t n i mi i v A ln)),r ni ot 1 m r n of XKW (SOODS, '' In nrl ..t Ids ,11 ,mI1( h U, ,..( VI t.l :,'l.Jl ,111,1 . K .1.- Kl , Am,, r ,'!, iVlirtm, l'l,ri,l.t v,v 1, r ,,,-, ' .,'. M (',,,, .V tlv. ,v. lionnrls, lalet Fall niB flT Styles, I'-nrly matin rlnlliltig-, Hunt t fliocn, lluta .1 Cu', (.fall kinds, Spanish Sole Leather, 'lieo, Molasses, iinil Pugar, at Y hul. ,B ,, j Retail. " r-IIidcs i Furs, Shingles, and Tir.-.m of nil ,i tukon In cxehang fur goods. "1''.' -V.M. IRWIN. "EAT REVIVALiea(1 j Head T " D r.K CONVERTER. TUe great revival -ma .lono lmmon',u c0( lri nu,st evory ' - county and t.u ( tijo Union, outside of laid. ThcruCoro, in consideration of the i rumor, Kn nk liort hits taken tlio respon- 'y upon himself to rovive fho Root A Shoe ; 'oss in Clouiticld, mid net a Rood cxumpla i IcUnw uii'ii. Jlo I, us t0 announce to lili iistoinors, and un ninny now ones us may la. . iiuvrit h a coll, Unit liu hns oil bund a lurgo . Uncut of fnie work anil any ainouut of coarse licnts liuitura inadii to order, and of uny to.uil customers. Moirocoo. French calf, Pat lit calf guitars constantly on hand. .iig Tor e.ilo, kit excojitoJ. All wnrk luuv ' " .hop warranted not to rin, Custouiors mg ,o lou w ill find him at Iho shop furmur- "V.'U ifd by 11. 11. WcUh, de ' il o uibli.'liuicul, m arly oi lec dun watch Si pohito llocd and 1 it utorc. Hull in boys and got new folcn Mr old ones repaired, as Home of tlioiu itnnd ..tut ui'd of lU FRAXK SUOIIT. ia 30, I'JiS. Sin. rf. Th utu(irship herotoforo existing he. ii Jolm WrCaJie A Uoorgo Kowson i this lissifovod liy mutual consent, ulid Iho hooka, nts, and alt ulYei'ts, uro now in the lunula . Phort fur M-ttli'inonU Tho hutim-n a ill ha ' Jd oo iu future hy V. Phnrt. Alas, poor Vo J01I.V MeCAlli;, I IKST l I HOST JUIM JauVays on hand, i t.l ANKKUIi fur pnjt tavorn, and pratoful for ' 'id i prospects, desires to inform the citizens of , vicinity, nud hid old friends nnd patrons ih i , Hilar, that fan h:is removed t- the FiltsT .jj, tji in tho Kast end of i..jia hf hit on htind onnnt'v, lnr-rn insert .i.:r . nirnl of erory' variety In Hip - - BOOT AND SHOE LINK- !! "i'jyt VMK ATTENDED TO WITH ISPATCn t ; Tii rcry hfst'of 5tock will he n?e3, and no "spared to mako neat fits nnd durable work. ' w hich enn be obtained from tho said Joseph ; i,im A'ERY LOW for the ukady itniso. .'..tirfleld, Aug. IS, 1353. : : HOTEL, -I. 117 & 119 2nd St. above Arch, " l. HOPKINS tnkci this method nfinform 4 . Ing his old friends nnd tho public generally, ; ho has just EE-OPENED tho above well ' m Hotel, and re-tittej It in a style suitable ( e ige, and tho wants of tho travelling public, j II. has had a largo rtperipnee in hotel keep-' ho has naicltirtion in saving that his p-uests . lind Ua iouia a plonsant uud dcsiiahlo stop, "-f placo: 4 ' ' ' ' - i tho elcgihlo -location pf Uiis Hotel for per sons visiting tho City, cither nn ox jimixKss' on pleasure, ei deemed altogether ' iinnccossiry to speak, ' o Hotel in Philadelphia, is better known than i -A' (Hi Mount Wrn." ' 1 j close attention to the wants of his ciiftim Mr. II. hopes to deservo a share of puhlio ,.i..'onnge. "' . li. His terms por day has beon fixed at th wrMd of $1.2. . i ;cpt22nd, 1848. v 1 jr. . , . "HOME AGAIN'.".. - Ei:D A M'EAVElt nre now receiving nn ! V opening a largo and well selected block ot . ' ids, consisting of ' iii V Good", Groceries, Hardware, Uticenti--.vurc, lliMita and SlioeN, oils, 1'alnta Dru'H, Mats and Hoiiucts, Nails Hi Splkcw, alt and Fisli, veil as every other articlo usually rerpiirej iu country, which they otter to tho Dublin on as l. .- terms ns can bo lind m tlio county. I lee tho new, beautiful anduscful. June II, 1858. pn i ', . on Depot, Kept by Merrell & Carter On tSeennd Street, Clearfield, the place where nil tho 'ollowing nrticlos . tin ho hod at reduced prices : I'1. Iran nf all i:e ly the small or Ig the uantilg; Cast Steel ig' various sizes and lest niaiUg ; a large assortment nf Stone, among 'i irdi will be found (he New M'orld Cook ' ' k JWmtum, Great Tlejnddir, Hurt's Pat- and the eleeated Minnrsitta. Ahn, a 'ry.r assortment of mne-jdatet und Parlor S 'jt.s, ami Air-tights of varwus Pattern. -1 co, PIiwm of the best and latest patterns. A'sit, if their own Man'faeturing a large, as s. tii,ent tf Tin-ioare, Stove pipe. Sheet-iron rws of all si:es, and all artietes of the kind in 'Ir'.r line kept always on hand. House, sxni ting done to order, and Tin Hoofing dune with t.jUeh. Also, a large assortment of all kinds of Itouso-keepint) utensils eonstnnth on -. . ' COIWTUY MEHVIIAKTS , 0 invited to rail, as they can bo accommodated .. -..... i..u r.,.,. v!ii, ...fi,;n i i;nn All orders will bo thankfully received and :',ni,ll Kltnndod to. '- ' ' 0. F. MEI!ltE.,L. ' ' L. R. OAHTEtt. N. 1). They will also receivoi every variety of ;i, ics i n c Tcission, at low rates. M. A C. . RESTAURANT. fT!IE undersigned respectfully announces to J tho puhlio that he bus opened an cnting uifii In tho basement story of Morrow s (lulo ilcinphill's) Hotel, where miy be found every nairr of tho aenson. aueh an 1..,. franm isnr,lin l iekleii Oysters, l.cmonado, Ale, Lugcr Rcor, '.i r - r ,: : . . oi'. s, vouiucLluniirien, f lulls, 1M11S, AG., O.O. lo hnpei bv a strict nttcntion to his business in merit, nnd rccoive, a share of public patronage v - A. C. FLANNIUAN. . June .10, 18iS 3 in , ' ''-'13t:iftes Wiplt.s for Mia nt thi OirleTi. !lll"t1:ilt I ) Ltlllllll Hill II. lllf. iiitm mil i it , ,;i J -t I'll 1 I s it. l.r nil I inn Hiiiii; Ml i I II I Mi I I '. Mlltv. ili l It lll'l I, niHiu nil tlml lie is (ho nretil 1', r '.'Villi mi'l will rmtiili mi I ) in tl,,. M till' lml ll-l lin,: i'lo iw.li, ,. l iu .niciii i.i ih ini',1., t() ,i tit nt li im i. In Ill-" ill I.HVMcl ,,. t,)IM)kii.. 1 lill-ll in I Irs inntli (d ('l. nr,i,., ,,.inii.i. or v lctt.T NllrrKPi tc, him nt I 'l-nrll. l.l I'. tl. .mil n a. t it., Sri, I. 1. l. 3m."l. nct APPEALS From Trif?nnunl Am B!mrnt. "VJ"0TICvU If lit'iuliy Kien that tho t'uminiii. IN iinicr ul CUurlli lil (.oiinly Mill hold (heir appeal from the Iricuunul auiui'lit at tho fid- ' lotting times iiuj plaevw, to wit: tlimhan tnn-nahip nt tho noliool Iiouko In anld towimhip, the usual pincu of holding elotuin, oil .Mun jay tho !!:M Novunihor, A. r. IS.1.1. Uinird townhi nt ( onpren liill a hool hou.e, on Tueaduy tho .'.'Id Noveml.cr. Coviiiilon towinlup at tho tho hou so of J.i. ooh Mnurvr, on Wednesday, .Nov. 21th. Karlfaniiii towni.liip nt iho hnuso of 1!. I). Hall A Co., on Thursday, Nov". 2ith. Huston townahip at the house of Jesse Vil lon, on Saturday, Nov. 27th. i'ox tonnahip -nt the houco of John J. Ilundy, on Monduy, Nov. 2Vth. I'nion township at the hoimo of It. W. Moore on Tuesday. Kovoinher Iltllh. Urudy township nt the house of George W. L,,ni;, on Wednesday, Deooiulier 1st. l'iko tewnship nnil t'ura eusvillo on Thursday DocMnhor 2d. l'oun towiifhip at the hoiipe of Y. V. An derson, from i A. iM. to i V. Itl., of Friday De cember 3d. Lumber City iWntij;h ,aiiio dav nt 4 P. M Bt pnhliu nehuol house in said burouirh. Knox towii.sliiii nt Turkey Hill school huuse, on t-atur,lny, I'eeeinher 4ih. Ferguson tonnship at tho hoiiso of Thomas I). Davis, oil Monday, December Dili. Hell thowuship nt the house of Asaph Kills, i the place ot holding elections, on lacsduy, Do- comber 7th. i liurusido township nt the Iiouko of John i Yonnir, ou Wednesday, Uoceiuher bth. I Chest township at tho school house, nenrSi mon Kornbaufrh s, en Thursday, December 1Mb, ) lieccaria township nt tho house of ISamucI i IleKnrty,.ou Friday, December 10th. ! Jiirdnn township at the puhlio achool house I iu Ansonvillo. on Suturday. lNceinber 11th. Woodward township at the hoiiso of Win, MuUon, ou Mon, lay, December 13th. i ! Deoutur township at -the house of John Goss, - wa Tuesday, Deeeuiber l ttli. f Ib'SK8 township at the houso of Andrew Cross, i on Wednesday, December l.itli. : .Morris townsliip nt tlio honso of Jacob Mock, i on Tuesday, Deeeinbor ll'Ui. Graham township nt the homo of Jacob Hu i bier, on Friday. Dcccinhcr 17th. I llrodford towns nip nt the house of William Hoover, on Saturday, December Slh. Cleiirliiild boroue nnd I.u-vrenen township on Jlouday December 20th, ut the Coiuiuiioiieis' j ' oilice, iu Clearliold. I An appeal fm n the valuation of unseal 'tl lands will bo held ni tho Commissioners' ollleu iu Cleuflield, ou Friday, December ."1st, at which time all persons interested enn attend. I liy order of Hoard of Commissioners. MOUKllT J. WALLACE, Clerk. ,' net. 2", 18aH. U-'Udeo, CAUTION. 4 1,1. persons nro hereby cautioned cgamsti cautioned a meddling with th feliowin; dcFcrihel pro perty, now iu the possession ol w. J. Ciildhcll, ns tho said property is subject to my order only, , viz : l Throe hogs, seven Rhont.', ono spring calf, a i lot of hay, a lot of oiits, let of corn iu tho car, thirty bushels of buckwheat,' tho ono third of initio, aero of wbent in tho ground, one rook ' stove, burcnu, table, stand, three beds and bed 1 ding, ono sot of chair, cno large and one small rocking chair and tho bahmea of tho house hold furniture ,.,t JOHN WELSH, oct. 27, 13:3. .U AMBROTYPES For 50 cts ! flillU undcrfignod wpuld respectfully inform ' tlie " I. API IX and GUX TLr.MKX of Clearfield and vicinity, thnt ho has fitted up Hoonis in Sliau'H Jiew How whero ho will renin inn fur few diiy onfi. All who would desire a lifelike likeness ol llio latest and impn ved stylo will please oall. You thut hnve beauty should to Hnll tako it, .You thnt hnvo none, should go lot him mako it A. M. HALL ' Sept, illh, 135S. tf. .. , Ciibincl, Chair Making, A X I) HOUS II I A I Mi N G JOHN Gl'LICII A DANIEL BENNEK having entered into partnership in tho above husi- j ness, will bo prepared nt nil timos to nrtend to nny ; business in the uhov line on short notico nnd in a 'proper manner. They will also keep constantly nn band at their shop on Market sL, nearly oppo ioito tho Jew store, a large assortment of Muhogo- sy ana Lane uottom I luurs, nnil Uubinctwaro of every description which they w ill bo found eve rcady to dispose of on as reasonable terms ns the samo articles can bo had eliewhero In tho county 'i -r , ' . 1 . ... i auinei naro now on hand, eon. s'tti in part of 1 1 i r Tl r. r- n uressiii una oiuinon jiurenus, roias, ewlnf I ni i it asu cniiius, Lru..KH nnil jiuuR v.nses, rrcncn , ai I Field Post llodstonds, Dining, llreukfust, Ccn tr Card and Pier Tublcs, Ac. 0FF1NS manufactured and delivered ot tiny ;o desired. iiloy T.i, 1851 VI.L persons oro hereby c.nitiond against buying, or in any way meddling with tho ! lollowing pr perty, now in tho possession of i George Gnrls in Covington tp. vis: Ono ronn I ninrc, ono cow, six hogs, ono hull, ono corner i cupboard, one cooking sti ve, ono bed and ono lot of buokwhent, ns the snmo belongs to mo and is only left with said Gnrls on loan, subject to my order. Sedt. 22' 135S. finis A. E. Ml LLER. Adjourned Orphans' Court Sale. fY virtue ofnn order nfsnle issued out of the MM Orphans Court of Clearfield county, there will he exposed to public sale at the Court houso in tho borough of Clearfield, on SATURDAY, tho loth day of Nov. next, nil the interest of Matthew Stott, doe'd., in and to tho following doscribed real est. te, situate in Hoggs tp., and hounded by lands of Wm. Liimndo on t2e west, tract in nnmo of Henry tftownrt on tho north, lands of Howard on tho east, and on tho south by lands of Jaiuea Forrest, containing 50 acres moro or loss, on which are erected a two-story log house ind other outbuildings, with about HI acres cleared, Tnrms cash on confirmation of sale. JAMES STOTT, Ad'mr of Matt. Stott, dee. DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP. rpiIE Partnership heretoforo existing bjtweon JL Dr. Lorain and Dr. Hnrtswiek in tho prac tico of Medicine is this day dissolved by mutual ronsent. All persons having accounts with the firm will please call and aotfle immediately, and if they cannot pny, give Ihoir notes. Tho books will remain at their old ofliee, whero Dr. Harts wick can be found at all times, father to settle or attend to professional calls, ' HENRY LORAIN lS:h, 18.1S. J. o). IIARTSWICK lll 'I I M I' A !, ! I A .f v r. 1 1, ,. . 1 -r ..( Ii.it'i : lr l, ,a I.Wn ll, m i, ,! Hit I. Ill It ! K "t l l,.i Hi.', I, mid t ("ffi't.-1 (in ilnia all tin ii,t inn h,in fill, 11- , I lil.lie HV l"l n nri tl Hint It aill t.i, m n to' lcl In tlm 1"t liiUhMI I ' il.lc, II Int'lr. ,ll l. m 'Iii"I a iiti IliB lii. t Ilia !',!( t nft. i 'It, Hi. I , r 1,11-1 a iih I li 'i' i ! Li aii l "I hum nn I h ( n ' r r , h -t lll it 1. 1 a ill I, lind"! Hi" ''"l" 'f fl t IfliHl f lllid rauliil . nl. i.. IH. Ml-:. M. IA I II. l oli. II, IhJT.-y. N Aiiovu, l:tliVM.i, mill i. '1 he subieiiler havinii In ken llir at'ona well kiioan siand, Inriiiei It hi ht by II in. A. Ms-nil. ill ( urnelitt ille, I n., Is ready to aeeominndnte all alio may favor liim Willi lln ir pnlronime. His Inkle a ill nlaays be supplied with the liet Hie ark.t adnrds, and hi' liar ailh (he choieof li'ii,ir. His stnblo n ill ho under the e:ne of t tentive hostlers. DAVID h.MITli. Curweusville, April 21. IS.'.S. FLEMING HOTEL, (FoltMEHLV KMllVM AS THE Go(II) iMIiST,) CI' UWE.N.SV1LI.I", Clearfield County, 'cin.ili:nl,i. The subsciiber bees leave to inform his old cusioniors, anil the public (fenernlly that he hns recently taken the above Hull known aland, nud thut he bus intirely rclilted aad refurnished It iu a style adapted to tho ul'C, nud tho Wautd of the j cntiro traveling cutmiiunily. HIS TABLE will nlwnys ho pr.wi.led with every luxury tho markets and surrounding country will nfl'ord. HIS BAR will he supplied with tho choicest wines nnd li quors. HIS STABLES, which nre tho best nnd most commodious nn tho road within n dny's travel, will always bo in charge of careful nnd nltentlvo hostlers. In short Every depnilment of his Establishment will bo supplied with nil the comforts nnd convcnicu eios tho wcury traveller could desire. jn 2. 'W. W.M. A. MASO.V. NATIONAL HOTEL (LATH WHITE SWAN.) Race Bt. above Third, Thila. rpilE proprietors ol the ubovo well known cs X tablishment being thankful for tho very liberal patrouagu hestowod upon thorn tho past year, take this method of informing their friends and the puhlio thut they ro still prepared to ac commodate them if favored with a call. During tho summer months tho house has been thoroughly renovated, improvements nindo and other e.teusivo iilterati ins in conlcmphr.ion. Wo are determined to devote our whole nilnn- tion to business nud Hatter jurselves with (he conviction thut we shall be able to cjvo salislac-t'"- .SU'E.S i ISTOVKK. X. t. Carriages w ill always he in readiness to convey passengers to und Iruui teuuihoat Land ings and lUilroad Depots. jj. A S. March 31st, IfijS.y, SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Curwensvillo. Penna. TIMie subscriber, formerly of the Exchange Ho JL tel, l'hilipsburg, having taken tii r above new stand, situate on tho bunk of the river, in the lewor end of Curwi usville, would announce that he is now ready for tin- Accommodation of stran gers nnd nil others who may fnvor him with n call. The houso is lurjro nnd comfortable, nnd travelers will find every convenionco necesrnrv to their comfort. Amplo stabling is attached to 'the promises. DAVID JOHNSON. February 10, 1S53. CLEAUFIKLD cokm.:k oi' must and sthi:i:ts, Till-: undersigned respectfully informs his friends and tho traveling public in general, that ho has token tlio above house. FOI'.MI'KLY KNOWN AS Till- HEMP HILL hotel, The House lias bocn roccntly rcfittcl im proved, nnd newly furnished; EXTENSIVE STABLING HAS BEEN I'O.U PI.LTED ; A VD ME IS rHEPAItni TO At'fOJIMOliATE AH who may give him a call, in tho most pleasing and agreeablo manner. H'iM every thing to render his wise a desirable stopping phtee, isms "jj iiia will bo supplied with nn assortment of choico li rpiors; nud ho will endeavor to entertain his guests in a manner thut cannot fail to givo tho 1'LI.I.r.ST SATISFACTION. The house is situated in n pleasant nnd fuiet pnrt of tho tow n, nnd no expense or attention will'be spared to make it one of tho best houses in the county. A lib eral patronage is respect fnllv solicited. H. HAYS MORROW. Clearfield, aug. IS, U Sg. y. FANCY FURS FOIl 'LADIES & flllLDREX. JOHN FAItEIUA $ CO. No. 618 (AVie .Vo.) MnrkeCt, nboie Khjhlh, PHILADELPHIA. Importers, Mannfwturers and Dealers in OrJ5icac2jSf Saej For Ladies and Children ; Also, (rent's Furs I'ur Collars, and (Jloees. riMlh number nf years that which , ... . ...., been engaged in tho Fur business. i,.l .i,. I cencrnl character of our Furs, both for ,,.;. i amtpnee is so gcnrully known throughout tho I ( otinlrv. Ilml. wa ll.:..l. It ..M . y " ' Hiioece.-sarv 10 sav i ""o oiio wo onve now opened -iir nsort- , ment of FURS for tho FALL and WINTER sales tho largest nnd most beautiful th.it wo hnvo I ever beforo offered pi tho public. Our Furs havo !nllbcen Imported tin rin mporicu uiii injr the present aeason when iiDiiey was searco nnd FURS MFC 11 LO WE R ! than at the present time, and have been mnnn- laclureil by tho most competent workmen ; we nro therefore determined to sell them nt oeb ,o.y n, ,,,., uo to give us the repntntion M MAHKIil . . . j...r., ,at , l(l ania g!MqilPK8 111 I Doinp elves i imie I'lr n very ssmafl I'roftt. STOUKKEKl'EK.S will ilo wMl tn - io scieci irom ln the City, nnd at turera prices. JOHN FARIERA A CO. No. 818 Market street, above 8th, Philnd'a Sept. 20th, 1828. 4ms STOCKED WAWTPTi X (fONh MILLION J LET of Saw Logs on I in hniilra nF IVi. 1 mouth of Sugar Camp or II bne . nn " ??.n;cn,,c"t P0!'' t the low price of Hnaton township, Clearfield Con?y, i ca Tylers P " P 7 bI; A U'Tl li"co,,nt ,0 ,h8 tri"In to be cut from Let No. M07. wnr aTteP Wm.,,1 tu '""' A , ., . . f Mill.' I'nv.r. M , I C. . . C , 1 . n , . . .1 . ... . . ... iiinu enn oe seen With j. i i.. Luttio, f.sq. MorKcr to mako all roads and imprevements. Address, suiting price, to John A. Otto, P. M. Barry P. 0., Schuylkill Co., Pa. Nov. IS, 1?.','.'. in 1 Ilil l a i M r- t i . n id ilnl Imp n'm eo, slid onn a M h has am rr hri-n tsti-l .1, d rily iH nn d 1,1 by the , i s"l ahn t, II, Il tb" li'ill'lls ml. Peine iiialnliilii- mil epri billy tba old , hni, I'hy.li I ii ii - thut 1 1 l"n lues In ba blno.l, and Ib' ri'l'ire all di,.m nili.'lnile in II but lim b in n i, m e avers that niliiietili have their oriirnnlmn In Imlli th solidi and Hnl'll of the bo.lv. 1 lint the hitler pjepnitdf rata, hoasver. la a Hied Inel, and iiie'lienl skill bus cbml v deuiniisl mli d that at least two (birds of the Ills thnt liiiimin ll.-s h Is heir to, hnve (heir sniiree In nn flmptii'c Male of the ISIooil! i As, for instance, iu the ,,n ealalogim, aurh as ;.itlil;i, Tctu-r, "IJarU'r'H Itch," Pimples, BlotclicH, l')siioliiH, Ul ccis, Siilt-Ulicuni, Discliarjios ilrom the r.ar, I ever sore.", or ir . luptivo Diseases of any kind. ' 'J hi'so nre ascertained by well known meilleul ilawsto arise from bad blood while the highest tiiedieul u ii I Ii or i 1 io declare that most fevers ori jriiiiilij i n the snmo .'innner, nnd more particular ly Typhnid nnd h, unlet the former being nn in I ternal, nnd the latter an external irruptivo dis- earse ; and In all persons attacked hy tbeso ma ladies the blood is found to ho coagulated, or of , a dark unhealthy color. To ward oil' ii laio majority of discuses, ns i well ns to cure a number which hnvo already sei zed upon the system, it y.y AV.r'A'Av.iAT to uuifv Tin: nLooi). .INisl:V iMl'ltoVKH lil.onli SKAKi'llKR HOKS .NOT t.'l.AMI TO HE X I'niver iil l'anaeea for every disease known, but the proprietors claim for it the power not only of Draining out All Impurities of the Blood, but by the idiilful combination of well known It will aire nil ifourj ariinijemn a derunj ed ft'itc nf (he JAucr drive out lxiiensia. uhi yivc renewed (one and vigor () the tStuniach, That the Illood Searcher is nil thnt is claimed for it, the Proprietors run prodnf o THE PROOF: It is only a few yours since it was discovorod, j and yot it has (rrowu into such n business that largo Laboratory hus been built expressly for its j nuinulucture a large number of uicu employed in putting it up, ami still The Supply does not Equal the Demand ! We nsk any enndid man could this bo so, if the Medicine did Dot possess all tho virtues claimed for it ? The Proprietors have hundred of certificates from men of probity and stunilin g in tho commu nity, showing; what the medicine is doing duily for the suliuring. ASK ANY ri'IISOX Who has ever used the Blood Searcher j H7,wr lleVuf was Reprnencd. I Let the atllictcd givo it a trial a single bottle! willconuuco the most skeptical of its efficacy. Dn. J. M. LixnsKV : Dear Sir I take plea sure in ucknowledging tho great benefit your Improved I'.lood Searcher has been to my son. Ho has been ntllietcd with what physicinns called n scrofulous disease of the ubsobing glands of the stomach. Ho has boon atllictcd with this disease from infancy. Ho is now lif teeu ycurs of ago; during all this time he has hud several severe attack, and nil the food ta ken into tho stomach imparted little strength to tho system. 1 hnd several eminent physicians attend ing him, hut I found very littlo 'advan tage, us the disease still returned with nil its uw ful consequences. In April 18j7, ho had a violent attack, to much so, thnt ull who saw him supposed he was iu tho last stage of Consumption, I was advised to try your lilood Searcher; I accordingly procured one bottle of it, and by iho tiino ho had used it ho appeared rertorerd to perfect health. It is now ono year sine o ho used your invalua ble Wood Searcher, and I nui perfectly sutisll cd it has wived him from an untimely grave. 1 now uiihesitatinjrly'ru'ominend it to ull who mny bo sinilarly nltlictd, und doom it no more thnu justico to hear this public testimony to its vir tues. Respectfully yours, Ac. JAMES F. DEVLIN, Pomroy Stntion, A. P. U. Rond. Mr. Devlin is well known to tho citizens of In diana nnd Westmoreland counties. July 0, is:. I'OU c SAM-: HY D. WATSON. Clearfield. JAMES li. ( RAHAM, (Iruhninpton. JOHN PATTON, Curwensvillo. E. F. BRENNER. Morrisdale. JOHN HISSE1.L, Pennsville. R. 11. MOORE, I.utlicrsburg. M. 0. STI UK, New Millport. CHARLES R. FOSTER, Philipsburg. H. SWAN, Anson villo. RUSSELL McW l'R It AY, New Washington. EDWAHD WILLIAMS, Willinmsvillo. JACKSON PATCH EN, lliimside. SA.MI EI, HAUERTY, Olenliope. aug. 11, I8.18 dm. GREAT DISCOVERY OF THE A(iE, Iinportunt to TOBACCO CHEWERS. DJt.fiUSTAV LINNA HD'S TASTE PESTORA TIVE TROCHES. The Great substitute for Tbaeeo. It is i well known nnd InsontrovriU.l r...., that tho uso of Tobacco is the promoting cnuso of many of tho most severe MENTAL AND PHYS-1 1LAL DIXIRIlEltS to ivbi,., il,n ,.t ..d ... mini is, subject, ns cnrS ul nmilvsia nnd I,..,,. n.,.i ..;..r..i , cxperi nee hnvo clenrlv i.i-oven n,7,i i. 0l'r'n ,n nnrcolic and poisonous properties most I i nnnnr,,,,. It, tl,,.:.. n-.,.. .. I , , . . 1 ""it t-oeei, ooieil nv en lerm ir iii lo , iiio i.ioim iiernnges the lunctions and operations ... , imsnig many to suppose that organ , ... ..v .v.,wr,, i.inruseil. TUHACCO nfiects ill o tlio rnliro nrrvmi tern, mnnifcsling ilself as nil who hnve used ihe OOS.10US ween will t,ear testiiuony in Lnssiludo, Nervous Irritnbility, Wntcr Crush, Dyspepsia, 4 ninny other disorders of n similar chura-ter. THE TASTE RESTORATIVE TROCHES are ..eigne,, to counteract tbeso baneful influences, and have .roved complete!, successful iu a null- Ititude of ensos, nnd wherever mod wherever used. Rcing harm thev exert a beiiefo,;,,! ir....t upon tho entire systom, restoring tho Tasto which l)or mm- Ulltjlnuli' im run iv or inr. manufac-.accompanying t ck line- i,.sii r n. ti i which are nlwnys consequent upon tho abstnininy Trnm thn nan ,.C T .I i i . . . r , nttin uio use oi 1 oiiacco, and by giving a health tone to the stomach invigornto tho whole system Persons who nro irrnirinvnl.lv ,.,,.i.,....":..:.... i . .... . J ..,... IU 111, lilt their constitutions nnd shorten!,,,, n,:, 1;. should use these Troches immediately nnd throw tk. m' i.. r -vKlJ "v,. t.i iiPjr.cnirCH flTO Hilt linin n ..., vKFrii. .AMES 15. ROWERS, Druggist. April IB, 185 i. t.i.u tinco sireets, i n.la. IV. 1 , j -vT lob. Printing ntwtly executed he V iWM) 1'nlU pr. 1 II V, M:w M i n i ti il .1,11111 nllh I -1 f"! I! ,M. it il. I NiMM 111 V H i n I n I i ;l I t V"1 1 ,ih I a Ibe ll.s 1,1 , ir- li,. Ill, ill. .I,, r. I he r I l, ' i, i (a . Itavnta i ,,in . i.l i lv iImo,. I I HI. HI' itlninimiy i iiiiMiiiiiMioii, and lis kindred illsiatei, (..s.-ilist with toy nn rlinll'd o poiliiuitii s mi l n I mile k"f "I pnlln lKi-al I. i an il nidi I nl a liulu l y a peilc, t sysiein id MEDICAL INHALATION, has enabled me In iiniie at a derisive, diieel ..ml mieees-fol eoiiiso of Iri iilnieiil for the posi tlv and railli al rare of a'l diseiises of tho TIlltOAT, l.t!,N(i.S AM) AIH-PA'SKiKS. lly in 1, ul n 1 1 u n tho curative properties of inedi clues lite directly uddn s.-ed In tho disinsud or gntl and the Integument, I dn no) inUi.e the use of Medical Inlinlation of any kind, to (he ex clusion of (j K K II A I. Tl. K A T II K NT Ulld although I consider II a Useful adjuvant In the propor inau agement of thoso fearful nnd often fatal diseases, yet 1 ilut ui il very necessary that eneli pntienl shniihl I. ii v u the benetlt ot both (. i:m:iui, and lo cnl Ireniiiiimt. The success of my tieatment i 1 the above discuses, und tho high character of the Institution over which 1 hnvo so long had tho honor to preside, are too well known to need any eulogy or comment from me. At the sollel tut ion of many private and professional friends, through whoso philanthropic nid the above char ity has been long uud liberally supported, uud lif ter duo consideration, 1 have eonelinled totuaki' such arrangements ns will bring the heneliti of my oxperienco nnd treatment within the roueh of all, nnd not e, inline invself as heretifore, to i those only who entered tho Infirmary, or v. ho I wore able to visit me nt in olliee. Hoping, I therefore, that the iimiiigemciit will give entire ' satisfaction, both tu my professional brethren j und the public, I would respectfully umioiince in t conelii'.imi, that cru nor-' In mn-nft it pcvHnnol I ly or Iiii letli r, on all diseases us above, and thut the ' uicdieiiic", tho sauio as used in tin.' J ti . , I i I il ' i u . uro prepared to suit each individual ea,', ii' ir tii' i iiiiKiiin Viipors, iticdiejn J Nil A LEES, i Ac. i' c., will be forwarded by express to putt of the L'nitid States or the t'aiiadas. any 'I- K K M S : , My terms of ticatiiii-iit by h'ttur ui e ;;s follows viz: s-li'-jier month I'.ir each -j-tM'nt, whi;h will include mrdicine Milli j cient for one moiiili's uo ; also inhjliiiu' vapor, and an Inhaling Appiiratu--. l'ay. 'nn;ntiis follows: 0 to be paid 1o Express I Agent on tho receipt of tho k. of Medi cine, and the pnhiiice Sti at the expiration of the month, if the Imticnt be cured or is ! entirely antisnVd with the treatment. J'n I tients, by giving a full history ot their case, nnd their symptoms in lull, can be treated as well by letter as by peixuml ex amination. Patients availing thetiiM-U c- ot Ir. .Inrrett's treatment mtiv rr lv on im mediate and permanent ivliel',;! has to treat a case over thirty s lie S davs. Molil Lct- r. r ; ters for advii'ti promptly au.w nirtiier tiartii'iil,i!-s ml'lre-s .i A M I ;.s M. JAi;i;i;iT, :i. i. A'o. Sl2 Jiroailw iy, cr. ifV.-'. A.. A. )'. I S. Physicians and thers i i.-iiin I he rii, nre respec'fully invited to call ul the li.i:riu.ir where iniiny iueresling cases can bo wijc , ! und wbero cur linpinml A !, r il..' inha- i lation of lucdiealcd vapor can b e seeu and inspect- ed. STOVES, STOVEs INDUSTRIAL STOVE WORKS. No. 33, North Second Street Opposite Christ Chill i Ii. Philadelphia. The subscriber respectfully informs his friend., nnd the public generally, (lint ho has taken the Store, nt No..",:, Xulitll Shf'I.Xl SIliLCT, whero ho will bo pleased to sec his old custom, ers nnd friends. Ho hns now in hand a . splendid n-oi tment of Parlor, Hall, Ofliee, Store and Cookms; STOVE of the latest nnd most approved kinds, nt whole sale nnd retail. W.M. C. NEMAN, No. 33, North Second Street, Philadelphia. N. 15. Your particular attention is united to MElillEE'S PATENT l.AS BURN I.Vii WARM IXU AND VIIXTII.ATIXU BT'OVES, f p,ir. lors, Offices, Stores, Halls, Cars, Ac., which for economy, purity of air. and case of management has no equal. W. C. X. i-t.Odd Castings for all kinds of Stoves, on hnnd. September 22, lS58.-.,mo. OKI'HAX S rotBT SALE VALUABLE lot ok LANDS. BY virtoo of nn order of tho Orphan's Court of Clearfield county, thero will he exposed to sale, by outcry, on Monday (he Vth day of Xorewler, IS .IS. at 2 o'clock, p. in., nt the court houso in the borough cf Cleal field, all that Certain piece or parcel of Land, Siluntc in Morris township Clearfield county, containing about W'l .Acres, being part of survey wnrrnnted in name of . lly inn n (7r.it z, and being t'lo Northeast corner of said survey, known in the partition of estnto of James Al'lport, de ceased, at purpart No. 7. This land is dosira ylb locnted for farming purposes, nnd is tolcr nbly well timbered- TERMS. Ono half rash nt confiriimtion, nnd tho balance in one yeiu.to bo secured bv jud--niont. . '' MATILDA ALLI'oKT, Oct. 12, :,iX, Eeeeutrir. A HOMESTEAD FOR $10 ! 4 FEW MORE OF THOSE DESIISAr, L FARMS nnd lluilding Lots, in the Hold I LE K'"n nml "'her portions i?f Virginia nnd to bo "'vided amongst the subscriber, for the benefit of Iho new loun ,.r l . , II . - . aha.-. ..,,i n. ruosel in ions u.i.v iii i .nu ...n ...... i...ie .i 1 'on the delieei-v ,.r i... n'.... l' ' '' ., 'H get a lluilding Lot or u Farm, rnneiiof to ,. r A , , . a.... .... ' "'.",$ '" 'fuuu iioiii sol O s,. U.I . ",..., I,'... 1 nre " hi so cheap to indi settlement n '""'eieni nu'iiiier being reserved, tho the vnluc of which will increase in compensate for the nppa- ".' ' " i'skco. one ii, ro li.ls iu town wil be urn: to industrioii; meehunics vho will build upon them. A company of settlers called "Tun R ircwiAX x,'K Pkinkkii Asson iTiox, is now l.iiilding.and will commence their settlement in tho spring. Ample socurity will bo given for Ihe faithful per formaiico of contracts uud promises. .;r-r Moiir Aoknts ars Wantkii to obtain subscribers, to whom th most libernl induce ments will be given. Homo Agcnls write Hint they nro making $200 per month. For full par ticulars. Subscriptions, Agencies, Ac., apply to E. 1IAUDER, Port Roynl, Caroline Co., Va. nov. 18, ISiS. 4 LL persons aro hereby cautioned n-niMa 2V purchasing or otherwise meddling aim yoke of black oxen in tho pi ssession of Hugh huso, of llrndy township, Clearfield County, as the same belong tome, and nro in his possession on loan only. 1 nov. 3, 1853.3t. WM. L, HORN, i '' 1 unr.iit J. WALLACE. Arrnnvrv ,t j. a., tearneiu. i-a.. ttihea I.. K -A.tl . ...... posito the Journal oflico. ennw s now, or dee. I, lS,ir, it!V.IM)l)S i , I t s ' N I , , .,.,.', III 'Pill .!', I I- "i, , i, M-i l lbs I I to ' I II ti i .,, , . , r l'n K ol H ln U'l I (iiuia lie ill " II H 1 1 I I V , y r. If' a I I ii K .. I 'il (is.. ,(!, Pry OnnilK, (liocnir. llflij wnie, Qiirroswaie, (Humi Whip, Di'iiB'. Oils, Ac 't liiebid'tuf a lio.l f ..iher atii, !. it, ,, limM w nleh can b I mnd nti el .nlvi and r, id uler "on of I. l)ll.' (lion d,,ods iiu.j h:;ds, V'.r .'Oi -.,., IXlnu.:, (',. ..;.- , Co.Lon,.; IU ,', .1. i 1 '', ',, c'i .If.riwt, I'loids, an, ,i f.gi a- ' s-rhnen' of Ft O K X.VHT for th ran. His UENTLEMU'Vi wear cons'uts of a luti, assortment of ., Cnsslnirres, Cloths, Sultiiiclls, Suliu Yosling, TweOAls, lints uud Caps, i AND A LXTKNSIV VAIllKTV OC B O O TH A N l 8 II O KS h'.e Lilies, tjciitileimn and ChiblrtH i with almost overy other article that iu;iy ha m. ce.siiry to supply the Hants of tho community, Tho pressure of the money market having hud the ell'eet of reducing the price of ninny nrtielot i, I' incrchnmlixc, the undersigned bus been cna. bled to boy bis stock at such ra e that he can ell goo Is at prices to suit the times. And Int. im; heretofore endeavored to please his cu lomsr, Im' li In tlio quality nf goods nnd tho prices it! r hi, h he sold thuui. he hopes to receive n ret. soiiiible share of patronii;re. All in want of goods, will plense cull nnd examine his stock of choap. ct goods. ,.r Country produco of ull kinds taken in . change for goods. H'M. F. IRWIN. : Ckailield Nov. 10, 1S..8. VATCH & JEWELRY T HIE iiudersigiicd roilectfullv iiiforuu tomois Mid Iho puliliu gonorally, thut h hns jnft returneil Iroiu tlie l.asf. nnd onene.l .. ins o.s-iii.n.-.iunciii in .y.i n HQ Clearfield I'.i. a line stock of W.ATI'IIMS of diflrrent qul.' itis, nnd .IKWMl.tlY of eveiy variety, from a' full sou to iLningo piece, w iich be will sell at tin mo..t reiiseniil.'lo prices for CASH. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry ru refill! v repaired and Warranto ). A coiiluii., Nov. Hlih, : of jiatrunagi) is solieited. H. F. NAl'liLE, 1853. -ju. trf itjiii'ijr 0)0 (tie... . a. rs . si KllAJLIlS uro just opening a largo arj well sehcl.'d Heck of In-hionalde goodi, ni.ieii iney win no utile to sell nt prices to suit 'lie times, us they hnvo been bought ut not essli limns. In addition tu'ho usual variety of su. pie niiicic-, pnrticuiar nltetition is culled to tli foil, I dele ing new and ilc.-iruble dress goods HuVs. nd l'l.iid Vuleiiciii;, l'oil do Che. re, La Cloth. I'.ni Cashmere, Debei-e. Persian V, 'In ill, Fr I'li.ine, il, id and Li li .Marinos, (ierinniiin Cloth, Hum. ne.-, 1 locals, lHoclie, Kouiid cnriior. "bai A'soa arire lot ot l.ioli,,.' I'liis. ilinin lloiniets, Dicss J run miiig .;, Ac. lirniu takcu in exchange for goods at cash pri. r. KRATZilR & PONS. Oct. !'.", 'i. lip.l. Tlte I'hilaik lphia Evening Bul'etin, I A- liidcj-i-ndeiit D iilyNou-; aper, devoted cj. , - pccinlly to the mlerests .,f Penn.-ylvaniii- i . o ii i,t i n i ii g iiufonniit Icicgraphie Kcws, sixteen i hours in ailvance ol ll.e luoroing papciv Oriri. ual l-.ircigu nud roin, .-tie Corre.-pondcnce, Elj. toriiils on all subjects, nnd full reports of nil (be i news ol the day. 1 Ii Comiiicieinl nnd Finnnci. al il. partmeiiis arc foil, and are euiefullviittciid .. .i . . . , . . . , co in. ,i" .in noveiii.-ing ineiiinm there is no ( Letter paper in tho Mate, Iho circulation heir," next to the largest in tho city, nnd among Ull ni' st iiilclligent and inlluehtial of lb ji.puiution. ji:ii'ii r-ix U'jiiars per year in ndvunce. CtilMlNUS t PEACOCK, Proprietors. No. Hi, South Third Street, I'hildelpbia. THE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY LTLLE. TIN, handsome, weil-fillcd, Family Weekly News, paper is lubli-bed by the propriel .is at the following nnpreee cnted low rat-s : 1 eopv.ons )ca , I Ih) ; (i topics do. Sj Ut) j 13 00 copies, do. Mil en; .1 copes, do. yijIHI; ;w copies, do, Sl'uhH; 100 copies, in. $.M) (10. Fciithrr Ix- in ckmknts ! 'J lie largest club (over 1001 will bi sent lor three years. The next largest club (ever iiiiij will oc sent lor fro venrs. Address CVMMl.NdS .f- PEACOCK, Proprietors, lbilleiln lluilding, No 11J South Third Stive;, Philadelphia. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON, Hs J-"-. A.'.'- .. : a .ii.u one, i up n shop n few doors east .1 I ot too "Ui.li Jf:w .toiie," on Market st, desires to inform tho community nt large, tint ue Keeps on nana u variety ol CAHIXKT WOllk, nt ins mop, una that ho uinnufncliiros to order, on sojiei ior iiiii-n.i every description of house- I...1.1 nn,l l-:...l.n.. r. :. . ... ..'......,,. ni,, ,,ro Miioiiiire, nmoilg WHICH SrS Centre nnd Dining J utiles Mahogany and Com mon iiurenus Lonimon and Fancy Redstcads Manils, ,-nles, Cupboards, Sofas, Lounges, te., winen no is determined to disnose of nt inchest) rntcs, fr c.h, tt, t1(,y ,,,, ,e .,urchased 4t unv ...I..,. I..1.K. 1 ...'.1. ' , ....... ..-.,.,,1 iient oi me fori in the county. j lVsnns wishing to buy furniture are invited to jeoine to his shop and cxniuino his articles, sad judge for theinselvis of their quality nnd finish, , before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confi- dent I hut ho can suit them in price nnd quality. I N. 1!. He is also prepared to mako CoFriXi to order on llio shortest notice, and attend funcrnU with a hearse, when culled upon. - All kinds of country produce wil' be ceicd in payment for work, nov. 17, lSjS.lv. s Hf.Hiri' S SAI. -lly virtue of a writ of of Common Pleas ol Philadelphia County, and la me mreeieii, mere win lie expose, I to public sale, nt Iho Court House in the borough of Clea.flcld, oii Mommy, Dkcejioxii lith, IS.'.S. nt 10 o'clock, A. M., the loliowing describe I real estate, to wit : The cue moiety or undividod half of a eerisf tract of land situated in tlio township of Piko, ia the county ol ( learlield, i nown ns trnet number fivothousnnd seven hundred nnd seventy eight, (j77S.) tho whole containing one thousand sal menu acres ci land nnfi allowance, being Uis inmo undivided half part of which Herman Yer key and wife by deed dntcd 24th June, 1851, re corded nt Clearfield in book M, page 05, con veyed unto Samuel 1!. Hondo. Seized, taken in execution, and to bo sold ns tho property of San uel li, lloude. JOPIAII It. REED, Sheriff. Clenrflcld, Nov. 17, 1S5S. NOTICE. VirilEREAS my wife, Sarah Wcdsworth. hi 1 I left my bed nnd board without just cause or provocation, I therefore caution nil pprsonl from trusting her on my account, ai I will net pny any debts of her contracting, from and after this date. JASON WEDSWOUTII. Fox tp. Nov. 17, 18jS. 3t.pd. WM. P. CTIAMJiEIi S. CARRIES on Chuirmiiking, Wheelwright, sad house nnd Sign painting at Uurw tnsville, , Cleartfeld c.o. All orders promptly alien dsd W , j Jan. 5, 1f1.