Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 15, 1858, Image 3

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    . -. - ( (fcTWll- W'1"r '"" ' "" "IPI""BI" 11,1 .
II- , , t , mx
iioiiic .illfairs.
A Cmii. llo.vx. The citizen..
of (I.
t'niiitnuiiitv were mndo tin;
........... .e
rrilcl hoax oil lust Mtui'juy evening l.y t.
.. I...1 .I.....I. !' i
ii" ' "'"in " csicciue.i young
townsman w in. . Iletts on last Friday
l.y nciug uiionn ironi it carriage near
Mendvillo w here ho is now on n visit.
Mr. Pelts is a general favorite with the 1
coiniminity and his supposed Into east a
deep gloom over it until the next lnaj '
i 1 1 i-
brought strong evidence of tlio story being
a hoax. We do not know who could he
tlieuuthor of sueh a heartless oieco of fol-
ly, but we certainly run not envy UU tri -
ii ill till nr. I lilt I nn ircnot t ,.. ...... . . ' I . i
v, ...vfclvH,,nl(Mui Jiiejoiii',;
t he .Sun.lay school uniiivorsury of the Sun-
IilV schools of Mount Jovnn.l 11, , ;..;..;...!
'. , ,. . , . , , .
...... ,sui,. ce.euiuuon on last .Nitur-
May. iu inoeueiiiiigs win no lound in an-
...... Tl'l... ... I" . !..,. . .
other part ot the paper.
the cuke voted to tho Kditors was duly ,
leceite.., .UK. uieNcnooi.s nave the tlianks
: 1 1 .1. . . 1 1 . . . . . . I
of nil hands including tho .vho
jiays it is u good thing to he uprinter ,,.
Handsome The Bonnet we received ;s,,I,ji;'t of Sunday Schools hy Uev. J. A.
yesterday. Tho fair donor has tho th auks i I'ixon after which the schools voted their
of the recijiient, and his wishes that nature I un""'mous H'anks to tho musicians of the
may always afford her an ample supply of I
those frugrant and brilliunt adornments,' Un IU(,(io" f N. Iiishcl it was iinaiuinoiis
and her heart l'o always light enough to 1 '-v '"'ved that the jirneeedings of the
appreciate and enjoy them. (We had ' ''''''"'"tkm he imlilL-hed in hoth our coiui
our button,' well secured this 'dine.) !-v l"1!'1'1". on motio.i of 1,. II. Carter,
Maxmox HoiM-:.-This j.npuh.r Hotel C"Uu l,rwt'twl l0' all the sehool.s ac
situated at the corner of Main ..,,,1 S,n,, C0"'1""'.V the proceedings to each Kditor.
ircets, still continues to atlbi-d the com-,'
forts and luxuries of life to the weary trivv-J
eller; and under the management of Mr. !
Weaver its clever proprietor, and his ecu-
tleinanly assistants, is one of the best lio-;
tu'.s in this part of the state. I
The Cors axd IUtkwheat have had a
fine oiiiiortunity to ripen, during the late
line weather, and they may now be consid
ered very nearly out of danger of the fr, st.
A few days at f .illiest will ho sufficient to
make the lUickwhcut Bale the Corn we
think is so now.
Lax 11 kor Sale. W'p neglected last
week to call attention to the iidverti e
liient of the Messrs. Oito & Filbert of five
tracts of valuable timber lands 011 Siime
jnahojiiug for sale. They are among the
jnost valuuble hinds in the county. They
offer a fine chance for investment.
Coal On. Loirs. S. E. Southland of
Philadelphia advertises a tine article of
Joal Oil Lamps, which seem to be a very
superior article. See his advertisement in
another column.
Orpuaxs C01 kt Sale. The Adinrs. of
Lyman Miles late of Keccariu tp. dee'd, of.
for Ids real estate for sale. It is a very de
sirable property for a man warning a small
The Weathkr, for the past week has
liecn clear and line with rather chilly
mornings and evenings hut without frost.
To-day however it has commenced raining
nnd looks gloomy enough. The temper
ature is still mild.
1H' V all's jai.vaxic Oil done more
good, performed more cures, and relieved
more pain, than any other medicine in
the knoivn world. It has cured a wonder
ful case of Spine liisease, in tho person of
Nancy Ann Martle, Troy, N. V., and
many oiners count lie mentioned, ror
ly oiMnti i, MrrrJutnlx grrtfraffi.
Sunday School Celebration at Mount
Agreeable to previous arrangements the
Sunday schools from Paradise ond Ooshcn
met the Mount Joy .Sunday schools at
Mount Joy on the 11th of September 1S5S
to celebrate the Sabbath school anniversary-
The meeting was called t order by N.
liishel, and L. 11. Carter appointed Presi
dent, John Fenton William Wallace Wil
liam L. Shaw J. ,L. lleams . C. Shaw
Willi am Ogden (ieorgeCurter K. K. Shiery
James !aily an John Young Vice Presi-
'I' lits, J. li. Shaw John F
Rote and Si-I
lion Cams Secrctarys, and C. Lunich
loader of singing for the day. After the
organization, the schools marched in pro
'csion to the table, where a bountiful
dinner was prepared for the occasion, of j
which more than three hundred persons
partook and an ahunianee remained. j Outdo to Yorkshire, suys: "(if local and
The President then called the n.eetingl'VT1'' "'"'i-" """"V l!
nM.i . j 11 ... .1 esting than that ef the fair-haired Saxon
W order and an address to the throne of, Fairfaxes, of Yorkshire, who held land in
grace was offered up by Uev. J. A. lixon. !
Tke exhibition of the Sun.lnv aebook n
.1 .. ... . . '
men cone throuc 1 With, under, t in rare
of Rev
... A I I. vnn .... V...I ii:..i...i
... ...t,.. .laiiimiii'i .t.s.iei,,0l n American ol American Parents, res
"i the following manner
5th. Palestine -Jane Urimore. - j
"th. The Moral Warfare John Carns
I-. j
Ui.Slfishness Henry C. Carter, o
"-!. A Dialoirue on Sunday Schools
I'liia Garden and Hannah Cams. - !
1 "lib v . i r- . r T-i- I
l "-'"in imioirue .uarun rviine.
Sr .
Juusou Benton Jlenry Ogdcn Surah A
- . r
.i,in,f;uB uw. w in iieaven v Cliy --w.t- t.. ...... ..t... . uu .iiuericiiu e-i., "-' ... V i- I I'.isiii i, or in .in? oaiiK low cr iiiiiii ever.
X Cams and Reuben II. Thompson ! ,,,l"'re'l I'J' marriage hy a Fairfax, 1 .U,r l 'tlore.,t leelmgs weie cxci- A shari. oT j.t.l.Iio patronaue is soli.'ited.
2nd Wi,lom-Mart (2 om ct",ury nn,, ft 1,ulf l'rovt'11 1 f0r "'; 'i . ',,.der PATH ICR M I'LVAN ICY.
; r j slight compensation for lands which had , ,'"r,,i.,,, ol,,ls on M,K' nl Sept. 1st. 1:,S. tf
otd. I he Ihblo - atson Carter. ; passed away from tho family in Kndand r clearing otl had assumed a greater con-
4th. roetical Dialogue ,Sarah E. Shaw '1 noiv under a republic, "Huron Fairfax slst'"v. 'l sc'ined to be lrawu logeth- ' ' . .7.,.. , v
and M -T Kb,.- has a homo which ho does not unit for ni-!,'.r sonle va"1 '"'I'I''" P'-i-r presenting iA vlf U' JLi.J a
lui ..:. n it. .. sii.,1,.-c a i'i.,. t iin jiiis miiniiiiieci i si!" u. on iu n hl' lo i i i ..i .i. i...i. .
' M. ,. Yoiimr Sarnli .Iwn Viirv mooui, llio (lai Kest tuture brn-lit. and ,.:..,..,i ;.' l. l.,....,,.! .1 ., .. ' , AV U I Hid A,.. Ill X,t. Tl.;.-d .,.- .....
BaiK-y. ; ;y. ui. a man, canker out. , ,ur .1IIlliti011 ,Jow t ,an t0 ,,(, (1I0 , MrLl, PlllLAbF.LVlllA.
10th. The Anff.,la S A W 1 1, 1 i ,7l,owor Rnd. f,l,np; "V'1 of danger, it Uiiig adead calui, so that e 1 I I. T 1 1 17 l lll.'U I,' P.
8.V ( J AnP, 3- Vflfh and pendent of the exigencies which make See.e,T to have no chance of the' LLA 1 lllA UhALL H
,, ! I'. , '"ml Mm,0n'T,,,',r I01" ? l,,;o,""""f spout, which was rapidly approaching us. ' Calf .kin,, Morocco,, !.!!,.,, nMt
, ' l, b A Wll,Sue-M. C. Shaw u,,,IE.,thopWd, heheaut.ful ofthe truo-gold, 1 So ..l.sorbed were we in ' wa.ching this Rl 1 A O K S( II 1- I f TJ1 KR &c
'Www. ,Xill"Ur very nearly .. , ' , , ,, , , A ' 1 ' &C'
lo.i, v i 1... c. i ,en? hut when warmeil in a napkin, nnd if.,!!,.,, victinis lo one ol tho.o m.,I,I..i . B, ' ,',a """P1'1 ur I"1"'" i"
-th. harly Rising Sarah K. Slnw.,d to die heart thev roiiuenl hum,, V,r!","s. , , . 1 , 10 0 "Ul,,t'" change .March , isi: y. ii.(. . . .. , . , I IM"""' , ,, )',y "lllnaiiS(ualls which liifeit the eastern passage to - .
-iivi.c-i.i.-wwiiiiiii. syiiipaii.iusuun oiasi iiunian ine. China. Having had vcrv light weather
1 I ' !
I Mil i mm in n.
UllVf ( itllit li mi,) J
( l"tli. Kcil,;n, ,s,
1". ' Will. '
iiiL'-.Sniimi 1
I'.tli. A i
i tw.
of Ju-
ijMIi. mi 1 1... C....... I.
i . . ' " lll'Ul
IV- . ii I. ii I i
, f,-t.r t
'ses (Vainer nil. I 1 1 -
lltll Th
Lamb of ( io.l I" .1
Love to iod M .1 Kl..i.
P.lh. The Festival John M. Carter
Harriet I.aiimore..
1 1
"I'lh. The good Resolution-All,.,, Tat,.... Blair, H-.. of the.--1st.
A. Moral Si.,.,.,,l. ;., v i... 'neiit.
..t.. io iciolal .Mill am
'IT !... . !
23 rd
A Dialo... ,. 1....1:..: .
lViv..,- M . . . . "'.
'Moul John Wallaee n.,.1 Willi.,,,, F Sh-iw
2Uh bialn-r,! ',;. , V t
muMVilliam W. C, ,,s
o.-.fl. 'n... ,. " , . .
; " J""" now .jane J.ariinore
.Uarcarot ( ai ns Ullivc (Juliel, Kllen fA. in
oj.lna ( anleu II
anah (,'ai 11s and Muriraret
; I la i ley.
The exercises were
...v...v.t 1. t.j v tiiiii eiiiii r.i r.i
1: 1.1
.out witn most excellent m u ti
il music I'm-.
M. McCul-
nished hy (i
Kiieem, W
lough, Jr. 1(. F. Ward, Jr.
The audi, nee was then addres.-ed on tho
L. li. CAISTKK, J'nts'i.
.1. !. Shaw. )
John F. Kote. j. Sw's,
Simox Caiins. )
An Atrocious Outrage.
Professor Whaleli. late Piineinnl of (I
Missouri llliiid Asylum, in St. J.ouis, is
wen aim lavoraiiiy Known to our cit iens
getMM-ally.and to those of Phiiaih Ij.hia, l'.i.,
and -Nashville, Tenn. He is almost wholly
blind, yet has habituated himself to trav
erse the streets without .serious inconveni
ence. Having resigned the position he
hud honorably Idled' at tho A ,yl.,m, and
concluded his business arrangement:,' he
yesterday set about seeking a 'steamer on
which to de-'patch hi., oli'cets to Pittsburg,
en route for Philadelphia. It is to be re
gretted that, unii-ed to the active World,
and deprived of sight, the worthy gentle
man's habit of sell-reliant!' should have
led him alone, and on such an errand, to
meet the perils of the. levee. At about
P. M., while passing 11, ar ihe foot of
Pine street he was courteouslv addressed
by a stranger, who, after a slight conver
sation, oHered his arm to conduct him
across the street. It was accented, and 1.11
learning that his polite, street friend was
named Miller, Mr. W. was further deli-dit-
e-l when tlie agreeable remiiiiscencies of
Caiituin Miller of Nashville. su.'.,,.-ted hv
tho name, were intensified by this prompt
avowal of Miller, "That Captain Miller is '
ihtain -kill ei-is 1
..... f.,ii .i'i -r. -it. . . , ,1
"V wr "i,hlu'l ,vn;, ,1,.an,1ii'ission of hii mother to p. to a ball. She
d, H f Z M ' J J 7."vwVrir,;,,owwl lM plw-o for little bovs
during winch the parties wa ked far. atu ..u-i ,.1 1:1... . .....
i .1. , ,. . ... ,, ' ,
e,o." )l ,'. t , - S ,'K'1"1 ' kt'1' U'e
it I 'm 1 1 t , ,
At about five o clock he inquired where
icy were, and Miller appeared unable to j
ted. Mr. . asked a person who was
passing, and was told that they were in
riHeentli street.
lleivim sliH,tlv st,,,...
. i i 1 , ;
tt.oii", un.. uiev airieeu 10 wananii lake n
bus down I raiiklin avenue. In the mean
. . . -
time they entered Carr Place, passed some
twenty steps from the gate and sat down.
Presently Mr. V. found himself caught,
gagged and held fast ! He struggled des
perately, and on the instant, suiinosiiii.'
mill m he stai thtnlct
another iicrsnn had
attacked him, he tried to call on Miller to I
help him. J.ut ho could not speak, and
n ii en iiise.cruousio iree nimseii encoiirag-1
el ll.elioiieol success, he was s ruck vew vi.
jolently ujion the forehead and temporari
.1.. . r- . . ' '
ly stunned. Un recovering, ho found hiin
sell apparently alone, all his noekets but
one turned outward, and himself poorer
ieu una n.s rien ju-oposoit to accompa- bees. Watchinu them as thev cam,, from
ny him to the l'lanter s House, u h. re the hive, aiidseeing where tln-y were gath
they would get supper, and meet dipt. ering to Kettle on a tree, the owner put a
Miller. Hut the Ineiid turned westward, J large woolen-yarn stocking on a pole, and
winch direction Mr. U. assured him was .thrust it up trough tho limbs, and inline.
hy S2.0. the money was in bills ot many 'yearsago that he had 1 at work on his plan
varieties, and tho fact of his possessing i'tjtation eighty years old.' an 1 wo have seen
had been drawn from him during the eon- m account of a mule in h eland, certified
versational stroll. Twenty dollars was left i to have been at work since 177 , making
him, in a vest pocket. This was tittribu- J ''ini over one hundred and fifty years old.
ted to tho casuality that he had taken a This is, of course, a very uncommon age,
pincusion from that pocket in Miller's I out we are satisfied that, with proper us.
presence. Iho villain was led to imh'i
that no money was in that noeket. No
clue remains by which to identify these
infamous scamps, for it is deemed' certain
Ihere were- two or tliree of them. From
the y. Imu 'is lhnuk-iat, 'Id.
The Fairfax Famii.v.-TIic London
Acfirnaum, reviewing Black's Picturesque
England before the conquest, whose tcrri-
torial possesions have passed into t,e
loinil of timl tt-l.nun t.t.uun..l .... i
" " " t'.-..t
,,.,,i i.,..i:..i. :. .
. . '
ding at Woodburn, Maryland, in the Unit-!
u'n,,1"""e ' tlic Jlt'c ol l-nis.
... ... . " , . .
. , ..... . . i
iiini possession which sutisties the lieart.
Palaces and hinds may still leave a, man
miserable. To be satisfied in one.s cell
to ? a, !'',n voil-lo sleep peacefully,
. ,vllMOUl P1"". regret or remorse
snei. is wen
With those the hardest
pillow becomes soft, the roughest way
li cvitics.
t-'.TIll. I.mi,!,,, time-, is
said to In'
.nme,i i, n M.-aiu In,, (,,,,,
Yo.-s invent-
eu I'V an Anient .in, M,. II,,,.,
T The work on the Suiiburv all.) I'lie
, ' '' 1 t" 1 -" ri n.'i'ei-'-ii'i;' st, u.lilv
al hull, the i:;,-t.-ii, ., i , 1 1, in ..,',.. '
tr-r It,,,, 'i i, ,,,i,i ..i... . ii i,- ,
l - ii t i .,in its hi i unii.i.ivs-
lllll'lf i ..... I 1
or l tin " 1 1 ss li
tlie Il.tii ..I
...... . ii n. ,101, ill! c , I.
ai no p
district. S. ,s,
lace is his o.j o-
1 fl I lie '.'alia in n I lie ,1 i (Viei il I !..-. ,n sit ,
i ten Island lielovv ,nv York
liave (iieil
"atmal death. Tl
is no further t it ml i
,l'l"'' l.en,!e,l.
! P"'V',1'1"' fi,""in '"'I' ''' W,-s
1 i , ... ... , ., 1 i i . .
' I Ii lit 1 1 MlOlItT Until v:is i(t tll't
.. ,, , ' 1
, , : -l-- '.ui ey tie' hol s,, t.iinei , u as at
.Uie Male I ,m-in .M i.-.-om i
air 111 M is.-oui 1 a lew 1 avs
'vin-r ho jjave a nimil
nave a of evi,lei,','.
his skill in tainin : unruly horse.-.
! r. t . . I - I . . . .
I w.- .111 1.1 1 nor in .Sweden was.
e, to death, for grossly slan.h'i in
lady ; hut at Ihe in torces.-ion of I,
so ileeplv injured, he was nardon
a young
r he had
".1 upon
the scallold.
I , I uT An old imirder
i in M iehigau by a dog
j the murdered inn 11 i'r
la.- been discovered
ringing tin- .-cull of
su amp, where
Hie iiodv had been coined, , I
I.. i"An accident oecired 011 t
sylvania l.'.iilioad at Newton
on last Wcdne.-ilav. The IC.vpi
which leit at I I P.'.M. tl,,- niht
he 1'ellli
Ih'.Illiltoll e.-s train
01 eoii.-e,ueil.)e ol a sW!H.ll lielll
it. 10 inrou 1, 110111 llie irueK, Hi,
ihe e.-
iie.-.s uie-.M'iigci' aim linif,aii
latter slightly and the former so seriuu
that lie has since died of hi.- ioiiivies
PvTlIugh McKce of I'.utlcr j',,
has been app,,intid assistant Surevor
Cciieral of -Nebraska and Kaii-as. lied.
parted from
ture labors a
ionic tor
few davs
Jl-jY-1! on.
imtM by th
in the Cen 1 1
bci n nonii-
ppo ition paiiv for iigiv-s
Miiliin, .Ve. ( 1 1:-1 1 it t . lion,
is hi - coniiM'titor.
' A!li.-.on Whit.
f'-'The Yellow F.-vcr i .-till ragin:; in
New Oilcans at a fearful rate. It In-al-o
"s a;,'. ai.o m lial Ies..;,i
oilier ,ojt!
:n ed:
fi-:" The Stale -Military eiieanipln
wincii eouii.i.'n' C'l at U diia'.ii -port on la.d
.Thursday is still in progress. About twen
ty cm,, panics were in attendance. iov.
Packer reviewed the troops 011 la-t Thurs
jday. BHUA trieiid th'.l.- describes his miiii
1 mer's gardening opeia.'ious: Tiie bug- ate
I our i-u uiiioers, our cm, Kens ale the i,ug, :
.our neighbor's cits ate the chickens, aiid i
we are in hopes that something will now i
eat the cats.
I l:i,.A little wretch who had for the fir-t
titne in hi' life, heard th" sciiptuie story
of l-Jijiih and the hears, sat down 011 the
1,101 iiiiiii an out man won i.v, wiieir
'10 (':l"-' out, 'Lio uji, old bald head!, Then
dodL'iti'.' as oiiicklv as he could wil bin the
loor, he v tiled out. 'Now hrini! 011 voui l
ears'.' ' I
'i' i.. . ... . in 1 11. . I
. un iir..i,o ii in- .1 .-man i.iu asKcn iier-1
0.1 , inoiiiei, t.i.iu von an, 1 nuiier use
to " von was vomiL-r' "Y( s,
l''te have seen the ,;,,; .Answered
,l,t. lnotlier. " Hell, mother," exclaimed
the son, "1 want to see the Ml,, vt il, too."
..." . ' :. ' . " '
llltlvi: ui- tt .. ...f,. t...-..l ..
mi .'vii-imvi iiiiiii ioi iiiiiii; t 7 w il 111 VI
. i.,i,- i ... l.... , ... ,.i: .....
.... .v.. ...t.ty. t uiTiii, to illlllllt
le.'an to alight iiixin it
and were soon all clustered, w hen hegeiit
ly lowered the pole to a table the good
wife had prepared whilehe held thewartn,
and then placing the hive over the bees,
the pole, was withdrawn from the stock-
in'', ami in live minutes the. went to
1w.h L- cle.irnn.. out .1,..;.. .... ,
The next dav"; the "women folks" hived a
swarm iu the same way without iinv man
to assht
Lovikvitv or Mi les. We have nu
merous reports of mules attaining the ice
of forty, tiltv or sixty years, and Col. Mid-
dleton, of South Ciiolina, stated some
age. mules would commonly attain to
about fort; years, being serviceable to the
last, and this should bt counted as one of
their elements of value.
After a very close night, attended, as us
ual in these regions, by thunder and light
ning, we were surprised at dawn by being
surrounded by what seemed to be a dense
cloud, perfectly iuipenetralbo lo Ihe eye;
but which as morning further advanced,
cleared olf to tho westward, disclosing a
""st beaul.lul, contrary
too llSUal S.'
micirciilar appearance that
it iiose.sses ashore, seem. t,y the re lection
I of it on the sea, to be one vast circle of the
".""",u ,"0,s : ,llu'r '":"'l""-
uiil; .iiiiuiiinct'iit itiiii
iiio appearance oi a com mon column.
...I.1' . . ,i ., i i . ' 1
. I . p i
n n us ouiie sina il . ue n se, nut as 11 ' , . ,,- ' . , i
i- i ,i , , purchasing or ill any way mcdliuir with
rose diverged on nil sides til ionium tho.Ji,, ivn i, 'i i . k .
, , . , ... , . ., b : Itho following described property; Two
clouds, when it entirely obscured the View t,,u, ,7. , ., 1 , 1 ,
f,u i, ,.; , .i.. w i'" horses and harness, and one two horse
v in tfji ii.vii in ii ' uiiiii-i. u rui
, ,, r l i r
veyed lh.s awful phenomenon for wne
nine , iw ii uu . ii.ti ,., it-, 1 1, cu , i-i. IO)
us: but a it lieared us the whirling of the
water, which appeared to be drawn up to
....... I.......... .!., f.... ..1. .. .. ...I ........... I ...
ine tiouns iu rii. in sjurai i evolutions, ac-
conipninoil by a noise of distant thunder,'
v. " hii l all Mi .,.(, ,,.!, ,.,. ,ntlv
wh. ii the ..juull ,a,iu-l,i (,t, Moro j,',
lllllllllliht 'l.lll o Ji.i.-iliif niinnusls, I, ut
" ii ' ii. inaiiits to their n.-,e an. I
our .ion, I
riL'-'.ii: I,, 1, out manfully lor
ill', ,iit. two
iioui s wi. i, tiu, ( 1 1 , 1 1 , which ha, I
the ate!' -punt entirely 'li-aire
in.: i,. in : ;;it , ,!,,. j. .11t) ,
' ...
in.' A . i miles ii, La. 1 1J
I'i bee. ', ;, ,
t-ll. .M ,,.;.
II MT O!' TIM' Mo(,.pi i),i J'j,,
. ..'.I ."111, III
: ' ", 1 " V ai i,,i' ,i ,)Uaii,, in his
lllt.N-.-t! niu a.'.-iMUlt of a recent scielitilie
expe llti iii ,ua l,i l,v him to the p,.;, ,,('
Telierille, has -el at rest he vexed lines-
lion ol Ihe of the iiiooiili 'lit II..
. 1.. jll... 1. 1 .. , , ...
sas l
.at his the,,,,,,-.,!,,,! i,.,T,.
W ere sen
t he 1111, iii'm 1 .1 vs.
ev en id the lowest of the two Matioiis ('
eiiiii. d hy him at ,!il, r,. nt elevations. Jn
tropical climates,
to the inn,, ilwht
meat which i- cxpo-ed
lapiuiy lieeonies putrid.
and in the Indies the 11,
roes, who lieswcl-
tenn .'iilid uncovered beneath the fu
of a lioiiieal Mill, carefulh' niut!!,
ueai is ami laces vthcii expo-ed to the
1. 1001 .lieain-, which they believe mav
eaue swelling and distoi t'ion of the fuat
lires and soiue;iin,-s even hlin lne-s.
j commenced the
announces that
above busine-s in
he i
' 'I, :,!!;, !,!. P.I.. omiosit,. the ollice
All kinds of eloiks, watches, Jcwelrv, ic
!y I entrust, 'd to him will be neatly repaired
'and warranted, according to i'ialitv. Hv
j eloseattciition to bi.siness, anil doing his
I work in a superior manner he hope, to se-
cure a liberal share of public patronage.
I sept. 1, '.IS. tf.
:i:i;v (iiykn, that
of Administration
j Lsiii-:
l Letters
;1Iavk been g
, ell t 'lie Fs'llti"
Hell town-hip
ranted to the undersigned
of ii';oi;(ii:sMrni. haeof
"icii ii. ld county, iiccca.-cd.
All persons I
Hiving any laisMiess 111 rela-
; lion to sui l
tale, are notified to call 011
t ' tue
ami lii.ikesetlleineiit.
ang. IS, 1J.',S. Adm'r.
l!ii)ortaiit to Lumbermen.
I TIIF suh-cri
.informing any
icr takes this method
and all persons wishing.
I'roetire thu
Im." v :l i V'.. Z. a
I., ,, . ... .
1 that he is the agent lor tlearlleld County,
jaiid will furnish and put in the said wheel,
! on the shortest possible notice, upon ap-
j plication being made to hini at his resi-
iieneu in i.iiwreliee lowiisiiip, tliree miles
; south of Clearlield borough, or by letter
ed to linn at ( leal held P. ( I.
jnii.N a. i!i;:;i).
Lawrence tp., Sept. 1, ISIS. lim.pd.
ALL persons
against ineddlin;
ire hereby cautioned
with the following tiro-
pet ty now 111 the possession of Isaac .art
man, viz : one cow, six sheep, two hogs,
nine pigs, one lot of hay in the mow, one
third of seven acres of buckwheat, and
half an acre of turnips in the ground, one
'::":U1 ' ' '"'. tiievo.Kls, onestovc,
. ,-. i. . . . .. ,
one settee, two beds and the balance of
the household I'm niturc, as the same has
been purchased by nie, and is left with
him on loan onlv, subject to mv order.
Aug. '!', "S. St.pd.
ALL per-ons are hereby cautioned
against purchasing or in any way med
dling w ith the following described proper
ty, now in the possession of John I). Me
(.'raeken, of Ferguson tp., viz: one sorrel
mare, one gray mare, one wagon, one
fanning mill, one plow, one harrow, one
copper kettle, and eleven sheep, lis the
same belong to me, ami have been left
with tho said MeCracken on loan only,
subject to my order.
Sept. V,S. :;t.
ALL persons are
against piirchasini: or
hereby cautioned!
ill any wav in,'. I-1'.' w un a n am oi noises now in the ,
possession of Abraham Pearce, of (irahanij
tp as the said horses belong to me, and
are in his po.sscs-ion on hire only.
Roht. S. STKWA1IT.
Aug. -J7, 'os. ::t.jni.
T lllie Subscriber repc'lfiilly iiif.iniH llio citi
A sens of (lie Horniigh f ClorReld and vicin
ity, thai ho has taken a U'.ne ol
adjoining the tow n, where he will con
stantly keep on hand, a full supply of the
article, cither lumps or mixed to suit pur-
Persons in town can he supplied !
it;i it at their
noiues, at six cents per
u. ... .. . i 1 . . .
All persons are hereby cautioned against
l"l-"M. UH III I lid IMI.SSi'Hlllll
n.iou, now ii. ine
SvU - r on only.
:.. I. :
of Peter
11'SsP IIVl'S
n,.m,v , Aug. 2llh.,' mt-Zt. ' '
J 1
., ..x.
fjrlilanki fol iiaK: at th's Hflicc.
GREAT REVIVAL -.load ! Read! I
Ml It H cnNVnnr.P. ri,, r,,lt rcvivnl!
t l,nn .limit i r.i in fm n , ovprv ,
n'y n ii-l l.iwn j., 11,0 i,,, H,,n ,,'f
n.'iiilii'l,!. 1 l,, ri ,.r.', in r,jii.l..iii i n.. I
rmior, l iaiili mf t .,),,, ,, ,.,...,.
M,",l,-V "l",M 1' in.-.ll t.. r.'viv,' Hoi i: , ,t h,,i. ,
.'"""'" "K'l'-iiHlfl.l. i-.ii.l mt,po,t m,,.ffj
,w 111 " I. . Ill' in. In 10,1,,, , 1.. !.:
r 11 1 hi tv n 11 it caii, thm ,,, i,,,, ,m ir.r
. IISI..H IH1C1II in nil work nml inn-inn, .mil .,r c, 1,0
A .,,. II.. ..I.' fall...- I... I . . ,.
. " . ..."I , l.ll'l (.1 IOIV
m i.' 1,1 tut 1 ii..ii:, i. .I,,,r,.t.. 1 ,.m-li mir
'""I tnll ;;nicr. vonntiiiidv .ill Imn.l.
I'.ii'li"),' ''.r oale, kit fx.ft..d. All wmk l.'iiv
'"" h"l' '"r'""'"l ut to rip. t'n.tinirs
r "; "' ,1,u "I'"!' former-
.IT.. '
I ... . . , . ' '""'.t i..-.:u
, ni'inrrm liir,'. linn ,n ,va ,.,,,1
'ot mo. iili.,
vmir ..1,1 ..I.,.. ...i .. . . .
- rJiuv u. III,., sll.u.l
111 (Treat net',1 of it.
rit.vxK shout.
1'. S. The inutiifiKhip liervtnroru vxtiue bo- 1
iween .I.1I111 .'.!, ( ;ilie . I (ieoiKe Ne.ison U thi.
iinv uissinen hy niiiliail consent, ah, I the hooks
iie,',,unl. nml nil etleely, ure now in tin) lii.nii.1
i.l F. Mi. it for tfllleineiit. The Liisinei. will bo
em rie,l on in f,i iuie l.y 1'. Slmrt. Alii, Yu.
r'. JtiHX MeCAliH,
C ! 1.' A I! 1' I K L L)
com:i in.' riHsr axd mahkmt
s th Minx,
, Till'. un,ler.-ine,l resioetfi,U- informs hit
I friends nu.l the trawling nililic in Keuornl, that
die has taken the ulnive lio.ise.,
Tin: Hui si: has been recently refitted im
proved, and newly furnished ;
ii as i;ke c..mii.i:ti:h: am. i,k js i-hki-akki.'
TO Al l o MoDATK '
All who may give him a call, in the most
pleasing and agreeable manner.
With c en ll.inii to rauh r his ,,, di-slrahli-
llnjllilll Jl'tCi-,
will be supplied with un nnsnrtnieiit of eliuieo li
quors : nnd bo will endeavor to entertain kit
quests in a niuiiiier llnit cai.uot fail t. jrjvo tho
The housi! is situated in a pleasant and
quid part of tho town, and no expense
or attention will he spared to make it one
of the best houses in the county. A lib
eral patronage is respectfully solicited.
Clearfield, ung. IS, IS'iS. y,
a ...
-1 Pih.nittorvjrQpLil3 AfftiBt,!
Ur 11 1 JMtL la. II,
Wn.i. visit ClearHeld on a iirofessinnul i
..... ,r v,i.,i ..Mien nine.
inosen no wimi to L'el Auiliiotvoes. or
other H'Otouraiihs. taken in the host.
slJIp ' the art, will then have an opinir-
ttinity ot indulging their taste. Mr. Pur.
vianco orings wnn nun the experience of
many years close application to this beau
tiful art, in and about the City, and all
the improvements which have been in
troduced. He therefore flatters himself
that lie will be able to ivo the most
I ljle satislaction to tho.-uv.homr.v givo him
11 polessronal call. aug. 17, rK. 3t.
Joseph goon,
THANKI'l'L for past favor,, and grateful for
fiil.ire prospects, dei-ires lo inform the citiens of!
til is vicinity, and his old friends nnd nitrons in
particular, that ho has rcmored to Ihe FIRST
HOOM in the Kant end of
Siiiw'ia Haw Ed'sr,
The First Ihmr 'et of the Mutmlon limine.
where ho hits on lniud constantly, a large assort-
inciii oi every variety in the
ci stoji wokk
Tho very best of Mock will be uih.4, mid no
pubis spared to iimko ncul flln and durable work.
All of which can be obtained from Ihe said Joseph
Uii.iii VKKY LOW for tlie n k. vn r n il no.
fleurtield, An-. IS, IS if.
;The best Article in the World fori
Is Leinau's Superior lMios
phato of Lime,
At I" per ton, or 2J cK a lb., by the harrel.
Alia Iyi?C(l illlll IiCCOIlimended (or
riofcswir CIIAM.T. J At KX),
Vhriiiltt of the foiled Stole l,trt t jh'ee,
Vuhiiiit,m, I). C
TCr-lt will reia,v the eurtny 50 to 1(10 per
cent., nnd will not burn the seed by coming in
contact as (iiinno dscn.
Try it, prove it I !
s Iff!.! .
I I. A. I.l I VIII 'rnnnnln.
' VP ,v Wl !
-io. 'Jl, ryiuth r HOMT Street,
Philadelphia ( -,,,,
III' of int. A .1. .
j "8" iiin'uf;iioi inu country, , ,
.!r..,,V V.",R.."".n 1,p."nl "J Office.
fT Cash Mailed with the order wil) recelre
rro 1
A liberal diseonnt tn StnrVn.r. i
buy to sell again. !
railllililela can be h.,1 .1 m. llir.n. II 1 t !
ug. I, lSiS.3,M.
I )RAXM i:s, Wines. Whiskey. !i, i , f f '
1 very best ...mlitv f,.r I.r
l)os Disensu Originatu in
I'll I" I. a iiiicMlun
S'' .ii;.! 1,1,1, hi., never Leon .tlfciriy ,ll,x.a.
ol l.y llio pnifcmir. who tend, tho I.Mtlnc rt.
-,1 c..eciully tho ol, iehu.,
lijvic,,,,..-,!. lifo ivi l tho b(MlJ all a.KMfoi oriKiimlo in It but modern
U'i.,'o vr. tliut ailment, hare their orign.lln
in imti, the .uiiii, na ,1U f ,h b0(l TU(il
the h.tler uep..n.lernt, how.v.r, i a died fe.l.
- m k,I Ha. clearly d.mon.trnted that
III l.'ll.-l I W,l (llll-.l. fF ll.n IIIj 1 - . .
. . ;--...... ,,,. nuuinn no.u la
! m ,r "ave "ifir ouieo id an
i n ,S(n(c of the
Kloori !
As, for iiif,inoc, in the long cnlnloguo, ,uch
Scrofula, 'letter, "barber's Itch,"
I'implcs, Ulotchcs, Erysipelas, Ul-
ccr.s, balt-Hlieum, Discharges
from the Kar, Fever sores, or ir
liuptivc Diseases of any kind.
Tueno are aseerli nod by well known medical
. law. to ariHe Troio bad blood while the bieheit
, mcdu-Hl au thority deolaro that uiohI ferer. ori.
.KiiiHte . o the me jmnner, and more particular,
ly Typhoid and Searlot the former beiDK aa in.
ternul, and the latter an external Irruptive din.
jearsc ; and in nil person attacked by theie ma.
... ..uu ura, , ,onu io be coagulated, or of
a ilnrk unhealthy color.
To ward off . ttrK majority of diaeanei, at
wo I as to cure a number which have already eei.
led upon tho nysteui,
jrunirv TIIK HLOOD.
iLixi.sKv's InntovKi. Bi.,hi Skarihkr dobs
l'nivcrM.1 I'uuaeoa fur l. .. .
,Ue l"-''lfit claim for it the power not only of
Draining out All Impurities of tho
bi by the skilful coiiibinutlon of well known
hvti I eurt all ditetw arm,,,, from adnang.
ol Uih- of the Liver lru e out Dy.y,epsia,
ami ijiee renewed tone nnd vigor
to the Stomueh.
That the BlooJ Searcher is all that is clai.uej
for it, the Proprietors can produce
It is only a few years ainen it .
nn.l .... !. U I... . . '"'"'.
: " K'"u "no iucii a business that
: largo Laboratory has boen built expressly for iu
manufacture a large number of men employed
j iu putting it up, and still
; The Supply docs not Equal the
ueinand !
We ask any candid man could this be so, if the
for it y'"e J'J i0"e" ALL ,he virtu cliiu4
The bare hundreds of eertineatei
;u.iy, mowing what the medicine ii doinz dail
' ' lter,nir.
Who has ever used the Blood
Whether L'ctlef iiut Reperiencil
T .1 ni, .
l" """flea give it a trial a sincle butil.
. will convince the moot skeptical of it. efficacy.
31. Lisiiskv : Dear Sir r i.k ...
i t i.. wao VIVmm
in acknowledging th ..
your Improved Blood Searcher has been 7.
son. Ho has been afllictod with what physician,
called a ecrofulou. disease f the .b.obin!
gland. i of the stomach. He ha. been affl ic "d
with this diKense from infancy. He i, ' 1 M
teen years of nuo: durins ill l.i. . . '"
hail several sovoro attacks, and all ihe fcwwl
ken into tho stomach imparted i, ftrJV
jtl esys oin 1 had several eminent physician,
attend nig hnn, hut I found very little advan
Ugo, as the dinease still rcturflod with all iu aw.'
j In April l&ir, he biij a violent nttiw. much
! Jtta If ?i h"i ' L ,U!C.,rdin,y procure
J"J ,he lln, ha l
... r .v cu IO pVrUct noaltb
- .- - - I'.i.utt uvniiu.
it is sow nun i i .
bin lu.w.,1 e --'--""' jour invalua.
ca it has savsd him from on nnliraoly rave I
now un lio...t,.t.nKly it to all whom.,
be Hiiilarl alllie.ed, ,U doom it no more th.J
tucsl1'6 " ruUi0 to ts vi.
Kespeelfully yours, Ac.
roiuroy Station, A. I'. U. tuii
diim.' w ik to tk citi"" f
Mir ham: y '
0. D. WATSOX, Clearfield.
JOII.V PATTO.V, Curwensvill,.
E. F. KREXXER, Worrisdale.
JOIIX 111SFELL, Pennsville,
n. II. MOORK, Luthershurg,
M. 0. STIRK, New Millport
CHARLES R. FOSTER, Fhili,,sl)Urs.
II. SIVAX, Ansonville,
KliWARD WaLfAMS, ViUi.-wiU..
SAMI!Eh HAOEKTV, Olcnhope.
aug. 11, 1808 Otu.
Ih. following property now 4'Zr
Isiae Kcofiol.l .. H.r.. . '""loa of
. - m war m a ii . 1 1 ; i.t
three Mr.s buck.heal. ..T. ?. i"" .
!"lr" oucawneat. one mA . k.i.
tnloes, a lot of rve in the b. ,ZC": PT
. lot of o.U and . lot of h,Z
horse wagon, one
IM. nna
of fourteen aeres of com .'.jZ
whent-lh. .... V..T" MB
and left in hi. TJi"n"y Z,JZT
control. 0n"' to r-.H'
U ,"lh' ,848'
, XL l. or book a-eount of on , or " , '
! sin ud nr. am iu..i.l...l. - '"75 "r or
J"' ""'"l ','r ' b t""l'"i ""rling
''iw, wilhoul re-pect to persons.
' ' vri;u uni i ,.!