Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 04, 1858, Image 3

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    I or I M;)M
hi I I. i l Mm (
N.v Vr. l el' I, i vlll
, iihii-i'0 ft f 1 1 . - f ; n ' in tli'" I'Ihm' ii lii
tiny miiing the I !tli.':i!,i..,, .,,, , ,,,,(,
to COlit illUO I'HT theSalib.ilh.
TDiri k n'V"mkktiN(.
The Wu-liiiiftoniuii Tcim criiiu . s.i,-ii .
ty will hold llieir iiuiilt'ilv iii.'ciiiuj ,,
Monday evening Awgu-t the 1 e 1 1 : . iM ,(.
otirt Hons" at curly can. I!i )i.-ht. ru.
will be in (tltri.ilnn, e, :m ml.h-i '-.i m ill
hn d"!ivi'iV'l. Tli.' piib!ieiro kindly InvU
ted to attend.
August 5th, K'. (i. T. CH i.icii, lV. vt.
JiiBi t Soeir.TV. A iiu t iiii : of i1k It;i,V
Poci. ty ofCleai licld oo. will be ;,,
. the Court Ilouioon llio Monday tvenin-'
of the ensuing court weckm- in cat., dm
Court room cannot bo 1m l, in the Meth-
dint meeting house. AiKIrt'.-.-. will 1.
d.divered by speakers, friends of the cause,
m.o have promised their aid.
A LEV If Af..' r Kim i ,
- . . . 1.1' ' . I .. ...
l,,-,rT,,i,i.,,,.,,,oM,--;,,,il,, ,,',,;,,;
, II, .... " ' nuf.'jzvMi, (' III HOOdS,
"tux long wake, uii.l u it, m-oves ns'muddv v,...,!. n,iii.i..i .
, . '
" " 1""- predecessor,
it will link-till eem lung enouirli. J'.tit
waiving the qtU'Stiou of its duration, An-
tfilqt. la ft r..r.n rl. -il .1. ....... 1 1. h.,.l I
, .. v in, .in. i ji.i.s nianv
pej'tiliiiriti.'S. ivfoi in to Dr. .Tavnc's
or Dr. Ayer's uhnaimo, or any other be
nevolont nainnhh't of u smiihi. iliM...,.l....
" - ...... ....... ,
you will find that it U Hituntod just be-
l....n T..1.. 1 u . .. .. ...
uu.y miti oi'iHomoer ; wnioii can-
not hfi Siiid of niiv nil.,... ;.. n. .
-j . i in in nn: ... .'.i.-iiiia ii iiuuiikt tu erroi'H in the
year; unless indeed you j.erversely insist 'salutatory escaped notice and were consc-: Wo are nntht
upon reversing it, and contend thut the ; f"ent!y loft uncorrected. AVe trust this 'C,'V,,K
others are nil aitimtiwl Lot.,,.. ,. i,.-lll .,. ...o:..:..... . . . l,lltu f"r Sliorifl',
,, , v . j, n ,,,,,, ,
uimoiin. ii:cnnis l IsliiiL'llis io.I us ,o.
ing the lm.i niontli of summer: that
wherein the poldcn grain is gathered in
tore, after which th ; lively harvest i cones
re ovtrr for i.nother livclvt nml
"ttll jukes are no lon.-cr ' ii. c." It is a'.o '
' the preeurcr of the "rave i;uun,n:.l yea-!
ton, when Nature "nil things in h. r nol,. r
livery" clothes, the teason of Katvdids
and wrn-shiiokings. Il h the month too i
which is principally taken up with the !
"log-duy;" hut what they l-ave to do', -
with dog,, more than the day, of any oth. mE IXIIAN ItATrLE IN MINXK
ermonha weare unal le to sr v ; unless we , . W1A.
a.-lor.t U. th.'nw r.,.,.', ii.;i..,..,..i 1 TI'C Minnesota Extra, l.iinled at Shako-
don't re;nt'!nb.'r wIjo, tJnUilurinir t!ie iruv-!
aUneeof the.0 davs. lo,s o f.
1 . .... . ? v. i ".''i" x iun;."u 'iifi,
.. ' ' I
"let mad, we are not saro uhout the:
. exact phraseology) than at any oilier time
in the year; wiiuh we arc ii.clini d to
do. for ive nte rnnviM,....! il.,.t .......
' " tU!,I:,r t ,. - .
man very easily tins month, tie correct-1
.1 1 . . .
n of which am-one can acirf.ii, f , :
IllIllSOlT DV ll'Cilillo:' Ot. t in f...j ....
i i . . i-
urcs oi an mo uogs that com it i .i
in his i
w.iy. In this month too, vou will most I
prjlal'.y fell the heat greatly, e ' eciailv
if you wear your great coat.' Also .should
you insist upon i-tfijing out in the lain I'm-
niength of time without ai. ittiilrella von
will he lively to get very wet, tlial is if it
rain hard. Sonvi peojilo will likely dio
In this month, and some, will urobaUy eel
1 1 ... !. ' . , . .. '
iiittiuu, out u is not, coiisnterea h.voi'a-,
Lie for either. Candidates and nolitii i.m
will most likely lo very busy this month,
and some aspirants for cilice will probably
be disappointed before its clo': Still,
with dun care yon nay bo iillo to get
through this month safely, and salixfactori-
Shadf, Trel3. Vv'e) observe that the
majority of the younj s:i; irs piante l by
orir of the County Commis-iioneir. in
front, of tho Coii.-t hmife and c ".iny o!'i
eel are in a flouris'iinj; coiulition, and if
not allowed to l.e injured, they will in n
few yeArs ui a d-.lighilul r-'trca! l': o-n
tho ravs of tho summer sun; w ii:lo at tho
, . ........
amo time they wtd add greatly to the
. , . .... .
fffM.rnt ill .l.rt.i l-i, 11. rt f.rtl.A uto.
Sha-lo trees aro a cheap luxury, tmd
should be cultivated wherever .suitable
.... ... -i ,,
.ty.the-wnv there la danger ot lho;o we
.. . f," . . , , ,.
oiiunu ui ueini; iiijuren, 11 iciv cxpo eii 10
L 1 r ,t r 1 1 ..
tho attacks of cuttlo .Ve. and no better fx-
penditure of tho requisite amount ' (',
... . .. , ...
monov ronl.l l.e lin-.(li Hum nun .nviio
.... , ... , . ... . ' ,,
around them, which would ellectuiillv
., . ..... 1111 '1
protect them until they .vould be beyond
!,- . 1 cj ' ' ,
the reach of danger. 1
ni;MARKABLEi:scAPF...Mr.Vm. Wei-
ker of Graham township, while mowing
on last Fn.lay, was standing near atree
with Ins scythe in the position for whet- and tho tree were both struck bv
. , ,
.lightning; the electric fluid passing down ,
tllAh.-U.Ir rr ll.n .nvtl.a nn.l of (1,. .,,n-.i
, ...
iphntering the tree and scattering the
frngments in every direction. Mr. AVol I
. . . - ,
ker although ho fortunately escaped inju-
m... 1 t. .1 .1. 1 . . ,1 . ,
T v c ii a i . t.. i . i ..: i; . i i. .b u . -.. i
armstanc, ' I n SZ,. I m
cumstance, and rnttde a lrny exit fn-m'
the VK'imty not Ki.owiug what might
nextoccur. This w:i cirtpinlv oneoftlie
moot roiliarkabla eeae. fcon, d,B.h .,.!
lightning on record.
5eveff Fm,L.Wo ev; t to Ivavn thai
our voun, friend Mr. J.L.. 1.. " !
. ... ....
Ellw Irwin Esq. of Lick Run mills, was
.. .... , . '
oonsidfrab ly, mured on last Friday by fal -
ling from the hay loft of ns father's Pta -
w t .1 r .. i .
tle. In the full ho etitnti down upon his
l "
F.l a lriim Vci ftf T Dim
- 1.11.1 Mime nccounis tny oi"iii, wouiiueii
I5C0K nnd shoulders, and tho shock was so 1 , .. , ,.
leverethat ho ienmilied for soma timJ 0,1 llUo"' ihwc ""t.nded
.L 11 . , ' 1,1,0,1 rolt'0,no 11,0 iWto where ftblo to of Whom I
i'w..UitM nn iiui nystoni continuing i
paraliied for twelve hours afterwards.
' Wo understand that lie is recovering bIow
ly' Brums. -Tho season for most kinds of
berries is nbnut Ht hand. Pew-lerries have
teen brought to town iu considerable
quanties withing the last few days.' But
Ury few wlioi tl. bcn iei and no Plack ber-
1 "', '' ' i"ny ,,:
' "'-. ,..i,n;. i;, 1
HI.-.' M,;,Ui,V ,t
In, I , l i ii. "
el t
' i 'ii i j r .t i !
I'll l "f hvo
"'I likely Id,- the,
(i i -ti i,
yi) st.. -A I'i'iv i' ii....
' . -1 i o.e
IMllI'iV'rini'lil x . .
I . . ii'-i'i"
' "'"'' " nllv. nl.i.'l. ,,,..;.
lillll c
, ,
'"! tin V ii ro h.i,
n.... , i :ti
" :""M""""""-" "anting to n.ali,
lllll Will i, ... ..I' ...... . ... .
r v" "' II HUll HI).! ,..Sy
I""l-trians. WVlMp, th,-v will not !,,
wanting long.
A.vii.knt. A o nr 5rr.SP,..v living
". this J laeo, ha,l his I,,,,,, v,.,.,.
gashed last Tlmr-d-iv, by a mow-in-: scythe
r.illii.uMM-011 it. Ho m,' the wound sewed
lr'ssed shortly alter ho ro,vive.l
the injury: an oponuion which the v.nm
n..m I'lulu. u.l like a !,.to. We innhtimil
tin' fnt in h.'ilini'a,i,nv.
T.u: WE it,,,:,, sin,., ,ho lattor ,,, ,.r,..u,
''! has l.oon, in.-t shown, then vorv
i ii in - una lit tins him- u-e ,-..;. ...... t;
. - . i Lilllllr
J .iivuiiht concnnii- ,
tnnts or he "ra m- so'-U.W
Out S.tu-TATuv.-V0 rcpnhlish our .a-
1u.,t,.. .1.: I. ......
iiii ihtk in inn nono t i.t. t ...
tyn will ho more rondahlo than hmt
Owin" to the imiu'i-footion of somo nf n,.
lllllcliinol-v vi-lii.-l. it : :n... .
'J, " " w r. ..a III! J lOMrllll.. to I'l'lll-
b'. tlio workinanshi) of ourhist impor ivus
1 1
wry poor, unit iu tlio hurry and throng
r,f m... !,..: , i ', .
..... ..u I. ouiiini-iaciniseior reprint i uj it.
! The Qi kktion: "Can a man b e his own
: grandfather?" has heea decided in the of-
j iinnative by some of the 8 trans of this eti-
1 lightened ;;go.
,Iuif s A. JIaitmmi, a well known liter-
"r.v i-;i'";,,'"m" residing in l5rooklvn NV.
'''IS " mining tor several (lavs, and the
"l'!'osi,(,n' 1'iweil upon circuuistances of
11 sllsl'ii:iu character, is that he has coin-
""tted suiciile.
. -
C '1V?S an llocount a lj:tlk' Lot ween I
'" 0 Indian tribes, Chipowas iuhI Sioux, i
ivl.ii.l. tnr.l, ..1 ;.. .1.... ..::..:. .e.
1 " ' """OI
"men uie cinzens ol Muikopee were grati
lied (poctiitors.
i .ie numbeivd according t
IIJ.II'II'III. t'll lIlli'l llli.lIU TiKlil.l j.l !..!. n
, " ' v "l
llollM8 " llClc "'.V l"''1. ''"to '2W war-
I..: -ot.
non. J ill V 11. MY e. 1 111 till! wooils oi.i.n.
' murpny s l.imnng.Dolow Slinkopce,
"ring V edn.'sday iiight. The first inti. '
J ination the Sioux had of their presence
I was the killing of one of their number at
11,1 , . . 1
-1.1 hroak, who was h,hmg m si tmnoe. His
-maw intm.'.'i.ttelv '! 1 t . !,.. ir
1 whi-'li ar,' about a mile b. '.ow tin- t.i'.vn
Kiel gave the alarm, when the Sioux war
rii'i.s t i th
.... 1 .
I'lin.rr m inn; ui li!iv mi'i!
1 linif ,'I. M 1 n ... I ,.1 ........ !...! ... .1 ..I
b-"-. " " " n.-i 10 1110,
lerry imaer over ol the L-ushe, oil the ""'' """'"'"t'l to announce that Jac. a 1
k- -i-'----e,,;!:;:
cod between the hostile tribes, across the 'r',li1, '"''s. June P.
hvm. ,t;.i 1 . I I
... , , , ,,! , , ... .
1 Oil atU'lllil Ot the (IIStMlCO. I lie ' lull-
pew as leu Lark, iiowever,
and the Sioux j
in a oo iv cros-e-t over tin- orrv, and the'
. .., aim uie
battle a-'ain commenced lit I he timber u it li ,
. . 1 . . . 1 . , .. .
, murderous fero. ity, an.l lasted a'umt I
live hours
The warfare was conducted in re.'iilai' i
. , 1
Imiiaii stvl a running lieht lU.iomf the ,
. . . - '
trees, mel logs, and grans, interspersed ,
i.i'.i io.v lii.ii'i -o I-UUI1U enuilieiS Willi
toniiili.iwk and war club. When ;i Sioux
would fail ho was immediately carried to
WOUnl 1.1
the le.ii',
and taken across on tho ferry
. Several who were also severely woun
Were taken to tiio rear, as soon as
. .
me reeoverca a littio would ic'ain rush
. , , ...
into tho ol the liht. JneMoux
. , , , ....
art' said to have acted with the greatest
, , . , , , , , . I
uin ory during tun wnoio oaltle, charging :
upon hd lollo-.vuii; the enemy w.tli a
1 o J
perioct dosiieration. Whenever a Chipp-
. . .. .
way would fall his nead was immediately
. . , . , , '
out oil and earned to the rear. Four
. . , ,
ghastly heads were thus taken over tho
,-iv,.,. llnd exhibite.l with roat exultation
hy tho ,vl0 wppJ lmfy tie
(imo caiTving am,nunition (which it is
sukl WU funii!fiie(i hy citii,ons to thern fl,00
r..i i . ,1
ui ciiiiigej uim .-iiioui aging lueir will 1:01s.
Lltcr in t,JC j tomc LtU(IlcS8 boilil!S of
.. ....
ol tho Chippewaa were brought over, and
tho qunws ,1;ickcd Uu,ln to ani
r.. .11.. 1 .:...n .1.. .. 1 r
iiuiuiy iv,itiiii-u ii.u uii'iit ens ui iiioui
, b t , T, . , t Rit,kclli
wih)0.HP d it, t0 ,lftvc ,)C,n hni!oil v,ilh
m,Kiisl. exultation by tho Sioux,
' ; V 1 1 ' "
.oil, and the whole force retreated over the
ii.l.., :.. i, ,i;..,.;,. pt,,u r:.,.
At.out Id o clock, tliot hippewas drew
11 t c i , 1 t 1 1
leatng four of their warnors behind,
i inwiii, ono ui lion., i o i uie ueeoi inn ns
, , ,-
. on the scalp, is sui'iiosed to be a distin
, ifiIl0(, cllief. As (1 x rertllin ,
! . , -, -
ipoint on their trad they were carrying six, ,
i i , i . , , ,
ill. Knlilf. Bi'iinnntu .nv Arti iv.n
' '
I .,..,1 . . ... .-i.i 1.1.1
. . . , r . ,. . j
J v . ...v ..
.... - . ... .1
teiiiriioii io llioir encampment WltU great i
exultation over their vitorv. and counted '
I -'
their loss, when it wn fomwl Mini. l-n
wero killed, two pronounced bv nhvsi-l
.......a ,t-i.u,.rtt t.. I,.. r..l..ll., .1..I .. .1
- " -
ton others wounded more or loss, present-
ii i . , , , . . !
ing ft bloody of barbarism to the j
. . , , .
crowds oi cm.-en - wno lunt Hchll'le
th i". i oiir tn .mIj , .-re ,in., ii
H '"l", nti. I four f.-h iMly hoa.h ,.ro ,rtr.
iKJ'Iii'-. (.-! I. I lie ,liKr,.,
tlllllli-l of lo otli, .
l'uiio;Mh.' h.. l.attl , (l(. 1,,1, ,nl)k
lli' ll OVl'llm.k.'.l tin. I,ll, II...
" '""" mi'
liin-i viti, HMTiaio, : i,i .
'"i'lf I 'i'l to hi.v,' Imtm thr
' "i'"i:
'"-" -ll.l III IIIIVII M'tli t n il'
n.iti hin.r .1,,. C, ,1 . I .1
"""'.nil' tli- ,Kl,t. ami M...,lmf! to rnjov
tl,. niitiiial ,,,(., arl,. ,f ( (i,,, ( ians ,,,l.., i , . .
i" '". mi:. . .
.'in Ii oil, in i . r 1 1 1 of ii citi- ,.f
l.'hli.-tiaiiF, its chiiiclu'S, i'oiirt-hon-f.nii,
;. ,-. ... .
oisiimuoii.i ol loin rilllL'. IWIuiriiMl ,,.l
it' liutal Npoi taolos in rontni'it with en-
... . . 11 11
li;:ht. inn. -lit and its hlossins.
i masi.A'nmii
We are nu.hri,.o,l to ,,.,,,. ,... w
lJ- V 1V w.ihiI,. will he a nd"
tune lor llio I.eL'iit iitiiro. an t T,n o
-hSu. r.
We lire nntlio, iu'd to announce thut Koheiit .!
I '
Wam.ack. ofClenrliolil IinrotiL-h, will be a caiidi-
dnte lor Jti.t.ri..t A.t,,r,... ...I: . ... ..."
Wo nre ntithorirod to announce that I slum,
Tkst, of t'lenrliclil borough will ben caiulidiite
lor IMstriit Attorney, eulijett to lieiu. rulea.
We are nutlioi ized to announce thut John I,.
"l TTl.K. of clcnrlicld II, in,..,. I, u III 1... . .. ., .1 . .1 ...
for lli.'triut Attorney, nibject to Item, rulea,
tithorized to antionnce Ilint Sami ki.
rence township, will bo a caadi-
suiijfct to uem. rules,
Wo nro authorized to'aniiounee thnt Jacob V'ii,
iiki.m, of (Irahnin township, will bo a catididuto
for Shi'rifl", Biib:oct to Heinocnitio rules.
Wo aro nulhorijcd to annminco that (Jko. W.
Hiiori', of Woodward tp., will lie a Candida :o for
Sheriir, aubject to Ilcnincriitii- rule.
We ure nuthori.o 1 to nnnounco that Fhcii. (1.
Mii.i.kii, of li. ll tp. will bo a candidate for Sheriff
subject to Deinocnitic rule.
Wo aro Authorized to annount.o that M. II. I.t;.
j Til K it, of Ilriuly tp., will be a candidate I'or Slior
! iff, subject to tho Demucrutic rule.
I Wo tiro authorized to announce that Wm. Ii.
I Ouiikn, of Lawrenco tp., wij be acaudidute for
Sheriff lubject to Democratic rule.
1 -
'o nro nnthorizod to nun nunc that Jami'n
f!r' "'.'ii'f Jl'Vi.,y!.T..!r.'.':L f ca,,l't1"0 fr Sher-
l. J.Hf1.n,. ,r f.. " . V.3
date for .Sheriff, subieet to M,r 1""'""
t'OI'VTY CmtMIllllVPn
..u ...o ......uiir...i io nniioiince mal wii.i.i vm
Mr.imr.Li., of Lawrence lp., will be a candidate
for County Coinmisiioner. subiert to ti.n r..i..
' ... ...!....: i ...
Wo aro aulherized to announce that Vis, rnt
' ......... , , 1111110111ICO lllal l INcrnt
B. Holt, of llradlord tp., will bo candi.lnto for
('...nmisaioder, aubject to Dem. rule.
I We nr.- authorized tnnnnoutice tlmt Davio
D.u.r, of M.aris tp., wiU'be 11 cindidiite for Co.
' onitnisnnner, niliicct to Deuiorrul e ml,.
i,,,, 1,
" "'" Binliorizcd lo nnnounco that J mob
KlXTZ, of lirutlT towiuhil,. will be n,... I
'"r e"'""-v On'missioncr, subject to Dem. rules-.
m .1 . . .
V e are nuth.Tised to nnnounco thiit S.m.owon
II iMiaiscm.KV. of Hnenlur m-, ;n 1... .
l' mmla.incr inbjecl io
-.lira j..,.. nut-.
w.. ..... ...ii .
We are authorized to announce that AVm. Me.
r'K:.. iVv'a?n P- candidate
v ....... y ouiuii.-niuner, suniect to Uemocra n
rule. .
We are authorized ,oa,i,(n,,. n....
1-io..:man. ofl'iko tp., will ho a candidate for !
Comity Commissioner, subject tu Democratic !
"."mi -a i iniui;. ...... . ..i.iaiiiiii aiiom, -m) acres, rr. . . . ,,. ,
Wo are .u,il,r,., d to annonnco tl.o name ol' . ''Wlided by land.i of .1 . Snyder and others I , "T d?P"mcn f will
Is,.e W. dr,.,,,,,,, of Goshen towaship b' ,, execution and to be so l LXrZ COnVenM"
rt eendidnte fcrCounty Auditor, subject tu Demo-, ius the property of 1'hos. A. Mctihce & Co. ' june 2, co'lrt,;!
rca ho rules. I Also A certain piece of land contain-1 U. --ll-
We are !iulli( o annotiuco the naino nf1 .!... . ' . . ... . i i.'eitf'ii.'iiM t.vrn.i n-..:.....
T It cbnw nfr,.,
'': n','nwrLI
duluto for Cositty Aud
i n ci.n, ,.r t ... . . , ,, ,
.1. 11. fcltaw, ol Law rcneo towns nn i be aenn. i
. i-, ! i. .
Ludi.or, aubject to Wrat-
ic ruloa
--. ;
Bt t. i85s: i
liist 01 brantt Jurorg lor August 1. 1808-
r.cccnna. Jlcnrv Whiteside.
Buggs. Isaac Holhrock
l r .
Ilradv. Geo. Lllingi-t.
Uradford. John Woolridge, J. H. (ioarhurl
Clenrfiold. Simon 11. Knv.
Curwenseille, Josiah Kvans.
Decatur. James Parsons.
(irahulil. Joseph Thompson.
Jordan. Joseph McCully.
Lawrenco, Jl. Aughenbuiigh, A. Uee.l.
Morris, John II. Irwin.
I'tke. B, F. alo.
I'cnn. Joaeph Hpenoer.
Chest A. Curry, O. Wcstovor, W. Jackson.
Ilurnsido. Jackson Kobinaoii,
F'erguson. Luther llarrett, John P. lloyt.
I'nion. i'ltcr I.abordo, J. II. Hollopelcr,
vv ooawam. Austin (June.
1,181 01 Xravi8 Juror8 lor AUS. T. 1857.
.. . a"lula IU au6 10J-
LTT SSi,,, T. A. M.-dhe,
Bradford. i in. Albert, rranris t.rahiiui, jr.
i.raiy. oin ea.nsie, jeremian nriiier, reier
Zn"lr I'.' -'' c.rL J,n ''.'' Cn,VOr'
xiurnsi e. ..oraiiau, i.ngiing, o. .u cuny,
'KK- "enrge ii. Mnnei, i eteruenm.iru I
! iV 1? i , -i . M
M; . -I. -.W. .-orj. Tf-rn
iv..i... i.i,.
Ilpcalur. Join
K-"-n. It'
("vington. C.
Uirnrd. Alex
(;,t, riii.
I.OSII01I. i.i, IS
Iecatur. John b. liunk. Imiiio C rowel 1, John
I'arren 11'. Bell, John Henry. !
,. niKeiman.
: Murray, lex Irvis.
(innltAii. Kill. Irwin.
, , .. .. .
Urahnm. fhomas 11. rorceo, James E. Wat-,
, p,uel Hpitler.
yrdnn- Bobort Patterson Jr.
Jaruiaits. nm. nrnigens, iiugn meunnegal. :
jaiwrcnco. a. m. niniiu, .ac ng.ien.
.-lorria. sua-i rnioo.
lenn- WU"'M W11' ilolet 0wet"' Wi"lm '
a. rspeucer.
I'tke. Jamen B. Caldwell Jr., David Miller, I
si"on T,,TI'S05' "(,0.r,:.e. R""-
vionuwaru. conrad i.inicr.
,..., rv a, . , .
I ETAlLEKor toreign and Domeaho Menh. i
, ,ndize, Phawsvillc. Clearfield county, Ja.
...:o. ........ , . -., u t
c..w.i.r,, w,
PliPllfTi ftfllni.
I V it lite i-fiun-lty ti.r,f Von, :rM, ,,
m w
v a. . " ' "" ".'
.zr :nk. hn
. i iiinni in pit mh nn.
i. i i--,-".' ". . . i.nir'i.
Al-o A rlnui Hurt ..f lmi. i.ntiil n
r,l t,... ,'..i,tniiK ,',n ..,, h..,l,, l
fhri-llnn SlmlT, jr., iiml . Ah
.l,.n,,:,, rn,re.l. ml .v lK 1,,,,,
ni"1 A rcriiilli iiiii.i i.r n.l I...... l r I
r liimln
p 1 1. . n .,...r......
fi'i'i'il, tnkon in ,.,m ,
'"I I l lie iimiierlv ( Ueu. W 1 1.., L n
r'., , . . .
I AUn "f'nilantV iMrtf-l in n rerlciin trot
, of Iuli.I iti Itrndy In., enntainl II if fill an Pi. a mIiI. in
171'' ,l'n'!",: l"K '"K '"rn tli rem.
1 Ilpli.nitnnrii lnii.r... .i. .. . .
iol.1 na the irunTl)- ,r John i;ilii,K,.r,
AIko A rrrlnin t,,,ct f 1,, ,jU,(, j yiiie
, t... l.ocimii(; lit ii j.oiit, then nK n,a uf
..j...uii. ui i.u, w, i j a p'r. tu a tiii5t,
thoni'O nloiitf IiiihIb of .Imn... Cr,...!. v -il v
. S5 per. to a pout, theni'o ulon,; Imul of John I'or'-'
.tor, S 61) K lil percit.mi post, nnj thence
I. U,"n" 'S' 1'". to l.eKiu.
! hal' h 1. ,S . U"cr.?". climreJ
T . - u, uloro e.
To bo Mid u (lie .,opity f John Hop.
- JZZitfiis
Ainu A certniii trni'l of l,.n.l .i,,,t ; n
Itp., coii.nini,,. about aevoiitytivoafroa, boundod
'"'.i "! ' u!'' Kr Muur" '"' I Kt-
tlr0 lt "m-a cleared, will, . tn..,r
Inline house and a barn thereon. To bo told na
. svruu jii na
tho property of Caleb Moore, ot. al. adui'n of D.
Also A tertain tract of land situate in llrndv
tpla. conUiinu CD acres, bounded by lands of
( nchrnn and others, lyinjf on tho cast tide of
Sandy Creek with log l,oUio anil U,g barn, and
forty aerea cleared. To be na .1..
of William Dixon.
Also A coriuin tract o' landituate in llo(tRa
tp., containing one hundred arrea, lounded by
lunda of Htti'luncr, Jacob Smell and others, with
a plank houso, shop and ami II oTchnrd thereon.
To be aoid as tie property of Knoeli . Urny.
.i vciiaiu inicL ii iin.i mii.i.iIa ... m..;
.c i . .: . i --'"i",3i
. . ... i"o u-i.. n. Kiarnat,
...ctu . , ,. jieatos a. s c, 78) tier, to
, . U.A..,K .... 1(r use mm t.arn, &
l.l ncres c leitred lllcrcnn T.. 1.. ...I I . I..
... , "v ou.,1 ui iu pro
perty ol Anthony fctiekeckner.
Also A certain tract of land situated in Cov
ingtoit tp., beginning at a post, being the a. cor
ner of land sold to Mr. Uussell and on tho divia
ion lino between patents No, in at and 18H8 and
being part of said patent, theme . 223 per. to s
whif oak, w. 84 per. to a white oak grub, n. 446
por. to a small maple, e. HI per. to a post corner
of the laud sold to Wm. Fusiel, thenee a. 223 per.
to place of beginning, containing 12(1 acres and
122 per, more or less, with log house, log barn,
stable, blacksmith shop aud 71 acres or cleared
hind, and n store Ii.hik.i ' ,l-,.li; t,, ....... .....
offices in Mulfonbiiig. To be sold as tho nroi.or.
ly ot i.evi i.uli.
Also A certain tract of hind i!m,. ;n L'.
1 ,.' " 1 " .'u.iiiei sireot, ana ex-
tending back :t)U feet lo at alley, bounded on s.
I by .Market at., e. by lot No. I AO. n. bv an nllev,
. , and west by .., N. 134, Said lot boinir known
v 101 known
l" 1"' lu uc ulJ tlio property of James
! Hoileubaih.
I ,l r'P'' bU a .lut or ''ieo0 ' f ''""'"led by
...... .. iv,. 11,11 ino-Morv HOUSO Sllnnte.l in
1 , - ."' uuuuueu y
I ,u!d "A;lron, ,""-,; J"lln Kitchen and others,
I H?,n 1S fl'ct frunli 28 in depth, and cur-
j being is feet front, by 20 feet in depth, and cur'
tihiL'o ni.i.nrieii-ii.i T,. 1. .11 .
' of David K?tch n '" 1,rP0r,y
tp., containing one 100 acres, bounded aa followa !(,Vl"S llC,"T8. V McMaster
IlepinninK al a stone heap adjoining land of W. i ' o0rjCr vs Kelley
lleateii, theuce by laud of M. 4 J. Miller aoutli Urown vs McGhees
Id. west 1.H) per. lo post, tlionc by landa of M, '(Jeddea 4 Marsh vs ronnincton
Ptiuokecktier a. 88 e. 7M 1. 1 ll per. toa poat, tlienoo 1 McKee vs Hloom
bv lnnit ,.r ui.i.i. n 11 . inn n . " .1.. ....
Abu-A two-story sawmill, bei,,,' a frame "i6" bclon8 to 1110, and are in his pos
building 20 feet ! iidlh and SO f ' V 1 B,"'?n .?" lo,ln oa
suuaio 111 t,,., wh tho ..t or nieoe
. .
ground and curtilage appurtenant. To bo aohl as
the'v ..f win;, it .
.s0Il ,1,,.. ,...,:,, , :,. , , , , ',
bounded south by Wotzell Campbell,!
west by Nieklin I Irith'th's land nro tl. I.v !
ntnos ol lioyt iV Sabms, contailiinir alioutl
"llltl ll. tos IM ..1 1 .. :.l.
dwelling houses, storehouse blacksmitii
"""i-. s'l"" .nin, 111 11, onrn ami sta hie
thereon Also 11 nii-.-i ti 1.....I ;.. I 1.
l,l," - ,tV .w's.. V" ol land in bell tp.,
s 1011. L'l st 111 mill l .,.. 11
7, .1 A' . . ' -H" .' . . .n " a,,,
'ZTX ZZrl ''l
,. i.vL-i, ..minion, g
'2,; acres j ;i0 acres cleared, with saw mill !
, he inr lir.w, .l o, .,i.i .1 ' 1
"Vvclling hrtise and stable. Also, an nndi
vided fourth part (.f tract in nnmeof Ile,,-
I V M usse r. in l host, tnu-.w I. .. .n..n,b,.l l
lrimls of ( ieddes .t Marsh, Woods, Wilson, !
' 7 V" ' V ? '. Undivided ,
V 1 V ,. e",mrg' town-
' ': S 10IIS0 tlll'ron- Alto, I
n undivided half of a piece of land inliell i
'"r t " m i os, aooui -id acres cleared ;
. . . ..... . ' . : inaiwi,
' nun iiav ik a nouse .Ye. therenn orr.etn.l '
. 01
,,i. . , i
r v. v. 1 r ... : n:: 5 1
ino same lireini:-
from C. Kratzcr ,ler articles of Bl!ree-
. c .: 1 . . , . nj-i. c
111. 111. OC1.CU a
and taken into nv,.....t
inoil In I to bi.l. I no .1... ... . i .
; i'i' I'loiicriy oi tlonn
!,. . I . ....... 1'. I. 1. .... . .
i x.inv.r...i .v .iom-i.u iauerson, Ailnnniiv-1
i trators, of A. High dee'd ,
I ,, ...... I
i a '. . 'V CC1,!"" nvs-uago or piece or
i land si unto in Lawrence tp. about a mile from
: ( lonrfield on ho turnpike road loading to Lit-
, lliorsliiirp, containing six acres, tuoro or lesa with
: dwelling house, stable, wood houso, t c. thercen
erected adjoining land, of Lewis Cardon, Richard !
Shaw, Jacob Irwin and others, being tho same
premises occupied by Loonard Ogdon. To bo !
aold as the propeny of A. Leonard Ogdon.
Also all that certaiu messuage, tenement or
I Iratt of laml situalo in Brady tp., beginning at a 1
! Chestnut, theiiro by land of Jacob H'ilt ! isl
per. to a post, thence w. by land of Smith 68 .
" 1 """KO "ur,l '"" "a-per .oly-
ck 48 nor. to nlaeo of bL'ini,r. ,.,t ..,.;.
ova tin iii-r. in iiiiii'i; in limn nti t use s.mi naHik .
i iwki viiiL'i uiii ou iitiiiii'n irinrHiin. nnii -atimit in-a
acrM lim
70 to fold as tho property
11 nil in I urn i
0f Jeroniinh lilc
certain tract of land situate in Cheat
tp.( Clearfield, containing about 400 acre Slboun-!
ded ou by lands ofifhos. Hoods, Thomas Tozcr, I
Tucker and others, with three.
! l,f1, d 10 mm clcnrerl thereon. To bo sold i
,.. tho property of Luther Barret, ind D. Hood.
J. It. REED, Shoiifr.
ji- 90 &i
II, II. MORROW, Prop..
WTlin I... m.A... ,1.. 1....... .1 1.. ... i
"ti ... ..- iui.,ngu- u iu
?T good style, and furnished with ercry con-
venience necessary for the comrort or those who
may favor him rith a call. Hi. table will always
oe supplied with the very beat tbe market can
anora. ilia uak will also be sitpnlind with the
. ... ... . . ...
afford. Hia BAR will also be mppliod with the i
best quality or liquors. Ample stabling ia at-
tacbed to the premises. j
June an. ISiS
uesi quaniT 01 liiUo
lucJ l,?",.e.Premie
juuo ju. inae
. .
"iLi,Jr " """.7!."1"' 0ft!,V
II very best tu itT tor sa n br
iu. .-in ia-,
' '
1 uor. liUBlNfi.
fej"Jihtnkj for eale at Ill's Office.
r ' in rri nig Mi.i.t A Phoii
. '.h ".? u
Til '.. i 'i'."? . ''..'T' ,;,","'l 'nri.:u M,n-l, r(r, h.. 1-iiM (l.olr ,.rM.
uki niPi.inif'M, in ininv nnv .n. k. H..ur.
, ....., .., n,,i, ,,,, . !.,.
l .Kunrlmi.... ..r II... ...L ..... , "
U''Wl "ilf tiiniU .i i.Mit. mid of ni.iilontBl.l,.il lii'i.. .. ..i....!.. ... . '
I f VI.1 t 'I 1 1,1 1 l'..tMni..r. M..rr 1 t. ...yr
.. ,ai . .. .
'liltll ril..tMni.ra. l..rr... ! I.
null hI. tit cir KHii,.r( cnintiinilv en lnin.l.
I in. in,; fur Mlo, kit All w.nk
iug hut Imp rrimt..i tint to rip.
pnmiiiK .u limn nill iiml him i.t tliu lion ri.rtnrr.
i ........ 1...1 i. .. . i. ... a . ... i
ni..,k z:." iu.m.
, l i ' " '"'c " leh
iv,.,,..,, i ' ".--..o ...t., .mi
tu ctn .litre. Hull iu boy. ami ci'l new milr.
?- r."r. ""'"rlwd. "' f Hi"". tnd
iu great need of iL
t ,,. , l'KAXK S110KT.
Juuo 3D, 1!).',N. 3,,
1'. 8. The pattnerahip heretofore exlatlng be
Iwcen John MoCnl.e A (leorpo Nowon ia thii
""""" .v minimi eminent, ntid the htioki
Bi-ruiims, anil nil effecta,
ami .-ti ... -. . : :r. rr
of r. r'hort for m'ttU'tuent. The butineaa will be
ciirnod ou iu future by F. Short. Alua, poor Yo.
rk'k ! JOHN MrCAKK,
liKOItl'.li NKWSO.V,
-..v., ., iu um iwiii.i.
ttiillahcr vs. .Mahalley, ot. al.,
, T'."1
l"".'n n. .'1 UBUII,
Uraucker vh. Hartshorn
r'eltwell A wife vs, Mahttfley, ct.
Wilson's Kx'rs. vs. Same.
Sch noil's heirs vs Julian l!ease.
Cadhury and wile vs Adams, J'owel et al.
S. ','row ot nl vs John (Jverdorf
.. Abhesj vs (Jaldwoll
Jones ctal vs Uni ties ot al
Kiddie vs Swan
Mitchell vs Pennington
Pat ton use vs Kllis etal
Coal & I.uni. Co. vs Pennington
S:ihin vs Mcdhecs
Passiuore vs IJloom
. . . . . vs .Mcl iii- n
Michaels at orroll
Dealers in
"IVrilOLESALE aud Retail, at prices to suit
T "II- ran be found at their new Root Shoe
Store, No. 314 North Second at., a few doors be
low the Iilaek Ilorso Hotel, i'hila.
Yf-Wo trv to tilenafl anil ..11 ..l.A.r. V..tin.
to country merchants. Constantly on hand a
1 RAIN CHADI.ES. A fow of Fearer's celt
X brated (.rain Cradles for sale by'
. . .
1 y
"N ACTION -All nersorm are lierebv rauHnnod
! 1 V W., jLt:.. ..... r""?l I T
1 I , ,.,uf P? " "ereby cautioned
: against inoddling wiBi H yoke of oxen now
; ' th Pion of James Miles, of Brady tp. a.
July 8. AUAM .MILKS.
! T I? H t T AT" 1IfrVr?T
, , tN MiLh,
VknrficlJ Vouhtii, Pemnhania.
Tho sulnciiber bega leavo to inform his old
customers, and tli.. nnl.lin pnorullv !,... I..
' rcco""y ,ilken the above well known stand, and
.1 1 . j , 0
' hty'u adapted to tho age, 1
entire travcline cotnmunitv.
luai no 1111s entirely reuuoii uau roiurnisnetl 11 1U
a stylo adapted to tho are. and the want, of the
..... .
Wl11 lllw"y,ko provided with erery- luxury the
maneu aim su
market and surrounding country will afford.
will be supplied with the choicest wines and li
iilo HAULM,
which are tho best and most commodious on the
"""I wllllin a Attf travel, will always be in
-,lttrK of careful and attentive, hostlers. In
1 - iv ..oiiid itncre
fi k i .i... .t.. . t.
m """ "'"s "iiiii.' n"
been exainitted and passed by ino, and remain
Bled ol record in this offlce for the nsneetion of
w .y
way tnieresieu, ana win nepresetitea to me next
Orphan s Court of CIcnrfioM cutintr. to bo held
lat tho Court Houso in the boroueh of Clearfii-ld.
" .. ... .... "-si " ' ...... ...-i..
I'nn,n.,n.i.ii..n,li. it.!..! M .... .! . .- A 1 ' ft , T
: . -iv.,o..
1M8, for connrmntion and allowanco.
Th final account of Jane Clarke, adininistra-
lrix of the eslalo of William Clarko, late of Penn
tp., Clearfield Co., dee'd.
The final .ecount ot A. Nelson Young, A Elah
Johmten, Administrators of tho estate uf Samuel
Young, Into of Hell township,
July 22, I8J8. Reiriatir
- -
ITAHUH'ARK of evorydoscription for sale
LX at a moderate advauco t the store of
may 16. W.F.IRWIN.
Tron TJepot Ket)t -jy Merrell & Carter.
..7, , ,
''' SCond .Street, Chvrhcld, Pa.
TV. a... th. f.I.owin, .rtides
rn.ii nnii ni rami. 'mi nrmnt
nn ug uiiti a t irjutirnti ii iitun :
JUir Iran 0 all tizes hv the mull or by (he.
7'."...ty , V.-...I '..(ti. i to fy,f.T '.c.t ana vest
quality ; a larre assortment of kfoirs, among
which will be found the &.w World ( 'ook
Oak Premtum, Great Pi imblic, luck's Pat
rut, and the ehvnlrA V,',.i,'., A Un ,
Oak Premtum. Greal H,mddif. lluel't Vnl.
r;i, anoi the elevated Minnesota. Also, a I
large assortment qf nnu-platet and Parlor
Xlvvcs, and Air-tights oj' various Pattern I.
Aho, Plows of the best and Litest wtterm.
Also, of their own Manufacturing a large as-
.,rl..;.l nf T. .0.... X'k'i
..-,....,.. v, ..f.-Huf., . inn c l'lI'r, ."irc.-iroil
pnn of all sizes, and ull articles of the kind in
their line kept always on hand, ilmise. sjmi
ting done to order, and Tin llonfing, done with
despatch. Also, a large assortment of all
kinds of hanif-kccping vtensis ronstanti on
"?""; ,U7,U( 1 .'WiX.! .Y
invited to 'all, aa they can be accommodated j
t very low figu res with anything in our line.
All orders will be In.nkfnllT reeoired audi
j - i
-ruii.iij iiirngm li
O. B. MERRE.'.Ii.
I. It . .'AllTKII.
N. n.-Ther will also receive eyor, v.rie.v of
tides on comn.ia.ion, at low rales. M. A C. j
1 .lustirrs ani f'ontMes Hlsnks for sale
altltia tilhce.
Ml ' II K mnl It K S I l'0 41 i....i... t.. i..
i -t. Ih. d. or M
i i. .ti . .... i ' .
l. I
if (
. .. J ' v""'
, alnnx. . iinrl nr n.r .... i t..,...i... ..j
i . - v . ...iiii'Hi. in nn. inr
l'l..-n. t.. ..
('linrflilj ooiiniy, on th. i TlMItlt MOMMY o(
Aii(tnt rtnji, hoiiiK ii,,. 1 tit It ilnv of ih. ,, .ml,.
Niillir 1, tlii rrlurc, litrt lij cltcii,
To the Curonnr, .!iitii r uf the l'oa.'c, nj Connta.
I'lff. In nnd Tor ll.n bhI.I ,.r i
. r:r ,n ..,r ;w im uir
n'iir In tholr owp proper p.'rHnns, with illtir
., ii., iv..pora, iniiiilll..ii, Kxain nilinni, and
ntlmr ltpmemlirnn.... I,. H,. it, i.i m'l
' Ih-ir office., an.l in their behalf, pertain to h,. dou".
, - ' "I HIIU 1W l'I' 1IIIUF.
tad Jurori nnd Wlinnflnna t-....ti.,. i i.. n
. ..v .v.UVnivv W H lIU
and there att.-nding, aud not tu depart without
leave at th fir peril.
GIVEN under my hand at Cleordeld, thalTth
day of July, In th year of our Lord ono thou-
.,! .!..!. 1 . ...... ... . .
r. .r r v , w "
i .y iiinii 01 iiiiu'rieiid luilepetiilence.
J. U. KKEV, Pherilf.
catch Tin; nil
Stolen from the subscriber iu Decatur town.liip
on the night of July 2nd ISM iHrK0 by mure
about sovtn yearn old, baa large eura, is a very poor
travollorja very uiui h Jammed in her ahuuldwri
and niovca aide way iu going down hill. A libor.
al roward will be given for the delivery of the
mare or some re I in bio information of her where,
bouts. The thief also lock a horn aadd'e well worn
and a new riding bridle and niartingal
Deetirur township July IHth 1H6.
Al'TION. All persona aro hereby cautioned
against meddling with one yoke of okoh,
now in the piwaeiaimt of (ioorgo llnckenberry of
Woodward tp., as the taid oxou belong to mo
and are in hia possession on luun. aubjeol to my
order. T1I0S. HJiNDEKSOjV.
July II, ISiS.
0f8 REMKDY and RErlTOP.ATIVi:,for
i.'olda, Cough, Croup, 4o. Hold at Jo. Qoou'a
Bboo Shop, C'li'urfiold. ocU !I8, '57.
Attorney at Law and Laud Ayeut, offio
adjoining hia reaidunce, on Market atree
Clearfield. Warch3, 1H5J.
LIST OF I.ETTKKS remaining in the Poat
Oflice at ClearBold for the quarter ending
! Juuo 30, JS5S. . , , r
! Sl.......l uu., r r. T r- '
m...v. uunw, .,ii uvvpvr, IRU0.0 AUUpp, tfas.
; Coon, John R. Kimes, W'm. I,. Dickey, Samuel J.
u,.:.. ii lm t, it. j . .
Boditie, Henry HI cr, Henry Underglosh, Mri!
n.iciiui nutt iionnaon, nanioi Bones, Jaeob II,
Stino, Christian l'ottarfl U. I. Robius, IKilliam
Murphy, Roy. W. J. Murpny.
I'ersona calling for letters on the abort lilt
will aay they are advertised.
Juno 30, . V. D, WATSON P.M.
xoticF. 7
r ETTKRS of Aduiinistratioa on the astute of
ESio ip ce 02 aTiysia.
I) HEALY A CO., Manvfacturers of Buck:
, akin Ulovcs and Mitts, Ladies' and Gen
tlemen's GauntloLs, Sparring, Sword and Cricket
Jlores, UueksX-in Shirts and Drawers, Riding A
Shooting Leggings, Walking Gaitors, or Cloth
and Leather, Buckskin and India Rubber Sua-
penrlers, Waist Belts, Money Bolts and Purses,
Sleigh Robes, and Buffalo Skins or overy descrip
tion. r
N. B. Buckskins of all colors and qualities,
Euamelcd Cowhide, Importers or Chamois, Spon
ges, Ac.
Z-itTkt attention of the merchautr of Clear
field county is respectfully called to the abora
advertisement. 1'. Healy A Co. manufacture the
above goods themselves, and will receive in ex
change DEER SKINS, and allow the highest
cash prico for the same.
Sept. 2, 1857.-ly.
p7V .' BAR RETT,
PEACE, Luthersburg, Clearfield Co., Po
rpiIE undnraigned rospoetfully announces to
X tlio public thut be liua openod an eating
houso in the basement atnry or Morrow's (lato
Hemphill's) Hotel, where tu-iy be round every
luxury or the season, aucli as Ice Croinn, Sardines,
Pickled Oysters, Lemonad-, Ale. Lager Beer,
Cakes, Confec tionarics, Fruits. Nius. .tc, .4c.
He hopes by a strict attention to hia business to
merit, and receive, u shai o of public putrona"e.
Juno 30, 18 j3. 3in , ... e. ; J' . it f
THE nndersighed would rcspoctfitll inform the
citizens of Clenrtinlil ...ol .)... nri;. a..;...
that ho boa just stored in Vhilipibm-g, a very
largo ipiantity of grain, including - ,'i ; I 1
Rye, Oats, Wheat and Flour. Buck wV.
r-i i .
vorn aim iiartey.
which he will sell in ln-.. nr'a..ll I... .
moat rsosonnblo terms and at tho lowest prices.
Tbe attention of th n4d nnp'lini nin lliluir in iht
line is called to tho stock, believing it would b
to their advantage to give him a tall. Come
along then and be supplied by
t.. W. M.PI.hH.
Philipsburg, March 3, lh57.-tf. " ,
81g(.Vc'.Ve.) Juri.t
Tvjrtrm, Manufacturer! and dcahrt in La
dies, Ciritttemrn and VUdrtiis'
faxcy yens.
Wholesale and Retail ' '
JF. I CO., would oall the attention f Tci
. lerr, and the I'ublie generally to their Ira-
tnen.n nlrw-k t,f l .n... I..... . .. . . .1 . . . ,
men and Cnildreni their assortment,
vry variety and kind of'ury ' re, that will
U ! "orn auriu'' the "" "uoh ", '
t'H ftrpr. Half Capet, Quarter Cines,
Hcf-w iNM, Aw, Muji it- Muffi
tees, from the finest Hiusian Va-
ble, to the lowest price Ilmtestic Purs,
For Gentlemen the largest assortment 0f Ft'R
the direct importers of all our Furs und Manu
facturers of them under our own suparvisiun, a
feel satisfied we eon nAu, ...,.. :... ....
, - - ..IU... QIUVIIII W
derlers and the public generally than any ether
house, having an immense assortment to ic
from and at the manufacturers' prioe l(' ,
ask a tntt.
K.m is taT ... '
""""S immense assortment to select
- j - , ..... , . . ,,,
T Vf ANTED- To exchange good two-horse
pica. ure carriaco lor a horse one -welt
. . Pjur. c wriaR. f. a
"VTr S k T"' , b I"""'-
ror rurth.Sr irhculars aim v to
, 1 f . it , n .i
.'!; i., i"Jt. JUSbi-M IKWIN
I's-Jnb Trintlng mally executed horo.