Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 03, 1858, Image 1

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    J, H. LARRIMER, Editor
VOL Villi. NO i!G.
Of rpublnu:
Terras of Xubsrrlplliui.
If paid in advance, or witliin three months, $1 25
(fid alter the expiration ofthe y..r, ". 2 00
rr I mi .1 hin hi Ha. 1 r.A
Term.of AdvcrtjHli.p.
jiinraiiintnn iuirwu ii wg mpuoucan
a ik ftillowini ratei :
1 Insertion.
$ 75
1 in
2 00
. A mu's.
H (ill
6 no
8 tin
io no
12 oo
20 no
3 di.
$i oo
2 III)
2 10
1 2 mu
7 00
to no
12 no
it oo
IS 00
j0ni'iur,(Mlinei,) $ 50
ro .ur(, (zsiinof,) I n
hrM siiuarm, (42 lines.) 1 50
3 muntlii
0n Square, : : : 12 50
roT"r". : ! t : : 4 00
Thrf qimre, : : : : 5 00
Pur iimrus, : : : : 6 00
Hlf column, : : : : 8 00
".One column, : : : : 14 00
35 00
Over throo weks and loss than throe raontliB 25
Icenu per iitir for each inaorliun.
Bmin. notices not exceouing tllluea are m
!ted for $2 . year.
A4rertheuenti nut murko'l with the number of
insertions desired, will bo continued till forbid
j charged according to these terms.
J. 11. LAKK1MEK.
Oil. R. V. WILSON.
VtaVIXO removod his office to tho new dwrl
II I in 2 on Second street, will promptly answer
I it- sional cat' as heretofore.
JiS. n. ( illlUlltR. I. TtST A TIT, Attorneys at I.hw
H L'lcarlield, Fa., will otthd pruinptly to Col-
riiuus, Land Acnoioa, iKC
Lahd Acnoioa, ic, Ad., in ( lu'iirliold,
Cootro ami llk coiiiiiks.
July .10. y
rjTILI. continues die business ul ('liuir Mukini:,
nuil House, Sign ami Ornamental Painting, ut
U&e ibp formerly i-ciiiied liy Truutninn A Kowe,
the ens' on ' ol .Market street, it short distance
sent of Lii'o t'oiimlry. Juno 13, Isii.
rlt. i-LOUta; W lll respectfully giv.
ill uotice that he lias resumed tlio Practice
L :Hritie. iiti.i will promptly attend to all t-a 1 1 ti ,n
e prolesMnn. l.utnorsuurg.Ap I l,
run l-oiiiidci., Cui" eubvillf. An extensive
assortment ol Castings made tu oidere
lice, it, I Jul.
A ltd HNKY AT LAW, office ft.'i.,iniue
itst-toiice uu riocuud Street, Clua,. ..j. 1 i.
.'uiie 1 IS54.
11. I
1)0) sic lull, uiuy lie found uither at bid I'ttuc
al Scolield'n tiolcl, t'urwunevillf, Hheu i.o
Vioti nimaillj uIim.ui. iki;. 2U, Isjl
Miicliaiit ami Produce Dealer, Luther:.
biirjj Clearfield cnuiity, l'a.
April 17, IS52.
VT the mouth of Lick Kun, live miles from
.l I H'li'lll VI S I
j J - IV. ,1 111-tU, .14 It V 1. .1 .1 A - J, MUU Al'lilMVC
V, luuiW'turcrs of Lunihur,
f Jul) 2:!, IS52.
) ai lisinitli. Waj?on, Uut;i;ies, teM Ac, ironed
) on slmrt notice, and the very best style, ut hii
liil stand in the borough nt turn vu'tville.
iLicc. 2'J, IttjX
H. M. OOllst, having rhangeil his locn
li in from Curnensvillo to Clearfield, res-
J iUuliy infers his prolusMonal services to the
liiensol'lhe latter place and vicinitT.
Kfniiluiice oil Second street, oppui4 it o!
I Crsus, Erq. my Ii6.
I sARUIES on Chairmnkini, WbeclwriL-lit, and
V hou.e aud Sin paint njt nt Ciirwensi'ille,
flesr'Ji Id co. All onion promptly utiemieu to
J."i. 5, Ibbi.
lit. H . C lllli;i,I. having located as
kylerlown, tenders Ins prolcs.-ioual service,
toeciiuens of Morris and the adjuiniiK town-
p. Ilo will alwavs bo tuuiiil at the residence
i thin, Kylvr, when not professionally eiinged.
May 21, 1S56.
HAS ri-Miuicd the priictico of medicine, and
ill alleud promptly to ul I calls in his pro
f 'Mion, l y day or nilit. Hesideiire opposito the
JlmhodUt chu eh. May 4, IS58. fi uios.
hirinx of the Pfwr, Ciincnixctlc, 1'rnna.
DVI3 door east of Montclius A Ten Kyelt
Store. All huiness enirusted to him will
I" promptly attended to, and all instruments o f
Jritinn done on short notice.
Msrch, 81, 1858. y.
mm ..s, ...U
31 UEaTfr' An jAwk f, tiIp
fvirw t . V AN J; Tl, 0i T1IL
4 tloniey at Law and Laud A cent, offie'
ill. t'ljoiuins; hii residsnce, on Market stree
iwiieit March.;;.
I " . "
RETAILKK of Foreign and Domestic Merch.
Milite, Shawsville, Clearfield county, l'a.
i-ville, August 15, 1855.
4 LL friends of Imbicilc l.nd t
'a lliLhRES. Pleas
.nREH. Please procure circulars gratis of unnatural tragedies which luvs ever occur
Dr. U&ltltUK IlllOWN. Burro, Mass. rpJ ,, eU (ook lhl at tllo m;lll.
IB8 ahore Hotel, having recently been fitted
J ff a house f entertnininent, is now open
theaoc mmodution of the public. Travelers
111 lad this a convenient bouse.
Msy 1, 18i8) -on.N JORDAN.
pi.ATr.RISIO, Tho subscriber, having
oraie,! nimsellln the borongh of Clearfield
tT'li1"4"11 ,n,t,u,,,,a that he Is prepared to
wort In the above lino, from plain foornamen-
-w Wnttewajihln-- .nH a iH ...i
oner and on reasonable terms.
''"t-tld, April IT, 1887. 'y.
Ofle la CurwsnivllU.
Cliarfiito' kpMieati
JUbctlh nrous.
Death of an Eminent Chinaman
Tl. I i ...
I1IU H II II I 1 II I' 1 II ' I 1 j ' . t.- i ,... . . i. , i..
from the j!en of Fletcher Web-ter, whose
uu sun nine l iirlie c wn
I diplomatic exiicr'cnee in Chin i civps
j weight to his statement, vindicating the
iiH'iiwi'v of Aoviiiir
ThiM statesman has been it. bad odor ev-' k,n"cko'1 in-eiwiblH at the first bl iw. and
t since his rejiiils.. I,v the Allien at Toiii-1 W' '"'e 'lk,ly l, fro,n ""'ir '"J11"'
Tsin. ami their allied exhibition to him '., n,ur,1,'r r tlu' c,in ,0 " '-'i-
ofhiH letter found nt Canton, in which ho 'J-' V'," lW SP''Vll"t plrU' ul"' b,'m'(i
, boasted of his success in deeeivininhnin in , tll0m ln m-nner. -""of his sisters,
lMUan.ll.s41, though we are not uwaro
that there is anv ,u,tl,pii (,
tl lilt..... 1 ...... 1' ,. ,
m"""" mnu ieiifr iroin r.ngusii cor
respondenn of Londo;i Journals'.
From (he Ration UmrU'r of CV. I?,.
The latent fercipi arrival brings the in
tellk'enee of the death, bv order of the
.....v ,,,, lllul ( (.rv uisuiiiiumi-
cu Hiaiesinan ana Uiplotn ilist. Keying.
It may seem Kiiijuhirthatoiie of hisaiilipo -
des.should desire to pay a tribute of respect
to his meiuorv. but Hie writeinl' lli.'se liiws
had the honor of knowing hini nersnallv
and of heeinu him on occasions of national
interest and importance, as well as socially
and us he was the negotiator, on the
part of the Chinese, of our iir-t treaty with
tiiat f-'overnmeiit, a idit'ht sketch of him
iiiav not bt uipriierestiiiir to Americans.
ive iiv , nt tlie time ci his Ueulli, must
have been about theiifie of seventy. When
he met tlio American iL'a'ien al M.iecao,
in 1M1, he iiad the appearance of u
past the middle age. ln person ho was
lame and Mrongly made, and his face ot a
brown hii". with high cheek bones, cave
evidence ol his I art iir origin. His man
tier was dignified, but at the same time
courteous, nnd he had, in a marked degree,
the bearing of one used to co um..nd. atid
to receive respect and deference, lie was
a person of great decision of character. and
tho-e pre-ent at hN fi:st business interview
with the Ainericin rienipotentiary will
never forget the unalterable lirmne-s w th
which ho declined all negotiation it
the legation persisted in repairing to Pe
k ill .
bv the wav, is a remarkable
, fulfilment of n prophesy which hi. made
: on that occasion. It being represented to
him that if we did not go to l'ekiu the
French ini-son would, he replied that it
' we did t g and the Fieneli mission iliJ,
he would agree to have his head cut. oil'
accompany tm ihe words with the gesture
I drawing li:.s hand across his throat.
Tueie are two parlies at the Court of IV
k i ii : the one consisting of the ob fashion
ed. strict exclusionists, and the. other of
tho-e who favor a more free and open in-lercnur.-c
with foreign nations. To the
la'ter party Keying belonged. He iv..s
sent to negotiate the treaty w.tli Sir Il"n
ry I'otiinger. when nt hist the Imperial
Court a. forced to treat : he was sent to
Mr. Cashing, when thy reeollecti in of
their late calamities induced lh" Chinese
to eondo'.i end to iinoiher treaty w ith the
outside barbarians In n -ktotiuted the c i
ty . ith the Fi ench.
in.l it seems that he
wus sent recently, again to Canton, w hen
! it appear that the Lot rl was oiue more
alai uieil by t he progress ot western arms, i used it for his private purposes. The
"to try and sootue the barbariii us.' as Ins young man amoni oilier vices, was in the
Majesty's proclaim1.: u,n and it is I habit of skiving out late at night-', and his
doubtless owing to the fact that llnl'icneii father thinking he wns not in the lie-t of
mel E dish, by reaching themoath of tue j company or acquiring habits which would
river 1 ill i, frightcno 1 to Co i t inio a redound to his credit, reproved him gent
sort of snh:n;.s -ion to their demands, and ' ly, and 'e'piostod that he .should come
so wounded i s consilium, i r.i-r oganeo, homo earlier an 1 go to bed at it respectable
notwithstanding the utteinpl of Keying to j hour. Mr, Oouldv was a highly respeea
soolltc the.ui, tlnit he has been put to death ' ble and wealthy citizen, he bein a retired
by way of .-atisfying the injured d guity of
' t fm :
up re. Ills ei le.nies 'v'ouM readily
seize upon any pretext t slnei l them-
selves from tin; imperial wrath, and would
not he-itutc to represent to the Lmperor
that all these insults and mi-f n tuiies were
1 caused by tl c evil councils o! Key iil.
; His is not an uncommon tale. UMth
or banishment, or impsisnnuieiil, or dis
grace often await '.hose who are in ad
vaueeol their age or their country.
Keying was greatly enlightened for a , beliive that the young man was ipiiti d -
Cliinese. llelma enjoyed opjiortunilien for ranged at the time of committing the aw
learning the character and power of f.r- ful doisd. and for the sake of humanity it
eign nations w hich no other of his conn- is hoped that such was the case. Th al
tryineii had met with, and hii lilihd was , fair cmsed the greatest e'ci'eiue.-.t in the
greiit enough to enable hi"- to improve U'per part of the city who:, it becviie
them. As a m in of eminent talent and known.
vast experience in public atfaii a : of integ- I -
rily aud humanily ai his government ut'
the two great Canton provinces shows
nnd ns a statesman at.d diploniati t of the
first rank, entertaining the most liberal
sentimeuiH ot any K.i..wn high Chinese ot-,
fieinl r Ins ida.tli. ill tins tune, is a.
. ',. . -
l"M , ",S co,,,urv' IT' " "h- " , ,
much to sav, a real loss to tue world and
th of civiKzation an 1 en.ightene.1
and.prosi-erous international inteieomse.
Frishtful Traeedv ir Hew York.
grtxT sticioB or run miruerer.
One of tho most bpriible, bloody and
sion of Mr. Francis Oouldy, 217 West 30th
street, nbout 10 o'clock on Tuesday night and assurance of r ic.Ii an -mielioratiou.
Octobti Utith.J From what can be us-1 Not that wn did n n know it alrcmly bv
cerlaincd ut tin- lime of writing, it appears 'common report. There have been evi
that r.rithcis A. fiouldy, a young innn 19 ; denees of it. from time to time, of ate, in
rf the irentlemnn various sbapos. It i no ne.vs. we are a'ell
........ v.. ... . .. -.-
first named, returned homo Tuesday night
after nil the family haw retired, except
Ins lather, the i itter oi whom let mm in
when the bell wai rung. The young
acted rather strangely, and at once
ceeded np stairs to his room, when
where he
took off his coat and Wits. in hit)
stocking feet, he seized a heavy hatchet in
hii right hand and cautiously went below.
Creeping into the sleeping room where his
father ana mother rere ileepinjt, the
votith dealt hit fathor a powerful blow on in our columns a few days eince, bore a tj
thhed with the hatchet, which aplit hisjl'le testimony to th earn gratifying la?t.
(skull. The deadly w-npn then fell with
j tremendous force upon the head of Ins
ugod mother, fracturing tho skull ami lac
I onitinr her face most fright full v. Thin
fiend in humane shajw then entered Him
r!0m w,u're J"8 hvo ywunr brtr hers wetc
1 ;' ",m "llullk llllm ,ll"w
w'--Hio hatch t still recking with the
.moon n rue parents nio nrolhers were
or)0, " v'!,r,s ol a t," n,l"'r
n,-,"11""" "l monins OKI, were in mi itli. i
room, anu on account ot not leavinu i!
th(Mr lives wero aved, or the desperado
either overdooked them or preferred to
let them live. After deal ng all tho dead
ly blows in his power, the murderer tun
up to ins own ro mi ag im, anil placuifr a
revolver to hh iit'iui just utiove the r:
ear, blew lii brains out. The vepoit ,.(
1 the pistol, and an alarm niid. bv s .tne
. one. attracted the attention of Ullicers II ill
iin.l r,,r,.li,,iw,. 1 1. "lit I, ;,,..i
'Oth precinct.
on duty in the iieihhot'lio ul, and they
hastened to the spot. Finding the front
door barred and bolted, they were tem
porarily delayed, but b -ing suti-'iiod from
the cries and groans they lu'ard is-uiiii;
from diU'erent parts of the house, the io r
was hurst open A horrible and siekenini;
1 silit was then presented to tl
' as in the various rooms lay the bleeding
anl fully insensible victims Tho ollirers
' managed to learn who the perpetrator of
! the bloody work was and then went to t lie
I room nl ymmg fiouldy, whom they found
utretched on t hhe. floor ill tho agonies of
beath Reside him was a pool of blood
and the pistol with which ho had !';".
himself, also the fatal h.ttchot an I a iaro
carving nife whie. apparent!,- hid u t
been used. Capt. Curry was ini'uedia'ely
info ined of this mo-it liorribie atl'iir, and
went with a posse ot'oiKcers t ) the hou-
of Mr touldy. l'iiysi.'i.un were einlc I to
attend the victims, an 1 every thin1; possi
ble was done by the jinlice and citizens to
mitigate the setU'ering ti tue tin fort tina:e
people. The doet irs in ni ik ng earn;n i
tion, found that Mr. (louldy Intd a e- n
pound frnctu e of the skull, nnd his e d-.-t
son, a 1 .d some 11 yarn of age, was injured
in the sumo n inner. Lar.' pieces o! the
skull were taken from e tch head, mid it
seems totally impos ble for either father
or son to survive, e 'en for a short time.
Mrs. (i Mil ly seemstobe in a less dangerou
condition, th nigh her recove y is con-id-erel
oxlr nely doubtful. It is possible
that the voun tost bv. who was rue';
with the hatchet, m ay recover, but his
life is in great peril, t'v advice of tin
physicians the two servant eirls were re
moved to Fiellevue Hospital for treatment.
It is thought that they will recover. The
causes which led to th s terrible ."llair have
not y t been satisfactorily ascertained, al-
thouL'h, according to rumor, t he murderer
I was hk'hly incensed at his father f hav
' ing undev'nlren to reprove him. It was
I umorcd this ( We Inesdav) morning that ' (iouldv had 1 1 en his father's bauk-
; look without his authority or his consent.
and nrawinir money from tho bank had
harhwure merchant. Hii son, t he author
ol tho bloody work, and whose act has
cast such a gloim over the family relations
and the community. eniallv, was en-
gaged in a hardware store p'thor in I'latt
street or maiden Lano. He w is inclined
to b- a fist young mm, and with il is ai 1
to have been possessed of a revengeful and
malicious disposition. Coroner Hill was
notilied, and will hold an in.ptest on f iie.
bodv of the murderer. It is charitable to
1 IvrgovKMKN'T or IhEHND. Liverpool a
: papers notice the cessation this year of the
I great influx of Irish laborers who annually
cross tlio Channel to engage in the En-
:.,. liu.vr,st. an,l rBI,e therefrom the im
i . v.- .i i i. ..
proven comuu m oi i:ie irisu pea-sanity.
can now b . more profitably occupied
!., ,1,,. p,,lt,lr(, nf their own f irms or thos
'tirnel tekC l!ork
((MPwhere. in conniioiHing on this, fact
"' Eiverpool Northern T nes says:
i hero are harvest fields in their
'land, at their own doors which the-
calle l upon to reap ; ana the cultivators ot
fields are now in a sitution tj ail'ord them
such wages for their I ibor as to render it
quite unnece 'sary, and altogether undesi
ruble, to look for work elsewhere Sure
ly, then, there -oust already have been af
fected a very marked and substantial i ie-
lioration of tho eondit on of Ireland
These are among the nntnistakeable sisns
aware to lie telling, at this tim of day, of
the improvement ot Ireland, nut such
a further proof of it as we have now been
ad ltieinir and animadverting upon, is Ins
terestinT and important notwithstanding
not only as presenting a specific attesta
tion of such improvement, but. also as il
lustrating, very satisfactorily, the way in
which it works.
The annual returns of Irish agricuhnr-
. .. .. ! . : i
al statlilics, oi wnicu an aosiracx npponrou
Affairs in Mexico.
i Tlio U.S. mail stiMiii.shiptjeiierul Rusk,
-apt. Smith, arrived !i re this . corning
from lh-aos -anluigo, j.i lndiaiiola, with
dates from the former jilae. tj the 11th
The Ib'ou'iisviile r'.'.y of I he ins!, has
dates trom Victoria to the :.di.h nliien,
j from Tiininie,, to ti;,. -j,,,; itnlli un,
' from M.inietvv '. ii.e loth mst
Ihem-v, s ciintii-iiis the a .'counts oi a
battle bet. veen tie. Conservative-, under
Mirunion. and the Li I ., r. 1 -., n Vidaur-
li, 111 Wf.ic.'l the latter K .l-li-ille ,1..
I ; ' " loan, . i J i : ill ell w.i.s not on the
llt-i . i I. the engagement coinuiehri d,
land his army appeals to have been attack
jed when least a.uiri dieiiive nnd least pri
j pared for an attack. The rumors at
llrou-nsi ille w-re t hii t the defeat u,mv
lost jl ,,en kilted. IIIIIIM llisoller.s, ;.ud
i.'ieir ;ii ti.lei-y j.rov.sious taken,
: Vidaut-ri himself, in a de-patch of the
!-''! "It., dated Hacienda des Espiuu,
i SaiUo. and addressed to the (iovcrner ot
! Leon and Coahuila, acknowledged hi- ih
j!"it. The (tonlli.t took place in the vi
cinity ol the town o' Ahnalusco, and last
ed from the J'dli to the '.hli lilt.
I idaun i's dispnteh w.s mitten under
the iiiij ression that Ihe defeat was a lota!
one : bm an express from Monterey, n .t.i
Idate, ol Ihe IMth iut. arrived al M itauio-
, ras. ,n the I.'Jth. and reported lhal Vidaor
i ri had arrived at Monterey mi the Mh
! did , and that tiie loss su-'tauied by his
,11'ops ivas not so great as was reported at
, li. -t. and oniy a portion "f the artillery
jntid munitions had been captured bv Mir
) anion's forces, iiidthe Liberal iiriuy hud
j made i ticir retreat from the held ol'balile
I 111 CO-..J Older.
i I lie i-ilii-iul paper of Monterey'.c
: lh U lieneral Vidatirri has already sent or
'dels to the command T at Ttupicu for
I'tnot' er pai k of arrtilleiy, whore therein
,a pc ni;. to be had, wiueh will soon be on
the field, Mgelher with many lorces that
are concentrating ubout Vidatirri, to rc
! new the attack."
: . ';,: a. published in Tampico, nith
!! i'e of t he ;Jd inst., says thai Col. Uuti'.la
! lupe (j.u dia, who had entirely recover d
ibis ieviiih, would-fcleavc on t:n.t day j'ir
jtho interior, witli ;i )0 men of iiit.iui.-v
! in 1 .'( pi.-e.-i ot artillery,
j l'iie Hi'owii- tin i of the 'ith inst.
I gives soiiie details of tiie preliminary
nioV'.sment.s by the two anmcs, previous "o
Ithe battle which we above alluded to.
J They nl e interestiu;; :
I "ie.icial Mn. iiiioti b;i l chteied the city
jot Sao Lin-, seeing that it had been left
I entirely unprotected by Vid.ui' ri, and lor
I tilled hini-clf within. (.h-n.Tal Vidaurri
wa ; -til! at Ln I'uriela, eight h-ague-i fioni
'tn Luis, aivaiting the. iirrivui ol tienerals
I Llaiii o and l.'orona'lo. who were s ion to
join him w;t h :
weii cj'iiiipe
o; a-
i bout :'' hi stron.!
I A letter written from Vidauni's eantp
j tt'dti -late of toe '.itii ult., states ihu all
;ep;. ss had ,u-l bee, i received there jroni
!:ielieral le'ollad . w ith tlie neivs that the
j chief had defeated tjiw-auova co'iiplet-. ly,
!who was gu n din ;f Ci'iadafiiura, and tnke.i
. pos-es-ion of t place,
M j'.kuoii had sent out two columns of
his troops b force, if possible, two of the
' io.-ition oi Vidaurri, but the-e were twice
defeated in their attempt at doing to, los
ing thereby all the artillery und ammuni
tion that thev had taken out for the
Cols. Say as. and A regullin, who, a short
time since had left the neighboring State
of Tamaulipa with reinforcements, for Vi
daurri, ha 1 arrived within lii leagues of
Sa.i Luis, with a force ot ldou Tannulipe.
cos, well armed and full of enthusiasm,
tien. Vidaurri will begin an at tack upon
his enemy wit bin San l.ui--a ; s,,ou as hu
shall receive all the i einf orceiuents that
he expects, and arc .raw reaching hi::i
It will thus be seen that Mirain n anti
cipated Vidaurri'.- attack, and turned the
tables upon him.
I'ao-iiitss at mi. Saxdwicii Islvni-. If
oiif desires to obtain u true jte .ne:ncnt of
thf'' tin. Saiidwicii I -la! ids, da
ring the pre.-ciil :eiit,u , from laolat.iiy
to Ciiristiauity, from barbarism to u. high
idate of civilt.'.ali m, he should carel'ully
peruse the two newspapers now published
id Honolulu the Polynesian aiidCom'.iiei
cial Adrerli-er Allien ,ik well joiutc!
and ably oonducted papers. In uddiiiuu
to the editol ial and ne'.Va colullitis, he
should not forget, of all things, the adver
tisements, for they often give the idea
of life and bus.iicsi in the community
whore they iiro issued. In tho j it per be
fore us, which was jiiinted only two months
sinco, we have announcement of jiackets
to various jiarts of t!e world ; exjuossus
to California, tiie United States and Eu
rojio ; of diig'lerrean and anibrotype p d
leries ; of a law lei iu of tin- First
Circuit Court, (Island of O.ihu) ; of the
meeting of various Masonic Lodges; Ore
gon hams and California cheese lor sale;
ol a depot lor lies sale, of forty ditleiciit
newspapers jmbli-hed in California, Ore
gon, and Washington Territories; jfatos
ward of 5?l0l)U for the detection of the jier
who robbed the Custom House; of the
Hawaiian Law Reports, comjiiising many
of the most imjiortant decisions aud rul
ings of tho Superior Courts of the King
dom during the tn yesis nding with l;"i'j
oftlie meetiugol thoHotel Keepe s' Club ;
insurance not ices ; billiard tables for sale;
and also every Jmaitinal'le comfoit and
hi vui'v. including juwe.ry of very kind.
A cotF e ilanlation containing fifty thou
sand cojeo treci, upon 1909 acre , is otlor
ed as a bargain. In fact a complete map
of btuy civilized life U furn.shed to the
reader. What a change is hero anol all
accomplished in the space of fifty years!
It is aiso evident that nearly the entire
trade of these rapidly advancing i.. lands is
with the United States, and y rincipklly
from IVton.- (cife-n Jcnrrxil.
1) nt o r o ii s .
j I remember once seeing, when n lad at
eliool, a light beetweell two bulls. Ai
lioujli I could not have benn more than
!r-'i 1 i-e r,C ,e... t ,., ..,.., (-, , ,1..,
, r , i .-nun iiou iiiii i iiir
i -pedal It iiai. pened in this wise:
;Cio-e by the school liotiso a very unpi-e.
j lending i ihfiee it was -ran a deep and
'lipid r.ver. Vci-o s it had been thrown a
(high wooden teidee, the hand-railing of
wh.eii time, and the w inds.ainl the weath-
er. Lad enlin-lv destroyed. The laud on
I the oj po-i'e -ides of ihestreani wjis owned
j by dincicnt jiersons and farmed by theui
' re-jiectively. One bright slimmer day I
remember it as it were veslcrdavthe
hour ot noon had arrived, and a frolicsome,
! iiin--eeking troop of school-boys were let j
1 o.-e iot an hour's recreation. i
All id at once tho roaring and bellowing!
of two bull.s, that had broken out of their
ene!o-ure on each sale ofthe river, attract
ed our attention. The animals were not!
et in sight of eat h other, but were np- '.
; jiioaching along the highway al a rate ef,
.-peed which Would cause them to meet
I hear the centre of the high bridge, which
i I have d. 'scribed, and beneath which, at
some thirty leer, lan the river, between!
steep banks. Tlie more daring of us path-
i-red along the bridge, lining it, to see the I
an' .Cd'Kted ('. lit. We were lnt di.snp
j. tinted. Neaiei- ;nd nearer they Hp-j
I -n ached, th" pr.'iid, jawing cumbatants. t
Uishaii never produced two brulcaol finer
aspect. They la-Led their sides with their
tail-, they tore the ground with their feel.
O' l asioimliy they nelt down, trying to
piie thcearth with their horns. And us
yet they were concealed, each from the
other, by the anient ofthe bridge at either
Pre-ently nr. they simultAneousIy ns
rended tho rerpec'.ivL' ubutmeiits-, they
came in fail sight ot each other. The
roirs wa unit mil and actually tremendous.
Every urchin of us 'prang into tho ti-dds
and ran. Finding, however, that wo were
not juir-'j -d, e hastily retraced our steps.
There tiie were, the ferocious duelists,
i',u. iv as sen.-ibly employed as some ol
tliefr im nan mii'ntors. Front to front,
their horn, locked, every muscle strained,
;:ie were fighting us on ly'tmils trim fight.
It s etii.-d to h- an even match. Now one
would juv.-s iiis antagonist u few juices, and
pre '.-ii 1 v you would hear cpiick, s!i:n j,
short sieps, and presently his adversary
would be pressed back ill return. The
struggling was hard, was long, was sav
age. For a while neither obtained un ad
vantage. Hitherto they bud been pushing each
other lengthwise ofthe bridge; suddenly
they beeau to wheel, and in a moment
were facing each other crosswise. They
were ut li;:iit angles with tlu length of the
L.'itge, which shook, and creaked, and
rocked again with their tramjiiue und
th"ir teiiible strife. It was the worn of a
s.tiple moment; one of the beasts I
co. iid not toll which one of them, how
ever, .is if conciotts of his position, made a
violent, n desperate jdungo forward and
jh'e-.ved Lisun'agonist back buck back
till there Wis but another stepol the ihink
behind him between him and nothing!
The moment was one of intense interest to
us juvenile spectators. Never was the
amjihitheatre of Rome the scene of it more
e truing combat. Another steji back
wark yes, the unfortunate bull was for
ced to lake it ! Back he is pressed, and
over he goes !
Such a sight I never saw I probably
shall never see again. Imagine a bull
jiitched hacked ovei a bridge und tailing
at lca-t tin. ty feet, olc" and over! lie
tut ned once or twice, ju-obably, I thought
he turned fifty times, there seemed such
a confusion ol horns und feet re olving,
li, :ng through tho uir. Rat down he
wjiit ; the w.der was deeji, and he disaji
' pe.ired, leaviiig u "'hirlpool of foam 1 o
i hind him, 1 1 I m ihing the river undula.e,
; fir and wile with the concussion of his
jioiiJi roils bulk.
i I'hc u:!:er buil did not laugh merely
. be iu-e bill' . as 1 supjiosed, could not.
Rut v.e iaugiied and shouted our ajipiaute.
't l. ere .stood the victor, looking directly
j down into the abyss below, into which he
' had hui ried his unlucky foe. He stood,
I howevei , b ii a moment, and then, an if
, frightened at the jiro.sjieel, he began to
snort and step backwards. Hack, back,
he retreated, w ith his head in the same
1 pugnacious attitude, as when in combat
I back still another stejj back and over
I he, too, went, on the ojijiosile side of tho
! bridge, performing just so manv ludricious
.somersets) as his adversary nad do:i.j r
mmule before.
It was a scene to remember; and the
performance called forth immense ap
jilause from the grouji of juvenile ama
teurs who witnessed it. In about live
minutes both bulls might be seen, well
sobered by their ducking, dripping wet,
scratching up the steej), gravelly banks,
each on his own side ofthe river. "Those
bulls will never light uny more," said a
boy behind inc. His jireditiou turned out
correct: two more jieaceably disjiosed bulls
than they were, nver afterwards, could not
have been found.
A Rkal Wake. An Irihrnan i.i Cincin.
natti died, apjinrontly, a short time since,
was laid out, coilined, and a buriai certifi
cate obtained, and the friends of tho fami
ly were called upon to "wake" him. Tlie
whiskey, tobacco nnn e.i'ablos were dis
cussed loudiy and continually. At about
three o'clock in the morning, however,
when tho cry of lamentation wa at tts
height, the supposed corpse rose tijirigt in
the coffin and demanded "what the divil
are ye all about?" The company flod in
affright, when he deliberately got out of
tho coffin In a very thin costume, took a
drink, and profane! d,uwi---'l-v- hit put?.
TERMS -$125 per Annum.
IJII.S-VOL. in. o .jo.
Another Great Event of the Ape.
A pt nious out West, jv tho namo Ot
Hun low Woi d Brown, is dividing tho hon
ors of u grateful country with Cyrua W.
Field and Mr. Ecvertt." He writes thus
in regard to ihe successful banging of a
Kate, the effect of which on society in gen
eral, w ill he slates be vastly more benefi
cial than till the Atlantic Cubic that ever
On the thii the sun rose in tlte
east, and wont on the even tenor of lm
way. The hinges were not completed un
till 2 P. M. Precisely at 3 o'clock t
commenced operations, the jiosta having
been already set. The hinges worked to
a charm, at 2 o'clock tho gate was raised
to its place. It looked majestio, nni
swung magnificently. At twenty minutea
jaist 5 o'clock we elevated our hats into
tlie uir, shot a gopher with two charges,
and whistled a To Dcum to the tuno of
Yankee Hoodie.
The other jiost was then set, and ut 0
o'clock the connection was comjdete, and
signals came through from post to post
with remarkable distinctness. With brow
bared and locks flowing, wo swung it
through buck and forward, thus proving
to those w ho have believed not the reality
of the event, and its cupucity to take such
niesi-iiges through. That pate is a triumph;
it will be a bondof union between the two
fences, a nun thing against hogs, and a
great ov angelizer of those who go through.
It hangs on an 'its easy rimjlioity," and
has already elicited the most vocifetous
approbation. While the Atlantic Cable
binds continents together, our gate binds
the fence in one unbroken string, fratcr
nizing the two in one. At the first swing
of the pate, we forwarded a message to
PiLiidi-nt Buchanan ;
Tur. Ovits, August 31.
Hear Bccu-a.v WVvegot a gate. It
is national in its arrungtnent It knows
no North, no South, no East, no Wost,
but swings all around. Fetch over tlio
children and have a tw iug.
A'Iu Cl'stomer. A good many sto
ries ore told of Dr. Thompson, a hotel
keeper of Atlanta, a celebrated joker and
one of the best we give below :
A traveler culled very lnte for breakfast,
the meal wms hurriedly prejiared, Thomp
son feeling that the "feed,, was not quite
uji to themaik, made all sorts of ajiologies
all around the eater, who worked ull iu si
lence, never raising his head beyond the.
affirmative influence of his fork, or by uny
act acknowledging even the presence of
mine host. This sulky demeunor rather
'tlea'd'' the doctor, who changitig tho
range of hi.i battery, stuck his thumbs iu
his vest arm holes, expanding Lis chest
by robbing tho room of half its air, and
said :
"Now, Mister, dod durn mo if I Tiavn't
made all theajiology necessary, an' more
too, considering the breakfast and who
gets it ; and now I ti 1) you, I have seen
dirtier, worse cooked, worse tasted and
worse looking and of a sight smaller
breakfast than this several times."
The hungry one, meekly laid down hi
tools, swallowed the bite in transitu, jila
ced the (mini of his hands together, and
modestly looking up ut the vexed and fu
ming landlord, shot him dead with the
tullo.ving words :
"Is what you say true ?"
'Yes, sir,' came with a vindictive
Well, then, I'll bod , hoss, if you
hain't out traveled me!"
The Printers. The conductors of the
London Punch seem to know something
about the difficulties which surround prin
let s in which class are embodied publish
pi's anri editors. We copy the following
jiaragraph, in order that our readers ma;
seo the reasonableness of the demands of
tne public upon members of the cruft:--
"llow nice is this thing beinga printer?
A public servant, and withal a servan'
ofthe Devil. A pood natured fellow--must
always smile bow to cvcryliody
m i t bo killing polite on all occasions, ev
jiciiullv to the ladies must always Lt) r duck of a man ; always witty, alwaj .
dignified ; must never do anything the.
would not accord with the strictest sens.
of propriety of the most precise old maid
and must always bo correct ill everything,
he does and says ; ho is always expoctc
to know the latest nws, is styled "mug
gins" if ho is not jiosttd ; must pleaso e
eryliody, and is Riipjiosed never to need
tho one thing needful ; must work for m.
thing und board himself ; musttrust every
and is thought a great bore if ho present
his bill, must be a ladder for all
aspirants to step into office, who very ttxr
lieeomo independent, don't owe him unw
illing, consider the Printer at best a son y
dog, who cannot exjanit any better treat
inenl than kicks and cull's, finally sum
initig it up, ho is expected to bo a 'mu i
without a model, and without a shad
ow.' "
A Xi.w Li'xrRV. The latest novel ;
from Germany is a musical bed, which r"
eeives tho weary body, and immediatel
' lays it in Elysium." It is tho inventk. a
of a mechanic in Bohemia, and is co cot
structed that by means of somo hidd'
mechanism, a jiressure ujion the bed caw
sos a soft and gentle air of Auber to I.
played which continues until tho kens. -ofthe
most wakeful are lulled to aloe.
At the head is a clock, the hand of whir ,
being jilaced at the hour the sleeper wis',
es to rise, when the time arrives, tho !'
ilays a marca of Sjiontoni, with drum1- ;
cymbals, und in short, with noise enotu
to arouse the "Seven Sleejiers;" startlii '
the occujinnt of the melodious) couch lb j
thorough wakefulness in an instant.
IkivKirwan says, that a pious Scothnv
used to pray, "6, Lord I keep mo rigl
for thou kno '.i t if I 0 w rong, itisrt.j
t'j turn tno."