r n h r Kt Yi n a t rn i: const-it store, ( i m i .f n.i.r,, A intge Mioitinent of NEW GOODS, ' S'lltlrif In nl of the articles, til .'nwA and t rtnrk Merm, ( Mtr., f'wpired ,( yhi ', Vv., I Mutt h,-t, St.n.f, P'auf, Poifpe k. rrr, l.hiinn ( 'loihs, Sdks iir. ,v. Hw.it, bite 71,7 m. THn frr nty'-. Rrady mad rluthlnir, Ilnota 4t Hio', lilts V Cape, ol ill khidN, Spanish Sole Leather, Coffee, Molais?s, and Sugar, at Wholas ale Retail. "tr-UUrt i For, Shingles, and Grain of all Hi taken In exchange for goods. Oct. Jft, I4S. M M. IRWIN. IE AT REN'iVALReadTRead t 4 NDBE CONVERTED. Tho great revival bat dona immense gmi In almost every wAonntT and town in tho Union, outside of arfictd. Therefore, In consideration of the v rumor, Frank Short has taken the respon Ujr upon himself to revive the lioot A Shoo nest in Clearfield, and ret a good example .i fellow men. JIo bas to announce to his ' ouitomors, and as many new ocs as inny f.i- - bimwitn can, that lie has on hand n largo . rluient of fine work and any amount of coarse Gents' Gaitert tnado to order, and of nnv ' eto-uit ensioniers. Morrocco. Froneb culf, pike township anu Citrweusvilk on Thursday Pat. nt calf gnitcrs ennstnntly oa band. ' Deoember 2d. , lingo for -l.ilo, kit vXi'fptrd. All work lc.iv-i renn township- nt the house ef W. W. An bia.hop warranted not to rip. Customers : dcrson, from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M., of Friday Do ing ,o town will find him at the shop former-1 toiuber 3d. nru led by R. R. Welsh, dee'd as a watch A Luinbor Citv Rorourh saino day nt 4 P. M., k a ioblifchment, nearly opposite Reed nnd nt public nchool house in f.iid borough. verssitoro. ltoll m hoyi and got new soles , . . oor old ouci rimired, as lomo of them stand i. k,reat ueed of It, FRANK SHORT. iu an, ms. 3m. '. S. l'ho pajtnoiship barfftofore existing bo en John MeCnbe i Qeorgo Newsnn is this disssored by mutual consent, atid the books, ants, and ail effects, are now in the hnnds I '. Hiort for settlement. The business will be ! , ied on In fu'are bv F. Pbort. Alas, poor Ye ;.! ' JCWN MeCAllE, OEORilE NEWSOX, riKMT i rnrsT sr;ivi:i: 1 BOOTS & SHOES! .ALWAYS ON HAND, JOSEPH GOON, IIAXKFUI. for put furors, end grateful for to prospects, desires to iofwris the uitiiens of i, ik'initv, nnd bis old friends and patrons in . . liiiUir, that hp bos reujovf d tl lit FI11SI Uu 'iM is Ako ut od ut V"rt firtt aw Wfst of the .Vuntv House. 1 1 .re be has en baa J st.uiUy, a large asaort lueat of every variety iu the BOOT .1X0 SHOE UXB ! TOM WrtRC 4TrFDED TO M'lTII W.'I'iTCn he very Lett of stock will be used, and no ) i ins spared to make ooat fits and durablo work. A!t of whtrh ea h ohtaincd from the said Josapb ifVEUV LOW for the kcadt uuiico. learflold, Aug. 13, 1SJJ. HOTEL, 3To. 117 & 119 2nd St. above Arch, :i)3B5il3IDnJH)Jl)31: i M. 1IOPKI S takei this method of iu form- V.ag his old friends and the public generally, ! the hoi just RE-OPENED the abovo well . o -wra Uotel, and re-fitted it in a style suitable to ' "are, and tho wants of tho travelling public, p. II. has bnd a largo experience in hotel kctp be has no heitation la saying that his guests rfl And hi bouso a pleasant nnd desirable stop. iwu place. Uf the clegible location of this Hotel for per aons visiting the City, either on ox M'sixE&y on pleasure, it U deemed altogether unneeossiry to speak, ne Hotel in Philadelphia is better kuown tlmu tr."OU Shunt rci-aon." Ot close attention to tho wants of bis custum--r- iir. II. bopea to doserve a tbaro of public l-ironsgo. S. II. His tcrmi per day has been fixed at th 'm rate of $1.25. Bept J2nd, 1848. 1 jr. J "HOME AGAIN"." ' JEF.Di WEAVER aro now receiving nn V opening a large and well selected Block ot . aids, consisting of Dry CJoods, (;rorcrlcn, Ilardn arr, Uuerns ware, Ihiots and Shnea, Oils, I'alnts h Drua, Hat and Ifcmncts, Nails J i fpikca, Mall and I'lsli, well as erery other article usually required in e country, which they offer to the public on us ir terms acan be hud in the eouuty. Call d see the now, beautiful auduseful. juue 9, 183. cm Depot, Kept by Kerrell & Carter On Second Street, Clearfield, '.i. 16 th place wher all tl o .'ollowing nrticlei can bo bad at reduced prices : iltir Jranqf ull tiret ty the tinall or ly the quantity; ChftOtcelqf iwriotu i:e3 and best quality; a lurye assortment of Stoves, among vhich will be found the Xew World Cook Oak J'remtum, Great ficptiblie, Jiuck't Pat ent, and the darted Minnesota. Aim, a lirge assortment ef mne-plati j and Parlor Xto's, and Air-tijh't of various l'titlerm. Also, Plows rf the best and laktl patterns. rflw.i, ot their wn Jlanutai'tiinny a lirye as sortment of Tin-ware, Stare pipe. Sheet-iron pans of a)l sites, and all articles of the kind in their line kept always on hand. ' finite spoV' tiny done to order, und Tin Jloofinp. done with despatch. Also, a large assurtment of all kinds of Amise-fteemir) vtsnml constantly on hand. COUXTUY MEHC11AKTS ire invited to call, a. they can be accommodated at very low figu res with anything In our line. All orders will be tuankfully recoivod and promptly attended to. o. n. merre:,u . L. R. CARTER. N. C. They will alsd receive every variety of ancles cn c : t-lsslon, at low rates. m. a V, RESTAURANT. rpUE undersigned respoctfully announcei to X tbe publio that he has opened an eating bouse lb the basement atory uf Morrow's (late Hemphill's) Hotel, where may be found every luxury of the aeaion, lueb a. Ice Cream, Sardine., Pickled Oyatera, Lemonade, Ale, Lager Hear, Cakes, Confectioneries, Fruits, Nuts, io., .te lle bitpea by a strict attention to hia btndueti lo merit, and receive, a there of publio patronage. A. C. FLANNItlAN. June 80, 186 3m "itrpit hfcmka for al at fhiOl. llllpi.llfltlt lO l.lillll't t IH. 1. Tilt; wl-ri-,Uf lil-.r H.U l.i -ill" I Infnt miii(t nny mi l nil jcts-tn wi'limo; rrn mi o t in 'Sat 'W'j.Imt '71:; t lift t lio la th nifiit for 'li-ftifi N .1, VI County, Mini will furnish aii'l rn the lioritf. ill In llm mM wheel, lo not ice, hi on np- plicntioli ticing made to li in nt tin ri'H done in Lawrence township, throe, tnilca smith rf I'lcai llflil borough, or by letter addrejsed to him ut Clorfioli I r. t. JOHN A. KLLIV Lnwreneo tp., Sept. I, lboS. 3m. pd. APPEALS From Trieunual A6sosm'-nt. "VTOTICE is hereby plvn that tho Commit J. sinners of CluurnVM County will hold their arpeali from tlio tnenniial assessment at tho fol lowing timet ami places, to wit: Goshen tnwntdilp n t tho school bruise in muI township, tho usual plaeo of holding elections, on Monday tho :':'d November, A. D. IS iS. Oirnrd townflij ni t'otigrif.i Hill e bool bttllic, un Tuesday the l'3d November. Covingtuu township ut t'le tho lioine of Ja cob Miiurcr, ou Wcdae.'day, Nov. 21th. , Karthnus township nt tlio house of C. I'. Hull & Co., on Thurrd.iy, Nov. I'.'uli. HuFton township at tho house of Jesse Vil lon, on Saturday, Noe. 27t!l. Fox tonship -tt Ilia housu of John J. Cundy, on Monday, Nov. 20th. Union township at the house of It. W. Moore on Tuesday. November 30th. Brudv townthin at ihe hoofo of lleor-o W. T.nmr. on Wednesiiav. 1) oeeiohtT 1 t. i;,v,v tow 'i,bin at Tmkev Hill school house on Saturday, December 4th. Ferguson to rnsliip ut tho. bouse of Thomas P. Davis, on Monday, December Oth. Bell tbowuship nt the house of Asaph Ellis, ti e place of holding clei ti'ius, on Tuesday, De cember 7th. Kunifido township nt the bouso of John Young, on Woducsuay, December Sill. Chein township nt tho school house, near Si mon Rornbnurh's, en Thursday, December I'th. Reccarin township at tho litmso of t-ainuil Hcgnrty, on Friday, Deeeiuber 1 Oth. Jordau tuwusiiip at the public school house iu Ansonviiie. on Saturduy, 1'ectMuber 1 1 tit. Woodward township at tho house of Win. Mullen, on Monday, December 13th. Decatur township at Ihe house of Jobu Goss, on Tuesday, December 1 4th. Doggs township at the house of Andrew Cross, on Wednesday, December l.ilh. Morris township at the house of Jacob Mock, on Tuesday, December Ifitli. Graham towu.liip at tho bouse of Jacob IIu- bler, on inday. December 17'h Bradford townynin ut tin. lnrino of WPPno ' Hoover, on Saturday, December IStli. j Clearfield borouge and I.unrenee township on i Monday December -Otis, ut the Commissioners' ' ottiee, in ClenrlielJ. An appeal fro a the valuation of unseat 'd i Innds will be held ni tho Couuuisjioneri' ollko in Moarfield, on irulay, Ueeomhcr .31st, at which time ull persons interested ean attend. Uy order of Hoard of Commissioners. KOEEItT J. WALLACE, Clerk. oct, ;o, is:-. t:udcc. CAUTION. LL persons aro hereby cautioned egainst meddling with lb following diseribod pro pcrty, now in the potnesi -n ot W. J. Caldwell, aa tho said property is njljsct to try order only, vu: Three bogs, seven sl.oat:, one ipring calf, a lot of boy, a lot of orts, t. lot of corn in tlio car. thirty busdiels of buckwheat, the ono third of nine aeroa of wheat in tho ground, ono cook stove, bureau, table, stand, tbreo beds uud bed ding, one let of chairs, cno large slid uno small rocking chair and the balance of the house hold furniture. JOHN WELSH. oct. 27, 1S5S. St. AMBR0TYPKS For 60 cm! rpllii undersigned would respectfully inform 1 tne LAimis and UCNTLEM EX of Clearfield and vicinity, that bo bas fitted uu Kuotusj in Sliuu'e New How where be will reiniiiun fur a fta ofays ouy. All who would desiro a lifelike likeness ol the latest nud luipn ved kiylo will please call. You that have beauty should lo Hall lake it, You that have none, should go let hi in mako it A. M. HALL Sept. 2 UU, is;, if. ( ablnct, Cliair Making, A N I) II O V S li P A I N T I X . JOHN (iri.K'H A DANIEL REN NT II having entered into partnership in the above busi ntis.q, will lie pn pared at all tiun;s to attend to any business iu the above line on short notice and in a proper manner. They will nhokep eonstantiv tin hand at their shop on Market si., nearly oppo- svnnd Cane Ilottom Chairi. nnd Cnbinel .... nf every description which they will be found eve-1 ready to dispose uf on ns reasonable terms as the , same articles can be bud elsewhere in tlio county. I 1 eir stock of Cabinet Ware uow on bund, con. I I fcts in part of j Dressing and Common Rureaus, Sofas, Sewing a, I Wash Stands, Desks and Rook Cnses, French I at 1 Field Post Beditends. Dining, Dieakfu.'l, Ceu-1 tr Card and Pier Tables, Ac. I Ol'i'IN.S niniiifnrtiircd and delivered at any I pi te ui siroil. j Any 23, liM I A1 LL persona aro hereby enutiond airainst buying, or in nny way meddling with tho following pr party, now in ho possession of George Doris in Covington tp. vu : Ono roan ninre, ono cow, six hogs, one bull, ono curner cupbonrd, one cooking st ve, one bed nnd ono lot of buokwhent, ns the sumo belongs to mo and is only left with said Garls on loan, subject to my order. fodt. 22'lSiS. (5m. . A. E. MILLER. , Adjourned Orphans' Court Sale. n virtue of an order of sale is.nedout of the MM Orphans Court of Clearfield countv. there will be exposed to public sale nt tho Court hrm.n I in tho borough of Clearfield, in S TURD4Y. tha 151b dny of Nov. next, 11 tho in., rest of Matthew Stolt. dee'd., in and to the Lllow ' described real est le. situ.it,, I., ll. ... ."3 bounded by land, of Win. Lumfido on t3o west, i r I I II II I IT 1 II DllfF r T II . (riM ' tract in nnmo of Henry .Vtowart on (hn hn nnrlli i laud, of Hoa:d on tho east, and on the aouth t by lands of James Forrest, containing 60 acrei more or lets, on which are erectod a two.atorv 1 tog noun ind other outbuildings, with about 10 acre, cleared, Terma cash on confirmation ofialo. JAMES PTOTT, Ad'inr of Matt. Stott, dec. DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP. rpilE Partnership heretofore existing hjtwoen L Dr. Lorain and Dr. Harlswlek in the prac tice of Medicine' Is this dny dissolved by mutjnl foment. All person, having account, with the firm will nla. eall .n 7l-" ' , if ih.V.r,nni .T.r.T """""'ni'iy. ana Oo. l(b, V5, lt) Hot t j 1 1 a i n i r : i ' , r v t 1 ha in' i' ril'sr m'' Hull aniinnnr es l 1 pi''- l" ti nt i has tekn the eioe s'ati I, In t'i h"r. 01, (ll I'l l',"lt field, and it .,.,,l, I I I ., ...Ill no dsn all a h'i rciv e.ii Mm a fall. Hi a iiilibe inn t fft anii'd ilnit II Kill Mi r-'nliflf I in tha brst nmnrf f p-slMe. Ill" laid 'II hi' " -ln'i allll Hi belt tin maiki'l afTi-tdl. tin Bar filled mill tha rhi'in tt brnnda id ulni'S and ll'innrt.and his MnUci mil ha lindi-r Ihr rnt" nl ai'tili and rnrvlul ...ll-m. I'AMI;, M. H I A III. Fch. II, l.i.';.-y. VATIHX t, rACIHMM'. IIOTI'.I.. X l 1 ha ml'fi-rit'f'r harinR tnki'n the almra well known slimd, liirnirrlr krit h? U ni. A. Mimn, in Cnrnensvillo, l'a., Is ready to arnin modal all who limy favor him nitti llioir pnlri'imK. Hi' Ullu mil nlirnys ho n i i I U 1 1 with tlio hpst the aik.t nflunl.', ami bii llur nith the clmirns' li'iuoti. Hit Italia will be under theoiiienfs tunllTe homier!. IUVID SMITH. I Cnrnoniville, April II. lSy, j 'FLEMING HOTEL, U Ton MERIT KNOWS TIIK Oool) I N TINT,) ' ciinvtNsvn.i.i:, The subset iher beg.A Itm o to inform bis old oiisioiners, and the public grnnrnlly (lint ho has ri ciintly taken the annvo m-ll linown stniid, :ind that bo hns rutiiely refitted nil ri'furniidu a tlylo adnptt'd to the ag, and the wniil" uiiliro truivling rninruuuity. HIS TABLE will ulwsys be prsvido 1 witb orery markets und surrounding country nil) HIS BAR wilt bo supplied with the choimt w ii:ca ami li rjttor a. III3 STABIES, which are tlio bel and most conimodiuus on the rnml within a riny's tr.ivel, will ulayj bj in clinrgo of careful and ntt::tivo hostlers. In short livery dep.'irtuirnt of his Estiililislnnent will ho supplied with vt 1 1 ihe fomforts nud enmeiiiiiu cics tlio wc;iry tniull'T could cl'sire. June 2, !!. VM. A. .MASON. NATIONAL HOTEL (LATE WHITE SWAN.) Race st. above Third, Phila. fTMIE proprietors ot the above well known cs X lalilifhnicnt beinir thnnliful for tho very liberal patronage bestowed upon thorn the past yer.r, inke this method of infonniun tlicir friends n J the public that they nr.; still prepared to ac eoiiiinoilato them if fuvuied whh a call. During the summer moii ths tho house lias been thoroughly renovated, improvements made and other extensive ulturaliins in contcniphiliou. Wo are determined to devote our whole atten tion to business nnd flatter ourselves with the conviciion that we (hall be able to give satisfac tion. 8IDE8 A STOVEK. N. 15. Carriages will always be in readiness to convey passengers to nnd Iroin Sleuuiheat Land ing" nnd Railroad Depots. S. 4 H. March 31st, ISiS.y, SUSftUEHANNA HOUSE, CurWCllSVille, Penna. fPhe subscriber, fnnueily of the Exchange Ho- X tot, Philipburg, having taken ths above new stand, situate uu the bunk uf tho river, in the lower ond of Curwonsvillo, would announce that he is now ready for the accommodation of slran gers and all others whu may favor him with a : call. The house is large and comfortable, and ; travelers w ill find every convenienco neces-nry to l their comfort. Ample stabling is attached to the i premises. i DAVID JOHNSON. ! February 10, 1S5S. CLE AUFIKLD coitxEit or Fin st axij STItlTsi, Till; undersigned respectfully inforuis his frieuds and tho traveling public in general, that he has taken the above house., FoRMKIiLY KNOWN AS THE HEMP HILL HOTEL, The Hofs-E has been recently refitted im proved, and newly furnished; EXTENSIVE STABLING has nrrs' tovrt eteii ; anm he is rnii-AiiEti TO ACCOSIMOIiATE All who niny give him n call, in the most plensing .iikI ngrcetible nianner. With every thing to render his house a desirable' stopping place. j will be supplied with an nssortuient of choice li jijuors; and bo will endeavor to entertain his guests in a manner that cnr.not fail to give the I I I I.LIT SATISFACTION. I Tlie house is situated in a pleiusant nnd quiet part of the town, and no vxpense !ur intention will be spared to make it one ol the liest houses in the county. A lib- l"" l''"'u"uge is re.-pecuuilv soilcitin H. HAYS MORROW. Clearfield, aug I,H5S' ly. FANCY FURS FOR LADIES & UIILDBEX. lnilV VA I! I.IK' A t. f'H No. MS (AV -Vo.) JornbL Ein',k, PHILADELPHIA. Importers, Mvn.factunrs and Dealers in iST-tSail33J' JZ?Jl2Atrfia r!-.. r .;... ii v ..... . n.- MAltkHT ui i.iriii.1 un i Kim iti; yi'.fi. items rues i . .i. i o. i , . m n It .. I fl . "''that Ihe use of lobacco is (ho promoting cause of . ... I,..., ii'-u invite. i fPHE number of "year, that, which wo have! X 'een engaged in the Fur business, nnd the I general ctiaructer of our Kurs, both for inni'(y and prive is sj g'nra!!7 known - "hronghnut the countiy, that wo think it unneee.'iiry u say moro thun that wo hnve now opened iir nrt ment of FURS for the FALL nnd WINTER (ales tho largest nnd most beautiful tliut wo hnve ever heforo offered pi the public. Our Furs buve u bcon '"'Po'tcn (lurlii-r the present season when nniiey was seureo and 77 R A' If 7 T il It' .i . .i ..... ' r'? "V '" ,tonl I"'JI, o been .uann- 'lW tl'. '"'.compoteut workmen ; we n '""" "eiermuieu lo sell then, at such .it - - I. . " cornM,vv t0 Klv reputation , years, uini is, lo nil a good "stoi n" -..i SL' ..-wni.uiiiii uuo win uo won to Hive ui a cTniiL-eruiieno .-u ... enl!. as thnv will Arwl tha lnr,..i . . i... ."""""""'"J est asso - , ihi tu hoicvi. irum in iuq City, and at inntiufao turors prices. . , JOHN FARIERA It CO. No.SIS Market street, above 8tli, I'hilad'a Sept. 29th, 1328. dun ST0CKER WANTED. PROPOSALS will be received for the delivery 1 of ONE MILLION FEET of Saw Log. oi uia uanxi ot tne Sinnemahoning, nt the month Of Sugar Camp or Hebnor's linn, in V ""lu "u i"mP f jiuatontownslnp, L'learfleld County, near Trier's iMnm ty of iite TM"lia fliHlon if ttnl Importance, and on win. h lias lieii r been salisfaclinily dl"poai'd of by the prefesi.iis ihu trarh Ihe henlins; art. foins maintain and especially tha "Id school Physicians that life livce in the blond, and the'reforn all diseases originate In It but modern si ienen avers that ailments bava Ihelr orignnlion In both Ihe anliils and Holds if the body. That the latter pjepondeiatr, however, is a fixed fact, ; MEDICAL INHALATION, and medical skill Inn clearly 'demonstinted that hat enabled rtio to arrive at a derisive, direct at least two thirds of the Ills that human flesh l nt,d suecessflil rnnrse of treatment for the potl heir to, have their lottrre In an Vi Bn, rndieal euro of all diseases of the UllllMirC Sll Of tllCj THROAT, LUNGS AND AIU-rA3GF.S. I ESI0(M ! ' Ry lulialatioii the ciimlivo propertlet of medi. i,i. i . ii . i . ..lljii. ., ..'cinei aro directly addressed to the diseased or- As, for Instance, t ' ll.e l. ng ca UhiU, uch a. Knn ftrv, , MLmrWi ,,o not advise th. ibCrOlllla, ICtfCr, "JialhCI S IICI1 u, (,f Medical Inhalation ol any kind, to the - il'imnlou nifitrhos r'rif)fl;iS 1 1 !- ' elusion of uhnkhal TRHATir.NT t nnd although I 1 llliplCS IMOICIICS, L.I)SI)tl lS, Ul cmMel it n nseful adjuvant in the rropormnn- CCr.S, Salt-UllClini, DliiCliar'TC3 liiKeiiicuti.f thoso fenrful and often fatal dlseasos, !r .. . ' vet 1 deem it verv neeossary that eaeb patient ilroni tho har, rcvcrBOiw, or ir-;:i10IIi,i ).ttV0 ,i,e henefn oi both azr.nL and io. inoilvK niaptispanf nnv kind. Tli'ise icre ascertuineil by well Known meuicni a dark unhealthy color. To wurd oil' u largo majority of diseases, a, well ni to euro n number which have already sei zed upon (lie syttem, i IT IS' XECESSAIIY TO ' TUIMFV TIIK I5LOOU. I IjIN!'m:y'.- htfitr.vKD Bi.oon Searcher does ' NOT Ct. VIM TO 111: A Universal Panacea for every disease known, but I the proprietors claim for it tho power uot only of j Draining out All Impurities of the Blood, j but by tho skilful combination of well known j It wi!l cure all ilt.icasi-a arisinij from a dcrang- ed stale of the Lioer drive cut Ihf pepsin, I and give renewed tone and vir to the iSl'Hiuich. That Ibo IJ'.iM.'l Searcher is all that is cluiiucd for it. tho Proprietors can produco THE PROOF: It 1 Qnly a iW yearn sinca it was d.Dcovered, largo Laboratory has been built oxproisty for its innuufiicturo a' largo number of men employ'! 111 putting it up, nud still The Supply docs not Equal the Demand ! Wo ask any candid man could this be so, if the .Medicine did not possess ALL tho virtue! claimed for it ? Tbe Proprietors have hundreds of certificates from men of probity and standing in the commu nity, show ing w hat tho medicine is doing daily for the suffering. ASK ANY PERSON Who lias ever used the -Blood Searcher "Whether Relief was Erpcrltned. Let tho ndlictcd give it a trial a single bottle will convinco tho most kkeplical of its efficacy. Dii. J. M. LlNDsr.r : Dear Sir I tako plea, uro in acknowledging tho great benefit your Improved Blood rionrcher has been to my son. lie bas been atllicted with what pbyrieiatis called a scrofulous disease of the uhsobing glands of tho stomach. Ho has been ufllietod with this disease from infancy. Ho i. now fif teen yenri of ago ; during all this time ho bas hnd several severe nttucks, and all the food ta ken into tbe stomach imparted tittle strength to tho system. 1 had soveral eminent physicians attend ing him, but I found very little advan tage, ns tho disease still returned with all its aw ful consorjuonces. In April 1857, he had a violent attack, to much so, that all who saw bim supposed bo was in the laslstago of Consumption. I was advised to try your liluod Searcher j I accordingly procured out bottle of it, and by tbe time he had used it he appoared rcstorerd to perfect health. It is now one year sine olio used your invalua ble Elood Searcher, and I am perfectly satisfi ed it has laved him from an untimely grave. 1 now unhesitatingly recommend it to all who may be sinilarly ufflicUl, uud deem it no more thun justice to bear this public testimony to its vir tues. Respectfully yours, Ac. JA.ME3 F. DEVLIN, romroy Station, A. P. R. Road. Mr. Devlin is well known to the citiicm of In- diiina aud Westmoreland counties, July tl, 1853. FOR HALF II Y C. D. WATSON, Clearfield. JAMES U. GRAHAM, Orohampton. JOHN PATTON, Curwonsvillo. E. F. UKENNER. Morrisdale. JOHN RUSSELL, Peunsville. R. 11. Mi K) RE, Luthersburg. M. O. STIRK, Now Millport. CHARLES It. FOSTER, Philipsburg. H. SWAN, Ansonvillo. RUSSELL Mc MURRAY, New Washington, KDWAHD WILLIAMS, Williumsvillo. JACKSON PATCH EN, llurnside. SAMUEL HAGERTY, Olcnbope. aug. II, IsjS dm. GREAT DISCOVERY OF THE AGE, Important to TOBACCO CHEWERS. I K. i I "ST A V LI N X A H L) S TASTE JtESTOIlA T1VE TROCHES. ,r Urcat substitute for Tebaceo. "ell known nnd intontrovertiblo fuel many ot (lie most severe MENTAL AND P11VS IC'AL DISORDERS to which tho raco of man is '"''ject, us c art; nl analysis and long and Iminful experi since have clearly proven that it contains cerium narcotic and poisonous properties most dangerous in their offer!, which by entering into the blood derange, ihe functions and operations of the bean, causing many to suppose that organ to be seriously diseased. loL'ACCU affects nleo the entire nervous, syi teni, uuiuifcstinj,' itself na all who huvo u.ed ihe noxious woed nil! bear testimony in Lassitude, Nervous Irritability, Water Trash, Dyspepsia, A many other disorders of a sitnilnr churn 'ter. THE TASTE RESTORATIVE TROCHES are designed to eounteraet these baneful influences, aud have proved coinp!otol successful in a mul titude of cases, and wbcrever used. Being harm less in themselves thoy exert a beneficial effect upon tho entire system, restoring tho Tnsto which has beoomo vitiated or destroyed by great liidul genco, completoly removing the irritation and accompanying tickling leuuttlon of the Throng which aro nlwnyi consequent upon the abstalnlny from the use of Tobacco, and by giving a health tone to the stomach invigurate the whole lyitem Person, who aro irretrievably undermining their constitution! and shortening their iivei, should use these Trocbei Immediatelv ami thin ;c0 c ew " i T, off tho Injnrious and nnpleainnt habit of Tobao- a of, ineso troenei or l.ozengei are nut un In cenvenieiit and uortublo furm at the low nrioa 50 cents per box. A liberal duount to Ihe trade. i reparea loioiy Ly tua undonigned to whom all orders should be addressed. .AMES E. BOWERS, Druggist Cor. 2d and Race itreeti, Phila. April 10, 1851. ly. ' -HuTr,l Printing neatly execuM here. shed it In ;'-?.' "".' ""-"' " ' ,he honor to preside, are too well known !". the effect of ro.ltit-lrfe tho. price of many ariiclu1 t.. . e i I l.i I k . ,.M i..h I - . - , - - r - - - j .w of , , meiueaiau nor, . . a o uu InB. At ,l,o solid-. f Im,?;t.aadise, Ihe nnileMgfled hrts V tti y Tvpbnid and PcarMt-the former being an In- J"'01' ,of pn "'! professional friends, bcd l0 buy ,. ,(ork nt .mil f el that he ni ternul and the latter an external irruplive d.s-1 wl,"; I'Uilantlinipio a.d the above char-1 , Kn0,i8 nt prlcel to suit the times. And ha luxury tho curse j and iu all person, attacked by these ma- j 'V" bwn !'." nnd l'''y "PPrled, and af-, ing hcrctofore endeavoren ,0 please hi. eu-totn.,,, afford lilies the blood is found to bo coagulated, or of ,,'r,,l"u consideration, I have cone uded to miiks bo(n )n , Vlty 0 g,At nna the price. M ,. .I..-I, ,.nh...iii. -in such nrrongeinents as wi.l bring tho benefits of u. tia. he hones to reoeivo a rea. V OAK I) MOM )f. .Irtimn M. .Inrrcll, l . uhu,i,i. niK I.VN'I tM'irtMm. i f..r tha tsl flhl Jfi "lih Tit t: Nkw mhk Mr rumiM tlnn f.,r tha isl flM fail Willi Oik i.I' In-tltiillnti, as t liti f 1'ht'lfian, and Iwrlte Jflft rnnr-a nf Urady ! v ) Ion .0 tin I. I If I'. 1 1 V Pulmonary Consumption, and kindred diseases, together with my tin. I rivalled opportunities and advantnaei of patl-o. logiral researrh aided not a little by a perfect svalein of cal treatinent. Tho lltccess of my treatment la the above direnses, nnd the high rlmraetcr ef have SO Ion Itntl ; my experience nml treutmonl wiiliin the reach of those only v. ho entered tho Infirmary, or who were able Iu visit mo ut my othco. Hoping, .1 f .1..- . ;ii u. ". arrnKo.ue..i wn, ,t vnu.a Riiti.lor'l'rrn. ltoll It. mv f,riiri.,ii,iiii I hrnthfi.ni und the public, f would respectfully announce in ( conelnsion, that cm note br coitmtltcd pmontil' ly nr latttr, on nil diseases us above, and that the i medicines, the same as nsed in the Institution, ' are prepared to suit each individual case, Inlialin Viipoi!" Medical INHALE IiS Ac. r c, will bo ferwnrded by cxpros. to nny purl of the United Stntcs or tho Canada. i T K 11 31 S : My terms of treatment by letter itro us fullows) viz : ?12 per inontli for each lui- tiont, which will include medicine sutli-jcif-nt for one nion t h's use; also inliulin' j vapor, iii-.d un 1 1) lulling Apparatus'. I'ny. J incut ns follows: to lie pai l to Express; Ag?nt on the receipt of the liox of Medi-! cine, nnd the piilnnee ?(5 nt the cxpirution of the month, if the huticnt be cured or is entirely Mitislled with the treutinent. l'u- I tients, hy f-'ivin' tl ftill historv of their icitse, nnd their (symptoms in full, can be treated as well by letter as by personal ex amination. J. itticnts availing themselves of lr. Juirett's treatinent may rely on im mediate und permanent rclicfrii.s he seldom has to treat a case over thirty days. Let ters for advice promptly umswercd. For further linrtii'ithira address- "JAMES M. JAIiRXTT. M. D. Xo. 8-0 Jlroudivay, cvr. Twelfth St., X. V. P. S. Physicians and thcrs visiting tho city are respectfully invited t call nt tho Infirmary, where many interesting cases can be witnessed, and where our Imprnrttt Apinratu for the inlin lution of medicated rnporcan be seen and inspect ed. STOVES, ST()VES! INDUSTRIAL STOVE WORKS. No. 33, North Second Street Oppokile Christ Church, I'liilndclulila. Tho subscriber respectfully infornia bis friends and tho public genarnlly, that he bus taken the Store, nt No. 3.!, SUK JIl iiLCUAJ) STIiLKT, nhero he will be pleased to lee hi. old custom, ers and friends. He has now on hand a splendid assortment of Parlor, Hall, Office, Store and Cobkinsj STOVES, of the latest nnd most approved kinds, nt whole sale nnd retail. WM. V. NEMAN, No. 3:1, North Second Stroet. Philadelphia. N. B. Your particular attention is imited to M "till EE'S PATENT G AS BURNING WARM ING AND VENTILATING BTOVES, fo- Pnr lors. Offices, Stores, Halls, Cam, ie., which for economy, purity of air, and ease of management has no eijual. W. C. N. iO,0dd Castings for all kinds of Stoves, on band. September 22, lSjS.-Sino. ORMAN'S COl'RT SUE VALUABLE lot of LANDS. BY virtee of an order of the Orphan". Court of Ocarfiold county, there will be expoied to sale, by outcry, on Monda;, the Vuh dnyf Xovember, 18j8. at 2 o'clock, p. in., at the court bouso in the borough of Clem Held, all that Certain piece or parcel of Land, Situnto in Morris tnwnskip Clearfield county, containing about ll't Acrea, beiag part of survey warraniea in name ol llyman llratz, and being t'le Northeast corner of said survey, known in the partition of estate ef Jaiaes Allaort, de ceased, as purpart No. 7. Tliia land is dosira- ylb located for farming purposes, and i. toler ably well timbered- TERMS. Ono half rash at confirmation, and tho balance In one yenr, lobo lecurcd byjudg. mem. MATILDA ALLPOKT, Oct. 12, 13.-S, A'-rceuru'. A HOMESTEAD FOR $10! 4 Fl A vi FEW MORE OF THOSE DESIBtni v ARMHand Puildini Lots, in the Gold IU. gion ami other portions of ireinin. m t h divided amongst tho subscribers for the benefit of ino new lotvn ot IIait-miamnock. Subscriptions osi.v tkn iioi.laiis kath; one hnlfdown, the rest on the delivery or the Dkko. Every subscriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging in iBiue irom iu to j.iii.omi. Tlieso Fnrmi and Lots are so Id so cheap to induce settlement, a sufficient number being reserved, the increase in Ibo value of which will compensuto for tho appa rent low prieo now asked. Ono acre lots in town will be oivk to industrious mechanics who will build upon them. A c,iii;;'"nv of settlers railed ''Tun HAi'tMH.t. none PioKKKit AssociAttr)f, I. now bttlldlng.nnd will commence their lottlement in the spring. Ample soourity will be given lor the faithful per formance of ooutrncts and promise!. -A-Muhk Aukntb Ann Wantkh to obtuln .ubscribors, to whom the nioit liberal indueo menu will bo given. Home Agents write that iney are maKing Uu por month, For full par. ticulara, SMbscriptioni, Agenoioa, Ao apply W . K. DAUDKH, nov.lM.U8. Nff' C3 JXTf 9 LL person! are hereby oatitlonod aealsta 11. purchnsinif or otherwise m,l.lltn. u. yoke of black oxen In the pr.seaslon of Hugh ki ise, of Brady town.hip, Clearfield County, a. the same belong to mo, and are in hie possession on loan only, nov. 3, 1858. St. WM. L. HORN. T) OBERT J. WALLACE. A i ... .IV Clearfield, Pa., Office in Shaw'i Row, op.' ' DnOlf A th .lAllPnal ftltt.. ' r I ' "v.vunini "I1K.V de-:. ), ISl?.-.t(. tl... V...I i..:..u Avir Hliieh 1 ton rit. 4 t f w i ,r f t ft riMiRPnf-tiMtisMir"nd I at hl ti'ii n Maltl . dtrr ' ,,, , , ,.,, ,., , ,r f fd HlOl k of fSkAFCAIHK 0(l)H. w.J fd HlOt k of PKAtiMAIll.lf (I0(I)H, he mil ll at a very l.ohirt. llis Urn k n nsistl of a general asiirlran Dry Goods, Oroceriei, Hard ware, Qufcoiwnre, Qlani wre, Drug, Oils. Ac. Ineliiillng a buit of other articles In his llnti. niiinit wnlch ran b found an i .enslve and uri. ed H'leelion of l.ADIW drain goods lurk p Jhteah, 'ii.Wiin rtoth, Ihlriyr, 0. i luirff, Vathmnci, Ihtiiinct, Al pitfttt, French Mrinos, rinhh, and l full at- tortmvit n JIO XXXE TS for the team; llis GKNTLEMKN ? wear eonslsU of a larti assortment of Cassinierra, Cloths, Ssttinctti, Satin' Vesting, tweeds, Hull and Caps, inn an axTE-csiva vinittTr or' BOOTS AND S II 0 ES I'or Ladtet, Genttleinen and Children f Srtlli .ImARt .f.rv nthur artif.1 that inn. U k. - eessary to lupply tho wants of the commoniiv. Thh tireSntrn of Ilia monnv mnrlcnt h.vlnn k..t v lllnn nn iiiii i niui ud ui'l'WD .i t l IJ el... ... I.a kamXAal (uablo of ,j9trynage. All in wn; of goods, will please cull und ox'uuino bis stock of cbea ost goods. I . jT-(r"Cotintry produco of all kinds taken la i. chu ( . 'M. F. IRWIN. Clearfield Not. 10, 1S53. WATCH & JEWELRY rpilE uudersigned respectfully Informs bii J. customer, and tho publio generally, that hi has just returnod from the East, and opened at his os'ubliabnicnt in ,S7.d WS MO W Clearfield Pa. a fine sti.i-k of WATCHES of different qvi.f' itis, and JEWELRY of eveiy variety, from a fuli lett to a aingo piece, w lieh bo will soil at the most reasonable prices for CASH. ALL kind, of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and U'drraureif. A continuaneo of patronage i. lolicited. Nov. lUth, liAS. II. F. NAUGLEj- , 18.53. T85a. KRATZERS' an jast opening a large aidl well selected stock of fashionable goods, which tbey will be able to sell at price! to init the timet, a. tbey havo been bought at not cask pricei. In addition to the usual variety of ate. ' pie ortiele-, particular attention it called to lb following new and dejirablo dross goods Raja.' dere and Plaid Valencius, Poil de Chere, L. veil Cloth, Plni Cashmere, Debege, Persian Twill, French Mnrinos, Gernmnia Cloth, Dons. ; baiine, Delaines, Dueula, llroilie, Round-corner. til and Loug Shawl Also a large lot ol Ladici' Furs, Winto llonnots, Diess Tiiawaingi, ie. Gruiu taken in exchange for gaede at tusb pri. ces. C. KRATZ1K t SONS. oct. Zo, 'uS. 4tpd. The Philadelphia Evening Bul'etin, 1 4N lude peudont Daily Newspaper, devoted s. peeially to tho interests of Pennsylvania containing important Telegraphic Now., sixteca hours in advance of tho morning papers Origi. nal Foreign and Domestic Correspoixisuce, Edi1 torinls on all subjects, and full report of all tin nM of llln ilnv. 't'ht dtnn,,...;.,! .li V: al departments aro full, and a-re carefully urtend'. edti. A. un ndvertiaing medium there is no letter paper in the State, tho circulation being next to the Inrgest in tho city, nnd nniong thi : most intelligent und influential of th' population Tkkms Sii dollnrs per year in advance. CUMM1NGS A PEACOCK, Proprietor- v No. 112, South Third Streot, rhildelphia, IHE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY BULLf. i TIN, , . t bandscuie, well-filled, family Weekly Newsr : tv paper is i ublished by the pruprioUrs at the following unprece ontcd low rates: I copy, one year, $1 00 ; 6 copies do. $5 00 ; 13 80 copicido. : $10 1)0; 21 copies, do. $15 00 ; 30 copies, do, $20 00 ; 100 copies, do. $50 00. FrarnRR It-' nrrtaKNTst The largest club (over 100) will be .cnt for three years. Tho next largest club (ovee 100) will be sent for two years. Address , CUMMINGS PEACOCK, Proprietors, IStillotfn Building, No 112'. South Third Street, Philadelphia. - .... .... w kiu, UH, m Ann.. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON, (DAIMHM HAKJSIS, .; UAVING fitted up a shop a few doon east of the "Ot.D Jkw STonE," on Mnrkot sU, desires to inform tho community nt largo, that be keeps on band a variety of CAUINKT N'OftK, nt his .hop, and that be manufacture! to order1 (of luponor finish,) evory description of house! hold and kitchen furnituro, among which are Centre and Dining Table Mahogany nnd Com mon buronus Common nnd Fancy Bedateadr -Stands, Safes, Cupboards, Sofas, Lemngee, to., which ho is determined to dispose of at a dreary rates, for cash, ns they can bo pnrrhwed i an othorestoblishmcut or the sort in Ibe countv Pe-ioni wishing to bny furniture are iavitd to come to bis .hop and examine hii articles indf judge for thcmselvis of their quality and finish before purchasing elscwhcro, as be feels eonfi. dent that ho can suit them in price and quality, N. II. Ho i. also prepared to make Coitins to order on tlio shortest notice, and attond funerali with a hearse, when called upon. A kind, of country produco wiP be re. eeired in pnvment for work, nov. 17, ISiS. ly. R,,rE""'1';9 'ILE--7 virtue of. writ of of Common Plea, of Philadelphia Cbun and U me directed, there will bo exposed to public sal? at the Court House in the boLgh of Cl.. d' jj-t . ' the aescribol real estate, to. .f!!IOM " I10-'.01'.0', nnJiviJod balf or a eertai ', tract of Innd ailuated in the township of Pike, in fila ih ?, 7 1rC,p"r"p'I. "-nown a, tract number, ", " weiiibnii.lre and .evenly eight, 57M,) th. h. centaining one thousand and' twenty aorea ol land and allowance, being th. .nine undivided balf part of which Herman Yer key and wife by deed dated 24th Juno, ISM, r oorded at Clearfield In book M, pago (105, con-" voyed unto Samuel II, Boudo. Seised, bik.n la ' cxoeuHon, and Q tie fold a tbe property of Sara, MOl R. BoHrJa, , . ' , - , n ! c , sr : Tuili If- BKKD, Sheriff. NOTICE WllliilWa mj wifi, Sarah Wedaworfh.bai . ' 1b" "y bod and board without Just eaus or provocation, I tborofore oaution all persons from trusting hor on my account, as I will noli pay any deb ti of her contracting, from and after tbi. date. JASON WEDSWORTn. ' Fo tp. Nor. IT, 1858. 3t.pd. WM. P. CHAMBER. CARRIES on Cheirtnaking, Wheelwright, and bouse and Sign nalntin i riinill. I ClearOeld co. A II nrdrs r romntly attended le ! Jin. i, I fix, '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers