and ne.io ! not think thai Mr. Icriiev will (',.n i,!i:iti..ii I HKi; ..f,-.M;,ili xvill tl,e 1'a , 1'. 0., JJx -t. ('. .TAOK.-'OX, lie iimi I'liysii'ia .I.','. S, I.V.S. inn III, ,! live in. rili t'i'il 'i 1. ; thro? In .- 1 1 p,it hi ii' I'.'teliiin 11 1 li, I ti il. gi ei-i I. il' suuih, II. 'c sunt:,, l.'T' idlllll, -1 ; ilifuo.t t . a p-Mt p rciirs ti 'S i..rcln-..; , HlX'IcllM I. m'ci s hi -i, ', I pucli- I iii'in i- .- ,uiii, lis ,1,-roi'i II sunup ; 1, 1, lev. n'jrili, .ll.S P. .-l.ai's; iIk-ih-d p. .-I : lh"i,i". ii', nii, s e. p.-l - Pi .Ust i-.'l.l'S I IV pen S Xll'-l, I -I. . ' X" 1 Mil'UANS' (Vi'i'llTSALI-:. J V vir.ii" t,f 1111 m-,1 a- n' " ' Orplcnis' Ci,in 1 ,,;' i'i xviU In' r.piioil tn piila: lb ,11-". in llic I'i,-..iih i.j' c; l.lli'i'lilli .i:iv ..Cliititiie y n. tl'll.-ill.'llt lili l 1-lt nf p Will 1 A,,i!e:ii:in, j:-., h, lil'l I'll-U'l. hi, im 'oil i t ,1 P xt it : la ;;itiin;; nt th,' ',' l.-h's s.ixi ni,l!, 1 1,, a ,, ' moeti'i" liopulican, revcr.-e the r,i:c." I e utile to foot, i" IkmI "f Am -a i.l Xidi.-ii- ..l i'. cr. ll cure nit s: i. : a ' I On iipiioi, tlii'n, llm .IH it i,' he ;i,n el' bawi-lti'.', in I! ii'.l 11 I'i .i;:. h ,;o tlll'10 ,11. Til 11'." I' i h. rci 1 .ll.' i-su,' l mil nf Hie ",irii,. t'.aiiT.v. Ii,t.' fid.' lit li t, I'.'iii-I i lllii-1.1. Siitlll-.l.ly tl, M.U crtaiti ii!c--i:it:r ". '.I' nr. 1. til ("pn,. . 1 ,' i,f I'i P,i. 11 1 i ,.. '! -cii'm-,! r,. r,!!i-.'s, I " . 1; 1 1 i I. .' u.'i.r lie r... "Ii ' a-l 1 'i l--,', L7 I hi; il,,, ,1 V a. 11.,- tin's 1 ' : : . 1 ;;i 0 f -1 1 i-'.u. lenifKi riv.'r i ni.iii Kiti.l piliH. la; p., , :' : .-i.niili' in lin- . .mi-. i.it.v ..f O-arinM, 1 il U ' t lr.11,,1: .-I ,i,.'i! ii,i- sinan's Journal, ainl C ur- ivensville daily papers. I'll -.olioii the meeting ad jniinied with three cheers- for Tiii'disc iind the County liuild'.ngs. I Li ui: Martin Curzi.Exvir, the noun boy at Savanna, 1, has h A l.'.rge numbei' of ciluens favoranla to I to : ci'i.-ii .1:1 oi 1'ino County, assembled at I the lneelilii; house in Noxv Was'iin-iton. nn Thursday ndth December lf"iS, at 2 T. M., and organi.etl by ajipointing John Mahaf- fey PiViident, and (ho folloxxing named persons as ice i'residents: II. 1). Lose, i tion." Tho A. Jonathan Westover. Samuel Sobi-nn rently about John King, Jose.h M'Murray. . Secreta-1 ',T V'S mi. ie, James Doxvler and F. G. Miller. - On motion, The President appointed a Snnnish. nnd so, vuhit.1 ..- m.ii im.ihii, or m.-u i'i cuuiiiuiioe 01 seven, tc urait resolulions wit 11 coiiimemlable nioitcstv and cood . - r i..... ... '. 1.. .. , t .0 hit viinwn j'cnwcrai mm nie inv 01 L union ; exjiressive 01 the pence of tho ineetiii". 1 "u 1 A ri'cai many ol Jus x i.-itors xvere county gave Hon. Jus. P.urnsidc president j Tho following named persons wero "up- "n'''.'J' t0 eelot-t him from other darkies, Judge of (his delict a comphmenlary pointed , David IJ. Kinport, Jus. (1 Jtanqiict during tho Fession of their com t j laher, John M. Cun.mings, John Jvison, ' native born was put in his place nv.k before last. Thiii is ajust tribute to 1 Col. C. S. Worrell, Jaincs M'.M.;rray and t0 ft'lw " hini timo for repo.-o ami re iho merit of (his able, jurist, accomplished ! Ilober( Malialley. freshment, and (hat many persons visited gentleman and generous friend ; ami we After (he committee had withdrawn, j A l.enrtily commend our Irethcni nf tho 1 the meeting Was addressed by John F. ! African. J Lock lluven bar for their duenpiireciidion Weaver, Daniel W. Moore and II 15 i of their president Judge. e xvould in sert (ho proceedings in full, if tvanf of (pace did not forbid it. m -ii.xi;i.v 1 I 'tie of -I'eei I AN!:- m ill obsTirily, I, :,i is 1 t.-r di-pl iyi 1! b- i' ',' .-Tl origin ol i:ns ' be, a ; iiiio-ed, ),,st t individual charac As has been as!. , d who cannot I'c l at once the aula ism' oMiccii ine it.iieii 01 ii I'l'iide ami lhecoi-: , lial grasxi of u friend? Who knoxxs not f i, in sailors crin of em, lid 1, Irom tlio ciivotitioiiid iimi'! f -.-:,'. .1 X.Mlis WKPil.Ky. Ailin'r of Ii itino el' x ai. A lillcann,. J,.,..' Mm'. 2'.itli, I-';, I".;. S, ls.,s. Aimions autjcj:. Ix th,- J,;.(,,. , f; r-f.K.m . , oust I l 1 -I. I - pi'l I ,1,-1','i'S XI,'.- I ,,,,;. 11,, I Ui Ii T 1 le:.!'-i, : I ip, p-t ly ' -.-I. !' I " I, In- ; 1'.' i!"UTi-,'- e.,.t. 1 : .:. ! ;'!.' i . a-t, : 1, ' ,p-r,.iM 11 ,.., ' "Hil., I-! 'k'-'IT, lie'll. .' .- i.nii Si J p....-: ; t h c 1. -. 11, 1, i, I '" i""1 i lii' i'i . 1.. l.'P'-i : l!..-i..-i' M.i.ti, it i s 1,1 p ,-t l,y 11 hip ,. ,-iisl, -7- 1 , 0 In s In In iiu .ii'iTTi s i1 . ; .. 1 , , :.s 1 i.-i.-t. rl I ih 1-1 i 1 1 1 t , tlt o.'i! mtiI h, UM pi'ieli.'s t, a l.nnvi, 011 lilt or j xi, -ti l l aiiii 1 -f Tr ,111 Una : tj,, .,.,, ,illUn j.'lr.iiin tn il- jancii ,11 iii, .M,,-;.ii,,, I ''"' ''"wn '';-! ' ' ri,f'i: I'.nik nf -.mi,, l,v tlio ciiir. I -'s III, ' ,i,.;,,,., - t (,.-r, of s,,Uiilt.rn ,'K, ,,( jha I "'"'' "1 !"'"" thu I,',,-,, f Us'f.bd J l"'1"''-' '" 'b-ii'i's iiisl-iln: - 1 ,,.1 I,,,,, t,, ,,',icj , nt hiv.iiiiiiii.-: .'j,' ,1 mi ,,,,,, 1, nn,Vj ,:v 4' !! AIm. the dil, irliinf uilii.'sl, il 1 , ... . ,:,;,, ,,,., 0.t of ' til,' t.iv.ll (-1 llL-ii,, , T.M..I1,. , ( ',.,,ii 'j ldiilii.n.l, im-i,:,i,n- x. Hi,;., t,,,vn pi,,, e.;,.i:lv ,,, !:'"' ' "' 1 lal.M. ri . x-mini, and . '' l, ' loo I'O-l ' i'v oi' ,b ,1. bin -1,,. Ai-,-iill lii.'.i,., ,,.l,:s i, . j,, ., ,.,rlli, Ion t it I mi' "I' l.lli'l, :'e a,''. i p...,, t . n-hi". 1 h'.'iri,, M c..i:iit.r. I,.'i,n.i,., .v 1 ,.u r lini!.l I ,.l '.Viliia l:...,.( ,,,,1 ,.:li. . ....llllllili; il', TJ li.-l, ., .. m il. l,n,l i.i.x e,. ,, I .,, ,;K.r ,,ui. i's t :. o ...it. ,-i itil, I,,., Pi ,.v .,.,..; nnj 0 i ,'1'i lis tin. PI , , ilTI v 1,1 .1 ,, . ... I, p.,,,,r I ll.i, I ni Ian, I. .-1 11 in I'tipsl l.nii,.-iiin, i ;i", rnnulv, I-,.,,;., I i.lllill. .1 1-v I .! ,, J,,!,',, J,-p M Tiii-il ill. A. y, li.itvt'v, .'i'ul ell 1 , iii.iim', i.itin. a hi ,. t let' s.ilui. I. im in i,, J bi-il-ls' AI- a it.-i-. I. vi,i.-. Al.M 1 II. HlMJ llll, I I, llll, ; 'I I' ll - ill j, inni Ml ui-ri-? 11. ij', iiiii,;; linn,.- , .!. 1. I U.- "I '1 Im 11 1- o'i!-,,t,. Ni'xxbiii;. rin.-.t tminsl sin it,xt nii a I.,,-;,, ii-.imo In 11 -i- liii i-fi .1. l-., :! J 1 1' l.iiinii"M ii'.. : 1 1 y 11. M i. ine -Is IV, ,1, C.i'.'ll11,,l. :,1 at j: I .S il'Tl'3, ir,, 1,' Hubert -. IX llll ,1111,11 -.iri',1: l.i'iui; in-i JlllL'll I I, ni-ii-l, in, wi:h uii-.-? il,..ir(. t li iii nan : lb M l .ebiin, and n. Al-., a ,, i ,. ,iM in p. lioiilis' ,i; ,,a .Mam Pn ,..!, 1 (Uv,,!;;,,! 1 i-iii-l in the ,jn lie. I'll' nut' i' pri'iaismlioticht 111 Simian.-, lo r. h'oij!,'.!, liikm t.i le ... tl;,. 1 , 1 .ci iv of live ,f-: sailors cnii ol ciinli. heai'lincu JtlXllllT ol JliindSi 1 ii 1 .. , .1 . , ,, I'" ' ""ii'' "i-is 1 in. l-l. '.1 XX 1, in . ! found him 11 box- n,.,,.,. " H-rrctlv .Joes tTift cra-lnatetl or lim- ' ..Y:"' lne wulay ot A:fi.- .'.-riam truct f Jn., ,'ontailqiriitf 1.'? or 1 ! veers ofa-e ;,f,.:,.l, Icrin.L' pi'essui an-a. llm mreui'v in Inv.'s' , 7'U:.. Ul,! "'dvi,2ucd Mi ap. .!.arr "ti.lcH ly Watts, Gwtmood, n...elli,,,u('ounten!,,,,'e.-;!!''---'-,'"rii-e,'r I'd. by ,1m le of rTZX'TltVVl l..' "I ZZZ ri:r,.c. ''-'v--vuiiit,.,,,;,;,,-,;,; emed to "hear his honor.," 1 ou' vivacious fond n.,d dirue.-t manner I . , , . .. ('"'rf- , i . ru.iii lot hi Kri.,.,rt, b,.uni.',l by 1... 01 si lliKll l' IiaiiilM n win u 1...1,., :.... 1.. ' 1 ,j,,,.i iiii'ii. iiii, nn. 1, case lake i.nc luniMko. 1 tin l,v 1.. i ,1 L .1 . ."u.i 01 1 t iiiisi nii'. 5uu 111 "'I'll t'.veen teiiiperament, feelinr, consideration notice that I will attend to the duties of ' y J" pl Ili'l'l', XVCSt In- Ill!. lit,? 10 m. IvMt'ii, t li e praper- .svxoopo. Lai dxiii.e Ixtextion. Vir. V. F llnii. The committee then reporte.l tho fol- '1' '",:jhnn(.' - t-ora V. Hatch, tho eel-! ft lowing resolutions, which wcreadonted- "' "I""1 !""'"ni, announces that n " , . .111111 i 1 1 1 iniopie.l . niro voni-n of inlmviln ,,.. ..1 .., ir..ive,?, the citizens of (ho counties of spiritualism has fully convinced 1 aim the instinctive action of tho l.im.li. .ippoiiunieiii, .11 my oliiee 111 """'is '- t niii' -s xvua inmsu iii,.r(.n. fr-.iei, xvhioh las given rise to tho-e theories I 1 '' l'01'"".1-'11- 011 "lurday tho.ih, i,R(n ,"1 ;;;-nn. mi.l tu J0 fuH ivldob ,,w.r...r. 1.1 , .""'".'Idiivol.lanuarv l..V.I. nl 111 n.l .l, xt "I I-ane t IiiiiiiIhts. ,;..w.,,,,,:,,.;;ri;,',i,r;;;;:;';'x;: ,.,, jft-;ss J , - r ' ACU- .sxxr.a A V" KKl.liTO.v 1,.,-m,.A Mvs- -'C Mil, 1S,8. 4t. , mid ..llirrs, frnniTly . ,rl of the U,l.,.rt Jl'lihw ieh v. On Thursday, whileMr.John Heif-' ,n"'- tekrii m oxwutinn, nn,l lo le sold nor xvas out hunting, on Terrace Jloun. T JRODCCI'. U'AXTI'.l). wi,lt nvi. 0t, n' ',10 !'oihti.v nf Jnlm AI Purlntnl. tain, Huntingdon count v. IV. hediscovor.'l Cm, i:,'kwl,-:,i-,l f; J x '. lJ...0.' "; ' Ah': a r,rll"n '!""' lnd. Kitu.uo in fbfrt ed a mound of earth, and l't ,i;,.:.. nt tho ofhoo ..f the Clunnidil li t.11....:. T , ' '""'I'' "'un.U'd l.y (li,l,s .Marsh A J.J11 to (he depth of six or eight inches, he """" cf pri",ins' 11.111111 mo .-hcieion 01 a liuman beiii " and pair ol heavy brogan shoes. The shoes 1 2iil2i2;!2i'f iSC iiii:r: 1 1' n 11 li.iiiiitiin nun ,,n .. .:, .... . - . .. . ,i,h-b IX I XX-m'K c I n Hu m, In 1. .1. 1 , .... Tins , i-,.. - . . . iiii-iunii ui nil .... . PaiumkU irtr.HN(..-Wc arecomj.elledirieai lield, Indiana, Cambria and Jetlerson, lo.norali.ing nnd ruinous tendon I i V,-"lT m"r !',l0'"t five feet and a ""uncinif 10 the oitimmof ClonrfieM and tho .,iv;'. . , , ..f-.... ..u.i n I'.iiiKi xxitliin one j, umi ut una (ipmini t Sot want of room to omit tho speeches do-1 have boon petitioning the Legislature for a he now intends to expose its sonhUtHo, 1 11 i? a r fo"n' "'"'i" ijiveredat (ho above meeting. We ! "U.nher o. yea,,, for the erection of n nexv nnd the gross evils xvliich f on V 11. ti iu on 31 in n Ktrtii'tin Shn,. V 4iey xxijie very good. eoiinties-iuHl (he Kiune neccssitiei still c.v doctor means to make monev out ofi r( m,un, 0! ? Kdlar, xvho, no doubt, i prepared to ac, i-tiug for the request of tho petitioners. nUair i so.no wax-. J nht!' oen murdered and robbed, but when call, and h.,PeS t 1.11 III ItPV. I'ul Oil. ratlin 1, n. l.,,.t l-o. : . 1. I , ,Q. . , ' 0 ""'' i.i-ii's, miu niivu nee. I, lSas. cleared: throe dwrllinn' l.,,.n. ,! i.n lor burns thereon. Seized, taken in exeeuiinn, aoi to be ..old as the properly of II. (. M'.M.istera. Also a rcrlniii lot of (rronnd in the borough of furwennvill.', on Iho east side of Thnnipiea street, ennlniiiiii' about lid feet on said ulroet, and ISO f. it to an alley ; tummled on the norlk by Win. Irvin, miuth enst by an alley, and xret ii. iiiompson su-eei, Willi a two .tory liou.'eiiia , . vj m 11 .'iiii-,u uiri-iM. w no doubt, ia prepared to aecoiinnodato nil l.,', 1 :. ,lnh'9 thvre"- Iseir.ed, taken in exerulion, and or by xxhoin xxe knoxv not. "it. th. IK.XK. 1 reeeivo a liberal patronage. Jriil-MIAII .VORRIs!. to be sold a Iho property of .l,.st,h relcrs. I-F.KIltltlt'K 0. .MII.LEK, Sheriff. Shinfl's fifliee. Cleai-neld, 1'ee. ?2, IS.'.S.