Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 04, 1858, Image 4

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    IMtt UP ft. ft I A ftM ft I' H
ihikii runuMiir.
Dtt. tlSH I, OH U N, '' '
tllh Mm te Mirili n of W I i i no Dr. .1.
0. Halt Il k, tk-f nff r th.lf ff ..f"...nnl
Mii-M to rlJixtii ( rleaiflehl ead tlrinlty
Tby will (Mrtiil to ptvtt-rinoal en 1 1 14 all hoiirt
M'l Innll Ifimm, i
lr. lUrtsalrk will I f found during lit day nl
bir office p.iitn X r. I , o I resilience, ajul u
i i M h 1 at his rs.xic4, on (lour ao.tli of Heed A
W.ever's lor.
Clearfield, Juno 11, I "Ml.
1 1: t i
7 EMI Y W. O Villi MA X,
IMPORTER of ! ti Calfskin., Anil general
leather il. nlr rs, No. (1 S. nth Thinl st., l'hilii.
A gfhfrsl n . r 1 1 n i-n ( ir nil kinds of leather,
morocco, Ac., Ac. led and Oak Solo leather.
March 4, lf-j.-ly.
KTAl'I' I' I'.H .k II KI,t:V.
Cheap IV ate li ri and Jewelry.
V7"H0LSA!.K and RETAIL, nl the "Phllndcl
71 phia Watch anil Jowolry Store," No. 1 1S
(old No, till) North Second Street, eornor of tjuai
ry, Philnd'n.
Hold Lever Watches, full jeweled 1 3 ceases $28 on
Uuld Lupine, IN com 1 2 1 lfl
ISilvor Lever, full Jeweled, 12 AO
flilTer Lapiao, juwuls, - - V 00
Superior yuarliors, , - 7 00
Uold Spectacles 7 00
Fino Silver Spectacles, 1 50
old Bracelets, 3 00
Lady's Hold Pencils 1 00
Kilvor Tea Spoons, per net, ...... 6 00
Gold Pens, with Pencil Had Silver Holjor, 1 lid
Uuld Fiuger King. 37 cents to $30; Wutcb
Masses, plain 121 cenfi, patent 1 Sjf , Lunut 25;
other articles In proportion. All good warranted
to ba what they are sold for.
Successors to 0. Conrad.
On hnnd lomt (Sold and Silver Levers and Lo
pincii, atill lower thun the above price..
October 7, 1 S55.-ly.
Physician, may lie found either nt his oflicoi
at Scofiold'i hotel, C'urwensville, when no
professionally absent. Dec. 211, 1861
(J change for TIN and IIAKDWAHK at the
...l.l:.i. . ..e
veuiwiipuuieiu vi.
iuly 10, H57.
DK. C;rK(;i: V II,S( respectfully givi
nnttftA ihtlt liA ham rnaiitoorl tl.a l....:Mn
Meiiioino. and will promptly nttond to nil calls in
kk T ... t. 1 . . It n t n .
uv jiiuiubpiwh, iiUllltTfcUUrg, AJ 1 , 1900.
THOMl'SOX. irARTStk'K- V 'l
ron Fouudcra, Curwensville. An extensive
assortment or Castines made to orders
Dee. 2'J, 1851.
ATT0HNEY AT LAW, office adjoining tit
resilience on cecona rircet, Liean na. ta.
June 1. 1864.
ca vriox.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned ngnlnst
. buyiug, or in any way meddling with 2
Milub Cows, one red and the other briudlo. now
in the possession ol Joseph Millwnrd, of Decatur
tp., as the laid cows belong to me, nnd are in his
possesstoa on loan only, subject to my ordos and
Spt. 23, 1S57. St pd.
CAUTION All persona nre hereby cautioned
against purchasing a certain nolo drawn by
toe in favor of Stacy W. Thompson, dated 2Vth
Augiut, 1857, for $125, as I have not received
value therefor nnd will not pay it.
April 7th. 1857. 3t-pd.
AyY persons knowing themselves indebted by
not or book account of one yenr or more
. standing, are positively requested to cull nud pay
etf, otherwise thy will be treated according to
law, without respect to persons.
Frenehville, May S, 1858.
Bkixo aged and infirm In body, I am desirous
to settle and close up all toy worldly business
All persons having claims against mb are there
fore requested to present thoin at once for settle
ment. I desire to be my own executor.
may 10, 158. JAMES KKA, Sr.
STILL continues the business of Chair Making,
and House, Sign and Ornamental Painting, nt
lhaih on fnrmerlv neennin lit, Tmnimnn J.
r m -! ""'.v. ..J 1IUUUUUII u. KUHI,
at the east end of Market street, a short di.-tance
. .r.i. i. . . ... ....
wist oi bitz s rounury. Juno li, idja.
IT ETTERS of administration on the estate of
MM Aornnam Jtign, late of I.Hwrenee tp., dee'd.
having been granted to the undersigned, nil per
- lont knowing themselves indebted to said estutc
re requested to make payment Iminediiitely nnd
those having claims nii'st tne ,, p...
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
Jane ), 1858, pd. Adm'rs.
JA. n. t,RHir.ii, , rrsr
LA R KIM Kit TF.ST, Attorney, nt Law
Clearfield, Pa., will attend promptly to Col
tAions, Lahd Agencies, 4o., As., In Clenrlleld,
Contre and Elk couhtics. July 30. y
HAVINO removed his office to the new dwol
ling on Second street, will promptly answer
profssional calls as heretofore.
nvercbaiit and Lumber Dealer, corner of
i.iM. rroni anu x,ocust streets, Clearfield.
jUoo. 2, 1851.
WEAVER are now receiving nnd
J.V opening a large and well sclectod Stock of
Goods, consisting of
Dry Good, Groceries Hardware, Uuccns
ware, Honta and Khoea, oiu, I'alnt.s
Drug. Hats and Iluiincts Kaila Sj
Hplkea, Salt and I-'InIi,
as well as ovory other article usually required in
the country, which they offer to the publie on as
fair terms as ran be had in the county. Call
and see the new, beautiful anduscful.
june, 1858.
. T ETTERS of Administration on the estate of
. tieorge Ointcr, late of Brady tp.. dee'd, hav
ing been granted to the nndorsigned, all porsons
indebted to the estate are notified to come for
ward af sett le, and those having claims against
the same will present their accounts auly authen
ticated for sot dement, JACOB YOAS.
June. 1(5, 1858. pd.
CAiiTtnv in T T .
aIl l ..fn. iti, rTby- '
tv BV,1'mddl n.i'h.foI1'n
r,,. T " P OM7,on 01 Wl" W. Wilson of
w.i left wi.",l?i J!,iertJrMb0,,o?g, t0 m?' snd
?! r i ,a ,u,,Ject 10 my ordor
BeU tp., June .'.0. 1858.
" xi itr f as- n
run ll, I .nr.,
, ails 1 U 11 r ULi.
June IM 858 'Adm'rs.
I -l t'l III I MM l
or ini!t ai imwMii" wrm tHwMrr,
III llir I'iimhM "f ( Yai fii'lil, fur lltA )i nr
) -jX, MiIiJim I ii mj Uii'til nl J.lii'll-H.
. i n.A'i.l .
I 'A,"...) m'l.
ll. ilinll,
l iliuiiil Williiiiim
M nt l lnw l oiny,
IiIj l .
Jmininli ('oon'r,
W j Ilium t.i'uii,
SmiHii'l lliii'tly,
Julm I'm cel.
'lm lli'lici linjj ,V Son,
llurrnt & Itiotlii'i'.,
F. H. Aninlil,
A. II. Mo.. iv,
Cnrlilo Jt Co.,
ilaroli Kunt,
(ioorj!o Sinitli A ISrotlicr,
iedili's JImicIi it Co.,
m rnmiu;.
.'allies Mi'Muri'iiy,
J'alclicii A Soils,
HiismiII MuMunity,
Alliiioii it Co.
John Ciiiiiinjrs,
(.ear nt: i.d noiion.ii.
W. F. Irviti,
h'icliiil'il Monrtop,
II'. I.. Mooro,
. Kratzcr,
Ifocd Si WiMiver,
riiailcs liaison,
Thoniius Koliiiix,
I. A. Mulon it Vo.
FrancoiM Cioilry,
A. Locont,
7 IM)
7.00 i
7 llll en. i
t'EKH'ENSVIM.E llORorilll
'riiorniison it Jalt.
A. Montgomery & Co.,
John Pat ton,
Kliwi lrvin & Sons,
inilinm MeHrulo,
U'tn. Irvin,
Mailman i TorkH,
J. F. Ntincr,
OositE.N TP.
A. 15. Shnw,
K. Irwin it Sons,
Houston tp.
lavil Tyler,
Daviil Meiinn.
H 7,
Ilenrv Swim.
Joliu Mc.Vurray & io,
Knox Township,
jlartin Stitk,
Lawrence Townshitp.
J. Forrest & po.
J 'li townsbin
F,. F. Brenner.
E. F. Jtrenner.
To Town si im
H. M. Snvder.
14 7,
14 :7,
14 7,
14 7,
14 7,
14 7,
Ilegiu ty it co.i
Union Township.
Daniul 7'i ul inker,
llboriward township.
A. Ilemirtv.
Thomas Henderson,
John M. Chase,
Graham Townsliin
.T. B. Graham.
12 12,50
Thobo interested will tub
there will be an Appeal nt the t'onimis
ioner's Olliee in the Itornncl, f r'ln,.fini.i.
on the l'Jth day of June, S58, nt 10 o'clock
l'-"'-. S. If. KIIAKFNKK.
. Mercantile Appruiscr.
Race st. above Third, Phila.
rriHE proprietors of the above well known es
X tablislnnent being thankful for tho very
liberal patronage bestowed upon them the past
jv.w, in,, lucmou oi uuorimng their friends
...... u ,.uuuu uwu iney are still preparod to oc
pntlllnitilnln tl.n.n '.t f 1 ... ..
Durimr the su,n,n, .....niV. h" t. . '
thorouchlv ronovn . 1 . ,
o&, ndj
14 7,0'
14 7,0
11 lo,
11 i:,
14 7,
11 1),
U 7,
11 7,
H 7.
M 7,
We nro dotcrm neJ to 7 , i V . Dn n,,nu nt tll0lr S""P on .''rkot St., nearly oppo
tion to bnilneM 1-. T " !" it0 tho Jcw pture' ll,rK Mwrtment of Muh .go
onv ction ha we Zl be n!'!-, ," Wlt?- f"10 'nJ Cnne Bottom Chairs, nnd Cabinet waref
e nuction that e hll bo Me te i give i satisfuc-1 every description-which thev will bo found eve.
tion. film's btitt
N. B. Carriages will nlwnys bo in rendine'ss to
convey passengers to and from Steambont Land-
.nho niiu iiiuiiunu iepots. K A S
March 31st, 1858.y,
PT;ASTKRIX(J,Th. subscriber, having
located himself in tho borough of Clcnrfield
would inferm the public tint ho is prepared to
do work in the abovo line, from plain fo ornamen
tal of any description in a workmanlike manner.
Also whitewashing and repairiag done In a nont
manner and on reasonable terms.
, . , . . EDWIN COOPER.
Clearfield, April 17, ISST. Jy.
1 rady tp., near Lurhcrsburg, will be sold 'low ( as
the owner contemplates removing westward) tho
nntterv fm In f.nn.1 ,...lA. i , . . . '
ri i , fn M connoctsit with
it about 00 acrea of land, about ono half in grass
the balance in wood. Them 1.
. ... - - -. ..,,-niviv
dwelling and sufficient stnbling and sheds on the
place. Good mnterinl for tho manufacture of
stone ware and abundance of coal ore en the
property. For torms apply to
L. J. CRANS, Clearfield.
Slay 2. 1857.-tf.
xtestaurant and Eatino-Sainnn
B. TAYLOR, begs leave to Inform his old
friends and the publio, that he has just
reli oniNhnil til. .lnl, r ...i.t. . .
.. ui viiuiiuus, in nis new sa-
oon in the basement of Messrs. Merrel A Car-
tors Iron and T.n-Wnro store; and that hnmnf.
tor ho will nltrnv. lu, I r. . .
. , , -J I" 1 1"" vu 10 lurnisn nis cus-
mors with every thing usually found in such e-
tnblishmenta to wit- Ico Cream. Ale. T.
Beer. Toliacco and Clgnrs of tho vory best qunl-
Iri'' Vr1", ,nd Confoction"ry of all kinds, rf c.
Thankful for past favors, he solicits a contlnu.
ance of public patronago. may 12, 58
Send for a descriptive Circular of
-... ALl AJAJ.
lb most simple, durablo and effective Mill for
grinding all kind, of grain ini fin, coarse
meal as desire l-Pricn. M ""so
Address, WM. L. B0YER A BROTHER.
Manufacturers of Agricultural Implemoib.,
No. 1 140, Market St, Philadelphia,
Tract of land at Private Sale.
THE undersigned will sell on easy terms a
tract of land, containing about sixtv-two
acres, with akniif 3 , . ' .
-- irnci oi mnil, containing about slxtv wn
'. "il" out 25 acres clearod-lying Jn Z
Branch, near the borough of cfearneld
with a good two story dwelling hons. loTharn
"nd ot,her buildin"- An A t
recently planted, and a laree scone of I
Jd " IZ
Apr". 22, 1887.
ji. til BWOOTE.
. u WM
July 8,
ftS-Job Printing natly executed here.
I'll I Ml n
.),!, , r.l ll , ', ,. r. I t.i ii , in, i . I', .in. r.
u; .i,
I t Hi"i
d..,.r hi. i .,f M .nl. li,,. A l. Kick's
I"l. All lill" IIPM PMtlll.lcl tn llilliwlll
pt'HMpi atlende I In, and nil Inurnment f
writing dun i n Imrt lintlrn,
V in h. ill, I ..',..,
a. t.m'miiyv i:u,
1 I
AH remineil llie pmellee of medicine,
I I will attend promptly to all cull. In M pro-
. II h i liril.
ii-pHiiin, ny uny or ntTii. ne.lilenee
Mellindlut ehiifi h. May , ItAS.
tiiiiinnlln thn
D ...,
1 !"l",,rr' flcrrlinnt, and extonxtre ilen-;
1 lor la 11)1111 tiinlier, liard (hiiiirli'ii c,
llriilniuilm, ltr.,,1 I I. ; ..
.... n.. !.,. ' .i,
, .
iiiv.1 ii,.ifn ,.v . ui,,.,,!. I.,.,,
.IKCr. 7.M.VA' SHORT nniioiiiiPM1
i on I i . .A .lll'ltl m .
to Ms friends that ho has removed ionic of his
stiicK irom ttio "Short Shoo Shop' on short dir.
iiinco irom ins out sinnil, to ttio simp
the hop formerly
reiry store, i,y ii.
'imniteto IteeJ und
oeeupleil ns a Watch nnd Jew
It. Welsh, llee'd.. neurlv urn
i . , - . ...f .j .j
iWenvcr a More, whore ho nil
fincm ciure, wnero no will no imina nt nil I -a i"'o m nereny piven tliat In purminneo of nil
tline rendy to nccommod ite liinold cuMmiu-rii I"1'' "f Annemldy, piiKfied the 1 2th day of June, A.
d a many new oiien ns may favor him with n I A-. 1N' entitled "An net In nmend an net direo
II, nnd do their work on itn hhort notieo ns It ' ''"K ttio moile of fellimr mmented luniU for tx
ii ho done el.ipwhere, nnd im Khort necminla i "! the following tracts of ununited landi in
il. A Innw r,.;.,nil.. l. ...III ...II ..I r... n A w-1 1 ( 'I ,'n rfli.l .1 ,..., ..Ill 1... .l 11,. . .
I nil
00 1 make Ion? friend. Iin will veil iilienn fur PASlll
ILiine-inndn work conntantly on hand, ant war
ranted nut to rip, ravel or cut in the eye. And
n. tl.l. Ij ,1.. ; I'... ..: I 'ui .
IHI ' iiiiiv ,ti, pt'niiijp. nji, iii.iii rnori re"
. ' ques's nil persons indebted to him to como for
10,00 ! wnri nn,( fettlihg up their aecounts, and pay the
10,(10 ensh or pivo their notes, nnd they will snvo costs.
10,00 flenrlield, April 7th, ISi.S. 3m.
7,)tl N. II. The person that found ono fine boo Ne.
- ()Q fi, on tho inornliiff nf'cr tlio fire, can liavo tho
' mnto of it by callieg nt tho Shoo Shop of
- f0 I Fit AN K SlIOriT.
"1AUTK) All persons nre hereby cautionod
J Biiiiiust puivhnnin it certain county order.
June v, laau. Kit WARD PEHKSJ
a. uo.iTaoaitny, e. a. iiiitmi
Just Received at the store of Montgom
ery & Hippie,
Coliiiini? if nverv llilnw i,...,.!!.. I,.... : - n ..
n ... ...... ufimii niji, in n i-i, un
try store also a largo qunntity of DllUtJS, to
which too invites tho attention of Physicians ;"nnd
a largo quantity of PATENT MEDICINES
among winch may bo found the following :
Jr. Jane's MrtUriites,
Jr. &iou:ka's "
I: Hflmh 'i G, ruHoi Jiilfcr.i.
Jh: Vurtlxe's llcana Inhul'mq Vapor.
Jr. Clark's Female Fills,
r. A ire's Cicny Pkloruland PJ'.s.
Dr. Thompson's Medicines,
Jh: Hulawats Ointment and Pills,
Dr. Trunk's y.ynctic Ointment,
r. Wriyht's Indian Vegetable. Pills.
Jr. Jtt-atg't Arabian Ointment or Spain
and Jiinabone a certain cure.
Also, Flour, Grain, Fish, Choese. Eaoon, Beans,
Crved Annies. Salt, .tit nn liuiwln ,.,i r... ...i..
nt nil times.
I) AILltOAD HOUSE; corner of
Main and
Jlli White Streets, Biiookvii.i.k, Pa
fob. 21. '58.
R.U. MEANS, Proprietor..
Dl'RINd the recent firo tho undersigned lost
a number of Miscellaneous books, in the
busty removal of his library. Persons having
uuy books belonging to him marked with hts
nniuo whether got on loan or otherwise, will
confer a favor by returning them immediately.
Jl. B. SW00PE."
Murch 31, 1S5S.
MERCHANTS end Extensive Dealers In Lum
ber, Ac, New Washington, Clearfield conn
''! !' son. 211. Ulv..
..,, i,i, Vlltlll i.lUHIII,
f'nl,t.,n I- ...,.
w" "o Preparcdat nil tunes to aMcnd to any
, ..v . ii i, AW uiu (i win UUM-
en in the nhovo lino on short notico nnd in a
proper manner. They will also keep constantly
,m,j nn, w iuuiiu e.e-
ready to dispose of on ns rensonablo terms as the
nuuio arucies enn oo una eisowlioro in the county.
1 oir stock of Cabinet Wure now on hand, con.
s sU In part of
Dressing and Common Bureaus, Sofas, Sewing
ai I Wash Stnnds, Desks and Book Cases, French
ai I Field Post Bedsteads, Dining, Breakfast, Cen
tr Card nnd Pier Tables, Ac.
. OFFINS manufactured and delivered at nny
lp ie desired.
May 23, 1851
Curwensville, Penna.
rpiio subscriber, formerly of tho Exchnngo IIo
JL tel, Philipsburg, having taken the above
new stnnd. situnto on tho bank of the river, in the
lower end of Curwensville, would nnnnunro that
no is now renuy tor the accommodation of stran
gers nnd ull others who may fnvor him with a
cull. Tho house is lart-o and onmC.rlnl.l,.
' luo nouso is largo and comfortublo. nnd
lvelers will find overy convenience necessary to
i their comfort. Aml. .i,,l.i; i..i ... ....
" ..i'.. ui.iuiiiiu i. uituuuvu lu lUO
I February 10, 1S5S.
l T,""r",V"" :: ;
1 K mR "'- l retailers of
merchandise have liccn omitted in the list
I published :
uradv towxshh
ArnoI,li Class
,K Arnold,
uivincito.v Township.
j Humphies, Halo ,t Co., Class 14
I ' Zl "
L i'Jao tVl 1LU,
0 soli four new inventions. Agents have mado
over 25,000 dollars en one, better than all
other similar agoncies. Send four stamps and
got 80 page particulars, gratis,
EPHRA1M BK3WN, Lowell, Mass.
ALL persons are hereby cnutioned ngninst buy
ing or meddling with a certain note given
nv the underslirneil In Tn.n. 1 T . , . .
1 w!":, ' - I' CM'm for
have not received value for nnd
DocemberS, 1857, calling for 20, which we
nnve not received vni. r,.. .i.: .i-
. , " "HICI1 wo will
uui ujr unless compelled hy law.
" caution7
A LL r"80""!" hereby cnutioned ngninst
1. meddling with a certain note, given by the
?S ed ' "'"'"-n'w J,dden, dated Sep!
1st 1858, for $125, as said tioto hns been paid
JwJBshington, March 10. 1858.
THE nWoIIotcU;;
up for a house of entertainment, is now open
LUn ' rommoda,lnn. of '" rnbllc. Travelers
will And this a convenient house.
May 10, 1858, OHN JORDAV
CALTI0N All persons are hereby cautioned
against medd'ing with the following prop
erty now In possession of David T. DunJui. two
Cows. 1 Wagon and a lot of ahuep, a. the Mine
be ong to me, and subject toTy order
May 19, 1858. EAMUKL SHOFF.
iiarConKtalle' Munks for salohereT"
J Bgiuust puivhnning it certain county order, 1 18 l0'"le" to Jienjiimin Kisliol, suhjoet to my order
No. 30-1, dated July 17, I s j 7 , payable to Edward '1'y! Cow nnd Calf, 3 Stoves and Pipe, 1
Perks, and I. C. Donning, for two hundred nnd : Hurenu, I stand, 1 Clock, 7 Chuirs, 3 Ueds A Bed
six dollars, as tho same has beon lost or mislaid, I '''"B1 2(1,10 foct "r Oak plank and Scntling, one
and a duplicnto order given tlin subscriber. "ot ul wagon-maker tools nnd the Ilouso nnd im-
. I'M ,l)KUi K
I Ml liRiil and I'loiliire III all I . I.i1,,,t
IS. . .
i'l ""If 1 '""'l' Id county, I'd
IliTTKItiW i,f adinlnUlrallnn nn lha wlnle i l
i A I r ii h it id Hi'M, lain of Hhukii lown.lii .
Ii'reil.l'd. Illllllttf lippn rt-nitl.ul I., Ilm till.. , il... .
all pcro Knnwltip; thein.i'lveii Indi lili'd lo .ni I
I ' . . I.I I-- n,
"r" rf(UIted In ninlie iimnedinle pavineir,
and tlime Inn injt rlalms or ilnniiiiil. a'nliml the
union nin prereni iiieni iht ni'iiii iiieiit itlimn ile
I iv.
Juno I. H'M, PlillTKII, AdmV.
i) i s s t) l r t i o x
p... i... ...... i. . ., ,
i"m .fi-un, itaipi iiik neiween ine turner.
I ,., l . I.. ...,:. ..r.i. i . l ., .
I -"." i ' ui inn iiiw, nni mm
inv ipim in........ I.u I.
j " . -u ..... (,..,.. U. ,1111, I, II, I'll,, 1 1,
w. A. wai.i.aci'
It. .1. WAM.ACK.
Clearfield, May 1st ISjS. 8in.
I ...
Trensurer'g Salcof Unseated Lands.
I u" ,"xc" f"r ,,ie "" ISJt) nnd I.Sj7. ,u-
Clenrlleld county will bo exposed to public snlo
or out-erv. for the taxes iiniuii.l n.l ,L,n ,i,
at tho Court llou.o In tho borough of Cl.mrfleld
ou the second Momlay of June next :
Boll TowiiKhip,
j .1 j:
I (ieorgo Onklov,
'.Wiii 1000 lloni'v Hock, sa-, 7.r)
''ljl000 Honry Hock, 83 75
C AUTION All persons are hereby cautioned
ngninst meddling witli tho fo'lowing pmper-
tv. ns the snme hns Item liiiri-lin-nfl l.v .. n..,l
is loaned to Ilenjamin Iiisliol, subject to my 'order
.!... , ,...,r it . 1..
provenienls where he now lives
Juno , 1S58.
ALL persons hnving accounts nfruinst Ooo. J.
Kyler, or persons knowing thonsolvos in
debted to him nro hereby notitied to como for
ward and settlo tho same with tho undersigned
committee appointed by the court.
Juno 30, 1858. 3t.
ALL persons nre hereby cautioned against
purchasing or in any wise meddling with
flio following property, now in possession of Jno.
Millei nn I JIary Ann Miller, of Hoggs tp., viz:
I pnir Spreads, 1 Log Chain. 1 Plough, 4 Butt
chains, 1 llar-ow, 1 Mowing Scythe, 1 co.kitig
Stove, 2 Sinks, 2 clocks, 1 lot carpet, 2 Stands,
8 Beds and Bedding, 1 pair double trees und sin
gle trees, 1 parlor Stove, 2 Tables, 1 Cupboard,
1 Desk, 1 black Mnre, 1 Wagon and 2 Brindle
Cows, as the same bcloug to us nnd are loft with
thorn subject to our order.
samuel ardrey,
John p. askey.
Juno 21 , 1858.
4 T tho mouth of T.iek Itu n. fit'A mil kb Ff.
1Y Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive
Manufacturers of Lumber,
July 23, 1852.
J. I)7ti6mpson,
Blacksmith, Wagons, Buggies, Ac, Ac, ironed
on short notice, and the very best style, ntbis
jld stand in tho borough of Curwensville.
Dec. 29, 1853.
DK. M. WOODS, having changed his loco
tion from Curwensvllln i.. r'l.n..i i
pectlully oilers his professional services to the
citizens of the latter plnco nnd vicinity,
licsideneo ou Second street.
J 1 -1 '-.i l UI
. Lrimf, hurt.
" J ' u,
CARRIES on Chairmnking, Wheelwright, nnd
honso nnd Sign painti ng nt Curwensville,
UearDcId co. All orders droniptly attended to
Jan. 5, 1858.
DK. W. M. CA.MPlll'.l.l, having locuTeTas
Kylertown, tenders his prnfessinnnl sorvico,
to tho cilizens of Morris nnd tho adjoining town
ships. Ho will always bo found nt the residence
of Thos. Kyler, when not professionally entased
May 21, 185(1. 00
Important to
tobacco chewers.
dr. oustav llxxaimj's
taste jtfsto rati ve tiiocifs.
The Great substitute for Tebarco.
It is a well known nnd iiijontrovertihlo fact
Hint the uso of Tobacco is the promoting enuo of
ninny of tho most severo MEN TAL AND PHVS
ICL DISORDERS to which tho rnco of man is
subject, as earful nnalysis nnd long nnd painful
experience hnvo clearly proven Hint it contains
certain nnrcotio nnd ftolmilwm. in,,..,,.! 1... . .
, . , . " I ' "ii-i lien limsi
dangerous in their effect, which by filtering into
tho blood deranges tho functions nnd operations
of tho heart, causing many to suppose that organ
to bo seriously diseased.
TOBACCO affects nlso tho entiro nervous sys
tem, mnnifesting itself ns all who have used the
noxious wood will bear testimony in l,a8iiu,l.
Nervous Irritability, Wnler Brash, Dyspepsia, A
many other disorders of n similar chnra -'or.
designed to counteract theso bnneful influences,
nnd have proved completely successful in a mill
titude of enscs, and wherevor used. Being harm
less in themselves they exert a beneficial effect
upon the entire system, restoring tho Tasto which
has becomo vitiated or destroyed by groat indul
gonco, completoly removing tho irritation nud
accompanying tickling sensation of tho Throng
which i B always consequent upon the nbstnininy
from the use of Tobacco, nnd by giving a health
tono to tho stomach invigorate the wholo system
1 ersons who nro irretrievably undermining
their constitutions nnd shortening their lives,
should use these TWhi. i .i:..7i.. .... ..
rr.i iHiiiivuum-ijr nnii inroir
oil t ho injnnous nnd unpleasant s,l,it of Tobac-
These Troches or Lozenges nro put up in a
convenient and portable form at tho low price of
50 cents per box. A liberal discount to thetradp.
1 reparod solely by the undersigned to whom
all ordors should be addressed.
.AMES E. BOWERS, Druggist.
, , -'or. 2i nml Itnie eticots, DhiUi.
April 1(1, 185. ly. '
No .14 (Old No fi) South Third Seeet, Uo,o
Calfskins, Moroccos, Linings. Binding.
N, B, Rough Leather bought or taken in ex
clmng March 3, 1857 y
"jy taxwiox iioiisF.i
1? 1 A'A' W AURA ATf7 ff.lAT.V T.
The subscriber renneetfiillo nn.. ,,
da, a" "ho may give him a enll. The publio '
1 J' ro,t "ured it will be conducted In tho
best manner po.iblo. His tnblo will be punnlio.l
M1" belt tho market affords. Hi. nJn".
ii.ii i i . . . ' -'.' - mu r" 10 ine pun
He that ho has Uken the above stand, In tho bor-
I ;.i, .i i . iir.n. jus unr hllod
I With til A nlimeAMl n r 1 , ,,
with tho choicest brand, nf win.. ... "
f i u, ... . "Hies nnu Honors, and
hlS Stnb ill w ha iiii.Ia. ll r ... '. '
careful ostlers.
" miiivi nir n r. m n an iv. .n,
Feb. 11, 1857.-y.
RETAILER of Foreign and Domestic Merc,
andiw, Shawsville, Clcnrfield county, J'a
hhawsvlllo, Aumt 15, "
i.mi itfuM'ri,
tan mint anM t mir.
run i: 'tii t: 1 1 tisr .vo x rn.
M I Ml K I.N'T I'l' in : ii t i I n't H'. -
2IVHHI In in iK. i I il I I I. I . 1,1, tt ICS'
IIIIA 1 N 1 1 I.,, i m i ' . i ' i. I 111. lilll
LlPPMlV A,, nl. i-itliiiir rl, Ii.
, , - . r.
, The union of I mm i i, i md l'lilnninV
! .Montlily hn lmi.h (.. i, 1 Mid
in. rn, ii I,, i', oi, . .i .1 lied work a
circulation si'i' 'il l to I'lil inn. niii publication
III the country, ntul has set .,: ii lor n n n,inl,-iiiitl-)
of literary and artistic talent probably un
rivaled by nny other .Mngniiue in the world. Du
ring the first month, tho snlo In the trade and
mud from subscribers exceeded (10,000 copies
(1 the numbers already issued of the consolidn-
li w irk are universnllv ronceili'd in have sur-
.mi, in the richness of their literary contents,
ui . lieuuty nnd prutiisenvss ol their pictorial
ii!rr jns, nny magnitine ever before issued
i' ine American press. Encouraged by these
vidi iices of favor, the publishsrs buvo U'tenni
ned to eommenco tho new voluuio in Janua
ry with n I il i t ion ul attractions, nnd to offer such
inducements tit subscriber) ns cannot fail to place
it, In circulation, at tho head of American Maga
zines. With this view they now nnnnunco the
loiion ing splendid programme, i hey have pur
chased that superu ond costly stccl-pluto fcdgra-
and will present a copy of it to every three dol
Inr subscriber for tho year 1858. It was engra
ved nt n cost or over ,II00, by (he Into celebra
ted A. L. Dick, from the originnl of Rupliaol
Morghcn, nftor Leonnrdi Da Vinci, and is the
Inrgcst steel-pluto engraving over executed in
this country, being three times the sizo of tho
ordinnry threo-dollnr engravings.
The first iiuprossions of this engraving are
held nt 10, and it was tho intention of tho ar
tist that none of tho Engravings Miould ever bo
offered for a less sum than $5, being richly worth
that amount. Thus every tin oo-dollar subscriber
will roeeivn thn Miiirnyitm nn.. vnni. ,.1,,,..., .. (
und this splendid engraving, richly worth 5;
in us gciiing ior t,t tue value oi .
We shall commence striking off the engravings
immediately, yet if can hardly bo exported that
impressions of so largo a pinto can bo taken ns
fast ns they will be called for by subscribers.
Wo shall thereforo, furnish them in tho order in
which subscriptions aro rocoived, Thoso who
desiro to obtain their engravings curly, nnd from
the first impressions, should send in their sub
scriptions without dcluy. Tho engravings can
bo sent on rollers, by mail, or in other manner,
b suuscribers shall order.
?20,000 IN WOIlh'X OF ART.
In addition to the superb engraving of "THE
LAST SIIM.MKlt." wl,i... will !.. , i .
everv thren. dollar Kobs,.rilii.r f.., t4-',u .1...
lishers huvo completed arrangements for the dis
tribution, on the L'Oth of December, 1858. of a
series of splendid works of art, consisting of ono
hundred rich and rare old paintings, valued nt
from $1(10 to $ Kin.. each. Also, 2,000 uingnitt
cent Steel-Plato Engrnviugs, worth rrom J:i to
$5 each, nnd 1,000 choieo Holiday books, worth
from $1 to $5 each, making in nil, over THREE
Inclose $3 to the publishers nnd you will com
mence receiving the Magazine by return until.
You will also recoivo with tho first copy a num
bered subscription receipt, entitling you ti the
Engraving of "THE LAST SUPPER," nnd n
chance to draw one of theso "THREE THOUS
ensons why you should subscribe
First : Boeiiuso its literary contents will, du
ring the year, embrace constrihutious from over
ono hundred different writers nnd thinkers, num
bering among tbcin the most distinguish jd of A
merican author.
Second ; Because its editorial departments,
"Our Studio," "Our Window," nnd "our Olio,"
will eiuh bo conducted by nn abla editor nnd
it will surpass, in tho variety .ind richness of its
editorial contents, any other magazine.
Third : Because it will eruiinin .1. i.. .i.
1 i . . ...., u , C
year, nearly six hundred original picioi il illus-
r-uions, irom designs by the first Americnn nr.
Fourth : Because for the sum of $:i von will
receive this splcudid monthly, more tie),: vi irth
that sum than nny other magazine, an. I ibe su
perb Engraving of "The Last Supper,"
Fifth: Because you wtll very likely .ih ,,ne
of the three thousand prizes to be distributed un
the 25th day of Oecomber, 1 .-'5 8 perhaps one
tkat is worth $1,000.
Notwithstanding that these extraordinary in
duccments can hardly full to accomplish the ob
jects of tho publishers without further efforts
they havo determined to continue thro' tho year
To nny perseu who will get tip n club of twenty-four
subscribers, cither at one or more pot
offices, wo will prosent a splendid library, con-
st'iin ui i tvr i-oriv i.npi.n ,:,,i.,., i ,., ....
t o .i -n" ,' . oitiiiies em
bracing the most popular worko in tho mnrkct
The club may So formed nt the club prieo, 2 n
vear. wilhout tlio ene-Hivim. n, i.A r..n
.. " lrl "v 'iv iuii iirico,
nyeiir, with tho engraving of tho last Supper
vi.' ii rioor. and description of the
Library, nnd spoiimen copy of the Magazine will
bo forwarded pn rnroint ,.r 91; .i n a,...
- -t 1 iviiiB. vver zoe
Librarios, or 8,000 volumes, have already been
distributed in accordance with this offer, and we
should bo ulnd to furnish a ti
pymnn, to every scliooI-maKter, or to eome ono nt
v.wijr iiupi uiuru in mo country,
Tho success which our ngenti aro meeting
with is nlmost astonishing. Among tlio many
evidences of this fact, wo nro permitted to pub
lisli the following : tew : Thij following facts in relation
to whut your agent, nre doing in this section,
tuny be of use to some enterprising young man
111 want of employment. Tho Rev. John E. Jar
don, of Ibis place, has made, siuco last Chri-t-11,
as over $1,000 in his ngency. Mr. David M
Heath, of Rnlgly, Mo., your general agent for
I latt county, is makinfl' $8 per day on each sub
agent employed by him, and Mossrs. Welmer i
fcvnns, of Oregon, Mo., your agents for Holt co.,
aro making from $S to $25 per day, nnd your
humble servant has made, since tho seventh day
of Inst January, over $1,700, besides haying for
300 acres of land out of tho husinoss worth ovor
? 1,000. Ion nro nt liberty to publish this plnto
mcnt, and to refer to nny of the parties nnmod
DANIEL GREGG, Currollton, Mo.
Willi such inducements ns wo offer, anybody
can obtain subscribers. We invito any gentle-
ninn nut nf ...... 1 i , . . J 1 1 "
.... v.,,,.,,i,1eui, nnu every lady who do
s.res a pleasant MoNBr-muking occupation to ap
ply nt once for an agency. Applicant, should
inclose 2,. cents for a spoci en copy f the mag
azine, which will nlwnys bi forwarded with an
swer to nppiiontion by return miil.
place m the hands of every person
to get up a club, and also of every B?n,,t, a copy
of tho engraving or tho "LAST SUPPER " Hi a
specimen, each applicant cu.ilosing us $3 will re
ceive (be Engraving, post-paid, by return mail
also specimens of our publications nnd one of the
numbered subscription receipts, ontitling t-e lid
der lo the Magazine ono vear nml t .
the d slr.btition. This offer is mnde only to thos.
who desire to uct as agents or to form Clubs.
All(lrt"", 0AKSM1TII A CO ,
Janll, 1853. No. 371 Broadway, N. Y.
K,,1,l','"nn0M.lp"',) ' hu gely incrennR f
Hto( k, f 1,0,'," material, ,,,,d will d0
l,al'el to ,l0 of
Tlic PtiMisliers of tlio Republican are ma
lAMflll.KT8, PltOCRAMIlEa
n. .....
Ill, INKS.
lAPrn Hooks, fiat ulars,
Ham. Ik kktj, Handiiii.i,r.
nnd every kind of jirintinrr usually done
in a country job ollico. Your orders en
trusted to its will bo faithfully executod
Clcnrfield, July 2H. .,
i it 1 11 in 1 1, MiiiviiMl", srl k.i,.,
) l l,s t t,... n,tj 1 ,(f,l( ,f
lolly treslnl by Ilm I ,, I, o 1 n t : on of V,,,!
sport ind .nwd-r, I alrbtln m l r smi ,
tii.iml trmlmi i,l, a. ptn. li.ed at ,e aintt,...;
Medical lo.tltule, Now Urk lily. 7 91
Thn lrnn i nnmi Sin ,,n w,;, , ,,,,,,
tunili d this nietliiid nf crentlnf dlri.r ef ft
I, onus nnd Tlirnnl hns Indiii-e-l n t duptrf frm
our i I rniirse, nnd aiail ourselves nf l( ((
limns of the pros, In order to brln it to tb
predisposed In siirh nffeetions. The jwu of
blighter day hns nt length arrived lor lb (',.
sumplivei the doeirines of the Incurability r
eonsumptlon having nt length pss-ed ar. We
have Indubllnble proofs in our profession' ta ai
Co!IHt NI'Tlon I All. IT. irln.. .'
the first by tiilerouler nb.nrbtin t in the .eond"
hv III trnnirnrn,i,ll..n. ,.r tt.- , . . ."
. ' i-jiwrriiieintorhal.
ky and enlcnreour eoneretions In the third b
eientriees or scars. Thoso wedded to the i!ni.
ions of tho past may assert, that even uow eon
sumption is incurable such are behind, tba aif
To all this great truth must be nppnrent vii
that the medieines Inhaled In the form or Vnnep
or powder directly into the lungs, must be niuoi
more effeetivo than that taken into the Stomach
where the disease does does not exist. The ad
vitutnge of Inhalation in Consumption A Thronl
Disease! is, that medicine In tho form of Vspoi
is applied directly to the lungs, where the disease
exists j the stomach Is thus loft free to aid in re
st irmg hoilth, by administering to it heulthy aaJ
life-giving food. There C no cse so ho,,ete.,iha,
iiWnfioM icfH Bt The menns, too nrt
broi ght within the reach of all, the manner ol
ndimnistering the vapors being so simple that tho
Invalid is never required to lenvo home, wlisr
the hand of affection tends to much to aid ths
physician's efforts
The Inhalation, method is unnthlw,, ,t, 0HJ
rendu, nnd consists in i!,,. ,.,1 ; .
. . ". , u,itin oi med-
ictno in audi a innnner, that tliey are conveyed
...... ...v uB- ,., lUi. ,olm OI , npor, nnd produce
their notion at the sent of disensp. Its practical
sense is destined to revolutionize tho opinions of
the medical world und entuhHth 'he entire eurtibU.
il'l "J ( onmimptimi.
I eaine.-:!v uimc-nl In Dm ,.,.,,,,., f ..
uiliUted wiih Lung diseases, to embrace at once
... i.i....ou,ge oi iiiuiiiniion, and no longnrauiile
medicino to tho unoffending stomach. I claira
for Inhalation a place among the prieelesi .jft,
that riaturo and art hath given us, that "our dav
may bo lonor in thn In ml " ,.n.i ... ,i ,.. ,
mli tu tur the ruiimiiiii,;.,. n ...... 1....1 ' .
. " , , . .iii-iuuu nm only
ratiuunt, tint iimjitc mid tjHeaeiuu.
cucu oi me proiession that have adopted In'ua.
Iittion have found it nil,-,,. j ...l... ,
, " " "'Kirn oe-
lyree, nrrei mg tl, ,.;jrr e ,hc Ji.t and ,
kimj vuudtn hi imuni dtupernle ce, in verity
a signal triumph of our ai t over this foil destrier!
cr of our species.
NoTg Phystcinns wishing lo innkc themselvrs
acquainted with the practice, nre informed that
ourtiiiiobeiiiL' u , ,. '
,. " , "" "o'.y repiy, is lo
ingredinnts used, to such letters that coutniu a
Tho fee in nil ense ..r P..1
Will 1,0 S10 on reoenit nri.lill. il,M .
strumeiits and mediciiieswill be forwarded. An.
iiiea iis win state nge, sex, married or sinirle.
how lonir nffoMeil. ifnnv li..r,i:,..ra ,i:
. . , " , j ... . j uteeuso ex-
isis ui tho family, nnd symptoms generally. Let
tho niiuie town and State be plainly written.
. ,.i, ,i,iuiu nuswvr must no cuclosod. Let.
ters when registered nt our risk.
All letters must he iildresod to
S. M. Institute. ew Yerk
Nov. 11, 1857-8 in.
tatiowi, i:x( ii if;i: iioru
TllO MlfVcrilMT linviiirr tnlrnn l ,t
known stand, formerly kept by ll'm. A. Mosul
hi Curwensville, Pa., is ready to uecoiiiui.late all
who iniiy ran.r ,.ini witn their pntrninige. Hi.
tullo will eiw.ivs be supplied with the lie-t tli
nrk.t ail iits, and hi-Bar with tho olmieu
liquors. His stable will be under :he care of,
tentive hostlers. DAVID S.M1TIL
Cum ensvillo, April 21. 1S5S.
t LL persons in nny way indebted to (lie firm
iV. of Dewier A Ake, by judgment note or
book neeount, will tnko notico that I, tliosub.cri
ber, have been appointed receiver for said liria
by tho Court cf Common Pleas of Clearfield conn
ty, ond that I with Duwlcr A Ake, will be at Hit
office of Samuel Scbring, in Now Washington,
Clearfield county, on Friday the fth day or Jim.
next, at A. M. fer the purposo of recriviu,, m.
Hemcnm, ,lc, rfc on said day nnd no lon-er' All
those interested w 11 please attend nnd savo cost,
as I cannot gn ,,,, ihtrt a second time. Thoe ne
glecting may caleulate on coming to see me
. . , WM- l'ORTEll.
Itocuverin the Partnership Estnto ef Dowlet
A Ake.
Clearfield, May 21, 1858.
1) I.MOV A I,. Tho undersigned anounce. to
V tho "whole world nnd the rest of mankind,"
that he hns removed to the shop recently oeeupi
ed by Railebnngh A .S'hen, as a tailor shop, in
Miaws Row, whore he will nt ull times be found
rendv and willinv In ni.n.l , ,k. i. .i.., r
i .i - cuie.i oi ine
bootless part ol creation, His work noons no re
commendation it recommends itself, and he can
with pride point to his largely inorensed custom
in proof. Bendy-made work of nil kinds, will be
kept constantly on tiui.d. The highest market
price paid for hides. Joa GO(J
May Oth 1857. ' uuu-
818 (Scic Xa.) Mallei .t
Importers, Manufacturers and dealers in La
dies, Gentlemen and Chddeens'
WhnlennlA onrl Tofo;i
J . . ..v, tail,
, 4 C0" W0111 cntl the ntteution of l),n-
Its, nud tho Pithlic cronernllv in ,h,.i
nienso Slock of Fancy Fur. ror Ladies, Ooutle
men nnd Cm , ron tlmi ...
. ; . im-i.uiiiu,,ih, cmuraccs
every variety and kind of Fanry F r, that will
iv num uuniig i tie season, such as
' ull Capes, Hal Capes, Qaarer Capes, Tal
mas, I (,,.?, ., jfojft ,f. Mfja
tees, J ram the Jincst Russian Sa
ble, to the lowest price Domestic Furs.
iw,r 1 ncll'J!';o,?,!!,.J ""or'ment of FUR
ho direct nnporteis of nil our Furs und Miinu
lactiirers of them under our own supervision, we
reel satisfied wo can offer better inducements te
fierier, and tho publio generally than any ether
nouso, ha vi tii? nn iiiimnniin o. ..t...
- , i.i'millllipui l BDH'i;,
Irom and at the manufacturers' price Wt only
Sept. Irt, 1857. 4m.
THE undersigned would respectfull inform ths
., i "'""'"f Clearfield nnd tho adjoining co's.
that he hns just storod in Philipsburg, a very
largo quantity of grain, including
Rye, Oats, Wheat and Flour. Buckwheat
vorn ana Jjarley.
which he will .oil n forge or small lot. on tie
........ icrms and at the lowost prices.
1 he attention of those needing anything in this
me is colled to the stock, believing it would be
to their advantage to give him a call. Com
along thon and be supplied by
, .,. , (- W. KEFLER.
I Inlipslmrg, March 3, 1857.-tf.
rilHE undersigned r.speotlully announces to
X the publio that he ha. opened an eating
house In the basement .tory of Morrow'i (lat.
Homphllls) Hotel, where nuv he found every
V,'."?,', !he ""ch M lo Cream, Sardines,
llcklod Oy.ter., Lemonade, Ale, Lager Beer,
Cake., Confoc tionaries, Fruits, Nut,, Ac, Ac
He hopes by a strict attention to hi. business to
merit, and receive, a share of publio patronnge.
June 30, 1858 3m
feirUIunks for solo nt this Office.