Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 03, 1858, Image 3

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    Jionif H (lairs.
.IHKH r wi -We im I 1 1 1 m)
jvllmr i-itinr li Willi;, iii .l. iin I
other day w ith his IiciiiI I" mi
lnwiiiff other tniitki (if i ii in
1. 1
iv. .1
severe pi-fnlia! injui li s. I 'jiori making
Iqiiiry, w h-ami'd Hint he had liillc n 1 1 m
the i.rp of lli! porch in the li ar uf the
hmixo H lust Thttrnlav pvciiin,.', after
dark, ly which he ivriivcil a wvti il
lusion on (ho ln-ad, Im-i! ,n il i-' l ri n f,.
of his r-u-s nlid larcrnl ing ii Imiul wit
nuii'li. Wo are )iu y to Mate, lmwcvi-i-,
that none of his injiiiii-s uie m-ih.uv ; inn I
from tlie rheci Tul, and even fin-clious nian-
nor in which tin' genial t-Miivi"l old
tlemnn relates Ins mi-,I,ap, wo iiilcr Jic.
bore it with b great deal of philosophy,
Abkestkd. On last Saturday .1 .), u !.
Witters and John Kinney were urie-leil
on charge of robbing the store of Kavid
McKeeghan in Ansonville, which was bto
ken into in September last, and a, coiisid
eruhlo nmount of goods and money taken
therefrom. Although some effort wasfuaih
at tho time, to discover the perpetrator.-,
no clue was ohtuined until a lew days ao.
when as Mr. McKeeglinn, ivas travelling
on the lV'tinu. liuilroad, a man eitino In
him in the rars, nnd after inquiring wheth
er lie had found his goods, upon ln-ing an
swered in the negative, informed him that
if lie would go to Witters ho would :iud
them. This led to the above arrest. The.
prisoners were lodged in jail nome time
during the night follow ing their wrest. j
GYrw ENsvii.LE Uakd. One, and per
iling tons the only one. redeeming; lea-!
ture, in the grand patriotic demonstration
ofour victorious opponentson last Wodnes-j
day evening a week ago, was the excellent ;
luusicdiscoiirsed by the Curw nsville baud,
to which wo listened with pleasure min -;
gled only with a slight feeling of regret
. . . .in .i '
tnat mey couiu ituow tiiemseives to en
gage in celebrating no ingloriini-dy nil
fair as tho resultof the late election.
This is the -third or fourth visit we have
received froth flis'bifnd, and on every oc
casion it has borne itsclfin a manner to
nvrit the commendation ofour citizens
tho best evidence that it is composed of
high-minded nnd honorable gentlemen.
,,. w. .,v. rv,. V;, '
j' ni tv . si r. .v i ni.i i'i. , . . . ,
MS.ieu tiy its. iucieou iiihi iiansmcK,
... 1 1 T , ll.l I
l I tartswick, ;
performetl a stit'cicid operation, for 'hare! 1 ",'1"l'k- ''"r "'-' trHiisnotiou of tho hiisi
J 1 , . i es of the l imipnnv.
lip' on a little daughter of Mr. David 'iho inomhors are' loipiesUd to rotui iniir nut
Miller of Lawrence township. The oper- ir,.,1K' boxes, holts, nml nil nrcoiitreinenN, itmi-o
, i -m- n r i '""ely to tho Armory, lly orihri.riao Cuiituin.
ntion, we learn, was skillfully performed.) (JKo. V. Hi IE KM (i P
I'ho patient submitted to it with much j Ot-t. 20, lsis.
Trtrtitt'd'i for one so j oun.
Hi.ack AVoi.f Killed. Mr. Isaac Oia-
'llttin, of Goshen township, we learn, shot1"1
' 1 I (
tt lilUCK WOil in tlie "greeu WOU'JS on last, , Tim" voiiinliil" is soiil 10 he n .
erv liii-jre one.
Du Vall's Galvanic Oil is a bl'ssini to
invalids, for it will relieve them of pain
as soon as it is. taken internally, cr applied
externally. Fain ami misery enn not ex
ist whore the Galvanic (:l it mod. For
talc Lj emintfy wnYi7e(.A . .ivjA''
Un tlio 1 Uh Act. Ity J. . H ri):lif, N-tp i
Mr. Al.LXA.MiFIt Ii. Iiuvin. to Mis:; K.ukI
!Bvin, all of this count v.
A hundred years ago. The rutsbni:!
Post of the 'Jlst inst. aUtidin to Ihe near'
approach of the one .ltindredth annivi i.-a-ry
of Obi rort I)iniieine, says: 'tint-'
lutndi'Ptl years ajro there 'let a single!
white man in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, :
and lllenois Territories. Then, what is.
now the most part o
tfftl na li I ii Lnniv)) ia I .a i-onn rv iii'ilinu 1
....u v , ,
trie mountains ol the Moon. It ivas not 1
Until 176'J, that the "Jlnnter of Kenttiek," j
tlio gallant nntl ativenterons r.oone, lelt
ins iiome in :orth Carolina, to iieeomo
tha first settler of Kentti.-ky. The first
pioneers of Ohio dtd not settle there until
twenty yenrs after this time. A hundred
years ago, Cinada bt-lon'ed to Trance, and
the whole populat on of the United States
did not exceeed a million nnd ft half of j
people. A hutulred veaas iio, the great
viv.. 1 1 rv ill jrnsf.ui, T iri ji, iii iiii..,
those xploits which have math; him irn
mortal in military unnnls; nnd with his
little monarchy- was maintaining a singlo
Jiantled eontest with Itussia, Austria, ami
France the three great powers of Kttrope,
combined. A hundred years npo, Napo
leon was not born, and Washington was a
young and modest Virginia coIomcI, arid
the great events iu tho history of tha two
worlds, in whioh these great, but dissimi-
i ' . : .
ir men took lending parts, were men
careely foreshadowed. A hundred years Sod toimiilic subs at the Court II ouso in the bor
go, the United States were the most !oy-1 ough of Clearfield, on MONDAY, XOVKMIJKll
1 part of the British Empire, an'l on the the KltillTH, ls.i.s, the following described real
Political horizon no speck indicated the ;"'". t" "it : LntXo. situate in the borough
truggie which wihtin a scorn of vears of "tiebl, upon the South west corner of 2nd
jl . .1,., i.i . iv i and Locust stroet, being fid toot front on ind, esianusnet me greatest jiepuo. ;
bo ot the world. A hundred yeais ago-, ;
there were but four newspapers in Airier-'
K Steam engintts had not been thotthht
Of, and railroads and telegraphs hail never '
entered into the remotest eoneetit-onsof
toan. When we come to lool J . k at it,
ti, i ii.. . : . w. i , ,'
Uirongw the vista of hiHtory, we find that
W the century which has pass..,, has been '
allotted more important events, rn their
Dewing Upon the h ppiness of the world, '
than almost any other which has danscd
inc the ereatiort "
From tha West Indies &o.
the arrival of the bark Virginia,
C"pt. Hill, we havo advices from lii tnera.
"to the 29th September, from r.crbiee to
the23d, fromSt. Kitta nml St. j;u-,tnsiiis
to October 2d, and from Turks Island to
inaBth instant. At Demarra tho sugar
crop w nearly all gathered in, nnd was
one 01 the most abundant in ld itibli ttui-
HtV f - A . TV II .
Ana trie Iwanlw ha... ..,,., 1, acM . 1 C nil I
.... v-viivj j ctvi a aow Afur-iut.-a v. w s
'iiusj in iterbico and JJcmernra was fluli iu
me extreme, and there wero in tho river ,
J much greater number of vessel, chiefly
iz Lim Mn tlmn wiu
required to Uke tho sugar crop to mar-
J' ,
Several of tho houses that had Miccitrub-
"I durum (be Spiiii: pn -mi., ,.,,.
V, " ' 1 " b r lavw -ilil,.' ..,,
U ' -I , j i I M A l'i,, I.,,,,,,:,,,',
IV CI';',:... I in the Am. ll, i. ...I..
II f llll
'.- -
It i.-
' 1 H L' ip-iiii. ,,., I.,, n..,:..
lltl'll'l rt.
una l'
I' il b id,!, j li. I in ' I . in...
' ' 1 1 .' ' ' Mi. il.., k r
vi.1,,,1 l,v I I... I I .. ' . '
.. . .' ' ' 1 ' a it 1 1 . I i.iiiiiin,
I'I I (Hi loll, Ii , ,, p,,nu., I f.ii-
'ii v
The mo-t engrossing (.,,,, in ,,,.
IIV, a- Wi llas M(., jn 1 the West llldie
(Hail.,1.1...., ex,cj,t,,.) was the immigra
tion or labor oiieitioii. Tlie c..,nl.i,.,,1
' "i t, nl its lst ses-ion, Inn appointed an
iwent for rbi.n t,, ol t.ii,, I'bi,,,., ftnd
otieat Calcutta to obtain Coolie bd.oici'-.
I In-cob.ny )'!iy oii.vfldj-d 0f ,.,,,( ,,f
their iiiil.oi(,it, on, nnd guarantee them a
tree return p;ts;lf,e their Iepcoti.
eountriesnl the expiration of every five
ears. Should tlo y, at tl xpimtion of
, that tci in pi el'. r remaining in the colony
.or m e years more, Kiev
their pasture and do so-
1111 v commuto
'I'he produce reports from the We-t
'tie generally are favorable, and tin
son lias l.ecn usually healthy. Tho
crop every where is a large one.
At St. Kitts, (in the town of St. Chri-t-ophei
) a very severe fever Min d. Tho
business of the season was nio,tly done.
An American bark, one of Mess.iv." Trow,
bridged l'.v:gfs. tin. L'xcclsior, arrived
there Iroui the windward on tho 2d inst. ;
there w;i aliniit iialf a cargn of siiirar and
Uola,se there for her. There Was but
little 1 1 1 on the i-laud, and the price was
o" cents a Itlour) Urrel. At St. Martin's
tlie ipiantity of salt was also small and the
price if;,, the same as at St. Kill.-..
'. At Sl- Ku.-tasius, (Duioh) tiio chief top
ic was the slavery abolition iiestion
oiiesiion. Then-were about Htm bhds.
:of sugar niado on tho is liuul this year.
The health of the island was good.
At Turks Island t lie salt making season,
which had been more than usually pros
perous, was nearly closed. The price of
salt was T.!(S cent u bushel. There
.were shipped during the week preceding
the '.ith ins'.;, nearly ',fintl. There were
over half a million bushels on tho island
.V. I'. OUnvr.
i rilllE l'artiR-isl,i, lieril.if.ii-o existing Ii :t ivec-n
I m Dr. Limit, nml tir ll,ti,a-;.L' .1
tiny ol Mt-ilii-ilH- is'lhis d,iy diSnlvi'il hy IlluCal
toiKcnt. All i mmm hin'iai; HcrinintH with tho
firm will ib,nee r-,i nml s,.,. im, iii,.v n,.,i
f tlicy freni't pay. jrive tlu-ir Hutu h. Tho ln.i.ks
will roiuiiin lit ilu-ir olJ ottiito, wlivro I)r. Ilurts
R'iik run ho Imiinl nl ,,11 tiinc., either to .-ittle or
ntloml tu piiilo.-.-iniiiil culls.
I in-liny in.i.iic.l rv loeei 111 1IUI AT-
- . . 1 '..... I. ... 1 1. a ..i i
1 tnnry tin r-.A 1 1 lw'.ii, Ntii., ISjs, nt
tniiry on SATt'KDAY, A'OV. lith, ISJ8,
I IC'KNSH XDTK'K.-The follnvin- i ,o,l !
IJ pir-un has i!,,l the Dllioj nf -.he Clerk ,
"';' ('".'" ' f Qu.rlor Setuium nf Cloiniolii
ity his petition fur Iicpiisp at tho Noveni.
li.-r fr: next, ngreenhly to the Act iif A
m-iiiliiy ol Jlnrili 2sth, I Salt, rnlitl
eil -An Art
iS l.i,,,irs,
to rejruliito the
.Sale of Jiituxieatiiiy
I "V. VI". Anderson,
utt nship. to keep a
(let. 2llth, lH.iS.
of Ponniill'., ia l',.-,.t,
(iKOKtiK WALTKs-, CTk.
.. .
T TltOt! W .J; fit ,..,.,.. ,-..i.. I...
J v-' ii. jn i i.tnij ...iiii.ii Lilt:
, t-iticiis of Cloiirliehl ami vieinity they
have just oniveil ivilli their new
.1 mi: im ty i'Im; :a ii,
hi ?o 'hoy aro to tnko pictures in all
i nl went her. ainl nil warrant to pive ,.!:-.
luciion 4o ,.11 t ho nail ami sop them,
riUirt-s tnlub at hint, frice-FIFTV CEXT.S
. ...j . i.ji,, ... hv, ie-.-..r.i,ii in 1 10 i,ii;.iuy oi ino ruse,
j All those tlnit want pictures will enll'ln foon, as
it is not lili'.'ly they will remain long in tho place.
Oct. lltlb, '5S. tf.
hi friends and pnfrena, that be if Dow do-1
voting all i f bii timo to operntitm" in Dentistry.
Thoso deM e,rvi;o( ,, tli, n, hi,
..n,.. -.!,..; .. . ....
oiooo. hi, o n n u l is resilience ar neariv n limn
nnd aiwuvs on
Fridays and ( 11 nl a vs, unless 1
Notice to tho contrary be givon in the town pit
pers the week previous. ! t -'smoii ,
X. 11. All work warranted to bo s.ttisfnetorv. K l"n'-Clem-lid,
I, l';i. Sept, 22ml. ISM. ' .(teddes & Mai'bh,
AMBEOTYFES For 50 cts ! jivj''''
'Pill; iiiidciw'gnetf Would rMpcctl'ully inform Comolord.
1 (ft 1 Kitltll-
l.AI)ll:s and (;r,Tl,Mi: ICiutii!
of Cleai field nnd vicinity, that ho bus lilted up , Ta"!ial't,
Jioi.niH Ja Sliaii 's New Hotv
where bo Will rrinaian fur a fur iiif t i,,, .
All who would dsire ft lifelike likeness of the
latest ana imprcved style will please call.
You that have bennty should to Hall lake it,
You thitl havo none, should go let hi in make it.
Sept. 24tb, Hi$. If.
Y Virtue of a writ ol t'irri Farina Issuing
tit of the Court of Common Pleas of Clear-1
,,:,,, ,.,,,,. ,n .... .lin.oiod. iheru will be exuo
H ,, ,,,,. 2m, U.H in depth ,0 nn b1. ,
lcy with a one ,, a hM ftnr7 fmno hrvfe ,!
huge barn Ac. thereon erected. Also an out-lot!
situate in Lawrence tp. beginning at a stone in
public road, comer of Win, Worrell's lnnd, thenct
"J 'nnla 8 V iV5 bt l'crcl,e" ,t0 Past' enee. b?
S.5SMB 3,4 yrch?s hl"
thence by tvin. L. Moore s land X 13 l. 68 perch-!
M t0 t()Jno on ,,lic roniii lllCnce along said,
roa,l NCI W, 20 perches to place of beginning, !
containing cloven ncres and lUt) perches, strict
measure ; being tho samo premises bought from ,
Itiehard Shaw.
Seized, tnken in cxoovtion. imd
1" " "ld as Ih
Ihe property of C. Pottarff dee'd.
October 2C lb, 1858. J. It. RKEI, ShrnJ.
I'r.ilers in
:ouTH, SllnKSaud 'MUSKS.
or r.vr.RV imscmpTtoN.
TJIOI.r.f AI.E and Hclnil, nl priors tn suit
rices u. sun
all. can be found nt their new Bool Shoe
?lin. No. UII Knrll, R.i.on.l if., a few doors be-
w doors be-
1 low (he Hlack Horse Hotel, Pliila. i
r-c (ry to please and sell rhcap. Notice
ln pnatltrv fnf.r.tinti Oi,natnt.ll nn tinnd a
. .U.. 1 T .
laTv iwr.inuiriii m jfieii nnil iji.ts uo'hs, uiinur
n itrognns, coaree ana tine ; also, wrtnen a
'" "" Jiirfiw, waiters, Ptippers, ac., ana a
wall selected stock of Youths and Children's" wear
c.r.dly;x.m?n.Tr, voru';rris.lly 7on to
N. u. Trnnki manufactured and fer sale whole-
ll J
sale and retail at No. 341 North Secoud It.
April 17, 18S8. 3m. 1
IM of Jnroii,- Nnvfmhrr Trtm -Commrnciinf
Third Monrlnjr, 13th day.
I N Wti j rot,).
' '' ' I" i .- 'ami s lee, l-liu I 'ooper.
bot'i!-.-- rniici, ( 'anipell, Kobei l Litis.
I'.ladx . lieoici) W'lUoii, t'riull llelieiy,
Mriiillonl. Ali'xniHler lavington.
Client. --.William MiHarvey.
re,i,i!e,. Williai'i Irwin.
''iti Aelisville. loshua K. I'.aker.
I'i rguson. Kihn It. Furgiisnii, (leorge
lox. 1. ,. Heath.
(iirard. .Iiieob Shope, ('has. Mignot.
io.-hen. Thoiiipson Keed.
Ui-nlmin, Cbuke Jhile.
.lordan. John WiNon.
K'arthaus. .lacob Miehoels, .lr.
Lawrence. 1 (im li. h, T. It wU
II. I-. Howies.
IK tVI'Hsr J nous
lieecni in -TI,,,oV..l.l 1.1... n:n....
, . . ;, , , ""''"im,
John 1.. Met Ullv.
Hell. James Looker, Henry Wet.all.
pMi.-s. James 11. Karner, John Adam-,
Win. Kobinson.
Hi adv. lohn Dale. Fred Holloiieter
Kli 1'rv. Daviil AfeK It....:
nra.iiorii. .lames A i.ert
or.I. .lames Alhel t. W ashinL'toti
(irahain, John .Shirley, Jr.
P.iirnside. Isaac Lee, Henry Net!-, Jo
se. h Wall, David Met jillonj.'),'.
( 'hest. Andrew J'railv, Ai'ithonv M'tlar
vev. ('leat'eld. Wm. .Ilexaiider.
Covington, Ut:hail Keiter, Willium
Cnnvensville. Williani McBride.
Hecatur. John floss.
J'ox. Hurley Matteson.
(iirard. Abraham Kyler.
CIosIkmi. James K. (iraham.
(irahain M. V. Cuthenivm-, Ituvid
Jordon. IT. F. Shoeninj;.
Kai thans. Iionjaiiiiii ( iunsaulus.
Knox. James Holey,
Lawrence. I. Ii. Caldwell, 'Win. Sha
ver, Abraham lieams, John Danjjhertv, Jr.
John Fulton, S. 1!. Jordan.
Morris. M J-coi-iw JJoover.
1'enn. (Jeo. W. It'wltevs. Ismte Kirk.
J'ike. Michael Disc, Gainer Illooin,
James I'.roii n.'
Woodward. Jofrjih Fiscus.
List of Jurors for Adjourned Court
Commencing Nov. 8th. J85&
Jainos Thompson, Curtvcnsville,
Michael j-irown, of Jin). Morris tp,
Frederick Zeijilcr, liradv tp.
John Jlillbiun, Clearfield,
John Potter jr. Union tp.
John Coulter WoixJwarV -:p.
Oeoijie A. Morrisitf, (iosheri Tfi.
(i. L. (iootlf'ellow, Lawrence tp.
John Hoover, lirady tp.
Henrv .Stone, Clearfield,
Ihiviii lioss, J'ike tji,
J'aniel r.eatns, Morris (j,,
Ja.-ob Kuhns (-rosht!! tf.
f 'imiel Wilhelni, Graham tp.
Hussell MeMnrray, Humside tp.
Jacob iuiii'ardner, Iteccnria tji.
.la'otj Arnoiv, aiiox tp.
1 Mmond, Chest tp.
( ";"r."ft wweiSiOX, Krndfonl p.
James Jtlullen, Covington tp. I
I'.nianuel Doiiey, L nion tp,
Israel Rorabmnih. Hurnsiile ti),
Win. 0. Bell, Knox tp,
.j0m x0WconU!P iviltp.
I1' 'i-pi-nwr, l'i''ird tp.
" arren I'hss, Huston tji.
' Arthur Hell, Hell tn.
Robert Miles, Chest tp.
Jonathan Evan, Penn tp.
I' rant-is Mitnot. ( oviniton tn.
I.,.. .. ' ... .. .7
I hoiiias Campbell, Hell tp.
Abraham l'carce, Hradford tp
Ii.tvid Iteanis, ( 'nrwenaville,
Mavid Flegal. Morris tp.
Kli ISlooni, J'ike tp.
James lliles, l'ike tp.
, ... , I
Ai;ai i.j iur iinjuumeu vuuit a.uu ,
Regular Term for Nov. 1858
II. k C. l'cnnington vs John Kiekets,
Catlinriiiel'eiinini'ton vs Vethler if Rickets
i'atc hin
Mc Karl in
vs Lamboru,
VS Best,
Vsj Mathers,
Vs Hartshorn,
vs Julian IV-nso,
vs Adms, Powell etal
vs Pennington,
vs Snyder & Large,
vs bloom,
vs Kelly,
vs Pennigton,
vs Hlooni,
vs McFarlin,
vs Pl'out,
vs Swan,
n Ivsrt-hnus,
ys Michaels A Horrel,
Sehnell's heirs,
VaiUmrv & wife,
.. . r '
Mllrlioll ,.t nl
if,.i,.i, t. v;,.,l,-
Iivin, vs Flinn,
Spalding & Fulton, VS Artnstong A (latuble
11. J), Hall A. ( o., vs .lorry C-iifns,
vs Knarr, et nl,
vs Hotlkey,
vs Keirn,
vs Smith Ityers, &. Co.
vs Mcinrvey,
vs .lameson,
vs Rowland,
ts lilanehiird,
vb Long,
J Morgan,
I Kerlins,
i Sholl,
I Lloyd,
vs h'eaitts,
M'Hridoo; Wright, vsMiclmelsiAVorreH,
(iilliland, vs Metihees,
Piston, vs Kilger,
Hoover, vs French,
Hollopeter, vs Pftton.
Vs JilOOlB,
vs Uivens, et al,
vs Cotler,
vs Tlice,
vs Tonkin
vs (loodfcllow,
vs Leonard,
vs Mays,
vs King,
vs Meyers, et al,
, . 1,mll ,Km'
' hompsoli,
Lutz, vs Harrett,
l'isciis, 'vs Meyers, et id,
Stirk, vs Mayers A Green,
1 '.ecu is, vs Leonard,
Irvin, vs (iibbons,
I'.annor, vs llugnotl,
M Vrackin ..I Paulh.inius vs (iibbons,
Woot), Bacon ICo. vs Montelius""',
. .. , ,.
I "J"; V .l ' " " " 1 "rlri'ow te oi .
comprise triTt 1 rial mi lor tno aiyourneu i
court eoiiiinMicing ov. Ptli, and the bal-
unco to be for tbe re.cular term comnien-
il.n tll, t .,..1 ,,.1 1 v nit svn.tona t.r.1
t'lllU Oil IMC IOUI, IIII.I.OIIIK 1.11 nvv
rv .. , .
trio,! n,t til BtltOtimel COUrt,
... iiVX) W
Oct. 13. jE0. WALTERL, Trofy.
i i
r V9.TfVD
Merchant and Lumber Dealer, comer of
Front and Locmt itreeti, Clearfield.
Dec. 1851.
trom Trirntninl Am mih. nt
"i h i; l Inrrliy iw'n llinl l, I'. .in,,,, i
L H.i,,.r i.l ( l.rll. i.l r,,i,,a Mill 1,1.1.1 ihi-ir
ii'ml Ii ..hi , r.. jn,,, n-". Men' l f,
1'iiuiK llnir me I ,..n, t.) ,i ;
Ili.thi-n .,T.,li-nl tin. .l,,i.,l linii.p ,i
I'.iii h, Hi.. .,.:. I pltifp ..r I,...hi .l.rli,,,,.,
I'll Mmiiliij Ilia l-L'.l t,otriiilr, A. i. I"..s,
Ci.-.u.l l.i,i.l.- l ( i,i,t,. 11,11 , (
lmiln im Tuix.lny r f i :':t . nml.r.
'uiiiiluo h'Mii-lii. ai ll, ll,.. linn.,. .,' ,lu
1 Mi, in it, in V .luea.luy. uv. 211b.
hnrlliHur l.u!i,,j t U,.. ln,ue uf . U. Hull
i.n Tlilii-.luv, Nuv. :'..h.
II tie t..n lowiihliip'-nt U,o lioum of Ji'inr Vil-
mi. mi Hatur.lny, N.,v. L'Tih.
' ti'wnlili nt tho l,mii(. !( John J.,
uii .Mi.iiilny, X,,v. 21Hli.
" t'.wiihi.--i ;e I,,,,,,,, H. y. Jloi.rc
mi Tiii's.ln v. Nur.'iiilii'r :iilll,.
Krmly turtnuhip nt ill Ii.ium. ..I' liiM.rgo V.
l.irtl. fcl. We.lne.lii v, 1 Lcc lljlier 1st.
J l"l.l.l. n.l Cur.-,.ivilt.
uii Thiirnlav
IVin. lown,l.i,.-nl tl,.- in....-,. ,.r y. w.
ili'imni, frmn tl A. M. lo :'. '. M., nf J ritliiV
fiiih.r ( iiy linrnugli same (by nt 4 1'
l.'",,!'1' ' I'""-' in -i'l h,,r.iiiKb.
Kn,,sl l."liip-n,k,.y Hill mliu,,
aliinlny, Ilt-ceuiher III
Koi(;usi.a l..iiship ( l,o liutivo ul Titmuus li.
lavis, tin MniiiUy, I tilh.
ltill tlit'i,l,ipnt iho h.iiiMi) f Amph Kllin,
the .t.lin-i' of hnliling elei ti.jiiH, nu Tuomliiy, Ilo
(otnii'.ir 7ih., t., nship nl Iho li.iu.vp, f John
Yotitiif, un Wi'iliuisilny, ll.'iv in lie i- S.
(.'lu st township nt Iho M'li,.-il In, so, lu-arSi-
lain, J'.nriilm'.iKli k. en Tliui'sila.v, Jiinoinhor !lth.
Ifoiiaiiu t.ninshi at the 'hoimu of Kuiiiuol
.. . '.. . . . "
lleK-trtv, on i ii lay, Poeoinbir llhli.
.lonliin tnwnjhip at Iho pttUie uebool Louse
in Antouville. on r-iitnnlty, lioooinler IJth.
Wootluard township al the house of Win.
Mullen, iiii MoHilny, Keoenibor 1,'llh.
i"'nttir ton I, ship al llu- boil iu nf John (Joss,
on Tuesday) lleemnbor I Ith.
ISoi'lfs tiwusliipat Ihe hnuse of Anilrew Cross,
oil W I- llK-,;;y. l-l'OI,llk'.' I 'lUl.
Morris toivnship nt the Imu.v,. uf Jacob Mock,
on Tiii-mIic,1, Deeember Kith.
(inthiiicl.nvnship lit the hoe.-e of Jncoh Ilu-blt-r.
on I'liilnv, pcecmhiT I71I,.
llriidfnril I'.iin-iiip .it Iho hnuse of William
Hoover, on Saturilay, Ik'cemher lSih.
riearliehl bnroiie nml Lawrence township on
Monday 'k'ecetiiln-r L't'th, nt t'le Coniuii.-sioiiors'
office, in (Tenrlisld.
An appeal flop the v.ii'milinii of unseat d
hinds will he held ni the Commissioners' odlco iu
(iearlield, on Friday, December olut, at which
time all persons interested can attend.
Ity order of Hoard of Coininiiiaioiiers.
oet. 20, ISjS. t2Udec.
. US T I! K C i; IVK ) A T T II K
A large assortment of
Consisting in part of tho following articles, vii
English and Vc.ri JAroi'w.'.
j'iriui'cd if- 7ii' X1'. 'ilet.t,
l'nire Jn(,r.',
&OI-OIII, 'ilis,
IK I r,v,
Ehum Ct(,t!,i,
S,lk fr.
Humid, lutcit Eu'd And 11 u,.
ter s(ijlt f
Itcatly lftadc rlothinc. Hoots & Shoes,
Hats & Caps, of ell kinds,
Spa7)ish Sale Leather,
Cofleo, Molnsse.", nnd Sugar, at Whobfiile i
)"'' Hilies .t Vuis, Shingles', and (irahiufall
kind taken in exchange for goods.
Oct. 1st, ISiS. W.M. IRWIN.
A 1.1, perns are Hcrehy cautioned against
purchasing, or in any way meddling with
I the lollowing property nat in possession of A
I mandiis Manrer of Covington township, vis : One
j brintlle con , one hog, one lot of buy, ten I, ushels
ul potatoes, one p.irl r stove, and one grindstone,
as the mine belongs to me, nnd aro lell with the
said Maurer on loan onlv, subject to tnv order.
Oct, 8th, iSf,S' FHANCI3 COL'DIUKT.
VALUABLE lot ok L.Kl)S.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court
of t'lcarfiold county, there will be exposed
to sale, by outcry, on
Mondui, the. I5A dtii '' Xiremler, lS.tS.
at 2 o'clock, p. tn., at the court house in the
borough cf Clcai field, all that
Certain piece or parcel of Land. .
Situate in iMorris township Clearfield county,
containing about 114 Acress beiug part of
survoy warranted in namo of Uyman Urats, and
being t'lo Northeast corner of said surrey, known
in Ihe partition of estate of James Allport, do
ceased, as 1tlipnrt No. 7. This land is do.-irn.
ylb located for funning purposes, and is toler
ably well tiinberod-
TKHMS. Ono half rash at confirmation, and
tbe balance in one year, to be secured byjudg.
Oct. VI, 13.-.M, Executrix.
4 I.I, PI'".lSONMarc bereby cautioned agninst
"purchasing or in any way meddling with the
following property now in the possession of JoXin
Meyers ot Covington township vit: 1 Honn horse,
and one sorrell stallion, as the some belong to
me and aro left with said Meyers 011 loan only
subject to iu. order.
Covington (p, Sept, 29th ISJS. 3t pd.
No. 117 & 119 2nd St. above Arch,
lt. HOl'KINM ukes this method oriqform-
Ing bis old friends anil the public generally,
that he has just RE-OPENED tho above we'll
known Hotel, and ro-fitled il iu a style suitable lo
the age, and the wants of the travelling public.
Mr. If. lias bad a larjie experience in hotel keep,
inir. ho lias no hcitnUon lu savinir that his pucst
will find his houso a ploasansand desirable sdsp.
.fing place.
I Of the clegtl.Ie location of tilts Ifolcl for per
I sons visiting tho City, either on
j oa' mv.Y;.v.v oi plkascre,
lit is doomed altogether1 unnecesstry lo speak,
j as nn llnt'd in I'biladelpbia Is belK-r IriioWli tban
(tbe'C.i Mount Ptfi-iMia."
1 I;.v clo.'i' alt. 'Uli.. n Ui the wants nf his custom
,rs Mr. II. hopes In dotorve ir of pttdlNi
tem per day l,n, b,on fixed at Ihe j
, ..
10R. 1 yr.
ALL persons are hcrehy cantlond against
buying, orlnanywiy meddlitig with tbe
following pnpertT, now in the possession f
..r ilarli in i, in. l , One m.
'marc, one cow. six hogs, one bull, one corner;
'epbord, one cooking- stove, one bed and one!
otofbuokwheat, as the same belongs to me and
, only lea with laid Girli on loan, lubject to
, order.
Sed(.:2' 1853. ni! A. t. MILLER.
' I
vifi.. uf lit trill l i,f I i.,. .',.. vi.
III nl lhl ( imrt nf ('. Ihlle-l, ', na ,, I i ,lf
h. hi i Hlnl t . nil I 1 1 in r ilirvi'lr I, tie ro ill hp M .
"'i" 1 n' !ii' nl''. nt ll,- r.nirl IHiui.', In Dm
iiifniul, m ( l.'iiini'hl, im Muinliiv. Hit I.Mh ilnt
nl ,V iti tnl.i t, 1 .., tl,.. I'.. II.ihIiih ). ' ri I I rritl
I'llnli'. In ml :
A i . tinii, I, m l cf l ii.l Miiml.i In lip'ntur l.,i
Cl nrlithl i J t n el n I ir. li in Hm it.itth
corner nl ,l.,hn .Jliii,iini. . itmot, llipiirn hr Mail " " '
. ril irlu tn riiilip-. r..rturlv. itpil l.ll ,vrihi rPK tMlbT l't ltlnMl ' -t"
in"t hv it inn.l.i, lhini , Iiy Inii'l uf mitiit' . ? tttr tt ni.l i i ll tl I , m,i:ii
w. in ht. to ll.'iiili.rk trh.'r..l C roKell'i nn v, 1 2 l'ltOM't I: I'M llil A I,'
Ihi'tii'.. . Ill i,.r. Ii, hv mniile ut A.(J...t u'r-1 jJHrl'HK M."MI XKA Hell I It
viiy.thi'ui.. I.y Util uf A. 'dm., r. :i J. so ,. -0I.QHUM.V Till I'M I'll A NT !
Ii ...t hv ii nt i l . .i ii tj.ii.1 mwty, tl)B,'t It J PwrniitleiLnI uf pafitl MoCnmrT, of niri
(in' now mirvi-y n. .'.0 dug. t. 1 10 prr. to po.i, tiliip Hp, Kuril ;
Ihi'in ii hv miin.i . I ,l.i;r . l'f ,pi. t po, o,i t,e, lifl, net; 61 I run rctiimiihiT, it
tin1 "fit' nf .M.iliiiiitn.n rri'i'k, tlitsnr tlin iiiuill uinit'lv irjnuc ilf ni'i.iiiiic.i nn tuv m in r
tho ttft iili- uf (hr- irc.'k, imrth H ilvg. on-t (lo
pi'i . In it pu-l, thi-iii i" .Iiiai, tl,,. I,,,., imrth "9
il.'jr. r. i:i in-ri-lii- to Ji.hti SliiMimrH'f uppiT iir.
v. y, mi Iho cri-i'k, IhiMii-r l.y hunt ( ,Ii,, (Jhliit.
nit'l, w. 77 i'i. In ii sl,. no k.'if n. 11'.'! perilu-i lu
plki o of ht ((lni,li,K i-niilaiiiiM' l.'I'J iiiti-i, 20
I i'init tint nf I tto lurifii .urvi-y in the mini... af Jn,
rMiminilHiii nml ...l,n S. h'yit.n. !vitcil, fnk'ii
in i-Mui-iilinii uml to l,o n.iM us I lie prnpi-rtj of (?.
Irish nnil Jrvin I'. Hinil.
Ainu A cortiiin tract nf lnnj nituulo in Kerirui-
mil Ip , tin. lirst hririniiiiiir nt a Iipm-Ii troo hv
ImiJa of T. I'.. Diivi. iJ, Id J. . 21JI por. (o pimti I nxt unci n propiiriitioii of nt.'i,i,- iu the Inriu
hy minis t I'.T'jliti l'('ifc'iis,,ii, . CM U. w, 74 yt.r to jof lve. This for n time rbeckod tho ilimn.o(
post, tluii' c hy litnj.i of Miilthow lilnoio a. 21 il. hut ihe intlnuintioii toon inon-iiseJ. J m-xl i-alloj
ii. I'll i'.-r. to iiiukory, thoiKvi I, laud uf MiitlUiai j utt r. Stutlo uf t. (Tn'trs vllo, Hinll'ortl comity,
SIhiikIi, s. 10 (1. d. ) s tu lruattoud tt. 40 il. e. T2'l who ullto Jironoiuicpj tha tlisoiuo I'iIirit, mi'l np
prr. to I'hu'o of hegiiii,in(, .mttitliiiu 10(1 ocfrjn HI a t-ilre tniri to be a novor l.iiliii rctneflv ,
mid with ilium! 10 ut'ro olonroj, ami lo? houp, l but it bail nu ofloot what vtr in oliochi'iK tho spron..!
burn iiiiO 'i'ho . of the aore. I it it-i'embr of tin- nailio your, tho
so. ninl bcffiniiiiig nt it upir, tliciiLB by Inn Ja of iiim-aso bad etttcD ay Krotttor part ol my upp, r
.niiniicvr nioom . 4 a. e. lus pjr, lo hem-li, hy
i ,'u1"1 'o''JUiion n. 21 tl. w. 100 per. tu a
I l...l, ll, ........ I. - ..I- ll'... U.fl. .. ..
1. Cecil, uieiKO uy liiicla ol ti ui. fllcLlny u. n. BU
d. w. HI per. to beech, 1. 50 d. w, 42 per. to place
nf bcHiiiiiiiiR 'ontaining ltf acres, bailiff same
premise conveyed by T. li. Da via as per deed
recorded in deed hook M., pairo SIS, lo Andre
Dans. SVi'.'d, taken iu execution and to he aohl
as the property of And. Davis.
I AIi.? A ce.-tain tract of land situnle In Morri
tp., Ocui hild county, bciii' the soulb hall of tract
in iiHiuu of l'aal Wetzel', udjuiniug tract in naiiiu
of Ilyuian (iniUoil the south, nml land of Ce...
Hoover on the east, t-onlainini' 222 acres and 11I-
.loiiitnce; nud Ue other heinu witith half of I met
fu ninnenf Pnvitl J lull, adiointii 'ul Wot.i'l
j on Ihe cint, and land of Johu Cot-U op th south, 1 when I .returned I10100 tlicro wore tbreo discharg
containing 2;i7 acres and nilitwanco. being part ' ing UlcOrs Upon my lace. 1 con Li, mod using Xcit
of two larger surveys, and the same premises but ' , ton'it prepniiitionj, and also uiedioino that 1 got
from Duvitl (irnti and others, having ti mnr-inill, 1 from Dr. Kly, but the Cancer continued proivin
four dwelling bouses, a ntul.le, and about S acre ' until it bad nil uff tht Irft title 0 w) mm', ihr.
elenrod theseon. Soiled, taken in execution and gnnltr portion oiy Irjtchrtk, and lui'l tiiuvhtl
' to he noli as the property of David Wanu. 1 wjr Irft rye. I bad given up all hoie of ever be-
! Alio A certain tract uf land situate In Morri" I ins eiirnd, ineo Dr. July af id bo could only gire
tp., containing 100 acres, bounded as fallow -i: bo- : relief; but liiata'euro was impowil.lo. In Man h,
ginning at a stone bonp adjoining lands of Win. j 15S I bought a bottle of "Jilood Searcher;" bin
j Ucales, thence by lands of M. A. J. Miller, n. 1 d. . I must eonless that I' bad (10 faith in il. I itns
I w. JiO per. to post, tbonce ay lands of W. IJcntes, very weak when I commenced taking it, but 1
! t. 2 d. 0. 4'.' t'i'. fl'U pof. to stone, thence by land ! found that 1 (rained strctiuiu, day by day, and al-
of Michanl Siuiekeckncr, s. St) tl. e. Tfl-l-dO per. I so that the ulcers coinuteuced drying up. 1 i-oii-,
to post, tU-trco by land of same, n. IJ d. e. 100 tinned, anil when tho third tottfo was taken my
j S-j 1 cr. to post, thence I y lanil of Wui. Denies s. ' face was healed as If by a utiraole. 1 used a
, ,SS d. c. "SJ p, to place of beginning, with a log 1 fourth bottle, nud I have been healthier miico
. house and barn nud lj acres cleared thereon. ' than I have been for the last seven wars. Al-
heued. taken in execution and to be sold the
property of A. Sliuckrkner.
Also A certain Jrjitt of laud, situate iu Dnrn-
, side tp., beginning at a dog wood and corner of 1
John Deck's land, thence s. SH :t-l.e. lllOp, Wore
jor less, to a post, thence n. 1, c. St1 pvf. ipore of j
j less, to a post, thon-'e sotltli ri d. w. 167 p. more
or less, to a post, thence south lj d. w. l.!2 per.;
(mere or less, lo place of beginning; containing :
j loo acres nnd 61 perches moro or loss, nnd being
pan oi a larger survey in tlie nnme of Jim. Grotf,
with a cabin house nud barn, and about 15 acres
. ..-loured, feciitod, taken in exeeutiun and to be
jttil as tbo property of Joba Vyors and Auioi
, Jolnnon.
I Also A certniu tract of land, situate it Pentt
tp., beginning at a chessnut, thence by hrads of
tirior Dell, jr. per. to a pott, thence along
lands of James Crussley 6i per. to a post, along
land of John Hepburn 1 93 Itei. to a Dost. 4 alonir
j Irntls of Moses Owens CSJ per. to beginning, con
I taining about 70 acres, .11) acres cleared and har
a house and barn thereon oreetcd. Scired, taken
! in execution, and to be sold as Iho property of
Siiinuel C. Hepburn.
Also A certain tract of land, situate in Hum
side towurhip, botinded north by lands of John
King, west ty lands of John Pntchin, e. by lands
tf Jackson King, and dortll by hrnrls of Ilsnjnnrltt
M'Koo ; with 1 j ncros cleared, and small cabin
houso thereon erected. Soiled, taktn' in execu
tion, and to bo sold as tbo propestp of John I.titi.
Also A certain tract of land situate in Clrest I
I tp.. containing about 400 ncres, bounded by land j
of Thomas Whods, Thomas Toier, Tucker and
others ; Willi three small dw-IIiug houses and 10
luces cleared thereon. Seised, taken, in execu
lion, and to be sold as the property cf Lather i
llni'rett and David Wood.
Also A certain tract of land situntu in Morris
tp., containing 100 acres, adjoining lands of Wni.
Hctttes and J. .Miller and others, hnvicg about
45 acres clonred with a log hoir-o'and barn erect
ed'. Seised, taken In execution, and to be sold
as tbe prop rty of Josepfc Stinekecknor.
Also All defendant's inter st' of, in and ti a
certaiu tract of lnnd Ic the name of John Mtissor
containing about 4D0 acres', situate in Chest tp.,
being unseated land and yielding no rent issues
and profits. Soiled, taken in execution, and to
be sold as the property of Robert Pennington.
Also A certain tract of land, fituate in Fergu
son tp., bounded by lands of Win, Thurstin,
Straw' and others: with a house and barn there
on erected, and about 74 acres cleared. Seized,
tnken in execution aud to be sold as tbe property
of Cyrus Thurstin, sr.
J. n. REED, Sheriff.
Clearfield, Oetjber 27, 1
Xo. 818 (.V. ir .Vo.) .V.iref l. obore Fiihlh,
Impnrtrft; Miti.fu'tiirer aid Dc.Jrrs ir ;
S';,aiDQcCssi' JZffJ'vSiaaa j
Fur Ijadirt nnd t'h'.h'trn ; Alto, (J&tt't Fart
Fur V'lUars, ami (Jlnvt. '.
raine ...., I... . ,.r .1, ,. l.;..l. . i... 1
been engnged in the Eur business, nnd the
general character of our Ears, both for yunVi'y
nm pi-i'.-e i sj genrally known throughout the
Country, that, we think It unnecessary to say
moro than that we have now opened -ur assort
ment of El'ltS for tbo FALL and WINTER sales
the largest, nnd most beautiful thvt we have
ever before offered lo the public. Our Eurs have
all been Imported during tlie pret-ent acasoii
w hen miney was scarce and
FURS' .1 van to WE 11
tban at the present tune, and have been mnnn
factnred by the roost competent workmen r we
are therefore determined to Kill them tt such
prices as will continue to give tn the repndation
we have borne for years, that is, to soli a good
article fnraverv Small Profit,
STOREKEEl'B IVS will do well to give ns a
calf, as they will find the largest assortment by
(, to select from in tho City, nnd at inanufac
lurors prices.
3n. Sl.S Market street, above 8th, hiUd'a.
:'9lh, ltCS. sium
The Allrclianry lUld I'jttfle Kail road,
Coal 4s Iron Company, will receive-
Imls nntil the Rih day of OCTOBER neU. for
''""hip their STEAM SAW MILL-it finoeihoe
'township-, for one or moro years, at a stipulated
price per (honsand for Knmpage, or f r a flortnln
iwrtinn of the lumbar sawed and atuek. SnH
locatel near the line of Uie above Itstced
Railroad, In the midst uf a heavy lumber region
owmed by this Company, and is capable cf cut-
ting 2,0on feet of lumber rr day.
By r,ler of ,D B'ard.
tpt. ;;nd, 1M. J0H.V I. HOOYM, fee.
Cental card
Im I I
M. p M it ii i ir.n 1 fni nui , ,.
I.. lhi I Mir t. liriilttoi.t n .. l l.
met lriillr. All i.).fri.i.n . r f I ti
nfnlni".,! mi A il" :,l, h
ll.'ll.ff (rlflilliril
Kitll Kit I'lK llltd I til pro V ! nt-.,
If I lt'.,.ri.l I.'
l'rt tii'irtn. , .
nmk Allllli liil lii tll in
Iffl In Pint' nn.
Pri't. Ilth.
It i
Up, h icli ouii hreitiuo uiilitrg.- J i:nd oi'u. I
nri pimltirts of forrt-l, mul h tt..j!l of Mutii
Hut, nitliotit tfli-ct. Kln.iti( tho nrt e -(ton.)
in it, I mllril un Er. Uly, of Fi-hf'l.l.iir)f, if In,
lituD'iunut-il it jt'AN't'liJI, nod prt-.n rihotl tt inj.-l,
of (?itr of Imrt, nuj liittnl (.otiltiit;. Fimliii
thvsr romi'ilii'i of no avail IculUj un J)r. islinl'
fir, of LhivhlM illo, .Soio.-tni't cjiluly. ttiio nl',
firuiliiunt'i'il tho ilii':i.( Cuiioor, nlij ac hit ill
tvfnnl nml txtenml remeilies the lalior tunist
in if principally ruuslie ; lull nil In nu piirimn'. m
; lh dist:H aontinuoil siirrmliiiL' totmril tint icim-.
lip, and Had aUtiukril tlm nolo, when 1 went I
1 Ciacinuatli, wbt'ttt I contiiltcd J'rof. U.S. Not.
. . ,.r.,.. L'l.v.l.. 1I..K....I O..II 11 .
ton, ol tlie tlectie Jlcilteal Lollrus. Jle prom. an
1 cod the illeuse "a cutnneouii Cnncer, miperindn
' cod by n inordinati) iio of inreury." II,-110
'plied mild lino e.iutii.n', mid pave uie intermit
remedies. My face kcaled up, but the iutbimu
(ion was not thoroughly removed. in 1'ubruay,
1 367, be prnouiiced lue cured, and I left for
home. Iu April the disoas again relumed and
no violent wa the pain that I could nu' rest lit
night, l.ale in May 1 returned to Cincinnati, and
nnin placed inysell' under the charge of Dr. Ne .
ton, with whom I remained until SniiWmhcr, du
ring w hich time bo used every known remedy,
sad partly succeeded in olieckins thodisea-e. but
(bough my face is sadly disfigured, I nm still
! griteful to a benign Providence who has spared
! lev life.nnd which has been done all through the
instrumentality of's 1 xeituvn. Jti.oou
Smiu iikiu DAVID .MoCKKAUV.
ISworu nud subsctil.ed, Ibis :;lt day ol August
A. D. .fiS, .bufole ufe. one of the Justtces uf
lbs Peace iu ar.d for the borough of IJollidoys
berg, Ulair enmity,- Pa
Witness V. J. Jones. JOHN CORLKV, .1. 1
T.cing nfllleled with a greviom letter nu the
arms and face after Irving many remedies which
utterly failed tu curo-i fas purusdod ,y yj" .
M. Harris 1 C ., to try Lindsey's luiproved
Dlood Bearcber and now, six weeks after Gn.
ishing tbe tceonil bottU. pronounce myself cured.
The tetter broke out, something over a year
ago, on the insido of my arms, extending from
the elbows down to the wrists; also, on my
face, immediately round the mouth and chin,
Bird1 eontin-ued to be a perfect torment to nio un
til cured by the Dlood Searcher. My arms, at
times, were almost useless, owing tli the cracks
and sores on them, liablo to bleed nt any time
on the loast exertion to lift or vork, ami some
times so itchy that I could scarcely prevent
tearing off my flein'. I bare now been cured
six weeks, nud feel it due to Mr. Lindsey, nm!
to the public generally, to niitkn this state
ment, in hope that others like myself may be
b netitled by using his valuable medicine.
x wilson.
fiworn am' subscribed V.nfore me, one of tlie
Aldermon in and fur the City of Pittsburg, (bis
28th day of July, A. D. 1858.
AX P. Veil ASTER, Alderman.
Eeptembef 22, 2858,-Cmo.
BY V TRITE OF an order of snla issuing out
of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county
ibero will be exposed to publin sale nt the lfonsa
of Jacob Rnmgardner In GLEN MOPE, on
next, All the interest of LYMAN MILE-i lute
of Becearia tp. dec,d, in slid tu the following
described real esta'e, situnted in lleccnria tp
Clearfield oonnty, bouudod by land-t of Painu.-r
K. Hegarty on the east, Anson S. Curry on tlm
south, Robert M'Cracken on the w est, and the
"Maine company" on Ihe north, eoiilitiuiug a
bout FIFTY ACRE;; about TWF.N VY1 IVE of
which are cleared and under cultivation, and
having thereon crecleJ a small IlOt'SE . B ARN
and nut buildings. Sale tn commence nt TtvJ.
o'clock P. M. of taid day. Terms Wno hnh the
purchase money lo be pnid at tho nt
the sale, and the otlitr half in one year th-rcuf.
ler with ii.temL
Cr.O. I!. 0 VYLV'.Il.
Adm'rs cf Esttte of Lyniun Miles dee'd
epU "th, 48i8. ts.
Clock aiicl WaicP
Heipettl'ully antKumrM that he hm
CDinnieneed tho above birt-iWsH in
Clearfield, Ph.. opposite th Jouruid (.'Hit-.:
All kinds of clocks, watches, Jetrelry, Ae.
entrusted to him will be ueiitly reiuin-d
and warranted, ai-ttordinj; to quality, hv
elossj attention to busim-a-, aud doin hi
work in a ai'iierior manner h hopes loe
eure a liberal hharo of publie palronngi'.
Bept. 1, ',riH. tf.
fniport.'iut to Ltiinborrnon.
THE subsuiber takt-J! this in tltol
informing any and ull I'tsons winning t
procure th
flat het is- the agent for Clearfield Count y
nd will fnrfii'lj awjptt in'thvt wd wlic-c
on tin hhortw-t piysiUe nitfce, upon ap' .
plination being m id,t t hita at hii rosi -deneo
in L.iwrenns twnship, throo tnile
south of Clearfield norouph, or by' Htcf
axIdiCS5od to him ai Clonrfield P. ().
Lawrence tp., Sept. 1, lftjft. ,'ira.pd.
BRAXD1E3, Winej, Whiskey, Oin, 4 . of f i
vary bert quality for sale by ,.
xiios. nonisa.
ConlabU Blanks for ui at, Ofnw.