i I : l I 1:1 ! Oil '-i ' l'l.i:.l;ril:l.l, IVoeinbcr "II, h.-s. THE NEW8. '.'ungrc.-i. mi Wt Monday week adjourn cdour the llollidnys, and consequently their are none of their doingss to record. This is tlio pay foiiKOn at Washinton, during which everybody tries to enjoy themselves to (lie best of tlii'ir abilities. Tho overland mail from California ar rived at St. Louis on ln!t Sunday. They . .1 . ... 1 1 . . mm. . :.. report ticep Micros on mo .ouio. i hi iy morn lav-u than individuals? We progrcsu having been much impeded there-j ti jn While their i-Mies should bo by ; and much mlleiing was r i"'-fod by limited inoie strictly than it present, they tho piiss.-ii.Ti-. One- Mntlcmwiiiia;1'0''1,1 ,llst' compelled 1o k '!' ?l'1,lt ,. , . . ! J cr amount of specie in their vault. At Ins fret badly frozen. A co.r vfry '. S. ( Mf Hfo ,nll ,,,, 1,ipl,.s(.nIll. Soldiers bound for Fort Huch.'ttMde of H nt j ,jVl.a p- value, bv.t if there is no bullion on i i . . .... : : tr ,i: ! i i . , . ... . i. i ..... i.: .. iipUClie pus:-, !tUV J 1 1 J'liiaim: con in - 526,000 damngeti for needlessly perforiuina tho ''Ciesarean opcnition'' upon his wif'o. Tho lady survived, but is hopeles-dy in , , , . , ' jured, and her nervous system destroyed. -Sov. 2oth was observed wa day ot , Thanksgiving, in uocordanco with the rec ommendation of the Governor. Tho mining Olid agricultural interest of tUo Golden State were never in a more prosperous condition. Intelligence of another murder of a -!'.... l ..-,jT-! l. l'... vi.ueinnn oyincj-iu mver inuians nas , ltonn received. Tho news from South Orepon confirm tho reports of tho cold discoveries; and j new diggings equ ,ii.. i -i e. ,1 III. II IIUl C II I 11 HUIII'I on Coflee crock, a branch of the South Nupgua river, about twenty-Cvo miles uIkivo ('recent city. About seventy mi ners are already there. The news from Mc.vieo records no change in the hopeless coudition of tho country. Zalungo, is etill at tho Capitul, but prepared for Glit at any moment. Accounts from Australia, details the rap" id progress of their public improvements. A revolution is also talked of, to produce a separation from tho mot her country. The Kansas gold exeiteinen continues, and accounts from Chcry Valley and Tike's Teak confirm all that has hereto fore been told of the richness of the mines. From Europe the dates aro up to 17th. Several fillibuBters have been arrested near the coast of Ireland. The Atlantic Cable is in tinlu quo. Information has been received at 'Wash ington that ii l$riti.-h War Steamer, the Ajax, had boarded an American Merchant man off the const of Cuba. . J. Glanry Jones nominated as Minister to Austria, has been confirmed, and he de parts for Kuropo iu a few days. A Complete Fizzle. Tho at tempt of tho opposition to manufacture political capital out of tho difference in the views of President Buchanan in his mobsageand Secretary Cobb in his report on the Tariff, lias proven a comple fizzle. Their success last winter in fanning tho flame of discord in the Democratic party on the Kanf-as question, flattered them into tho belief that they could accomplish the same ob ject on another question ; but they have fallen so flat in tho attempt, that they have given up in despair. Toor fellows their prospects aro becoming as gloomy as over. Ei.us Harter, tried at the Court of Oyer and Terminer of Clinton County at the Dec. lion mntiv of them bavin" their feet nnd ' '"''' 's mrillv u i.ii'ik in the I nion nine 1 s -, , , ,, , , , ' i . i 0,(i,.R.j ol- unlnu tliv food, impure uir, tilth , . , . "'cnuir un nun, miiny 01 uu in nnwiin in. o an iiihi . .,, .',,,. i MMKo llie mow. M.i rout npi'lause. i o I ho Jc lc rso i I'ountv line, mid eontinu- , ,-,.i i i . . , ' i I snip, Clouitieb cotiutv, and Hus i t.iwiuliin r.. hand, frozen, and a,, undor-o ,e prcd- 'J Amoj.p r ...o variou. v laces that are eon,! inp in tho same eourso thn. mih. into j v ' , SV ! t!! t "5 Z -I .,...,, , , , ,i i. petilois tor t lio pi eat pi (', I urwet svi lie . ,) e clson countv t hciieo eiistward in a I i i c. i i lu a nuo oiik in tlio line ot XI u nun Bi i,?i,, C.-l linulsliljis, lroat v exceed the specie in their van s. '. i m ., , i . ,i , , , ,. UMlJ u" 1K" nsiwaiu in n CVPr he its oni;iii, it is liiiTihtiiry in the emi-i .,..,., .,n. i,v l,nis ,,i' a ii, . - . i? An important medical ca-o is now on An individual doinp ihis lund of bigness, ..rll, est corner of . stitll,,, oidi,, ' trial in tho district court San Francisco would be considered banki upt ; nnd why ! ' ' ; , ,", ;, f, ; . CTTl ' 1Mi '"V "'' "',C1,i'" ,,l-,d C0""-l-V' ,1,t!,,i;0 "",0 tl,u ,hil11 ,,mrth "('"t'ru1'"11 i" ""1. I tlieia-e .uuih, 40 .lorot'., oa.t, iap, tummtlio U.sttn t .... I ranci. c ( dw mdle .n. . . s.pn.t cane. And soon eastward ulonp the I e l township h.io so it Wm.s to ho the mil of Hi... who says, " I 1 ,, i ,ilu Uivi,li,ni,no in the trU , of And Dr. Cooper is sued by u Mr. Hodpos for icrysooii, (airwriisv. He will beeo.npelled as to include Wm.T. Thorii, thence south- will visit iha iuiuuitics of the iatlitis itiion , Allinun and Join. J.ibiev : thence ,o.,.h s7,T Term, fir inanblauhter upon the person oflferred to, Theodore Kice, a negro, after a full and patient trial was lionombly acquitted. T"! : M.na ... .. x 4 V . ,i n 1 . .i , 1 Cllntl' TTa AilCO II MO l Ullll IU W wmv uttv,'. .v . . . lr Jiau Denavea in a rioious amiuu'r m jjiu-, tor's liousq upon the day ef his decaaso. And at the time tho blow was given him which it was supposed caused his death, lie was in a hostile attitude, and bidding Ration to the matter. Hear him, you that caus0 ,ir runi0Vtti KOUlX depreciate the deli ancetoMr.H. It also appeared ujion seek todojusticeand then coniparejnotcs. 1 value of property in ('leat field, and in itio trial, that be had received a severe i bone tho Journal will contradict its former crease it at Ihe new location. ,".rd lie- blow with a gun-lmrrcll upon the opposite! kiuoot tno neaa ironi wnicu ne was struci; liy Mr. Hartor, a few days before. Leav ing it in doubt which blow produced Lis death. . The Clarion Democrat, with much force and appropriateness, remarks: "A republican paper inquires 'what will be Ihe position of tho Democratic Tarty twelve years hence?' We ran answer that question confidently. It will occupy it did twelve yeurs ngo, and that it ocnu. pie now. it lias tieen, now is, and ever .111 It.n .l,,,,r,1. A r Clnla. mil d..v,vl uviomu VI rights, the rights of the people nnd the in- togrity of tho constitution. Such is its po. sition now, such it will bo twelve years hencc, and as long as the country exists a united and independent confederacy." I Wouf,v.-A controversialist in one of our exchanges, anys of his antagonist, . . isi, mai .. .! lie "undoubtedly possesses ft faculty of. my ing less in raoro upace, than any of li is ' lintiiigtiished cotemporaries, exctfit Syl- vanusCohb, Esq., the romnntic author of ., .r v i.o ir i i-i 1 the Tyrant aultl He must certainly bo t.nusallv prolx if l.o comes so nearly i - i'i- -i 1 r , . iiplollusdrtingmshcd manufacturer of literai'V li:i-h. Our !'ftiikiii(j Pjilrm , I O tint I' f III' I i i 1,1 lllol Heil III V in I. . I " dill" ! the i . . In -1 1 1. 1 i. n 1. 1 lo il, III' I "I I 'O t . !. . m In I he l.ii' K H' i t"t'l "I 1 '."t l"l". 1 1" '. ' l " l .(', l. Iv m,c. ; .- I'., r.,i (I,,. l.,i,1. in ll'l .'..nu ll V i II II nli'lVei I In' J i.'i t i I ti 1 1 'lid ol tin ir 111 -itl.'ll, III. V fllll-l I'tldclg'l II lii'll.'lll In' I'l'" Ill tlii'ir i 'i ;':iiiinl hoi. I In l o in ii -I l'C II limit pho'ed I'poli tln ir I il .'lllnt I III, mid Hi. I be iillioM'.l, lis now, lo i. ml lliril' III'.'.IIIIIIIII.ImI i.llll I'l llll Unlimited extent. Tin y Imvc it in llu ir power to ci.nio ii panic ul li ii.-ui i , in; I ,i!u.i,i ill liiivioini;ncil!ililclt'tl no lit I'ti'sciil. l.iUc ilidividiiiils they lnu-l l.c ci in 1 1 ic! 1 1 'i i to ilo I o i -1 1 ii 1 1 i i 1 1 tlic I' I nr. i H-, and n.it l.c nlliovi d lo i-Mio tlicir .iiiiiiisi to pay to liiur or livo linii'K tlo ir ability to pay. Were wo to Jim- mir paper f"r lour times tin- niiiount of our menus, uc would snon lone our rcintation and tlio conlidenee of the coniiiiunity, and j'utly so. If this rule is a pood one w hen applied to indi vidual citizens, il certainly oueht lo be pond when npplied lo the transactions of mx or twelve men doinj; business under a charter. .Should banks bo treated with n :i uu id i;iy Willi, liny iij'i.stiil iiiiiniii . . i Nomination of Hon- Jcllu Letcher. r - ? I ' a ,m., !.,. 01 Coiipress from the lXth dis- j t isi iii .mi, I,,,, 1 ion ii ,,'i'. it ni i ,v -1 1 1 1 ; triet ot lipinia, was nonunateil on Iiauir-1 I day as the Democratic candidate lor l"v Icriior of the Old Dominion. The contest .'tills 1. it'll HtO'lll l.llll I.Yl'il ill" bill HOW till- L,,,, KIS ,wn Illu(i0i the" whole party w ill i.div to the standard, and li ci Mr. Letcl.ci' by a handsomo inajority. The Uemocriiev ot irizniia liave reason lo proud of their candidate for the Chief Ma-; :.,....... ,- Ccmmmm ealth. A- iueinb'ro!'Coiipress,Mr. l.etilier haseani- ;cd a w ide reputai ion, not only as a statcs- "'i"'-l. views, ul also as a whose public acts inn parallel, ii(.. - '.'i"ii I,,.;, I . , wit h I hat path in w h.ch he Ira vein a- a pri vate individual. The election for ( io cm or in Virginia lakes place in -Jay, lSj'.l, and in the mean time, all the iiucstions attaching to the controversy will be hilly canvassed. We have no doubt of the election of Mr. Lcti lnr. V. The Viii' .Yt'v in ulluding to the tC- i i in' 7 .11." I in u.iuiiiii in ui' .. . r., ,,' i : ., . ' . ..i . i .v . .v., ,v .,.. v.. .... people oi iiiiiii wiicn rea l in mem, . , that Mr. Buchanan lias actually "done ! something lo make men wonder." Thi.- is more than the Xan is likely to do toon comviN vs Tin; jouuxai.." We cheerfully insert the foilowing com niunication, by which we have been kind ly favored by a friend, to refute the ab surd story of the lt;0,000 won at a gamine houso in Washington, by a U. S. Senator. Wo have not alluded to it editorially, be causo we did not think that my man of common sense, or ordinary intelligence would believe it. If however any have been credulous enough to place any faith in it, we think they will bo convinced of its absurdity. J. II. L.uiKtvr.n T.sg. Dt.vit Sib An article appeared in the editorial columns of the ll'it'tsmans Journal of tho 1st instant, en-' dorcing an article on tho outsidj of the same paper, styled "A Gambling Hell!' thus giving the article a double notoriety, and consequently doing a double wrong to the gentleman named. "Tiie Sr.XATOit who WontiiatS180,0(J0. Great curiosity is manifested to know the name of the "distinguished Senator" who, uccording lo a recent statement of tho Washington correspondent of tho Boston Post' won MNi.OlHl at "faro ' in that city, V.l.,1,1 t1,,.1.l 1...I,.,-', Ii.,1 r.fll.A' u" "'1. ..".i " i-'s, i.ii i. events it, mis oceorne ncceessary Unit a new late session of Congress, an account of (.01t 10US( bhould be erected i'n this coun which will be found on our outside. Anjtv, which will cost somebody "a large exchange, seys the Cincinnati Times, dis-j,;;ie nn,i whereas wo, the citizens ol closes the fact that Hon. James A. Pierce, j Mount .Jov, liko some other people are oi Maryland, is tuc enaionai niaeiueg re- lie is a Democrat, The article is wholly untrue in two par- ourselves as possessed of sufficient "sharp ?ularf 1st Senator Pierce never won the,,'ui,,rss ,a,t" ,0 go into ''a speculation," licuhii'f- ! i . jt I ouui lltllliv., IIO I1D 13 U iW.l ,,Ol 111 llll' , , L , , , J SUIll lltllUC'.l, 11X3 IS U tW'A 7IKOI 111 llll' oroaoosi tense 01 me icrni nnu seconu he is no democrat being an old lino whig. P.ut I shall proceed to give you the tos - l timonvoftho Hon. Thomas Corwin, in re-' article and thus satisfy a trie i iuend. i ,,. Tl If lir , 1 , 111 I'll'lllll "' ..villi lllilivt.' U i'l "Sevator PEAncr, or Mn. Wetakc the '. fc following from a late Cineinntti journal : i1 .',.;.,7 ii,,.i . 1 , .1 ti o .1 .1 .1 sun ,.-' -ii.'"'! '' that we are opposed to tho I he Senator who won the the : MS 0 ,000 : ,,,nM,.lUo Curwensvillo, b'o causo-There at tho faro bank of the "chs mgu.s bed is-nt j., , cnou,d to put the I , i d! sportsnian" recently de,eedata.sh,ng.ji 8 d Jt G, , hQn ton, is said to have been Hon. James A. ; ,1 . , r, r 1 . iinvin, rearee. of Md.-Cin. (in:.. 15. ' iem rom 0n.e SCtof. ."''"Y1' io ' ---- ILm. Jumet A. Pearce. Ex-Senator Cor- win does an act of simple justice to Sena- tor Tearce in the following note, which we ! innl published in tho Cincinnati (azette: Cincinnati JV. 15. X.-KJih.rs Gu:Hk: In your paper of to-day you nay you are lnlortneil that the lion. James A. 1'earce, fM.l 11. a C.r...l.n ..-l. ClUOio.! l.l 44VI,, IP IIH3 Uei'llll'l HV n oil iro,i..oiF last winter, in n gambling house at Wash- ington. This cannot be truo. I know Mr. Ten ice well; I know he never did play at any qame during mv long and in-1 tiuiate acquaintance with him. Mr. . ., . . i . ... ' i-i .. ... -e i ,- . 1 l-ill i;U 19 II V 1, lllill BOIU Ul U1U 1. 1 Ull Will uu V'" oy eo uraaicung ,)0le ju .,oup issuo to-morrow - I UUI UlWftLlui'li Jl iiruilV, Ul llll!IL LIllM Tuos. Corwix. Tl . I i . . t, lliosewiio kllOW .Senator Pearce per- sonally, need not lie assured that themanly nJ generous effbrl of Mr. Corwin, in liis Jcfenco on this oeeass on, s founded on nUh mi(1 ju,tioCi e un,ler any circumstance" I un i rimy iiKuuisuince. i AMF.liK'A. ler. ",tli, 1S;,H. 1 he County Pent nt Motml Joy I i A" 'b'u I i 1 1 . i -ii in. I i .., n lui 'i mod i i el the i ilu. in i I Mount .'"V loid I il.lt inn uibb I oil rue'd iV I I i llin..', the ep ,-,, MO Wlll.UI W l l I I llll Mill, t ike I ho , ,bn, died to the i lour, and .'"liii Sliuv up "I Sc. letni . I II.' I'le'l b lit bin mi' I the i 't 'ji i i ol the 1 1 i. "t i 1 1 1', lo be, to neiiMil i'I o pi linn i I lie reinoMil of untv eat Ii oiil I'leailicld to Moiinl ill.'d l'.r MiL'i'riplioiii lor the - II o the polinlv blllldiliL's. f I'orlv M' - r 1 1 i iii ol the poiiniv biiildiiiL's. fl en llioii'and ilolhns were unaninioiisly Mil.v l du d by I -:ponMl.e pal t les. ( liiver ( 'oiiMin, ,li".. livens, Mm l is Wnl- be e, P. ,V I K ens and Joseph Loll llsblll V were uppoiiined a coininiltce to diall reso lutioii. iiiiin.' their nbsciico ,1. I'islioii Shaw lu. wiis called tinon to iiddrcss the alleil upon to ii.i niectiii.'. He proceeded to do so as fob ! y live years, and w e would fui llo r state lows: Itiiat wo intend to remain hucIi for the Mil. rursiiu'vr, and fellow cili.ens of next twenty live years to conic, unless the Mount ,Ioy : There is, as you kntnv, ut , same be sooner accomplished, wo there the present lime a prent excitement 1 torn deem it impolitic lor us lo lake part in ' throughout Ihe county in repaid to the ro- said meetiiip nt Curwcnsville, nnd hereby j moviil ol'tho )iublii3 buildinps from t ld i instruct mid dclop:;toit in iiceordaco there-' Town, and 1 have no doubt if wo make with; and al the sumo time no would so-1 the proiicr exertion we can procure their licit the aid of both t'leiirlield and Cur-1 removal to Mount Joy. I Cheers! We wensville in our M'esi'iit enteriiiize. I have been sulleiiii" heie lor a loop time by reasons ol not haviup the public build inps; but at last the dawn approaches, innl now tho liual and ploi ious result de pends upon ourselves, for "llerdlinp bondsman, know von not i" iivi.i, nun inii.i i tun oeieu upon oiu but. nor. loyour tents then, () men of Mount Joy! lluekleon your urmor and ii rein ire ioi ine I "in : i n nnuers ol An- , I - - - 1 phiu-e. l no preat season piven i.y our ailvei'sary i is that 1 'urwensville is on th ! Erie. Uiroans. J!ut mv f lllph way to .ow citizens, what profit can tho people of thi I' "i"' vwi,,.,., at Do the people of Ki io pat Curwcnsville' Do they county uei ive troni (hat do their dealin uy tlicir w hiskey, lolmcoo, and other necessaries there? Do they pet '.heir l l.icl.simthnirr and shoeing done there '! .o, jir. i resilient, eelio answers no. - Cheers. Hut w liei e are wo located, sir ; answer, sir, on the shortest route be tw ecn the usqtiohannu ami the great Sin namahoning : (ApplaiiseJ nnd let me tell you, fellow citizens, thetinde ol Sinnama honinp is of inure import nice lo the peo ple nt this county, than the trade of Jjric. .uiouier reason urpeu by l.ie citizens ol Ciinvonsvdle is, that tlio country round their town is pood lor agricultural purpos- ;es, the soil being at least half an inch in .thickness. 1 grant you, Mr. I'lc-i'lenl, ! his is a ttroii't argument, but here, too. . "boy must yield to Mount Jov, for by ae- tl,;l u'.oi.siireinetit our soil is just five eights : beers. I Mis sir, w e beat them one eight, and 1 feel satisfied that if this argument bo properly urged before '.he Legislature, it will .settle the contro versy m our favor. I treat Applause. I Hut we are told, on the other band, Mr. l're.-ideiit, that the lemoval of the county j seat from Cloarticld, w ill be a great lo-s to i the citizens and property holders of that town. True, sir, such may be the ea-e, ( but it is their look out and not ours, an 1 I hold, with the oilier "sh.ii p" men of the county, that the motto of every business man should be, "Tut money in thy pur.-e. j No matter by what means.'' Cheers ; Tlio removal of the county buildings here will put money in our put. so, and very. soon utter it is done, wo will all bo builds ing large brick palaces liko they are now doing in Old Town. Applause. J Thus you see Mr. President, their loss, will be our eternal gain ! Terrillie Chens J 1 think, sir, we can easily beat Curwcns ville. We have "bccii" their thirty thous and dollars and "went ten better." Ap plause. We liavo surppassed them in tenth of soil, and I havn no iliinbt wo i nn surpass them in every thing eNc, and if they should hold another meeting and su scribe a larger sum, then wo will double their subscription. "Shell out McDuff And damned bo he who first ci ies hold, enough !" Tho speaker took his seat amid raptur ous applause. The committee reported the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted. whereas, In tho course of human -. I I fol)(i (,f " iPC opcnition,"-and desire to make "a cood thina of it." reirardine therefore. . . , , , , ,, , . , .. . IviP'i'-cd that tho removal ol the eoun v Kent from its nrniit loenihin ;u .,i.t liitoly necessary, and highly expedient for - 1'6 following reasons: 1st Because the on,''11.,, of Clearfiel.l refuse to en ct the 01,,rt ''' we,cou''l ft the public buildings tl.t f, ."II,- M'A l..,,l.l .....i. .... inein to anoinor. ova Jt tliev were re- moved to Curwcnsville wo could'nt cot them at Mount Joy. Unohrd that it is tho interest of the people of the county to nnve tho county " ". uw:Vse-,,t. H ;is the, ,"",.pi,ntrnl location nd It is on the public thosoiighfare. leading from Tyrone io me innanianoning ora l lie "wealthy . 11 I 1 i". - ,1 I . II U 11UU I IH! II ee. I llCIllsl'l VC-4 lOllsl I nml I ,,,., tou l,w , ,, .u I,, lo.l,.,,,,, ,,,,- -.--- -v - n. , . , . ..rl i .. .... . ,, ,. ... i - --' " ,"l cll"fn -, ,. Mount .Jo' WlU 7V,ct tll0j,,ie losi wllR'1' iiseitizons had sustained hy ''"chui dings without one dollar ol ox- the decision of the Connecticut Court nnd. 1 V i -p . , . '""t l ie l resident apjioint a comn."u'e ol twenty-five to procure sub - seltlit ions mill Rend ftorcru in I Im ru ,nra in . .... .. - 13 - Cet II lull tiacSOU t)V the Lom.shit.iiro - . 1 , m-r-m y urwensvnie iniit, tno new court llouso l,al,,litfMu - l.,nlunr.fl ,m.,l l.nll ;'.... i . ... UUilb V,J t. in l.ll'. wuil J1I-1U ill V l.l wensvillo and Mount Jov ftltrrnn.ti'1 v. ,, .. . . - j , Shows a disposition to "cave" nnd bo ro. j'ected with the contempt it deserves. iVWrcZ-that. the proceedings of this meeting bo published in tho Clearfield and Lur papm e 1 ln Ul0U1,lcld -n ,i r , J he meeting then adjourned. W.M. WALLACE. Tntsr. .TuHJf Sll w, W, 11NK COUNTV MhUlNUl A II' i . I MU' el I he ft i M'l ol line 'i"Ui h w is h. ld nl Sen nlnli.oii ii". t", l-'.s. lo on'.- AteliUon n eh . Ie. I i i "idcnl, l ei I I'm i s and .limn I'm-, Vi. e l i- -idciils, and .limn I'oWlcr. .vei ') , .Iiiiin t iallaln i , John M. I 'iilninitiir-, Saiinii I Sel.iilitf, mi l h'lis-i I M'.Muila,, wni' appointed n i oiiimil lec lo cmmiilt Willi couiliilt tec II olil I'heliy Tice III lei en lire lo l.oiiudatics ol siiid eoolily. While the committee was out it was le solved in ni'iioint n cmiunit tee ol lour to attend the loecl inn nt ( 'in w rhs die on the 17th, and the toll, m hip iustructiolis i 1 1 lo said coniuii; tee ; H7.ii". we have licen favorablo to the erection nl I'ino ( 'omit v for the hist Iwfn. Tho committeu on liouudarics Hii'imit ted tho follow inp report, wliich was unan imously adopted, viz i "Commelicilip at tho soul Invest corner of Montmnnerv townshin in Indiana coun- , ,..... i." i: ,i- ii,.,,, ti. in, ii uim il L' in i ui mill ii.uiiit'1 i ' . . . .... c - ieasL ill a h.rai.'liL lino to .lunios tiiv k in I Jordan luwn.shin in Clcailiehl eoimte thente southerly to tlio mouth of Whi'l - ..w..'.. ,,,,, i ',,,.,.! ,...,...), i... ,,v J 1 Ull u.l ,v (,, ,1, lf V I .:, I 111 III " II I, jsaid creek to the Cambria county line, i the.icy soiithwesterlv to t lie snuthcust, icurnor ol ('het toWlisbin in ('iiinbi'iii nnnn t thence westeilv alonp the southern i line of said township to the southeast cor- i jinu ui sum iuw nsiiip iu iiii so lwr of .Susijuehanna tow iibhip, i point on the Indiana countv t hence to a IKillit on the iiiilnina couniv 1 1 n where buid lino would bu iiilcreet,-il I ,c ii. r.oitt ir. - nation ol the line between tireeti and Cherry 11 ill townships lo the forks of Two I.ieks creek, thence to the place of be-' ginning." j A meetinp to the same effect was held I ill Cliest township, on the l'tli December, lSjts:. A. S. To.er. lYcs't. James Dowler. Sec'v. .bones lion In- I lot Woi.-nll A x T..-.V and b.ra liool, were chosen to represent ' ,,..t. i(1.i i,s , n at lL.. i,.,'tm,r .,, i:. wensville on the 17th. with the ""lolluwimj j instriu lions : j "Jicsuiccti that we arc opj.osed to any ! I measure which will operate against the iii- j i tores ts of Pine count., ; that we will use ;all fair and honorable means iu our power : I to have a bill passed by the Legislature to1 ,lorm Ibe ne.v eouiiiy of Pme without rcl- j jercuc" to any measure or interest w Inch iuui'. .'.uo.s.1 ii uu u.l, Signed by the ofiieers. At a meeting held at Smith's Sehool house in 1'ell township, on the 10th Doc, the follow ing resolutions were unanimous ly ad op l ed : Vi'M'ti', That our delegates to the C'ur '.veiinville Ci nvi miou po lor the interests ol Pi n i) c'Uiiitv, and i'mc county alvrif. ji'ioi.n, That the delcpaies withdra'.v ii oui the euiiventioii uftcr reading the. above iiistructioii. II. D. KOSi:, Pros'. lli.Miv Ijjiltii, Sec'y. On our Table. "Tin: L'oustMttion." About this time wei expect to receive the first millibar ol the j greatest weekly paper yet published, to be; commenced at the first of tho coming year, j "The Constellation," Edited by Pauk Hen- i JAiitx K-ip and Published by George Kob-' ens, ui o, ,,-r .iiinuin. ror jiaruc uiars , . i it see novcrtisenient in this paper. Tie Ot'nffvc Furnur. Wo have on our table the Doe. No. of this popular Mag azine, and monthly Journal of Agrieulturo and Horticulture. The terms cf this pub lication are so low that they come within the reach of every one, even if they are ta king another similar one. 50 ets. a single copy a year in advance, 5 for S'2. 8 for .'!. Addl es Joseph Harris Ksip, Itochester X. V. "ltrr'.ns lhiectn, Semi-monthly fori Jan, I.nVJ is received and sustains its well earned reputation. Fifty-two new coun terfeits altered since the Semimonthly is- sue ill Dee. This showi how important it r,nU f l,.Av jarnvn lnnrt,,,e.i. rlcared, und having a b.f; house nnd other bail . r , . . i o , louSs 1I" Iilllueii.n, lloarsenc'S, d,ps thereon. Seoed, taken in execution, and is lor iM-iiies men to tu.ie tlie Seiniiiionth-. fioun, Froiichitis, Incipient (oiiMimii. to be mid as the propertv of Jofenh BennetL ly detector. The Amistad Case. As e oiisideralile reference was made to this ease hy President Buchanan in Lis a . . . . inn i cssei uu. in v lounu us way into i.ong Island Sound, and was formerly taken pos session of by the lievenue Cutter and brought into New Haven, where the cases were tried, and the Court decided that they were ei.ntled to their Ireedom. and they were sub.-e(,uently so! at liberty. ' Afterwards the Spanish Government claim , ed from our (ioverntnent remuneration for tno tit.eration ol tfin Alncans. Our (iov- 1 eminent recognized this claim, and has 'severul tunes urged the attention of Con- 1 . ,- I t.o t,,l.;.,.t T..;,i,...i i..i ,n-'--- ' . . . .. u ,..v..,lot 'inlnii htniiiiwniiiiiiiiri, "I ,...t,......:.. -- i " - , ' I I J ,mmu j these claiuiants i t" . .. 1 . Ou under our treaty with I Spain, of tho 2Hth October. 17M. and I ! ivh ilel. ilciini ndin tr inul i,w u-a r.. i i rt ,1. i - j-..vv. v iuLin , uu inntiee." message, wo give tlie following lads tnthe nrid even dr,prrnte discuses of Ihe luupn l.i ils case: I use. When once tried, il auprriorily over every ! other medicine of its kind is ton r.i.p:r( i t In est ape Some twenty Jcais ago two Spaniai'dsat- observation, nnd where its virtues ive known, the tempted to convey their slaves hy waler , !mlllic n'i loi per hesitntc what ni.tiii' te to m ;,!ov from one part of the island of Cuba to an-i f'Vhc I,it'iri s'i"K " !'""Rr'i,s i ifrciim,, f tl . , , , ; ,. r';lr"fla:'rv organs that nrc mridrnt to our chin.-te. otlier. lhcy ch il tered a vessel for this j While many inferior remedies thrust i.pnn the purpOH', but as soon as they were out of . enmmnmry hnre failed and hern discarded, tbi. sight of land the negroes mutinied and has pained friends by every trial, confeiied l ei iiiis an'd took possession of the vesel The on ,,IC nn'-'''"a ,lll'.v ruu never fort.d, nnd pio negtoes knew nothing of navigation, nnd KcXn.'''" h",m """ posile the Journal office. ' .i., Irish servant ohRervinabr.r n,;. i dec' J 1P48. tf. S"1;.111 80lv,;"toR'J.her mis- , '" I n7 kod 1 17CRS and BCFFALO ROBES i ,Bi,T. 'How long it took them craters to haWi ?" i season, at Kl Rat 7F rV i "Three weeks," was the reply' "Och'lZ KATZER P. shure that i. the same as anv oiler iwi lT-r , 1 7 except a Pi"." nr.w AinirmMMiNio NIIIM I;. AH - ...m ..!. i V "i 1 1, n I lt. lili...i'lii"l loll "t' Il H Vl'il i;r. I'll l.l n (..null . f lml n ll. li.l. l.'"! . f fnlil. Ii l iffill (.1 lh Him" "f M 'I'""""., Ill II:.' M H' ft nl Miel. Ill !'"im l"'"'1t'. r 1 1 -!''. I I.. i cnl" l. "i.li. i "f llm HiiIiiiii'ii t'liul, ! Ilu l.l.il'Hl t l.f I'l'ln ll.lfli'i n . 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 s ItAI It'll j V, I'M llli K II M I Hen, jam: I I.AUK. .ii..'. :v, ism. -21 I'll. MMU r,.-Tlm f.ill.mlni uu- I j mi'il 'i'r"i.ii I luivp Mi', I in lli" "Hi i, ,,( Ilia l. ili "( llio I'.iiitl nf l'iniliT Hi"".inm i.f I Inn lli l, I ( iiioiiy, tlii'ir I'l l nii.iiK f' r l,iri i.-i. i.l llm Ijiiitinry Nt'si'luii iii'Xl, niMTonl.lv t.i Act "t As m'nilil.T nf Mnri'1' Zs, Is. ,, riiliiliil "An A. I In rr .'III. ill' I 11 O Hill) l.f I llli.Ml III III l,i'IH'l, it I'. W. W. A ii.lrriin, I'l'iin l.iii"liii, I'iivit'i. II. Iliiys .M.irrnw, CliMiliil'l llon.n Ii, Tutrrn. Aupui'liii' Mills. Hi, CiiviiiKliin tmviisliii,TiiV('rn. Kniiiucl Hnl.imi.il, Hiip tnwnsliip. Tiivitii. I.viiiii.I Vi. YVi'l'l, liimri'hi'e lnwniliii Tiivin. ; A. L.Opil.'ii, l.nwr.'in'O tun iiKliip, 'liivern. Vi. Vi. AiuIitciiii, l'i'iin to uniliip, Tiivitii. i tlcu. 2. OKOItHK VVAbTKHS, (Tk. Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional ch'sense, a corruption of tho blisiil, hv which this fluid bcinmes vitiated, weak, and jvxir. lleinp in tho timilutinn, it pirvad.s thu whole liodv, and nmv liurvt nut ' "iseiisc on any pari in ii. iM oipnn is ,rcc "" " ",t:l1'. "(,r w imTooncvviucn it may : nut ucstrov, J lie scriiliiliius taint is variously , . . . . .. . .. . .. . (.miti'ii iv liil.ri'iin :il fllsl'nsi, litv I IV II 1 ir flu. their cliildrt'ii.1 I Its elfccts eoiiiiii-nre hv ilcnosilion from the I hlimd of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in tho limps, liver, and internal orcuns, is termed ! tubercles : ill the Klaiidi. swelling; mid on the surface, eruptions or mires. This foul cor- ; ! ruptioii, which ponders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, bo that scrofulous constitu- i tio;is imt only suffer from scrofulous com- plaiutr,, but they have far le-s power to with- M:i!id the attacks of other disease:,; enii'e- i.iciitly, vast numbers perish by disorders ' ! which, alth'iii;;li not scrofulous in their nature, j arc still r":iu tccI iutal hy tins taint in Uic -lcni. Mo.t of th? cotinimption which 1'.' i iiiiatui the human latnily lias its origin dinrtly in this scrofulous coiitaaiiiiiitioa ; and many , Ui-ilruetived.-i a-es of the liver, kidneys, brain, i and, ii.deed. of all the organs, arise from or j arj aggravated by tlie tamo cau-e. ! "ieuu;uicr ot ail our peoj lire m n l ima i their pcr.;"iis are iiiviKieil I.y . aro nivn.inl by tins i;iku.g m- , , ti'in, a'hl tl.c T lies!! Il i- ilnili'iiiiiiicil l y it. l'u cleanse it fmin thesv t"i:i we must hik v;i!c the blood by an allerativj mcilicinc, and m viu'i'iate it bv lualtliy .'".mil and exercise. I SmcIi n in, IL-iiif. v,' s.n.iiv in AYlITS n t ii ii I l!ii )()!! C(i J'iXlraCl (il TSJI HI rillll. ,,. ,,, . ,,Tt.,.tH:d rcm,.,jv t!:, JlK!iU-al .skill of ,...;r ti.ms can licvi- i..r this every wl.ir . pn-ra'ling and fatal m:.hidv. Itiseom- , uutu Hcni tup mest active iimii , u tii.-it ,.v : lieen iii covered lor the (xtnirzr.ti'.n i ! ibis ('. 'i'l ! diM'rder from the llocd, ami the resci rvstcM from its tlestrui't v He:-. it s'iniil.l ! .-. ....,!., i r l ( ,- iV, vr 1 ! r ; i-.i Hv - it, ! u li ." Sr. Antm' I'ni'i.rs, l!i:.,lnn nut only .(reful.i, biit tinns hich nri'-o from nail .'-kin l'n:r.A'-i--i, ii-isic, or J'iuvsii'ins. i'.i.ort in s, lli.uxs ami : ther Kar, .v's 1 l'i i, ai.d Sa:.t liiiicv, Siii) Iii '.'., Uinov. 111! I'MATiSM, SV I'll I l.l TIC ki.ll y. !.!!. :l !, r.si.s, Ditor-v, Dv.ii'i I--.A, Di i ;i.; i v, ilil'lCCll, AM. C iVI'l. AIMS AIM- iNi; 1 l.d.M l.b i :.y on I.M'i l-.r. . in " imyuriti of ii f; r M-ri.fula is a d ii.' 'I he "pi.b'.r 1 1 1.; '.,.'.,.'" is fun:. led in ;:: ;V, : ..:'::.!'.. .in! tic! li d. 'i .i;:d viitue !' '.his ,V.r: i a T ai tic.uar i,i,i ,(.i rilla is to puiify and repci.crntc this vital l'i,;d, without v.hiih mhu d hcallh iii im i.isil !c c cuntuminulcd ton: l.tutiei.k. Ayer's Cathartic Pill?, FOR ALL THE MltPCSCS OF A f.'.KILY filVCIC BU rj w I 'Jllposi y lllill i- 11 li l! r 1 : : r i thrir nctitii can nuclv viih-i run lv v 1 : 1 1 -1 : . 1 1 1 "1 1, I 'J hcir ir::cir:itiiitt preprrta s sr 1 !,.:: ' c nml 110 iiM.iiite iii iv puitn.11 i.f uu 1.1 i, :,;. 1 ism, roiKctin its clin.'.sut iu li.ii , ;.iu, 1, , its lualtliy iPtlitics. A 5 n ( mi t-m mt c i f i' -pnipcitirs, the iuvnliil vhu is ln.uor! ii.nn vili pain or plivsici.l t iiiiv is ustoi.is!.t d in i,'i,l l.i health (.r ci:cii:v iibUnid by u linittly at Mac si j dimple sml inuii,p. ; Not einly do they rrre tlie rvrrv dny re-n p1: ir ti 1 nf every I cily, l ut ulso mai y fnriiii'lnl.li' ai.rf I (lar.Bcrous diseases. 'Ihe i.pei,i I clew r.:,ni(d is pleased to funiish pialis my Atnriieiiii Aliuaiiue. rantiiiniiip certificate of their riucs urd uii c. lii.i s fur tlicir use in the f(il!miiii; r (unplr.ir.ts : utihr- I i:cks, llraiff,unit li(ndt(r ariu'ni fctti rtiti'tdi rtii I Noiiwti. Aomin, htdijitstiim, I 'am m o?,rf Mm 1 11. 1 luailii.H nf tic y.'elcr.'j, I'uitu'rttt i. Lots of An: i - i j:.- I...'. J.- ....1 ....... 1 :....'.. .1 . '. 1 ' .. , (fir, "itiinirr, UIIU l)li:ri hlllliioi l ini.Jli; 11, ' arisirp from a low M;,tc ef the liuly ir ul sirueli.'ii , of its function". Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. l eu nu: ii.M'iii 1 1 in: oi' tion, and for the relief of Com uinplive Pnticut in ndvnnced Hunct. of the d- ' ' , . , So wide is li e li. l.l of its lisefiilriss and so ru- nicroui are the cases of ils rurci. that almost , ' f loutil in km piib- , iiiiv know n. w no naic i ecu icsiorcf ironi a .Mien r i'itr.rAnF.D hy DIE. .7. V. AYKR & CO. LOWELL, MASS. C. I). Watsom, and M. A. Kiiank, Clenrfleld. E. F. RnKSKKn. Mosrisdule. C. It. FosTF.it, Pnilipsburg. .Curwcnsville. , Lutbersburg. And all druggists. dec. 22, 1868.J CUBA HOTEL, JAYNE3VILLE, PA. THE ahove Hotel, bavins recently been fitted nn 1.. m ..I' . ., -..,, ... is now open io. Traveler ir in, ,ee?maMit... r tb. ,.i.l,e. nin find this a convenient bouse. Way 19, lSi8, JOHN JORDAN. ,. , t- riiii7irT t win ir-i? . . . . ",.i.i u . ,ijn,uniL, l TronjlK y AT Lit rli,.rlH I', fur,,,. i cu.. t, .' ill K "ftr.aMlu.lW'MTS aelllnf C'OUUT rnncl.AMAllON A ft ... 4 1 .. VI Hi el i " , I'm II h .1 IM )., , I i. Ii' -i I. ..I.l I,.. ,. ,i , I n -I I, Ii n 1. 1 l,,. in, ii, I,,,), ju In. I, r,.,.i I ..! i.i i null. .,f I tin mi l I'liM. h mi l II,,, .,h n 1 i Vti.l) , "l I, file! Iti'lpmien lo-i.tiOl llll .1,1 1., ti.'l.l V. Iinl I.iiimI Oh it Itii'.i i . ' l.'.l-.l, f..r l.f l....i,u , (',.,' l'lrn., Il Iiiiu'h I "III I, I ,, I (I,,,,,,,,, I mill i, Uli'l nu t I .Tinil..'!, nii'l (,,', ' ' i'mi .Inil lo lniTV. nt ; Ii ii-l). ., thi . ".null "I I I. ml., I, I, mi II, '"' 7V,o7 .l.'.i.Aw, (! 1 NoiK i: is, ii. i ''It !' ',''.,OI,v, i ormiftr Jiuneci nt tim . .. ii . ii , ,. , i.n.i,,, , r"" """"-r ",' '"'Oll.'l.l. I., ,,,,, 11,,'ir .i-,..pi .. i..i,, mil, tli.-ir lt',,, i' " lii.iii-ili"in, Km I iieitl , mi, li,.r (m l.r:iiici', to iliilliu.c linn-. l,j , ,, ,njr ' uu. I in llii-ir l.rlmir, iii riiiin to , ,,lllfi ti(j run. innl W ilui.-.-ii. mo i, m-nti'd tu lio tlut L Hump HlO'ii'linu, mi l nul (,'lmrt wiiliiiui i,. nl tlii'ir peril. "' on i'.. iiiiuit my nnim nt t lenrfl ,!. tl,'. ,1,... ..r 1 .,, I...- o... , ' . ' ' . ..j ... . ."" " ., ... ..... j 1'iir in our l,,jrj , lliuiisaii.l I'lpht liuii.ln-,1 nnj llfly.oiglu' llm ciphty llr.-t your ol Aiueriian lnj',,,. iliucc. ' JUKlHjni Ml l,l,i;ii, shtrit SIlliKIFPS SALIiS. i ) Y virtue of fnnilry ri'. of Viinilitiuimi t I J J p'nui" issiifl mil of the ('nun of Cuau, ,1 l'ie f t-'lmrliel.l ('minly, nml to me dirctu I -- iy. , ' . " v"m 'lo' v - s - "", ,""", the its I i "' "......, i.', um luiiuwing denrrik retil cMtnte, tu wit : Krtes went, Sll pvrclii'H to u miiull liecch on tl. : west liruncli ol' tliu AI osba ii n o n crook : th., i""d. ,;si tlt'xrocii west, 17s perches to paw,. K"""ii; : v.'iitmiii.iij lll'j acres, 71 iicrchi ' uul" I",rl "V ""."V ""un oinl John Sibl, Kiirvcva, mi which llicro is u euw-iuill erected.-1 M'l.cii, omen in ctccut iiii, and to bosolil ai H iirnioriy u. omiuius insii una In n P. Hind. Also a certain tract ol lunil, aituuta in linn ei Jo luwusliip, t'lcnrliehl county, contuining oi l u u ii u re u ucru, ununiicu oy luuus ol t- Hun I b Uffli, ltowhiB nnd othcra, with log hogi'l ii u imrii, ana nooiii nu icri'K clciired thoreot ii"d a younj; in chiuil tlicroun. Soizcd, taken it I cxccalion unit to be sulj ua tlio pruperty ef Jufac 1 11 Villi. j Aim certain tuts or lntirt, mtuato in Cc wensviiii', bounded hy I ilbci t nlrcct on the wen nil alley on coiilh ninl cunl, linii llcorgo it rent tlic norili ; liuvinj,' erected a dwelling bouse, ui I i Uou.-e, in id otlier oulliou-cii llivreou. fciiiit'd, u ken in execution, and to lie boIJ im the projicn; I : oi riunuei I., iiivini. I Also a certiiin triiet of land lilnme in Moni I loHiiFlnii.t leuilii'ld ciiiial v, eiinUiiiiiiu l"i Hirei , ljutiti led liy Inn, Is of John Price, prank JjhiiWf und retcr Itlialmrn, with kbout thirty urrt cleared, with a houe und ba.ro thereon, ceiiec , Uiken in cxeculioii, und W he -old us tho .roi ty of Henry mcul. I Also u certain tract of hind bituatc in B: i township, Cleai'li'.'1'l County, ttdjoiuiiiK laadi it I Oeiiue- ii, d.irtti. Allien .Miller, aiidoibcrt ) con- . luiiiiiiu; uuuui i"u acres, miu ij a;re o Blind tbeicoii. ,veie.l, taken in execution and to U I sld us Ihe j.rofi,-1 i y- ot Jese U euier. Also I, ii'iuc ul u irii of fieri facias, tie folloHiiig real efi.iie, lo wit : t Tlio uaiini'l'.d fiunh part of ull lliat etriiit iiiesniage, li i.niii iu und (fact ol i.ui I .-itu iln sr tlic wali r- n Kun and Mo.-oiiiiu .ii i.:-tt. .11 the ton n.-liij's .-I llu-h uod llti.ioir, iu lb,- I'.tiiii.i .- of tei.ii-. ai.'t Clcarlic.J, of i'eon Iviiiiia, Ij u - de I an I dc.-eri'iej as fj)luiv5 : lie iiiiiinz ut a ....-l i. ear liie M isUiiuuuu trcck. ii.eii'.e south '1 ih'rees nct, 1'S oerebe. tj htm , l'i'-k. Ilietiee ."'L'I:, O'i lcroc west, hi pi.-rel lo iin.', tlic:;.'e rionh, l.i lies, west, :7 pcrchcii wi, ne oak; iheiiic north, -I d.'grccj ive-;, 4 j.erenes u. in iiii.,eh; lu.-uo uoria, o degnti ,a-t, I'd! purlins to lu.-t ; thence north, U dercm e.i;t. 12 ieref:e. lo j.iuo n'.uiap . iluueo Douu, 35 : ilivree wcM, .'jO perebt s to heiaio.-K ; Ibence norili 2) il,.',-;.-e- we si. ,, i perch': lo lieiulock; tbwei 'ii 'i lli I'l.j ,l".r. c- wc.-t, l.'2 perebea tu pust bv hcu.l ( I. ; U.euee norln, Co d. iie-j, 17 percben topo.-t i.y l:i 111. oi K ; tlience mhiiIi, 40 J-gren Iet, CI j.ei'i'le. ' to hen;! .ck Maaio; tlience ti iutii, ; 12 decrees eu-l, 1 1 p,-reh"s to p.l , thence suu'b, i'iJ ili-!ici- e.i.l, sil perehen .i po-l; th..'iicMUill, ; (i I d.'-i ees we.-t, 2. J perches to p.t ; tlictu'i isoiitli, 12 .leirrecj east, 29 p .'rebut t. a pjst I the.icf snulii hij decrees west, 2.i pel can U ! ih'.-I ; tlienee north, s; i Ut'jreei west, ii perthei; to iost; tlui.ee north, 1 2 decree west, V perrlici ' to post ; thence s-iiilb 10 degrees west, ,24 percb ' es M post by w hite oak ; thence 8 iiitb.RS dcjrrew east, .72 peieln-s to beech stump; thence nurlb, j Ctl ih r cs east, ;i.'iS perches to Monet; thence i :iSj easl. 21 I perches lo po.it; thence north, ii devices scutb, 1HI peicb 'S t a laurel, on left or I western bunk cf Trout llun ; tbeneo dow n Mid 'stream to itt junction iiiih .Mo-bniiii m crcik. and down east i r rilit Imuk of same by tho cour 1 sef nn I ilictiiuces thereof to southern lino of Jokn Harrison tract oppu.-ita the tenn of OceoUw beneo till decrees cast alonj (aid line to p!inl of lie-inning: Co" ng seventeen hiiudrwl tiv e iicrcf a' AIfo the delendiiiif interest, it be' undivided f.nirtti pnrt ef the town cf Uef ola. on Tyrouo and Clenrfield Paili ond, including w ithin town plot eijrbty Hera and allowance, incized taken iu exeiuioi, tit to he sold as Ihe properly of J. J. Lintrle. Also all tlie defendants interest in a certail tract or piece of land, Hluate in Pike township, t'leiirlield enmity, bounded by lio.ls of lani(l liriuku' estiitc, hiinluf IVillinin Dennett and oth ers, containing about 7i ncies, about 5(1 .rcrei i Also a certain tract ol land, fhuuto in Chert J'"""h'P. s'learfield county, containing 4 fSmjron, bounded by land of John M'l'herrin, K-ibdrt M'l'herrin, A. Jl'fiaivey, and oth.rs, Willi small ' l,use, harn, and a'.out 20 acres cleared bcinr n. ..., i.,.i, k i i:..i...i. J Lcrdf Also-iio acres 'in' Bell t.-wnshin hk ', j , . . ' house and ham, and SO acres cleared thereon adjoining lands of J. Lee, R. M'Kaddin, and ci ; Into of Tboinns Wilson. Also a lot i.t Inrof in ;Neliurp. (.'lust township, fronting iiK.n Jli street, with a large frame store house, and dwelliof : house thereon. Also ,-t lots of land in the town i of Lunibervillc ; beinfr the same premises bought by R. Michaels from t-boemnkcr. Seired. taken in execution, and to be sold ns the property ef Robert M'Micbaelii Charles S. Worrell. 1 Also a certain tract of land, containing sixty two acre, and bounded by Watts, Oreenwooi j M'Crarken, Owens, and others, with forty acni cleared, nnd log house and barn thereon. Seited, i tuken in execution, nnd to be told as the proper ty of John M'Cracken. Also a ecrUiin lot in Rridgeport, bounded V , Erie Turnpike, east by road to Pennsville. nouik ny Jusepn npeuccr, wast by road leadii,r U '"""'' s-pencers, Willi a House thereon. Seited, ,"ken in '"'ution, and to be soldaj the proper- "f Chambers. I A'"0 certain tract of land.sitoato in IVoooV ward township, with saw-mill, dwelling boast, nd uarn thereon, about ton acres, more or less: bounded by lands of James M'Kee, John Wnolf, i and others, formerly a part of the Robert M'Gb i Irnct. !-ei7,e;l, teken iu execution, and to , seal as the property of John M Farland. ' Also certain true! of land, situate in Cke" townshin, bounded bv tiedden Mnr.h A .tubs : Ration, enntnii.inr nbi ol i:ii Oh .hn.1 ' 6a cleared ; three duelling houses and two lot , burns tbufHon. SAi7il. fnioin In i.An,.iw.n .nd to Ha .,.1,1 n. il r..,,ria .f n tz i'Vf..iAM i - ' - r' r ' v " . "in""- Also a certain lot of eruuud in tli. knrmiri f Curwensvillo, on tb east side of Thom""1 !treet, cnu',ning about fill feet on said street, i and 1 HO feet to an lley ; bounded on the nort l rT Ir""' ""'T' ?" '1 .l,y ,T''"niP""D trt, with a two story bousew ,uble thereon. Seized, taken in xeemien," to b. .,,ld.s the proper., of Joseph raters. ' r r.lCPtlUCK G. MILLER, ribenu. ! ":"en inil n n. .1 i i.t h h ."Dflrin i n nnn. ni , m u, v i kmi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers