Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 10, 1858, Image 2

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-''v. : iv.r n v
i ' l . I a l ; 1 1 1 . 1 i ' N i i H.i . i ii
A Mi i: i il r , i i
At ii Sui-r, no- i ' t ..I V. i,
.Nirah A M.-lt w,,s .In I I: i I.
bund, .Mr. I'.invni M 'i. The ;
Herald give. III.- I"l1,,ll lie- 1. ,.
this wnrihv.w liirli li r i , ; ii i i n ,-, v
3.-.I: '
"W'e kiiuiv tlmt iiiiiii .,u .v in M
.il. ii.
caino In M. Albans m it h ii l,,ii- ii, ,., ., m.
vor headed cane, mill -v." pr.-iixod i.,
his name. II,. pii-acln-d I'.uiha t,iv
months tnro, iimi suddenly changed it. lie
preached iiiiiS wciil a hnntiiii! ili. mhiim
lny. He pleached on irmipciaii.'c lan I I In-
people IVel'O ilt(:lisll-l 111 his Ml, .1,11 lec
tures ninl feigned :i,iii'sty, I mi, I ii"t ill link.
He loci ii in I In the yoiuni ladies ninl j.i.o
till (llO III 1 1 J 1 IOI't-1'. He kept 11 had Sci 1
O.lited 11 rcckh'-S paper Moll- 111, ill, 'V.
mid f hargod the servant gii I got t In- of
lic( of Deputy I n ici-t, u '. t drunk up
,il smuggled liquor took MM,' ; hii I a I o
iher man's wife, and n lumi i I .- of maun
sorijit sermons, and i:m away from bl
own wile, lib paper, and a crowd el' eicd
itors." How often could llic history of tin- uicm
holK Of aulas of Unscrupulous advi nlii-
reis, of which every coiuiuunil y has its
.share, ho written in the above brief but
comprehensive. clni,tei'. And yet s I r.u ig,
as it may seem, despite of all the lesson
taught upon this subject, they nr.' almost
universally successful in the outset ol their
career of fraud and villainy. IV., pie seem
tonavo ft singular propensity for encoura
ging and flattering a stranger if he hap
pens to have a pleading exterior and a!
good stork of assurance, no matter ho.v
milch mystery or uncertainty there ni i.s
lie alum! his previous history! We do it t ,
w ish to hu understood as desiring to have I
a stranger pro-cubed and treated a . an !
outcast, merely because ho is a Fl ranger : i niakuu: ever j ear will soon I, ring
hiet wp would always jn-.-fer seeing him 1 o-iiion majo.-itv down to nothim
undergo n hrief period ol' prohation ati;, . ,:,,,.',,,,;', i
i, . i r i . i. , . . 1 ... It colitinu.-s iinileil.
least beforo lie hetoreed into the highest :
social and civil ,ositions in a coininunilv; ! p,i;i j u. 1 1( lt xul V.- t-xlrai t
...... I l .1 : . : ,-. i i ' " '
esjieuiaoy v lien lllisj.s SO Olll'll (o!ie ll, -
the exclusion of men of more worth audi
hetter eapaeity, hut less aiuhiiion and less,
impudence, w ho have grown tip niiinii: us, (
and should he entitled to our eonlideiiee
und enrouragement. Man;, : '.:i,p;; fami-;
ly lias had its circle hroken and its p.-ae.-i
(letroyed hy trusting the siecious't.des ,
anil encouraging the unwaiTantal, le pre-.
tensions oi soine wort liless scapegrace, who I
nan ny nis ueeeiiiui smiles, ins sol : man
ners, and his wily (latteries, invaded the
peaceful snnctuary of the domestic lire-side
Only to profane it. and betray the eonli
deiiee reposed in hin.
Perhaps the world w ill learn wisdom
when it becomes older, hut thus far it has
made miserable progress
A Great Historical Fai t. The (.'ineiu
cati Kiujuirer nays: ''There is one stern,
undeniable, historical fact, which com
pletely destroys all the points urged for
argument nnd made in behalf of the Re
publican organization. The sole mission
claimed for that party is that it is necej-
i,,r tr. ,.,..,t .1, . .' .1 i
into territory. Now, in reply, the
records of our country prove that, from'
the time this government was organized
down to the present, not a mile of ireel
territory was ever converted into slav ery. I
On the contrary, the amount of slave ter-j
ritory in 17V0 comprised nine tenths, of j
the. Union. Three quarters of it are mow
free. There was then but one free s t.ite
to twelve slave. There are now seven . -en i
Ireo states to fifteen slave states. The dif
ference is soon to be increased by tin ad
mission of Kansas and Oregon, thus ma
king nineteen to fifteen. The United
States, it is true, have acquired Louisiana,
Florida and Texas, bat slavery existed in
them when they were annexed, iindvv
have existednow if they had not been ad
ded to us. It seems ustonishing when the
Republicans have written eo much about
slavery extension into free territory, that
there has never been an instance of it in
our history. Yet such is the fad. Im- encroachments, however, have '
been made by free institutions upon sla- i
Humiliating Confession
l(ii(Te,-(i,i makes !
The Philadelphia Korth
the following humiliating confession since
the election.
"Uvervvhelming as the victory has been
hero, and throughout the State, the ma
jority would have been st iii more impos
ing in this city hut lor the complexion of
our legislative ticket. The fact is not to
ho disguised now, because it is notorious
to the whole community, that men were
forced into nomination who are v. holy un
worthy to represent us, cither Li charac
ter or ability. A combination of circum
stances brought about this state of things,
and operated materially to damage the
general ticket in public estimation. Tor
the sake of the cause, we submitted to this
imposition, but it is well known that the
opinion was everywhere expressed, that
certain candidates, who need not be de
'sj"'l. -
, i , i , . .
nated, bad no claim upon the support
,.,., , .,
iMncli they were seeking.
T, lr ... , . , . . ..
mmv iu,ii,.i nuu, il niuii'i'iii, inns tipoues
r r.i , . ,
the confession of the lntth American to the
Siuto at large .-There is no doubt, much
hone.ty in this Matement, and
were nn equa amount i all the opposi-
tion editors in the State, the same
-ion Would be heard from all parts of the
country. There is no such thing as con -
vulingthe fact of the pros unworthiness
cfwnm ot ,, -,,.,.1ttu, , ... t.d. 'l b.
i i
f, t
I n .,
i r
il i
1 1 1 n I ,
- lie
i !.
I.v l
i I
1 1.
tie, I
lien .i
f r,
n ;
li, ih
Hi, ',
I urn ,i ill,
IH'I e!e,-li.
I In' for, in-;
II,, !, !
I I el lie- .' 1 1
t ,.',!!,, i -
II I .
.' p .
,11. lie- in:
"I -i i ; i in, -ii
in,- ni. I
,ll lleni'i
Ml, j.,'- I
,i I ,
in .i -: i en M.i
'. kn.iw .N
Iroiii I'l-iMi"
I .i ll i i
' . - I i i , -1 is-'
l, Ill-Ill
eini prevent
mi,:, ii, and il
I lut liie mi
.'I'1 in-. a the
I, in.;; .".I'd
u. N,,iiiinj
11 I- ;.:llll.lll"ll llli.l I',
I I hen he ill Mil l. .1 s'.;,;
lllili; li'.'.ieh.-l'V el U'll
i eaiiliol di-1 r.i.-l ll.
Im.IIM Wlidllio. -.'I he I leiii.ier.lls won
.1 -'l,'iidid victory in liidian.i on th'-ir
Sliih: I i.-kel, elei liie; il .y iin,j,, il n-s al .1 -
He,' IImIii I' i l,i .iiinn. ! In- I
a Ii,-. an-1
l Is ,, r
Dm- 1.,-
he I l.'IU
'III:. i'-s.
- iii ( :ii.i
tuo nn iii-
is i, ti i in.
lllS ,ls -..'
We have
nous as n e at
nine ineiiilicr.s
'I'iiev Here el
lii t -U.IM-Mli.
ill the ,i'.-ilit '
i led Inn i-.ilis
i, and
eight ol lhein l,y hare liie leiii-
ocrat.s having a majority in hut one ili--,
tri.l in the Mate. The majority was then
ton tint Stale ticket forty thousand against
u-i : lmt the opposition were divided. Now
' the iippoMtioii are united, and instead of
I'c have majorities in .or district.-, and
in throe other districts liie a:.';rreL'ate m
joi ity against us is 1
and instead ol'heiiiL'
than . "!,. ,;! ;
leated 1V -I" 1,1 Mi, I on
our State ticket the majority agaiii-t u
wiil not l,e neiio Ihaii I7,lli.". Tin- r.-siill
i- iiilln r en, Mui aging tiniii oiheni-o. 'l'he
oppo-ilion can make no in,, re I'u-ioii in in-e-"ase
their sireiiL'lh : and the -jeady
l'.iHMcral'.e lums ivhieh ( have heeii
even it !
tli,' fol-l
nv inn account of an at locious ci ilue coin -'
milted in an adjoining lounty, IV.. m the
M l'tVi ( ' n,,, Ji, ,. -,;ti 'l'l,L- date is not '
"We glean iln- foln.ivii.g pai tienlius o,
;i brutal outrage committed mar the Sec-1
ond Foi k of the Siuiiiimahoning, IVoin a
t)l lt.r uddres-ed t.
ii- i-iiiii Si, i mm, ,i,
'girl living with lr. T.oyer.
daugther ahont Ii! veursof a
ill adopted
. was loiiiul 1
I in a l.iirn in an iii"cn.,iMe condition, show- j
I ing marks of luiving Teen
. , , .... ' '.,,,, ',
Violated. II,.',,,'.,.
houto of Dr. lliiyer had I n receiitlv i
burned, and himself and family wi re stay-
in r t ilie 1 ..;.. 1,1.,,,' ,.l i .,
mile from his old residence, where the gil l
" 1
ivas seiil to nnik. I 'lie day, the fore part ,
of the 1,1 eseiit vv.'.'s li.. !i,l ix.t ... i
usual, v. hich caused some uneasiness on
the part of Mrs. P.. The r. not being at
at home, liorearch was made until even-
-' " '."'i lii." t o nn, c;,,-,,, mill III.
. ..: i.i
neighbors turned out
and fear.-hed all
night without sue ess. T'he ne.M day, nt
tracie I I,;, the b:. i king of I r. l(,,y, r's dog.
around the barn, they searched it, for the
third time, when ilu-y found her .-eereted
in the hay, in the condition above stated.
It i, sin,-. .
hlorolorm was used to n-ii-;
i i , .... .
,..-i m i n, .jiios, i ne iiiiiiosi, e.ciieiiieiiL
prevails in the neighborhood
'1 w o per-.
sons hav.- pe n rrrestcd but had not been ls "usen, or lo nuerlero with lis hiirmoni
'xaniine.!." "peiations in all its departments. We
arc id peace with all foreign nations, and
W e have not yet learned the results of ; the noise of violence is unheard within
the examination of the pers. 'lis arrested, I "l"' h"i dci s. While all enjoy pel feet free
but we hope that, the otlicers of ju-lice "I''"'""' the genial influences of
will leave no mians untried to di vi, ''T ln'V 1"m l" "s- ",ld lh" "liM.
... -
and bring lo punishment, the perpetra-j
' ........ ., to
, i tifl'S. U ho Pl'pr llicu nur 1,.. a(" Iln.
l-ii outrft'O.
Pl - M v" -j
1 1 iohaiii e M, kukk. An unknown man
waslound lying on the ra, read track ip,o-
, .. . , ' - i
ei'.iiiv itioriuii. lie was III ir.-I . iscove: -1
l'l '111 I IIV I' i. I'llUik- 111,1,11 i tl'.,.- ii. l ....
tirely cxtin. I. 1 1 is t bought by sonic tl,t
I"' I'"'' ''c.-n murdered, by others, tlmt he
)'v" .'" :l1 t'ini inii t.j get ,,n the L.vj ,,-,.s
i f;,,i,,j; i-ii-i. inrewcre no sens or
, Ju re were
bruises on his person, with the exception
of a wound received on the lef t side of the
head, which fractured his skull, thercbv
.....:.., .i . i 'ci. i . . .'
iiiisniL' .lea, it. j ne wnunn was evMcnl Iv
given by a shing-shot or some other round
or blunt. iii.,i, ,i,,,..,,t 1',.,.,., I i
- - ' -' ........ ii.ii. i, oiin ,,
j other documents lib,, ut his person, it is
I thought that he hails from Chicago: he
iiijso had a ticket from that place to New
York, and had in hi: possession thirl v
I nine dollars in quarter and halves, lie
is stout built and aboiil five feet six inches
nn height. His name is suppose to he 1 1.
T. Kcrnier. 'I'he verdict of the Coroner's
i inquest Wiis that he came to his death by
a blow mulcted by some uiknown cause
to the jury. .I 've,,,, T, ;lui,:
Kkvixu Nor Dkad.-
. r ,
ie ileal h ol the
li-li.,.,i.l..l Cl.;. i.-.
s- -....n...,i.... Minn,-,, .-...uesiiiiiii ie.ving,
who was ulle-recl to havo fallen by (lie tv
ranieal edict'er of the ruler of the "Celes" -
tial" Kmpire, under the nxo or the rsc -
cutioner, is contradicted by the last, for-1
jeign arrival. The iirtiehs we publi.-hcd
i last week, giving a brief sketch of his clinr-
iaeter and personal appearance, may beta-
..ii ,,d .....'cn.-l nil ..x-.,.... .1,.-...... t . r
... .,..,,,,, uti-aifliiiiii-ni in
U . ,. , ... , ,. ,
1118 ueuth; which event, from the high
rn,.taiio,. .1,., .;.,., I,;
lejiuiaiioii uiu vv i iter gives iimi, we irilst
: .1 i ri' .
lor the good of his country we may not
i .,. f , ' r
1 h" on t0 r for Gw W imskErs rn,.F,,.-.I. S. Allen
" ' - - - ,or Albany N. ro.-i-ntly ,,,ot with n .in-
vh s 1 h P l' '" nll.P' ''' r'lul.v..ll..,,t. Ho wears or
mi t Bridge tC'e lo'l,: " , "7 l"T f W,"S-
' 1 !)rd. for ard of ' fl r U h
' fleers. This is one of the safest corpora- "'" 11 st?'u" 8USur n""' whiskers on
ll:"r.w,!1kn.ow of- ' "f li 1,10 fl .""lo of h,i fuuo
-f. "ry h no .lividends caught in the ma,hinery, and torn out by
' "'
1 1 i n J 1 limit 1 In I .oil 1!C)H
,., I I
n lie
I I-
' I I'M Ml, J! Ii, .
Ad .
A lie
i-i i
: Ii V,
i, in.
, ii i.j
I !.-.'
Ji ii '7
w,r, I
J I Ol I
'J! lilt I
;', I
a. r.
1 1
M.', I
I 1 .T
Jot'l I
-. I
I ' "ll
I I -.s
JS 1 8
Hull, r.
1 'ainhria,
"a I l,oii,
I 'eiitre,
I 'liesl.-i-,
ol'' I
.'1 -2
4 1. -;t 1 Ii. 1 !
X 1
1 I:',
7 m
.",:', 1
s l'.
lii i7".
L'l'. I'. I
I I'.i-j
1 ': ai lord,
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , i I t I
1 '.1 1 1 j -ii in,
! I 'eiiiware,
!'', Ill
Ol. I
- ,i i t!
a .
:;i nil i
I llu
1 l.v;
i',i 1 1
I I'.lli
1 li:l
.",11 1 1.
l'.i I
1 1 ."..",
1 I l'l
7 is
J 1 1! . ,
-I l ii',
frank liu,
( i re. 'il,
1 1 il ii t i:i:l'l
I luliaua.
S 1
IT 17
I, I. in.
'1 iJellers
i-1 .' uiiiata.
l.ll.el lii,',
I ,Ve. UllillL'.
M Kean,'
M onion.-.
111 l
J-l I
si ir,
'.'li'ji 1
17'.i I
"..'.nl1 1
1 hu
li s I
I ir,;
s l ;',
7 11
;:i .:;."
0 l.s,".
No: t haiu'ii 'J'J'JA
Norihin'd, L'im I
IVrrv, 17.1 1
I'iiila.i 'it. ;;.';:;'.'"i
Pike. 17ii
Potter, '.'So
selnivlkill, ."Cc:;
s r.-et
i .
;;i 17
.'HI - I
1 111 lo-
1 1,
i , i i, ,o
. " 1 .1 1 lM.
1 7.7
I in', I
lll ll,
W.. . ...'.1
Yi'-i k.
(Totals. P.lslli
nihil. p.ii,oi.y
,, , ., ,
heel s in:ioi il v over I orter, .i.'.isi,,
l-'razer's majority over l'ro.-t, LV'.iu.
I odd vole I'nr Supreme .Jtnhe
iii L-
vote for (.iovernor
I lierellse
in I'
Otf,-- a.,.;;; ,,'', ,--;.;,,.
l'l l.l.ovv ' T i 1 i:.s . The goodness of
I iod to us as a people calls tor inn public
acknowledgement, and our t'raleful praise
TI. 1,1 . , .
, ': , U1L l'n ,v ' ''""-"
. . . . -I. , , - s, in 1, , ,, - o;,s i iceiii i ei
;lo imperil '.he principles u!' civ il and
ligious liberty upon vv hich mil l lovcrnmeiit
i. ,.. .. i : . . ,
oiour uoiv reiiMion, arc mure ami more
uniting us in on.; brotherhood. Ouredii-
c:it iCIlial i list i i 1 1 1 ii n w ni'.i 1 1 i I l'i i 1 n ,t ,.11
.p'.u. - sj aiiiuii uie iiiassrsoi iHu-citi.ciis, m-j
j lu..-iii liijlior ii!..i-t.-iuti..n of tl..;ir i.ri-
vih ges, and a . ee,,er sen-e oi their obli-
''n,,..s. Ihoiigh m some localities the,
, , - ,' , , """h.y
an nas en oven Ulllisilal :,ea til. an. we
ire l,e,-s,.i wilh and of all the
iU.".--'i-ies and comforts of life, dm' in
duslrial pursuits are fast recovering from
the toipor induced by the recent financial
eii:biira-s11,,its ; coulidelii e is being resto
red, and business is resuming its wonteu
activity. .Mercies crown all our relations
in fife, and the hope of a glorious immor
tality Wiiit to cheer nnd bless every heart.
Prompted by my own convictions of du
ly, and in confoi uiity with the expressed
wishes of many of my follow ciliuis, 1
Wil l i vm V. P.m kkii, (iovernor of the Com
monwealth ol l'ennsvlvaiiiii, do hereby no
j.oiiit, 7 ,,( 1, tlicniihk.ntk (o Xui-cni. hero is the cotemporary of Si F-W aht, and course is Massachusetts, while gall mt lit
n "';'''.t0 c'1;','rv,',, tt-' a ,Ify of general assisted in his most biiliant ni.val eiu-a-e-! tie Delaware has proved herself faithful
mi (in.i l r,e,'',iini recemineiid to
t 1 . ... . .
an oiii people, Unit ?etting aside on that
(lay all Horlilly pursuits, they assemble in , wards hrevetted for distinguished services
their resjiectivo j, luces of worship, and ' rendered whilst commanding the r gi -
unite m ollermg tlianks to (iod for Hisiment of marines that served in the flori.
;gooiiness nnplonng Ills gracious forgive-
I " i iiimiiico oi ins memo...
And while our hear s throb w il. ..i;..i..
'IS.l III. i in !.
j.-"". i-s uLiiiiiiiiiit-ii'ii nicssings, let
!l li,"'1'al t lml ity lie extended to all upon
! fulZd f P"'
lOivE.v under my hand, ,,,,,1 the (Lent Seal
of the State, ut I Ian ishurg, this tvveiitv-
V1 , 1,1 ,v (,etoher, in the year of our
l.ord one thoiisnnd eight hundred nnd
liftV l-l.rlil nil. I r.l' .1... ' ,.,
lh," eiehiv'.ihi, ,1
IN ...c ......
. nit. ou, t,n.vuil,
-voir r n,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Ihe lootSj leaving the i-klii entirely I
I-1, lei ill 11,11 .'"HI
,! .. l .'il,. I
,,,i II ' d- I II,
..I Ins I t"-nl-
,,illi Hie
Il -,'liie
I ll
-I -in ii u I i:' n ill,
in ,1 Ii I ,, in. w hi
i id, nl l ii- I In-
I. 'I
w i -.
I Iter
nM I , i,
le I nil,
net.-, I upon
Hie , llMh
lie I m l.
ol olilv lour I hiligs
:i ,
I" 1
" . i i : t nn
111-' W ell. 1,1 1
hkelell 11.
n. tlicv - hoiild be.
Well, to n 1 ile VV ell,
ll' eh,, II ill these will
eai 11 Hi, ir pi --1 -- ,,- a n no n I iiinaiiee ill any
eol.litl l , ale I ii ill , ln.l le him to nlnllse
Is i 111 -i-i I or ell I e lain eotil p.lltV , W hel he' it
i,e iiinier a r,', ii, in i he ilesert, or
' crag in 1 he sea."
I o the HlllliMl- ol I he
al'ove paragr.ipn,
11 lias ev never occurred that ac-
cotnplis'hiiicnts, are only the guilding ninl
'ornaments of a character, and not the
basis and groundwork of it. That every
one should he able lo read well and write
well is es-ential to the nroner dischai'L'e of
uties of i'c. jo imy slalion, and to
sing well and sketch w ell, may be well e-
nough 111 their place, and often very use-
I'ul, but the idea that
those four acquire-
...... 1 :o 1 , . ,
in, -ois inline v.iii en.inie ineir possessor
"earn a lnaiutainiinee in any eountrv,"
as 1111praet1e.1l as the author himself.
What if "eve.'v parent ill the land" should
I . . 1 1 -1 . . . r
"'.. upon ineirenil.irei, meso lour
'll'"'s"' an education, without instructing
t ln-111 111 anv other uselul tut or 1, roles
sion . Vv here (lien would be th,.. neces.s,-
i i"i ine e.eieise 01 then' laienis, W hen
every one ihev encountered Were as perfect
ill those branches us themselves? Tito fact
is the writer ohU laid in view one class of
M ,,,.,; 11.:. ;. 1 :
. .... ....... .... . , , , .01,1 ,11s 11 111.111 as lie t v i-
ntly considered il, was a,,licabh
to it
alone. Snob in hi, limited coniprehcn.
sion, sees the whole world in that class,
and gives it a universal ailicatioh.
There is (mo much of such snobbish
tr.i-h. eit. nl it.- 1 j,, M. cbnnns (,f news-
pilpel- ilt III" pl-e.-enl day, uillell of which
lin.L its w:i into Hiein without their bear
ing and tendency being noticed by edi
tors. If we are lo have pr. jits, let theni be
adapled lo all cla-.-es, and if that can not
be had. 1 't them he applicable lo the lar
gest. Let them point to the improvement
of the masses, by directing their pursuits
into channels of Usefulness, such as will
lit then for all the vieisitudes of fortune
in the ::teal battle of life.
IllH All-VMle C.VIII.K t'oMI'.VM. The
list of American stockholders in the At
lantic Telegraph Company is as follows:
Cyrils V. field Peter Cooper, Jl.ivid Jl.
field, August Jielliioiit, John C. (ireen
W il-oii (I. Hunt, Jacob Liule, A. M.
r.'iice, jr.ithew Morgan, Henry ,S. Margu-
niM.s. I. Irunble, It. II. Mi Anker,
Most Lev. John Hughes Estate ol Mor
timer Living' on, Messrs A. A. Law ..
M"-si-s, Ihine.iu, Shcruiiin, Co., Messrs.
Seliuard iV ieihard, Messrs. W'. H. Sale &
Co , Messrs- Phelpi, Dolge, ,; (.'., Mrs. K.
W. Perkini all of Ne,v York city; K. ',.
Stevens, e-.j., ol Sai-.itogit Springs, New
York, and Win. 1 low. e-.j.. of Montreal.
Canada. I ';, nn W. field ow ns two hun
dred and liliy thousand dollar., o(' the
Ni.iv Stkvm i'vnvi. Ilovr. The ,Sli.-.,
A'. 1'.) ..,..,.( s;.ys that a linn in that city
is building a ne'.v st".uu canal boat. It
ditlers from ail other steam canal crafts in
this particular -. in-tea
a screw wheel
placed in the stern of the boat, il has leg
ular paddle wheels at its .- ides, which are
movable or adjustable, and on approaching
a lock tln-y are drawn in sufficiently lo al
low the boat to pa-s through the locks.
It will be ready for an experimental trip in
about ten or fifteen days. Its success is
considered certain.
- - .
( vr, C,sk.-1 n the Cnitcd
Sti(t,.s ( .ilvlit ,.(U1.t al Cl(il 011 M.
j ,,,, M,.pP:m yyoAlX, the ca.-e of
Uieoi-,.,. r, limes
vs. the Illinois Central
Kailroad Company' being nr. action of
ejectment brought for the recover;' of the
depot grounds of the Illinois Central Hail
road Company, was brought to (rial. The
case involves property valued at two mil
lions of dollars, being the grounds occupi
ed by several railroad depots. Mr. fates
claims to hi 1.1 a title to this property
winch aiilclales that ot the nil roa.l
iine.i es i o .it in r,o i ..,,,.
panv, aiul lias never been extineuished.
l'i: Hi a Ij Kit filiM.ii ai. A. Hi.mii:i;son, Com-
mandciit of the Marine corps, being on a
tour of inspection, yesterday visited the
Afarine I'.io-ritel. u l llti u,li,.,i TI... ,.1,1
incuts, viz- the cni,l urn of the IV,,,,.. ,,,,.1
,..... it i
Levant. General II i;m,i.iison was after
da war. The old soldier takes the live-
Iient int.-rest in his important command,
n.: 1 . . ', . , . '
v'.' I""""""" oevoi
have rendered it one of the must popular
blanches of the national defences. Wo
trust he may grace his present position for
many years to come.
r.vri. Moui'iiF.v after having conquered
(l... ,rw...t l.tJ ... I.. 11....;.
... H.VJ ,,.(,.. Ilil.-,,! lUlllll 111 X III IS ll-
, . . , ,
cently, is to have another antagonist of
,, ., ... ,
world-wule reputation, as a champion.
, 1 ' f
Heir Anderson, the we 11 known victor in
. ' , , 1 1,1
the tournament of, is now on his
way to Paris to contend again the young
A tlWiri.-nn -llll 111 I .Intl
S. N... RV .(HmV 1 vnVoTn -We Se, il
.1. il in 1,, nv U il . u It
Ute.l in mu exchanges tha the portion of
tins ron.l lymg between llliaiusport and
rarrandsville will bo in running order by
the first of January next. Theroadisal'l
graded with the exceptions of n fevv see-
tions, nnd much ol the ba hwst inr ,a ..1.
ii . ...
reaiiv Deeli (lone on noi lionu of 1 1...
nnd the rails will be laid at nn
.', . . ii
eai-lr ..i,.
St I ."i l . N" 'i Tin Hi, i,n,, M nl
Il Mill III I I lll'-l -I O 111 III I II I
I In .I'M (','. , , i, I Hull i lU ,
Ml 1 1 1 f 1 1 1
I Hie lllll
nil , li'Miii w 'ii. Ii I he m,,u ,i,;' ..11111111111 v
el In s j. i-l, ;, ii, d, iln In. Inn; nil Ih.-il h ,
IV s O'-elll l ed o Mllpol I. nice sillei
the nilili;!
ol 1 III Iciiiiief o the ',1 il till .
'I!,.- 1,1 -I l'l, ll I Mad I, miii ,1. Look
lea lied San Ii an -l-eo oil I he 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 o- ,
the I HI ll nil ., (ii, Illie.V pei-tedly, belli.;
I hen only twcnly foul da s out.
A I I all;: 1 I llelll . W l l e belli:! 1 1 1.1 le o p ,p
, I I V eel 1-1,1 .ll e I he IV .'III .
A lele.'lapli l, -p.ltell has , , 11 , ,
at Sail I'run-iM-o by the In '.v line to the
siiininil ol I lie Si' I ra Nevada.
The si. .liner '01 le- sailed I10111 'i, loria
on 1 111? '.'in nisi,, wiih only l" pa--eng. is.
a Steainers ,.,,, ,i:liv n.'iiu-iiing lo San
I'Viinsiseo loaded down with lie- lilieart-
elie.l miller-, who have I II ,le -appoiute.l
in their ex 1 la 1 ions ol' rich y ieh I - of g.,. I
from l'raei 's liiv el .
The total amount of gold .hl-t IVoin Fra
ser's liiv er, deposited at the San Lralisi-co
Mint to the 1-t .,: ( ii'tober, vvjis S.",7,uiiii
in the night of the nth nil., a lire occur
red at Jamestown, which d.-lroyed thirtv
seven liou-cs and stoi en ciiusing a 1...--I of
1 liiisiiiess generally at San Fransiseo
since the sailing ol the sl.-aiiier hild been
otliel .bill liie .l.'linoi.l ll'iini lii.. i'Miiioi-i-
for eoods was lull.
in, Si'UiN.iriKi.n, Nov
is 'cihtv-thrce counlie
I',. Kellll US
have been lee,
11 the vnle ol tin- 1 -emaiinn .; counties i
! niiitcrially changed from that of fs.'iii, 1
1 is a probabiliiv that the Douulas I ,
1. 're
,,.mli(! state ticket will be elected h.V
'small majority.
' 1- .ST ,.V . M It. ..... " I . I 1 .. ' . .1
0t(l01. ,ilV) lls ,., ,,,,,,.,! in t. ',,.,.
ol the American hxiness 1
oiupany was
sweeping out, a keg of veast intent
.. v.... 1 1 . "... .
d for
a 1 'iiicu orewer, went oil with nil evplo-
sion that startled sleepers in the .Michigan
PvclllOMri' llll.l ,,,,.,',.- . I, ,,... ll,..
I . . r '" ".' "" 1
, oil . o
lis senses. he kc; stood in, mi,
lend near a front window, and when it'
ii ..i.i...., i . i .
iiiit.-i me iiouoin iiea. i new out, ami away i
sped the keg Up totla; ceiling like il lock- J
et. Striking against a beam it tore oil' I
' lllte a strip of plastering', an 1 then diver-
; god ill the diri'ction of' the tcrrilied svvee,
er, Who neal a hasty retreat. It einl d i,
Might by bringing ti, a;;aihs the oppo -il,
wall, and was then secured without fin
ther damage.
A correspondent of the ',-, i savs
th 're is a woman now living in Shipion, '.
I-!., by iho lliime of Willev. who ha- had' no
natural sleep for over fourieeii cn-s. S,(.
is of Scotch descent, and formerly lived in
I'liirnet in ibis State . she is about M.v, nty
years of age. The doctors decide, 1 some
time ago thai theor-iii: er faculty to
was by some means destroyed. She goe.-to
bed regularly as ever at ni.Lhl, nnd -Tie ,,!':
en says w earisome nights are appointed un
to her.
The Commissioners for the removal of
New York tjuai ehtilie have given up all
idea of rebuilding on tin; old ground.
I hey propose to construct a s--i i,-- .,f l,,i-in
in the lower 1 ay, in which llo.itin-' ho-,i.
tals can lie at anchor as .-till as ie t !u. ;v.
el-pool do. ks. fiich Vessel u.-ed its a hos
pital, is to be in a seperate ha, in. so ns to
keep apart the dill'elelit ih-The
plan is eiidei-cd by the leading
u of New York, and is believed to be
pr.ieticeable and eeolimieal. tu the Sta
ten Islanders me to triumph.
U--j'. sick man, slightly convu'.e-ejig,
:C entlv imagine 1 himsell to be eiieii;-, il iii
I couvor.-aiion w ith a pious h i, -nil coiigriitu-
him upon hi i recovery, and a-king him
I who his physieiiin was, he replied. "1,-.
'brought me through." "No, no," said his
! friend. "Pr,, id, nee l'l'oiight y-u out ol
your illness, not the "Well," r-c
plied he, "ill. IV be he di I, In'. I a il
certain that the doctor w ill charge me I n
The Legi-l, iture of Muine-,,t,i I. a- .'..--scd
a law exempting :i home-tea-1 ,,;'
eighty acres from af-vy l-,r del,!-ii;, un d
also .S.'iiiil worth of household furniture:
s;iO worth of tools, the library of a pro
fessional man, and provisions enough to
support mo i.imiiv one vear.
lit .VIII liF.MUN il. -(.'.
Jlldroll, tl e gifk
1 ami b
autiful wifeol
ii.. .,..1..,;..,,.. V...1 t I;.,.., - i. i '
u-i,,,, ,1 ,.., iii ; ., i.i., I..., ..'
......j,. ...... .. ..... ...... ,
Utterly dcslitutc and lilolie. She is
writer of great ability, and a woman
marvelous lovhness.
'fill', f i.i;iTio;.s. l iie elections whi, ii
took place the first w . ek in this nioinii in
several of the Stales of the I'liioli. have
resiilled about as foilows ; New Yor.; has
gone lvcpublican by a large naijority, I-.
1 . Morgan, lfepublican lur. ing 1 ,-n elect
ed (Iovernor, together wilh a hiru'e nro-
II""""" " ""'""""' "' ' in
j Illinois a liinjonly ol the Stale l.egislal lire ;
elect, are friends of Judge-; Douglas, which'
secures his election to the United Slates,
Senate over Lincoln, Republican. New'
' .l,.,-s,.v is ,,l;o hn'oelv I,1,-,,,, 1 ,1 .."in ,w cf
to her Deinocracv. Ciioii the who!.. Iln,
- . Democratic party have not be n so very !
Democrat ie party, have not been so very
lavdly beaten, especially when vc- con" -
i si'ler that our opponents will find that a
very dill'ienlt .portion of their task remains
to be aecomplished-that of turning their;
v icioiy 10 auvamage ; a coiisuinniai ion
that it is extreinely doubtful vv hethcr thev
can ever etlcct.
R,V'Xoni,. in si Itm.r .,f the li,.u
i, " r , ' ... ..." r r . i-i
unm uiMiiun, ine i uiiiviiuoii oi nil, iv men
is now the rage in that citv, savs that
.i i- ...mi.. . .- , . win now qu.i. euung slate
- .1 . -11 .' ..'.! . I . 1 . 1 . ,
jiciiciis, win rise wiui xne iiiik nnu nue
.1 lllll ,
out door exetcise, and iirobablv liy on the
i , ,, ,c ,i i ! ,'. . .
.wash-tub." We think the latter not im-
in ,i i i ,
jirobable, as they have been trying the
i r .
hoops on for some time,
; Em catkin in NoktiiC vie.i.iN i. The nn
ALlnnlnimmi Clnio X', ,..!. V f
r VP "U1, ,'" tl,.e M,l -
port of schools and for the wlucntion of
deal and dumb children, duriniJ the veals
,r).'i 15G' the sum of S.'SW "C.j '
' ' orR new dvertKmenfs Our
n.erehantslhavehrought on a supply of fall
.l ...;.,.'. i 1
..i... .,i.-, vv in which i i' ota
i . .. , . . . . .. .- "
iieoiiie.i in UCCOinuiOilalo limr Irioiwlo
I . i
,) enfton,,., who are in mod of them.
. I ll llliN.
,,, 1, , I, l ; 1
ll,'ll 10, ,1, , I,
mi, I, I;, in,. 1 ...
..I Iln'
1 ,
lull,' tl'ill,
.III, e el .1
" "1" I I,
in ii,..
i hi u mi -1 1 ; ,, a 1 1
M.-xi, l.-lni, n ll,
P. ,M. I..r Hie 1 111 1 - .-
i 1 M-niii.'i 1,11 il
Ili lliii,l.
Ni. imli, -.
M ll - .'Ml ,
"I !:.
"i" "I iii,,i
' I" Hut H ',..,.,.t,
' "'"K .' " 11.1 ,.,
" H A ll I s l il; V ,
1 .'u-i
tiii-l. .L'ii,-, r.--,,-, -iliil!,- ;t.....
I-,ii'. i 1,11 I Ih,, 1, nl, I, n.. .,
i , . '.. .. " an
j..-. ,,,uiii,-, 1 1' III II,,' i-.-.-i, , ..
Ill- i'-'lll,il.lilii.'lil in ' ;,, -
iv .1 fin.. -i.'.-k .,r WAiniKs r,i in; ,,.''
,i.ii-:vi:i,nv ..r-v.-.y vri,iv.j,m;'
M'lt l a hiux'o .i . .-.-. iv.ii.-l, , ,u w
A 1,1. Iviii.U Of l'l". K.-, Wlll.'l,,'- , j
.-ai-i'lnlly i-,',iiir,', niel l mon,-7.
A -,, minium,-,. i,r pii li-i ini.... , huli,-ii,-,
S"u 1 ls;'s- II-1'. NAPliU
i ' I! ' ,1 A . .1 .V 1 W I - T
I rpill-: Sm-ncnliiT ban jnsl r.'i'i'ivii.l and ow
; X "I liis sl,)i.-r.ii,i .,11 .M111I0-1 m. dinetly 01
siti' Hi,' CI,'rli,'l,I II, ,,1-,., ,,r.-,. , wll ,
STIH K nf t-KAt-oNAItl.l-- HOODS, wl
111, Will full III II V.M.V I, mi- P;,JH,;;
Hi.- M, It ,-, -ii.-i-i- ,,r 11 ,..'.r,il in.,,,
I Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard
j ware, Quecoswarc, Glass
ware, Drugs, Oils, &c.
iiM-liiiliii;; ,1 best of other ni-li.-li'. in his );
iiiiiiil' H lii'-h i nn li f,,iiii,l 1111 1' o'ii.-iva mid t,
!l i.'k'i'ti.m el' I.AI)ll' ilri'-s zinnia; 8UC
I J)n,;'s, ', rs'in ,,',. , ;,,; O
! .;.?, r,..7o,(--v..-, l- Ao'.-., .-(.
Jhirix, ,( .l.r'dftv,
I ''', ,,..-, ,,, ti fuil as-
l.inrtii,,;, ,. Ii ) X jyj's fur the 3l;
, Ills wE.N'TLK.MKN'S
wear ciii-isls of a L.
ii--i,rlin,-nt of
( 'a --! hot, CIoilis, Si.u in.'ii s, s,itin
Yotiii, 'l'ivi'i',y, Jims' anil I'ap,
Limi ts a N l s 11 o i: s
A,c;,-.v, (,; ',., and CnUrnr
! il! "li'mst i-v.-ry .r nrliHn tlml limy he i
- l'l';-",,r.V I'. Hi,ilv tie. mint, - tK, ..omniu,,.
; , l"' '" ' 1 y iinivl;.-! luivins t
I III' IH- -OH,, of (I
.,., ,,, M"lll'li.r III,' l-ll.-l, ,, IICIOV tj,.
'of ini'iviiicli-, l. iiivl.'r.-i-iicl I,,,., ,ir:, ,,
I, !'-il In l,rv lii. .!,,. k nl -ii.'li ni il,;,, ,p ,
"- ll U"""l-nl l-t-i,-.-.. I,, -let ill,, limes. Ami h..
iii- Iii-i,'I,,I,,ii- en, I, i, voi, , I n, I'U'ii-,. hi,, ,. ,,,,
l,ili III llu' ,,n:,Mty ol' f;,-,,,i- niel . yr;(.f
vl,i,-l, In. t.,,1,1 j !.,, ,,. ,o.s , -..,.,.ju, r.
"iii,l,!,. ,l,r" .,! ,iilioi,i,,-. All in iviini rt-0
ill (,1 II so ,,!1 ;,H, I'Miniiia, l;i., i;K of ,1,,,,,
! e,. N.
.--.-l.-,.i!i!lry ,r.lii',',' of all liii,,, i;,!,,,,, j .
i-liiin;:,' f, r fe-., lv,
ii'M. r. ir.v;..
i i'ii-i,ir,..ii Nov. in, is.-.s.
C ti
union, I n;-ii ,
k. I'lH-i-ii.i
I'Ti'. "i-,i ni" I llifc; wiu
111 ' ll .-.-.'--i ll f H.i;..
j,. ('1,-ii. li, I-I Coiiniy,
eel in-,.' in lii- ,, -,-..i
v,,s,' of ,!, !: ,,...,,
Kl i-r. "!' f - ..i
tin.- sa He.-1., i,,n,' a;
"ll 1 1 ,,,,iy.
a. ,v. ;:, i ;.s. :;t.
I U.Jl).
: ii.
I.l.'S' ,it. olii-nlinr n ..,,,, ..
1 !, ' I, 'I M, i-k ol liel.ioiinl,!,, ' c.,..(
vile, Ii tli-v will 1. nl,;,- t ;,t ,;i,-e., (,, sU
Mil' liill,'.-, II, tlo'V ImVC I, ,-,'11 l,,,M-llt lit IK't I'll.
!'ii"is. In ,11:1,,. n i.. viiri.-l.v of .-in
l- ailii-l,'-. , ,i iitt.'i.tii.n cnli..,l ,
l"il,,iiiiU' ie in el ilc.-ir ilil'. ili-.'-s ,i-l.IJiiv.,.
''re ninl Plu i-l Viili-iciii,, ',,il , fho.-r.', L
veil l l,,:!i, I' ni Cii-lein-r,', J (ebeto-. p. r-i:n
'li!l, l-'ii'ii'-li .M i ; , i . .-. i;,',-,i:inia ('l;ht J,)m.
I.i.'iii,'. Ii.-hiitii'-, i,,i. a!., lli-o.lii', Peiiiirt-i- nn,.,.
"1 nn. I l.i.n- Mm win A!.... i: Iiivlti- lt of I, ;i lu
pins. Wiiil.) i;,,im,-t j, 'l'liniiiiin-s, in.
lii .iin tnlii.ii in i- v-limit;,. f ,r i;uib lit i-ii.-li iri
c ki;at.i:i;
I . I '-"" "" I"'' "''V i-.i;iti,,iK' I
in.'l iiui.; uilii ill I lioiiiii; ,K-,-i-i
.-i-i!,,-. I ,r-
, "-n y. ii,,iv in t!,i' ,-,in f V.
J. I'uflio-li,
: . tl. Miiil rojo-i'v i.- .-ul.j, , l i.j ii: v
i'- ollii.
v i ,-. :
Tiuv h,rs scvil s!e,:i! , one mo in- cnlf,
, lot i.l liny, n !! ,,f i ,,1 c.r'n in llu. o;i
on, i.v imsii.'is ,, nn ,. ivln 'in, tin. one
' inn,' anv- of i in i!,.. r-,,U'i,, on; .,
I -. '".i o.-i ,1. t.ii.i.'. .-:.ia,, il:iv... Ik',1, nil.) Ik'.I-I
i inn;, s,'t ,,!' riiiiii:., rn,, lnr;,i ninl 01111 unm!!
I i-wkiiii? i-linir ii'i'i lie; l.alaiic) of the houfi--
1 1
1 i in in t u re.
! John wiasii.
' ,,,-t is -,s
in . i ;.s i i i.,.,. ii, ;.,, i,, i r
i . .
nuu in i,, on- riii.tiis ol Vl.mrlli-ia ninl llu. Mir-H
a j ' ""' '"'.-i v-iiiitiy, llnu lie Ine, opviicl u
of; 3:i ,;'mT'1w J )" J-:f;i t.
I " -"'iiu Sir..-,'l in .sV,.rV .V.,r .'..r, wlifrolio!
is I , re i ,;i i' ,.-, lo nconiiii", liilo nil vvliu u'ive Iii in a?.
fllll, 1,11,1 ll-'l'.'s to l-.Toivi' a lil,,-:l li. ,,,,,rn.
s'ciiiii.v iivnv:-i:i:-ir -scsi 'm".i "po
AKBLOTYi'riS For 50 c;s !
'I'l.i, iiniiir.-ifiiii'l vn, ulil ri'.-pt'i'ilully inforia
I ADII'.s ami (i -;TI.HI
nf C! cr.r lii' hi in,, I vicinity, llml la, li.'is fitted i
1!, ,1,1ns in Shaw's cvv How
!i-r 1,,, will ',ir n i'nr ilnit oiiu.
All vvlni vvonhl ili-,iri' u lilVliku liiicno.-s uf tl.4
lull's! ini'l iiiipn vi', 1 stylo will jileiiso rail.
You Unit lim e hi uiity fliotilu to Hull take it
inn llint liuvc none, rlioul.l go let him make iU
Si',t. 2-llh. 1H.,S. tf.
i 1T
Adjourne J Orphans' Court Sale
virlu.i of tin onl.T of ("iilo insutj out of tli
-v , - c ..i . . , .1
" " V ' , "
f , ti,n borough of Cli'iulii'lil, on SATl'KIlAY
; Ilia l.Mh ilnv of Nov. next, nil tin, interest o:
Mniiliow Sioll, iln-'d., in ninl In the follow uif
i rleneribed real est;.. siluiito in Ip., ani
"""'..Ipil liy limits of Win. on tie yfO'ti
lr'"'' "f H"nry .Vlewiut on tho norlliJ
inii.tti Hovvii.'.l on tho ciist, ninl on th noulll
' "1 11IIJ'1 Jiuui's KorreM, c.niluininit 50 aor.i
'""in T l.-ps, nn winch nro ur,'.'l..,l n tvvo.iitorr
,1IK huUfi , ,mthuUlU E,,0,jt
, .. . . . ' .
' n.-rts fii nrcl, 1itii. rush on confiruiHtiu!
of ni le .
Ad'nir of Mult. Stnlt, dec.
TIMIK l'nrliicrsliip licritoforo oxinting bJtween
.L. I'r. l.ornin an.) Ir. IhirlKwiek in the praf-
tii'o of Mi'ilii ine' is llnu iliiy ili.-solvi',l hy
roinenl. All piTsom ha vinir aovuiinta with tho
I if ",l-v e"'""t W' lMr T1' boak'
will remain at their old olhu, whore Dr. Ilarta-
' 'n be found at all time., .ithcr to Mltl.or
ntlun.l to piofoBsioniil calls.
-0t'L ' ''' m' J. 0 IIART.SW1CK
' " "' TlOUoft "
-t ,.-t.,t... i,
i i..i..iir.n, nmot, n niaKj,Hin, e., oi u
t .. l i:... r .. i i ..
,i,, m, ,iiij 1'iiwu.r
Tll)i. R0B1N1.