ill; W : . -.,., I I I I I 1 I ,". r ...... ' , ,i . r ... . i ' K I 1 1 I i 1 1 i . i 1 1 i . i ! . ,; i ' ,, , it. .1),. I n.. i.. I K---ir il.- I- i ' H" 11 II. ( .., 1 I I I, I I: H . .! . ill II,. . v I .1 IK I'- 1 '! I I i 1 i it , ,i M -t. HI . : i.i i mi ... . i lirnl nl ."-miii .' i i.i l - ' I' i" - 1 ' ' ililinli tin i in n I.)''.'- 'I; in ' .f AiU"i-l, nii'l 1 " "I '" 1,111 '' I ..In . I.'in i . " .- i ' I' i ' '- Hi .IV I ll" ' I I' I l'i'' 1 " ' ' ' "' ln.'..' I" I .''., I ' ' i I'' ...I.I Nut ..lily i ll - ' ' I- ' of tin- lurni' i. I in I- ' i 1 1 ii I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I - i'l i l l ll.- - :ii :: I. - in li li. I'l Mini ;:ni.!..:. '.I i 1 ' '" i. -'i'l- 1 ' ' .I into I'M i ll. I'l I '" ' 1'. I -I" '' I- I ' (Use s I -I ;i. "!.:! ' " ' " nl ' 'I p-i r.lilv. !i .if. .!..;! i.ifi ' ' 1 I.' llir I.....I- .mil ll.- . ..I I. i : - ! " . ll- "' Us. 'I .-Unilm I' ,ii . 1- .- .i.i' I ! in..'.. III'1 ill rut t: 1 1 ) I ' .'i' '- ' ' ' i i-i ! .i . ti'.iii-li. I'l."-" I"' -!. iH:' I' "' ' ! H1' tlir .-..fn mi i'l 'li-l. I ' li- i- ll "' t i.Mii "f t h uiiim.-il!- aii'I L- T ' i ' . i i ' . In Hi- U int. t tl, s l.:i-l '.l 'li'-l i- . 1111(1 till! tlilil'l l-lll tl- .ll i'll'l '""'11 -' "I' 'i'l' tl.rir ii. .'titi :n-l tl- y 'I" ii"' r'1" Illlll ll III llr.-'l. Wlirli ih" . i ..- hi liit ti'imiii-' i I"' pii", III'' i.i.'s..i..ul'! I':'i-.ill ll..' I -'1. I'm will i-.'it li. I . i.n'i! 'i - .1- -'i. tli.. Ini!i-. . Mii. ;ilin- 1 i- .i '''V ll.. -it ohoiil.l ik'v.t I- h.-ai-.l fl-'i' a ! ' 'i'.'-'--jirciniM'.-. It ill i-'l 1'iiv- Ku v v F it " IV-.r.'-' -I'. t'. tl, m j-enero'j: !y '' i'-h ! inn au'i jioijtoi-.. ci, what 'isbc-Mi-.r -ltii v.rt mv d. uiixM rp with skim-m'.'k an.l !i'l ti lh-jn !. si.; vary this with o in .it- airl i!i''l'- t.ip tn-. lips. 'J'ui'kc;, . will t.ittoti '"i in I hi.-' vuy. Iho lion wii. lVt-ju wid is, moiti tcmw taun tn ;..4-:. luihoy. losi nlviiit pno thii 'l in rlro-sin : tliat in, n lurkry (lint will wci-ht fil'ti-r-n pnnnils nlivp, will weu'li ton pnimN v. lien !)." .tl. H'hoi'L- niie i. I'-nmuliIy loivit-'l l'-i' ruisiii lnrki'V.-", iiikI i n-nv u ,-"."'1 tnur kct, tli; riiisin- (.f'tli-iii pity s w-ll. ReKEHV X'lt ItiiVMi M iLl.r. A ti'iv your's n-'i, ivIumi I win Mry timfli trmi "I.UhI with I ho iouii'1 tvii.l.', an nM turn ! toM in.' t.i plant a if" of :li- r.f.i.n- ,.-.. i.. in (.it' ll places w'Ikmv- t ii- nvih'-i ti-'Uiiili il me tho m(t. I 'li l '1. nii'l li.i'.'i' n-v-r I'l -ii trmilil.Ml with ' .-in. I t.iM mv lioijrllbfirs of it. '.-I tli- ni"li;- i iM'..: i.l-ui'i'1 aivay fn'in th-i' I'lnii1 al. l.'-r. U'hvi I'f'''.' I'"r-C- A Turcitf, Im-iih vT,--Otn' "f tli" -nl- dest blnrii"! Unit " c lutv.; ever road wa thai of a littlo chil'l in Swit.'i lan'l , a p-t boy.jutiis yours is, t. ulnnii his liiotlifi- otit tuiirlit iiii'iniii- li-o--''l in a ln-aut ifu ja'k.'t, all sliinimr with L'ilt and buttons, iitnl jruy a- ani"th'i's lnv- f.iild liliiko, nii'l th-n priiiiil-'l liitn t" out t'.' j'lay. Ho lnnl .ai'ci'ly s'-pi'-'l iVnni tlio dmr of til- Swiss ci.ttaj.'-, wlnu nil I'lioi- lllOUS Oiljlll" SIKltl'llI'll hilll ll'i'lll til- I'MI'tll, nml bo:v him hinh up anion- tin- moun tains, Mini yi't within M-ht ol th. liouso of which he had been the joy. Then: lie was killed and devoured, the eyrie ln in- at a point inaccessible to hiio, so that no relief rould he uH'onled. In d-"t i oy in:: the child, the ea-le o jihuc'l his jiny jacket in the nest, that it became a liMuie there, : and whenever the wind blew, it would flutter, and tho sun would chine upon its ! bri;;lit trimming and ornaments. Tor years it was visible from the lowlands, long "after the eaL'le had abandoned the nest. What a si-lit it must have I n t" the pa-! rents of the victim. Last l'oMi Looks or a Wi i.i.-iuie.-si.ii : Woman. When a lady (we are lalkingof a lady in the full height and breadth of i fashion) lnis-ot her bonnet and -loves on, and is perfectly ready witli h-r pat.i-ol in her hand, she always -ocs back to the! lookiug-frlass to take a la-t fond look. T'pon our .i-king a "dear hnndsonie . I'uohi'S'-," if this was not. (he truth, she had the chat tuinv' candor to say- "Ye-, my dear Timcli, il i-. the truth, but not ' the truth. No woman -take my word tor it in fati-fied with ., . look. At least I know that I am not. for land here the Ihichess laughed, as though she was pleas-1 .fl with herself and all the world. I 1 don't i mind tollinjjr you, I invai ial lv take four j four pood ones. The iir-t lmk in the liiss is for myself, th it'- fair: tli- -eeond is for my husband, thai - muliinc but just, ; tlio thinl is for mv friends, that's only, jiencrous ; and the l ist i- for my rivals.1 that's human nature. If th- la.-t lo"k sat isfied tne, I' ii I know it - all ri-lit. and; I assure you I never t.ik- anv more." B.A somen hat ecceiitrie, yet celebra-j ted Jude, some years njo. was a-ke.l byii eounseller to nit doivn a certain ens- till iho last Friday in th- month of March, A hich happened to be l iood Friday. Hi" honor indit'iiantlv replied 'No sir: I won't set any cause down for (hat day. There never was but one Iiid-e who tried n eaue on that dny that wis l'ontius l'ilate, fir." Cl-.jli "Id ad ci .i-eiuclit of lCiiiu reads: "Wanted -A, m tive man, one who lears the Lord, and ran carry live hundred weight?" It is evident he had no occa ion to aiivbo lv ebe. Ji-jy-'You look," sai'l ,n Irishman to u jialo ha-ard smoker, "as if you had ot out of your -rave to IL'ht your I'ifiar, and couldn't find your way hack again." t-j"Kit North snvs it is no wonder that women love cat", for both are praeeful, and both dome-tie riot to mention that both scratch. Men are boi n with two oy. , but with one toiipiie, in order that they should see twice a- lunch a- they say. An Irish writer, spcukinp of a lady's black ' es, .-ays: They were in inoiirninp for the murders thev had com rt'ed. AMBROTYPi'-S For 50 cts 1 i nr. Iiii'le rML-ned would r. -t t , -i-.i i . inlorin tile I.ADU.S and (HiMIAIliX of Cloarfiold mid virinily. thai ho hn titled ii. K.x'ins in iin'K riv Itovv whore hoAvill roiuuii.n fur n i'nr tttt, on'v. All who mould dc"ir- a lil'elik. likone-" nf (ho latest anil iuiprrred s'ylo hill ; len. rail. Yon thai have l.oauiv should I,. Unit tuke it, Tun thai hare none, should -o lei him tiinke it. A. M. II A 1.1,. Pepl. 24th. l?:.'. if. I'laulis for sule (it lh' tilh (. ill II I l Ml I I ' I M I ii I ' i :i .. .h H ,.i .M.i. I, .1 .1, , "I ll A I'll I nil I , ,.' ll,.' i..i ...ii,. w. A I hi ' nl i. -ii, :. i i.n.i i . .ii i; . 1. 1 111,, .'ami:- w m..;. It 'If. MUM I. I ..,! .,,' ( I.,,,,.. II .v, ' l V , ,',. ri 'it, (.v. u'.i-'. '.. .... ' A .i.i in. .in tun 'Ml'' i, t ' il, III.' Il'sh il.iv ..I' August. I of l.iiirim.T A '!.-,' T. .1. Mri'iili, ii. ..I mi iiinliti.r I" iii.M'll"ii.' I'l Ill 111.' IKIU'li ..I J..'. ,Mi'lli.l-..ll, II llllllll-l;: "!' ill.' i f!..:,. -I' : i i i ( il. Ii-il, iiiii"!''; 'In' ci,..lil..i 111' ii'. 1. ''. ' '.'. Ail mil t il-' ill : 1 1 I n lil nl ' . li e' !nl i.". nl : in- 111. i o i.j'.inliil'.it :i l In v i:... i'l tin' I'.. '..i'l'Ii nl" rivarli !.!, .i S.iii'i In. i-,l I .'iii.l n. I ll ll. . il.IV I'f N-iVrllllirl' lll't, 111 'J ..'. lurk I1. M iln v, iv li v iv a 1 1 .lt.-.uIi." iiil.'i i-i si'.'il cull nl lli.'V i... .ii'i. r. iiii'i. T. .i. M 'rn,,rin;n, .1 , r- . , ::i 3 f..-: 1 L-tr! ;,f (..t-ro;r..: o-i. .. f.V :WL-,-nt' tht '.''!'.' I "'.HI.' ' - H'l'l III. I '.'., ri .("iliiy ' 'r. '.!. .la I ii.iw, ty w'.t, tlin l:ilb '1 y "f .In. t I w. i .. oil uiJti'.n in cpeii cjiii t, J.u. IF. I. iinnicr u.- Minit."l nn .ni lit-r to m v f i -1 1- nml t -.n t up mi tli." juiitiiil iii'..init nf .luliii W . 'ri.;lit n ii 1 1 .K;i.mi l'ilii;.inJ. ri.xi.'t'iit'ir. '.I' ?.iiil .l. t'cti'iit, li!."l May lsth, Is.iS. '. , Co-i'ii,,!. lil jie r-. i ti iiit.'i'i'st.'il in tin- . i-til.-iiu'iii -I' ..ii I m-i-iiiiiit will tai;o ii-iiii'L' tlii.t I nil iitn'ii.l I i lli.' ilutii - -I' mj in'..,iiitiiii-nt nl ll-' iiHii'i'-f l.iuri-m.-r A T..--1, :iiiii-.l:i.v tin' Mill il.iy -l -N v nil.-i-im'.xi. in L' ii'.-l'n'U 1'. M. -I' .I.i;-, w lu i'i- ilp'.v din atli'ii'l it'lLu-v .'.'.' in'-1. it. t;. t., '.'.s. ' ,l. II. L.IKKIMKK. .! '. i.i-:; M. X'lj'c:. In lit,- .i-'e-r i' the ' Mr;h. ..- i.l'f ' '",. .. ,..,' ;' iY,l.l.:J. To M i ry- lie--, w i.,,.v nt' -niil ili'i-i'ilt'iii, .- ii:,li ( ilt". 111:11 1 ii"l with 1 11 ill v ('. I.onil'.ii.i 1-.- li,., 1 ! I -, . 1 , , inn iiiinl'iiril willl .lolni II, 1 iiy now ili-r',1,1 M:irl!i:i, (inli'i'iiini'iir'l null , I. on, ton.) Ii.-uri;ii Jl.'ss, .-nrali, (only . Inl 1 ol- Al.iaiimn l.'.-.- jini. .I.'r'.l. Ain alrnn II.- -. .-'ojiliia, (int.-rinnri i,"l with I'.ivi.l As-kt-y.i Alixaintir ll.'sf nml l!n..iniii Hi's.-, i-liii'lirn innl rnnil'-liililri'ii nf .-ai'l il.'riilfiii. mid to nil ntlll'rs ililvr.'hli'il : Vim w ill t nl. i' in, (in' tlint at mi Oiiliall's Cinli't lit'ld ul eli'ili'lii'M in nii'l t-r " I -.i rfi t,l County, nil tilt- "Hill iluy nl' Anirust lu-l pa-t, tl-j ju'lition of iJeorij lK-s was iva'l. w lit'ii'Uion on motion of his Al'-riii'y, b, .1. I'rnns Ksii- a writ nf .:u lition inol, v!i, i'..l.y I w '! romniuiiilpil tlm I Inkinir (wt'lvi.1 nml nii-l Inn tut men, 1 should i;u njion tin' prein:s.-s in s:ii,t i.'.tiun mt'iiliniioil, viz: tivn i-i-rtnin lrai-t.- or I'ii.'i'i!. of lmi'l sifnulo 1.1..I kin;,' ill lto'(.'s toim- shii Cleai'tiold County, and hnvin- n-s t tn the 1 itluuioi) th.-renf, ii.nii tbt-ii niill tonl tillinnn tionn tu make ).ai'iiii..n of m n-iil urtnli' tn mi l munu tin bi'irs it ml lo: 1 rubrt'sijiitiitivi-s of ih.' tai'l di'L'idi'nt, if tlio nanio can .,i partvil und lib viiU'd without .ri'jndii'C to or fi.nilinp ll,o whole, itlieiwi-c tn nmki' n vain:, lion 11 nil a.)n iii-enient tln'ienf. In ni'c-nritnnne .villi the- i-onininnd of sniil writ, I will 011 Thursday tlio Tw eiuy-lirst dny of 0,, A. I). ISjS, on Iho pr.'iiiis. s in ltn?J township, Jinrt and divide, or value nml iii.r:iio tin- same. josi ui 1;. ltKEii, sin-riir. flearfiel'l, .Sept. :"lli I-..S. i.r.;.i. .Iaiii:s I). E.m,i.ami, liK'lMUL 11. Mlim, Ct. al. Miner;. I III lilt I' ' I 'mil ,:,;! I I'lfl Illl,. ;.i .v. I'l'.- 1: W. V.'. I i.i'him:. ) .V, ;. .V.,,-. T-r.,,, is . 7. Summon.-iii Jijcctini iit lor s.t acres of laud in l'ike town-hip, l-a. Tn Id entity, part of No. .nil.:, botn-i-l n n l h ,V ea t by the lirie turnpike, we.-t by Wm. .M'Naul, south by south line of No. oil l.'i, to compel payment of pui'i liase money. And now, .Nov. 20th, IS.S7, on motion of Win. A. Wnllnee, l'l'll a Att y, the Court order 11 rale on I'efi-nduut to nppenr nnd plend in this ca-e, "r .Iiidinent will lie rendered for wnnt of nil ap pearance, liv tlio Curt: l!mns. ilr'O. WALTKItS, Vol,-.. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. I'.l LVA liLK.SA W-MII.I. I'liOPEliTY. In liuisiiance of 1111 oi'l-r of the l.'r- Vilnius' Court of C'leiirtielil countv, -ranted nt .Mav Term, 1i7, there will be exnose'l i I,. i.ol'.li- ,.l I.v 0,,1-ee ,, ,,- r,v, s ,.i ,,, 1 , , .. , , V- , ' . ,. ImtiUiii tin- tlt tlm, ni .Vi!Vw't, ;u r. m all that VALPABLKSAW-MILL l'Kol' EUTY nn.l TIM HER STANDING, late the Estate of Kichaiil Curry, Sr., il-c'il, situate in l'ike aiul Knox townships ir. : sai.l county, "" LUtf ' 'furtifti i'nvk, ilnnt on? iit'Jt: In Inn' fir Mi,mrl, botinileil mul l ; ilc-cribeil a- follows: Be-iniiif; at a I hemlock, cornel1 of Win. ltcx's latul, north li'O .crches to npost. cast 1J1 l-ln lu rch-' is to jio.-t, north 1 h1 I'erches to iot. cast ,',l 'd-10 iierches to I'l.'-t. on Filch .. ISoyn.; ton's laiel, soulh 24tt ncrches to .Osl ami west by lainls of Thoniison A ''''I'l')-.cich-s to be-iniii-, coiitainiii.' 'Jti.i acres aii'I 1 -j" rdies ami allowance, nml hav- ,illL' II .VI" -llnU ill ni- l-O'.-H' T, V'lll l' 1 fiic (.nil, iiinl ii small In- hou.-e ihereon,; am) Inn ni. - ."' ipidiihty nt i'umi . iii nfi nihl nnk tiiiiln r lit rrmi, ami a j.nrt of the, Inml beinj" v,,,;,,. j,ir t iriniin fiiirintr. Also, nil Ihi fim? hin'n'r sl'i.hltnt) nn 1UU ecr.-.v i ul html .!,'.. iii, 17 thf S'lii't; now ecuiie(l by 'Geo. W. Currv, lieginnin at Miliar corn ier of 'Win. lh'.x's laml. east TJl 1-lU !ierches by lamls. of Curty'i heirs to post ! south 1 l'i i.erchos to jm.-l, west 121 1-D prclies to post, ami south 140 perches to I lie-inniiiL'. The title is iii'li-putable. i 7',vi:, iit'Si, (nehalf(.n eoiilirtnation of the sale, nii'l the balance in one your with intere-t. innl to be secureil by jinli!- ineiii on Ihe premises. .1011 X S. ( THHY, WM. HEA", Nov. 1 '., 1 vis. A'lniinistrators. Kstaic of enl Alexundcr, dee'd. Notice is Hereby (liven Til XT Letters of Administration have been grunted tn the undersi.'ned, on the Lslale of It. ed Alexander, deceased. All persons having liuoiiiess'cunceraiiiK the same, are herehy nolifl ed In come forward and settle immediately. WILLIAM B. ALEXANDER, an' r" 1S5S- 6t. nAROWAKF. of everydescription for sale. at a moderate advanoe at the store of mi'V i. w. r. iRwiN. v .Iv.U '' I. - M. . I ll II 1 1, I 'I i i M 'III III i i . i I I I llioilill V . V- Id" n (Nil ( 'miMinipl ion. lllwl I ' 1 . III I i... i .. fl III lt l II I . I ' I II III l l IltDICAl. INHALATION, i . i i . 1 1 . 1 . i ii... i . ii 1 1 . i. n i i. .i . 1 .11 - 'Ml '! I M I' I til. 111 , ii p .1 1 .1. 1 i.';i I i l'i i'l .ill ii . ii' 'f . t.i .ii ill- nl ll,, i IIIttOAT, I.I'MiS AM) AlH-lM-M.I.S. l inii. lli. II till' rlir.llll I' 1I'".. ll' "1 I'lt 'll . i,. I, Iii ,1 l i tin. lie . ii-i .1 in iiil.u nun lit, 1 it- li-l n li - '' I'" i nl Inh;, I. il... ii ul i.i. v kin 1. M ll"' v rill. . Hi r ill l-lll Illl. I Illl' II I l. .ll i ,!' i im.iiii tl i:iitrM : ini-l nltl-'ii'li I .i-i.lii il :i u-iiiit a liiiv.ii.l ni tin' .ii'i'ir until. ;..H III i.i lie. -i- li jilill llii I i.ll.'ll I'l'.l! .l-.-!l-.-s, .I il....u II ...,v iii..r.--:n;v llull .'Mill .li('lll lit .:i , I ' : .' I. .11. 'Ill i'l I... Ill .. I'M II VI nii'l 1" il tn- il nii'l. ' . I'll'' n' I' HIV tl'"llll".it i '. ,.. i,l ..v .. .h-f I-.--, mi, I ll-' liii:!l' .-i. i :. ' l l- ' f Ii hhili.. i , r I- I. , , ulm-li 1 In,'.,- ... I. ii r I'li'l i I... nr.. In v. i ll Kii'.ivn I- n.-.'.l ..ii. in l'i .11 in-.. .l !!.. s-ll- I- I" iiinl ii",. .-iniiiil It ii'ii'I-, lln iiii'Ii w lm-c ili ,l.iinlii.i)iii' ;i. I ih. n in, v.. I'linr ii,. I,.i-I..,'ii I. m: mi l iilii-rnllv -'iii-i'li..l. nml uf-!i-r .liii c. hi .i l,.a,ii,., I li.i,'' .'.,,, lii'l'.'t I iiiii!,.' uh li niTmi.-' iin'iil'i I. ; i. i I l'i iie: tin- li.'ii.'liM nl inv i'.i. i. ni'i' an I In- iiin.'iil u iliiiu tin I'i'ii' ii -I all. nml nut i-.iiliiir i.i,, I'll' ,i.- Iii'i. 1'ilni '-, I. l'i ..-V only who .'iilriiil Hi.. I iiiuiuai y, ir wli" it ri it ul'lu tn i-il in'- ii' i.ii -lli...'. Ilipiii;;. Ilu'ri'l'iiri', tiial tin' m riini'iii'iit will (.iui .'iilir.' Mili'tarlinii. In. Ill .t i iv I' -si.nial l.i'ilii i -a nml tin' 'iil,!ii'. I ivuiil'l r '-','iilnlly minimi n- in .' iailasi'Ci, ''h i I-... ii-. i.i , 7 i','-.'. il ,r o'.v -, mi all ,ti-' .1.- j.' ,i.- ,'ilno i;,'iii'l thai tLu mi iliviiu..'., tin ..en.; :n iimiI i l il' Iii..Uiiiti-n, :.IU I'li'jilKi-'l In Mlit I'.li.!. null. ;,n;tl I'll'.'. Inliuliii V.ipors. .Medical INHALE US, 1. i'l Ik' ffi u.illril t'V i'j 1 .' l- l'llilt',1 Mlllf- n! till- Ciol.lilll- f. ,' ('., I K. It nl til to I1I1V T I! l; MS: Mv t-rni- of treatment by letter are as follow-vi : Sl'J per inoni h for each pa lient. which will include medicine sutli eieiit for one month-.- 11-0 : n!-n i 1 ilm 1 in vaj-oi', an. I an I iili.'lin lllellt as l'i illov, : : to 1 Ap-llt on the receipt of cine, and 1 h- palanee S' of 1 he inoii! ii. if t lie bat elitirelv sati-lled w illi I AppaiMlu-. raid to V. 1' ty. pre the bo of Misli at the ej.pii ation lit be .III i' l or i- ... t r-al lii-nt . I'a history of tiicir - ill lull, entl be a . by per.-olial c- tlciits. b ea-e, all' Ir.ati-d : .ilninali' of I'r. .1 mediate V '.'l III..' I lie ir - is u eii l.y in. i'ali, II l efi's tl' nid i.ei u a lull llplojll 'tt. Is av:i:lin itni' iit may ll-tlt felief.i. over thirty'lv all-'. elll-i-IVe.- Iv on iiu- lie si lavs. r.'d. llolll I.-t- For has to tr. t-r- for a further 1. it n ea-. dvice I'l :iti leiiiari i-.'- JAMF.s M. .lAb'l.T.rr. M. I 11 ;,...,-,,,,, r ... y-. -,, .V., A-. )'. r. .'-.---I'liysieians and ..-.i c'lnlly invited 1 tl. i'i-f a i.-itih tlit' i-il v .11 11I llie I nliriiiMi'V. where man v in 're-finir t':i- "ni !' vilii'.-.-.--l. ;)iil wheie niir mum Aj"i afu fur tli" inli;i l,i 1 i '.111 uf uu 'Ik-hIc'I ;t"ii- ran In? ?t cii und I n p v r l - ;i;kat imscuvliiv ui jui; age, IinKi'i;iiit t " TOBACCO CHEWEES. HI. (ll'STAV I.INNAl.'I'S I y.i.vvv; ;i:sTti:.Ti'E Tnrtcnr.s. ! . The ( 'n ut .0,,,, ,''.,'( f.,r Th,i,-f... It is 1 w ell known nnd in.-nntrm , a tilde fact . that the ti.-e of Tolineeu i.- the pimnnliiv eioi.-c of innliy nf the ni,.- severe .MKNTAL AN Ji l'HVS . H'AI- li-01UlKll.- In wliiili Ihe race of ,1 t fiihjei't, us i-nr X nl amily.-i.. nnd l,,n- and painful I e.K'ri - nee havo clearly pr'.ea that il c.ninh,. jeeiliiin iiai'i-ntie nnd p,,i-,m,,iu pi npcrtic- nm-t 1 dnineroii- in their ettret, which l.y I'litorinj; into I llie Idnod dei:nij;.'S the Inactions and operation... ! of the heart, can-in- iiini:y to suppuM' that organ j to lie si iiou-h di.-ra.-ed. I'.UiAei U allecl t' la, inn ni 1 1 -I ii: i;.- n!.-o ihe 1 nt'ie nervous svs ll' -a, all i, hi. have used the iioMiius .veil .sill 1., :.r te-tnaony--in l.a.--it'id", .erv..u. Irrilaldlily. Wai-r i.r :-.., i .,p..i...i:i, ,t iiianv i.iher di-onli rs of a 1 iniilar chara -l.-r. 1 111: tash: :i:sriii;i ivi: Tjmrii i-;s nr.- desi'liid to counteract ihe.-.' I .iniful iiilliicllces. 1111 I h:oo proved coinph ii K .uivc.-.-l'ul in a innl titudu of i'a.-c, nnd H lieicver u.-cd. l'eint; liiiriu less in theniM'lvcs they exert a l.oi.eliciul effect upon the entire svMcin, rest mi in- tho Tasle which has l.eeomo viliuted or deslroyed hy (.'rent indul gence, completely remnvini; the ii rituti-n nnd iiecoiiipanyiui; ti-klin of tho Throne which in-- iilw ny s con-e'pi''iit npun tho iilisiaininv frnin tho use of Tnlniecn. and hy civing a health tone tu the stomach inviionnte the whole system l'.T.'HH who lire irreli ievalily umlerui ining their ciililiilioiis nud shortoninc llieir livos, should lis." these Troches immediately nnd throw oil the injnrioii. nnd unpleasant hafiit of Tohnc eo chctt-'ni'.', Tin .-0 'I rnehen nr boenes nre put up in a : 0"nveni. i.t und purlalile form 11 1 the low piico "I ''ox. A W-oial discount m the trade, j .l'''-!""'"'. S" .' .vl'.V tl.ender,gi.od tuh.,uM 1 "ll onlcm sliuul.l bo iid-lre oil. ,A.MKS K. I'.i.iWKIiS, lniist. Cor. 2d nnd Knee -trcets, I'hila. April 1C, ISit. ly. a. ii. c. nuocKEN, ( I.U-I'" STIII.I.T, M'.M -YOKk, 2i m ini km 1 1 i:kh or Syringes, llonurpn lliii: Vinls, (IKADI'ATKl) MKASI I.'KS. N 1' ItSI N( I'.ttTTIJ.S, KTb'. III,,.. U-nr.. f,.r l'l,.,iu 1 Ir.. i . ..r.., riiotojf rnphers, etc. (uecn (i .-.-. ll ...... t.. at... i. . . ... aan ll tin1 in lllU I tl hi. (.. .superior munniors, -,,. " , , 'odd Spectacles, - -Discount inale to tho 1 rtt.le. i i sii,-,.,-s. tri..s A Liherul .Tff-Onler from Couutrv llruseists and lU-n- lors folioitod. T.'i'r'trtt Lists sent on npplieation. August 4, .'tin. A- H. SMITH & CO. t"i Donlers in p, hoots, siior.s mui Tnvxis. WliDt nr lAKltV I'ISI HII'TION-. i f Tun, V-a I I L' I !...:. . . ... i i iiin,i.,i!ii'i, nu. . i.e. nn, m prices io suit i yy iill. run ho found at their now I'.oot 4 ishoc lore, No. '.'ii North Sooond si., a low doors he-: i. -ii. in i, ii ii . l in ii low the liliiek Horse Motel, l'hilu. wll'Mi vl,, i, ..nil.ell ,.lv v,w Notice lo couutrv inerehniit?. ('onstniitly on hnnd a J . - 1 -1 liirre ns.-orlment of Men nnd lioys' Loots, Gnitors and l'rnpans, onarso nnd line : also, Women's A ! .lissos' Laoe Hoots, llniters. Slippers, Ac, and a entered into partnership in tho nliovo husi ; well selootod stuck of Youths nnd I'hildren's wenr noss, will ho iropared nt nil tunes lo n'tend to any ; ponormiy. no woui.i respoeuiiny invito you lo ; call anil examine lor yourselves. 1 N. II. Trunks manufactured nnd for sale whole sale and retail al No. SII North Second st. April 17, 1S5S. ,1m. THK 1 NDER.SKiNEU lakes this method of an nouueing to the citizens uf CUnrfiold and Iho sur I rjunding country, that ho has opened a on Main Stroot in Shatr't w nm, where he i prepared to aeooniinodate all who give, him a call, and hopes lo receive a liberal patronage. w. i , in:.. jkrrmmh n.kkis. l hi-i ,ir Oi uMii.ih imi tin i or 1)11, Mr WW ' ' I III . I.I 1 ll ,1 I . lift ll '"I .Hi I .1. in ll I I l.n I . . II . I. I ,. nl "I . I . '. I . ll III.. I. I.I .11.. t . ..! I I.I... I. I III OH 1 1 1 . I 1 1 1 III- - I'-nl ,. 'l Ii- II ll. , , - ll.Ml Ill I' ..i i.i- I I II n l- i.i. 1 1. 1- .r hi i u "" ' 1 "tl .I (In. ... H I lull vi i, in n ti xi'il ti- t, i..ii..ii-Iii.i.'iI I Ii ft I iln.l limn in ll.'.li i i r i t i' 1 . in. .1 i Ml Illl I I , . -I l.'i .it.., Ii . I I. ill I . . I. nl. lliii.l" i'l III." il'i ll.... III' II 1. In I'll ...IIIITI' III Illl ill at a i A , I'm' iii'liin,'.'. in tin' linn.' . iiliil-icii'-, Srniftih, Teller, H la liter's .ii lull," I'lllilih'S, lilntelies, '.rvsiie i...,n- eers, .Siilt-Klieiim, I lischart'cs Iroiii (Iui liar, l ever utires, or ir- ... . i t inplive 'i iui. .. m-. Diseases ol any kind. ,' ,'l ,-,'i'l l.ii II. .1 1 . V 11 I'll k ll" 11 lin'ilii'lll la,, -I,, I I. a I l.l lil! tin' liiRln-sl iiiill,ii, ',tii- 4. ilmi' tlint in. st le vers orb L-iiinl" i n lli.- Hiiinii iu i', nml inori' juii'liciiliii' i.v Ty'li"i'l nii'l :-i iiil' l- ll-' l nnii'i lining an in ' rii'il, ami tl-.' lain r mi cvlrriiiil irniiliv" ilir-i',,i.-,' ; mi. I in .ill ,er-i.ns .illarknl l.y tin-'" nm l:i,i, Ih.' l,.,il i.-. I'.. innl I- In' i-iinj-ilat.'il, ol' "t n .lai k niilii .illliy ...i.r. 'In :u-'l -ll' a l;ii;-' lu.'i.i.uiiy of .li-f.'t -es. lis n .'ll mi to .-in-.- a liiiiiili'l' n llii-li li ii v o nllt-H'ly M'i-z.-.l iitHiii lie. sl.-iii, it is i:'ixs.j:Y to miiiT ins; DLooi). I.!Vl';!.l ': l:il-l:0 I'.:,Ot: ol Cl..itH in 1.1. Pili . i-l : 1 l':iii:"','a t"l' fi ery ' I ' 1 tin 111 01. 1 ie tor, 1 la illl for il I In: , n: UXUUi VOL. A ir". 1 M'Mvn, lull "Wt r nut imi'v 'l Draiuiii; out. All Impurities of tlio IJKmmI, hill l.y the -kilfnl I'oiiiliiiialioii nf mil known ll ir- ,"' ol' ',v'." V ttri.i'lnf tlVlh It f' V'" ol .f' '. 'hr !. - f '''-' ft vvy)yi.v;) f- tk. St '.'-'. VI,..' C' ; M'.'li' t iili lli'tt is chumo-l lui ;!, tin- I'iiiji: i"li;r.' i1;!'.! t'til tiro riu: pro or : li i- II. 1 M oniy a le 1 il Iui.- V .' year- -nii-i' il v.a.- ! 1 -i-. v .r--.l , 'i. 11 into Mich 11 I . : i -1 1 1 , - - 11 has li 'i'ii l.iiilt .'Xin'esslv for il- I. iitiiiiiil.o iin, n l.-iiu',' I'liMili.-i o nu n .-uiiiloy.,! in I'litlin.' 11 t.i. an ; riili The !Sti))ly dues not Kqnal lite I )eniai(l ! C ii-lv HliV riilj-li'I IIIII 1 1 I'l.iiM Mii- lie -'i, if tile Me. I: did In,', i A I.I. the virtue.- i'l: illm ..r n ih,. I'1'..pi'i. 1 1 . .in lit,-a 01 nil v . c-hoii i n -r tor- have hilli'li'ed- of c i',,i i'y nnd tntidin in tin h lial the medicine i- ih rtilical, -. column, ill-' dnilv for the sullei in. ASK ANY I'lOKSi N Who Ii ever used the lllood ScnrduT ,.',' ,'' '-' l-'.ij; 1,. .. d ..'ive il 11 li'inl ,1 single'e nu.-t rkeptieul of it, ellicncy. 117. ,',. I the nlili.'i conviuee l! ! i- 1 n iii Int. .1. M. I.f.n.-i.-. : hear Sir I (alio plen sine in nekimw led-in 'he ore-it licnelit iyoiir Iinproi ed lllon 1 Semeher hns lu eii to un ''nm. lie has lieen nlllicteil with hnt I'liysiciam jcilicd a scrofulous disease of ihe uli.-ohiii'' edamis of the st-111 11 h. lie has li.-ell nlllicteil 1 1 11)1 this diseii.-e frnin inl. Hi ey. lie is now til 1 leen yenia of nj;o ; duiiiiKiill Ihi.- time he hns had several severo iil'aelis. und nil the food ta . la 11 ii, to ll- .toiniii h iiupnrt..-d Jiltlo strtiiKih to the sy.-i. 111. I had s-'iernl oininei:t physicians attend inn hiai, lint 1 found very little ndvnn , t ii;e, ns the di. e.i.-e slill rel.iincd willl nil il- mv , fill oo.i.-."iie:iecs. In April IS.;.7, he had a violent attack, . . much si.. Unit all wli i:-aw him supposed lie was in (ho ta-t -:.!.;' "f I ...1 iinij li -a. 1 Has advise I 10 try your i: .-.l S ,nh.p: 1 a, or;!: n -ly procmcd one I. ''!,' of il . .111 1 l.y Ihe liaie he had lue I 1' lie i,.p.;.-ir.-il r.- l.,re.l l perf.-.-t h.-alsli. 1: 1-11 .v. o::e e:,r .-111c e h " u-ed our iuiiilu:- l.ic I'.l.. id .-:. ,-,-!:i r, aad I am pcrl"ci !y sn! i.- .crt.'ctly snii.-!i nncl.v crave. I to ail who ninv cd it 11. 1- .-ale, 1 In.,, I, ,111 an ,101:111 now iuilic-ilaiiii,-;lvicc,'!iinH'iid it he si'-iil:ir!y iillln-t I, and deem it 11" inor tlinn ju.-lice In I. car Ihi.s juililio t".-ti:ii''ny t'i itsvir i tuc.-. I lle.-peclf.iily vouif. Ac. ! ' " JA.MUS K. l'i: blX, Tommy Station, .Mr. licclin i- w.. di:.n:' and W'e.-l 111. , li, l- .-i. . I'. 1;. i;.,ad. I hiaiu ii Ui ;lie cilien elan I cnlllilli.'.-. ol la- i'-()K s vi.i: ii v C. J'. WATSON, Clcailicld. .lA.MKS It. I.IIAIIA.M, lllahail.ptoll. ,l"ll. l'ATTON. lurweii.-viile. h. V. lllil-JXXKIt, Mori is. file. JOHN 111 S.-'i:i.l l'..,,nMil!c. I. '. II. MOOlti;, laulK-r-.m-. M. II. STlliK, Xeiv .M'il;....t. VTIAIII.KS It. I'llSI'i;!!, I'hilip.-l.iu-. II. SWAX, Au.-.uoill... lll'SSKIJ, M.. K I'll I! AY, New Wushii.-iun. bOWAlll) -WILLIAMS, Williainsville. JAl'lv'SUN l'ATCIIKX, llurnside. SAM I 'lib IIAOKIUV, (.ienl, niii;. 1 1, 1 - S - '.iui. ope. ST.U 1 1 (.1! ,v II M'.l ( li c a p V a t r Ii t- s a ii (I J c iv tr 1 r y . AriIOI.SAI.i-: nnd ltKTAIL, nl the "I'liilndil. phia Watch and .lewelry Store." .'n. 1 Is (old Xi, '.Mi l Xortli Seound Street, corner of IJunr- rv' "''t 1.1'VIT 11 aTollOf, lull JC Wf d 1 S e. ..use .2s no :M ti" - 12 on . v mi - 7 no - 7 on - 1 .Ml - nn . l nn jti.dd Lapi IS eni-iit, - m vii i.ev Silver Lever, full jowcled, ilCK-.Sihor Laiiino.jeivels "I'l llrncolots, - - Lady's liol.l l'eneils, - - - - -Silver Tea Spoons, persot, - - -Ijold Tons, with Pencil nnd Silver Hold Finjrcr ltiniri H71 cents to - - - i tin Ilnlilcr, 1 0(1 $S0: Vn u-li lllnssos, plnin 12J conti, putent IS, Lunot 25; other article in proportion. All goods warranted to ho what they nre sold for. tiTArilKH A IIATiLKV, , Suecossors lo O. ('nnrn.l. , . . - - . ... un ii jui i some Uolii nn.l ,ilver Lovers and Le pines, still lower than tho uhove in iie. Oetohor 7, 1845.-1 v. ' .... . ... . ' : 77" I ahlni'I. I in r Makliio-. A X l II O II S i: l , I T I (; , T 0JIN OVLICII i IlANJLL l'.I'NXKH linvinir ""suioss mine iioove line on snort notice mill in u prnper manner. They w ill also keen constantly nn hand nt their shop on Market st,. uenrly oppo oito tho Jew store, a large assortment of .Miilingo - sy and Cane liottom Chairs, and Cithinet waro of every description which they will I.e found eve - ready to disposo of on as reasnnahle terms ai the .....i.-ov.oi uc un. . iM.t.Buero in tne county. .i Bu.cit ui viiuiuob i, are now un nana, con I sts iii part ol uressing anil t ommnn llureans, Sofas, Pewinn a I Wash Stands, Desks and Hook Cases, French a. I ricld I osl IlcdsteaiU, Iliuing, Breakfast, Ccn t- f-.. .1 L1-- 1' l , !. ,"o . , nt. OFrl.NS manufactured and delivered at any pi desired. .Cay I'.l, ISM n,i il ( OHM 11 in I llfl M M Uihl I Ml. 1,1 I ilUjA'ji'.a'iifiDi 'Ji. till', il.-t .lint I ...- iilnili iiif.'i'ii. Iii (iii IhU ml tin- Inn li-it iil'ln' In ic'in-iiil, Hnl I,, l,n- ink vii lli" n'-v I , l'i HIM I bl.Y KMH N A IMF. 11 I'M I' 1 1 1 I.I. li'HI'l,, Till Il ll '-I. Ill's l.-ell le. i litl li litt-i itll pit.ed, innl ii-wh Ini'iiidml ; EXTENSIV.' STABLINO II S HI I S I UMI'I.I tin I AMi III IS. llll.l'MIII' T" Al l OM Ho I' I I' All who inn v pive him a call, ill tl lno-l pleasinp and a-fee in iiiiiei . r,' ry ' 'I v'.l ,r.,.,'. ir,. ... , . A,' - r- r. i...r -'. ,...-' -'".'.'''"'. yit.ili,.'l witli nil .-. -.-.o .! in ,' n t i;t' ra-n-c h niiil hi' will i'ii'li-;i vol' t- I'liltTlnin hi Will tl. ijiinr- : ;;ni'-; In il iii'niiii'r lliai nil. lint lau I i ii- in I I I.I.I.M' S.iTIIMCT10.. The lion-.- i- ill a pleasant and iuiet part of t he t'.u n, mid no e.n-nse or alt-ntion will be -pared to make it one of t he b--t lion - in the county. A lib eral pal i una :- is re - p-i'! I iillv -i ili-il ed. II. 1IAVS MOItltiMV. I'l.-'il -li.'lil, mi','. 1, 1 ' .k. I.V. FLEMING HOTEL 1 F.11 1 M.v KNon;: Illl. ( iooli I.NTI.V1, ci i;v I'Nsvii.i.i-, Tin Mil..- 111. I I.-: I- V .. In ml., I III I.i mially tin t I 1. 1 1 0 .1..H11 a . ...i'. thu l'i;1, In i"i-i nlly taken tin a liove licit I..' I-i-- 1 i:.t!v 11 lilt.- I.. ,..:lt K noivli slnnil, and I awil retlll'lli.-hcd it ill 11 ,-lyle inln,le'l I- the n'e, and the wants nl the cntii'0 tnivelin' cm 1 11 11 11 i I v. ' HIS TABLE will alrtiiv l-i' jirii'le'l vif!i ofcvy luxury the iniii'l.ot: nnil suri'Mii(lin cniiitrv will aPui'l. HIS EAU ' :i d with tlie 1 lioii-i'.-t w iiit-.-anil li 'l'i" HIS STAELES, lie-l nail iii"'l e,'niiii "lioii. on the hic'.i nr tl. liiad nillii .hni-.. nt a ilay'.- tnivel, will nlivav-. In: in careful nn.l ntti'iilnc hn-tlirj. In r-1 1 . f t Kvery dcpal Illl. 'Ill of hi- P-t :i Id i.-l: lil l'ilt U'ill he -up plied all Ihe 1 ..1:1 1 - and c'.liielneu ric- llie ttenrv l:nil!ir eiitild de.-ar.-. jane W.M. A. .MASH.V. NATIONAL HOTEL, (I. ATI. WHlTf: SWAN.) E.ace fit. above ThirJ, Ihiia- rpui: propii. tor-,.' 1, i,t In in el! !.: lli:il,l;l.:l lor tie iciy 1 Iho plot :r ti i. mis led In lie- hl.erii! 1' year, tniie ihi' i:i,d Ih" pulil'u l.ertoii. il up'-1 llie met hod of il' l"l in: lie; I ' that lliey nre -lill pi. p. '.oii'ir.iHlat them if favored tt it h a eni I 11 1 i n Iho Miiiuner montlis the hmi tli''iom'!ilv rcuuvulcd, iiupiovciiii'iit Iui: lie. 11 nnd other ..t..-ivo nlleiali ms la oi.t.toiiipln'ion. W t' nre determined to devote our whole ui..i tioii to l.n-ii, ess nud Hntlor uirsclvos with tho couviition that we shall ho iilde to rrivo si.tiflno li.m. SlIiK- .1 SlilVPi:. X, 1!. Carrin.-es will nlwayi he in readiners In .oi:v.'y pa, si liters tn nn.l Imui Slenuil.oat l.nnd-in-s mid Kailroail Pepotf. S. ,V S.'ll Hist, lsjS.y, STTSaUZHANNA HOUSE, Curwensville. Penna. ul, m i, tonne: ly nl iho Kx"h:ui-.' lln , 1'hilipsl.iirL', hniine; tall.-ll tin nlmvo neiv stain I. Mtuale un tlie oaiik 1.1 ine riiei. 111 uie l.v or end nl I'urweiis. ill.-, would niiiioiiin o that he i- imiv r-'ady f-.r the 11 .'-'.in ni'" 1 11 1 i"ii "f strar. ;,r, und all win. may tavnr him with 11 call. The house is lar'ii and coml'iirtahle. nnd travelers will lind every convenience neccs-my tn lln ir coin;. 11 1. Asuple .-tal.iiiiL' i- allached 1, llie luci.ii- -. I'A'.'lli d'.UiN l'ci.'liaiv 10, l-.v -11X. j I 1 ,, . - ANSIOX IIOI SI'. ! A--, if .I.'.1. i.v.'. : i;-.v-. nl.-eriher respect inl I v aiiiii.uiie.'s I., tl.epul 1 ho 1 lie ih: it he hn. tn'hen ihe nliov.' stand, in the Lor- nll'll nl I'lenrlield I is pl . pmcd tn .l.'.-olll'll - ! .Li I e all whn may ,i:ive a e.-cl. The pulnie lanvr. st assiiii-d tl'.a' it will curlncle'l in the hes't iii.'iiiiier lli ' In' .le will he supplied 1 with Iho hell the irml.el ii!i-:ds. Mis liile.'i I with the i In i.'.'-t I, -. and' of w nnd li.iio:s, nmi his Hill,.-- will l.e lli.-acv t::e cue i t ntleiilli e in. usii.i-. l'ANii:. .m. wi:a ' 1th. 1 1, ls.',;. y. v vikixai. i-.(nN(.i; i;ot:.i i The i I . -1- hnvii'i: Ink n llie nhnvo . hiio.vM -tend, loriocrl. l I.v Il'm. . M n. ec.'lillili. late all in t'ui ivi ni iile. Pa., i- rei-'ly I :ie w ho la iv f.n or l'.iiawiln their : tall, will always lie supplied mil mk.t allords." and hi- lair "illi I, .ilUi'-.'. His ihe l.o-l Ihe the c!in:i os iioiMi--. Hi.- stalde ni'i he under :!n- ' ire ..!' i n niive h.,-l!er-. I'AVIIi -Ml I'll. I'lllll. ns'.ille. Vpl'il 21. l-'.s. RESTAURANT. T IIK under-iL-ncI li .-i.i eifnlly uniinuii, -cs tu has opened an eatin;' .'ley of M" rp "is I Lite :'.' la ty ho t.'ii."l every h n- lee ('ream, Sur-Lue-, nude. Ale, .a".r Hem-, fruit-. Nut-. Ac.. Ac. the pulil;.,- ihat ii Innise i.i the I...-, aienl leln.!,iir.-) Ilof 1. wh. liiMiry ol the season, ste riekl'io', Oystels, L.'lll I'llies, ''oi fectioiiaries. He hopes hy ll strict nlt-mion to his Lu. iiies merit, und receive, u shnre of pnl.lie p'ltrnim-o A. C. J'LANXKAX. June "0. 1 S.'i. ,1m Restaurant and Eating Saloon I ) r.. TAYLOIl, heijs leave tn inform his old 1 V friends und tho puldic that he has in. - replenished his stuck nf eat .'dcs, in his n loon in the han'mont of Messrs. Mcrrel X fur- ( iter's Iron nnd Hum ; nnd that horonf- tor he will nhiiiyn lie prepared tolurni.-h hin ens tumors with evorv Ihiiit' v fnuud in such os ! tuhli.-hnionte to wit1 leu Cream, Ale, Ln;;iir' Ileor. Tolmeeo nnd Cignrs of iho very host ijual-1 . ity, I-ruits nud Coiifootioimrv of nlf kind, .re! J Tlinnkful forpast I'nvors, ho solicits n oontinu.i InneA ..I' .nitrnnii.rn. imi.v l'.'. ':,S. 1 1 1 " l-l - i "1IOMK liIN vi-r-i, i vol- -v'u ' ' ' ' i I LEU A KA KR are now reocivinL' nn IT-, !,t i. largo nnd well selected Sleek ..I i; e,..,s .. .,.r ,,f ! Dry ( (iinci i los Ilarihvaif, Uuei iiH ivnrc, llnnls and, Oils, I'aints t Drills. Mats and Itnnncts, ailN Spikex. alt ntnl Fish, as well as every other article usually required in Ihe couutrv. w Inch Ihov otter In ll.n ..n - 1 fair tonus asennho lind in tho countv. Cull , und see. tho now, beautiful nndiisoful. ' jiuie J, IS.'.S. 1 - i (f! j'Tf Mj J Vf t - VLL persons are hereby e . utinned apainst nurchasina-or interfsrinir will. il, (,,ll,, in property, vij : One roan horac, one grey 1 mare, one brindla cow, ono two horse waifon. one - fanning mill and one cooking stove, bow in - - . '.. possession oi a. erneg, aa the same belongs to me and i loaned only, and subject to my order. M. R. CON AWA V. Ki.rthaii tp. Sept. I?nd. 4t 'f -ifi i .i I ... l-i I M I. I.' 7 ,( ... ., ; I .. ' A . . ,' I I ,. t , n 1 1 ' f ., ,,. , .. -' I,- ' .... I '., t'l.r.l '.' .' I . .. ,.,,... M i. 1 1 "' f, fltH, ll-' I', ( ''"' I',, .1,,, - ,.. r ... i. ... i .. nn.l I . ' . ' ... ''"t ' ',,., "'"'"',, ti ,, s V .1' V, .. . f,l ,.l ll,, ., no . ,1 , i,i ..' T,,i-.,',-. ,,! ,. . .... l,.,r Ir, I ,,.,.,.,.. , .V.... .., ,V.,!.,,m( ".' i',i., U,l; 7' I I. ,, .,,! . I ll":!,' ' 'I,-'. 1", (, , v'-. -1''"". " ' ..,.. , -,',.,.!.;.., ir i'..-,7i,r.,' t,i H ',', . .w,y fts!nhllu .... .. '. A-,) Ml'.l;rii.STs nri'-t ! rnll, n. tin y .'.-in , -. . i . i m , 1 c ' nt v ry In li((ii r.' w illi n n 7 1 h i ri jc in nm ini. All nr-f-r. will I, th.111kr.1ll7 r'-t'ived u.t jiri'ini'ily ntt'r.'lr.l ... '. 1!. MfcUKK .'.!,. 1. I!. i .VKTlilt, S. r-.--'rli.'f will at", f-fkc fvrry Tnrii-tv ni" I. in ft L i-i-imi, i I', rtf. GE-E AT EEN'IVAL Eer.d ! Read? V!" UK CtrNVEin P. THf "feat reviv.f Sn rlnne hnii"n,'- ifwnl iff irMr?n. rvorr Stuff, .-niiniy nn.l t-itn in ;lifi I Him, Pittalde uf OrnrHfl-i. Tiifrrfore, in iinsii!erntion ef tl,c nl nre rn-or, frnnk Shirt hn. fTkr.)! .In rf.ii.n sihiliiy tipm-h !: !f N to tit t liw ft',! A Shoe' l iisiin ss in CUvirrie! 1, srel jet a (.'nod example tn lii.i fsllnw men. Tie lm. tn nnini.r to hi. old eiistonier', nt mnnr iipw enf as lanyfu. vnr ii :i tall, ll:l ho hat en a luriro nsorl inent nf tif imrk nnitn.iy ninrnnt ef curae Also, llenlj' Oiii-T.i iiiii rte i order, nnd of anv ftyle t i uit i'ii.ti.m-r. .Morroeco. French calf, and l'iit nt calf t;:i:(i r. ci TCii.rtly on hand l''iii'lin;; lor sale, kit eMa'pt.-d. All wult' iV':V itihis hup Wiurniit.'d m-t t'v rip. Ciintiitncr. entiling .1. luliii will lind him r? Iho rcp furnior ly in . 11 i.-d I.v ll. It. Welti, ik-cM a , :r watch1 1 'nek 1" al.Ii-.limeiii. vvarlv ufi:!lr .".ttl Vluv..i V.-. uloro. Koll lu bnys ami j.ct lieifiOlos' or your "1-1 one.-, re pa i red. n.- s nne u? st..r..i-.t.iTnV in (,'ieut 111 ed of it. ril.W'K SliViltT. June .".il, I'.l .S. "in. P. S. 'I lie i:i.ini'.i.-!i,i hoivtofnre cxistinp he. tween .I'.hn Met'iil.e S. lieore New-son in thii day lis-.-ove,l In- nintnal consent, ulid Iho hook., 11 ntiiy, inn I nil elleets, lire now in tho haudi of I--. Shnrt fur settlement. Tho business w ill l.o on fried on in In 'lire l.y Short. Alus. poor Vo ridt I JdllX .MeCAHK. liKOlttil-: NEWSOX, HOOTS & SHOES ALWAYS ON HAND, JOSEPH GOON, 'I'll A N K I t' I, f. r past f ivoi'i, nnd prat-ful fur i'i -or.' prospect-, de-ires tn i 11 form tiio citizen, of i'ii-vi.'inii . and his old friends nnd patron, in pnitiinliir. lln. I he has unloved t tliei'IHST Ki.HI.M in the Kjst end i f 1 -.7 jS.' 77,,' '.',-. l'.r Wi-.'i nt . .lAo.o.'i .''. nhero he has !i hand eoustitiitly, largo Ui.sutl iiiont ..I every vnii.-IY ill th niKT Mioi-: lim; Cl sroM Vlll!:K A'i I'UMIK.Il TO WITH lUSI'ATlll. Tho very host uf stuck will housol, lind 1111 .,iin spm-ed tn malso neat tils nnd iliiinldo work. Ad nl hich can I..- l.taiiied from the said Joseph liooii VliltV l.O'.V f Clem field, Aujr. I" the I'.n.vnv itiiixu. IS.VS. I AU.MKKS ATrENTION The bes'- Article in tho World for raising WHEAT Is Lcinuii's Superior IMios plr.itc of Lime, Al $ in per ton, or L' els. a lh., l.y the hnrrel. AikiIvm iI and llcconiMioiulod lor fllF. WHEAT AND Cl.'AlN Clit.H'S HY I'lelessor ( 11 AS. T. .JAl lvSOX, j ( .t j " '' X'. '. '.enl.. j c-nla ,f , f tie l'i,,',; Slut,: I'liltut Ov.v, lr.,..,;,.,. i. c. "It will repay llie oullay all tn lull pel nnd will nm i.nni the ec.l l.y cininir i.'. I a- ilii iit', d :c-. Q"Tnj it, jtrarc it ! ! (i. A. I.KiNAl I'ropiicloiJ . . VI. S.i.'l. .'OA TS'enl, ,.ih,i,.i ".u,. r,., ih- of my A.-etit- lhr..',i-hoiit thei-:,untn A V V i.i enn lie seen ilt HIV Olil.'O. I .-: h .Mailed with tin- nrder wil' rooriv prt.n.pi nt't nlion. A liberal discount to Storekeepers whrJ buy to sell again. ran.phlels can he had al my Oi'.iero. 11. A. 1 an,;. -I, I .in. oal!' Coal! i f Vio Sul'scrilo r re-pci 1 'ens of Ihe ltoroii''!! t foil v informs the cite of Cl.'iirliold nnd viein Uv. that he has taken it lea-o ot V inljoiniii-ihe town, where he will C"H slantly IxCcji on haml, u full --Ul'l'ly ol'tb' article, cither lumps of mixe.l to suit put O' ch sers. I'cisons in town can lie fni.ilil witli it at then1 homes, nt kix cents I'd t lu,,!,,.! or at the lVink lower than over. share of puldic luitrona-ie is solicited. 1' AT HICK MULVANEY. S.-Jit. 1st. ls-is. tf ' I REPUBLICAN JOB 0FFIC The ruhlishers nf the Jli'jiullicuiif. kinjiiimin-ouii'iit.s to hu gely iticre.isi stock of .lohhine; llllltel illl, aii'I will ih pareil to do all kinds of lVi'Mis, Pa u rn i l is, ruoiitu- I'.I.ANKS, I'AI'KK I'mhiKS, TlHCl'M I-Atiti.s, Bali. Tickets, Hamjiii - ' pvovj- kin.l of j.iintin Uf .iully t in it count rv jol olltce. Y our orders trusted to tn will he faithfully exi cti J. II. LAltRIMEl ... 1 I III' 1. 1 . 1 1 1 .It r rcliimninir in tlie rol JLi Ofhee at Clearfield or the quarter en-Iinf, ' SepL ddth Ib.iS. jij,,. Mnry Vandiko Samuel Viilors Mi" ' Catharine Niifer-llirara White Robert ? J L. K. Edwards Willium Simpson A. C. Smittj ! Weorgo Kiittncr Joseph Uuinnor -Isaac Ear land John Curley 1'otor WeAloer Joserj I'n.el.cnro f'.ln.un.l lu..,ln.rU'm Blail i Joseph Holland Looland A Eddy Thonl ! Milliean Fred R. Shoff. 1 email box. ' I the N. li. Persons calling for any of Ihe abovl I. . .... . n .. 1 lottera win please aay they are advertised. : Hept. 3uth 'if. C. D. WATSON, P. M. - i.f ch Vrintinc nofttlv e.xetrttted hr 'I I' I 1 ' I ' III t' w