Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 06, 1858, Image 4

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    llbtll.i iitons.
Nrw I iIUImisIm Movrmrtit
hi th h-w ..ik tl-il l. r.plMnb.r ?l
The Memm-hip tm "I 111" Vle-I '
fn. in tli to I nil. imIM'I.i.v lr .Vplliw
Among b t 'H!-i')"'l" were '
Ill'lol II'
li.itu ..Ho i suit' sdmii
lllll'i Veil Nail
It i- Mvr tt-t ( l tli'" Iisl.ird (M iille
Hurt ntvivd yrsteirny limming, about
liiiio n'vlrwk, ii notice fvnm (inn ial Wulk
vr to be ready lir h start, without intima
ting his destination. At hull J -Ji.-t one
o'clock 11 caiitiige drove iii to tin' St.
John' Hotel, till- residence of ('(iliilicl
Natrriir-r. i-onlniliiiig tin' "grey -eyed man
of destiny, " mid tiny quit-lly departed I'm
the steamship pier. Their d.-pai tine was
'known only ton few friend?.. Mr. Mtie
donuld and a few California fiiiinls gave
litem a last farewell lis the steam-hip eie-t
-off from the pier. Colonel fluids mid Mr.
Filgerald, nettils for While's I 'mml Com
pany, nl.-o lett I'll the Stiif nl the YVc.-t
The preparatory plan of lillihllslcr lUove
Vnont is understood to he somewhat a fol
lows : fJenernl Walker will remain at
rnnanift Until the arnvn! lit that t.oi tot
the ete.ini.shin Hermann, with a
of fillibuslers, said to liave lieen taken out
l.y her. The Hermann, as i well known,
carried out ft large ouantity of ifovu-ioiis,
including, it is Mii'i, mhuo heavy l o.e!
It is reported that Walker will not polo
Nirarnpua hy way (if San Inaii del Stir, noi
by Iiealejo, (is his enil'arkai ion miht po.'
sihly be impeded by the Aniei iean or I'.i il
ish VPsneln of war ; but he i." to land at a
email port nlmut fifteen miles south ot lie
nlejo, from which it passable cart road
lends to Leon.
Aecordinj.' to btatemetns of lillibu.-teis
here, the small steamers of the 'anal t.'oni
pnny which sailed n Kw davs since, have
taken out some, cannons, rifles and amuni
tion to San Juan del Norlo. If there
shouhl happen to lie no men of war there
when they nnive, they will discharge
their cargoes and proceed up the river.
Should they meet with interuption, how
ever, they will take the route pursued by
Col. Anderson up the. Colorado river
An Awkward Archdeacon.
- ' Agent on the receipt of the box of M.edi-
Somc little timo since, a small boy, of j , j,l0) ami ()l0 i.alance .li at the expiration
ten or eleven years of age, might have been i of the month, if the batinit be cured or is
seen driving a donkey before him in one e,,tirelv satisfied with the treatment. Pil
ot" the wild lanes in nii'Jland county. ; tients.'bv giving n full historv of their
n theback of the donkey tv;u a sack of i ,.us(,i n(j tl0i,. svmptonis in fu'll, can bo
coals on its way to a neighboring village, ; treated as well by letter as bv personal e.
in which the lad's parents lived, l or a animation. Patients availing themselves
wnile all went on Happily ami smoothly. ;
I UO UOIIKCy pio,-n 111, ,I
iitsia.- a l. sin i i.i-
1.1 .! ..ll 1. .1. I
, '"' , ' ""'. " , ,M.'b' ,
do, anil the hoy, running liy his sule, ei-,
ther "whistled as he went from want ol
thought," or neither w histled northought.
liul (his lair state ol things was nresentlv
aismrnert. J lie rlonkey took Inglit at
something or nothing, and the bag fell to
the ground. Jferi ti'M a dilemma The
flonkry ws still tbeif, nnd the bov was
ithere. fi4 the eoaU were there: but then
ithe weight of the latter was beyond the
strength of the lad. He could nut lift the
bag to replace it in its original position.
There was no help for it but to wait until
some other traveller should arrive and as
sist him out of his difficulties. This might
notliappen for hours in that desolate part
of tho country, ft by-Ltne little travelled
but it was the only chance.
At last, however, a liors.-ms.ii Wined in
the distance, and apprwohed the spot It
was the venerable I'r. Bigwigs, Archdea
con of Gmndjiirs, who, mounted on his
sliy-k nnd well-groomed cub, was taking an
appetizing l'ide. The boy did not know the
church dicnitarv. His onlv feeling, tlieio-.
fore, was one of joy, unmixed nith a single
particle of awe, a six foot of a man coining,!,,,
Who, to his unsophisticated eyes, looketl, .
from ft full measure of brawn nnd sinew, to ;
1:C 1,: 1..... ..V. .... .1 ......I :,.... I. :. '
ut. iipu "iigoi coais uiiu rejiiiii u uvu ins .
ilonkey'g huck. .rn aum y, .1 aier urusu. i.y:T,eps.a, 4 j At the houso of R, W. Mooro for tho township ne appeared restorer.! to perfect liouitu. j.,.nr tllk ,,iH.tlil, f inf,,V,i,,- their friend-
Neither was our J OUIlg gentleman re-1 m,'n '' T1fT.V,Ii:'Vmf .,''!ttr chara'tcr- ! r f uion. I( ' "7 '' sine e he used your invalua. , a ,h0 public thnt they are still prepared to ac'-
inwkftble Tor politeness of inanner or cotir-1 ,. . I"" "tSTORAII', jj TROCHES are ; At the houso of Andrew Cross for tho township bl 1 looJ Marcher, and I an. perlectly snli-li- eo.niuodalo tliem if favored with n call.
ICy Of speech. When, therefore, the 1 llT Cuu'-e' '''"eful ii.Huenees, of Hoggs. lli1" ."?.d h.,I5 om an unmnely grave. I Hn, ing the summer months ihe house hn. been
-encrnble archdeacon reached Ihe sv,! , ? rr0veJ fo'I'loly ruecessful in a n.ul-1 At the Turkey Hill school house for tho town-, now. un '"ting y.recom.uond it to all who may thoroughly renovated, improvement, made and
T.r. ,, m , 1 I? 1 1 ? . V 1,0 muJ ufcs". l wherever used, lleing harm-, ship uf Knux. 10 '"y 'uf.'l, and deem it no mure than otll,.r exU.ll?ivc ..r.,ti 1S contemplation
was uttollj astonishc. ami elccllllt.Ml at less in themselves they exert a beneficial effect' At the house of Jacob llubler for the township J"5tlt' ,0 hear t1"" T''lic testimony to its vir- ce nrc determined to devote our whole iitt-n-bOing
thus hulled l.y tlio dlk rwrwl dull kt-y ! upon th. entire nyMem, retriiiir the Tauil whlrh . ' Uwham. ('',, . ! ti"" business nnd flatter ourselves with the
""J! . ,
llolki.i, thee blgtellow, I wish thee list
iiet offtllV 'OSS and L'ive us 11 lift with tliis
'ere. bag of coals-"
Here was n salutation even from 11 fellow
rreaturo in distresa. Tho Archdeacon had
"been accustomed for years to give the long
est of charges to his brother clergy. Hut
ihe never had so short and abrupt a charge
.addressed to himself before. Ilnw would
lie lake it f What would ho do Would
he play the priest or the Lcvito mid pass 1
nnl No! by the milk of human kindnesaj
the lingering in his breast, the spirit l the
good Samaritan rises within him, and he,;
Ir. lu'gwigs, the venerable Archdeacon of'i
Orandairs, dismounts fvoni his sleek and
well-groomed cob lo render the required I
help and il. Then to do il they went!
liammer and tongs, the boy and the Arch-!
deacon, and after mueh tiigingnnd uilling;
:and tumbling it about, at length, belli of
them fairly out of breath, they succeed in j
replacing the sack on tho donkey's back.,
Bf the Archdeacon had been astonished bv !
his juvenile friend s application to lum 111
its original form for help, he was dooutel
to be moreso by the outpotiringof his grut-j
itude when the work whs duii6.
"Well," exchiimed the young hopeful,
in Ihe warmth of his heart, "lor such a big
chap, as thee art, thee s the awkwardest
.ut a bag o' coals 1 ever seed in my life."
And so they parted. And so tlie Arch
deacon told tlie tale himself, adding, with
.a laugh, "My white lie wan soiled, and
tny lavender-colored kid gloves were dyed
black ; but then I made acquaintance
with another feature of human nature,
and what is somthing, got a good appetite
for assaulting a good dinner, nn-.l, what is
most of all had the shine taken out of my
conceit, by learning that I was the awk
wardest chap nt a bag of coals thnt was
ever seen. Well' well, Porta tnnxeitur, nnn
fit. and so of the coal-heavers. Hut 1 did
my best as an amateur und volunteer, nl- i
though I am tho awkwardest of all awk-.
ward chaps at such work. Tho boy's crit-1
icism was as good as a sermon or as one ot
, . ,, , , ,
my own charges to ine. And so ends our
ttory of i.n awkward archdeaoon and it is
true (0 th6 Try letter, Lirtrywl Album.
jtSTTrentico of the iAittisvillo .Tornali
.thus hits the present fashion of low neck
.dresses. He say.; "It i, supposed that
.,v.U ,1,1 not wear drones. I ,r taMnn.
.. , i- i ;
able ladies are getting more and more an-!
Cghc every year."
, : i i ... i7T. i ,,
t " ' "v..r.i..,-,.vi in mi .
climatei without a single temple, and by '
fill cIds"- without a inle hypocrile. '
1 in:
.1, lines M. .I.invll, !
mill li fol Urn I'iMl rll-'lt T'l Willi'
..I.O.mi.ii, l l-ji.c...... ami . v-m , ,r-n v .i.i y ti"" o "',
' 1 "'"''
INiliiionary Ctoiwiimplinii, jr
nvnlk.,1 ..m.r.M.i.l.-.i .-ml ..Iv.hIiim "f i,..l i
! f t It'Miin li imt n ill I If I'V n juTlcrl
f v.-ti'iii nr
hat rimlileil m to rriv nt ili'il-iv, ilirecl
,iinl ucciiiriil ciuirhO nl Hi'iiliiiont fur tin)
tiv. nii'l nnlii nl cure nf nil ilinaica uf tlio
lly inlialiilion th mrntivi rlTli"i nf niivli.
I'incs are dirorlly aililri's.-inl In ilia li.i n'il nr
Hun nml llio iiil' siniifiit, I cln nnt mlvisx tlie
iifi l .Mi'iliml liiliiiliilinii nl ii nv kiml, tu ill" fx
clufiiiii f (iKXKliAi. tkkatvknt; nml iillhimli I
I'l.iuiikr it a UM'fiil inljiiviiiit in (lie rii)iir iiiiin
:i"fiit(Mil if lliien' tt'iirlul nn'l ullfii fntnl l I ,
vi'l 1 iliM'm it vi'i v in liMir)' llml rni'h nilii'n( j
r I lit have lln lii'iiclll "I Imtli liKNniAt. nnil ln-
ciil tii'iitim nl. The siiiti'im nf my trciitini'iil it I
dip nlmvo ilii'iiM'., nml tliv hiu'li clinrm tiT nl :
(lie In.-tiliiliiiii over wliiuli I linve m Icmg linil I
the Iniunr lo i'i'siilii, nro too well known to ihm iI
m,y euliipy or roinmenc Irom nir. At the a..ii.-i.
tm.un of ...any ,nvato una inmun,
: " . . ' . , ' .,' .i ,.,ir tiea to Kive publie notiro of each eleetion, Hie ternal, nml the latter nil external irrupmo ...
l.y bu, be. .. Inn;, h n rally ur or e , , , , f K I n M )(, mwM by , ma.
I"r,'1"" '""'"'" .'',"V, C i I , V ;io.Ui,l; 'jHKHKroiiK, J. JOtilAU H. REED, Imlies the blond in to bo congi.lateil, or of
in V exi'i't ii'iire nml treatment within the roach of
nil, mid not eimlino mysell lis herelnlnie, to
tlin.-o only w ho enterinl tho Infirmary, or w ho
were ublo to visit me nl my odiee. Ilnping,, that the arrangement will givo entire
satisfaction, both to my professional brethren
mid the public, 1 would respectfully niiaoniiee in
eoiielnsioa, that nm low bt romnUnl y r.iiii
lyor ly letter, on nil diseases ns above .nnd that tho
uivdieiaes, tho (iiiim its used in the Institution,
tire prepared to suit each individual en.-o,
Inliiilin Vnpors, Medical
inrii a r i.i ii ii
1 1 V 11 XX. LiL'j
Ac. 'c., will bo forwarded bv express to any 1
part of the United States or tl.c Cnnadas.
I ; li M S :
My terms of treatment by letter are as
follows viz : SI-per month for each pa
tient, which will include medicine, sulli.
'cietit for one month's use; also inhaling
vapor, and nn Inhaling Apparatus. Pay.
incut as follows: SMito be paid to Kxpi'ess
0f p,.. Jarrett's trcjitinent inav relv on im-
niediate nnd iiermanent he scliloiu i
, . . . ' , . -
'"s to treat a caso over tinny iays. i.ei-
t).,.s f,,,. advice promptly ntiswered. For
further particulars address .
v,, H''(l Itrimrlmtu -nr Tin It'll, Si V 1'
p. p. 1'by-ieians and thcrs visiting tho city
nro respectfully invited to call nt the Infirmary,
where many iaeresting ease enn bo witnessed,
wucr ""r '""'"' Apfutrutm for tho mini
la' "n uf medicated vnporcna bo seen nnd inspect
, ed.
Important to
The Great .nil&titutt jr Trlnircn,
It is a well known and incontrovertible fact
thai tho use of Tobacco is the promoting cause of
ninny of tho most severe MEXTALAX1) l'HYS-.
ICAL DlaOIthEKS to which tho raco of man is
subject, as car ul analysi and long und painful
experi nee have clearly proven that it contains
eertain narcotic nnd poisonou properties moat
. ?, '!a .'" tn0lr e ll,et- nlc" b "'"tonng into
tllO UlUOd di'l'lilirritft tlm funnftnnti nnd iiitpriitinns !
I a.f tlm l.m.a.t n..u;n.. .A '
1,. r!....i .1; .....i " 1
TORACCO affects also the entire nervous sys-
tern, muuifesling itself as all who have ueed the
m.v ............. I . Ill I.... t
. ... un, ,einiiuiiy 111 iBssuuue,
has become vitiated or destroyed by great indul-i
genee, completoly renioving the irritation and
necoiiipanyinc tickling sensation uf tho Throne
which aro always consequent upon the abstaininy
Irom the use uf Tobacco, and by giving a health
tone to tho stomach invigorate tho whole system
Persons who uro undorin inin"
their constitutions nnd shortening their lives,
should use these Troches immediately and throw
off tho injurious; and unpleasant habit of Tobac-'
eo chewing, '
These Troches nr Lozenges nro put up in a
convenient and portable form at the low price of
bO cents per box. A liberal discnunt to the trade. I
Prepared solely by the underfilled lo whom
all orders should be addressed.
JAMBS E. DOWERS, Druggist.
Cor. 2d and Race streets, Phila.
April 16, I Sit. ly.
A. i i . C. B H OCK KN,
Class Syringes, Ilouurpn-
tlnc Vinls,
tilass Varo for Chemist, Druggists, Perfumers,
Ihotornplier, etc.
Hrecn Glnss Va liv tlio Pnrlr
iUItL" U,dSS Vart 1,10 1 acK"
A Liberal liscotuit made to tho Trade.
.7T-0rders from Country Druggists and Dea
lers soli cited.
J: T" Price Lists sent on application.
August 4, ISiS. ,)iu.
Dealers in
IVTHOLESALE and Retail, at prices to suit
t T nil. can bo found at their new Boot 4 Shoe
slore, No. R44 North Second St., a few doors be
low the Illnck Horso Hotel, Phila.
jp-We try to iilenso nnd sell cheap. Notice
to country merchant. Constantly on hnnd a
large assortment of Men and Boys' Boots, Gaiters
and Brognns, coarse and fine ; also, Wr-men's A
lissos' Lace Hoots, (I tutors, Slippers, Ae., and a
.-..11 antnttA.! at....!. ..f l. . . .. J .
. .. 1. 1 w., .i". n ... vuii.p 1 v 11 iiurea wear
generally. We would respectfully invito you to
call and examine for yourselves,
X. 11. Trunks manufactured and for snle whole-
sale and retail at No. 341 North Second st,
April 17, 185S. 3m.
rr" rr : . .-- r.
V . ' Vr. '"bT . i
. n,m'"' ?nrm' "
woisM inisria the pniilio that he is prepared tn
do work in the above line, from plain C
tl 0f nny description in a workmanlike manner
li i..rn. ,k. 1.. 1 . .
" ui v.enrnein
whl'owaslung and repnirisg done in a neat
manner and on reasonable terms,
EOWIV Ciiiiprh
' lenrfield, ril 17, lst. ly.
nil am i-x m i n a 1 1 n h ni
l-ahehl n Ml I" M
I t I hiumihiIIc i"l I'lk". at I'm wen IHe
i n h- ii'inl" r I Hli. Ilili. nml I !.
I r anl I iili.n. Hi l,nlln't burg "H
fia..mipf I'll)., I7lli, (ili'l llh.
1 , I I I .. v.- I..
rlir cell, liillieM'i. ami ' ih-.i, m ... - . -
!.,.,,,, Jordan and Wood waul, .1
, , J.l,., 2,, ami JMh.
i'r rimilii'l.l, llo.-hcn nml l.aurrtiea, nl
" t " ' ,,,. ,,,, , I.,,,!,.,,,, nt U,. 1
,m, n Ort'iluT llli. atli nml "
! . I .... nl Mi... In K i.ll
. . ... i ...I.
IMII..T , 111, rill mill I'lll. . '
Ti.r l'o Inut'iii, (1 rnnl a ml harllinii, at ""' .
Ilal.1 Hill. m. M,.l,,r 1 1th, 12.1, nml ! ' 1 r'!" "f h ''' h,"""
F,,r llu,.n ami K,.x. at lli.knry Kingiliim , I". " In an
n iMi.lirr20llinml2l.-t. llllltll'C MillC Ol I IIC
The liiftilulfi. will bo oponoil i.n the first diiy W5lWj T
nt It o'clmk, A. M. will bo il.'livcr.ia flUt'WIli
on H e Milijeet uf ciliicnliiin in the evenings The An, for instiiiioe, in the lmiK cutiilgn, mc-li n
puhlir nre inviteJ to ..itteml. Kxaininutin nt Scrofulil , Tft (Cr, "JJarbcr'r! Itcll,"
cull l.luce on tho lnt iln.v. Teneherii iifjjlei-tns . . . . , f 1 1
to nlleml the pul.lio exnminntion.H will not be en- I'llllJllCS, IjlOtCllOS, hrySipt'lUfc, UJ
titlcl liMilirivuto x,u,i..,.ti..: Hue .. h,.ol Un j Sillt-KllCUIl), DiscliaCS
for IS 17, M, noctiun 1..S. ' ' ri.
a.i. 2.t, i s;.H. i,. i. t-tiLh, Co. snpt. from the hiir, 1' ever koics, or ir
7 i x i-i i iXi", ixkc ' i t o x i-HotiX 1 1 uptive Diseases of any kind.
'j .MATIOX. Wheroiiii, l.y linnet, of tho 'J'hene nro nfecrtainoil l.y woll known meilunl
Ci neral .IiimiiiiIiIv of the t omuionwenltli ot 1
, . . . . , ;.llnllluliwel.ith. j
j( u cnji(ii(lil ()h )lH Slcr.n. tll(, tvvernl cimn. ;
llieh Sberilf o ' t'loni tield rountv. io linrtliu aire ,
piMie m.tier to tho Kleelors of tlin county of
Clearfield, Hint a UliXKKAl, KLKCTTOX will be
huld on tho Srrnnd Tii'H'o.v nf)tlnher urxl, (be-
the TWUl, Fill day of tho month,) nt tho
uveral election districts in eni'l county, ut which
inie mid pluce the pialilled voters will vote
l"or One person for Supreme Judge of tlio C'otn
inoiiwenlth ;
For One person for Canal Commissioner of tho
Cuiinnonweahh ;
For Une person to rc resent tho coutitiesof Clear
field, Clarion, Elk, Forest, Jefferson, Me
Keuu, oiimi"o, nml II nrren in mo
of Helireseatntives of tho United Stale ;
1'or Two persons to represent tho counties of
Clearheld, F.Ik, Jctl'eisoii und McKean in tho
lliniso uf Iteiiresentnlives of tats Common
wealth. For One person for tho office, of District Attorney
ol Clcnrlield coiintv.
Fur One persju fur the office of Sheriff uf Cloar- :
field county. ,
i'rr One person tor tho office uf Commissioner of .
Clearfield county.
F'or One person for the oflieo of Coroner of Clenr
lieid ootinty.
F'or Ono perou for tho office of Auditor of Clear
tielil count v. '
Tho ULKCTOIlS of the County of Clcnrlield i
will TAKli NOTU'K that the eaid Uenorol Kleo
tioii will bo held nt the following places:
At the Court House in the Uot otigh of C lear-;
field for hawrence tou nship.
At tlie bouse of William Hoover fur the town
ship uf 1 null o ..I
, i ..r i. i... i:.... r... ,..ntl.ii .f i
...v c. v.
Al Hie house of Samuel M. fuiitii for the Ujwu-j
ship of Ileceuriu.
.4t tho hoiiso of Isaac llloom jr. in tho Buro' of
vurwcusmiu iui i ii iunuiui. '
At tho house of acob Jluurer for the township
of Covington. I
Al the house former' occupied by Woi. C. ro-1
of !c".n- ... t.. . i . I
Aimo i nooi House noitr rimuu ivornuuuu b
for tlio tovvntliip of Chest
I At Congress Hill school house for tlio township
of liirurd.
At the house formerly occupied by Thuuian Ky-
i..r i..r M.,rri. i,.,.,.Im.,
li il... I.. ...... ,.f V,.un.r r..r ( , (nwnlii,.
of liuriuido. i
At the house of Asaph Ellis for tho township 1
'..riL.ii '
it the school homo in Ansouvillo fur the '
township of Jordan. i
At tho house of , Wilson for tlio township !
of Huston
At the houso cf Thomas 1!. Davis fur tso towu-
ship uf Fergusun.
At tho houso of John I. Uundy fur tho township
of fox
At thn lumen nf .Tnim Wli i ruatiiln for thn Invrii.
t.:K r ii' . i i
i, .1. i.u ...1 11 tr... I
ham for the township ufdoshen. 1
At the house uf 15. 1, !!"" i Co. for tho town-1
.1.:.. . r I.-. ." I
sUJu ,.. anuiius.
At tho house of Isaac ll.ooui jr. fur the Itoro
ul 1 urwensvuio.
Al ,ho I"'1'110 "cuoul UOUf0 for 1118 Dor""!;" uf
Lumber City.
At the Court House fur tho DorougQ uf Clear
Hint all persons, except Justices of tho Peace,
w ho shall hold any office or appointment of trust
"""lor the tioveruiueut of the I'njted States or of
this State, or of any incorporated district, wiicth-
or a commissioned officer o- otherwise, a subor
filiate officer or agent, who la or shall be employ.
e uui,er the Legislative, Executive, or Judicial
Departments of this State or of the United SUtea
or any city or incorporated district; and also that
every of Congress and of tho Stale Leg
islature, or of the common or select council uf
any city, or commissioner of any incorporated
district, arc by law incnpablo of holding or exor
cising, at (he samo time, the office or appoint
ment uf Judge, Inspector, ar clerk of any Elec
tion of this Commonwealth; and that no Inspec
tor, Judge, or other officer of any such Election,
shall bo eligible lo any oflieo voted for.
And tho Iteturn Judges of the respective dis
tricts aforesaid are hereby requested to meet at
the Court House in the liorough of Clearfield, on
tho FIRST FRIDAY next after the said Second
1: i.. . , . , ., : . ------- -.
rl,ih. ,..,..,;,...i ..r .i.' u ,.
, uisunv 01 ucioocer. men and tnera to Oo tho.
b- ."-i 1.4.111 uy iaw.
.T....v , , " . .
k 1 1 v my '"' ,ca,Ut
ninui; rcpicinuor, in tne
v. w... .win uun iiiousniiii eigui nun -dred
and fifty. eight, and uf Ihe Independ
ence of the United States the oighty-sec-
unii. j. u. lit. ED, Sheriff.
Iron Depot, Kept by Merrell & Carter i-Silv" Teaspoons, per set, '. 5 oo!
On Srrnnd Le, C!,,,,;rU V.. V"". with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 00
, - v , - -.
IS the placo whero all tho 'olluwing articles
enn be had at reduced prices :
Bar Iran qf alliiztsly the small or li tie
iptantily ; Cast Steel nf vtirivitt i:ea and best
'pifilil; ; a large assortment of Stores, among
u tieh will tc fountl the 'eu World Cook
Oak PremtUHi, Great Jitpvbtir, Hack's Pat
ettt, and the elevated Mtnnexota. Aim, a
large axsortmcnt nf nwe-jdatei and Parlor
Stoves, ami Air-tkhls of various Patterns
Aso, Pious of the and patterns.
:liso, oj iitrtr own .Uamtjaxturing a large as-
. if m- ... . " ,,, ' . i
sortment of Tm-varr, Store vine. Sheet-iron !
"ii.. of all sizes and allarUeles of ih kind in
tmir line lent almaus on Lrnii It.,.,,.. ...
. ., - "v"....
t.nn Ann In nr.. r ,. T:. 7?.,.'.. . ,i
aespiuen. .imo, a large assortment of all,
I.I It 1 ...
kinds of honse-kerpiiuf utensils constantly on
are Invited to call, as they can be accommodated
at low n r wiih " V" HnT
ah I . v ,. i.r.,,.. . , .
"' "."ci "in n. i ii.iuM hi i v roceiven
.. .. , i.
rromI't'7 MnM to'
thankfully roceived and
o. b. merrk;,l.
N. B. They will also receive every varielv of
i nut-1. on cf a mssion. ai low Tare. M. A
- - - - - - -
'oiistables lilanka for sale at this Ofli, w,
Dues Dmmm? Oiiuinalc in
i iiinMlnn f vlul I m I'l'il" !''.
imc wtiii li lun iii'dT lu i'n rniliflni-l'irily ili?'"""l
nl by the irnriiirii nlm li-m-h llio lirnliii)j rt.
H.iiiin iiinliilnln nml i-npri'liilly lli M pcIhihI
ih. ill ! .il" mi'.'l '
or iiiix.ii,
i'li voifinn Hint lilo livi- In
th?tvT.,n .11 ; nrl In.l, In t-lmt ., . I. rn
fi'icin c nvi'rn Hint ailin
.c nvor hnt ail,.,,,, . havo he r nrlKti.l "l ,
.11, the auliiln nm tlaida of the body, llwit
atter pjepomlornlo. however, i. hxeilluet, ,
"I I
tile latter lupiinn
...I ....ll ... I .till 1 1..rl. ,,.,. I, nloil III. I
lnw to nno tram Dim union wuuo u.o ihkiuti
meilieiil nutlioritict (loeliire Hint most lovers on-
Bin,,to i n the .anie .iiniier. nml more i.nrtieulnr-
,y Tvl,10,i , 8earl...t-the former beinK nil in-
a (lurk unhealthy color.
To wnrd oil a large majority of disease, ns
'well ns to euro n number which buvo nlrendy sei-
r.ed upon the system,
LlN'llSKV's lliritOVKK lll.tHII) Skakcueh DOFS
not Claim to hk a
Universal l'nnaeen for cvory disenso known, but
the proprietor claim for it the power not only of
Draining out All Impurities of the
but by the skilful combination of woll known
It trill cure all Jinra.trx arisitnj Jrom a drrtimj-
t tl ttatr of thr l.ii rr di ire wit JhHjtrpxin,
ami yirr rrnr'ril tour am! rijttr
tit thr StiDitnrh.
That tl.c I! Searcher is nil that is claimed
for it, tho Proprietors can produce
It is only a few your sinco it was discovered,
nnd yot it has grown into tucli a l.usines thnt n
largo Laboratory has been built expressly for its
manufacture a largo number uf men employed
in putting it up, mid still
i The Supply locs not Equal the
uenianu :
v0 npk nny t.andid ,.. could this be so, if the
jjedicine did not possess all the virtues churned
'for it?
xho Proprietors hnve biindreds of certificates
from men of prolnly nml suniliug In the comiiiii-
nilv slowj112 wilal ,le u,dieino is doins daily
for the suffering.
has ever used the lilood
It'ii'Mfr JlrUrf trail Ejneiitneil.
Let the ntllietcd give it a trial a single bottle
will convince tho must skeptical of its elticucy.
... '.
I mi. J. il. I.ixhsi.v : near Mr .1 take tilea-
sure in acknowledging the treat benefit !
your Improved lilood Searcher lins been to my I
"" H ha been ntllietcd with what physicians !
called a scrofulous disenso of the ubsobins 1
g'nnds of tho stomneh. He hn been alllicted
with this disease from nilaiicy. Ho Ik now tif-
' years of age; during all tins time ho has
had several scvero nttacks, nnd all the fund ta-
ken into the stomneh imparted little strength to
tho system. 1 bud several eminent .hysieians
attend ing him, but I found very little advan-
tago, as tho disease still returned with till its aff.
ful consequences. ....
In ATiril t S fs 7 . lin hud it vltllsAn . . 1
so. that all who saw him .1.' 1 1. .1..
11" r.j?o of ro-.umpliun. 1 was advised to try
Jour ilooil Searcher ; I accordingly Procured
1...... . . i . .1. . . ...
ono ooiue 01 ii.nnu ny 1110 tinio no linn useu 11
"vi -vuu.., j 0..1 . ,
,,,',,, , '
Poinroy Station, A. 1'. K. Road.
Mr. Devlin is well known to the citizens ol Iu
dians. and Westmoreland counties.
July 8, ISOS. .
l'OH sai.i: IIV
C. D. WATSON, Clenrfield.
JAMES b. liKAIIAM, (irahamplon.
JOHN PATTON, Curwensville.
E. F. IillENNEK, .Monisdale.
JOHN RUSSELL, Pennsville.
R. 11. MOORE, Liilhersburg.
M. 0. ST1RK, New Millport.
CHARLES R. FOSTER, Philipsbnrg.
11. p , Ansonville
RUSSELL Me Vf I'R KAY, New Washington,
nAl. v 1 1,1,1 A.MS, V illmnisville,
BA.Ml.KL HAIiEKi 1. li hnli
aug. 11, IS jS Cut.
sTAUi i i:n & iiAiti.i:v
Cheap Watches and Jewelry.
AyiirUSALE ,nJ RETAIL, at the "Philudel
? T phia Watch nnd Jewelry Store," No. 118
(old No, Uf.) North Second Street, corner of Ounr
r. l'hii..,r. x
ij, ........ ..
' 11..1.I 1 ....u.,..i... en i , .
"" "",iu.ijewcieuiac.casest..'8 ua
v..... J..llllt, 10 VUIUI,
I Silver Lever, full Jeweled, -
ti.. Irt l.nnin.. IS cnrnl - m i.n
ii. .ia T ...i. i. .
, . .
- - - - 12 00
- - . 11 00
Silver Lapinojcwc s, .
Superior Q.inrtiers, 7
Hold Spectacle,, 7
F1110 Silver Spectacles, 1
L'en - ---?
Hold 1-inger Kings 87 J cents to $S0; Watch
Glasses, plain 12 cents, Jntcut 18. Lunot 25
other articles in proportion. All roods wnrr.o ,rf
to be what they are sold for.
On hand some Clold SSTK ZlrZlt.
nines, still lower l,.n 11.. .1.,....!... ""ul'e
Successors to 0. ConrnJ.
October 1, 18S4.-ly.
Cabinet, Chair Maklnir,
A N 1) II ( V E I'AIJITI N fj .
"""' fi.ueruip in mo above bus-
now, will be prepared at nil ti... , .
'U.inos. in tho above lino on short notice and In.
proper inannor. Thsv will un
, .... , " -- r vii.iuuT;'Vi " HMUKUBt IOSHOI
nn hand at their shon on M-.rL..I .1
OIIJI Ih. .I..W .1 . .-n . I ...... . ... . . . .
y, - . s. """'"'h'ih 01 aianogo
j - w..wim nuiin, anu lauinei
evtry acscnptlun wh ch th.v w ill h r,,n.i ....
r.l. r ''.: . "
'Z n.-.r-V.. T.V.r wrms the
"" ""en-, can ue oaa eisewncre in the oounly.
1 elr stock of Cabinet AVar. n,.. .i
lists in part of
tor ' v"u,i
..1 . a. .:...
jfnJ j.t, jij
uresng ana common Bureaus, Sofas, Pewinu bush.,1 or D M. li" " il, ' .. KV""1 per lunntng null, dno i.low.
ai wasb btands, Desk, and Book Cases, French ' A ilnua nf ,,l ' . er U"ln ever copjior kettle, and
a., I PI. 1,1 Pn.i l!a.i....i. i,:..!.. , '.."a A Shliro Of liublic ba trni,.i i:..:...i ' i . '
C OKFINS manufaelureil and dli.r. ' S-t. M. H'.H. f. ' ' ... i 7. . T
--"vf, nv, i ... x.v i'lUJiVA.r,l Willi tl.n Af.Ji
cm; aiu n;i.t)
' 1. V Vil
inHM.n oi- iinr st MinKi.T
'C'iajill2ilfIlIX,3 3rA.
i iii. i .......Mr.ilU liifi.rnn Ilia
fri. lnl' ami the traveling In KOfernl, thai !
, ,
lie lin taken Hie nni've iii.urr.,
,,, ,M ,,Y K X lVX AS TIIK II KM l'- ,
UoTKI. '
Tiik Hot k lni I"'.'" roeontly rffitti'"! Jm-
lrovpd, Mint newly furnti-Iifl i
All who may give him ll eull, ill the most
pleasing nml tigreeabie niiinner.
With err; thing h r, nr l-ii htue a (tmrabrr.
gl'lliil ))nf,
will be aupplicd with on aortmcnt of choioa li
quor ; and ho will endeavor to entertain bit
guests in a manner thnt em.uut fail to give tho
The house is situated in a pleasant and
itiet part of the town, and no expense
or attention will be spared to niako it one
of tho best houses in the county. A lil
eral patronage is respectfully solicited.
Clearfield, aiig. IS,H ly.
( Foil Kit t.v Kxmv.v as the Oood Intent,
Clrittjirld (viiii;, 1'cmwitrwita.
The subsci iber begs leave to infurm bis old
customers, and tho public genernlly thnt ho hn
recently taken the above well known stand, nnd
that he has entirely refitted uad refurnished it in
a style adapted to tho age, and the want of tho
entire trawling community.
will always be prjvided with erery luxury the
nun keti and surrounding country will afford.
will bo supplied with tho choicest wines and li
which are tho best nnd most commodious on the
road within a day's travel, will nlwnys bo in
charge uf careful nnd attentive hostlcn. In
Every department of his Estnblisbincnt will
be supplied with nil the comforts nnd convenien
cics the wenrv traveller could desire.
jiino 2, 'is. WM. A. MASOX.
The subscriber respectfully announces to the pub
lic that he bus taken the above stand, in the bor
ough of Clenrfield, and Is prepared to accommo
date nil who tuny give him n cull. The public
ukiv rest assured thnt it will be conducted in the
best manner possible. Ilia table will be supplied
with the belt tho market ufferds. His liar filled
with the choicest brands of wiucs and lienors, and
his ."tallies will be under the cure ol attentive and
careful ostlers,
F'eb. 1 1, 1851
t ! L The
The subscriber having taken tho above well
know n stand, formerly kept by M m. A. Mason.
in Cnrwcnsville, Til., is ready to accoinmodato nil
who may favor him witn their patronage. His
! taHe will nlwnys be supplied with tho best the I
i ark-.t allorMs, nml Ins with (ho choicos'
li'iiors. His manic wri.l l.c under :ho enre of
tcntive hostlers.
1 Curwensville, April 21.
XT J '71fO ' T J " ', ' I
I ' x V 71 Ij 1 1 LP 1 Jit Ij,
( ,i.Ti..n.m.c,i.,i.,
Eace st. above Third, Phila.
FPHK ir"priitnr of the ulmvo well known ca
JL Win'' thankful ir tlio very
..... ...
' hiierul piitrnnno bestowed upon them the r.isl
conviction thnt We shall be nblo to give sntislac
N. B. Carriages will nlu-nva b. in In
convey passengers lo nnd Irom Steamboat Land
ings and Knilroad Depot. S. A, S.
j March 31st, ISjS.y,
! Curwensville, Penna.
j rphe subscriber, formerly of the Exchange Ho
I tel, Philipsbnrg, having taken the above
new stand, sittintn on the bank of Ihe river, in the
! lewer end of Curwensville, would announce, that
1 1'0 i now ready for the accommodation of stran
gers and nil othvr who may favor him with a
.mil. Tho house, i larre and coinfortjilil.. ...!
.travelers will find every convenience necessary to
their comfort.
Aaiple stabling is attached to the
i prciuisvs
icuiuary iu, IDJ.
rilllP ,,n,i..i. . .t 11
T he Public lieTa. ",;n0,,n"M. ,0
li n ' Ml' I Id " wher'o ,0' .M'f r"Wi" M
Z 11 1 f L tl T?Lyrry
luxury nf the aeaann n,.l. r.;- r o T. '
lVckledO Sardtncs,
r V.&.T"'?'1' A'c'. Ln" !!per
r-..i. n.'r . .. . ' " '
" """"I rrniia, illl., ac., de.
He hopes by a strict attention to his business to
I merit, nnd rsnnivA r .
00 ' 1 ,,TNP"'
00 j June 30. 185R.-3 1LANMUAN.
50 1 .
n!!L. Restaurant and Eating Saloon.
1 1 . r,i,i. , ., g' ,'??v ? inf"rm hi" oIl
. thftt. h.. J""1
,, l.i . , m nis new sa-
t 1 W 1)I"r'- C"r"
1 "m," lin:""' snd that hereaf-
. ... . - ----- - , .. ...n, IJ t
tor be will . v.- ... , , . . .
... . ,...-iiueo loiurntsii tits cus
tomers with every thing usually found in such es
tiibltshmcnts to wif loo Cream. Ala.
1 iif '
, "y. rruit and Confectionary of all kinds.
Thankful for past favors, ha anlleli. . .,l,i..'
. .nee of publjo patronago.
fmay 12, '58.
rsrsl,. fl..K.:i. ....... . .
' 1 en. of ,h. Borough TZxZmA
itv. n.i 1.. 1,. ......-, "im sou ncu.
1 .
mo lonn. Where he u I
1 Hlnnlw bo l 1 . am
' 'U' supply of the
'"cie, eitner lumps or mixed to anil
cii-aor. i. . ' A0U r uit ru"
', cn no Bupi.iied
nun u. nr. inn n . s
' -'."j.. v I. .i 4J DI IIIT.
far-Hlauks for alc ut this
MttVAMi AHItAi 1o.V
KMHtfon , m MMriNK,
two liHf t1nnnM ,,(
oiHHai tfrn:.rni: hum vii
m mimfu i nt imi'hiii uimi rom.
i f ?n,ft"n In wntK of Art KI'K t'ot.ijd j,
, II H A V I Nil t e.'ry iitlimriber. HlKlllii.
! MURAHY orjKII. AKc..ta g.-ltin rrtW.
'the union of l'inri'"n'ii Mnitntin ml
Mntlil.T hn. given lo the r"n.oli,hir
I,. i t.,M nffih.l In nnl him ,
" i'n"nnt,
f li.ernry ami artl-.ic talent , b,M,"
rivaliM by any other Marine in th. wor,7,''
f t
III Hie rniiniry, anil nm rernrril lor It a
' ' v imia
inml from ili.rtber e xeeeded flO.oon
tho nnmbr already ioued "f the cnnml'
1 v irk are nnirornHlly eoneeded hati n
, i ri in the riehnoM of their litornrr riun...
jd I btay and proluncnen of tlictr pirtorb
Mail' jji, any ii...);nzine net effir ,lt(
.M.1..iieei nf futrrf, (H illblilihirir v i.,
,,, r,nmenre th voliwee ii 4MUi
ry wlllrndditionul ttfnct, ail to offer mi
inducements lo mibseribcr as rairnot fail i,,,,!..
I ll, in circulation, at the head of A mericail Mim
: . lr;,l, ,1.JH vietr lliev nnw
KlllUB. .till, . . ..iiivuun u.
following splendid programmo. ' They have pa,'
chased that superb und costly steel-plate Eu'gft
.H.I .. 1 1 1 . ari.i H r.f i , A .n. ,1 . I
nu.a "in 1'"sm. m " v.v.j lurCO HW-V
lar subscriber for tho yenr lSjS. It was tnpt f
ved nt a cost of ovor $S,0(IO, by (he lute celebri f
ted A. L. Dick, from the original of Haphu;'
Morghen, after l.eunardi Ilu Yinei. and Ii tkr
Inrgeet steol-plnte ongruving ever executed iti
thin country, being three times the sine of (l,!
ordinary three-dollar engravings. I
The first impressions of this engraving
held nt $10, and it was tho intentinn of the ar t
tist that nono ot the ivngrnving nuotild ertrM !
offered for a less ruin than $5, being richly wortr
that amount. Thus every three-dollar subscribe ;
will receive the Mngntine one year cheap t$ ! j
ai.d this splondid engraving, richly worth j, !
tnus getting tor i tne value ot f. i
We shnll cominenee striking off tlie engravinp'
iuinicdintely, yet if can hardly be expected tin;
impressions of so large a plate can bo tnkenn
fnst as they will he called for by tuhscrihert..
j We ahull therefore, furnish them In tho order i.
which subscription! aro received, Those L
desire to obtain their engravings early, and frw
the first impressions, should send lu their int..
scriptions without delay. The cngrnvinjrm.
he sent on rollers, by ram), or tu other uiawm
s suuscriber shall order.
2o,ih:o .v lrotftv? of a ut.
In addition to llifl superb "graving of "TM
LAST SUMMER." which will be t.reieiitl,!
every three-dollnr subscriber for ISjS, the ob
lishers havo completed arrungeuienUi for tlie-ait.
tribution, on the 25th of Keceinlmr, 1858, of
series of splendid works of art, consisting of nn
hundred rich and rare old paintings,, laluedli!
Irom HUH to J lull.; each. Also. 2,000' awiat I
cent Steol-l'lnto Engravings, worth mm tll
ti each, and I.OUO choice lloliilur hi-J ...nit
from $1 to $ j each, making in all, over TTlltEC
Inclose $3 to the publishers nnd you will tea
incnce receiving the .Mngu.ine by return mail.
Y'ou will also receive with tho tirsl copy a nun
bered subscription receipt, cntitlia" yoa I) ta
Engraving of -THE LAST SU I'l'KK," and i
chance to draw one of these ''THREE TUCKS
casons why you should subscribe
First; Bccauso ils literary contents wi'Juj.
ring the y car, embrnce eonslribitlions fr.w ortt
ono hundred different writers nnd thinkers, nun
boring umong them tho most distinguish id of,
merit-ail authors.
Second ; Because ils editorial dopartmenli,
"Our Studio," "Our Window," ami "our Oliii,"
n ill ba conducted by an nblo cditor-sml
it will surpass, in the variety .md richness of id
editurial contents, any other mnga.ine.
Third: IJocauso it will contain, dw ing Its
yenr, nearly six hundred original picioi il ilia,
tactions, from designs by tho first Aiuerjiiun it
lists. ;
ECii lli : r.eenuso for the sum of h.ju (ill
,i.;u ...1 i;.i .......,i.i !..i., t
, . ..i.-.,.ii.i ui.7., , iiiuiu riuuT wijnn 1
that sum than any other inagasine ml then H
jierb Engraving of "The Lust Supt," I,
Fifth : P.ecnuso you will very likely Jraw nil.
of tho three thousand to be distributed m
the 2ith duy of Oeccmbcr, ISjS perhaps urn
t hut is worth $1,0110.
Notwithstanding that theso cxtrnonliimry Is
(liieeinents can hardly fail to accomplish thenk
jccls of the publisher without further effurli
they havo determined to continue thro' theyev
To any person who w ill get up a club uf twenty-four
subscribers, either at one or inoro post
offices, we will present a splendid library, cos
sifting of over Forty Largo Bound Volumes em
bracing the most popular worko in the marM.
Tho club may Ae funned nt tho club price, t!s
year, without tho engraving, or at the full pries.
$il a year, w ilh the engraving of tho lust Supper
j to ench svbsei iber. List nnd description of Ik"
Library, and spe-iiueii copy of the M.iginiiio sill
bo forwarded en rereipt of 2' cents. Over W
Libraries, or S.IMIII volume, have already htsi
distributed in accordance with this offer, andm
should bo glad to furnish a library to every cler
gyman, to every school master, or to somoomsl
every post office la the country.
The success which our agents are meslinr
with is almost astonishing. Among the mast
evidences of this fuel, we are permitted to pub
lish tho following t
0r.STi.i.Mr:.':Thi following facts jn rclnlin
towhutyour agents are doing in this sectiM,
may bo of uso to some enterprising voung mas
in want of employment. Tho Rev. John K. Jar
don, of this place, has made, sitico Inst Christ
mas, over $4,000 in his agency. Mr. DntiJ II
Heath, of Kidgly, Mo., your general agent ful
Piatt county, is inakinff $8 per dnv on ench sub-
nguuicin iioyea uy nun, ami .M.issrs. Wctnsrl
Pvnus, of Oregon, Mo., your agent, for Moll ex
,"""Uu n.ld.,
! J"..ry, over $1,700, besides ,.,!.. ft
agent employed by him, and M.Vsrs. Wcluiert
Ih i'J
! ' 'anunry, ovor 1,, uu, bosides haying lor
:!,) .ere. of land out of tho business worth o,
$1,000. You aro at liberty to publish thl. slats-
nient, and to refer to any of Ihe parties name!
DANIEL UREiJU, C.rrollton, Slo.
With such inducements as we offer, anybody
can obtain sulascribers. We invite any gentle
man out of employmeut, and every lady who dr
sires a pleasant MoSBT-uiaking occupation tospi
ply at once for an agency. Applicants ihu4
inclose 25 cents for a speci son copy of the msf,-.
aiiuo, which will always bi forwarded with M;
swer to application by return nuil.
place iu the hands of erery person who proposrt
to get up a club, and also of every agent, a sopj
of the engraving or tho "LAST SUPPER,",
specimen, each applicant enclosing us $3 will nr.
ccive the Engraving, post-paid, by return mail
also specimens of our publications end one of tbf
numbered subscription receipts, entitling t' Ins
dor to the Magatine one year and to a cnslt"'
the distribution. This offer is made ouly to tin
rhn dnuir tn mit mm t .. ... r rinks !
mw. t, mm tVUm Ul IV IUI 111 viuusi
Address, 0AKS.MITII k CO.,
So. 371 Bruadway, N. Y
8epL 11, 1858.
persons are berbv cautioned
1 "k1
gainst purchasing or in any way med-
tirirt,..;,!. il. C.ll ... .- . , -I, '
. 11; :.i. .1.-r ,1 . ; -f. . J
nieiouowincac.scni.eol .rn
: tv. now in the tHMi . ,.r li.n 1. nf
iVnA r f " 1
- traeken, of Ferguson tu.. vis : one sorrel
mare, one irrav i,.,l, nM
. .......... u,iQ najji'i,,
low, one barrow, on
eleven sheep, hi th
and have been left
keu on loan only.
A J HI mm, sr.