Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 11, 1858, Image 2

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    ljc filtpiblicm.
CLEAKl IEI.1'1 An,:. 1.'. lS.'.s
Democratic State Ticket.
01 ruii.Aiiri I'Iiia.
The Primnrv Elertions for tho iiuroosf
ftclPCtinif camlidales for the various olli-
centobo filled at the flection in October j
KfXt. will beheld bv the mode known n j
tho Crawford futility system, tin the Sat
urdny preceding llie Auunst 'l't rm oi Court,
btfing the 1-lth tiny of August next, at tho
tiHUitl places in thu t iiriniis t-U-t't i ii tlis
tricts. Tim return judireM to meet the
Tuondny aftprnonn of Court.
By older of the iH'inocratic County
Tho old fvicr.tlo of Col. Forney arc quite
astonished at tho reekles course pursued
by his pajier, in reference to thoso tried
nml fiiitbfiil men r.r wlint.i tbr. i1,.,f l
have nlwnvs been nroued lio had been
rated a bravo, generous mid truthful man
whilst a democrat ; but hi over-wrought
leal in displaying his hostility to his old
party has made him mad; and he gives
vent to his passions regardless of truth,
reason or justice. We have observed his
repeated attnek ui on Senator Jiiglor fo
Persisting in wnkirnr the LecomDtoti
question a test of party fidelity, and insU-
mgth'it every man who does ,,oi agree :
with him on that subject is no democrat
Nothing could be f irther from the truth,
and Col. Forney is not ignorairt of the
facts. Gov. Bigler at tho -Mi of July
celebration in Philadelphia distinctly de
clared that the "question of admitting
Kansas under the Eecompton constitution
was .1 past issue," and all Unit could be
expected of those democrats who had pre
fei'cl a ditlorent disjiosition of the ques
tion from that adopted, was that they
should acquiosco in the decision of the
majority, and remain wilii the party and
eustain it as heretofore ; and further that
it was not expected that thoso favoring a
tlifl'erent policy "should unsay what they
had said," but that they should agree
that the democratic party was still a bet
ter party than the Republican, and that
they would sustain it. What proscription
or illiberality is there in such vievs? If
liable to objection at all they are too gen
erou Then why should any ''Press"
pretending to respectability continue to
prevert the truth, and to repent its false
hoods day after tlay ?
Then again, his correspondent "Occa
sional" writing from Washington city,
(perhaps) has repeatedly stated that Gov.
Pigler had written a letter to Gov. Stan
ton, complaining of the course of I lie ad
ministration on the Kansas question.
Weliavo tho best of anthoity for saying
that Gov. 15. hns written no letter to Gov.
Stanton on this or any other subject since
tho Ijccomptou question arose. But these
negations are all of a piece with his des
perate course since he hns became, the Ju
das of his patron, and the Benedict Arnold
of the democratic cause, and no one need
be surprised hereafter at his falsehood or
At last tho greatest cnterprize of the
ago has been consumated, nnd the East
cm and Western hemispheres have been
brought within speaking distance. The
Atlantic telegraph cable hns been laid a
cross the ocean, and messages can now bo
transmitted from one side to the other
with the came ease that they can from
New York to Boston, or between any oth
er neighboring cities.
On tho 17th of last month tho Tele
graph fleet sailed from Queenston in the
harbor of Cork on its second expedition
this season, the first having proved, after
threo attempts, unsucceslul. On the. 1st Jj
of tho same month tho fleet met in mid
ocean, whero they at oneo proceeded to
unite tho cable, and on tho next day the
Agamemnon with her tender nailed for
the bay of Valencia on the Coa.-t of Ire
land, and the Niagra iiroceeded to Trinity
Bay on tho coast of Newfoundland j and
arrived at the Bulls .Win on the 4th, of
the present month; the communication
along the wires of the cable having contin
ued uninterrupted ; and of course tho ca
ble remaining perfect from tho time they
commenced paying out. Mr. Field the
superintendent at once transmitted the
information of their arrival in Trinity bay,
to President Buchanan, who wan then at
Bedford springs, and also stated to him
that as soon as the wires were attached to
Jie batteries on shore, that a message in
forming him of the suoeess of tho enter
prise, would be sent by Queen Victoria,
nd that the communication would be
kpl free until his dti bad rn (ran-
rnitii bark.
1 ! i r li-l !) ('mm tln t'bctili Iiciiii
lit I ho lifn.l il nli n in linilw.r to the I' 1" lniii in (lio buy of I'mII'ii Arm, ulniil nli'n li run j.i rioniil I'lisiion. j Suite of our rod tnpt.riui" Itilhlatrp-
'I tinity ll.iv l I'i'.H ii nn I h ul or 1 '.. st- They Like upon thi'iif-chca Urn 1 lvt !rr-ciilittie di'iiit lntto divlnrrl (lint
ute inili'i ; ml tliu ocean for nmrn tlmn mumi. Now lin y l.t i fur lin Minim- (, ( 'omwilion ir mtift toe inii-l be held
twn-tlilnh of the. dktiuico Is over two m under (In' iinim of lihetty, Alwnyi Uidjrwny m hn of thin month,
mile in dt plh. they conc ul pononnl ends and "lf",ok-L,j(,l Will.o on the 1'ri.tny tf our mint
TIIK (M'KVN ri;iJ:if;Al ll" CADLi; ' nn. r the guise .f public 1..iill(.-,W).(.k. A, n,,., 0(.elll tolMiim
MfVEsSlt'LLY LANDED. ' Jhey ilcnminl fr c1a"e, peculiar nnd ex-f f y ,. ,,.Tvl, ,v-mif,.,..,!, would
Tr.n.m IWv. An.nn.1 7..TI,e ni.,! com-
i . i .... , ,.
lilcte nii'i'Mi bus utti mini tlio hiving ot
the Atlantic Tch-raidi (able nnd (he Tel-
,'i.i.i ( alili', uii'l In
i ;iii.iio hiL-i ml-i nro Ihmii t rmiiiiit t-i I
tliiiui;:h (In' riitiro li'iij-'t Ii.
1 It U ill. likely thitt the lilii'uill l.e nj.i-n-
ej fur liii.ini'Mt (ni' fiev i'iil iluy. inn)
j Iiiiih wi'ekit, delay hfinp in'eesxnry to pive
tho i;ier(neinii lime for u Keries of i.jn
i rinients.
i 1 )ue nut iteof the ojielli lie for business will
ibii given.
i Tkinitv iiav, Sut, Aug 7.
T tic AufocUitdl Vi'.'.t:
Tiw a tl!1iiT,.le,.rlll, ( Vl.le. .vassuc s.!liwl1 l'1'1'1'1"1 isdom of euceessivo genera
fuliv hlmltH, ,101.0 yWduy morning, !lIul ;
is :' order'
i in- . : .uii'-iiiiit 'ii iii iiiimcu m i i-ii" i i'i
, . .
nuls from the Telegraph House at Yal-
Tho United States steamer Niagra and
her Majesty's steamers Gorgon and Porcu
pine leave for St. John's to-morrow.
Due notice w ill bo given when the At- M'" m 1,1 "' "'"" l"
lantic Telegiiiih Lino v. ill bo open for! l''liticul ,visi1"1"' I- this country ,m ,--r-public
business. ;.'' linoB ftri' to ,llwl,"L Tl, ,lll,,h 01
CYKUS V FIFI1) partyism brcotls corruption. In such an
CYRl'S W FIEI 1'.S I.'Kl P.OoK event politics becomes a personality, and
TniviTvPv n.. 7 i
niln-AfnlJW,,: !
Since our arrival here on tho 5th instant
r l, ..,.. l....... ,n,i,,,,il., -,.i,.i4..i i,.
regard to the Atlantic cable, to1
c i e i - ;
which it is ininossilile for inn to ...j
every moment of my ti;ne will be fully oc
copied while I remain lure, and I have han
led to Mr. KcChiy, the Superintendent of 1
tho New York. New FoundlanJ and Eon-
Ion Telegraph Company's line, my daily
!i,.,nl n,l 1.imV,.tl ,w.,',..i.o.m .'J"1'"' Pl,U' 80 lonS ,H ""7 would pro-
Lend from the same any extracts that lu I think of interest to the public, es-1
peciully those portions which will reply to
the communications which I have reeciv-.
lours, .to., C1JL u. HEED. I
MK. FIELD'S REPEYTO TH E PRESI-i t,a1)lu whi(.h ,,s hind..-l at Trinity hay on
DENT RELATIVE TO Til EEXPECTED ltiiec0il.t of New Foundland and Valen
MESSAGE FROM THE tUEEX. eia Bay on the toast of Ireland almost
Ekiieohii Springs, Aug. 8. The Presi-1 simultaneously on .Thursday August 5th.
dent has received the following despatch j There has yet been no message received
fe. ,i.i (Yi-ii v r;..u t-i,. ; u- i,. : or sent over the line, but iitnals arc rc-
...... .... ... .....-
intimation that he had not yet received the
Oueen's message:
Trinity Bnv. Aucust "i
To Ms liccrlLnry L,n. James luclianan,tliM tll supcnntenilaiit. .sonic Hays
J'residrnt of the Umted States, Bedford Sprin,,s. ' "'"i "'en wee'es may yet elapse before the
Your telegraph despatch has been receiv- j lin0 wil1 1,0 '''a,ly for tlie transniission of
ej I messages. The last arrivals from Europe
We landed here in awiMcrness, and un-1 ,t'P01 1 l'otto ,lu11 n'"1 bread-stullsMuiet ;
til the telegraphic instruments are all per-t stocks had declined, but some kinds of
feetly adjusted no lnessaiie can be received
over the cable.
You shall have the earliest intimation, y' ol,t Monroe doctrine in regard
but some days may elapse before all is ef-Uotho intervention of European powers
feeted. I in Central American aflairs.
The first message from Europe shall be! The Kansas constitutional election lnus
from theQueentoyourself;und the lirst from j ,.eSulted in a largo majority against the
America, to England your reply.
With great respect very truly your
The Democratic Party.
Under the above heading, Tin Mi -
siplan has an article on the general policy
and principles of tho democratic party, '
which we take pleasure in copying, as fol
lows :
''One of our cotemporaries says, with
great truth, that it is a proud thing to be
a democrat. Coeval w ith the constitution,
the old party has defended it, and pre
served it from every assault, mid isas fresh
und vigorous now as when led by Jeffer
son against the alien and sedition laws, or
Jackson against the bank. Every issue
that is made against it risiiKs in a public
confession by all its opponents of the truth
of the democratic, principles and the wis -
dom of the democratic policy. Every lac-
tion of party that arises, calls itself the
"true democracy," national republican-
ism, whiggery, know iiothiugism and
black-republicanism ; each in turn de
nounced the fejM-de'liocracy, each vaunt
ed its pure faith, and each has been oblig
ed to admit tho falsehood of its preten
sions. Thus tariti', bank, and internal
improvements have all resulted in a set-
tleinent according to the policy of thu
democratic party. 1
It will not le questioned by democrats,
that to the action of tho democratic pnr-j
ty marshalled and militant, and so tri
umphing over all the forms of oppo
sition to it, every great step in our nation
al progress, and every successful approxi
mation to the principles of good govern
ment in our domestic policy, are due.
In this view, partisan organization and
party spirit, in a broad and liberal sense of
tho term, have been thegreat instruments
by w hich our national well being has been
wrought out. To pi eserve these advanta
ges, the democratic administration in all
its vigor is as necessary as it was to obtain
. The tendencies to misgovern men t are
never idle. They beleaguer tho halls of
legislation. They clamor at the portals of
executive rower. Thev beset tho Ixvlv
politie in every form of influence from
'mHvpr1. They organ iie theii' corrupt c-
Hun nl Imtii" l riv mliliri' vdibhtnn
ni I ul to I n.pi-r itedulil v, nit.t ett i y Mini
elusive privilege., n the n-Himipi.oii iimil
IIh - " - ' .o.MIuI,o ,v,li;,,u.oftho i,MV(,imVl(.( ,,v ).1,nV(,ltiln
oh'. They liilit tn the splendid film ol
I . . ' ... '. ,
l",w,,,lul n,", 'oii-t.ii.iai.Mi Kovernmcniai
ine.xcu.-cs i,.r in. lei mining me conduit-
tioinil ngnts ol llie Males; aim ngiun ny
un ei)iml ieversion they flunk, uivler the
f.i;Meil iiiime of tlin ri'htu of thf Ktiites, the
iui')oso!t nf it fiiimticiHin hostilo to the
eoiibtiuitinii innl tho L'nion.
At'xinxt all Hiom' formi of peril ami evil,
the unbroken organization of tho ileum
ei utie party U I lie only nfe ilelenee. Its
tiino honoreil principles it usages oon
: P rnieil to these, ami oniboilyinjz th n'ie-
tion-iU great names which have been
1,10 w',u1,wo,,' iruitfui and glorious vie-
11 ..i' 1 ,1 ..,.....(
i4uitc aiK iro-orve tho ilntuKTntio Hvtein
'0' 1io1u'-v' P'leet tl.ecountry Iron, the
sciiemes ami maciimimons oi us ootio- ;
r. i: . 1 . .1 1
wur iiiiuoiiai ,..,s ,,.
the fact couspicuou", that party organiza
tion and party discipline have been tho
i : i i ir.:. . .1 1 11 .l'
lcgislittion a htriio ot seliish interests
It is the duly therefore, of all demo
tCTa, who have at heart the success either
oi the democratic cause or tne uemocrain
. . . . . . , . , ,.
'bimoerade orgnnmtUon, m wmcn lies
their 8tlVllgtl.
No man is a safe councol-
lor, w ho would weaken or break it dow n.
Its work can never he fully accomplished,
60 lonS 1,s tllC l'"""1' f g'1 ffn'im'
alo,u nro " ..,,,
sault. It must form the hope and reliance
right lIir i'derests from
U,K "'" ' - .u..ul... ...... ....
flagrant excesses of misgovernmeiit.
The all absorbing topic of interest to
tiie ,.0untrv now is the atlantic teleirranh
1 t........ II... I. ,,,.,. on, I M.
Buchanan hits been teiegvapucil
to t'viee
.: i,.. i i:... ..r (r i.i i. At,
nil. i IT vuu i.ii.Miiiu in- . ii. I
. ;
produce were aetivi
Our Government has decided upon car- j
English Hill. Full returns have not yet
been received but it is expected that
13,000 votes have been polled, of w hich
9,000 will be against the acceptance of the
i Leeompton Constitution.
I The democratic candidate for Comiress
n iAvh AAv-t n Missouri has been
f., , d , j maioritv.
Rejoicings are held almost everywhere
in honor of the successful termination of
the Ocean telegraph experiment.
An exciting boat race took place on the
Susiittehaiuili river at llarrisburg on last
Saturday. Also another at Pittsburg the
same day.
Three companies and trains are now or
ganized in St. Louis to proceed lo the
i rn' nv,'r ?ola rVn m the plains,
'the w eather has been very warm in the
eastern part of thii State for (he last few
The jury in the Kirkp.diick poisoning
case, after having Wii out about fifty-six
houn brought in a verdict of guilty. This
trial has lasted neai lv a month.
There has been no intelligence from
I" tah since our last paper except what
confirms the previous news.
In Philadelphia, the transactions in
stock have been li)jht for some days, nnd
J priees have a doclining tendency. Money
ia still considereil plenty anil negociations
for good paper are made with ease. The
balance of trade bet ween New York and
Philadelphia is in .favor of tho later, nnd
coin is held a dru;j by the Philadelphia
bankers. Tho stock of merchandise in
the hands of Jobbers is light and prices
high. The western trade has already
Later news reports the Atlantic tele
graph nearly ready for operation.
We are ordered by J. L. Cuttle Esq., to
withdraw his name from the list of candi
dates for District Attorney at tho coming
primary election. And we are also au
thorised by him to say that lie does not
wish to be considered a candidate for the
said office on that occasion. Voters will
please note this aud be governed accord
ingly. Court oommwes nest Mondav.
1111: tu un. i Sivtivr.
i-'tsi i id. sci..
t ,,,,),,..,,, ,uv be ncIitLmI as
mllll'll 1
i . . . i .. ii ,.i .1. ... ...,.),., I
JUilges on next iiio-hii, una un j
, lmM.t tMl, ,t.(M. ,MllVn-o nt
i(I,,iy ,, tini ,MV)
As whatever may
lie tin1 net ion of theeinivenlion, Clearfield
county fclmiiM have a voieo therein, if she
hftve any giinranteo that her ehiims for u
niciniierwill bo treated with fairness.
A variety of question have been nsketl
lit about tlm rule of our party in relation
to lioldilij" tho primary elections, and tho
(unlitieationH of voters : many of which
w o hivvoboen unable to answer. A set of
rules were at one time framed for the
L'overnment of the party in the premises,
Unit we have been unable to lay our hands
i . lilt
!M Inoin, hy tlu It
t information we
can obtain they settle one .),,(,,! which
- hum- ueen nm mium ......
I u it. t l.w ivni- t .ii hev
r. , ... ,
Ill' I" ' III M I ill lilt k'V I I 'll nuui"1 iwi
...... . 1.., 1 1.1 I.x 1..,. m. wmii.! on hi.
district, and but one election in each
township. To avoid all difficulty in the
matter, this rule should be strivtly ob
served. As to the (jiialifications of voters,
it is very much in the discretion of the
board. All fiiose who profess to act with
the party lire undoubtedly entitled to
vote, and also those who declare a deter
mination to lo so in future if reliable men.
Certainly no honorable member of the op
position would iisk to participate in mak
ing nominations they did not intend to
Mr. EniToR,
I understand that it has
been circulated in some parts of the coun
ty, that if I should bo elected sheriff at I
the ensuing election that I intend to up-1
point P. W. I'.arrett Esq. deputy sheriff",
and stay on my farm, only on court wet ks.
This is without any foundation, as I can de-'
dare that I had no conversation with Mr.
Barrett or any one else on that subject;
.... T :. i.. l :e r l ,.i 1 l l i i .
as I intend if 1 should be elected, to move
my family to Clearfield and attend to the
duties of tin! ofiice myself.
Vou-i; M- i-i-Tiitic.
Do You Want to Mark a Hi .m.kkh Diu. -
l. A us 7 m o think w o hear von sav es ;
. .
tight times almost any pcrsr,,,
oul(t IW willing to UlilHC a hundred clol-
lars, iirovided it woliltl bo done decentlv.
...l.:i.. r ill :n: i .
while not a few would bo willing to make
it in any way they could. Now we do not
promise to tell every body how to make n
hundred dollars, but thoso who have as
serted that Eindsey'a P.lood Scaoher will
not cure Scrofula, shall have ono liundi r
dollars in gohl for making their assertions
t'utl' ''' i-onforining (o (he following con
(neons; any serotuious iiers:m. in
whom the disease is lint so deeply seated
M to, be entirely beyond the reach of re-
ooyery, be plaeed.under the charge of the
proprietor, and if sticltHierson is not cu-
red within a rea onable time, the money
' J
will be paid over forthwith. The virtues
of tho medicine are knowr., and lli is is no
. .. . -
IlllC bOllnt.
On the 10ih August, by the Hev E W
Kirby, Mr. I.sAr Kuxr.of Bradford tovn -
ship, to Mrs. Sarah SllEl.l.m, ol this Bo-
All Persons are hereby Cautioned j fco spectfullv yours, Ac.
Agnint I'urchiisiiig or Trudiii)? for n yoke c.fc , Voinroy Station, A. 1'. K. Rond.
Ilt'l t VliHMII'lT flVt'M Mr. Devlin is vrell known to the citiicni of In
nr.LI AINU V 111 11 UAhIN, dinna. and AVestiuoreland counties.
now in possession of Anthony Urine of Ilogifs S,S'
township, as they bolong to me, and are in hie ' s f,.; ijy
,urri.-Bi.ou un iiinu uin .
ailj. S, 1,S.)8. ,"t.
All Persona are hereby Cautioned j
Meddling with the following Property, viz. '
nc Camera;
.vow in tuf. I'o.isr.ssios or John Cakxon, j
as the same has been purchased by nie, 1
and is loaned to tho said Carson, subject j
to my order only.
aug. 11, 158
Glass Syringes, Iloma'pa
tliic Vials,
Glasi Ware for rhemistn, Druggists, Perfumem,
I'hotographerf, eki.
, .. ..j .. vrw-
A Liberal Discount nnule to the Trade,
Tf"0rdcr from Country DruririsU and Dea.
lera solicited.
lPrice Lints sent on application.
August , ,-im.
..Tob Prinling n.-stly executed hum
oM Uimmim! OrSffiiuilis hi
lMruniTY cr thh
1 III1 In n qnimliiin tif vilnl lmmHiiri, nj
unr lilli him htvft drin MiUf.n-inriljr ill""'l
ul' I.J Hi" )ri.fiir lm linrli tint lifnliiiK art.
.Miniin niiiiiiliilii ntnl i.N'iilljr 111 nl'l H'lmnl
I'h v'loiniin iIihI. Iif liv in tlm LI I, nin I
,i.'ri.t'iir nil iIii-uhki-k nriinnts in (I tint wo. lorn
.i,.irB nvom llml nilin. iil" Iiiivb lliolr iirlKnnlimi
, . .... .
In I". Hi Hid nnliilt nml llui ln of the hmly. That
III Intler Jitep iii'lKnite, however, il ft flieil fnet,
nml moiliiiil uliill hn elenrly iluiiioiintrnleil tlmt
ill lennttifo tblrilH oftl ilU Ihnt hiiinun flenh ii
heir to, hnve their noiiree lu nn
Impure Slsile of the(j-Try it, prove it ! !
ESIood ! L G. A. LKINAU, l'rdjirictor,
As, for iimunico, in tho lnn eiilulo(?in, uch
Scrofula, Tetter, "Barber's Itch,
Pimples, Blotches, Erysipelas, Ul
cers, Sajt-lihcuin, Discharges
from the Ear, Fever sores, or ir
ruptivc Diseases of any kind.
I'b'.'SO aio nsiiertiii lied by well known nieilloul
Invito nriso from bml lilooj while the liiKhtiHt
uiuiliuitl iiullioritii'i declnro that most fevers ori
ginate I n the sumo .iiiiiiiii r, inul more uirticulur
lv Tviihoiil mill Scurlut the former beiux un in-
., - ,, ... .,... ..tavM bv these uin
terillll, linn mi' iiilii r no r.n-iinii iiiu .nmu..-
' ' .. . . ' . . . .
lmliea the Llooil is found to ho oongulntud, or of
u dark unhealthy color.
To wnrd off n lurijo iimjnrity of dUraica, ns
well iik to euro u iiuuiher whii.h hnve ulrondy ei
. eil upon the slslln,
Einhsiv'k Imi'hovcii Pii.oou SKAitcnini DOKS
WOT (.'i.tIM TO HE A
t niversnl 1'iiimeeu for every discuss known, hut
the iiroprieturn claim for it tho power not only of
Draining out All Impurities of the
but hy the rkilful combination of wall kuown
Il will I'ure all d'umwrs orison) from a (trail
ed state of the I Aver driv? nut Jtyspi-ptiu,
and jlvc renewal tone and viyor
to tin', Ntnmai'h,
That the llluod sjenrelur is nil thin in elnimed
for it, the l'roiirietora eun produce
t, (Jlliv H r,w VCIlr8 Mnra it wn dinoovcred.
' ami yet it h.tii urown into tueh n hnsincsii that a
1 larce l.niioratory ana Deen tiui It expronsiy lor lis
, lutlfll(-turo UJ lBrK, mlmi)cr of employed
! in putting it up, and r till
j'l'lic Supjily docs riot Equal the
i Demand!
j We nk any candid man could thia be so, if the
, .Metiicinc dnl not potiess all luo virtues claiiue'l
, " , ,.., hnlldr6llll of r(
from meu of prohiiy mid standing lu tu oonimu-
''"""11 u lint the mudieiuu is doing daily
r,,P ii.a tun.,tm
W liO lias CVer Used tllC Blood '
Whether JUlf nv. Kept
Let tho nfflicted give it n trial a sinple bott'e
will convince the most skeptical of its efficacy.
J. M.
LisnsKV: l'car Sir I take plcn-
y0r Improved niood Searcher han been to uiv
n..l-n...U...l. .I.,.. Il h 1 ..K,
"" Jlc bcen ""beted with what physician
; of tho ntnmach. Ho has been alflicted
with this disease from infancy, lie in now fif-
1 r . i
hint KiiVrnl rMiri nltni'k. nriil nil tlia finA fa.
jkeu into the stomach impartod little Mrongtli to
I tliu '8t('m' ' l",1 '"vend ominent physician
I attend in him, but 1 found verv little advun-
I In,,,., n. II, .ii,.,..,. a .MM m.i.,.' wt II, ..II il.
! ful consequences.
I In April I..T, he hud a violent attack, pd much
i""' ,hBt wllo!,w hiln supposed he was in tho
V "f1""?'"'"?' 1 WV- d,viwd l" try,
! ollt. bot(Ie 0fit,andbv the time ho had used it
he appeared restored to perfect health.
It is now one year nince he used your invalua
ble Mood .wearehor, and t am perfectly fatisli
1 od it has saved him from an niiliimilv irrHvu. T
. now unhesitatingly recommend it to ul) who may
I be similarly nnlictod, and deom it no more than
(justice to bear this public testimony to Itsvir -
C. D. Vv ATSOX, Clearfield.
JAMKS 15. GRAHAM, irahamrtoB.
JOHN PATT0X, Curwcnsville.
E. F. BRENNER, Morrisdale.
JOHN RUSSELL, I'onusville.
R. H. MOORE, Luthernburg.
M. O. STIRK, New Millport.
CHARLES R. FOSTER, Philipuburg.
II. SWAN, Anfonvillo.
RUSSELL McMURRAY, New Waihington.
EDWARD WILLIAMS, Williatn.rillt.
aug. 11, 1853 dm.
Whereat my wife Eliiaheth G. Manhall has
left my bed aud hoard withou t last caime or
i.rovicnlion T increforA rmitti.t, nil I,..-......
i truMlng her on my account, ns I will not pay any'
i debt of her contracting from and after this dato. I
Brady lp. aug. 2 I53.
j All Persons arc hereby Notified
aliirM, um m me pojoision of Jumca i
i Wall, of Brady township, in the eounty ef Clear
' field, Pa., as the mine belongs to me, and were
;- only, U -
aug. 4, 1S58. at.
ALL fricndu of Ikurcil and FKr.i.-uinr.D
fun nm. Plca procure rirculara gratia of
Dr. tiFOR'JE BHOtvy, H.rre. Mm.
Th bml Attirlfl In the World for
Is LeiniMi's Superior Phos
phate of Iiiiiic,
At 1 1" r I' D, or 71 e'f. ft Ik, l.r tli kirril.
Analyu'd ami KccoininciuK-d (or
'micn.ur t HAS. T. J ACKhon,
CnmUt if the liteJ Mt.ttrt Patau OjH,-t,
WutltiHyhm, IK C.
tO'lt will rem.T thu eiilluy JO to 11)0 ,r
cent., onil will Dot burn tli tucd 1 a
oonlnel ua tiiir.iii) iloen.
.Yo. 21, ,S'uM FHOXT Strrtt,
i J iHlwliiplua ()fi, iii..
i h- tr my Agents throughout the Country.
jtAsAi.vsis run ho on nt taj Ofllcs.
jr.T Vnfh Muilud with th onlor will rvorivt
j. i oni j 1 1 nttuntion.
A liberal discount to Storekeepers who
buy to sell again.
PauiphluUl eun bo hail M iuy Otlir.c. tl. A. L.
nujf. 4, 1S5S. Sni.
I'rom Dr. James M. Jarrett, of
My connection lor the past eifjlit yenra xiih
the khove Inmitutinn, nn Chief Thyticiun, and a
twelve ycar'i course of ttcudy devotion .o 111,
Pulmonary Consumption,
und its kindred dineaneg, tnrether with ray no
rivalled vpportunltioa and advnntnfjM of patbo.
logical research aided not a little by a perfect
system of
has cnaldo 1 me to arrive at a decisive, direct
and successful course of treatment for the peii
tiv. and radical cure of all disease of the
Iiy inhalation the curative propertici of medi
lines are directly addressed to the diseased or
gan and tho inuijriiinent, I do not a.k'iio the
use of Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the ex
clusion of liKSKHAL tkeathk-it ; and although I
consider it a useful adjuvant in tho proper mm
HKeuieutof those fearful and often fatal direaiei,
yet 1 deoui it very ueeessary that eneh patient
should have the benefit ol both ornkral and lo
cal treatment. The aucceaa of my treatment il
the above dincasce, and tho high character of
thii Institution over which 1 have no long had
the honor to preside, nro too well known to need
any eulogy or couunenc from me. At the aolici
tatiun of many privato and professional frieudi,
through uhofo philanthropic uid tho above char
ity bus houn long and libeially supported, and af
ter due consideration, I have concluded to niaki
such arraugeuieuts as wi.l bring thu benefits of
my experience and treatment within tin) reach of
all, and not confine myself as heretofore, t
tin. .e only m ho entered thu tnCriuary, or who
nuro ublo to visit luo ut my olliee. lJopinf,
therefore, that tho iii'riiureiiieiit will give entire
satisfaction, both to my proleMdoual bretlirea
and the public, 1 would respectfully announce in
conclusion, that can not or cowutfctl perianal
Iyer In Ictttr, onall disoancs as above,and thai tin
medicines, tliu sum e . in '.ho luntitutioa,
are prepare.! lu suit each individual case,
'Inliuliiig Vnpors, Mctlicnl
ic .e., wiil be In w arded by Him- It m
part of llie I uitcd Si ates or Iho t aiad.
T E 1 .MS:
My terms of treatment by letter are i
follows viz: ?12 jer mouth for ech pa
tient, which w ill include medicine suffi
cient for one month's use; also inh.ilinj
vapor, nnd an Inhaling Apparatus, la
ment as follows: ?ti to bo paid to Expresi
Agent on the receipt of the box of Medi
cine, and the palance?ti at the expiration
of tho month, if the biitient be cured orb
entirely satisfied with the treatment. Pa
tients, by giving h full history of their
nse, and their symptoms in full, cm U
treated as well by letter as by personal ex
animation. Patients availing themtelve'
of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may ruly on tin
media to and permanent he seldom
has to treat a case over thirty days. Let
tors for advieo promptly answered. Fot
further particulars address
i V,, u-2,i 'jLnd,,-,,,,.' r,,r. Twr'fih St.. X. T.
P. S. Phrsieinns and 'thorn visitine theii'.'.
are respectfully invited to call at tho InnrmtfJ f
whore many iniorestini; cii can be witnuwif
aud whero our Improved Ajip iraUe for the iuki j
luuwu oi iuou:cutou vaporcau oe aeen ana it)"v'
Notice is Hereby Given
TH AT Letters of Admiuiitration bare kta
granted to tho undersigned, ou the Elat i
Reed Alexaudor, deceased. All pomom hiviK
bunness eoucerninj the inino, are hereby aoo'
(d to eomo forward aud fettle iinmditely.
aug. 2, IS58. 6t.
DCrfS'32,00 IN ONE DAY $52,1
Were cleared by agents, rotailitiK my VM't
Send four itainpi for lettemand book. i
K. BROWN, Lowell, M j
CAUTION All penona are horeby canti'
aprainst purohatiuir or trading for a W',
Stallion, 1 Iron Grey Horse, 1 aett Double B'f
ness, 1 long Sled, I timber eled, 1 Sleigh !
ed green, with willow box, 2 Co, 1 whin
for, 4 red yearling stoen, now tn powei'
V .1 1 i.-: . t v, , ,. .L.. 1,-lnllf
mo ni " in hi" pewewinn io nl'
i.uru nmn tii liumaiiio ip., a iui.
Juno 3(1, !Sa8 pd.
CAUTION All persona are hereby uUn
agniniit meddling with the followiug
V. ...IV in til.. r.n-uAau!,.n ,f 1'li.linAH IierH
raid property wa bought by me, and 1" j
the "aid Beers on loan, subject to mjlirl'''j,;j
Jlny mare, 1 Ulack or Brown lluriie, H j
w agon and ona Timber slad. , i
Slav 111. leiS, WM. ruiw'
H, II. MORROW, Trop..
i M
venienn BMAflsnrv fnr h Aninftirt of theat
1 - r i -t tkM
may favor him with a call. Hit table will aJ'
in. u, ling wun i cull, IIIwu.w - .
upplled with the yory best the mrk'!j
ord. Ilia BAR will also he euppllod w"
t ....iitM r - A AiAhtinfSf
heat fualily of liqoore. Ainjil
tachnd to the premiaM.
Jane tn.ltst.