qrimltuul. A rrofiUb'-fl roily fine Iim Trt lio lil 'in noil lnl-T oil iAll'l lev, t. J 1 I , ' llOHItlt a bill f atutcmiM lr.i n li'.ni'iho llnir,'t-line CoillltV (Mass I Amu nltuvnl Nn'ioty'H Alei -l!"!'", tln-lv tivr II Hi tli ' if Mr. ri HiiiNi. i'l .mnli Iw tie rntorini hi l.irm i... Mi" l ' ii'"'" in-nl LI. .. the o.-ioty. The farm in.i'i"-ti .1-1 .-MiUiii' fni fiio Drcea, ton Ot' It v, I n ""I I I. w ll'll it came into ! i .'' xrrn ago, Pnt I"1 " better Dinn.'' Tf 'l.i acrc the first vi-iiri ho 'V. r i n iM v fln"l t I'.'l . ; 1 1 1 i - field t llVC.' ippll.il ol iv at tin' rate rif filty b'.i'l" ot minuie and 'J'" 1' of planter. 1 lo "as nil pl"cd in i'j." th r, the) lard plm'ed " crn. and a l.iii crop wan the ivnlf. Al tor I'Mii. onts wereeown, and tlm p'-nnnl sock-d tn ei. vcr, "Py t!i" u- ol i -lay nnd mnmi"," ha ys, "I have made nil my land in u "'d of tho b"M. biul inore.ned nn pi.Mu.ce. one hnmlrrcl per .-out. in ''i.mt;ty nnd fjuality of product. Ai t" deep plowing, lie ficd ; tlii' I"'1' way to be to employ tho sul'sciil p'ow -1I turiii up hU manine tour or live inch- r' ei aoopatia men a.j.Hoii u.o ... dfepand then naUoil- the iott"ui the furrow m fieply BS p.mlho. oni 1 J planted t0 yenrs in snri oion, tile hot- ter to rr.ix noil unci to lit tin lttll'l for gr.iss, . fincl bo TOW o Laiii-J itl.-tC n'l o mils, as k more prdfltal.lo oto,..' ' . .i- .... f . ;,, ,i a r,,.i i Tbe.etotliHMi,ve-.l,,. t,.o f.ut, tllftt ltntoflil O! (.no liliniin il . ' ' litire an lormoriy , in' turn- nuiKi-s t hit mm drcd and lift -I' '!. fiipt'lvinc lii-. urU lrolVWItn iil.'Ol liHiit e:i tl,, nu t 1n1n21a11-1ar111.il, ooin to my protptsinimi umi. i"u alt, Iiii)' nnd plnMor to i-.m ifimallo i a'.! nml the public, I would i ep..otfully niinouno in , . ; conclusion, thai run time Ic cuwulird pentm n'- i "n"" i . i... ... ,i j:.. ....... - . i ...l .1 I, : T ion lie .1 11 , In lfWI. t ni-iMiucN ol tl.e-ll .101 o -farm in usual tarm crops. vcr worth u i fraotion uticl.-r sl'.imhi, nnd tlm not protiti i . SI 110 75. Thoro tv.no twenty-! 1,,-co j acres in mowinj' ; tliivtoon noiv-cs in corn and potato.., three in bnrlov, and two in wheat. Tlm ivndor may lioro hco tlm! n Jarpor farm i not nn i-nitiul iciuKji... 10 t.rcl'it .ld.. t.ini, ..,..,..., . ' - - " -- r j :a ttyi jufiniT.prrn.npnn vvnPHi. : - r.ii ur lurmers may pnin. by t J oM'''1.'-1 rnoeofaMiohlL.ut. Iiirmor. as dmail.-.l it, j tt ltter to tho I'ctiTlt AuvcrtlRor: fr.n r.v.;.,i r it,;u i. ...,. i- i ,iien.. tbo 1 - - . attention of farmoiK to tho Moditornnii nn that the enr v , ,.;.. t Miillcml much -" . than that wlnoh, l.,r nny omiisc w.1s n low i .. , . , .r ,.. uaya liiicr, umi Know 1 i i inui ine mi'iiiici-: - r- ' ranenn n-unu littlo onrlii-r than the cuily j.il'ilio month, if the bntii-nt be cured or is. " white, if well pot in, I .-cut to Kalamazoo i ,.ntiidv satiflod w ith the treatment. I'a for seed Mioiiph to how 4o aces-whicl, i kn -,(V ivi a hi(:torv of ,iu.i,., ' I sowed the ttrt week 111 September, mnl! , , . ,', , at the Mine time, powetl live a, re, ol I""- "' the.r .ymptonn in full, can bo white, which wa (HiitouikI.mI on three treat wl na well by letter as by persuiutl ex-1 aide by the liehU ol the Mediterranean, lamination. l'litieNts availing themselves! It all grew well, ami Mitmla very heavy on . )f Dr j.llTOtfi, treatment mav relv on im- , tho ground. J he Mocii'i rr.inei!ii w ill be ' , . i ready for barvot on- l. '-m to d.,v. me-lmte nnd permanent rehef.as he seldom (July 13;) tho whi'e wheat will be ten ha.' to treat a ease over thirty days. Let-1 - day later. The Meditenanenn entire- j tcis for nlvio promptly answered. Kurj , ly tree ol weevil, ami now so rward as to i 1 bo out. of danger. The white wheat i-' nearly ruined by the insect. I did st.,.. tlriwai'01 lat v,.nr homo snlnll fl.dil 1 it ' w. i. . 1 . .-u eniieerAiipmi u-i.enr sown lor f.viiori-. expel 1- mnt, which were as Lndlv injured m v .... . J - crop ol white wheat; lnit tli'-v weie on heavy wet clay anils, on which the .Mo'li terranenn wan actuallv later than white wheat in better eituations. Th ' Kamfr'p Ifoit. Tho business- of the farmer is at homo his pleasure are home pleasures, and his enjoyments are the enjoyments ol home, 'l lio merchant may tot aloni; without a home; he may . upend his days in olfice or counting room, or in exciting marts of eonnnoive his evenings in contriving new hchemes, deep plana for aeeiiniulating wealth, or avert ing anticipated lrH. Too aeldom are the hours or days lie snatches from business care for recreation 'Jevoted toiuio' home pleasures they do not :itify the ever to ....:..u i.u..:.. t ..u..:'.... cii-ii iM.iiii uimciHH'i i.A.-iii-mi-.ii, c-i ii Ill lt repose, ilie wiueranp-piaoe, ino concert, t ue tueniro, ine convivial party, and tlie wine-cup, conn.'itute, in too many . cases, the pleamires of our men of wealth. It is stilted that a merchant who recently failed ia one of our largo cities, on bein naked what he intended to do, replied ivai k. i..,i.i iii..u .... i ..,n,,,. i ,lll,V .11. Plll.ll, UlSl n 11111, 11 , fl, .lll,lllll.'l with his wile and children.' This, per k haps, waa nn extiemo ease: yet too many aro sti-anper at home! How happy the , man who feels that helms a trim home, -. tho temple of Ida household isods. where lie reigns m patriarch, priest and kinp a refuge from aye and anil malice, a nhelter from the .stonua ol lite, that no loss of wealth, no change of circumstances can ef-i feet a roee without n thorn a Minthntl knows no sot tin?. V.u.rn or Clovfr II ay. II. Capron. of Illinois, w ho tins Ik-oii largely concerned in ; , . , ,. i i . ,i the dairy busmen, hnvinit-old. sixty thou - mtvl diillal' worth of milk in a ninple year,) informs the L'onntry ircn'Uiiwn that i ho inado ai-eiirate expf-nmoiits to test: the comparative value of timothy audi clover, Tliejie expenmi:nt, extendini!. through a period of twoyears, were aci-oin-1 jianied with an ncetirste weihinrj nnd! mensurinjr, and llio loot! wm changed, timothy to clover, and vice versa, once a month, anil the results were that the do. , ver hay yielded ten per cent, more than the timothy. It will be olrsorved that this Was not a single experiment, but a periee rtl' Avnoi'luiAtila AVtntiliinr f.r n l,-tliT l.i-l'i. l I.i. tn ilior l,nv ,vn, woll cured. CA UTION All Persons are hereby Cautioned against Meddling with the following Property, viz. 1 lie Camcni ! ANP AMBROTYPE APPARATUS, . NOW t TIIF. I'OSSFSISION OF JoH5 CxltSON, ja the name has been purchased by me nnd ia loaned to Ihe wild ( anion, eubjecl to mv onler onlv. YV. B. II KO ARTY. . ' hug. 11. I.V18. St. VT a nieeCng nf the Director" nf the Okn llop 4 'ew Washington Plank and Turn pike H' ad Company, held al Newberg on the Jl'd day vf June last, an aeaestmcn was made of two dollars and fitly rents on etch shire, pavnble the 1st f. pleuiher. M', ty ,,-der of the lioard. J Ao. OALLAilLK, rroaiJtinL a vwm I nun Dr. .I.imr M. .I.un tl, nl 111 hi N E W YOltK tt'N'l INtlPMAllY. M eollt-e, tiiN1 fi't the St "li'll '"' Willi l li t-K I ioi iiuii n. hi. f I'l-tei.-'an, ar-d a Kflti j.ni i. in-.' ' I m pi. It dciotin n i)m rum: ok Pulmonary ( 'onsninplion, hp I (in kir-ilmd .:r -re. t 1 1i it with my nn r s'h'd opponent'ict and Dili inivi of 'ii' ii I- p i --n I t.' f -inn p i 1 f ."ircli -si.ini not n inn nv a p. MEDICAL INHALATION, Irm i-pnl'li"! me nrrivn nt .'i rt.'rinvn. .lirert ,.inl niKi'iimlul roiir-o r l in n I ini'iil fur iho p.'fi 1 1 v. riliil ruilli'iil iiii " till ilmi'iiM 9 nf tli.i illKOAl, l.l'MiH AMI A!lt-r V-S (JI-.r. 'v liiliutii'iin lli nnm i oo fropcrtict nf nifli rim-s nir din i lly O't'li -( to llio ilin imi-il nr nnd l In1 inieijumnnl, l iln nut mlvio tho lira f MfHonl Iiilmlnllon ol iiy kin. I, tn iho x-olnri-Mi f iif.iHAl. ti I iihki ; nml ullbnuii I ,...i,ii(iit ji n ii.ffu! oHjin :mt in llit 'rn)i"r iiiini. Mprment nf tlin'ii Onil'iil nrni ulion l.il:il iIwhiuis, ii I rlfini it vry iht rt.n y tlmt cm-li pnlirnt IiuiiM linvn iln ln'tii'tlt of Imtli uiirmi. nnrt l vi I tintnMil. Tlin jnoo.-j cl' in y trvntmunt 1 1 ili fiHovfi iliipo'id, ami th liili rhnmriT i'f live ln-titiilin'i m it wlni'h I Iihi o tn long Im'l i hi Imtinr In tireri'lii, am Inn well kinmn to ni"ia uny m. i ,Mmm,IH lVnm lr,,. Al ,ii txrlon ..fimmy privnir. nnd pr..'oi.in:il friend". , i,hi-niili wliom'. philanthropic nid lli-above ehnr Ity hfis been loni; and liheiHlIy nupported. nnd nf- j ter due rnn?ideralion, I hnva comiludcd to imikr . nrranrjement. at i 1 brinjr the tcnelii. of mv eipeneii'c and trfliitinent within tli" rench ol l g ,,,,.,., , tlioie onlv who entered the Inhrmnry, or who were aUo tn vieil meat mi" office. Hoping, i tli ere to re, Unit tlie arrnnjemenl win (,'ive. enure ir or ni icricr, on nu ui'r.T? no iiuu .;,.i nn ni'i . ...V ,,,. in xUe j n,tu.. . i , ,ire (1 l0 ,ult U1U, individual ense, f ,n J j ,r VillKH'S, iMciilCill 1 JNIIA I Aj 118 Ac. .'c, will be frrwnnled by express to nny I'-nt "I 'he I mted Malim or tlie t,ai.iiun TEliilS: t.. r .,...,, ...i ,,. hi. nv. nt !.lll. - l-,l'l tl.'l.llll. lll I. I V I ' . i follow s vi? : -I'J pi r month for nich pa-: wliiol, will inohld.- nicdioino HitlU! . i ciont tor otio molt tli s use ; nl.io liilialinsr vnpor, and an Inhaling Appnratue. Tay. I A ., on thp roc(.i,,t 0f (llP box f Modi-1 , ' .......... I ,.... , m nn nitiinvi nl I in nvriiT 1 1111,1 Hither particulars address JAMI-:.S M. J Al! RETT. M. P. An. 820 iWtciv. -''. T-'-thH .St., N. V. P C Pl.vlnl.ind n,l 1 hrj vltil tV tllft cilV . " . --. n - j laT.e ' (MlirtrA iiihiiv Mirepettinis cases can oe wiinessen, ... .... ... 1..K i and where our ninrorni Antmratn lor the uilia- j lalion of medicated vapor cau bo seen and inspect I ed. 5000 AGENTS WANTED, j TO soil lour new Inventions. Agents have made : over i'.S.OOil dolliirs on one, better than nil olher similar agencies. Send four stamps and g. t hi1 pages particnlurs, gratis. liPIIHAl.M HKJWN, Lowell, Mass. "V" ATlONAf. liXCIIANfii: IIOTIil.. XA The subscriber having taken the above woll known .-land, formerly kept by H'm. A. Mason, in Curwriisrille, Pn is ready to accommodate all who may lavor him witn their patronage. His -u (!! nlweys l-e rsppliv-l with tuo best the ark.t affnrJs.' and hit par with tho choices' liquors. His stable will be under :ho care of a !(ntive hostlers. UAiiu !s.l 1 1 n. Cnrwenaville. April 21. 15S. NO TICK. Whereas my wife Eliiabeth O. Marshnll line left my bed nnd honrd without just cause or pruviration I therefore caution nil persons from trusting her on my account, as I will not pay any debts of her contracting from and after this date. HKNKY MARSHALL. Prady tp. nng. 2 K'iH. TTJOO IN ONE DAY 552,00 IN TWO DAYS, Were cleared by agents, retailing my patents. I Send four itnmpi lor letters ami hook E. PKOWN, Lowell, Mass. LUMBERMEN Venn? for n ilmrrlptirf. Circular of COLEMAN'S FARM MILL. ' The most Himtde, dnraiile ami cneetivo .Mill lor ; .. ... .::, -, r r.r,. The most simple, durable and effective Mill for , ., ,i.r-pri,.p, m. Address, W.M. L. I10YEH A l?nOTIU:R, Manufacturers "f Airru',.u:el Icpleine'ita, No. Itio. Mart it ft, TVL'adelj lin. 1S()T1CE All Persons nrc liorrliy Notified NOT TO PURCHASE. Or in any w.iy meddle with, a Team of Horses, and Harness, now in the possession nf James ' Wall, of llindy township, in the county ef Clear- field. Pa. as the snme belongs lo me, and were left with him on lonu only, and to be returned when called on. JOSEPn POSTLET LVA1T. aug. 4, l?,ss,,tt. Estate of Peed Alexander, decVI Notice is Hereby Uven TII AT Lettora of Administration have boon granted to the undersigned, on the Estate of Heed Aleaander, deceased. All persons having business concerning the same, are hereby notifi ed to coine forward and settle Immediately. WILLIAM P. ALEXANDER, an- j' lf5M.f,t. CJTK WARE POTTI'.II V IXHt HAI K kj The proper! v occupied by Porter A Pro. ir. I'.radv tp., near Lulhorshujg, will be aold low ( as the owner contemplates removing westward) the pottery ia in good order and has connected with it about 110 acres of land, about one half in grass the balance in wood. There ia a new two-story dwelling and sufficient stabling and sheds on the place. Good material for the manufacture of stone ware and abundance of coal ore on tbe property. For terms apply to L. J. CHANS, Clearfield. M 2. lS57.-tf. D R. LITCH'S PAIN CPUER, ANTI HILL Ol'S REMEDY and RES Tfif.ATI VK. lor I'i.., f'n.if-l, I'm, A - bol j ' 1 -e." .-".'. r iiiw jUto', Cleurtield. at Jos. O.Min tmU Jo, 'T. IHMP. AMAIN Un t VMM! I'.p1.i lull'" I H mi. row tfi-l log HP I renin a luir" H"! "I'M iri I i-i r ! "I II ... l ronM.iinfi, nl )n t.iioilN. (.inn I lr, lltit itu hit, Umi i nn vnir, IImmU umi h"r, lilln, ' n 1 1 1 1 iV lhtiK H"'" umi ll iiiiK'lx. nlln iV 'lki'ii, m - ,, x'll i iiihor rli.'! inunl'y re fiilr'l In ihr miinnv, lin'h iVv n'tiT l" Hi iil.n' nn Inir loinm nirnn liii h'ifl In lh rmnili , t all hiil iff III" ri-n, Irnnlifnl fin li'. Till. ,lnii.' 1 .1 '.U.V.s r.'.t ' o.",V A'( i Tli V. ; J :TTrH.J i f A Imnii'Htiiin on llieiMntunf ' I , tipiinie tiinli-r, I m I if Hi ndr In., rlif'il, linv I lpi lirn rtfinr.'.! I.i Ilin im.liri rit. all rttumia I imli'lilnl . II, i ntlntrt nip I'f'lllirll In l'i'lill tY- 1 nl a ' mil nml i1im- linvincr rliiinm aninut i llio Fumii Kill pri-tftit Ihrir noi-i-n iita nnlv million, 1 lirui.'il for t'litlrmi'nt, .! A ('On Y"AS. I .1 nno Hi, 1s;iM, p . - - vtithw ii k ; i.rsn v t.oti.i iv. lll'llirll P IDT TTVII I II ill I. II 1 1. All I Itll Al.ll.MIII . I HKNKY I.OKAI.V. I, n.rtli,f,,l J Willi him in Mm pinciii-e of Modii-ino I ir. .1. 0. HARTSWICK. tli.-v nil, I- llmir pror.-Miiiiiiil toivicpt In llio eitiena t'f Clearfield nml vicinity Thnr will nttend to profirjiniial calls ul nil hour and innll tpainnt. Iir.lliirli.wirk will be f iund ilui inc; tlic d.iy ol llieir nltice uppnpile Pr. Lorain's rerineni'c, and ul ninht at h i e repi lein e, one duor nortli of Hood .1 Wenver'a Here. Clearlifld, June lli, IS.'.fi. CA UTION. AIT IM'REAS mr wife LoiiIm F. ArKo.nl line refoimed to live with mo on uureenblc ternit, 1 hereby wnrn nil pcrion from trimtinx; her nn my account, nn I am determined not t pay any debit of her rontrnctins niter tint date ! nines cninp-iirn ny law. auj. .'ith, 1 JOHN AKGOOD. CHEAT PHi.'OVKRY OK TIIK AGE, Important to TOBACCO CHEWEItS. DR. UCSTAV LINNAHU'S TASTi: HKHTOIIATIVE TROCHES. Tlif (rait mlstili'tc for Ti l-icco. It it well known nnd i o.-on tm veri ! 1,1,, fri ' that the use of Tolv-oco is the pr.imolinB cause of , many ot I lie most severe M t. I A L A .N 1) I'll I S- IICAL 1' fOH NICHS to which tho race o niun is euhject, an cnr'T ul unalvsi.4 nml Imic; nli'l nuinful , , , ., ... ciperi ii'-t) nave cicniiv pi-num Hint it coutaint certain nurotio nnd poiroiiuun pmpei-tici- most J"'ieer,,n, in their eluct, w hid, by ,i,.erinK into the blood dertmirea the funclions and operations ,i, i,,.,,-, .,.. , , v,.1 n,, riT to be terioimly diseaK-d. noxion, weed will War te.thnonv-in I.iiMitude. Nemma Irriinbiiitv. vipr hr-vb. n.. -i, a - . . , H manv other disorders ol n similar chain -ter. TI1K TA.STK HKSTOKATIVK THOCH K.S are desiL-iied to eoiihieract these baneful influences, nnd have proved miiiplctcl.t .ucccstful in n innl- j titudg of cases, nnd wlieivi cr used. Heinir linrtn-; less in themselves thev excrl u beneficial ctleel ' upon the entire system, lestoiin tho Taste which ! has become vitiated or drslnved by great indul- p'lico, eoiiipletnly rtiiiovini; Ihe in i tn lion nml v'.'. iiccnuipanyiin; tickling n nsalion of the Throag' 7'v"The ntlenlinii of (he inerclintitr of Cleur w hicli uro ulwnys cniiseqiicnt up. in the iihstaininy field county is respectfully culled to the almce from Ihe use of Tobacco, nml by givin i; li lica'lii ' inlverlisement. P llealy A Co. w iiiafaclnii. the tone to the stomach invirnrale the whole system t nbuvc gooda themselves, mid will rcceivi; in ex- Pi wi.u are iiTciriovab v unilei in iiiniir their coi.stiti'tions and shortening their lives, should use th"se Troches iiniucdialely nnd throw oft tho injurious and unpleasant hnhit of Tobac co chowiiu, These Trocln s or Lozenges are put up in n convenient and pnrlnllo form at the low price of 1,11 ...,., l.r.v- 1 1H.......1 a: ... .1... . ,.. ... . ii urn ihi hpin nn i ii, i lie ii .me. PriMlied tolelv bv Ihe ,l..r A . -.!,.., I Ull orders should he addressed. .AM IiS Ii. P.OWKnS, Dru-L'ist. Col. I'd and Pace streets, I'hiln April 10, !.' '. y. JNOTICE. The person who lion-owed Ihe chrss- men of the undor.-inod, when he was not at home, is hereby respectfully notified to bring tl.em back, u'.heru i,"e he will be expose I. YV. M. Mcf'ULI.OUf'.ir. Jr. Sept. 1st. I.vo-. tf. A. H. C. UKOCKEN. Ti C I-II-I." .STHIil'T. MiW.YOKK, MAMTAdl Fi i: It OF (i lass Syringes, Ilomccpa tliic Vials, MRAPUATED MEASURES, NURSING BOTTLES, ETC. Glass Ware for Chemists, I.ruggists, Perfumers, Pbotograjihers, etc. Green Glass Ware by the Pack age. A Liberal Discount made to tho Trade. jr-S-Ordcrs from Country Druggists and Dea lers solicited. Price Lists sent on application. August 4, 18a8. ,"..u. CA UTION. All Persons arc hereby Cautioned Against Purch,-ii.!nb- or Trading for a yoke of HED AND WHITE OXEN, now In possession of Anthony Urine nf Hoggs town'hip, n they IHi ng in me, and nro ia his possession on loan nnlv, JOHN HOLT. nug. !, 15..M. FLEMING HO TEL, EoitMFTtl.Y KNOHX AS TllT ClOOI) IxTFNT, CI I'.WENSVn.LE, CknrfiJJ Cvutitii. lnijtyhinw . The anbseiiber begs leavo to inform his old customers, and the public generally that lie has recently token the above w ell known stand, nnd that he has tnlirely rcfill.-d nsd refurnished it ill a stylo adapted to tho age, nud the wunts of the entire traveling comniunilv. HIS TABLE will always bo pr ivided with crery luxury the markets and surrounding country will afford. HIS BAR will be supplied with the choicest w ines and li quors. HIS STABLES, which are tho best and most commodious nn the rond within a day's travel, will always bo in charge of careful and attentive hosilers. In short Every department of bis Establishment will he supplied with all the comforts nud convenien ciea the weary traveller could desire. June 2, '6S: WM. A. MASON. M IXTION IIOl'SF. : SEW AR11AKGEHF.XT. The subscriber respectfully announces to the pub lie lhat he baa taken the above stand o stand. In tho hor-! pared to nccommo- a call. Tho puhlie be conducted in the ongh of Clearfield, and is prepared date all who may give bun may rest assured that it will best manner possible. His table will bo supplied (vlll. II.. IkM 1 t .1,1, lll.rtf.l ..m...l. Ill- 11..- 11 II. .1 with Ihe bell tbe market aflenls. Jlis Par filled :1. .1. u. l.u - .1. . r . ,,, win, iii..n,..i uiimiiF ui wines ami liquors, ana his sUibles will be under the care of attentive and I i-arefo! iMllert. i 1'eU ll,l.s 7.-y DA MR. M. W HAVER. I PUSQttl HANN 110VFE. fin wnim ill. Trnnn. fphii nl-....i-t, I .m..,i, (.f w. I t -1' n n it Hi. I tl, ri.ili.l.ni e, limitu In ken Itn ii ulrifi uliniiii. nn llin hpi.h ' f ill" li' "r. In I'm i'r Pinl nl I nmn nn illn, nulfl iiiii'tii'i' I'". hf l nn mn.lv f , itio ."-.iinmii'lili'in f l--iin-girt umi nil i.lhrr lin irny hmr nrri villi ft -n 1 1. Ilm him"' It lntj;r n n I nimr. inil.ln. nnii tfi i ill rvrr.v ri'ti"nln- lei-e niy I" tlifir Kiimlort. Am-I iinlilinu it bi'ii'Ih"! I tin1 nrrmitmi. 1 A VI t JOllNFON. r r blnrt. ( tmlr Mnkllifi;, A N l II or i: IMIMIMJ. I f DUN OVI.ICH . DANIKI, HENNTI! linviiiu t' enlerort into rnitnertlii in I h almvp bui. I"'". will h prepai -i.fi at all linira to iiil.'inl Hi any I bntinrn ill lli nlmvn linn nn tlinrl linlirr unci in ii . prniiiT miinniT. liny will nltn kvvp riiimlnnlly nn linnil at tlicir li"p mi Mmkrt it., nrnrly i.ppn. 'oitc tlm Jow time, a Intpi' uceorimont il .MulxiRe-' ".v Cne lliitlmn I'linirn, ami Ciiliinet wnre nf everv arnTipiinn which inoy w in iu innnu t vi- , J;,,,,,,. ,,f , rriisiinnlili- III nit n tin. ' . ' ' . aino nrticlct ran be hud elrewhero in the eoiinly i eirm.M'k of Cuhinct Wnre now on linnil, con. a i-tt in pnrt of Iret-einp mid Common Humane, Sofna, Sewing ,i I Waoli Sluiida. Deuka nnd Hook Ce, French ti I Held Post lieilstoiids, Hinin, llreiikfrif t, Cell tr Cnrd and Pier 'liihlcii, Ac, Ci I ' F 1 N S niMtiul'iictiiii d unci delivered at any p .0 doMI-ed. ..lay ".'I, Mil Restaurant and Eating Saloon. Kit. TAYI.OIl, Ih'ks Ii-iivo to Inform lii.-i old a fiicnds mid the public, that he him jut rcpU-imhcd his ."lock of cnlnhlee, in bin new Mi llion in tin1 biiHMtnent of ."liei.i-t. Monvl it Cnr tci'. Iron nnd Tin-Main ftoto : nnd thai herenf- ter ho will ulwnya be prepured tofurni.h his ens turners with every thins m-uallv found in fueh ct tnlilii-hinont to nil- Jec 1 ream, Ale, J.ii'Mir 1,'eer. Tobacco nml Ci;;ai s of the very best 0,1ml. ity, Fruit!, nnd C'.iil. clioniiry of nil kinds, d i 'liiiiiiklul for past fnvoia, ho sulieits n eontiini unco of pt'.hlic iriti'onn .. may 1-, 'oS. NOTICE. IFTTl'n.S of Adniiiiitration on tho etlnte of t Christian I'oltarlV, hit of Clearfield horoii"h dcc'tl. haviui; been granted to the 111 Ijseri l.e r ull persona knoii inc iheinselvcs indebted to said os- Inle. ere requested to m.ike pnymcht iinnieilialely nrt t'losc liavnij; cunins nirninsi tiic saino win present their accouutu duly iiiithcnliciitcd for set tlement. WILLIAM POUTER. Juno 1C, l.;i?. BIJCK3KIN NO. ;.ll W.U.NCT STUl'K I'. I'll I LA 1ELP1HA. I) IIKALY CO., MativlinMiirers of Puck: c skin liloicsnnd Mitts, l.n. lies' and Oen tleuien's tiaunllels, Sp-irrmi;, Sivonl and Cricket Gloves, Pu'-ks.-in ,Shirlu and Draiver, Pidinir .t Sliiioiin l.ej;!;iiiu's. Wnlkin; (iailnrs. of Cloth and Lealher, Pm-kAiii and India Hubbcr Sus- P"iulcrs, Wni. t Ii"? ! s Mili l'.ubrs, nnd lit: Mmicy Hclts mnl Purses, iiln .s.ius of eicry ilo.-crip- Imn. N. B. lincb kin Knnineleil Cowhide, of all cnlors and qualities, In:pnrt"i K of Chamois, Spon- hnneo m:i:k ash pr ice for thi Sept. lsir.- sUI.VS, s'irne. lv. and allow the hi.'he-t TO LUMBKMX AND OTHERS. T HE undersigned would rc.-pei tl'iill inform the citizens of Clenrlield nml the ndjoining en's, he has j n .-1 stored in Philiiburg, a very , , ., , . , . ,. ,l"lt I'" "" J""1 "'"r,"l m largo quantity of grain, ineliidinj Rye. 0at3, VVheat and Flour. Buckwli' tt Corn and Barley. which ho will sell in larire or smill lnl on t 10 most reasonable terms nnd at the lowest prices. Tho attention of thme needing anything in this line is ciillc.1 tn the stock, believing il would bo lo their advantage to give him u call. Come along then nnd be suppliei1, ! (I. W. KEPLER, ri.ilipduirg, March l-".7.-tf. WANTED To exohanuo n gor.d tno-lior.se T pleasure carriage for a horse one trained for family service would bo preferred. well For furth.'ir particulars iniplv In May l'J, lsa.s. JOSEPH IRWIN FANCY FURS FOR LADIES joiin 81 S EAIJEIW A $ y- AVir A'ti.) Market e PHILAPELI'IIIA. Importers, Maihiftiirtrx nml tdaln-n in Ed dies, Gcnti mni un. Ciii'irns' FANCV ECJtS. Wholesale and Retail. J . if 4 CO., would call the attention of A-- lcre, nnd tho I'vIHk gonernlly to their im- mense Stock of Fancy Furs ror Ladies. Gentle, men and Cnildren ; their assortment embraces ' 'bould be glad to furnuh a library to every clcr evcry variety and kind of Fnnri ' r, that will P.vman, lo every school master, or to someone nt bo worn during tho season, such as 1 every post office iu tho country. Full Gyro, Half Caprs, Qwtcr (Iiv.c, Tul-1 AGENTS GETTING RlCIf. nuts, 1 iconiK-.t, Jims, M'llfs if- Mnjfh teen, from the Ji nest liussinn Sa lh to the (mre.it prirr Jhmrstir Fur. For (ienllemen the Inrgest ntsortinent of Fl'K COLLAPS, (ILOVES, UAPNTLETS, Ac. being Ihe direct importers of all our Furs nnd Manu facturers of them under our own supervision, we feel satisfied wo can offer better inducements to dcrh rs mid llio public generally than any othor house, having an iniinenso assortment to aelocl fmm and at tho manufacturers' prices H'e only ttsk ,t fntt. Sept. 1(1, I.s..)7. 4tn. sr iiTt'i.-iiit ii viti.r.v C H e a p a t c li e s and Jcnclrr. YY HOLSALE nnd RETAIL, nl the "Phii.idcl Dhin Watch and Jewelry Store." I is (old No. North Second Street, corner nf Qunr- ry, Philnd a. iiold Lover AVat -he?, full jew eled 13 c. cases $2S 00 linld Lanine, 18 carat, 24 mi 12 fifl - fi 00 7 on - 7 00 1 50 Silver Lever, full jew eled. Silver Lapino, lew els, . Superinr Qunrtiers, - . fluid Spectacles, ... Fine Silver Spectacles, -Oold Bracelets, - - -Lndy's Gold Pencils, - .1 00 1 Oil 5 00 Silver Tea Spoons, per set, wold rens, wim rencii nun Miver Jloider, 1 00 Hold Finger Kings 37J cents tn $S0; Watch (llasscs, plain 121 rents, patent IS, Lunet 25; olher articles iu proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. STAL'FFER i. IIAHLEY, Successors lo O. Conra.l. On hand some flold and Silver Lovers and Le- pines, still lower man tne auove prices. Octobor 7, 1S55.-1.V. DISSOLUTION. I riHE Partnership existing between the under- I X signed in the prnctico of the law, has Ibis I day been this dissolved bv mutual consent. I W.A.WALLACE, H. J. WALLACE. Clearfield, May lt 1.SS. 8m. NOTICE. T ETTEItS of administration on llio estate of X j Abrnhmn High, late of Lawrence tp., dco'd. i having been granlud to the undersigned, all per- ' sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate i are reiuicstcd In make pnvmcut iinmediately and .1 kn.-.n .......... . -.t those having claims agairst tho amne will nre- .... ., ... . I sciu inem amy uuiui.niieiite'i tor seitioment. 1 JOSEPH PATTEKSflV JOHN PATTLR.SON, Judo 16, 18 j.s, fd. Aatn'rd. 1MiVl It AHUM I I VI ln fi M u l.IM', rUINAM 8 MONTHLY. tn BiifAt i I'wtirt It .r,ri,,) fir;i mi: I (UST MW. M 1 ; N t r t f t" S T IMiniHMVMK l"n iii.- , Ijn.iiiiii In wnilii nf AH. f 1 1 1 li'il.l.All IN 1 HIMVIMI IiiH.k tni.iril.r. I 111'! l It FA V l li n Ml V HI I 1 li. Ac'-n't (ti llina rii h. ' Ttit linlnli i f I'liicr- nn't Maitariiir ami l ulnain't iMi.nilily lint (;iviii In tlm r.ini.iili.nli''l wnrk I I 1 1 n I ii I i ' i n trrnnil t" lnit nni' timllnr pnlilirnlinn in llii rminlrv. ami lin" ti i'im il fur it n nroll- nnlinn nl lilrrnry mnl arli'lii- talent pnilmlily tin- rimleil nv nn mIht Mii:'inn in lln wiirM. I'll rnij: llio liift nunl'i, I lie fiiie In Hie Irmle ami laiul finni rnli ri il re -xriiliil liii.tKMI n-pii-i Ilie mini linn alri'inly Ui-m-il nfllio rnnfulnlii. irk mi" itnivrryiilU chiu'imIi'iI n lifm enr in tin' lii lini iiMif tlii-ir literary cnntcnla, ii bi ioilv niol pii'liiM iicit of their pietnrinl J ms, nny iimpiuic ever heinre issiicn mn-ptmn is liu-iirn Lie ; atn-li nta liehiud lh.. srp 1 .lie Anient 11 11 prehs. EncnurnKCil by theso To all this Ricat truth must be nppnrmt, yit ! villi nces of favor, the publiilisia hnve 'cternil- that the niedieinea irhnlt'd in Ihe fm in or Yapnr ! retl In commence Ihe new volumo in Jnnua- or powder directly into the limes, niint be min-h ry with additional nt'rnetioni, nnd In offer snrh more effective limn tlmt taken into tlm rnnmneli ' liidiiccincnls to mhsi ril er ns rnnnot fail lo place where Ilia disease rbie' d not exist. The ad' it. in cii. nlntion, nt the bead of American lii);ii- vanlnyo of Iiihaliitinn in Cmituptinii 4 Throst :7.iues. Willi this view they now nnnonnco tho pieasc is, thai medicine in the form nf Ynnni ' following; splendid pniprninme. Tht-y have pur- Is tipphed dircct'y to the lunj;, where thedissn.p ' chased llint superb and foully steel-plate l-Mjjrii- exists 1 the sloniach is thus left free to aid tn ro j ring, ft .ring her lib, hy ndiniiiisterinK to it healthy tn ' "THE LAST STjrPEE " '!-''villo There ' no rfiieoAn;icrwrnll ' ; Inhttlaiinn trill not eni-c. Tho menus, too, an I n nil will present a ropy of It to every three d.d hrorht within tho ronch of all, tho manner ol ; Iiii- subscriber fur the yenr l.HaH. H tint enirrn- mlminlsluritip the vapors boing so simplo that the j red nt n cost of over $ll,0ufl, by ho late eclebra- Invalid la never required to leuvo home, where ted A. L. Pick, fro-n tho nrijrinal of lUphao! tho hand of iiffuction tends no much to aid tin Mnrcjien, after l.connnli Pa Vinci, nnd it Ihe physician's ofl'urta larrjest steel plato ciifrrnviiiK ever executed in The Jnhiilation. mctho 1 is sooZi'iiy, oV nnrf this rouiitiv, beiii three times the sioof llio i-imi, nnd consists in tho administration of mod ordinary three-dollar eni;rnvinr;s. ; ieino in such n manner, that they ore conveyed Tho lirst iniprcs.-ions of this engi-iiving nrc into tho Luiirs in tho form of Vapor, nnd produra held at $ Id, nnd it 1v.11 the intend. 111 of the ar- their nction nl tho sent of disease. Its practlenl till that none of Ihe Kiijrrnvitijrs shonbl over b.- teno is d. slined to revolulioniza tho opiuioni of offered for a less sum tlm 11 $.', bein richly wnrlh , the ineilieiil world and tittMith ihe entire enrabil. that amount. Thus every three dollur Mibscriliei 11 vf oaimiMitoii. will receive the Magazine ono v cheap at J- n d this splendid entrravinp, richly worth thus getting for .I the value, ol $x. Vi'o shall connnetiep striliinp; off the erprcvincs immediately, yet if ciin hardly be ex peel c I thai impression.- of so lnrj:e a plate run bo taken in fast us they will he called for by subscribers. We shall Ihercforc, furnish lliein in llio. or bn in which subscriptions are received, Those who desire to obtain their eiiKinvins early, and li nn the titst impressions, should send in their sub scriptioiis without delny. The eniaviiis can be sent on rollers, by mail, or in other manner, F Miuscribeis shall order. o.noii in woitK.s oeaht. In adilitinn to tho siipeih i.nu'iavin of "1'IIK LAST SL'.MMKK," which will be presented In every thrco dolhir siihseriber for ISoS. llio pub lishers have completed arriinfeinenta lor the his- i tribution, on the L'.iih of Peceinbor, lsjs, of n sees o spiemn. worKS n I art. consisi.uS oi one hniiilt-eil ,-n'li nml nin nlil minilinira. vt, lied n I from $IIKI to $11111 each. Also. I'.UIIU maj;iiili cent .-leei-i-inio i..in.-raviu;'S, worin rroui . lo i encn, nun i.i) oi cnon o iioiiunv iiooks, worm from $1 to ?j ciicli. tuakini; in nil. over TII11KK TIPlL'S AMl ; 1 1- I'S, worth TWENTY. TllML' 8ANI1 1)01.1 IIS. Iiiclnse $:! in the publithers nnd you will com mence receiving Ihe Magazine by return mail. You ..ill iiNii I'ei.'i'ive willi ihe first copy n num ber, d subscription receipt, entitling ymi t the Knsiaviiiff of TIIK LAcT SVPPKl:." ami u (hiuico to d rn it am ofthose "TIIK Iiii TII'Jl'S A.L PUI.L.s." ensons why you should subscribe EMERSONS MAGAZINE for 1K. Fir-t: Pci-nuse its literary contents will, du ring the year, embrace coostribiilioii1. from over one hundred different writers and thinkers, num bering among them tho moat distingitUInd of A nierieaa nmhors. Second liecausc its editorial depnrtinenls. "Our Studio," "Our Window," nnd "our Olio," will each be conducted by un abl . editor nnd it will surpass, in the variety jnd richness of its cditnriul cnntenls, unv other magazine. Third: lieenni il will coutu'n, di. in a; the year, ncurly six hundred original picio. il illns- :.-itions, from designs by the first American ur- tisl". Fourth : lSo.-a u.e for the sitn of $ I ymi nil; receive this splcud.il oinntl.lv, inure rich v worth that sum tliau unv oilier inaL'.i.ine. ami .he so perb Engravin:. of '.The La-t Suiqier," I Filth: I!eenii-c you wtll vc.y likely draw ono j of tho three thoiis'ind prizes t i he dislril utcd on the i'.ih divof ilei-einber, IS.iS pi-ihn.is one! tkat is worth SI.OOH. Notwiihstaniliiig lhat these extraordinary in. duce.ucnts can hardly fail to accomplish the ob jccls of the publishers without further efforts they have determine, 1 te roniimie thro' the yen THE (j'REAT I.1HRARV ( iI'EER. To any jicrseu who will gel up a club of twenty-four fiibserihers, either at one or inoro post ollices, w o w ill present a splendid library, con. si ting of over Forty Large Pound Volumes em bracing the moit popular worko in the lninket. The club may 5c formed at tho club price, f " a year, w iihoul the engraving, or at the full price, $:i a yenr, wiih the engraving of tho Inst Supper to each svbseiiher. List and description of the Library, nnd spc imen copy of tlie Jlairaziue will i he forwarded en receipt of 2, cents. Over 2lHi Librnries, or SJUIU volumes, hnve nlrendy been i uislrihuled in accordance with this offer, and we 1 Tho success "which our ngents nre meeting 1 with is almost astonishing. Among the manv I ' evidences of this fact, we nrc permitted to pub- lish the following : , IjKNTi.KMrfS: Th- following facta in relation . lo whiit your agents nro doing in this section, may be of use to some enterprising young man in want of employment. Tho Rev. John Ii. Jar ' don, of this place, has made, siuce last Christ ; n as. over f 4,IHH in his agency. Mr. Duvid M Heath, of ltidgly, Mo., jour general agent for Plait county, is inakiiiff fs per day on each sub agent i -np'oved by him, nud M.issrs. Welmcr A I.vnus. ..f Oregon, Sin., your agents for Holt co., nro milking fmm to f'2i per day, and i i humble servant has made, since the K"veuthiluv ol last January, over $1,70:1, besides having for HIMI acics ol hni'l mil of tho business wcrth over $ l,0ufl. Y'ou are nt liberty In publish this stale- li,,'"t' nntl to r"f"r .w nn.v of the pnrlies named. DANIEL URE0G, Carnillton, Mo. Willi such inducements ns we offer, nnvbmlv can obtain mbsci ihera. Wo invite any gentlo mnti out of cmployineut, and every lady w ho de sires a pleasant urn jt -making occupation to ap ply at once for an agency. Applicants should inclose 2 j centt for n speei ten copy of the iiiae- aiine, which will ulwnvs b, forwarded with an- swer In appiieslion bv return mill. SPECIMEN ENliil AYINfl. As wo desire to place iu llio hands of every person w ho promises lo get up a cum, ami also ol every agent, a copy of the engraving or the "LAST S I' Pl'EK," as a specimen, each applicant enclosing us $.1 will re- eeive Ihe Engraving, post paid, by return mail also specimens of our publications nnd one ol the numbered subscription receipts, entitling toe hoi- der to tho Magniine one year and to a cnanop in tho distribution. This offer is made only to those . who desire to act as agents or to lorm Clubt. Address, OAKSMITH 4 CO.. No. 371 Proud way, K. y. Jan 11, lS.'iS. REPUBLICAN JOB OFFICE. The Publishers of the Republican nro inn kingarrangements to largely increase thcii utock of Jobbing material, ami will do pro pared lo do all kinds of p()siFis i. v ' 'I A k!'' J'A,IFI'!. PAMI'III.F.TS, pR.inriAMMFS Paper Bih.ks, Circplars, Bam. Tn kfts, II amiiiii.i.s, and evevv kind of iivintiiiL' li-'l illv il .i-f . . . I. 1. ' V .Cl'l in h ti'intry jon oince. your orders cn tnttlod to us will Im fniHifullv excciitc-l. I. II. T.ARniM':K. ! C'vijstaU lUuDKt fur -ale at thuOflinj-1 HUM 111111. I V. Mil VIM. in ..t '.. .gari r n f I l ... ,, i, ii,, , lull) iiitii"! it inc. inhriirini n f.r V,, tlr 1 II "I" mill ."'l. t. liV 1,1 ., , l,.r, II.. mil linniin i t i. t . ii. i. hi , ft, M.-.li. .nl InXiini.'. ,Ni. Vnik i-ilv. "ncitla ".'"ntii 1hi I ' 1 1- it 1 1 1 1. 1 T I i Siiiit, Tchl.li ,,. M lrtnli-i llil iiii.ih. il n( i'ti iiihk i..n.., ,,f I .li li If " '"' I lif'nl lint Itil i p I in ,i nri ftn our iitniil I'lHifo, an. avail mirti'lrpt m i(m ril iniiiii nl llm .fi -, In nr.li-r In bring It tn (h prnili pn.. i In hipIi nlli I'li.ip.. The .h nf t iuliibd-r iIii.t lint nl Ii ntttli arrirp.l ..r , 'n. rnniplite: Iln1 il""li nut ,. I ho ini'iiril'illiT pf nitiMiinpli'in lining nl 1,'iijtli pn..., nnnv. llllVI' l,,l ....... 1. K...r...i ' . 1 - i"n tii it Ci,i in Ti'i in ai i tit ptm.i untr ii in n. la the fun by tul en-iiler nbtoililimi in the leennil by the Ii iiiitlnrinntior.a of the I'.beri'iile inli. elml! ky and rnb-nrnoiu cm cretioin ; In the thhd, hr cicntriret or icnif. Thou. in..i, . in ,m ,,p; ions of llio past mav nsacrt, that even unir ron- 1 earnestly appeal tu'tho commiin sense of nil nfti'cti'd with Liiiik disen-ies, to embrace at tnen tho ndvnnlni;o nl luhiilation, utul no longer n:p'y nicdicine to tho uiiotlondins itonineh. 1 claim I n- Inhalation n place uinonj; tho priceless r;i!H lhat . nunc anil art hath piven ns, (h.-ii, 'Vur ,1,. v niiiy bo lnnc in tho Ian J," nnd ns ihr nulv ur.t ' tw the C',. I,,. ! :nj, nictnou not .nil- i e.iCi'oioC, lilt nimpf awt t ''coci'onc. j Such nf the pi-i fcseiuii that liavo ndoptcd Inlm. ; Inlion have f.iunl il i-jjU-ucinur i',i thr hilitit ( , ii fc, o i'i.iO',17 thv prnj, cK (f tin ii ii.,r and ,f0r kiifj ifiii'U-y in tiininf tlvipcmtf ences, in verity, a si-oal triumph of our art over this foil destroy, er of our species. Nuti: 1'iii slciani w i:hiii to make thennolves ; iiciUainli'd with ti c practice, nre informed that, I our lime bein' n 1iiuL.Ii-. w e can only reply, os to ! ingredinnls used, to such iuttcrs that coniuiu a I fee. Ihe fee ,i nil case" of Pnhuonnry Affection! . je $,;, m tiwi uf whicll , cf,MnrT iu. ' . ... ..... .... struinents nnd inedicincr will bo forwniilcd. An. pliciints will slato ns". sex, niarricd or single, un allected, it unv liereililnry disease ei- isls in the laniily, rud syinptoiiH generally. Let Ihe name town and .st ile he plainly written. l'o-tas" for return answer must he enclosed. Let. ters when registered at our ri'k. All letters must be ndi!rev..od to A L LAC Z MKItTOir.V. SI. D S. ,M. lusliiute, New York. N'.v. 11, 15;,:n m. A. II . SMITH & CO. I'. alers in HOOTS. Sllor.Suhd TRUNKS. or rvrtv M nri'TioN. S-W 11 ' Hi.LEHALE nnd Hi lail. nt prices to suit 1 all. can be found lit their new Pool 4 Slice 'lore, No. "II North Second St., a few doors be tw the Pluck Hor.o Hotel, I'll i la. .;!) We try to p!cno nn I si ll cheip. Notice o countiy nun 1. mils. Constantly on hand a n.ge usso-tnieut of Mm nnd I!"y,' Poofs, (lailers ml Pnigans, coarse nnd line; n'sn, Wi men's i lisses' Lace Hoot. (!aiter. Slippers, Ac, and a icll selected stock of Y'.nllts and Children's i-.nr : genera I! v. We would respefully invito vol. lo lci.ll nnd i ximiine f..r yoiir'elves. j N. 11. Trunks nieiu'.rieiiirc.l and for sal- whole nle and retail .it No. ;(I4 Nurlh Second ,. April 17, lJ.i". l!m. f i HA1N !(i CPA I ' LPS. A few of Fearer's h- I hr.it c" drain Cradles f.rsalc bv' Mi: im lli. a'cATiTiii; July s. II HIV IKIi.if rieiydesciipiinn fir n.ls at a ni eler.itc advance ut the store of may l'",. W. F. lltWIN. Iron Depot, Kept by Merrell & Carter. 0 S-,..,.t Stnr, C,'M:;t.:.l, '. IS Ihe place vhere all llie 'ollouiu urticles can h... li-id at reduced pi ices : '( .-.'I (if nil .er hi tin- small ly tht iii(r.tili ; ( .t Stc'l of various slat andli. tt ltall! ; a 0r:;o i-l.m'nt of iS'uco.i, itmoi 'i vhiri, vi'l Ac fonui (! W.r' tUk Oak Vrnnt-n:), Gr.:t R';o,l,li; Ruck' $ Tat rnt, fn tic cloritoil .V;ini.'ti. A ho, a I'r.r u.wdiii-i; of i,n.. -ploti s nr,d VarltiT Store, and Air-tiyhts of various l'utl,rn A ho, 1'i'oirs of tin- la-stand latent f.attcntt. A ho, of their oo-,i Manu f.tettirinij a dirge at sortmeht of Tii'-'rorr, Store pipe, Shret-iron punt of all aod nU artiiies of the kind in their Hue ktpt alicayt on hand. Hrptr spov ting ihorr to order, a;;d T,o Rooiop done with despotel). Aho, a large assortment of ail kinds of lioutr-kcivnij utensils constantly on !. ' COl'NTR V MFRCffA XTS' nre invited to call, os they can be accommodated ut very low lieiires with anything in our line. All orders will be lliankfiilly received nod promptly attended to. o. fi. MERRE.'.L. I.. K. CA in i.n. N. 1. They will nlm receive every variety of alleles f n te vissi..u. nt low rates. M. A C. NATIONAL HOTEL, (LATE WHITE SWAN.) 1 Race bt. above T'uird, Thila. : rpil E proprietors of the nbnve well know n e , tn':li-hi-,i.-.it being thankful for the very j liberal patronage bestowed upon them the part , J'ear, lake tins methorl ol informing their friend. and the public thnt they ure still prepared to at- commodnto them if favored with a call. During tho dimmer months the house has beet thoroughly renovated, improvements made tli other extensive ult-niti n in contemplation. We are ilotcrminetl to devote our whole atten tion to business nnd flatter ourselves with tb conviction that we shall be nble to give salisftc lion. SIDES STOVER. N. li. Carriages will always be in readineiito convey passenger to and Ir'om Steamboat Laud Inge and RnflruAd Depots. S. A f. March .list, 185s.y, II' 1)l.STr.PI(; The suhseriber, having located himself in the borough of Clearoold would Infurin the public that he is prepared l do wnrk in the above line, from plain Co orntm. Inl of any description in a workmanlike msnner. Also whitewashing and repairing done in a manner and on reasonable terms. EDWIN COOPER. Clearfield, April 17, Is1. Jy. rnilE undersigned respectfully announces tt X the public that bo has opened nn eating" honse in the basement story of Morrow's (lat Hemphill's) Hof!, where miy l,e fniiml every luxury nf i he season, smd. as c. Cream, Sardine. Pickled Oysters. Lemonade, Ale, Lager Be. Cakes, Cfinfcclioiuiries, Frnils, Xuls, ill., ! lie hopes by a strict attention to his business lo merit, nnd receive, a share of public pMrnnnr A. C i LA VNI1AS- June ls'.-3.r, tj- t'lunki fr sak at tii . JftKi.