Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 22, 1858, Image 1

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    - -Bfrwr f WW lm . lp wivuiir .
H. LARRIMER, Editor.
VOL., Villi. NO 26.
Terms oT Subscrlptlmi.
)f paid in advanco, or within threo moot hi, $1 15
(j,i,d any tinio within the year, ... 1 JO
ff paid after the expiration of the yoar, - 2 00
Terms of Advertising.
XiTerti'oiiionts iiro iasorted in tbe Republican
H the following rates :
1 Insertion. 2 do. 8 do.
flBiquro.(14li'",!') $ 60 $ 75 Jl 1)0
twiqusron, (2Sline,) 1 00 1 60 2 00
Iirt,,(lilr, (42 linoi.) 1 60 2 00 2 50
3 mnntht. 6 mit't. 12 mo
Cot Square,
Iiiiiuwe :
three squares,
nor square, :
: $2 60 $1 00 $7 00
! : 4 00 0 00 10 00
! : ft 00 8 00 12 00
: : 6 00 10 00 1 1 00
s nn io An is (in
r-if 1 column,
, -n. ! ! : : 1 1 00 20 00 S5 00
. V ' 1" "inc' '"".than throe months 25
t'SoTncco '.. in-,rU-d
for $2 a year.
Alrrtienl not markod with number ?
iaMrtiona desired, will bo continued till forbid
Austi according to these terms.
' r J. II. 1.APR1MER.
HAS resinned the practice of medicine, and
will attend promptly to all calls in his pro
kmoa, ly day or night. Keiidcneo opposite tho
HtUiodUt chu:ct. May 4, 1S08. C mos.
1 M. SMITH offers bin professional services
A to the I.ntlies and Gentlemen of Clear
ed and vicinity. All operations performed
nth neatness ana despatch. Jicing laminar
.l -ii !,, inin imtirnviiiniita. lie is urci'ared to
Vila aii i . . "
pike Artiliclal TcctU in the bca manner.
OfliM in Pbaw's new row.
Sept- Hth, 1S58. IVJ.
HAVING removed his office to the new ttwei
ling on Second street, will promptly ansnci
p.ju sional calls as heretofore.
at. B. i-ARniMrn. '"
t & TKST, Attorhoyi at Law
I . r-i ft. 1.1 D. ;U nttiihtl nromtiilv to Col.
i trcf
mm, I.aUil Ageticios, Ac, Ax., in Uearilold,
I'Mtrsand ism counties, j
STllili eonlinues mo uum ..u... ..... ,
and House, Bird and Ornamental I'umting, at
,l..u fn-m.rlv m-cunied bv Troutinun A Howe,
- .. . . i l r rlmir ftiLinr,
Ojo .Hit end of Market street, a short distance
.tit of Liti s f oundry. ""
Iron I-'oumlers. Cuiwonsville. An extensive
assortment of Castings made to ordore
DfC. IV,
ittodveV AT LAW. office adjoining lis
teiidence on Second Street, Clea.l i'.i, 1 a.
June 1. ISo 1.
Physician, may lie foundcither at his o(15ce
at Scofield's hotel, CurwcnsTillc, when l.o
profcfsionolly ahtent. L'ee. 29, ISol
ferebant and Produce lcaler, Luthers
AL rR ClearBcld county,
April 17, ISj.'.
1 T the mouth of T.iek Tlun, five miles from
A Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive
Minufartnrers of Lumber,
July 23, 1852.
Blacksmith, Wagons, Buggies. Ac, Ac., ironed
on short notice, and the very host style, ut his
ildiUndia the borough nf Curweunville.
Dee. 29, 1853.
DR. M. WOODS, having changed his loea
t0D from Curwonsvillo to Clearfield, res
naniMl Air.,ra his professional services to the
Aitms of tho lntter p!.-co and vicinity. on (fecund street, i'i" v. .. -
i n r n n niTT I
fSACE, Luthemburg, Clearfield Co., Pa.
1 itornrv at l aw and Land Ajrctit.olnc
A. ailjoinini his resideueo, on Market streo
March:!, 1S53.
ETAILEK of Foreign and Domestic Mereh
andiie, Shawsvillo, Clearfield county, !'.
ShiwiviUe, August 15, 1855.
PLASTI'KIXCJ. Tho subscriber, having
located himself in the borough of Clearfield
uld inform the public that he Is prepared ta
towprk in the abovo line, from plain tu ornniuon
Ulof any description In a workmanlike manner.
Alio whitewashing and repairirg done in a neat
ninner and on reasonable terms.
Clearfield, April 17, 1587. 'jr.
pHYSICIAJt-Office in Curwonn ille.
DR. A. M. II1L1.M, dosirei to announce to
nil friends and patrons, that ho is now du
U pf Vti tiqo to operations in Dentistry,
""a dssiricit hi. rvln will find him a' his
"m, adjoining his residonoe nearly all times,
wways oq I'rldays and Saturaaya, unioss
ollc io th eontrnry bo given ia the town pu
te week previous.
U. All work warranted to be satisfactory.
Cloarfield, Pa. Sept. 22nd, 185S.
Jiuliee o the Peace, i'urwom-ilk. Pinna.
0KB door east of Monlolius A Ten Kyck 'i
etore. AU business entrusted to him wil I
"priunpt'y tended to, and all instruments o f
"omnaune on .hurt notice.
fch, 31, 185.-y.
DtANKARTICLKS of Acreement, leeal form
A3 hrtween School Directors, end Teachers, for
't W nllioe ef the "Cleur'ieM IUpu'dican.
Cleirfieli IRipMieii
They locked me up in an upper room,
And took away the key,
Because I would u't uiurry ono
That nevor suited me.
They did not know the foinalo,
Or they bad clearly soen
That locks woro nover made to koep
A girl of seventec n
They had a guildod cage in viow,
And thought tho bird secure,
Surrounded by tho guard or powor,
And overy awful lute.
They never thought of counter plot
In any one liko me,
And little knew what 1 could dare
For Love and Liberty.
They wanted me to "marry rich,"
remindful ef tho means
To couple me with wenlth aud ago
While I was in my "toons."
But being olherwi.o "engaged,"
No coaxing could provait,
For I preferred to ploase niyiolf1
And would Lt bo "for saU."
The night was dark, the window raited-
Hoiv could I nnswer, Ho?
When that might bo the only chance,
And Churlcy teased mo d.
A railroad station beiug no-, r,
A carriage wailing by
And such an opportunity
What could I do buldly?
Not bving fond of solitude,
It had for mo no charms,
While I could knot a silken cord
To reach a lover's nrms.
''Resolved therefore," I would not stay
To bo Imposed upon ;
So, while ihey thought they had me,
I was "joing going gone."
Death of Rijiiert Owlx. Tho Eurnpa
brings intelligence of the iletith of tlio c:l-i-bfated
Kobcit Uwon, in liis 8itli year.
Mr. Oivi'ii's nniiio. wa indentilied with
sundry rrfonnitory inuvcint'iitK lie iro
liosu'l to leeoiiMniut sock'ty, )roj('cted u
variety of mexsmes lor the ek-vuliun of
tiiitiikiiu!, ami labored diligently in liis vo
cntion of iliitanti'opi5t. lie was born in
Wulen in 1771, inado lii.i mark us a briltt
scholur in his nativo town ut the curly age
of nine yea rd, v-nt from school into a gro
cery shop, and at the ugo of H went to
London. When IS years old he become
partnci' in u cotton l'aetoiy, into which
ArUw liglit's tiiachinciy hadju.--t been in
troduced : nftenvurds fftabli.hed the
Charlton Mill, tieu:' Manchester, and after
conducting that concern for some years,
undertook the fntnou. speculation at N'ew
Loiuik, in Scotland, where he and his
partners had the management of nulla and
a liirin of one hundred and fifty acres, and
a population of two thousand prisms.
Mr. Owen was at the heml of this enter
prise for n quarter of a century, expended
great gums of money, was visited by prin
ces, clergy, and the curious from all coun
tries, wrote elaborate treatises on the ben
efits of a Government like that of New.
Lanark, which did away w ith punishment
and tho terrors of the penal law, and dili
gently disseminated his peculiar doctrines.
In ho essayed to introduce his theo
ry of Government in Mexico, but was un
successful, lie afterwards attempted to
establish a "New Moral Community,"
which failed; started a "Labor Exchange
Bazaar," w hich also met a sudden end :
and in 1S57, urged his claims to a seat in
lii'!'ument, in ivhich effort ho likewise
fuileii. Owen made several visits to
tho United Si:tos, the last of them hnv
ing occurred some ten years Ago, While
here he received marked attention from
the social reformers, and omitted no op
portunity to bring his theories I .ofore the
Mr. Owen wa very onthttid.Uitic in his
devotion to schemes of social reorganiza
tion ; was an avowed free-thinker ; had n
faculty of fixing the attention of his hear
ers when ho spoke; wrote with facility;
was a man .of impressive presence, and
had ln:iny warm admirers. His son, the
llori. Robert Dale Owen, w.n formerly a
member of Congress fiom' an Indiana Dis
trict, and was appointed United States
Minister to Naples by President Pierce, in
which post he has recently been Miporsc
(if n nv ir. iu iiiiii,m ... .
. .. -v
BrV'Johnny," said a mother to a son,
nino years old, "go and w asL. your face; I
am ashamed to see you coining to dinner
with so dirty a mouth."
"1 did wash it, mamma," and feeling
his upper lip, he added, gravely. "I think
it must lo ft mustache coming 1"
jfcjr'' Larry ,cun )'ou lR,tc''',Jft
" Yes ,sir."
"Well, proeoed." , .
"He ia a flying, insect ahout tho size ol
a stopped has india rubber wings, and a
fhocstrintf tail; he sees Lest with his eyes
shut, and bites liko fury."
B?9uA gentleman at a musical party, see
ing that the firowas going out, asked a
friend in a whisper, "How can I Rtir the
fire without interrupting the mttsioT"
"ISotween the burs," replied the friend.
BfTflLWhen you doubt between words,
choose the plainest, tho commonest, tho
mot idiomatic. Eschew fine words as
vott would rogues ; love simple ones us you
"woul I native re cs c-r ycur ihcc!i?.
( Concluded from last week.)
The executive government of this couti.
try, in its intercourse with foreign im'.ions,
is limited to the employment of diplomacy
alone. When this fails, it can proceed
no further. It cannot legitimately resort
to force, without the direct authority of
Congress, except in resisting and repelling
hostilo attacks. It would have no au
thority to enter tho territories of of Nicar
agua, even to prevent tho destruction of
the transit, und protect the lives ami
property of our own citizens on their pas
sage, it is true, that on a sudden emer
gency of this character, tho President
would direct any armed force in the vicin
to march to their relief j but in doing this
ho would act upon his own responsibili
Under these circumstances I earnestly
reccommend to Congress the piissngo oTan
act authorizing tho President, under such
restrictions as they may deem proper, to
employ the land and naval forces of the
United States in preventing the transit
from being obstructed or closed by lawless
violence, and in protecting tho lives and
property of American eitizens theroupon,
requiring at the same time that these for
ces shall be withdrawn tho moment tho
danger shall have passed awuy. Without
such a provision our citizens will bo con
stantly exposed to interruption in their
progress, and to lawless violence,
A similar neccessity exists for tho pas
sage of sucli an act, for tho protection
of the Panama and Tehuantepec route.
In reference to the Panama route the
United States, by their existing treuty
with New Granada, expressly guarantee
the neutrality of the Isthmus, "with the
view that the free transit from the one to
the other sea may not be interrupted of
embarr:issed in any future time w hile this
treaty exists.
In regard to the Tehuantepec route,
w hich has been recently opened under the
most favorable auspices, our treaty with
Mexico of tl.e "Uth December, lHou, se
cures Ihc U.iited States a right'of transit o
ver for their persons and merchandize, and
stipulates that neither government .-hall
"interpese any obstacle" thereto. It a!;.o
concedes to llie United States the "right
to transport across the Istlinris. in closed
bags the mails of the. United Slates not
intended for distribution along the line of
the communication ; abo, tho clTectsul'the
Unitod States government and its citizens
which may bo intended for transit, and
not for distribution on the Isthmus, free
of custom house or other charges by the
Mexican government.
These treaty stipulations with New Gran
ada and Mefico, m addition to thoconsid
cratians applicable to tho Niiur.igua rout'1,
seem to requite legislation for the purposu
of carrying them into etlucl.
Tho injuries which have been inflicted
upon our citizens in Costa Pica and Nicar
agua, during the lat two or tli roe years,
have received prompt attention of this
government. Some of these injuries were
of tho most aggravated c' aracter. The
transaction of Virgin Hay in April, 1.S5I5,
when a company of unarmed Americans,
who were in no wny connected with any
belligerent conduct or party, were lired
upon by the troops of Costa Rica, and
numbers ot them killed and wounded,
was brought to the knowcldge of Con
cres bv inv iredeees.)r toon alter its oc
currence, and was also presented to the
government of Costa Rica, for that imme
diate investigation and redress which the
nature of the cuse demanded. A similar
emirso was pursued with reference to oth
er outrages in these countries, some of
which were hardly less aggravated in their
character thon tho transaction at Vigiu
Hay. At the time, however, when our
present minister to Nicaragua w as appoint
ed, in December, 18j7, no redress had
been obtained for any of these wrong-, and
no reply even had been received to the
demands which had been made by this
government upon that of the Costa Rica, I
more than a year before. Our minister j
was instructed, therefore, to lose no lining
in expressing to those goverments the'
deep regret with which the President had '
witnesst.:! this inatcntio.i to the pist
elainu of the United States and in d!
mantling their prompt and satisfactory
adjustment. Unless this demand shall bo
complied with at an early day, it will only
remain for th!s government to adopt such
other measures as mav be necessary, in or
der to obtain for itself that justice which
it had in vain attempted to secure by
peaceful means, from the governments of
Nicaragua and Costa Rica. While it hns
shown, and will continue to show, tho
most sincere regard for the rights and hon
or of these republics, it cannot permit
this regard to be met by nn utter neglect,
on their part, of what is due to tho gov
eminent and citizeus of tho United Slates.
Aeainst New Granada wo havo long
'slr.ding cause of complaint, arising out
of the unsatisfied claims ol our citizens
upod thut ropublie, and to theso have been
more recently added tho outrage com
mitted upon eur citizens at Panamu in A
pril IK,r. A treaty lor the adjustment of
theso diflioulties was concluded the Secre
tary of .Statu and the minister of New Gra
nada, in September, 1H57, which contain- (
eiljust an acceptable provision for tljat (
This trety was transmitted to RogoU
nnd was ratified by the govern tnent of New
Gi'unadii, but with certain nnujiKhneits.
It was not, however, returned to this city
until nftet the close of tho last session of
the Senate. It will be immediately trans
mitted tc that body for their advico and
consent, and should this bo obtained, it
will removo all our existing causes of com
plaint against New Granada on the subject
of claim.
Questions have arisin between tho two
governments as to tho right of New Gra
nada to levy a tonnago duty upon tho ves
:ol, ff th United Stuti... in it Port., of
- - ,, . . . .
tho Isthmus, and to levy a passenger flax
upon our citizens arriving in that country,
whether with a design to remain there.or
to pass from ocean to ocean by the
route; and also a tax upon tho mail of the
Ltntod States transported over the Puna-
maruilroad. The government ofNew Ora-!
nana niw uen inlormed that the United
States would consider tho collection of ei
ther of theso taxes as an net in violation o(
tho treaty between tho two countries and
as such would be resisted be tho UuitcJ
At the samo time, wo are prepared to
discuss these questions in n spirit of amity
and justice, and with a sincere desire to
adjust them in a satisfactory manner. V
negotiation for that purposo has already
been commenced. No cllbrt has recently
been made to collect these taxes tioi- -
any anticipated under present circumstan
ces. With tho empire of Rnuil our relations !
aroof tho most friendly character. The
productions of the two countries, and es
pecially those of an agricultural nature,
are such as to invite extensive mutual ex
changes. A largo quantity of Americun
Hour is consumed in Urazil, whilst more !
than treble tho amount in valuo of lhazil-'
ian coffee is consumed in the L'nited '
Whilst this is the case, a heavy duly I
has levied, until very recently, upon the
importation of American flotir'ilito lirazil. I
I am gratified, however, to bo able to in-'
form you that in September last this has ;
uecn reduced lioui SI, to tibont forty
nine cents per barrel, and the duties on
Other nrtseh'K Atle ni'i-iililntiiinc lm, l.or.i, 1
diminished in nearly the sumo proportion.
I regret to state that the government
of Brazil still continues to levy an export
duty of about 11 per cent, on coll'ee, not
withstanding this article is admitted free ,
from duty in the Unildd States. This i
a heavy charge upon tho consumers of euf-1
fee in our country, as rle purchase halt' of !
the entire surplus crop of t!iat article raw
ed in lirazil. Our minister, under instrue-1
lions, will reiterate his efforts to have thu I
export duty removed; and it is Loped,
that thecnlightcnedgovernnieiitoftho Em
peror will adopt this wise, just, and enuul
policy. In that event, there ii good rea
son to believe thct the commerce between
tho two countries will greatly increase,
much to the advautad of both.
The claims of our citizens against the
government of lirazil are not, in the ag
gregate, of very large uinount ; but some
of these rest upon plain principles of jus
tice flnel tlicif settlement ought not to be
delayed. A renewed and carnci-t, mid 1
trust a successful effort, will be ma le by
our minister to procure their liual adjust
ment. On the 2d of June last, Cuiigross passed
a joint resolution authorizing the Presi
dent "to adopt such measures and use
such force iu, in his judgment, may be
neecestary and a IvisaMo" "fur tho pur-'
pose of adjusting the dihVrouces between
(he United States und tho republic of
Paraguay, in connexion with theattaek on
the United States tteamer Water Witch,
and with other measures refened to" in
his annual message. And on the 1-th Ju
ly following, they made an appropriation
to defray tho expensos and compensa
tion of a commissioner to that republic,
should the President deem it proper to
make such an appointment.
Incompliance with theso enactments,
I have appointed a commissioner, who has
proceeded to Paraguay, with lull powers
and instructions to settle these dillcreiiccs
in an amicable and peaceful manner, if
this bo practicable. His experience and
discretion justify the hope, that he may
prove successful in convincing the Para
guayan government, that it is duo both to
honor and justice, that they should volun
tarily and pronuly make atonement for
the wrongs which theyhivo com lilted
against the United States, and indemnify
our injured citizens whom they have lor
I'ibly despoiled of their property.
Should our eommis-ioiii'i' prove unsuc
cessful, after a sinceie and earnest effort,
to accomplish the object of his mission,
then n alternative will remain, but the
employment offeree to obtain "just satis
faction'' from Paraguay. In view of this
contingeiiev, the Secretary of the Navy,
under my direction, ha fitted out and des
patched a naval force, to rendezvous near
liuenos Ayers, which, it is believed, w ill
prove sulliejeiil for tho occasion. Jt is
niv t-arnest uoIt" however, that it may
n;,'i r.e found necessary to resort to thi
lat alternative.
When Congress met in December last,
the lusiness of the country had just been
crushed, by one of thoso periodical revul
sions, which are the inevitable consequence
of our unsound and extravagant system of
bank credits and inflated currency. With
all the elements of national wealth in a
buiidnncc, our manufactures were suspend
ed, our useful public and private enter
prises wero arrested, and thousand of la
borers were deprived of employment and
reduced to want. Universal distress pre
vailed among tho commercial classes.
This revolution was felt more severely in
the United States, because similar causes
had produced the liko ileplorablo effects
throughout tho commercial nations of
Europe. All were inexperienced sad re
verses at the same moment. Our manu
facturers everywhere fluttered severely not
bsnuso of the recent reduction in the tar
iff of duties on imports, but because there
was no demand nt any price for their pro
duetions. The ptople were obliged to re
strict themselves, in their purchase", to
articles of prime necessity. In the gener
al prostration of business, the iron manu facturer
in different States probably suffer
ed nioro than any other class, and much
destitution tva the inevitable conso
quence, among (lie great number of work
men who hal been employed in this use
ful branch of our industry. I'hero could
be no supply wero there was no demand.
To present an example, there could be
no dcaaud for railroad irou,. iftfr our
gnilicont system of railroads, cxtendinir
its benefit to everv oortinn nftlin T!tii
luut been brought to a dead pause. The
1, . . . . 1
same consequence) have resulted from
similar causes to many other branches of
Useful manufactures." It is self-evident
that were there is no ability to purchase
manufactured articles, these fcaiinol he
boid, nnd consequently must cease to be
no government, nnd especially a eov-
eminent of such limited powers as that of
the United States, could nnvo prevented
luiu jv.uiaiuii, inn uoie comnier
ciid world seemed for years to have been
runhing to this catasiropoe. The same
ruinom . consequences would have followed
111 tho United Stftt is, whether tho duties
upon foreign imports mid remained tin
they were under the tariff of 18Iii, or had
beeu raised to a much higher standard.
The tui ill'of 1807 had no agency in the re
sult. The general causes existing through
out the world, could not have been con
trolled by the legislation of any particular
Tho periodical revulsions which have
existed in our past history, must continue
to return nt intervals, so long as our pres
ent unbounded system of bank credits
shall prevail. They will, however, proba
bly bj less severe in future; because it is
not to bo expected, at least for ninny years
to come, thut the commercial nations of
Europe, with whose interests our own are
so materially involved, will expose them-j
selves to similar calamities. Put this sub-
ject was treated so much nt largo in mv
mat uuuu.n message mat l man not now'eu. I
pursue it further. Still, I respectfully re
new the recommendation, in favor of the
passage of a uniform bankrupt law, appli
cable to banking institutions. This is nil
tho direct power over the subject which, I
believe the federal government possesses.
Such a law would mi'igate. though it
might not prevent the evil. The instinct
of self-preservation might produce a
holesomo restraint upon their banking
business, if they knew in advance, that n
suspension of specie payments would inev
itably produce their civil death.
Put the effects of the revulsion nro now
slowly but surely passing away. The en
ergy nnd enterprise of our citizens, w ith
our unbounded resources, will, within the
1 orind 'of another year, restoro a state of
wholesome industry nnd trade. Capita!
liAsajnin accumttlutecl in our largo cities.
The rate of interest is there very lew.
Confidence is gradually reviving, and so
soon as it i discovered that this capital
can bo profit ibly employed iu commercial
and manufacturing enterprises, nnd in tie
construction of railroads and other works
of public, and private improvement,-prosperity
will again smile throughout the
land, ll U vain, however, to disguise the
fact fiom ouisclvos that ft speculative in
tlati n of our currency, w ithout, a corres
ponding inflation iu other countries w hoso
manufactures come into copctitiou with
our own, must over produce disastrous re
sults to our domestic lnanfaotures. No
tariff, short of absolute prohibition, can
prevent these evil consequenses.1
In connexion with this subject, it is
proper to refer to our financial condion.
Tho cause! which have produced pecuni
ary distress throughout the country, huve
so reduced tho amount of imports from
foreign countries, that tho revenue has
proved inadequate lo meet the necessary
expense of the government. To supply
the deficiency, Congress, by the act of the
2.'5 d of Deecmbir. 1S."7, authorized the is'
sue of S2tl,0ll(l,0ijll of treasury notes; and,
this proving inadequate, they authorized
by tho act of Juno 14th, 18"S, a loan of
s2l,l'()i,0tHl, " to 1! applied to the pay
ment of appropriations made by law."
No statesman "would advise, that wo
should go 011 increasing the national debt
to meet tho ordinary expenses of the gov
ernment. This would bo a most ruinous
policy. In case of war. our credit must bo
our chief resource, -it least for tho first
year, and this would bo greatly impaired
by having contracted a largo debt in time
of peace. It is our true policy, to increase
our revenue so as to equal our expendi
tures. It would bo ruinous to continue to
borrow. Resides, it may bo proper to oh-
M'rve. I it .nt the incidental protection, thus
adoi'do'l by a revenue tantt, would nt tho
present moment, to sorao e.t?ut, increas...
the confl Joneo of the manufacturing inter-
ests, ami give a fresh impulse to our re
viving business. To this, surely no per
son will object.
In regard to the mode of assessing and
collecting duties under u strictly rrveeit"
tariff, I have long entertained nnd often
expressed the opinion, that sound policy
requires this should bo elono by speefie
duties, in cases lo which theso can be prop
erly applied. They arc well adapted to
commodities which nro usually sold by
weight or measure, and wincn irom tneir
nature, nro of oqual or of nearly equal vnl-1
ue. Such, for example, are the articles nf
iron of dfferent classes, raw sugar, nnd
in' . . . a. 1 1
foreign wines and spirits. In my deliber
ate judgement, specific clutios are tho best
if not the only means of securing tho rev
enue nginst false nnd fraudulent invoices,
anil such has boon the jiractico adopted for
this purpose by other commercial nations.
Beside:,-, specific duties would til the
Ami'iean manufacturer the incidental a.!'
vantages to which he is fairly entitled un
der revenue tariitl. Tho present system
is a sliding seudo to his disadvantage. Un
dor it when prices are high and business
prosperous, tho . duties riso in amount
when he least requires their aid. On the
contrary, when prices fall, and he isstrug.
gling Against adversity, the duties aredi
minshed in tho samo proportion, greaty
to his injury.
Neither would there be danger that a
hiiher rate of duty than thai intended bv
Congress, could bo levied in th form of
speciac duties. It would beeaay to ascer-1
tain the average value of any imported the 1st of July. 1858, of Tressnry notes, iw
articlo for a aeries of years; ond, instead sued bv authority of t he a"t of Decesnlvr'
of subjecting it to an ad vi'-wn duty at a I .3, l5t unredeemed, thosum of ?P),7.)4y
ccrtnin rato per centum, lo ul rt'tulo iu 1 S9 .inking thiHiounluf aituj itsdabu
teiSms $1 25 per Annum.
'iis place an eouivnlent .t,.!fi ,..
n .... . .1 ' j
"j ""s.iuii ui luiiKeuiciiL ins ooiiiumftr
would not be injured. It is true, hemiktht
nine ioiuy nmuu more duly on ft given
article in oho year; but if si), be would
pny littio less in another, and in a aeriee
of yours these would countetbulano each
other, nnd amount to tho aauie thing. a
far as his Interests are concerned. Thia
inconvenience would bo trifling, when
contrasted r-ii- ,ifi;(,v.,i .
thus afforded against frauds upon th re:
enue, in which every consumer is directly
interested. 1 have thrown out these tug
pestious ns the fruits of my own observa-'
iion, to which congress, in their lUr
(judgement, will give such weiirht aa theT
1 may justly deserve.
I he report or the Socretnrv of the Tr.
ury will explain in detail tlie operatiom
of that department of the government.
Tho receipts into the treusury from all
sources during the fiscal year ending 30th
June, 1858, including the treasury notes
authorized by theact of Dec. 23, 1857, ere
seventy million two hundred nnd seventy
three thousand eight hundred aud sixty,
nine dollars and fifty-nine cents, ($70,273,
709. 59,) which amount, with the balaucs
of seventeen million seven hundred and
ten thousand one hundred and fourteen
dollars aud twenty-seven cents (f 17,710,
111. 27, remaining in the troisury at the'
commencement of the, year mudean aggre
en million nine hundred and eighty three
thousond nine hundred ,,l oiuMu.fV,.
gate 101- me service 01 me year eighty-
dollars aud eighty-six cents (S8f 8383'
The public expenditures durihe? the' fis
cal year ending June 30, 1858, amounted to"
eighty-one million five hundred andclght-ty-fivo
thousand six hundred and sixty
seven dollars nnd seventy-six cents, ($81,
"iS.ri,i;t7. 70,) of which nine million sit
hundred and eighty-four thousand live
hundred and thirty-seven dollars and nino-ty-nine
cents (!'.,WI,537. 99) wero applied
to the payment of tho public debt, and the
redemption of treasury notes w ith theinter-'
est thereon, leaving in the treasury on Ju-'
ly 1, 1S5S, being the commencement of the
present fiscal year, six million' three hun
drod and niiicty.eight thousand three hun
died and sixteen dollars nnd ten cent..
(!?i).:5'.8,31ti. 10.)
The receipt! into tho treasury, chit-ilia
ti e first quart r of the present fiscal year,
commencing 1st July, 158, including one
half of the loan of twenty millions of dol
lars, with the premium upon it, authorized,
by the act of 11th June, 1858, were twenty-live
million two hundred nnd thirty
thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine
dollars and forty-six cents, ($25,230,879.
40,) and the estimated receipts for the re
maining three quarters to the 38th June,
18-VJ, from ordinary sotuves, are thirty,
eight million five hundred thousand dol
lars, (s:;8,500,IHWU making, with tho bal
ance before stated, an aggregate of seven
ty million one hundred nnd twenty-nine
thousand one hundred and ninety-five
dollars and fifty-fix cents, ($70,129, 195,
The expenditures during tho 1st quar
ter of the present fiscal year were 521,708
P.'S51, of which 81,01(1,142 37 wore ap
plied lo the payment of the public debt
and the redemption of Treasury notes
and the interest thereon. The estimated
expenditures during the remiining threo
quarters to 30th June, 1859, are $52,357,.
0'.I8 48, making an aggregate of $74,005,
t'M't '.IO, being an excess of expenditure be-'
youd the estimated receipts into tho Trea
sury from ordinary sources, during the fis-'
eal year to the .'U'th June, mi, of $3,9j(j,
001 43. Extraordinary means arophvcod
by law withai the command of the Secro
rotary of the Treasury by tho reissue of
Treasury notes redeemed, and by negoti-'
ating Hie balance of the loan authorized,
by the act of 14 June, 1858, to the cxtont
ol" SI 1,1.100,01.111, which, if realized during
the present fiscal year, will leave a bal
ance in tho Treasury, on tho first day of
July, ls,v.i, of $7.00:5,208 57.
The estimated receipts during the next
fiscal year, ending June 30, Wa), are ?G2,
ooo,(.mX', which with the above estimatod
balance of .7,003,2',,8 57, make an aggre
gate for the service of tho next fiscal year'
Afitl'.lllll'.'f OI1U " v. . -. .! 1 .1
vi -.'s m . 1 111; cMiunuoo expen-
;dituro during the next fiscal year, ending
1 June 30th, s,, ore $73,139,1,7 40, which
leave a deficit of estimated means, com na-
red with the estimated expenditures for
that year commencing on tho 1st of July,
l"5'., ofrH075 js 89.
In addition to this sum. the Postmaster
General will require from the Treasury,
for th service of tin) Post-Office Depart
ment $3,83.72.-, as explained in tho re-'
port of the Secretary of tlieTre.isury which'
will increase the estimated deficit on tho'
3oth June, $7,911,570 89. To ptn
! vide for the payment of this estimated do-
deficiency, which will lo mcrcnyed by
such appropriations as may tie made by
j ('ancrc, not estimated for in the rc-nnrtv
- . . it . .
of the T-easnry Departraor.t as well as to
provide for the gradual redemption, front
year to year, of the outstanding Treasury
notes, the Secretary of tho Treasury re'
rommends such .1 revision of the present
Tariff as will raiso the required amount.
After what I have already said, I need
scarcely add that I concur in tho opinion
cxf'rNe(1 In his report that tho publio'
debt hhoubl not 1 increased by n addi
tional loan, nnd would therefore strongly
urge upon Congress- the eluty of making,
nt their present stskTrMher necessary prcv
vision for meeting those Iii'oiltis,
The public debt on the first of July,
!858, tho commencement of the present
fnrnl year, was $2 155,977 66
During the first quarter of the pm nt
year the sum of $10,000,000 hft ben ne'
gotiated of the loan authorized ly the act'
of 14 tli o! Juno, 1858, making the privnV
outstanding public debt, exclusive of Trea- v
stiry notes, $3.155,977 Oft. Thore was on