Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 27, 1858, Image 1

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    6" t
f V
J. K. JARRIMER, Editor.
TERMS $1 25 prr Annum.
m.vm:i;ii:s vol. hi. no :?:.
VOI, Villi. NO 'JO.
CU-AliFIKLl), PA. VKI).T,Sim 0(TX)m:i; J7, V,l',).
' - - .
i N
Or ilfpublciu:
Ttriim of !iibrrlitlon.
iflrtiJin advance, er within three monthii, $1 25
f nv tlnto w'Hiin tho y. ar. - . - 1 All
f piid alter tlm expiration of the year, - 2 mi
Terms t)l" Advertising-.
A.lvrtii'iiioiil8 are inserted ill the Republican
i fnlloffinr rates :
3 do.
$1 OH
2 on
2 60
1 2 mo
7 00
10 00
12 00
I t 00
IS 00
a a no
t .nnareM'-'Slincs,) 1 0(1
1 50
2 Oil
thrWMe,!(4J lin0!':' 1 5",
3 month. 0 mo,
ftt, tiuarf,
$2 ill
4 00
: 5 00
ft HO
: H III)
It 00
$1 Oil
ft no
8 00
m oo
12 00
20 00
If, toquiires, : : :
Three iqimres, : :
Knar miiiares, : :
naf trohiran, : :
(n sulmnn. :
lircr tiirci wanks and less limn threo month
wntl per iqimro for Cfth insertion.
Butanese notices, not exceeding 8 lines nro in-1
rtfdfor$2 a your. ...... , !
Ailvcrtisi'iiir'nls not in -i rko'l with tha number of
insertion.-di'-irud. will be nouliiiucJ till forbid j
.wtmJ juui'jiuj' to tU'.io Urn-.
1)HYSICIAX Office in Cur onsvillc.
1 uiny j
AVISO removed his "fliee to the new dwel-
linir ou Second street, will promptly iuism el
puis sinnul culls an heretofore. v 11,1, Attorneys at
Cloarfielrl, l'n., will nttwtid (rumitly to Cob
. . . . r .. f .. i-l i:..ia
(lions, banu Agencies, ac., q., hi i i ucm.
Centre ami Elk counties. July 30. y
STILL continues the business ol I limr .Making, i
mil House. Sign nnd nninitiontal Painting, lit
the ihnp formerly occupied ly rroutiiiiin .r ltowe, 1
it the east en"l ol .Market street, a snori nisiniiec i
went of Litr's foundry. June l. 1 .
Dlt. (.i;(lltC.i: ll.WO respectfully giv,
notice that lio lias resumed tlie Practice
Medicine, mid will promptly attend to u 11 calls )
he profession. Luther.-l urs.Ap I -', ljh.
Iron t''ouii(lirs, Curwensville. An extensive
tsuortincnt of Castings made to nrdciu
lice, .v, li.
ATTOUNliV AT T.AM', offiee adi.dning lie
teiiileuce ou Second Street, C'leai la.
Juno 1. K-t.H.
ii. r. Thompson,
rhjhirian, may be found eitlier i t Ins office
at Scolield'e hotel, t'urw eunyille, when 10
.riifefsionallj unscnt. I'cc. iv, iji
"fertliant ami Proniiff) IJcrilcr, Luthers-
ill. burg t'leartield county, I'a.
April 17. l.s.iZ.
4 T the moi
T the mouth of l.i'-k ltuii, live miles from
A neiiiaclil, MIvI'iI'IIANTp,
and cxtcii.sivv :
Miniulactiirers of I.uiubcr,
July 23, IS j'.
1 llarksinllll, w agons, haggle
larkMiiilh, Wagons Uuggics, i'.., ic, ironed;
X) mi short notice, and the very uct style, at I. is
)hi utand in the borougli ol Lurwei.svilf
Dec. 2'J, I s
Dlt. M. WOODS, hining changed his loca
tion from Curw ensville to Cl-.-urlield, res-
K-etfu!ly otters his prolesMonal servieei to tlie
tilitene of the latter place and i ieinitv.
Kenideni-c v., s.oeoiiJ street, opposCi t. it "!
. t'ras, L'-f.. n.y " Vi.
WM. 1". (TlAMPd-ih'S.
CAIUUKr- on Chuirinaking, Wheelwright, and )
boufc ami Sign paint ng nt Curw ens iile,
Cletrtlehl eo. All orders ioin,l!y ntteuded to
Jliq. 5, lSj-t.
kit. . M. C IMIMtl '.l.l. having loeaied as
Kyb-rto .hi, tenders his pru!c-.i,iia! sci viee,
lu llie Klizcns of .Morris Hial tl(e inljoini', taVfii-
ti:ui. lie will always be tound at tlie rrtatciii-e
ol llluK. Kybr, when not professionally engaged.
Juy 21, isjr,.
Tl-. ... p.
i A3 ri'.iuni'J llie praeiico or uieniciuc, nun j
and I i
4L ill atleud proinptly to nil calls in Ins pro
l"iinn. ly ilny or night. Itesideiice i.p,osito the
Alt-ihnUi-i iliiitet. Muv 4, ISAM. 0 mos.
iiosiiPii rr.'i i-.iis.
.i,r of tl.c '-.,-. , IVnow,','",', 7V.K'.
E door east of Moiitelius A Ten Hyek
J Store,
All business cnlrnsleil to turn wti 1 1
be promptly attended to, nnd all instruments o
writing done en short notice.
March, ."1, la8. y.
HACK, TuthcrsburK, Clearfield Co., I'a.
i Hnrnry t l.iw and I. and Agent, offir
(1 adjoining bin rosidence, tin Market slree
ncMlielft. JliirehS, 1S:3.
RETAILER of ForeiKnnrl DomoMie Mer.-h-ndie,
Rhawtvillv, Clearfield county, I'a.
fcnwiville, August li, 1 855.
1 LL friends of Imbki m i: and Ki rBi EMivnei.
1. C1111 nars. l'lea prupure eireulan grnl
Dr. (itOHlir. ISKUW.X, linrre, Mass.
above Hotel, liavini recently been fitted ! i
iir--i. - . 1 l
-r it'i nouso 01 enicruuiiiuciii, ib now o ,,-n ,
ft the acetnniuodation of the luiblic. Trav
will find thii a couveuieut house.
Nay 19, 1S58, OlIS J0RUAX
PLASTF.RIX:. The inbicriber, havinfr
located himself in the borough of Clearfield
"tald inform tha publio that he in prepared to
work In tha abort line, from pbdn lo ornameD
W of any deanription in a workmanlike manner.
lo whilewashinir, and repalriag dona in a seal
inner and on reasonable trm.
EDWIN C00-"En.
CltarfeM. April IT, S1. It.
C'Vms of
t;r.xti.i: ami:.
Thou nilt eoine no more, pentle Annie,
Like n flotr tliy piiii d,..t :
Thou art gone , alas I like the many
That have liloom'd in the siiinuier of my heart
f 'An-. Shall we never more behold Iheo
Never hear thy winning voice iiRaiu,
When the ijt iiifc-tinio mines, penile Annie,
And the ild floir'm are seatter'd o'er (he plain
We hnvc roamed and loved 'mi,! il. lowers,
M'hen thy downy cheeks were in their bloom
Now I stand al. mo 'mid tlio flowers, tomb
While they mingle their perfumes e'er th
Ah, the hours grow jad while I ponder,
JCeiu- the silent ,,,( where llmu art laid,
And my heart bows down whur. 1 wander
Hy the. -teams A the mendows w here wen' ij'd
Oh, lo uut tmitc fcr- jt:
Oh. do lint unite lor'et me.
Nor the spot where last we m;t ;
That bunnio t r v .-tin t; spot of obi,
I'll ilo not ijiuie torjrit
When tlio stars are rib-nt kei p'n
Their lonely wateli at niht,
ll'lisn the pule sweet llowers are weeping,
'Neath the cold and inisly light.
Though ell Hie ret forget inc,
My own loved, bonnie dear.
Say ( somelimes think of me,
Though gayer ones are near ;
When round th ; cheerful hearth love,
I.iglil hearted friends lnu1 met,
Win n all around i- mi rt li. I"', e.
nil, do nut unite forirei.
I l ! t KK (i. 'J 11 AT :-l UJI.1.T
It will hi ili-cincil vanity nt my n'i
-;i v llmt nt twenty liv,. as ioi.-c.-
of a tnll slmiv ol' : in iliiiinarv irrsin:il
l '
cliiinns, 1 1' (itili. W i l It in a
little of the
ln-stiTfiidilimi tstiui!i'tl id lu'tolit, tivi
('ft ton, witli luck' ldn;..; mul lousy
the raven's win;.', (a. is tin, ilriveii snow is
not wliito now!) with fair eointilo.vion,
olieeks j;lowino tin; vvd til. of youth
and hen tli. nml ji(iossiiis wlint is eoii-i'l-ored
silllieieiit "noil i-enso ntnl ion
lor all the i'':t'' joitl tmi nosos of life. it may
lie tliottoln' tliat my oxjioneiK c in niattois
ol llie lieni't oiil'IiI to h.ive jirovoil nil ex
O''l'tion to llie lul.'tlint "(lie eoiil-oof tine
love never opt run sinootli. l.iit, ilia:
lu,t so.
It w:is my (oi tniie to In -eonje iu'-
ijUainle 1 w i; Ii a vonn.ii la'Iy 'o-e--t t o!
1 so many o in ill ;. iiient.ii, inorul i n 1 ierso
i u. alel so sn.e-eiiiiiient ill each, that it
inoeeii iio'o;l.le lor me to avoid lal
lin.o. iis I did, dosj-ei.tiely in loe wish
As far as eJain e-of lln; eye, tremors of
tlio oiee, iiii'I oeea-mnal imieniloes ine'lit
-o, I doul.t not that 1 .-ueeoed full we!, in
H"liniii- to iier a Kimw lo.t.- ol the ,-t..te
ol iny in-art ; and 1 wi,l lint i-ies'.iiiie upon
yotir Jmlieiiee so n.iiel. :-.s In .-lail the ee
tasy of joy with whiili iil-t die.iven-.,
tlii oitL'h siiailar media a reeijaoeilv of I'ee
lin' it .fin thepart of t lie voting lady. L-t
it siiflie... to say that this - tin- ea-o, and
that tlie tune eah(e v( hi 11 il was iueillli
liolit 01: n;e. to leake a di-lili:-t avuA.d of
1 1 1 loi This., after
Jul: aim peieiexiug '
.. . . i . i
inelital ib-li t' i
I rc-olvinS to do bv letter. I
mid ait
i f W"
1 1 1 1 ii- sonic fortv epi-tles on as
. , f
-hoi t s of gil.'n d paper. I tinaliv suc
ceeded in forming a letter, aim. mil ing to
about six lines, emit. lining a- 1 thought.
tin1 condensed ijiiinti'-seiiee i f every thing
that could or oiiL'ht to bo Mj, on 1(. ML
j,t. Of this .roeioits niv, ;i" 1 retain
now but 11 slight recollection. 'That it
abounded with terms oxpres-ive of pure,
warm, ardent, glowing, undying, evorlast-
ing and unpieeedeiited alli-elion. I have
not the least doubt. lint, tllil'ortunatelv
.i. lii.i, ,.r... n
11 ill i it. pi unt il . "i t ,1-1 1-in i e.eeueioe
Wiis sciireely llnished, when chancing to
peruse some of the -)ierienci s of a pre
decessor in the paths ol love . I read that
nothing was more tiiiwi-.e or dangerous
Ihan making an oiler of one' hand and
heal t by moans of pen and paper.
ith the crednlitv nl n simple mind, 1
llt once gave implici- oro.leiioe to t his doc..
tlino. nud frightened lit the fearful ln-eci..
i . . i ' , , i i t , i , ,
pice w men i mm so narrow ij avoiucu, l
i ninclintely destrin ed 'he letter, and in.. '
solved to declare myself in person, w ith
toy own lips nnd voice, and to hear with
my own ears the reply whieh was to seal .
my destiny.
Never did nn Alexander, a Wallace, or'
a Napoleon, fool the inspiringell'ects ol un j
Lcroie resolutution 11101c powerfully than 1
1 lelt tlie iiitluoiice 01 tins; J mid resolv-
ed, I would i-xeeute! 1 walked the streets ! to purchase bread for himself and his eou;
with proud consciousness of the hero- I p anions. The youth, if we m iv still eni
isin of in y resolution : and in tlie height ! ploy tha! appellation, could no ionger r,.:
of my .ride, fairly feared lest in the words ' ognize the once familiar aspect ol' his i.a
of a 1 met, I should strike the stars w ith ' tive rouiif ry : and his surprize was increas 1
my loftv lioiid. Pait sensible of tho im-1 bv the appearance of a l u ge cross, triiim-
p. i feciiiiii of human powers, and oonsei-
'"rinua that mine in p trtioulur were liable to :
j fail in to delecatu emergency, 1 resolved
I at least to commit to memory my doclara-'
1 Ini'ii urt.-w.i I Ills lull iitioIiimI 'in, I nn .
.i.'ii.:.. . 1 .1:1 i.,.,.....i ,.r .
- llllllliutllti. 1 11- it'll. 1 .ti iiti.-ioii: 10
, ; , : r ... : : 1.7. :
v iiicli in some wny at lct would have
managed to h: vo made itself understood
andi i, I commit toil to moinoniy a cold
formula of words, to be delivered ns the
school-hov recites his Hi.eeiJi. est which ltitvrant. in luslion ol hidiesus. the cler
is sufficient for the purpose of this article !
to collect tho following tpiiteuce. '"Miss !
Adams! will you allow mo to oner vou it
mv hand and heart?"
The fearful hour arrived. Tho eveninc
I of jny wxmtcd visit approflchod and I
j found myself sealed l,y t li p side of my
I adored, in the summer' oveniiio twiliL'lit.
j'l'lie i-nyi of llie selling sum hud jrioif
nally dia.ieat ed 1 1 . m the rosy eloild-
jtliat Imyerod nle.xo the west. Tlie lull
i moon ro -e liijdi in heaven, and one hv,
i one tho j.;lo: ious stars heciime isihh- ' ;
i , 1
" .n such a nielli, ,
i Stood Iiidowiiha willow in her hiiiel,
I I poll tho wild sea banks mid waver) her 1 ve
'fo come again to Carthage"
I The ojieii w indow hy whieli we at look
ed out iijon a "anion t(ired with u j iol it-1
sion of rii li ami rurn llowers, from whieh j
there oxhaloil, mid arose around n, a do- i
lieions IViiratieo, Inrininii lit aliuo.-phere,
for such a scene. 'I'ho t'nne, the siletn-e. 1
theseeliery, fVfl'V 1 1 1 i Hfi Wiis H.j.rooi iate ; ;
and she, the lionntifiil, thealnio.-i uiiearlh-1
ly, seemed, hy intuition, to understand!
my thoughts and iiitontioti-, as with head i
oeiit own she ga.ed (and nilii n slight
hliish ujion tlie tuir i .hooks aiotind whioh
her iiuhurn curls, weio playing) upon a
ino.j jo.e which site v.u. i-Jl'liillv ciiua. '
cd iU I'Ulliii'; lu l.iwoc-. I w.u, onjiilocd
in the orjinlly !l lllll.s oooujialion ol open- i
in;! unit si. tilting ii small huii'v mull. box :
w hieh 1 had in my hand.
Alas! where now was tlio Alexandrian
or Napoleon eoiil age that inspu. d me ' 1
li lt my valor ooinu' out, at llie induis of
i i i . i 1
my nanus, tan at last sunuuonin iom
hltion like a man noon the soallold wli
wishes to diowhh at Jea.-t .ii.if,7lorutudo, '
or to use n more loreiMe lllustiaiion, u-'
theiing' togeth, r and i-oneeiitiiiting, as it
wote, all the energies of the mind, alter
1 ho manlier of one nlioiit to siiliinit to tin.!
must inhuman ol all earthly torture.-, llie
cxlr.ietioii of a tooth. 1 .-ay, w ith Midi
energies as this, I raised mv eves to tiiuso
j ol l-aliella, and in tho language of tm
j prepared .peeeh, -aid " ..'.iin.s ! '
j Tho unearthly and .-Lu lling; em olia-i-rwitli
whieh tl.i- ralh. r loriual ooiuiiioneo
jloelit Ha- delivered, seriously frightened
loth parlii.-. l'lio ro-e dropped Itum le-r
I lingers, the ho Jioin mine, uiid J on
ly r.hle to ioliow uji tliis oxpn-.sjye e.or
jdium with s. coiiiiiu.n plac'r ..nark a-
liout the I H-n il ty ol tlio ivumi;, allei
whieh wo lelap-ed into our loriuerVilenee.
(iathel'iuj.'. however, Oliegy (rolil oeleai.
I made, alter a. slight puns,.-, a seroiid at
.! - .1 :
iid I, in a slow
, Mfle'nn
oa ire
sepulchral voice. 1 u-ill ;i ,r,,l
i . .'
iie allow tue to oiler you to oiler
a poich of snail'!"
'W ith plcisiire, sir,'' i-edied asoft sweet
voice, which, in oontiit with my own.
sounded like a strain of soft inusie follow
ing iij the rumbling of nn earthquake. 1
felt my eyes starting from uiy head. 1
that the veins on my forehead weic
swollen like tho stream.- of spring. I
the blood luaiitling oyer face, brow, and
link. 1 .,( the loud beating of my
heart : and in an agony nl both bodily and
mental pain to whieh the rack, the w heel,
and the gibbet w ere a paradise. 1 rushed
from the room, hui ried to my homo, en
tered my own chamber, locked, doubly,
trebly locked mv door, lest ahv one should
olisorve iny shiiuie, and vented my spleen
in id.e imprecations upon m o; u .-tupidi- I
i i ,, , ,
Anhours wa!kacro,siuyci,.,,i,b,.,',s,.ry -
ed, however, to calm my spirits-, and w i, 1,
tural compared with my recent agitation.
I sat down and w rote : "
"Hi:.- u IsAliKl.l.y Tuki; pity or, an un
happy mUh, ia ho is too in hue
- ..-( . ..... iii. , i .iii, .si i per li. i -
with you to utt.-r
in your presence,
hear from voii."
two cons.'ctiuve
I am Miserable
till I
note itniilediatelv disi ntohed
. i i .- . . '
ami in nan an Hour 1 was the bai
man in tlie universe. Me Isnhell-i
to., ii pan ii n oi CAooueliee. t whs IioVer
oll'ended with her but once, and then she
di-pelled my wrath by asking me. in n
mock .serious tone of voice, '-Will you
w ill you allow- me to idler you a pin. h
of snulf .'" .S' ,,(.,-.
Tin: SrvKN Si KKl liiis. The siory of tin
seven sleepers is the luo.-t rolilillitio of tin
legends of the I'huroh, Jtisa- i,.!l,,ws
When th" Kmporr.r lieeius per-ecutcd ihi.
.'hristiaiis. seven noble youth of Llphosu-
concealed themselves in a spin ions, eat ern I
on Ihe side o an adjacent mountain, and i
were doomed to perish by the tyrant, who'
gave orders that the i-ntranee should be 1
lirillh secured by pih.-s ol stones, I'nev
immediately fell into a deep lr,ii.h.-!-. ;
wiiieh was alni'ist iiiiritciilously prolouued. 1
without injury to tho powers ol'li'e, one
hundred and eighty -seven years. At the!
end of that time the slaves of Adolu
i . , , n .
w iiom me lnlierituiice ol Ihe ui'.iin
had descended, removed the stones to
supply material for some odifiee. The light
of tlie sun darted into t he cavern, and t he
Seven Sl-opers were permitted to awake,
Soon aft-r fising from th"ir -h-op, w hich
thev thought, had only la-fed 11 few hours.
they wore pressed by t!
o cal'.
of li iiigt-r,
one of their
and ro-olve l that .lainblielui
liumher. should seoret lv return to the ottv
phantly erected over the gate of Kphesiis.
His singular dress nnd obsolete language
1.011 founded the baker to w hom he ottered
un nnoicnt medal of I b-oius. as the current
tmi, , t lo l-tiittlt-e' nnrl .Ponti le oii on
.....:: i 1 .1:.. ,....,,1 ..
susi tii-wni 01 11,11 111. tu-",i'i, 1 t -' t iti
" 1 - .11. i- .. 1...1
Their mutual inquiries jirodticed tlie ntna-
! zing iiitellign'-e that two centuries had
almost elapsed since .lamblichus and his
' friends Imd escaped the rage of a Pagan
py, the Magistrate, the feople, and, it is
said the Kmperor himself, hastened to vis.
the cavern of tho N-vcn Sleepers, who
related their story, bestowed their bene-
diction, and at thesnmo mstimt peneenbly ;
'expired -
An Apostrophe to Water
Si tu limn Mni e w e a
I liioil-: aposlrophe hi wnler
ll'l"d to th.. I.,,
whieh John
rlloh. til
eOlllolit leel uref OU temper
;.e.itfd to ehietrilied thousands
ind l.ngland. Mr. (iongh no
I no aiidieiiae tlial he Has not
of liiat aoir-irophe, and lor
alieo, has ri
in A inel'ie'i
ver 1 ii I 1 1 -1 1 i
the alltli'M-
ye i,'.- ha i enjoyi.,1
l It. We -ta't.'rl I
laid Ibhl'rii. an
pie.ielier in TeXn ,
le lliiil,-puli"l eiedil
ml il originate I w ith
, alel that it Was deliv
w .li.'h I lent ll gave at
ere'.I at a o.U'oaea
a (.'.inipim-ei m .-, an 1 i which he h.u
ted h
a Te
will h
: hi ! 1 1' ' it it :i 1 1 I, eeii years
ad t ne iii'-ident, ami are deiigli
it in all exeiiiilig", credited to
per. We ei. .-ure our reader-
ii I
"i 1
lly d ligli oil w ith its pi.-ru-al.
I he suiii.ving l.-.i,. N w. i e arr.iii:'el on
the lahle.- hy .-cores el f laves, and llie
Ihrong prepare.) to eouiinenro Hi.- sump
t um.- liienl. when a Voice pen led Iroin the
pulpit, Ii md a.-, tlie bla-t ol a tnunia t in
battle, -.Stay yeijilenu-ti and ladie-. till
t the giver of the lV.i,t a.-k,s (iod a blessing."
r.M-ry liearl stalled, every eye wa- di
rected to t ,'u- -pe;;!.er, m:d a w hisporle.
' sih-iiei' eii-inil, fir all aiiko were -tuick
b his i eiiiai kable appeal aiiei-. 11- w, i-
ill n io.-1 a giant in ,-t a i in though s. iin.r-ly
thirty years of age. ill- hair, dark us lie
i ravens wing, llnui-d down . is iiunicii.-c
! shouidi'i.s in lua-i-s of in ai rm.;!i-; - ; hi.-
eye.-, hlacli lis n.lo i: i u I , 'jo.-iuio,.! I.K" stills
over a lace pa'c as J in jan f,iarbc, caiie,
lais-ionles:-, :.piri;iial, iiik I wearing a sin :u-
i lar, i..di til...l.,i'' ex , a i s-i, ai. i ii" hi leie-
Li'lieous crowd, hunter,, ga nbleis, i;nd
iioliloeides, gi, .e, ill llllll-! ll-tohisliiUeli'..
: The lni.-.-ioini!'y pi.jyed, but il .-lainued like
no otlu r pravi r ever add i .-..-.' i.-d to the
i 'fin one of ( 1 1 -ace. It W'M- 1 he e; . t f a i.a i
ked soul, and that ail a le-ggiu- lor the
bi "ad and water of heavenly hie. ,
lie eea.-cd. and hot fill then, did 1 ..- ,
eoine coii-eioiis ol weepiiiL' 1 looked a
louiel thr,'ii-!i 1 1 iv te.ii s and s.i.v l.uu 1
d laees w ol
v mv Iriend
it h r liii.
aid the lib
then i
, at t le-
ome ale
, u and
ii t i h
Wold 1 bo impossible to. ie-cribe the
t tone of k i nun e-s in w hieh t he-o -iln-
p'e words Wi re uttered, that mad,- l.iin on
ti.e instant live hundred bietids One
I ...... t l,,....i-..e in Il .,.,,1.1,. ..t I
uU!dened bv the evidonco ol the nroaeher's
woiiilerfid power.
Col. Watt Kin man exclaimed in a sneer
ing voiie: ''Mr. Paul Lb nion, your rover
enco has li d. You promised us not didv
a good baibaeue, hill Letter
1 When- is the liouor
' "fhei-e!" nii-wei-.-d th- mi-iouarv. j,,
i tones olThun or. and pointing his motion-
b-si li rg-rat the tna'chl -.- Puible -prnig
Clls llie' llll ill IWO sl-.el" e )l-!llls. w i i
s.Jlind like a sh iut nf.jn li' Ihl th.' bosolu
of th; oarth. "ihore." he repeal, I,
a loik t,-rr bl as ligbtii'-ng. whil-- h;s ou,
my aclually treiu'o.cil a, his feet "lhe-o
is th li'iuir w hiei (ind, the eternal b.ews.
lor idl li s i.hd lien Not in the si'iim r
in -i ll, oyi.r s,,,,ky liii'-, ele .bed with
in 'I -on. his ga-e-i. and sui'-oiml-l e, th
i the sten -n ol sa-Kciimg oiors ami ran.i
,.;1.,. ,,,,, F,,u.,. iu 1K.ilv,,,
,,.,', l. lin.,,'o,.s es.enee of 1,1.. .he
' . i . ..
Hire cold watel
1 and graT dell
i'.llt ill til
gl ide
where the red d'1
dors, ii :d Hie child loves t
, i ,.
i '".' ""
nod lu.iislt lirews it : and d'i'.vu
-d iw ii in
t lie deep Valleys where
nn:' and tin- rills -ing
the fountain.- tnnr
: an I high on tlie
liloiliitain's top. where the lulled gi'illii'e
glistens like gold in tin- sun, where tie-.storm-clouds
b.'.i id ami tie- thunder tones
crash, and aw iv far mil on the wide, wide
sea, vvh.-re tie- lim i'i'':iiie howls mu-ic ami
(he big waves lour ihe chorus, .-weeping
the inn reh of ( ind :' t lu re he In eiv- il, that
b, Vel'.e.'O of life, b - i"' !l " ivill ' water. V n l
OVCI'V where it i-:. t llil.g of healll V : n le.'.lll-
ing in the dew-droji, slicing in the sum
mer rain, -hilling in tho Co- gem. till the
trees ail seem liuiii-dto living jewel
spreading a golden Veil ov, r ihe -r-tlihg
Sun. or a white g i-te around the .nid ui'.:ht
mo. Hi: sooi'liu: in the I'd, II t. sleeping
in the gl.i"i, r. dm -in .' in the liail-liower :
its bright snow-em lain- softly a
e wiui ry world : i.nd weaving the
.I'll!' 1 iri-, seraph's ; me ,,;
. w iiu-i. v al p i I he raiu-di'oii of
, h'.-e 'In 'i i- ill.' sunbeam of ie av
h. -tillered ,)'.' f wii !i .'i le-'t ial llovv-
bo-it t
ina'iv -e
the s'liV
ear'. h. .
en, ail i
bv tie- inv-tv h i.-.d of lelVaetion. Sti'l
it b
au' i
son '
fill- ! hat I ies-ed lil'ewa
11 its hi ink
u l mu rder
lis !
irings p
d in r in
LI-n id st, lip, iis ii-i'i
I .'la-
: pah' i low s
p to, I buiuiii
110 'li iiiili.u d -
' nnd slarv iug o' pb m- w
tears in it-, olear depl :
' shrieking g'uo-t from 1 h
; iv It ll word, ot eternal
i on' my friend- ! would y
' for t he demon'.- di ink
I A shout like the
V.vored, "N . ! '
I 'l ilies ii 'l-rl Ii
b... kwoo-l-iholi ,-1't
llf Olr.rjllell". t, f r
the 1 ii i -si. 11 . n't h- 1
tltlld', II s it We;-,
rear of the li in i-l an
1,1! ne
idiot!, -.
saw nt ;
ii ' If' i't
ill ihe iii
Ig 1,11
'.'ill.' V'oiec
111 .men!
,ft!i" mul-l.-cv
of hi-
haii'l, an I the popular f.-. ling ratlin a
current so irrc-i-tahle that even the d -ist
Wait I " iv 1 1 1 .1 1 1 , d.iiod imt venture mm.
ther iiiterrupliiiu dm iug the novting.
I'hn '.impiii. eting continued, and a 10
vivid nteii'ied it. Mich as wa--, never w it-lu-ssad
Ih-1',.1-0 or sim-e in TV fa.
vt. ........... ;u I. ..,..-. ).,.. I 1 1... :
1..1. 1-...I L. i... ... 1
M- i it' . ' i- io..-- 1 i.rei to, in i:;.iii-
him from burst ing. nnd he will forget it all j
in a month. Pull Mr. Smith's nose, and'
lie will cherish a secret desire tobnrn your
house down the remainder of his life. !
Kcvcnge is 11 liassioii. (tntitudri nrt'ears
to bo only a sentiment. Wc can nil hate,
Hut it is one man in a hundred w ho
possess sense enougti to no tlianktul.
r-v-Love is like ambilion it. silences
), consciener. ami throws a veil ol'obliv-
ion over the uvt a 'red pminiccs.
M'.'h'l llV ' in; AMI.;;i''.v nil
!T.. vi:i:.
fl." Ir.ili;,!,! .-UVer ,.rf
di . the Amei iraii ( he-'s
tin;.' I'.iul Mm
plav or, is now
Wat. he 1 wit h ea IH-.S In- I h
win Id. He i, ni.ikiiio the tour of
lur tie- p'ir;io-i. ir,' eheoanteriiiL' tl
e in
- -. -1 . -1 . i . t . rl ,!,.- p.,, ,,f ,, nations, an, I
it i- in .-t eoiilidently helievod I hat Iki will
U"t liud ho . ti.i I . ile i , vet ji oimg
lliall, h.l ill.", heeli Inrlnill Now Oi l.'.llis,
line .. -l-i. 1 o . Hi, father wii-a .linL'e
of the Supi (.'oiirt of Louisiana,
Ins lumber was a freie-ii (,Yooe lady. Mr.
Moi'l'hv i about live feet t hree 'inches
high and ol very slender figure, with dai k
lain and i ye-. He graduated at St. .lo
" ii'- college, Mobil.., in s:,., 1,.IS
sine.., b.-cn engaged in iho study of law.
lie learned cho.-- of his father iit the ii'e
' I ' " i . ; i 1 1 t he is now di.stin.i.'ui-lied aboy e
all liviiii players by the rapidity and
doplh of hi couibmal ion, by llie mien uig
j a.joiirao.y i
kl'iow ledg
his liieiii'ii'V, by hi.-, thoi aigh
of the the.O'V f'i' thu g.i-.r
i-edin hooks, hy p.rfct f If po,- j
ision. nn
oi'ii'i ins uiiv ar niii o 1 0 1 s-uuioiis
c'liirii.-y to hi- opponents. A: a
! lv age young i'aui had ljlncd oi
r ear
' hull
drcd gam, - y, l; j,
iiiaiiy with a Mr
the g ones toward
nv.l at' nit a-
s eae, nliiiost all
1 1.1- t beillg W Oil b
lit. Whilst -I,!' a
their -. oullil'ul
liiere t.oV, 1.0 I'laM d tlHI'tV ".one- v., in
Janu s M l,' 'iiiiell, winning all bio ,,i.e:
' and mi the I'li'd and -Olh of May, !..
I not yet thll'leeu veal's el age, i lie in ".'i
leii'u lb,- eelil.r.ued Ifniigai iai' I!
1 r
' I.,, '.' h-ib"! 1 ! eiiie. ho
lio -,'ue- in- i -u : owing ,, .Mi'.l, i v
1 1 ! 1 1 i i '
'.uideir.itdii' hi- oUng ant g uii-t -I.Moipiiy
Lowcnt'aal U drawn 1.
it is lot. i.iiijii- so .-upjio.-e that the do. ire
to wipe out thi- had ."Cnetl, ill g to
w it h
lb -rr I. ii''
ait ,
did i,'!"!' in a in itch now pend-
Mr. M ; pli lir-.t bccaiic t.) tie
I'.ibl,,' by hi -ace, -.--os id tie- Aiiicticui '
eh.- - Ji','-- ill New York l.i-l fall. Tie- :
-eb-hri'i' 1 i Live,'. I'aiil-en. g r.e it 11- hi. '
,, i'i, led opinion (hut In- would vanipiii-ii
nil eoinp. tu"f.- : and be Ire.i'l-iitly -..' :
le-s,'i h.s l.eli.-i, Mlliin.e the oligl..' ,
that i-1 1 ' i i i ' 1 1 lM(a,iiy vi-it liuropo, lie I
would piovehis niporiori'v oier every li
ving j-layer. Mr. Paulsen's admiration i
lor the y-'iing Loiii-ianian was .s,, gii at
licit l llelli'l'ei' the bitti-l- lens ieoi i,i.,l in -l 1
game li.- could not be lured from watching
hitn. Put it is not merely over the board
th it Paul Murphy exerts his powers. As
u blindfold lilavor, no one ever before sue-
iceeded m conducting eight gauies. ivilli
i he oxeetitioii of Paulsen, ami he has fro-
; queiit iy stated in New York that he felt
; sati-lied that Mo-phy could play as nj.iny
-:ll,i,,s blin-elt. I tie latter is coiisider-
...I.I.. ...... I.K. ..!,'. 1.I...1 .1 It.. ..I ..
"'""I'-i ..ioi,ii.iio.-.i man iiuil-eii
ni'l so nie of hi.s battles are sur. rising ex
iiii,)es ol brilliant s'rategy.
In June Mr. Morohv sailed for Europe,
I w
lelc be has play oil with ten of the be-1
liug!i-li 'ie-s-pla ers. winning seventy
five gaui.-s and lo.-mg but f.iiirteen. Ill
li'slir l play witii Hai '.vit,',. the great I'ari--i.m.
In- ".a- beaten, but at ihe 'a-t ac
c rants he h id turned the lid,- . if bat i le in
his favm- im the ehrss-bijitrd. and tlieie
rem lined only one game out of seven to
vie. 'ide the- ell.impiondlip between Har
witz and himself lor Jot) francs a side.--Hal'
is ai.itolcthe be-t i-l-.yer in
Km") " ami is employed by the invni'r.s of
the t a!'e do la liegeiice to ,lay there
agiiinst chaileligei s. A lelier from Pa
ris states ibm young Morphy is treated in
Paris with t Ii- gi'.-ale.-t disiiuetion. and I he
great s, tilptor Leijiii'-uo ha- asked hie. to
-il l''l' a bu-t, aii'l he has already had one
si tiu :. lb-dines with tin- Royal lliuli-i.e--
lie- 1 hike of lb iinswioi on Sundays.
The oilier nii'ii'. at. the theatre rY.un.ii-,
.'I no and looked at
j him " ' 'O perleet 1 V um.oii.-. i
u - oi it mild
Ki'ery body
and the old
'l .niiai - tl'eal
Alter tiui h
M". Morphv
li was
pointed out
to bun.
to him,
if La',,,11
seek- illtiodlletiolts
play --I's of in.- t i:i;o
him with great rev
il! : hi m:i
will proee,
i wit
1 1 irwit, '
to 1'., rim au I 1'; I'
ll, Lang" nud Ma , i t,
Laa-, are at pr ul
1.1 '. I lo h.fft Ale
who. wii ii 'nii
th" giva: eiou
i nl man
A !',
r .1 '
II--1 lil 1,1 V I
A ere ill llie
to hu, it s.,
-.! ' '" ' " i ut
T'.VO (log- in New
ictiee of er-ing "id I i
els ol; the iii'.ini'.i ! i.-.
'.--,.il of L'.'tMf, :'.( hi-
f-l Hi i '.V ,-, il tlVl I ":
lid ll' t cMl'ie.'lte I
il in 1 1, is -M mil ir :i
' W ilit'll ti'lie I'i - ...
Wa:. ii--loi thi- '
ks. Iroin .', h: h
liui-.-lf. lb- :. -
lor ligl.i d.iy-,
- ,, 1..;, . d him
' lis iii- ll.'lllle
1 -le ia real 11 11
every h 'lie and
alel up
1.,' hull-ell "lib
'V .1- ol -i'i", erl to W hi
if all
O ' 1 - 1 1 1 O - . He ivoll 111 n !e
l it "f l:i"iit ho 1 Ull'.i liicl.
1 ill' l-.lo, ill1 I'll. It -el V lllg I
or hi
i 1 1 i"
d' h
r-i" -1 lit I- 1 1 ll"l die
: V e.i! oft. I 1,, tie
no. .tii-1 by -ig.'is end":, . I-. 1 ,!!".' him. At
I' b, .'.IP t '. 1. -t!' ( t ie eolp
r lll'l O i' "i
' '.'.' .1 lo ii
- i ll.-t li Co
P.. i-l-dog.
Irluet of the
"W itch ib.
1-': ' r,e ,
iiiui. 1 ai,.-
,1- to al'u .-t
lll hi
OV win-!" porii
1.1 : 11 -g to und
ii:. 1 with so much 1
I. II'
Lim do'v n. and bv oth-
or -iL'li- iii'lil'-e 1 him to follow bin), and
0 inducted him to his imprisoned compan
ion. I m; poor dog wii- louud to have
feied gieitly. In addition to his I
nearly served, in his ell',,rt- !. c.xtri
hiin-elf he had worn ihe skin hum
nook and sli tnlders. Tragmi-nts i,'
K u .. I.I..I. W.....1. 1.... o. hi .
lay around.
W.. Most females will forgive a Td-t-i-ly
rather thnn a flight. Jf any unman wen
to luive a man indnted lor sleHlmc her
jneture, although it worn sft 111 R0''', 11
would beaneiT cna in law: but if he
carried off the get ting and lelt the portrait
then, would bo no mercy lor him.
J-i'-An Englishman's liiiich--A ' " of
,mii' six heggs, and miai I "I lnl7-
' ' I I - 0
Ti i: k r - ii M rie M "ti it.- -lio
ha-- reeenlly l iiilili-.lii.-i i
, lloni be
j a work giving
ai-otind Si hi, dm
"Adventuii-s in and
-ays that when there
; she I .ec.vne lmii li
interested m a voitng
I 1' I'e 1 1 1 . i
, . ...
Li'Iv. who, in giving nn in-eount of
" 'the fall.
ii tortuii'.-s ot her lauiilv. iiNo h--
lioiible. Mrs. Itol nsbv sOVs :
" I L mi III- Ilia
reui,irl..'iiiv i"
il her voini': brother, who js
lookii,.', and -howod a
great latent for inusii
v as sent to Vicuna
i ' -
i s lor hi- education.
i u;a ,.: !..,. ..I..,..,.., : ,i i. i. . .
on 'i,i mi n 'i . v.- pi (ii ii i u i ? i ii - iii j.-1 1 1 nun, ii in
I hero ; uiid Ijeiiig s i poor; and the Sultan
1 having set I be fashion of Turkish ladies
I earning nni-ie, he now gives lessons to
!the wives and daughter-, of l'achiis
inn the Ho-phonis. lie is married, f'feHtly
. attaclii-l to bis wife, and has two pretty
jehil bin: added to thi-.. In- Is a grave, shy
! young man. Well Dlnulu's trouble for
i her brother ivhs this,: lie kucs uuirtlv in
l ihe moi hhig to give his
lesson, i orliap:
there at u tvv.j or tb'.'t-i Tidies in tin-
room vvi-.tch he n-a u.-heiecl bv the-
mt'. 'The lfisson bfnins.' fiav?
j . . . . .1.11
r 1liieiil ill a llie:. 11 i nun
voico, 'and thev
are generally lather stupid, Tho men
who guard theiu soon grow tired of look
in.:: on and -troll to lien pipes. 'They arc
hardly outside tie.-d.. en- when down goc-
t he yn-h:i'..ik of fthe ladies. She i ;
very pretty . but cry tiresome; my broth
i-r is a raid t,, iook id her. What should
In. .I . f lie Pacini w..-re .suddenly to re
t i, n . .r one ,,f the slaves to enter and re
poi-t thi-.; him! So he turns his bead
aw iv .. :-i i nes io induce her to go on with
tlieb -, ir Would Vuil believe it, says
lhiii ' .. - tiil m ire iinligiiantly, 'the other
lav she . -ok holt of his chin, and turning
hi- luce, to h.-r-, said laughing. 'Why
don't yn:i look at me, you pig'' ' Winn
...n'n i-rnther do? the l'jcha vvould
il- V,'.' I eileve th.,l it js not his fault.-
S .'iretim.-' ot... of theiu will eivp undo,
iii-; j.i.iii'i loi te, and put her finger int
in- -hoe and tir-kle his loot. Yesterday
the. ,-iippe,.l I'.v'o j.eai lu-s in)., his pocket,
lied l,p ill mu-liii with biu.- liliisiin, elap
ping : li'-ir ban I, and laughing when h
I'.'iiid it out. You l.n.iv, vthat thn-i
pea- lies liic.ih .' fhev "iiicai, his-," jsaii i
I'midil, i.'iloi ing, find it made my lil'OlJu .
so nervous, lor tho men w.-ie in the outei
i-i. om. mid might have h-ili' l all about it
lie would be lorry tobavethein piunished,
yet they make his life, miserable. Thai
pretty one n the worst ol all. she is ho da
ring. I visit al the. liaroin, and went with
my brother one morning. K now iiigtliem
so well, I took him in at the garden en
trance, the way I always go myself. Wo
heard somebody laugh aloud, merry laugl.
and -oh what u fright I was in there hln
w as, up in a poac.n tree. My brother tun:
ed his head away, and walked on very fast.
she pelted p. aches at him, then got out i t
the tree, and would linve run after him, i
I had not stopped her. And hero pooi ,
lhudu fiirlv cried. 'What can mv broth
.rd',7" P. V VAItli I Al lull AS V PllIMIIt. 'Hie ft I'
tor ol thol'lyiiMiith (111. i Locomotive wb ,
Wii a printer in the. -nine otlieo where Hay
n r 1 Taylor "served his time," tolls soic
i i . tei e-ling rctiiiiiiseci.. i-s of the great tra .
oi. r :
We :
t. rm "
well ;,
olli oil
the hull'"!' to SUcci-ed him ill Oh.
i "d. ilship" in the Village Room
Wostehes t.'i-, Chester oo., Pa. Yi
mi mbi r the time w hen iie starta
his lii-.t "trump," wilh his sma
l chaiu'e or two of Hi
en, and v p h fifty cents in capital. T!
apl rentices in thos,,. days l,.l (o carry tl
j'upeis llirough t he ei.uiitiy on lirtixelnic:
and mil' route was ju-t past hi- faiho
house. We do not know of
a single tun
through rain or shine, that old Mr. Tav,
did not meet us i't the end of the Ial:
with a happy smile, wishim: us good da
and a- we would hand him the Weikt
lb.. -nl, he would loin. irk. "a lair c.
hang i- no i, ibbirv." filling one -ide
,-iur .-iiddl.'bags!
gr 'pes. le wa-
with nice apples ai
a member of the Socio
offlielld-. With
ily ai'eiiiid him In
'.b' lie ll-ed f
l'avn;.', and snid.
his little fu' lil and fat
was a happy man i:
ili'iiiilf anxiously nfp
be l.ked t,
le- was
kin-ty ile
i rambb- .
hot steii'
n that I
he great,
I'ie.l coll
r a
.lid !
1 Pi
,ild I
o much
id. the
em day
y .Uvtod a- i
iall th :l A',:,
Tin iiin. vi Waii. o 1 ins v--I ho vv,
whir-h separates China I'rom I'lntnry h
been built full IS. (Mill y ears, llh'i i-Sll)il
(o be upwanls of 1,-Jiid milo- in length :
its height varies according to the ciroii,,
stance.-of ill" surface. It i- upwards"
loci, high, ami about -1 broad. Tl
loini'lation i- laid 011 broad sipiare stom-tie-
stiporstni'-tin c is brick : the centre
a kind olTii'trtar cov ered w ith ling stole
A parapet of no ordinary -treiigth run- 1
1 i' h si'l" of an embattled nail. It
I oi, -'ul"" that this iinin, n., fabiie cove:
lb" -vi-lr-t river. 1 u an il"--of proportioi
ile .-ize. or, in the r.uue form coiini'i'
II 1. tains together. occ,i-i, n -ill v- n-eciii'
ing the higle st hill
ihe de pc-i va!" , tl
of iill iiiinat inn will I
this elVort of man.
r fi.-eendipg m:
hi"'-! aetiv e .owe,
reouii-ed t" loah
every nl'l.ilioi
however, the pa-sage a
uninterrupted : and it "
r, ia l fr .'U "he end of t h
oth'-r. At proper int
ing i( i- 111-v an
rv e- iis a inilitni
kingdom 'o tl:
rvals liiere ai.
-ti'.'.iig tow-oii placed, from w henoe signa '
lire repeat" I. and an ahum in.iv he 00m
III llll lea'"' 1 lo th" lice t di-talit pal ts of tl 1
cmppe, wi'h the c.vpi-ditiiiii 'f a tef
IiMi is Till: 111 ,-T. A fl icml of ol.l.s W.i .
travelling lately, while afflicted with a v
ry bul cough. IL- intvwod his ft-1 ' tiav
oilers greatly, till one of them remai keil
in n tone of displeasure :
"Sir, that is a very bad -ough of oui -. "
"Tru-j, sir," r-pled our frii ivl, "but yo i
'i ill e .-il n m- 1' l),C best I 'v c got,"
I Ti.