.... J' -raw.--: (.i:.Mirii.!.i, I'niini.pr I, :. THE MEETING OF CONGRESS. On nut Monil.iy our ii;ilionul Legisla te convenes to resume its deliberation ; on llir measures necessary to advance .nl securo t lit prosperity, hnppincis and cry ofthi print country. Suljoet of j .-ut inoim nt iitnl '.prjilpxing eliur.ieters , il pnjra.'i' tin-uttPiitioii ol tlie ineinljers tho two hodicii which form the I.pgiilii- !p.artmenl of our natioiiiil povorn-igrexn .'lit nml tho grputcst euro should bo oh rvpd, thnt in attempting to r. nicdy any - ; the existing evils or inconven'eneios Vider which the country now labors, they 'i not run into the oppositoextrenie, imd i. -reuse insteau ol romovo the enibnrni'.s le rniunrra'.s-, .piit of the ppoplp thnt in "fleeing from ' .in "fleeing from I . .. . , not precipitated i ,f.i : H) ills we have, wo aro IOII lllO.-O 0 KUOW HOI OI. A 1-evinion of the tariff will be one of the j ii... . i i idi-l'tukinps devolving noon f'oniTf",. lit ' " .-m 1. .tecring between ft rate of duties i.md- ,unte to furnish u sufficient amount of venuo lor tlio onliniirv expenses ot t'ov- i ! r . iiincnt, nml the odious protective tariff slpm llipwpii-lil of which biiricil tlinnlil stem, tlioweiglit 01 wlncli buried tlieolil . hig parly so deeji, that the hand of the 'litical resureetionist has never, jet, and cist likely never will reach it. As to no should make the first move in the n:.itlor, or who ehould be entitled to tho nslit of it when accomplished we intend yiiig very lit Mo at present. Ikith a demand find a nece?fity seem i nl- to exist, for an nltptiitioti of tho dn- , .r ;mH. tl,. .,lo f . ' , f ' , c , , , ..mistate and some others ; whether for ie purjiose of protect ing the interests of 11. Ill in ,1 fntiiifa .it nn rr v ,t a n 1:1, (Ti. . . j P ., r ut revenue to defruy the expenses of government, it matters little. The - :.ising of revenue is the onlv lecitiiuatc ovince of a Democratic Tar ill". The on- V protection it can or ought to afford is '.. . . ., , A .... , ! a purely incidental character. belli. ;, in aojusting the iluties, this u especial- considered, is of little importance. J ' he doctrine of "protection for the sake f protection, alone," is the very oldest of: 'old fogy" notions, and hub been so per ' 'ctly exploded that it can never again ad-j lit of serious discussion. Since the de '"uction of tho old whig organization, un il very recently, "none were so baso as to of tho citizens of the l.orougn oi uurwena :oithomage,"'andeveniiowiU worship-! ville met in the public school hoiibc on -ers are few and far between." i Suturaday evening, Nov. 27th 138. i .... n .1 . . In ck-cidin- in ion what kind of tariff or' -,te of duties to substitute for the present, vo think Congress could not do a wiser or :.r tier thing Ihan to restore the tariff of '.ir, with tho itnproveiiH-i.ts that ten ' n,.c ,vr,n.-i...,r,. n.i.b.i- it. or.erntion ' : night suggest. It cannot lm denied that'. he country was never so prosperous as'Tntton, were appointed a committee to Juiing its continuu'ncc, ami that very soon r. .! ..! - f; : .1 A .l nd although wo havo very little 1 tlief in he influence of tariffs uiion paiiics, yet if . .ve aie to have a tariff, let it bo liko tho! ... . .. nc undef which wo enjoyed tho longest, nid most unexampled period of prosperi ty. ir .!..i,i , il.oinr.nntv in ti-nnsnet nir their busincFs. and object of who has lorn tho nit un ' . I I'oim and consistent in support of a tarill, j 1 .tit il can scarcely be necessary. Thu preFcnt opposition, never had a tar- fl'pi inciple in their platfovm, until within ' 1 1 1 ..... . , - . ... . . nai-n, ana certainly tney wiu not uae, , year, and through a single political cam.ihe ,a ym of the comitV( therefore, .... .1 .1 ...ill . 1... .a' . , ,. .i the hardihood to claim a tariff record for jseat from Clearfield to Curwensvillo would them-eivcB. But very recently indeed thoU'vo the people of tho county a moro ecu- . . ... I trnl lnciil icn for a roimtv seal: Lurwens strongest advocates oi a uuui-uo.. w. . i vie boin lfj ,llilos from tho Centre Co. I e hm-nt may xi ..t in tl.o p:.tli ol such a ivia. duties upen imports weru the opposition jine on t.us,t, 18 miles from the Jeller- nioveinent. The position is boldly taken, The l.cundonan Govornment hail re t r..nm Vo.o ir1.i.,l Ami ,,.e n,,.,n ti,.s-rat n,il,. Ci-nm the! that the ''United Stales vimtmul wi'.mwn- ceived a nuantity of American rifles and .VIIKI UO.IIII. II IIUIll A.t ...' .. . . . .i . .i.-. .i ..i ,t 19 owing to tue IUCl tua, a.u.o.mo ,u southern men Bteppod torwara ana I'1-1 nnd is0 0 tho maiu thoroughfare from And how is this to be turned into fact? vented it, that the reduction of tho duty j 'j-yrono to l-ic. How is the new nnd startling programme upon some of tho staple manufactures of, l?,:,,!,rJ, that we believe it the interest ; of Senator Seward to be made to yield its thocountrv was not reduced to a much W'.Iic majority of tl.o people of the conn-j expected fruits ? Tho Constitution pro ho country, was not rcaucoa to a muc ( j i rpnwvp, nn(, i t(J(!lH tho prol,t.,tv n( oul. Southi.-rn breth- nivos fiiTtifn limn it. Wllrt. lltll IlieSO ... . . ,. .. 'I'l... I' i:....: ...i former aeeommodating legislators howev er, it will bo no troublo to "reverse their engine" and travel back ns far tho other way, then elaini the met it of consistency. ism- w.i-vtv criT 1 1 1 . TVc.publish in another column tho pro - .. .. ,. .. tijiH'e13 ".l."" j " "... j i j - -- - i- - - 11.. ... f . w. .Aim. .al. Hit hnlrl ill' .. , ii p . eecuings oi u iuciuiiu ii.ci"v Curwonsville to consider the expediency nfw'innvimHl.e countv neat to that nlaeo. ghborssccm to bo quite excited 6 ... Our nel pon th i0 subject, and as might bo expect- ed, qttite anxious to accomplish this ob ject. At first wo could scarcely believe il.ntu In Iia in enrnest. but tho seriousness. i . . . i . . , i . i. with winch they treat tho Hubjcct, leaves no ilOUW atiOUt us reality wuu nieiu. However wo think that upon more de lilrate reflection, they will como to eo i)iO iiiexpediency and injuatice of uch move. Tlie county Beat was located at Clearfield as tbo most eligible site for that purpose, by disinterested men, more thou fifty years ago ; and nt ft time too when Curwcnsvillo bad more to rocomend it inlmceting bo published in the "llaftsman's compi-rison with Clearfield than now. If! Journal" and "Clearfield Eepubliean." it was not a suitable location then, we On motion, adjourned to meet in Cur- , . .. . , ,,.- , .. wensyjlloon Friday evening Dec.lith. , . .1'. 141-1 il 1.,wav rf tintl.mil will, li mnlf A. if .n tintv norof'iny superior claims it has smco ac- quired to be rotd tbo cxmnty seat. I i! in. I"'"'' liiv uhi'li ! ll I ll" I ''I 'linei nn Induct tin nl In III" 1st 10 c I , t" "II U I y ( II, Mid inn) liw ' I I'M nli li llir dm. j el llir linlhiiiluiig, I "I llii'M' Hi tunny oilier I "lililflii i' tb " lull III tlpntlthclc- mm ul of the county nil, rum o nig i tulili-dlcl, thill ili.uM" the flllil 0llM in t hnliiiico lhr In1 to IIip lux pnwis .f th" cniuilv invoked therein. 1'pim this ub ji'rl we may have inoic to my lit a I'nt tir limp, Wlii'.o m p i dui Hip ambition ami rn tripi i-H' of our sister town, we cannot bo iioiicoiiiiiiittnl upon ft question nf such vital importance to tlio interests of our ow n Luioiigli, niul to tlip ppoilo t liirjio. Wo nio llici-pfoio, ilpciilpilly in favor of I koriiinir tho counlv "fi't wIipi'O it now j!i nd of making nuc-h iniprovenipnts, us tl,u wants of tho pulilio rpiiuiri'. Hon. T. L. IIaiihis, Moiuher of Con- from Illinois, who took n .roininpii1' i.art in tlio iliscus.-ion in tho Uouso lust 1 - tho w. liter, died of consumption a few ilnys Bnic Cocstt Si-EciAi. I.t.eciioN. f5i:n. Win. II. Keim tho "independent" i.hm ,ii.i.,f. in , , i , i i.,if jivi Bei kg co., has been elected by about -iou ' , ... ... . innjonty over Joel B. Wuniu r, Democrat. b . , '. , ..... i.v, BEIEOATE MEETING. . . . I.. ..... nfl uiiihm n in 1W' V. 1,1 ' lvw "v. 'tho Democracy of Clearfield held a meet n ln Court """ " ln,mhxy r .1 rw.a fnH .AtMtfivnnf lf,,u' PI ' , . ' ', ' . Ari. pclecuni: tieieiiiueBio me iicAiiiu ui i-j.iin. il ,i..t H,nn,-lJil, nfMnw, o Convention. The meeting wns called to order by e- . v,.ii,t Vresii ent. and Wimp Hon. A. K. Wri"ht l'refident. and Jjr. (i. K. Hoop Secretary. . The p resident upon taking tho Chair stated the object of the meeting, which is etnbraceil in Ine loltowing Eesollltions. ntwlvrl, that we rocomend Israel Test Esq. of Cle;trfield and Win. 1'. .lenks Esq of Jellerson Co. as delegates to rep- this Kepresentative district in the next Democratic State Convention, and Gen. -Tepli McDonald ol Cambria Co. as Sena- toi iid delegate to said Convention, ;... w That I. J. Wallace and T.J McCulough be alid are hereby upiointed ronnvpntiitive and h. J. Crnns and 0. F. ' Hood Senatorial conferees to meet in con- -." " . . lei Clice Willi inc. uuirriuumii-a .:viiiij'i'.-nip tic diVtrict in case it thall beoomo neces- arv JtwlvcJ, that wo recommend to the standing committee the propriety of sub- nutting the question of changing the sys- ,(m oleIlolninuting candidates for county olliceid. ISy ordc-vol the olhcers. 0. F. HOOP, Sec't. a o, o o o Can be Saved by the Tax-payers Clearfield Comity. Of In pursuance of a call, a large number . ... . r O" motion. I hos. ltoss ixj ivn.s cauu i i!.. PI..,:.. .1 K T M.-.r.tMna ti'.ia r In - ' ,l(iV. jng )Cen stated briefly by tho l'res't. w'.ich was to take into consideration the propriety of tho removal of the county keill, IIOIU ,11111 .H iu lu v.ui oi iipi uu .v..uv..,..v i mi;,n m I r iv n -so . 5. arts- - " ,,!... i ' t . '. i i.. i druft re.-.olutions expressive ot ine sense oi , after retir-, 1;nf,ii..M.iimn rnor..-te,l tl.A follow- ! ine inceiiiiL'. coimniuru lnf, ..r,,,.,,,!, nn,l resolutions, which were : unanimously adopted . . . . . Whcnas,, the last two Grand Juries by iimminmiw ni'iTnii'iir luii'inr n i-fiiioiteil to f Kna.ln,, of '1,., l'-l,l I rounty t.iat the present court house is un- lit to accommodate the peoplo of said n new one ought to be built, and the J -.iirt linvinir itiven instruct inn to the , connni;,gion.rs , ,naUc nnangements for v.ii,iiiur tlm k.-hhp. and. Whereas, the erection of a building cred-! lt-'l,'le to our county .,r--"0 ono m- s; o iioi would create a debt ,., , i , , rir s.i i . in i hi i liiaii'i i ' ii . a . l 1 :..:.... ...1 1 .. Hcsohcd. that a removal of tho county I OIII1 W. I III. V .. ..uv, . ........ ...j... ..- Clmrrv Trpp. nnd SI miles from Karthaiis. ' - - - - thnt u- will usn nil honorable means to have a law passed at the next session of tho Legislature authorizing the peoplo of the county to vote for, or, against the re- moval Of the Wild county sent irom Ulcar- r.j.i i "',,....,. ;ila 7...!.... 4l,nl li. ll,A ntii.til nrtlin rf.tnn- ...i r.i ' ..... i r- ..:tl ftli tml nil l llfif 1" " '"I-:Z " 'nVK.'mucl, more in the Stat Ho n i , ..7, valo cost, without asKing a aonar ironuuc, i county treasury. Jlaoked. that wo request the taxables j" '' townships favorable to the j removal In hold mcclinps. nnd amioint delecates. o mcct jn Curwcnsvillo on Friday the 17th day of Dee. next, for further action, motion, Wm. McBride, Zaeh. Mc - On Naul nnd Dr. II. n, were an titions to b pointed a committee on pe j,rMPnteiI ,0 tll0 Lc(,i.sifttur'c. ()n mntinn .Inn. Tntfnn. R. ITnrtKlinrn. w.-w.., w ..w- , " Mm. Irwin fcsq. AUm. uates anu jas Thomson wero appointed a committee to solict subscriplions, for the erection of buildings, in the event of a removal. On mnl inn lb .iilitnrintiiitiB n-orocnllprl llt'llBVlllV Ull A 11.111V CI ClllllU ' o TIIOS. ROSS, Pses't .A: il. Moiruvs, Sec't. for from those present, which wero re- nre such as to afford a full expose of his suit in the struggle for the election of l S. 'ponaea to in pledges, amounting to purposes, jie savs r.unor mo cotton --.i"""" e" .--"'"ii "i.m.- ..r- 'f21,500. On motion, and rice fields of .South Carolina, and the ro. On the last bvllot, to-day, tho vote I KenJveA. thnt the nrnpoodintr. of Ihi. Kinmr nlnntations of Louisiana, will ulti- ex-Oovernor Adams, fell to 42. The Hip ln H Hr'iiMli"n hnoitnm fur Si ,il.. Sin tun I'' til- till Il' H'-''! I'l li i i. II,. Aiiii-Mnwt) , M" b 1 -1 -tfih I'M My i'l Hii' I'liliti), I i'l' V'lit In' lllH I'l I II t I'l . illi ' 'I II' -III ll, till1 1 ll'l't'llt fi n ! i lull I' Mill" I I "Ulil HI"! 1 1' mi "li I'll lied lit. l-nMtioll. Tn In' mi r, llu l-i Inn " l I'l "I' ''I'""" ' " 'MmlHl' ll- I I i.y I ihiuiii:'", mi ti-i hi, iiii i -ii' ii mini, wild laiiiiln -, IhiI lin y were not mi lli'tii'lit ill Hip cnipusil ii 'll of political j.ri tie or roniliiiiHi ii.ii. Tlnv lolkp'l niul laved niul il' piiiiipiI i"l muiu',"i'Ii "'tup for o verlhinwing Ilii I'm in nl pnvi run) Mil , nf dphtivuiiji iIip l'i'i"ti and ll"' I'l'ii-titu-lion, mill nf I. ii ii. I in l' imi tin1 in ins cy-trin of negro pijiiulily.Miniiil . well politit ul, yet tlpy only I :,lk.-.l llipy hml mi pomr ,v,-i- thp Abolition , y h-j tOIU't. Ill-Ill' iip imI us an cine cm la'ciu in in auuniii . ...... I I ,.(,..(., i-f ihi niilion, it lui I'ollowpil in the trm k iiointeil out liy soiiip oolil, i-ali ii- lutinj: iIpiiiiiiiijiip, miiiio man li-n luuu-.-t ami more i-ialty llian tlio iiia-.-i's who comi-o-c that fad ion. Such a man i AVm. II, Srii Ann. llo lia launeil llir .nii--Mii- VP,.y jHnip for vours. Kach turn of this ngitalion lmn ln-i-n watched I.y him with iiiipiisp iih. ipm, mm- m cncii u ui i ,l.w...l., ...,.1 fit. .Ill- l,lli....ut,.,l ll IVIW ll'M IH'I'I1 III,', 1 llllll(l ,, I. IV. ..... a. rni'itiil, iIip lever whicli wn to lilt him in to power anil place. Adroitly, too, has he inaimi;pil this iiorloi n olt-im'iit of i.olilical iiower. lie na.s not ouirun ine lino oi (.ectioiuil prc-iiidico and thus endangered hix bloodv and daii'-ei oi.s Moiecl. Tiist i twits t he right ol pctitioi i of slavery, then the nholit tj,e district of foluiiibin, I it was the riuhl of nctition on the Hubieot ion of slavery in then opposition to the rendition ol lugitives ami antiigo- nism to the l'li'.'itive lavo I.nw. then the .,i.,.i 1 1, r.L.c iv L i,., I Kn ' tuuimi .itmiini T" " - r - VhIumsUh bill Was b.lM-d. tllPll t 10 nltack iiion tho practical carrying out of ' " 1 ';""-y V.K!' Inili i in a of I J i nm m nun o ;i 1 1 ( I ( I 1 1 n c t .is tiuct nmnil'. - stntioiis of Anli Shtverv feelinir. wu man UesI Ul 11IS Ol .A 11 1 l-tl.l i CIV 1 eel 1 1 11!, Ti us n. KK-j) mi wni u iow in u nit iv kIcii foriviu d towanls the lull iloveloiie- . , . -. ,, , nu-nt of the Anti-Shivery fanaticiniii of the fIOith. upon which Senator Se ad n lies , i 'i.;... i , i.,. ., r..i.,., i ,,,.,1. 0 l,im Tiolilent eitlici- nl n Tnimi 'pntire, or the northern portion of one.with the soiithorn states as tiiere depenilencies. 1 'i ,p hist act in this Anti-Slavery druina, j,n w hich Senator N-w.nd hag lor je.us ae- ted the lending pin t, has been opened by , the Rochester speech of the above- nanie.l gentleman. And w hat aspect doc the t-ubject now pn M-nt L iidoubtcdly that of the total and entire fubuat.ou oi the southern Slates. 1 he programme is thus now 11 ny ce.i.iior .-i-mira ; "Hitherto tho two system voluntary and involuntary labor have exi.-ted in, dillerent Slates, but tide bv side, w ithin tlie American Union. Thi , i';.. lis has happened confederal. on of States. J!ul in another aspect, tho Uni- in. - uiiu. - u iiiu i-iii'-ii . v. led Staies constitute onlv one nation. In crease of population which is filling Up states out of their very borders, together w ith a newuuil extended net werk ot rail roads and other avenues, and un intjrnul commerce which daily becomes more inti-; mate, is rapidly bringing the State into a higher and more perfect soe.nl unity or consolidation. Thus these antagoiii tic systems aie continually coining into closer, contact, m.d collision results. ; hall I tell you what this collision ' means? They who think that it isacci-: dental, unnecessary, the work of interesl ea or fanatical agitators, and therefore, ephemeral, mistake the case altogether. 1 1 is an irrepressible conflict between op posing and endiit ing forces, and it means! that the I'hitid Mutfi wist and u-i, iviicr or lata; tic ' fiitiruy iiijiifclu.' tmti r the cot- ton and i'i'e fields of . outh Carolina and the suar plantations of Louisiana will ul timately be tilled by five labor, and j Charleston uild New Orleans become marts . ... 1 I' . .1. .1. . tor icLMiimaic iiil-h.ii.iih.is.. . v.. l, n.i.l tvhwit folds of Jlassacliusctts nml .New ork m.t nain i suiumiu- I l 1 11 I'll Jill Uil 13 1' - V I 10 toe pl'O'lUClloli cj Slaves, anil dosiou . 1 . . I ...I 11.. and .New oik hecome once more tlio tho market fo trade in the bodn s andsouls of i i... ........ t ,u ill! 11. II 1 I I.V IlllllllV IV " I I ". "I. -II' II"' Li eut truth that, induces so many imstic-' cesslul attempts at hii il comiiioinise lit- tw.-. n the slave and free .latcs, and it is 'he existence ol this L'lcat fact that rcn- iders all such protended comp d compromise, when mane, vain nnu e pin-menu. 1 " 'jf '''ii'ls".' o.'v l,!''!.!,' lucii l 01 u.e -niirM.iM l I'.u t in una coimiry.can be seen the ieal tle.-igi arch-conspirator wlio is loading : .1 1 III. ; ui- ding- eontrolling, encouraging mid direct- "g 'bo whole campaign lor Ins own U-in lit II,., iii.ilL u iinii' i'i iiinri.i 11 n 1 1 II . ,.l ...... ..,..... l ... . v ...... . face of the monster reveal eons defoi mitv. From oi 1 in all its hid- osiiiL' the" in-' trodiictiuii of slavery into tho Territories, the light is to be States, no matter w tiaiisfei red into the lat Constitutional im- er or later, become entirely a slave-hold- . nn(ion pr ....... ,(ii0r n;l,. (l ren. The Constitution guarantees the. neo ' pie of each Slate the lull enjoyment ol all rights nl ceded to the general Covern- nient. 1 he Supreme Court ol the United noes uas jiuuuuuiy iuieiiieic-u unit in- strtiment. ami that lnteriiictation nrotects slave nroiierlv in the most sacred and so- emn m.nincr. even in thr Tenitnries Seward's .momenta to bo ear- i . . . wl.nl.-. IT. , 0 Tl.. ... t. i t.-ill. iuiv vuevii uiu u"i-ucy is mis great and radical change to be effected? ; now is tlie wnoienation to iieeome a "tree, labor nation? and that Is 1 Tlmwi to Ivtit nA,!n iv to 1'iiu wiu- iili'itr, .... .. orco. 1 lie norm i to be in- fluenced and goaded by such demagogical appeals into an open attack upon tho frights of the Southern States, and their liroiiorty is to be confiscated in tho face te oi iusn.ee, m.neMon lu uiu . .sinu.ioi, IHUUUil US rut itu iim-iiii ii:? 11)19 IS lite rufiininff of Soiiator SoWfll'd wlit'tl lift tillkt o . . . . anounne wuoie naiion uccoming eiincr tslavcholding or free labor. If his words mean any thing they mean this. I Hut more than this, tho arguments usod bw Senator Seward to fort il'v his nsisi-l-t ion mutely be tilled by free labor, or else the j rye ami wheat fields of Massachusetts and New York must .g,i be surrendered by ; their farmers to Mave culture. Senator, Seward is n man of learning and e.xperi-' cnee. lie knew when he uttered the eri- cnee. lie Knew wnen no uuereii me i .1 1,. jabove, and know s at this time that it docs I . . III) Mil nun intel.. th" l.nttli I 'I'M II il ; l ll ttnlll.l I P HUH. 'II" t" Hi" "' niu l i in-ill li .i lilu In U p i ilil'-nl I lu lu. I l III-. i III II ktV'P II I'l HlliHl'll Hi 'Mil'! lint liili l.il"'l will Iipii I- In." I" I tln i'"l I. .li mi I t li li' I'l i'l Nmlll 'iil..lllHi, t tin- iiiimi- i -I i ii I ii t ol l,niiiiiiiiit. Ami ..i tin' -iiiiip ii ii . ii : iMvill iiul 'n). VMiy tin II Ihi I'li'rl.iHiiiM.'li ? I li"' ti ii""ll I nl vii'ii". Il i" l'"i tin' .im .i"p of iijritnlioii: it i In ftill lui llii-r on n llui i tpvirp In tttpi n llip imitli niul ihi- finilli, hi IliiittliP wcii..p ol Anii-Miivpiy inn l.piliivi-n (o llu- lii inl. mut t iilu-r n ii'l IIip I'liimi iihiii-ili-r or ponii-pl oiip oi lion o ilio iiutinti to Imlil ii i itlits nl llu-iiu-n y o! Ilio oilu r. Tliit Imi I'ppn Hip point to wliii-h nil iIip Allli.,Sllc.rv nveu.cnuof the counliy mv(, 1m,i.) .fir...t 0,i s,.natoiSpw,..d.ai.. now the time has come for n decisive blow mid it is pivpn in hi l!ochpsler spppi h. i Tin; niajoi ilii-s in the nol lliprn Slates hnvp w: riimted the Senator in siij-poi-iiig that the pear i-i ripe. Hp sees tho l'l'i-sidi'licy in the ni ul' I'orppTounil, nml to reach it has thus unmasked hix programme iiiiip put . himself lii'lore the nation upon it. That progiamnie is entirely incompatible with thp ppippluily of tin- Union. If carried out, it must spvpi-the nation in twain as with the force, of an earthquake. Jtisop-pi-sell to the Cunstiti tion, to the rights of ; the Slates under that instrument, to tho j best interests of all its inhabitants. It in' tho programmp of a hearless demagogue, j and should be repudiated by nil honest, j patriotic men. Tlpiri flnhie News 1 W'AsniNiiTON, Nov. 27 There is no t l'llt ll ill t HO lepori PllCUIIIie.l UII.M.n.l.u.t ... . ... .. i .1 1 . ....... .1 , fill tin-South that Secretary Cobb has accept- ted the position of Minister to I-ranee. Tlie Cabinet was in extraordinary ses-, sion today on matters to be presented! to Congrosson the opening of the ses sion. A Kau-as letter, from uu authentic scoiuce, mentions that Monairnni'-ry and his associates have been indicted, but are evuding the process of tlie law. 1 Mu m Chpxk. Nov. 27. A fire broke out here nt "J o'clock this aftPi noon in the Lehigh Coal nml Navigation Company's cat pciiter shop. The i-hop wn- entirelv eonsunie l, together with the Company's warehouse nt the wharf and a large (ilau tity (if good- and lurnbcr.&c. Tho d, imago i t'nj'sliinated at from four to live thousand j dimm's. ' St. Loris. Nov. 27. Tiie Stnti Treasnr rr of Missouri has given notice that the ' sen, i annual interest on the State railway bomis, lim- on .January lt, will lie pai-1 ul niatui :ty, at me i.anK oi omineicc, .ew Vork. At . ST.t, f!. Nov. 27. Cen. Walker is rotiortcd be still neat- mobile. Mr. J'orsvil! ia.sei 1 through here last night for Washington Ni.w YmtK, Nov. 2. The mail steam ship Illinois with California dates to the "ttli inst., has arrived, bringing ?1, SW.OIIU in gold. 1 The ste3in--liip llennitnn had arrive 1 at , Panama, and sailed on the ll'.ltin-t., di-j reel for San l'raiisisco. The ship Telassar, of Boston had sunk at j .spinwall. The California new hasbcen anticipated j bv the arrival of the (junker City at New Urli-ans. j The ship Jalapa, wrecked at Aspinwall, ; had proved a t italics. She had on board "i.Vl tons of cnal. Tlie United States sloop . 1 . . 1 . if-war Decatur uem ,-al Lamar remains at S.1.1 Jo,6. (jlj pjT A!IKH!CA. T.I I U...1 !... ..;..,! ,.t , ...j . ...... ... . . Panama to October ljth, and Callao the uin. litt ion was talked of at Yalpraiso. 1 L I ........ . ............ ...... .jr., ,-eieuu in ir-is ... sei.. in s, ... the line had been made, but nothing else ine line nan oceti uiaue, . ., nf nnpoi tanee had transpireil. A lire had destroyed Siitl.dOO worth lire'iertv in San .man "le Ihos street. Iv I i I'lii'iin i hp i' . rl ' I lni'li II" , ,-t ,1, f.l M I II lUl !. I'll' .. V j, w cmtract had been made bv the' numerous laics, Muries Historical IncUeiits, .,. , in 1 1 ti ,,.;i: , J, , .iHcviens, tiilni.es, lliograp nes, Pcientihc Ar- dun f.overniiient " Hit the 1 ai-ilic Men m t.. Tr!ivi,, 'T, i ,ie ii,,,,,,,.. i, ,ts. C :!iviL'atlon t."mpan.v lor uve years, . , i . earrvuiL'ine mans. Tiio Lcipiadnriall 31inistei' to Peru had receded his pusspol't.sand l i-tireu Irom that coluli v r- ,;ll, Ul 1.,,,. ,l(.,.l.,r,.fl Ti'i.viilent - Illl.l nil-. ..........v. , ait'l Congress had passed a law authorizing him to raise hlleen thousand men, to sup ply funds for war and to organize the Nat ional (luaids and declare war against Kc.i- ador. lleiicral Kchiniiitte w.n thought to be iiithor ol the disturliances, Hie oliiect, ne- im to direct attenti on to the orth, whilst he invaded the South, a sisted by liul- was rapidly preparing for war, 1 he latest newstrom t. Illinois, that lull. San Knm.in bad comedown from Lima to despatch the Peruvian fleet to blockade the Kcuadorian ports, and that war hat, been definitely declared. Savannah, Nov. SO. Tho Mobile Mcrcuri of Saturday, says that most of tho Nicar.- emigrants continue ton-main i eilv, and many ofthem are growing t ,iotelltio. in that lng.rcstivc Washington, Nov. 30. Mr. Forsyth, U, S. Minister to Mexico, arrived here to day.. ' Pauldin, Tatnall also arrivedU-day with the new 5ainn treaty, and despatches! . , . ,. . . . t , . . , l..rt,. linciilllnrriatrt llui Slum itet.iil-t. v..qu. - ...j.... ment. . mere win no an important recommen fin tinn hv tf 1 1 if s 1 1 1 on t, tn P( i ii fr rf"i 4. roil ....... j w - o " i .1 i'T.I. ..ll cernmg me opening up oi i lan to seme ment, by bring the public lands into mar- ket, tintt exteiuling the pre-emption laws to. that Territory. v 'n, l-u ,.,,. have raised the Allcghaney and I he Mon Atirtnliolit tlani'n in rtaanvlv Ion fnt ff u'tilnci :.. i. . i ' t i n l.-. 111 LllO CIUII1I1UI. H11U Mill IIHUlaZ. niiMtin iinl.tl . t,i.tw nml fininht n in nil ' c-- noints on the Ohio, and gcods forwardetl will lie sent without delay. j , . ' COLUMBIA, 0V. .W. 1 here 18 still n"TYe- name of H, Barnwell Khett was withdrawn, Mr. Leitt continues on the cour?e, and his vote has run up to 21. JuduE Doiolas has been invited bv tho! ... . citizens ot .Memphis, lenn., to acree to ... . . . .. - , public reception on his way to New Orleans, MV ADVUlll.MI.MH II I YMi I "!' I -on t .u iii ii.a rl ulill' nil M II' 3. . , l li i In I-,-! i I' l I . l(. ulill. nil ' . Ii I di" I tiinlil i l: iM Iili. Viimt. "i m llii i ll. " "I Hi" ( li'irfi mi ni nl ilni'iii. 14 Hi i nl limn In fi ili.i'. I, I"..'.' .1 lix n l III I KA 1,1) llOlli:1 In nil tin' hit A 1 1. K II f. i. ii, nl 11 u-rj rlii'iii nl KK A17.KII ,i. U INT Kit SHAWLS, UIHlb, I.IIMI MIAWI.S, fl.NliLK fllAWLS, norxn coHNbiuai fiiawi.s, Fnrmlol.y KltATZKH'S. - (HIKHT J. WAM.ACK, Attiiiimv at Law, X ( li-irlinlil, rn , Ulllce in nnif I now, u. iiiKilu llio Juuriinl nlliuii, drc I, 1818. If. Di solution of Partnership. nAVIXU mill out tin l-W of nwU ou liiunl, nml Hie ouiiinin'liiiK ili-bu iluunl our buium C ity Stum, lliu firm nf lliirrt-lt A llmlliur mis ilinmilvid l-y mm mil cnimuiit on tlio libit day ol Aui;ut, A. U. IS jfi. P. W. 11 RHETT, J. C. 1IAHHKXT. Nov. 15, l.'lis. .py f.J r? ? ii I ,( m(iy tllftt j iave .niuj Up Uu the busuu-m botwuoii I'etor l.uliunl nml inym-lf, nml will not bo h eld renpunsinio l',.r uny of lliu rcpuimibilitioj cult- iiiiuti i v t inritlil.' ,. . . v , 1"rruw"" CAUTION. t 1.1, pi-muni nre uviuiiy cauiionou nguuiFi i' lucdilliiii; illi a yoko of oxen, a nut two years nl'l, now in piis.es.-inn ot Jucol) .-lovely ul llriiny i'., aa unimu oxen uuiung mine, uuu are left tvith liiiu on 1. 1:111 only. II. W. KORH. at.pd. hutliorcbn.K, Nov. 20, ls;,s. The Philadelphia Evening Bui cthi, 4 X Inili-pi-ndi iit lJiiilyXew.-paper, devoted es pecinlly to the interests of IVnnsylviiniii cuutuiuii; iiiiporlinit Tclcjjruphiu Nowa, aixtuen Iniiirs in mlvtiiiie of tho niiiriiin pupura Origi nal l-'orein and. I'liini-stic Correspondence, K-li-tuiKils mi nil Mil-jri ts, and lull reports of nil the newa ot tho day. Tin l ouiiiierciul and l'iiiauei al di piirtiiH-iila are full, and are carefully attend ed to. As mi n.li trlisinj; iiicdiuui there ia no better pnper in tho irtiite, the circulation bo'uij; next to the birgi st ill the city, und among the must intelligent nml inlliieiitml of th population. Teidis MX dollars per yerir in advance. CL'MMlXli.S 4 HHACOCK, - I'mprioUira. No. 112, Soulh Third .Street, l'liildulphiu. ! --" I II K I'llIbALiKLrillA SATUUDAY BULLE- TIX, ' ... .. .. A hnndsiiiin.', well lilli'.l, Fnniily Weekly News- paper is uolistiea ny ine prnpnei, rsai me following unpreco cnti-d low ral-.-s : I copy, ono year, $ I 0(1 ; 0 copies do. $5 00 ; 111 00 copies do. $10 00; II copies, do. $13 PO; I!" copies, do. $0 1.0 j 1 Oil copies, do. $311 1)0. 1'piithkii 1n-liri-EMENTS ! The largest club (over 100) will bo sent lor three yours.. The next largest club (over 111111 ...;l! I,., nt r,,r Iwi, vnnrs. A.lilress ITMMIMIS f- l'KAt'O.'K. Proprietors, llulletla Building, S 11. 1 Botilli Third Street, rhiladelplua. The ''Great Eepublic" Monthly TO THE I'l BMC, TUB II"OK ASK Pr.nidDICAL TRADK, AMI 1HK i'io;sa. w 7" E liav.i the honor toniiuounce that wcshnll is.sue, on or about the first of December next, ho as to lie in seusun to conumiinl the ear- ly uttentioti of the public and the pcriodi ul trade, the tirst iium'ier ot a new illustrnteil iniig- i "-. "v 'u""u."'u " ;l'l,uu"1' I ly. It is ilitcnded to make tins magu zino su- 'pcrii-r in every re-pec to anything over before 1 itsued in this country, The general scopo of its .1 I...., I !...., I I... it .in.ni. 1, . . '. - J . Hl he tiiorougiuy .Mi:i..n:.i-in no wise section j al or sectiirinn, and wholly impersonal. It will oiler to tlie wulcrs an. I Clinkers ot tins I limn C...I.1 ,i...... .i , .... the ' " , i(JK.st ground of contemporary lilenitui II hlll lliui tu gathsr aboar it every variety i f intel lect. of I The range of articles will bo a wide on", c.iv ieriug, nmuiig other giouuds, Kssnys, isketeii.-a, i 1'iditics, 1'ntiiis, llallnds, Rtanxas, Smiuets, Mu- sie. LorresiiotiiJcnco. Imssin. etc.. etc.. etc. The .Mut!u.'.iuo wi!l be profusely illustrated in i the lushest style or it.mil engraving. Tho Literary department will present g cater I viniciv, coiiiuioeu . nn mure inorungii excellence, it is oelieved, than ever ticlore otlcicd to the A- uicrieuu public in a siuglo periodical. Tho fol lowing authors and popular writers aro included in the list of coiitril.iiu.rs engaged: tion. ll. Premiss, Charles Hwnin, l-'iti-tireen Hal erk, Clins. J. Inger'ell, Ore tea A. liiownsoii, lien, tjco. I'. .Mun is. Nathaniel Decring, Hun. Cbas. ('ayiine, Win. tlilmore Sinims, l'ark llcnjaiiiin, lion. Albert I'ike, nf Arkansas, Abbe Adrian Ilo.itielto, Hon. U. T. Conrad, Hev. ltnlph Hoyt, Sel.a Smith, (.luck Downing, ) J. T. Jlcnilloy, etc., comprising a long list ofwritera among whom aro many of tho most popular in tbo coun try. Each number will contain ail original piece of music composed expressly for thia work. Of tl.o superior exco lenco of the Magazine) in every r spect, nnd of the certainty of it- perma nent, suscess. Very little more le ed heaiil. The terms and genornl conditions of the .Mag azine will be as follows : Trims There will be two volunfe's a year, of about TOO royul oi tnvo pages each, commencing in January and July, and ending in Juno and Peccmher, respectively making six numbers to each volume, and twelve numbers to each year, tfubscriplions may commence at nny time. Sin- glo copies, 2.i cent ; subsciption, ono copy ono J ii i . i t. ' ' t im "...i... i . -i..i.. . ::: i i i V ' Vi. f i clubs, lour copies one year, I UU: cluhs, nve cop Tear, $10 00 t and all additional copies, 6vA..V.lb' 7 f '"l" 8nm.8 . c ui ii. liuub lui. luiiiiiu KiuaiiTi-ni IlOSl .. .. . office. All eubseriti.ion, must be paid In ad- vatice. Premium pubacriptioni cntitlniR the subscriber for one year, and lo their choice of - 1 ii t li it nf our Iwo iTrcflt toiil pnprnvini?ti. en titled - -O - O D ' ' .,rh, j ,, N ,, uti. t, I it - - 7 V Great King," Four Dollars. Tho engraving will be lent on rollora by mail, propnid. Agotits and citnvaers can nmko liberal and nl i uffifiti irw nrranironienfi tituin nntitintifin ar tinff til O torritOfT rOUUirod. A 11 IHIlt 111 H M PM nml plnrntrvmAn urn nnlhiirtfid to rproU-A nKf riniu.n i. ! i. .i r. ,i a. . - rJ - - which they may forward to us, giving name aid . address of subscriber, and deducting 25 per ecnt. for their trouble. Tho rnto of postage will not I exceed three oenta lor cnoh number, to be paid in all casea nt the office where it ii received. All roiiitii.inii'Otious to be entitlod to answer, must contain return suiuips gubsrribori must in all , ensea writo Names, Town, Conn y, and Ptalo in ful?, aa legibly as pessible. There ia little risk in sending money by mail. I.arg. sums should be remitted by draft, if poaaible. or rcgistured ltu-r. TII A CO LJ 3 Ui, WUnam Set, Tork: "' J ' , . . . - ,T ., iT,ra.(. a 1 h..i-,,n Spi.m.i nir.M-7,. .n.i t...i.... ..1... .... a iv uui." vi aKi vvuiDUk. irtBi iurin. -asv-f v K "i ' vii ii sale at tho office of the "Clearfield Republican." I I li' n in- H'.i i n -1 'ii.it , ,ll (( 11111 I iiSM I I UlitV I hi lirmoo, f,, "A llu I V.lll.l...r "ll III. R I ll ( ill Hill i'l 1 t iir '.'"ril.i t Ii"' (" ul 1 1' vnif In rliil tl'l In" !. liiifl" h.iaiiki lin iiK nn Ftnii l.Ti .Iniiiiiii.t I, f H. tlm li,tl;,.., lt4 . iii-t on I iii'.M i i Ii '.i WfiMir N.,,p tvi r .iil'll"ln-.l. ll will l-o ni.iili ..t., ,,.M iImiI.Ik III" nf lint Ni Vink l.oilK-r ! ,,' tnliilnd ! I'.'""l '"I'limn "n i-ni-ti j,,,,,., j ( i'hP In I'-i'K'li, '"l il"lilt lli iiiiuilil)r nfr,., j, ) ti 0 innlli-r K',n ""T 'Klj i.i..r n..w j,,,),' lirlnJ ; unliriiriiiK ll'" i li-'i I "ml ltflic. ti r, m-liirli-.l mnl nri!lniil,fiirii.ii., ttmn l,r,j nil l Iniini". ll IH I" "II ri-q.triii, L1UI1 Jiiartint rnnlnlnliiK tin- i.tmlui llinin i-f ih, mo,' ,n,ulur urili-ri In 1 1 In-ml iiinliiitr HnniiinrM Morii-, Kfniyt, l'nm , Anmilnli'i, Skpti-hci Niilii-i-i nf Aiiiiiii-nii lilu mnl llie An, ic , ! in hni', H II lliinuii uliiili nr nr-w , lii-miiirul, (, ,reJiinn nini mirnoiivi. Km li nnml,ir will con. lain Hut utily rnmluliy cnmli'iimil ivmipai, ,f tlio IJi iiiTiil Ni-wi ilurlii( tn.'li x.-rk, lint a tl t h rery Inti-nl uifi.nniithiu anil IVIi'umj-liio . .ti'lii' up to tlio linur of K"iK " )'"'" Tbi Ciiiml.-lliitiiin will unt ba an lllinlnilp.l l'aper, u tlie picturo ulipctf nre, but it will enntnin bauti. fill lieMt,'"" nml Kiirav in u;a, wlmn they reilly illn-tnilD nni orniiiiii-n t a nul-ji-ct. The inilnn-ribi-r bim ulivnily ennnni-ii Corjn of I'onlribulnrii, "a iriin of htnm," unequally fur K1'11'"- brilliiim-y, and reputation by uium f any utlior jounml now piililinlu-il, 110 inalter ht may bo ila protein 'una. It in with no alight jrv tilicatinn thnt bo nnn.'iini'i H hin sui'i-ena in Uft giug, alter iiiurli percuimiun, tho 11I1I0 anil eipari. enroll at-rvieoa nn a entlniniin, uu long and 10 justly eiuiiieiit. na Mr. I'ark llonjaiiiin. Cunnec ted for twenty yeur with tlio prom of New Ygrk uity, and alwaya auei-eniiful in liii literary enter prinua, whether an Kditur, Author, or public apna. ker, tho name of Mr. lleiijiiinin i oil augury of cerliiin ni"l fortune. The public uiiiy rent a.nmrud that no nium will be untried by the aubsoriber to aocurt a griinil nml brilliiiut uocoinplishiuent f his effort to eilnbliHh the luroiit and host weekly puper over published .iIiilo nothing will he luttuudjaa 1 nut can tie 1 1I11110 by talent, cupitul, exponeooe, t.,ri,B;, and a renoluto experionee. "The tonntellaliun will iniiinly reeoiinnenil it. self tn 11 curd inl uud a nei uiiK eupport from th very be-t pimple by ils observance of gnuil aod uviiidiiuce of vil. Il will bean unobjeetiiinabla nml perfect family newspaper Rmtijr offence to no sect or party tho favorite alike ol both setei of young nml old. Tho snbseriber.having M nearly a iiiurli r nf a century's experience in tbt publication nf daily and weekly journals, and bt ving now coniiectod hinm-lf with such well known and vuluable editurilnl aid as he has therein, flat tcrs himself ihiil lliu new enlerpriso will at onco ivtchievo a popular favor an i auccess miparallel ed in newspaper enterprises. , Tho toitna for "Tho Constellation," will be ttri "lollars per iinniim each, when ten copies are sent in ono envelope to one nddro.n. Twentv-ic;ht onpiea to one address, $49 00. j Firo eripies do. do. $12 (ill, ! Two copies, do. do. $00 One copy do. do. including postage or delivery, ' $3 00 All subscriptions to uo mvnrianly in advance. fiin rln enni-a. l ive cents. To ewaii:mer aentf. $3 per 10 ' A lato Saturday evening edition will be pub. i 1...1 ...1 ir. ..'.-1.. 1.... u .1 ,1.. "'" M" -""" .v- rUSlUl. IIVIT "I VIIJ suhhiiip is. .....via, employed by tho publisher. Thoso who ddr to coiiiini-ni'o with tho first number, ahnuld aend in their rubacriplions and orders as early as pm aiblo since, iiwinu ti the iimnonso si.o of llu sheet, only such number!) will bo printed ai may be ordered. All orders and lctlera to bo addro3ed to the undersigucl, fiKORUE nOHCKTS, 12 and 14, Spruco Street, Xew V.rk. Nov. 17, 1838. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON, nAVINti litte.l up n shop a few doora east uf the '-Old .Ikw Ptuiik," on Market sL, dc'iies to inf.. nn the community at lure, that he Uei-ps on hand a variety of y CAillMir WdHK, nt his shop, and that lie manufactures to nr.ler, (of superior lini-li.) i-vcry description "f linuso bold and kilihen tnrniture. ninoiig which are ( Vii I re and llining Tables M.-ihogiinr ami fnni mini Imreiius Ci uimoii and Fancy Bchtesili Stanils. Safes, Cuplmnrds, Sofas, Lounges, tc.,' w hi' li he is determined to dispose of at as cheap rales, for cn.-h, as they cnu bo purchased .it any other csta!.!islinii nt of the sort in the county. I'o' son a wishing t'i buy fai niture are invited to come to bis shop end examine bis articles, and jiulue for tbi msclv i. of their ipiality nnd finish, before purchasing cl?-'n lure, ns he feels conn dent that he inn scil them in price and quality. N. 11. lie is also prepared to tnako CornNs to order on the slimiest notice, and attend fuiKra'.l, with a hearse, when culled upon ""All kinds of country pro Iuco wil' be re ceived in payment for work, nov. 17, ISjS. ly. ST0CXER WANTED. 1 ' 1")110P0?A1.S will tie received lor the delivery orOXB MILLION KKET of Saw Logs l.d the banks of tho Sinnemithoning, at thi mouth of Sugar t'ainp or ll.-bi.er's Hun, il Huston township, Clearfield County, near Tylcr'i, to bo cut f rum tract No. 6()ti7, warranted Wat. Vowers. A draft of tho land can be seen with J. L. Cuttle, Ksip Pti-ckcr to make all roads and A. Otto, 1 m'. Harry P. 0., ScbuylklU Co., Pa, j Nov. 15, 185S. lir.ltlt'1l"S Sl.r!!v virtito ofawritof ilitioni ,'.i piniim issued out of tho Court; of Common Pleas uf Philadelphia Counjy, nndta l:. ......1 .1 :n i i i.e.. Ill,: IIIILII.-H, .IH-IL- ..111 UO t .pi'SC'l HI piilUIL. ml?, ut the Court House in the borough of Clem fif'd, un Monday, IIkcemrcii fith, ls.",s. at 10 u'ctork, A. M., tlio follnaing dcsciibe! real ostale, to wit: The one moiety or undividod half of a certai tract of land situated in tho township of Pike.jn, the county of Clearfield, I nown aB tract number live thousand seven hundred nnd seventy eigtt, (577,) tho wholo containing one thousand and twenty acres ct land anil allowance, being thi '"' mine undivided half part of which Herman Ytr k7 nml wife y ,ea'1 dt1 24,h Jano- ,H". r cordoil at Clenrtiold in book 31, page 60o, eoi- veyed unto Snniucl B. Doudo. Beir.ed, taken is execution, and to be (old as the property of Sam uel 11. lioude. TAcT.ir T ti rrn el.-. Iff. I Clettrfiel(i! yl "' NOTICE. (1 VfHE"EAS my wife, 8arah Wedsworth. hsfc 1 T left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I therefore caulion all persons from trusting her on my aocount, m I will not pay any debut of lior contracting, from and fter this ditto. JASON YVEDSWUIITII, Fox tp. Nov. 17, 18i3. St.pd. A LARGE qiiaulilY of Salt for Sale al LOT! THICKS, nt the store of WM. F. 1KVYIN. ' 500 BuaticlsCORN, 200 bu'n'll, Bl'cf" wiisat, and 300 buahola Btk, tl th ' of , WM. F. IUWIK. CUBA H0TEL7j A YNES VILLE, PAl TJlK above Hotel, having rocentiy ocen ' V;r ?r enterta.nmcnU a r r... :u ...i .1.: iiir i ii n Hiri-oiiiiiiiKiiiiinn ni inn iniiniu. ii""" " nni ii ii u in in n tuuvrnu'in uut. May 19, 1858, ollN" JORDAN.