Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 03, 1858, Image 2
iifjiiMn, I II I M Ml ' I Mil, Ti hum I'l' ll l.'ijiOnltii v , IV. I Hlr ii.) ht il l p Noirtiibi-r I, in I i . 1 1 I 'ii 1 1 i -t: , Hi - i ,'!, 1 1 I ''M ... , I. i . I l I ll I I , I !l I. , II I I I ,' 1 ! . ii. hi. I I! ' n'l tl..' ' l ,4 01 I, I ' l ' M, III l' tl ''. 11rMiMii mi lliff 'i iti 1 ' '' I.. i . -. h i, i ! V. " -I. i( ''I ' ' ' ll III ll'.U l. . I. , l I h i! ' I il l', - ii,i, u i th"" ( i , ,n h -I I h III!' ill -l' l,( till I', III I .1 ti I'M' -I i III I . H,.i in I in' ' 1 . SI I I s I A I V. I N W"l - I'IMI M I'll, Minnrnti lilnfl ii" . ..! '."! I 'I. I vil I ll,.. '.' in I n Hi it .1. 'in;!.' I 'II ii Ii ,n I i i , ii I el I Ii" In!,', I I Mi, i nli'l i". .. f, I I (i I i 1 1 1 t )i i ilixhii I, li"n (lull lln' pi liiii nl m i ti'in i'l Ilit-1" l I ' j'i'l ilin III! . W i Mi.' !ili i II .,iri.. II,.. I,' ii in lli ;i ii ! ii i ordiT lllilil ll ii ivrliiinlv a v :n o! rt'HH .) 1 1" pal'tv ,i i'l' ba-c I ...'Ii i ifl.. .'i vr IS W I I'liij , . .s ,,Ml! (lf 'ilrlir pooj to" i-mild I o I jiiiIii.(,;Ii , ll,, it -bv, the Ili'.ul Ii. in, (li ( t,,,t hoMlato In adopt a text, ii M u unviiik;" it' .Jini'ii Poiighn in srp-nt nf hi nuli-I.i i'omj ton ji-omc Ir .m irrr, Snt ni iin n the oli.'tinii uvn and they have received the benefit of 1 1 1 VOtcS i' hi friends Mini ll'llllil'i'l', ill, v boldly throw olt'thi hit k , Mini mm Ii. :n-. ly every f-1 1 y tcprtbliean she, i in the slate, and every potty lb-public, u p'.lui cian, wlio I iwi's himself ii t iiiin'in in fmbryo, are w a I'vili-Miautlv l-uhi oiiig'liiin ns fh-y woio, a , - n,-, Us ag... extolling iiml applauding him. At tin. ii. toothing win toj vile tu hi-ultoted In tln-m I, .. 1. ! . ll '..II,. I 'l.l llllll I. -I'M, I ;,, , I I hi i r j 1 1 ' . I - I.l'i.i.llli ,s,..,, ' ' .. II..,'. A-.,.- .V. -(I iiinl Ivlaiwne- lii,,,.. Tl, i. ,v I 'i-lnii. I ilH. I!'.'iil'li(.iii, Si'llHl". .1 1 M.iii iin ! .1 llll... "iii n; I ill. A' '.'i i, .imi ! 1:1, I i K iiiiM 'n tif 1 1 , ! . 1 n ll lln I ', . li ill! 'I ,.s a ti. il i nl i hi ii in j ,i ll,. i .luiiicr , ii, llirir I .in I;- In l,i. r. mil,, u :ii,u;i ,, In turo "ilil.';il in-tinn. (Wit ..m ii ll.i. will I'l' I'l tlill'.-S il'llli! lll'llll.iTHCV (,(' t,,. (,,;,,! Ii v iir- ti in. to tli,.im, v,.,, ,niM will ,m, I'mm' "ll' lit-intr il.'izlcl ihuI 1...1 n 1 1 :i v l.v i-'inii;r (.'filing firnl :i. 1 1 1 . r In tlir well .Mnl...... .mi, j.l.",'.,)'i'.fii' j.iirtv. "Mrii- Mll'i II"! llli li," W.t tl,.. Illiittli'il'tlli. I-lt- irliiilirni, AVvi'ininy M nr. 'I' I . n In I i'nilii f i'i in uin Ii A del Hi. ni Ii dliinli, llii' Hi Klinn I. d'". I' 'id' I i ( i ii'lliileitl ill (In' Nnltli, il 'linilld iilti -I I Ik ii I imi i inn i-l' nil .. i. n llir I 'nimi in f III ) I I H I nf III.' I,', ..,.. I,m- I. in mi .. lll"i'i. Ii.' l.,,i. il l.iiii, lli" iluiii inn Im.ii nil lli- Muii. i. tin- lini'ir 'I'iii, 1!i n i in N.i Ymk inii-i 1 1 In i I " ''"in'' el '!ii. li...liiiL! i,..m nun., i. II i. ii liel Tu, -d ij .Imi Inn i' "!' ll ,'i-lal.,.' rmimiiiiiitii- ; mid In n, In. I liilii; nil ,i .-n, t il 1 (! ... . . ... nun ii (.in in i ii-. wiiii im ini.f hi- mm- ni"), nil cw lurk ii!v iluiii :ii Hi'. If''. ! . . i ' . mi I n li ill i t ... I " in "i iili ll. , I t mill dm l il. i. 1,, I I Itijlii. I I In' i ! Wi'ii. tin i i ni,( null III tin. I, iiml, . I li' ii'.' mil i n Mi iniiiiiilli d in lln' Iim, Mll'lll II, .1.1. M Hir r I !"' ifl 4 . Villi, i I i! ill'll' :ili., n r tin' 'Hiiiii-i.. inn-t .. Im i. hi, until i. I. n. in,- ' ..i i I'. .V. . 1 "llnr (if 1 1 1 . -. r.'-n'.li Im ai'i" l'"H' i. M K' in mid War- t in hin il.rtfnn. iik it ii il.r idiitCTin f Hi W. S,-,,!ii... ............ ,, . .., ,: I I.I, I , , i i I , ... I , - III' II1IIH I H I '1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 I VI I A ll Ill'll I III "I I - I 1 Ii. i 1 1 , 1 1 1 . 'i la in I , I ii'i'V, .liil'intu mid1 1 .M r 1 1 : : 1 1 If. i'i,. ' out till' Nnlili : Iiml ininlii-i I'lill -llllll. III). lilii I .iii,h!ii im I .rliaiinii -.I'lilm lJ ri'iisinj; npit.ition, w it li"iit n ninuiiiilV ii' Kiit 1 1 i i ni . I . 'hih... ut ii,n i ivt i.r ii.r, r, ,;,,i, iiii' i. 1'ilH I. illiv.-l.T llai'li'nm I: Mllli-llt'l' and l.'iiliri t I'.aldw i''i ' looks to tin' l'oniiiilion nl two p'i..,it H0". ;l,"nl"'1' ,l'''i,i ''.nd iii'i' '"iil'lv. H, , 'I 'il'H I'l'iin ,,f ' Hie !,;, .. r. i i . i . ' " r.. , ,...,-.,,., V-I.i.lllJ, ll,r ,, im. iiii..,.i'i,.,.,,i !i. ii,,,,,,,,,!, i , ,.,!; ,M "" up io h miii.'i,.,,, I 'li'ol liis Mlu.uinll t.i .k ,,,. ,e t "'ll'oi.d linrl lii,,,. Tli. vi. ,V1!P. liH'liliiry vI'MIhk ornsmt nln'ini ,, ,,;,' me-; otlii'twi-,' 1 o Inn I'li'll luUilly iUfc fll'li' III! llllll. i sill", iv,.. In ii I'i out l,oi I r ii, on (hi. si,mo M tlin nniiifiii' 1 , t .i :.. :. ..i - , , ,. J ' Ilk', '"I"' " r ''"' .Ni.iliHiiii'Kiouldy. His condition iM1 klHlrt'll 111 thl III, 1,1'K Mil t of till' IMlV lis 11 I ...I .r. i , i .. . ''1 11 1 -' - 'iniliilllll HIUIMVI. ll 1- ... f , , l,.k 11.1 lllll (.'Mill' lll'lll- laln The New York TriU'edy. I UK mil I, til I Ml l.v. Krain'is llmildv, tin' r.ilInT of this I'aiiii- I'll tl kil I I'l- inn T I'.'mklin und rlt.,., ! ' io,ml 1"" ti.'.s-no, . Iii'tn nd nmit lu-rn- ''andsonK. .io,. y, mid irtiml fro.,. I,u-" r. -i mm. .... tl..M-ond floor Mr, -ii. li. -1 ,id ami Hunting" ami n.'iirlk'lil Hi f lii I ad, of (hoM) who diaiip!'oi'i ft' Judi;.. I'.'i glus's coni'.-o on tlic I.f,,i"'iiiit..ii i.Mi'1, now 'slum nr.ll,!.. i.... I.:,, ... r ... .1 . . . ... i i,i'i""H '" i'i.,1 i U'l lin-lll l i i-.ll again.!, him, hiirnmo ln is r-m-it.-i ,t . ami ! n.l'hHis sinci'Pf, wliil.. tli' ivp.. nnly hy- ' jiocriticiil and flilion-t in thrir pri-ti ii'i-i I'd duvotiuii to tli' doi'ti inool n'iMiliii'sov j rroi?iity. And now that it bruins to look"! ni if ho would Im n-i.i'i'tid to tlm I'lntod ' Stnti's' S-nato by tin- jioojdi- of Illinois through their rcpre-.ciit.'itivn.s in the State Legislaturo, their rngc and deniineiation of him know no lioumls This is but a fair sneriiiwn of Koniibli.-nn lim,iEii 'l'),,.- .n t... .i.... ....i ,i , tinjmsiiei mill Birn lllrtl uilil.'.V) llll'V COUni.'ll It 11 1 In Ioconifton boiwocwrti 4iy jirwiiflf mid i '"'".' ''Hin'rv," and 'vow P'-mn.-i-at 'l it in li own. Wit l. N'oMiUi- N I.VI.U ( 'i. vK '!- Im,. of tin; ni'vr Nti ik iiii; inideii!.", to tlme ti Im liave been Hnytainti'd willi the savin'?" ami diiini'i f-f tli" two iviiiL's ot tli.. i.,i"-iii,,n I It V oft lie ,'ottf.ty i'T (In l.l-t t'.'.o yeis- was the niiitreiit ewniil-?tf fuim. nl ali its l le.ue.its, and oblivion of nil it tale alii niosi tics disihiyed nt the "joliliealinii" tin other eveiiinjr Kven II. li. Sn'oo,i, who wis so very recently tit" Hjifoiul nbjei t. of HeHihienn hatred and vilif'oft't ion, wiisuis- 1 as tlio orator of the noon -ow, a nl '(, to oe regarili'ii with jiroloiui't mlini- irtioii bv his Into revilers. We eon Id not "a rat in a strange garret.'' "Yerilv . V i.-i I il x. '.. ''," II'. ;,,'",,-. l'"h. o -.. iiml-- ir,,.. '. .n: ..'. -I 'l.'i. I'laii , I '.imlii ia Indiana airl .', iniL-ti'iiiig --Titian J. I'oir.'v. ':.M. W'.'-tiiun. land and Favette Im-uh -'Id. Washington and ( irei-ne '""v 11". ,1..'A -. ll.':dieiiy. Y.. K llanil. ' ar'l lint!.'!--.Iclin H. Jlar- ...1 :..(. il ..a.. . 1 l'.. . . ! 1II1n.nI li .tint w)V fixity l,ti ll.i Im ii l.l'i.n.i . . 1 II I llt'l I ?T I ilJJ L,l ! I'l JKV t'r Will M' , n..K., -",.M.,i,r yon,, H0, pi.....!.. . . 1... 1 1 . ...I - A. 1 i. ...... r ... I . . 11(11 1 tin '111 inr it I in Milt lull imI I- i tin.ii.f. , . ii ' " ' 'I MM' IMilI'ltllllUIl IIU'O 1 111 1 1 C 1 j ' I ' " '-(.-i "j'i inU I i .. i . : . . i i . i .i . . I ( '1 1 M t-cli In i ii ii it 'I Vision tC 'IVi ! t r in li' i uri , nun mi i iii;u in y ir'jiu io i im: r- r " j 4li's, I I.,t T I.'. . .! i M 1 ) 1.1 i , hlightly fruutured, nml t 7 ll'li. L' ii J. '.'i-'lh. Win. M Law ! ,'ln Kruno's Mri irr and N'enango- SK.N A 'i' ) US l.iS. I )',.:!, Nt. riiiladel.hia .lohn H. I'arker. .'id. .Vojitg.nii'.'i.y lfhi Tiioniison. hh. J'.in-k.- Mahlmi Vardley. "ilh. J-ohigli and .Nurthaniiton Ai'.w. it!. ,S7, .,'. 'til. liel'ks J'i'nj irin: Ti'n. Si-bi'vlkill diohprt M. hiliner. I Lit 1 1 . '1 ill t ll, I li ion ., '.regg. l.'lth. Snvder, Montour, ovthuinbcr dy, are under tho euro of the docln, llOll llv Is lift! t'n,'.. ui.,.;,.....l.. , ti.l.lwlii.w.,11 ';.,! K .Motlioill.-.t I'.l'l-i'iilia I hlire I 111 ', I b utreet ' ir ,... . ,. . .. .! ."yurt i ... ....,ii,r, in.,..-! 4 ' , I I I'l SK 11 11 IS . . . . ; r, ... , ! : i' ...I. :.. i. i. .. . i .... .. i i . iiiin-n-nmtawmiioriioMo. "" ' " """" "''"i ''" llesh i ,,,'!, laet.,al(.f, hutshowill hml I Suel, istl.ede:nof.l.soe.iod,,H,ty;t;"':S. '""'"" " "lis held in , ,y tmu j. , ' know n as Keplie, ad w bold Iihvi they nijiirei vsieein, inn omy miiaa nnici, , rmun 1U)(1 of )(m() , , ; removed therefroin. There is but slij hoies of Ids recovoiy. , (if the servant girl, Johanna Murp!. the iitlendaiit surgeon said would die. , Kliabflh Chit's reeovery there was nor. liojie. Tho latter, however, is Uelirioi and among many incoherent ejaeulatic- exelaims freijuently, "Oh, that I kIiou li'oomf in tlivh' treasnTi, thatthi leader doi'i not he.'-itate to uvoV the hate ful sentiment in a public sii'ech. Jliit we do not beliovo that any very considerable number o( the Ainerioan people will In willing to follow s-ii Ii , dangerous leader, and embark in a contest which ii intend ed to sever tins glorious I'i, ion, inr, ' ine nigi.-si .-tcom, not only nrtliM. Iiiire,! ! but among Iris. Lii-iness aeiuaintanecs. In , his family In- was said to be very ail'ce . lioiiate, but linn. Those who havf known ithe li uiily for years, speak of it as one nf the happiest ami ni"t Hll'ectionale th" lever knew. I Mrs. ( buddy, Min maiden name was lane A. Iiss,,sw av, had been married to hi- m l.i,. ,.i : i i '". ""iii'n ii'iinii nun- leais, mill li Ills Si,, e ,.lt .t , . . i ,, I . , . in, 1,1,1 .,. 1." T. " L'l . . I , . of the -am" el, inch vilh her biid,.l.- 1 also suues in W'lls nm.ltnn fi-m ll..,i.. I- ll .... 1.1 .. ... rarry h ninglo 'nrtnomtie prinot, nn.l ! hl'lp t,U"knit; tl,at Mr' " ''nl they did not scruple to nfTect a ro.H re- . ... ' 'K pni r"' w"-v l""'" land and rolumbia7,V',i,'a AW.t, l.i-, IIHI- IIITIWIIV, 1111 ill'S fill ITI, Mi'l ! . , link 1,11 , ll Wv, 1 1 li . Allegheny John 1'. 1'eiiny. L'Tth. Krie anil Crnwinril llai-u-ii, A might pot TVnmrratir volo, intending Iloimtnip; Timukiiv. 'e publish this Fiuncv. from the beLtiniiing to repudiate even : H ech liie pat ticulars of on of the most -vt It. 'lai ion, .Icll'eisou and 111 k Ken Ili.o. unln-arit ol enla.'r .t "s upon our com- Wn tnon country. 31 r. Sr.w .iun, it is well un !.!.... I ! ... I .1. 11.11 . . : uei'siooii. is in oe me. liepitoilcail eanill ljn i date for the next I'resi lency, and it per-!an, 1 f..l I 1 1 1.. I -if ' in, , i"i i in u - iii.ii in i ns so cai i v tan i i . ,e . , t i i i i ' . , '""J """'Oil limrealleetioii lor her ihuiidid I raneis, I.yeoming, Centre and;"0;" UU! I OI I"''"el" "I""' It is .-id he si.binitted more easily tone. 1 lie American her family she 1 no one among mber! h'IV'' )" tll0i' to he murdered by th , nan uoy franc.' ta also states in i inltipi nlj ,.f ; a . , I : .i . , uii.'iiuisticmi, llliuwuoiiyog, i ml I lialehet from hvs Ivkt-4k. In i w hich lie ineani to sta!d. nimi.-- ...iK. I.!,., i i .. . iii , . " ilihvii uppioamieu nor Mlu snittclied ti ."eiziiii, fioni her, he exclaimed, "l mi not eoi ' io khi viw,'. pnid fur Ilin ilni'li'iiiou 11, u i1;.,..;..,,,,.; platform, before the election, that theyi'0 ooliti-o II imii in i u to ns at ler's. i n ' ' i ' wimtTO 1-eoplewill havetinieto militate upon , .,,, js f;,r . ft(.,mim, ih J0 ,,.;,, ,';"'" JI then Mruek her three U tIiedangerwhi'hooni''iipi:itli.'-.iistan'e,'lllilU,.Milv thehead with it. Iminediutely lie raf and will thus be able to avoid fho al. ss of destruction towaf ls which they been drifting. Intn. fni;inu-n:) havi l iaiieis, w ho was the eldesH son, and the' i"t0 '"'S "'n ro,"- wUMl WiW " floor, and in less thai principle therein, as soon us it was over, i atrocious butcheries iiv the annuls of This must be an agreeable reflection to'erimf. The startling and unusual eh.u'ae- thoso who aided in elevating Kepublicali 'er of tliis wholesale murder must be our candidates tootliee in th Udipf that they apology for occupying so much ol' our ' were pledged to Iioniorratii-prineipleaind ll'ai'e with its horrible detail-. A son would assist in carrying them out. : bulclici ing or attempting to butcher, in , , " 'cold blood, his father, mother, brother, "J nr. I. U.I.Fll J.mie u inoks." The Jmir-' . , , i , . - ., , . , and st.-ters, is so unnatural and so unae- nr,( charges us v.tth being out of humor be- , ,,. ,, , - c, b leounthblo an oceiinvno?, that m-amtv wc have sei'ii luoper to t'.xiiress our. , . e ., , ,, r' .. , . .. .... ulone can furnish a probable motive ft . Uisapprobiition of itkumioighborlvnnilnii-,- ,, , ,,,, ,' . ... , ,. , , ', .. tin? deed. J lie deterililliatliui ol the canon ior personal unttpo ot wortliy ctti- IIoldiriLr over Klected S.',8 I 'emocratie .u n I I.ATIOV. Iei,l. . -2 Iicpub. II 10 lil:i, . rem of this rotmty mid elsewhere. Of young man not to survive his crime, will LliitVfifOt frt.l iif ilit'iltUi tiuil io,, .111,1 - , .... nvivtavtv III I VlTV, 111' llioin I , tlllM eoursowo must bo out of Iiiiukm'. The . . , . . , ,. .- ,, , n . I mental condition tit Hws time, m . impetie- .lournal in our situation would befumiiiL'L , , i .... ... itrable mvstory. ami rwing. Kven us it is, its oqmiiimmy . ,r, ... .. , , , , ., J: The VK-tims an; all alive as vet, but it is has been considerably disturbed of ate; ' . , ,', ,, .... ., ,, . , , ,, ,, not thought that Mr. and Mrs. Uouldv and like a man considernUy "boluddled.' ...... .... ..... 'can survive their lniunes. it imagines every one elso to be in i t.i sit-i uation. Hut we will endciivor to keep' FNE Kvcravinrs. We have been pre- our uni uly temper within bounds, al- j vented by a variety of causes, whioh need1 . though w o muy still have occasion to apeak not Ij enumerateil, from earlier noticing jiluinly of w hat w c do not approve. tho receipt from the publishing house of sn HursF. of 1!i;i'i;ii;ntative.s. Adams Samuel 1 urborrow. Allcghenv. J. 11. Foster, U. J'. M'Dow. -11, ,1. F. Zellor, l. K. llayard, K. II. Irish. Armstrong and WcTituor.-hmd. Jlil-i-t H'o',(,i, MaA, u X.LUi. Joint II'. Jlnlurr. Beaver and Law rence. Joseph J. Wil son, James I). Ilryson. liedfold and Somerset. (jooryn W. Williams, (ieorge li, Walker. J'erks. K. Ij. Smith, Anii'tnlus F. Hvrto hi, ,y.i(i;iK,a Ij, W,r. Hlair. Jacob Hurley. lfradford Thomas Sme.ul, (.). II. Terry Kinney. j liucks. Joseph llarnsley, II. A. 1 in ins. Ilutler. W. W. Dmlds, ,1. M. VoTK IN T1IK roMIIIKSSIONM. l'l-Tl;CT. roiNTirs. (iillis. Ifall. (Tarion, . . 'Jul1.' I.ViS :Varf.eld, . . Ill", llttS I Elk, . . . -IT't :.;'.'i.', I Forest' . . ''r' in; ! Jefler.-on, . . HUH l;;TI iMclvean, . IT'.I Mi'l ! Venango,' . . JUT I I'.i.Vi 'Warren, . . 7'W JTiij I ASS KM I'.LY I! FT URNS. 'Coi vviks. Wilcox. Tioyer. Frank. Arlh riearfield, l...VJ 1 r,2 112S 120 iJefterson, 1 1 74 101., jKlk. . : 520 :;:.T 15s iMcICean, 5('i.'! 50(1 liSO C71 ! Totals. :W22 3581', ;U71 S2'.l sat: tnvedv. would I ' " ' U !,s Ui!,n ;l """tc sue liea; III.,. ,.,...,...1 .1 oi . i . the 1 pisioi. .im nun always ti ken care of he loom, nml hml nnvar .J . . .....v., ' 111 his IkiwH oi 1 uesdnv Iii'dit The two oldest eliililr..., ,. r,, ... R i hrotli'i' ntid sifter, tho others were eliil, lie was so ii,tr.ictiM..;lrl,"ICM stepmotner. 11.1 I.e.,-, I ..'. , Tl , ... , . wa-at tirst eoiieruteit "''" . um.-un uei. Wilcox over Frank, 74- over Arthurs. Wil.:20'.i:i. r.ovcr over Trunk, 112 over Arthurs, I75!l. iiuhor cf this horril i have been nineteen rears of age on l'.Uli of next Anril. Al the eoiiiiinin schools while young, ho made onlv tolew-' l,1'1.,li,,r Imt clad until she gu,v bio progress. At loin teen he was sent to boarding school at 'iniisnnvilh', lii : ware county, where he remained only 1 teriH mid a hall' and v rcim's t hiit from the other l.oj s-.'vl finally sent awaw At 1 "''''"'k this nioriiing thwc hai btvJ 1 Alter remaining a"l Im a -hin t time lie j "" ''""'iW deaths from tho Thirtieth strJ j took a notion to go to si a. Hi- father oh-' '''.'-"''O'. ijected, but finally ueipiieseed. ami furnish- l '" '!, howev led himaiioiitiit. "lie wa-sent about a year, ""' ''M''fl tot many hours. making a trip to Liverpool aiid several j I other port. b'cturni'Tg, he was out of hu Isinoss f'T sumo tinii) ; he then obtained a : situation cffi k in ti r.-.d o-tato ollieo, i but soon aftir hit it. His father thou! found a situation for him in the law oflice of Moody A Willi-, corner ol Ilrodway and Fulton street. He exhibited no fitness for th, place, and was in .t short tru dis a, mi (.'hail i NEW ADTERI1SEMENT8. bb person nro hcri'liy enntionoil , . iniri'linsiiie or nthirwise mciMliiiff wit yi.lo' of 1,1,11'k x,.n in tlio prs(,ssn nf II,..i Ki ic, of Krinlv timnshin. Cleftrfielil Cin,nl , li e .nme belong to uii, mid nm in Inn jmi.s,i l 'in otih'. "ft'M. I.. 1I0RK 185 Ult As regards the falsity of th ehingc we lakstnith &eo. New York, of six fine steel made against the Journal, we prefer l"t-jphito engravings, ns follows: "The last ting (ho commtmi'y decide for themselves; j sujiper," ' The city of the Great King," they hiu e the documents before them and , Sir Walter Scott's Monument," "West .vearewillingtoleavetheisMiewiththeni,iI11i;1Rtcr I'alnee," "Robert Huriis" and without occupying our columns with the , . yv praise The 0, Lord !" These cn discussion of a question of veracity Letwecn jgnivings, both in design and execution, our neighbor and ourselves. As '.o its; are of the finest style of the art. The! "objurgation" upon our "base attack" up-! first named in particular, in perfection it-; on M. A. Frank Fsq. "on the eve of the j80K Representing, what, to all ('hris- cloction," we have only to ?ay that we tians, is one of the most sacn d .seem - ili hist attempt at luisinc-s was as a lamni'ia. J . J'ortrr. TeleerraphtO NeVS. clerk in the hardware store of Messrs. Carbon and Lehigh. Samu-l lialliet, n- ( M ,,, , , . i ,i r;i,ha,lt 11. GW. j St.. !,crw, Oct. 27.-Th.- Los AwlsN,ll,Vi'" lV 1I-V;"t' 111 , li,,t sllv"(' ,nlt 1'eni.e. Adam K. llarlmv. I r.iWof the 2d insl.. oonmins mi .. I ,h'1 s,,il ll 'M'l".v rs nl lost his I'hester. Isaac Acker, Caleb l'riee, W. j nCc0Ullt ,f a battle at Four Lakes, ll. o, C ar on ,,),,! t turnn 1 ' 1 " 11 pientoi-r, .neiw eeu oo . i ' ' m ii'iuioon m inn usual vnnetv or HJ rl.,.,.(i,.l.l .TetV..,'...,, VKr. .,.! ril, t I'ooi is. under Col. WrL'h I . ami five bn.i.l lalliers house, receiving tlie K imle-t . (jM urla.ii'-, ,,rliml.,r'iitioi, U ,,od (0 ,i ir ; ii-.,,... ' 1....1 t...,: .,..,.., , . , and most careful attentions, lie was. ' '."",uni; ' "id ilwimblo ilrcsg gooil-l!,rt ... i . i uiuu 1.KUUI15. iiieiauerwerecoliipieleiyi .. . nmi ?')i'l Vnlrnoius, do Chcro, l.i i iiiiiun nun i.)i:uiuiii(!. i.nuiscj jia-; roule'l. Wit 1 the os o seventeen killeil "' "' 'in i, im,, in-hinorc, Dobece. l'erni; haflcy, W in. 1' earon, jr. , . i i n- .i; , his companions say to immora! practices. lill. 1'wmii Miirinos, Uprnmnin Uloth, BuiJI v oiuinoia. iiioiixour. vom n anil .-ui-1 " li Villi . S. (Jttkx, (iivnr J). Jdik.tUH. ! situation ot: the first of July la-t. liuring I all this time he remained no inmate i Hioo. 1851 I..yjZI.IS tire just oponinj; n Inrge A mm. i hi h'iiticii hock el iii.-inonulilc (joo.y 'wh nil tin-v w ill lie nUe Io soil ut iirii-o In i1 I 'ho tiini's, us tlicy ImVo been bought nl mi ci -rices. In ndilition rnthn usual variety of il "i Crawford and Warren. Ft. l Miller, j The th egon State Legislature met at 11 1VM 111 T fl I ff 1 HI'lUM tr III lMI'f'ItrMNI'Il f-'f 1 II 1 11 1 I SiniMir u Ii.,i I ia , iiiiii4 !.... .1. wewonl.ibc glad to bo shown in what j imUt'd him toofior liifusolf u Munfioeliiivj ,'uvuc,K'e iiiii t. n imi I hf itnlil ii-nl niirl imt wit h I fn 1 lw 1 I. ;t i . .... ;,;, It., :.. II,...,,., 1' f '. ...... personal character of Mr. F. and if we ! the Godlike majesty and sweetnefs of the i Cumberland and I'eny. Ilvjk S,W,,J f, t!'p '''' t'l Soptemlier, anil ail i-lolitl Jlcl Ul'ilV. ,. mi in -ii .-i'i. lie , iiius j;iviut; nji a, Biaie or Jfarksig'HiiiiaUon until regularly admitted by ..ii-lieuluv it :..i-.. I i :.. ii.. ,- i.i t... . i. i. ,. I' ""M-" I'm. ......... . , annul iii. iii, unit iu hit cuLiiiicn, lines oi ieiawarc. , m. I', teiiuell. Tnr.Y Cus'-tSiiawe thk ('.lohy.-Wh e'il tclve apostles, all the varied emotions John W. Campbell, 1IV,v LurJ. ir, the, AV,of rhiladelphia, that it' niigl.t be supposed to have inspire,! uJtn'f' Juma SJJ, X.K cluitui JLu'or -Swartz of Herk county, the,11"'"1 0,1 ,1,nt niomo.aUo occasion. Ve.'McClme. number elect from that district," a a ,llilV(' t,(t fil'a,-e tu sLeak others in , (ircetie. J. V. Uriy. ..coi'les"' randidate and not an Ati-I,e- ohij, nut we eannot Help paying a pas- iiimiiig'ion. lgton. 11-1 .1 ! -, . .- .1 . . i'ii'iiit-s, inn-ain. nroc ie. 11, iumi corM 11 lien ine laintivweiu 11110 ine eo,inirv ,i 1 1 ..,. vi 1. 1 , . .. T l I , , - . ; i iiii,,ii. iiu 11 nire 101 ot t,aai4 .-iiiiiuii.-i , in- iieei'iiii'iuiieu im-ni ii, i "-. "uitu iHiiiiu'i.s, iiross i n intnini;!, Ac. 1 no loss whatever. last .summer, ho New burg, and remained w ith them until their return, At home he was at times' pluasant towards his brother and sisters, occasionally taking the little ones ttpov. his knee, and fondiui! them with much af- lela.ou Smith and L. I". Clover, elec- , jVctiim. Jt other times he was morose k'd to represent Oregon in Congres. werejnn,i revengeful , and exhibited an uneon about leaving rortland for Wai hiligton. , tmlhiblo temper, lie would not hi the liiiiin I iik on iii tuiiian'o for gooiU at caih pril s. ii. 2.S 'jS C. KRATZEU I SOXS. -Iil-l. CAUTION. Vl.b iprsniii! lire ti oreVy cautioned rgmi ini'ililiiiB with 111 fullowinc deirribrd pni 1 attempts have been made to set ; family know what he was about. He had ... iBing tribute to the truthful likeness of the fomiiM rti',-rjt. This does not at all Mir priMMis. AVe predicted that no matter the "Bllr'1 of Nature," Scotland's loved whodidthevoting,theHepublieallswouhl;",,,1 l""'onted Burns. Thisasa portrait claim the vietorv as theirs. What do the ! is unsurpassed, and as a correct lepresen- Demoerat.s of Uerks count v think 0w. ' of the features of the I'oet, of the who voted for Maj. S. under the impies,;1'0 'ni'Prhaps the best extant eion that ho wa what they considered the ; purest kind of a democrat, since they find that ho was only tho candidate of that nir with 111 lullowinc deirribrd prd . . . . ... . . j I'rn v, nii-T in Hie iwrMiiin ol W. J. Caldntl s the aid prniirty it nuhjort to my oriioronl vi, : Tl i ... . ,...... I r ... i -ii- .., . i . : , '' m'ttn inoni', one niirinir oil, n i.iiMi.-T .1- nil inn u til ii i 1 1 is sn i hi,- ei t I,, , l, I.. r ... . i , . 1 ' , .... unio, ll Ul Wl U 111 IIIO T 1 V ,. . ' . AVAsifiNnTo-v. (hi 117. There is nodoiibl 1 that lie lnnl thus lost considerable liionev. Unrty bushels of buckwheat, the one third Juniata, Miyiler ami In ion. John T. ... , , ... ,, . r., . T, , , li.,..;.. n... ....t;..;..,,. 1..,.. '''" i''1"1" "I whrat in the cround. one eoi rllclson AVm. K. Wiianns,,!!,..- Ullll, AHIIIlllll IV'llijl ,01 ine 1 'i 1 mil S'lUail- c .... . .m ... ,si , ,, , ,,,..'... , J Lancaster. Natlmniel Kllmaker ir Sv!roni lllls instructions from Her Majesty ' I l,,'i inamlesleil mueli mtero-t, anil was ilin-, one si-t ot elinirs, cue largo undone imil ..... . ... ,J . - , i , ., , , , . . .. r,.,.b;.. 1 .1.. 1..., . J lire to l'miland. muel II. 11. Price. Amos S (iieeji S lw.. (;,,v.., iii,i,.nl. I,, 1,11.1-nni tl... I,,,,,!:,,,, r,f r,l. I admitted as a member on l robntinn in the r"l.'k'"S" clnnr and tU bnlnnre of the houM W Ketch- The Ali.kuiieny V.m.i.kv Lcho. This i tho title of a new psK!r recontly staitei , ... 1 f 1, 1 i at Einlenton in Venango co. in this State uioiigrel oigam.ation, compoFcd of Heptib-, ' ,. ,, .... 1- 1 1 he editor, whose pardon wo must as for llCUUS, AljolltlOlllsts. AUKiiCilllS, Jaiiow- , . , . , '. ... , c r , . losing the copy of his tiiiiior sent us, and nothings, rreelovers, 4c. .vo. yclept the. ... . ! blistering expedition in Central .InKi'iea. ehiirch to which his parents belonged ; The indications are that the President will shortly issue a proclamation with a view to hold furniture. hut w as finally dropped on account of his irregular habits. His father, on Frank's H, Ios, prevent a violation ol the neutrality laws. ' account, finally ueonteil to embark once I The Secretary of War was received a des-! Hwve hi fo, ulor "'"t. tukinK ' JOfIX M ELSn. -.It. Lebanon Joseph Kck'iian. j Lueine S 1' (liitmun, V uni, Lewis Iiigh. Mercer and A'cnam.''). Wm, C. P. Hamsdoll. Milllin. lbn-id Withei-ow, f, ,i,i.n ,,,! I'll -' --,-..',..,-. .,",(.. i'i, ".,'((, . ' n , .. , . . i . , .MolilL'.imorv. n,.-;jStJ,rrl: J.,h llin- to l ilililislK'd acoonnt'i of t be fb-bt n il b (bo ' posit e'l ill InC NiVlucs ilank to Ins ereillt, "K"" fWI"" i'l..,,!.-, I) ;;,,,. ,. : pai'ii irom i ten. I whtl's, ooiitirinuiz Intlier-1 " " ' ' l" 1 ""'"' ii"'iiv.i"in ,k- hils sniiu cok', i u vuuLril Lilt " a .1 . j 1 - C I j 1 t. lii u,.M Lur I,'..:... ..j. . 1.JL oct. 27, ISO?. NO TICK. mO A I.I- I'KKSO.VS to whom v4 . , . . . 11- i ii nil i imi: UK- ui.ire, i iwuiifM.-n 11, Line ill. "peoples partv ; but which is only the i J. . ,. '..,.. , leaders, everv variety of literary mateii- Republican party in disguise, and a very ' . ' ii. in inn viiiiiin. j 1 1 sj ii" unci, ii t- 1 1 , , , ,1..., eeived was a UUlVttlllllVCi Lll'll flimsy disguisi) it is ! Tho opposition aro Indians of Texas, and Le will take imme diate measures for iiKTeitslng the militarv nenr nii.i e!-i mil. , .. .. w ... " ' "' , 'ftvlWI, J.'. I . MCI llllll nothing that ha.s Democratic symimthies fiteei.anu we wish ua proprieior an imag-. j. norn, ,i M.tiiure, I) ll. styer, U. fttiall shai o the glory with them. , in ll,lc c ('!,, ,!!,. 11,11. Northamjiton. .7,.-,, U'lc.n'm, '"'Ml. Northumborlaliil. ' W.-s Jlnllmtlrin. 1 l,m'e "" I iiiiaii(ij,inn, i. m. smith, II ,i,,:,bm i Commander Michmul and othor olli- J. .H.llarilmg.l.eo. .. of , .,... ' Totter and Lewis Mann. Tioga. L. T. Williston, ! A Storv MisArrUEt.. H sometimes, Nation", Pouch faith happens that n good slory is much spoiled ! M expositor and denouneer of the evil ,y king niisappliixL This was the fasc ,,oi,,g" of lhe ni(ke,, ftni1 unprineiplo.! to a painful degree to the narrator, on tho (la honkers of tho great city of (iotham occasion of tho "jubilee," when Mr. ftnJ elsewhere, is still on our list of ex Swoop undertook to relate and apply the ( changes, and we observe has lost nothing "Panther storv" to tho Administration ofits T'gor in ferreting out and exposing party and John W. Forney, to illustratoj villiany since we first made its acquaint-! Wayne. i.iUv,., J..HuTh,-m. their position on the I.eoompton question. :allC0- PiiWislied by .Matsell d eo. Kcw i William W. Wolt, A: ln-t,v,ii Glut:. That it had an application in the premises ltl!t' I erms S-2,00 per annum. wo freely wlmit, hut we think our Repub-; A( g, ,TTr.r."-The trial of Martha M.,r-! m:v'i, M lpublicans . , .... . .'ciiiui riu.s , A. WaNmrn. fieo. W Wm,l T .T v.,;ii transterrwl to the by the Navy Department. III. f ,',.... .!'...!. I 1 L .... 1 , . r . 1,;.1.1 , ., l II ,... I 1 1 ll I ""'' v "-uiuoiu ni,roM)(ll llliu JO, m laHOTD" .... .,i... ..i.i..,. u.- iinuiiiii cnnii townilnp, a fowcrof Attorney, conititutil to diaw Oil coming of age. Of ton dollars, "IL'i ni'iit to tr,iiioct my business, io ml which he had drawn on his father's bank uZ';;,I!l''n' .r""e!,in iioti'ii and lucciving ninmn, cd renting if book on Tuesday morning, only forty ininio-ing my farm in llnjjiti township, do hirt J-hll.s j.VS that I BH nnd revoke mid power! hve aaumed the contl tion would throw him into excitement. """wgnient of my own nffuira, andthal will U ..iL I iiatui uml otlior olli- , r , ,. A , bv NOTIFY aii i ... . eents were found on his person after his : AL1 Memphis have hten . ,, . ., ,, ,. , . nd do, this diiv nnniil i ' steamer Canada re-l mi,ierul'Ie 8U,;lJe- f-'igl'U'.st opjHisi- Atior.u.y, and'that Ik J. A. fisher, riln-ir Lam, Simon (iraf., leently chartered lor the 1 aragny expedi. , .. , . ... , , . will henceforth man are m own ruv. mj Ceorge W. Uamm'rsly, (ieorge W. Wiliey, ! tion, the former not having been accepted ' '"S 8Pnsl ",c rjopensity and obsti- ly own contnin),f ,Ed coli(lot ,nd p,y ;y J C. 1'. Abbot. i ,iix-,. i i , ; nacy prevented his friends from tracing doota; and further, 1 iien-by notify nil pent T r i ri..i.! . i I iiuiuoi- ot ciiiiiigcs tu ine uuomei nave Pnce over bim him to his haunts, or esereising any influ. l'A.0 Tr I'ilthrTr.!'y run"''-' 'h" ' ; David Ltl nnd John' l.ta ormyaelf to make pJ AtlStA Airit. hi ivt , i i .. t . . . . .... KnU, ,,1HI1 T 1:, ..( T i I, -ii.., . . . moiii iu ine jum out io ine riuu Uavitf iiiitf SBwr K l m JoLn j revived, but tlK-y aicalto-ethcr ith-1 Tli0 eWo8t Uil ,lltP1. of Mr (.ou(, John Litz, aa I will nut nu-ogniio tUcb- cti M .i.tmyor, i. u. i aim. 1 out fonndfttiotu -,. . . ,, . nd after this date. J Susquehanna. Siuioon B. Chtuse. . i Mary Lli.a, will bo sixteen years old in , ItlliOLfll Ull Washington. (Ieorge V. Lawrence, Wm ' Tho California mails, via Tehauntepee, ' February. She is an intelligent woman,1 t'learftcld October Hili, l8iS. J Crah am. ! ivni'l, in bnvo left. 'nr 0,-li.n..a r,-.!.. nr. A 1 . 1 i r .1 - , ' IlEl AI'ITl LATION. lican friends will find themselves in the gmlj a young widow, called by the letter f-7 33 I were to have left Xew Oi lcans to-day, and and gave hor testimony before tho Coro. ; the Company expect to deliver them in ' tier's Jury with great clearness. I f : :.. i i r..i, i.,u,I,,suoiii8,Aien uays. .Nathaniel is tlK next ellet noil, J OrplinnaTourt of tWBeld cennty, th The (leneral Superintendent of the Pa- bring 14 years old in December. Ifis " "P"""1 10 PWi ! t the Court hod i -c ttr i ..... , i, , i i . . in ' unriiuiiu ot vieitriieia, n DAtunn'l jcifio Wagon roads, says that tho entire kul. is badly fractured, a piece of bono the 15th dny of Nov. next, all the lntrJ Adjourned Orphans' Court Sale, f virtue of an ordur of mlo iaauedoutof It Mnjority IfPlLt'eiuoerats in Italics. situation of the valiant panther hunter, w rjje,s handsome, for the murder of Alex and be exceedingly anxious to hare sonio ' mi(T Anon, R ronstable in Johnston help to cnahlo them to let Mr. Forney go, 1 county, X. C, has resulted in her acqnit to whoso skirts they have been so despe- j Xhe pruoner was poorbnt "proverhi rattly clinging since his outbreak of re- ally honest," and the oflicer was levying enge against the Administration. on her little stock of worldly goods ; a du- Thasrsoiyiko. (.lovernor l'aeker has J which he nccompanied with some harsh He hnd. I?ut he did not take the trouble nppoiiited TliursdT tho l?tb day of Nov. I words to the poor woman. She seized a to hoe around the row of weedy isms. He BThe Opposition said some time ago that Hon. Wm. II. English, of Indiana, "had a hard row to hoe,' in his district j road from El Paso to Fort Yuma has been two inches long, by an inch in width, was Jll"iow fuitt, dee'd., in and to ili folUwat J- ereat v m proved an rl nborf ,1ri romovoil from tl, rinbt , i, nfal.l..i -''n '" i ih - " " " t .-- - . ..u'i, Doiinried hy Inmia oi m. Luinailo on tie wm the past season. The road through Xe-j When discovered, he was bending over trBC' u name of Henry Stewart on the nortf hraka is probably finished, and the Foit lis father's body, and pravine 1 lu, ,( 1,,',7'd I! tUe t"1 ,nd ?n ,h." 0 , ,T . . " , ' 6 1 "li'"k , hy laud of Jamea torreat, contain nc 60 "-""".' '-wuii j- nr. mm ....ii.-v j,hkh 1'i.uvuoij. more or ies on wiuen are erected two-awl roal is finished from South Pass to City Kocks. present wife, will be seven yours old in - 1 February. Ho is a bright little fellow. frarPartial returns from New Jersey in- and bore heroically the operation of tre- Charles Wealey, the finit child hv tleJ Io boUflt nd ?ther ou'Wogi, with M . ' . i i i mi i i i .. . , ' i . 4 .... it . r ... i . a . i at .1 i unnr nun ii iiti in m niui un lAnnittiui niki (iiiir im i m MHini i.irin rr t'iA AAt s n . . i M. ... insi. as a tiny or general iiianasjriving nioi t . i , -- - -e -r , mcate ine success ol the liopul.l.., panning, which was deemed necessary l.inw. v .'tlinnll. .' fl.itn mtrift miu1ia . ftnfl t.lir.lV it OVAr tllA fntl.'A 11 01 .'--o ,j frsycr. - . v -vi- j -- - -- - .v.. -v.. nan iicKet, Tho only remaining children are Jane. of Halo. JAMES ST0IT, Ad'mr of Matt. Stott, den. ) AILR0AD HOUSE; corner of Main a J. V naite Mreeta, Brooktii.i.I!, I'a. fob. 2 1. '48. , K. R. MEANS, Proj-rict 1