1, Uic Duly of Democrats. " I ir- .J!v:y .1 ,,'!. thus llllld'-s 111 the r nut defeat of the I V'ir.i .i-rf ' ir nity, and ilnir duly in tin- tV'tuv .- 'Tho Niito . I. i tii lis .) 1n'i are now pat-1. V..ii- t fW-litig or r" cr-v a mohg I'.-n "i i it's m iy have olini-aetei ied thou: .h i' a. :ik. ncd ."iii'l lrkci our pow er f" lii prone by. iiihI to the future. It Mih on I In' to 'it nl i ii1 Intl.' i "i" 1 1 1 1 1 ' I e h m- lii n pi i 'fill ;..,( in in ,ir r..t "in if : III. ill ol lllf . .r. ', wi thal ii Iiiit I our slate ll.t ll'H i1 v 11' " .! fill itloil :ilvl -nl'-f I'l. iil in,ilir lint u i' f if i'il inis'eil. Ii,.; .-,ir. i f li'l I'."1, i "in pn In M'l the i lli.ilk. il i li" l':i'l!l i Tunis. Uhd. r "nidiiiiirv fivff in- l:iini v" lif mi,. not linvf mi-' i n ' ! ,l llic cireinn '.nin Or 0 ' llf i llll I"'' Umt Mn. .'Hi till' ' j.'lllli Mlfll' to m, or i u "ii on llml i. , I'llt Ii I Uii' ( lilii V. ill illfol III llil'l tll'Mlt llp"ll "licit to full fr."l' in'f Inn ci m il,'" d n Iftlii. 1 niMi -:i I'l I (iiiMitoi l nrnfii III" fil"'v ing i xti m I , i I In' W 1 'liini.t'ii A''1 "i .i. ". . i , i ii "in ii Ii Hi r u liti n I y ii I td npuiir'l' "I richly years olil, n -idni'.' Ill Mill I'b lphia, " lift lllillii'-n n, 111 Va-hingi"i, I'istiiil nf ( 'oluiiiliiii : Wlif ii i lorn " hinc.t"ii 'li liviM i .1 lii" "Farewell Ail.li -'," in (In1 room lit th""" S mill !'n-t Orn.-r f ('he Inut mid Sixth street", I mi' immediately in lii 'ii t nf him. It huh in tlio n mi I 'oii;'ci- iiiviii'i."l. The llml ' - In i . 'I to Hi 'Hi' i HI'IH. V'ii'tl'll." tin i "i I'i.-I. i Ii ' lnl.' ii il in ll;il I ' iiiri.i i o'ln I I " I' '"illv Mill', I" ' l'IM Ii" i 1 1 "ii.- I 1. 1 i I. . Ii ii. ii iii' .ir Inin-clf." W ' lrif III. I -I until"! ity lor ii in..' I li:il Si Ii 'l"l' I'.ii'l. r Ini' iifii r vi ii.'fivi .1. iiiin'i 'l, if r wiiio n inn 'm il n-iilime nl. I I"' sl.it." i in-ill is in ii i K lul-e iitnl mil I If 1 1 1 : 1 1 :c ems charge liul'li . I.'.- I hut -.iiih lv, klf i iler. Ili ll Ml. I'. IMI- iilh ll -I'" I ill II I'l'l'llfll of III" I'lil.l if M , nl in NI.W ADVi ntlNl MI NTS i,i... n Ii I H l.l - I Art'" "" I t"1 '"""i -, I, ,,,! i.i , . i. i . ..n l I .-ii li 'i fi r p.ih nl li" i,l I III,. ' 'I, ii i ii hi II-1 "it. fin. -..o'l tin .-pfiikf r, i nl i w ol -i'Iiii'H l.nl tr'r.i- tiil'lf of tin' Sic.i'"i- w.is In'tu f, n II ! IVUHliiW Cl , Mi iixi h -t i t. Tin- .l.i'iirliiffiif ui:ill'i,i. t in- .liii'i;m : 1 1 1 ' I ill- K 1 lll.H 1 ,). ' '.'...l.'C'M'f i' '" f t1 A - i:i. Tin' I!f I'liMifaii juiinuil. "f Kunii' nif rl.'iimit).: ii in ijoi ity of i;o Ui'iils in 1 1 1 iift liTiiloii.il l.i-L'i-liitiui'. dn ft f:ii'ffu l.-iii- in 1 1 1 1 Slate, Ims fximiiNii:i"ii o! tlif i-iMiirii" nlifif ly in our i lifltor nml wjicr to look puscsxi'in, liifl ll n .' iv.itivf Kivf .in 'i .Iwfll on p:i- t lioart Sl.'ilf nu n, .oi l t h. lifinm !:iN, have ..'' hnriiiii,' " or ilitiiiniffs. 1 In snf.-f-s of f.r out !' I iiiriy niiu' nif uihf r-. Thff tin1 1'f lu.ifi'i'lio inrly in li'if, from thi two partita will hf al'lf to a,'t loafthfr t. .in'''' !..r:i"il, --hf'iilil In' llf povoniinr provont hf. -t y ini'l im'n-iii Ii-r:i1 ! lfpi-la-niiti nl' i'.il:ti nl aclion on tlm part iM' timi, nii.l will flffifully ok. in rati- in pn lli'inoi'i'.il;!. All ininoi' ni'-hlorat ion. fill pitting it Ifillliy onilo ofl.iw:- fortho Tfi'ii Im'iil fonln'.Vf r-iivi, all inipiiNi's.ail itupul-' orv. If lli'own uivl N'fiiaha enmilifi shall i-f to ptini.-li rv.it or turifiol lnjiii if 1 ,avf f Ifflnl a uio.h'r.ito man, anil Ma; lioiil l l,f in rcrf'l in lc paramoun; eon-1!,;,; shall havf olfflfil annl hfi'. nswppi-i-iliiialion oi ' fairy ir.; thf nrx( l'lfsi'lo n , iUU. ho ra-o, lln'ii tho iMiisfl'V.'itivfS liul olivtion. Not lncifly the pr.w,frity ; W1j havo firri,t;-si.i- i n thf I.f,?il Uuro. of tin; IV'iinif ratio, pr.rty utrl tin intcro! ! Wo mv untisfioil w ith thf ri .-ult n thf 'IVr- of its incni! riotwrn nni hoiv.r of ;ho v ai n 1 ry roquin" this nrtion. jeri.al ciiusc f r ifjoiriiif . Ktotus lln-ii ' i t ov oni'S'.n f:;, wo "nan oiiMenvir to net on : ,,r j y, vi, 'AY, i ;ho rnlf whifh ivn iTfioiiimon'l to others, I'r. (' tiinnte frier.'l of Wa-hinirtoti, Mim. II. , who-i' hiui'iinl win the Auditor, was a v.'iy 'l.'ar frifii'l of initio, lift" hivtlifi-Va-liin;:ton -vih oin of the Simto tarif .i of !(lfit. Wa-hin.f l"ii. Youn I .un lri !', it ! iifphf.v of Mr-. Wa-hin;:lon. wa-1! thf r. il wa.- iiiflu.lfl ill Mr-. IIV party, t wit I iiess thf .nil. i sivnf. Mr. II. ilfflilii-'l puiin; with Mrs. U., us she ha-l ch-tf rmiiifl to ;:n i-arlv. so a- to sec nro tin front in-neli ' It was fortunate for Miss. (.'., nl'lcrwanli Mis. J,., (hat she coul, 1 not trust hci-clf to i he so near her honori il i iranillal lie r. My Ml U . I - 1 1 1 1 1 LT 1 1 ' 1 1 . .-. .ii il" hail i ' . i I In thf in' . : i .... i : a i ; .. 1 1. ; , it... n i aii in ii' ii H ii a ' " -f ." i ii .'.-."'I .lit, n ri'lei-.iif f I i tin- fonii-i 1 1 if ,,'n'ii"i in I Ihii'ii-. I hf iilli'i'.ili' n is i'.ii.'illy la.' f . Sill.lli'l' l''i;'h - ll.ul no ll. "le to il" with tin- ai li.'l.- Hi. in Mi'. "I i.-.'.i i"iial." nor S I ll.;l" ,,,,iin,li nl Siill I. r S !.' lit t.'l" in I'il, iH K 1 1 l.k, i il,,. Mi.ii. 1. 1' H'.M. t. I ll U .oiiii) I iino )()() l!.l, l- ( "IIV SOU ini-iii i- i; v i . t it m:v;ooi)s r it i i i i a ii i i 1 1 1 liil" 'Kl t.'.-i'lvcl unit r,.,,. "Ill "ll .Mmki'l t. iili... l, CI. iiifl.il I II. .ii-.., n I ti r k nti l or (" lii'k riMHC l-., I'T.I., I HI din li.rr...i m;t, tin. I . r I. "I Mill l ..I t-1. Vn. IH.K IMlilf, In. mil n il nl i. i v ...ir I'tiimr, Ili- il.,i k I-. n-i-i i,f n ni iu ml (i.rtmtM if I)ry Ooodii. Ororprip. Hrd wnro. Qurposwure. Olau wnrp. Dnirs, Oils. &.. ()() I ii-li l v.i ih- in.'Itt, lints ii lifl n( "liar nrliil.-ii in Itii nlt. m. .nK iii. -ii in" " i"n!ni nn ritfhfiv j Rnti vnri f ill -I'l.'i-lHli ff I. tlH I'.' ilrf.n K.milti. ,U(.h. WM. V. lltWIN. lines In! pi etfllil t') cnur-f of litis paper. I,e HI llilv enough I" ' t ion is ilenieil iiy M r. 'I'll I , hil-inc-s ol ilireet the eilitoiial Will Deca-i.mal" , le that lii ille.;a-r-iiik-r. niauiil'ael illtni; ii'nl pnlili-hiii'i f.i!fhoii'ls l injure thf slaii'liii'! "I hone-1, Iioii"lalie men may, for a time, im-w or ami irratily the vimlie live leelini's of ('nl. l-'.iruev, lull, we ven lure to pro.liet, tint: theil.iy is not far dis tant when he will pay a lull penalty for his pre-cnt ilisieai.l of trulh nml ju-tiff, as well as the ordinary courte-ie:; that should mark lite pnl.'.-ioii in which he i eii!'a"i'd. 7ViK.''im"i. I J)irtis, J', r.w'mi ch tli, lhhti'jr, CJ- f i"'7..', ( triiiiirit ,v, .V,f.Mf .4t 1 pnrt., 'ii.'i .UiTitin.t, i.ii.'', nml a ftttl '"'' 0 X XX: 7'S r tht team. His OKXTMCMICXH wonr rnnt i-tn of t rc n"iiirliiii'nt of ('.iiiiii'ro, Clot Ik, Sutlincttn, SutiQ Vfiliiit;, Twi'i'dn, II.iIs iiihI t'Kp, AND At EMKVslVK VAIIIUTT or hoots a x i) s no ks ) .ill .t, (i,-)ittfiiuii aiul CViiYircji ; with l in oft every otlmr nrticle tltnt may h a,. I'finirv Ii. f I I ' ilio minis nf the rommunitr mill, it.. I will mil j in' iri.-iirn hi mo iiiiinuy ninrKei nnvtnn hi i ... 1 1'. ll.ji ill iintni, ... ... . .. iiiiv niiv ilii'i." ill lur i'i,iiii':i''iiii,', iruiii liifl iinur "ii ...... ....... I.. fins i.iuiij arucui ilai.'. .ta.o vi:iis-voiuir. Pox ii. Nov. 17, ls.i.s. ;;t..i. NOTiCE. Vl.l. per Imv ni' w.'iii lii i.r jcwrlry in my ,iis mil In I'" r,..:iir... nr.- leTi'Ly ro- ,.-.. In Mill lur llli'lll illillli'ililltl'l.v, n 1 inn Rnliijr t" rriiuivo ti.iii! lliin jiliii-n mi tin' fust ilny nl lir... n..t, tut, I 'In nut wili I i ink.i tiny Slli'll 111 l U'l e M till UK.. rni:ii:i:i''K hmamt.. N,.v. 17, is'.s. NOTICE. T IIKKKAS ii. v will., fitiriili Wfilnwortli. Iia lift my In 'I iiihI I. ".ir, I willful iii'l rniiso i,r I'l'nv In. ii, I llfii'l'iri' p.niti'.n nil piTnim limn ti'ii-llin; her .in my Hi' dear fat hcl' stood very neir.' In r. She was, lerril.ly aL'itate.l. There w as a narrow pas-1 t-;i" lit t If Swedish uirl while walkinf; sau'e fro, n the door of entrance to t In' w it It her .'at iter on a starry niizht ahsoi hed room, whi.'h was m: the I'!a-t, di idin.: tin in ciiiiten'platiii:.' of the skies, heim: asked rows of licnehe. (iim ral ''.i-hili:'.ti n of whai she u as t hinkili;; replifd, "I wa rs, hut the higher duty of pat-! ritorv, a we know our frifiidsw iil he, and f fidelity to the interfts and I We (r;i.-t our radical o;i.onenls will (md and ipcoyiii.iiif: no '.cctional or t orsoniil political interest, labor to promote (he rerw'V.il suceo-s of the IH'mooratie cause, .".ltd ospiviallY to l .iild up and Rtrenpthen "Col KTMII!' AMI M.RltONV," h tllf title ofa new hook now on our table, from the pen of Uohert Morris Ks,. the gifted cdi lor of Ihe Philadelphia Inquirer. The ill" LK'.noera'V of this St.itf , so that in the lonly limit we ,'iavr to liifl wit li tins I K ;i-o.it cnie-t iwojears bene.', the thirty- ji- thf title, which we collider somewhat .ive votes of New York, ni.iv, bovond ' info dr itioiif , to muf h so in fact, iieradvrntmv, be cast info the IVinocrali rifle of the scalo and cnuso it to prepon- dfrato in favov of tin1 nomincoof tlieflmr ioston Cjiivi uti'Hi, noon whoinsocvei-thnt iiiii'li onveiod desifriial ion may tall. AW 'hink'th" llemocrats of this State shottid !'..fl a pri'io in relntinn to the po--ition of Now York in thf ncNt TreMilential oon dl, which should subdMc all interiutl jealousies, coivolidato their cllorts and their strength, lead them into harmonious and c nprjetic co-operation, and prepare them to riTcrt in thnt. great stritirplo the ivrrof this State in behalf of the broad national principles upon which their ar ty is founded." S'jeli a (vitii'so i-! undoubtedly the true one, when it li.oe.s not brinj! wtth it a sur rondci' of citlier the principles or organi zation of tho party. But the first duty of all Deiuorrats is to preserve the principles! and organization of the party from being infracted w henever it may suit the inter ested purposes of the crafty and designing. Success is uiilv desirable, w hen il can be obtained on the broad basis of a national oi'gaiii.iilioii. It is not worth surrender ing one principle of the party to obtain. The real secret of that sucoesM which lms followed the Democratic, party from its or giini'f.tioii lo the present, is that it has es ehcufd all mere temporary expedients, all looking lo victory as the touchstone ff right and justice, and clung to its well d" filled principle with a grasp which was not loosened either by triumph or disaster. "When prostrated in I!1, in 181S, or in IS.-) I, there was no hesitation in at once el evating the old banner, closing up the ranks, nin! pressing on against the common enen.y of the Constitution, the Union and the party. Those who had chosen their irfYsiii.iit w ith the Oiiiiosilion were allowed r 1 it w were on the point of laying it. a-ide with out a pi rnsid, us one of tho flm.v "wishy, washy" sensation literary abortion-of the day which ihw dignified with the name of novel; but upon looking ii.ti it we found that it contained a mine of beaut ilul sketches on various subjects, all of them of an entertaining and instructive charac ter; and nothing like what its tide indi cated. It is written in a plain, common sense, as well as scholarly style, andean not fail to please the intelligent and think ing reader. Hear what the Hume lci inw says of it. "In tbeFi! days, it is gia'iiying to find a volume, like, tlie present, wherein ta-le if unvitiated and sense undi stroycil ; in which simplicity of style an clearness of expression are retain. d, and which is written, not to excite the imagination or pander to the evil pa-?ions of our nature, but to inculcate lessons of wisdon, as well as to draw to tears and move to laughter We ai" reminded, in reading the ;e essays, of the geuia'.-heartfd (iold niith. They stoppflat the end to 1. I Mr. Adams pass ,. the chair. The. lallcr always u,i:e a lull suit of bright drab, with l.i-hor bm-e -till-to his coat, lie always wore wri-t ruiiles He had not changed his fa-binns. He wa ll r.hort man with a good head. H'ith his family he attended in church twife a day. lien. Washington's d. i ss was full suit of black. His military hat bad tin' black cockade. There :.tou,l the " Father of iii: Country," acknowledged by nations tic first in war, first in peace, and fir I i.) the hearts of his countrymen. Xo nnrshall with gold colored scarfs attended him there was no cheering -no noise ; the mo-t pro found silence greeted him. as if the givat assembly ilc-ircl to hear him breathe, and catch his breath in lioinag'-of their hearts Mr. Adam hands;thf thinking if thf wrong side, if heaven w as s,t glorious, what mint Ihe riuht side be'.'" Tin; i.'oritTsiiii- or Mn. is Stanm.-ii. M;-. I.ongie'.h.w's new vi'bime ol poems is si-iling willi idmo-t unprecedented rapid ty ; the In tit d -.'.b-rs in linstou alone have itireiiaseii live thousand copies. The de 1 1 i-t 1 1 I in Xew York has al io exceeded that for any previous work by.thes.ime author. STOCKED WAITED. ; 1)lin'i)S 1.S will l,o i'..'1'ivi..l (or Ih.. .li'livry nt'ONi; Mll.l.ti.'N I l.V.T iifSiiiv . en ll,..' Isililn "f llf Siniii'iniiliMiiiiig. nl 111" mi, nlli i.r sniir Ci in F' r H''1 r's K'ln, in lliismn linvti-liip. Cli'.'irlii'l'l i 'iiuii! y . flea r Tvl-r's. I., l.i-i-nt li'..in li'e-t Ni'. :i'H'i7, Hiii-innlfl Win. ,,,v,t-. A iln.l'l nf lie- I, nni run l.e seen Hilli .1. 1,. I'nilli., l--i. .-I , , k ,T i " inn 1. 1' nil mails iiihI i in ( r i ii.,'i,l-. AiMr--. slaling ir:.v, tu .(..I'll ,. mi ., r. .u. r.iiny i'. il, Sciiiiyn.iii (.'., i'u. i Ni,v. le, 1-.'-. ' i t i tt.-uit.-.- . i 1. uv n, .a nTn i in,iilihin with Ih fullowine iltucriltfil uro. iS , ',,;,,',' .'.., i-.-.iril .nit -,1'iiio ...lit l'-ny, lew in the .m-ii.u of V. J. Cldell, lulrrmmi.i, l'l.'.'i- ',1 l'li;!.i.l'l.l.i C...mjv. iin.l l.'"? ''" Vr''V"y ' ""''jfft tu my order only, I ilio ilir.-i'li 'I. tlii-r.-v. ill Lo i...,..-, mr ni'li" '''!.: v'7.:. . , , . f t lln. i. iii lln- limiiii-.-li i.f l'loii.lii.., : 1 "ii"'"-. T'i"g cm, i .- .......t......i:.,.. .1 t : i i. . . in iiii-ii-iii,ii.-i-, un- uu.iL-iiiii'i. niis ocrn rnt lile l In Ini.v his lii k ul nurli ra thnt he eig i'll comls itt prii'i-s In nilt the tinios. And bar. itifr Iii-ri'tiifnre oiiilxnvr.ri'il In lt-ni hit rn-loiteri lioilt In til o iiiulily of R'iiil nml the firirrt tt r liii-h lie snlil thorn, ho h upon to rci-oivc oiiulii chiiro f j.iitrom.jce. All in witnt of(oodi, nill ili-iisi cull nml t- xii in in e hit. itoi'k of cheap eft t:,nnl-. Wt'iiimtry .i odiieo of all kiiiiln taken in . clump,-, fur con, I.'. IV M. . IHWIN. Cl.iirllt'lil Nov. Ill, 1868. CAUTION, l.I. I'lTaonn nro horcliy cautioned ej-atoit (iur.AT lUii.itnAli Cask. In the Cnilfil Slatc Circuit Court, at Chicago, mi Mon day, .ludg" Mel.ea.n prc-i.ling, ihe ease of (.eorge C. 1'ali -; s the Iliinois Central K.,iii',,;,d Coinpany, being an action oi' tiecnt I. roil;:. it t 'l' tin- iceovfiy oi t:ie ot ginunds of ihe Iliiu.ii- (.'eitlral bail- covered his face with bo'it bis mad Company, was brought to trad. 1 lie leeves of his i'h.i; and hi-li:itK ci-e involves pt...-r!y valued at f.vo n..'.- :)' were covered with tears. Kvei then there was a suiinressed si describe Washington's nppe n aiicc as I felt jt perfectly composed and self po-e-sod, sti'orij nervous broke l.to-e, when tea.rs c tvered the face-, then ih great limn was shaken I never took my eyes from his face, barge drops came from his eyes, lie looked to tin' youlhful children who were parting wilh their Father, their friend, us if his ibuin, heart was with them, and would be to the i".'V".n' "' i ua in 'uiiii . i- OCeUpl- Mr. ',.:te- propel ty , whif It aiitidali s lha! of the railroad com-j p.tny, an,! has ver bi en e I iugtli.-hi d. I hf nl un, ..ii M..M..W. ti:.-i:Mlii:n r.lli. IS.'.s. nl III cl-.-k. A. .M., il... fnlliiwiii-; lii'.-'-riln' ' ri-iit i siiili'. in wii : Tin.' i-1 a- moiety ,r if i lii i I 'd half of a certain llic-' nl' l.ni l -ini;i!.-,l in t',i- t-iivH-iiiji of I'll;,-, in I it . ' ri 11 1 V i,l ( 'i.ll'ii,.., i n , wn lis Ir.-li-l Illinili'T Itv.' lit in-nml v-n linmlri'.l hihi fi'Vi-nty t'i.-'lit, .'i7;s,j tin. wli ili- rnniaiiiiii "ii,' tli'iiis'iii'l ii;i,1 lucniv ii'Ti'S fl liiml nml :i!!"i-.:i!i'f. Ining ll," iim,' iiinliviili-il It t ll ..in nfwliii'ii lli'i-imui Vi-r-ki t, iiiid . il'.. I.y i.'.-..l il.u.-ii Z lili Juii", lsj, r.'-i- .i'il.' I at ( ii';i rli,'! 1 in h ...k M. .ns- IM.'-. en , i. i, nin .S,i:iii.l I'. I'l.uili'. S'i.'.i-il. tnki-ii in ... '.-..;i .it. nml to hi' i "i l ii- lie' pri'i'i-rty ol Ham it"! b. Il'iii l.'. .lOs-n.i; J'. pf f-ln-ritf. Ci..;.. f:.'.. N'ev. 17, l".'S. .lOSiiUA S. JOHKbON. 1'-- ,' ,-. '.'. v V- II end s.tvs Morrow and a ma now and lion.-; of dollars, being tin' grotti I eiiiuiot fd by .-ev.ual railroad ib-pot-. i;ni. to hold a title to tilit , IMi line. I up a -It" ill!.- -i ii .l.v Si'i'iu ' il' -u . t'. i nl .ri'i In,.' niiiiimiin ;-':"!'.. Kali'!,,!; h has openlv re. ant'-d. j I.,. Ki-. -i.s mi Is ami a viiri.-tv of In a leelurc at I ti.-.i. -n Si'li'iay last, staled it as his candid opinion, f.e,:i lit, on an CM" l i 'life of nine ve.irsas ti me-, 1 I litat spli tliutbstn iva lliu-ii iii-aiilly. Ir. K. declare lot of liny, n lot of oaM. I lot of corn in the ear. thirty luishi'ln of lnn lurhcat, tho one third of nine in-r.'s of wlii-ut, in tho pinnnil, one cook slove, Ijitr.nii, t.ilil,.. a'nn.l, tiiroo liod and bed. din., ono si-t uf I'ltititi, otij larn and one email nnk ii iltair aad tho halaiioo of the houtt. hold ftirnitiiro. JOHN' WELSH. oct. 27, lS.i". ni. Till: rNliKKcIiiNKD tukt-a llii method of an notiitring to tin- ei t i ens nl' CT.iai'liold and the stir rnunlin countrv, thnt ho linn oponisl a ST, s ' '. w il, ii. is i: .n Mai!.: a! lur,;.', l!; .. f ) nit Main Sirw.-t in Shmc' Xi-ir jhnp, where he is pivpar.'.l to iic'i'iiiiiinoilato nil who give him a rail, mi,l hop,'!! to rt-civo a liberal patroniigf. III'.I0' HVIIVHHMr 'KCs'l ''l'li0 caij;m:t wohk. .l.-r, - one 1 1. li ,1 inl and one thii d - that ltisanitv a; L r!i .i.,'i:iii'. ilia i In- n-.m.Bf:.. :niv to i ,;f nt. vi, ,.- 1. ii i -ii . - nvrrv i'n--i i iplinn ol' lii'i'.-,4- , In. :.l mi. I kit-'h.'ii f.u iiiinr... anion wliich are : i on it-.- i: .nl i'iniii: 'I'alii'..- Male..'tiiy iin-l l.'om- , jim.it l .i; I'.'ii ii.- l nni nl' in nii'i fiiai-i i,cn ..i..ei-, I .-f.ui,!-, SatV.-, Cl! .1.. :ll-l s . Snla-. 1, .liM'.-, l'-., . .... n l.ii h in.' i.- ili.i.niiin..-ii lo .li.-p.i--i' of nl as I'lu-.-ip j Til" Knoxville ('t:ey, explain- th'' .-iv-, r:lU,ft ,, ,.u.,t ,l(.v c.3 . ,ia-ilia.-.vl ..t any A Man Shot. ( hi Saturday lbtn ullimo i ,,U1 ,,-!.,,.,, f p,.i-iilent I'-ue lanau owning 1 ,,ili.. ,a',li-!uii, m oi' llf s -.rt in llm i-oimiy. 1 tl... U':ii-i-e r,;! tin men named . s 1 1 MliM I nf I lie canila stock o! the 1' an- IVsoim vi.-ltiui f l.tiy lurie.tiiu- ar tnvil to, .1 s'.... t ! I..i' '.:ii i ; ., enne-see 111 I lis WIIV: ' f on' e l is the it: ual fate of trance Mediums. j AMBROTYPKS For 50 cis! I'l'llli iiiiilir-igiii-il v.oulil refpoctfully infurm 1 tin- I.AIfilM aail (;!:TI.Mi:X j of Cl-'iil !",,'l,l r. r, il lii-inily, tlml he linn fitted up) j Kimins in Hiiuv'h Xew How ' i". here ho will r,-iii:ii'in j'tr ft fur ioi oitu All w lio wouM iK'firi.. u lifrliki' lilieneu of tliai ' hi !.-.-1 nml iinpf ved ftyle will ileiiao call. Vim that 1 1 in f hctiiuy .-bould to Hall lake it, Ymi that have none, should go let him ntnke it; A. M. llAhh. around a hill and started a deer. I-V! ing along on the track he s i v what ,v,v ' When the bank was opened, Mr. lUldtan- ;J' I 'o i; liis simp uii'l cMiniiiie ln iii tii'ii s, timi , .f llii-iii-. h )- ol' ilivir iin.iliiy and linisli, an had .: 1 1 .i ' ! . the property of tw o nf h wards, and biokimr to some sale invest- ed, kii- ini'-nt of it for them, was advised to pul it i . i ... i... .1 .t . . .i 1 1 . .1 ... i su 1 1 1 i-C.l lo in- an. it'.-i I ail' . er.iiTiiiii rii.ii.'f.ro i.mev I 11.1 (-1 . nn-n null . . - . .. . , . .. , " , ,-, .lingoneof the brothers named . lames Mor- in the sloe;.,! this bank, le.li.l so ; am, the .iiiet humor which characterize Oold- t w hen iti-waids cam-.-to tin ir m;,orttv and row, almost ins.aiiin. " ... a . nr f... , (, ( , ,h.;i. ;,.,,., tlu. s,,..; of Crawford county and ab.-f.it Isyeii's of!,- ,.,.i. v,,.s ihut-,- or forty ..-r bi-fi.i-i- pic.'.-hasin;; i-l-i-n !n ri-, as i,u lu'ls cnl,- t i'il t I'n.'it lie nin mil limn in prici; anil qiinlil.v. .. li. lb- is ul-, i, ii.-il In mki' t'oi'i'iss ! r mi tin' .-Inn tiit imlii aii'l all. n l fnm iali il!t a lirfii-',-, whi-n i-.i!!i"1 np"ii. imv. I 7, Is js. v. stpt. ,'iih, IS.i.s. tl. Adjourned Orphans' Court Sale. Y virtue of an ordrr nfiale issuoduut of tkJ It (iri'linn.s l unit,, I i loarltt-lil county, inert, .smith's writings ; and they are, moreover, whiten with like correctness of language. They treat, beside that of courtship and matrimony, ofa va.iety of subject-', from scenes and experiences in social life, and are particu'arly m'aptcd for every day family reading. They are. indee.l, such as will bear to be read aloud about the evening lamp, and w ill please and instruct not only tin- 'ol 1 folks at home,' but abo the 'little fol,." A HOIIESTEAB FOR $10! nue -Kim!.. I'catii or KiMiu;i: Ci.i:Avrr. Cleaver. I'.sii., e.xi.ired at the n -iib ni-i Mr. 1',. Taylor in l'ottsville, on Tuesday t.... 1 I I !.'.... it tot I itii; i,i-i, .i'.-it -it - i -u .-. . ". .-"ll". . , , , ! ' - . with Irutliliilne-s years Mr. Clfiivi-r has been prominently; ..y,,,, ln ,v ,.,.,; known to the citizens of renn-vlvania as . weeulies for a ear uiil '..i; ..noseil to public salts tit tho Court hou in tho l'Hioiih of rii':tr!ii;lil, on RAT1"KHAV, iim I. all ,l:iv of Xuv. ii.'xl, all Ihe intrrvft oil MhiiIio'v St ill il.-i-'d., in and Id tho fallow iiigi 1 c c i ibi-cl ri-al cut 'to. siluato in Hoggs tp., anitj li'itnakd l,v lauds I l til. Luiiiado on tin welt, f the bank v,.,s Ihu ty or loflyp.-r A ntioii Jli; I iii. viu. tnt,-i in nil,,,.' of llonrv Mi-wart on lite north, cent, b.-iow par, and .nr. Laenana.: paid j i .,v yiOlil 01' Tlln-'K IiK.aIRAI'..K land- i f Ibeia.-.l mi Ilio east, and on tho loulb! th"!U mi L. of bis own burl-, and loir the K Jls n nl 1 : -i i :. li n I.,,'-. in lie.- ll .Id lie- 'by lands of James Forrest, continuing 50 aerttj -ji stock to bis own credit, where it stiil re-J s-h-ii uml oth.-r pi.rlimi- i l' Virginia, - ti 1 to bu more or h-.-.-, .n n hifh ato ercctod o tito.atoijj '.iivi.l.'.l aiii.'in--i ii;e le.'.riii. : .,r lb ' beneiii i.f le-lnus' i nd othor uutbui Mines, wilh nbinil of' ' ' ' ti-.e nen tiiwn i.f II itS'.'.H '.s--',,i h. siil.-,., i,tii,r. III u.-i' e'eineil, 1.'..-. si. in tiira Jin iini.v tin i',.IAi.- i: ,i : I'lie liall ilonn. I lit' rest . .-ale ,.! ll,,. Ii..l.t lii,.-:, inre of the I, resent d'.lV. i lie ..eliv.-iy ,.t U ays i n a lea br of the Ai.ierie.ni p.vrty, d lue lVicefl.'.'.) per , opv. The publishers ' ,, Ml '"'"i' various times tT. lb r.-terson A I'.rothers, No. ill Hi for high and re -ons.hle. olhcs by that , . I ny of the (astern scarcely find a fact which will make you wi-'-r or belter -a, l lieiion romances, lies, velvet and litlle fiends c,iuii.i"-d in smilesaud erinoliiie.big are Chestnut street 1'bihid. lj.liiu. ('lie copy will be st nt per mail upon tin receipt of the above a uounl. .sCOU1K.II ei- 111 e 'Jul i t i oil organization. to remain. There w as no tampering w it n j tho tialion d cieed of the patty t' TiuMiiiKAT l.'i-im m il AviTimt MiiiAi l.E. It is rcco'iiiled that , ( a deaf and dumb lail nged lo, a native of, Momiii.y. This't. Briac, near Iiinan, in lhittany Inn -e.-n lUleile- U'ld uiti'ui 'ins all in .;, l.ii hi ft : a in"',i.-!ache. tin ning lln- b. ing tin' in-,, i t- nf ,-im; i-ring every day history of life ing and g.-nte -iy out raged I am .".ids beaulilully '." iliiniii'fiis ol persons w allow certain men to return. Those who js the the title .,f a new IVi iodical, the , the irgiu. who app.-aifd to liim lua'.mg , I li.-y . an t am. i n a ."me in beautv and sitrro.iiide I bv sU-.v. Th" eot.r-c .u .. y ., ,., the amount in una wunni, left tiio I'cinoeriuy on the Suli-Tivustny tirst number of which v ill be issued by the issue wore not won back by an ahuulon-( cnterprit-lng publishine liou-e ol if Oak- celestial visitor opened tho conversation nietit of that iloctrino. Mtelt Ieinoerats smith k . on thf first of Hccemhi-r next, by a-king him hi i ag -, t w.iteii in pr.r as n'Oslasi.ed on account of the passage I The publishers intend making the "Ke jbn replied "I dontkiiow." She I le-n tol 1 able trash. e :, : en.- half ilniiu. llie re.-'t. e J i ;:n. I'-viy Mtb-eri'ier ni'i jel a I'li.t-i'i...-. l.-'l "1 a l-arat, r.'ui..,ttig m value (i "in $ 1 0 In S . II. Him. These Farms nml I. "I.-lire so !'l Mi el.erp In ilellli 'l M'lllelnelll, ll -u'.iieii M it ten b. r l.e'i-.g I . .- i v e !. i!n inert'.! so ill llie vn!iii i-f wlii'-li v, i'l ei,iii;.i !.-at.. I'i.i- the npj.a ii nt low price in u . 1. .- i . (o e a. -re lots in loivtt u.ll be t;il.N t i ileili.-u'.v u . llieelianies lilto will I i:;I.l tij."ii l.i. A ..mpin y i l' m til. r- i :!!. ! '-'fur. I! t I'I'.wiam- M" K i'l e.l.t !! .'.-,,,, 1A1I I'., i. new l.'lliiillg.lllll will nun. ii. e i'."'r Mi i : in i.t in ll:e -priii;;. Ami I" .-ii. 'iiriiv u:!l iva ! r the f.iil'.ifa! nor- yet it alw ays i i, irii aii.' ..t'o.mti.i.-i.- u. l lix-s. i" Mom: A(.!. .is Ai: j V-: rri, to obtain i think that i "'f''1'''"''''. t-'wh-nj 111" mo.-t liberal '!i,lin e- 1 1 e J tte'iits w .11 l.e ye. "it. .-.into Au'i'iil-i write Unit I lltey are iti iKiii js-Jo'! ier in ntiii. I or la. I par ti, u. in.-, S-t i ,'l eai ilis. A O'lieles, i.e., lioi'. .- to i:. i:Arni:it. roll It. .yak CiiM'.ino I'u., Va. , i, ov. IS, 1 js. : 'fein s i-it-h on eonfirmati'f JA.MKS STOTT, Ad'utr of .Matt. Stutt, dee. st, lis be. leil DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP riMlF. Partnership hentnforo existing bitweeil 1 lir. l.o-ain aiel Dr. llartswiek m the prae. tiee ! Me.lie nu' if Ibis day disaolved hy intitja .'nn.eiit. .All persons li tving neeount.- with I!: firm will iil:is t-al! nml st'K'o iinraediately, am il' ili y e ii : it ot pay. givo their nolca. Tho bookj ill rt'imiin at tln-ir obi ulliee, whero Dr. llartJ wiek can be louad at all times, either to juttle alien, I lo iiroies.-ionul calls. 11KXKY LORAIN Oet. I.s h, is.,. J. O llAKX.SWJl'K l aper in - t,r four i inies ,.- and ale in i i ll - W ItOle ollli'l' of the Tariff of llf., did not pass into tiie pul, the leading one oftni; couniiy, party camp over a tiridgo construe. ed of' ami no expense or pains will be spared to party recantations of that great f.-.n-' make it as attractive and desirable as tin y t lire of the national oi'ganiat ion, nor did i wish it. Many of the most distinguised tho Democracy cease its opposition to tlio ' litornry characters of the I'unilcd Slates bigi'trv and intoletaneeof Know-Nothing-1 have been eiiL'ai;ed as regular contributors. ism. hoc-iuse some of its members were. t of whom would be too extended for i nie wondei fid things." The boy cam r,r fni.lii.li or wicked onouch to ioin lib., nbieets of ihe meseiit. noliee. hut thev , h ithf'ul tosho tryst, and the Virgin then 'bo tii the farm and ihe fanner rich at mnv. ' " ' . . . - ii- ii- .. : i .1. . 1. ..... .... , r out to him three invsteiious lot-;e ..einw.- m pm; " i f- ..... .-i. ' I ones, am . herelore. m ileeii iiI.iwiiil', him, an ! proceeded to n-e unit lb hislorv o his life, and a variety , I'ii'ciiiiislanci" within bis k now ii, t;:e ,sli.. conclinted by 'aying, 'Hereafter mi shall speak like any other person ; meet me ag ain to.-inotrow night and I will tell you T!i i: FA HM KU"S CliKKl). O i, of ..mi- exchanges rives the foUow iiiL' i'ust rate advice under the heading o! ' I lie i'.u un-i s' I 'reed :'' We bi-'.i 'V in t-inali uml thorough cnlii vat'eni. 'l ie' soil loves to fat as well as its owners, and, therefore, to be nurtured. We believe in 1" rgf crops, v hifh leave the land better than lln v I'otind it- making WjliSSK Mil ol that disreputable and dimeerons faction. : me well know n to fame in both heinis-1 poir.tc None of theio things followed the defeats pheres. 'I he terms w ill be ,.'00 per an oi hich we have alluded, and yet in two uum in advance, or either of tlie engrii- lers in the tail of the come!, and explain ed that they symbolize prophecies of ev- I'.l 'TtOX. Till: Ho.-khol.lers I tbe I in -.vea.. i ille laitl-e Company will ll.ke lloliee thai till e !ee 1 i at w 11 be I, eel a t t ho i'Dhi- i f .lo-'iah l'v.'ins li-q. in the I, ,i' ,n.;li ef ( unvt-iisi ilie. en Friday ihe linl day nl liie"ai l.iiiii'M, l.iiveiii Ihe Itiiin-.- .if 2 nml ii o'einek I'. y.. I. r ibe in i-i.se i f e!i t i 1 1 l- n l'l'i'-iiletit niid six MniiiiL'erj lor the eu.-niiig ve:ir. I)v oruer of tbe r..,.u,i. :."cv. It'll., ls.'.s. J!. IIAV.TSIIOr.N, Pres't. WATCH & JEWELRY "Thirl; Ititrliiirn corcrt the KmtK Ami (iroiiH Mi7.-ios the PtuJiU." CO UXTR V MERCHANTS, And all Others, Will take Notice! That they van supply tlteuiselves, in ny qua lilies with JONES' FAR FAMED, i'.ti:nt, non kxh.o.ive keuosene, COAL OIL LAMPS, Al lite !!iol(.'tilo and relnil "Head Quarter! as, SoutU SEC0XI) Sol, liiiysajDi-iitiTiH;. Tl... ..,.7 t.hi ..i .. linpn n,.l.!i.A k irartrfiH he obtained lor ihe States nf Pennsylvania, ! ., , , 1 1 ..,,.,,,.. , , . i r ,. i ii, , i n , ; . , ., ... , ,. " . .,!,, 'I'll'' umlei'-igneil rei"0tfnll- infnrins his .la.'s' V mid Peleniiro. isun.-,,ii iiti.w. ll e nc!ic e iniu uie oe-i m- a . ,.-,. a ii. .,,,1.1 : , ... Pn.. ,i,,.t i, -n l..,,.i,s niv. 111, t en..l 1,. inienfil fihort vears from each , the old tinrtv 1 viivs "The Ci! v of the Cleat King, -,,, ems to come, i.e is is 1101, no.ciet, aiittiity.u any son is t.te spn n m iiinu-11, , ,.,,,,, i,.ine.l Ir, in ibe l-.at, aiid npi-ne.l nt flume, nml auuilnr in nppeariinee to Uaa, ami I 1 t T - 1 , . . . , ,1 ...I. ,.1 ; ., I ..I I,,.,.,.... u i I I.i.iO tlii-i ' 1... .. ...1.1;. I :.. el I ll-'v" I'mII- ci n .1.1 l: 1 ... 1.- - .. ..11 ...l. .I.L t'.irl lilieriv to maKe Known tne iiiiiil's niai 'n"'!'11-' ,,,r. . , ..,.-u ,,. ,,, . t , ,i,.,u, t-,,!.:..., 1., t.t- i.....-....i i.. r,.. . ' .... .. . ' lime .-el eiisnii! l.nii e n n , i'vi-eii ll la ll n re. ra. n I'm I... k of ATI ' II K.s nl' il illiTent mini, now in use. An fear nf exliloin Xo onenl . . . ' . . - : .... -. I I I ....,i. 4 I .. ' , ' , . . . Thesnr essotis not to he OVerlOt ketl or H..1.1KI. ,nei: mi'i nun uii.ii ii.'. Anii.i ..'ii .-, ,... . ,.,.,. .,.,M t,. ,i,i,Ik,, We His ami .) KW V.l.rW ..f eve, y variel v, IVi.ni a fill odor No fmoke Very easily trimmed Ai Ihebov 1 ..li,., ,. In i clcin kitchen a neat w ife ill 'cl1 '" :l sine ,i , w.iieh be will sell nt Ilio a ly regulated na a Din. light Can he a clal !n.,tvw.!.u im.1 l.en.-s . ! feel K- well : I,..; .!.. ,.! , e , .1 .. 1 ,!:. . m""' e prices lor I AMI. lo nu purposeH-- nil ot-i.-r man an or. I ; 1 , "" ' I,"' 'r 1 "-"';; '' , -'.,' AI.I, kiiul of Lloekr, Wan hes oml Jewelry man, are MICH 1 llie Siory w nicn, iiceorillllg lo un) ry aim .oiiseiein ,-. "';- ear. Inllv repaiiel mid Wnnnnlfl. Uuwn M.tUincrt Trmn;ai.', , the native of ".' bin""''- ',at Will not imi rove-. ,n inrius, A . o.ilinoane,. of pa trontige is P,'li,-itod. 1 1 111 l gl ov I 'i nu e . i o ii i in .' iiiii, !.,.. n. i a.ii ni.ii, . i . il ....... ... ,, ,.i r ... r.! t nnon tniinipnoTit overall opiiosiiinn. "ine L,nsl Mipror. nnuiuo iia"azine. inr i ; w oi o tobl liini until tlio expnation ot a .1: .1 Vi.i .i.a.i,l Ihnn '''l.e until i Tl,,. .,.,. t.-.ll ,., i ,r. r .r.l i.f Tll.l . . VOaf Irom tllC (llllC (il the VCIOU. of mieeps in the future is that which in geseach. lighted l y the experience of the past. : - "All minor consnleriitions, all local con- Sror thai i'.ov, A cigar in Ins mouth, a trovcrsies." houl.l be forgott.-n. This is swagger in his walk, impudcncc'in his.facf'a 1 1'" village of St. Brim: are ready to prove c ,,,,.. j -an,.,M' it.iystuiucd into elcr tijion tliehi'leol any nKeplie. no timo lor small men or Mnall issues., care for nothingness in bin mariner. Judg The dutv of all democrats is to cluster n- ina from his demeanor he is older than his rriini.l tho obi inirlr. to cuard its iirinci-; father, wiser than nis t.-aelier more hon-i ..i i. :i, ... .(., ...1 .ir,.r,;.iir... .1 i. . i' .i. t! correspondent of the St. Louis Jieim'niO'in fttallleinnb. We me anxious for success. ' him : he is too f.i-t. he dont know his l H'vos the following li,t of retail prices at but it must come wedded to the trneprin- speed ; Mop ore. tobacco Mint tern his nerv.-s jS"'t I'"lin ;''J'- i iples and tho true men of the party, or it ere whiskey makes a beast of him, i re hi? Flour.! 50 to a per lti.i lbs.: wheal will bo n i iivse rather than a Mousing lo pride ruins his character, ere the 'lounger U 5(1 to ifil per buhel ; oats .l 50 to S'2 the T'cmocracy and the Nation. . masters the man. ' t-re good umbition und per bushel; corn 1?"2 per bushel; w hiskey renv.ilivinium. liianly Mrength give way to low pursuits ! ?s p'T gallon; barley : S jter bushel, l'ro- - and brutish aims. Kiup all such boys! Lh persons pitii'h'f.in.1' and nierchaiils; in iariners ilaiiglitel's un- . ,ii i ; witling to wot k, inn tit. nt ,,,,11,. ,s .-.i.i a persons are hereby camioned n-ai st riiii'K or 1'novpioss at Salt Lake. A ashameil ol their vocation. . J. pun h i-iii..' or otherwise me. Idling witn a - - v,,iiu i, lilnek oxen in the. pi fsessi m ol Hugh j " HIED . j Ki isc, of llrady towtifhip, Llearlii Id I'ounty, an the saitie beb-ng lo tne, and tue in his piis-e!.sinii I ' " 'on Innn onlv. ;i, lbiiS..",t. W.M. I,. I10KX. T ,The stupid indiflbrence with which They ore legion : the Miame of their fami all the Americans regard the passage of ft ,irs ,no 'b"?' f ""'il- wn tho cad funeral proefssion is proverbial- Now the 8,1,1 solemn reproach of themselves. Frf hch people from a regard to the feelings of mourner, as w.Ml as respect to the Hkii.iitok Impi pv nck. To go intoa prin memory of the dead, when they meet a t'" offiw. look over a compositor's shoul fuimrul procession, stund still, anduncovei iler ami rend his copy! To go into nn edi. in the street, whilo tho proenssionpasi.es. tor's room, rumage among his newspapers cents per lb. ; vinegar Jtf per gallon; do A tnost touching tribute to the memory of nml look over bis shoulder to road his cop- j niestics 30 centsa yard ; calicoes 30 and 35 the dead. We most earneMly wish our poo- y. Height of Justice: lo kick such ras. CnU; hos $3 to 15, tnd liootii to 112 rlc hud the hnrt to i-aiitat k, ,al tul withoui e-fiBiiioiiT. Iperrir, visions I'.eef cattle 9 to 10 (on loot,) per. lb; bacon 50 cents per lb.; mesi pork $30 ( to $10; lard 30 cmts per lb.; hogs -10 cents sheep ?il to ? 1 per head; cows and calves j ?35 to $,-)0 tea $2 $2 50 to $3 per Ih.: rope '. fi-3 cents per lb. ; rye S'- per bushel ; hides . 8 cents per lb. ; wool, uncorded, 00 rent per lb. ; peper 75 cents per lb.; lead 50 In I.n-.vrenoe tn. this couitlv. on Aid-: H"V. a, lbas. ,t. nesihlV. Nov. loth, 'hesler P. V. son of; pi'i) Frederick and Mai t'na .J. Uulich, aged 5 l-)(' years and 11 days. ; jijjj. Qfa, On the Friday following, iM.try ('. infim!' -r,,TI l;?' nt- just opening n largo nml . .... . , 1 1 ...11 ..!..,.,..., .....L (. I I It. , (liinshter oi tne aijove parenis, agf'i i year " .u-iiionnoio gnnus, 5 months and 'I'l davs. They died in beauty like the rose, 1'roppM from some parent stem ; They died in beauty like the pearl, I'ropp'd from some diadem. Wei cannot tell who next may full Beneath the chastening rod ; line must be first, but let us all Prepare to moet our fiod. OunimioiiraW.j Vi tiii li in e y will in' nolo lo sell at priees to ruit Ihe times, as they hnVo been bought nl net cnh priees. In inldilion tntho usual vari.-lv of plo iirliel.'-, parlienlnr nlteiition ia railed In th following new and de.iirahlo dri'ss goods I!a)ii derc and Plnid Vnleneins, Poil de ('hero, l,a v.'ll Cloth, l'ltti Cashmprc, Uehogo, l'er.-ian Twill, Kronoli Mnrinos, (Jeriiiiinin ( loth, limn lia.inp, Deliiinos, llueiils, I!roi hp, Round cornor pd and hong Shawl Alto n btri-e lot of I.adioa' Kurs, Winle lloiinels, Pinsa Triinniinga, Ac. (irain taken in rxehnngo for goods at rash pri ces. C. KRATZKK I SONS. ni'V 2.'., 4tpd. (I per cent e be it per than any ol porlublo lijjht now in cointuon uso. Sole Agency alsOjfor KNAIT'S Patent Eosin and Coal LAMPS- ? Lamps, Oilf, Wicks, Shades, ud el nrttelo in the lino. j S. E. SOUTHLAND. A$ .No as .suullt hcond Street, run, Sept. Hlh, ISjS. 3L """" situatioatd7 ..,, ; i l'UACI'IOAh I'HIVTliK of cnnidrd i OOij. V. cxppnenro no nn Kditor and Publisher, I tures a aitiiiilion at pulilishor or forpman ii countrv oflieo. Would have nooh'celion to ll an oflieo, provided tho tinn were reasonable. A iv ronimtinienttoll ndilrosneil to thii ( will receive prompt nttnntion. OcL 1.1th' 'i 1 L 1 Front and bocunt street, Clearfield. Deo. 29, 1851. C. KRATZKR, errhnnt and l.mnlirr Dealer, rornal CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE.P' THE above Hotel, havine recently Wd Hi un for a house of entertainment, i not l for tho accommodation of the public. Travel til An.l .!.! a ,iH,.,ll.nl I., , nail , May 19, 1858, OHN JORDAl Constables Wanks for sale ftt UiiaOfl I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers