Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 29, 1858, Image 1
I m.,..Hi ii iiinnriTmiwii miim n n i . M , , o lOT"Tfl J, H. IARRIMER, Editor. "EXCEI.SIOR." VOL Villi. NO 20. CLKAKFIKL1), 1A. WEDNESDAY, DECERIIJEU 29, 1858. mm Terms tf Subwr i-lption. Ifptiilin ilvncc, or within three inonthB, (1 25 faiJ ,i,n6 ",llin the .T0Hr - - - 1 ill fwr the expiration of the year, - 2 U0 Terms of Advf rtlslng. AirertieeinpntK are inserted in the ItcpuliIIcnn ih followinj; rates : 1 Insertion. 2 lo. 3 d.i. Diqure,(Hline.) f t. Kinsren. (2Sltne,) 1 50 no $ 75 $1 00 1 50 2 00 2 00 2 50 mo's. 1 2 mo t 00 $7 00 jtret hiustos, (J2 lines,) 1 50 3 months 0,4 Square, : : : $2 50 joqiure, : : : : : 4 00 Inree iiurei, : : : : 5 00 foar KUre, : : : : (1 00 Hilf icolumn,' : : : : 8 00 n. column, : : : : 14 00 8 00 8 00 in no 12 no 20 oo 10 oo ' 12 no "h no i s oo 35 00 Orer three week anil le'ftjthnn three month; 25 HiU per square for each insertion. BajincM notices not exceeding 8 lines are in Itrted for fl a year. AJrertisements not marked with'the number of iuertieix desired, will be continued till forbid jkjnredaeeording to tni-ae terms. J. II. LARItlMER. A. T. SCIIRYVER, HAS returned the practice of medicine, and will attend promptly to all calU in bis pro bation, by day or night. Residence opposite the HtihodUt church. May 4, 1S5S. 6 uios. DENTAL CARD. AM. SMITH offers hie professional eerviev.i . to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Cleur iiid and ri.-iuity. All operations performed uti neatness toil despatch. Heine familiar r.ta all the late improvmcnts, he is prepared to ke Artificial lcctll in tlie bvet manner. OfSce in Shaw's new row. cVpt 14th, 1858. lyj. 1)11. R. V. WILSON, HAVING removed his office to the new dwel ling on Second street, will promptly answer puti sional calls as heretofore. t. i.Aitnmr.n. i. tkst TRST, Attnrheys at Law I Clearfield, Pa., will attend promptly to Col- Undi, Land Agencies, Ac, As., in Clearfield, Centre and Elk counties. July CO. y JOHN TROUTMAX STILL continues ihe business of Chair Making, and House, Si jn and Ornamental Painting, at tit (hop formerly eeenpiej by Troutiuan A Kowe, ittns east end of Market street, a slmrt dit-iuce tat of Liti't Foundry. June 13. 1S55. THOMPSON, HAKTSOCK X CO. Irol Founders, Curwensrille. An extcntire astortment of Castings made to orders Dec.2, 1551. L. JACKSON CHANS , ATTnEXEY AT LAW. office adioinins lis Riidenee on Second Street, Clri.-l i:J, la. Jane 1. 1S54. " II. ITIIOMi'SOX, Physician, may lie found either at his (Bice at Sccfield's hotel, Curwensville, nht-n r.o pmfefM.iiaily absent. Ilec. 2'.', 151 FREDERICK ARNOLD, Merchant anil Produce Dealer, Luthcr kar; Clear6eld county, Pa. April 17, 152. ELLIS IRWIN Ai SONS, I T the mouth of I.i-k Run, five miles frnm A Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive Minnfacturers of Lumber, July 2.1, 1352. J. D. THOMPSON, Blixk-mlth, Wagons. Iluetries, lc, ir., ironed a short notice, and the wry best style, at his kMxi4in the borough of Curwensrille. Dee. J J, ls53. DR. M. W (M)l. having chanced his loca tioo from Curwcnsrillo to Clvarfield, res entfully offers his professional services to the euiieai of the latter place and vicinity. Kwdenee on Second street, opposira t. t of J. Crans, Esq. my. ' i6. P. W. BNRRETT, TERCIi AXT, miilUTK ANI LrMRER M liEALER, AM JVfTICE OF THE tlMTK, Lnthersl.urg, Clearfield Co., Pa. j. l. currLE" I Uurney at Im mil Land Affciit, offic !. adjoining Lis residence, on Market strce t'cartield. March3, ItoS. A. B SHAW, RETAILER of Foreign and Domestic Morch andiie, Shawsville, Clearfield county, Pa. WaajvUle, August 15, 1355. PLASTI.RINt;, The subscriber, havine kteated himself in the borough of Clearfield id infurtn the public that he is prepared to tk in the alxive line, from plain to ornamen ts! f any description in a workmanlike manner. Also whitewashing and repairing done in a neal Uoiitr and oi reasonable terms. EIWIX COOPER, Cesrfell, april 17, liil. Jy. D. O. CROUCH, )3TSICIAX Office in Curweosville. May YOUR TEETH. TAKE CA HE OF THEM 1 1 rk" A. M. Ill LI.S desires to announce to his friends and patrons, that he is now do !r, ail of his time to operations in Dentistry. eVsirins; his services will find him at his j ndjoining his residence at nearly all times, jf ""ays on Kridaya and fatnrdava. unless 7 contrary be given in Iht town pa J e we ek previoaa. All work warranted to ht satisfactory. Owrfeld, Pa. Fepu 22nd, 1958. J"SKriI TEI ERS, Jn!irt p tkt recut, iWwcHtviiU; Vnsvi. 0SE door at ef Montelint A Ten Kyck "i Store. All basiness entrusted to him wil I "ft-y at leaded to. and ail instmraents f nunt4.Be on short notice. , , lSJI.-y. BUSKARTICLr? of Acreemenl, lepal form, fcetWMn Schaol Directors, and Teachers, for M.. vtaw vi ma -i lcarncu itcituniicaii. i CllltlSTMAss IX Till: OI.DKN TIMIi iiirititumjiin the (11. en Time. At tho ti w i -i i . . . vory hat visions called im to the ! ".,nt. T- '" t,rlnk of ,h S lnimrs eye of pay .arti liritifiini; in tho ' K,vsint! w fellow, ho th inks it up." Yule-lo,;; of tho rottsinK Wavail-bowl ; oi l The Saxons worn never without han.I Miimminp nn.l imu-kin; of tho ISonrV in rouml a drinking or i.leduo-etip, or hea.l decked with holly; and of tho at ri- Wassail-ho.vl, at all their feasts; and in val ol the Christmas puest at tho old Mn- course of timo this practice hecatno tratiB nor llouseinanold hishioiied snoiv-storm, I (erred to the ( 'hrwtmas festivities, now on with servitors ltlitiuK him with torches to I lv reeopni.ed in tho custom of drinking the door, where the squire, in spiteof the healths or toitsts. tempest stands ready to receive him. Tho Waits or Christmas Hards, aro a -Host of t h. se old customs have hecn remar.t of the old minstrels attached to Ion? disused even in England, while few cjurts utul cities and added (o their nut ol them ever existed lit all in America. As sical otlices tho more important, though the pastimes of our ancestors, however, i less pleasant dulv of watching and guard they have an interest tc us,' which the Ire. ling tho streets. "They perambulate the quent allusions of the poets have inereas- j principal thoroughfares in small parties, ed. We will consecrate a pae or two, crying thu hour at each corner, or street, therefore, to an account of the undent ; or" lane ; and inasmuch as ia these remot.i games, customs and observances of Christ- (days during tho thirteenth and four- Cltrititiiuus in tlieOltlen Time. masi-ume, graphically alluded to m tho . well known lines of. Scott: "Tho fire, with well dried logs supplied, Went roaring up the chimney side; The hugo hall-table's oaken face, Scraped till it shone the day of grace, Iioro then upon its massive loard No mark to part the squire and lord. Then was brought on the lusty bawn By the old blue-coated serving man, ol, Ihon the griui boar's head frowned high, Pecked out with bays and rosemary. Well can the green garn'd ranger tell, How, when, and where tho monster fell ; What dogs before his death he tore, And all the baiting of the boar ; While round the lneiry Wa.-ail-boivl, Oarni-hed with ribbon, blythe did trowl." ti ,,,,. r i -i , , Ihe custom of adorning houses, church- -.ii i W i I, i es, ilc, with branches ot Mistleto llol v. haps of older date than any other Christ '. : V. l I mas oi'- mtnee. It had its origin in Kng land with the Iruids,who were the priests of ancient I'.riton long previous to the in vasion of that country by the llomans un der Julius Vnr. It was their wont, at a certain season of the year, to resort to the forests in which grew the largest 0ak trees, followed by a great concourse of jwople of all degrees. There with many ceremonies they proceeded to cut down a quantity of the branches of the mistleto growing on the oaks, which, having dividiil into small piece , they distributed among-t the religious students and votari. s who had accompanied them, ami who, consider- i ing these blanches "so many emblems of good fortune, adorned their dwellings with them. Th-re was a sacredne.-s at- i tached to the custom which preserved its , practice for u lung period, and we iiud it mcnlioned in many of the old records. A peculiar sanctity was attached to the Mis-; tletoe. "Chistmas, the joyous period of the year! Now bright with Holly nil tho temples strew, With Laurel green and sacred Mistletoe." The Hruidical custom appears to huvc survived tho shock attending tho incur sions of foreign races, and the overthrow of the old established religion ; and Chris tianity, lothtow.igc war with every an" cient usage, consented to retain this one us the most innocent of them all. Indeed, green Loughs seemed to have Won almost upon the faithful to hold in "orthodox ab universally looked upon as emblems of horrence." Tho "promiscuous dancing" purity. Stowc, the old English Chroni-1 which the reverend gentleman so much dor, relates that not only tho parish church, public oflices, end housvs were adorned with holme, ivy, bays, and other greens of the season, but that conduits and standards in the streets were likwise garnished. The custom of burning the Yule-Log, was, it appears of Anglo-Saxon origin. That race of people were in the habit of celebrating a fe st nt the Winter solstice, which they called the Juul, or Yule, nnd on this occasion thev were wont to burn a log of wood, as an emblem of returning light and heat, the sun being then at its furthest point from them. Erom that fea-t tho burning of the log became trans ferred to the eve of Christmas Day ; nnd, as such, was never omitted till the early part ot the present century. It is now rarely to be met with, unu then in very remote rural districts. The Yule-Log was the stem of one of the largest trees that could bo found on the estate of the proprietor in w hose halls it was to raise its cheerful flame. It was hewn down on the Candlemas Day, in tho month of February of the same year ; then kindled where it fell, and sull'ercd to burn until sunset, when the lire was ex tinguished, nnd tho log laid in a proper place until it was required at Christmas. At tho appointor time it was carrion inio the mansion hall by a number of domes tics, amidst much rejoicing, nnd kindled on the heirth with much mirth nnd merry making. It was generally largo enough (o last during that night and the whole of the following day. Tho Wassail-Bowl, like tho Yule-Log. had its origin amongst our Saxon forefa ther. In the old legend of Vortigern and Kowena, we find tho first mention of the custom of AYassailing. At a feast given by llergist, the Saxon chief, to Vortigern, tho Hrit.sli Kinir, tho royal guest was be witched with the young and beautiful daughter of his entertainer. Whilo on her kneo, tho fair Saxon damsel present ed the win cup to thcBritishMonarch.ex claiming "Liovcr Kyning Washael !" or, as we Fhoul.l express it, "Your health, lord king!" Vortigern, not understand ing the custom, had it explained to him by one of his suit, who tells him according to tho poetical legend, that it was com plement paid him tho fuir luuid "Ilk ninn (lint love whore him think, Shall sny 'Wifslmil !' niul to him think. He that drinks thall ny Wahnil: And t'other xhiill teenth centuries our cities were not lit up at night by any thing like lamps, thesii j Waits carried loaeons, or large lires, sup ported upon high poles, Their otlioe ap iears to lmvo fallen into disuse during I the reign of Henry VIII., and subsetuent ! lv, tho watchmen established on a better looting, exercised their musical powers only at Christmas time ; and hence the bands of nocturnal musicians in England, btill perambulating tho streets at this sca- ison, in the "witching hourof night." Mummers, or masked players seem to I lmvo then- name lrom the Uanisli Mummc. er the Dutch Mummc, to mask ; and there is reason to believe that this custom of dressing and masking had its origin in the practice of exchanging clothes between men and women, at the Suluritalin, a feast of the Romans. -The Mummers of the early ng'-s appear to have been of both sex es ; and being dressed in strange costume and masked, went about at feast times, from house to house, reciting verses and .::.., singing songs, w ' t i r lv exln luted in the Inns nt ( niirt One 'of these entertainments was exhibited in the inner Tcmble in the fourth year of the reign of Elizabeth, in which the cele brated Leicester, then Lord jlHidloy, was tho principal actor. I'uring the Christ- i mas of l'iol, wo read that the Twelfth I Night of Shakesnearo was performed in j the hall of the Middle Temple, in tho reign of Elizabeth and James I., these Mosques were most popular.auu oftentimes got up at great expense, lhiring the lat ter reign, Masques were performed at Whitehall by the principal nobles of the court. The Lord of Misrule was nn ofliccr ap pointed in nil largo establishments, to sti pe) intend the arrangements for the Christmas revels In Scotland he was called the Allol of Unreason : whilst ut the Universities, wLero festities at Christmas were always rife, ho took the title of Im prrahr. The oflico of this dignitary be gan upon All-Hallows, and tormina jted at tho end of the t.vlve days of Christ mas. Eear-Iiaiting, or worrying of boars by 'dogs, formed another pastime, which, al- ' I miu, t i.wlnl.,.1.1 ii. I... I I ..,.l- nt j-.ll. : times of tho year, was nevertheless one of ii.v'iiii iiimiiivii ill i (ill iniirv lib uill il ' tho I'ortsi wht L constituted tho Christ ! mas festivities of tho times of Elizabeth. rROJiisctoi-s Dancing. A clergyman of the old fogy school, says the Ilarrisburg Te'i'jriiph, has written an article in denu dation of "promiscuousdancing," nnd culls , dislikes, is the dancing of men nnd women togother. That, being pleasant, is naugh iy ; whereas as tho dancing of men with men, women with women being a very poor flavorless thing, is permitted. Now we agree with our cotemponiry that "pro miscuous dancing" is, in itself, not only no sin, but an innocent pleasure and healthful exercise one of the natural nnd universal expressions of that delight in be ing alive, which is (he blessed boon of youth nnd health. That man must lmvo an essentially low and vulgar mind who can look upon agroop of youths nnd mai dens, moving with light hearts and little feet through the giddy mazes of a dance, and stain the fair vision with thoughts of sense and sin. This removing of the land marks of morality this branding with moral reprobation acts which in them selves aro not morally wrong is never done without danger to the essential inter ests of morality itself. The truth is, that all these attempts, on the part of men clothed with spiritual power, to suppress tho innocent pleasures of life, nro subtle manifestations of selfishness nnd lovo of power. They nre illustrations of tho old fablo of the fox that has lost his tail in n (rap, nnl endeavored to porsunde his brotlicr foxes to submit to tho same muti lation. Fublic opinion exacts from cler gymen, and in many denominations from laymen who have made public profession ofrcligion, bit abstinence from certain forms of amusement ; nnd unless their re ligion be of the finest temper they will not hxili with complacency upon others who nre enjoying 1 ensures from which they aro themselves debarred. Dark!OX. Uncle rill Fidd was a drover from Vermont. Being exposed to nil kinds of weather, his complexion suffered somewhat; but nt tho best was none of tho whitest. Stopping nt a public house, a man of notorious bnd character, thought ns Uncle Bill came in, ho would make him tho butt of a joko, nnd ns the black face of tho weather-beaten man np peared in the door, he exclaimed : "Mercy on us, how dark it grows !" Unci Bill, surveying him from head to foot coolly replied : "Yc, Bir your character and my com plexion are enough U darken any room." , TIIH DK.VI) Al.IVi:4 Froin the DirmiiiKliam, Kuglmid. Ilaily Pout. 'it -i , , juo young gin wnoso singular rcstora- tion to life has been previously recorded r1.1" ,,.v,nT: "v niir opportunity 01 in.l!01l,.llsiol, r,lf(I,e(.tinf, U.Ostrengtl.ofClM.r. -lU.nng into to tins very reniarkabfeatlair, ; ,j0urg is:..'0 had not ,imo to oount tll0 wo are cnutded to give tho following par- ; punV) l)or po, ,i!M,H, ,Voiild it have been ,!!, :. . . . . ,. ... , I prudent; but, judging from tho extent 1 he girl, whoso name is Amelia 1 inks, ; of tll0 foHilications," and the ground they is twelve or thirteen years o ,Vo, and res.-',. OVfl,.(,(li cohM not have been les del with her parents in lindgo street, and than 2(100 ; ami, from tho loud reports, dwindling away under some unaccouuta-( (hoy must havo been of very heavy eali blc tcoun.luint, about three weeks ago, she Su llltuiv pun!li HO lna,ly ,)inV-iont us her friends imagined, died. 1 he corpse fo.t!(( ut. u corsideriible distance from each was then removed to another room. 1 he ; olIlcri wnlM rM ukc B j., m.llv to body was rigid and icy cold. I t was wash- r. ,,,1. and a still larger army and 'fleet to ed un.l hud out with tho usua deathly ae- . lltta,,k . !inil tho lPl.0)Uhility" is Cherbourg comjuinimenU, .enny-pieees being ,laee.l ly()ul(1 llot ,,0 Ft.riouslV attacked with n over the eyes, and the collin was ordered. , i.,,, ';, ,;,,i,( i, 1, , - corpse lay iKMieath the wn.tbng ; sheet, when it happened that her grand-; father, a very aged man came (mm Leu- ( mmglon totheneighborhootl ol Nuneaton. , On going with a female relation to seo the , initio iiian ioiiv cignt, jioiirs me corjisc, t ne cn.i man n iiioveil miu ol th. uuiper coins, and although the eye lv mained closed, he fancied be saw a move- ment beneath the lid. The woman with1 him at first ridiculed the idea, but on look ing more closely, she too observed amove-' ment. Tho medical attendant was nppri-; sedoflhc circumstance; nnd. although' heat lirst treated the matter asa delusion, j the application of an instrument to tlmi region of the heart soon convinced him that there win I i to within the apparent I corpse. Ihe was thon removed to a warmer room, nnd the existence of lilt: soon became apparent. !'' degrees ani mation was restored, aloud sneeze placing I the lact ot her being a living subject be yond all doubt. W nen speech was resto red, the girl described every thing that had taken place from the time of her sup posed death. She knew who had closed her eyes and placed the coppers thereon. Shoulso heard the order given for her cof fin, and could describe the various re. marks made over her as she lay in her death-clothes. At lirst, on her restoration, she refused all siistcnant'o, und on some aliment be ing forced upon her she became frightful ly e.M'ite.l, and though in a state of ex treme Jebilily, it required great force to hold her. .Since that period her conduct has been very strange. Mie entertains a wish to destroy her father and mother. and on one occasion, w hen they were asleei in tho room with herself, she rose from her bed in the dead of the night, went down stairs for a light, and having (irst destroyed, by burning, some needlework who Knew her mother set great store up on, she net lire to the curtains, and then retired to her bod.froni which it was tho't impossible that bho could have moved. In fact so mysterious was the origin of the lire that her parcn-s werequite uta loss to account lor it, until the girl hersell con fessed having ben (he cause. She now 1 es in such a state that she can neither be called alivo lior dead, the lorini r state being only ascertained bv a careful exam ination of her lmlso. Were it ni that there is no motive for deception, and the parents being creditable people, we should imagine there was some ruse in this very extraordinary all'air, which is causing con siderable excitement in Nuneaton and the neghborhood. Wonderful Phenomenon- Wc chronicled on Tuesday tho killing of an elephant, recently escaped from menagerie. Wo regret to learn that bo- Ibio he was killed ho did great damage, and utterly ruined one planter in Hinds county, Miss. Fussing shrongh his plan tntion, the huge beast came across two stacks of fodder one of the stacks he de voured instantly, while ho hoisted the olh cr on his trunk, and bearing it before him he marched on in solitary grandeur. H( soon reached a point where the negroes of the plantation wore t iking their dinner, when the unusual sight which mot Ihoil eyes so frightened them that they all turn ed white! When their fears subsided finding that they were nil white men and women, they deliberately walked oil, nnd left tho owner of the plantation w ithout n solitary darkey. This remarkable phenomenon may seem rather strango to the incredulous, but it any one doubts the truth of our statement, a highly respectable gentleman ol this ci ty is prepared to substantiate it in every particular. c have olten lieard of per sons' hair being instantly turned from sud den and overpowering fear, hut do not re. member before to have hoard of nn Al'ri- cau s skin turning white lrom the same cause. While we sincerely pynipatliiso with tho owner of the negroes in his se vere loss, wo carnesly hope (hat this re markablo case will be thoroughly investi gated by philosophers, tcksiuri Jruc iSutiltmi. Innocent Fi easi res. Tho l!ov. Dr Bellows, of New York, in an xcellcnt ad- dross on "Mirth, remarked: "For my part, I say it is all solemnity, I have become sincerely suspicious of the piety of llioso who do not love plcusuro in any form. I cannot trust tho man who never laughs ; who is always sedate; who has no apparent outlets lor natural spring of sportiveness and gnyety , that aro per ennial to the human soul. I know that naturo taks revengo on such violence. I expect to find secret vices, malignant fins, or horrid crimes springing up, in this hot bed of confined air, nnd imprisoned space; and therefore it gives a niticere moral gratification, any where and in any community, to see innocent pleasures and popular amusements, resisting tho reli gious bigotry that frowns so unwisely tip on them. Anything is bettor than that dark, dead, unhappy social life; n prey to mnutnnd morbid excitement, which result from unmitigated puritanisin, whose sec ond crop U unusually unbridled licence or u famous tolly." Sir Charles Napier on Cherbourg. Sir Charles Nopier has addressed to the London journals along letter respecting cherbou'g and what be saw th Mis ,,,(., , .i,,,. ,. ,.,.f ,,i.i i;.. "l 1 l,,'i' iiv -f u'uni iii.ii iiu nil I ,vilh j,,,,,,,,,;,,. lo u of 10 01,inion lU.a in tK, , Vt.llt. t-tt ,Vill. , 'i,,.,.!,,,,,1,, ,,, ,0 i.iu.r wtched Com Aldernv, Portland, an(1 SL n,, tlll11 linvl ,vlUs .hiring the lllst Wiir-.ith France. What 1 o fears is "that in times of profound peace, France having a large army at command, a large licet, und a large number of so.irvtcii al ways ready, may .suddenly make an attack on this country from Brest, Cherbourg, Boulogne, or any other channel port she pleases, llemeuibor t his does not now re quite ships of war (though she is prepar ing stream transports to carry 15,000 cav alry ;) she would only have to ers no matter whom they belonged to collect them at Cherbourg, and this isonly HO miles from I'orthmd. I do not say France would do this, but we were told last summer by the Chancellor of the E.- chequer that we were within a lew hours of war. The same thing has haiii cned once or twice iielore. and may happen a- ain, and this great and rich country ought toleao nothing to chance. e must cither arrange with Fiance to keep up a moderate navy, or we must keep up a well manned mid well dicipliuol fleet; and this may be done at a very moderate expense." The gallant admiral then rec ommends that we should maintain a channel fleet of ten sail of the line, mann ed entirely by able seaman, with only 100 marines to each ship, so that in case of need a portion of the crew might be trans feied to ten sail of the line kept in reserve, the complements being filled up by lands men nnd marines. He proposes that ten sail of the lino should be kept in readiness to bo manned by the coastguard, lie likewise recommends the establishment of the marines should be increased by fi00 men. By these means he thinks that we should be enabled to send 150 sail of tho line to sea at any moment, a force sulli cien. to defy the world. As lor the French ships which he saw at Cherbourg, lie considers them lino ships, well manned, nil -.1 kept in good order. Ejl'mk J'cijur. Nor to taken in ! An exchange pa per has ilu following capital story about one of the best fellows in the world who has no fellow ; Mr. Fields, the Boston pub lisher, has a wonderful memory, and his knowledge.)!' English literature is so avail able that when a friend w ishes to know where any particular passage may be found ho steers at once for the corner and con sults the man who is very likely to give the desired information. A pompous would-be-wit, not long ago, thinking to puzzle him ami make a sport for a eo-ipany nt dinner, informed them prior to Mr. Fields' arrival that ho had himself that morning written somn poetry, and intended to sub mit o Mr Fields ns Southey's, nnd inquire in which of his poems the lines occurred. At the proper moment, therefore lifter tho guests were seated, ho began: Friend Fields, I have been a good deal excercis ed of lato trying ot find in Southey's po ems his weli known linos, running thus can yon tell us about what time ho wrote them?" "I do not remember to have met with them before," replied Mr. Fields "and there were only two periods in South ey's life when such lines could possibly have b"en writ (en by him." "When were those?" gleefully asked the witty ques tioner. ''Somewhere," said Mr. Fioh'.s, "u bout that early period of his existence when ho was having the measles and cut ting his first teeth ; or near the close ofhis life, w hen his brain had softened, ami he had fallen into idiocy. The versilicalion be'ongs to the measles period, but the ex pression clearly betrays the idiotic (inc." Tho funny questioner smiled faintly bnl the company roared. Farson Brown low and ii is Ci stomfrs. The lato Knoxvillo Whig contains a char acteristic nnd pathetic appeal from its ed itor to his former customers nt .lonesboro' where tho Whig was originally published. Ho oilers to take bills on tho Bank of Eust Tennessee, which aro worth twenty cents on the dollar, in full payment, und adds : "Poisons wishing to square up with us can now do so. If, however, they wistli to get olfat a cheaper rate, they can withhold even theso bill", r.nd wo promiso durin the coming year to receipt them in full through the paper, forever, nnd (ilo our claims ogninstthem in the High Chancery of Hwivpii, nnd let them settle with their (!od in the world to conic. And to leave all without excuse, wo further ngrne to lako Shanghai chickens, hoop skirts, lioot- jncks, broom coin, baby jumpers, fishing tackles, wooden coning, inns, blackening old boots, patent medicine, sucking pigs, Irozen catibnge, old clothes, Colt s revol vers, second-hand tooth brushes, gingor cakes, pnrchod corn, circus tickets, (ally. or any other nrticlofoundins. retail store." BTho best thing in tho world for low- spirits is to have a clear concienco 'nntl a warm heart. Never be guilty of anything that would trouble your mind, keep jour heart warm with lovo for every ono.'and you will pass thro' the woildaa i moot lily a over a c.i of gl.i. i . REPORT of tho Postmaster General. The lact is prominently set forth that from and alter tho 1st of July next, the mails to be conveyed between New Or leans and Washington in three and a lmlf days. The expenses of the department, over nnd nbove its resources, have regular ly increased ever since tho rcilnctioft Of p'ydiiges. It would, however, lie onor mcJ '"pposo that this charge upon tho 'l'''jj'C(,f Is to progress in a ratio propor tion., e to what it has boon for the last few ycaiv. Our postal system is nowextoiidc.i over the w hole country, from one oeenit to tho other, and there ran be but littlo further expense resulting from nn over land connexion with California- Except one other route, no other is now thought of us likely to become iieccsary. The Postmaster ieneral proposes, irt lieu of (rankling privileges now allo'we.l by law to members of Congress, that the Secretary of tho Senate, or such other afli eers as may be designated for tho purpose, furnish the members with postage stumps to be used on nil letters, pulilre docu ments, ,ve., transmitted by them in tho mails, and keep an account of tho stumps furnished each member, to be paid for out of the contingent fund ofthellouso; oil letters, etc., to members of Coi'grvss to be prepaid at the mailing ollice. A uniform rate of postago of five cents on nil distances is proposed. On tho 'Mlh of Juno hi:it there wcro in operation rVJ'.Hi mail routes, the length of which is estimated lit '2W,tm miles, nnd cost $7, 7'.r,41X being an addition of 1S.002 miles to length of routes, and f 1,173,372 to the cost in a y i nr. Tho total estimates for the euneiit year are slO.illjJ 17, nnd the total expenditures of the department in fiscat the year ending Juno ,'iOth, !?12.722,471 The estimate of receipts 'nnd expendi tures for 1K"S exhibits a deficiency of 5V tis2,127. The 1'. M. General onys by tho time tho contract for the California linos, via I'miania nnd 'I'ehuaiitepee, expire in Oct, 1st l.svj. it is probable (hat route by Lake Nicaragua will have been opened iiinl in successful operation there. This presents the question whether one two or three of these routes "shall .thereafter ho j employed for mail purposes. Tchunh5 ' pec route is shortest and nt the samo timo lis most readily protected. But it will be ! comparatively too new, nnd the timo of ! staging too long. While it is destined, no doubt, to become n transit of the first im portance, and will deserve tho highest patronage and encouragement, still it can not supercede the necessity of one or mora routes through Central America. It is of the highest importance thrtt (he route by Nicaragua should bo re-opciicilj und its undisturbed use for the transpor tation of tho mails, pussengors, troops anil munitions of war. secured by tho solemn guarantee of the public troaty. Without this, in view of tho unstable condition of the local governments of tho Central America, tho safety and security of trans portation can hardly lie relied on. As calculated to furnish the rcquisito fucilio ties of communication between Europe and tho Southern and Southwestern States, the projecting lines between Nor folk and England, and between Now Or leans and Bordeaux, nro nmoiig the least important to bo established. Tho Fost master tienerul regards ns highly import ant (hat the lino to Vera Cruz should bo continued. Tho whole number of post offices nn the odth or Juno hist was 27,'.)77, of which 100 are of tho class denominated Frcsi dential: wholo number established during the last fiscal year, 2,121 ; number discon tinued, 730; increase, 1,3'Jl ; number of postmasters appointed, 8,281. Of these l,.V.ij were to till vacancies occasioned by resignation, 'J'JS by removals, 27M by deaths by change of names and sites, and 2, 121 on the establishment of new offices. Whole number of offices, December ,1, 1S5S, 28,57.:. On the 30th of Juno lasl, there wore in operation 8,290 mail routes, The number of contractors was 7,044. The length of thoo mules is estimated nt 2tiO,(i03 miles ; total amount of (riitiRpnt' ( at ion "S.7C."),4'.I miles; cost S7,7'.".41S. Compared willi the service reported 30th 'if Juno. 1N.V7, (here is nn addition of IX, N2 miles to Ihe routes, nnd ?I,173,.182 to the cost. The total estimates for Ihn cur rent year aro o,'il.),fil7. The total ex penditures for the fiscal voir ending Juno ;:oi h 18'iS, amounted (o $12,722, 170. The oditnntost of receipts nnd expenditures in l.x.ys expenditures 1 l,770,.r20 ; mentis ll,o'.i,;!i:; deficiency $.1,(182,127. A VuiiiiMv Dumonh, Mr. fl, t Mat tiiews, of Viiginia, litis exhibited nt the Cineinntti Times ollice what ho claims its a diamond of the first water, and the lar gest in the world, it has an inch nnd a half of diameter, nnd nonrly an inch of thickness. Tho Times says: It is surpassingly brilliant, particularly when viewed by "gas-light. Mr. Matthew's says he has been Dll'eied for It 24,000,- It was found by tho father of its present possessor in tho gold mines in Bucking ham county, Virginia, about seventy years since. It has remained in tho rough state ever since, until iv few weeks ngo, when Mr. M., being satisfied by every test that it was in reality a diamond, took it to New York nnd had it dressed. This precious giim weighs 111 carats. Tho Koh-i-noor ( if wo remember weighs lOil carats. There have boon several diamonds found in tho gold regions of Virginia. Last year olio found in said locality was sold ot Hich mond for 4jOO. ..During (ho search "instituted" by the editor ot a Ncwurk paper for female compositors, it is roiiurted that the follow ing dialogue took plaeo: Hrislor "'mod morning Mr, Ilcitpock Have you rot nny daughters that would make good type setters." Jlenpock "No but I vo rot a wila that Would m.ike ! good '.k-Vll,' " i