i ii t i ( ii I 1 1 Adntiitr-f ?u, Bf,i!it lMa4 lmni It' ill. Ill' i. 1 1 lli'' ( ii tint I .an mil I M-1 til i gl't' I ' Ril l ll lilies I 1 1 . 1 1 .i WIWk Invill J billl-i II I fluid, Mini I l mi I -V I. Hmii-thllif In-. re ll'. II uli'l I In) life. I, .in c! 1 1 v .m 1 1 1 l.MI ' M . I ) 'it (I l' ill'.' I.. I It IIM I M I. "I'll lllll-l In ..1 engage tll''r l...n;. ; the ...mi 'I ami nil it mi i n !..( is inn l In' p. and Httl artiv e .1 J l.ui' Ij-i' ! i reinembei mill l"ve, n"t ;" in n.i of their ru I ii t'Ul is ii Um.iI.i u 'i ll this is fl"M c- i I'.u.'.li w.iilo il.i-y '.'' tft'uurng Up 'hi- i'..i! i:i'l ollcn I. lit Osiull iii I imrlil t'i..'. I.'i vlia a:r 'I -': ficd with tin "" iiptiU. .1 it 1 ; " i r ;:iu.iv, mill fri'k ..one -thing .'n. '.'. i". (;viii-il. ' "A i-i')i l.'ii.i i. Wil!i !.t:.iui.f. ..,', i.h'iulti aj -j jh ill a- u ii.-..uy ii ; t... it i. ciy I .ill i.i sic tl.e .ivsm' oi u:.y thing nicer than t lio intcii'.r; .t ictmin til io ot ihe dandy j. fit'fuliii I'r";. ti' iiy L--'. tlm lioiii-e bo .i nif il li' iiii;, ;U' ;,1' ' -l ' -' ' ' ; its pOiliin, f-UVlOUIille-l Willi i-lieue lii-m for t ho two fob I pu! )onj of greatly uaii.n,: to Iho com ful I nl )t.i uocilp.iulS and t'io beauty of (lie place. Spare loi'ag'mcou tho htp-hwiiy, I'lose tici s ii..ii I bunn l iw. l thrifty, and o:io here mvI the e over the imftu'rc lauile ; it vi!!j;teth"f.inua tiv-.n natur.'il ii'jH'.u jui" n.'.'l itv :!l n -1 pie twit :o barren an a-pitt ; -id the puiiiin ox, reclining b.-iitutli its u-livsiuiig .'umi , "ill return a look ol rivtu.-ue, h-n n should be coic trnciC't v illi : view in j'i : tunncnev. im-l t heir v.h ti'in f- t" the vn:t" oi the till. I. :unl then built nealiy as well n MjliRtiintiiuly i.u.t ua possible, every board of it pru ht 'mv, iu.J in ii -proper plucc ihepotn peipt-iuliou!..r,aiiil not peering ovi r their ledi.ws. 'I lie larmer need not lie afraid !' paint ; it gives dura bili lit - as well as: beauty to his firm mid building implements. It i- i.n umi .tble fij;ht on well as eeoiioniy, to "hme a phu-e for everything, mul i) thin;; in its piuee" And it" bud ti'i! to limi 1 e lunniut: uton eils scattered over the funu wi.ere hint u oi. In it barn, utility, convenience, and adaptation to the ivanti of the iioi;ie-tic nimalj, ate c-. cntidl. "Let the extnioi of the dwelling look P well hh tin iliti-li'ir, for e Iosj liolii mjf by uiuluiuoring to procure the tavoroi others. Adorn the insidv wjih a library jf works, whether treftiiiis of tigriculture, science, urt or religion, liie tenUeiiey which is to 1 ft a limn up, intellectually and tuoi'ully, hiul place hiiu where he Via: deigned to be, u Utile 1-awer thun the un gol.'.' "There are, we migUt say in truth, a thousand ways in which a fiiruier'n home raay be beatiful, but it is a lact that eve rything looks well, that is appropriate to its peculiar place Hiel work. Fine lior.-e.-, cattle und heepi. o., in good condition, do moHt tondoi n a furi'.'-i V hum yiird, tim crops in the field-a tine fnim.-r und w ile the whole. Such a farmer, if he ever has the good fortune to be eall.-d tveallhy.w ill be so in a three fold urnso in po!-eK-iuii.s, in mind and in heart. Genn,x IWuur, Titissiisci re a Sisi;i.t Crop. There i. no crop tliHt does not fail sutiu tisnes, tho there are a lew which ure now wholly i.ut ofl'in any one hinson. l!rns, foi cxaniple, ulways yields a j-urtiul crop, and a person iiiav, if need be, depend v.hnily upon this prddnct ai-J,ii melius of hubsivteine. The. "Bine thing, however, enn hardly ever he paid of ntiy other Maple crop. Innumera ble illin-ttatitiiii might, bejiivetiof thoihm ger of dejic-inliiii.; upon u t-inle crop. I he result in Ireland ol ilejn miiiift upon the j'Otato crop in patent. The failure ot the rhcat crop, in runny put t'; of this coitryrv, hius involved thmi artds of fai tin ib in debt, which it w ill tal.u yeai s of toil and e.-on i my to liquidate. A friend ol ' he U'et hud been so bUuciWul in raisinp peaches tinit he turned his wholo iittention tri that crop. Last yi ar he realized alai'e net profit, and look in for still greater nult this year, he laid out his 1 ns according ly, arid incurred considerable debts t be paid from the pioeerdsHif hi peaoht-. I he result in, that from five or bix thou-arul trees he put hers scarcely two bnshels ol lmiikeliihle fuiit. A mixed cultivation h the c.ie-t in the long run. If tho potato crop luilc, iet j there be corn, wheat, barley, or o'herj grain to full bat k upon. The cbaneen of' utter failure are diminished a thouiui.'i j fold, whore there arethree oi four ditl'erent , cropsi uiideroiihtire. A seifon destructive j to one i likely to be just the thing for nnother. .Iw.-cY.t.i AjrirJi t,.,i. IIaxs AtioonPtiaLLE. Havinp r.eent ly tried, proved nnd njiproved the excels lent quality of a 1mm obtr.irird c.f Haiht & ; Emens. C20 Kront-strf ft, in this citv, we' t-olicitetl from them the best directions for picklinf! hariih, und they have enni-entcil to giva their meihoa to tin. renders oj tne Agrtcnttuilsl tlioii'.'h the proi es liaH hither to been a private one. For 100 (b. of 7' .;!?. 1'i.e.c them in a: barrel (u- c.i-l, an 1 po.ir in water enough jo cover I hi in. piiir otl' the water, and; add good rook or Turk's Island salt, en- otigh to irwke a br He that will junt , flout potatoes. Two or three kiiids of po!'itoe ahoulii be .Iri pped ill, k euino varieties are much heavier (of greater hpecilie grav ity) than others; about tin) average weight is desirable. Tv the brum lor tho liunii recl' pounds thus piepared, add one pint of p,o(x molasses, and six to m ven rmnees iif htiltpetre, using the large clear crystals, us being the pureM. Make and u:-c ir.o pic le cold. Then pour the liquid back tip.'ii ( the. hattiK, nnd let. tlioni stand six weeks, l when they will te ready for nvioking,' though thev may stand us much longer a t may lie de-sired, as thev will in tliolirstix weeks take ui all the M'' '''a 'hey aln sorb. When removed finally for hn.olvinp, 1 they should bo thrown into t'rcfch tsater, .and bt.in'I '21 hours. . . Take notice, that the position of the hams in the barrel slinula be ohrjiged once rn 10 or 1" days, to let them lie upon each othor nt new points, and allow the Irino to come in oontact with the part which had previously lain together. Thin w an1 important hintiu pickling hams, whatev er kind of pickle may be used. . THE UNDEKS10NED takes this method ef hn. Bounoiiig to the qiliitnaef Cluartiel.l aud Ihe-sur. fiuudiii oouuliy, that he has opened n. on Mala Ptreet In Hhuv'f ' S'rui Aoie,' srhere he It presiared lo acmisamtsdule nil who give Iii in a call, Mil hopes to receive liberal patrons r. T UAKIHVAHP. nf evewdWriptinn for rule at a moderate advan'o'attM etor f ' I My it r. 1RW1M l Ik ii I t , h 1 1 ly Mnirll A (niter I l ,V , i. i ,V . , l''i . " , Hi II " . . I '. , ,- ' 'i I I -v 1 .1 i -, r. J ' j i in J -, . . .,, . , ...ii 1 1 r, -l" I I i i-1 ' i.Vi'i li n. I' .! - -, :,rj.- ..-. : t cl n't , . - '. i, i ..(.' .'i"i.-! ''' 'I Cl mc n.vili .i t.i ni:,: lln-j mil li ai'TOiiiinmliiti'il s: mi 1-.,t t)j:u rt r.li nii.i Hirti; i;i our litie .;:' i-iiii-ia will be ir.nnklully rn-i'iM-J a n.l '. r--.:u- t Kttui.dc.1 to. ' ' .. 0. . MKHItK.'.L. L. H. I'AKTK.K. !'. C T.'-i-y iil nlxo ri'.-oivu i'vi-ry VHrii-ly nf vlciium ' C t inM.-n, at l" iie. M. it C. ORE il REVIVAL Read ! Rea.l ? Ni) IH' CONVEKTEt). Tliu cit.nl rovival li.-t-. tli-ny iinint'iitiii j(((itl in nliii.iil .'Vi-iy Statf. t-nnnty nml mwij in thn I'liinn, (iiil.-i I.i "f ( l. ui ti-l'l. Tlii'rofiirt', in onii-i.li-r.t'iiiii nf t! e iii..... rinii'v, l'rnnk t-ti"rt hit? : .Imn t lie rinni ti'iii'v nn. n liini'i'll' tn revive flu- limit it Slum liiuii..- - in ( It-nrll. I.I, nml m-t n gno'l cn n.plii If. Il.i l.-II.M.- lllf-ll. II-.' ll.'S 111 I I'lll'llllft. 1 1 li i 4 .,1 i .-I' .'in n ii ii ii.-" iiriny iit-iT iiih'.- in- ii'iiyfu--.ir hi mi ltd n i'iiiI, that ho linn on liaml n larn ii.iiM.ri.'ii.'iit t'f tin Hurl, nml any iniiiiiint i.f i imr..' AS... t HI I- '-I im. I Pal l-lll. lint' illL. 111' t'oiiiiii jr lv ni-t-ii nl.-' liaitprs in.-i'l.' tn nnl.'r, im 1 nf any nil iiiti.nii-rH. Mnrrtii-co. l'l'i-ii' li t-ulf, rt caif piiiti'M i'i,H5!iinllv on lininl. f .1' nie. kit i-x (-eptc.l. All work Ifav- Imn wnminteil mil t.i rip. t'n-t'iiiicr.i n town will tin. I Iii m nt the shop fi.iiniT ie.l li y K. It. Welsh, tlec'il ii n nati-h A f'n.-ii c" .il'ii-lin.'f in, nearly uppn-ite K"t--I nml i..ii-.'.i utore. R.'ll in hoys anil gol neiv inilen or your old mien rcpnire.l, ns loine of them stnml in great tiei-.l ol' it. FRANK SHORT. .Tune !. l9rS. 3m. I. S. The I'nitnei nhip heretofore existing be tween John MeCnlie A. lieorge Newi-on in tliii ilny HitiMiivetl I.y iniiiiiiil eonni'iit, nlnl the books, neeinints, mid nil efleet?, are now in the blind ,.f F. Short for ft-tlleinerit. Tlio businenii will be enriied ku iu fu lire bv I'. Short. Alus, poor 1o rit-k ! ' JOHN MeCAltK. OEOKQE NKWSON, HOOTS & SHOHS always on; hand, JOSEPH GOON, THANK I'VL I'-ir pu-t favors, and grateful for fut. iri prospu'-is, desires to inform the cituens of tl.i v'u iniiy, nml his old friend? and patrons in particular, that lie ha removed t'i the FIRST ROOM in the T.A end uf Ha "57 JaaTr", Tht Firtt Djor f l'iv!f of the Mansion House. v!, (I,-.- Li- haa on luind cuii.-lnnlly, a large a-sort cent of every Tnriety in the . BIHIT and nihil: link CfSTOM W0RH ATTE.VlitD TO WITH MSPATCII. The very b-."t of atock will bo used, and do paiusspure l to m.iko r.cat fits nnd dnrnl.le work. All of ttliifli can be ohtnined from the said Joseph liomi YEKV LOW for the RKAnr nnino. CK-urtiold. Au'. 18. 1SA8. m I AK.MKIJS ATTEN TION Tho test Article in the World for raising WHBAT Is Lrinnii's Superior I'lms pliiilt! of Unit;. At t in per ton, or 'i ctn. a lb., by the barrel. Annlysetl and Uccomniended lor THE WHEAT AND GRAIN OKOI'S BY Professor III . T. J ACKSOX, Chcuiit of the United States Patent Q?!ce, Waihtnpttm, I). ('. .?&-lt will reps, the eutlny SO to 100 per cent., and will not burn the seed contact as flumiod'ea. by coming la err' rij , prove it ! ! G. A. LKIN.-M1, Proprietor, No. 21, Sooth inOXTStncl, I'hiudc'jltiii (.Vg, J'a., Or of my Agents throughout the Country, r-?ANl.rsis ran be seen at my Oflleo. jer-Cu-b Mailed with the order wil-receive prompt nttention. A liberal discount to Storekeepers who buy to sell again- Pamphlets ran be hud ut iny Oflice. 0. A. L. nug. 4, IfaS. Km. fllho Subscriber retpectfnlly Informs the citi 1 z-.'iit of the liorough of Clearfleld and vicin i:y, that lie has taken n lease ot i'zf'fjs sir.--s&zl B, adjoining the town, where lie w ill con stantly keep on h 'ind, a full supply of the urtiele, either lumps or mixed to suit pur- cu bers. i eisons in town can no Kuppneil j, f,icn.li and the puhlio. thnt he bna just witii it at their homes, at six cents per replenished his stock of eatables, in his new sa-bu-dicl, or ut the Bank lower than ever ln in the basement of Messrs. Morre A Cur A hliarc of public patroiiupe is aolieited. irnn Tin-Ware store ; nnd that heronf- rATltlCK MUI.VANEY. . ter he will alwayi be prepared to furnish Ilia oua- Rept. Int. bH )St. tf , . . ,Rf remaining In the Ptiat IT OF l.nTTI I a o,v.. ... ri......l.i .i!.... V ,V a,a 1 6 ' Miss. Mni-y Vnn like Samuel Viders Miss. Catharine Nitfor Hiram White Robert Doatty L. F. Ldwards William Simpson A. C. Smith George Hull nor- Joseph Uuinner Isaao F.ng- land .Aihn Curley Peter MeA leer Joseph Casebeere Ediiiiind Beaust igneur Win. Uluir Joseph II 1. 1 Inn rl Ltivelnnd & r.ddy Thomas iilligaii Fred R. SbotT, t small box. M. 11. l'er-ona calling for any of the above letters will please say they sre advertised. Sept. 30tu '58. C. D. WATSON, P. M. REPUBLICAN JOB 0FFIC Tlie rnUUier-i of tin. n.:,Lfin.,.ji r .' -- v .... ... r..rigirt,iiiirertnntitoliilgelyliiere.ifli V ' MtH-k tf Jobbinu inatu ial, anil will J, jiarcd to do all kind of . ; , ,,..,., roin-KS, TAVi'iiim, ., Tkoc.ra. NltMJI, ' P .triR BlKIKS, ClRCl'LA IAm.ls, , ,' Ball Tiiktrs, IIandjii. and every kind of printini tis'tnlly' t' ' in a ewntrv ioh office; Your orders tru-to! to n" will be faithfully execu I. N. LA KHIMKI 7,;,iM(; iiomi (. t'i ' i int v in ii.i' ii I sn , 1 1 t-t-i' w i int in n 1 1 it m . n i v, V'.'H ll'I'l I ' '!, I'"' T'i iil-.i-i il.rr l"i lrm to tnfi'tni M M riinii.ni.-r, mul llif t'lil'lir i-iifiiill tin: hr Inn ti-i-niill tnkrn llit (.. 'll dll'imi ilnMl. M"l . i'iiiI hi- In.. itilni'l M-rllii'il 'l tirniiillii-"l il In J( i. ii ,r I i.u-1 .i I I.f iiv, mi.l lli mit. i.l III" '-IiIiiii tnnliiii' riiiiiiniiiiilv. HIS TABLE nill iiUiim In t nl.lnl lt'i trcrt Inxiny tlio , in it r k -1 1 mi. I Hin..iiii'liii" ntry will uri-.l-l. HIS BAR .1 nlll I i mipi'lioil n illi llio rhuirr-l w Im ftlnl II- I- HUI.lf. HIS STABLES, n Ii I ill ni tbu l.fi-t ini'l iii.i.t colli iik n) 'umix on tlic r.Ki.l illiiu u ilny'i truvi'l, will ulinii" Im in limine i-f c.ir.iul an. I ulluilivo lumlkn. In Khrt livery il.'I'iitliin-nl i.f lil Kfllilililn.'lit "ill Ih1 mi.).l:eil uiili all tin. ruiiifurtii iin.l cutivi'iiiuti cii' llit M.-arv travulUr ruuhl .li-.in-. Jane WM. A. MASON. NATION A I. HOTEL, I.I.ATK WIIITK SWAN.) Raco Bt. above Third, Phila T". II K .i "'i ii !its ' tlio nluivn well knnwn - iil.'i.liiiii.iil liriiiir t Ii n ii K I n 1 Inr tliu very lint-nil piilrniiiii;!. Iicntiiwt'il ti )' tliiMii lln imut yt'iir, lukf III is int'tliml nf iiifnrmin tlit-ir frieiuli) nml tlio pulilio tlnit lliey nm "till pn-pnri'il to ue ctiiniiM.ilalo tlit'in if fnvuru'l with n cull. Iiiirin llio Miinnitir iiinn ill tin' hmifo hn been llinrim'lily I't'iiiivii ifil, iiiipriiveiiiriit iiinilt! nml otlitir t'.t,'ii-iv ii Item t i mih in ciintciiiiliiiinn. V lire ileti'iiniiieJ tn tlevnto tinr vtlinle iilt"ii linii In l upini'i'i. nml flnltor -nirelves witli the ('.iiivit-tiuii tlnit we slinll lie nl'le In pive fiitisliu' litm. SIHKS i STOVKK. - i urrniKi-n win Hiwnjt in rt if. u. ennvey pnneiiL'.-r In una iriun r-ifiiiniiniu i.nnu- ilijrs untl ltiiilr.nid lie)tolit. K. A H. .M.IR-ll 111 ft. ISj.S.v, SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Ctirwcnsville. Penna. , rMhe siibsnriber, formerly of the lixelmiii'i' Ho f. tel, l'liilip.-hiirK, Inn iii? taken tin iihove new utiiml hiluuto on the bunk of the river, in the b-wer i'iiiI of Cii' wi'iisville, wnuld HnnoiiiR-e thnt ho is iinw ready fo" the itecnimn'idution of ftran gcr und nl! iiilw.i who uiiiy favor him with u rail. Tlio house in lurge and coiufortiible. und travelcri willlind every eonvenieueo iiet-eit.-iiry In their eoiiiltirl. Ample stubling in atUehed to tlio preuii'is. DAVID JOHNSON. Fcbrunry 10, 1H5S. M AN10 IIOUSP. J ,VfJ II' A HHASOKMEXT. llie tuli't-rileT vefpeetfully nnnounees to the pub lie thut he has taken the above atund, in the bur ouifh of ( leiirtield, and is prepared to neeoinino- dnle all w!io may irive him n call. The public I" uiiiyrest iismred thnt it will bo coiidueted in the beat manner possible. Ilia table will be aupplied itli the belt the market affords. His liar tilled with the choicest brands of winoa and lienors, mid bis stithies will he under the care of attentive and car. lul n.-tlirs. DANIEi M. WEAVEK. i'eb. II, IS67.-y. CLE. Ml FIELD mm COKM H OF 1-IItsr AXU ma kki:t mi'ki:i:t4, 111 I', uiidorsiirtiu.l respectfully inforina Ilia friends and tho truvelinj- puhlio in general, that be has taken the above house. FUKMEKLY KNOWN AS Till' IIEMT HILL HOTEL, The IIoi se has been recently refitted proved, and newly fiirnis.ht.il; EXTENSIV STABLING HAS llUKS COMI'l.KlKIl ; AMI HE IS TO ACCOM MOIMTE in ...i. : i -..ll .i. All wuti uiiiv l' ve nun cmi, in me iiium . . - c . . pleasing and agreeable, manner. i Hals A:ri7!lv FirTiiiliil ' With cvay thing to render his house a desirable slopping place, will bo supplied with an nssortinont of choice li quors ; nnd he will endenvor to entertain his giK-sib in a innuner that cannot fail t) give tho I FlLLI-xr AIISIMCTION. ! The house is situated in a pleasant and quiet part of the town, ami no expense or attention will be spared to tniike it one of tho bent houses in the county. A lib eral patronage is respectfully solicited, II. HAYS MOIIHOW. Clearfield, aug. IS, 1 1 6g. ly. ATHIMI, l-XCIIAX.!', IIOII:!.. Tho t-iibseriber having taken tho above well kin. wn slsnil, formorly kept by H in. A. Mason, in Curwenai iile, l'o., is ready to accommodate nil who muy luvur hiiu wiln their patronage. His tulle win aiwnya ne suppiieti wun tno net tne ark.t iilfnrds, nnd hi liar with fne choieos liquors llie stable will bo under :he enre of a lentive hnsilera. DAVID SMITH. Curwenavillo, April 21. 15H. RESTAURANT. rpiIK undersigned respectfully announce to; 1. tlio public tliat he has opened an eating ' house in the I. art-mont story of Morrow's (Into ! Hi'inphill's) lliit -l, where niiy be found every ! luxury of the season, such us lee Cream, Sardines, l'ickled Oysters, I.enionado, Ale, Lnuer Ileer, i Cakes, Confoetionaries, Fruits, Nuts, Ac, Ac. He hopes by a strict iitteuiion to hie business to luoi it, ami receive, a share uf public pntroiinge. . A. C. FLANNIUAN. ' June 30. lS.iS. in . Restaurant and Eating Saloon. T 11. TAYLOR. he leave lo inform hi. bl 1 li. fiientla nnd the nublm. thai ha l.n. In.t i"iui-m nun ivrr tiling ii-ininy lounu in sueii es- j tiiblishmonta to wif Ice Cream, Ale, t ,,- Be- Tobaoeo nnd Cig.ira of the very best qua!- ty Fruiu nd Confeotionnry of all kinds, rfc. LV 1 ..-i.u"i....j nn Thankful for past favors, ho solicits a continu. anco of public patronngo. f may 12, '58. ! . . . j "NOME AGAIN." . 1 ) EED A WEAVER are now receiving an i ' XX, opening a large nnd well selected Stock ot i tioods, consisting of Dry Cooila, (iroccrles. Hardw are, (lacena ware, limits and shoiM. OiU, I'ulnts ,t Drugs, HatM and ItiiiinetH, N'all k --1UKIS. ail BIIU I'lfcll. ns well as every other article usually required in the country, which they offer to the public on es fair terms as can bo had In the county. Cull ..l a..u m u m. !...... ....I. iv.l on - oiv iuv in uinui.iui uiiuuari lit june V, 1-Haft. 4 LL persona, arc iiorehy .uuuned airninst l. purchasing or interfering with tho follow ing property, via : One roan horse, one groy mare, one brinjle cow, one two horse wniron. one fanning mill and one cooking stove, now in the possession of N. Verbeg, as the same belongs to me and is loaned only, and subject to n,y order. M. 11. CONAWAV. Karthaui tp, tsi' t; :2nd, lftftfj. n mm in imiur ty or Iiik y 11114 1. ft H'h-IImi i.f vllnl itn j.-t1 bmi . mi.l .1 l- Hip i.i.f'M.r li.i l-ii.li llio l,f.. lit. nil .,,,(, ii.iilitli.iii mi.l .l.. In nllV I'll" "HI ll'i'il in.. .i..t..... ,l...i l,l I., ..a Ii, 1. 1. ....I hi,. I tl,.-t..f.-r.. nil .Ii. ..riuii.ni in il - luil m .! r at 1 i' li-'t- fiii-ii Hull nllin. i'i Iii.vr. iln ir i.ni nlii.n in Imlh Hi" i!i.l. mi l llni.l ;il tin' l.ii.ly. Iliul lin' lull, i . -ii'lurat", li'.vi.'t .-r, il a lixi.l 1m l, mi.l mi . Ii. nl -kill Ii i i li'iiily tlrniiiii'tmicil lhl nl li-u.-l Ik 'i tlitpl oi I lie illi Unit liuiuun (It 'll it lii'ir I", liuiu iln ir uinn- in un Impure Msitc of (lie ISlooil! A, fur inalniifo, in llie Imi k ciitiili.gur, null ScroliiliiIVtU'r, "Uarbcr's llcli," riiiiplcs Ulott hus, t)iel;LS, I'l ccrs, tMilt-IUicuii), l)lSCliar,rCS ' H . , . I I llOtn tilt! Lai1, I t VCr SOI CS, Or IT- u.ptive Dist-ascsofany kind. I lieJo are iim'eilai I i.y null Kimwn nicni'-ni Inwuo iirii-B I'lnin bu.l liltmil wliihi llie highl it inerliiiil Hiithoritii'i tlt'i-laic tliut inofl levers ori- ((innte i n llie Mime uiiiiiei , nml nmre I'lirlit-iilnr- ly Typhni.l nml St'.-irlit the firmer l'ein un in- t.-rnal, nml he latter un exit rnal iirtiplne ilis. I'lirnf il ill nil iirrmni. iillat-keil I.y tlicu nm- linlies tlie lilnoil in found to be coagulated, or of a thnk unhealthy color. To ward off ii large majority of iliaCnse, mi well im to cure u number which have ulready mi zed upon the evslcin, IT IS SIXKSSARY TO I UliirY I Hi) IJLOOI). LlMlSKV's IlHfKOVEO Bl.OOl) St.lKl Hr.R IlOtS Nor Claim to iik a I'niversiil I'miueeii for every disene known, but tlio proprietors chum for it the power not only of Draining out All Impurities of llio Blood, but by the i-kilfii! combination of well known It uult cure all dmrasct arlsinj from a derang ed slate of the Lieer drier out Dyytepsia, and yive rencwrd tic and rigor t'i the Stomach. ilial I He in. in. I neiireiier is nil mat is ciniiiieu for it, the Proprietors enn produce j THE I ROOF: It la only n few venrs ninee it wnn ilin-.ivcred. nml yet it bus Krowu into uch u bu-ines that a mine l.nnorui.iry nas in-eu ouui esprosniy i.ir in lllll IIUIlll III I C u inrijo iiuinui-r ot men euipioved in piuiniL' it up, and still 1 r -l-l - I I . I' 1.1 :' I I1C OII)J)ly (lUt's. IKJl rqiltll UJUmf J r. .lai rel t 'h lre.it n .. lit limy I )t - iifl I I mediate and pel liiiui' iit l .-he;..i ... .i.... n. ..i.i i . . :r.i ! , 0 ubh unj. i.ntniiu in u ii v.iuii i iii itv au, 11 uia . . .Medicine did nut po-sess all tbo virtut-a vUimetl , - '" advit e pronij.lly nie-w ei . il. I'--ur H ; 1 1 1 l-l iier part ieulul s ail'll e--i The l'l'iprietora hnve hundreds of certificates ! ".IAMKS M. ,1 A If !! V. T !', M. 1). from men of probity nnd stiindiiiK in the c hiiiiiii- ! ,'.. M.'l) Urondirm, cor. 7'. ' "'' V,. X. '. nily, t-liKwiiii what the medicine is doing daily p. S. Phiii-iiiii nml tilers i iiiin Iho eily for the sutlerine;. jure leipi't-tliilly invited to call at the Intirinin v, ASK ANY I'KHSOX I where iiiiiny iiiereitiii-; oien can be w itiit-r.-i-il, Who h;is ever iir-ed the Ijlout-I,""'1 wlu'"' ","r ';""'' a fr " ,l"' . lation ol lui'dicnted vupori-.tii be .i eii and ni-p. . t Searcher led. Whether Keltef teas Kxperiened. Let the iitllii ted ivo il a triu.1 u sin-ilo bottle will coiivime the most tkepticul uf it etlicaey. TTn. i. M. LiMHsr.r : Dear Sir I tnke plen. nellt i yllur Improved HI aure in iicKiioiMe'iiui tne irreut in noil fearcner lias ueen to mv on. lie bus lieen alllicleu Willi lint pliy .it'iali called il Mrofulous diseine uf tlio iibinibin-; iriuutls of the lit'imach. He has beeu atUieled I with this dmeu.-e from iiiluney. lie is now lif """ teeti yeins of ajo; during all thin limu ho bus ; had several -e. ere utl uks, nml ail the food t.i- ' ken into the fliiiiiaeh iuipi.rted liule strength lo ' ,i... .. .,... i i ...i ..v..rn l , .1,, ,'KKI '""lalti'iiding him, but I found very Imlt. ' adviui. 'tiiL'e, lie the disease atill returned' Willi nil ils air. ful COU8I-. (Helices. , , , , , . , , , 111 Aio-il IS.i7. be bad u viol. oil uLli.i'k.si much I eu- tlmt u H.hu (,lH. ,, tUpt,U!(.a U() Wtts ju thu i'" - - ''1'" u' e...iMim,m..ii. i w .ivi..i 10 try i your nlo.i.l .-iciri lier ; I accordingly procured one bottle of it, und by tho time ho had used il i he appeared rc.ilurerd to perfect health. Ilia now one year sine he uaed your invalua ble lilo.id Searcher, mid I am perfectly suli.-li- eil it lias saicd Imn limn an untimely irrave. 1 no nolle itiiliiiglyrccuiuuioud It to all who may be si marly uluici.l, and deem il no more tliuu justice lo bear this public testimony lu itavtr tues. Kespcctfully yolirs. Ac. JAM K3 F. DKVLIN, I'oinroy Station, A. I'. K. Hoad. Mr. Devlin is well known to ;he citiieusol In diana and Westmoreland counties. July fi, I5M. nm svi.i: uv C. D. WATSON, Clearfield. JAMES II. 0UAI1A.M, llrahiutipton. JOHN I'ATToN, Curwensville. Ii. F. llltl-.NM-H, Moiris.li.lo. JOHN IICSSLLL, i'ennsville. It. II. MiiOttli, Luthersburg. M. O. .-TIKK, New Mulport. CHAItLKS It. FOSTEIl, Fiiilipsburg. 11. 6WAN, Ansoiivillo. UUSSfMiL MclR RKAV, New Washingtou EDWAKD WILLIAMS, W illimnsville. JACKSON I'ATCIIEN, liuriixi.lt. SAM I iliL HAlU-ail'Y, lilenUopo. aug. 1 1, lsj tim. STAL I'l' lilt .i. II tltl l'.i Cheap Watrhei anil Jewelry. w T HOLSALE and 1IETA1L. ul the "i'liilml.-l. phin Watc.h and Jeweliv Store." No. 118 (old No, Uti) North Second Street, corner of Quar- ry, IMiilud n. (iold UverWtcl,es,fulljcweledlSc.cascf$2S (10 .Hold Lupine, IS carat, - 2 l"l Silver Lever, full jeweled, silver Lupincjewcis, . . 'perior g.mrtiers, . . 12 00 y mi 7 oo 7 oo IM Spectnclos, Fine Silver Spectacles 150 Oold llrncelets, ......... 3011 Lady's tiold Pencils, 1 Oil Silver l eu Spoons, per set, ...... 5 no Oold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 00 .,..1 I ts: n:. .,.1 ... . A.n . ' .Jinn r ni;er jvings ,113 cents lo J..1U: untcn i U T""1' !'lin." "'"; l"'tei.t Ihj, I.unet 25;- oth.Br "t,t,e." ln proportion. All goods warranted Ola.. a. 191 ill 1 OH to be what they are sold lor. STAL'FFEIl .1 IIAKLEY, Successors to 0. Conra.l. On hand some Oold ami Silver Levers and Le pines, still lower than the above prices. October 7, IS55.-ly. ( alilnct, Chair .llaklny:, A I) IIOUM i: V A I N T IN(i, 7 OIIN HCMCII I DANIEL HEN NEK having lartnership in the nhove busi- .,.- . entered into piirtnersh , -.. . '. . ness, win ue prepared ni an tunes to attend to any business in tho above lino on short notice und in a proper manner. They will also I. -en consiiniilv nn hand at their shop on Market St.. nearly otino- . . r . I I oite tlio J. w Ht.ore, a largo assortment of Mahogo- synnd Cuue Uottom Chairs, und Cabinet wure of every description which thoy will be found ova. ready to dispose of on as reasonable terms ns the smne articles can be had elsewhere in the county, i eir.tock of Cabinet Ware now on hand, con. WiC.fd Common li.,. r... ...-u. a I Wash Stands, Desks and Book Cases, French a I Field Post Ilodstonds. Ilii,',n nr,.l,f.( r i . i o. i i. i ... ... I Wash Stands, Desks and Book Cases, French I Field Post Ilodsleads, Dining, Breakfast, Con- tr Card and Pier Tables, Ac. ' ' "to Andrew i).vis. Taken in Ei.cution and to OFFINS manufaotured and deli-ered at any be sold as the pronerW of And, n...? ' ,. M d.iM. I May , 1M (AIM) Jniui ! M. J iMt II, l A I tctii Dr. 1IIK N MHIk I I l IM IHM MtV &l r, lin i . li.n I. ill iB.lniil.l irmnh tlic i l-i tr li.'iilinli.n, r-.i l.i.l I h) ! inn. Iili Viitl t.iit. 1. 1 il.H.lj il.-iiiii.-ii mu. f HI. 'I I 'llllliiillll I t DIlMIIIIIlt l'll . ", mul It klli'ln il ." I"'. I"H .-ilii-r xnli in t'inMi'1 i'-."iiiimli"i. nml mlr iiiiln K- nl kI' It.fl i I tin mi Ii unit il rnl I 1 1 1 l-.v n n'i rt t " MEDICAL INHALATION, Im i iinl'li il in I" mini- nl ntlti-iMir. dirn t ..it. I ntriv.-liil rt'iiin- i.f Irtiiinii iil d.r lli pml tiv mul rutlit iil run' ul nil ili-rii-'. nl tlio IIIIKIAI, l l'MiS AM) Alll-PA'SAt.l-.S. l!)- iiiliiilnlii.il llii' riiriitiii' .ii .i-i u.- nl lin'ili-riiii-i mr ilirt-t lly nililn pk-iI In tlio ilin'iin'il or gan mul llie inii-)!iiiiii iil, 1 iln nut mlvii-c tlio liru t .M. .II. nl liilmliili.ni nl uliy kili'l. In llie -ilimiiiu of t;i i liAI. ti katmknt; nml all ln";ti 1 i-tiiifitler it ii Uft'lul ntlinviiiil in llie pminir mmi- nKemoiil nf tln.-e feurlul Mini mien filial tln-em-n, 1 .1....... I. ............rl' tl,,., M11..I, llUlil'Ilt Cl A ll, VIII I I I I J 1,1 ll P. -I, I J , km i. " - - ,hu.l bum the liem-ll'l t Imtli knkhaL and In- cnl trvHtiiient. The mri-e-n nl my tl t-ntnieni 1 1 ihA nlmvi) tliMiiii-ii. ii ii .1 the liiuii eliurtti'UT uf the Iiiftitutiiiii over w liicli I Imve m imiK 1U' lno il)r t presitlti, ure Ion well known to neeil ,n,y eulo;y or cniiiinctn. Irmii in. At tlio unliei- lll(i0 l inuiiy private untl prtifopnitiniil friemlii, tlirmi whnpe phil inthropit- niil tlio nlmvo ihnr jy MlB lu, ln; nml lilierally snppiirte.l, innl uf- ter ,ju0 ennui. lenilion, I have etiiiflii'le'l to make Ku ,i, ,,rrniiireiiienls m wi I lirinir llie lienelim nf my experience and irentnieiit wiiliin llie. reueli of all, uii.l uut coutine luynvlf iiu herelolore, to tlniM' only who entered thg Iiiliriu.iry, or who were able to vinit me nl mi nthea. Hoping, tliorefore, that the urriiiij,'euieiit will K'VB entire an I in Im-1 ii.ti . bnlh to 111 v iii olesif iniiiil bielhreii untl the publie, I would i e.-peeilully nniinuiieo in (-iilii-lil-ii.il, that I cm lime lie cinatird "" l'i ur hy letter, on nil tli.-en.-es an nliove.iind llml the uimlieini-ii, the unmo us in-t-d ill the Inslilulion, ure prepared to fiiit eaill individual case, Inhaling V'iipors, Uctllfill INHALE IIS, Ac ' c, w ill bo ferwiirdetl by ezpreaa ti) part of the l nili-il Male- or llie I uiiudaa. any 1' lv K M S : Mv term-, of tre.ituielit I'V letter ate follows viz : -T per m n i n i'i.reaWi pa tient, whieli ivill include ui.'iiie.lie stilh. cient for one unuitli s u-e . ais.) ill. mliii-: vapor, nml all lniiuliup Appariltll-. l'ay. Ilieilt IIS follows: Slj n ,o paitl to Ex pre- A-i-nt on the receipt of tlie lm ni Medi - cine, un I llie piilanee ti at the expiration ol the inotith. if the liatii-ut be cured or is elilirelv sati.-.fleil with the treatment. 1'a- ; tii-nts, by j:lviti a lull hi-tory o t In -i i in full. iMit he . ,.UM.i ,,,( yillptiMH ,.,,,,, i u ,,...n i ., i... I ,,. it-r-.iii.il e. I heitiM'lvi-." I el , nit mi . ,, ' ... ' tin, it i-.l mil I' , I H. M I j II v.i 1 1 1 lie tl.u- Itloni Let- ha-- to ll eat a ca-e i iver t iillt 01! EAT UISlOVKUV OK THE AUK. Iiupuriuni to TOBACCO CHEWEIIS DK. (il'STAV I.INN A Kl) S TASTE IIKSTOIIA Tl YE TU)( 7..V. 77iC llreat s'di.ititnl' f"C 'l'rliacen. It is well known ami iiit..litri.v.-rt.tle fail that the ui-e of Tobacco iM I lie promoting cause of many of llie most severe MENTAL AMI PHYS ICAL Ul.iOltllintS It, which the race nl iiinn is "Ul'ject. as car ul nnnlysi. and long und ilul exu. ri " nee nave cleurlv nroven t lint it eon ains 1 fci la in narcotic and poisonous pinperties most j ' dangerous ill their v fleet, which by entering inlo tlie liluotl tleraiiges tlie funelioiis untl operations of the heurt, causing ninny to suppose (hut organ to be seriously diseased. TOBACCO iilbels also the Uitire licivnus sys leiu, iii.iuifesliug itself as all who have used llie noxious weed will bear le.-tiiiiouy in Lassitude. Nervous Irritability, Water I'.rash, Dyspepsia. A inn ii V oilier disorders ol it similar ehariiler. THE TA.-TK KlvSTOItA ITV K TltO. II KS ..re deigned lo cotiiiteruet tliese baiieliil iiitlin-iiees. iur"' ,1M4'e proved cniiipletel tssliil in ti uiiil-1 tiluiU of cases, and wiiereicr u.-ed. Ileiiiu Iniriu lens ill themselves they bacU a beiielit ial etlci l upon the enure system, rusi-u iiig the Tuste u hit-h ; has heoouiu vitialed ur d.-slroyed by i;reut iiidul- ' geneo. coinpletoly removing the irritation and accompanying tickling ensnliiiii nf the Tbruiij which ore always ciiseiiuen. upon the abstaininy i from the use of Tobacco, and bv Lnvin health j tone to the stomiieh invigorate Iho w hole system , Persons who are irretrievably under. n iiung I ...... u,i,.,ii..,.M .....l ul.... ,i...;.. n....- should use tliese Troches immediately nml throw ofl the injurious nml unpleasant habit of Totiac Tliese Troches or Lozenges ure put up in a ; criiveniciit and portable form ut the low price of 5(1 cents per box. A liberal disci unt to the trade. l'r..i.,.,.l ..l..l., l. ,1,. I.. .1 1 .....I . , . ... ,v. , j i.. .,..1.. m ..u... 11 orders should lie in . resse.l. ot.iji- nun-i-i, i. . :. JA.Mt-.S I'.. liOWI-.HS, Druggist. Cor. .'tl mul ltace streets, I'hila. April IB, 1S5 . ly. 7 ii7 cr'mic KKN, 'ft cui'T siki:i;t, M.n-onk, .M.tM r.ii i t. nr. it or ; ll lilSS I Ioiikimiii- I'S, line Vinl Mill Ial (iRADUATED MEASUI.'ES, NUHSINd KOTTI l'S FTC G,,l?f Wnr0 f(,r clle1,its', ,',,,,. Pl.rrulner,. Photographers, etc. Grcm GIllSS WiirC by tllC Pack- o A Liberal Discount made to the Trade, j?!rOrdera horn Country Druggists und Dea lers solicited. ptr Price Lists sent on application. August 4, 1S68 .lin. SHERIFF SALE. l)YTitue ofa certain writ of Un. Kupo,,,,., i,. J) suing out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield County, md to me tlireeted, there will be exposed to miblic sale nt the Court 11 the liorough of Clearfield on Thursdny the .0 day of Sept mbcr' 1 iS.sS, the following described property ,vis: A certain irnct of land, situated U Furguson township, beginning ntn bocch oor- ner, thence by and. of T. It. Davis N. 40 W. 213 per. to n post thence by Inmls of ohn Ferguson H 6i' w- ?5 per. 'on post, thence by lands of M. hloom S. 21 E. 29 perto a hickory, thence by I 1.1 l-l. L 13 J it I.. ,n . . oi l u .. .. """" luuiunia omugii o. u r.. i is per, loan Ifoiiwoml, theneo N. 60 E. 72 per. to place of beginning, containing one hundred acres, with eoout forty aerea cleared nnd a log house. Iur 1.. .1 1. 1 .... I ;.L -i. .. .1 . ' . R ",r" unu- hlucksmith shop thereon creeled. Am. " ci rinin othor tract uf land, beginnirg nt a f d- gar, thence by lands of M. Bloom S. 10 E I0R per. to a beech, thence by lands of John Fcriru son N. 21 W. 100 per. to a beech, thence by hind of Win. P. M'CToy N. 60 W. 10 per. to a birch, LK'" .'.. Ing the same premises conveyed by T U Davis .I...a..a i. n Y I ..' .. - n ..... . Illul iney be- Ing the same premises conveyed by T Ii Davis as per deed recorded in Deed Book M.'pa'ge 812 J- R. HEED, f Keriff. ; Pert- llth, leMI, ... fa. ' , '.'S7 . ,V ,V'7i '. voih 1. iii m lit i iu v iwnii i f . .ft. n ( iii'tu lilt l.n pin.ii1 id I n...,-. l-t in", " I t"ii'm I1' I "f rt-. - i I in mj i,i, n r..i (Ii. in... 'i"ti l'i hi til, l-r-u,, i r .lil.o mi'l n't i l " ' liil.-iiu( mul Kill I" t-t' "iiii"l t'i Hi" '' " ''ii 'i I' .iir i, I li niHi l l i ii.iniy, t" lio li'l'l HI lli l'Mi,t hull" III III' '"""IK'I ' l"l n. l-l, MH IIIMilHt tin. Iflil,, .l.iy i.f N.'ii'iiil'T liflt, f .f nmltltiiut mi l II"ihi mir : Hip If- Uinriiliiijr urrounl i.f l,i Krhr4 ami liri.rne Mii ir i, .s -jniiinmininri i.i i nun,,, rlllllll il.-tei.d, lio K- iilnr of Pivid Krbmd, hue ul hno towrnhlp, I'lptrhebl enug. ly, ilt-t-riiietl. 'Hie Kiiuil aeiMiuiil nf llmwell t.uther, A lmin. islrnlnrof I inl ini(iilnr, the (tnutli and rlnt. 1,1-, rigliln anil credili of Jaiuni W, llunlnp, tt, nf llrudy tnwimhip, l lemfu-ld county, dri-rantd. The A iiiiiiirtriiliun neroiint nf Marin 1 1 1 1 1 l.urn in .Maui. In Mutt'i, Adiniiii-lratricei of Mary Ma'ee, late nf the burounb of t lenrlield, dee d, T. e dual Administration account uf tlt.nrge W, Hbocin and l.ydiu Itbeein, Adtn'r mid Adm 1 of lie rf W. Itbeein, Sr. late of the borough ol l leiirlield, tleceanetl. Oct. latli, '6H. JAMES WRIOLEY, Reg'r. Al'IM'iilt'N NOIIl'l. In the Oi'hiiu't Court of (Uttrfehi fVanfy, In he miller of ihc Kulnit nf Samuel AVcaona lie of 'tan (oiriuAi'y), Clenrfialil County, deed. And now, to wit, tlic 19ili day of Angina, 1858 on un. tin I, of Lnrriiner A Test, T. J. Mi-Cullough wan appointed an auditor to uintrihuto tht aru in the liuuds uf Joaeph Nicholaun, adminiitrator of llie estate of miid demdent, innoiifr the jmt cro.litt.ra thireof. Vr Cttrinm. All perilous will take notice that I will attend 'o the dutiei of the above npiiitinent at my of fice in tlio Diirou'll of Uleartield, on Snturilny, the Bill duy of Nuvumher next, at J o'clock P. iii. uf auid duy, where all persona integrated cun at tend if thi'y see proper. Oct. Ilih, 6. T. J. McCULLOUGH, Au,tr. Al'lITOKS NOTICU In the Orphon' Court nf CUnrfeld County. In the inattcr if the Enlote of Jiieoh Lrim&rd late nf Ilecenrin tp. Clearji tdrnunty dtcenttl. ud now, to w't, tho lt'lh day of Entrust 1S5S, on mull. in in open court, Jua. II. Lurriuier ap. poiiitod an auditor to investigate and report up. loll the partial aeeoiint of John W. Wrieht and Ji--e William, Kxecnttirs of auid decedent, filed iiS),.May ISth, Sa. I'er Curiam. ! Ail p rsnns intercftcd in the ettlcinent of sail 'account will lake notice that I wil attend to the lunes ol r.iv iipli.iiiitiiieut nt liiu oOice of Lnrri- Teat." i-aiur.lav the 1 .tit duv of Novemlwr next, ut 1 eV-bn-k P. M. of a.iid day, where they lean iiltend if they ree proper. I 'is' J- " L.tltltlMEK. Aud,r, i A O' 1 l7XjTICI , In the m i.Vc of the. KsLtte of Ahraham lieu 1,',v i,f H i , . To M n v if lo'Ciislitp ut cca-icd. !, wn. .tv of said decedent, .Snnlh ! (iiiit-rni.-iirit'.l with Manly C. London,) Isaac i Hess, ltd ca. (intermarried wiih John 1 1 it- i.y ii, m ,,.,.!,. Mil tint, ( interinarried with ; .In-epli Loud .ii.) lietirge litiss, Sarah, (only j i-hd-l of A'iraiiiiiii ll -ss jnn. dee'il.) Ahrahain ' Her-. "jiliia. (liili-rin-irr.'-il with Unvitl A", i ket.i A t xinidi-r llt-ss mul Kos.nnii.i lleas, iliii. lien mi l grandchildren uf -ni.l decetlent, mid tu all nlhera interested : You will lake no tiee thai at an Orphan's Court held ut Clearfield ! in ami for CuurHcId County, on the 2ith .I.y of i August lu-t p. 1st, the petilmii .f liiiorgo (less was i rem l n hereupon mi nioii.ui ,f lea Allorm-y, L, 3. l ran- Ei. a writ of paililion issued, whereby I ;wus i-niniiiiiu.leil Ilial taking twelve good mid law i ful im-ii . 1 should go up-.ii the pn iiii-i-s iu said J pet lion ini-iitioiied, vii : two t-cri t n tr.icta or I pieces id bin. I situitte in.d ly;ug in II. ,ggs t.nvu-.-li-p ' ciirti.-ld C' unly, ainl ii iving rtf,ic.'t lo the ivulo.ifi-.il in r . (' upon iht-ii neihs mul ntlirina- t ii.ri s to mane partition ot sunt real estate to and I mining tin- in-iis n ml It g I relireseniHlivi-s nf the I -niil .1-. .- Ii-nl. if llie same can Ii4 parted and di- vi.li. I .inn. .ul pnjiiilice tu ur spoiling the whole, j i tln-i w i.-e to uiiike i valuation und appraisement Itncionf. In ucciirdaiire with the coinmnnd of jsaid writ. 1 willuii I'liun.liiv the Twenty-first lay ul iii ioiier A. U. I '.is. on llie premises la I ' -n " - J0SIAII It UEKH, ShurifT. Clearfield, Sept. illltll 180S,. M'.t. vi, Mint i .1 inns li. Lm.i.a.nh. In the Court if ('t. won I'le'it o'CUurliM liKi.llllt It. .-M1TI1. It. nl. is. W. W. Fl.KMI.VO. I ( utility. J An 54 .V.i'. Term, 167. Slliullliill-III Ejeeliuelii for Sll ueres of land III l'ike lowiishi., Cleartield county, part of No. il'ilu, botindeil u n til ea-t bv tlie Ki te luinpiue, west by Win. M N.uil, Miutii by south l.ne ni No. iiiibi, to ciuiipel payineiit of puieha-ie money, yu.l now, Nov. Mill. IS.i7, on motion of tV a. A. Wallace, I'l'tf s Au'y, llie Court order a rule "" '"""' Vl "t l"e.m 111 mis case, "r re'iuure.i lor wain oi su rp- ll0,ln'l,t'c' I """ Hv the Court: tl F0. WALTERS, 'r-tVy. ORPHANS' COURT SALE, ' J fTl' ' V 1 H'-17 PHOPIIiTY In pursuance of an Older of the Or pliant' Court of Clearfield county, granted at Mav Term, lH.7. there w ill lie exposed . 1 t0 ,U,0 (im,. !,v outer v, ua the lire.nntrs. on I ; ,; ' , ' n i t ii'(.vii7 the .'Ih ilai ol Xoccmlcr, at 2 1. M.( nil that VAEUAlil.E. SAW-MILL 1'KOP EUT'Y and TIMIJEIt .STANDING, hue the Estate of Kit-hard Curry, Sr., deed, situate in l'ike and Knox townships in said county, on Little Clew fit Id Creek, about one mile Lelmc Xiiv Millport, bounded anil described as follows.: Megining at a hemlock, coi ner of Win. Kex's land, north 100 perches to npust, ei .-t l'il 1-10 perch is to post, north 1-1(1 pereheR to post, east 1)4 9-10 perches to post on Fitch A Doyn ton's hind, south 1; 10 pen-lies to post and west by hinds of Thompson & Sloppy 216 perclies to liegiiiing. containing lillo acrei '.'ml 1 12 perches and allowance, and hav ing a saw-mill in aoul runnimi order, with i new dam, anil ti Miiiill log house thereon, and having a large quanhig of valuvble pint ami oak timber thereon, and ft part of the land being valualile for farming purposes.'" Also, all the pine limber standing on 100 orre of land adjoining the same, now occupied by Geo. W. Curry, beginning at augur corn, er of Win. Kex's land. eiut IHl 1-1 lpe,t,es i,v hmtli, of Curry'a heirato ijoa ' ,i. i lii,),.,.f.1, . , i ,i 111) ' Vln to V wfst i-rci.es to posr. una south ho percliea w hegmning. 1 hu title in indisputable, it Terms ofSile. One half oil confirmation.' of the sale, and the balance in one year I with interest, und to Le secured bv judg- ment ,Rl lirellliMW. ' ' , , .JOHN" S.CUKUV, WM. HE A', -Atlministratorti. Nov. 13, 1S5. . person are lierelijr eoillioneu Af''nst purchasing or in ' any. way rued-, dlin? wil11 ''0 following described proper. tv' ,,ow 'n tne Psession of John V. Oaoken, of Ferguson tp., viz : olio sorrel mure, one gray mare 'one wagon, ona i. oneiitow. one harrow On. . eon ner I c "p , """l" , I...I1A .1 -I 1 . .. .- IhA " . T ' . . ""T - n same belone to me. and havn been left . with 11,0 Bllid MoCracken Oil loan pnl.i aubiect to my order. 1 ISAAC BLOOX, r. '. Sept. -'''. -V.