Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 22, 1858, Image 1

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J. H. LARRIMER, E.iitor.
vor. Villi. NO -2G.
Eljf ilfpuMciu:
Terms of Subscription.
Jf paid in advance, or within three tnontlifi, $1 1
If paid any time within the year, . . 1 r
If paid after th expiration of the year, 2 00 !
Terms of AdvtrllHiiic-, !
Advertisements aro inserted in the Kepul.licnn '
22, m.
Tlic Mow Hose.
it the following rates
1 Inncrtion
One jqare, (lllinos,) $ Ml
Two squares, (281incs,) 1 00
Three S'liiaro, (42 lines,) 1 AO
2 do.
$ 7i
1 50
2 00
3 months. . .no's.
One Square, !
Two squares, :
Three squares,
Kour npiaros, :
Half a column,
One column,
J2 it)
i PI)
: 5 00
ft on
: 8 00
H 00
!?1 00
r, oo
8 1)0
10 00
12 00
20 00
S do.
1 00
2 00
2 50
12 mo
J 7 on
in CO
.12 00
"l 1 0(1
IS 00
SO 00
Over three weeks and less than three mouth? 25
cent por square for each insertion.
Business notice not exceoding Mines are in
ierted for $2 a year.
Advertisements not marked with'th number of
insertions dusired, will lie continued till forbid
ciarged according to theso tcrmi".
j. ii. L.i;KiMr.n.
i). o. ciioucn,
)I.YSICI..X Office in Curwcmville.
AVIVG removed liii ofiW to the new dwel
ling on Second street, will promptly answe. Colin at borotoforc.
err1iiit aiit Lumber Dealer, corner of
ll Front and Locust strode, -Clearfield.
I'M. M, ISil.
jk. . utinmfn. ' test
A It RIM Kit A. TlT, Attorneys t Law
CUarficld, fa-, will attclid promptly to lo!-
t nulls, Lntia Agencies, tc, a.., in viearncin,
Centre and Elkroiililies. July .!. y
"John troutman
STILL continues the business uf ("hair Making,
and House. S'ijo and nmamcntal 3 1 t i n rr . nt
ike hop fi.r.ii'-rly o i .pu d I y Tr"t'i:m . 1'. "'' e.
.it the end uf iUi kut aitot. ; di-t..i.c
wt-i of I.i ii'i. Foundry. J..." l.'.l j.
The Ang.I of flower, one day,
1-encatli a rote-tree lay,
(That spirit to wlin chsrge is given,
To bathe young buds in dews of heaven.'
Awaking from bit slight repne,
The Angel whispered to the rose:
"Oh, choicest ohject of ray care !
Ptill fairest found when all ii fair,
Forth sweet shade thou'et given me.
Auk what thou wilt 'lis granted thee."
"Then" said the rose, with deepened glow,
"On me another grace bestow."
The spirit panned in silent thought,
..'but grnce J! there the Bower hail not.
'Twas but moment o'er the rose
A veil of mors the Angel throws:
nd, clothed in natme'i simplest weed.
Could there a flower that rose exceed ?
Tlic I'urrrct nic not.
i prow old very fed. Ho that ns it luilit. now
,1k? was under his wife's full control ; and rest.
. hoi i--ii ion-i marrioil Ik-Ioio iio 1
im.nlc n ill--,)H.-utliii))f to lior nil lii1
i lifoirrty. Mi,. 1 m.iiMj.'f.I
Tl.o i,,. (,.,.( j1(l ,.1VC (l
TERMS-11.23 per Annum.
"rl.,, r.,v n.i(,liih Ji)(t i
Almiolity ,iti,..l ,IT Hp,..,!!,.,! In-rl.oni.-
tll lll.w.l. .... I c i '
ring tliiH I,..!,! i ffo,l so:,s., f..r . V, " ","PM ",r ior tlioy will t..
-i , . .... ...... ,.,- 1 1 i r- iiimv
Mini jiirs. .;imi iuiica venr. wlipii
111 MM'U-
MT. .Natl lcll Vli tllll to t n l'..irr iim.I
I win in jkv-ko J.y liis gentle litvt wiluV
. . I .i
"ii" io-',.iv: I n. utiiiiv iv.
lnereifl-it ,;,s woven her:, winter -l,r:l
llion moi t il l.;l. eo.,1,1 r.H.jon. Fnther,
mother. l,il,l, M:i,i toother hefore the
eierniii 1 1, rniiot ,ey walk to-et her wh,
no voien sltiiii ever ,..,V( -j
.Nelly is "one home.
in t'ongress
ImihI I'lrint
ueli Iimv meiim. Kvery hmly
knew iiml l.elioveil, fhlit the not wei.-l, (l r.-iillior in t he .ie. isi,,,,. ion hn tnio, then it .Vm Mmh W
on. I the hit.. ...n.-.w ;.. r .., ,.-,1 c i... ii .. ..... i". few.-
. -......... .,, ,. u.-,,, 1.11m. in ;u . 'i.'iiimtii, J riinihtill,
....... i in. jicoiun kiiow mat it whs i I'll, rosic
not uitemleil, un. let- ntiy eimniisliineis, to
ileny tliein their jnoiortioii of hm.Ii,
ln.le,.rn.lent WomaniMn, hut it il not
1.) lor it ( oi.orewonal ilatform. If this
am weary
is me
(Jfvkkais. (' thr.
er nnd others of ) l..n.l...
have l.rought "V,y,, .t mf
tilm tle industrial interest of iiiti roW-'
tiy for they vote.I for the present Tnrill
nii.l not the Administration, whi. h n, (reat .ij,.,h.HP. !n th
Jlonseol Ki'pi'eeiit:ilii..u Un M.
7 a 4'tllllVO.
ilieiiKer, tins ineamiro
.. .ii i .. i
.iii'mii.t i, i, midii g or jierv,.rMon,
allegation mat we lai.l down the
l-.v, ,.,l jmihsxs Iill;;li(. heeome IV K.IV,
Mate with ,i t. I...: .r.i-
I"' oi .i.i..'ii,(. t ut u in have 'X'.AMM .i he,.,.,.,,. ,. r. w....- wnsn.loi.t..,! I.v n i- i.,-'. .
in , I . . i in oi.ue.' i ...., uu :u, 4i( yens to 1.1 IIIIVS
n hat h lau.eless iienersion. N Clirr(i,i Mearly two to one, ttitl, tt nuniherof iJJ:
it ltei,,llieau, was
A i.Ecrr.
A gallant knight and tally fair,
Jtovedhy the Iright and winding Rhine:
In love foft dream, thrice happy pair,
They watilied the golden fun decline.
AVhcn lo! the lady on a rock
A liny pole blue flower espied,
The knight obedient the look.
With eagerness to snatch it hied,
lie graped it, but o great bis bate.
He Flipped and sunk, ah, sad bis lot !
He rose to her the flower be cant,
And dying cried, "Forget me not !
j , Mis. Xash Uel Kelly w itli licr of eonr-v.
I She had too hifh n regard for i.ublio
a .lrt .,1 : ... i ... i ... i '
..... ,.i ,M, n i-f, I'm M,e niuuo l lie or-'
j juian iiy many tunes over, in hard toil, for I I'nr. Thiiee
,er morse, oi ioo.i nn.l her bed in the at- itnrj ' heillains-W'ashinglon, I'.nna.m. te '
tie. Wan an orrainl tol.odone. Nellv was land Wellington Wal,iii.'toi. I.v I i
, ... ... . .... .. , (tl Ilf ei , in.mino.1. Iloniniarto ..ossesed I
! IV POlilwlI llPrsi If fl . nnn ii, l.,. ...... I. .... L ... !.. .. . '. .. ' "
. . , ' " ' ' ' ' r ' ""..."I i i. ii. -i. orain iinu iia.l the tinest eere-
! ess attie, with a prayer that she might die ' 1'ial devloi.enient. W;,sl,i,,t,, l,,i l
IxT'.re niornins and l'o to her n,,,il,..,. ever il.,, ...., , , , ..' .. and heloiiL's to tl.r. ...i c.. ; kiu.ul, I i... ., ...
!-.,, t1! . ? ...... .... .....i iiiii, ues which me. .Jor- ;,.,, . r-it- ,V "". mi in hip ntlirnin-
...... I... .' mui i !, one Know, on .m it.'i.i nor r -,i. . ireseiiranon i..i now .rim t,.., .i.... ....
i , f. , . . :uuin-.s, i.erseve- i 1 . .i.tin, - ..... u.i4iui.' iiiut iiiose
but One nhove. renee and adhesiveness. Tlonatinrto in his ,,ow mu' u ,.",,1,n' " frotoll what Kan-1 ' lv in glxss houses sliouM not throw'
Mieh.v j.asse.1 a weary ( hristmas, for youth was a very handsome man- in his I ""''! "',mU (h 1'itiire? )W what st(,'ll''s r timt "dh.erMion is the Let-'
this was the thir ( hnstinas day sin. c her ago ho was deeidelv passe. Was!,iotou "'If ,,rt "''Ulo tho rliaraetcr of inti-. pl' l""'- valor!" L,uighter.l Jloro tho
mother .lied. I lie first one. the snow from his earliest .1... i 7 lutlons to he hereafter ina.l,. ' Tl... lnisxiles ainie.l nt lift. 11....1. 1
... I I ! , . 1 .."."I. III." mini 01 HIS ' 1 . . . ... . ,. ii.unii, IlllVB
I pi.-ed heax ih on a new mad.; grave, and departure, had a hoi,igna:.t exprossioi, in i R1 "T ls ft "l;,.)' ily uf ant i -slavery , .'likened .Mr. Seward's peepers, and an'
U overed up the m-eni.tioi. on a white which sincerity and goodness over w'u-, l.m,'n!n tll,; J i''ntory : M, there wxs hefore, ' in,lisi;IP''t of the Ilrookvillo fbnven
tomh stone. "S.uiih Nash, wife ofStejihen red for the mastery. ll'ellinoton's l'ice ! "' ' ,y W'""1'1 "ot voU'- '""1 unless they '"'. 1-'I iUo lire a hroudside into thn
I Much laugh-'
'!' I"-"-"'! unit any mn-IieonsideTrt.' me negative; nnd in tho Semite-
ZrS'r. ; " .V'" ,:"J-',isl' Tilery "vote of ItoS, hut three lfPp,,hlicn;
., "" ' "csuon 01 Maveiv 1 ""--en-.. . oiiiuiior, foot and Wuile-
Wits t lion ,rli t r,t' I .... . .,.,:. .... -i . .. : "
. - ..,....., ,,,... 1 no allegation (.- 't hiii. aikmih, Meirnrd. WiIon
is its "haseless as the falui,. of n vi.i,.., " , 1 nimhull. Kish. Hell ,m, I t....J
' Nxsh, aged SI.
, was but a f.-v
brought his wifV
1 he second riiri-tnnn was of a martinet, on, I l..l .,1.... " '" '"'niter, another K avei-y Constiin. '"'"P "I (heir own friends
weeks oiler inr (..... ,..ll...l n . . . 1 Kill III V lie Inn, e (..) I I . I er I'.nt I ....... .1.. ,1 -
; ...i..u, ; u was Mem. hul l . .i """" 1 ' " ' 1 . 1 -"-"" uutc peiuietnon llls-
honie ; and rn this, the it was not niteili-.i.t .in it ,.i...i..l . ; the Jaiglish lull, ,( atinear tliat. this "'. n'"! defend them aiuin.. . I. .. ....
third, l.e too. wm gone, and his child was 'Finn. f the three in ni.-it iTi-it v Was,iii. ''!;IV'' ('lh'utv l'''i. coininiNed at ol' ",0 -ookvilh; Convent ion. I say that
alone on the desolate earth. i ton's face exhibited more forcil.'lv "the lie-1 ' 77. at. tlic l'0l,n'iilioii is at least 7(1,0011 i'-'-i tlmt it was the ulteration in the'
Ncliy had worked all day-she was v. rv tion ol tho mi-i 1 within.' Napoleon i ,", i ir " " . -. instead of ,V,,00ll. Some i '1'in iH'producod the Into revulsion of bunk
tired but I'l-w she niu-t clear oil" the ta- ! youth, was slim in form, rather moa-re in !"" '. ''""""r.0 hc l'iiioeiats, .md hold-; m'ss "lu- inonetary allairs, sweeping;'
Lie which had groaned under a weight of;. nit line? in ago, (piite corpulent or rather I mr 1 1'osil,on. '' "ell bo nshained of ; ov''' cnliro country, piostratinc and
good cheer, round which Mrs. Nash had 1 pursy, approaching (he l,ese.-In he:"h.t T hi,t th,' '. "ft v? '"'I Ibis point. Thev : 'fI.ving all industrial pursuits ami en
gathered her relations. Nelly must not j Napoleon was about live feet six inches I ",.Ve s'"1"'"''' tl"'"' liiiraeter, sincerity, i torprisos, tiie manufacturer with tho rest -goto
bed till the I.i4 di.-h was washed : and when not on horselmcl.- u-w .M... ! 1'lrj'l'ss ""'I manhood, (irent stress hiis I ls pieiiosteious. The see.!- f 1.1
jshe knew that. She got a high eh ,ir. and hxiUin.' nn.l n-m.1.1 i.. l I".'"0 '"'''" I'"' H" tl"- i'leii of forein-' unnn revulsion were sown, and tin. fi,,;. r ..
et it lK-fote the closed door leading into ' have .:ised iiunotieed. but. for his n,.Ln,l tho ''0l,l, of Kansas a form of govern- volepcd, before the Tariff was toiih,l it
. in,-ii, ,iii-v 1I1U
ever he
j the parlor. Then climbing tip on it. she intellectual chiir.ioterMics
I'Kjked tiirougii the ghiss over the
' into the cheerful
doer 'was more presentable than Wolllix'foii
room. .'Ii. how warm 15'th in nhv-imu
... 1 l .1 . :. tt . .. ... 1 1
nil i en. hi il i.a. iter siei.inotiier sat. lligton
with her friends, before the fire. Her
" 'li dear, tbere'sscrmiinv to wa-b
little Nelly Nu-h, ;is she surveyed, witl
l U' ! i! ;Liu .'. the ! it t ibl- full of disln
DR. .l)JtCi: V11.S respcel fully givi
notice that be lias resumed the Practice
Mc.lli'inc, mid will promptly attcud lo nil cnlls in
be profi-iion.'l'iirj.Aj 1 l.'.o.
Til OMl'St )N, H A IMNi m 'K N CO.
Iron I-'ulluUfl-s, Curweii'viilr. Aneiteiisire
assortment of Caetiiigs made to or.Uie
Drc. 2V, 1SA1.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, office ai'ji.iiiing lis
resideuce on Sccoud Street, Clca.-I iU, la.
June 1.
. ini'TTiioMrsoN, '
Iliyslrlan, may be found either at his c.fli ce
at Scofield'e hotel, Cumensville, whe n i.n
profesi-i. .rally absent. Iiec. Ill, 1 Sjl
Merchant and Produce Dealer, Lutl.ers
hurg Clonrtield comity, Tiu
April 17, 18i2.
VT the mouth of Lick Run, live miles from
Clearfield. M EUl'll AXT, aud extensive
M:inufneturers of Lumber,
July i:., lSi2.
1)larkst!iiOl. Wagons, Tnggies. Jr., Ac. ironed
y on short notice, and the very best style, at bis
sltl stand in the borough of Curwinn illc.
lcc. 2!l, 1S.V..
DR. M. VM)I, baving changed bis liwa
tion from Curwensville lo ( K-arficId, res
lctfully olTcrs bis professional service? t tl-.e
ciliu'iis of the latter plneo and vicinity.
Residence on Second street, opposi: t. it f f
J. Crnns, Esq. uiy ". ' tiC.
.Vltulu Ht v cal a u lm liiolle i- d.
I Mr.s. .u-I was h tender,'.I: woman,
j living only in the happine.? o her l-ov. d
ones, and she had made the lirst eight
'years of her little daughter's life very
j bright. When she died, the bitterest
pang was in the thought of leaving this,
I her onlv child, lo the lend.-r jiiereies of a
, 1.. ., I ..lilt... .1 i , f ...... O . C . I . I , ,
j i -in -i cuieircii nere uere'l roiin.l -.... -.iKie ,-M-oieii la'tv, WHO lius
,lur. I here was warmth and light and 1 'llol"C rever-iiee f..r t,, inspir ation she
! inii-ili f-ir ln lii-in.t tt.,. .... ' draw, ironi 11. .lie. -in ft..,., it..., : ...i .i
t. .i-ie, von ........, .ii. ,ii, it. ii; iiiijiiiii-'i
;..ii, . .. ... ..... . . .
...... t.,ct.AA.niM-m, I'. ...I.I.I. -!T!iim ...ll'in , ,i iv.i.i. .Ii...... ..11....
..v. .. r. .. '.1.1. .. v. i ... iim, nm iii, 7 r ...i,,. . . . tin ,mv.
J , dead sec un b-r tie? mound-. lowing :-ty upon (he of tho
he am. I.n k ii.el a-.u:i j( t!,.. ( ,. ; Vi -l:
not desire : fmee ilm was the natural I , ..;. ,i.i,... .
ers of a sovereign .State npon Kansas of nV,,nW!,ri'a,''tlox'unsionincon.inere;:-
inferior to Wash- """'""i- operation : it laws in this I itoii, un.i cm roncy, and
.... !, Hfi- ijKe me meiiesnil'l 1 ersiiins I I '"
unchangeable, there would be some point
in the charge; but when their form of
viovernnietit can be shitted any dav it
amounts to nothing. Had Kansas been
tic ;,.: a; nun ton tml. r the Leeomi.loii Constitit-
i i...ii, ere mis another
l"pto l. Il'ld l;.!!!-.,"!
ble She . lutl. ..nd more, in
her low. s.ul voire, "Oh, dear, t'.icrc are
.mj inaiiy I'- ivih all. Then she he.
gaii her tak, and did not pause until it
Wiis all done the Wi-t dish was pu; awav,
and the tiihlcptished Lack against the wall.
It was only nine o'clock, but she did not
,nf tin, ti'irl.,,. '-i.. a,..!.:.... r
1 i ... i : . i . i ..l i: .. i i . I ' ii.i..Liiai,
.i,c.. ii.,.,a,,u..-u.u. h.rhe had nothing for them. She took
mere, ui. Miic.iie iiwiii her candle an-l climbed wearily
ujKin her she eiilled the little one to her j0 ij an.l Kissea her long anuierven ly, Sno s (.,,.(, hercvelidsand brought
brushing back ber thick i-urls with her; with it ,,i0iixant ,lreams. At first thev
pale hand, and looking into her eyes with . WPrc ..miant OUOf Ut.r lnothpr S(.,.I11(.;,
asteadlastgiueof hopeless love and ssnr- ,vitIl llor ..Jn, aud lire w.n bright and
rfW.'.i .. . r i. . . . ' - hojH-ful. i'.utcven in her sleep," trouble
111. 1.. v.. 11. I l ..,, rrl,'.-. ,..-z.,. ' .. . .
-ii, i.ii,. .,.-, . v.... t.. v. .,. . tti , - o",.,r ,l. i.m- Sil,.-, I,...l
I "Mav nev.-r In ly pro:s bi liji.s bu ii-,u...rv.
I luve roiiirn.n;;,
! Wb makes a fnro-ior of U s in ..lib. ami ke ns
hi.s cliiiniiey buinin.
"day each true w 'in in sIcjii his sig'it, for fe ar
bis fumes iirght choke h"r:
And none h.ii those who smoke themselves,
have kisses for a em iker."
'(.uess nobody wants any of hers,"
siivs ol 1 Cent-a-gr.ib.
Ul stairs
extracts irom the Speech of
Ih K'-rrr l nt C'i'i '.im., P,i.S. j'l.:l,, H"i.
I'.iit some one n.-ar me wants to hear
iilHiut Kansas: ami 1 shall sneak of it as
. in, lint' r. : I it I ill. iii, . li, a. , ..-. ,.- i,. .rt, r , , .1
thing else, but 1 wish 1 could take you .,'-" . "i' .": V Pr" '
- - .-ri-.- ... . ....ij; , i,,n as semen unaiiv ntvi lorever. i mean
I hen a voice seeme.l to s!.e,ik to ; it can never again become the subject
i! I. nt rnt ion in ( Vm -'.-'; ! rniiliii'n tit
ne ti.ougut it was her mother s tones. ,,ro,liet now, that Kansas will be admitted
Ih.-y seei.iedcallinghertothechurchvard. ito the Tnion tinder the lirst constitution
I hey t..,d her that the heart underneath she m.iv form, by an almost united North
t he grave soi troubled. If she Went ' Cl n :,n,"l .southern Ieinocratie vote, llow
there, she tnought her mother could hoar ev,,r ,vo ,.,,, vi,.w tP.,ll!f lhe j.;
her moiin her mother, who seemed call- t Vl,h 1 .ill. as to thu. ratio of the population
n.g her again to her l-.som. to entitle a Slate, to admission into the
t .me-come, rouie . calte.1 the lar-ofl p,,;,,,, it t..,is) I.p ol,. i,,.w Hoi lu.f.,
The child started up wildly. She 'other constitution 'can be M-enared and
presented to ..ongress, tlic population will
c. in hi
Ik en
ay-jj o'yjr- inste.ul of AjljcTr-
tsme men, not ot Jvnisjs att'ini.t
in,-. ,..nii"i ...i .v ...t- , in i trirrow
tins eon worn iiiouienes.-, ni i nu.i. ih-i-'1.. It ,.,,,.,1 1,, r...,, i.., .i.i
i-r i..r you n you coui.i s.cep nere on my
l.oM.m and never wake again. I wii-h we
could U- buried together. ' - ,
Mr. Nash was a kind-hearted man. Ilis:
svmpathii w ere ,iick rather than deep.
l'crliaj.s this was why he had never under-'
stood the woman who for ten years had 1
U-on bis wife. Hcrnature was very ditl'er-l
ent. Her leeliiigs lay deeply buried in ' xo,.0
her woman s neari. .-oiuciime-, iiKe u:a- r(JK. r,m J,cr .l.she hurried noiselessly
moiids in the wnnling ways ol a gloomy
mine, they would flash out for a moment,
giving the U-holder a smldeii startling
glimpse ot ll,.- richness hid within, uer
down stairs. She open.-d the out fide door oqWi or ,e so n(.;r tl,P rati of one mem-
CAURIES cn Chairmaking, Wheelwright, and
house and Sign paint, ng at C'urwnsville,
1'learVrld co. All order promptly attended to
Jan. i, lSjS.
love w;i like the cotme ol a subt.-nanear.
stream, which you could only trace l.y the
sweet fragrance of the flowers, the rich ver
diuv of the gras it. Her husband
saw things tro-.n a dill'erent point, the.-e-lore
her Avoids se-iiied iiii-onij.rehcn-.ible.
lie had been sittingat his dying wife's Ited
sije, his lace bowed ujku his liands and
the tears trickling through his lingers, but
he raised bis head now-, and said, "I rn"t
like to hear you say that, Sarah. If you
must die, it isn't right to wish the child
dead, too. 1 want something left for me.
to the ciiuens of Jlorns and the ailjoinmg town- , i;unt, Kid smile cro5cl the dying no
ships. He will always be f. und nt the residence nian's laec. She knew her liusliind In-t-of
Thos. KjK-r. when nol professionally engaged. tvv tU in j,e knon. l.nself. "You will be
May 21, IsaS. ,'t-om1'orted." she murmured, in her low
) tones, but she did not remove her steady
' .ju.-siioning. sorrow fill gaze from herchild's
face. She died with her hand twined in
just as the clock struck the hour ot mid
night. Tii? house was still. No one lcard
the i:g!it fin.t-teps. She closed the door
Ih-Iuil.1 her and hurried on. The winds
swej t thiough and through her thin night
dress the hard earth rut and goaded her
bare, lender feet. I'ut she was insensible
to old or pain. She hurried on. Only
one thought was in her heart her mother
ha 1 i-allel .she was going to her.
Across the fields she sped into the
churchyard g ile on, to those two graves
beneath the willows oil, until she pressed
her fevered brow upon the bare sod above
h.-r mother's ho-u t. And then the merci
less snow begnn to fall. It covered up the
hI to ho.d that the Constitution could not
bo changed prior to ; but that idea discarded by ill parties in the Terri
tory nnd dropped at once.
I'.ut what do the Kepublicans mean by
their mysterious talk about popular sover.
eighty? The Convention that nominated
ur. nail tor t-ongress, charged the Ad
ministration with infidelity totho dot-trine
of popular sovereignty. Now, gentlemen,
nicy cannot, nave imth ends of the ever
:.. ll':n r , ..
in u us. .in, .nr. nan promise to vote
lor the iKlmiii s ionif Kansas nsu slave
(State, or Nebraska, or New Mexico, or
jpnrwu lexas. should such States makeup
plication I'ntil he does this, his friends
: cannot tunc ahont popular sovereignty.
I They must stand on their Fremont plat
I fi ii'm in r.i,..H ..I' . i .
.......... u, .....iigressionai interler-
, enee. 1 hey must take one horn or the
other ot the dilemma.
I'-ut the leaders of the Peoples' party
:aie attempting to. hag the Tarilf .piestion
into the political arena; they would fain
: persuade the manufacturers, miners and
laboring classes that had thev the control
'"' government they could so adjust
the Tarifl'as to give renewed and unexam
pled prosperity to all American interests.
cannot tie les
winter or s
reach ii,Mt
can be mad
les than ",inm, and "v the' .,.,: . ' , ,. '. '"'T1)
pringof l.s.,0, it w ill t-erkinlyi,X.,T,' 'n """"""'' ' understan,
-l or loti lino. No ' W I " ""-"r ,c r',""',t !" lhh
le at the next Session for the ' Y' , 1 V',";r!-:i""1 H' -Htitudo ol
. it the n-le were .li oosed to i ),c 'l"'Hu in Congress, and in (lie na.
lession. l.y day or nigh.- Rcsi.l.-nce opposite tec the girl s IhieK curls.
Wcthuditt thurcb. - May 4, Iv.S. fi uk.s. j 2Mr. Nash was loud in his lainetitings
over the doad, i.ut .t iiy was very rjtnet
tJimflcr cf" rt,-VwV, 1inrri,rrr, Vnsmi.
OXE do. ra-t of Montelins 4 Ten Eyck
8tnre, All business entrnstcd ta him mill
I promptly attended , and all inslnnneuus f
wntinr done abort notico.
.March, Kl, ISs..y.
No one ever saw her wt-p ; and some jht
sons even remarked that it was fit range
the child didn't seem to care more aWit
white mahtleof pe.wv. It lay likeasiiowy
veil over that voting victim's brow. Jt
clot lied like a garment her shining limbs.
It was more mercilul to her than the world,
but she beetled not its ministry.
All her senses were l.x ked save one.
She listened eagerly breathlesslv wild-
Iv. She listened for her mother's voice.
'h, was, it fancy? Chit of that grave sweet
low tones seemed to rise. She thought
it may have loen onlv the snow-Hakcs-
do so, an.l the indications nro clear that
they are not. there would not be sufficient
time, between the meeting of the Territo
rial Legislature, mid the adjournment of
Congress, to propare and present another
constitution. The Legislature assembles
about the 7th of .lanuarv. mi l Congress
.i:., .1. . e r '..... i
-lAR.W.M.CAMPHr.I.I-havinglocatcdiuJAUerynu nre gone i sua u ner nciur letters on the head stone, which the poor Jha,, ('.( davs' lime to do a work that
1 f Kvlcrtown, tenders his professional service, than anything t Ise in the world.'' child had lieen traeinif blindly w ill, her s!.oiil,I o,Vth.v lb'., .inn. "of live sir
fingers. It fol.U I over the two graves its ,.., i, Tl is is 1.....1 "n f,. l. ,;!.
chief-makers who have been endeavoring'
to get tip a new excitement. Hut they are
ltouud to and they ought to fail. I
voted for the admission n Kansas at the
HAS resinned the practice of medieire, and , .iuesli.m,ng s.. r-.w .. -i.- r.... nere,., .. s ,., sll0 -.coded not its li.imstrv. ;lt S,sio, because I K lieved her appli-
will nttend .r..n,i.tlj It. .11 calls his -ro- ;. , with her hand twined Hi All her senses were locked one. Yatmn to be legal nnd proper, 1 expect to
favor her next Application on :he same
riinipl, itfld no other. Aiplause.
I know my friend ..uwg (ullis, conetirs
in my views on this point. Applause.
Whatever tUln-renr.. nt' ii.iiiilnti us tt tin.
but she thought sott hand rested upon ' ., r.c...i .....:... :
, t, l 1 1. .... iiii',ii.uiiic. t- nii.-sii in, nit 1,,'ii . ill 1 1 ' It. 1
hor mother, luuihor worooihershrowa- ier liair: she frit a iint-kis liikhi iur aL. i...
fit.ef.rrt-is tvlifl lint C4hi tiiAt for tnnnf lit f,....l..o.l ,a .n tn i uwril, l. 1. 1
I l -l 1 1 r - - - - U'lllb". Ill Wl'IIH lilt 11 II 111 !HV"ril
lauerwai-i a mi e n. H-r.rls..-.J er .aee ,,0 iougett,er head was i:nod lo a soil. mont lls ,i.y pr,.se,,ted it, wo extend
. inaisiic scant ii ,i.i ercT so loving i---oin. .-ne mm louiiu rest nt last. kl,v,i n,. oi.i.on.miir ,f ,h...;,i;i, t il,
. I.,- i . i ...:..!. ..l . , . , , , - - i'i - ... ,11.
T. W. BAkRKTT, I1"111 I '"-' "u .osi nave and sho murmured, as M,o had so many I polls, whe-ther they would beetnne a State
MVT.rlUXT, mrddTE AM) l.CMIU'n thought that dead mother s I.-vst ki-s;s tun.-s .lone nt her mother's knee, "Uod or 111)f. Thov have decided that thev
I.KA1.EH, AM. Jl sTK'E OF THK bail drawn hair the life Iron, her childish keep little Nelly, and take her to Heaven would not, and all Ma satisfied. Surely
KACK, l.nthersl.urg. Clearfield t'o., Ta. jveins. . .when she tli.-s." .md gently, gently fell 1 1 lio most fastidious friend of popular light's
1 I fi'TTI F ,1""r,u,,.,i':Mr- ,n,!1;1'-'nl.l''''''-owover thetwograves over the cannot complain of this. A clamor was
J. U. Lll ILL, . in h. rand an-l hi, i'riof; bat frW,.ir.g child. I riii-ed that w offered io bribe the peo,,le
i ttomry t law and Land Acriit, offic tune ).aM-.lon Ins wife s words came true j Thev called in vain toJittle Nellv in the to become a si ave Slute bv i v 1 1 1 them a
u adjoininfi li. reMctence, on ' -i1 lio wsi o.itif.-rtL. looming. She was not in the kitchen ; ,vrtilin 1(()1.ti0n of land', ifthis was bri-
w.nn-s l.a. Hel,eele.U houst kee, s.Hy. The ,-l.e not m the yanl: she was not in ,;,, ,!'. op,,osilion be mn it 1'nder the
sister, who come to mm wncn ins nrst iu.t little bed in tne attie. Iho clothes Ciiitcnden imic.nd.neut .'the i-eoi,lo were to
; wi'e tlio.1. could remain no longer, lie she had worn the day belorc, hung across iiave precisely the same s.Mtion oflaii.l, in
must procure some one to take her phiiv. Vie fo t or he - l d. Her shail and 1 c c they accepted the Leconii.ton Con
It wa w ith this view be fir-t called upon Itonn.-t buna in the passage, but w here I t tntii.n If it b-il,m lM n,i,.c,.ii
the willow jx-nneti ; nut sue was noi wu- was .ellvr
ling, she told him, to leave her own home , Ah. burn ing feet of Mrs. Nash ! What
range terror, what late awakened instinct
in asking lier to bring her own three chil- leads vuu across the lid. Is into tie chur. h-
tlren with her. ' yard gate? Your face U white mv lady
S),e was a dominant, artful, pon.e raid a but vou shall ee something there whiter
hard woman very different from the lirst still. Ay, knet-1 now let those tardy
Mr. Nash. Little Nelly's life under this tears have free course. They will not melt
new rule eemjd more weary and desolate the shroud of snow from off that dead
than ever, though no long as her father child's face. Your voice cannot awaken
" " livetl she was secure from positive ill treat- her, be its tone ever so tender now. The
r" MV11011 '10l'fE! mer of Mam .nd There wei not wanting thoe who sun ma v rise, and enre and soitow and
, wbispercl that Adam I-ennett's buxom toil go on. weaving the web of life as be
widow did nol make Nash's life a very fore she khall tod no more. Thewearv
3.J oh Printing neatly execute-.' here haj-py one. He certainly tlid sef m to hand- are folded. They can I idle awhile
ber ol (.ongress, that no serious o'.jeetioii be nia.le. to the a'linis.-ion. even on
that Principle. The Present population u""r ,-01"'1 m" l'!'jostei-Miii tlian
. . . ... I Ills vain hl-i.1nli.Kin . ,. ...1 r. -I.. .1 .
reason t i:it I. 1 hp nnMi Li Ii'i..'.. uoiisrn Iii . f ".iiii .11
1 ' - I .. ... I,,, n ... I... ,1.
ing pretensions or
; a. n sii.wv.
y KTAILKTt of Foreign and pomestie Merch. '
-1 V andiae, Shawsville, I learticlil county, I'a.
Imwsville, August 15, I S;a.
(fi. t' Please r.""-":' Z Fr.'' of tobwine bis housc-kcei-cr : and it all end-d stranr
. t.KUK.ils. imow .-. i,rre, aiaa. . , . , , ... . ,
LL friends of IxBKCit.r and tFrrat.r wixnrn
IHB .bore Hotel, having recently been fitted
for a house of entertain ment, u now open
the acenminodatinn of the public. Traveler
11 find this a convenient bouse.
May 19, 18i.8, JOHX JORPAK.
V Whit Ptreeta, Ilnoearna r. Pa.
b.14. 'H. 11. R. .ME AX5, Proprietor.
must be so in the other; but there was no
bribing in either case. They had usked
for twenty millions ol a. -res uml we ofl'er
e 1 them live millions, and this is bribery.
If it Wiis bribery in. the oae or Kansas, it of Minnesota, for ('on
gress offered precisely the same proportion
of land in each ea-c.. If the Iemoevats
are to be charged with attempting to bribe
a slave State into the l.'nion, tln-y must
also be charged with having attempted
the same influence) on free State, but
this view of the subject was only intended
to mislead the ignorant, and it is hu'iiiU.i
ttng to-'-ce men of high position, lv.'.ott to
uded by high sou in I
beggarlv promises.
'made to thecal- to be broken to the
hope." They know that the oppoiicntsof
the Administration in the ..astern, Wes
tern and Southern Sates, nro
no such policy. Their candidates for a
high Turin"; solar from it they are con
stantly assailing the Administration be
cause of the present ...... of taxation and
theamotmtoi' theexpenditui-es. TIpc truth
is. the n.),osition in .Yniisylyania stands
almost alono on this biibject'-they have but
little sympathy from any quarter, and
were our entire delegation' of that school,
they culd ju-t.Io nothing nt all; they
would bo without ofl'eclive. influence in
Congress or the White House uud conse
quent Iv powerless.
Another absurd nt tempt is to-create the
imi.ression that tho iresent lepv.?sstl
state of the manufacturing interests is to
be attributed to the late change in tho Tur
in. The b'epublican Convention tl,t i,,.,c
. i
lt swept over nil'
country. Kasf,. Wesl Vnt-.h
m. i .soutn; in the agricultural as well as
in the mining and manufacturing regions.
Nor wiis it less fevere in most of the Eu
ropean States. Now how is it possible,
that all tlii, was caused by a Blight altera
tion in tbu rales., I diity'in this country.
It is out of the question. ( ne ciin ii.i.ig.
in- how it might elfect the li.i.',mn:
int.-1-esls in this country, had it
by an increnserl importation of for
eign goods, but when the importation of
goods manufacturti in foreign countries
is but little over .in per cent, of the previ
ous amount, how has it produced tho eon-
sequences attributed tort? Tho less for-'
eign goods (he better for the home pro
duction, the imports are one-hnlf less than''
before the I'milf was reduced, and still we
are told the T .rill' has destroyed the man
ufactuivr. J f the comphu'tit was made in
Knghind that it had ruined them by gtop-'
ping the exportation of their fabrics,it'
would have more force. And then, how
could it prostrate nil interests in nil coun
tries at ihe -nine time ? This result hnW
ly goes to show that the influence or Tai ifT,
even on the amount of imports, is second
ary and sultordinate to commercial and
financial allairs, and that nil attempts to'
attribute to it a controlling and positivo
influence are deceptive nnd delusive.
9 '
There is no use. in deceiving ourselves on''
the Tarill' question. In its future adjust
ment, 1 shall do mv best to weurc for mv'
constituents, the full measure of any inter
est tlroy iiNiv have in it; but no candid
iirar w1k understands the temper of the"
iiiembersofCongress from the West. South.
and even the New Kngland States on tho
subject, will pretend thntaiiythinglikentar
if! can ho adopted. It may suit narti
Ziin politicians to talk in this way, but it
w ill amount to nothing but talk! I was
really against the bite chan.-e. because f
thought it was enacted w ithout due con '
sideration, and too sudden .1 change and I
resisted the Semite bill throughout; but I
consented to vote for the report of tho
Committee) of Conference, conditioned tho '
duty on iron was raised to 24 per cent.,
when it c.uld as well have lieen passed ut '
2H or 22 per cent.; but it is obvious, that
whatever is aocmplised on this sulject
hereafter, must rest cfti principles of high
national policy, and le obviously just to "
all interests, consumers a -.veil ns produ
cers. 'J1ic Democratic oliey of a'l'aiif) for
revenue, with moderate, discrimination
against luxuries, and inci.M.talaid tohomo
interests, isall that can lMhti,nnd I believe '
it the interest of Pennsylvania to ask noth
ing more. Tor myself, I can see rif l iing in-"
principle against a moderate specific duty
on an article of the same value under tho"
same name, like iron; and though iron''
men say this would suit them better'
tho present Tnrirl, anil I believe them;
but thcn-.Happlica.tion of the jecifie prin "
ciple in the Tnrirf' of J.S42 lues rendered it
so justly odious, that it will be difficult 1V'
t . -
niaie-i .nr. ii ill mr congress the other day, get vi jiroper use made of it. All thn
indulged in this flight of fancy. They ,hV people of Pennsylvania desire on Ihissub
chired in their proceedings -that J.y the j 'ct is that they enjoy their full rights nnd
reduction of the Tariffof IS-lll, theNatioii- advantages, as eomi.ared with other States
al Administration has aided to precipitate. 'J'bey are two proud to ask or accept more '
up.1i nil classes ol the People of the coun- or be satisfied with less. The Tariff, Iks
try nnd upon every industrial interest ,'...' sid?s, is one of those qu.-stions of con'flict
tr. ,h;,r, a, r-.'.." JUU is a gra-vo iug intere-t, between different sections
charge and might damage the democnu-y : nnd dill'erent classes of our country, that
were it not that it applies to the other it can. only be permanently adjusted on
side with greater force. Can it be possi- wv ttvstan.liird f equity. Mr. ituclianun,
ble, that the gentlemen of that Convention your own fellow-citizen, is now in tho'
iid not know that their own party friends' Presidential Chair, mid will anv man say
nt Congress favored the change they so 'that he would desire that von should havn '
much lament! Do they not know that less than your just rights," or will anv in- "
tho movement originated with a Uepubli-, sist that lie should claim more! S.irt-ly
oan Committee of Ways and Means, ,,,-'not. Whenever the revenue is ilisuflicient
pointed bv a Kejuiblicaii Sj.eaker of a lb-- to meet the demands of the Treasury that
mbbcan House of I'eju-esenli.tives? Did is a good reason, within tho Democratic
they not know that the lidniinisti-.-ilimi creed, for iiieieasin.t nnd evl...,,i;.... i. -
they so bitterly condemn, on this account, Tariff, and doubt lens on this ground the
had nothing to do with the measure at all subject will be e msidered ..t the next ses
that tl-.e much abused Tariff was in exis- sion of Congress.
W'ncei.oretlieadtniiii.stratioii. ajiplausc '
or did they think topersiiiideuscountry j.eo After all tho clamor of (ho opposition
pie oflspring do sometimes come into against the present Administration we"
being before then-authoi-s, laughter that have never had an abler nor a purer one.
the child may be Imrn before the parent ? .' mid history will so w rite it down ; nor wili "
1 hey can't do that, though if they want, it bo w.mtii.g in great events and achieve
to Mart anew ism, that willdoabout as well meiil t to give it prominent o and attrar--..
Abolitioni-ni., Millcri.m or lion. No A dmii.c r.dit,ii, in- time of-