Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 29, 1858, Image 4

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    t f k I a l I. I n ti i f
I 11,1
I hr I
"I I "
n ttiK I ..iifv i I I! .i' .. a ! . Il 'ir-
4 Moi k i.f f f n i. r t- iimi.M, M. h
li ill 1 1 nl a I .
llm si. h e-.t i.f a aoilmnl !
Pry Good, Croon In. Hunt
ware, QupfoiwAre. GIam
warp, Drngi, Oil, Ac.
Including hod nf oilier articles in his linn
luong wan h ran h ! u ! an o,i n.its and rt
d ("Iff li. .n nf 1, 1 1 H I dress goods such as
, Prrsom rloth, Ihbeiyf, U
burgs, ('isAwrrr, V.imi ., !
jicn, French Merinos,
Fluids, and n i(Y at
vmmf r J O A' A' A' A' 7'S .r M season.
Ills OKNTLKMEN'i wear of a large
assortment or
Cusidmeres, Cloth", Suttinelts, Putin
Vesting, Tweeds, Hutu and Caps,
For Jiadies, dentllemen, and Children ;
with almost every other artlclo that may be no
eessary to supply the wants of Iho community.
The pressure of the money market Inn ing had
the effect of reducing the price of ninny artielos
of merchandise, the uudrrsigned Inn hecn emi
bled to buy his slock at such ra es thut he can
ell goods at prices to suit the times. And hav
ing heretofore endeavored to plonse his cu-tomers,
hoth In the quality of goods and the prices ut
which he sold them, ho hope to receive a rea
sonable sharo of patronage. All in wunt of goods,
will plcnse call and vxuiniuo hit stock of cheap-C.-t
good. .
frConntry produce of all kind" taken in ex
change for goods.
Clenr6cld Nov. 10, 18J8.
THE undersigned respectfully inform? hia
customers and the public generally, Hint lie
has just returned from the East, and opened at
hia establishment in SHAW'S ROW Clearfield,
Pa. a fine itwk of WATCHES id' different qunl
ilis, and JEWELRY of eveiy variety, from a full
sett to a single piece, w.iich ho will gull at tlio
inost reasonable prices for CASH.
ALL kinds of Clock", Wntches and Jewelry
carefully repaired and lUiii'marri.
A continuance of patronage is solicited.
Nor. 10th, 1N58. II. F. NAUtJLE,
Fail! offifl Wfmtajr okSs.
KRATZEIiS' aro jn.t oening a bugo and
well selected stuck of lii.-hion:iblu gnuds,
which they will le aide lo sell at prices to suit
the times, ae they have been bought at net ea-di
prices. In addition U I lie usual variety of sta
plo article.', particular attention is called to th
following new and desirable drcsn goods liaya
dere and Plaid Valencia, l'oil do Clievre, La
vellv Cloth, Plnl Cashmere, Dvbcge, Persian
Twill, French Marines, ijcruunin Cloth, llom
liatine, Delaines, DikuIs, Vrothe, Itouiid-corner--ei
and Long Shawla Also a largo lot of Ln. lies'
Fun, Winte lionnets, Dross Trimmings, .lo.
Grain taken in exebnnge for goods at cash pri
ce). C. KRATZEll i SO.NS.
oct. 2&, 'i8. tpd.
HAVINQ fitted op a shop a few doors east
of the "Old Jew gTotiR," on Market st.,
desires to Inform the community at large, that
he keeps on hand a variety of
at hia slop, 'and that he manufactures to order,
(of superior finish,) every description of houso
bold and kitchen furniture, among which are
Centre and Dining Tables Mahogany and Com
mon bureaus Common and Fancy jJodntcadsi
Standi, Safes, Cupboards, Sofas, Lounges, c.,
which ha is determined to dispose of at as cheap1
rotes, for cash, at they can be purchased it any
other establishment of tho sort in the county.
Persons wishing to buy furniture, are invited to
come to his shop and examino his articles, and
Judge for thcmselvis of their quality and finish,
before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confi
dent that ho can suit them in prico and quality.
N. B. II o is also prepared to innko Cornx. to
older on the shortest notice, and nttcud funerals
with a hearse, when called upon.
9" Aft kinds of country prodnco wil'. be re
ceived in payment for work.
nor. 17, lSoS ly.
A lar assortment of
Coasiitiag in part of the following articlos, Ti
English and French Merinos,
Figured f- plain Delaines,
Delaine Holies,
Saxonx, Plaids,
l'oil De Chrvre,
Llama. Cloths,
Silks (V. (f-
Bonnets, latest Fall and Urn
ter styles,
Heady made clothinp;. Hoots & 8hoca,
liats i sjapa, ol all kinds,
Spanish Sole Leather,
CotTco, Mulauos, and Sugar, at M'holssalo k
s?Hiilcs A Furs, Shingles, and Grain of all
Kinds taken in exchange for goods.
Oct. 1st, IS&9. WM. IRWIK.
AND BB CONVEIITED. Tho great revival
bat done immonso good in almost every
Btate, county and town in tho Union, outsido of
Clearfield. Thorofore, in consideration of tho
above rumor, Frank Short baa taken tho respon
sibility upon himself to revive the ISoot k Shoe
business in Clenrfiold, and set a good example
to bit fellow men. Ho bos to announce to bis
old eustomera, and as many new ones as mnv fa.
Tor himwlth a call, that he has on band a largo
assortment of fine work and any amount of coarse
Also, Gents' Cluiters niado to order, nnd of any
tyle to cuit customers. Morrocco. French calf,
aad Pat nt calf gaiten constantly on hand.
Findings for lalo, kit excepted. All work loav
ing his tbop warranted not to rip. Customers
coming 10 town will find him at the shop former
ly occu led by 11. R. Welsh, dee'd as a watch A
clock e tablisbment, nearly opposite Reed and
Weaver's! storo. Roll in boys and get new soles
or your old ones repaired, as aomo of them stand
In great ncod of It
Jnue SO, 1928. Sin.
P. 8. The partnership heretofore existing be
tween John MeCabe A George Newson is this
day diMsovod by mutual consent, ahd the books,
acoounts, and all effects, are now in the hands
f F. Phert tor settlement. The business will be
amed on in future by F. Rhort, Alas, poor Yo
ncai juit.x luce A it K,
500 BusheU C0RX, 200 bouo1 Bi'ck
what, and 300 uiisbila Rrr, at the store
of WM. F. IRWIN.
t lltot IS.-I lli1 M II I Ml
Til WKI I I. f"t pnil fnvnit, and gral-fnl fr
' fi 1 1 lire Ti.pcct", ileiir tit Inf'Tin tlie citl;cii" of
I thin vlrinilT, anil In" ohl liien n an. I pntrnii" in
particular, that he Inn removed t'i theFIH.",'t
Him.M lu the I.H-l i n. I or
77.1' Fnfl nor 'ft of thf Miiimon llie.
where ho linn on liniid coii'lantly, a largo apnrt
moil t i.f every variety in the
The very hott of stock will ho ured, and uo
I pains apareu io maao neni ins ami iiiirnoio wnrx.
j All of which can be obtained from the said Joseph
Uoonw.lti LOW fur the nKAtir iiiiimi.
C'lcarflold, Aiijj. IS, 18 is.
REED A WEAVER are now receiving an
opening a large and well solected Block ol
(juo.Ih, con"iating of
Dry iimils, (Jroccrli's, ll.uilu arc, ((.ucriiN
warc, IIooIn and slmcx, OiIn, I'iiIiiIn A.
DnigH, HutH mid HiiiiiKdN, N'uila V
Ppfkcx, Salt ami l''lsli,
as well as ovory other article usually required in
the country, w hich they oiler to the publio on as
fair terms ns can bo hud in Iho county. Cull
and uo the new, bcuuliliil nuiluscful.
Juno II, 18i.
Iron Depot, Kept by Mcrrell & Carter
On iSiCund tSliret, Vlcurjicld,
IS the plnco where all tlio 'nllowing articles
con be had at reduced prices :
lUir Iran of all i:rs hy thr. small or li the
quantity ; Cast Steele various si;M anil Lest
rtuiiti ; a Itirtjc assort incut of Stores, amunij
v hieh will be j'nund the New World ( 'ook
Oak Premium, Ureal Peiulilie, liuck' Pat
ent, anil the elevated Minnesota, Also, a
laric assortment of ntne-jilates and J'aror
Stores, and Air-tights of various Patterns.
Alio, Plmes of the best and latest patterns.
Alto, of their own Manu faeturini a lanje as
sortment of Tin-ware, Store "if, Sheet-iron
pans of all sizes, and all artirles of the kind in
their line kept always on land. House spow
tiiii done to vrder, and YVi J'oiiiy done with
ihsinitch. Aho, a Un-'ie assortment of all
kinds tf house-l;eeini utensils constantly on
are invited to call, us they enn be accommodated
at very low figures with anything in our line.
All orders will bo tiiuuM'ully received and
promptly attended to.
0. H. MEltUE.L.
N. B. They will nUo reccivo every variety of
aticlel cn c J L.ission, at low rutcs. M. X C.
Im k rtant to Lumbcrnicn.
THE e. lisorilior luki-s this niotlioil
iiil'oniii lg nny ami nil persons wishing' t
procure t tio
th il c ? :;oiit for Clont'HcM County,
an I vt ili lurmsh nml put in tho saul wheel,
on tlio shortest posf-ililo notice, upon np
plication hcing made to him lit his resi
dence in Lawrence township, three, miles
south of I'learfiekl horou:h, or 1 y letter
addressed tohiin at C'lenrlield 1'. O.
John a. iii:i;i.
Lawrence tp., Sept. 1, 1X58. 3m.pd.
From Triennual Assessment.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that tho Commis
X 1 sloncrs of Clearfield County will hold their
ntiponls from tho triennual assessment at the fol
lowing times nnd places to wit :
Goshen township n uo school houso in said
township, the usual id of holdinc eloctions.
on Monday tho 22d N ember, A. 1). 1S58.
Uirard township- c Concrcss Hill Sihool
house, on Tuesday t 23d November.
Covington towns at the tho houso of Ja
cob Mnurer, on V esday, Nov. 2Uh.
Karthaus toivnst. .n at tho houso of 15. D. Hall
4 Co., on Thursday, Nov. 2jth.
iiusion township at tho bouse of Jesse V it
son, on Saturday, Nov. 27th.
Fox township at tho houso of John J. Bundy,
on Monday, Nov. 2'J th.
I nion township at the house of R. w. Moore
on Tuesday. November 30th.
Drady township at the house of George W.
Long, on Wednesday, December 1st.
I'iko township and Curwonsville on Thursday
Doccmbcr 2d.
l'onn township at the houso of W. W. An
derson, from 0 A. M. to 3 1". M., of Friday Do
tombor 3d.
Lumbor City Borough snino day at 4 P. M.,
at public school house in said borougb.
Knox township nt Turkey Hill school house,
on Saturday, December 4th.
Ferguson township at the houso of Thomas B.
Davis, on Monday, December Cth.
Boll thownsbip at tho house of Asaph Ellis,
the placo of holding elections, on Tuosday, De
cember 7th.
Burnsido township nt the house of John
Toung, on Wednesday, December 8th.
Chest township at tho school house, near Si
mon Rornbaugh's, cn Thursday, December Oth.
Beccnriu township at tho houso of Samuol
Ilegarty, on Friday, December 10th.
Jordan township at tho publio school houso
in Ansonville. on Saturday, December 11th.
Woodward township at tho houso of Win,
Mullen, on Monday, December 13th.
Docatur township at the houso of John Goss,
n Tuesday, December 14th.
Hoggs township nt tho house of Andrew Cross,
on Wednesday, December lilh.
Morris township at tho houso of Jacob Mock,
on Tuesday, Doeoniber Itith.
Graham township at the house of Jacob Hu-
bler, on I'rulay, December 17 th.
Bradford Uiwnsnip nt tho house of William
HooTor, on Saturday, Docombcr 18th.
Clearfield borouge nnd Lawrence township on
Monday Decomber 20th, at the Commissioners'
office, in Clenrfiold.
An oppenl from tlio valuation of unseiit'-d
lands will be held ai the Commissioners' office in
Clearfield, on iridoy, December 31st, at which
time all persons interested can attend.
By order of Board of Commissioners.
oct. 20, 1Sj8. t20dec.
Adjourned Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue of an order of sale issuodout of the
Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, thcro
will be exposed to publio sale at tho Court house
in tho borough of Clearfield, on SATURDAY,
the 15th day of Nov. next, all the interest of
Matthew Stott, deo'd., in and to tho following
described real estito, situate in Boggs tp., and
bounded by lands of Win. Lumado on the west,
tract in name of Henry Stewart on the north,
lauds of Howard on the east, and on ths aouth
by lnnds of James Forrest, containing 60 acres
mora or less, on which are ereeted a two-story
log houa and other outbuildings, with about
111 aorta cleared, Terms cash oa confirmation
of sale. JAMES STOTT,
Ad'mr ofMatL Stott, do.
NO 117 lift Pllfl ft Hf'OTP Ath.
r)r .irpiiin'Tiif
ft llii' Mii.ili.., i, lnfi iin
II. J III. "I I fl i.tvl- SI. I III.' I Ml. He ft, hiMlllll,
thai In- Im. Intl Itri'l lMII l,n ali'.le i ll
siiiimii lint. I, an. I re flu, I II In a -llii. iillnl.le to
the are, an I lie v.mi. ,.f llm traicllins: pnhlle.
Mr II. I.n. I, tI a hire M."'i lice III li'.l.'l ki-ep
IIIK. .l l." II. I hellMli..!! ill nillU lllfll III. (Tlie.ll
mil tin.! III. hiMire a pliii'iiiit mi. I Hup
plnit place,
i the tlegible location ofllila llnlel fur p'r
amis v lulling the t 'il v, t ithcr on
"V ,r,v.7.',v.v nit' rr.i: yt ni:,
it Is ilecnie.l iilii.peiher ininecessiry to spoak,
a no . Mel in I'liiln.lelpliia is better known than
the "(. .Ifuliiil I ,; mm."
Hv elii-e altenliuii In the nantsof bis custom
ers Mr. II. hi. pes to deserve n share nf public
N. it. His terms per dny has been fixed at th
low rato of t l.'.'.i.
Sept?2nd, IX jH. 1 vr.
mansion iioi'mi',!
,va:ii' ahi:.xi;i:ue.t.
'I'lie subscriber resprctl'iilly announces to tho pub
lic thai he litis taken tho nbovo slnnd, ill the bor
ough of Climrlield, nml Is prepared to aecomnio
iluio all who may give him a call. The public
i. iny rest assured (but It will bo conducted in the
lio.-t manner possible. His labia will bo supplied
wiih tlio belt the market afTcrils. His liar tilled
willi tho choicest brands ol nines nnd liquors, anil
his rlables ill be under the euro of attentive and
careful ostlers. DAMEA M. WEAVER.
Feb. 1 1, ISOT.-y.
"jVfATioNAi. i:tu am;i: vn:i,.
X 1 Tho subscriber having taken tho above woll
known stand, formerly kept by ll'm. A. Mason,
in Curwcusvillc, l'u., is ready to accommodate all
who may favor him witn their putroungo. His
talile will iihvays be supplied with tho host tho
arkc-t nllurds, and hii liar with tho choicos'
liipiurs. His stable will bo under tho euro of o
tentivo hustlers. DAVID SMITH.
Curwonsvillo, April 21. ISiS.
Clearfield County, J'cnnsylrania.
Tho subsci iber begs leave to inform his old
cnstiimors, nnd tho public generally that ho has
recently taken the nbovo well known stand, and
Unit he hns entirely refitted aad refurnished it in
n stylo ndnploil to tho age, and tho wunts of tho
entire traveling community.
will always bo prjvided with ererv luxury the
uiaikcU and sum iiiniliu;; country Hill atluid.
will bo supplied with the choicest w incs and li
which are tho best and most commodious on the
road within a day's travel, will always be in
charge of careful nnd attentive hostlers. In
Every department of his Establishment will
be supplied wish nil the comforts and vouvenieo
cics tho weary traveller could desire.
Juno 2, '48. WM. A. MASON.
Race st. above Third, Phila. i
f IIIE proprietora ol the nbovo well known es
1 tnbli.'hmcut being thankful for tho very
liberal patronage bestowed upon them tho past
year, take this met hod of informing their friends
and the public thnt they nro still prepared to ac
commodate them if favored witli a cull.
During the summer mou ths tho houso has been
thoroughly renovated, improvement nindo and
other extensive nlternti ins in contemplation.
Wo are determined to devote our wholo atten
tion to business and (hitler ourselves with tho
conviction that o shall be able to givo satisfac
N. 11. Carriages will always be in readiness to
ronvey passengers to and from Stcnmbnnt Land
ings and Railroad Depots. S. A, S.
.March 31st, ISiS.y,
Curwensville, Penna.
rihe subscriber, formerly of tho Exebnnge Ho
X te'i l'liilipsburg, having taken the above
new stand, situuto on the bank nf the river, in the
lewor end of Curwonsville, would niiliounco that
ho is now ready for the accommodation of stran
gers and all others who may favor him with a
call. The houso is largo and comfortable, and
travelers will find every convenience necessary to
their comfort. Ami.lo stabling is attached to the
February 10, ISiS.
clc Ann i:lu
Till'! undersigned respectfully informs his
friends and tho traveling public in general, that
bo has taken tho above house.,
The IIoi'sf. liiw bomi recently refitted im
proved, nml newly 1'uminlied;
has iieen completed; ami he is rii:i'AKF.n
All who may pive him a call, in the most
pleasing nnd ngrcenMo milliner.
With every thing to render his house a desirable
stopping place,
will bo supplied with an assortment of choice li
quors j nnd he will endeavor to entertain his
guests in a mannor that cannot fail to givo the
Tho hotiHO in situated in a ileosant nnd
quiet part of tlio town, and no expense
or attention will he spared to make it one
of tlio host house in the county. A lib
eral patronage is respectfully solicited,
Clearfield, aug. 18, IS 6g. y.
AMBR0TYPES For 50 cts !
'PlIE undersigned would respectfully Inform
1 tlie
of Cloarfiold and vicinity, that ho has fitted up
ltooiiiB lu hliaw's New How
where he will remaian far a few dnyt only.
All who would desire a Ufolik e likonoss of the
latest and imprcrod style will ploaso call.
You that have beauty should to Hall take it,
You thnt hare none, should go let him make it
Sept. 24th, 1858. tf.
VLL persona art hereby cautioned agaista
purchasing or otherwise meddling witn
yoke of black oxen in ths possession of Hugh
Ki isa, of Brady township, Clearfield County, as
tha same belong to mt, and art in his possession
on'oau only,
nor. S, 1858. 3U WM. L.HORN.
I mm Dr. Jntnr M. Jul n il, ol
no: si w 1 tlt n l,i s tMinvutv.
V miineillun f .r tbs piHilntit nms lih
Ihe nine lh.llnli..n, n I lib f I'lil.ii inn, and a
Inch ti-nti'S it ii..l ilfmil .n n tbs
rl 'IO. tr
IMiliMonmy Consiiniptioti.
and It" Mildred ilisea r, lugciher iih tn v tin -rhalb
d i ppi.rliiiiillcs and a.linn(Bi of pallo.
! ar i 1 research aided n"t a liitle by a pciferl
s stem of
has enabled me In arrive at a decisive, direct
and siieeerslul course of treatment fur the posl-
tiv, ami railieal cure or all diseases of the
By inhalation the curative properties of modi-
eines are directly addressed to tlie diseased or.
gnu end Iho integument, I do net advise the
uso of Medical 1 11 In. In I ion of any kind, to tho ex-
i . . 1 l.l -I. f
elusion vi vr.Mt.lljihr..iTsr:ir llil 111 iiiiu(ii i
consider It a useful adjuvant in the propor man-'
agemei.t of thoso fearrul and often fiiUil diseases,
vet I deem it very necessary that each patient
should Imvo the benefit ol both ukjkiiai. and lo-
fill treiitmenl
1 he success or my treatment It
Iho above diseases,
and tho high character of,"1!'1" iiiieiaui uiij rviiui.
tho Institution over which 1 bnvo so long had
the honor to preside, are too well known to need laws to arise from bad blood while tho highest
any eulogy or common! from inc. At the solici-' medical authorities declare that, most fevers ori
tntion of many private and professional friends, 1 ginnle i n the same .nanner, and more particular
through whoso philanthropic aid the above char ly Typhoid and Scarlet tho former being an in
ity has been long and liberally supported, and uf- ternal, and tho latter an external irruptive (lis
ter duo consideration, I have concluded to make ! carso ; nnd in all persons attacked by these ma
such arrangements as wi.l bring tlio benefits of ladies the blood is found to be coagulated, ur of
my experience and treatment within the roach of : a dark unhealthy color.
all, nnd not confine myself as heretofore, to) Toward off a largo majority of diseases, as
those only who entered tho Infirmary, or who ' woll us to cure a number which havo already sci
wero able to visit 1110 at my otlice. Hoping, j zed upon the system,
therefore, that the arrangement will givo entire j j'p IS KKCESfiIlY TO
sutisfuction, both to inv professional brethren j
nnd the public, I would respectfully announce in ' I'URIFY TIJI'-J 1JLOOD.
conclusion, thnt con now be ennnutud prrnunol.
ly or by Idler, on ull diseases as above,nml that the j's I Ml'KOVKI) I5l.i)nt SK Altrlll'.ll liOF.S
medicines, the sninu as used in tho Institution,! Not ( 'l. I U To HE A
uro prepared to suit each individual case, ! . 11
II 1 mr mm . 1 j
IlllilllU ViipOl'S, iMCtllCllli
Ac. fc, will be forwarded by express to any
part of the L'uited States or the Cunadaa.
T E It M .S :
My terms of treatment by letter are as
follows viz : $1:2 per month for each pa
tient, which will include medicine sulli
cient for one month's use; also inhnlinp;
vapor, and un liilmling Apparatus. 1'ay.
incut as follows; to he jaid to Express
A ent on the receipt of tho box of Medi
cine, and tho pahince ?(i at the expiration
of the month, if tho batient Le cured or is
entirely satislk-d with tho treatment. IV
tients, by fjivini; a full history of their
ciuse, tii 1 1 1 their symptoms in full, can be
treated ns well by letter as by personal ex
amination. 1'atieMts availing themselves
of )r. Jarrett's treatment muy rely on im
mediate and permanent relief,as he seldom
has to treat 11 case over thirty days. Let
ters for advico promptly answered. Eor
further particulars address
Xo. 8-11 lirondway, cor. 'Twelfth St., X. V.
1'. S. l'hysicians nnd thers visiting tho city
are respectfully invited to cull at the Infirmary,
where many interesting cases can bo witnessed,
and where our Imururnt Ajiornlu for tho inha
lation of medicated vapor can be seen and inspect
No. 33, North Second Street
Opputitc Christ Church, Philadelphia.
Tho subscriber respectfully informs his friends
nnd the public genorullv, that he hns taken the
Storo, nt No. M, XOIttll HfCU.W STJtEKT,
whero ho will bo pleated to sco his old custom
ers and friends.
lie has now 'in hand a splendid assortment of
Parlor, Hall, Office, Store and Cooking
of the latest nnd most approved kinds, at wholo
snlo and retail. WM. C. NKMAX,
No. 3:1, North Second Stroet, Philadelphia.
X. 11. Your particular attention is in ited to
Mi;t!iii;i:s patent ; as 111 hximi warm
lors, Offices, Stores, Halls, Cars, Ac, which for
economy, purity of air, and easo of management
has no eiiial. W. C. N.
tj,Odd Castings for all kinds of Stoves, on
September 22, lSiS.-3mo.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court
of Clearfield county, there will be exposed
to sale, by outcry, on
Mondio, the LVA day of Xoeembcr, 18")8.
at 2 o'clock, p. ni.. at the court houso in tho
borough of Clcaifield, all that
Certain piece or parcel of Land,
Situate in Morris township Clearfield county,
containing about ll'i Acres, bciug part of
survey warranted in name of Hyinan tiratz, and
being t'lo Northeast corner of said survey, known
in tho partition of cstato of James Allport, de
censed, as purpart No. 7. This land is desira
ylb located for farming purposes, and is toler
ably well timbered-
TER.MS. Ono half cash at confirmation, and
the balance in one year, to be secured by judg
Oct. 12, 13;-)8, Executrix.
I'A RMS and Building Lots, in the Hold Re-
giou nnd other portions of Virginia, aud to be
divided amongst tho subscribers for the benefit of
me now town oi haitaiiasoik. isunscriptions
only Teh holla ns r.Acn ; one hnlf down, tho rest
on thodelivory or tho Dkkd. Every subscribor
will get a Uoilding Lot or a Farm, rnnging in
vnluo from $10 to f:iO,000. Thoso Farms and
Lots are sold so cheap to induce settlement, a
sufficient number being reserved, the ineroaso in
tho vnluo of which will coinpensato for the appa-
rent low price now asked. Ono acre bits in town
will bo given to industrious mechanics who will1
build upon them.
A company of settlers called "Tub Rappaiia-
nock Pioneer Association, is now building.nnd
will commenco thoir settlement in tho spring.
Amplo aocurity will bo given for tho faithful por
formanco of contracts and promises.
l-Moim Agents ar Wanted to obtain
il..n.:i.n.g ... l.n ll.. 111. 1 , .
BU..D.i.iiiin, n, niiuui til muni, llUUrill UlllUCO'
monts will bo givon. Some Agents write that
thoy nro making $200 por month. For full par
ticulars, Subscriptions, Agencies, Ac, apply to
Port Reyal, Carolino Co., Va,
nor. 18, 1858.
rpilE Partnership heretofore existing- bstwoon
I fir l.nnin Anil Tip 1 1 r! o w ! .. t t . 1. . M
tico of Medicine' is this day dissolved by mutaal
eonscnt. All persons having aocountj with the
firm will please cill and settle immediately, and
u inoy eannoi pay, give llioir notes, i'lie hooks
will remain at their old ofiico. whore Dr. Harts.
wick can be found at all times, aither to settle or
attend to professional calls.
Oct, 18th, 1858. J. a. nARTSWICK
A LARGE quantity of Salt for Sale nt l.nw
riUCES, at the ator, of WSI. F. IRWIN.
Dor l)iniM Oi tumult' In
iMrun tv or im:
1 III Is a qui .ll-r) of iial Imp"!' ii", and
one which ba neirf U-n nHfciilly lipned 1 ,r ,,,( rM,,. 1 1 ..1 1 . ,11, ( ,,iit., Ml, i',f -id
ly the pr.ilcMins io tench lbs hi-sllng art iMcty df--fipll Il nlii.h lin y ill , f,ln,r"
ruiiie insiiiiniii an, c.pci iHiir inn ni'i S' linoi
therefore all diseases originate in II- but modern 1
science avers that ailments have Ihetr Ptlgnnllon
I 1. 1 - M in 11 - -1 'in 1 1 in lues in 'nr 1. ".im 1, soil
In both the Solids and fluids of the hodr. That
the latter pjcumdi'rato, however, Is a lled fact,
and medical skill has clearly 'demonstrated that
at least two thirds of the ills that human llcsh is
heir to, have their source In an
HH( NtUltt I t llC
I'lftltil f
As, for Instance, in the long catalogue, such as
Scrofula. TcttCI "J JiiriJOr's ItClV'
' 1
t m , i til
1 HTipiCS, MotCIlCS, hrySipCKlS, Ul
rprt, O..I. lnilm I) Lrlfinroa
CrS ll It-KIICUm, WlfeUKirgCS
frOM tllO KsiT. I'CVCrSOrCS. Of 11'-
, i- p 1 1
rllrt ll.n I lionncno nl cnir l.'irwl
These are ascertained by woll known medical
l iii.uisui 1 11 11 lie c 11 iui Kviy uiscifcso miuirit, nut
tbo proprietors claim for it tho power not only of
I Ununing out All Impurities ol the
but by the skilful combination of woll known
It will cure all diseases uris'tny from, a derany
cd state of the. Iver dr 'n e out Dyspepsia,
and yivc renewed tone and viyor
to the. Stomach.
That the Blood Searcher is all that is claimed
for it, tho Proprietors can produce
It is only a few years sinco it was discovered,
and yet it has grown into such a business that a
lurgo Laboratory has been built expressly for its
manufacture a large number of men omplnyod
in putting it up, iimi still
The Supply docs not Equal the
Demand !
We ask any candid in an could this be so, if tlio
Medicine did not possess all tho virtues cluiiued
for it ?
The Proprietors havo hundreds of certificates
from men of probity and standing in the commu
nity, showing what the medicine is doing daily
for tho suffering.
Who has ever used the Blood
Whether I'cHcf was K.epcriened.
Let the nfllietcd givo it a trial a single bottle
will convince the most skeptical of its cfiicacy.
I. J. M. LlN'HSKV : Dour Sir I tnko pica-)
suro in BCKiiowit'iiging tlio great benefit
jour unpruveu inoou nearciier nns oecn lo my
son. Ho hns been afflicted with whut physicians
culled a scrofulous disenso uf tho absobing
glands of tho stomach. Ho has been nlllieted
with this disenso from infuncv. Ho is now fif-
teen years of age; during nil this time ho has
bud several soicro attacks, and all the food la
ken into tho stomach impurtud little strength to
tho system. 1 had several eminent physicians
nttend ing him, but I found very littlo ndvim
tnge, as the disenso still returned with nil its aw
ful conseiuonees.
In April 1S.'i7, he had a violent attack, S3 much
so, that nil who saw him supposed he was in the
last stage of Consumption. I was advised to try
your ltlood Searcher; 1 accordingly procured
ono bottle of it, ami by tho time ho had used it
ho appeared restorerd to perfect health.
It is now ono year sine o he used your invalua
blo Wood Searcher, and I nm perfectly satisfi
ed it has saved bim from an untimely grave. I
now uuhcsitatingly'rccommcnd it to all who may
bo similarly afilietd, and deem it no more than
justice to bear this public testimony to its vir
tues. Respectfully yours, Ac.
Pomroy Station, A. P. R. Road.
Mr. Devlin is well known to tho citizens of In
diun and Westmoreland countios.
July 0, I85S.
C. D. WATSON, Clearfield.
JAMES 1). liRAHAM, Uruhampton.
JOHN PATTON, Curwensville.
E. F. RREXNER, Morrisdnle.
JOHN RUSSELL, Peunsville.
R. H. MOORE, Luthersburg.
M. O. STIRK, Now Millport.
CHARLES R. FOSTER, Philipsburg.
H. SWAN, Ansonville.
RUSSELL McMUR RAY, New Washington.
EDWARD WILLIAMS, Williamsvillo.
SAMUEL HAtJERTV, lilenbope.
nug. 11, 1858 dm.
Important to
The Great substitute for Tebacco.
It is well known and inninimvnriibln r
that the uso or Tobacco is the promoting causo of
ninny of the most severo MENTAL AND PHYS-
, ICAL DISORDERS to which tho raco of man is
; subject, as carlul analysis and long and painful
. experi nco have clearly proven that it contains
. certain nnrcotic and poisonous properties most
dangerous in their effect, which by entering into
1 the blood dernnges tho functions nnd operations
of the heart, causing many to supposo that orirnu
to bo seriously diseased,
TOBACCO nflocls also tho entiro nervous svs-
tem, manifestini itself as nil whn h.. i'i,
noxious weed will bear testimony in Lassitudo
' Nervous Irritability, Water Rrnsh, Dvsnensia '
lining i.ui.T uisoriiers 01 n similar cliariu-ter.
Till? T 1 C'l'1.1 1 l..t?n.-. ......... ...
' designed to counteract these baneful influences
t 1 . .
iioiu iiiioiuiiAiivr, i Kui iii-,s nro
ana nave proved completely successful in a mul
titude ol ensos, and whercvor used, llcing hni iu
lcss in themselves they exert a beneficial effect
upon thoontire system, restoring tho Tasto which
has become ritinteil nr ilimirnvn.l i, :..,i..i
gonco, complotoly removing tho irritation and
accompanying tickling sensation of tho Throng
which nro always consequent upon the abstaininy
from the uso of Tobacco, and by giving a health
tono to the stomach invigorato tlio wholo svstein
Person! who are Irretrievably Uniterm ini n
! tl'eir, 1con,,1,,l,iul1" anJ "''"rtoning their lives,
"i, ,u".8 , c e Troch6 immediately and throw
1 . ,."Jnriou nd unploasant hnbit of Tobac-
-Vr 5,'
I ihose irochci or Lotengoi are put un in a
convenient and portable form at the low price of
50 cents per box. A liberal discount to tho trado
rreparod solely by the undersigned to whom
all ordori should bo addressed.
i , Cor. 2d aud Raco streots, Phila.
April 18, 1853. ly.
Job riinting nesilly wocuUd here.
a. luti, I bait MiUii
.lot a . UMfctl
(Mil til Idi II USD I, M NMttk.M
II ei,iei... Ini.i ni,. .l i, la ,, !.,,
hm, in re pt. im ! st an I .r. . in (
pi. t ii. . si n -1 mfm (n ( M elin. .h., , , "1
f, '!' ''"I- I1
I HMHS,, Ifl 111
... . t sua 111
nil hand SI tbeii i"' un .Mmkei .1
,,is ll.e ,t.K tt.'t.
a lnitfo a..Mmer,t ,,(
rea1 V to ni.p'
ni.,.,.n of nti as reasonable lerms . .l
I. I... I . It n.l .,1 I , .. " '
iiuiK attl.
1 ejr ,, or Cabinet Ware now on hs'nT'""''
is In part f "
Dressing and Common Bureaus
ai I Wash Stands, Desks and Hunk Cases VfLl
ai I Field Tost lled-lnails, Dining, Ilreakfa.lT ?
tr Card and I'ler Tables, c.
OFFIN.1 manufactured and delivered at in
id "O desired. f
Mny 2.1, 1861
(23 &Lf 'CPU Xlfa
ALL persona are heruby cautiond again!
buying, or in any way nieddlin with n.
!"""" !'ort' ,""7 ' PW'sslnn f
(leorgo Garl. in ( ovlngton tp vi, , (,,
""'r,0' ? cow- '"'K"' "'u u". one eorn,
f mil, nil r.i nne rww.uui'r . 'n ...m I I . .
... 1 ..ui aim una
lot of buokwhent, as the same belongs to me mj
is onlv left
wnii aiuu wans on loan, subject to
111 V order.
Scdt. 22' ISiS.
No. 81.S (A'cic A'.) Market t, nbore Eujliik,
Importers, Manufacturers and Dealers in
For Ladies and Children ; Also, (rent's Fun
J ur ( ottars, and Gloves.
' I 'tl r. number or years that which we lists
I been engaged in the Fur business, ami tt,.
general chaiiu ter of our Furs, both fur faafils
iinii ;;-i'ce is so genrally known throughout ths
Country, that we think it unnecessary to say
more than that wo have now opened -ur assort
ment uf FURS for the FALL and WINTER sales
the largest nnd most beautiful thut we hare
ever before ofl'orod lo tho public. Our Furs bars
ail boon imporicu uurui tlic present season
wlion money was scarce and
mini in ine present nine, aim uaro noon mani.
facturcU by the must competent workmen; we
aro therefore determined to sell them at sack
prices as will continue to give us the ropntatioi
we havo bonio lor years, that is, to sill a good
uriiciii loriiverv .mall t rnftl.
STOREKEEPERS will do woll to give m
call, us they will hud the liirrcst assortment br
fur to select from in tho City, mid at mnunfsc-
turcrs prices.
No. 818 Market street, nbovo Mb, Philad'i.
Sept. 2!)tli, 1828. 4ms
Ti ti.ii i'- hiui;i:t, mw-yokk,
Class Syringes, llonia'pa-
line lals,
Oluss Ware for Chemists, Druggists, Perfumers,
riiotogrnphers, etc.
Green Glass Varc by the Pack
Iiseouiit nindo to tlio Trade.
Tff-Ortlcrs from Country Druggists nnd Dea
lers solicited.
7- if Price Lists sent on application.
August I, IS.'iS. ."in.
In the mutter if the Fstate of Abraham Htu
late oj I', i. . township deeeased.
lo -Mary Hess, wnlow ofsaid decedent, Saraa
(intcriunrricil with .Munly C. London,) lease
Jless, lieiieccn, (intermarried with John lis
ny now ilcv d,) Martha, (intermarried with
Joseph London.) (ieorge lies-, Sarah, (onlj
child of Abraham Hess inn. dee'd.) Aliruhau
lless, Sophia, (intiTinurriel nith David At-
Key. I Alexander Iless und Rosnnna Ilesi,
ciiiniien aim granileliililren ot said decedent,
ami to all others interested
You will dike no
tice that at an Orphan's Court held at Clearfield
in and for Clearfield Connty, on tho 20th day of
August nisi pasi, mo petition ot Ucurgo Hess w
read, whereupon on motion of his Attorney, L, J.
rails tsi. a writ of pnrtilion issued, whereby I
wvs commanded that taking twelve good and law
ful men, 1 should go npun Iho premises in (aid
petition mentioned, via: two certain tracts a
l pieces of Innd situate and lvinir in Roitl's luwt
ship Clearfield Canity, and having respect to ths
valuation thereof, upon their oaths and allirnu
tions to make partition of said real estate to soil
among tho heirs and leg; I rebresentatives of the
said decedent, if the funic can bo parted and di
vided without prejudice to or spoiling tho aboil
otherwise to make a valuation and npiiruiseinent
tlieieof. In accordance with tho commands!
saul writ, I w ill on Ibursduy tho Twenty-Silt
dny of October, A. D. 1S.'8, on tho premises ft
Hoggs township, part and divide, or value and
appraise mo same.
JOSIAH R. REED, Sheriff.
Clearfield, Sept, :itli ISiS.
The Philadelpb Eveninir Bulletin.
I 4 N Independent Daily Nowspnper, devoted M-
-- peciuuy to tno interests of Pcnnsylvania-
containing important Telegraphic Sos, sixteen
.iiours in auvniice oi tlio morning papers Orip-
Iimi roreiKiiuuu domestic Correspondence, hdi
I torinls on all subjects, and full reports of all tb(
i news of tho day. Tin Commercial nnd Finanei
al departments are full, and aro carefully attend
i cd to. As an ndverlisiiur medium thir is .
bettor paper ill tlio Slato. tho circolntlnn Iminr
nc' to me largest initio city, nnd among tic
i lnnst '""-'"'Rfit ad influontial of th' populatioi
I Teiims Six dollars per year in advance,
I No. 112, South Third Streot, Pliildelphia.
I ttv
i handsomo, well-filled, Family Weekly Kurt-
paper is tublisked by the proprietors at tb
following unpreeo cntcd low rates: I copy,o
year, $1 110 ; 8 copies do. $5 00 ; 13 OOcopieido
$10 00 ; 21 copies, do. $15 00 ; ;I0 conies,
$20 00 ; 100 copies, do. $30 00. Fl iitukb I-
' ",'('E4IE!,ys ' The largest club (over 100)
' lAlll fl,r IlirAA WAapa Tl.. 1 I . -I..
sent for throe years. Tho next largest club (on'
100) will be sent for two veara. Address
Proprietors, Ilullettn Ruilding, No W
South Third Street, Philadelphia.
Tho rubluilior.4 of tlio Republican aro n
kinparraufrometits to lnyp-Iy increase their
stock of JoLliin' lnntorial, and will bcr
paroil to do nil kinds of
Fosters, Pamphi.kts, ritocit.iMXt
Blanks, TAi'mt Hooks, CmruMMi
Lahkls, Il.u.ii Tickets, HandihuSi
and cvory kind of firintin usunlly dow
in a country job otlice. Your orden en
trusted to us will befnitlifully executed.
Jl) form, for sale at tho office of the ClcardeU
Republican. Jcc. 1, 18i8.