IM H M It I! u 1 1! " j'J 'i it 1 i ! ! 1; 1 'i ! Bl- I.' I. 1 i 'I I i; I 51 b "r it lH ii " ii , X i: I' It 1 t 1 Vl.K.lKli:i.r I. ml I i. K. romocrntic State Ticket. U'lMiKdi' tiii: si n;i.Mi: i.i i;t. WILLIAM A. lOnTER. or i'ii 1 1. iM i-i'i . CAN A I. ruM Miss I ii NT. It, WESLEY rKOST, (IF f.WKTTK I ". Democratic District Ticket. ( '( (N'( ; HKSS. JAMES L.GILLIS, or ki.k rot vi v. ASSKMKI.Y, T. J. EOYER, 1)1' ( I.K.AIII IKI.II ( ol M l . WM P WILCOX, el' KI.K l Ol V I V. Democratic County Ticket. Snr.iiii'K, i' !ii:ii:i!if'K o. Miu.r.K. 1ISTIII'T AtTOKNKV, JtOlIKKT .1. WAI.I.ACi:. dll'MV (.'(IM MlsPKINKII, "WILLIAM M CUACKKX. A l lHTull, ISAAC W. iKAllAM. 'llltllNKIl, (ir.iiuiiK kichai;is. The "Poeple's Party" vs. Prohibition. "3d. That the true intere. ts of the i.'nioi), und esjieeially l'eiin -ylviniia, re quire u Turill tor revenue iniposiii" Mieh lutiei as will iilloid just und (tnilti jno lection to home lahor, mid relitve ns from '.he liiiimeial dillieulties and i nilnii rass iiieiit lirimjilit on hy the ruinous j.oliey ol' i lie present National Administration.'' The ahove is one of the resolutions ad)i lodbytlie convention which nominateil 'haiin Hall Ks., at 1'rookville, on the :(Uh, ult., as the opposition eaudiilato for i.ongress in this district. This, like all the pposition resolutions, passed since the he .ilitiingof the jnesent canipain, if not precisely, is u very near approach to the loctrine ol'tho Demoeratie party on the liiestiun of a tariff. A tarill'for revenue luok nuich like-the tyranicii'. conduct laid with ft judicious discrimination in favor of I to t1"-' ehurgo of the President, of attompt Ihoso commodities which we. have the j to forc-n it upon them against their 'eust occasion to import, in other woi ds, ol 'will. True if the non-voting vol icy of the which we produce the most extensively at Yolk Tribune Imd ''ecu pur.-u.'.l in home, liasalways been the policy advocated 'be recent election as was the case on all r.nd practiced by the democratic party, and former occasions when the (niertion of sla- is still their doctrine at the present day. Upon this question the old whig party tookjssuewiththeni, advocating atarifl'for protection alone without regard to revenue TTio democratic party seeking to all'ord n fair protection to domestic iniiiiiifacturcs, in llio adjustment of duties upon imports; discriminating in favor of those articles, the manufacture, or production of which at home, needed encouragement. Thus making revenue tho vljcH ami protection the Uicidiitt, while thewhigdoetrinesought to make protection the object and reve nue, llio incident of a tnritl'. Hut now wo find this mongrel opposi- 1 ion repudiating mid spurning thoprin-i . .. .'. . . milled a protective turill "lor the sake ol protection," (as our old opponents, the whigs, were w ont, defiantly to express it,) and endorsing tho democratic side of the issue in tho fullest manner. And now the question naturally suggests itself: What is to become of the remnant of the whig party which bus still remained stead fast to their belief in the wisdom of a pro tective tarilVT Since 184S there has been no issue be- jembodicd shall be carried out. Truly this tween them and us except upon that ques-i is a great inetainnrphorsis, and the Demo tion. No other reason existed why they cratic parly need ask no greater triumph should not be democrats, and act in j than to behold so sudden and radical a all things with our party, except that they could not give up their vro;liita v tar'lf' pri ncijilee they could not swallow "Loco- l-.r.rt r,.oft.i.wl.iM,,, () .,11 ,,o.i;..D .,c; ..v.. ....... ....... v.., .... ,., covernmental liolicy thev. agreed w ith us to the letter : such as the finest ion of Stato right, non-interlcrenee with slavery in tlm teiiitoii.'H mul nil H. nth,,.. li,; . . ' .'- h, issues oi the day. but what are these men rt Irt .w... 9 W 4 1 t !il whom will they act? The party with which have been acting, takes democratic, round , . ; upon tlio only question that has for the I. i. , ... .asueno, twelve years so, mm ted them rA. 41. .1 - . . jiuui uiu tu'iiiut rni n ariy. Upon this question there can now be no ... (Li. , ,, i -rr"""""-'"'" Meinui-iiii-. i ney uisiinciiy avow the saino doctrines in regard to a turill" that we do nay more they place at the head .( ll.-:- . ll.l. .1 1 r . , r z : rz : : r:.r . 0 t , r .uu in in,-,! pi iiim.'r ui ni merit for the position they intend him to nil. J hen as it to remove all doubt as to ,,, ,iw,,,c,i,.,,,.i,,,.,.,,,, r.,,,oi' ... ,. . onbytl.e ruinous policy ol the present National Administration." XV. .! 1 1.1 Forpelting however to remind tl.e ,,eo- lite that the heavy debt l.i. l, ft,,,.. 1 i , win ..l,.i,.i,,l .,,,,..1. r ...... : , i ; ' , , ,m "y ft KnoWsnntlmiff enni'i-esi iiii,1 ll,,, i il. C T ' -- .iiu hi J i1" I I, d ,, , , M.-l t ,l .,,i ,, l.i n I I !! I . I '1 I ,l I . M I ' it. ! 1 1 , 1 ! 111!' ! 1 t I ' I ill ti : n I line ) lli .nl I illtli.' ri'liilli.; rent (lllll J I I IV H lli' ll 'lull1 "!! Ill ln I' III " n "li.'uliiw ill tin- ' liii.o nf ! 11111 I I t inji- t..iii-:n ',' i r ,, ill il lo w illi I In- only mil ;,,ii al hi 1 t y in e i 'Inn'i' lli" I '.'inm I it ie m 1 1 y 'I the t'liion'.' Tin- I'u nt T i.'t.' ii'iiisi!ii.ll claim Id ! in vi In n I til' ,il ' nil tln'ir lav-, and slill claim I i In' .1, :n - 'enits, I nit 1 if. !" Ik ibil'e.' u il !i lli i. :il i. hi. I al !ciiH'.'f.ii-y u 't I i ui nt-timi v. !iii-li i.i'V- I.T formed any I'lll I n' III.' dill'eien of ,' llie ulil .iii tics. I.i'.c i ll I Ii" l i ri utiy i'lill-tl llrtr.l i'l Ilili. 'alii'll-- ll l-ai'll" ..:i i,lllV. It Oiloses )!lo I !-- -1 1 1 lKlli"! itdiuinisti utini ii'ni; (!.. I i j j t i i - j 1 1 linn untiling cl-e. Tin.1 I ,i m u i i j t 1 1 ii!i limi liii been .settled by i u-1 k - i- C Kmi xin lliciii' elves in a way, we ircs'uiiic, that lor tlie present i.llils 1 lieui-clvi's. How lib Hid linn te make this tl.e ;ssui election for state, district and count in i n ; e!!i- ' eel'.-, in another stati Ill.lonewiili'licoiil.l nave miitliil (,V'ir it. lltlili'l' MIIV cilcliiii- .stances, 'I'll in!; of t liisfcllow-eiti.-.en.s, , n del' well it ii in the iletieet the oii:-ilii,u pre sell's in lli i j ridicu Ions at titude, bcfm e yin; j iieeiir.l llioiiiyour iuiiort in h'tober next, j T11K lNlTli 'ATKiNS. I It is tinlv "'I'ulil'viil at n time when' II I.' . Il I ( . Mil ' (lii nv t'l.'ir h; e-t ' Will ll Ley. illi renegade 1 lemocratie newspapers in thelp'l's I h ket ; sonie ihe "lieiaililiean tate are trying to breed di.s.-eiision-i in the Ileinocratie ranks, and thereby secure the (..lection ol'tho opposition candidates, to bo greeted with as many evidences of the general harmony .which prevails a mong tho masses of the Democracy, as our ex ch alines daily furnish. With but iew exceptions an ignulile lew every JVm ocratic paper in the Stale comes out ' lan fully in support of the candidates of the party. The. issue which recently gave rise to diti'erenees of opinion among Dem ocrats, the I.eeoinpton question, is almo.-.t universally treated by them as a dead is sue as no longer of practical importance. The people of Kansas having rejected the I.eeoinpton ('(institution under the Knglish Pill, for reasons with which none but themselves have any concern, tin y are content to abide by the result. Whether the Administration was right or wrong in tho policy recommended to Congress, one thing is certain, 1 1 1 tit the people of Kansas owe to it and those Democrats w hich sus tained it, the right to adopt or reject the Lecnnipton Constitution as might be most agreeable to them. A fact which does not i very was at issue, Kansas would now be a Nate of tho Union by virtue of the Kng- lisli liill, and by a larger vote in its favor ') several hundred than the Leeomplon Constitution had in December last, lint "the second sober thought" had begun to operate with the people of Kansas, and they saw that they could only control the institutions of the Territory by participa ting in tho elections held in the mode precribed by law, not by faetiotisly ab staining from such parlieip ition, and then complaining that they, the majority, had had no voice in the proceedings, and that therefore they were illegal and void- Tho recent vote on the Kngligh Hill I i l.i..,,. , i snows cicariy mam cnange lias taken place in the public mind in Kansas in re gard to the constitutionality of the Kansas-Nebraska Hill, of which the English liill, was the legal consequence. Scarcely two years since, tho Republicans in Kan . sits, as well as elsewhere, repudiated and denounced it as a base violation of a sacred compact. Now they are loud in their demands that tho principles therein conversion of their adversaries to their own doctrines. In a word the vote in Kansas on the Knglish Hill is a complete eiidoi'seiiiei.l l,v lhr,s II, .1 i .....iiv,, , , voters ol Ihe wisdom of the Kaiisas-Ne- w,v iii'iisiis-.M- , braska Hill. Why should I),.,,,.,,, I ,1K' I for on a subject of far less importance' --- ll'j'.UXi I.N CLAI IU : , ,lie of tIl0 ,ar,.0sl mi.otinirs ,, .,, r -.v. ..v.. in ' ,- Tt C ,', , ' '? 1 5', ' ,0fT V-V0S' "' "''ol,,"t " Wilul I u". ' ". " .l'"'0" M UM,"' Wk',m'. V" "'!' ' ""sun immense unit cnthusias tie uat h - '.:.. of , , - ., j cring of the lomorrncy of that ivrion ; , ........ v , vl inni. lecioii : 'ttnJ tIl0 awakol,w, ,,,,.,, 4 " " . ovinnml l.v i.i.U, ...l ji .... "i" u i "i i "i .f. 7 uu'ro ,r """1 ' vt'ry asM.rance I .i.... .... . . . . ". - "N,,,,,, 'iv,,-,.. .!.... -i'cik- i unit gaiiant nit e c anon is a I r .- it for1 ; the contest in October next. VrZVZ ! 1 indications Clarion will give for Con-! gress, and tho whole ticL, oneof trl ! that gallant little CI i M fvo... i.. ,0 12 1,. iei miyorities, ot from 10tol2 hun-i : tbe coming election. And should! :i.c district become aroused as are i nnd enango counties, wo will be tlrou at t li 1 ,10 ellti.0 (,,,,.. ;, i, Lor iwa J ion,t.y onool the most triumi.hant ma- ":..:.: OV(ir ; ... .J ln,a w " 1110 "'"UJri. ilU.ZIl. for the "wild cat diHtriC," and its noble ,- , .... , . liresentative ! . . . . viTA Jouisiana paner of lata ,l,.i HurpriHed tolenrn that tobacco i ra sed ... .. .. . " ai'U VOIIIIOCIICUI ' l To: t r y nn I 1 1 l.l I 'i- ' I i ,,' . . i. I . I , . v I , "ii 1 1 i I i . t , i',. I'l ill" I' "I "ll I il . I' I .1 .!, II Ihi ..-.' : ' I ; I'll I "I. I, l,i i "I ..I'l n'. i "ill "i in i in tin ,'i -Ii H ll" .' r iloi lli I 'i . 1 I'.' I I" V I I 'I'll'" j I '.'III' I. I ill, I . lllll III nt' 'i' ,'iin i. Ah our ili'l'-l i l l III" cni." ,. I. ' teh.T, Hi' Hill i II. 'V W.isl'l,', ,.f , . (I i "liul i .'"liii , ..I d I i. hi li.-l lb. 'i. .1. iIim I , I, her. 1 1 i 1 1 i ' iii.iv h i nn- I'm hi Ii i-1 iht v I i I lin it. i le u l i'i I .m .' of i iil i- li ' lit Wil-liot'". ll c.i'ii" o li!,i. lot! ed Iii 4rii nd ' ii oi ... hi-"!' I 1,1'. r" I I. tl. , l.i i," a I.- " II.'Ih'iN ,, l ,.,,, to i. ml liiml an u Im' n.i- i:o n ," ( i , liicl mil- hi. ho i , ".iir l'i'! linn d unk and ill nv mil i'f a i;',:!-," I liini ( "a - a IlllU-i'ill of I 'iii l i'-! . - i o in i' i ii" 'l oll' I ol. i ail a I i;ii'HM" l' iiitim i-v Willi Mr;. I'll il fin ii'-y, with .ill hi i moral was a-.liainr,; ,,f H, mean a'.l.'in ilepravitv, l lo'-t Ih" I. .n il i hi o, a wniii ei, is a"i ii "ii! 11 liolll I !lr ... hoiv In t that all. i dii'e.'liiig 1,'oL'rt '''I. Ml'! i llioiiiin'' : !-. - he lnMi'il Ali.iM- all, ilo no i irnlioii me ill cnniii'i'linn wiih il." "llmii'-t. Ia"n" did im! Maul il kiio'.vii uiio moved lie- , .,,,, (l;, ji;i,.,., 'di-d lined In ifi tin l.ilai -lali. b'obeil lii -!i work cut out lor him, mi l e., I in 'I : an 1 .lolm I ti.ei !!''.' and its uii- In r, ar. .. -e in ( 'oii.''i-n i . . . i . i t HO.....' O e' e I ,11-1 Ii-...., miiev from the Clerkship and IVo:n thai inonieiit I'oi'iiev 1 tlMlllt Wits i M i . i i : iii V i pi... ; i. i.. 'I'Llo Ins lie- Woi.' counts for the 'coeoa-llllt. .' our (' , Hp.rdUn for a The Opposition do Hot lO'lee vol" Well is to the proper nam,' for iUllizalion. Some of ihe .Pivsses d;ih it Ihe "Union Stale. Ticket i" soion llie "1 ',." - Inline I ic.'icl ; nome llie 'Teni. e s Antl- Leeoiii,to Democratic Stat,, Ticket ;" some the "Opposition i'ic.'.ct ;" whilst .nunc oi imc i-v; ow Ammng papers call it me American I n ket : ' and some iiiit, so "intensilii'd" the "American not '-- publican hcketi" and so on to the end of! the chapter. The Ti.,.i I, ;,,,,.. 1, ,,..-. i puliiislied in Wihiiot's district 'ilbiishei I!- nn the platform, nominees and all. Th,. people of the State will put the finishing touch to still-born bantling next ( h-l, , her by bin i;,g it, ,s., deep that the hand of po litical resurrection couldn't reach it with a forty pol..,( '('nln J), . , ,,'. Tonnage Tax &n hi-G'unov.s Device Wo have jii'-t been shown on" of ihi 1'eiiiisylyi nia Kailread Company's frciglu tali.-, which we Mtbjoin, lor ihe purpose ol showing the means respited to in order ti procure a repeal of the Tonnage Tax, Here it is. : No 226, fur No. ::(. l'rri.-ni ia;, July 1 1, Ks;,S. Mr. Jo i; ' ,OC,h( 'il ii III .'n,7io, ill !'., .,.,., I.., Kurfivi-iit i,-,,,,, j;iivt.,-,oii i;mii liiit.'h',,!,,,,.' 1 far Jlaili, IS, (luo, Sc - - s;4 .pi dairies ,; 1 j. Id ..i.TK State Tux clla-tcl fur Cuminim. Wfultli .if I'h. $ i.jg IV'iin'a ItailruaJ Freight and flinrgos 1.1. ,s:' f 1 j 'JIENKY, -10 Ji'rctiat 1'uynutil I'u)' tin Cu Now here js a grossly ,;(.., ., , ;V 011 part of tin; Company, in collecting moneys" from a customer on account of I he Slate and for which, we think, that the man who made tho bill would be . subject to indict ment at tlie instance of the fieighter. If wo are wrong here, however, wejiavc this to to say, upon better authority than our own, that if the Company is thus receiv ing money for the use of 'the State, there is no reason why it should not be compell ed lo pay it over to Ihe party for whose pretended use it is collected.' I Us most certain that the Company has no Mich agency for the Commonwealth, and that the Tax, as it is called, payable by ,W,Y upon Us Tonnage, is no T.e at all, in the pioper sense ol llio term, Inn a 111, Til ,... "...Hi, ,, u,o mil is, tiiere- i lis, ' I i le ireightorsaro iii i . ";,"' "im ii, we hope ...... iini,,-! ooueroi llie Mate will .i. i,.i ioc inns ,ijM collected are i, mil over ii,!,, il... i, a;., ....ic... , ,- i " I ' lunra, luiuioii 10 uie rent supuiale.l m the chiutorof the Company. We shall insist on thin matter herCi.fter. l',tlM-rj Tim- VV.'.'-v. The Ov-rland Mail to San Francisco. The Cable celebrations have nbsori e,l the attention and given lull vent to the enthusiasm of our people throu-ht the length and breadth of this great republic And while these popular demonstrations' have been made, quiet preparations havt bcen progressing for the development of a project scarcely less important than the Atlantic telegraph. o the Pill, Overland Mail Line, f,ul M. U,uk ju'iupuis ;o .-sail francisco, w ill npi u eu. j ins means ot SO lllltiol lallt n l.,.ll' .... il ; i -'. " 1 " " me inccur.sor ami liiosi ciiieieiil am in uie nn ruiiih .,,! i..i. ' 1 . .1 - gnqji lines, wl,i(, ,, )(.(.( i years connect the Atlantic and l'aciii'.. Slates of the confederacy. The facililie- lllllil 1 il'ot eel 1, in ..I..L , , . ..i-.i:.i- . ... "'v iMaidishinent , ui iius line IS io llll, Ji ll, wiij Hot be e hi ti n. .'"'I the e.t i erne f - . ; i , i is ro lie, but the . i '"'lvmitages of it must .ii.ii.uiiag, ", ui ii miisi accrue to jnterven .nig territory. It will aNo i-..,,,;-ik. , ,., , . i, nn, li the el I I.'loe,, t i.f , ' mo area m I'loAiuiii) io mis soon to le ; tnive . W hen this l'"l'LA,,U 1. 11" JUte becomes lair- .. t'st ;i 1 1 Khiii . it 1 ...!.. 1 ' J " "i cxteim irom St. Louis and , Memphis to the terminus of ,l. , ' i, -i.. , , .. " ' ''V l!!'"!"" Sn Francisco i muciiiiii' iit. iiu i t ii, i n't., .. . l . ! c . i i ,r "l l,ut'M: i . T'J JO'; .VHtvillo, Mo.; Fort " ''": -'-.-''' "it, l exas: 1 t oi t lielk- ' '. ' 11 1 "'oiom n -i 0X1W . p... , '77! (" V ma C, s, r !' A"TV- Fwt Hu 1 o; ,,,, ... The rites' of f .",!ll,rt'l'1")-'l"'ce days. is hi.hlf.irtl-j;; tormiims and San J'laneis. o, and between - mMam, wCtSi " C regular hue. Jt is inten- ded, however, by tho eomnanv lo l,." . Kllltil I. In ..4 " uioderate 'X 'ZZnH "l .. .. I li ",r PaNsenL'eri ns . .....l ... ' . - - '"sisi;iii;ei.1 IIS oo.. us tney can eoh,,,efl their arrnnee-1 !. - 'y ,''0Un,,S f 1"1K Willbe ? "I? f Lis np,,ointm.r. hU un"":' " i "lw '"-'I'ahlo of holdup I in noTa tZl l T. r r ; ur"Jutt ! T(lrniipl iii' Nrwc I 1 i 1 1 I'u, 111" it'll " I II! "I 1 1,. I. ' ii., mi ....i ion ' lot 1 I 1 ' 'I I I'l lllll I'l' I' 'la'. O" u I. I. line I" Nll.iHti" Ca'.l ll' III- l(l"l, I e I'll I I'll- p' i ' il " :l- III -ll. I" ll'" "nil i'l the --o, int.-.l 'i" i Hint Hoi" II . I ill I V I '111 pill II V di I il' llll i"- i'l 111) ' le'l'l' d ll'il III e, .'Hid lio I ",l .n wlilli'MT I 'I MIIV I Ulil T Ii at Ihe cable lie-1 pm t".. Si. Lo' I", S. 't. III. I'eloii, Sa ."., Ihe nl n I Ii" I'.. I i liii, ,. ), ', ii in. hi, ar-1 i.' I li"i" ' (. -rd iy An .h i, n j .i ! -i . ."" i.f a very law e- , siaie of thill..- Hi that coiililiy, the .i an I bow ie l,ie lii'iii.. , ,lv law I ee.i'iiv.- e.l. in r. in qilen I . C'.lolli'l mineral r deems tin ion , are al-u Very Ire f.ivoiira! ! v i I' til.' if tl, I'ei i Hoi V, lull llt ce!. e iiniievit ion of Soiiora of 1 1 "I tain e In their sue. ,'- I'al i Hi" ! ill! opllionl. Tiie lil ra-oiilid foil llama w.i ;.'nll-l oad epeilt ion Will ( i.i'te I ll 'il' Wo! k ill Xovei'il.,'1'. The a-;, 'ills of th" California l hell ill I .Mail C o.iiiv 1, let en!;.' in A ll - gil-l, We t of ihe liio (Iraiid, and Were I"- ily i-ligiged in' stations and making nrriiiiL'eineiils to cut "J .' . r- u' lis I i 1 1 1 1 1 . ii ii I mollo, of Philadelphia, r.'.-enily for New Mexico, l"ft In- . !l l '1111 1 d.iud ilepon leuee lor S uite l'e on the "uh in-t. I le-pati'hos from Leaveu'.vorih, dated I the seventh inslaiil, received I er United .s.'l! .XPI'os to r.ooneville, ulalt id I'.'fll received lor two c, thai it- ,'1'1' lip lllllM Ul!...'l'' I , hrvim: ot' the First ( 'avaliT from 1 'uhnicl : 1 l'""""alr ' ! The Salt. Lake mail l,.i 1 :oi"i',., been twenty-one days on the route. Th,. V ,,,, I....1 1 .!... ( iovernuient ollicials al tein li'n'jt ' to their , duties. As soon as the As-oeiati Iild'.'es arrive, the trials f,ir treason will be coiniiieiieed. v i t beet) made. flic lndian-i are very trouble-mac afoot theeilv, nn, I several Mormons ha e been 1 killed.' hie family was ma.s:aci ;d while inovin to the south. J'r. J'o'.'iiey, ihe 1 ndiali agent , wa among the tribes, making trealie- (lilt and as thus far been successlul. I The engineers are cut locating the four ' i posts on the western division ol tin.' mail '; route. ;. ! Wa iiii, ton, S,e,, I,i, Willi a iew- to 1 . render the Paraguay expedition equal to 1 iiiiiy emergency, a proposition to send ,,u; ' ia strong force from the army is under a 1 jviseiueiit. Kvery j osi !,!,. pi eeaul ion will ihe taken to guard against a I'aMuro of the I objects sought to be aecoinp i-hed. j Lkavkxivoim ii, K. T 'sept. 7. A muni cipal election was held here yesterday. I ' 1'eat ex i i'elnelit prevailed, but no serious ilisturliaiiivs occurcd. .Liimjitoii P.. D,i limn. Flee Soil Deinoeial. h-m-i ol '.-te,! j Mayor by two hiindred inajorilv. Lyman i Scott, Republican and Know'"S'i-thiiig, ,V Adams Fish, r, Republican bolter, 'vercop- posing candidates. It is Our Turn to (row. The August elections thus far re. ill , , 1 . I' . , I I ....,..-,, ,, i n- c,'ini'i i;iiii'i;im. lllll-opiioiients leel decidei !- had out of ,1 , , i , i ,, ' ' tho whole batch they gel not a snigl grain of solid comfort. To be sure, they labored hard lo get lli ll fi'mr over the re's .lectio!) ol tho I.nglish eompioinise ,v the 1'eople el Iviiiisiis, but, their mr is force 1 and a faint one. They well know that this result was iuiivcr-:illy anticipated, and, to a large extent, desired by the Dein, .era! !,- parly. J he people of Knn-as have acted willi a proper regard to their interests, and for the present cini'ise to remain a Territo ry. We think they have acted wisely; but had the free Stale' men followed the non voting policy heretofore so much applaud- eil anil delemlod l.y our black reinil ioppoiients, Jviukih would to-day have been i ui uie i nion a slave state. have the light to l,e jolly over this eh i'ei ion in Kansas. So, hurrah for the new i- . ., iom nan.-as. in le urn ol scn.-e, ami the triumph ol popular sovereigiit v I .' , n,4,r,vr. fi-;)'"Tho llernptii ld road is now to Washington, l'a. Freight trains have be en runiiing since Wednesday KEW ADVIETISIKINTS. BENTAL CARD i M. SMITH ,,ir,'M his pr,, iV. to tho J.mlii'N und (.cm fi'-sional nor vices 111 I Cm (Ml of f huir. li.'lil li lid vicinity. All uiiui-i.tuuw , r i . , i. rl 1 '"' un u -...4 iioiuiir.!. u ui.Sli.l If , '.. .. t lain iIim-1 ii iiii iiii in,. Inlo iiiii, i-uvnii'iiu. h t iii'i.i.iire ,1 l,, I ... !. .. . :.. i . "" Hlilll HIT. "' .-n.-iw s new rmv r-i-pt. i nn, is ,,s. VJ CAUTION. l.b persnn, nre liorehy ciuil iunej lri.M.iiR ,y ivife s'nphi,, IIIV us 1 mil pay no debts other e-mi ri.iling, f" I'l. loth, 1S.j8. ;it. Ll';.tl, orici' 1 11 V.. (Ii-uimii- It s .,' In I I.r Cutnl ni' f -,. - " " '., HI. II . W. V. Fl.liMIMl. i . mi in if , A'ur. Trni, IS-.-. o . ... ' " of'l m I TVl ""V'.t '-"' Wl acres oi Mini in like township Clearfield eounty J.i.l-t of No. :Sli:t, bounded .uiiii iv east Hy tlm i. ,. ., (,,,., hno'fi" v i11111' -'h i . 1 r- 10 I'Oiniiel payment oi moiiev. . . fe2 T,,' " MUnt -Plr 1 , lT mot i on uf Vni. . oiirt order a rule (nil in t Ii io ruse, wntil (lf an ... l.y Ihe f iiiirt: "FO. AVAL! Fits, rnlyv. Ai;j)IT()H s XOT1CI u. n. Loo an -I (, ( iiiii'l uf f ,...... VK !' ( !, a, 1,1 (;.,,, '" Wrl( ISM. 21st. AiiRust. 1S.-.S, Pl-ff hv T. A, M'Uhke A Co. And now, tho liis Atfs Larrimer A Test, in 'iho u'hjve ..- un , ruer on tl.e KIic-lU to h,iR lhe pro - M'iji i , """rl Mtnlenf T. A of Auditor to distrihute tli.m among the in, !!. .urui rri'uilliri. Order cr,i,.i.,l .. ti..i . r . 'A.A- ' I All neisons i,,in.,.,.i : ,i , .. ' 1 take notice .ha. tin, " ' ZV.Y I ib.nm;.. ll.., .. . . "'""""ll' un In ll,a J,,lin. ..r I.:. . . ."", I i I" ' il" tii'n Ii , I, ii. ' i I j e 1 "u tu any olliee voted for. ', I Aim rou r Noiici: I -in i 'nun' . i I', .ii" i, ,i i n 1 1 il 'il A l.i, I 'i-li tl'iitmn ..f in 'ii. in lli" i - 1 hi I ,:l'i Imii'l'i. "i M. l.i -I il l And ii. .w, Amr, - I, I- i i n in. -imiol' V. . N nil ., ", I -.. I h" . '. M I 'n!l"ii"h v us n i. in!, d A'lili l"i' t-i deli il'iii A e,, 'ir ' ... ... All pelsoim inlel e-li'd Hie lli'li-liy lloli li' I thiil I will alteiid to the iiii i. the aho " 1. 1 in -In! :n. nl, nt m i I . i e " , . at Sal mil, iv Ih" !hh .lav of 1 1. I..C. I'. I'!, at o'el.iek, I'. M., of slid di, whi'll II m 1 1' hi'i e e V '.111 llll. 'I'll. w. II' I il I ill') .1. MeiT -." .;...i.'. .l.oriiii. Auditor, e, AUDITOR'S JJOTICK- In Ih.- I ' hi; i ..f Co. iini. ,u Pleas of Clear. lieM ( i.uiiiy, No. I'd,. Term VV. .IoIiii li , ll- of Thomas I'iI'iiwii V'i .lame, MeChee and Henry Meliliee, K ecu t..r . of ,1a I ne Mel Ihee, ilee'il., with tin 1 1, e to Tiioni a-i, I'ltilip mi I I ih ll Meliliee. And now to wit.. Au rii-t 'JUih l'is, on lil'l'.ioll of V, A. Wall. , Ksq., PI'll'., III- t ' M'lli i . T. .1 . M (Co 11. in .ill. I .si i . Ill 1 Kiiute. 1 Audilor. Iii disl i,. niiiiiies iieiil iii Ihe aliove I'll,', '-,,' r,',,." All pei'.-oll-i ill the ahove ( 1 is filait ion will tal-e notice that the mulei'simied will attend lo t ii" alio) e dill ieMit h is otliee, (HI I in "dav the I -Jill i lav of letober. A. 1. tblii'eloek . M., when and wlier," t!i ,' call at Imid With their vouchor., Ac, TIP is. .1. Mei'UI.LoUdll, op. I 'h b: ". Auditor. , SHERIf I" SALE. 1 ) V villi,' i.f a 'lain writ uf I'm. .'nm,,, in. I) niiu; mil ,1' 1 1 m Omit uf fu.niaun l'l.'iii ,,' ( ' U'n i'ii t' 1 I Cuiiat y, .nil tu mo diriM ti-.l, llii'tu will In- i'. ius,.., la uil,lii' nil,, al lie' fuait l,iuii! in tho llui'.iiigli .it' l'..:ir! nn Tliur.. lay tin HIHIi (lav uf Scjit. nil. it' IS.'iS, 111,' lull,, win;; ilercrll.e.l ,i',,,,'i Iy ,vi;.: A ri'i'liiia 1 1'nct i.f liiml, Mliintfil il Fulfils, a i .nvii.-liii, l,,.,;iiiiiing nt n ln-i-i li cur n, r, Ihi'iii i' hy liiiuls nl'T. ii. Iiiuis N. Ill V. 2:, . .:!. I.'ii ''i.-l ihi'iii'i.. hy IiiikIk uf ..ilia Fcrimnn S, li'.l W. 7-"i "T. fu n m.sI, tliHiico hy Inn, In ul' M, Uhiuiii S. L'l V.. L".i ni'.'.. ii hi, dany, llcai'i' l,y hinds uf .Mnlliin,' ,sun.'!i S. in K. t's , ,. p, , liuiiHuud, tlii'ii vi.. N. .ill K. 7- I'l'i'. I" I'hu'.' "!' hrgiiiiui', I'.ialiiiain inn' It n 1 1 . 1 1 1- 1 in i. .-, v. illi iihuiu lui iy in i-,.( (.h'liii'.l niidn I.ijj leu-.., hr; Iiiii n iia.l I'l.i !v.-inita .-liiip liii'i'iuia i,r,.,'..,l. Al.-o li c..'liiia ul!i.'i- ti'icl ul'hiad, lii'inaiii,' al u .Su i;ii.'. l!,,'iii',' l.y land-, ul' M. Illuuni S. -in i:. Ins .-'i'- I" a I i'h. lie in-1 ' hy Iniid-i uf ,1, din 1','ig.i- .-111 N. -: . l a n'i-. i,i a h,','o!i, ihcn.,. hv l.-oul , V'm. I'. M'( h.y X. liii W. ill jut. tu u'liiirli, lli. ii,-,' ,'s. i V. 12 ht. Pi I'lni'i' uf hi'giiiiiing, vi. a niain e' i-n und mm hull iciv-i: t!n'y !, ,. iu; lliv ,-aau' jucliiiMM .-.hi v.-yed hv' 'I'. Ii. lln i" i a , ! ,1 I I' irdi'd in ll '.'d I!., ,! M. lui-' . 1 1 tu Au.livw .Im is. 'i'iilii'ii in K.M'ru'i iii a n.l tu hi' .- j!,! as III.' ru;,'rtv ul' Andrniv I..vm. J. 11. HKKIL ..'",;'. ;-',.,l. I l;h, 1 I-. ' i:i;i:a!, r.i.r.tnoN piioci.a- OX, WIhtciis, hv nil net uf tan : lll'lK'll.l .1- iliihly uf (,i 1 'u in in i,l Ii c,i 1 1 Ii uf , r, iia- h .iiiia, ! mill, d "All act l lvguhit" tic Uein'ia". Kle.-li .iis ivilhiii I'ais fuaiin nn a-ullii," it is cnjuiai'd mi (lie eli 'iifl' ui'llu' s.-vi'ial nun. tics tu i;iv i- hiIiol' n:i,v uf Mi,di eh'i'liun, lli.i I l'!:i'-.' I'liin- t ho ht.d, and tin- u!!i,-,'i-.-, tu I,,' (.- ! li-l-'d: TiiKiinKiiiti:, I, .1 I A II U. UKKIl, lli.uli Sh.'i ill o ' f li'in fi d l r, Iy, ,. , ih r j.iuJi.- unlirr tu llll' Kli'l lul'-i ul' Ihi' I'lilililv uf I'li'Miiii-hl, thai a liKNlUtAI, FI.FC I'iU.N niil l. li, '1.1 un tilt' Si fimil Tit-H't iif i,f I), tiitirr iirsl, (h,-. inj; tiii) TW FI.l-' I'll day uf tho niiiiitli.l nt tlu "i., "'I' in, iiu1, iitsiiMii, ill SIO'l tUlllllV, IIL lvllH'Il nun. ninl id.-ii'C tlm inmiilU-a voters i r , , r . J ul- One lu-rsnn fur Ninivme Jn.k'o i.r t he f .,in- hiuiihi'iiIiIi ; Fur lne jieisim ' fur Canal f uiinni-siuiicr f tlm Cuininunwi'iillh ; ' '"' u"u I'itkuii tu n : rcr-ont tlirrnniiticsnf I'lmr liild, ( liii'iuii, l'jlk, l'ui'ot, ,1 1'irci'suii. M,' Ki iin, 'i':i,inM, und lt'ai-i','11 in tliu II. ms uf K'.'in'osi'iil -i lives uf tlm FniO'd Siii.'s; F, r '1 ,, p. im. a- tu ii.n'rM'iit tlio vuiinliiM uf Ch-ailiidd, lilk, J. th'isun und .Mi-Kcin in the llmisc uf Itei'ic.-en ta t i cs of this f uiiiiiiuii ui'iillh. ii it; (iii fur tlio ulficc of Jiintrivt Alluni" .d t 'K'a i'ii,. Ul county. For On.' pi'i sMH lut tlii. ullic-e uf Slieritl' uf ('h'lir livid cuiinty. Fi r One pi i.-un fur t !i e oflii'i) of f o liiiiii.'siuiu'r uf f li'ai i'K'h! cuiinlv. Fur (hie laasui, f..r ibc i.m-c uf ( ruiu'i' uf f loar- liild I'uniit v. Fur Olio ihtsuii fur the ulfu'v uf Auditor of f loar titdd cuiinty. Thf KI.Kf'roliS nf the Cuiialy i,f f Icaifudd liill TAkt: Xll'I'IfJ-: linn Ihosnid liunir-il Kiev, tiuii will hi' hidd nt llu- lulluiviiig , hu i's: At the Court Jlu.ino in the lioioiii'li of f h ni' tii ld for I.niM.'iH',. lumi.-liip. Fl'i' 'f Ihndiuid ii un- iiiiiim' ui n iiiiiini ltuuver lur tlio luiin- At Ilit' liutise of .1 1,1m fJus-s fur tho tnnnsliin of Jieriiliir. Al Iho hniise uf Sirmiicl JI. Fniilii fur the tuwn shiji of Feeeaiiii. .It llie liuusc of Isiine Iiluuin jr. in the Jioro" of l iinM ii.sviik' lor riko tuinii hi,. At llie liuiise of ,iuuh Miinren fur ihe tuivuil,:,. 1 uf Ciiviiiglun. At Ihe hniise forniei-'y oeeupiid hy Win. C. Fo l.iy lur the township uf llmdy. At the liuusc nf Maiimel tfiniili fur Ihe tnivn.-!iii uf l'eiin. .ii il... ...l i i - i, . i , . " '"s ii'utsi ui i.r ,-siiiuiii loinoilllli;!! t . I"l' 'in' I uivn.h i ji uf Chest I At Congress Hill n-lioul lumse fur (lie l.iwiishin of (iii iinl. At the hnnse foruirrly uenq.ied liy Thoinna Ky 1 lor, I'm .Morris (uh n.-hip. .It Ihe Ii oii-c uf Jiilni Young for t ,c ton iiship 1 of IitU'llMiil.. i At Ihe house of A.-npli Kl lin, h.r Ihe liuvnsliii .uflii'll. 1 ! it Iho ndiuu! house, in Ansunviile I'ur the tuwiiship uf Jurdiin. . At llie huuse ,,( ,e-su Wilsuii fur tho lu nsliip of 1 1 11 1 .1 1 1 . . At the hoiide ef Tliuiniia 11. ivis fur tvc ,wn. I -suii in I'l-rgiisun. 1 a. i... i i- i i .. t .. ... Al tliA li.niun ..r t..i... i I.:. . -,.. ""', "',"""" IH'MUC I.T 1110 town- '"i. 'ii ii uiitiwuru. M O public Pel,l hous. near 11 . (ira- , f"r tllu lownslhp of(;,,shen ! , M 1- Jlall 4 Co. for tho to,v- -'"I" ""niinus. 1 f ru!n l'Ufe uf K' w' J1",,re n,r ,h0 "'P ! At the'h,.,, ,.r a...i n i..n. -v- v..... i,.r me luwnnUin Oflillggs. li' I At iho Turkey Hill .chool house fur the town- .1. :.. t-iiijp n i mi. Al the housfi r .T,,....l. li. .i.i.. r .i . oftirahdin. -.oru.oioWns,,,p At Uie house of Inuc I!:Uon, jr. for the Lore' of ( urwensvilhi. At the puhlic sehunl h.niso for tho Uorouch of Lumber City. h At tho Court House fur ll,,, V. K ..r ,.i .... uelil. .0T,J,t- E IS 1IEUEBY FFIUT1FR U1YEX I 1 '"t l'77", xrept Justices of tho l'eace,' I " ,?,,,,. ,!'ld "ny fl"'e "r "I'l'oinlment of trust I "".,lo''.!l,c (i uv""'l uf Iho L n.'led Stale or of 1 " ' r""' r 01 'neTrHled district, whelh- ,i . "'""""'u"Bl '""-'" o- otherwise, a si,l)0r I ih? gishilive, E.eculivo, or JuZL i ' .niiieiiui oi nils Mate or ufll,. 1..:. . oranv citv up ;,,,............ i .,, ' . .. .... v .xu'u cuiles I :n'rrrb:?,r &Vui isiniuro, or ol the cumuwrn . ....... IIP uldnl .. nl any cilv. or cm,,,,,;..; ., ' . '""""n "I ui nnv inniif ..... i t.iini.. it - , .1.. i .... i ii,, " """" 'Ii" II' I lu ll ,1 Vll. ' I , lit 11. t' l ,. ll,,' . n..,l ll H ll'illi I ". I ll 1 1 . I ,1 l',,, I., I... ' ll ' l-,ll,, , t',,, ,V !;, (i I I N I'll li I n v linn I ., I'u I'l Ihi. , , ,, ,. S,.,,!,.,,,!,,,' i nr ul ..ui' l.,. one t ),-.,,.,,, f , .li.'d mi l dfiv i ii'1,1, mi I f (j' I'lien i.f llm I nil,.. I J-t,,!,., ,,. f ' H. IIKliU, SHERIFF. 7' ttir I ml .mm. t "trrt uf t'lmfirl, l i I ii tt I HKtvn liul ii M)ll Ii: I Oil sill iin.1 tu run ind.i.'ii..'iil of nil luirly liuiiu,,,, j 1 1 I', - 1.... .......II ... '... e . . 1 .,.,,i I,, H, n I'miiihutt, I" is If i-lei ti'il, to ilimdiiirife the dm liihlilv, j.AMi-s im I. im ii iii e Ip. Sept. "th, ls,,S. ,,, ASSEMBLY. I ii tier iii vm'lf to I Iiu voter ol t'ni liul.:.. p., unl of JelliTiiun, Flk, M Keaii mul (,'U J fiiiintii's. in it 1 ( AMunvn: r,,. ih. i.h.m.ati J mid nuiiiise, it eleeled, to fuillifiilly rq, li i V eullstililelils. MICIIAKL A. Hi Cli'iillleld, .Sept. ,th IS.,8. tl). "77ii','A Ihirlitit-KH euri'v-Ji (At- Knrth, .bi7 firun lhwkiii'nn tin: Veuyie." COUiVMY MIUiClIAM And all Others, Will take Notic That they run supply tliunmelve, in anj , iiuen nun JONES' FAR FAMED, l'ATFNT, NOX FXPI.OSIVK JvEltCSESK I COAL OIL LAMPA At tho wholesale mid rotitil "llend CJiinnJ .South PKC'OXI) Street. The u'li,-, uimro exelusive Aceneic he ohliiiued for the tiintes of I'enn.iylvaiiia, Jersey ciul Del, wine. 'i'iie.-e liiuipi ivo n liIit eiiinl in iuteiitii II. iini', in,,) Kiiiiilui' in n im ,cn rn nee to (Iiu, oik I'li.uuud u he .supL'i'iur l.i all other p,irlnbl li; nu.v in use. Nn leiir uf e.ilosion No ofhit. u lur No sumku Very onsily trimmed An .s Iy ii'ul.ili'.l ns ii (jus li'lit Cull b. ailm tu nil p:i:'puses--.liid ljetLer til sin all fur ti ; iiiiin, nre .r(l per cent ehenper thnu uny i, ,,irliihh' li'lit liuiv in coiiitnuti use. Soli: Age ney alto, for KXAl'P'3 latent Rosin and Coal I LAMPS it ; ' 1 in llu- i i ill' S. K. SoriTILAM), Af No Suiilii Siieund Street, I'mui .-ept. .'in, s.i. .a. AcrcJ Of Valuable TIMBER LAND At Private Sale. riHK Snh.erihers offer nt private n.ile n hr 1 hudy of Hm inu-t v.iliinhle TI MB UK J.A.N in Ihe stii!,'; comprising ahuut 1'iva Tliounul Ai r. -., survvreil nml Hrrnnleil as fnllewt, ri No. imlii, euniiiinini '.'I'll nerei": no. iOC; liiinin .ss:i ni ies: surveyed in the u.iiuc of Mi l l'uueis: nn. I no. ili7;l. roiihiiniiij; 1011 Mn I mi. mi, 1, c , ,n I it i m ii lull mres, eo. oiiTj, ml iiiui!i; It'll inTes furvejed in the umue Moore A I'ehmy. These lunds nre situated on Dennett's Brunch il Si ii no innhuuiii Creek, in lluiton tp. flearfmi: cull n Iv l'a.; nnd nre within a few miles of til ruiite of the Sunbnry & Erie Railroad which is liuiv h.-in hnsteueil to eotiiiiletim I '1 1, ey nre heavily liiuhereil, liein revered mi l il thieli iri uivlh nf Hi kory, Deeeh, H'liile Oil I i:li n hii'e proportiun of llie hept of WHITE PINS; nml hin eh.'i'ti pronounced. hy cuinpelent jujjf. ('Hlilll to uny t i ml 'i-r linn!.- in C'lenrliehl ruunli l'hey are fuvouruhly s.'tu.iU.d fur opera! i n ? ukii Ilenii, dt's lli-nneh uf Siniieiiialioniii"- t'rerki, a piihlic llliillH'.tV, nnd -NAVKIAULK slein, upon which lurjje qiniiitities of liiu'i T nre nnnu ally carried to market. The ehiiriii ttr ul these hinds is well knunu lull I persiins iii'ijiiniiileU w ith the lumher riejoiii o I fharlield and Klk euiinties, nnd persnns vxainii in-llii'in will liml Hint (lie ilc si i ll, 1 1 nn civeni l Love, instead ul e.ii):i;ei'iitiii, (alls fur utiurtu.'! puiiilinj; out nil their iidviiulaues to iho Lmubet I mini, the. Siieeiiliilur, or the Hiululist. They will he sold on K.ISOXAVLF TLIlJIS.l either in a hody, or sepiirntely iu seetions to mil I l.uri'liiisers. A 1'1'l.lf ATION lo be mad'., to JOHN A. OTTO. Ihirry I'ost Office, Sknvlkill Co. UOll'C OTTO, or S. A. lTUIEHT, Howling. !'. Sept. Slh,lS.-,S. ORPHANS COURT SALK 1) V VIHTl' K OF an order of sub issuing out I ) of Ihe Orphans' Court of Clearfield eiiunty there w ill he exposed to puhlic sale at the House (ii .lliciii uiini r.ininer in I1LE.V HOPE, o TFl'SllAY, Ihe FU'TFKNTU dnv of OCT0I1ER next, All Ihe interest ,,f L V.MAX MILKS liu of lli'i'i aiiii tp. in and In the fullimitij ilescrilieil rent estn'., situnted in Ueeenria tp. Clenrfiehl uiinntv. hnun.ted l,y houls of Sainuil K. Ileiiirlv on the east, Anson S. Curry mi lh smith, Kuhrrt M'Crneken oa tho west, and I hi " .Maine enmpany" nn the north. conUinim t hoiit KIFI'Y ACHKS ahuul T WES t Y FIVE of which uie eleiired an 1 under eult ivnlion, oil hnviiii; Ihereon erected n mn ill I101SK it BAES and out huildinjis. Sale to ('(iiii uiiKie at o'eloek 1. M. of said day. Terms Ono half tbe purchase money to ho paid al the confirmation of the sale, and tho othir half in one year thereaf ter with interest. UErt. B. (JAYI.KR, K. N. HEU ARTV, Adin'rs of Estate of Lyman Miles dee'd, Sept. Hth, ISjS. t8. IXSTITUTW Al EXAMIXATIOXS will ho held as follows to wit: For Ciirwensvillo and I'iko. at Curwemvilli on September 1:1th, Hth, and l.",lh. For Urady and Union, at Luthorshurg on SepUiinUer Kith, 17ih, ami ISlh. For Bell, llurnside und Chest, at New Wash inglon on September 2(11 h, 21st, ami 2.'nd. For lleecaria, Jordan and Woodward, at 01on Hope on Supt. 2.".rd, 2Uh und 2.'.ih. !, """Cb'ivrfield, (Jos ben and Laurenc, at Clearfield on SiyL 27lh, 28(1, and 2th. I l or Ferguson, Knox and l'enn, at Luinbef City on Sept atlth and Oct. 1st and 2nd, For Bradford, BoK)rs and (iraham, at (Ira, uiunpton on October 4ih, ith and 6ll. I'or 1 local n r and Morris, at Morrl. lale oa October 7th, Sih and IWi. ' ,.1;;rrovinR,"i 'Jimrd and Karthaus, tl Knld Hills on (letober 11th, 12th and 1.1th r.K.'; llUo!."!1 ""l Fo1' et U'fkory Kingdon on Oetolier 20th and 21st. 1 he Institutes will be oponed on Ihe first day . i., ., i., v 1U. A.iuressei will be delivered on li e suhjeet of cdueati on in the evening Th. puhh.- are .nvited to .attend. Examinati.n. at each place on the ast day. Teachers neKleetnt to attend the public .lamination! will mil be en titled to a pnval examination: See aehool Lawi for IS47. p)ro 51, Boction I3H. An.;. 2at, Hio. L. h. STILL, Co. Supt,