i in. N( )-.! .1 ... , ! ' 'if ., , ; i.t'i. 1 i'i ill Ik' B'M. I I" ,1 ,,,, ,, , . r..t ll rtil li it I!.! t l.i (I 1 1 in III II I.I lllf llM't. III ' V",'1 l"'t ,' !' g'illii'., "" 1 " ' ' 1 " ' in 1... I 1.1-ht,, -,,-.,., ,.Ul 11-11 Hi i.M ;iil..H," '"f'l. r, U, II It li'l'V n limit. I lint II W rill I -1 lir. II. I . I tiiii! I 1iinM liili i. lnll"lt. ! tln Al'ili'iilt' fi'init nn l"iiil the Willi il.ivri"l In the Mnohnl Hi Cbf ('U(Mil)li(iui. ..p...ptU f-t Uil( tVr.iihirMllnfHi.i.. I Ihii ir,n, il ,..,,,.,i,. my ilnlf n ron-ld- I (III1 I'lm.'l' of ri.tnh III linu I ,i I'm. Ifln llnil. ... .. 1...1 .1. . ... f.i 11 M. I . . . . 11 1 11 1 r 1 . . . r 1 1 1 " 1 '"-1111.11 iiufc-iii vi im inn'in i'i ,.-i:i ! um. i.til... I'mM." . i-. -I h It-mn limnM..,! gpnU. Km-li i ... H,U. kr nmv r.n...... U II,,..,., , tv wl,,l. ,xM. ,.rn i..,vi. ,.,.,r, wo. lnr.rMll,o.ali-ona,..of the Wn.....,.iliw,t lnir..v,Mh. n. limn !... iitiilfl. i.l. . ... 11 ... .iiiir.li.ii it llti.nl...' v. wiill.., .. . . 1 . ' ' "t , 1 " '" " ""i'pi'1 ,111. rxirni, nn. in- l.niilit 11 1 I llii' ' ' " " '."' ' I """npi,.ii.rxirnt. ami In- locality fl ji rnlilvn. Ii,im,I,.-. Altl,r.upb V"1' !. ' ,;"V":: , t "V 1 1 " "'-'l"'" orVil. In giving emu.lc.n.nr'e to tl.o execution of, ' . itiiToiini in nor prevent or i elect, n.., ... l...t wlmt m ... ...v. . I lit I. ... i' a t it .11 1 li 1 n.-n I ...- .. .. .. 1- . . 1 . . . . . . ' . ' . . C " ' . .it". " , I lin I III! Illl Y I .111.111 1 ... . .A lj AM.. ' V II I I lin ) W ill ft I I 1 1"' it '1' I Hi I ii'll.. I 1 III' il til III" 1 it' II... 1.1 I f I.I. ..... ..I nit. ....... I ....II. 'Villi f.'t- I'n' .. . ' ....... 1. t ,. ni' linf. I V I....I. 1 II. llll'llll.ri (If I,,.' I .. .i-...' ... " ITU'. Ill- r-vi. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'i 1 . ini,n.,.,ji,, ((( (..li.... el . ,. (M 1. Hi. Ml I n, ' r. tllinilli nTli r i. li.ii. r, . .1 tin inn I. nn. I l.i. . III. nil i.f V 'li fl Hi in .limn f.i.-.. i .... r n . . . . . 1 I . " " J 1 U'l. . . '"" 1 ' ' 'I' "l I' I II U I'I I I (lll'.IIIV, Tli lirrn L ' . 1 i. .. .. I I -1 1,1 In. liniil. -l in mi.nl.. ., fn. n, tl.i.l.N. Mivn I n w 1; I Itoiil u.oir i..,: t.... iu,,r. yr, i . .1. ...... ' I . .i.j'r. 1... nn, til in .li .irn ,iiiir, I'oiitmniiro ol l u ce nu n o AT- nmy Im ,,., I lo, uml l.o nP..... ; vhlunl nnd in Ivnto Inlm M. Tlini nnMrnr- ..,., L ,, Imnlli,..,. ...,, Af tl,t rl. I in, li' in , .fiirv li. rally li. oi.i into . im'I lion of t in roml m.i'1,1 (l.,.r..r,.... ... I. . , . . , r . j iurii. ... I n iiLl up ..i nn. I. ... .I... .... 1 I iinroioi-o lo im tv,c,ml,l not Imvo fmli',1 to l.oi-oinf n nonrro onpl.t t . I p in-o.l ttn.l.'i tho ntui Uln'miiiuittiil to rompniii.Mi in,v,i ior..t,', .y u,f inrnt.v.M.i. nc-ti nn.l nnxiotv tn it.inl.iili ..r.'o.,.;,l,l,.v. U,..l,l.;,i.., ro..on,y j t l.o .Slnto., or other n,.,..,H,' tvl,,,., u Vl o , I hi m.v 1 h, .l.i. s not n.nt ... II,., ... to m-pro- niury in'oro,ti. wonl.l l.p.litootly involvo-l. i( Tl ,' ro wnV t o , o. o t o i It .p..l.TOOiicy for r,.,.,..lut,,..u.l purpo., ri,r,. mn.t M tl.om in ... work l.y f Af.i.' ' , v .h-MI , J m,Vl W miio. rshililiul to lli.nl. r. iK'o.plorow. nn.l pro.- piHi.tn of Intul or ninnrv or l.oll, ii...l..r ' ,. V i . r,ll,'n" , ii, . ... ii i i ',.. i ii .i ,.i ;.. .. r .' nionri . or ..on., tin. ir , wiih any r'"i.i-) to Immunity exccil to ': J . .' ."' " communis mm roMim-iion woul.l ! i.ii.,i. r,i,.P n....n nWm, ui.,,,,. CI.KAItKIKI.Ii. Pooi'inl-or 2.1, li...' wl,n 0 po.i'.l it .oin.i'lc"l Irilli Mill f.ir In vl". tion to tlm I 'niU'l Sliilo. rrh nln, iiy t.oll. i. .ft of 1. 1 i.i"H' r.oriil lioflfhciy tonm-tl.. l.i. f. loin! Hint formor Mr. I'm lintu.n, hrn liHifiofl. In ll.o inii.'U ol tin? poopln to ii'linit of thoir ro gi.r.lir.ft liim n nnytl.in tUt'ilmn .olit ln.1 ilcpoiiiilo. TI.iimi wl.o Imvo Ihtii no tinfnrtiiiiii'.r', "The Tretn" and iU "Gang." 'Tltr VtCfn, in tho ouIm I of Itn raroor oillior Mr. Unrl.nnmt, fr (vo ivould rntl.or intv f.irtnnnto,) n. to full of Hip oonnlj . iinik-r tho l.nn of l.in di-pl.-nMiio, I... it l"'l1tl 11... M ....i'i ii,.' i..i.,Mnrt l'iM.il,U...J r ..ilnli'tli. hi. li Woin l.ni(.,im..i.,. . .I.m. ' " llHi' I- rt iIH' "tin.) of f'll :,t ll,..Hnv I. rim l,i for.' Ilto p,',i.lii,,M'i'niM..,rm,) tt, for tin iriippMvnl ortojoi iion i iir,,m., Ihi' M-liioviil i.f tho o'Minlv .out finirt Ii, pro.onl l.x .it ion to onnvoti.villo. lip li, thi.t. tho 'i.i'.tii,n of ri'innytj I. onn whioli nfloot nil tho citi.on.of (.lpf. fiohl riinnty, ni.'l iU il. iMr.Hion imi.t nn (.lii'litiR clloot on ihn fntiiro pro.iiTitr Im privi'iit loontioti i In. Ant I'n.i lilt 1 fltwl I til tl l.ktt I I... I Milt noilO l Una IIIdIimV M1H l0 WiirVto.l 'seriiro tlio trnn-iiu-rtiilinn i.r irtMn.,. nn-)' . i i . '. I I i . i J iM-iini, l.y inHinnmHTi'incnt, in'iu upplioulioi, to n.unitio, , o W frci of ny ,. rT ro,'m;"t ";ntero. into with iho Co- M.ppo.tor of ll.o n inistrntion or tho kon tho ol.l lmul marks of his failh, pro .',. W, tl.nt wl.oii .. .county .,,t i, Hot .he ohuclH .ii'.i'.natoil l.y Js) that ot tho r.,kt l Zu i.u I T to n I'Tu? uX, : 1 V' f . '""".V 1 r''i1'"1 or i nn,l upon Inlinitoly letter off with thn enmity or a J? nll.-r, tl.o prenyl fuoili. rcSrrj.. , ii-iinJuoS inTxriV ,,,oL ,wu w.uip ...0,. . iiirzsri.it:. . n. ll.cprivsM.fovci.l.nootheoominouoo. j-ngo,! lor tho con.si.lerulion of r,tmt to t icos rrom tho lVmoorutio jhosh prni-rnllv, Kycoi.lu.n.-y-ivl.o ran only rensuro thoM Lhouhl ho ohancotl. ' !h?, fii inrtn. S.CKZrtt irinltn'A fiU mlvont Into tlio newspaper worM.- nhovo him, his own ponition hoing too low 7WW that Cunvonsvillo fa more con jAuilryh, rx,.,,t .'..opulalion, von- i.otonni,,,. Iho to all.nv oloot in tho oontrnry ,iJ Iom ncomspf.n.lm.u' Immviim; ol vp(;i;l.- sutl, roatl wns .loomo.l l.y wis,, and ii.t-laltor with oonilbrlahlo .holtor, ololhinir, "mocrntio party nn.l tl. adiniiiiHtrnlmn rootion-whi only romlomns ns Satan, not 'rill'0wnt.. ,,mt itnU J,, , i'. ,?7,.,", "X r"'' lvV"i' i r I n0":, r';" t0 1 vWwnttry l,r.ir,'. . Tl' provMmi mid ine.lioul uttendanop, causing wU.l.liHlie.1 l.y it, l.isto.l only until an op- Leoauso tho ohjocL of his ili.likc is not vir- ! thn n-fioultunil .llstliot, ntl-l in cv.tv l t r 1 7: Z?Z lf9 ,l :V. J"!?:!:- V P0Hny lontea itir for the iliJ, uo.,. hut liocauso l.o hope, that 1,y ton,,,. i-peoUho most Hosirahlo point ?ora oout .vuhv.l for the oh1. wore objects which in tho opinion of ma. ' ....... ti,1 nu.ili.i.iif fit i..nn:..l ...... r... : . I . 1.1 ... . - .. 'I'I tv .out .1 ;.. i .... r ..... 1:1., ..:.. .1.1. 1 "r""'"' .... ...... vi..u- lauon no can 1.0 ijimukiii 10 sm. j no ma- ,. , ... ri., . .. .1 ... I '.' . . I ...... i.u; in,., ill . 1. li.ni-.l it.u ri..ll.....I I.J, . , , ... ... . 7iY vurVr'i. I I'll . IO rolllOVIll n. in ..f.iit.,.. I MO true ones loin tlion nro. Iiavo llioso 1 nv. coul.l not Im N.i.'ii.ni.nto.l. N.ivr ..l'i..r 1 .1...; ...n.:.... 'pi.: 1-. mi., not honors, who controlled it. to .hschai'i'o li (riii.r rif liia (liii!iii('i'i( ititi iwml.l ml.l lilt ! ..." ... 1,1 H-y olj.-rfs ,, ,,,r,,.,,lv ,m,l'li.'J ,,:.o ,,r ,l .i.,tl yr.r. Ikw ..lla- , ,. 1IUU ,u,. u l' S,i ('..r nmaM vol,..,., ol U. ,.lu,, v ..iau, ,,il . ,lii,. r r u, ,. ,..,. " ,,, , ' j JJ ft&.T?..aLl&fJK """i-i ......'ii."ii,ai3u.,; .,-,.,,. ,,,,a,::,,:.j,t; on.v? In necoiduneowill. these i., ..mil sl....s will ..assem-A s ...,w ..ass ...... . .. ... . ,.r" " ; . . . . r,,,,KI,nf! u. inai.olieal hun t, up- l'.ut Kvoy soonn to 1,......- . if those , " V V " "" '" " " 'y ' may he ini.ro I .ffi.ro they roach Al'ricii.tl.c Society Inn o n'iccd, in un oiuital.lo tspi lit, to lnako such u reduction lVoin Iho Ursuhxd, that (ho proposition of Hid .1 . . uuo economy : in nccoiuuneo win. incseai.. mail M.'.os Willi pnsscnpe r.s now pass principles, the heads orth diflerent fAt-iand repass twice in rai l, week, l.y a com outivo doj.iiiliiient of tl.o ( love n.i.ciit mon wiil'oii road. I.clwern San Krancise.. muo ..oi l, instrncio.i to re.iu. o tuoir csii- anl St, J.ouis and .Memphis, in loss than (amount as under tho circumstances mav tnntM Tor the next fical year to Iho lowest j twenty five days. Tho service has heen ns .,..,,,. jllst ami rcasonahle. This cannot -he torvico, nnd ll.is duty they have per-'years Lot wren New York nnd this cilv. !i ,', ,),..,. l,icl, sl,.',ll l.,..,. ,.,i.., .,, Mr- li'uln.nan and tho Ik-mo'Talk! i-arty 'not comnlair. at u much inferior calamitv. "'""i'i"."81,11'' '""'" ftt V10 '''.'""'J' B('llt formed m a fl'iiil of just oconoinv. The llhilo diselainiiii2 all nulhoritv to n.,-! .1, c has heen not oi.U- nnremilii.,,, V,, a. r.... i.-..;.....,.. i "m" ln'u';l' '"''-""""wlalo'l l,y ivvmo ftimillOf! flf lO I'I'!1KIIIT Will' nVV Hill nwihiiilnnn 1.. t I , .. n ... . 1 i. ,. ,i i ,i . , I,. , , . ... I J J MM. Interior lVpn,.n,,t, have caVh hcu. in ihis Cal'U U' to say, that a "weukness of tho knoes'j, that for these reasons we are Home .lrref reduced, and uiiloss u slid-1 war ninki. ..ow-fr of the fonslitulion .. ivoiild l.o a minor misfortune to ti,e weak- ' .vor oi removal to CurwonsVille, ami den and unl'm ocn emei L-ency should u-! there nre imi.ortant collntpral eonsidera- ...... ' 'J'o onahlo him to carry out his unworthy noss of ," that could onii.lov iiaolf in ! vl'' uso 'i11 'fr,f','il,,,'; moaiis to c-Ubt t thnt "lise. it is not iliitieinaloil tl.nt n ilelioienev .;,. iir..tno tia in niuLrtatrn .I.. ..n..!.- ... ' ....... .r t. . .lnul....a l. I.... 1.: . . i. .... '. L. .. .c ... .. purnoso liy IMiklllir tl.O i.clKlatlirc tOluU wiHo.xi.st oil hor within tho resent or , ' , .m1 'o .-oe.e.y inannesu,. n - um-..lB ,no concoeuoi. o. uen a .msora.no i.asn,lit ,c u.,li()11 loa voUj oftho 1eo ,c of fiscal pa, ''Tile rot! nVl'Jde lu.ekr-y ..notations, county. ' 11 nh.c,-,I in n iieculiar imsition, dillerent is that M.ch a road would U a powerful 'niiion own ; and now p. however hoiutilul thry tnny he in their On mot.on, a com.mttce of thirteen wm from the other depai tnionts,un(l to this 1 Iwnd of iniionl-otween the States east and "The l'ross, a1 own panes, as is cnntailied the ortielo we ni'I"11111';",1 )' .t!'c l'rosidt'ilt to present i . i r i i on nil ilmtn ulm l.-ul !n n n-.n. ti jt. i ..: : : i. ,i i le.ed will, or hulcd to rceom.o his pro- has always l, n penou.ei.liy sul,,eel- r0c t tho county l.uildin-s at privuto cost tcntions to being one of tho rulow oftho America lias had her Arnold, Jlun.u'aryhorwiH save tho tax-payers at least $10,0ih)' nation. Smcojhat tunc, his hostility to ( ieoi-'V , and tho Democratic party should I ViW.W, that three fourths of tliose duill hereafter refer I invite Congress to institute a rigid fioTUtiny to mcorlain w hether the o.xhh Ffs in nil the departinents cannot lie still farther reduced ; and I promise them all the aid in my power in pursuing tho in vestigation. J transmit herewith tho reports made to tno l.y the Secretaries of War, of the Na vy, of the Interior, und of the 1'oHt muster tumoral. They each contain vulutil.lo in fonn.it ion nnd important recommenda tions, to which I invito the attention, of Congress. In my last annual message liook ocea- e,ir..r,,l .'.deiiialinn ll.ov would I.oi'i'.mim . west ot tl.o uocky mountains. J his is so , ,0 lVUa ti,e sun, o)- ji.-.o on euch individr. sell evident as to roqiuro no illustration. lm j comiilvinc with the nci eement. und iigiun, in a roininerciul point of ; they would have nothing loft to remune- lunrMucr hum mr gicni. ((uesuoil oi rac tnni for tl Hut view, 1 their enre, trouhle and res.- ponsiliility. At nil events, I eould make nohetter arrangement, "nnd there was no other alternative. During the period when tho (ioverninent itself, through its own agents, undertook the task of vrovi the day. With the eastern frontier of our republic stretching along the Atlantic, and its western front along the l'aeific, if all tho parts should he united by n safe, ea sy nnd rapid eoiiimrnication, we must ne- jceswrilyconiinandaverylargei.roporlion ,lir,p for captured negroes in Africa, the ........ i. .rv,... w. J.U.1...0 ....... i, flim. cost per head was very much greater. Our recent treaties will. China und Japan, There having been no outstanding np will open these rich and populous empire, propriution applicable to this purpose, I to our commerce; and tho history of thej(.ould not advance any money on the wor.d proves that tho nation which has ' ,..., i .i r,.m ......... ,v. i ...... , ,. . . , 1j1 1 ' i i , . , , iv.it vtn. im H.mv lllrlll- III II t ... lu,ee,.,1,1,t'.i . ,o ,,,,.,,c,,iaio con- gaineu iK-ssession oi i no ira.ie witli eas-, appioi.riation 1 mado of the amount struclion ol ten small steamers ot hjrht i tern Asia J.as ahvnvs bowline weulthv nnd i :. :...,..... .Irn.ir.1,1 r.,,.11,..., .....I I.., i r..i 'I'I... ..... j .....wui.t. ,yjk uiu iiw.tiu u, i.u i,.i.ii.g ..tv i.,ncri,lJ. J itr? j.i;u.l..l jL,L'j4l ,. .lllvu, CO,, . inu iciicy oi mo .uvy. Loiigress res- iciition ot i iijnornia nni our l uciiio j.osses pouded to the recommendation by author- Uions invites American capital nnd ei.ter uingthcconstiuclion of eight of them. The prise in'o this fruitful field. To reap tl.o progress w hich has been made in e.xei u- rich harvest, however, it is nn indispensa- tina t.iis au honty is slated m t he report ( ble prereMms.lo that wo shall first have a ! it, construction from tho ambiguity which sing notice fi ftr tnSirretaryoftlio Navy. I concur p adroa. to convey and circulate its pro- , Jms s0 lo (.xistp(Ii nm, ron,1(... ,f0 duty wut0crtio iv mtl.hnn in tho opinion that a greater duets through every port ion ol the 1'n.on. of thfi Prnt plain in executing lis1 i .,1 man l rnlay, who wlnlo he is marked by , have herein alluded to. So for the pros nil .li.. cnl.i.Ilil.. .................. n .1.. I - . . ... 1' ri.i . .. ........ w ,,,,vj .lira,) iu uo uis inn. oui we n ismss " tht press arm its "gang. ter bidding, lias the capacity to "out! Ilorod Ilorod" himself, in Hie spirit of his number of this class of vessels is necessary Beside such a railroad through our tern tor the purpiso ot protecting in a more ef ificTent manner tho persons and property of Amorieim citiiioiis on the high sous, anil 'In foreign countries, as well as in guarding more eticctuaiiy oufmwii coasts. I uccor- dingly recoimncnd thopxsssM of an act ropo and Asia. tor Ihis.puiJroso. The mgg.''tio'iis coHi'tarmil in the He- lportf,! tho Secretary of tho Interior, es- faets to tho Legislature, consisting of the following named gentlemen : Thomas lloss Esip, Dr. II. r. l'h nnipson, .Tno. Hut . noil, Win. V. lM.ley, .ach. M'.Nnul, Eli The Hkh.v. -At the reijue't of a inim Itlooin, lion. J. 1'. Ifoyt, lion. T. 11. la- ubuse. While Forney Vililles the admin-' of our subscribers we publish this week V1"; uvu. "''n 'his- '''.. ilf.l !'i,v,J C' : , ,. . .. f. . . ,, !., , . ,i i ,,i ... . Dale, I). .S. Moore and in. M 1 hide, lsliat.on und its friends m tho common the reply to the memorial of the o.tnsons of , n II)otioni a committoe of correspond- styleofblunt blackguardini to bo seen i Clearfield over the nignaturc of "Curwens- cits was ajipointed, consisting of the foh in the letters of "Occasional," the "man ' ville." Some mistake seems to exist as lowing named gentlemen: L. Jackson Friday" does It With the classic elegance ' to tho reason w hv we did not publish it 'TM Hl''"-". Win. Iriin Kj. ,t : i .... i .. , , ,1 , ,, ., . , x- Dr.deo. i ilson Dr. D.. Crouch, Dam. which prevadob un urtielo recently found , lmultanoously with the. hmnntl. No copy l.-aKt and Isiuic l'.loom lwp in "The Press," entitled "liiglcr and his of it was furnished u, and no rerpiest to On motion, tho following gentlemen lioswoll," to which we intend more pintle, publish it was lilauo illitil lateen last Mon- w(-,'! named us n committoe to obtuin sij;. ularly to allude. cay cvning, at least one day later than it "'""T" !. It'. presented to This article t.wm to have been failed rd.ould have been done, to enable us to is- ml. '' ut"w.l I t A - r ....:...!,... ..i r.. i ....... . ...... . ... . . ...... j .... v., ... . , i.,nii- ,!...., . r,i,inur . ua.ae.ci- .on.. ..y a icw remaiKs in tins paper upon -ue our paper us earlv as wo had intended, son. David MVraoken. l;bt. Klder Win may and .r,.bi,bly will be maile by our na the departure of Senator liiglcr for the1 nn.l the eooscjueiice is wo are again a day MdJarvrv, Martin Stirk, llcnery 'Swnai ilily' ZllSSr - th,;'.-l,i.,.l time. " ,7b lo tion of the n.t of March, lsl'.l.so ns to freo vnn,,' to suppose would elicit even n pas-1 As to tho arguments oftho "reply" we f' K,V,ns p W V ,Zu li 1 ?' Irom much less aristocratic and have notliin to saw It certainly a Ivan- ber It. Iv 'ri..,. ll'm nicL.msn.. It,,,,. .pers thnn "(he l'ross." Wo CCS no reasons fur removal, and see.... to I V Ihe'ertv. Win. II. ltobison. C. "SI. f'n.L plain IU executing Us . , l..-h..nrn vr,..w. I.n. u. .1. : I I I walla.ier. J. !l. .Ioiioh. Tl.o.nn. Snvil. .il'ovisinns ..... .. ..nv n 1 1 ...v.. ...i.v .in. .j .... 1 1 .,ii .i'-.i;,,iAi .is a .'i uii.isiil n - . ' " '" ........... m-rate latitude, which would not be iui- r rf,.,,,r.l (a , r,iv....i.i I should be made the subieet of n lorn. ..nr. on (be mimtior in whirl, .be o.r.... ..l .v.w Mc r.vnn Jacob ll ubler, hlijali i IJurns, ikdel bv tho frosts and snows of winter.'. t. i i ... ...r ...?.'.... 1, ; .... ... , I i .. ;... . ...... .. ........... , m. 3iiolm-l. Jno. I mn Jr., W m. A . ... . ' t ... ... ini.-ir-'l.'. v., mo ,r,M,,'l OI vyi 14. . Ir- , nor by tho tropical heats of sunnner.would i .,: ,u i, i ...... r i attract to itselt muehol tl... travel and tho trade of ?11 nations passing between Ku- n' oi.lv designed as a criticism ill I recommend to your favorable regard, sl10'"11 1,0 m.'do the subject of a long pnr on the manner in which the memorial whs xr.V'xrj .i .1 ' ' t. uni,. .p.. ,n iho iciier oi iiccasmnal ;""'""""" J hmik Mason and '. Wm. Tenevek nt, somel ,o.ly thn writer .(!, not like. (i lnoli,,ii, it was ordered that tho ceil On tho 21st of August last, Lieut. J X Matiit, of tho United States brig Dolphin, bia. As the residence of C'onrress and f10n, Washington ; but judge of our as-! the r.xeetitive Depart men tsnl thotjovern- i ... . , , V. . , ,, incut, we cannot fail to feel a deep eon- ",lcnt Wl'C'n Ur eJ'cs lmt f"" "I'0" o;iptured the shiver Kch, (formerly tho ! tants. " corn in its welfare. the high character nn. orderly conduct of its resident inhal.i. tiiiitciit laws, are tvorthy of the serious con sidcrution ot Longress, The ljst iflice LViwirtnient occupies a postlio'n Very di'ficrent from that of the other departments. For many years it was the policy of the Government to ren der this aself sushiiiiing department: and if this ennnot now be accomplished in tho present condition of the country, we ought to make as near an approach to it us prac ticable. Tho IWnjnster General is placed in a most cmbiirassing position by tho existing huvs, lie is obliged to carry those, into ef fect. Ho has no other alternative. He finds however that this cannot bo done without heavy demands upon tho Treasu ry over and above', what is received for postage; nnd theso have lecnprogr3ive ly increasing from year to year, until they amounted for tho last fiscal year, ending on the oOtli June, l.S.'iH. to more than Sl, 500,01)0, while it is estimated that for the present fiscal year they will amount to S(',,2'.10,00(i. These sums are exclusive of the annual appropriation of !f7l)0,(iinl for "comi.ensatii.il for the mail service," per formed for the tw o houscsof Congress and tl.o other Departments and ollii ersof the OoveriuiiciU in tho transportation of free inattcr. The causo of thesehirgc dclicits iijinain 1y attributable to the increased expense X transporting the mails. In ls".:J the urn paid for this service was but a frac tion above ?1,2.j0,000. Since that year it hors annually increased, until inlets, it has reached inoro than SS,2.,0,lllO, and for tho the service of 18j'.I, it is estimated that it will amoiiut to more than Slli.OitO,!.. The receipts of tho l'ost Olheo Depart ment can be made to njiproa. 1. or to equal its rxj.endituro only by means of the iegishition of Congress. In applv!nii anv Honieily cure should be taken that the people should not be deprived of tho ad vantages which they arc fairly entitled to ynjoy irom mo l ost, utiico Oepartment. The principal remedies recommended to tho consideration of Congress l.y the l'ost Muster General arc to restore the former rato of j)0.-lago upon single letters to live cents; toivubstituto for the franking pri vilege the delivery to thoso now entitled to enjoy il, of Tost Cilice stumps for their correspondence ; nnd to direct t he depart ment, in m.iking contracts for the trans portation of tho mail, to confine itself to the payment of tho num necessary for this single purpose, without reiiuirinir it to l transported in post couches or curinges of uny particular description. I ndor the present system the expense to tho Govern- when the negroes, 3(KJ in number, were, for ,no examination of all the bills pro .UIiiiahaH Ifl.yt.l.s. nll,....r nf t .. lrr.,... ... .. . . J delivered into tl.o custody of the United States Marshal for the District of South Carolina. They were first placed in Cas tle Tinckney, and afterwards in Fort Suinpter for safe keeping, and were re tained there till the Will ot September, " - tlenien having charge of iictitions. for- nisisheid,te iedbv!tl,ct'H'''t'Vofthe"manIndav'M.p. : VRZA- " " ,111V0 ,olM supposd this ward tnoni to N.ml. W ay l'p Curwens. id thopeaUl ani on the same su.jcct, which followed L '-'0.1 dn.g had come to 1, an exp.o- !. The 1'rew, "after many days." 1 ! , .". Werc ttl,Ure" ''V " "S A of this meeting bo ..ublished in the Happy Friday I to hnve been the parent muKHl ln l"e "ennngnri, that notthe.Nir- "1,'uftsnians .lournal" und "Clcnrlicld lie- - piioncan. On motion, tl.o meeting adjourned. Wnr F. JOHNSTON, IWt . Thompson, 1 c .. t. ... . f ''''t I.ISSEI.I,, J Pennville Meeting. In iicconhince with previous 'notice, .pecially-those in regar.l to the disposition Fudam of N.Orleans,) near kaj.Venle on '"i e.not conclude without prrf.i.'mhJ U"m ltuh,y 1 ' l,nvo bt'"n lhc lmt "ll: ' "ot he.N.r- ortho public domain. The pension and, the coast of Culm, with more than three ,I0 nprcmu (ay of exprr"sln-Mnv griN I of "lu h n "'"8 ' And with what custo "nrill llli ll!"'lf ,s to be blamed tor this con Jaunty land system, tlie policy towards hundred African negroes on Uard. The jfiYation that Congress so . klndlv rescind-1 '"'1 '.e parade it Tor two days in the" col j,lll!iio11-,,ut niiseraule woi thh ss prep 'Ihfe'Ilidmfis, and the amendment of our prize under the command of Lieutenant C(1 ,0 t)l0 roeoini.i-n.lation of h.y Inst An-!um..s of "The Ties.-." First as inside e.U.n,'u,i(,IW ofi, tll:lt ,,av,, u,r tllllpiif 1:IVV fir.) (t-rVrt.lit; of t ii..iiiilii nii. 1in TAf, nf tlui l iiill .l.iinu V .tr niii. r . . .... i i II. t Ho IIIMMt, tthl T.r WT .1 T,V r V' uual Message by nllording tild slltllcie.1t i,nnnl alld rext a. a classic fflnnion upon tl.o oommunilv-preparations which ved at Charleston on the 2, th of August ; tiln0 L(.,V,re the close of their late sewion .. iU W. tfiuM0" '.,:.. ' K mo online, jru.y ne gave me sunject ail " the importance it demanded ; nnd ,v0 'hey do of gold dust. Hi a commerciul trust his renders have been duly edified 'fa,'t tlml llm,,t 11,1 Saiapnrilla gath- J 1 t. I. t i ; i . . i II. 1 sen ted to mo for approval. This change in the practice of Congress has proved to l.caw;h,;Ics.xle reform It exerted a I k-Iio- j, hereby. No wonder so much time hud to 1'1',h1 ll llie worW' U conmwl n "e old large number of the citizens of l'enn I... h;ib;;.n.U'eheS nt Lr urr j . . ; ..:.. i . i . . . t. . . ... pronation ot the country. It enabled uppeuiei, so i.mg aner ino article upon 'medicine, has reached its highest perfeo-; v''.' on Thursday evening, December Ifitli when the suriivors. 271 in niiinber. woioii. .i: ... :.i. .r.'.. i, . ... .... . , ... , . . .... . tion. and whore 0,..v Li.iv fl.n lr. 1 :ll Motion, U. . M.arp WM . . , , ,,, ,. ... . ",' ' oiipi.-rn ... i.... ..in i iiii inai. uigmiy .uni nn. en n wns uiunueii. "i:ie uiotlilta.il ; J " chosen rres dent nnd 1) S Mnr .v'. delivered on hoard tho 1 . States Steamer .i..i;i :..! :....- . ... l.-... c... .1 r .1: .mwui i umuiiii. iinu i. .xi oore ec I. -x-iuguratobotransiKntixl to tho coast oft X'Tr'.U und a leng.licnod ,-eriod of ; '"' T , Y . , The o! ject of the meeting was briefly selves, ns a gnido to their pioceedings d;i- .x.agarato iioiransKm.xi to the coast ol i ,.ltiv(.s of this ,,ront (o,,ubiiCi nithout! , . ' , Atrica, under the charge ol the ncent of , i,.;,,,, ,.,.mv,i,.,i ;n.rt ,.n ' t n..,,i..,(!..., parturition was necessary to perlect tl i. u : 1 V" . "i i i.. .. ... u.i.... ..... ..u.r.u..,.u ,u in.' i'"" I lulls provisions foreign to then nature, and I """ 1 1"1 p."ucuon mulls ii i,,u nui u, imj .... v. ...urni, i,.., 'in addition to the acts prohibiting the slavo trade.' Under the fecond section of 'his act, tho President is authorised to make such regulations und nrrnngements ,.; the i .resent, snssi.m as he may deem expedient, for tho sulci JAMES IllVII W V keeping, support and removal beyond the Washington City, Dec. 0, 1S.VS. limits of tl.o I'nited States, of all such ne-1 Hti ., frightful Fall and Death. ' may be delivered to the Marsha o the. ., i..i, iuu,n, i-.ngum,., ! . . .. nOMvirent to deeeivo ,.i-o.. District into which they are brought, 'audi ".rviitly thrown into a most painful, t"' 00 tiahspacnt to d... en e oven to appoint a proper person or persons re-, l'" '." 'l"enee ot tho d.Mil, the most superficial or obtuse leatler. sidinguoon tho coast of Africa as ii.-ent or , a la',v.' "uer circumstances of i Kvcn tho hostility to Senator HhiI-kr ,.,. r,,r ii. ,.....,. ,..i... : mo mcsi an uiu.ua i.ese : i . . ... . ... ..... r . ..... ... . .. ' it . .., ..I. . . . . I e.'MT ,ve iv til.'., m I. 1 if. rn mi. nn n... I m.i. oi uoui.iHu consmui onaniy and expedi-; J'ui poor "i nd.-iy evidently over shot ' ' . . , l'-cscnt location to Cunveiisvill,;, ...... ........ ........ .j, ...... ain.n.Y .un.-; me mark, lie sets up an enormous im. .1. i.ml J li .A ar-t.y.. tf-v. b...i f....l.ln.1. ...1 I .. ll. .... . . i n rn nt Hivnti' nm ( hii ninu'li' n.,ml, o-itn r? , t.i in iiiiii.i.m.ivo I himself in attempt ing to demolish it. The .irticle Upon which his strictures nre made deaerves no such flattering criticism as ho 1ms taken so much pains to bestow upon it ; and the veil which covers his real do- g description. The vo.inu 1 i;. .n.i .... x.. . ..... .Jfi i ... .ii.iii.i- . . . . . f ir 1 ' 1 I I 1 J 1 " ' ",n I rSl . , , toes, or persons of color delivered from i liwl m M"1'?'!""' JIlts jM!!ry hichi.K.nd, I . .. , ,. . , , V;.L.. on leard vessels seized in the prosecution : ":LS "U0V -; ol age, and is un-, , " J , of tho slave trade bvcomn.an.lors of tho ' ?'! 0 bl! " pand-daughterol the Uev.!'"' 1 ter, m tint wenk attempt at I'nited States vessels.' heigh hichiuond. Mis. Ilichmond wason ; ridiculing that gentleman, because he A doubt immediately arose ns to (h0 , 11 viit to a connexion of her family, resi- happens to be a man from anion g thepeo true construction of this act. His ouite'V1?? l""'''"'"'"! I"', Hilton. On ' . . , . . ... (, clear from its terms that the President 7 ' m,o was oi.M rved to wander lo a ' " " " i-" was authorised to provide 'fortl.esafo kce- dl11 M tl,' l-''-lieul Chll,' which l'K- 'st -f assocatrng with upstart ar- 1 removal of thce ne- Junius ai an ciovnuou oi upwards oi tiirce istocrntie mioi.s ol course, we do not uumireii loot irom u.e road below, and uu,f irom which are obtained magniheient view s 1 , of the Avon, tho llotwells (lie Leigh Woods Ashton, und the gurroundins scenery. Rlt5n From this treiuendous height the unhup- For young lady fell. Tho precise cireumstan.- 1 bee ces winch lea to the terrible accident are iience we nro giaa .0 una inai we nre now stated by the President which was to to have a compound of this excellent nl- take into consideration, tho propriety of ounty seat, Iron, its community will not need to be assured, that anything Doit. Ave it makes, is wor held at Curwensvillo on the evening of tho thy of their eonlidcnco. He has. been for ".Till nil. was then rend, after which tl.o years engaged in eliminating this retno'ly following resolutions were presented und (see adv'gcols.) designing to make it his uhunimously mlopted: ".... re" v.hi. h should add the crown- ,. o ni- Iiorti tilv in favor uf . , , .. , , .,, rcinoung the county scat Irom Clearfield ing glory to Ins ulrcudy enviable lepulu- to Curwensvi'.le. tion. .lm,vi,..i.i C,l, X,r Yurk. JlemJreJ, that Curwensvillo Is ft tnorfl central location than Clearlicld being citu-' CURWENSVILLE MEETINQ. ;nted on the main thoroughfare, leading iroiu r.rie 10 tno rennsylvuma K.ulroail. ping, sui'iioi t, am; groes up till tho timo of tho delivery to the agent on the coatt of Africa; but no express provision was uiade for their pro., teetion and support after they hail reach ed tho place of their destination. Still an agent was to lie ap)ointed lo receive then. in Alrica; and it could not have been sup- l ...,..... il.... .... .1 :.l .r ..... - I r . . , ' .... w cur, ...Lb u tnc j,ll.l lis Ol vurwcnT I n pursuance of previous notice, a largo villo have pledgel tl.-mselves to erect the C c.u held county n lavor of the rcvonial a removal, that we will cooprrato with r 'vili ! yfin ''m'T" t',,Lulr t'.".n in the use of all honor, bio means , ( v ' , i'il T, ' - '' u-1'1' H "lWt n ,(',""Vftl " tlle nt y seat from in .., wei.sullo Dec l,th ls.iiS Was t'lcailield to Curwensvillo. called to order and organized by t ho un- i. .; 1... x-..:..i .... .. -!;:i.:,!svt -.r'v-'v. .''-v-l'v- ru'oni )t i! - , ' - u,llo"'g ce other , itiz 1 l-e-nienis ; 11 Hi. iU'SS, 1XI.OV ens were appointed delegates to m like tho "man Friday" and his mas- ,.i. xt-,-,.: 'l,,,.. 'i.!.i, .' ' x. attend the meeting to beheld inCurwiii . That there is an ulterior design de- Jordan, i," .Ino. D. '1 1 1 oui j ,s'on , Cu r wns- ' in all this, is not hard to perceive.- 1'"- l'" n-otths.,. i.rady tp., David i,.MOf Ibis ineeli. bo ..l,li.i. I l tl, ncy wl.o has to regret that it has not p 'ns' ',0 1 ,1'-. 1,;yl, ! tltarp. riij. ' .t(.:ei,rficld Republican" nnd "h'aftsmnns .. his fortune to bo either "born w,.i J.' ' lVf. . -.""cw J'l,v"s-7 "rifUson tp Journt.1." to have greatness thrust upon him,"' Ul l MTjll'llinnr .l t' J-o.ing ndjournecT. lo determined that he will be ".real" at P, David DresaleV. Union t n.. and Dr. Tl : A.... i k V Ji.t " CVU""k . .-... ' .,. .,,., ..... ...... .. .... ... . or i i ' i.. i i . i i i ii ,1 iiiri iiii it P.UUIVI un i. i ii in. it. u ! nn nnoi. .,xr.. lUctit, ana not. ns At iirKt stiitotl. a Kinriiliv vvft-x... v .inKi ww iixj iii.jiiiviiv nirj nciu 115"' . . . ' "iiit i li 'I'I ... ' ceived, ond turn them hKe on this inhos. it.l.,p,'e al1 1,0 1,0 reasonable doubt. Accor- nil hazards, in spite of his uttov luck of all ,' ''P-Qn, CunvcnViUo, and Joh i.itable coast to nerish for wantof food, or I ,,m .to 0,10 "tutement, Miss liiclunond the esscntinls ol (,,'inM. x ...i i, ! Ku.':.st'11 01111 U'.. iSec't. to Iconic again the victims of tl.o slavo !was "''d in t ho perusal ofa book, una ,ll0 M n, r.viv,, ', " , !, l" 7l ''V,'1 T "wtg Imvlng Lot,, 1 tnule. Had this been tho intention of,sli ""cerenioninusly walked over tl.oi 11,0 1001 'C f ro111 .s) Vlinl'1 0"B tHcir, aletly stnte. ty tho Freslnt. ( ,o- i Congress, the employment of an agent to 0(ie 01 11,0 FCcipieo j another m-eount j 'epieentuttves failed to recognizo his, uon r eotnnutteo wns appointed to drntt receive them, who is rci.uired to resido on , 1)111103 tuftt ''0 Wtt oiuleuvoring to unthor,'l"ims to greatness in J857, by rofusino toi n I'l-onmplc nnd resolutions cxprossivo of! D. F 1 . S. Moork, Seo't. SHAIir, I'rest. FuMislied by roqucit. CUSWENSVIUE vj.CLKARFHIl). me coost.wns unneoessnry, and they in ght , ",u Yl ""V,, .l""111"' ""11 row in tno: t,ioct him U.K. Senator: and nlthouuh ho r n ' ,"-"'8' oi uie jK. i;0w Mv attention lm lineal. ZSVoXVtl M'JIrid J,us. Tl,ompsoCn, --iSl jSi await them. ' Uo was observed to beat against the pro-, '"'.on coveted, yet he hu. not given over , "" P. "wge J. Voas, Wm, Swem, L j., llie ?l ' c ,f;fflZ Mr.Monroein hi. spoeial Message ofcctmg points of the cliir, and finally' to his determination to force himself into! Tl. ''lArP lK,rk- 'f 4 " " 1 VmStorw Ut iMS 1711, of December, 1819, the fimt session V ? iU? ' I,lo nnd power, no matter how ,....l. u I L lV'tl ..K".' Ko hU JWor, iy a ,,e .'ulcmSn 'lea Zl lin w. snd alter tho Oct was passed, announced to!"""" bK"i vue river. Assistanco was at . , ... . " !',r.,..JU M'-JjUl,l,r iwrreit, JUurtin need to , l n mn. issisiauco was at . .... ... . ; ..umn ,u.,irii, jij Congress what in his opinion, was its true on( ""'""od, but tho unfortunate young " """S"""""1""' OI 1,10 people. " an, ueewna ip., Sorter Johnston, A eonstruot on. H . Iuva, it 1. Ki ,i... .wny was neyonu Mio reneh ol anv lniinun ; Jim no win una that however mn., I. l.n I 1 "oinpson, Lawrence l inent is creatlv inereaso.l bw wv,..;.-;... tv tr follnur Hiam. i..,rni,..,n,n. ; if..: , aid. huvine been dashed almost, iitoi nllv i tmiv .Ju unr... il i I hompson, Jno. J. Reed .. .... , . ... jc. m ...... . km ....k'a il lu j. n ..... n ...... v. , m i .v., ...c iiiujx.ir. .... num. in An.1 .. .... that the mail shall bo t-uniod in huoIi ve I eft, and mak rroviHion for thflm thnrn. I"0('cs- J 1IS " fourth or fifth aroidunt nrA .1....:.. .... , Jl. Uobmson. lhmd A I M ..J t.;il 1 . .-1.1 a "... . . " ' ,.f 1. ...1 ...1 ..!. ,1 . , . . -a., v a.-L. 1 V.IT ,t(,V .... nm muMii iiiii i.li ( i il saion fFHPtt ii ii li i liipv faiinu in i.n bin ia i.iuiiik .x 4a vi ii.u nimi mi; 1 1. iiiii iiii: Liiti iiLKL infnrv. ; in. 1 1 . . j v-.-p,.. j w j fin ivin iui . . .' " j 1 n-linn rins will bo d'.mo without pay from the! themselves. In oommunieating this iiu four 5 c;il ' llas '"'rred from the same " " that ho was engaged in its composition for Ueo etaoeeulirt day I After hearing tliftthw Department, over all roads wliera the tru-' temrehition of thn aoI of fV.nr,i.n l.n , cliff. vel will remunerate the contractors. Thoso ted that some doubt had been entorlainod ' recouiinendatioiis deserve j tho grave con-! as to its truo intent and menninir. and ho 1 t .t ii 6 . .suuuuitou tno quetion to thorn, so that multiplication iMc. It was constructed inHimmtio.. ;,, I would call your attention to the eon- thev niiirht 'should it bodromo,! , ,l;.,.l,l n,o, .l,n in fl.nn.0. .' ..., lllK1'mt'r"i against are Biruiuonoiaiaeiliefiailrou'l. lime and Inumnd the samo before f.nthnr twv.n.l. invn'M i.nn,lrunmv c . iuiii.kr to tlie lmsition ... , ... profound BfTLTho oldest piece of furniture Is the gentleman ... 1 . , ---'".-. v "jri rinn IICUI UllT llll.lll.n vl 'l',,,. r tr,iVttilhftd bwn Preni- J'"1' W im' ",i 1 i , nS'"0 i.v surprise when I discovered, ueeess, tl.o day , yH flvr distant fp., Jo. .Iwun. IVtor iVloorn iV.! ,"J . . Pnis.,1, that hol.o.1 broiiiht forth M he .vili be regarded by tho people of- Win. M'Kco Km,.. Martin S.Ii'l- i "1 lZ PU!,r an .,,,rt!on- Mc-Unr.1 Pennsylvania, either as a m.re T,nt,"i,.i ! City T. C. Davis, llarrison SnrneVn r " ' ln'l t a special ,,1. , ' !ti, Wm I'.ooo weiiKer vissqo orsopnisms, was t ind stntcmun, or a high minded ! '1 ;, TnU,, ,r ! '-oeted to deooive and mislesd tl thinks a ni' ) ending, or never con- ill, lie. ret lection have but servod to oonliriu me ings nre hod under it.' Nothing was done i in tilt.' truth and nisi nf t,n r.)... n i.r ... . . , T . . " """"n", j wj,ui tu ei,,ii mo aci, anu iiir. i veriflod, John W. Forney a-., . i ... 1 i nr ii! i n. i . a.. t a -r 4iam wliii'l. T ni ..I... ... ii i" , 'r ',wo ; r""" i" wu. . iur. urw niim-n, iu. ii.u.ue, e.iuor o the man in i ennsylva.ua TlOllS Willi. 11 ll.l.lueoi. 11. IM HI, 1. .!..,. in .i.u llri.ii.iut i.ivuuia.1... . !. T.:.. . . f .... .. . . I J . . "J -ivj'iiriTO.B. u uti-ry n juiu caccu- i lUMilirgi. itturna', (tied On tl.C IXtll inst, 10 P n shonhl the nitifnl i .1 . . ."",m,loe 1 tour should iU learned author f,ii l.vbit -election ofnatoi I D XCLuJLl 1""" fTwio forU .etuate hi. ho now holds. lUlentoftlio meeting and others. Un h,.. V. ;.r3:.T."ftli -r..inJ Z i . I I 1,0 lll'OI'l'MS f.f I , ,l;. .;.. H- t ' "1"" ",l ".r-r-.i: r-lj ,o uri.lllUl.CUl Ui" perhaps the I 'n,,fi V,V,, . ' ' " lnvlli racy, mournful pathos, or irrefragable nr that her honest lith. . . . . ,..1.U 1 l""r pmnenta of IhiAplculid conmotition. to yeomanry would select to fill his place ;-Uiont,s of .the rSuntv in the .r t !,sul,t Uu UIU to ",l ""'"'tf J'-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers