Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 15, 1858, Image 3

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    iiomt Jlllairs,
Tin' liiii'l whirl. lnl fck
Ims njniii "limit i lniise'
i i. .,,, In mi pxlri'ini'lv liuiiilli it tnliv
" . '
it ti 1 .1 . . - rl 1
fomucli io mat n we tion t get nsmi nor
.oon, to tighten It up again, we
, l.ave to iwriitate onr thoroughfare,
inw-r emit. Mud t h
enough, but .tlhl. senof,.,
. .l.iin At'itpv 'liiiMln ' wnnl.l lib..
year, "
be taking ni "inane a Bieigning, it in ex-
cwlingiy provoking to witness tl.o liifsli-
vivmdJ byway., a moving mas, of thin
black mortar, several Inchon in depth.
Accidsxt. Ou lost Monday, Jutncs
Durclififld, fhltwt son of Mr. Joseph J'.mcli.
fjelJ, of tins place, as lie wim hauling u glanco. Its fashion plates nro also very
lienvy ding of timber, something occurred tine, and constitute to tho lady reader no
With hi horses, in attempting to arrange aninll item of its attractions. For terms
which, he wa tlnown upon nn axe stick- co advertisement. Every body that can
ingin tho timber and one of his thighs no- atlord a mngazino should subscribe. Tho
terolycut. We understand he is recover- number just received is for January
ing. j 1859 vol. 1 no. 1.
XT. W. Siuw.-vYour communication , American Auiliui ltur bT. This excel
on education is crowded out this weok.bu'. lent ami popular farmers nmgazino for Doc.
we will try to give it room in our next is- has been on our tablo for omo time
me. You are undor a misapprehension but wo have not had timo to alludo to un
in rogard to our not caring to publish ar- til now. It continues as interesting ns ever
tides on education. We do so cheerfully to tho agriculturist, while the juvenile de
when they are presented to us, as we claim ;partmelit in each number is becoming
to have the progress of eduoat ion and tho more attractive. Only one dollar a year,
gennrul diHiusion rf knowledge as much Published in Krgl ih and Gennun. ' Din.
it heart as any man living. tillc' editions containing as nearly as
(30,000 and all the Expenses of the
County for Two Years, can be saved by
the Tax-Payers of Clearfield County.
Fuinu tnt to notico a largo number of
tho citizens of Shatvsvillo anil the town-
ibip of Goshen met at tho barn in Shaws
villcon Wednesday 15th Dec. 1S38. 1
hllis 11. Ltvergood Esq. was called to
the chair, ana 0. W. Snider appointed
The object of the meeting was generally
iinderstixMl, it being proposed to offer in
ducements for removing the wit of tho
Bounty business from Clearfield to Shuws.
A committee composed of five of the
tol'ul men of Goshen were appointed to
draft resolutions.
The fo'lowing were repot ted and adopt
ed unanimously ;
Preamble, whereas, two successive
Grand Juries have reported that a new
Court house is absolutely iudispeii'-iblo for
conductii.g the busineks of the county
ffithcx edition, und wherons, nudi u build
ing will cost the county something, and
me mx-payers must pn; it, ti it ue locmco. ;
in Clearfield, and whereas, we tail Well af-
F..P.I i,..;i 1 :r... . . i ..
ford to build it il we can get a law passed
fixing the county feat in Gothen, by the
Increased value or our property nn.l by the
, , ' .
uvul.luge it will be to us in keeping post-!nn(
cd in tho judgments and liens against our
cusii inersj without tho expense of having
the l't.tkets transcribed and brought to
Ui, und will also enable us to sell our lots
at (limine their present value; and even
if wed j not eil'ect the removal of the coun
ty seat, we will jret up an excitement nnd
can sell lots at tin increaffd price; there
fore. UmlvtJ, that the removal of the county
Mat from Clearfield to iShnwsvillo will give
the people of tho county the lnost central
location that can be oblait.ed, as the peo
ple up the river are nil going in for Pine
county to be made to come down as far as
Thorps. Tho distance from Thorps to
Sbawsville being 25 'niles, and the distance
from Shawsvilleto the Threo liuns being
28 miles these two being the extreme
point in the count-, it Tino in made.
And also because .Sbawsville is on the riv
er the main Highway of the county, ovOJ"
which two thirds of tho citizens of the
county pass cvorv year.
Rttoh-td, that it is clearly the interest of
the people of Clearfield county to have
the county seat removed to Sbawsville,
ind the. President of this meeting is here
by authorized to appoint acommitteo of
three of the bett borers, nnd good clhu-s,
that can b hired to go to llarrisburg this
"inter and use all the necessary means to
have a law passed allowing the people to
oteott this questiell of removal.
Itaolted. that in the event of a removal
of the count v seat from Clearfield to.Shatvs-1
. . . .... I
viae we pledge ourselves to build a new
Court house, Jail, ollices nnd other conve
niences for tho transaction of the county
business, and that we will also pay tho
current expenses of the county for two
"hole years after such removal is effected,
and of course the people will vote for re
moval because they can cave their taxes.
Resolved, that the President appoint a I
committee of five of our citizens to agitate.
this question over the county and get up,
n excitement generally. !
72lJtnl'Jli7 Hint n nAm..,:i w I. a n I. I Lu I .
, . villi! II III , 1. C
to procure subscriptions for the erection
ofbuildings, agitation ic And we sol
emnly pledge ourselves not to repudi
ate a dollar of our subscriptions, nor bum
the paper.
O 1 ... - ....
outiscriptions were then macleliy tnere
ponsiuie citizens present, conditioned a.
Cordlna In t1.. .1,,.; .., in
- o ."".u.ivii"
Resolved, that these proceeding be pub
lished in as many papers us will publish
Adjourned to meet the next time.
E It. LIVKltaOOI), Pres't.
Gto. W. Snider, Sec't.
aHf you have a sore or painful disease
gond pet a bottle ol Du Vall's Galvanic
'b, and you will not me it-no 1 vou will
purchase more. This has been tho ciiae,
d will be no in time to come.
On onr tulilfl
hinp.rlne, , temniked n Omit
time inr. n MoniUed tl,.i;,. I.
M ...,,.. 11.1 in. i . i ...
v'.irbhiiiii (', uaa just i.ccn re
, . v
reived, mid in jiMiee we mo bound to any
tlmtll exeeed.nll theexpeetation wo Lad
(Wme.l of it. x(.itl(r do W)J , ,
,, MMrt II.. favor of n rxrl.nng.
will, iWo have ,,,',, for that. Jut tl.o
i.I I 1: .11 t
"" l'uuiiu is truly nil It purports to bo
a niftfnzino offliwico Anu'iionn literature,
J Tho contributions nre from the pens of
'some of tl.o best American nnthort, and
the illustrations, although not tine steel
engravings, are graphic roprchontutioim, of
living scenes, which tell their story at a
possibly, tho Fume artiicle.
Amarican MtnctiAST. We ftliled to siieuk
of this valuable mercantile journal, tl.o
last one received, the Oct. No. It is still
published by Bryant and Strattan, at New
York. i
Clearfield Academy Stockholders
"1 BTlLL meet at the office of Ju.ues Wriglcy,
IT Esq, (Register and Recorder, rfc.) ut
Clearfield, on Monday, the 3d day of Jnnuary,
at 2 o'clock, P. M.'to elect a Hoard of
Trusteea. and other ofliocra for tho ensuing year.
Tho Stockholders are requested to attend.
J. 11. MEN ALLY,
Stioy of tho Hoard of Trustees.
Dec. 11, ISIS.
ROAD. "aT0TICE is hereby given to the stockholders
1 1 that an olcelion fur President and Directors
of the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad will bo
held on tho 2d Monday of January 1 Oth day,
ISi'J, nt the office of the company in Philipsburg.
JA.MES T. HALE, President.
CuA8. E. Fosteii, b'ec'y. dec. li, lSOS.
TCTICE i hereby given, that the fulloin!
llV alu, n.ttmm ,, o!- rocr( in ,nl, .
j for the inspection of heirs, legatees, creditor, .t
.all oihcrs in any olhr ny intcreyted, und n ill
be prwi,,e(, 0 the next (t-ph.m's ( ,, r
' CUarliold County, to be held ut the Court IIoue,
'""!? Clearfield. coi,.meu. inf .... the
iSd Slondliv of January, lsi'J, tjt coiilirmntiuii
l ne partial account of John L. Cut'lo, Execn-
tor of the estate of t'olomen Kline, lute of l.uw-
renco township deceased.
Clearfield, Dec. 13, 1858.
ISS CONSTANT lato from the East respec-
Clcnrticld ond the County ccncrnlly, that rhe is
prepared to give instruction iu Music
also. In
tuk rnr.xen iaxocaok it okiso nun
She refoM all who may bo interested in tho
above, to the Rev. ,)r. and Mrs. M'Leod.
Terms $8 00 in udranco, or $10 00, if not in
Dec. 6, 135S. tf.
IOR SALE, by MEnnr.Lt. A CAitTKfi, Arfnim
lutnt Improved Corn Shelter Aho a few
Meat Cutteri of the best kind with a largo vari-i
ety of Goods in their lino, just rocoived, and will
ba sold low for cash or produce.
Clearfield, Dec. 8, 1858.
look" iiiRKi i,ook il i;it i: :
THE undersigned lubscribers, take this meth
od of informing the public generally, that
they have th is day entered into copartnership in j .
and can be found at tho shop formerly occupied J
byj. i?nu!iKwiier, on iniru mroci, in una oo
rough, whero thoy will bo pleased to see tho r old
customers, and ns many new ones as can make
it convenient to give them a call.
Bring on your hoes, your spades and pick?,
Your log chains and your pulling sticks,
Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse, your mare ,
' No threo-ycar old shall then go bare.
Your speors will work up then just right,
To nruoning hooks for every height.
Yolir tmnr(f ,,,, ,mi n,cn be wrought
To ploughshurcs such as t'm'ii ne'er bought.
Clearfield, December 8, 1858. tf.
For sale by KRATZEH'S.
. , . -
Y virtue of an order of the Orphon'i
I ion Ol
u oarneu touniy, more win " viic
- - ... ... f . I
public sale at the village of, L IcarlielU
! County,
of January, A. D
,n penn ,0WllfMp) bounded by land of
Wm. Wann, Jeremiah llinn, llio.nos uiuiorty,
and John P. Hoyt, having a largo portion of
. . . .hroon. iat
tiUBiru icmi j -
ih. astjitn of Felix Rnfl'ertv. deceased.
Terms Cai i, in conrflmation of the sale.
doc. 8, 1858. ts'e.
form, for sole at the office of the Clearfield
Republican. dec. 1, 1858.
PRODUCE WASTED. Wheat, Rye, Oats,
Corn, Buckwheat and Fire-Wood, wanted
at the office of the Clearfield Republican In pay
ment of printing. dec. I, 159.
" MTY t OMMI.rtCI U. CO! I It 1'
l'.m,,u( IV . . CB.,TI.tVi,i
8ftlrw. v t
K MicShTJ, 1858.
t r . .... . .wwiir iiii.ii
i"vi'"" - 'u iwinim uunui of the Counting Room
J. C Smith, A. SI. Professor of Hook keeping
ntiil Science of Account.
A. i'. Douthktv, Teacher of Arilliuielio and Com
merrliil Calculation.
J. A. lls.vnim k ami T. C. Jh
It L. I -
A. Cowlky and W
A. Mimkr, Vrvh. of Pi-nmaq.
1X0, As neJ la every diiiirtuiont of butiuoe.
foniiiierciiil ArilkmtlicRnpid tiviurit U'ridny
Detcrtiny Ctountcrfrit Jonry Jtrrdiilifr
Cui rttpuHtli nee (,'oln Mtrciul Law
i ro tuujjlit, mid nil other lulijocts necenry fur
vi a lucvcae auu tnurou(a edutntiou of a
i ruoticul buaiuem man.
l PHKMIUMa) IN 1858.
Drawn oil the premium in Pittsburgh fur tho
jiuat three yenrs, uUo in Eiutorn and U'cs.eru
Cities, lor best Writing, kut engraved woiik.
Ptudcits enter nt nnj time No vacation Time
unlimited lte ic ut tilcttnurc UinduHten
ted in oblainniL' siluatioiis: Tuition fur lull !',,.
meruial Course, $ao,U0 ; Average time, S to VI
wueks; Roar 1 $JjU per week; auitiouory,$ti U :
Lulire cost, 60 UU lu $70 UU.
. ,
.w ...... .r.,.,, cu.i. nunco at uaii price.
For Card, Circular, specimens of Ilusiness and
Oiuuincntal wiiti.iL'. enclose threo s.uuids. nml
Pittsburgh, Pu.
dec. 8j ISjS.
Indian 1 liiisitmn, (tatenf St. Loiiis.)
OK Enu CITT, pa.,
hs. ,,,t..ii...i .-,, . ,.
be IcUbU'itd an followa ; Free of
Clearfield, To.; "Mansion House," Friday, Patur
duy, nnd Sunday. Janunry 7th, 8th, nnd 'Jth.
Philipiburg, Pa.. "Stage House " Wednesday nf
tornuon and Thursday furcuuou. Jaauury 5tlt
and 6th.
Luihersburg. To., "Singe Ilonse," Monday,
January 10th.
Brookvillo' Pa., "American Hotel," Friday, Sat
urday, and Sunday, January 1 Ith, lj(h, and
Ridgeway, Pa., "Stage House" January 18th,
I'Jth, 2Uth, and 21t.
In treatment of diseases of the Lungsand Chest, '
Liver, Stomueh, Dowels, Heart, Korrcs, Skin i
i-erufulu, Salt Uheuni, Erysipelas, or any and all
diseases ari.'ing from impuro blood. Female in January and July, and ending in June and ! employed by the publisher. Those who desiro
Weakness, and Fttiunlo Diseases of all kinds ; al- December, respectively making six numbers to 1(1 commence with the first number, ihould lend
so all f.r ms of Chronic or long standing diseases, each volume, and twelve numbers to each vcar. I 'n their subscriptions and ordors ai early as pos
hiivc given Dr Jackson a wolrd-n ide reputation. ; Snbsi i iptions may commence ut any time. Sin- '1'''''0 since, owing to the immense size of the
Dr. Jackson, although paying special uttention glo copies, 2 5 cent ; subsciptiun, one copy one ' '1'eet, only such numbers will be printed as may
tu lung, throat. h?nrt and femalo diseases, also year, sent by mail, $:S On ; clubs, two copies ono i oe ordered.
iniitest.i consultations in nil chronic diseases year, $ j OU ; ciuhs, three copies one year, $7 On ; ! All orders aud letter! to be addrossed to the
incident to the human si stem. Sceine mnnv clubs, lour conies one venr. y 00: clubs. Ki n cm,. ' undersigned,
iiiuu.-nui, i-ao ticrj year, 110 iswen proparen
tu give an opinion us to tho curability of any
t, ,
Conniltation FREE.
t-flMaik well the time.
Indian Physician.
Erie, Pa , P. 0., Box 222.
dec. 8, 1858.
1 1000
On Thursday, the Dltli day of January, 1850, at 2
o'clock, P. M-, will be sold ut the town of llelle-
fonte, Centre County, Pa., all that valuable body
of Land, containing .12 tracts, each
i;)3 acres I
and iiS perches, with tho allowance, situate
partly in Centre county and partly iu Clearfield
county, Pa., on tho waters of the big and Little
Moshanon creeks, within five miles of the West
ltrnnili ,tf llm SuiKtiiiAlinnniL rivnr. all IvImcf in
ono boiy nnJ known as U.e Maino Company's
'Lands. Tho above property is well located for
lumbering being well set with tho best whits pine
I "'"' white oak timber, and within three miles,
of tho great Snor Shoe Coal Mines, (tt Which
place tho Bellolonto and Snow Shoe Railroad
terminates, nnd which 1' now under contract.
i n property well calculated to attract tho alien-
lion of capitalists. Persons wishing to view the
property will pleaso call on Edward Pcrk of
Clearfield county, or E. C. Burton or Jninos Gilii-
'land, Centre comity, living near the property,
will show tho same. Possession will bo given on
tho firnt of April, 1859-.-titlo good. For partic
ulars nddrcss
Doc. 8, 1S5S. ts.j Lancaster, Pa.
Y virtue of an order of sale issued out of the ,
Orphans' Court of Cloarficbl County, there
will bo tjposed to punlio sale at tno touri
House, in the m.rougb of Clearfield. Saturday the
fifteenth day of January next.a certain messuage,
tenement and lot or niece of and, the estate of
William Addlcman, Jr., late of PiLo towns up,
deceased, bounded ond described ns folloC".
to wit : beginning nt tho turnpike near Ge'rgo
W Ish's saw mill, thence south cast course, Zi I
feet, to land of Andrew Addlcman, thence ulong
said Andrew Addlcman's lino oDO feet to the nv-
cr, thence up said Susquehanna river .i?0 feet to
laid turnpiko, thence along sunt pike, 1- li ct to
the place of beginning ; riluato in tho township
of Lawrence, in the county of Clearfield, Pa.,
with a frame house and stable erected
Terms Cash, o'l confirmation of sale.
Adiu'r of Estate of Win. Addlcman, dee'd.
Nov. 2tlth, 1858.
dec. 8, 1858.
nr. it'Ti.n am) M)aim:d.
bv tho RurEPSs and Town Council of the Bor-
' . ,.,"., .. !, !. I,.-..!,- .,., ,1 ,!
fn Oil g 11 HI . ICll I IIUIV,, I, IV ID u l. . V I...V ..
....... ... .u .,.,i,.:i r ..a ti,n,
,rU 111 I1CU I, IIIU M u H1UI .. ... ... w ......
. f it ,llM be ,he duty of tho occupiers
of lots, and the owners of unoccupied lots, along
whose premises sidtf-walks are now or may hcre
I alter bo laid under ordinances now in force, or
which may hereafter be passed, to cause the sido-
walks nlong their respective premises to tic clear
ed of snow, when and as often ns tho same shall
fall thereon, w ithin twelve hours after the tnow
shall cease falline : and on default of such cccu-
picrf or owner! having such side walk cleared as, sue, or tney sunn oe 11110
in Hie
sum of five dollars, tbe collected as debts of like
amount are now by law
recoveratilo. Ana .1 is
hnrnhv mado the dirty of the Burgess to see that
suits are brought against all who ofTond igainst
this ordinance.
Pastod December 6th,18."i8,
Attest L. J. CnAs, Seo'
dec. 8, 185.1.
I7URS and
BUFFALO ROBES to suit the
l season, at
JX very cheap at
Di solution of rrtnrhtp.
HAVINU nld mil the M..rV f t ,odi t,n
. hfind, mid th iitlinll nj dur nt out
.'iilem ( Itjr Ht'ir. th arm of llem it A Ilinihfr
dioolve.l bjr iitiiluitl i,nont nn the tint (Ut
of Aiiguit, A. D. Isbx,
. J. V. I: A Hit I IT.
Nor. 15,1 KH.
If hereby given to all that It my c.mccrn, Hint
I have Prilled up all the buninoM between
I'cler I.abord ami inymdr, and will not bo held
rroponaible fur any ofhli retponnlhllltleii con
traded after thii ilnte.
miSTIAN LA110f.DE.
Union tp., Not. 20, 18iK. St.pd.
persons nr liorcliv caulloned aculnst
' meddliug with a yoko of oxen, t out two 1
years win, iiutt iu posrii'SBion 01 JUCOD MUVOiy ol
llnuly tp as the siiid oxen belong to me, and
are left with hi in on louu only.
Luthersburg, Notr. 20, 1S53. St.pd.
The ''Great Republic" Monthly
to Tnn Pt'BMc, Tnn book axd rintonicAL TuiDE, Tnn rnus.
7"E hova tho bunor toanuounoo Hint wosball
iue, on or about the fimt of Dcceuiher
next, Eo us to bo la BcriMiin to command tUn cur
ly attention of the public and tho perioilkul
trade, tho first number of a now illustrated uiiijj
niiuo, to bo culled tho "Great Ucpublio" .Monih
ly. It is intended to iniiko this miigaiiue su
perior in ovcry respect to anything over l efuio
issued in this country, Tho gonerul acopo of its
character can Host bo understood hy it
i numn 1 I
will be thoroughly National in nu isu seeiimi.
1,1 ur seeturiau, nud wholly impersonal. It will i
oiler to the writers aud thiukers of this Union I
common field, where they can muet no the !
highest ground of contemporary literature, h j
wii ,,,, tu gutUorab)ur it every variety of intel-
l'00 rango of articles will be a wide one, cuv-
ering, other grounds, Essays, Sketches,
Humorous Talos, Slorits, Historical Incidonts,
. Itoviowa, Critiqies, Riographies, Hcientific Ar
i tides, Travels, Tablo Talk, Dramas, Incidents,
I Politics, Poems, Dullads, Stanzas, Sunuets, Jlu
! sic. Correspondence, Gossip, cte., etc, eto.
i The Magaiina will bo profusely illuitiaU'd iu
i the highest style of wood engraving.
I The Literary department will present g cater
variety, combined with more thorough excellence,
it is oclil'ved, than evor pelure offered to the A-
nicr.can public in a siuglo periodical. The fol
lowing auuiors anu popular writers are included
i ,i n ,.r ..n..,,.. ... .
Prentiss, Charles Swiiin, FitI Urcen Hal eck,
Chas. J. Ineorsell. Orentes A. ltruwnson. Den.
(H'o. P. Morris, Nathaniel Deoring, Hon. t'bos. I torl nimsotf bat thm neweuUrprue will at once
Oayarre, Win. Uilinoro Simiui, Park Beiijnini.i, ' "tchievo a popular favor ana suoeeas nnparaUal
Hon. Albert Pike, of Arkansas, Abbe Adriau ! vi iri newspaper enterjiriees.
Koiiuotte, Hon. H. T. Conrad, Kev. Ralph Hoyt, Tho terui for "The Constellation," will be two
Puba Smith. (Jnck Downing,).!. T. Iloadloy, dollnri per anuuot cooli, when tea OopUii are Mat
etc., comprising o long usi oi writers, among
whom are many of the must p"pular in the conn-'
try. j
Each number will contain an o.igiual piece of
music composed expressly for this work. J
ikl'.l... t e . i. i . t
vi mc eu.i;iiui c.eeiicuce 01 uio .ungazino .u i
cvury respect, nnd of tho certainty of its perma
nent suseess, very little more need be runt.
The terms and general conditions of thn Wnv. 1
azinc will be as follows :
Tuuvs Thero will be two volumes a vcar. of
about Tt'U royal oitavo pages each, commencing
. . .. . .. : . '
les ono year, Jiu UU : and all adililional copies,
over five, at the rate of $2 10, if sent to tho same
club, tluhs may be formed at da .-rent post
i offices. All subscriptions must be ; iid in ad
vance. Premium Subsoriptioni--ei. titling the
subscriber fur one year, and to their choice of
either of our two great steal engravings, entitled
TheL:ut Supper,'' and "The Vl j of
Ureal A'iig," Fuiir lhlkirs.
The engraving will bo sent on rollers by mail,
Agents and ennvafsers can mako liberal and
satisfactory arrangements upon application, Ma
ting tho territory required. All postmnsteis ami
clersgymen aro authorised to receive subscription
wliica tliey may Ionian! to a, giving name aad
address of subscribe, and deducting 25 per cent,
for their troUble, Tho rate of postago will not
exceed threo cents lor each number, to bo paid
in nil ca'es at the office whero it is received. All
communications to be entitled to answer, must
contain return stamps Subscribers must In all, Town; CKfln y, arid Ktnto In
fuP, as legibly as pessiblc. There is little risk
in sending money by mnil. Large sums should
bo remitted by draft, if possible, or registered
loiter. OAKSMITH A CO.,
Publisho-i ofthe"areat Republic" Month!',
112 and 114, William Street, New York.
A LARGE quaulity of Salt for Snlo at LOW
TRICES, at tho store of AVM. F. IRWIN.
500 Busheli CORN, 200 b"hols Brcc
wiiSAT, and 300 bushels live, at the store
of WM. F. IRWIN.
THE above Hotel, having rcccntlv been fitted
up fur a house of entertaininenf, is now
fur the accommodation of tho public. Trai
will find this a convenient house.
May 1, 1S5S, ,OIIN JORDAN.
legal Nona:.
In the matter of the instate "f Abraham Has
ate of 7.7, township (Leeased.
To Mary IIcss, wlrio.T of said decedent, Sarah
(intermarried with Manly C. London, ) Issue
Hess, Rebecca, (intermarried wilh John lln
ny now dee'd,) Martha, (intermarried with
Joseph London,) George Hess, Sarah, (on!
child of Abraham Hess jun. dec il.) Abraham
Hess, f-01.I1 i r. (intermarried with David As,
key,) Alexander Hess and Rosanna Hess,
children and grandchildren of ca.d uecedent,
and to all others interested :
You will take no'
tice that at an Orphan's Court held nt Clearfield
in and for Clcnrfield Connty, on the liOth day of j
August last past, the petition of Genrgo Hess waa 1
read, whereupon on motion of his Attorney, L, J. j
("runs Esq. a writ of partition issued, w hereby I
! . .,,, ,,,:. ,..! ,
n us voiiiKinixivu 1 111, 1 11, n 1 11 ,w v, , c vju.i 1, iii iun-
. r.i .1 1.1 .. .1.. ....:...;.. .:.i
1 1 I,, j, 1, ',1, i PIKIUIU HU IIIIUU UV ,lv III IPl , III Qltlll
! ..etition mentioned, vix: two certain tracts or
pieces of land situate and lying in Boggs town
ship Clearfield County, nnd bavin respect Io the
valuation thereof, upon their oalhs and affirma
tions to make partition of said real estato to and !
among tho heirs and legi I rebrcscntutives of tho
said deceduut, if tho same can be parted and dl-1
vided without prejudice to or spo.ling the whole, I
said writ. I will on Thursday the Twontv-first
y of October, A. D. 1858, on tho premises in
lluegs tuwnsn.p, part and u.v.Ue, or valuu and
. ai'sA 1I1A sniiifl
jumaii n. ittLi;,
Clearfield, Sept. 30th 1858.
THE CNDERSIflNED takes this method of an
nouncing to the citizens of Cloarfiold and the sur
rounding country, that he has opened a
tm il iw n
JaafflUflT biaip
on Main Street in Shate'i Xei fo, where he
il prepareu to accommoaate an wno give mm a
call, aud hopes to a liberal patronage.
.. .. .. i . ..
Oct. th, 1 53.
v.uea wiinoui ineiuuice 10 or riio.iiiik u. wnoie, 'An - - j , ,
otherwise to make a valuation and npprai.cmen ij Brogans, coarse and Hue also, Wr,
thceof. In accordance with tho command of! 'V" 1'?! 5.??Lf v' ' 'iT,0-'
iimtr iiwiriM.
1111! t nsm i i 1 ATloJt.
"A Vnntltlliilivn ti but out,
Though 'til a train of Sim," J.n.
'pIIE aiibtrrtber had great pltaiir IH unnoiin.
1 ciliK that ha hai tniide nrran(ementl to inue
on Saturday, January I, bt, the lutyMt, Land-
1 inut in I tnoKt coiuplfte Weekly Newapaper
ever published. It will bs a mperb folio aheat,
: iliiutlo the size of the New York 1. filler I enn
I tniuliiK nine broad columns on eaoh p;, Si In
I ehci In length, and double the quantity of re a 1
line mutter given by any weekly paper now pub.
lUtiril rmhrnclnir th ihntpM mn,i frtnmi iit.ft.
tor. eclectud and original, furiiishod from abroad
and at home. It will be in all repcot, a Living
Journal : containing the production! ef the most
populnr Writers !n liberal quantity; Romanoei,
Pturlef, Esiayn, Po?ml, Auecdotet, fiketi'!:!,
Notice! of Amuiement! and the Arti, it., i t. j
Inline, all thing! which nre new, beautiful, In
tereHtiug and attractive. Koch number will eon
tuln not only a carefully condeniod lynopnii of
tho General Newi duliug each woek, but all the
very lute 4 information and Telegraphio Des
patches up to the hour of going to press. The
Constellation will uot be an Illustrated Paper, as
the picture sheets are, but it will coutitln beauti
ful Designs and Engravings, when they really
illustrate und ornament a subiect.
i The subscriber has already engaged a Corps
; of Contributors, "a Train of Stars," unequalled
tor, brilliancy, and reputation by those of
any other journal now published, no matter what
may Lu its protons ons. It is with no slight gra
tification thnt he announce! bii success in enga
ging, after much persuasion, tho able and experi
enced services as a gentleman, so long and so
justly eminent, as Mr. Park Benjamin. Connoe-
lor twenty years with the presi of New York
cl,.v "t"' nlwoys successful in bii literary enter-
prisoa, whether as Editor, Author, or publio apea-
kor, tho uauio of Sir. Henjumin i an augury of
certain good turtune.
The public may rest assured that no means
will be untried by the subscriber to secure a
grand and brilliant accomplishment of bii eflurt
tu establish the largest and best weekly paper
over published since nothing will be leftundoue
that can be done by talents, capital, experience,
learning, and a resolute experience.
"The Constellation will mainly recommend it
self to a cordial und g ntrous support from the
i vesv best people, by it observance of good and
U. W. -.11. Ah Wli, MVUU HIIUVJUVklVUHUllI
and perfect family newspaper giving offeaoe to
no sect or party the favorite alike ot both sexes
of young and old. The iiibscriber.huving bad
nearly a quarter of a eenl. ry'i crperience in the
publication of daily and weekly journals, and ha
ving uuw connected himself with such well known
and valuable oditoriUil aid as be has therein, flat-
Twenty-tight copici to one address,
19 00.
$12 00,
Fivo copici do. tto.
'Two copies, do. do.
f 2 00
One copy do. do. Including postago or
delivery, $3 00
All subscription! to be Invariably in advance.
Single cop, a, Five cents. To Xowspnper agents,
$.1 50 per 100
A lute Saturday evening edition will be pub
lished, and left early Sunday mornings at the
residences of City subscribers, by regular cariers,
t rM, ryvi nr.Tiynva
12 and I I, Spruce Street, New York.
Nov. 17jl853.
2'i CI.Il'l'" STniXT, SEW-YOUK,
Glass Syringes, Homajpa
thic Vials,
Glass Ware for Chemists, Druggists, Terfumers,
Photographers, etc.
Green Glass Ware by the Pack
age. A Liberal Discount inndo to tho Trade.
JT-frOrders from Country Druggitte and Dea
lers solicited.
p&- Price Lists lent on application.
August 4, 1858. 3m.
" Thick Varknetn covers the KartK,
And Graft Darknetttht People."
And all Others, Will take Notice!
Tliat they cao Supply tbemselvei, in any quan
titiei with
At the wholesale and retill "Head Quarters,"
38. South SECOND Set, 38.
Tho on'y place whore exclusive Agencies can
be obtained for the States of Pennsylvania, New
JjAsoy nnd Delcwure;
Thcio lamps give a light equnl in intensity of
flume, and similar in aipearancc to Oas, and nre
chained to be superior to all other portable lights
now in use. No fear of explosion No offensive
odor No smoke Very ensily trimmed As ea
s ly regulated as a Gus light Can b a dupte'd
to all purposesAnd better thai, all for a poor
man, nre fO percent cheaper than any other
porlublo light uow in common use.
Sole Agency also, for
KNAPP'S Patent Rosin and Coal Oil
1 NT-Lnmp, Oils, Wicki, Shades, and every
article in the hue.
S. E. SOUTHLAND, A:jent.
No 38 South Second Street, Piiilab'a.
Sept. 8th, 1858. L
Dealers in
17 HOLERALE and Retail, at prieei to suit
all. can be found at their new Boot Shoe
?lore, No. 841 North Second St., a few doors be
low tho Black Horse Hotel, Phila.
JMT-We try to pleaso and sell cheap. Notice
to country merchants. Constantly on hand a
large assortment of Men and Boys' Boots, Gaiters
rinen s A
""' ' ,.; ., ""r. . "V
I "i"?, 0,3Yv'. yU
, . , ., . , . . . , , , , ,
I J'' ruiiRi uiniiMiiu-mrwu Bmi irr snio wnoil'
ale and retail at No. 844 North Second it.
April 17, 185. 3m.
ALL P ER W) are hereby can tioweid agalaet
purchasing or in any way meddling with the
fullowing property now hi the possession of .ohn
Meyeri ot Covrirgton township vis 1 1 Roan horse,
and one lorrell itallion, as the some belong to
- fnil ra 1ft with Mid Mevara nn loan nnlv
in, -.v - - - j 'j
; heci to mX otdor
Covinjlon g, Sept. I3th 1IJS. St fi.
.1,'n'e ( ,ii . jfc
rpiiR unRAT rrntmnt-
1 tin! wont.A mill8! -
JTif-TO PRODll R ITS Kgi' Al.t
TTrii: PI.OOI) PKARi 11 RR
6-Gi.oiaurt.T TiuuMpiimt
Pwutn iltimnt of Ialii SleCieory, vf Nepief
t..nhlp Medrord eounly 1
In April, IMA, nen 11 I ran rnmithbef,
mall iilmtile rnntle In nparne en m giiner
Hip, which toon betam eularnd and ture. I
iiied poultices of lorrel, and waih of blue ?lj-
rlul, without effect. Finding the mre extend
ing, I called on Er. hly, of ecneiisnurij, wno
pronounced It CANCER, and prescribed a wash
of sugar of lead, nnd bread poultice!. Finding
these remedies of no avail I called on Dr. 8 h of
tfer, of Davldsville, Somerset oounty, who also
pronounced the disease Cancer, aud gave ret In
ternal and external remedies the latter consist
Ing principally caustic; but all to no purpose, M
the disease eontlnned spreading toward the nose.
I next used a preparation of araonlo In the forai
of salve. This for a time cheeked the disease:
hut tha Inflamation toon Inoreased. I next called
' i.n Dr. Htatlor of St. Cluln vllle, BUford eounty',
who alo pronounced the oiscnse (.oncer, ,auu ap-
tilled a lalvesaid to be a never lamufl roroony.
r ... . i ,i..
out it nauno eueoi wni.wriBwuws.,,iii wo -tyf.
of the lore, la December of the lame year, tha
aisease bod eaten away greater part of my upper
Hp, and had attacked the nose, when I went t
Ciacinnatti, where I consulted Prof. U. 8. New.
ton, of the Electio Medical College, lie pronoun:
cod the disease "acutanooul Cancer, superindu
ced by nn lnordinato use of mercury." He ap
plied mild tlhe ointment, and gave me Internal
remedies, lly fllbe healed up, but the inflama
tion waa not tho.rouir.ulv removed. Iu Fobruay,
1857, he pmouneed tne cured, dnd I left fur
home. In April tho dleonse again returned arii)
io violent wai the pain that I could no rest at
night. Lato in May I returned to Cincinnati, and
again placed mycolf under the ohargo of Dr. New
ton, with wfoom I remained until .September, da
ring whioh time be used every known remedy,
and partly succeeded In chocking the disease, but
when I returned homo thero were three diicharg
ing ulcor upon my face. I continued using New
ton's preparations, and also modiotno that I got
from Dr. Ely, but the Cancer continuod growing
uutil it had eat ot Uffid of my nose, th
yreattr portion of my left chnk, and had attached
my left eye. I had given up all hope of ever be
ing cured, aince Dr. Ely laid be could only give
relief; but that a cure wai impossible. Io March,
I bought a bottle of "Blood Searcher;" but
I must confen that I had no faith in It I waa
very weak when I oommenoed taking it, but I
found that I gained itrcnoth day by day, aud ol'
o that the ulcer commonce! drying up. 1 con
tinued, and when the third bottle wai taken ay
faoo wai healed as if by a inirnolo. I used a
fourth bottle, and I hare boon healthier linen
than I bare been for the last seven yoari. Al.
thoii.'h tnv face li tadly difdziired. I em Kill
I grateful to a benign Providence who) bai spared
my lire, and which has been dune all tnroagn tne
Instrumentality of LumsET'e lumoTED Bioog
Sjurcmb. DAVID MoCKEARV. ,
Sworn and subscribed, thii Slot day of Au-as,
A. I. 1868, before me, one of the JuiUocs of
the Peaoe in and fur the Borough, of HolUdijro.
borg, Blnlr eounty, Je.
Witness C. J. Mo. J0BX CO&LET, 3. P
Being afflicted with a grerloui Tetter on the
arms and face after trying many tbtfledlei Which,
utterly failed to cure I wai pursuaded by W.,
M. Harris A Co., to try Liadsey's Improved
Blood Searcher, and now, six weeks after fin
ishing the second buttle, pronounce lnysolf cured.
The tetter broke out, something over a year
ago, on tho inside of my arras, extending from
the elbows down to. the wrists; also, on my
face, immediately round the mouth and ohm;
and continued to be a perfect torment to me un
til cured by the Blood Searcher. My arms, at
times, were almost useless, owing th the cracks
and lores on them, liable to bleed at any time
on the least exertion to lift or work, and lome
tiruos 10 itt'hy that I could toarcoly prevent
tearing off my flesh. I bare now beon cured
six weeks, and feel it due to Mr. Llndley; and
to the publio generally, to make thii itate
Uieht, In hope that Others like myself may be
benefitted by using his valuable medicine:
her . , ,
Sworn am subscribed before me, oae of the
Aldermen in and for tho City of Pitteburg, title
28th day of Julv, A. D. 1858.
AND. McMASTER, Aldermarii
Septouibor 22, 185S.-0ino.
Tke best Article in the World for
Is Lcinau's Superior PhdS
phate of Litiic,
At $40 per ton, or 3J cts. a lb., by the barrel.
Analysed and Recommended for1
Professor C1IAS.T. jiMOX,
Chemist of the United States latent Ofiee;
"Washington, D, C.
"It will repay the eutloy 50 to 100 per
cent., and will not burn the loed by coming la
contact ai Guano don:
(UT" Try iif prove it ! I
G. A. LEINAU, Proprietor;
Xo. 21, South l it OXT Street,
Philade lphia aty, ifc,', ,
Or of my Agents throughout the Country.
fANAi.vsn can be ecn at my Office.
iW-Cash Mailed with the ordor will receive
prompt attention.
A liberal diaccunt to Storekeepers who'
buy to sell again.
Pamphlets raj be iiad at my Cilice. G. A. I.;
aug. 4, 1853. Jtm.
TO ALL PERSOXS to whom these pre!
enta shall come, I RUDOLPH LITK th
subscriber, having sonis years ago given Davll
Litt of Clearfield borough nnd John Lit of llec
earia township, a power of Attorney, constituting
them my ngonti to transact my business, in ma
king settlemint, collecting my debts, taking
notes nnd receiving monies, and renting aud
managing my farm in Hoggs township, ro here
by NOTIFY ALL PERSON'S that I have
and do, this day annul and revoke said power of
Attorney, nnd that I have assumed the control
and managment of my own affair., and that I
will honcofortk manage my own citato, make
my own contracts, and collect and pay my o n
debts; and farther, I hereby notify all persons
indebted to me, either by contract with the said
David LiU and John Lit! or myself to mako pay -'
ment to me and not to the said David Lits or'
John Liti, ai I will not recoguiio their acts froui
and after thii date.
CleaTttetd October Kith, 1858,
DR. A. M. III1M.M, desire in announce to
his friends and patrons, that he is now de '
voting all o his tim to" operations; fa Dentistry.'
Those desiring his services will find him at bis
office, adjoining his residence, at nearly all times.'
and nlwoys on Frltfirj s nrnf KatifWttya, unless.
Kiillre to the eonffnTy be glvetf in' the town pa-'
peri the week fifevfoiri.
N. B. All work warranted to be satisTiw'tory.
Clearfield, Pa. Sept. 22nd, 1848.
.TA4!'t,ir TTTPrjc-
! nr ef the Vcaec; CvrwcnmAUe., Pemia.
"VNE door east of Montelius A Ten4 Kyck: i
1 I QA ill I. ... i ... . ... . . j . . , ..I
, pron,pt:y tmnM to. and all intr(ro.cnt o t
writina-done on short noMce. '
m r . i ' i v. r 1 1 uupiiLH Tiiimaun m mm t,s
March, 81, 1J53.-J.