I jtfoiitt 31 (fairs. (It A V'flT. ''Illlk Wilnl ',i. former ly (C f tilt' l'llt"1 'l llli'1 I M I Illlll l pftWilt lMit" III I III. J , Wln.V it he M, JtcnriT Ul,jwio, in In.liaim I'ii. is now on a visit to our Mr.Wiln'ii is nn c)qoi i.'iic- fil anil nMo 'l'',"r n 'I'"' manner in io c tin Iik'I h In i-1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 ViniitTittii' Villi paper in n riiunty Imviiifi nil overii liclni- jI)(l),iMt:'iii major ty, w ill nni.lv tilil) : ml lli lll'I'I'IIIIIIH'O IIII"IJ Ills I, Hill, r .... .1. Mlolv fit ist'i revives many oi.l Mi'l itleiis- associations, jtrinisiirt,.,! .i.yon, illin ov.-r llio li-t ,' Personally, iri' lim e been innoli grntificl .("'ors, lu iuing m, il ions lor conliimnnccs, dyliis frank nii'l cordial lo'iuing towards '-'riinliiiir iittaoliinonts for wil n,v., -uiduriiij! Iii- visit to our Sanctum, nnd t ho t'""1'1 "djoiiriii-ii iintillnill' uist ci-iit next kindly intiTi-sl Im man itVst in cur success morniii;,. This lu-in a court of i 'o;n- our editorial cnteT-trizo. in Kiirmrr. T. IS. lit'l-.li Hs.i. wlio has hds riliisl tin' oinee oi .-mihi-hi ot tuts mini t,fnr the lust tliri'.' voars to Hi,. entire 1 ',Y ' m 1 ' l"m"- " i''-' '"' faction of hor citizens, retires from i ''l 1'nn' (',,Ul" ' 1 tbeollWo this wok, ni.,1 F. (i. Mill. r Ks,,.! ,7'," Jr"",'i'r ;"'-'' ""''- A-eloi-todat tho g-nrml Ht-ctioi. in U'toli.-r , l1't'al l,',,m I'"1.-'""''" ofjnstir.. v-rdicl for last, asutni' tl"i dutit'i and rsionsiliili- tiesof the ollicf. For tlio retiring oflicer nn., ,.,. ..i I'mIU' sav tlnit. Lis il1ii.!:il ..,. fnerliasl.oi.n nmrkivi bv an inn idit and ' r faithful discharge of his dutios in all lii rtlntions to tin) jmliliC; nnd for his sue c.or, that Iip lias an example worthy ol ,l imitation, and he need seidv no higher praise nt the elose of his term, than thai h6inade as faithful a bliurifl' ns Mr. I!eed. That ho will earn it, we hnvo no douht. ...... . e j. ii wwm. jnirnti i, , it,7 u llicior. yllipeai His high .standing as a citizen fully war-'r . , ' 11 , ; ',. . 'Irotn judgment ot pistiee: verdict for de- rants the e.xspeetatioii. . ... ... Ileiidant. ( nin for plaintill, Wallace for CiHBT. l he regular term of November ,,,f,,, .,( Court is now in session, and the usual nuni-; ,;,.;,, r r- v , . .1 ii'Wi J ufi'im I'l. .dm" ham. I'.ei.(nient brof people have heen in attendance since ; , ,,,.,1;,., 1 , , , r.' ,. 1 1 leriiicl lor the delendant. Yullaee lor iiscoiiiiiieiieeiiieiit. nothwitstaiid illl! the ,.1'., , . r ... .1 .r 1 . . 1 ... , . , . .. . r :. . I court lnt iv ecu. A large amount o I rr in v u p al business lias occupiea me nurnuon 01: the court since Monday. A lew ri'il cans-1 ei have however hcen tried. j .liulge lUunside despatches liusiness; nith his usual promptness and ahilily j ivhii'h he always does without lor a mo- mciu,osiiigs.gi.toil.,ci.,.eei,si.,jusuce.; The people or this Ju.Iie.al (listnct ought to he proud of their resident Judge. hi. v.ii' nit lvrniEXT. (n eirnesi lav e-1 i. .1 i -mf 'V 1)1 ' Tfiiing oi inisweiK, mi', i ereii.: i:naii, . of Lnn reenee township, was standing in Ihe Court House during the evening sc- ' , , , . ,1 i iu. , iiesuuiieiiiv leu ,o u,e ll ap pai- willy lileiess. lie was iinme.lic.telv talv.'lC , . . tothe "Mansion ll,.u.se" and a physician : ol 1 'over and Conversion : verdict lr de railed, l.ut it was some time liefore nniina- fendant. Swoopo for I'l.iintiir, Wallace tiou was restored. We saw Mr. 15. the lor defendant. fiitni" evening, shortly aVter his recovery, J ,M Plltlon rsMj j,, rJm-r r,fU ll. and he informed us that he Telt as well as . ... , . . ' ,, tiiual holh hetbre and after his sudden ill-: Jnnn; 'S'lll ''"; 1'1-untiil allow, iiess and knew nothing of the iei.leiits; of fed to revive npainst ailministnitor dc Imiuy il, except us they hvd Lecn related to hhn rvn for !?1.15 Ml. Crans for plainti!'", Wal l.y otliiT.. jluce for delendant, . Xtw Couht llotsE. The Griiiid Jury ,Simo,, I'tdtm hound in his own reco-ni- this week, tinoii the rceommeiidation of ., . . .., ,, . .. iliei..uri, ciiicui'1'C.l nun uie rvVri ,.i a lormer tirainl Jury tavouraldy to the erec-, tio:i of a new Court House This, is nn excellent move, a.i no conve- iy towards Jolin ratchin, for the term 'wlnm 1 returned Inane there were three ilis. 'narg- o" the .shortest pos.ihle notice, upon ap uience is more needed nt the county seat 0 ing ulcor.s upon my lac ". I eoutinucd using N-w- plication Iteing uiad? to him nt his resi- ' fertile accommodation of persons ..n...l.i ' '"' iCar' ; Mn'8 preparaiioiis nud also luc.lit-ine ihat I got ,,.,.,. ; LmiviHe township, three iniles ig Court than a huildiny rommodious e- j List of Jurors.-Kovember Term -1 !!Ti u " J VTZr s"th of r. " lr rough to eo.i.ain nnd .eat emWy com-, fortah:y, wiicre they can witness tho pro- at their ease, without crowding within the bar aiivl around and upon the council tall,-. We hope to see it roniplelod ut an early !uys. Coi.d. The weather sinee last week has lieeoine ,iiite cold, und we cannot lesist Uie toiiviction that winter is thus early upon u.s. Scjireely past the middle of No vember, we have m;my bleak and stormy months, nhould it continue without relax ation, het.veen us mid the balmy hree.es, and the genial skies of spring. lint we should take the iveat her in we receive it, without murmuring. ll.w. ,T.icou Wii.iiei.u, retired from the office, of county commissioner, hist w eek, 'hieli he has held for the last three years. Maj. W. wa-inn able and intelligent ollicer. nd was one of the tost commissioner,, Clearfield count v has hud in niaiiv veal's. , , ,ii., "ehavehowei er n very good hoard a it -, - - - - - -- - . how ktjinils i iUrahaiii, .lohn Miirn y, tir. Cwvbr IIlllkhs. A new patent clover r,Urii..ide. Isaac Lee, Henry liuller. the ri.dit of which is owned ItvUonh Wall. David lit t'ulloiigh. Mi's-rs. Ilaupt of Millhelm Centre co. Pa. in seen this week in front of Mcrrell j Carter's store. It has the reputation J f bfing nn excellent machine, nml is wor-1 tlivofim Pvnmmniioi, l.v ill ,vlm have i eed to clyan. GaoD IIotei.. Our friend Wm. A. Ma- 'n the acfoniiiKKlnting landlord of the Pl...: ii -i.i - t I -vuiingjiou.se (-.urivensviiie.ivui ue louiici t all times rendy to minister to the com-j fwtofthe wear traveler, hy furnishing' him with the W ofcood rl.eer. Cll and - -e musoii, wnen ever you are tirel or niimrrv nt Hiii-t" .,,...-11 ... i ' -""ri'Ji w uii vuu ii inn ri'yii: il i ' . j. !,; HuK,.,.;, I..inc Kirk. 1 A,os0the!,h'anfrS1ntowthi,vveek! rike! Miciiael HUe, riainer F.oom, e have hod the pleasure of seeing Win. .James I'.iown. : P. MiM-niatuis and Ira C. Mitchell Esquires, I Woodward. Joseph Fiseuii. nsine niemhers of the Ur of Bellefonte. ' They are both fin? fellow,, nnd although' til vounir. havo ncnu red distiiielbn, tlieir jirofcssion. 1 t' ",.... . , If . it 1 . . iiiay uiey live lo reach : the topmost round of the ladder of fame. I IUxawat. On Tuei.lny evening last, a liorse attached to a Luggy, took fright in 1 ome way nnd ran off. lie traversed nev-j ral of our streets at tho top of his speed, but was finally caught before lie had done . . . .. ., i ny sertou damage to himself or the ve-i tide. They wero the propcTty of Mr. ' MeCully. ) Tu lIBR,w of Norfolk, V., have for-! miliUry company of thirty-fire I Ben, and elected J. Umstadter captain, j Mioimt -,i,1lui-si,,ti..-, lid-it.il in,,,,, (, lilllos nC hi, l, (hi, ,V..l Mr M..c i mi inli llinrnt iiimii iiiiil n jf.wiil , it,, , n, nri'l Mill ..l,t,.s. ,,. ti , x-.-Tl. tit m,. tllisni(l,.r. '" nr rim, n.iM,s-j,;.(,.,7 ,-, .. i'ln .V.lj.iiiini'il (Vint cf ii i in .,., -, .j,- Moti.lnv, Nov. Mb, s;,,s, ,t,..,., I'isllIT, Hollslll Illlll M,,,,,,. ,, , ii,.,,,. , '" " 'ly "i"t ,i ll,,- ,! , i, lliinisitl,. aiul ttir f.vo latter. Ill, remain. I I.. M I . " '""ii'iuy ihu iiiiicii i.imiii'-i vig 1 " ' ' " finises only came wnlnn ilsjuris.lictioi,, J 1,,, j,,t ,.u,., w-as I f i ' ii 1 1 ii,ni ,-. .h'xuth J,iintl;ti;i. Ivioct f.irt.ii , ......):.. I' . I , ,i ... i 'ii ii iiiuiiii. v rans lor n ainti . J. inn ,,i di'fi'iidant. ... .1,-A'v !. llm. T. ;li.m. Ci'rtior.i. 'T' m""A IVo""1"1"'1 i vw.li.-t for .1 ndant. Wallace for ulaintill'. Craimfor lel'einlaill. KJiranl Vtiwfttnl r,i James I'mttr. l'eitL'li- e.i issue, l oreign AtUicliinent ; verdict tor lihiintill'for 170 '2o. Motion for a new trial enterlained. Wallace for iilaintill', MeKniiUv for defendant. .r. .,(... l.'-. in. .... ir f .. . t . . i 1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . ' " 'i 11 1 01 1 lei em la 11 1 i" ir,,, j it ,.; ; r; '". .11 :rrcll vs ( ir't : mid J Him h',i ,- ,.;. A(.,ion (' 'i',.,.,,,,,,, . V(1I.(li,.t n. j,;,,,-,,, (o). ?:.,,(, swool)0 fr JtiltlW, vuiiu.,, for drfeiid.'.nts. (,, ir,7.i, ,, (,'. 11 J.mn. Action on tlu rn(. . vo,,i;,.t f,. .Idendai.t. Crans ft(. plintilF .Wallace for dcfe.nlanl. ,.,.',,.,,,, ,(,. ll-tkoi. Action of :Fj,.t tmt.llt. e,., j,,.,,,,,;,,- vVill. j i.l00 nV phiintitl'. Sivoope for deCend.mt. .Limc.i t.J!,',in. ,!'i- 17,:;,, !..,,., ' J f T i w r . . . 1 .r a M U.tmcs ami ilcnrftM ,.ecta'. S ri Faeilts ; verdict for pl.iinliil' for $.",ll!). WdM - for plaintiir Crans for def. i, dim's' ' "'""' 1 innn. v i.uis. in, "i.i in. s. ,firty.. .1 t y,,,,,, ,., (,.,. U,c (... ,V. Action Mm - e in tl,,, sum nl' lun l,ei,,lr,.,l n- ... ...... unto tllC LomiilOtlweaUll ol J'eillisylvaiail. ! to Keep t hp peace towards all theguoil ci I tizens of thi Commonwealth, and especi- Comnioiicinff Third Monday, 15th day. " oltWli Jllioli.s. ' I'a'ccaria. Tame., ''ice, Israel Cooper lioggs. Francis Cuiii.ell, Kohert Li! Hra.ly. (ieorge Wilson, Triali Heuery. lira. I ford. Alexander Livingston. Chest. William Mcliarvey. Clearfield. William F. Irwin, Curwcnsville. Joshua K. 1 taker. t-ei giisou. John It. Furgu.on, Cieorge irilliaiiis. Fox. D. N. Heath. (iirard. .Licoh Shope. Chas. Mignot. loshi-n. Thompson liecd. ( irahain. Clarke Dale. loiibin. .lohn Wilson. Kai'thaus. Jacob Michot Is, Jr. I.awrelioe. F. (illelieh, T. H iwles. II. F. lUiwlcs. TRWKRSi; JlllOKS. lteccni ia. Theodore Weld, John Ii!lon, John L. .MrCullv I'tell. James Looker, Henry WeUall. j ltogos. James II. Fainor, John Adams, Wm ltohin.'on ! Ihadv.-Jobti Dale. Fred. Holloio-ter, , ti - -i t i-- ii Lit lry. David .Mckinney. Jt.n.l. Cai-.on. : llradlord. James Albert, Wushinvl. Nell, J 'hest. Andrew Frnily, Anthony M'Car- ''ienficld .-Wm. Alexander. Covington. Michael Keiter, William Smith. Cuiwensville. Willinni Mdtride. li.'calur. jolin (joss. Fox . 1 1 at ley Matt eson . (iirard. Abraham Kylcr. Goshen. James K. (iiahain. -.. i Uf V f'.tl David "iiiiiino '. i-.in.vii.tii, I (. Jtiwoll. Jordoti. II. F. Shoening. Karthaus. lienjamiii ( lunsnulus. Knox.-. lames Holey Lawrence. .1. 1. Calilivell, inn sh V(,ri Abrahniii Ileiims, John Datigherty, Jr. i i . iv i, t l 1 1 -loiiii riiniiii. i. .Mirti in. Af ;Ji:.,A,,ll,im-,.r '"' l"""'r- r"r "'r ' ,,r 1 T 1" Trial List for Adjourned Court and iledUiar leim IOr inoy, AOJO. 11. A C. J C'nnin"ton V '"llll lilCKCIS. " -.- .-. '.,... J , 1 1 ,mlnfcl " ''"'"" " I -."IIU Is, ...s.... ame "'j-'''" Ueitarly1 Drnneker, Schnell's heirn, (J.H'lb,urtV. wi' Mitchell, et nl, yp., 4 Snyder pasmore, Cooper. 4 M"rsh' jt, ' Comelbrd. vs Lamhoin, va llest, VS Mathers, vs Hartshorn, vs Julian Hease, vs Adms, Fowc'll el nl vs l'ennington, vs Snyder & Large, vs lUoom, vs Kelly, vs Fennigton, vs lilootn, vs McKarlin, v I'foutr, S,i mi, t K ,,i t Imim. Mn h ul a Hun, I, I linn, i .NliiiM.itigA linlnl.. I - -lei I I iuin-, N K nul l', , l nl, i;-ik., V' Kellll, 'mi I in lii'L'!iil III III, 'lll'llll ,t I llll'itt I'. I'. M ill A t'..., I.-IIL', itIiIi r. I'.ili !i. ii, Holdall, K,i Iiiis, Sin. II. Ill" ,1, M.'inll, Is Sllill I, llyils, Co. Is .l inl'i ,- , V" .lillllt'-oli, vs l.'im I m,, s I 1 1 1 -1 1 : 1 1 - I . s Long, Is lil'illlls, .4 W right, . Michaels A- Worrell, , VS Mr iliccs, . I'.,lg.-r, Vs l'lelich, WiNon. I.OII-, MI'.iid.. liillil.m. I'.lllell, 1 loi H er, I oloietc' 'l lll ell, Sjienecr, I'l lllniker, Mlllsoll, Laligdou Logan, 'riiouisou, Thompson, (iroe, lunlai, l.nlz, Fiscui, Sliili, ' lleeins, In in, Hariiioy, M ' 'rackin vs l'aloii, vs l'.looin. v.s ( incus, ct al, vs Coder, Vs Price, onkiu VS VS ( ioo.ll'elloiv, I.- Leonard, vs Mays, vs King, vs Hover, el nl, vs liarrett, vs l'.eyers, ct nl, vs Havers A I ireen, vs Leonard, Vs ( ilhlinlis, vs llllgnolt, iV I'aillhaniiis vs (iihlioiis, Wooil, l.acoii A I o, vs lontelius ,1: Co. The tirsl I'orty causes on the ahove lit comprise the trial 1 i t for the adjourned court commencing Nov.Mh, and (h, hal Illiee to lie for the regular term couimeli cing on tin- 1.1th, including ail causes not tried at the adjourned court. Oct. LI. i li( . WALTEKL, l'rofv. rjrniK IIHKAT I'l HI Fl Kit !- Tiir. nniii.it . ii ii i. i:i.rn ! i:,t-TO rUtild'CK ITS liyl'AI.! r,i-viv. iii.ti'in si:ai:i'iii:ii .;N"-i;i,.iKHVI.Y TIM I Jl I'll A XT! .. . . . c 1 . , , . v- Snnrn stn I'lncn nf llnvnl .Met renrv, ul rsiiiner . 1 1. 1, 1 ton nsl, lieillon I mini r In April, ls.iii, us near n I ran ri'inenilier, a piimll piiiipln inii.le its !tpp.:inihee nu my upper lip, whirl, soon Iiim'hiui! isii In ihm1 ninl soro. 1 ueil poultices, of t-orrel, mnl u nusti uf lilue vil linl, n iiliiiut ,'IU et. I-iiiilipg the siuo rxteinl iu', I ralleil 1111 I r. Kly, nt Kiliellsliiirg, nlio proiioiiiii-eil it l.'A N ( lili, ami presrrilieil 11 nash of suar uf 1. 'lei. 11ml bri':il poultices. pimlin tiiese renii'ilies uf Im nvuil 1 rulle.t nil lr. Siuif. tier, of la i.l.M iiie, SniiierM't rnuiity, nlio it I : pl'oiniiim-i-il llie lei-.r-e Cniirrr, mnl iivr nit' in tenia I mi'l externa! remnlir. t!:e lad'-r mn-i.-i. ine; print ipallv t -ilislie : hut llll in 1111 purpos,., ,iB ' d' -en.- e r ntitiue-1 si-n aaiug lonniil tlie 11 .se. II CM lIM'il 11 I'M 'U i ill "1 il I '-II If Ml lilt- D 111 f ,lhl,, Thi, ,',.r ii,,,,. checked Ihe di-ease, 'it the inHaniation nmn increased. I next enlled hr ',"','r "f ""'" n, !,!, pronoiint-ed t It ili-rn-o ( nneer. and np- ,,lie, a salve said to l,e a never failing rem,dv. l.ut it Im i no I'lleet winitvcr ill checking the spread thr rale, nnd the othir half in onu year thcreaf nf Ihe run. In licceiuliei-of Ihe same year, the t-r wiih intrrest. tusease had Mien nway greater part of my upper 'in. and had attnek.-d the n.ise, when 1 went to. I'iyi-llllultll. where I consult. .1 1 rot. 11. . .eiv- ' I oi. nf the Medic Medical Collcg... He pronnua ced the diseiisO "n i-utaueous Laneer, superindu ced l.y at, iaurdinule u.-c uf luercury." He ap-pli-d mil, I i':nc uintnient, and gavo me internal ' reii.fdics. My luce h.-nled Ui, hut the iiitliiaia- lion wtit not thjioughly reiuovud. In Febriiuy, I I, siT, lie i in juni'id me cured, mid I left I 'Inline. In April the disease uiii returned mi l ; u violent was tho pain thai 1 could no", rest nt night. Late in Jlnv I it-iiiiiied to Ciiicinna'i, and .,,.'.;, placed iiiv.-elf und.i the charge of Dr. New- ton, Willi vvlioiti I rciuaineil until Se .tKiuiii-r, ilu- ... ' .. i.-.i. ,- i,.. .,.,i ,...,. i.' i,. ,, . .,...,. ,l,-,l in dim l.i.iL' thnli.ease. hut , ,,,,0,,. ..-t':,.,,. m ,;! ,,,,,, i. ,, I had given up nil hope of ever ho- ig ruri-d, since Hi. Lly .-aid he c-.uld uuly give relief; hut that a care .ins uitpn:.-il,!e. In March, i s.',s I hoiighl a bot'i'.e ul "liiood .-archer ;" hut I mii.-I c oitcss that 1 had no laiih iu it. 1 nasi vcrv weak nlicii I cinniciiced taking it, hut I ' found Ihat I gained slrcnoth day hy day, and ul j .,, ihat the ulcers commenced drying up. 1 con- j ' liuucd, und when the thirl bottle fcuf taken my j face was healed le; if l.y a miracle. 1 u.-ed a - loin .Ii bollie, und I Inn tt been heallhii-r hince t'.ian 1 have been for ihe la t seven years. Al-, ; though my face is sadly .hsiigurcl, I inn still : tr il.-lul tit a licnign 1'i-uvbleiice wliu liassiaiod in v life. an. I which has been done ml through the iiisiiumeiitality uf Lisitsia's Iiu'rovkh lii.ouit 'Scvin in n. HAYIl) MoCKUAUV. Sworn ami nil sri ihed, this Ills! day id Angus I A. I. 'siS before me, one of the .lustices ,.f , the Peace in and fur the ltur.uijfh of Hnlliday", : berg, I'.lair county, I'a. l itiiesn I'. J. Jones. JOHN t'ORLLV, J. 1' NEW LVIL'KNCi;. Iteing nflSicted it!i a grevious letter on tho urins nml laci alter li ving niiinv remedies which utterly failed to cure I was piirsua.led hy - M. Harris A C ., to try bindsiys Improved, lilmul Sean-ln-r mi'l now, mx weeks nftt-r liii-j i-1'"'- lht l'r'"""'n'.vse!f cured.! 1 he leller nroKO inn. soui.-iniiig ui.ra u-ia ( (,n lc iuMe ,-,.. ,, eMrnding fn.m the elbows down to tiw wrists; ul.-n, un my : fae... immediately l nind the liiniith mnl chin, I ami foiiliniicil lone n neiieci loiuit-iu in uie un til cured l.y the IJood Htnrehcr. Jly iirias, nt limes, were iilin, .si u.cless, owing til the cracks and mres on t'hciii, liable lo bieud at nny time on Ihu lcimt exertion tn lilt or .York, and some, times so itchy that I could scarcely prevent tearing o!T lay flesh. I havo now been cured six ivteks, nnd feel it duo to Mr. l.indsey. ninl to Uie piildic (rener illy, to tiiaUo this utiile incnt, ill hope, that oilier like myself may be .... i , t.: ....t.. ..i.i. i:. liencllllC'l oy Using .uiuuoiu oiv.iienio. TIW ,.11'IKOV inaik " ! Ill t. , Sworn an. mbscnueil octnr mo, one ol llie Aldermen in nnd fur the City of Pittsburg, this ''sth tlnv of July. A. !. lsits. ! ' AXH. McMASTKIl, Aldennnn. September 2', I s.'.s.-i'.ina. T"7-: S-diseilcrs Take This Mithnd 'if lit- . lit. VL ,:.,-,;,t.i ihe I'A llMKliSi f Clearfield Ce'i'ubly well limbered ' Hint Hie,- ,anf,.clie. at their Mn'.p in ' Tjrj mU&MAwVo .Fn. ' ;hp 0lIl.i,nl,r,i lsrrker lmprnved premiani circr Unilm. These Hull, r mn be nitachcd "J'r '"ji7 JlicVnie ii nrraiiien io gnnd seed will clean from twenlvfive to thirty ljiislicls per .lay. Any per-! ;.. i,,n will f.l,.n oa 1 son wisning i sec em- ..f. , .m u, w. A. Kee, Mf (if n,r(V1.svi!le. who ,,urch,..ed nnd one in , I.'"-,". -- (., , use Inst senson. Mncnines will ue tienv crc.i to Curwensville if desired. 1 or Itirt liar particulars Innuirc of Win. A. Keed, llenrlield r. (. or the i subscribers. Orders promptly attended In. 1 S. 4 P. 1IA1TT. ' 2in Millbeini, Centre co. I'a. Sept. 12nd. IS.-. 8. 1 H. C;i:oH(ii; miXIM respectfully give Af. DU i'ii i .wl tn all pu 111 i n nutico tbat ho has resumed Ilia i-mcuce Medicine nna wm iiiuhi'u; aucu'i "- " he profession. Luthersburg.ApT 2, 18..B. - LlQl'Oh'. IRANDIES, Wines, Whiskey, Gin, 4o,olf,o I -1 ..rvhesl, duality for snl. hv THOS. ROBIN'S. S TO 1 7-, V rove works INDUSTRIAL STOVE No. 33. North Second Btrnnt iMltf (liilsl Mi ii rr h, riillnil,liiln. 'ril.i.r r.'. Ilully lhf.,n. In. f j ,. i niel tin. pnUii. Bi.in.lv, llmt lio Im. tiiUn l'i m. ii... in .Sm. ni. Mini ii srntMt srittKr, i nhiri. Iio Mill U -,.! in , ,.,. IM M mi'l 'l irll'U. ; lli Im. iimw ., ,n,,,t i,..n,i, n...,ri,,,,.r,( ,,f rnrlor, Hall, Office, Store and Cooking S T O V M S, "f 111.' l:it.'l niel must n,prnv,.. k in.l'. nl nlii.le- ' null, mill r.'luil. W.M. '. NK.M A.N, I .Nil Nmlli Sim-hihI Street, 1 Ii i I n 1 1 . 1 1 i ft . 1 . II. Smir p.irliriiliir nlicnlimi i iui ili'il to mi:(;iii:i; s patdnt has uritMNu waiim. ! IMi AMI VKNTII.ATIMI KTdVKS, f.i far- : l.irs, Olli.T-, Siunn, ll,,!!.-. rrs, A,.., whirl, fr , '("iii'iiiy, iurity ul'nir, ninl run,, ,,f inn tin uem li t j ' Im m mi i'.iial. V. ,', X. ' Vs. "'I'l CnslinM Vor nil kimli uf stuvcn, on : liiiml. , Si'iili'inlicr 22, KlS.-Hm.i. I rniRT PRnrLAMATios. Ithi-:i:kas, Tin- i t .1 , t,i- .ia.mds i:ri, l SIliK, Km I'risiili'iii .IicL-i. nf ii,,. (' .. I 11 Mil. 'nl .1 ii' I if i' i, 1 it Court nf t iiiiiinon l'l,.a i.f . twriiiv-liltli Jinlirinl liis. tn.'t I'.isnl nl' llir n 1 1 1 1 i , .. ,,f r,.,rlii.il. Cm. Ii" 1111. 1 t'liiii.in I lie. Ilnm, nil, l. W.M.I, .11. H. I'. 11111I ll'. .N.I. l.O.VsAI,, Assoriiili. .linljr,.!, in I'li'inlii'M ciiiiniv, l,a vu isM., ihrir ir.'M'.t Iii'.-iring iliiii- 1I11. t v 11 1 i .. t It ilny of Arg. Inst, to in,- ilirvrit.il, I . . r llir Iioliliii' 1, i n Ciiirt i,r('i.ni- innn 1'Ii'im, (liilinn' Court, Court o 'yum Irr S-s- sioiis. Court i. liver nnil Trriniin-r, ninl Court nl tieni'i-at Juil l).ivr,r. nt I'lrnrlioM, in tin,) l',.r CloiirliiM roiuiiv. 1. 11 Ihr Tllir.il .MliMiAY i.l Novetnlier next, lieiny thn l.'.il, ,My uf the iiiiinili Xiitire Is, tiicicliuc, I ice In ;ii,.. To the Coroinir, ,1 uft iee.- of llir l'euee, nml Const hies, in mnl tor the nil, inly ,,f Clrarliehl, nppenr in their own proper persnns, wiih 1I10 Itolls. It. ril-, linpii.-iliiiiis, Kxiiininiitioiis, ,1 nther Kenirnihrunrrs, lo tin those tiling wliit-li their nll'u-es. mnl in their helm 1 1', pertnin to lie tin ami .lurors and Witnesses me re.pn-steil to lie mnl there atlen,in, mnl not to depart n itli l ave nt their peril. (U i;.N under my hnnJ at Clenrlield, the 13 .lay of ii,. in tho juar uf nur Lord uuu thoi smn I eight lliiiulred nnd fifty eight, and the rigl ly iliird nf Aaierienn Independeiier. .1. It. ltl-:K!, PherifT ORPHAXS COUIIT SAUL tfi iiiiii i. in- nn order ot sal.i iinng out Jl 9 ftlie Ornhmifl' Court of Clenrlield miiniv iii.-ii- "in up expnscil ID pultlie mi In lit tllrt llolls." et -L ' lliiiiig.-ndiier iii M,i; II f P I-; . jn TI LSUAY, ihu TU'KLI'TU d,iv nf H.'TO!Eli n-xt. Ail the interest nf LY.M VX MILKS hno of ileeeiii-ia tp. dee,d. in all l to the following desi-riln-il r--ul cutii'e. sitnnted in Il.'ernria '.y. ii... . . , , . , . , leai-in i,, iiounty. lioiiiu!e. l.v I'.nds of Sainu ue! h. Il-'gaily nu the oust, An.son S. t'urr v on the south. Kohert .M'Cmelien nn Ihu west, and I lie "Main. inpiiiv" on the north, r otit-oning n- STOWS, Lout 1 II' II ACItKSnhout TlVLX rYKlYli of i '" Iron mnl Tin Mnru store ; mid that heicnf. w hich are cleared nn I umlur cult ivatiou, and " ' hu ill always be prepared to furnish hit cus hai ing thereon ereeted 11 .inall IIUI'SK if- IIAIIX i toinrr.1 with every thing usually found in mi.-Ii es. nml nut l iiildingf. l-nlc to rninmi neo nl Two o clock I'. J. of said day. Ternis One half the purchase money to he paid nt tho cnnlirinatioii of CV.O. I). (JAY I.F. It, It. X. IlEH.lltTY, .Vlm'r nf Kila'.n of Lyman Jlilen dee'd. Sept. Mil. ISiS. u. Importint to lmibcrnicn. TIIK Rubscrihrr takea this mctliod informing any and all persons wishing procure thn ,,, . , , ., that In1 is theagenl lor t learfield t.ount v. 1 "d " ill furnish and put in the said wheel. I 10 ' . "Ht.A. LLLI'. '" 1 enee 1 p.. ept . I . IS i,'-. Jni.pd. dock WafcL II. F. NAUGLK, Respectfully antiounees that ho has eoiiiiiiciieed tiie uhove business in J. i IJ..3 V.' L ili' y i Clearfield. I'a.. opposite the Jcurnal office All kitnls-o1 clock!), TtitcliCf. Jewelrv, C. entrusted to him will he neatly repaired ,...,1 t,., nceoi-ilino , oiialilv. Hv lose attention to Li.siness, ninl doing hi. w ork in a superior manner he hopes to se cure n liberal shnre of pultlie patronage, sept. I. T,S. tf. CAUTION. VLT, persons are lnrcby cautioned rgainst purchasing, or in any way meddling with llir following property nwiri possession "if A- iiiandus Matircr of Covington township, vir : One brindle row, one hog, nne lot of hay, t?j hu he'i" j of potatoes, one parlor stove, and one Rrindstono, ns the saino lieiongs tn me, nnd nrn lei i with the paid J.aurer on loan orilv. suliieel to inv order. Oct, Sili. is.-.s- I llAXVlS t'Ol'I'KIKT. ORIMIAJi S HURT SALE VALUAULK lot ok LANDS. V vi rt no of nn order of the Orphan's Court X) of Clenrlield county, there will be exposed . i 1 . ,.,.... Moll I'll, the. llt diVJ id .VolVllilT, 1H.',8. at 2 o'clock, p. in., nt the court houso in the , . r ,,.., fil, -llll,-. """". Certain piece or parcel of Land. Sit tin to in Morris township Clearfield county, coiitnining ubout ll'i ArreK, Mag part of survey wnrrnnted in name of lly mini (.rut, and being iSe .Northeast corner of mid survey, known in the pnrtilion of eslate of James Allport, de censed, ns pnrpnri No. 7. This bind is desim jlh locnteil for funning purposes, and is toler- 1 KltMS.-(l half ensl, nt ronfinnntion, nnd ,n l' '' MATILDA ALM'ORT. 0,1, 2, 13")S, Kcccutrix. f , r Ii I 4 1 1 si I'-'h'illU O' """ftl K.'A.llltlLT, (ICC U flOUCC 13 llereOV t'lVen f T t ... . f I...:. L I , , . uiii- m .inuiiiii-uiiuun nnvo neen "raiiie-i to tow uo.iei .ignt-.i, on tut, usullo Ol Keed Alexander, deceased All itersntis hnvinir husiness coiiecriuni; the same, nro hereby liotifi- td to come forwnrd nnd settlo imiiKdinlelv. WILLIAM Ii. ALEXAXI.it.lt, nn3' r' 1P5S. f.L. OAOTZOET I.l, II'.HS(Fiiro hereby cautioned if ninst purchnsinir or in any wny mesbllinir with Ihe ' f.A h.w in rr i-Hinrtv niitr in lh ftaNRPMiiin nt Jmltn i""" . - j Meyers of Covuiplon township vis ; 1 R"an horse, land on sorrell itiillinn, as the some belong to rue and are left with said Meyeri on loan only object to mi oraer. BARV0T I . . ...UN ?.AR.M0T ! Covington rp, nepi. win ina. ai pa. ( 7 r ,v r " K rr' v ' " A r r " 1 COIIMU! STOKE, ( t I.H I.NsVM.t.l., A hrgc tusnrtmrnt of NKW (JOODS, "ll-islilltf ill .nrt of I !, (.Ilevini; nile vi I.' ,M iul J), , .1, ,,, tUm-,.r, V,V-'.,t-;.',.. . ,';..,.,, y ,,,,, ,'., S'J- , "l.,s, J,,f 'jr I A, .,,-, ;.'.., , r ,.,..., .s'.'a ll'.-. ilv. Jt, ,rl.; ill. !:! ,. ll',... t.r 'J, s Iteaily maile .Inlliln-. IIimiIn A. Slims, Hats .v ( lips, all I, hids, Spanish Sole Leather, ColTrr, M.iliuwiv-", mi l Sn- ir, at Wliul..f.'i!r A Ki'lail. K'l" IIIiIpk A l'lir.'. Sliincl..-, iiu.l tirain nf till : kimU tnlinn in ixi'linii(,'i.. lor pumls. i J' t. 1st, ls;,s. WM. IIMVIN. NOTICE. rV AM, i'i:its,o.vs t wlii.m tlioKi ir,' 1 1 nils slixll ii,i,.. I IM'Inil.l'll 1,1 TZ t'i" siilidcriliiT, lini ini: sum j i riirs no t ivni Dmil Lit, .il t'l. url'.cM I Ii'mul .Inliu' I. in i,' ll,-.,.. ' carin Imi n-liiii, (lowrr nl' Attorney, con Milt'tm:' tliniu my luri'iits to tnin-iirt inv Imi-iii.-si. in m;,. ; king 1 1 1 f- n 1 1 1 . i-olln-tiri; niy ili-liK I it (. , i . i , r.otrti ninl lui-riviiiK ini.nirs, itr.il rriiiiui; mi.l iimniiKiiig my lrin iu li-tfs townclii p. J bn'e. ! I.v NOI1KV A I.I. VI IIS IN.-; ,i.,.i 1 I,.,,-,. ninl ilii, Ilii tin v uiniiil nml revoke saiil Doner nf ."vunriiey, ami Hint 1 luivo assumed the rontru! and niiiiuigiiieiit ul inv on 11 ntiniis. nnd that I will lit'iieel'orih iiiaiiagn inv own eslate. make my own I'oiilrn.-ts, urd collect nnd pay my 1111 a ileitis; nnd lurilier. 1 lierehy notify all pi-i-Mii." induliteil to inc. either l.y rnntrael nilli the -nid Ihivid Lit, and .John L'.U nr inys.-ll to innko pay men I to iiie nnd not to Ihe said I'avi.i l.ilc 'or .lohn l.iti, if I will not rei;jnie their m is from Hid lifter this date. lU'IiOl.l'lI I.1TZ Clenriield (ictohcr Ifilh, s.,S. IICEXSS NOTK'i;.. J pi'i'ou has iiie. I ii: Tin) I'ullow in-: iuiini'd in tho Oilier nf '.lie Clerk (nl til o (. nil ,t uf Quarter Sessiuns. nf ( le:li!ield I County his petition for lirense nt the .Novein Jlier Se;ions nrxl, agreenldy In the Act nf ,s. jsemhly of Mnreli 2xth, ls.'iti, entitled "An Act i '" roh'iiliilu tlio sale of Intuxiriiting Liuiiom, ' W. W. Anderson, nf l'tunville, tnnii.ship, o Keep a Tinerii. Oct. Jltt!i. ISiS. (illOlilii: WAI, i.l IV KS, C.'k. Restaurant and Eatin? Saloon. i " 11. TAY 1,011. hegs leave to i,r..i-in !-is ol 1 i Jl l triends nnd Ihe piildn- that he has just replvnislicd his rtnek of entahl ill his new mi- '""n '" tin) luismiient of .M Jlerrel & Car - Inldisliment to wit Ice ('ream. Ale. Ln Heer. Tol.ncco nnd Cigars of Ihe very host final ity, Kruitb nnd Confecliunnry of nll kind.', A c. Tliiinkful fur pnt fnvors, he solicits a cominii. anro of public patronage. ni.iy 12, 'iS. ALL iiersoni are herehy cautioned against purchasing or in any way med dling with the following desci iLed proper ty, now in the possession of John I), Mo Cracken, of Ferguson tp., viz: one sorrel inure, one gray male, one wagon, one ! tanning mill, one plow, one harrow, one copper kettle, un'l eleven sheen, us, the same belong lo ine, and Hive lii-eii left wiin me sum jit"i,i':icix,;ii on loan on subject to m v order. I " ISAAC l'.I.noM, sr I Sept. V. J. HOTEL No. 117 & 113 2nd St. above Arch. iri i, yt,i n xiit y 7.0 : a ; 1 i i'ia fol ia. 4 SI. HOPklXS lakes tie- nielli.. I iii in? his old friends and the publi.t cuier.iliv. that he hns jii-t 1! K-ilITXI-JU tile iiirno neil known Hotel, and re-liltcd it iu a styie siiiunlc lo 'Vge l the w ants of i!,e travelling pi.Uic. Mr. II. has hud :i large experience in hold keep- ing, he hu no hcilaiion iu s iyimr that hi gue-ts n ill liu 1 hi iiouse a pieasaui ailtl ilisliaoic sloj ping place Of the elegitile l icaiioi, oT this Hotel for pcr roiis visiting the City, either u OX lU SlXiSS 'Hi PLEASritK. it is deemed altogether unnecess-ry to speak, ns no Hotel in Philadelphia is hotter kiisiwn than llie "Dili .lnt'llf rtt iioii." r.y cln" attcMtion to (Ire wants of his custom eu Mr. H. Imp,,-! to deserve a siiaro of public patronage. X. II. His t"ims per day has b-en fixed ut th" low rnte of $l.2.i. Scj.t 22nd. ISaS. 1 yr. I.SlIHKr.IlV GIVEN, THAT Lollcr.-? of Adrninistratinn Havk hr-i'ii granted to the undersign.' 1 1 on the Estate; of'tiKOIIUF SMITH, la.-oli Itell t-wnsl.ip,Clearlie!d county, deceitsod. ! All persons lmving any luisinesi in rel.i tion to said estate, urn notitiej to call on mo und niukeisettlenient. LEWIS SMITH, nng. 1, 1S.',K. Adin'r. Lv & t, va 4 Y UL uro horeltv nntifuMi tn uwt fti tho A r- uiory on SATURDAY. .NOV. tlih, luiH, al i 1 o clock, V. M. for the transaction ol the bus,,- I nnil nf ihn Ciiti.iinv Ihe lucnilicrs are reiiie-ted to return nil cmt- ! rid,re boxes, belt, and nil accoutrements, ininia diakdy to the Armory. Hv ordernfth- fin: en. I ;E0. W. UHKb.M, 0. S. ! 0 -t. 20, lsjs.. 1 1 H. H. M. C ll'lir.I.I. hat ing located as) X hylcrionn, IcnuerH ins protessmnal service. lo tiie citizens of Morns and the mluiumi' town. hips. He will always he round at (lie residenco of Thus. IwUr, when not prolessiouully engaged. May 21,'lSifi. p. w. inn. rett-. MERCHANT, I'KOIifCE .AND I.TMlSl-lt DKALKR. A XI) JISTIC1-: Of THE PE ACE, I.ulhersburp, Clenrlield Co., P11. J7l.. CUTTLl 4 tt.n ncv at I,au und l.nn.l Asrrnt, 00. 1. nd.iining bis residence, on Market strec M.-irch.-l, 18i3. A. B SHAW, 1) ETAILER of Foreign and Domestic Merrh. V, andire, Shnwsville, Clearfield county, I'a. Ishawsville, August 15, lSS.S. 1ll.4MTr.KISi'; Th nl..eril...r 1....:..- J. located himself in Ihe borouch of Clearfield ! 7 1 AS rl""'ne' t1"" prnclire of medit-ino, aif would infiirin the public thnt he is prepared to !' will attend pmnipfty to all rails in hit pr do work in the above liuo, from plain (o urnninen- ! I,'","n" yf ,n? r night. Rcsidenea oppoeiu th ll of any description in a workuiniiliko manner. 1 lu,hu"'' .hutch May 4, IXS8. mo. ! Also whitewashing and repair it (i douo in a nutil i manner and on rcmninnhln ttnn. . EDWIN COOPER. Clearfield, ipril 17, I5ST. Jy. 0. O. CROUCH, PUTSICIAN Office in Curwensville. Ma, APPEALS From TririiniiAl AM-inm-nt. i'l Ii Ii . In rehr rlieii llml Ih. Coinml. 1 sion,.,., f Cl.-inll.-ld .nml V kill hold thrlr "I'l" a'" Ir"in the ti i.'iinu il n (merit lit til fnl. I .ning 1 1 mra nnd pnec, l-t nil :-- ll'.-h. n nntwhi(, at the .diool lioum In lull ton n-liip, Ihe imuiil lace of holding rlretiiiiu, "ii Mn h the i'.!, Xiiiemln'r, A. I. I.'il. tin, id lonihip nl Ct.fcreo llllt , hl lioti.e. on Ti;e,:iy ihe enilier. Ci :n::'.,n I ,-., hip., it ihr the holM of J. e..l. Mano r, .ei ll'edu. sd.i y. Xor. 2lth. KnrtliMiis ion p. hip- at the li,uo of II. I). Unit A Cu., on T!,ur.-d,'iv, Nov, L'".h. Ilu-ton I, ,,p" -at il,., , 0 ,,f J,.i 'i. son. nn Siiur l.iv, Yn. 27tli. I'ox tonii-hip . al Ihe house of John J. IluudT, en M inlay, .m . '.".lh. I nion tonnship in the linuso f K. '. Moore nn Tiies. lay. Xniemher :!. Hiaily l iwiehip ut the hoii".. of tleorgo W. Lou-.', on Weilnculuy, lleeeiuiier lt. I'll. i" lew n-hip and Curwi-iisi !l, on TllurmlnjI Iioeeiulier 2d. I'eiin lownsHpHi ihe hcuse T W. V. Ad ileisnii, Iroin "j A, A. t 3 J". ,M,( f Priday I)e reiiilier :til. Liiinl'or City II, , rough snuie diiy nt i V. M., :.t piihlicscl 1 house in Kiid horough. Knox township nt Turkey Hill m-hool houuci on Salui'lay, llrremher llll. I-'ergiisnu loin, hip nt the liouno uf Thomai U; Imvis, nn .Miniday, lieeemher filli. I'ell Ihownsl.ip nt tho house of Ainph Ellin, II e place of holiKi'.g elections, on Tiiemltiy, De cciil.."r "iii. Liirn-idi. tor.nshi' nt the hoii"o of Joint Young, nn Wednesday, lieeeuilier Mil. Chest township at the school huiin.., nenr Si mon .'.ornliaugh's. n Thursday, liectiinher 9th. lli-eenria lownsliip nt the liouso of Suinuct Ilegnrty, nu l riday, Dereiuhor Illlll. .lordaii tnivnship nl the pultlie school holl. in Aiisniu ill,., nn Siiturday, lleeeinher llth. Wnii.iiTard loivn,-hip in the liouso of Wm Muih n. on .Mnndny, lieeemher l.'ith. Iie 'iiiur liiwnship at the lmum of John Oo en Tuesilny, lieeemher llth. Loggs tow nship al the house nf Andrew Cronf) mi Wednesday , lieeemher lath. Morris tow nship-.-at the house of Jacob Muckj on Tuesday, Decemhcr Itith. llrahai-. tow nship :it the liiiu.se of Jacob Ha ider, on l-'i-iday. Ileennher I7lh. Liadlord ton-iisnip -at tho hniise uf William II .over, nn Saturday, Dccenibi r 18th. Clrailii ld hniouge and Lnw rciiee township on. .Monday DeceinU-r 20t.li, nt t';,' t'oininissiouori' oilier, ill (.TeiirlioM. An appi.il fi-.'i r the Tjhnitiun of unseat-.! lands w ill he h -Id ai the Cuminisrfmers' ofllee In ( Icarlicld. on l-'rid.ny, Deceinl.er :11st, nt which lime all pci ' -ns inlercKeil can attend. lly or-ior i.l Hoard of t.'oiniiii.ssiouer l!(!!I-ltT J. WALLACi;, Clerk, oet. 2D, IS.t. t2Hdrc. IronEipot, Kept by Merrell cS: Cartel1 i ' " v'.'v.7 .Strfcl, flturjiclj, I'd. I "I S the plaeo where nil the 'ollowinc nrticlel i n,n ,e had lit reduced nriees : ;, ,-.,, ,,' A,, ,,, ,,,. , tl. 7'J'"'''".' ; ('sl Sire i,f curious s'ae& and bent I riiidili ; a iinjc irxtortiiiciil n f Stm'en, among which vdl ic Juuihl IK.: S'cw World Iholc ! 0,(, Prcatmn.'tlcoil fic.Mic, Jiuei's 'at rnr, nnn u,c ciccaua .Utn,ir.vHt. .l', a hir.jc nxi.,rticitt of niHC-jdiitci and Parlor A'',. .(, a, id Air-tyht of rari u I'attcrm A J'i;i' s if the best and lotcM paUrnj.i Al'-ii. if Ihnr r.mn Mttniifu tnrinrj a large at--,rt.:u rt if Tin-u iirc, S'm c pipe, Sheet-iron "" " md ( articles if the Icindin tin ir line Irpt rdir,i,s an hand, Hovse Sjyiu-t-:g dnw ,'-i nrdrr, and Tin Ilnrfuif done rxt dcyn'.-h. A'.'), a lar.c assortment of all L ids if I. iiisr-hcryini utensils constantly on hr.n l. tr.TJ i MF.ncilAXTS in invited 1 1 rail, as they inn he nocunimodnlod at very Ion ligu rtn with uni thing iu our line. Ail orders will t,u Itiuiikluily reieivej anii proiuptiv intruded to. 0. II. MLItllK.'.U L. It. i'AHTKK. N. 1!. Hicy will also receive every variety of aticle in c r-.irion, ut loir ruler. ' M. A (". CHEAT REVIVAL -Read I Read? Nl) I'.i: CO.NYKHTKI). The great revlmt ba iloue i i n me n -o good ill almost nver I State, eoiinly and town in the t'ni.in. outiil nt j Clenrlield. 1 hei elore, iu ennrbtenilinii of the " above rumor. Krnnk .short lias ink-en llir rnm,. ' sihiliiv iiimn hinisell' to revi.-n I... !,.. lmsine's iu ClearfirM, nnd n-t a good example to his fellow men. He lain In announce to hil ui 1 ensioincrc, and ns mativ new ones as mny fa. vor himwith u cnll. that hB l, nn t,,.n.i l.,.a ts-nrtiiirnt of I'm-." work and nnv n noiint of coorso Also, dents (ia-.ters made lo order, nnd of inv style to ui' customers. Jlorroeco. French calf, and I'at nt calf gaiters constantly on hnnd. l imling f. r -nlc, kit exeeoted. All work loav- ing h is . hop wariniili".! notto rip. Customer! I cjining o liurn will find hi in nt the shop former I ly oeeu ie l by It. It. Welsh, dee'd us n wiiteh X c1 n-k rs 'alilishiun..;. nearly opposite Iteed nnd Weaver's." .tore. Ibdl in buys unit get new nolo or your old ones repaired, us some of them sUud in Lriat need of it. ! l'l'.AXK SHORT. June Ml, 1 ;.iS. ;im. ; V. t?. The pa itiit-iship heretofore oxisting be. I (ween John .McL'nbe i (korge Xcbsoii ii tbil j d iy dis-soi 'I'd by tuuti'ul consent, ulid the hooks, accounts, mid nil rlV.-ets, ure tmw in the hands ! o I-', t-burt f.,r settlement. The busiuese will h i carried on iu fu 'urc by 1'. .short. Alas, poor Vo k! JOHN McCAllK. ('KOKUK NKWSOV, 1'IHS I' I N-KIKST M:kVI-:U1 IJOOTS SHOES ALWAYS ON HAN'D, Oaf WJZ. sD'SJ' 22i.X23 JOSEPH G00l, 1 Iil -u ",r lm,i iuvors, ana gratcrm rr ti.turo prospects, d-sirus. to iufurni the citiieni of tbt viciniiy, nnd his old friends und patrons la 1-aiticular, thnt bo has removed ti the FIRST ROOM in the East cud of JLJs'JT'a XjJlTT IS 537, f.t 1 -l-t-i-f 1 .... -J h . ,r.., JM,r y, ,,f M(. Mdnsfa JJmi licre lie has 011 hnnd constantly, n largo a sort lueiit of every vurieij in lb 9 ROOT AXD SHOE L!XK IM'STOM WOltK ATTF.N flFll TO WITH IHSTATCE. The very besk of stuck will be used, nnd no pninsspnrf.l to iintltn nent fits nnd durnl.le work. Ail nf which enn ln obtained from the said Joseph tioi.n VEKY 1OW for the nr.xur niusio. cicnrficid, Auk'. I', 1S.S. Wr. P. CHAMBERS. (lARItlES on Chnirinnkinp. Wheelwrilit, and J houe nnd Si-n painting; at Cnrwensville, ' Clen-'.'eld eo. All orders promptly attended to , Jnn. ., lsjR. A. T. SCIIKYVER. f ( IS KPI I I'KTKH.S. i - -t J,,,,;,.,. ,. ",,, C,ir,rcns,ille, Prmtr. ' ' a""-4 "" ".si i uiiieniis ic iea 1.Y0K r J More. All bu-iueej entrusted to him will! .be promptly llnded lo, and all liistrunrentf 0 1 1 wrinng aon o soon notice. ' March, SI, 18.8.-j. I