Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 22, 1858, Image 4

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' 1 1! k u' 'i. '1 1 1 Ii I i H nitlii lit i'H i '
till, mid (In' pmliH tell tt ' l-t'inlmi".
'li-ll Iiml mine linli'l", I
- vct.d o'a'p i, I nv" Itn'miies "I I'ighl lum-
llin i ml in- in 1 1 1 1' hi I'l'il.ill.ii' ilium
,y. "i new jinin'1, mi,'iii, lil'li In
r. uislain ri"'iir.' i!im:iiia in ilinc
us, wil iihi!hi'i it -i miiitlal rrni luf
i hp or ti n wtir. mi t Inil I In1 I'lniili i tin'
tiling I" i)'i lnil ii j tin- liin vi'-t every
"nr Hit ii"l iiliti'iiiliti;! 1 1 - I'.vtiiiiii
lliiry Itl lin I'llH-lils li cull i lite tin' Mill,
. far lln Innrer puitioti nf tin1 i-hmd i
,ct a w ildi r.icss. A published Muleiiictii
!ves only uni' twentieth ii i t of it ns nu
ll -r cultivation. Some pin t dI the icidue
U mountainous nnd iiiiiillnl I.', I'lii a very
' "tisic.l,.' portion ol it i II.-. fertile ns 1 1 m t
. Iiirli yields mi enormous n revenue.
In in lil it inn to I lif hi'iiiu i'i'n i' ugl ictil lur
id wealth, there mo rich copper iiml conl
.hies, imd the forests nliiiunil willi nm
I iL'any, iTilar, nnd otlu-r choice woods.
irre ain muni' sriuiiix driitv inrks to a
Irmvliiu k
iii'iii on tho i-limil, imwfviT.ihp initi -
pal ol wiin ii arc the ciii-rvnl ng i nuiaic
ml vellow fever, A minor Init l.y m
means ili'Hiicalili evil is tin nmntii(o' s,
. Iiomi' atin is very jioiiMinciH to atrnn.uci's,
I'oilnciiiL; a liil' di'rcn of itillammiition.
I .fl liuiuli, wiist.minil ankles mvpII up aiid
'ppurati'.inakinprc.'it norcs, wliich leave
p. Is iihniiHt ns ili'i'ii as the Mnft'l pox,
. ml much latL'pr. After n resilience of
'vo years, however, the stina is si nrcelv
It, Iiml tl.P piison prcihices littli' or no;
H'eet. This liasliecn nceonnted for hy t lie ,
i.Vft that the enervatinL- climato renders
''O Mood sn thin and poor that it is no
ngor capable ol tliesanie degree vl in
. immation.
Haply on "Hi.inkkhs." Mr. Karev hav
lieen nsked his opinion with rcurd to
o use ot 'iilinkers" on horses, replies in
conuntiniciition to ttie London Times, in '
.hichhestatesthat his experiene with nnd
tdiservution of horses jirovcs clearly that!
Iilinkers should n t he used, and that1
0 npt 01 mo noise, lor many reasons
miouiu not no mteriereil with in any way.
11 rsos nre only fearful of objects' which
'ey tin not understand or are not f'amili-
..r Willi, ami llio eve n one ol tlio prinei
1 mediums hv which this uiiderslnndini; !
id this familiarity lire hrotijlit nlioiit.
They can he hrokcii in less time andhet-i
.'without blinkers, and dr.ven past oH
U which usually startle them, with far'
. ire safety when the eye has an opportu-l
y to exitmine. (hp obp :t iihup fully.
10 horse is a I'etler indce ot distancns
in man, and if allowed lb free use nf;
ryes, r ium nvoiu coiusjnns II P(lienu :
. . . . -1 : I i- ... ,
ifoU DV tiiu o.irelo.'.srHS-. it tlm a river. i
. 1. ..... ...... 1
r. jiarey siaies urn ine tisp Ol MinKcrs
rapidly disapiarin,: in the Unil.-d !
tales, anii pieilic':: increaol nseiu tiess
. tho hot-.-, e wl o" th'6 "f. lly of ll e nil cm
tth ftnliu v' 1 a'l ili -Ii - 1 in iii.nUoi'.
Do Aviuits la.).v -One- plunsunt day
1 i-t summer, says a correspondent nf tho
: iston out, a small arty embarked in a
iliorry to visit Kuss's Jslaml. In the hoat ' a Newfoundland doir. As boon as we!
hud disemliurked, the do.' observed at a
l.ort distance almut a dw-n cows and an'
I I lame horse feeding, and accordingly 1
ished towards them harking at the top of
j ... ,r, .. , ?.., ,',
voice. J his uttacK lirst start ed he
.ows, and they lnVan to retreat with con- '
j-iderble 8jieHl, The hoi'se was selected s
.io mam olijeet of his assault, and limped
a wav ns well as he could. Tho cows hud
Ud together in a jirolip, and jiassed
niounu among each oilier tor a lew nun
.'.es, apimr
ently consullill'' oil what was
lone I'iiinllv l7,..v fiim. f.n-
ion., j ma ly tliey tame lot-
MV. covered the ret cent r. I m
i icst to ho d
trd in a body, covered the retreat of tho
id horse, and look tho van themselves
1 . 1 ,. , . .
md look tho Villi themselves -
!py then moved deliberately together in"
:i line, with heads toward the ground and
leirns presented to the dog, and drove him
li.iek tlefeaU'd. At every meeeeding rally
u hi part, they continued to repulse him
iitil he abandoned his attacks, nnd then
ctired to a graf-sy spot to graze us before.
j hese actually protected their lame nsso-
i late from the assaults of the noisy inva-:
tier. " 1
- I
Pllll-IITINE Islands. Tho port of lloilo i
1 the centro of the southern group of the 1
r,i -
Munller l"hilinnino Islands, bus 1,,:,, J
I , f . ' , , .. ' , "c ri-iuariy aiuuiu, ami Ueom it no more than
. . I to lore gn trade by the .Spanish (invern- justice to bear this public ustiuiony to its vir
ulent, and is p-obably destined before long' lues.
10 become well kown in comtnerciel enter- Respectfully yours, Ac.
prise, although at present there aro scarce-! JAMES F.DEVLIN,
Iv lialf a do7.en merchants or ship-owners ! 10I"I"V ,B!io"' ,A-l'-II- "'
t erewlioeverli..idr,1tl,0 rl,.n i,.. ..Mr" 1)M'l'n we kuown to tho citiu'lisof In-
lfovlo)'is the cheif port of the small but
. '... 1
'rule island of IJanny, w hich contains a
population of about 700,000 inhabitants
n-id together with the neighlMiring islands,
"f which it is expected to bo tho commer
cial depot, the imputation may bo estima
ted at two millions.. Besides varieties of
itprn prodtiee, of lesser importance w ith
which we are familiar from our connection
w ith Singapore. lloilo is expected eventu
ally to export largely sugar and hemp to a
considerable extent, and thus open a dir
ect trade not onfy for shipment of raw pro
duce to England, but for importing and
rflistributing among the neighboring is
H inds a proportionate amount of Rritish
Tub Printinu CIitice. An observer
;'nd di.seriiiiinntitin- u-eifoc .nv. Il.,f il..
printing ollieol as proved'a better college!
to ninny a uoy, nas crnuiiateil more use u
and consniciioiis nieinl...w ..f n..L.',' l,. 1
l-rougllt more intellect out and turned it
' rraotioal, useful channels, awakened '
more minds, generated more active and el-!
.-vaUid thought, than many of tho col-;
. . . .- ,,.,
leges nf the country. A boy who com
mences in such a school as tho printing of
lieo will have his tnlen ts nnd ideas brought
ttt j and if ho is a careful observer, expo
ronco in his profession will contribute
. tore toward an education than can be ob
lined in almost any other manner.
'oncoitod papas and aristocratic mammas,
-hould, however, never think of placing
t ieirpromising youths at tlio printing Ims
i.iess. It is a miserable litisincus for such,
nnd, besides, monibers of tho profession
arc very frequently obliged to work.
hA .O.riend pheeling iihunnily phig-l
.urativf, phnrnishes tho iiliollotvinL' : 4tv
!tunato 4osters, Ituitotisly 4til'ving 4 Horn
Stresses, 4i-ihly 41unte 4ty" 4midablo 4cign-
rs 4tning 4aging 4ces.
BpTIip Sunday Atlas, in a fit of revolu
tionary enthusiasm, says "Hurrah for
t ho girls of -TO 1"' "Thunder 1" cries a New
Jersey paper; "that is toodaVncd old "Xo,
in ; hurrah lor tho girls of 17 !"
i.I)tiis XIV
.I)uis XIV.- nsked Count Mahony'lefl with him on loan only, and to
! understood Italian. 'Yen, please 'h;11 vailed on.
MajcrtV. 'rait I the enijul, -; r it. m o- JO'KPII POSTt.Kl
a i t r. .... I 1 U (i .
ii' ho
J.efl in Irish.
)i.riiM 9 Ii Ii itial in
jMrun'TY of i UK
1lllln iii'"li" n i llnl ini"!t'ini', mul
mi nlil'li Ims inter n ssllMVt.itlly dl.pnsp.l
nl ly llii .ii.(. ir aim (.'in Ii lli healing .rl.
Some maintain - nnd r-pci inlly Hi old s. ho .1
I'liv-lrliim Hint III" lives In 'lie blond, mul
tlii-ifl'i'i i nil t i pn r mlejuntp in It hut nmdi-m
n il m e mri" Hint ailment Imvp Ihi'lf
in I. "Hi Hip Ii I mul of lli" 1 luil
liip Inner piep.'neriili', however, is ii lixpd In. I,
nii'l medical skill lm clearly d.'im.iistintrd Hist
nl least twn I "fill" ilh llnil ti ii inn ll flesh in
lu'lr I". hare lln'ir source in nn
I iii pure Stntc of f lie
An, fur Instance, in t ) n long catalogue, such i I
.Scrofula, 'I Viler, "Jhrlicr's Itch,"
Pimples, Ulotclies, Krysipclny, 1)1-1
ccrs, Salt-Kheimi, Discharges'
; from the Kar, Fever sore?, or ir-
niptivc Diseases of miy kind.
Thono nro npi'iTtai nt'.l tiy well knonn modii'iil
liiwutD nrin' t'r.nii Imd nliilo llio liihrst
iiK'dinil nnll.orilii'f iK'cliiro tlint most fevers uri
cinnloi n ihc nn mo .'iiinimr, umi more inrtirnlnr
iy Typhoid nml henrlel Ihc formi'r l.cinsnn in
tprnnl, nml the hitler nn external irniitive ilis
enrso! nml in nil pcrmmn nttiiekcd liy Ihcuo imi
lii'lic tlio hlonil in foiind to bo cm l'iiIiiI c.i , or of
i n Unrk iinhi'iililiy color,
Toward oil' n lnrgo inn.iorify of iliecnups, nn
Wl11 '" ,'"re " ninnlior whii-hhnvo nlrcndy jpi.
''' "I""1 ,ll! '.vu,,l,i
it is .xi:cr:,ss.i!r to
I.INIlSFV's ImIMIOVKII IjI.iiiiII Sk.uiciikh liof.S
I'nivorsal I'nnaeen for every diseimo knon n. hut
"'0 lr c . t r i 0 r chiim for it tho pirner not only or
Draining OUt All Impurities of tl)C
p, ,
i,ut i,y tho fkilful coiubinntioii
kill'iil combination of well known
trill run' oil ditftixe arinitit mm a ilmim. j
nl ulntr nf tlir IArrr iricr nut Ayicyw,, J
ami tjirc ri DCirnl tmir and riinr
t'i tin: Stnmwh.
That the Illood Searcher is all that is claimed
lor it, tho Proprietors can produce
It is inly a few yours linee it was discovered, :
..I ll I .L. I . . 1
a,,;i yel il Frown into such a business thut n
largo Laboratory has built exprofsly fur iUi
laro number of inen ouipluyed
'pi,. 0 1.. .1 .. . - 1 .1
1 "u Ol r.quai IHC
Demand !
Wa a.-k nny candid inun could this ln so. if the
Medu ino did Dot pofseis ALL tho viftuos claimed
for it '
Tlio Proprietors have hundreds of certificates I
from men of probity and standing in tho comma. 1
uity, showing what the inediciuo is doin
f"r 111 e sullcring.
it,M, .. 1 ,i, 111 J
U 1,0 ,1!lS Cer UScd tllG 00(1;
nv .., ; , ( ; 1
Win (her Jit:d:( itv, l:.inrruil.
. '
.j 'h'11Bj tr,'" h"Mo
. . ... ...v nhji.ib.. wi in uiueacj.
Dit. J. M. I.isiiskv : Dear Sir I lake plea
sure in acknowledging the grout benefit,
your Improved Illood Sonrcher has boon to my
1 1 .. 1 t .:.. ,.i ... ... . . J
iiu una ijc-u iiiiuciu.l Willi Wlllll piiyslclalis
!c,ll'J rfloiis disea.o of tho
Ki'inds of llio stomach. He has keen afflicted
, with thill (li(,c.lse fl,n int,lllcy. lo is fr
re ..... . , .. . . ' . .
iccu jcura ui age; uuriiig an tins tune no hits
bad several sevoro attacks, and nil lb. r.....l 1..
ken into tho stomach imparted little strength to
tho system. 1 had several eminent pbvsicinns
attend ing him, but I found very little advan
tage, as the disoa.10 still relumed with all its aw
ful consequences.
In April IS57, he hnd a violent attack, S3 much
no. that all who saw him suppojod ho was in the
lint stage of Consumption. I was advised to try
your Wood Searcher; I accordingly procured
"ne hottle of it, nnd by the time ho had used it
ll0 appeared restorerd to perfect health.
It is now 0110 vear sine lm usod vonr iuviil.i.i.
Illood ee'reher, and I am perfectly satisfi-
eu - uiiHs savea nun
from an untimely gruvo. I
'""i"' ,.u',u'll."K,r,v"!l'me', ,0 "'"' V
UliiiiK nnd estmorclnn.l
July 6, ISS8.
C. D. WATSON, Clearfield.
JAMES B. GRAHAM, (Irahamplon.
JOHX l'ATTOX, Curwenstille.
K. F. RHENNER, Morrisdalo.
JOHN RVSSELL, Rcnnsville.
R. II. iMOORE, Luthcrsburg.
M. 0. STIRK, Now Millport.
CHARLES 11. FOSTER, l'liilipshurg.
H. SWAN, Ansonville.
Rl'SSELL MoMl'RRAY, New Wnshiuglon.
EDWARD WILLIAMS, Williamsville.
SA.MI'EL 1IAGERTY, Glenhope.
nng. II, 1808 -.firii.
5000 AGliiXTS WAN TED,
'fri..,n i.,-n..: : . ..
1 , ,, """"' Agcnis nave iiiailo I
lhcr similar agencies. Send four slninns and I
8 - 1 P-fic particulars, gratis. ""nl " !
KI'llltAI.M jjkdwx, Lowell, Mass.
""i ", uoiiars on one. .ettor I inn t
. j
XI Ihe .uhscribcr having taken tho above well 1
known stand, formerly kept by H'm. A. Mason,
in Curwenst ille, l'n., is ready to accommodate all
k ... t. i. !.:. ..." . . X.r." !
tullo will alwny. be suppliod with tho "best the
....... y nlul ,uulT rn,rnnge. jus ;
arsii anortls, and hn liar with tho choicos
Iniuors. His stnblo will bo under :he care oft
tontivo hostlers. DAVID SMITH.
Curwcnsville, April 21. 18 jS.
; DCra,532,00 in one day 52,00
I Were cleared by airents. retailing m
f""",,. Ma...
All Persons arc lierchy Notified
Or in nny w.iy meddle with, a Tenia uf Horei,
nnd Harness, now in the possession of James
Wall, of Hrady township, in tho county ef Clear-
iici.i, i as uie same belongs to me, and were
be relumed
.hi;?, t, 1H.-.S. ?.,
A. II. lUiOrKI.N,
1t Hill kllil I 1, M M .tntlfc,
t I I ' 1 I I I W t.
ilUs Sump's I Itniiti p;i'
I I I il S.
till AlT AI I l MI'A'ttlX, NIIIStMl
iuti,ix, i.iv.
Gin. Ware for t hetnlils, lintel.!., Perfumers,
l'liiil";;iii'lii't, i ll'.
(irccn (ilass Ware ly the Pack
n;c. A l.ilirviil I i (Hint inaii tn tln Timli
f'C (irilrrn fimn r.niiitry I'mmi-H ninl lion
li ra milirilpil.
KOCl'iii'p. t l.lj. nont on niiliintlini,
AiiKimt 4, IS.jS. ;tm.
ii I. I if t
All 1 CrSODS JirC llCl'Chy LlUltlOIrf'll
,. .
Zjrninst rurcliiifinM- or Trailing for a yoke nf
H l" M TM Wlirri' flYl'M
1U'"'UU' ' Mill.. IJAI.iN,
nmv in mii.!.i..liin of Antlnmr- lirinn ..f ll.,.,,..
townidiii, nn lliey lielnno; to me,
nnd nro In hi
I'ossi'SMi.n nn limn only.
nn. .1, isjs. ::t.
( I'ottMEIIt.V KNOWN AS THE (ilioll
('It'tiffifhl ('iihtii, l'tiiitxiiiithia
The subset iher Iiprk Icnve to Inform his 0i,i . he ivill alivny. bo prepnrci tofur.iish hi. cus
customers, and tho public Kenonilly Unit he him i w"h cv,'ry '"'"K ''ny f'""11' '"'l' "-
recctilly tnken the above well known stand, nml i tahlmhinenls-to wit; Ice Cream. Ale, I.nKur
that he bus .iilirclv refitted i.y.1 refurnished it in
a tyle adnptvd tn llio ae, nml tho wants nf tho
entire traveling coiniiiuuity
will nlwnys h pr ii.lcd wit'j crcry luxury the
markets and surroiinilinx cuuntrv will afford.
will be nipplicd with the choicest wines nnd li
o,iiors. HIS STABLES,
which are tho best nml most co.n.noilious on the
ro.,,1 wilhin a .lav'- i,v..1 .vill !,....
ehnro ol careful and attentive, hostlers. In
I Kvery di partiiienl of his Kstal.lishincnt will
bo supplied with all the comforts nnd cotivenieu
Ivies tho weary traveller could desire.
! jiino 2, VS. WM. A. MAS0X.
Axsiox ikum::
The subscriber respectfully announces to tho nub-
lie inn 1 11c nas iiikcii tlio al.ovo stand, in tho bur
ough nf Clearfield, ami is prepared tn nceoinmo-
J - . ....... . 1 . .. ...
date all who may give him a call. Tho publio
i.iny rcrt n.'suitd that it will bo conducted in tho
best manner possible. His table will be supplied
with tho licit the market nllerds. His liar tilled
with tho choicest brands or wines nnd lienors, nnd
his sUibles will be under the enre of attentive and
pnreful n.-tlers. v IAXIK M. WEAVl'R.
Feb. II, LS.17. y.
1,"...,. 1 1 1., at t .. I
"'"I"') u 1
My connection for the pnst eight years with
the above Institution, ns Chief Physician, nnd a
twelve year's course nf steady devotion 0 tha
Pulmoiinry Consumption,
and its kindred diseases, together with my un-
rivaiica opportunities ami ailvnntnges of pati o
logical research aided not a little by a perfect
system of
has enabled ino to nrrivo at a decisive, direct
.-.nd successful course of treatment fur tho posi
tivi nnd radical cure of all diseases of tho
lly inhalation the curative prnpertic! of medi
cine! are directly addressed ti the diseased or
gun ami the integument, I do not ndviso the
uso of Medical Inhalation ol any kind, to the ex
clusion of CKXR11.U. trkatmkxt; nnd although I
consider it a useful adjuvant in tho propor man
agement of those fearful and often fatal diseases,
yet I deem it very necessary that eneh patient
should have the benefft ol both r.rtr.n!. nnd lo
cal treatment. The success of my treatment il
the above diseases, and tho high character of
1110 institution over which I have so l.mir had
1110 ","'"r l" l'rcsi.le, nro too well known to need
any eulogy or comment Irnm me. At the solici
tation of many privato and professional friends,
oirnugii wnoso plnlanlliropic aid thenbnro chnr
ity has been long nnd liberally supported, nnd af
ter duo consideration, I have concluded to make
such arrangements ai wi.l bring tho benefits of
my experience and treatment within the reach of
all, nnd not confine myself ns heretofore, to
those only who entered the Intirniarv, or who
I were nblo to visit me nt my oflieo. Hoping,
I therefore, that llio arrangement will give entiro
sausinciinn. inun t my prnlessiouiil brethren
and the public, I would respectfully announce in
conclusion, Hint cnn limp 6c rnunulteil firnonnl.
'' letter, on all diseases as nliove.aml tlint tho
medicines, tho same as used in tho Institution,
aro prcparod lo suit each individual case,
jlnlinlitig Vnpors, Medical
I Ac. p., will ko forwarded hy express to any
, part or (be United States or the Cnnadns.
j T E IS M S : N
I My tonus of treatment by letter arc as
j follows viz: -S12 per month for each pa
tient, which will include medicine sufli
U'ient for one month's use; also inhaling
I vapor, and nn Inhaling Apparatus. 1'ay.
nient as follows: Sli to be paid to Express
, ., .,.,,....,, ,.
"'t' uiuiiraiim ine dux oi ,uoi -
Agent on the receipt of the box of Modi
cine and the i.i.l,...,.,. v.t ,1 .
' " 7' ' V, ' '' 'lt, " "J"1'"."
ol 1,10 ,non''. ,f "'e h' '"'""-l or is
o.,tir. - ly salislled with the treattnent. I,t-'
entirely satisfied with the treat men
tients, by giving a full history of
,. , ,, i ,t - ,,
' 1 their .syinitonn in full, ea
treated as Well by letter as by person
,hvh. I
'.an bo
' ' l'"-
rsonal ex-
nm nal on. Tat cuts iivoii:,,., il.....l....
of Dr. .larrotfs treatinet.t mav relv i,...
o "
mediate and permanent he seldom 1
has to treat a case over thirty days. Let- '
' tent for advico promptly nnsworod. Yov '
urthor particMihirs nlt!ress
IA.U 1 iU. i ; ' I A I II I
huiou oi mciucniea vnpnrcnn be icon and inspect- !
Estate of Heed Alexander, dee'd.
Notice is Hereby Given
THAT Letter, of Administration havo been
granted to the undersigned, on the Estate of
Reed Aloxandor, deceased. All persons having
business concerning" the samo, are hereby notifi
ed to come forward and sottlo immediately.
niH- I SjS, flt.
-V.. S'1!! JleiHtdinn, roe Trrlt h v v i' "1"' i ne enure syslom, resUiring tho Tanto which
,, ' ' """""'".I r'r- luf'."h . J . ha. kecomo vitiated or destroyed by great iudul
I . S. I hysicmns and thers visiting the city K""1-0. completely removing tho irritafmn and
are respectfully invited to call at the Infirmary, I "'-voinpanying tickling iensation of the Throng '
where many interesting case, can be witnessed, I ll"'h nre laya conuijuont upon tho abstaining
and where our Improved Appamtut for the inha- : from Uli0 "f Tohaeuo, and by givin g a henlth i
fcl'Riit:iHANNA WMll,
I'ttm rimvillp, iVnnn.
Hp lti'iiil.. ,i ., i I . i.l Ii, n I i InhlfP !.
I.I, I lilhp.l,ltl(, ,ll'( Inll.ll ll.l !.,,!
I.. .l ni.1 iiut.p i,i. il.p i, I itin ilin, In i'.p
i nm riM i, rnmrn.i iUr, i.iiM mihiniM p
.n Ii lew t" l f..f iIip nri'i.niiiin.lnil'.n rf l.nn.
((in unit nil nilirn lio n.nv l,nr lilinniiliK
mil. Ilin li'iii.p la Inic nii'l piniif"ilii,'lp. nml
Irm pIpi lll Unit piPry rum pnipin n nri p-nr In
lliplr piinifnrt, Aw lp uliil'llli l nllm In t In llin
.ri'iiiirff i,
liAVII) J'lllX.soV.
1 rrhrimrjr 1ft,
, nlilni't, C'ltnlr M.i 1. 1 n ix,
a n i) m or r, v a i ti x
1 oiix ot i.lrit a i xii:i. HKNXKlt imviiijr
If piiIitpiI lulu .iirlii.'r-lii III I Ii o l,.iP.
iirm, will lip irpinrpil nt nil tiini'd lu n'li'ii.l t.. nnv
Iiiiin. i in Hip nl.nvp lino un iliiirt nnlire nml in
iriiin'r nuinniT. Tlipy will nlno Kp. p rnnninnlly
nn linml nt tlirir nli.. nil Mmkct nl., nrnilv,
' nilo Hip Ji'ir pturn, Inrjj nuMirlmi'iil nt
' ry nml CliilP Itnltuni Cllnir.', nml t'nliiiipl irnio nl I
,erv ilpfprii'tiiiii wliirli llwy will nc fminil rve.
ri'mlv tn ilifnip nf mi nn rpnminnliln IrniK nt Hit
,ini nrlU-lm ma l.o Iiml rlHimlierc in llio ciniiit.v.
,'1 oir Hlin'k of L'nliini't Wnre now on Imnd, con.
, f f j ,lt r
' 'rMMiiR nnil rntnmnn Rnrpniir, Snfiin, Pfnlnc
in Wnuli Slnniln, Di-pkn nn.H'.i.ok Cnnpn, Fronrli
' I l'U'l'l I of i iipiiiiipmiH, jMtuii, uronKliiff, ton
i tr
Curd nnd l'ier Tnldes, Ac.
0FF1XS iiiimnliu'tiiri'd ml delivered nt nny
pi 'O ll.'silT.I.
Mny 2:i, ISil
Restaurant and Eating Saloon.
I II. TAYI.Ult, he's lenvo to iiil'orin I1I.1 old
I V . f '
friend nnd the public, tlint ho him just
ri'plvnifhed his Block of on In lilei, in his new mi
lium In tho l.iLs.'iii.'iit nf .M.'ssrs. Merrel & Cnr
tcr'n Jt nn nnd Tin-Wnro si. ire ; nnd Hint hnrenf-
! .'''""V1"'1 r ",0.V"Y .b"t I""1
ity, Frniti. and tonleclionurv of oil kinds, it c.
Thnnklul for past favors, ho solicits a eonlinu.
nnco nl' public pain. 11110. faiay 12, 'is.
isi tjli lp ce i2i asia,
D UKAI.Y !i CO., Monvfiictiircrn of Duck:
X "km (.loves and Mitts, l.ailii's' nml den.
, . 1 i rl, ,,.l,rr,'1'""'r" ; .n.ket
.lvcs, llucks in blurts and Drawers, l(i,lin A
Minuting l.CKL'in.'s, Wnlkill'' (Inilors. of Cloth
nnd Leather, Kuckskin nnd I ml in Itubber Sus
penders, Wnist Hells, Money Holts nnd l'urses.
Sleigh ltobts, nnd Duflnlo Skim of every doscrip
tion. X. K. lim kskins nf nil colors nnd dualities.
Kiiumelcd Cowhide, Importer! of Chamois, Spun -
i'cs, Ac.
jr-ft'The attention of tho inerrhantr of Clear-
field county i respectfully called to tho above
nilvertisement. P. Healv A Co. inniinfactiirn the
' al,ovo goods themselves, and will receive in ex-
1 ..I l.L't'l. CL'IVl, . . .. .
! ''huiifie DF.KIt PKIXS. and allow
Hie Diglicsl
cnt;h Prue fur thfrnauic
' fct'Pt- ly
KTA UI- FKIt .t 11 A It 1.1
Cheap n a tclie a and Jewelry.
17"H0LSAI.E and RETAIL, at the "Pliilndil-
? l'hia Wat. h nnd .lew.'h v Slore." No. I IS
, fold Nn. Un) North tjccoud iilni t, corner ol yuar
! ry, I'liilinl'n.
OolU I.everW alelK'S, full jew. li dlS c. cases $2S 00
fluid I.apino, IS curat.
- --- 21 (10
- - - - 12 on
Mlverl.crer, lull jeweled,
Silver l.npine.jcwels, ........ 0 On
Superiur (junrtiers, .-.....-70(1
tlold Spectacles, ......71m
Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 -p
(old Ilraeolets, - -- ......jno
Lndy'e Hold Pencils, 1 on
Silver Tea Spoons, per set 4
Gold Pens, with Pencil nnd Silver Holder. 1 (Id
Gold Finger Kings :!7 cents to $S0; Watch
Glasses, pin iu 12J cents, pntcnt ISJ, Lunet 2j;
other articles in proportion. All goods warranted
to ke what thev nro sold for.
Successors to 0. Conra.l.
On hand some Gold and Silver Levers and Lo
pinos, still lower than the above prices.
October 7, ISjj.-ly.
rilHE l'arlnership existing between Ihp umlcr
X signed in the practice or llio law, has Ibis
day keen Ibis dissolved bv mutual consent.
Clearfield, May 1st 18iS. Sm.
J. V opening a largo and well selected S1... L ni
Goods, cuusisling of
Dry CJondm Ciroccrics Hardware, Out-ens-
. . " '4UICHI.
ware. Hoots nnd Miock, HIm, I'mIhIk
iirus, nata anrl lion nets, Naiu A
Spikes, talt and I' lsh,
ns well ns every oilier article iisunllv reouired in
t .n r...,irv . i,;i. .i. i'.. ... .... . . . .
... ...h..,.,, nn.i.i .nr. ..iier ill me r.n h-
mir icriiis ns ran lie nml 111 the county,
nnd see the new, beautiful anduieful.
june ll, IHjs.
, - . ,- . . 1 - ....'
111. llb.MU LORAIN, having associated
with him ill the nraclico of Meiliein. lir J
U. HAUTSWICK. thev ..tier '.. .!7.l
services to the citiicns of Cloiirficld and vicinity
Tll.t- n-ill nll..n.l I.. ..-..C...! 1 . ... J
- " i'.ii.-i"iini chiis at an Hour
nnd mall seasons.
Dr. llartswiek will he
k. f. I .!..! .1 , .
their oflieo opposite Dr. Lorain's resiik'nco,
night nt his residence, one door uorth of Reed A
11 eaver t aloro.
. Clearfield, June 1(1, ISifi.
Important to
The (I'eent suLitifnteur Teliarcn.
It is a well known
and Incontrovertible fact
its tho promoting of!
that the use of Tobacco
many of the most Severn
i. . i ,,s, ,,,, -,
...i T . "'" Ihe race of man is
" ' ' painful
'u. nam. c iHi1"""" " C"nt"ins
ZZ I U lu 'Z' 1!:
. bo 1 deranges the functions and operation.
A C" .'.I.., ."'s mr 10 ,u,l,,",e thutorgan
TnitAI'l'O ir...... -i n .. '
X T.. '":'' ""easeit. ,
,. - " " enure norvniusy.-
,cn, 'nonnesting itelf-as all who have .! I.
nnviiitif ivaaii .. l... i...t. . .
sZ. " . V..! ,c "T-'" -tde. :
nnviftns ua.,I 'M 1
"",l,".:';.V"ler ,li""'')'' 'f a .iniilar chara-tor. '
nn(l have proved cnmptotelj rud'esKful in a mul-
and have proved complete,,,U a mU :
o rut ihii..,.nn, j
tiiiui 01 cases, anil wherever used Heine- Urm ,
Ics in themselve, they exert at neft 'Xct '
. il
lono 10 1,16 ""macli Invignrale tho whulo system
should uso these Troche, immedi.ilv l.i
off tho Injurious aud unpleasant habit of Tohac
The.e Troche, or Wenge. are put up i a
cenreniont and nortnb I.. rnrm ... .1.. 1' .', ,
60 cent n.,p b., A til, 1 .I:".". . .J . 1
60 centa per box. A liberal discount to the trade.
1 repared solely hy the under.igned to whom
ii uiubii .uouin do aailrossoil.
AMES E. ROWERS, Druggist.
April M, ,SJV;J,,,,d.Ctf1''
UM( I'll' U1 ll !
t mi iim'V miihum:,
1il Mil It MIllflM I 1 r..
'.io.oi iii mi lt ,v 77-; HUM' MnWtl,
MS'iMllrl NT 1'11'nltU M M I'. I"M t'
t .'".""" In ..iV il Art. I l K l'o I, AM MN.
l.timAltV HI I Kit. Ai nl (Ti'lilnx rMi.
Tho nnliin nf 'inpii.n' Mnitntino nml I'ntnnm'a
M.inOiiv Inn givin In I lie rni"ll'lntp. nurd a
r 1 1 i n 1m I inn Kpi i.n.l In l.ul i.iip piniilnr pihlirnlinn
ill llio roiinlrv, nml Imp pprnii il fur II n.inlil
nnlion nl lllprniy nml nrll.lii' IkIpiiI . r I " I I V nn
rlvnli"! l,v nny hiIht Mugmiiip In llio mul'l. I'n
rinil Hip lirl nii'iilli, Hip rule in Ilin Irmla anil
i ii ml In, in Mil
from Mil- iiln m pxprnli .1 llO.ftnn
nninlipr nlremly I.mip.I nflhe innn.lnln -
ik nrn iinlvrrnilly ronrp.lpil in hnvn mir -
in Ih- ri.'IniPMof Ihi'ir lliernry pnnlonU,
I.i'iinty nml ir.iliiM'iip i.l thotr ii'tnrml
jf, liny innKiiinn ovor liolnrn Innni'd
ri I
,no Aniprirnn profn. Knrnnrnjroil l.y Ihofo
tho new volume in .laniin-
ry w ith nd.litioniil nllractlons, nml tn offer such
inducements to subscriber as cannot fail to lilnco
it, in ciii'iihiliiin, nt the hend of Aincrirnn Alnpa-
nines. Willi this view they now announce tho
following splendid proraiiiiiie. They have pur
clias.'.l that superb nnd costly stocl plnti) K'lgra
nnd will present n ropy of it to every thrco dol
lar suliscrilier lor llio yrnr It was enj;rii
ved nt 11 cost nf nver $11, 1100, by hp Into cclcbrn
led A. 1. Dirk, In. 'ii tho nriiiial nf llnphncl
MorKlicn, lifter Lcnnnrdi Da Vinci, nnd is the
largest stcel-plnto engraving over executed In
this country,, being Ihreo times tho sire of the
urdinary tlirco-dolliir engravings.
Tlio fust impressions nf thin engraving arc
held at $1(1, and It wni tho intontinn of tho ar
tist that none of tho Kngrnvings should ever be
offered for a less sum Ihan being richly worth
tlint amount. Thus every throe-dollar subscriber
will receive the Mngimno 0110 year cheap at
and this splendid engraving, richly worth i;
111 us getting for ?:i tho value of $.
We shall cnmnicnco striking nff the ongrnviii"s
iinmediati.'ly, yet f vim hardly he expected that
iiiiprrssinnt of fo large a pinto can ho taken ns
fast 11s they will bo called lor by subscriber..
We shall therefore, furnish them in the order in
which subscriptions nro received, Those who
desire to obtain Ihoir engravings early, and from
tho first impressions, should send in their sub
scriptions without delay. Tho engravings can
ho sent on rollers, by mail, or in oilier manner,
s suiiscribcrs shall order.
$20,11110 .V WOJiK.S OFAJIT.
In nd.lition tn tho nuperb engraving of "THE
LAST SU.MMKU," which will bo presented to
every tnreo-ilnllar subscriber lor lS.'i.S. tho pub
1 li'hcrs hnvo eomplet.'il arrnnfcments forthedis.
j tribiition, on the 2Jth of Dcceiuber, 1S.1S, of a
I "cries of splendid works nf nrt, consisting of one
j hundrml rich nnd rare old paintings, valued at
from IfllHI to $100. each. Also. 2.000
: 'Ht Steel-l'lalo Kngraviugs, worth from $'i to
ft i ...... 1. I I .inn .. ... 1 1. . .
-' vi.. 11, no. 1 i.n.iii cnniee iioiiaay nooks, wnrth.
il'roin ?l to $5 each, uiaking in all, over THHKE
t imi.l.AliS.
Inclose l?:t to the publishers nnd yon will com
iiicncc receiving the Magnr.ino by rolurn mail.
Von Kill also reeeivo with Ihc first copy a num.
bered subscription receipt, entitling you tj the
Fngravins of -Till; T,A-'T SPprFK," and n
dm nte In draw onj of llicsu "TJIiaii TMOLV
envons why yon should siilwribo I
EMEn.SOXS MAGAZLXi; jr ls.".8.
First: -Because its literary contents will, du-'
ring the year, einbmco conslribtitinin from over'
one hundred different writers and thinkers, num-!
bering among them the most distinguish id of A
merican nuthors. j
Secnnd : Ilecnusc its editorial departments,1
"Our Studio," "Our Window," nnd "our Olio," I
will ench bo conducted by nn abl.. editor and
it will surpass, in tho variety .md richness of its :
editorial contents, any other inaga.ino.
Third: llecnnso it will couin'n, di. lug the ;
year, nearly six hnnd red original pieioi il illus-l
ntimis, from designs by the first American nr-
Fnurth : Ilecnusc for the sum of 5.1 von will
receive this splendid more riehlv wnnl.
that sum tlinn nny other inagaiine, nml' the su
pcrli Engraving of "The Lust Supper,"
Fifth : liecna.-e you will very likely draw one
of tho Ihreo thousand prizes to be distributed on
the 2;'ilh day of Oeecmber, 1 SiX perhaps one
tkat is worth $1,000.
.Notwithstanding that these extraordinary In
ducements enn hnrdly fail to accomplish the ob
jccls of the publishers without further efforts
they have determined te continue thro" the year
To any perseu who will ,
ill get up u club of twen-
,J':f,,ur '"hserikcrs, either ut ono or more post
, ottices, no will present a splendid library, con-I
T.B .1 . a" ""J""1. Vull,"u' c,n" '
hraeuur the most noint r .,rLn : n,. i.. 1
The club may .'10 formed nt tho club price, $2 a
year, without tho engraving, or nt tho full price, I
it year, with tho engraving of tho Inst Supper
to ench svbscribcr. List and uYscriplion of the
it.. , . . , ill... ..n-..ii..n ........ ..r.L. 11. ;
- ... , .uagnr.ino will
Uillioe i.iritnrueii cn receipt of 2.1 cents. Over 20U
......... ... .., ...iiiiues, nave aireailv tiecn
distributed in iiicordiince with this offer, 'nnd we
should be glad to furnish a library lo every clcr
gyuinii, to every school-innster, or to someone nt
every post oflieo in tho country.
AGENTS UETTIXd iMfir" O O..I1 ....I .... 1 .
I ti. . - .1 , . '
I ..1.1. T. "i ' ... " . , , . nSem Mwwtinir
Willi is almost astonishing. Ainomr il, n,.nv
evidences of this fact, wo are permitted to nub. '
lish the following: . j
i.knti.kmks: fhi following facts in relation'
I ; f.f..r. .,...!'!. . ""' 'C,i"n'
wnnt of employment Tho Rev. John K. Jar-
I I"1"', hni made, sin. o Inst Christ-
: v.- w" "ecn,,y- Mr- ivid m
, p'oi, or Knlgly, Mo., your general agent for
, J lull county, is mnkinff per day on eaeh siih -
l Kvm,7' ."VC V.'""' Ma"'r'' W,1'T
Ktuns, of Oregon, Mo., your agent! for Holt co.,
arc making from $8 to $25 per day, .d yo-r
; humble servant ha. made, since tho seven llidnv
I or last January, over $1,700, beside, hayin" for
300 acre, of land out of the kusines. werth o,e
nv'i and to refer t anv of tho pnrtie. named '
DANIEL GltEGti, Carrollton, Mo ' i
Vth -eh Inducement, a, w. nff . ' ll J
" ,,,u are at miei-iy lo nub ish this it..
.1 .. f . . -
rncn n. P.mnni. . . ...
enn obtnin mbseribers IV. Im ii. .'. ' . '
man out of emp ,,,u , ', ami e - rt rwo" ' '
irc" or-making P.tUo an-
& "l " f"r an .. A, v Z . . 1 1 1 1
nri VhiH, wil alw v.l"l,, LZV.r '
,wcr to nppiientinn bv return VnV
sniYiiii'v vvni,.,.,,., ...
n ac. i.. ll.. I.....I. r . "
-as wo doir to
. " " .en...n wno prnposci ,
K'-v I Villi), null ILIKIi HI fil'nrv ananl a
- vmu. ni ti uinu hi i v rv a rrAtnr oiw.n
f the cngrnvingor the "LAST S I ; P p i.: it . I I
fpeeinien, each applicant in $3 will ro
ccive the Engraving, post-paid, by rolurn mail
.' v . . 1 "whb vim una 01 me
HiFu fneciuipnii tt nnr rtniiitrt i .1
,i i- . ., " ""'"'" " in !
Itti ' tll Tt? i
..... u, ... ,,. villus.
tuiii ess
0AKS.M1T1I A ('(
No. :)7I Rrondwny, N. Y.
Van II, ISjs.
Tim T..l.i;wl r jt. t.. i-
" , ." """" '"P 'l"'t'fi:.l, and will ,
1 l "" kl"',s of
1 ai ta JS00KS,
14. ,.
J'AI,K,'! J,AU' i K'KKTS,
nn'' every kind of
am. every kind of r,rintin? usually dono
n a country job oflieo. four enter en-
trusted to us will bo faithfully executed.
I .
'on.taMcs Blanks for sdo at this Office.
Hiim iiiih. MUMHiMii, i
l., ., I ,. l, I I,,.. nn I 1 l...q. ...,,tM
Iniiv iii-nii'-t Oip li.l.iinM.n nf V.,.in,,.i
n...i. nn, I i... ,,.t. hr al.x.rl.ii'.n nml p..,i,,
II, tn mm. nl, n I'lm M'p.l nl llm l"nijir,,M
Mr.lnnl lii'lllni", p V illC,
11m I'fu nn ri'Mti n f t n r alilili ,M
(pfi'li fl tlil nipllii"! of rri nllm nf
l.nna nml 1 ht -ml lin ln liii't.1 nn In id nrt ft,,,
...if iiniinl rnnrno, arnl avnll niimpln' nf tlm fn
nmnii of tlm in, In nrilor tn hrlh It ta ih
itp.ll'.npil tn mi ll nflpi ll"liii, Thn itnaa hf u
(.lUliiir ilnt lin nl Irnglli atrlrr-t for tlio (',.
fnnitlvfl Ihn ilnptrliirn nf the lnpnrnMT
pomninilill'in linvlnn al length inmipi aany. ' Y
Iibvp Inilnl.iliililo I'nnifj In mir firnff ..'n
,1C ft, ,r (l orrulor nhi.rhli..n : in Hip amnd
1 1,.. ,1.. r..,.frnialinnii nf Ilin I'jl.errnlp lni.L..'
('onrrTio! m A 1 1. its nT.vnm ri nr. num, in
1 yy nnrt rolpnriMiiir piinprolioim In tho thin) h,
L,,nl.l(. nr ,cn. Thn.-o wo Mod tn tho nnU.
,m(l (f ,,, n,T Kr,t, Hint ovpn now c
,il,,n 1. Inrunililp : rurh nrn l.rl.i.M ii,..
i T nl ,h, Bnl ,r,, mHrt ,pi,rpi ?i. fj
Unit tin moilipinri inlmli-it in tho fnrin or Tnpor
or powder directly into tho Inngs, be much.
more ellerUrc than Hint take inla la Stomach .
where the disease ikies oWs no esist. The ad
vantage of Inhalation fn Ceasnmption k Thro
Piscnspn is, that medicine in the form of VnpoS
is applied directly to the Iwwgs, where the disease1
exists ; the stomach is time left freo to aid in re
storing hot lib, by administering to it healthy anil
life-giving food. There is cose in konrtnil,m
..I, ..,i,- .,7 ....1 ....... TI.. n....... ..... ...
"""' ,,v wu, Bri
krnrght within tho rench of all, tho manner ol
administering the vapors bolngso nimple tlint tbc
invalid is never required to lenvo liumc, where
the hnnd of nffcclion tend! 10 irUch tij ij ((,.
physician's efforts
Tho Jnhnlntiou. Method lit .ooi'y, tnf, mKlf
i-eniiy, and consists ln the adininistrniioti of med
icino in inch a ninnnor, that thoy aro convpysd
into tho bnngs In the form of Vapor, and produce
their action nt the seat of disease. Its practical
senso is destined tn reroliitii.nino the opinions of
llio medical world and atablith the entire ttrnb!l.
ill nf CoiltHmtHoH.
I earnestly appeal to the eoimu-tn sens nf all
affected with Lung diseases, tit embrace at once
tho advantage of Inhalation, and do totignr apply
niedieino to tho nnoffending tomneh. I claim
for Inhalation n placo among the priceless gills
that 1 aturo and nrt hath given us, that "onr day
may l.o long in tho land," nnd at Ihc ony art nf
""''.' '"' Vmiimjiliir a roelbftd not only
ralimtttt, hut himiile nnd rtRrttrimi.
Such of the profession that havo adopted Inha
lation have found it eliharltmr in the Itiekmt lit-
' rrre, urrrntimj ihr prwjreui c the ilinrtur null wop-
kiwj iroiiiJ. ru 111 lu.i 11 y dcrrale rows, in verity,
a signal triumph of our nrt over this fell destroy,
er of our species.
Notk Physicians wishing lo make themselrei
nciiininteil with the practice, are informed that,
our time being valuable, we can only reply, ai to
ingrcdiiiiits used, to such idlers that contain a
Tho fee in nil eases of Pulmonary Affcctioni
will be $10 on receipt of which the necessary iu.
striiments nnd medicines will be forwarded. Ap.
plicants will state age, sex, married or single,
how long affected, if any hereditary disease ex
iis in tbo family, aqd symptom! generally. Let
the name town and Stato bo plainly written.
l'o.tag for return imswor must be enclosed. Let
tors w hen registered ut our risk.
All letters must be addressed tn
8. M. Institute, Xew York.
Nov. II, 1S.-.7-0 111.
A- II. 5JIITH & W).
Dealers in
IVniOLEPALE n,1,l Retail, nt prices to suit
1 I nil, can be found nt their new Hoot Shoo
"lore, No. 21 1 North Second st., n few doors kc
ow the lllnck Horse Hotel, I'll i In.
iflfi try to plcae and sell rhe.ip. Notice
o country merchants. Constantly on hand a
urge assortment of Men and Hoys' Runts, Gnitera
nd lirognns, coarse nnd fine ; also, Wi incn's Jt
disscs' Lace Roots, Gaiters, Slippers, .to., nnd a
well selected stock of Youths and Children'! wear
generally. Wo would respectfully invito you to
call nnd examine for yourselves.
X. 11. Trunks manufactured nnd for sale whole
sale and retail at No. :!l 1 North Second ft.
April 17, ISiS. Ilin.
f i I! A
V I ir
ntei! Grain Cradles for sale hy
Julv S.
UAHDWAHIJof cverydescriplion for sale
at n uio'luinto advance ut the store of
may 1. W. F. II! WIN.
llron Depot, Kept by Merrell & Carter.
Second Street, Clearfield, Pti.
IS the placo whero nil the 'ollowing articles
can be had at reduce. I prices :
Uttr Jrun (.' nil tizct lii) the niH or iy tie.
tjiinntitif Si ill nf rurki'm i;es and bat
'jiHttlt ; n lar-jc iifMirtmeut nf Stores, anmiuj
vli'ieh irill l,e fnmul the Xew World limit
(hit J'remtiim, limit Ixepiihl'it, Jiuck's rat
rut, anil the dc,Mtttl Mitinemlii. Alf, it
lnrie tiftintwcnt of mnr-plutrt mul l'tnhr
Store,, viiil Air-tiyttt of rurinttt Pattern.
-I Ino, Pious nf jhe mul Intent )mltrr.
Aho, i? their pw'm Munu fiieturini a large, un
furtiiiiiit of Tin-uurr, Store )':, Sheet-iron
jiuim nf all i:ex, and all artielci of ike tiHilin
their Ime trjit nhroit nn hand, llttnte ffin
tinij done to order, and Tin llootinp dune with
deuileh. Also, a tar;e assortment of o'f
i';i(s (.' honse-l-ceoHi utensils muslnnt on
",vi.""1 1 ".T7 n?.U r'omno'Ut'"1
All' orders will he thankfully received 'auJ
prompt'y atlcnded to.
I o. n. MKnRE.-x,
1 N. ll.-Tlioy will also receive every variety of
"tides enccission, at low rate. M. A C.
r . rVt AT I ' fV
J A 1 lONAL 1 1 O I j L,
"D... -t -1 n.ii m
itaun bl. kuiivr I nirn Km m
TV'iK I'mprict
tor. of tho above woll known pi.
-. .tun
iihlishment being thankful for the very
""oral patronago kestowed upon them the past
i",'-'" Tp0"'d f ,Bfii min th"if rH"n'"
e.r," t" ""Ir ? l! to w-
Trtt.!L .Si"11-! v
renovated, hnproveinent, mad. and
,.7 WI'IV a trntim. in contemplation.
aro determined to Uevoto our w ho o alien
tmn lo huxinofi and flutter oursolven with tlio
""" """'
conviction that we shall be nbl. i,. .1..
i .......
tmn. HIDES A StflVvn
N. R. Carnage, will alwayi be in roadinc.. to
convey pafscngcr. to and from Steamboat Land 1
ingi and Rnilrnad Depots. 8 A S
March 81st, lS58.y
1)I.ASTKIXC:.Tho lubscriher, having
located himself in the borough of Clearfield
! would inform the publio that he is prepared to
I d work in tho ahovo lino, from plain ro ornamen
I till of any duscriptinn in a workmanlike manner;
I Al.o whitewashing and repairirg done in a neal
manner nnd nn rensonahlo turn..
I EDWIN C00!"ER. .
i Clenrflold, tpril 17, 188T. ly.
rpilE under.igned respoctfully announce, to
the public that he ha. opened an ..linir
hou.e In the basement .tory of Morrow', (late
iioinpninaj nou'i, wnere may be found every
lllKlirV flf III lABtan aimh m t . n n .
iMckled OiTr. Lend;;" LiZZ r
Cakes, Confoetionarie., Fruit',, iu,. fZ Ao.-'
hoPes hT tct attention to hi, busines. to'
m,,rib nJ ret''". "hare or public patronage.
June an. m.-3m C tLANNI0AN- . '