Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 29, 1858, Image 3

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    n"-V'-, W- 1 Tf""
r rvv n,
Jiomf lltfahs,
(i n ''Pi t ii," III nn ii'liiiii i' w iiliinii-
(1l,l-lll d I ll'lo'll, lllli'tl'lt (ll'livi-lltl I, in
r nual ml'ln I" tin' J nitons nf tin- '!;,..
I ill, lii nii," nn Ni-w Vi nt luniiiinu. Hi'" ho nnllmt iet in to t.iy will I.,.
, .7 it) hi estimation, Mini ho hopes that
i,n word will I"" taken ly hit friend--, nn
that tin 'V will purchase accordingly. Wo
bepeak fur liim a liberal itiiiouiit (if en.
conrnjfi'un'tit. II in vocation is nn arduous
one find de'crvcs n flight recompense nt
Ci.r.Rnri.n Ac.i.,:i Thestockholders
pi tins liisutimon are 10 nave nn election
on Moiuliiy tlio ,'!d .Tuntuiry next, lor a
t)0rl oi niiuiiifiKrn ior i ne ensuing yoar.
X nonil iittenilanpo of the stock holders
hoiiUl take 'lace on the occasion.
1 ! ...... .. 1' ... 1 I .
At tlio residence of thn Bride's mother
in l.mvrence to. on Thiii-siluv tlx- lfiili invi
by tlio Ucv. J. M. Gulloway, Mr. Henry
Kerns of Cur weusvilli, to MU.s Murv Ann
II. Villi.
Here's noose snro enough. Another
bachelor tmcW. Just u$ wo expected
fiiend Henry, when we last haw you. We
r.n ... , i, .ti.i.i in tiior r,,,,t d..i..i... ii.
''jhiilllrt off their mortal coil."
In Unionville, Centre Co. Ya. of .Scarlet
fever, on the morning of November 2'Jth
Samuel Andrew, Son of Samuel & Kliza
botli ilKom, aged t vti years and ten
On the 2:lrd inst. by the Uev. I. J. Stino,
"Jr. Eli Ilarinan and Mary 11. Kislu-1,
b-otli of Bt ady tp.
Reed & others vs eetl i others.
Thompson vs Irvin's heirs.
Tiamipson vs (,'hase.
Fiiamnre vs Rloom.
Cooper vs Kelly.
Taggut-t v .Michaels & Worrell.
Irvin vs lTeniniing.
Akxander Ferguson vs MoFarl uid
II. D. Hall & Co. vs Gaines.
1'atchiu vs Ciisnn. vh Shotl's.
Keiliii vs M..'1'arvey.
Siiolls vs .laiiuson. vs Kit, nr.
MoBridoit Wright vs Michaels & Worre
Hooper vs rrench.
Hollopoter vs l'atton.
Leonard vs Aidery A; Potter,
Diinlap vs livers & Ureen.
Lutz vs liara-tt.
Curry vs Hvans.
Luiiiadue it vi!'e vs Bloom.
llloom vs Bloom.
Ilarmoy vs llugenot.
Urian vs Boy u ton it Forrest.
Leonard vs Mock & Leonard.
Bell-Clmrlcs Smith.
Bogus .(ohn Hull'. L. Stone, A. Baughnian.
Bi.ijy Keuben Bonsall, Philip Kuntz,
John lloigus, G. B. Goodlander, Fred.
Bnrnside Thomas Mahaffey, Nic!iolas
Clie.-,t James Thompson.
Clearfield. J. P. Kratzer, John F. Wea
ver. Covington John Yothers, John M. Hei
ter. Ferguson Greer Bell.
Cirard Adam Spackman.
Graltani Moses C. Kvans.
Lawrence John J. Ieed,
Lumber City John MeDevitt.
1'enn Hanson Davis.
Pike Abraham Bloom, sr.
VooUward , Robert Henderson.
Becearia William S. Wright.
B"ll David McCracken, John linker.
Boi-gs Charles Cadwalader.
Bradford Samuel T. Wilson.
BradyB. P. Stebbins, John Wall, L.
Bnrnside Samuel Biss.
(Icnrfield Isaac Johnson, George W.
Rheem, II. W Parke, Samuel Mitchell,
Alexander Irvin.
Cliest-Rol icrt M. Farrin, George McCully
Covington John Fortney. F. F. Coutriot,
John B. Gormort, Charles Genot.
Curwensville John F. Irvin.
Decntur-Stpphcn Test, David Kephurt.
Ferguson James Glenn.
Girrd John Smith.
Omlnun .Inmes McGuire.
Knox William Withevow, James T. Mc
Cracken. Wenec-IIugh Orr, A. T. Bradley, Jno.
McGuughey, Milton McBride, A. h.
Uickock.Jno. Shaw, jr. Abraham Ogdon.
ilorris-Jonotlian Emeigh, O. F. Hoop,
Frederick N'oIk.1, Daniel B. Will, S
C. Thompson.
nn-A. Ililc, Chas. Cleaver, Elah John
son. .ike-George Leech- tr. William Glenn.
Lnion Hnnpv 'A-i.;ii..i
" ooaWftr(t(;
eorgoAVolf, Itobt. Alexan-1
iuii ptin.'"1 iuivi, puuuut'n ui- ii-iuinn -i iiu inuiniei i-i.i 4ir. ,iacKsoii s laiii-
nio.innr forlmded inatrimonv. Hut you '''' "'al', lately, have ovei takeu
werein the right of it. And toall the. 'm killel two "1'tl"'n:- l.sev.-rely wnun
ii , , 't'u nnotlier, ami retaken, oiui letter savs
.terner sex who have reached a re;, age, ! twenty six. and (mother ii It v five Lories'.
we would recommend that they l'o and do ! 1 h", l lo,,l'.il1!; (,f ,ll, inui'dered family
,., . i i .i was louiid in their possession, and onu of; and we wmh .hem, as wo now j 10 kiIIl, hu.jlr. Jack",!n's ,o,t
do the subjects o' this notice, a long, peace- boots, and hat. Tho jiarty of Indians
ful, and prosperous life, and a freo ticket ' wd'en first discovered, were eilit in lmin
to Saint Peter's gate when they come to ' I'''1'' ,nU whon )V.01'tl,ke" were only four.
1, I 111 (1 a I 1 ! t
i Consternation rei-'ns tliroiiL'linut the fron-
- j celebrated gunsmith and "crack shot.
T , Aecord:ng to the terms of the challenge
1K "Ir.REiTiDi.E CoNri.ici." The hd was to shoot fifty turkies at the dis
widgoton Fanwr say that Messrs. 11. Ste- tancc of fifty rods, with a pistol barrel el
em & Co , of Nungatuck, have within a even inches long, lie commenced this
ew weeks received orders from the South extraordinary feat on Wednesday morning
r five hundred buggies. Our Kepubli- and drew eight turkies in cloven shots,
jn tresses and speakers have had very when thechallongers, finding their bargain
roach to say about the South ruining the liuciiniarily a losing ono, compromised
U1', This does not look much like
i "owevi.-r. Vo trust that the South
' Keep on ruining tho North in this 'flo
j rig
Albohft nnd TrxM
'Hi- I'.iliroinm ti.Ui,-.., ,v tlir iiv,.,.,n,
"j ul.M-h. nn th.'Mli ,mt ,)10.. st 1
, :"'. Iinvr I..Hni,.,ii,iI,t,,n,v,1iMf,,
ii" of tl,,. .n,.nj,,.M Mr ., (1 Whit.'
V'.V.shtti-.tlmt ii oiicdi-mbl,. ..irn,tion 1
M llingii, loril,,. A.i , L.,., iliti-in,.-.
A lingo put lion tin eniiL'tiintt nrn IV
I rx.f. nii.l Aikiinsn. M,mv nf the r,n.
pi.MC-t Ill (Ml' lcl:i Mllll (
HllHallV lll'K
T"", "V "ving eit,., i,M ',-
I lie digging-, nn ct which nmv i,.IIV0.
luetic,, t n Company, ifthU KtamhK.lo is
l.i-i-is'. d m for any N-Mtli of timo.
One thousand troops biul ,.ft fnr(
llelkiinit. l'ort Clnulliotii-n V',.nv!.,.;ii. t ..
timl.-r l oinniand of Lieut. Van Horo,' lor
Uik C.iiiiaiirhK Mountain Hislrict, l-VI
nnuv, to im-ol in kittle 1VIU (.'nimmch
wuri'mr nnK-r iSuM'.ilo Hump.
i no vermin-lit kIiouM tako minndi.
nto steps liy tivnty, lor im amicablo not tie
ment of matters with tlio liostilu liuliaiw
lUMII llfUHni HV I 'dlllT V l'i-lil ;t,.i,l
. I . . .1 . .1 1 ' ' , v . ; '"ii
,u V1 l"Vl '"'manas oi tlcstmv ik-
nine us o lnlcrtein k.i,w. l,..i .. i.i. ,i - ..
1,111,1111,1 uiin no ur'i Ills losed to Ilea
justly with them
'ho Lutr
itriot publislmd nt .Slierman, (iray '
y, Texas of Nov. I2.')tli, says that !
on countv, I ex ns of ov. Uilth, savs tint
oil the Kith quite a storm of. gleet rain
and lastly .now. lell in tha" "oonlitV; Z
snow covering the ground to the depth of
about three inches-. The paper adds that
the weather of November had been very
Severn. The . same imper says :
"1 he party who went in pursuit of the
' ,. , ...... ...i i i t i ,
'tier, and many fiimiliosaro leaving their
all and coming in.
Mr. .John Flitch, who hasjust returned
iiuiu iinv -u-inioivie, Slates unit Uie snow
fi ll one foot in depth at that place on
Friday last; and that tne Catnanclics had
been in on a robbing expedition, and had
stolen some horses from the Kickapoos,
r. i ..i i . , . ...
W.vstiii.Tov, Dec. 10. An effort will be
made in t' e House to-morrow to intro
duce a resolution instructing the Commit
tee on Territori to report a bill repeal
in so much of English's Kansas bill as
prohibits the formation of i State until
there a sullicient population fora llepre
scnta.i c, at.citdilig (o the Federal ratio.
It is to be presented as a test tun-Mion.
latest fromth8 Gold LUdce.
Frc'in the Omaha Nebraskiaii, Dee. H.
After uo went to )uess last week, we re
ceived a call from Mr. Davis, who left the
gold mines at Cherry Creek on the Utii of
Nove:r,b'-r. nnd rctoriii-d in cnniyiany with
A. .1. Smith, whose return we noticed List
week. .Mr. Davis is a rei-ident of S.u -,v
county; helclt this city for the gold mines
about tie.) 2.3th of Septutiib -i', nnd reached
his destination after inniiui-r.iMo vexa
tious delays, from lame teams and other, about the 27th of October. Mr. D.
: hi. ...ii
I is ii e;i Know n 10 mis conimunnv ; is a gen--11,r i.,-.u,.....iii.ii;i,. .....i iT...... :....i ,
..V. . ... J - . .lit'...,., , .K'tlOl, fill!.'
and bis statements are c-uti(!"d to the ful-;
let belief. In company .tvi: ii A. J. Smith
he. spent, ivailva forrtniirbt in prosneiaina
' in the mines with the must satisfactory re-.
suits. Gold is found at every ilace he tried, j
from six inches to two feet below the stir- 1
j faiv of the ground, a'id in quantities vary
ing from ten cents to one and a hal. dol
lars per pan lull, generally in the form of
small scales. A i-pcinion of about one
ounce, which he exibited to us, was of this ,
description, and resembled in appearance!
the fin'Si, quality of California gold. Mr.
Davis informed us that miners were fva.-h-
.,. ..-:!. .. 4'...... r 1: .1. 1
: " ' . 1 . '.
larsper .lav, and his own expetiu.ico in
prospecting, satisfied him, that amount
could be made with a pan, und from ten to !
twenty dollars per day' or more could be
realized with "sluices,, or "Ion;; toms." !
A Man Blown up on a Keg of Powder
A man in New Orleans, hist week, blew
nil ill, n lit '' ,11 i.iiwiii i iiiniii 1, 111,11 ill i.o.s
.. 1 c 1 1. :..i. 1. 1 11
Il, ,., f tl. evoLuinn t, , ;
.1 1 1 , ... ..
. . . . . v v, . ..iv v ,i-'.'iu.i 1 t t t
him some twenty feet into the air aud iu
10 ll:e river. Jl appears mat lie sells now-1
der in one of the skill's Oil the river, nnd 1
had landed Ilia boat at tho foot of Main
street. Having occasion to place one of i
.11 . .1 1 1 1 . 1 .
the kegs out upon the bank, he took a seat
upon it, Some childnn near had kindled!
a lire and were roastim; ovsteis. and hav-
ing a jolly time of it generally. The pow.
der manthinking tofrighten the ehildten, I
and amuse himself, commeticed throwing
some powder, which lie had in his pocket,
1 1 1 1 1 . 1 . i . . 1
into the fire, and laughing heartily at the
expression of the juveniles, who could not (
account for tlio mysterious h.zlnii; and
cracking among the oysters. In a snort!
timo ami before he was aware, he had made
a train rtf powder from the fire to his keg, I
which suddenly communicated with the I
1 1 . ii ...1 :. 1:.. . i. '
latter and sent him whirling into the air, )
and fortunately let him dinvn into the riv-l
er, where tho water prevented him from 1
breaking any bones, und also relieved Ins
r,-.iPSFt 18V) Thcra willbe four eel in-
hU.lPSES 1S.),I. I lie re will be lour eel ip-
sen of the Min ill !.)., VIZ : A partial e-
clipseon the 2d nf February, invisible here, j
A partial one 011 tlio -Hll OI aiarell, llivis-
iblo here. Another on 1110 zyin j uiy
nn,! vei-v fiinnlhit will Olid at
mtst G in the evenine. Another one Au
..... ...... 1 ,
gusi the 27th, visible only in tho
1 ., ,
- - ---
Southern Ocean.
There wil be two eclipsej of tho moon:
., ... . t-.t .0,-1 :n
llic Hist one, on uie 11 111 01 r ueriiiuy, win ,
total. It will commence at 13 m. past
4 o'clock iu the morning middle, (i o'clock
end quarter before 8. Thn other ono,
Angust Llth, will not be visible-
Hard on tfik Tcrkieh. Away down at
llinesburg, Vermont, they had a shooting
Ifrolie on the 2-rtli ult. Tho oportsmen
hal invited a visit, by way of a challenge,
for Nelson Lewis, of Troy, New ork, a
rith him and ho withdrew. Thin
was done with nn Ordinary looking n-
pistol, of his own manufacture, weigh-1
fvo founds. j
-Hl H All nMI Aa
n. . A r f; m ii n
In Km 7
('-WAV 7
i' k mi. i itv. i a.,
lip (-)itiMiltrit i,,, ,,.f
I Inn K c :
I, Pa.: i i li -i . ,ii r I . . i . f
' PiMay, Hnlnr
"ill, nn, I IMIi,
W . I n , I , r nf
my, nn I Millilnv. .liinion r ?il
""l""""- - vagi. II IIKi.
l"rn""ii rtti'l Tlnir!
:,y r,.r,
" ion. Junimry ,-.,h
nnd Hill.
Luthersbnrg. I'n.,
January lOlli.
liin," Mmiilny,
Ilmnktlllo' IV, "Atnoltenn If, 1,1," fild-iv Pit
llnl.iv, ainlNundny, ,lry I ltd, ;),', .,)
1:i'l,;wnr. I'n., "HinK? llliii.o" Jnnimrv nil,.
i ''
Til Irnnlmnnl nf .1:. . t .
I Mm
v.-r. Sl.,l, .,,.. IUh v.l , i.:
' m iiimeii im I IK will III I in I i,n, ... .1 111. . i
C'Toliiln Silt llli,..,,,, I.-... i , "-..-, .-Mil
.li:',!'::,1-?: :::rv;,;,,ryr,J."1
, ... .
l v I..
' " e.'lKIIOKK
nml I'cnuiln HiM-iistfuor nit kimls: ul-
II.....:.. ... i ... . .-
m nil lorm
i ; .. . . " iiikiiim-.ucii,
I'r. Jin kynii, nil inn
I'll linvinir .,, iul ii..i;..,.
liiiiR, Ihroaf, li'nrt mid foiimlo iliwucs. nN
lnvilcs to coiKialtalioim In nil rlir,,i ,i;
" mo iiuiimn ictoui. Swin,' munv
e every year, hu i -,ll i-renrv.l
" n ' ,U "'''y
CoiiMtliMtion KIIKE.
y.'O-.Murk well tlio Tlltr.
Indiuu I'livuiciuii.
Ki-ic, Pa , P. 0., II ox 222.
'lee. S, 18oS.
IjKODtCI-: V.iXTI-l). Vhent, Uvc, O.tts,
turn, Dui-kwhetil mid l'iro W oo I, wnnlcd
ut tlio ollico of the Clourliolil Itcpul.licnn in pnv-uu-nt
ol iiriniiiiK. doc. 1, ls:,s '
Till: VXDK KSIUMJU tnki-s Il.i, method ofiia.
niniiicuiK to the citirens of Cl.inrfml.l nnd the sur.
rjuiulin cuiintry, that ho loci opened a
JSM'lbjir Fih?t'
on Mnin Struct in ,Vrir ,.,r i;:r wa,ro cIl
is prep.ireu to nci'nmmo.lute nil nhn give him
"nd b"v" 10 rr liberal putronni;
Oct. th, 1858.
IV virtue of nn order of sale issue, out of tlio
" Orphans' Court of Cloarliold Countv, there
will bo exposed to public, mile nt the' Court
lloue, in the borough of Clearfield. Saturday the
fifteenth dny of January next. a certain messuage,
tenement nnd lot or piece of nnd, the cstnto'o:
William Addlcmnn, jr., laic nf I'iko tonn-jip,
duccased, bounded und tluairilied ns follows,
to wit : beginning nt the turnpike m-nr Cio.rjro
l-h's paw mill, th, i,o ,,tiili cast cnurso, Tii
feel, to land of ndrcw Adillciniin. tlieneo nlon
naid Andrew Adillcninn't line :tnu feet to thn riv"
cr. tl cncc up pniil h'tiaqiiolmiinn river .",:!fl feet to
raid tiiitipiko, thenco ulon' Find piko, I'.IL' feet to
the place of bei,-iiiiMiiK ; fituatn in the tnivnshi)
of Lawrence, in the county of Clearfield, Pa.,
with a frame, huu.-o nnd frame stable erected
Terms Cu.-h, on conOrmntion of ph'.c.
JAMES WI'.ltil.KY,
Adm'r of rstute if Win. Addleman, dec'.l. j
Xuv. 2;uh, lss.
dec. ?, 1j.',S.
"JOIl SALT, by Mkkhell & C'At;r::n,
J .(If.'vt ImprnrrJ ', Shc.ilrr
., r.
.ii, at ( utters ol Ilie Lest k in i.-iih . 1,..-..
eiy of Ooods In received, and will
ba soij low for ca.-'i or prj.luce. !
t-ieiiriieni, ucc. k, is..,rf. :
In th
Luk or
Matter nf th
".,,(( 0 Sim
I Fry,
I'vunty DcciMStJ,
At an Orph is Court
held nt Cleat field 011 tho ;l Monday of
.Nov. last past, lho undesigned was
pointed Auditor to distribute money'
the hands of Kli Fry, Administrator
a p-
i in
tiie sai'i .Nimuel I ry.
P;i the Cwrt.
All persons interested, will please take
notice that I will attend to the duties of
tho above appointment, at my ofliee in
I .. , ii..,...,,,. 1, v... 1 .... ., n ,
, V. , f ... . '-"luluy me em,
'';.'.v o . '.nuary at 1I o clock A. M.
ol 8,u'1 '"'' wl,,'n w,a'ro ou :i" " J '
011 Y'ivCV I T fif ir a
, i-t jlr Al"1T0R-
jV' Ol ICE Is hereby given, that
lho follon ing 1
!X1 nccounts navo Keen examined and titsted
. . . , . n
I ' ' " . ' 7" 1 ptsteuiaiiu "'" Jl"J't, having n largo portion of
u v iiiti. iiu r 11111 ti 11 nn ni t..., w,t i 1. :.n.,.
I tor the insj cel. on of heirs, legatees, creditors, A
" ...-v. wt iuuiiu ij mm u iit-a
an oiners in any ottrr wav interested, and will
bo presented to the next Orphan's Court of
f'l"urfi;'1J '""ly. to be held at the Court House,
"-i? t,,ro",r Tf Clearliel.l cmmo,,ti,.e on the
Jl M'mday of January, Isjll for continuation
nn,i aii,jnunC0: "" ' .omnuinuon
Tho purtil account of John L. Cut'le, Execu-'
tur of tho estate of Solomon Klin... i,.m '..r 1 ...
re nee township deceased. '
Tlie Prtial account of Jcs.'o Stone, L'xccutor !
.'V'-p " ! "ni """'"nt of Alexander Stone 1
ii.-iiii'. . it irnelil lotinl v. iloPf.B
(Icnrfield, line. 13, lsJ."-8.
I 1000 ACRES 0r' I',x'' TIMHKR AN D
,". l"1 Y . . . lny of January, lS&O.atS
clock. 1 '. M., will bo sold ut the town of Hello-
? " " V. ' Z'r" ' "V. . . "! 1, J .
f Land, containing .'12 tracts, each -m acres
and perches, with tho allowance, situate
partly in tentro county and partly in Clearfield
ruling . Pa., on tho wntprd of tho big nnd Utile
I Moithnnnn creeke, within five miles of the West
1 1 a t"'"" n rvcr' 1-v,n '," I
,, body and known ns the Maine Company',
Lands. The above property is well located for
lumbering being well set with the best whilo pine
" ' ."r, wnnin inree nines,
y, par- f' ?r1? ,. ', Ml,"'!'' Bt "t'leh
t Jl , Plft'8 the Pellotonto and Snow Shoe Railroad
"terminates, nnd which I now undor contract. It
t." JZZ :
li.rtnillnln. .nil Vttlr , nnv ,in, .nn ... I.
is a pn.periy wuu cuicuiaicu 10 nnract me alien-
' (inn of capitalists. Persons wishing to view the 1
Iproncriy will plcaso call on Edward Perks ofi
Clearfield county, or i C. Jiurton or James Uilli-1
Innil. Contra nniinH- lir nir near tbn nrm.orl v
will show the saino. Possession will bo given on
: ' n
tho firrt of April, 1959 title gooij, For partic
ulars address
R. II. 1.0X0,
Doc. 8, ISiS. ts. Lancaster, Pa.
Clearfield Academy Stockholders
WILL meet at the office of Jamoa Wrigley,
Esq, (Register and Uecordor, fc.,) at
Clearfield, on Monday, the 3d dny of Jnnuary,
18i9, at 2 o'clock, P. M.'to eloct a Hoard of
Trustees, and other ofiicors for the ensuing yoarj
The Stockholders aro requested to attend.
Feo'y of the Board of Trustee!.
Dec. 14, 1858.
For salo by KRATZER'S
Constable Blank for ealo at this Office.
., &
Hto (lit i innii itt ii, (oil it, i;
P.USH, li, P.. . . I II I Ml I tl I II 1 j 'i,
300 Student! Attending' January, 1858.
.v.w iiio iti,.-i , i i ii.
f l l IliD I liih',1 S .......
T. .nr,M Inriutinil .lnti. f , (, ih)( )(,,
-I. V. HHiT.r, A. M. 1'inf, ,,f ll.k-konilnu
nml N am e iif A.'i niiiiu.
A. T, l.i Tiii.TV. Tni. lier jf Ai illim.-tii- nn.t r'uiii
Im-riMiil f 'H It-it l.i t i im.
J' .';' K T- C- JtNKl., Tni, )ifrn of
HlliiK Kl'lillX,
A. Ciitt nn, I W. A. Mil l., Prnfu.oflViiu,,,,,.
... . .
PINOLE AXI lOt:ill.KKVTIIV tinnir t-rvn
. ,.
:., Anc-r,,,,;,, .,..
r '...,.,.. if .
' " .,.'7
f 'I'l'l'OJIMIIlcHCC I :.,h,,r, ,,.
Aro tituHlit, kiid ullotlu-r ntljooit neccttnry fur
II u tuoi'eint iiihI tlmroui;li eaucBtioa of a
pructu-nl busiiioua nun.
si Pni.tiu'tis i ias.
I'rnnn nil the ni-B,ni,. I., m..., ,. .u.
,-t three yc.rt U inKiZZZ
C .net, lor best V ,mV, Nor ,,v(ilIAv,:i, wo.ik.
v ..... .... v.. .
I Kin;;, inii-i nnitu ieriiii.ion, 1110 anie aim expen
. ludenu enter at any tituo No vacation Timo encod services as a pentleinnii, so long und u
im iniitotl Kcview ut pleamre Uradiialis assis-1 justly ciniticnt. as Air. Park Ueiijiiiniii. Contieo.
iuu in ooinining situii tionst Tuition lor lull t'oiii-t"d for twenty years with tlio press of New York
niercinl Course, .ij,tlU.; Averuj-o timo, 8 to 12 jcily, and always diocesHliil in his literary cnter
weeks ; lioari $J iUpor wook ; .-tiitionurv,$0 (IU : prises, whether as Hditor, Author, or liubl'io spea
hntire cost, tlill 00 to $711 UO. ' ! ki-r, the i.iinie of Mr. llenjatniu is nit augury of
ir-fr-Ministers' sons half t- iec. i l?" KV'' l"n'""- . . . I
l or (.ai-il, 1 irculnr, i-pocimcns of llusiiioss und
Oriiiiinental writing, cm-luse threo stamps, uiid
nun. e-s
I'iltsburjjb, Pi
doc. S, ISO.
jVOTICK is l.creby given to (be tookbolders
11 that un eleelinn lor Prcsideni nml li;r,
of tho Tyrone nnd Clearfield Itailroad will bo
held on tho 2d Monday of Junuury, tilth day,
"1Ji'i e umeo ot tlio company in Philipsbur"
JAMES T. HALE. President. "
t-it.vs. I.. Iustiui, Scc'y. doc. l.i, lsjs'
ISS COX ST A XT Into from it,,, T',i ,....
InllT lllinniinces In the iilieii ..I
ua.lii Id nml Un, County generally, thjt ibo is
lui j .iml to give instruction in Mu-ie
Kho refers nil who tiinv 10 illtorp.-iti. in Mia
above, to the Rev. Pr. nnd Mr, M'Lcod.
Terms $3 00 iu advance, or f 10 00, if nt in
Dec. (i, 1S3.S. If.
look iit:ni:: look hciu
!lKun.K-r.-igiid aul.seribcrs, lake tlii -od
of inlorininv the ml, lie I'onor.-illv
tui-y tun - tins it.iy entered into copaitnersblti in
nni' be found nt the shrj
lv J. Sliunkwilor, on Third
formorly oo,-ny,io,l
street, in this bn. I
rough, where they will heplciiscd to see the r obi
oiHlomers, nnd ns many new nncs as can make
u convenient to give them a call.
Iiring on your Iocs, your spades and picks.
Your log. chains and your pulling nieKs,
11 ..11 ne. is, your sleighs your horse, your mar,
No three-year old shall (hen g hare.
Your spears will work up then just right,
To pnioning hooks for every height.
Your swords too, pnll then be wrought.
To plongh-linres sm-li as (Viiii ne'er bought.
iiEO. XV. OK It.
Clearfield, Ieeembcr 8, ISj-l. tf.
OIUMI AX' ( ()( ;HT S.tldi
I i l virtue of nu order of tho Orphan's Court of
Ueartiel.i Counly, there will bo exposed to
exposed to
public sub at the villngo of Ponnville, Clearfield
touDir j
On the 2d Saturday of January, A. D. j
1859, j
sittiute iu Peun townshin. I.niin.1,,,1 U l,.,i ,.r
Win. Wann, Jeremiah l-'linn. Tlnnii Kir..riv '
. -
nnd John P. llovi. lunio,.
pnrL'u innn. anon nn
1 11 1 i 1 . . .
nse and barn thereon, Iato
the estate of Pellx ltnlferty, deceased.
Terms Cus 1, in conrlimatiaii of tfco sale.
Adiiin is rutors
d.'C. 8, ISiS. ts'e.
"Thirl: Ihirlnem rorert the i.i th.
Ami O'rom l,ir!-i.- the l'c"ilt '
And all Others, Will take Notice!
I bat they cau supidy tboniselves iu Buy quau.
tities with
At the wholesale and rotnil ''Head Qunrtcrs,'
3S. South SECOND Set, ,",S
Tb. .. . .
he ohtnined for the Stjites of rennfylvanin New
Jjaftov nml DhWai-o '
These lamps give a light e,,ual in intensity of
flame, nnd similar in appearance to Oas. and are
chained to bo superior to all uther portable lights
now in use. Xo fenr of explosion No offensive
odor .o smoke Very eai-ily trimmed As ea
lly regulated as a (las light Can bf adapted
to all purposes nd better than all for a poor
man, lire fO percent cheaper than any other
i .'.i . . ,,,r,.cm Per Uln
r, .. .
porUblo light uow in common use.
K! t t if
jrjr A pp.g patent Rnsin nnrl PnnT flil
A' a fUlCUl AVOSIH ana L031 UU
jr-flr-Lnmps, Oils, Wicks, Shndts, nnd every
article in tho line.
No .18 South Second Stroet, Piiil'ak'a.
Sept. 8lh, 18i. 3L
Healers in
rTTTIOLKSALK and Retail, at pricoa to suit
T) all. can be found at their new Hoot a Shoe
;Uirc, No. 344 North Second st., a few doors be
low tho llhick Horse Hotel, Phila.
tTWs try to ploasd and sell cheap. Notice
to country merchants. Constantly on band a
large assortment of Men nnd Roys' Boots, Uaiton
and llrogans, coarse and fine : also, Women's A
dissea' Lace Roots, (Jailors, Slippers, Ac, and a
troll selected stock of Youths and Children's wear
genorally. We would respectfully invite you to
call and examine for yourselves.
N. B. Trunks manufactured and fcr sale whole
tale and retail at No. 344 North Stouud it.
April 17, 3m. IIHM,
I I.UliiV
"A ' 'mi '7n linn In , nf tif,
''',' i' Ii 'n n limn ,, Hm
'P n T, .ill .'til, it In. print . I tn - urc In m.n,,,,,,.
rinif 111. it lw lina inn,!,. iirrniiuiMiii'iil. In l.-n,i
nn Hiilniiliiv, Jiuiuniy I, Is.'.p, ilin Inrp, h, lmn,.
r: in, p mil luu'l i'nniililn tVuklv Xi-w K,riior
I'VlT illl,li-lll i. Il mil l,o n i.,, fi ,t.,,(
il tlio nn of tlio Xi-w n,i. l.eili r ! rrni.
liiininU niiu- lir iml ciliiniiin on P., (m,., ,1j n
li., in l,'iii(ili, nml il t l,o ,tin it I i t v of rtt I
Inn tit 1 1 or givmi ly nil y wooklr imi.or now imli.
i.-i,. ,i . ..,.i. i. : i . , r i .' .
tor, Moo.o.l ,,.l urivii.l.r.irl.l.fif. frmu nl.r,.n, itl 1 10. It .Ml Im in ..II rt.Mi.eclt. n 1 I,
Jnuiiiiil; cn,,.,,i,,i,, , Ito iiroi.Ui lin tV f , , , , ,
,,,-.,1.,, " i,, i n ,'it i .i niiu ii t'.-i....t i.u.r.
pnpiiliii nriti'i. in hliorn
llllilitilv Itoiiinnoo.
Iiiiiiniiy , itniimnri-t,
Slin ii-t,, Uniiy.-i, ro-iiim. Anoiilolot
" . "!"""'' ' '" Arl, e .fc. j
in nn,,, mi uiinKi Klin n nrc nnv, limit u , n-
,.,,,0, a,,,,,,,. ,i,,i,l.rWii,'eoi,.
.h":,,n:ni1 VJ'""" ""'h J"k- ,,.u! n,!"")
. . ... . . " -..
' ii-it iiiht. iiiioriiiuuiill nil, I li-hirrnnlii(- lln.
tlio ..icturo .I...JM, .tun, but H ,ll cun.itiii beauii. ,
fill Dcii;n- nnd l.iiRraniiKS, w hull tiny rt-lilly ;
illuflrnte nnd orniimotit n aul.jcot.
The .ubaeri-wr hna c.L'turod n Corn J
I. iii i. mi I .
I I ftii H A'" H-IIIU1I
1111, in
I'AI'S l!MIVv,
Tho .ubecribor lint nlrendy ciL-ttKod a Corpi , , , v.wuuvm. v-unoor, luporinuu.
,, :i.. ., ..... . K'-"u 11 J ri?,cod bv tin Inordiimto uso of tnorcury." jUiiiil-
.T I Kn f. . F c. l ti
" V j" t I o'Z, "XZ
! bo i.SprotcH'0a,P lt U H1, no ,li8Ui
I tificution thut bo unnuunrua It id luccott in oiurii -
I ,., . , , , . " .
"in puniic niiiy re.-i nssurou Itint no
wl" 0 untnei. by thn piili.M'riber to secure n
! grand nnd brillinnt accomplishment of bis i-ITnrt
t . o .. 1 I ; I. 1 1 i , . . .
.1. .. . 1 . 1 ... I ... i ...
i.. i :.. ,
u uo T"1 cupiuii,e.M,ononce,
lean, ng und ,. resolute expen.-.iec. .
no cnn.tcliaiion will tna.hly n-cnmiuond ,t. SW , b , b , r..jJiut.d Senreher," bu
torv " .iT "7""S "l'1'',t i I ,IIU1' ef--Ut Iliad no faith in iL I was
very best people by its oliservance o good nnd . vc ffeuU wll I commenced taking it, but I
aroi luneo o vi . It will beau unnl.jni.t.onablc lllUaj th:lt j i(j 8,lJUtll ,j b gyJ
and perlect la.uily newspaper-givng oirenee to:,,, lllnt eommenccd drying up Icon-
--ol joiuigiu dold. 1hos..l,ser,ber,havingll ,. , , ,,, as lf . ; , , j '
m7b caMnn'i r 7 !l v" "l" 1 evl'"'7'B "! ,"'!. ourth bottle, nn.i I have been healthier . net
publication of duly and weekly journals.anu ha- ,,,, ,mvo l.ce.i for the Inst seven vara. Al
v ng now connected hiiiMclfwi I, such well known ,u h ,v Uce , Fft( (,ua 0ll j ,m ,
e ' b?l!.Mnw .r1"1'''1", "'"ii"'"' B'efl t b-i?n Proudc-net who has spare
te. h.n.sell .ha th s new cn.crpnso will at once ' fc , A ,
atehieve a popular favor anu success uuparallel-) iutruitiL.itulit y of Livi-srv's Improvbd Bu U
d in newspaper enterprises SEARCtn. I;AVID MgCKEARyi
The (errns tor "fhc Cniistelliitn.n, "will be two ., , "vviiuj
dbllaM I'cr anuuui each, when t. u .,,i. .... ar., ......i Sworn aud subscribed, tbia Slat day of Auzui
in ouo fiivclopo to ouo address.
Twenty -eij;iit copies to ouo address, Sid 1)0.'
1 ivo copies do. do. SlJuO,
iwocopiin, do. di. $ j UU
Olio copy do. do. including posing.) or
delivery, $3 oil
All subscriptions to be invariably in advance
Sin -le copes, Fie cents. To N't-M .-jmpor ugeut,
J.'l ill per luil
A lute ntiirdiiy evening edition will bo pub-li.-l.ed,
usd left curly Sunday mornings nt the
re.-i-l, tii-i s of City subscribers, by regular oariers,
einployiid by tlio publisher. Those nhu desire
to i-,iiMiin-nee wilh the tii.-t nuiulier, sbuul l send
in their Mib-erij'tii.tis and orders as early as jms-
imc mice, owing to tlio iinmenso sue of the
j idiect, only meli numbers will bo printed as 111 ay
1 r,'l
All ord--rs and letters to bo
ftddro-.el to ibe
i unuersigiii-ti,
! CEOTtliK IlfilirnTS
12 and II, pp uce Street, New York.
Nov. 17, IA'jS.
The ' Great Eepublic" Monthly-
to tug i-ciii n-, nir: dook and puriqdicai, tuaui:. tub riiKss.
'.' havo tho honor tonmiounce tbnt woslmll
isMie, oil or about tho lust of I)c-ember
j next, so ns to be 111 (oamri to command lho ear-
1 ly uttcntion of the public and tho pcriodi:nl
n ude, the first number of a new illustrated 11111
n mue, to be called the "Urcnt Itepublio" Month
ly. It is intended to make this magazine su
perior in every rospec', to anything over before
issued iu this country, The general scopo of its
character can be-t bo underrtood by its name. It
mil bo ttioroulily National in no wise section-
' al or Sect irillll. and wbo'.l V ilnnersolnil. Tl will
"Her to tho writers an 1 thinkers of this Union
common held, when
common neiu, wnero nicy can meet on tho
nignest grounn 01 contemporary literature. It
will aim to gather abour it every variety of intel
lect. The range of articles will be a wide one, cov
ering, among other grounds, Essays, Sketches
numerous Tales, Stories, Historical Incidents,
Heviewt, Criliii es, lliographies, Scientific Ar
ticles. Travels, Table Talk, 1ranias, Incidents,
Polities, Put ins, Ualbids, Stanssl, Sonnets, Mu
sic, Correspondence, liossip, etc., efc, etc.
. 4 ' " ' " proiuseiy illustrated ill
'''Bj'V1 "O'le "f wood engraving.
I Tho Literary department will present g enter
j variety, combined with more thorough excellence,
I it is oelieved. I linn ever peforo offered to the A
inericnn public in a single periodical. The fol
i lowing authors and popular writers arc included
; iu the list of contributors engaged: (l.-o. 1).
j Prentiss, Charles Swain, FiU-Ureen Hal cek,
- Chas. J. Ingi'uell, Orentes A. Itrownsoii, (Ion.
I (ieo. P. Morris, Nathaniel Decring, lion. Chas.
ISnyarre, Win. (lilmore Simms, Purk llenjaiiiin,
Hon. Albert Pike, of Arkansas. Abbe Adrian
Koquctte. lion. H. T. Conrad. Hcv. Knlidi Hoyt,
."etui Mnilli, (Jack Downing,) .1
1. Jloaillev, ,
fol,. . oolliriin,r . I,.,, Ii., ,.r...
whom are many of the most popular iu the couu-',
j Each number will contain an original piceo of
I music composed cxpreslj fur this work.
Of the superior cxecili-iico of the Magaineln1
every resiect, and of tho certainly of iu pernnt
; nent suscess, very little more need be snid.
I Tho terms nud general conditions of lho Mag-
niino will be ns follows: l
Ti:HMS-There will be two volume, a year, 0,j
about JHO royal octavo pages each, commencing
111 tiuiiunrv u u tiinv. niiu nniiinv in jn a nnn
111 January ana July, mill ending in Jane nnd
1coomlM"r ,?petl-y mnfciuK nix numbers to
eat'1 volume, nnd twelve numbers to eaeh yenr.
subscriptions mny oomnience at any time. Sin
gle coiiies, 25 cent ; iiibsciplion, one copy ono
year, rent by mail, $:l 00 ; clubs, two copies one
year, $.) (Ill ; ciuhs, throe eopiei one year, $7 0(1 ;'
clubs, four copies one year, $'J 00; clubs, five cop
ies ouo yenr, $10 00 : nnd all additional Copies,
over live, at the rato of $2 00, if sent to the samo
club. Clubs may be formed at difl'eront post
offices. All subscriptions must be paid In ad
vance. Premium Subscriptions entitling the
subscriber for one year, and to thoir choice of
either of our two great ileal engravings, entitled
"The Lust Sujifier," and "The City of the
b'reat King," J our Dollars,
The engraving will bo sent on rollurs by mail,
Agents and canvassers can make liberal and
satisfactory arrangements upon application, sta
ling tho territory required. All pout m triers nnd
clersgymen are authorised to receive subscription
which they mny forward to ns, giving name aid!
address of suVscriber, and deducting 'li per cent,
for their trouble. Tho rato of postage will not!
exceed throe cents (or each number, to be Baid
in all eases at the office .where it is rcoeired. All I
communications ;to be entitled o answer, must rphc Bftbseriber respectfully Inform, the c1(!'
contain return stamp. Subscriber, must la all 1 ,cn, of the Borough of Clearfield and vidn.
case, write Name., Town, Conn.y, and Stale in ifTl thllt he has taken a lease ol
full, a. legibly a. pessible. Ihero i. little risk 1 . v ir . ,!.
in sending money by mail. Largo sum. should ; all ClkifJ iiiCffiira'fl 0 ISsjM
be remitted by draft, if po.sible , ' registered ' a,jomii.g the town, where ho will coi,
letter. OAkS.Mlrii A CO., Li,ii. i,ni,i i-.n t..
Publisher of the"Oreat Renubllo" Monthb.!
112 and 114, William Street, New York.
WM. 1'. C1IAMUE1W.
-ARRIES on Chairmnking. Wheelwright, end :
j nouse ana Mgn pointing at Ctirwonsvllle
ClearUeld co. All orders promptly attended to
Jan. i, 1858.
miik nutvVT 1 1 iivn .
I -I'tr i i n i n ii 1 1 -niri,
T'l VT 'ipi it U" - f u,
t.- Mr; HI mill f r A II i III ft
, t-iii,'inirM.v inn Mi nuM',
Hitntn iliitiiioiil i-f tuvlil Mi t'rotiy, f Ntpi,.
I'm n-lii, llo, II ,f I foil ii IT I
In April, I i.l a, n n.'ir M T rmn romoinlirr,
M.inll tliiiiln tnn'l- lit ninitrfiiio nn my upper
lip. k In, Ii r,in lioi-nuit on Pit ifoil nn, I torn. 1
ll-o, .niittrnt, of Unrrol, tlhl ITlull of l.lllt r ll
riol, wiiliniit oiTorl. Flmlina tU mro tutonj.
Injt, 1 rnlloil nn Dr. Kljr, ol ("chr-IMmrg, tthn
proimtinooil it CAM'KII, sml pro,-rllio, it wni-l,
nl Fiilnr il IkhiI, nml Lrrml putiltlut-i. 1 iiuling
tlio.e roiiio,lit- of nn n t i 1 1 ralloil on l'lr. Mtuf.
Hit, nf lliivitlnvilti-, Huiitnrnot county, who tliu
" " "-rV" 1 "!'" Hvt In-
' ' ll. .'''"bcn-tlie ln.tor con.i.t-
? """I ' ?'tUS ' '' '""' Vi,
... '
i , r,.,.,K ,,,wl,ru nit nmo.
i ncxt .. i .,,,.,..,; ,.f ,.: i ,i..
,,f ,.. I l.i. f. . ,:,. i.,i...i .i.. j.
lint the liiflnmutinn oii Inorf tioil. nit ptlln.l
on Ir. Stutli-r of l"t. ( lain ville, I!irl ford count,
who nlvo proiiuiiiiootl the ili..on.-ie Cnnoer, and up
plied a rnlvtfnld to lie a novor fiiilhi)j; remedy,
but it bndnueflVGtwhnlTerin checking the iprvail
of the mire. In December of the anma venr. Hit
"' u ni.u IIIUII.-IVOU nit ui,bo, wiion 1 weal to
c iclnnrittl. wi.c
,,. 0f the ri.-olie M
i' ,i it
T. jL1 T'l i ,1
I consulted Trof. R. S. Xow.
mlicnl CollosJ. He tironoun .
t'L-"' HI1
. i . ...,,,1 ointmn, Hnj
inn Intorniil
pUei, lnd zillC oin,
' , ""Vi"
, t S'
! i, ',' ..' ...,;i , .,.
.My fnco healed up, but the Influuui-
rotnovod. In hebruuv.
uie cured, and I luft fur
homo. Iu Airil tlio disoaso asr.-iiii returned and
so violent was the pain Unit I could no', rost ut
night. I.ulo iu Jlay I returned to Ciucinuati, nod
again plui-cd niyfolf under the charge of Dr. Xew
ton, w ith whniu I remained until September, du
ring which timo be used every known remedy,
uud partly succeeded in checking the disease, but
when I returned homo there were three discharg
ing ulcors upon my luce. I continued usinz Ncw
meaus , ,. ,,,.,., .i ,.i... i:..:.. . ....
..... U ,.. . ... ....I , ..(.. ..vw.v.uv ll.u. M. g'l.
from Dr. Kly, but the Cancer coutinuod growinir
until it. unit c(i nil
until il bud cot vl)' tli e left title of my note, tA
,,, , .,,,. i ,ft, given up ll bono of over bo
(il curel, Dr. Kly. (niJ L ,j , -
rcRt.f. but that a cure Wat iin,.ibl. I.
butotv tue, onu of the Justices of
u , . m l"r.luu a-ouju oi iiomnaya
burg, lilair county. Pa.
Witno V. J- Joucj, JOUS C0RLEV, J. 1'
I Cuing nlDiuted wilh a grcvious letter on the
I arms and face after trying many remedies which
I utterly failed to euro 1 wa pursuaded by
I.M. I'urris it Cj., to try Lindeey'i ImpruTud
J lilood Searcher, aud uow, six weeka nIor hri
lishing the twond buttle, pronounce inyscif cured.
The tetter bruko out, something over a year
ago. on the inside of my arms, extending from
Ithu elbows down to the wrists; also, on my
ll'aec. immediately round tho moutb and chin,
I and continued to be a Mrment to me urt-
lil cured by tho Wood Searcher. My arms, at
times, wort almost useless, owiug tb the cracks
and sores 011 mum, linblo to bieed at any litno
on the least exertion to lift or -rork, nnd some
times so itchy that 1 could scarcely prevent
tearing oil' uiy flesh. I have now boou cured
weeks, and feel it duo to Mr. Lindsoy, and
to too publio generally, to make this state
ment, in hopo that others liko myself may be
benefitted by u-ing bis valuublo medicine.
S ivor 11 am' subscribed before me, one of tho
Aldermen in nnd for tho City of Pittsburg, tbit
2itU dny of July, A. I).
AND. MeM ASTER, Alderman.
September 22, ltjjS.-uiuo.
Tr AM. PKRSOXS to whom tbosii pjes
ents shall come, I Kl'DOLPH LITZ the
subscriber, hnvlng sotns years ago jiven Darfi
Lit, of Clearfield borough and John Litz of Hoc
caria township, a power of Attorney, constituting
them my ngenta to transact ray business, in ma
kir'g scttleiiunt, collecting iny debts, taking
nines and receiving monies, ucd renting and
managing nry farm iu Boggt township, in here
by NOTIFY ALL ?tKS3XS that I have
1 and do, this dny annul and revoke said powor of
Ati.TTDcy, anil mat 1 navo assumed therontrol
and lnniinginent of my own affairs, and that I
will licuiefurth liiaiutgo iny own estate, make
my own contracts, aril collect and pay my own
debts: and further, I hereby notify all persous
indebted to me, either by contract with the aaid
David Liu uud John L':U or myself to niako pay
ment to mo nnd not to the said David Lilt or
John Litz, as I will not recognize their nets from
and after this date,
Clearfield October lOtb, 1U..3.
tu i,j
'"" uca" .TXIUUIC IU
the World for
Mil i.2Jll. J
. , t
Jj LClliaU S SlinCl'lOr 1'ilOS-
. I . i r
punic 01 Lime,
At $10 per Ion, or 21 cts. a lb., by the barrel.
AmK-erwl nml lln.nmn,nn,l,J f
- "V" ('ymu.uiuw lui
rrofcssnr ('HAM. T. JacKMOX,
Ltemist of the United Shcj l'attnt Offi'X,
Wuthhuion, 1). C.
Clt will repay tho eutlay 0 to 100 por
cent., and will not bum the teed by coming iu
contact as tiuauo djes.
(IT3 Try it,prozc il ! !
G. A. LEINAU, Proprietor;
Xo. 21, South FRONT Street,
Fhileuh lphit OVv, lt.;
Or of my Agent throughout the Country:
r-fTAAi.vsis can bo seen at my Office.
sfjCnsh Mailtd with the .order will receive
prompt attention.
I A liberal discount to Storekeepers who
buy to sell again.
Pamphlets call be had at my Offioo.
aug. 4, 1858. 3m.
d. A. I..
Coal! Coal!
V ... ' . WV. H"
nrticle, cither lumps or mixed to suit ptn -cluiscrs.
I'ersoDs in town enn ho vuiH' i
wit ft it at their homes
at six cMitirtM-.-
bu,inol or at l'nuk lower than ever- "-
A share
ntrrinfl?e is solic!td.
Sept. 1st. Itf. tf