SllMltl 18 BAM'.H. IP..::: tin.. I mi. I r ri, Il I I II... . . i I "l-l "Mn' . II" I I li . I ,' ill . , i.t"ii(lli .1 t !. ii i ; I .... i.l N. i ..iiil.-i. i i., . 1 1 In il A i -I'liiiin li i. I r ' i I I IrmlUI I i .. , I i ll i in ; t'xrticr i.f .1.1 ii M Mitni.l'. i.r Mm. 1. 1., ii i 1 1 .., . i In j...t by n mi.) ;. , liii. t. w. U' .i r. I.. lie, .. .-. thence r. I'i p i l.i p... 1 , fV. f llf-IK 1' I.l I. II. . . I III li.t l.y II. l .' . , il I , (Jims' niMv mm iiv ii, , ,i I. Ill .1 ,. I 1 1 f I r. I I" ' ill. I ' I'. . I" r- 1 1 I1 lliciife b f Ilil" c-t ii'1 tie w i m i i .rr. I., .i " ill'-, o. I.. V. V, I'll ll,. ini'i. !'"- "' being ...ii ..: i1ii.i.i... - ., ini.veiv Iri,l. :i,,,i 1 1 Al.-i.-A , (nil III , till' H 1 I " I ' I". ' H'C I ' il.nn Il ,1 III , ll.i, .1.1... -in In I l I. il I; U.; .'it'i'i'i, Li, p. iliii1 .1' In.., in I'i it II 1 ' .in ,-. I ,ii.. 1 1 1 1.. j. :.i .: i'. i. i l .I', in li I.l1 li"':i tiii!. .i'I.'.I. liikcn i i..i'i ly nf (I. .i i iiu.ti.. ii nl :t l.(.;uii il. . " I .'I ri' .. li'.l .1. IV. 7 iih.'w 1 : K'u iit I'viu llt... Ill' . ii, ,,.;t .) pi'f tu . :'i ,1. Ian iln i.l T. H. 1 y. i" ly mi .1- "l .Mm 1 J.O.-I. l'..i 1 I . n. M:i r. I'll r. I., i.i;,l..,iv. t! i'i uh. 10 ,1, t.. I IS 1 per. in hi, p i i I'l-iiinii,, l.y I. in. I- ul .M.' imvn.iil n. Ill il. e. 72 ri.lltlllllin,' HIM liiTl'S i' ml null nl. ni i ii,.i In i ii nn.l !! '. I ,lrn M'I'i.lnl ; ,,t n s ti Mnlll.piv III i .-. in ,1. i liiml ..I .r.lin I". rpi i n 1 1 l.ri'l h, flu 11. I' 1-V Illll.L- nl 1. n. 10 p.T. I.. 1 it. h, ... , uf lu"ji; t il; ; . 1 1 1 , I ' i : pri'iiii.-r? r.,i,i i'i. I Iiv T. r. r..i.ii'il in .1,-. .'l 1 k M l.-ni'i'.l. nn.i li. hiui.e, I::. !.. n iT-Mi'il. Tlir :il'. th.'ll.'i. I.V llltl'l of li.i . T. I'i Iii'ii r h , l.y i .1. II . I I'll H f. tu ,1 U ni. .M. ( in v n. ti. li.i ii ii. w, ii; ..'i. tu iim i' i" jr.'ri'-. i... mi; fuju, II. I'm i.. .it d.H .I . I'. I., Ainlii'iv i'llV . .11." .1. I.. I. I'll III iW.TUU nn t li o prnpiTlv ul' And. D.ivi. I lu hu Hold Aim. A ri'iliiin t riii-1 i.l'liind .itu;ili" in forris lp., C'li'iu lii1!.!, WiUjt tlio ruutli hull ul Hurt in nnnio i,f I'iiiiI W'i'lrl, nil)., initio triu-t in uiiiiil. nf Jlyninn llinlzmi tlu imtilli, uml land nf llou. li'.UHT nil till' ('.!:, I'ulltllinill U-'J H'Tl'.l 11 1 1 1.1 it 1 - lowiim-p: ;i ii I tltn ..lluT 1 i i Miuiii hull' uf trai'l iu ii n mo uf I'.iw. I Dull, a. Ij. .iniii 1'nnl WouW nn Iho flirt, nml ..f .l.diu Cuuk un tlio nuiitli, cuntiiiniiif; I'-'.V iii'ii-.-. mid iitloiviinc o, heiiiK pint 1 .pr,.iiii,eb..t' ul twu iiir'i'r Mii v.'i-.-, nml tin' .;iiih' from Ilni id Urn!, mi l tith.T.--, I. living n Min-mill, fnur uHillinx liun.-i ,-., a ul,li., and tbuitt S uiros fli'iirc.l llitM-uu. Si'ii'd. tnki'ti in i.,...'iitiuii nnd to lie tfulj u tlio prup'Tly of l.-ivid Wunn. A!su-A nit:tiii li.i.'t i.l hind .'iliuit.i in .Murri. tf.., I'liiilainin Inn n. h I' .nmlod n.i fulluivs: l,o. i;iniiin :it :i c I . i,- lu'iip u.lj. lining lan.l.s of Win. jloiilo.--, tlu'iuo l,v i l.i of !l. & .). Miller, s. 1 d. w. Kill p,T. In pu.-l, Ih.'iii'i. ,,v land I'VV. li, utcs, : n. 2 (1. o. Ill 1 im t.T. In lli.'iii'o lv land oi .uu'iiai't n in. in', k rt. ?. si , . o. , ., -I n per. lop,,-., iViu-e In land nl' fiitno, n. H il. o. 111(1 ' ll-ft ? rr. (.. in .ft. tli.'ii.-i i y I I t Win. lVates s. of beirinniii!,', with a lug .ti'ii'.f ilrari'd tlcioun. :un and to bo suld u Iho .kin..-. I "I land, -ilual.' iu linui- a d (: u I nnd loi nor of . c s. " ."..1, o. I:iil p. inoio i n. M. o. si per. in. mo or 88 d. e. 7s; p, tu plan liou.-o and l .nn uml I. ioi.oil. taKi n iu !... n ptoperly of A. Mil, i l.i Al.-o A oi rlain ti ii, (ido t)i., b,';;iiinin ,,t John Hoi K'.i Inn. I, II,. i or lose, In n p.. 1 1, tin ti less, to II ,, I, til, I,.',' lUltl i I ,1. W. Itli p. or lest, I" a p". l. llii-i," uuih 1 1 d. w. 132 per. iu re or lo.-s. ,o pi,., , 10H ui-ro. mi l i' i p. v ill I ol a l.-i I,;, r Mill , with a oril i,, 1,..., rlrurcd. Soinl, t ,1 .1 tuning ; :..iila,uinr I-.- pi'.ii' t l.'.-s, nml beiii' in i'io luitno uf Jno. (irntl. 1 Lai ii . a nd a ouut 1 a w i n in i-M'.'iitiuu nnd to be nol un l,o propel ly of Jo My. and Ainof Julinson. Al.-o A eel loin tin, I uf land, .-iluate in IV. n lp., bpiiiuin at clii -i.-iMit, theneo l.y laiidj o. (iiior l'ell, jr. i:!.i p. r. t a pu.-t, llioneo iilon' l"i,U of Ja l'r...-.-loy .... per. to n pu.-d, ulon land of John llopbiiiu IHu pea. tu :i pu-l.i nlouy lrinls of M ifi.f. (iin n lis ( p. r. to tninin ahmtt "i aeri'.-', :)D niTe elourod and hav a house nnd barn Iheroon ere' tcd. Seizoil, taken In exeiiilioii, and Iu ce s .l I as the property of biiinii.'l I '. Ih 'l. iu n. Al.o A i i i-li.iii trai l of land, fitunlr iu Murn- side t'.wii.-l.ip, I li d north by lauds of John Kin. wi-ft by land.' of . John l'ntejiin, e. by Innds of Jnekin.n Kin', nnd iiorth by lands of Uonjiiinin M'Kce: with I.', iinrs eliared, nnd fmall cnbin lio.ifu llurtuii vroi led. .Sviod, tiikin in execu tion, and tu bo to.l.i a.; tho pi-.jpo.-ip of John I.ut. Al.-o A i "il.iin trai l of land situate iu Client t),.. i-oiit.iiuiii;; al.. .ul Hid auo.-. bounded by land ofTiionnis Wliuds, Thunias ', Tucker and others ; wilh tbreo sinall dw dling lnmus and 111 Here cleared thereon. SeieJ, taken, in execu tion, ami to be sold us the property of Lullier liinvtt and llavid Wood. Also -A certain tract of land situate iu Mniric1 l., ooiitainiit;,' Kill ai res, ndjoiuin hinds of Win. lleati s and J. MiJIer nml ulln rs, having about la ai res cleared Willi u lug limiso and barn i net. oil. Sei'.'il, taken in PM'i ulion, uml to be fuld im 1'ie piup rly of,l.if,.ph Sliin koeknur. Also -All ili-r-'Hilatit's inter fI of. in and I.) n t eilaiti linel of Innd in tlio inline of John Muer eontainiu nl.oiil Inn n. re?, rimnlo in CIiofI lp., beinc olif i al,..l land nnd ielilina; no rent i-niie. mid prolil-. Seized, lakeu in r.eciiii..i, mid to lo sold lis Iho properly of Hubert l'cniiiu),'tnii. Also A certain trai t of land, fituato iu Fergu son lp., bounded by lauds of Win. fhurstin, Straw' and others; willin house and burn there on creeled, and about 71 ai res floured. Seized, I taken in eve eiitioti nnd to bo sold us tho properly of Cjrus Tliurslin, sr. J. II. UEU), Sheriff. Clearfield, Oclnber 27, IS."8. LFIAI. XOTICF. In Ihr mnllrr of the F.4nte of Ahrnhiim it,. lair of llyyn loirn.llnp ,, r,'.w,. To Mnry lless, widow of said decedent Snrali (intermarried with Manly C. Lotidun.) Isaac Hess, Hel.eeca, (intermarried will. John Iln ' ' tiy now dee'd,) Murtlift, (interninrried wtth v Jriscpb London,) (ieorgo Hess, Harnh, (only child nf Abraham Hess jun. dee'd,) Abraham llesi, Sophia, (interiiiurrieil with David As key,) Alexander Hes nnd Hos.mnn Hess, i hildi cn and grniidchildren of said decedent, snd to nil others interested : You will take no tico tlint et nn Oipbnn'a Court hold at Clearfield in niid fur Clenrlield Connty, on tho 2dth day of .August las' I'.C'l. Hi" petition of Goorgo Hoss was read, whereupon on motion of his Attorney, L, J. Clans F.sip a w rit of partition issued, whereby I fwus commanded Hint taking tw elve good nml law ful men, I flu, uld go upon tho premises in snid j ic petition mentioned, viz: two certain trnots or pieces of land si! ante and lying in lioggs t un ship Clenrlield ('runty, nnd having resjipet to the valuation thereof, upon thtir oiilhs nnd nfliruin tiolis to innke partition of said real estate to and nnmng the heirs nnd legr I rcbrescntatives of the said decedent, if (ho same enn b.i parted and di vided without prejudice to or apoiling tl.o whole, . IherwifO to innlie a vnluntiun nnd nppralsemcut tdflieof. In aceordanee with tlio command of raid writ, 1 will on Thursday the Twenty-first day of October, A. I). IHas, on tho premises in jlojrgn Uiwnfhip, pnrt nnd divide, or value and j ol rnr,'iKise tlio aauie, josiaii it. Ki:un, shoiiir. 'leKilil.I, SeptuOth lK.riS. ai ii ron Mini i:. .'a .U. Ui.hiH' I'm,!! of t'l,',i'lii hi County. . , the M.11I1 il On: .',., fc i... Cli arji lit coiior, 7 tiif. Lftufp of .hHiih Lrt.ilArI Intr tf llrtrrtriit If ntif (fcrrriHul, 'l. .1,1,1 now, lo wit. Ihe llllh day ofJugust 1S5H, niolion ,U ,; e.i court, Jan II. Larrnuer np- iiuiulcd nn luinil'ir tu invesligaui nml report up- ..n the pntlial n-countof Julin W. Wright and' fJesao Williams, Fxe. iitors of said doedent, filed j . May l.-Uh, IfiiS, 'w tWum, ! jIU persons interested in the setilcment of sii -aeennnt will Ink., notice that I wil attend to tho doles o I hit nppoi iinicnt ur, ill unroot Lnrrl- 11 . ... . , mer i Test, 'Vt'i.-J 'V '" . en i nv ot iVovem ber f'-iddi'v where i.e cd next, at 2 e'vl I. P. M. where they enft aitend if they see pi -per. 'Oct. l?th,'68. J. 11- LARRIMKR. Aiul,r, u. -VaJeb Printing nwitly xcutd hr. I,.', IM I I; ,s Xnlli ! ;oin I, H in hi H I.IU V iimiiii .n n it 4 i I I' v n , l-i II,.. ' u 'i. linvn I.e.,, ni'iutiM. nn nml t mini fill. I i.f .1 In in. ,i-,.eti..ii i.l Km heirs. Inrntcei I 1 i...l.l..i r,i,, i,i ..ll.i.n in nut nut i n t -r I o '' I '-" I r. -I.I...I li, il,i ii..,. ii ,,,i,n'ii I ,.iir 1,1 ' I' "I" I'I mi-. In I." Ii..l in the I'lmrl li' i-e III ,l,. I .. .l, i, I'lorni hi, on Tli.,,y III.- I 'Hi, .hiv., ...ii.iuli..r in l, fi.r i nil. i n l . . i , t. 'I In mi. I I . I rlini I I, :.( Ii "i.iim nliity ii. .mil i, .Kin Krliml l.tlmri, ,- . 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 . r ii i.f ( liriflini ".-.!, who wns Lci mors of Imvid I K in' ..m.-l.ii, ( 'li niDi'l.l i-iiiiii. I In. I in il ii -i , mill of II, mi. .11 l.nilirr. 4,l.l,i I. I"i-ni"ri. n l nn.l Mtijiiiliir, llii. K....ii. nml elm,. Id. II;: I'H mi I credits nl .linncs W . Illinium Into I.l li.lilii., I li.i(., ..lllv. il iihimI. l lii' A n!iii-li.,li..ii ni'niiint or Mnri:i i.iil M:i-i. , A.liuini-n :iirui.. ill .Mnry M.i.',...', lulu n ih,. Iiuriiuh (',.,iifi, i, Juc'iJ, ' Tii1 liiml Ailmiiii.-lialii.n ni'Piiiinl nf U purer W. lili. i in nml l jilj.i lii.,.i, Ailm r nml A lm i nf I..' 'iv i. . Ill i, ( l.'lll lil'lll, llt'l'I'liKPil liil.. nl t Ii u buruiigh il O, I. l.lih, JAM ICS, Hvg'r. IMM. oiiti:. Iami.s I!. Esiilim lii:om.i; 11. Minn, ft. u i . W. V, I-'leuisu. . In ihr Cun t nf Cum. ' until J'ii-ttH uf I'ttwjit Itt , fun nt If. I A'o o l' A',r. Term, 18,'i7. ; Sii,i,..i,w I,. I'I IV... i ., , , , line (il .No. .jiil.i, to fomjit'l luiyiai'iit oi iiurciiiiso inoiii'v. yiid now, Nov. Until, IS..7, on mution of Win. A. U nll n e, l'l'tt'ii All'v, the Court order n rnlo on 1'i fi'iidaiit to n. iirnr nnd nlend in thia iviso. "r Judgment w ill bo rondorod for want ofnti nji- puaianco. iiv tho Court: in. m. dl'O. WALTERS, Vol.',. OnrilANS1 COURT SALE. VM.rAliLi:.S. W-MILL 1'IiOrEHTY. In iniisuniiri.' ol' mi onl,'r of the Or plians' I 'oiirl of CliMi tii ld cuunty, grunU'd at May Tci ni, 1S.17, tln-re will m oxjiosed Id lniMic sale l,y outcry, on tin- w,',,,,'.,,.,. (lh V'.u m.iv tin- '.l.'i i,, ' .V,Hvmr, at U J'. M., all Unit VA hi ' A V. SA W-M 1 1,1, I'lfO!'- Kit I V ami TIMlil-;i: STANDING, late tin' Kslatii o!' Kii'liai il t'uny, Sr., (IitM, sit itato in l'iku and Knox toivti.sliiijs in said county, on l.iitc Clctirtuhl Cirr;, n!iut tuir mill- i, 'in .i;r Minrt, Imiindod and dL'M'iilicd as lullows: liciiinin at a lii'inlocU, cunicr of Win. Jtcx's land, north Mil jion hos to a lost, oust 121 1-1(1 jicrch- o-t, nortli I in lifrclics to i,ost, eiust m i i, i,i , .,.i, p-, i r n oMl, s t. .O.s. OI, fUoll & Boy... ton s laml, sotill. Ill licrclics to inn west l,y lands oj' 'I'iioniji.soii it Sldjijiy 10 perches to hiiiii.i, containing 1'tij acres and 1 1'J icrciics and allowance, and l.ay- inj: mtic-Mitl in iirnl i-'UDiin; orilcr, villi n iu . , oi;i, and it small o' house thereon, and n il,- a l,ir;j: y,,,, ,, of vatuvh'e pine ,'('.,.- t'h'bi'r thiTiuii, and a part of the land e fur tttnimiif pi,rp'isii.- Also, nil the pine lirndtr n'itiuiiiof nn 1(10 wri's t l-lu-l Uiliuni n.l 1l,f suilli'. IHUV fif.cill.l.iil lo ' Cm i v, I'l'iiiiiing at situar corn er of W'm. . ..:V, laml, ,-.,st 1-10 I"'1 'ics l,y land , ul (,'urry'a heirs lo post smi'h 1 -M in rclios to joist, west 121 1-10 '"lehes to post, and south 140 perches to !.er.iiiitiii;r. Tin-liile i-. indisputalile. Taint ,; ,V,j, . One li.df on cMiifinniition of the sale, uud the halanc.e it, ono year with interest, and to ho secured hy judg ment on the premises. .JOHN S. CUHKY, Wil. It K A, Administrator.). Nov. lS.jS. A i)A lil) l rom Dr. James M. Jarrctt, ol THE XI-: W YOItlv LL'XO IXFIRMAUY. .My conne, lion for the partrifrht years with tno iioove Ji.-iiiution, no llitef l'liysiciiin, and Iwi Ive your course oi cicniiy itevotion lo n'RV.vv the ruiiiit'iiarv bonstimntioii. and its kindred dis.ases, toL-elhor with inv no " i rivalled oppi rliinities and advantages of patro logieul renarch nided not u little l.y a perfect .-vstein of MEDICAL INHALATION, has cnnbled me to crrivo nt a decifivo. dircel ami successful inns., oi ircninicni lor 1110 posi-, nv. nml riulical cure of all diecases of tlio j J llltU.M, I.UMJS AND Al -PASSAGES. I Iiv iobaboinn .!, P,.r .. ..r I ;,. nro ,llr,., .,,,,r....i ... i. .i:. . ... uea are directly nddres.e,! . , , L . . gan nnd the integument I do not advise tho . " w uipe.-eii or- tiso of Medical Iuhalntioii of uny kind, to tho ex clusion of ukxriial trratmkut; and although I consider it n useful adjuvant in the propor man ugeincut of those fearful and often fatal diseases, yet 1 deem il very necessary that cneh patient should have the benefit ol both ukkkral and lo cnl treatment The success of my treatment in the nbove diseases, nnd tho high chnracter of tho Institution over which I hnve eo long had Hie honor to preside, are too well known to need any oology or comment from ine. At (lie auli tation of ninny private and professional friends, through whose philunthroiiio aid tho above chnr ity bus been long and liberally supported, nnd nf. ol'liiliilitt l'iko town-Jiip, ClonrHi'l'l lVr.n who ,,ro irrotriovahly miilerm' iiiiiii; :""""'ll' "' "'r pnrticnlnr- , niuiilv, l.iu l. of No. Iliii;;, M"-'ir C""littion nnd nhorti'iiin- Ihoir lives -V J .v I'l'oi-I iin.l M iirl. t the f..rni.. Iioiiik nn iu 11 irtll'iU'i.t l.v tho El-io Utnniik.. : "o tho.o Truoh,.,. lint liul.dv nnd throw tt-t-i.l. .! tlio liitlur .... oxtoinnl .rruptivo ivost l,v Win ' 1 Kiiiit h l,v hiiii I li "tt ,,,u '"j"11""" ul'lan hnW'l of T.d.uu-, ,'" n"'"'M '',y "',"f0 111. .H .Villi, Koutli I.) ht'll'll : , .j j 1 I lii'lii'. tho blood in found to bo coiitfuhitod, or of icr uiio consiiieiniion, i nnve coiiclutleil to innke ' Silver Lapiiio, jewels, . such arrangement! aa will bring the (beuetits of Superior (Juartiers, -my experience nnd treatment within the reach of Hold Spectacles, . . nil, and not confine myself ni heretofore, to i Kino Silver Spectacles, those only who entered tho lnlirinnry, or who I fluid Iiracelets, . . were able to visit mo at my office, lloiiinir. 1 Lady's Hold lVnciln. therefore, thnt the arrangement will give entiiol satiffaction, both to my professional brethren nnd the public, 1 would respectfully announce in conclusion, Hint ro now be cmimilteil purmintil. lyor Ir.ttrr, on nil diseases nsabove.and that the modieines, the fame on used in tho Institution, uro prepared to suit each individual oaae, Inhaling Vtipors, iMetlical INHALERS, e., will be ferwnrded by express to any pnrt of the United States or the Cnnndns. T li A .S : My terms of trcntniciit liy letter uro n.s follows viz : -S12 ,cr lnontl, for each mi- . . I tuitit. tvill iiw.1.1,1 .....:..:.. .it ...... , ......... ... im iuue iinjunuiiu suiii" "vpi " ," u', i' in. un in. ie 10 aru'nu lo nny eicnt for Olio month's uho ; also inhaling ui"e i" the above lino on short notice nnd in n vniior, nnd un Inhaling Aiiptirnlnf. Pny ' l'r"l'cr niannor. They will also keep constantly inent us folloivs: Sli to lie nniil to Kx,rt4! "1 nt "'?,r ''"'I! ,,n Mlirket 'nrl.y oppo Agent on the rocei.-t of tho box of Lai-cZ t-Z aTcll cine, onil tlio piiliinco ?f(a nt tho exiuratiot, everv deserint ion .1,., ...:n i. r . l ho tnoil 111. if tlio hnticilt lie curixl or is entirely sntislleil will, tlio Irentmenl. l'n- ticnts, l,y giving a full history of their '1 case, nnd their symptoms in hill, enn ho treated ns well hv letter ns l.y nersoiial ex- . . . . HI ,1,11 nai oii. ' ,e 9 nvn ., tliemselves a, 1 .. .1 ..i: r . i ' uii to ( rotxt n rusn fiver t iri v Ai-u -i- i 1 l et- I1' lt.,. ,,. nJvi(.0 ,.,.,(.. nu;,voeli f . . , ,,' For '.. dAWKN il. .IAKREIT, M. D. c-H Jtrivtiiirmf, cor. Ttrrlfth St., X. '. 1. S. I'hysicinns nnd thera visiting the rity , it . . . . . .. rt j inil III I' Illll P IT "7 spec:,iiny invite,. to call at the Infirmary, "'n'njr Interesting ense, can h witnessed, I V ' , " ' mr mo lnna-, ,rmnr,..,.. , ....... I , . . . -,".-....... , .,e uri-n nnu inspect-1 - LL friends of Iubkcii.b and FKKBi.R-HiNnr.n L Cn.l.nRE!. Please procure circulars irrnlii of I Pr. OEOROI BROWN, Bsrre, Mssj. ihf. r iii"i i nv in-1 nr. Aur, l-' ltnttntil In tobacco cnnvi;ns Ml. UIM'.W I.INVl!iS 7 1 v; ; 7vim ti I : rmu 'ins. Tht- ( . ,'.'.,,. ;., 7: , ,, Ill" will known nnd liifi,iiii..,.i,lif f llml lhe i.f 1 ..l-ii-n I. tin-prom. .ling i nn f nmliT of the severe M ; NT A I. A Mi I'll si- lI'A I. lilSOIIHMifl .i wliiih Hip run. i.l iimti fiil.,ii'l, n rnrTuI !mli nml li.nif nml i.iuiilul fJ.iH bco r.Me rli'iirlv ninrn Mint it ri.iiliiini. ri-rnnn nnrmiif nti'l inin.iiiiiiii .i njn iii... m.,. ilniiKiinnii In llii ir plln l, nliii li l.jr riiliriii)j into Hip U..rnri.' thr fuiipiiunii nml itii t i n n 1. 1 inr ni-nrr, rntiMiix timny W Hi.".iit. that In I if ririmnly li-nr .. K" TOIIAl'I'D iill.i'i nl-" llir nitlip tiprvDim mh Iimii. liinlliriHiiiK I tn-1 1" ii n nil hu Inivr U.-. .I tlm iioxioim wppj l.i,,r li jiiinuny in l.nmiimlp, ,Nitviiu lirilnl.ililv, Wnii r i :ili, i?, A ninny iiIIht i.r n riinilnr cliiini Iit. THE TAS'l'i; KKSTiiUATIVi; TlturllKf uro ilc5ipnpil tu rmitili rnot t ln-.-o Imni'lul inlliini, p, nml Iiiivp pimi.pti.. iii. i i-iriil in n iniil- tltllilv l.l'rllM.J, mill KlllTl'tUI'll-fl. I'l'.IIL' llllllll Iron ill tlioiimolvoii tin y oxi l t n l om fn iiil pfloi upon the ontiro M ftoin, rontnrin tlio Tu.-lo hi. h hush mo viiialod or il. Hliuv,..l l.v L'n nt iiidul- Koni o, oouipli tuly roinovin- tho iriitntion mid nr tii kliiiK .,.,.-,.ii,. r ti,,.. which iiro'iilnv.,..,i,, ,i ., H... l,.i,.;..l.,v .Il nro iiloiiyni'oufoniu.nt iiih.ii tho iibrlniuiiiy I the une of Tohuoco, nml by Kivin 1. lunlth from I : .'',h"",." iu im, niuiiincii lnvioriiio ino w nolo nvHioin Trochon or l.ozon.'oy nro nut un in n convpiiiont nnd portablo form nl tho low prion of ,4" ''i-'iiU1 l'r box. A liberal difcnunt to tholnido. ! rrotmrod nololv bv Iho umk.i!iiL'niMl to whom nil orders liould Im ndilrof foil. A.MDS K. IK.iWKK.f', )ni.;-ift. Cor. 2.1 mid It nop rlreelM, I'liilu. April lfi, ISO -. ly. A. II. C. HMOCKKN, ii ci.H'F suu:i:t, m:i.iikk, M A N f FACT I III' It OK (i lass Syringes, Ilomirpa- thic Vials, (iiAir.Ti:i) mj:asu.!i:s, nuksimj HOTT1.KS, K'l'C. llliisn Ware, for Chemists, lrue;t;ists, I'erfuniors, Photofrniphers, ele. Green Glass Vare by the Pack age. A Lilieral nisconnt lnado to the Trad... Y-Ordern from Country DniKnif ts nnd llen lers solicited. Orl'riee lasts pent en upplieatiou. Aiifiunt I, 13jS. :iiu. FANCY FUIIS FOR LADIES L fHILlUtEX. JOHN KAIiEIKA $ CO. Xo. 8 IS (.V He .Y.) Jor(7 t, obo.-tf Eiijhth, 1'IIILAHELIMIIA. ,i;Mrf'.'., Minufurlurrrs oral lMik-ii in Fur I.iiilo i nml ( 'LUili; n ; Gml's Furs Fur Co'lars, m il (j'ljta. 'pilli nuniber of yimrn that wiiieit we have 1 been enniiKed in tho Fur busduosn, nnd the general character of our Furs, both for ruuliti nml prite is so gcnrnlly known throuhuut the Country, that we think it unneeeiisnry to say more than that we hnve now opened ur nssuri liient of I'CKS for the FALL nml WIXTKK mileii the largest nnd most beautiful thtit wo have ever before offered lo the public. (Jur F'urs have nil been I in ported during the prcM i.l season w hen iinney was senrco and runs Mvcu lo wei: thnn tit tlio present time, and have beon mnnn fnctiired by tho most competent workmen; we are tl. reforii determined In sell llieiu at sueli prices as will continue to -ivo us the reputation: we have borne lor years, that is, to , a jjihhI e. .... , i tt ... 1 un.' "' I", iei itiwiii I liifir. STOUEKKKl'KKS will do well lo give un a rail. n they will find the lartrcst nssortment bv fnr to felect from in the City, nnd nt ninnufiit!- tur r prices. , ".- . .i ii i i, n. iv i yj. TlilIV L' MltL-ni l. en 2,n: s,s -M,i.rk"' "trf,' '"" !. J'ini-i'. Sept. Will, 1 SU. notice to hjmiii:ii.ii:n. Tc he Allc'rliancv & llald l'ir:l' oal .w Iron ( oniimnv. will receive i tun,.. iiiiiii mo nut uny ol in ill ,.m i;,. lensing llicir M r.A.M HAtV Ml LI, iv Snoesboe township, for one or more years, nt a stipulated ,r" 1 'llr """""n 'r atn.npngo, or tur a certain portion of tho lumber sawed and stin k. staid P'Ttlon ot tlio :Ml! h:t0 1 H' lino of tun nbove named """ u'cnio i near ine line ol tun nhovo nn l,,:l,,.,, l il, . : j, .. . i. ,,..,, ,u uiiurb tt iieuiy lumoer region o wined by this Company, and ia cnnablo i f cut ting 20,0,10 feet of lumber per day. ny oriter ol tno bonrd. Sept. 22nd, 1S5S. JOH.V T. 1I00YEH, See. stai!I.'ki;k & ii aki.i'.i C lie up IVilclici and Jewelry. A7"H0I.SAI,E nnd RETAIL, nt tlio "Philndel 11 pbia Watch and Jewelry Store," So. I IS (old , !Mi) North Second Street, corner of tjuur ry, I'liilud'n. tiold Lcvor Watches, full jeweled IS e.cases$28 00 Hold 1 .aiiiue. IS earn,.. .01 on .Silver Lever, full jeweled, 12 00 V 00 - - - - 7 00 - - - - 7 00 - - - - 1 50 - - - - 3 00 - - - - 1 0(1 & on Silver Tea Spoons, peraet, (lolil I'cns, with Pencil nnd Silver Holder, 1 00 (1!,1 Finger Kings ,';;j centa to $S(I; Watch Olasses, duin 12J cents, patent ISJ, Lunct 2j; other srticloa in proportion. All goods wnnauled to be wbnt they nre sold for. STALFFEK A HA II LEV, Successors to 0. Conra.l. On hand some fluid and Silver Levers nnd Lo pines, est ill lower thnn the above pricca. October 7, 1855.-ly. C sfbiiict, Clmlr Mnkiii;, AND HOUS I? I'AIXTIXfj. JOHN OULICII & DANIEL HENXEU having entered into partnership iu tho abovo busi". I ----....j.... ...unuv.u l. I..,., win kn .mn...i nii ... . i . ready to dispose of on nn reosonablo tonne na the " articles can be had elsewhere in the eounty. r',r. !""l'k "f Cabinet Ware now on bund, con! '" Vavi "f, , ,TJ,",!!B.. ,t,om"":n Vurvnui; Sofas, Sewing 1 U lis il nilini Honk! ami I....L, 1 L , Eicld Tos, Itcds.onds, Lining, Eri'akf a, ,Ccu- 1 0FFIXS maiiufncturcd and delivered a, nnv ' "" desired. Any 2.!, 1S54 4 LL persons are hereby cnntiond mrninut 1 huying, nrinanywiiy meddling with tho ' f ... . . . - m j -.--.M.i.iik i,u I It v V,Bton " ""n , .., ur Olltll.liaril. (inn finr.Liliir ul, ... ...... l.-.l -..I , , , ; ... au u,.u luir llheat,a the same belointi to u,o and is only left with said Oarln on loan, subject to my order. Sedt. 22' IS59. "ins ATMlLLER Constable Plunks for pah nt this Office. 10 at 1 i sOffl "' 'K r'x rn7i ,"w in :ne possession ef,I,.","' '."'' " ' . 01 ', Dor, li,,..iui,.in in IMrilR T Y OF i HE 1IIHln i.ii lii.ii i.f i iiiil Iiiiii.iIiiiii p, nml i. hp liii Ii him iim r I n r t i ( n-1 n 1 1 v ili... i.f Ly ihr .ri.(VMir nlm limli lln l.rnliti nil. riniiir mniiilnin - nml pn.irinllv f 1 nl.l i I'll vii lil.. Iivih in Hip I.I.ii.iI, nml tin ri-f.iro nil l i re nrigiiiiilp in il - I. ill limilrni n ii tiii. nvprn tluil nilinuii' Imvp llii ir oritin I iri in I. ..Hi tlir m..' nml fliii'l" 'I ln '1 lint tin" Inlli r ij. p'iii.l..i ulii, 1 1 . . v r . ii n Hsnil liu'l, " KIkI ini ilirnl "kill him i ltiirly ili'imnml rnti il Hint hi li nM iMu thltil nl Hip ill- Hint liiiimm IIi-kIi in lii'ir In, luivn llii'ir in.iir.'i) in nn lllllllll'f Sf:if 111 fill' lllflll lf lllll. 1 lilt, IIKIIIfl; ! riiiirci trnvpling pniniiinnily. A.', Tnr limliini-n, in tin) lntitf pnliiliiKlifl, nn h nn HIS TABLE Scrol'lllil, 'letter, "HiirlKT's lcll,",ill nUnyn l. ,,, vl, ,.r,ry luxury Iho il'illllllrs, ,.lrlu.. l-'.-VKmnl.-K 111. '""'rlniml -..rri.nnilinir mutttry ,vill nlf,,,,!. l : CCrS. Sll t-l K'llltl. I )isf'll:i rirr !Mllt-llClllll, ' , i i i n. lr"' 1110 I'-iU", 1' CVC1 KOrCS. Of lf- nintivC DisCilSOS ()f JIIIV killtl ! I 1 11 ' ll M" "' 1 ln"-' nr "'-i rt n i m il l.y well known mclionl . 1 f ."' ""'-''r '""f.1" r""' ,r"m nn i. a. 1 1, i-whiio iho hiirhont ' mi'dinnl iiulhiriiii. .l,...r H.i ,,,.iW,l , a dark iiuhenllhy color, To wnrd oil' u In rfi liin.iority of dist'nsen, lis well ns lo cure a number which hnve ulrendy sei ed upon the system, IT IS XFCFSSMiV TO i'iiim vv 'cup i?i iui wiiiL a im ijiiVi;i, r i ,, . I.IMisM- s IMI'KOVKI. i;..oo.. Skaik lo.KS not LI.AI M to i,k A l-.iiversal,..i for every disease know,,, but tho proprietors elniin fur it the power not only of , Draining Ollt All Impurities Oi tile mi , l-lJO(, tut by the t,kiirul ciml.inatioii of well known Il n-iH cure nil liisctisrti arixim j'roin u if, rump i d slate of Ihr L 'n;r (;, mil J),ix-fm,it ami ,,rr rronral tunc iiml riior In tin' ,Slminiri. That the HI 1 Searcher is nil Hint is plniineil fur it, the I'mprictors run produce THE PROOF: It is only a few years since it was discovered, and yet il has grown into mob a business that a large Laboratory has been built expressly fur its miinuliicture n large number of men employed iu putting it up, and still ! Tlw. t,,.,,.l,. .1 . , , , a ui. Mjiijij uuus 11UI 1(11 a I IIIC lieinanu ! . , We ask any candid limn c..uld this be ao, if tho Medicine did not possess am, the virtuea claimed f..r il ? The I'luprielurs have biindreds of eel lilieatcs from meu of probity uml stnndin,; in the coiniuii uity, showing what the medicine is doing daily for the suffering. ASK ANY I'EliSoA,' Who OS CVCr llCll tlm lllon.l ' , U,C 1,100(1 : rCarClier , 'W'lietlirr llrlirf im.i Eiiirrirnril. T...I il.p ,,oii..i,..i ..:.'... :. . , , . ... I 1 . " i .. . , , ' ' HIC ' Kit. J. M. I.iniiskv : Hoar Sir I take plen sure in acknowledging the great benetit your Improved lilood Searcher lias been to my son. Ho I, us been ufllicted with what physicians called a scrofulous disenso of the ubsobing glands uf tho stomach, lie has been ntllicted with this disease from infancy. Ho is now fif teen years of nge; during all this timo he lias had several severe attacks, nml nil the food ta ken into the ."tuinaeh imparted little strength to the system. 1 hud several eminent physicians intruding him, hut I found very little ndvun tngc, ns the disease "till returned with nil its aw ful consi'nupneea. In April IS.'.", he hn.l a violent nttnek, ao much so, (tint nil whosnw him supposed ho was in the Inst stage of Consumption, j was ndvised to try your lilood Searcher; I accordingly procured one buttle of il.nii l by the time ho had used it be appeared restorer,! In perfect health. It is now one year sine c he used your invnlun ble lilood .Searcher, and I nm perfectly antisti cd it has saved him from an untimely grave. I now iinhe-itntiiigiyjrccommend it to all who may bo sinilarly nfllirtd, nnd deem it no more thnn Jisoce 10 near tins public testimony to its vir lues. Itcspeclfully yours, Ac, JAMES F. DEVLIN, l'ouirny Station, A. 1'. It. Koad. Mr. Devlin is well known to tho citizens of In dianp. nnd Westmoreland counties July 6, 1858. I'OII sam: JV C. 1. WATSOX, Clcnrfield. JAMES H. Hit A HAM, (Irnhan.pton. JOHN l'ATTOX, Curwensvillo. E. F. HHEXXEH, Morrisdule. JOHN Hl'SSELL, I'ennsville. It. II. MOOItE, Luthersburg. hi. u. MIKK, .New Millport, CHAHLKS It. FOSTElt, 1-1, H. NWAX. Ansonvillo. i'hilipfburg. KISM'.LL MeMl KHAV, New Wnshington EDWAHI, WILLIAMS, Williunisville. JACKSOX I'ATCIIEX, llurnside. SAM I' EL HAliEKTV, (ilenhopo. nug. 11, lSjSOni. A. H. SMITH & CO. Healers in BOOTS, SHOES anil TIlFXh S. ( OK EVKRV IlEsrllll'TIOX. llTHOLi:SAl.E nml Helnil, nt prices t,. suit T can be found nt their new Hoot a Shoe tore, No. :i4 I Nortli Second st., a few doors be low the ISlnok Horse Hotel, l'liil,,. T- il' We try to plenso nnd sell cheap. Notice to country inerehnnts. Cotistuntly on bund a I large nssortment of Men nnd Hoys' iloots, (Initcrs nnd lirogans. coarse uml fine: "also, Wi men'i. ,1 ilisses' Luce Hoots, (loiters, Slippers, Ac, nnd a well selected stock of Youths nnd Children's wenr gcnernlly. Wo would respectfully invito you to call nnd examine for yourselves. j N. 11. Trunks iniiiiufiicturcil nml for sale whole-' saio anil reinu nt Ao. i Aorlli Second st April 17, ISjS. 3rn. SHERIFF'S SALE. Virtuo ofawritof Vrrf Fori,,, !;,, lutoftho Court of Common I'lcns of fMr" tiicld county, to ine directed, thero will be expo sod to publio snlo, at tho Court House in il,.. ,... ough of Clenrlield, ou MONDAY, NOV EM EE II 1... l.l.jllTli t,'4 .,.., .... ' .....x.., , oe ,oi owing, icsci-ihcd renl,tow,t: Lot No situate in tl.o borough of lcnrlied , upon the S.iii.liw-cst corner of 2nd street, and Ceding ,n fee. in depth , .n , ,r, e, n im leei iront on 2nd Also , I... sitiinto in Lawrence tp beginning nt a stone in lull, in roiia. eorner ,,, W ... M....-..I i . i .1 ; iu..e.. 1 .am., inenco I by same, h 1.1 W, oft perches to post, theneo by I puiilio roua, corner ol u ui. .Merrcll's Innd. theneo . j. ,,t percnos to , white pine, .1 i ... ... .' - " I'lUU. ' uulH'e ' ln' ''""ro s laud N13 E (18 Kerch. , .'"I0' "n l,",'lic r"n(i- theneo along said 9 mill! l n I W . VK - t f . . " ' " -"ii rtini I,""" "' . ' l"h""-";n' on, perclies strict , R. IWCIinr,, Snllff. . . '. . K"- . . .-.-....,..,,, ,0AC. i Property of C. Puttnrff dee'd. i-eueu, umen in exeevtion. and i. Octobpr 20th, 1858. J. K. KEEI), Sheriff. I) AILR0AI) HOUSE; corner of Mai lin and "... r"""1"'. "Rookv.u.e, ,. j, fell, 24, '58. K. R. MEAKS, Proprietor. 1 !'::!,,1,,!,:!1!!;11!I;:!!A i'""ii piiihi, i.tnii.iy Hi. I I ?. n m A. Mnti.n, III l ium mull.., 'n , I t. n.l In . i . iniimilnti. nil In. tnnv fni..r dim Kiln ihiif ilriinnn". Mm Inlln xill nl .p .,i,r ,.. niil, ,,( ih nik.l n(l .iJ, nii'l lii llur Hli Ihr ih Il.ii'.r. Ili l,il,li. I i. il i.l. r :hr mm i, lihliin li..-l L i . I A III SMll II. t'nin i iim illn, Anil 21. Ii.'ih, 1'i.UMiiXa nomi., (I'dWMHllV kMHIN in (liiul) I1;nt,) ci iivk.s ii.i.i:, 'ii ii, ti, 1,1 1 ',,i,, l', .,,...,,;, Tim nud-f i Hi. r l.pj-n l. nvo (. Inr..riii ht i.LI i-um.iim.rj, nn.l llin,- ipihthIIv Hint I... I,. ri'i'i'iilly Inki'li Ihr uliovo Will km.wn n.,,l nml t,int h" lin" '"Hi '' M'lllli'il nn.l it in ,, Myle ,l,,.l,l t tltn nKP, nml the,. ,,f Iho HIS BAR will 1,0 nnppllo.l w ith tlio vhovrH it,,.,, nml li ipiorn. HIS STABLES, whii'li nro tlio liofl nnd nm.-l a.imnii.Umm on tlx? ;'..;.." ;v , nrn. ho ,n i """ ''i'V liomiorn. In ulioil Kvcrv di'pnilini.nt of hi K.ittihlif-hiiient will bo nuppliod with nil iho poinfortn nnd finiVoiilon. I'ion tho woury trnvcllor could doiri.. -i W.M. A. MASd NATIONAL HOTEL (LATH WHITi: KWA.V.) TJaen sf nhnvo Tb iri Pin' In i run, r' I ""r'T"'""""' uio nooio wen known cs- .rr- : '"s ...nimiiii mr n o very I.Hernl pu.ron.-o beMowed upon them the ,., I JL Ii.bli.l,,,, I...I i ... . . . your take t h, method of informing their friends ! , J1, ''!' V "? '''T"1 " UC- ' , "o " lf fuv"rt"1, " ' " ni11' j lJur, ng Iho Slimmer months the house hns been ! renovated. I rve,uet do and ( 0,I(T' "'.,6 nl.-rati'ins in coiilemplnti,,,,. He are determined to devote our whole nttn- no., o nusincM unit tlaller .urse.veti with the conviction that u nl.nll be able to give natbluc P 1 1 1 K S A STHVKII V , . .,, , , " i. 1,. ( urriii-n uill ,. ,, , . I... .. - i: ... - n" "" ii'""." no in, to convey .as,.i.gern lo and I,,,,,, Ste.imbont hntid- M ""i "'. 1"'1'U"' ' ,f ?- Alarch .)lt, isw.y, SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Lurwensvule, Pcnna. I I 'lie sul.serilier, formerly of tlio Kxchange Ho- -M. oi, i-iinip,iitirg, linviiiL' taken l u l new sianil. situate on the hank of the river, in tho lewor end of Curw-etisville, wmibl nnliuuiiee thntj ne 1,. ii. iw reaiiy lur the neeoniinoilali, ,n of stran- gers uml all othtrs who call. 'I'he liutisn is lar", niay favor him with n and euiiifiirinl.I.t ,,,1.1 .'. "in .urn ui cry convenience iierps..ry to ft. ....I... :iii:.. i ; '' ir c.Miii.jri. Ample stabling ig attached to the ,re lilsu. preinifvs. I'ebrunry 10, ISOS. !o iioir.: m:v mi:a.i,i:mi:. t the subscriber re-peetfully atinuunees lu the pub. lie that he bus taken the nboi e sian.l, in the bor ough or Clenrlield, nnd is prepared to neeumni'i dale nil who may give him a cull. '1 he mil, lie '"".V rift n.-snrcd that it will l. ei.inlu. tcl in ihel I" manner possible. His tulde will be supplied' with the belt the maiket ullerds. His liar tilled j j with the choices, brands of wines and li,,,,.....! uif names win no uniicr in,- care uf ntl. tit ve am "'fful ostl DAMKA M. WKAVKlt. COliM'.lt m mum nil', undersigned respectfully informs his friends nnd the traveling public in general, that he has taken the ubove house. l.'nl)MI.'IM V i.-v, ui'v inr, iih.Mi' - iiiu, liuiKi., Tut: Iloi sK lias lu-cii reeentlv rcfiitcl im. im proved, an, I newlv furnished ; EXTENSIVE STAEIING I. AS lll-KN CllMI'l.t:..:.) ; AM) HE IS I'IIKI-AUKIi TO ATI (M Muli.n B All who may give him a cull, in the most lilciisino anil npveabie niniini'r. ll'iM ccriy thin,; to mrirr las muse a icxiniilr kI'iii mi jilare, will be supplied wilh nn nssortment of choice li quors; nml ho will endeavor to entertain his guests in a manner that rniinot laii tj give tho l.'l'ii i.'fe'r w t'l'iteii.. w "i'i..k- CIS. Feb. 1 1, is,- v. CLE AUK IK LI) oi- I'll! -if : s ni Kins. T-l I . , i . iiuiini 'iiiiiii in . i a.. The ho.tse .s Mtuatnl ,n n ,,l,,isat atnl.Or of my Agents throughout the Country. iuet pnrt of the town, nnd no evnene! . 3 e .,tt..n,:,.n will l.n ,. . 1 . xpensi Ax.u.vsw enn be seen nt my Office. fill , ,'?sl!1,'1 to make, tone r-O-Cush Mailed with the ordr will receir of tho Lest houses in the eoiinty. A lil.-' prompt attention. el'iil patronag.' ,s respeet fully solicited. A KW1 flicnmf 4A CtMl-. II. llAVsi VOUItOtV Clearfield, nil.,'. H, I ;,s'. RESTAUKANT. T "HE unilersiencl, I'll 11 V nnniton,..,. ... tho ),iiblie tint he has opened un cntin" nuiiso in ine t.nseiiient story of .Morrow's (Into IlcmnhiU'iO II,,, ..I. tr!,., 1... r. luxury of the season, such as loo Cream, Sardines I'i, lile, i Oysters, Lemonade. Ale. Cakes, Confectioiinries, Fruits, Nuts, ,t t..t .te lle hopes by n strict attention to his business to merit, and receive, a slim e of public patronage A. O. I'LAXNIi! AN. June :;n, i;.r,!.::m "1IOMK AliAIX." REED A WEAVER re now receiving nn opening n large nml well selected Stock i Ooods, consisting of "I Dry C;,,Is. (;nirci les, Hardware, Uiieens , ware, HoiiIn ami Mines, t)lls, I'alntg & Prills lints ami HonneN, Kails i Spikes, ilt and l-'Wi, ns well ns every other nrtlele usually required in I the country, which they oiler to the public on ns .fair terms ns enn bo had In the county. Call nnd sco the new, beautiful nnduscful. june U, ISjS. I f. M. ...... . ilU'SJiiJlS i i i ti .. . . .eii"nn ma iiereoy o.iltionert in ,u 2 purchasing or interfering with the I. i.ig proper.v. vi : One m.p C .Jt,;, , - nre! on'e brindle cow, itw" fanning mill nnd one euokinir stove . i ,l..n of N . V e, 1 ,eg, n s ?li e sn m o bet . " lilt? on,.. ... " V I"' " . '"J"? OM'T. Karthnu tp. Sept. 22nd, l'h5s ' . iiu, io,,,-. H. CON A WAV. 4t ARRIVAL OF THE CARS!!.' TIIOMM CO. respectfully illf(,rm ,ho T " w "t vn,ni lie tl h i via nun , it. Jt arrived with their new t . luiiLi pv A M li Ji 0 T Y 1' 1 X ( r 1 A' .l,. ,1 . . . V. . I'P""" m take pictures in nil ?" " "nmer, ami w.ll warrant to givo tif. fnction to nil who call and sen M,n, Tictures Uikon nt a low price FIFTY CENTS nd upwards, according to t ie quality of the ease. ;.., ,.,.. A,"'." '""".' : pictures win call in soon, as ' ,3, Vi ' tf. P llnn lf ".t, Xrpt fey WeiiMl h tflt n ,v,,vn7 A'. , , n );,!!, I ll, .ln,n .1,,.,, nil (Un ''..II,,!,,, fl . .mi l. Iin.l nl , ,p, ,,t(,.r, , """' I'll- 11,111 lit ,1't I.,, If,, ,,' , I r '-I I),, y;, ,,, , ,,,, , , , , ,...,,., riin,!i it In,,,- , , ,,f ,V, 0 k l,iiti,,, ,,,,, ,,.,,,. i,,lrl. , 1 ll.r ,l,vl,,t M, ,,,,,, V, l.,,,,r ,..,,, ,,' ,,,,,, ,, N'"''. - I "-',.,'., , ,, li,,.,., AU, ..,,, liKt,,,,, ,,.,, MoiM" ''!':' !' '' ;y...r iv,,,,.,- tin ir l,,t ,,ir, on . ,,. linil ilmir In ,;, ,-, nml Tin linolinc, ,,,rVol ,l,.Vi,iUl, M.w, ,, l,,r,,c .,. , all Kinihot ,i,.'.r, ,,,,, ,,l,;,,U r,,,,.,!,,,,',, ,m imini. i 'o i writ r MFia . i at.y lire invited to P1,. n. they ,.n be neco,,,,,,,,,!.. nl very low fiKurr, with ythi,1(f in our line. All orders will b tnnukfully receivej M I'romplly ultended lo. nI 0. II. MKHHEiL. v n ti '" "' '.HTKK. rs. li. I hey nil) nlso receive every variety of nlieleii i n en liission, iit w rules. ' SI. A C, GREAT REVIVAL Read I ReadT ; 4 NO UK CONVEIU'KU. The prent revival - lias done immense ,rd in nlmost ev.rr : "t,,,,';",",,jr "w" in ,;,,i"n. outride of Llenrlield. Iherefore, lu consideration of the ubove rumor, Frank Short has taken thereupon- ml., i v i.iw.i. I. ... .. .. I ........... ..,, ,,,.,, , rPVivo uio Hoot it Shon llll t,..a in ft II.. I.. l . l-ll'lfl nefls in f'li.nrlli.1,1 nt,a i to hln iellow men. Ho linn to announce to hii old customers, nnd ns many new ones aa mny fa. vor himwitl. n call. Hint ho hns on hand a larKo nssort inont nf line work and any amount of course Also, Oeuts' (imters made to order, and of any Hf V In t ii nil pn.a. ...,-., l v... I . , ""' .'luiioeeo. rreiicu call, "mi i in in c i t iruiters eoimtiitiilv . l...nrl Finding, for UK. ki, .1 . ,,L ing bin hop wnrrnntod not to rip Cu-toZri !"""inK " ,wi" f""1 l,i,u nt "l0 'P : '" y 'el..,, dee'd an a watch 1 ' clock cs tn Id is h nl, nearly ., ,, ul,, j ; Wcver'ss .lore. Hull i," L, gtt new ,ol or your old ,., ropnired. s nouio of thorn ntaul in grout need of it. FltAN'K SHORT June 30, IHuS. :i,. V K Tl i ...r ... - r"-" ueieioiuro vxisiinff DO- i..i... m... , . .. 'ftw iwecn jonn .iii i ai.e A (leorge Newaon ia thii j day ,lis.-soved by miituiil eminent, slid the booki ' 1,11 ur L ,,,,.. Hlmrt for settlement Tho busineas will b curried on in fu -urc by i. Short Alas, poor Yo l rick ! J0TIX McCA HE, (iKOKlilO XliWSOX, 1'Ihst i i ntsr si;hi i;ih HOOTS & SHOES ALWAYS OX HAND, 8 JOSEPH GOON, 'I'll A N K I I I, Im- past favors, and grateful for lulure prospect, desires to inform the citiicm of this vicinity, uud bis old friends uud patrons in partieuliir, that he has removed to the FIRST in the l':if t end of ! " "C Munsum Jlunse. 'V . 7.-" ..... 1 1 ..-!! i r . I r . wuere no lias on Hani, eonstniit v. n nr-n n.,,r( incut of every variety iu the H'K'T i D Xlldk LIM; m i . : . .in:-. i;r.u to with ..i-citcii. Vei be.-, ..f fii.eli w ill be use 1, un. I no The vei-; -i..-, sjiare l tu tu:.;, .! of which cal ii YLiiV l.i i.V I'learlici.l, An I ii.'at lit-, l.l.'.ine.l In and durable wort. III the Said .li.s.'l'll '.r I In- iiK.iny ii.n. i. p rAU.MKIJJS ATTEN TION The les'. Article in the VroriJ for raisingf WHEAT ji a ? c .i Is Li'iuan s Superior I'liom i .,!..... f : (llii-i' MillllVv. At . ID per tun, or 2,1 cts. a lb., by the barrel. Analysed mul Iiccommendcd for Till-: Will-AT AM) (ill.VIN CI.'OPS HY I'nile-snr ( II AS. T. .1 ( KSO, Chrmist if ll.r Vnilnl Ktatrx Palrnl Ojlire,, J). C. I TCr-U will rupny tho outlay iO to 100 per ! cent, and will not burn the seed by coiuinu ia contact as liuaiio djes. d77Vy it, prove it ! ! G. A. LE1NAIJ, Proprietor, -V. 21, Smith FJiOXT Street, utvicncus Willi buy to sell again. l'ninphlots enn be had nt my Office. 0. A. t. nug. 4, INjsi. .'.ui. Coal ! Coal ! rpho Subscriber respectfully informs the fiti 1. Kens of the llorough of Clearfield and yicio ity, Hint be lias taken a leaso ot 3Tir..? j jura's (Dmall EBuai, iidjoining the town, whero lie will con stantly keeji on hand, a full supply of tl. article, either lumps or mixed to suit pui eli si rs. Persons in town can be supplied wit n it at their homos, nt six centa tier luishel, or tit the Bank lower thnn ever. A share, ol puldie pntronnpe is solic:ted rATHICK MULVANEY. .Sept, 1st. 183S. tf I 1ST Ol' I.IJTTi:iU remaining in the Post A Olfioo t Clearfield orthe quarter en dint Sept. ".nth 1858. Miss. Mnry Vnndike Sainnel VI ,!,-.,;. . Cnllinrine NilTer Hiram White Robert Bentty L. t. hdwnrds William SimpsonA. C. Smith niiiiiier Jusel.ll u.iinonr nml Em. Oa...... 1, ..IT - bind ,ohn Curley-l'eter JIcAleer- Josepk i nseiieere hi n.und !,... !.,, e t .v tt .. . . . . ,-. " . , 1 1 '"""nd St Eddy Thoma "'v"!'" W' 1 ,M h , . .. V"0M CallinK f"r "X bOT' . r" "'" l"('' Pn? "'"y ndvertised. fsolit I , tl li nr i irniAtr n t . ' "' v- "AlW.1,r.Jl. REPUBLICAN JOB OFFIC Tlio riiMislii-rs of Hi,.. H.-puhllcwa tauftiu nt.s tti 1 ur ly i ,, crnA8 stork of .lul.liini. nu.ti-riul, anil will J. J'iit cl (o ilo all kimU of TnsTKits, Pamphlets, PitoiiRj. Hunks, Pti rn Hooks, Cikcvu LAIIKLS, I'.Kl.h TllTKKTS, HANDBr nn.l every kiml of printing usunlly t in a country job ,f!i. Your orders trusted to us will be faithfully execm J. H. LARKIME1 IT A K DM A Hi: of evorydescription for sslf 11. at a moderate advance st tho ttore of ss U