Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 06, 1858, Image 3

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    ' HM'ltl N At.n.; K A I'M. I
"nr I'lMt,..!,,,,,,!,...! ,
$ 01.1t llffairs.
. ,i ", I "v "' Illinois I t.
pfn..'il.riinrlittI Li-ohmM ''. .... nftlM, .!.;.. .,, , ,,;.,, ,., ,,,,;
Ivi M' ii'luy cliargi"! "itli tit t t ui.( imi to ,l'"lmrli..i,, :M advertised t i,ukn , ,
,t,x.t I'liili h imb.-if.. Wo lime not boon "" ""i""" li .,i ,.,,, iirllUH , (),,..,j,,M,.. vl,:.,1.;;::., ;::vv::;- ,;,;;:;;.t;v
rr mnii nf .out llnwi A iiuuii1.i-Iiiii.1iii,( l.mvcver. of going up .im.,.i- I,.. virl,,,
'xijtt-l b lut'oli lli pailic, nii'l Cliiini- " Uio lii'iiiiii(.in f. n youiur man ni,n
rt went to or nrnr Parr's iintt-e and bilk- , 'H !"'''" traveling uroim w ; 1 1 1 hint
1 ttS'iK., n;,";0
the siuna tunc, a revolver or something of evening ,Vih (;,,, h. ,,,;.,!, , ',,'. .,'j,,n,i
-tlif klii'l III l'i" band; up"" h I'.air t tt tli value ol hiH kim,i l.v n lu
' went into llio houso mid brought out his " exl''iitiio. . Tho voinm nun, h e
,!-rifle"M his assailant tl,t if SIX1"'"" '" ""'
lr" ' . ,11 1 ... 1,1 ,,llll,'t. Hmtlo 111.. intension in I.1U-
n,y footing wiw to be done ho would have 1 s,,vl-, in the p.-cso,,o f thousands .f
.ilnirc. Wlmt then loliowod wo know admiring ,,,l wondering people. The ;,t
n0 hut no lives seem to have been It t, lll,,s'l".t? -vns s,, quid that ho rosenlniosi
and no powder Hot!, parti.. ''"'""y a great height, ami t
nU i ' f , r , i,. ''" t vms i..os(..i he won!. I ilc-end
however in... le mfnrmat.ou, and Mr. Us ,h,. ,,,, ',.,, ,.,.,.,, 'V
tisrcol II"" p.'iiuriuiiuco seems 10 nave " nieii itore it away to the southo-isf, and
been hi trip to the county sent, nnd the """.'; .''"'Ticil it out of hight. It
of boiiiK immersed in tho countv ' ," wus '"'"".V'-d at In.
prwpti.1. h pupil lor refusing to descend before ti-ik-
bonrning nous.-, """- " "... .iu.-iiii- Uw current
Tlnee If ' (vl Mnnimiu Rcntniw
l)m I nill
it. i.
. -ill III" ,i,i.-rn I l , i I, X Inltii-r, I .
I l"io t!m in'. Ival "f 1. t.t.oi urn I II...
' '!' . n.. I, n.. , ,, r,,, ,
'II .'vjii:' ml M
b.-it H
.Mill I !
I ako
' I I. !t," (-,s our
' "tf ' ii d o l::ili of
ti :!- had pii-"d ( 'amp
tothoSt. Ilicystitt,
lilt- lilcVo h'.'ll II.
null Hi 1 1 . 1 1 1 t""'i Mp t! I'miiI
I .1 l li'.lll I K I 1 I. I' I, '
' III li 1. 1. Hon el i-cii ft.
. HI, on I : n I till MI'll M !
"'!. -I I'll l'i M I'l. l.M. nf V
i: ill v :
. I.I III" I I
i" ' ii permit!.
il IV. lllnill P n,.
I I'l hfili'J (ii
min.i'h'ii r .
liiiol inaiil,' 'l',iiii.
no. . III..- Mhiiii.iii
eol I en I luir i a
I. ll i !' OH , TM i ill
V f.ollld not hate
In A 1 1
i ,.-,.,.
in. h
i i if
, Wi'liO'
I : n,
I' tll'l I ' I ' 4 -1 - 1
I..II In .,.,. r
' " "f " I ret, I.
..O,-, I. fin
1 ' II II M
ill III
S.l' l.Ar 1,
II'' II,
,( ',1
l the
'1 a to lu,, a'
.Mill lltU'P of ill,. I'nj.
I'.'I'llc.l tint, il,-
M ornii m - . 'ii ! v a' i i ; ed
t1!.' tl'r.oi,- in oi.f f In (('-
tV'ini Hiii:!nmi V.hiii::.
te'l .- 'rio. trooim. t h,
Hill'"," t'lll't of 111
t In' cut ranei! .if
tool their coiiji.
On their nrnv.'il at Canii Seoit they
w ore luiiius tlie i 'iiiiiinni no sin ics ol life,
ll heili'f ako. ,c tiiusci.f llicil- .IcMI-
uiic conniiinii. n,cv s at, f t hat io nic Inn n I,.,, I , 1
J'ii,.'haiii nuii'i had veloulod from hi ' "I il... fu
II-,' Il I ! :,!,
mil l.i. l ni'i
ill. 'I ,
I I - n -1 .
'", I !' I,,,
i.'i-. ..r le 1 1,1 v. " .. ;
j l',,iniill. .-, in,- ,1
.rr-'il :ii, I i", ti i ii-il r
hi . I'l'im : j'lil' v r e -t i
I'll' .i-"'Hm ..i!l!ti,
I ii, 'Vl hm-'I ii (T- J :
"i -live. 'I I, i-i f";
l"it .1',' iitl'ii!i,,e 'ii
mi lir. Senl.'i' .'I' m
nlei ii I mi .,'M'itiiH''''
ili.t n Milvi- i.ii;il t
'., ,1 I N. ,.
i a wi 1. .: i.'',,.
i : tin. el. i '
"f y 1 . l;-' ui :.
i' ii
I" '
. ii .
a i
i, le.
tii,i hiii ti. I. en.
Willi Urnln.'X fli'l
.Oil l l,.' lull' I'l'.
II , ..' Alllll. I'l 'If. Il ill
III I 'l'tn V M't ..'. .
el. I llti, I'M.
I,i. , .1, . .', ,
t i:. iiiti , . a ,
in , ,'i ,.. j ,
-t" ,1.1.. I;..ii
"t in tlU. I"l , .
I r l, t
I i I-
.1 ."I S It. I'l, I HI.,
i nf'.. i. It. "imt, ft, i.l.
. W. I'l t.'.n i.
) s ', ;. i . .,i .
i .-I
U '
I I r. 1.1 V
n. i:i'. mi. 1 1 1 - i'l " i .i ',
'i. nl lie' I (..'tilli 1 in, i. ii .
I i,'' in II, '!. ! mi In. .-'n,.
1 '. S I .: ', ,1 , , nit V, n li . !. i
"ll i -'l'. Itll'l ;;:lli , li' i ;
li. " ill.' Iinirr c..ii..
lull ill t . in. i'ii,i i. ... ih
i ivi. hit ; I, ni hi I ( I ( n a ,
t iii'iii nt in . ni,' in il,,- I'.iiii
II tiliH' I ti, , l,i' 1 'Ii.' ill-. :i.k,
"'"I. in.'l I .Mil. i
. I' !V'll'"l'l I'uiililr,
1 t'l" .li ... , , i,"..
'i I"' :i ti' Vi r l.illiu" re.f.'.tv.
H.r 117 A110 S2n;l St. nt.w Arch.
ll()I':'.l In',", t,,'. Ii,.l ,,! ,1,1..
I'll, 1 1 II, .,' 1", .1
t. iair !'
i nt
I tillllVi
I .Mil'
T ill I'll
ofair which 1
1. 1 re 1 1 1 1. 1
Imil. 'Ihwcotne ot milking an unlawlul away troni tho of tlm ascension.
U'e of tl.osH weapons which nhould never '"'t return until Sundav morning,
l- tiirned hy innn niainst his follow ox- al"Hlt - -l'iv-lt-o U and then eo,nmunie:,t.o.l
w . .,. , an iiccouut ol his moit thriliiri? cxi.eri-
,"ht in leuiliinute w arlaro. ,,,,. i - i
i'l11 " ' e mi. c. i no current ol air winch I .nr.: him
Km. PKi.ivunv. Young McN'oar who'0'! to t ho southoa-t carried him a ditAiioo
as in mil on a elmrtto of liorso ste.ilin,!, !!! " ''"tv mile heforc ho thought
, , , t, . ot l'''cndirir. ltv moans ofhis fra.liii"-
ksving been aJlowed tho use ol the )u.l : i,,ms tlie (le(,,lt ;vn!( wi , J,.' ,
vnrdon hunJav last, dohvered hliu.soll ciiki', and ho found himself n1i.lif..l n t r. t) i ('am
from "diirnnco vile" by Healing the wall a fariiidious.', the inmates ofwhich re ' P''i's,'l3. who
fast as his run. .' IH.'" " tlie greatest wonder and "' me
traiiiuauon. , c.mvcini ion mr
WI.HKiild " ' . i ' 1 1 1 1 . i ' i ' ' 1 1 l'i . . 1 I till' i,ini'S, lie. Innl
ur.lci'Cil I I ICtlt lit (loj.osil What prnVlr Inll.'
thi'V had ill the '.trirt'ltoii-e : lnit.ii ..n.ii
lis ho made l-.n vvulii; cnli' m of e, .ju -South,
those ,,' t;. M.iniiuiij u ln reiuM-.i
In j'.i ,,re deprived ot all. mid they c mid
;et ll.ithitlj; for lln.-ir Ollilil. Iliev ll!-o
tated lhai. lint, fur ilie interference nf
l loverner 'iiiiimiii , t In
,''.'.' v
"I il.'
I r.,.1
tl'C.VIIl.' aii':el.-
w. mid have forc.-d them nw.iv, and thai
I hoy did succeed in iii-lauecs iii drivin;.'
away several wniu. n.
I 'a nit 'do '.vu wii ii tin- t wo inoriiein t rains
! t r, iiii.mli. . K,
Inn, el lie hl. rii M.' ! .-h
I e.'il t li,5 il:.-i il f ".. . ill i le
- i'.'.I hy an iiii',,iiin.i''. 'i,'
'li"il tiiil'l ;iir iniitiii''ii'
Hl'"u... My Im ii.'i:
tu n win ii"l ill 1 1 . : i I ' v r
1 I J.'i". li" iriiiuiii''..l in"
Ieiini'. 1 ii I'i iI li"- 'I; 'i
'i'Miij; li." - r.'ii'l
' Mini" yi. ir, l'i.
l in t ,.f my n ; i r
In n I tint t
l'i- !'. H. S. N
li,' JipileHln -iii-it,
" i.y." II ii;,
. im' ni" i'lt'Timl
h it lli.' il.M imn
I. I:' l'c'.ru IV ,
Mtl'l 1 1 !'t .ir
im rrtin ii,.,l an. I
el.l l'i ;...i I
tin t I.l' Inn. niM II K-'il'KN I- It Hi.' i.l. .l II i. I, ml 1 r.' lill. 'I il ill II Ii' -ilillll'l" I,
ttid nil-, iiiel llm f.inu i,l th" d '.velliti t I'tilili..,
.Ml'. II. ll.H ll'I'l It Inl'.'.. l'..,'li, I. .'('ill ll li' I k". .
illlX. In' let', let le'itiltl.iil it iit'ine 1 1 1 it I Iii. 'in. '
will lllel lit" tlnil.'U ll il.'ie. llt nlei il. iinl.ln t.,i I'l
01' tin' .'li -ililf l.i.'.'iliuii ul' lie.'l I'li-jer.
:'i't:J eilitnf lie 1'in , eit!ir mi
".y .7v.Y, w 'i,':' .:. l.v 7; :.
';lllllllllit- ill l,ot tloeltt I'i n- Ml in ,
I. Hid ill I'll,.' I.mlllli', ( lelllfl. I I
' 'nitty, pint i f .So. I 1, lnuii.1, '
l ! lh '. CiO-t I'V lie I'l i" lllllij lk. ,
V.c t I'V Will. ,i'.S;., lellltll I.VtlOll'll
lino ol .So. i 'd.!, t i t iinjicl iiviii nt
nf purelia-e iimney.
in. I a. in, N'nv. i'l ili. Isi7,ini in ...n nf V ia.
A. , Im, ,', I'l'H i, An y, Ilie l',,uri m .t r.t'..
en ti i.. I ml .i ii... iir i, i , ad
". a ,ie hi ii I,,' i .mi h i ,',l ,- .
" itr 'in i. 1 1 v lh,. (' I:
-'no" ,11 'ft. V.'.. 1.1 I-!
III. on
ill till ill,
V. I.i
ii i p.i'i:,". I'li.'i'ile r .iiiii"'
:i let !l"t,l 111 l'i!i'M'l"ll,lil i, I.,
l!,,. '!, I.,,, ,' I' ,-, , ,."
ot, itumlieriiiL' nli ml
were elieitl.' Jlnuild. and
rilleilial topic of t In ii
.'.II Vlllll llf WHS ll.i" Jlltlll tlcif 1 ( ,,, ;0 r, ; '
uiidil. I. at" in ,M tv I I'tm t l-i ( 'i iicininit i, inel
iiiiiut i'lii''''l in f II mi l"i' !lii cliiiii' u' )r. N"-,i. i
tin, with tvliiai I tt'iittiin.,1 i.titil .tern I in r. tin- i
l!r 1 1..-., a'?
. r. .Mr. II.
N. I!. His l. r a
I..!,' nil,' of l
S.'i't ?., I
"7 .',;.. .',
.I,e( ,,,..
im .a In tli
t'l .lo-
il ti'till
i il.'t'iln -JuiViii
I ',!
I.l V le
1i.-"ii lix.'tl at
1 ,r.
... th;
'f I',! '
I f'.t .. ,1,1 ,.- 't'l.l; "'I
f. I 'I, ,.!' I',,, 1,1.1 (','
T. A, M Urn i: ,t C.i. J .V.,. '', ,,, l-',,.
Am.Iiiiih, iI,c '.'hi. Anpi-I, )$:,., VVK l.v
liis Atl'.i hilrrini'T .1 'l'fi, hi the nliovo en si ,
ie.l.s i,n nnli r mi lli" Mn-rlll in lirini; tlm n.
( ei'. ils el' lie nilo uf llm nail pst'im of T. A.
M'tile-cA w. ialit I'uutl unit llio iie(jiiliiiciii
j t 1' A ii'lili.i I . U-tr;liiik' tlti'.u uuiitii--tliejiel
itn-iil "i".li;,,i..
ii 'l a- ;:iiii.l ' 1 inel r.' l'i'i I .1. Wni!,u,' 1..- ,
n'i'"inl"il lu.lit'if. l'ir Cur!, i i.
All ih'i sens i,,.-,. .(t.,1 in !,0 itltevi' (li.sir'iliiiti'.ii
will lull" ii'tii",. ll.ii lh,- tnel 'iv!',ii.'. v ill ntt.'ii 1
i t llm ilniic- ,i his n)ifiiiiiiiiii"in nt his (.(iv., iu
llm I'cti.r nl' ( l.tiirtii.ii mi llm (ili ,Juy of lli'l'.ln i
A, ll. I ' 'en it. el n'.i,'o tli.v ana nt'cu l.
' ImHIA: t J. iVAI.I.ACli, ,t,.i
('"I''.. 1 III., I -v'C Jl.
HlL'ilOllt. Wll'l t lie III
d ,'.f
1, '. it it
'i with
it. and
find "making tracks" as
. .hi.j ii'ini ii luitini r Titn n.a nun iu in. mi . . . i
DiDg i'" ' i J lit liiillnnil was iiiiide fast to a foiiee, I v (" .i.rn.onisn. mel its pnu, i
of I lie forest. Ho has not yet been ruta-: and, nfte 1' U short eon versnt i. in with tl,.. i hoy ere all utiartiiiiomt in their dot
ken nnil it is quite probable that he w ill farmer ntid Ids wife, the v were pur-nad. d ''"''"h" 'l ' Hri' ham Ydiuiit and his
.....i : . r.l. ,v;,l..;to make ascensions of a few humlrcl 'hs, and talked of his !sasinalion I
V i - i n i n r 1,'''t- ut 11 tll,m- 'I''" balloon, rcli-v,
nut bpui" overhiiujed It should not he a ol ,.it ...,. . ,i . . ... ,
out itriiij, ..iliu CMia we irht. rose renililv mil was
subject of conjjvatulalioii tluit the ends o , ly pulled down anain by moans of the an-
jilstice nrc defeated, butthcreseemstohave '.cbor ropo. The farmer nnd his wife were
Well little in this younc man's conduct in ! ,,illl-v 'U''1' 1.,vi"1 t'' '"1 '""1 " liile
' . , , , . ,. . fxprepsm their -'ratification, two of their
the transaction wln ,h broii'dit lurn to .,,, (
prison, to indicate n felonioui intention ; three years ofnu'c, who had been lookiuic
anil it i perhaps no serious public, calami- .on w ith astonishment, scrambled into the
.., ,i . .i :. .l.i 1... Car UllU Cllod Ant T.,.t inn rrr. i.i.'i "! ,m i - -
,. iu iniie wiLriiiii. l.v ins irsci.i'c iiiui lie , - . H . u . , . ,
" .. ' 1 en no i.i'i. , n i.-srn in;-. A lew uavs since an
hM etteCtef' The tet'onunt proceeded at once to 2rat- ' T' V"m V'.T "T
m... tit . .. , .. ' itV litem l.t.l I'.,.... 1 ''dill T'ttl tl II 101'e. M.l'. alld tllk-tl b:l-k
IDE L.tlllCil 11, mill Ollll, Ol ill I 111C, "',. ...
tic lii.iriii, ms who remained nl
Scott, as a sure event. Thov Lave nl
nut exception, bceolnc discitc.
iii"i in.. n is n, an. I ha o renounce
i express their desire to return lo lli'
Itive countries, and would., if !;;., 1,
liiouli.-: to do so. it; firder that tliev
. b" iii,triiment:il in unvinu others t'n
; bulolu i': il ne e of nioi nionism.
;ml rite,' v liieh limn Im n.s.'il I'Verv known n.'iiH"ly, :
inel I'linly siiiTct'ilt'il in clic'kin;; thf ilis.'ic", lint I
w hi n 1 itituiuoil lii.iuti' were iIikmi (lieliar
ul"i.i up. ii my !;"'i'. 1 c "iitinui'il it s i 1 1 c; New-1
1 ill's iH'illl;ni.ill.s. llllll ll!-, llli'liiciliu lllllt 1 l;,i( I
lrniii l'i. hi,. , 1.1,1 lie I iiina r lainliniiv'il ).'i ,11. i a ,r
until il liini oil tig llic !! -ill- nl mif ioie i'ih
ifi '. it.' i'.i,' ii'. i " ,iiv I j t fii i . .:, nii'l htiit aHii :,'!
i.i I I, i , 'i'. J l,M, I (r'nutl iii fl.l liun; ul' i'V"- li"
in ciirinl, Dr. Kly tunl 1m fiiili.1 on'y i;i,i.' !
tu lie I': Lait I it ii i u i. ii ti w its iuijHi.' si ilie. la Miirili. I 1 Inuilit ii InnlU' ul'"ilixi.l sifiircli'T ;" Inn j
1 tiiiut rtiiili si lieit I liaU Iw fiiilU in it, I v, .is
very ivriil, niu'ii 1 f . n in-",! Inliilnr it, Inil Ii
il' im- . fiaiad llnit 1 jutlK .l otiuitulli iln v hy tlar, nnd nl
id the sj llnit tho nli'i'is I'l.iii.iiiau't'il liryini; up. I eua-,
Ini.'lit t'niui .1, ami wlnii llio tlilfl bntih' wins tnlo'ii my!
lai lnuit'lie i! I v a iiiii'iml". 1 use, i u !
CO L'ATit ' mi: uc II a m n,
And aU 0thcr3, Will take Notice!
cf A r.rnthel', A I llislribution i.l
That Hie
11,111 .Hltlii,, llli'lllS.'U 1',,
litie.1 i itlt
in any .iiine
'illlllili-ii.iln ,v
.lame;- M. l.cniiau
Jl, l.'-.V-i, on'i ,
II err,
money in the
Shcrill's ham fi.
1 And now , Aul.'
A. alia''.:, lsM.
appointed Ami
( u i'ii i m .
(In' wleik'-.iln an 1 rvtiiil "Ih-inl Onmler
:',s. Sniitii Slii.'uSD ri.'t, ;
111 the
1 ,.:,i.,..i .. t. . i ....... , .,
.nMmiu.ii.n-a l,ar fi'oai tin... to time. 11 ' "" ieuinR litem np, ute
o Norri.-town. N. .1., w here ho had es-
' moo s.1 1 c,.,, , i,:. l., ,'i i.i.. i ..i i'ii pen lioni lail, liavui'.' hoen conlinc'l lor
. . . , 1 i i-xv. llllll, in, 1111,4 ill,.- IHI1 , ,
within the last lew weeks, bestowed upon l,Min r-ouutvxl Uvvul.t, w.ith tilo velocity of; t'""r.terleitm4;.-Some years npo, a youn.
iL The days are generally warm and clear, 'a rocket. The frantic n-ony of the pa-1 1,1,1,1 , w"' 1,v'".1' .Nw V,rk ''",r' "
,nd the nights n.ihl and rl,.t, Zl til' fZ""' a ,-iv TJom Knl
nn(ed.,y both lh. Moon and Comot. The ,7:3 fitter and di-H.,y . ha, ho
latter brilliant and interesting celestial vis-1 sieht, and was lost in the blue depths ,)f took no time to look after his sistor. at
itor, has lost nothin" of either its beauty or the sky. Nothing could ho done but to!,tli:,t ,,."n' .a l.""1; ',c,'e.'' n,' !"' oi U"'
il. interest to beholder, i,,eo the first listen back to Mr. llrooks, at (Vn.ndia, "f" tl, 'n. 2
'ami ask his advice. .. " V : : , . "
S,ili,f,l h,rain. 1- ,.r ,..!" i it i is, nunc iiiiiiiH nnni
near New Carthago', fnrty-threo miles dis
tant from Mr. Harvey's place discovered
the balloon suspended in the air, attached
by the rapplini rope to a tree in his yard,
lie immediately hauled the balloon down,
and thevounuest child asleep in the
bottom of the basket, and tho eldest
The "h'v '.'.'f wnuri' exrludve Ajrotic'it'S eiin i
Uc iibtaiut'd fur llm iUttua i.l' I'-jiiinylvaitiii, Nuw .'
T....... 1 1 1 ,. ,i i-.i .
,l,i, I liav" I t'i'ii yr llei lusl ,t.V".. y..,.rs. Al- j .j. , Kne , ;.,;,, t.f
l!...u.:li tuy liee is nt.lly ( ,slii:ar.',l, ma si, I , fllIn nI)(, Mlni.M. , .,,,.,,,.,, mlir,t
-ni,.; in nt i. i.,',.i;'.i i luiiai'iii:. w i.o ii us "I'l'iy'i.,.,,,,,..,, , )t, (,l,.,..,ir t.t nil ..tlx-r i, .rl-ihlc Hl-IiU
hi v iiio. innl wiic'ii ri'inii nouo mi tiir.nit in
ilisiiilil"llt lli! V ul I.lM'sl.Y's iMI'llllVt'.l. Ill, He
Kti.iint. " DAVID Mt'i.'KKAUV.
I hos. ,i . .no Lilloiicii u as
lor to distribute r J't ,-
All persons iiilere-Led are hereby noli
lieilthat 1 w ill attend to the duties of tin.
above appointment, at tuy nllinc. on Sul
unlay the !'th day of Icinber, In .H, nt L'
o'clock, P. M., of Kiid day, when and
.'.'hero t!..y can aUtmil if they ;eo jiropcr.
Tii. is. ,i. .Mc(T;j.i,ui;jii,
Sep. l'i. I'.s. Auditor.
cliiinifj to lit' fUjii-riur t
I nmv in use li.-iir nl
. (itlnr No iinikr-
nll other p irl ilih'
i'. ilu.-ion No iifri'iisivi1
evening of its ajipearance. And now ro
mantic swains, and sentimental lasses stroll
in its soft light more deeply enraptured
than in that of tho faithful, but old fash
ioned Cynthia.
When If V all's Galvanic Oil was
first introduced into the market, it never
ibolt, on tho ('humps Klvsce, nnd is the
w ife of Prim e I.ueien Murat. She may
I . I ream every niirbt of kings nnd crowns,
j while her unfortutiatP brother is awaiting
; his sentence to tho State Prison.
Very eit-ily tii iiiiii,-,! - A s oii-
s I,. , ,"!..!,, I this li,, 1,1 (' ,,. In ,i ,li,t,..l
.ill, i ' '" n.e...-. , ,( .,nr.lust. ... .( ,1 bl'tUT tilltll l.ll f
A. 1'. s. is, i.i'iure me,' nl llic jiisiic's ul
tint" in mi 1 ,ir tinn.ii- li nl'
i el . :.. i ,, ti..
tlD' ; I'. J.'j'.iifs.' JOHN "0I!LHY, J. I, j Sole AgCllCIJ (lsO,for
iKNAl'P'S Patent Rosin and Coal Oil
.nil; iiliii"I''i wini ii 1','Viun- ji'tter nti llic' . ti Vl
tiring an. I lime after trvinn lnnnv reiii"ili".s wliii-li
ntterlv luilfl to im..' I pnrmiiti". hv Yi.. ' Vickf, Hlni'l.'s. inel ovei'y
.M. linrris A C ... h. try's loijiroved aitielu in tho lino.
IIIimmI S.'iii'.. Iter (tint now, six Meek- nfmr fin-' S. S( ll "I'll l.A Nl . Al'nl.
isliinu I ii o i' b-iitli , protiouneo invs.'II' ctireil. , No .'i.S Houl ! ,., ml ftlrci't, I'iiii.aii'a.
lltllii-t.'il V. iiil 11 l',' i ill s 1,
I'l all ,nri"is"-.!ii'l better Innn nil lur u Imor
Mlt '11 l.,.r ,','Hl .)..'llll... tlc.ll HIlV l.tll,.!'
Ihilliiliiys-1 j,,,rt:il,le lilit uur ill cjiiiiiiiini use.
llm Iftti't Ini'Ue nut. s.iii.ellun over n yenr
tipu, nit the insiiln of my iirins, exlcinliin,' fruiii
the tlliuwa ihiwn (o tl.c tvristn: iiIfi., on my
tine, iaiiiieilintely icninl tin' niniilli nnil chin,
titel I'lititiiuie'l tu he ti p'-ffect I'iriitent t.t me im
I til cured hy tho I'.looil Scioclier. My iirins, nt
lit t in bro'lier.
... i..,l.f. ri.i nnlio,l bvthenro- fl,"y 'atching over her
6. , ... , I They had been waft ml about b-the dillcr-
jinctor, to isung iMseasos, uui us oeiugap- (nt (.lrlent9 0 uil. throuehmit the night
A Ooon Onf. The llarrpbm " "Tele- times were itlninst nseless, owitn; lh iho cricks
Urapb" tells a hmro storv about a train on " or'' "," ,lle,' liul,u' bl"1 " "7
' m . , ,, .;- , , . ,, on tlie leii.-t c.x. tliuii tu hit or urk, timt foitic
,ine teit.ra. itiuiroini neing ueiaine.i i.y ...,.,, M ,.h.. lllHt , ,...,. ,,,.,',.,', ' i, ., . , . 1
''I', It looks llicr.'dllile. V O .! iT n,v llesl,. I lmr Mil l,..n ..,ir.l I I... ..r I .I.. . II t,f llic Orl.lllinit' Cf nil of ('leiirliitlil innnl,
St'i.l. th, 1S..S.
sl & CP 'JL ItT y
VI. I ieions nro licrcKy ciititi-m-l H-;iinst
Ituyiii-, or in any way iniMl-IIin with tin
lolloKin jirf pcrty, unw in ib o pnMeMuu uf
Wfoit' liarls in C'uvinluu t. viz: Vuv mini
inn n mie ctnv, m.v uui'y. uiic Unil, on cornor
In the ( 'iini'l of a.m i noil Plon'i of ( 'lcar
Hold County, No, ,i'2, Feb. Term ls.'if,.
.lohn I'o-i', no of Thomas Prouu
.lames Melihei. and Henry Mefihee, I'.x
oc'itois of .lames Mefihee, dee'd., with lln
tico to 'I'homas, Philiji and John Mcf.iln.e.
And now to wil., August '20lh lh'i.s', on
motion of V, A. Wallace, Ksip, Pi lls, at
toniey, 'I'. ,1. M"l 'ullougli, l'.sip, appointed
Auditor, to distribute monies paid in the
abi.VC ,:"; "I',r ('(.','.( .."
All pel.-ins in the abuY''- distril'litiou
will lake notice that tlm undersigned w i 1 f
at l. ml to the above duties at his ollice, on
Tuesday, the lijihday of l l. tobcr. A.
IS'. at pl o'clock A. M.. when nnd wher.
thev tan attend with their vouchers Ac,
THUS. J. MclT. l.jAJLXill,
Sep. l'i, ls.'i.s. Auditor.
Olll'JfAAS COnlf SALE.
) V VIKTl'l' OK an nrdeT' of fnla iosiilnj out
i iti t . tl. ., ' ti i i i.i. ,., 7 ., " ni, no.. c ci , j:i o ino story as uic i.-tt six weeks, ninl leet it uno In .Mr. in in sev. ittnj s 0,lv h't w th n J (lur
tilicublo to almost every other disease, the (,nd had come, to a halt but a little while ,i :, . v ,r,.,i.., i ,.,.. i" .. i, ,,i,n .,....,.. n,. ,.,i. ,t.;, ! ' ,
afflicted have used this preparation in jbeforo they were relieved, The story tho j n,.,,rH tlm Central Railroad that the ineni, in Impe that oihers like myself may he I Volt, sir isis.
henetilt 'tl I'V using Ins Viilintliln ine.ti' tno.
docrensod i,v ti,,. lmmenso su-anns ot grass- ,,s.-,.
i i ,' i , i in '7 t t JAM', y H Ihs.lN
hoppers between Lanca-tor and J luhidel- ' k
1 .., Ill I lit. 1 OI t :,,,, st -l t "I IU 1IMI11 ' 'l l l r . . k .1
,.l,nn, ul li'- .. . r. ir litA,.. rtr I .-..... - e.urn nil. mi i i i.eiuri; nie, nae ot tne
,i.c'i iilii ."l pvas fnitv minutes behind at that point, Al.lenaea in nt.,1 lor lln. fit v of I'iUshnr;:, thi
, her voice. 1 Ins place was ( entrahn. I be owing to tho number of grasshoppers on 2s.l, ,lt,y f A. D.
1 1 ml loon was seen to n;tss over there, but the .i t t t i t:.....i ... ami m,.m asiti-h i,i,.r,,,
i ll," ii.icis. nnil innl ill- miic'i-ii i loi- -
the ctizens ol this place nnd vicinity that people liulo imagined it carrio.l tiro per I twelltv i,11(.k(.,s cf wnd. which was thrown
Consuinition,.and, although it has never
cured a purely consumptive patient, yet it
has raved many w ho have been prono to
the disease from an early grave.
Bariieruis. Jerry Nonis announces to
g in .01,1 was innl as t ,e nauooll iir,i.vni.c.i ,, f thp p.nlotivo is conddorablv
-nr , iit-ii 'ii, -. his i, iu in i iciiiei iu p. in ii
down. She said she passed over a town
where she s iv a great manv people, to
like n wall st. broker he is ready tonecoin
modnte till who call upon him in the slm
rei line. Wo recommend oar friend Jer
ry to our friends as leiiig one of the
hest barbers in this place.
Ji-st Arrived. Mr. Win. Irwin's new
foods, at the corner store at Curwensvillc.
Mr. I's stock is largo and well selected,
and cannot fail to meet the approbation of
nil who may feel disposed to call and ex
amine them.
Yrnts Visiiii.e is tiik v Time. As
tronomical novelties abound just nt pres
ent. Besides the three comets, two of
them telescopic, now Hushing through tin
sons in such dani;er. fier little brother
el-i..l ivitl, e.ihl mid tl.n l.i.lvtic irivl tru.l.' ,
,,. , ;. to enaoiO liliu to act along ai an. im- f-e;.
oil her apron, covered him and got him to , prollilblo ns this storv inav appear its truth JP
sleep. ,... .i r... . ii, ,;..., .,!.,. ,.l. y
is iniiii -'i iui nil. iiiinv n ,ti" ,v tu .
on the rails iu front
i.:... i - . .
llio. driving wheels
aloiii; at all. lin-
eiteiliher L'.', 1 s.",s, -iinm.
in . it t a mm i. .
d to
hided to.
In handlina the ropes t-ho happen
pull one which had the eH'oct of hriuim:
,liio haltoon down, Mini although notmi-i Tin: Siate Canals. We hnrn from Har
jdcrstanding tho philosophy ot tho move-1 ry,mi! ,mt t1(, of ,)10 c-.mnh
Inient, she was quite content to keep the i Upou My p,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mr. Moor-
vatvo long as r,y so lining sue j ,,.,, ,0 j.,.,..;,!,,,,, of tie Sunburv and
tound she itpproaecd the eartiK Jl'O ' K, i(! l!ailroad Companv, having just on
youthful le.-tal voyagers were in tlie bill- .-1 tl. 1... I with the fiovcrnor, State Treasurer
loon about thirteen hours and a .tiarter. , A,toniev iencial, the closing of the
It may emily be imagined that among the transaction, namelv, the paving of
neighbors where they lam led they were ( 'nnimonwralth, as provided 'in th-
tho objects ot much curiosity ami interest. ; ,ir(1 s0(.tj,,n of ,(, illv authorizing tho
ili gil l H presenop ot innnl ami love an-t l.,,., per cent, of the excess of t he price, ' '"'
consid,ration for her brother may well , ,vo ,, n hM Injiljons. llt which the M 0 4 1,1
cninie nor to romemorarjoo, ivitin; itto in-
t'ao.'ils were sold to the Sunbury and Krie 1 T.1"'"0 ,I"1"L ."r'
Of Valuable
TIM 11 Ell LAM)
At Private Sale.
MI F, Pnh-eriliers ofl'"r nt private Fiile n liuue nf die in i-l vnltiitlilo TIMI5KII LAND
in the ctitl": ("iniiiris'ni"; nhout Fiv.1'l
Aeres. Mirveyol nicl w ..irrante'i as fnllewi, viz
No. ."iiilir,, cunt-lining '.''.''I ncres: no. .rilWi7. coti
tiiiniii ssil neres: .-iirv.'ye.l in tho innn" of Win.
l'tiwers: Hail tin. ,r)li7,'', ei.ntitiiiin.i; 1011 ncres,
no i'lfiT I, e.'iitiiiitiii lull iicre.', c... 5 i7,"i, ecu
I "4 1 iicrrs .snrvpTe.l in the naino
nale.l en Betinelt's J'.riuich of
iln re will be cxi.oh'i! Iu litililie sale nt llio Houfc
f .lin'iih I i u l n sT .. r 1 1 i c in lil.K.X Unl'ij, tin
Tl'KSDAV, th" TU'I'1,1' I'll lnv uf iiC'l'tilJLIt
next, Ail the inter,' I .rf I.YVfAS, MILKS lute
of lieeenria tp. iHi'.il. !n nil, I to the fullnwin
ilesiriheil real clnti., intii.tteil In Heeenrin fi.
I'leiiiliel'l oiiiitily, lmiinili"! Ly limits .T Sairnel
K. IleL-iirty on the cust, Aitcuii S. t'urrv on thi
nnniii, llf A'.-l l:MI'.;Siit' Clfiiili. 1,1 tii S'.iith, llohert M't rm-ken oa the west, innl lh.
tlttit tliey iniuiiifiit tiite, nl Iheir 1-hiin in ' '.Mititii' oinipioiy" mi the ii'.rlh. euiihiiiiing
! W.WIFI-ffTJT.rn . ir?-. lll:lll.l'IMl aci:i,' ah.iui KMU'IVEi.i
.iiiiaiiAJs:iiiAj,, jil o JC ri. ; whi"!i nre rlciirctl ntil iitiH. r cultivation, ninl
tho cilchrnteil llunsccker Improved premium huving tlicre'in etecteil n nnill HDI'SK ,f- UAUN
Clover llnlltrt. 'J'I cfo lhtllm enn lie tttlaehed , ati'l out l'ltihlings. S-'nlc lo l eniini nco nl Ttt .
to liny power, fur either Two or Four Horses or j o'clock I'. M. of snitl day. Turin One half the
Water I'owi r in Mills. They tire Warrant'"! to pnreliiise tnutiey tu be iiiij at the conllrinntiuu nf
to work well : ami with go-.d seeit will cleiin from j the pule, mid tho oh;r half in ono year tUcrrft
1 luun, Mllijeet to
a. :. mi i.i.Di!.
.r;A; .siw..r T-d-.- '. u.-im or
skv, a d.iy light viuvv unybehad, with a cident itself was of such a remarkable, j, jj,.,, ( ',, ,,,.inv This excess atnouu t -:
ts!,in,, .nl,, . in, rv, 1- iii llnuiNt, o, i'l.,.i,-i't,.l.l lu r,UI in '. 'jit' ii 'ten i ot tin pflny iioni.n.'iuons.
mojerato cood pair nf eyes, of tho planet , character th it we opine it will n it soon b
cnus, the KvenmgMar, noirat tn neignt - forgotten in that see.ion. 1 ho o iy aim
ol'her brilliancy. Her position is sont her-j girl were conveyed homo as soon as pi'iio
Iv about 20 dogrres from the Sun, and ns ' tieable, nnd it is needless to say were re
ed to two hundred and eiirhtv-ono thous
and and two hundred and fifty dollars.
7iVj,;,'.7 flKii'-:
ceived with outstretched anus.
county l'a.; 'ninl nrc within n few lnilceufthc
n, nte of ti e
Sunbury & Erie Railroad
which is iiuw h.-ini; hii.steiieil to coiiiple'.ion.
TI.av r,. 1,, m-iK- r,,',,l.-,.,l 1, .!n ,.,iv,,i,l will,
HiiKK Comfts Visini.u. The three com-' . ,..i..k ,,,.,..,!, ni k),r,. Uecch. ll'hite Uak.
! ets now visible riseand set as follow s : Iimm- wiih a Inre prfpuriinn of the Lest of
Aerial Kxpeuitiox Across .Tim Atlan- ,s.ln llf) constellation Ursa Major-Ki-; UUITC DI1L.
tic The 'Iroy rime uses the following M.s;!ll ,,, A ( , K. by North.; W li I I t rliVt
language with reference to nn aerial expo- ,,(s S4 n p y j v x,,, , j and huvc been pi-unuunecil by competent ju.l..
dition across the ocean : i ',c-,-' In th' constell tlitiu ('-nicer Ki- ' '''I"1" '" ""-v titnher lun.i.s in Clonriiei.l county.
Tho scheme of crossing tho ocean with sos lit. (I7m. A.M.. North-K,t. Sets- 'J tZult SuSuZTi:
, , , . .. , .,,,;,, hi'iinettf Uriineh 01 Miiiiciii,ilimiiig . leek 1.
a balloon has been propose,, by sMessrs. f,,. l,m. 1 . M., North-west. n-ln ' ,Wil! nic.HW.lV, i,:,l XAVldALU; tt.inn,
Wise and Stoiner, and each lias oilored to tho constellation Pcrstu-. I his Coniet ulln wi,ivi, arc ipiantities uf timber mtt unnu-
buildan air shipof the riKtiisitosiv.e, and has just rnma within the circle of pcrpet it- iy mrried to nnnket.
Iiiako the trip, but lias failed of getting a al apparition, and therefore docs not set , Tlie ehnriictcr of thefc lninl? is well known to till
subscription of twenty thousand dollars to us. It is on the meridian, above the person nc(iininted with the lumber ngions of
sou f,. T , r,-,,,t-i in snvs T,,!., ,,t :tl i t l.n ,nr,,.r, rr , t, lea rneid nii'l i.ik coutuici., 111111 icrsutu c.(i nun
mistook it for n Cyprus tree and ahrms ho wi(, rptuuin in tUU during tii-i
thitithas dark and light spots over ai , , , a, , V u sixlv. Tn' Am.-ri,:i V,r,'l.;i. The Sept. is
many from the horizon at a rough caloula
Mmiii.Tii Snake. Texas papor say:
"A story lias been told us of a mam
moth miako which inhabits Iinetma Mad-
w, nnd wbich crosses to and from the Is-
and, it crossed tho finlf to Iigunn about
two mnntl.s ngo, when it has been seen
twice. U crawls when on land, and as
sumes a snakish motion when in the wa
ter. Our informer insists that its length is
twcntyio to thirty biiMiels per day. Any per
son wifliiiiR lo fco ono in ion, will pli-a.-e
cull with .Mr. Win. A. Ilee 1, Flintier, three miles
cast of ('iirwen: ville, who pun hnsc j nnd one in
use lust season. Maeliine. w ill he lielivefed to
f.'ui wensville it desired. Fur furt lift piirtietilurs
inipiiro of Win. A. I'.cril, ( leurtield 1'. II. or the
subscribers, lh h is promptly intended to.
Millheiin, Centre co. Pa. Sepl.-'Jnd, !;,. 2,,,
Tu thr fmlijii niU ut Vutt-rn nf C'i'.'-yifV' Cuiinttfi
Fki.low ririfKN-s: lhivinrr nlwnvs fhonehl
lliiilii CAMMm U; Kll! Mli:itll'l'onght
Itinn fore otter mysolf its n cini'li'l.ite, with a
prnnii-o if elected, to dischnrgc the duties w ith
. " JAM F. ? ll'.WIX Sr.
Lawrence tp. Sept. 7th, li.'iS. t.i.
t"r with intero.'U
.'itl-l. sth, I-
,1 ii-!:,
tii:'7. ii. cAvr.F.r,,'
11. .V. HKtJ.lHTY,
of l.yinnn .Miles deeM
")V Ci!h of a cttain writ of I,
1 niter tnvse f lo the vntem of the 1 sir el ciin- F"o inenee ny i.'inus oi n. i.iuoai
posed nf Jctfcrson, Klk. M'Kei.n innl iMaarfield I"'r. to a beech, thence by hinds of John l-Vrgi
y.TII ,11. Iff, i;
iiinj: out of liie .'oflrt of (.'oiniuoti I'leao o,
' ( leiirlield Count y, ind to tne ilircet.-d, there wil'
be exposed to public sle nt the I'our! House in
the Ilorouli of (lleartield on Tliiirsdny tho :10th
: dny of Sept luher' IsjS, the follow inc; tleseril.e.i
prej.erly i: A crtuin lriu-t of Inuil, situiit,- I
ia Furiiuson t nsli it, ht ;iiiihiig nt ii beech cor
; Her, then.-e by linnls of T. II. Mavis X. 40 W. 21"
per. t'l n post thence by hinds of ,ulin Fergusun
i S, ii'.) X. 7.'. per. to n pott, thence by lands of .V
, liliiinii S. 21 K. 2V ppr.'to n hickory, tlienee b
linnls of Miithiin. Slouirh ,S. 4(1 l-i. 1 1 per. Id A ,
Jititiwoi d, thence X. ill F.. 72 per. to place
, I" iiiiiiii', colli mi t i n, one hundred m-ros, wil!
I nbont fiity m res denied and ii lo house, In
burn nnd bliicksmith shop thereon erected. Al.-
in certain other tract of land, l.einniitg at a Sit
pnr, thence by lands of M. niooai S. 40 ). Hi
eouiilies. as ft
C AMMDATi: lor th.' I.ltf.lSI. ATI It I',
innl prutuise, ifcleetod, to faithfully represent
my coni-tiluetits.
Clearfield, AVpt. 7th ISJS. te.
fort in diameter, and that hunches on it!five f0(,t in diameter, with un expansive su
body resembling tho end of limb chopeil , ver of five tQ1 wil witdi he will 1
t rtlTa tsAA .,. i.asnontililn a iliutunert nf one 1 , .- v .1. I 111
I i off tree, nre jiercept iblo a distance of one
hundred yards. .
A Rmi.hoad to Ri bope! is-projected by
89 Invt Divis, of Itiiiiv-iV, Orleans c.ian-
tv, New York, (wo give name and rcs-
ij luenee in lull, that ne may not w iv. go
tten when the thing is donol) Addressing
rthe New York Tnlinnn, in answer to the
in'iuiry'what next!" hi say?:
America, f:ngland, France and Russia form
n ftllinnco, ft copartnership ; stop all
wars; turn tho amo attention, means,
n.xt ,1 ...... l,,,,t,l,iil f.iut 11,4 Otlpe
I innn uhu ii" f.iri in mirnnse Air. !.a ,11 n una III savs 1'oe nt .1. 1 111. 111 he inni'miii'. ...,. . .- . XT , , .
11115 Ihe.n will Innl Unit llm description civi 11 11 i, o j ;"'"" 11 "h"
hove, insl..i..l..fcxa??cn.ting, falls fur horl of L "''sni'K u.y w ifo hophia on my account,
r,,.;tin,, ,,..1 tbi, ,,.l,-i,t,,,.,,. to ll,,. 1 ..!., Lr. , ',s " '" " """is Ul lur coll 11 nil I III.-
sue of this valuable Mereliantilo Maga.iue ,,, ,., siieeuliitor, or the ('npitnlist.
is been received, and is full v Cnlial to Tlnty will be sold ..n II K SO.S Ml l.K TKIIMS.
cross the ocean sUrting from tlie city in' f ju clk.p(sj,orS( ,,oth in tll0 Imt j'M in a hody, or separately in section to ,i,
Mav next, and land within 2 t miles ol ' 1 . . purennsers.
..: i.-,,0 II., .liscv tcr which fills its columns and its median-: Al'l'L-K A l ION to be made to
ill.y lCil I'tfMll-lll Olin'J'". -s, .wv.. . 1
ered a principle which will enable him to ical execution. It is also embellished Iinrrv IN.M Ofiii
retain the gas in his bulloon for any given wjt; a jj,,,, ongraving. ISrvant & Stratton ' '
length of time, and he is contident that ; ? ; " ,
tho air can bo navigated as well as the. 1 !
water, and with as little Uimoiilty. Jle ' rc.t.-mmx VcUvlor, lor I let. 1st. lias l.wn Sept.
doas not ask twenty thousand dollars to I received, and is n valuable number former-
make the .attempt , an.l lis , duuits and business men generally. It, STOVES, STOVES!
counter the attendant risks without any , , , r 11 .1
immediate Prospects of reward. We are contains a lull and accurate list of all the ; INDUSTRIAL STOVE WOEKS.
nad the tr a is to bo made at 1111s point., jato countericiis and nroKci. nanits, 01 ices tit n on -Wn-.i, cAPnn(i c rant piicanon nemg mtme 10 mm at ins resi
men and nviney which those governnieiits .Vrhoti;,r j, is a fucoess or failme, it will 0f stocks, prices current Ac. Ac. IV rsons : oppttsilc t'hriHt Cliurrli, Plilladrliilila. 1 f'eneo it. hnwieiiee township, three miles
have exl.ended to f , Lo a rare sight to witness the depart nr h n),u),llc detector and guide. ' Tho Pll.,seril,er r'cctfallv hi, friend, 1 90"lh of Clon.f.eld ;"ough or by letter
years oast, to tho mighty and ennobling f m, 1st of a balloon inflated with , . , . .,. o 1.11,, '. nv ,i,, 1,. i. ,,!, n, addressed to him at ( leiirlield 1'. (1.
nurtmL. ol lovolina th lulls of Scotlaml 1 -.00011 f,.( nf and carrvinc a thin " 1101 " lM lter '' 10 '"l"""- " " ' ','v ' , ,.-r 1 vyv,v, .vi,.-a-$.-t
nnd the hills and mountains of New Kng-; . ,rov kiej. with apparatus for navigating IVtcrsons. , where ha will lu plea -cd to to hia old cnstoml, I.awreneo tp.
.I01I.V A. OTTO.
, i-kiivlkill Co. l'a.
.s. a. ru,iii;rtTr
I'.eadiug. l'a.
Svpt. lath, ISaS.
j Important to Liinibcrincn.
. THK siihserihiT inke this metlusf
! informing any and nil persons wishing
! procure tliu
son X. 21 W. 100 per. to a beech, thence tv Inn I
ol V 111. P. .M'Cloy X. f.ll W. Ill per. tn a bird
thence ,S. fit. W. 12 per. to place of beitinnin
coiilniniit; sixteen and ono hall acres; limy he
in' llic Minn.' premise- enmity ad by T. 11. jliivi
os per deed r'."rd"l in heed Il ,k ,M, p.i , 31
to Andrew iluvis. Tit I; en in Kxccutiou nnd I
he fold its the property of Andrew Jtnvis.
J. R. HE1JD, Slu-rlg.'
Sopt. Wilt. l.-iS. Is.
Clock MinrVici
Respectfully nnnounics that
eomiiicnced I lie tibovu business iu
he ll
-y f.
j that ho is the agent for Clenrlieltl County,
jand will furnish and put in tho said n heel,
on the shortest possihle notice, 0
Clearfield, IV. oppo-ite tlK. .lournal nlli.
Al! kinds of clocks, w titehes, .leweli v, Ai
cntrustctl to him w ill be neatlv reiwiire
1 , 1...1 1: . .'. 1. ' 1,
lion He tt.iii,iuu-'i, in i-oeiiu lu ijlllllliv. j-
liis resi-'-Til-ion to business, and doing hi
woi K 111 n si .erii'r mat. tier he liop;;s tos
( lire u liberal shnre of )'iiblic jiutronni'o.
sept. 1, ViS. tf.
land States into a ruil-rnad an-nts the Allan- t10 aj.,
'if. nn a direct mo from some proper point,
fi.i, fxgland.s const, elevated at least ix(y !
l"itabovo the level Qt t!)0 sea anu uui ;
loss than n miln wide on tllO top.', !
i This job would .employ several wheclbar-j
;row4, an a considerable lores 01 inoorci. 1
wis-1 lni.iAr rfiiched the Harrishnrg1
I'ost Ulfice last week, directed to "his ex-,
enllenov Governor Wm. F. Johnson.
.i ' , . . : J n I
job mm wno wrote 11 is miiii.usr'i if w
relative of Hip Van Winkle. .
Past Axn Preskst.
When first we did to maidens neol.
Their hearts alone they cased in steel ?
But now more caution they display,
And wear steel armor all the way.
1 On tho ll(tl inst. byfJoorge Krhart Kf.
Mr. William O. Mc('RACiii:s and Miss.
F.LiZAiiK.Tii Star all if this county.
where hi) will ll) plea.-cd to too hia old custom-:
ers nnd friends. I
He bus row on blind n splendid nssnrtnient of;
Parlor, Hall, Office, Store and Cooking;;
John a. j;kki.
JSej't. 1, l.N'.r.. m.ji.l.
Tho partnership horetoforo exis-tii." I.o.
IS JI i:i( KI'.Y 01VKN, TII AT
Letters of Atlininistration
1 r 1 .1
IMVi; I'Ct'U rUlUt'"! lo IJic Hill rlhi-J
1 i,f flirt ltili'-t nnil im. -.t .1 TiiirtiVrti klmln ul
On the same day by Isaac Lemon Esij. ,,,, nn, r,.t.,,ii. WM. C. MCMAX,
Ul KU of Ferguson to", nt-llip, ' No. :l, Tth Second Slree, rhiltidclphia.
11. lour pnrtiiiiliir allention in in. iU"l lo
tis"' 1 cjm't bear children." said"Miss Mr. William
lisdainfuUy. .... , and Miss. Amelia Siiolmm! ol .lordan tp. (.,' rivi.-'i pathn'T iiS lll'RS'IVti WARM- indebted to the same for subscription n.l-
JLrs. lajtiugtsin looked at Her over ner (onvm,id county IV t INi AXI VE.NTII.ATINU UTOVDri, for Par- vertising or .lob work, me reipiested to
itwecii .Im. II.LiiiTimerand U.K. Wnrd-lr. on the K-tntc of fi L( i; i i: SMITH, laic
j in the printing nnd publishing of the I'.eM town-hip.Clearlicld cotiniy. d.'.-oas,
Clearfield Kciitibliefln-' was 011 t.ho "(ith. i All pet sons having anv business in rr!
1 day of duly Im'iS dissolved by mutual con- tion to said estut,.. are notified to call r
'sent. All persons kliowini theniseUtw nie and innke set t h meot
aug. li, In'.s. Ailm'r.
5 In the recent election for congress, in Ar.
nsas, Benton county gave Hin.lman
BnnxTat 0110 thousand vote, and ( roshy,
aiow-nothinir. two 1 Tho two votes aro
1 . 11.11.. !...(' ..I. ...... .1 ...1 . ' . . . ' 11 . ... ' . ' .
mioctacU'S llWUll V lli-l'im lie I'" " .'" . . l..r rniwen. S nrii lli, s. I'n.r.. A..,., whii. 1 for CJll I AN ll r r nn linuii I, In f , s. r.tll. ... r.r 1 1 . .
j 'rerhaps if you could you would like' . CL'IV'Vj V W'l'EU ' econemy, purity of air, nnd case ol innnaKein.-nt 'Clearfield' Hopubi,nn" and settloup i TO MY CREDITORS,
thorn bettor." 1 AJ",I ' - has 1." f'"l- W.C.N. The books hoi m left ii llio ban.l of J II Ut:iv .,d inftna In l,o,l T ..n .1.,.;,..
a. hhltafer of., ni lately dcclar- 'PO sell t".r new inventions. Apenls hay. made I WWd Casimg. for all kind, of btovo,, on I,arriul4sr jr nhmicnt. ' ' to and clo tip all my worldly husina,-
' r- s " - . ,. - over Zi,"VU uonars on, ...1.. .i.-.. n 111111.1. . .. , 11,1,1,,,.,, Ail p. rsons huviii ' e hunt airniunt 111: ara the-
' ed Hint every man who .lured to per. a pun dier ,imilnr .ncies. n. four .tamp, and f-eptcmher 22, 18aS.-3mo. ; "' 'f'lK' MK1- ' foro n-.r-nsted to present them at once for "
' , ..,11.- 1 l',.i ,iu immit. t.n I la inl. . .... ,i....l..u rti li. r. IVAIll' ,lr. . , . j , . . .
8IIOI1KI ikj Bc.iv . 1 get 50 p45'- " ' ', Tii o7"i r 1 " rIi7,Yc"" 1 .. . 0-11 ic-c mciu. i uesire to ne nn-onn cxeciitnr.
.. . vniiiiiiu niill't' t.n Ifn.t ( ills tali os Hlariks for sale ut this ( Ithee 1 A-lli. -ith. IS is. r
tentiarv. I .-"" - - , : tuiav i", i-sr. .1 A.ilfc.s 1. 1, ,. s.
Hipposcd to be lraudulent.