f l)f f pul lic.m . llTi .tit. fpi X ; iCXj s-Vv' . fr , tVv S','' " 'X-' ' V " " f'., : ;v V . "' X (it L .' i '''V'-V'V'-'1 NVTi ' -JJ.V r;.'.W: . . y--. 1-1: K I" 1 1; i.i Aug. :,;-. Democratic State Ticket. H'KiK r nn: srrHKMr t'"t'LT. WIIIIAM A. KETH. y i mi mm i ni m . C'ANAI. i)MMS.iul-.l;, WESLEY FROST, or j v ! i n i o. l'liIMAKY KI.Ki'TInNS. Tho I'riiiiiii'y Elections for flit purpose I 111 M:ir t , I soloctiiij; c!iniiilat'' tor tho vario'i-- oli 'A to he ii lloi I n t tlii . lo' ti "ii in . -t.il.i-r xt, itill bo In I 1 l'V llio ino'li' known n ;iu Ciau I'i i i.l l.'ounty eyifrlii. on tooS'it. rilay i i i-i ilin;.' I ii.; A ii'ii -1 Toi'm o Vim. ill'? the 1 I'I lav ol' AiiL'iist low t. at ll'. tho Valium I'li'i'tion (!!.- il:i! liliitv: ' ' cts. Tin' I ctOVH jlllL'f ', ucsilay ul'tivnooii ol t'.nn I'.v ni-.hr f.f tho Ivr to iiiri't the ' i o-ratl.' ''oiuitv C. inmitti'i'. .1 AS. II. LA Ii IHMKH, II.MUV s ."nllN MAGA1IKV, Srv. SALITATOHY. Kut little more than a year has "olapso.. !nco tho undersigned became concerned ' i tho manii!.'iii''iit of this paper, yet with i i that brief period important events in f 'i.) liistorv of this state, of the entire I uion and tf the world at large, ' nnspired. The most important perhaps to ns and ' a largo portion of the world besides, was ; io sweeping monetary crisis whoso tur- dent, destructive and resistless waves vopt with startling velocity over nearly i i ; ontiro comm nm.'r.'ial world : leaving in its ick one univ .-ei-sul soene of financial ruin id distress. Of its conse juencos it is toCn,.nL- all linn. f..lt ,,.,,1 nnn. :nue to feel them. Even now, though ten ' i lot.ths have elajised since this tornado nssed over us, its eilecis are visibleevcry- .ero, and aro only beginning in a few ' ioc to d'sai peaf' When I, iaonnexitm with mv late a s-' :iate in our editorial enterprise under- ;k tho i-ul-'iij t'.bn of the "Clearfield '' 'ftiblic'in," our pro',po.;ta were (litter .j; to ii, hiuh degree. Business of all .'nds win brik and active; a season of unexampled prosperity prevailed from lie end of Vhe country to the other. But :!.is! the scene soon changed, and ero we i id boon two months in business, all hud com dirk and gloomy in tho extremo. '.io "hard times" cune and spared nono ! ho were not beyond their reach. Wei liifortunatelj were not. We felt their influence severely trom the beginning; md although our patrons did all that. xiuld reasonably have, been expected un- oer the circumstances ; it was not in the nature of things that they could entirely "munition was expended. .-medy tho conveniences which the' It is exceedingly unfortunate that our (agnation in business and the scarcity of illations with the Indians of Oregon and noney caused up. Consequently, we have ' Washington are assuming so hostile an at- sen laboring under circumstance of the : '- The peace and prosperity of those lost discouraging character ever since the itwl great fields of American enterprise 'mouev liani.-'' occurred; and it should ! wiin, ver)' n,'"'h interrupted thereby, '.ot create siirpr' je that this should have ' lu .ed many shortciimn-."; on our part in : 'io discharge of oar whole .Lily to our atr nu. We. tried to do our best with the ! :leuni at command, but wo did not sue- eed to our satisfaction and we took it for , granted, not to the futisfa'.lion, of the pat . ; (ins of the "Republican." Cnd.-r these consideration it was d.-t.-riniio ft 1 t0 :iiakesome c!ian;.ru at tho close (of our cur rent year, that would probably be for the benefit ot all arties concerned ; and II. P. Ward, Jr. tho late Junior Editor con eluded tu retire from that position. It was now necessary that some one should ass ii mo tho responsible .liilies of editor, mid I, in thobelicf that one year's : edited by E. L Watson Esq. experience had not been without its ad-; If. is devoted to the raising of a iutlicient vantages in inq roving my knowledge of, fund tocomp'.cl" tliepurehaseof the home them, have decided upon being that per-jof the Immortal Washington, for the pur son. 1 pose of making it tho property of the na- As regard i the future course of the pa- ti0, jt mjy soc.lu it singular enterprise jier as a political Journal, it is needless to, l0 0Mgr0s tho entire energies of a news say it will bo democratic as heretofore j ,,,,T vct iVC think it a good idea. No other could receive my apjirohatioii, or I . ., . T11 my services, lo its patrons I would say , . , . 1 however, that if making it a more regular i- 1 1 .i -i visitor to their firesides in future, than it 1 . . has been for somo time, will make it a more welcome one, I shall strive hard to' earn for it that consideration. J But 1 intend by deeds and not by words' to prove my entire Miieerity and earnest-; rnss iu endeavoring to perform my duty to tho best of my feeble abilities, in mak iug tho "Clearfied Republican" what its patrons desire, a good family paper. Into their hands 1 give its futuro reputation, feeling that they will deal justly by it, and generously by its Editor. Ja. If. Lakhixfr. THE TICKETS. " The tickets for the primary elections have been printed and s. nt by mail and otherwise to the dim rent townships, in aufneient quantities to supply all the vo ters. Wo Lope the eouimilees in thair esicctive districts will seo that they are not lost er suppressed, and on tho mom ma of the election, have them placed whcrUhcy will be ac. essiblo lo t!ij friends v f the cmidid.ttes ic-pe. lively, I III! NI.H.. .i"i had I n irpii-friiT'l i Hienuin l'l'in li lli' t Wimbi "nil cm the hlpi.f.t, l. Kcnni'dr l'.' w li'ibni fhiiliff I i nmli" i attempt I t Iny edit to lhe Ti" Vt ltinlu"it look- inu vIiim I, 11 ii I purports to In' mi liid.'pcti 1- i in t .,ihe I I"' p-n rut ii n i'l if I'u i'(i i' Is (jiiii I .- - '-" v-i!" 'lliv" granted pel mi.v ion to rdill II home, In'' r inl'llirfi'iii i' fi'i'in llah Maf's Unit oiii liiu i' nil ntui ii'- r to lln-ir I ho no",- 'I'd i ilm i.il nflici r I lllll I' I II MlllV III 'Mill'' I. Ill III II IO i'Oi'l'Oll- 1 I II lT to llii' i1ii !i;m '" of ttii'if re-pi'divc ' 1'righ.im Voim;: ''Vo--i"i lli willl.l,'- ' Iii'.-h to ini'li'.'ii a trial for hiv'h tii'fi-on provided I In1 jnrv I olll" .f M I'l- i- M-ht-i .1. i'.al .-.!. t of ' ' ""I " ii- llans, at ..if I' ol ' !. .--! I t . has l.'lt. .1 ( ii'o 1 v ll. t-L-'i H .nn I W'joh . ,1 lo llio iaviii .- ol tho hoi th'' ( 'iniiiuiiira lions halo i Mvi'i'-i I'lo ca-loi u part i'i' !! mi 1 til" ro.ist, ami the .oil 1 th.-- T-r.-it" i-. h 1 1 I.l". a-!--.. A fir.' oivuieil at N.-w (rh'all.s ol) last Tiini'siliy a-uo.'k. I.-.-s :?;tO,iHMl. A tiro also ot-.-iii-r.-il :'.! . -1 Islivny N. V. hj which -"V. ii 1'itil.liiurs uoi'o ili'troyeil. Tin' M'cr.-tai-y of tho Navy lias li-rii l.v. 1 a-.'ainsl i.iakiiiL' I 'orl I.iml Uih Wiidtorii t. rniinus .'!' tins t 'ollins lino, ;u had Iu'l'ii ro.jil'.'stcil hy the ( N.-iv Cotton h.i nnpaii . boon received nt New 1 li-an- froni Trxus 'J'ho rojiort ol' th. ! of trade for I board I'hil-id. Iphi.i sa, that the supply of men i ey coiilni'i.--. to lru'iva while the luand lo-- it is iliiiiinishiiitr : and that the London and I'aris markets denote vc-ci-ely the same state of things. Tie markets arc in general rather liare of produce, and the prices are without change. Jn l'liihidelphia Hour rates at from SI. :) to S.'i.Tii). Wheat is ouoted al , Sl,10 to r?l,.; Corn '.tdcls. and Hyo "llrts. i'J'ho cattle market is (juito brisk, and the supply large for thu season. THE HATTLK OF SPOKANK lilVKH.j On our outside pago will be found an i interesting letter, which werojiy from the lMl ('fullt 1'1'011- 0Ilt of the ollicers of, s of i (' - teptoe's comm:uid, describing their er! ga fnu nt vi ith a large body of Indians nt Spokane river on the 17th of Mav last. " .''OAanC HVer Oil Ul ll tho letter of Lieut. Oregg. it will be scon tllllt Co1- 'eptoes force did not a- mol,nt to pvel" 150 mo"' wllil 1,10 enemy '.umbered loOfi hundred warriors, eight hundred of whom were armed with rifles. From the ''eription given, it must have I ecu one of the most desperate Indian bat tles on record. Tho red men, says the writer, "fought like white men, and prov ed themselves far superior skirmishers ;" whilo the loss of many of their warriors made them furious as demons. ; From the evidently truthful statement of this letter, no blame can attach to Col. Steptoe for want of vigilance or military skill. He was not even drawn into an ambuscade, but was attacked by a body of I treacherous Indians whom ho expected to I meet and treat as friends. Tho bearing of the troops seems to have been bravo in the extremes ; for one whole day they held ) at bay a force of ten times their number, 'ami only decided to retreat when their llll( "'any lives sacrificed before those i.n-1 llltol'eiI children of the forest can bo sub- or paV'tlcd. And this is not all ; J every war in which they are engaged will j "'ard their final extinguishment, i "ml ,'1'u llllln.v y"'-" t,l! "lost remarkable of all the races of men who ever inhabited l 1 tlio eartli, will live only in the history of 'the country and in its traditionary ro mance. NOTICES OF THE FKESS. Moixt VtuNON Ittconii. The first num ber of which we received a week or two since, is the title of a neat little quorto sheet is.-ued monthly in Philadelphia by the Mount Vernon ladies association and Tin; purchiue of the sacred spot which . OMC.0 constituted tho home of that great , fc ami good man, where his wise reflections- . . almost d vino in tho purity wero iudulg- 1 ' ' " ,. I...,. I,;., ,1. r,... it ir. tl.:. ,.uo i., j.iiui, iui me neirnie ui ins beloved country sublime in their grandeur and patriotism vvero .nature-l, to W forev- 1 , , er the actual inheritance of the millions j not yet born, who will hereafter cniov tlio biasings procured l.y Ins wisdom and .. . , . , solf-sn.uificmg devotion , and consecrated a life so pure and simple yet so dignified, so devoid of all selfishness and lust of power or wealth, is one of tho noblest ideas of this enlightened ace. And wo I sincerely hope it may be consumated. getting up a private party on her own in The object of tho Record is to furnish j dividual resources. A late number of the statistical information from timo to time ) Louisville Demociat says : of the condition und progress of the labors, "Sho is the embodiment of all that is of the association which is composed al- extraordinary and strange, having two most exclusively of ladies, and to procure finely formed heads, very intelligent, und contiibutions. We think a rospoctablo , of a most lively and amiable disposition, contribution could be raised in our county Sho sings prettily, and with both mouths, for the purpose, if ti e eflort were made, talks and walks well, and always interests Will not some of our patriotic ladies un- dertake to do it ? Tub Tri k Fpkss We neglected to no- , tire at the proper time, that tho Fitthbuig rut Journal. We tnmt Unit it ma) not prove n guerilla in tin- end, as the largo majority of thill class of paper do. Tin: A m. me am Ahhk ri.TtiiK.tr ronies to ii this month in Kiil-IUIi, tho bed one I.ii'iit. Til'.on of the Thir-I Artillery, was in c.-rui.uii. It is liniid-i.inelv i iiH'i l-,nnd Captain Uibbs, of the MouiiU-l Hillin, liiln il, iiinl contains a variety of interest- iieminpanii'd the party, in;.' iiml eiitci-tuining matter. Th Hit- Tin st'-aiii.-r Mink has just returned mini edition for this month is niuiilly n from Fort ltandidl, having landed the lo oiiti rlainiiiL'. Tin- Editor ban mloi.to.l tachmciit of tho Second Infantry. Thorn the plan of varying thn sameness of n .loiinml tilled untiii ly with mtieli'M devo- Wamiim.ton, .Inly .'!!. Ir. Forney, the ted lo thooneMihieet' hy introducin.' into ' Superintendent of Indian A flairs in I'tuh, ii," i-oliiiii.s ot the "Arieiiltni-ist" some informs the Interior I'epaitinent that lif-hi-'lily interesting literary in'odiietions. teen eliildi en belonniii); to tho train of em- Hi.- i'niM-nis N"is Letter for July has jM..,ts nnirdered ut Sweet Water have 'eeii r ived and in its f-eneral ii.ponr-i I,,.,.,, i,md, thn whites hiivic ell'eeted an. " is very neat. We are filad to the an-' t.ir ransom from the Indians, iiouneeiiunt in its eoluinns that it is per- yM.y ; jllno foul. (K'rmans wero nmr maio'iitly estahlished, and will hereafter tl,.mi oifjlity miles from Salt Lake City, it 1.. i,.-ue,l regularly every month. It i 1 is supposed hy tho Indians, who it was re devoted to the interests of the craft, und tported were 'creating dinicultie.s on tho '.ill he a valuable periodical to practical '.southern route to California. Dr. Forney printers, ; intends isiting the Indians with a view to Kreiii'-i nni ritK Million- is the title of j th' ir pacification. a new work bv Mrs. Sarah J. llaleiust is-1 ,. ., . ,,,', , , r iianck. J ho Mmutfur annouiicea tliat mi.-.I bv 1 . H. reterson iV llio. at ol Hi Chest-', . . . r, . . . -,. i the Imperial Oovornmcnt, in concert Willi nut street. It contains over lour thous- , . ... ... . ,r . . ... . , that of Her r.rittanic Maesty, will take ana nve iiuiHireu receipis, nicis, iiirec tioiis Sm. in idl the useful and ornamental arts both general and domestic, and is in ii,,.t a complete family directorv, and de-j,ollsl.ll(,ld gui'le. ' Price one dollar and per ropy. Address l'e- twenty-live cents tursons as above. WITIIDH AWAL. have been directed by Mr "U'e aust .1. A. of Lumber cilv to withdraw his mime iroin the list of c undulates tor slier- ill" at the coming prim ary election, as he does not wish to be considered a competi- for the nomination. Voters will please make a note of this. A Steamer on the Erie Canal. A steamboat has been placed on this great I pub public, work to test the feasibility of using 'steam in Canal navigation. Her perform ance astonished and gratified every orie Tho IJochcster Jkmneml and American says : "Yesterday (Tuesday) morning early, her engine was fired up, and she passed on her way eastward. Ho'1 performance in tho enlarged canal was such as to grati fy every one who had been looking for the advent of somo craft of this kind, to settle forever the question of rivalry be- tweeu the iron road and the water-course. The Ma. h is about, the size of u la,.,.., K ....1 1 i.. en: i... i..i. .1 J o c which she passes, and carries i,-t"u uarre s . i..... i of flour. She is moved by a screw propel-; Ier.sunk at thestern. Going at the rateofl four or live miles per hour (about the speed of tho old! passenger packets,) no swell is caused that can do anv ininrv to lire eanul banks; even when starting no more dis-;lli" i,.i,..,w ;.,....,.., i ;., .1 .i... , .in w.iiiv. 1J I, lul l tiltWf IU1 usual when one of the fast packets had east loose, and her three horses had given the first motion to those once much ad mired vessels. The captain of the Much regards this trip as an experiment, and is quite reserved as to any opinion the wu-: duct of his steamer may have given him. j As to fuel, about one ton and a-half per diem, in a trip of say ninety miles, this is I our (own estimate,) is burned about five: dollars a day for fuel. The question of e iconomy is an important one, and will be effectually solved in the trip round." This is indeed an important experiment, The. necessity to complete with railroads, is to be able to run steamers which shall materially iiicrcasu speed of travel with- out injuring tho bank of the canal. Tho great contest between tiiese two classes of transportation depends upon the success of this experiment. A Wn.t. Mixkd llii !. There is no v in Rochester, New York, a man aged one hundred and six vears.whose ancestry, to- pother with his own progeny, will oxhib- j i nri.... . -r 1 v . ..iw ii.ui;v-i, niiAiiiinui races ever heard of. His name is John Shima- i ln..l, 1 ci..:.. .,M., 1 . I noun ' 1.1 icn, aim no was D0111 in l.oston. ; in 17o-'. Ilis father wits an Irishman, and ' his mother an Indian of tho Oneida tribe. When twelve years old ho was sent to France, and there educated as a physician He then returned to America and served in the Revolutionary war, afterwards ho Wert Imck to Fiance, and there married r the (hllli'llter of ib.l l ammem. r.P f i 1. , i. 1 ..: .1 i 1 -i 1 . ' 1 . " "i.i ii.i'i i-iui, i.-ineireii: w uu net ,,,.,, in 4, r.. , K. , ' , ne lived in tl e I nited Mates tor somo , . r, t, ,. . " , time, wliero sue cued. Jle then married , , , , "mlr'ul an Alliericnn woniiin. (h'seen.loil fei-,1.1 (1m ' "v- n- ,,,,,: , .,... 1 11. V "V ' ff IT i" "T ' I 7 f' K yng- or than himself, and bvwho'a he had f ,,,,;. , . , ,- , ., , .4 . four clnldren. In his children nre imilc.l .. I the blood of (be (',. lis tl,n Tnufm,.. i... .-..:.. ,.i .i. v...i. . .... , ',. WIII1V.UII, nun me .oi in .iiucrican intiian, Two-iieauku Gun.. They havo a two. headed girl in Louisville, Ky. From tho description given by the papers of that city, she must he a votim: ladv cannbln of her visitors to a great degree. Thero is ;no chance of a doubt but that she is the greatest curiosity ever witnessed, Hnd should be seen hy evervbodv." Telegraphic Nevri. i 'It t hi i .tut.- 1'dp t.Kiiti'iinnrlli t.-.ntri lut.vi ihr cmIi, roii'ivi'.i ..t r.S. I'.xj.tTM to lVK)ni'vill.. r.T.'iv.'.i thl, tnot iiintr, ntnti'ti tlntln irrt icn tf I.in t . lvcn rxpi ilition, for tho xplotutioii iitnl Mirvry of tin I 'oloiado rivrr, ha rt iirm-il to I.rnv eiiwnrth from California, via New Mexico. was no news at that post. m.-iLsuics to exact reparation for tho enor mities committed at Jcddah. I thus been decided that during the absence of the Km; eror, the Cabinot Councils uhall be held under the Presidency of I'rinco Jer ome. Si'ain The ''iH.i'.t corrspondent says: Our Paris letters Htate that M. Turgot, the French Ambassador, will return to his post hcrcKtrongcrthan ever, notwithstaiid- i mg nurigues oi persona in nign jiiacos, as tho "jiatron" tho Emperor is very well "atisfied with him and the turn affairs are taking in Spain. I Aistiiia. The Ilcrithl siw Austria iccu- i pics herself entirely with amelioration and j extension of her miltary marine in the Ad- i missioned to take measures to augment the ' number of great vessels belonging to Alts, tria. The Times' corresponden says, with j ill the last few days, 0000 Christian Bosni an peasants had sought refimein the Aus trian territory, in consequence of the ex - cesses committed by tho Turkish soldiers- The Cologne Ca;eltc announces tho death of I'rinco Anatole Demidoffat Baden. Ituv-- T' correspondent says Count 1,,llil Miir,nora wM "n'ueiliutely on Count do favour' return to Turin, which is ex - ....1 i i r.i ...i. - . . i i. iiei icu inu eiiii oi me uiouiii. itrocet'ii io1 . . . i- ... . . i . . . c ... i isaruuiia :oi iiie Durnose oi msiieciinc me " coast fortifications. Shit.kiii.imi. The lhndl says, the , Council of the States have adopted the do-1 cision of tho National Council, to the ef-! feet that the Federal Council ought not ag-! to ,,'l,d ,n0M0' ,Vom the d01 to railway y companies. Ti'kkkv. The Munifcur contains owing telegram from Constantinoplo : Kelilal Kll'endihas rccieved thesuhmission of the insurgents, and an order has been font to him to withdraw the troops. The electric wire for tho the telegraph from Constantinople to Bassora has arrived in two English ships. The HerM says: The Kussians liavo recicved a very severe check in Daghestan and Loghestati. Oi it roi.tTicAi. I'RosrF.t ts. As a means of helping along their own desperate cause, the opposition arestriving to create an im pression that tho Democratic nnrtv is i.oiiu. to beri,.rl.i.i ,.i ti,r.,;i,,r..i..f..-Ji " v do not think they will succeed in dampen- ing the ardor of any members of our party by such talk as this. It is a very common thing for the opposition to predict our de- feat, but it is not quite so common for them to defeat us. If wo had believed them in WC, wo would have abandon od the field without a contest. According to j them the whole country was vising against ; the Democracy. liut at the polls told a dif- 1: -1 icieiii, nor-, j no J'cmocrauc parly was .ustained. whilst, our boasting ,.(lt-t.i-ui.;n , 1 1 .1 , , , f . . met a relmkc that hroko their ort-ani.-a- tio.i, ands sent them begging for anewpartv . new . IhiTOls nothing in thesiuns of the times 1 . to llldicato disaster to tho Democratic. unrJ -1 ty; and we warn our friends against being imnn.iul nnnn l,i, n, l r.i. n.,o. U' ,. i .... ,. v.nllo,.s,uvr, miii ,vo have but to put forth our arm to lay hold . . ... : . oi iciory. uur orgamzrtion is unbroken and unimpairedjthopeoiilereiiosetheiran - cient faith in tho purity and justice of our long-tried principles, and everything points 1. .. , . ' i o ourtrmmpnaia success on the second I Tuesday inOtWr.l I ,S,V('.I ! ,r . , ' TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE i -...j. vwimuua., J he J'emocraticCoiint V Commit ten huvc mmoii.f.wl tlir. fll.; .....e .......v. I'. iruuj ! n8 Township Committoes, for their respec. live townships to attend to holding tho j primary elections, circulating tickets for the general election and all other duties usually performed by like committees. 7icOTra.-Vm. R. Dickinson, J. W. Lull, Sand. Shoff, J. Bumgardner. rell. It. Mohaffy, J. W. .Campbul!, T. (Wall, of Brady townahip, in the county ef Clear A. MrGhce. f",1'1' r? ' " l,,e ",mo Mongi to me, and were Jinaqs ,4 Andrew Cross, James M. Shaw. uui. -iiiiau i-iu.-iH, j 'aviu r icgni. Jiradr'ord. W. K Wrigley, Edward Wil hams 0. Boworsox Daniel Stewart. Terpo, David Heberling, J. F. MI holland Andrew Pentz, Jr J. Miles Armaeo,t. J -vsiTII-IIJ, UUIIUB A. jturur, James Savage, JcHin Young,, i.iofpn ii. urttn, Lnward Kin ' W-Ianl. (i .tmmi. Tl.omm (larilrjr, ( lilhr-tt f. Tofi-r. I'tr,,! ,-.-win. I'mii-r v., J no. W. KhiijtnM, It. W. Turk, It. Wilghy. (liri.,,;,i,i,K.t'uii'lrli't .'ohn Utril,! .Inn. ( miry Srn. fimm.nilr l.r. .tmn Thomson, Win. i , i wwii'icr", uiii-oii jii(.-i-i , nr..h. MeChineii iq.. b. c. Iliiwinnn, Stephen Tent, Win. Iluj:Iii Sen. For. X. M. llrockwnv, It. L. I'aVCIl- port. r,.M...-F. Corte. Hell, IaviJ if. lovt, Wm. McC I'Rcken. U,rurd. .1. Hi?", Aliruluini Ky ..... ti i.i i i i. n-i...... icr, j'liinei iviisu (jushen. Col. A. II. Shaw, John Flgnl, (ieorge Morrion (,roltm. I.rvi llui.Ier, tlarn laie, m. V. French, Wm. Johnston. . 1 Tlevniwrl-'sN Hiram Wool l,n. 1 . JlevenerLsip.Mimm ooi ward, .Samuel ( 'onawny. Jordan .Mai. D. W. Wise, Ferdinand , , T ' , T1 . Schoening, Jas. L. Curry, James I utter- son Jr. r- it, ,i: Aarf W-Lorcnto Ilnrtl.ne. George lfeckendorn, James Gunsaullis, J. C. ... i i , ,, ( it McClaskv. A'i(i.r. Lewis Krhard, Isaac Iinilap, Conard Haker, Jno. Witherow. Laurence. M. Nichols Jr., S. II. ShaiT ner, Andrew Addleman, Mathew Ogden, Jordan lieed, John Daugherty. Murri. Ivol.ert Daugherty, Jas. Thomp son, Frederick Nebel, Abm. KylerSen. Venn. Patrick Dalv, Ela Johntiton, Amos W. Hilc. ii-. i t i t nil ii r n ,,-.. I) f: lliile lsnnc I iililwnll I. I - - - - i -- i i ii u 1 ltssilloi-i, ii iinuil iiuoiei. iw . . j, (Vm.-p. ii. nooz, David Wcity, jno.'lnhaliiig V npors, iMedical Porter, John Hare. Woodward. Win. II. Alexander, John Jordan, S. Henderson, Parley Mnhew. Should any of the members of the above committees not reside in the township for which they have been appointed they will confer a favor upon the county com mittee bv informing their secretary at an jparlv date. By order of the committee. JAS. H. LAKHIMEK, Ch'n. John Ma'iaiify, Sec. WITHDRAWAL. We have been ordered to withdraw ! t!,e nameof BEXJAM1X D. HALL, from among tho list of Sheriff Candidates, and authorised by himself to say that lie is not a candidate for the nomination for ; mt offi(.e t , Vtmprx Election. j . . . . . ' ; JI A1IRI ED.-On Sunday evening Aug. l..t 1... T....i. !.... m. it.. - '' y .""i i'ii n-u-i r.so., .uk. i. w. 1 itti K tn Miss Kiirv l.ivn n II r. t nv- -- .... .. .... w rensvillo. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. II. C. BKOCKKN, 24 ii.ur stki:i:t, m-.v-yokk, m am t AiTmr.H or Cilass Syringes, Ilonicrpn- line vials, (iHADl'AT ED MKAsntF-S NTKSING BfiTTLES, ETC. tilui"! Waro fur Chcmirti, Dnifrciali, Pcrfumert, 'hotogra)hcri, elc. Green Glass Ware by tlic Pack ngc. A Liberal Discount made to tho Trade. Order fro:n Country Druggists and Dea lers aoliritcd. St-O Price I.itla aent on application. August 1, 18j8. 3m. FAIIMKHS AITEN TION! i The best Article in the The best Article in the World for ! rxrrrin a m ! V WJ4. i j Is LcilliUl's Superior PllOS- i 1 , CI' j UU0 OI JIIUC, ' At $10 per ton, or 2 cts. a lb., by the barrel. ! A Hill VFCll and HeCOimiiendcd for TIIK WHEAT AND CHAIN CHOPS BY Professor CIIAS. T. JACKKON, ( '.. m,,( f lhe United Slate, Latent O'icc. 1 n-...t;.,.. n - I " ,"""'"i . ! repay the eutlay 50 to 100 per .cent., aud will not burn the teed by coniinc io .-nninn , n.o Ht... 'A' 'Via 't 'ill iij j 1 ii iv if 1 1 1. c. ft .- . !"' 1 - A. LhlNAlJ. 1 TODriCtOr. V o, ... ... v t,. ' ..-'"i" r ji' nrrect, I l'hiladctphia City, Pa., Or ofmv A ceil I s 1 1 1 roil i.lmn 1 1, n n i .... jrAsALVSi, canbeaeen.tmv flffl... -fr.cA .;, tC"A'X- 1 prompt attention. I . , .. ..... . & imerai Qiscount to Storekeepers Who ' ,uy to sell arain. I'aniphlet. can be bad at my Office. 0. A. L. aiiR. 4, 1858. 3m. NO TICE. 1 Whereas my wife Kliiubeth O. Marshall baa ; left my bod and board without juat cause or provieation I therefore caution all nrrnnni fn.m tnisliu u er on my acoount, ae I will not pay anv ulu" ol "cr eon.raeiingirnm ana attr this date HSNKY MARSHALL. Brady tp. -ug. 2 ISSs. NOTICE. All Persons arc hereby Notified NOT TO PURCHASE, Or In any wsy meddle with, a Team of Horaei. and Harnnaa. nnw In Ilia Mi.aa.i -r i ICIt WHO ' -hen called on! " " ' nm im ' n 1 . . . n ....... I ... , utJ , witainn Ail. i -11 KF$32y00 IN ONE DAT 52,00 u . . .a.. ' Wer4 fc " T I Send hMfafanliiZl P'"n"- L. BROWN, Lowell, Mass JhrfK'on. tablc't Hanks for tale here. A CAM) rotn Dr. Jftmrs M. Jnrrdt, of T 11 K NEW YnllK M-Nl lUMftMAdY. My fihnpttlun fi.t the tl fl-kt tn ' Dm nbnir IntlltMllim, I'hlif l'h-l-ln, ,i ' . ... ...... .... . t ....j. j . 1WPI1V r"l i:imivii 111 titHnj SPTVlinri Ikt Ct'KF.oK t I 1 t 1 1 u I niotifi ry tonsmnption, nj u Mn.lrJ dlumtui, t.-jctli r with mj, rlmlli-d np.rtunttlr nj dmnlnt'tt of n-. .i(,'icul rrM'rcli nl'l.jj nut ft lilil y rfwt yxU'in of j MEDICAL INHALATION, linn vnnl'loil inn tu nrriro tit n dooM'no. Jir '"1 m,,oiifiil rourm of tnuliunt f..r tht poit. tiv. find mill, ni curu of all diii'pt uf tlie THROAT, I.UN03 AND AIR-l'A-ISiGES. liy iiihulation tli curHtiva prm.ertiei of nitdl. .ii .i.ii j.. .i . . . . cinoi nrc uirurujr uuurvf ncil III uio nmfailtil m. ' an anj ,1B iuiptimout, I do not tdv-j., ,(,, ' "f Medii-nl Inlmlotion ol uny kia l, toll,,,, ;cl"'io of OEMUltAl. tkkatmkjii and nlthough I con9,,,er u a UfPf,.l ndjuvm.l jn.ll.o propori,,. nomont of those fenrf.il and utiia fuUl diiun V 1 "" U vory nm'Wiary that enoh pati, ' hoi:ld liaio tUo lienelTt ol both UT.ftmL mi U. ca tr..-vlinoiit. The iiifcon of my tromm8mt, th "''"ve Uiseiuef, od tho bih chrctr f Inntitulion over which I have io lunir hd j lhe hoBOf o pri,t Bre (oo kiiown 'any eulogy or comment from me. At lhe ioud). iiuuon oi many private ana prolnmoiml rriendi, tuiuuu nuu.a .uii.iiuiirojjiu Km in UDOTe Cllif. ity liaa ben lonir and liberullr niDnorUid. and i. ter due ciiniidemtion, I have concluded toiaaki mioh arrniigiiiuontt ua wi;i briuK the benttu my experience and treatment within the react at all, and not conliuu inyaolf an huretofort, U those only who ontered the Iiitirmury, or wht were able to visit inu ut my ofSoe. Uopinj, tli.iri.furo, that the arnmnoment will give eotiri satiHfiictiun, both to inr profenaioual brethm ;und the public, I would respectfully anuouneaig i : conclusion, that an now bt contulttd ptrxnni. ly or by Utter, on all diaeaaea aa above.and that Ih, n... v p. un-u iu mt jiipiimuu. ' i ... am jn i-)nro.i io ami eac-a luaiviuuai cane, J INHALERS, Ac. d-c,f wilt b forwarded hj eipmi to u; T i; 11 MS; My terms of treatment by letter are t follows vi. : -$12 ier month for each j tient, winch will include medicine auffi, cient for one month's use ; also inhaling vapor, and an Inhaling Apparatus Pv ment as follows: $G to Lo paid to Kxprwi Agent on the receipt of tho box of Mcdi cine, mid the palancc?0 at the expiration of tho month, if tho batient be cured or ii entirely satisfied with the treatment. Pi tieiits, by giving a full hitory of their ease, and their symptoms in full, can U itreated as well by letter an by persona 'miination. Patiemts availing thcniavlvM iof 1,r- J"'-ietfs tieatmont may rely on im mediate and permanent rflief,.-w ho seldom "has to treat a case over thirty days. Let ters for advice promptly answered. For further particulars address JAMES M. JA It II KIT. M. I). .V.i. 8:111 Hroadway, cef. Tvelfth .V. Y. I . .Y I'hvMciniia and thera viaititie tki eitj are rerpectiuliy invited lo call at the Inftrmarr, where many infi-rctting catra can be witneiKd, and wlitre our Imyro'td Aypnmtui for the iohi lation of medicated vapor can he turn and inijvtci- eu. ESTATE OF KKD ALKXANDKH. Uec'd. Notice is Hereby Givea Til AT Lcttera of Adminiatration liar , vrMlllM.I In ll.A MmtcHtunitil .n 1. . V..... J Reed Alexaudor, docrated. All persona liarinll u Dr uu rati. c, hiv UTirvj Jim, ed to come forward and (Ule iinmfdiately. WILLIAM B. AI.KXANPER, aug. 2, 18i. 6t. AUGUST APP0JNTMENT8. "R. JACKSON, Indian I'hvaicinn. hie of I 9 I.ouia, of Krie City, Pa., may te conall' follows .- Clenrll.ld, Pa., Wenvor'a Hotel, Tueaday aJ neiiueaay, Aujruat 17 nn't IS. Tyrone,' Pa., "City Hotel," SntunUy and FuJ nay, Aiiguat 1 1 nnd l-. Ilellelonte, !'., "Conrad ir.iue," Wedneidi and Tburaday, Aucuat 11 and 1-. Lock Haven. Pa. "Kallou liouae," Sunday an) .'aonuay, August and w, eraey Shore, Pa., "Franklin Hi.ufe, ' i'riil Autuat 6. " 1 Williamapott, Pa. "I'nited filatea Hotel," TuJ day ana WepnesUay. Auguet 3 nud I. LVD FAX B0TAXIC liMfKMES. In treatment of diaenaea of the I.r.iaa 11 Cuf.st, Liver, Motneeh, BoweU, Heart, neni Miin, hcrolulu, halt Hhcuin, Kryaipelaa. er if and all dieeaaei ariaing from I mini re blond. H ! !uiV.t- I . : .v """'- ,vu aea nave given to ir. Jnckon a world wide rf , utation, 1 KEGLLAU VISITS. lr. .lackion will Bit rcrular viiu m a I ."n"m ul"' 1 c"a.vlvnia and ew ot. , ..eu... van in. ii iibvo iue rririieeo 01 coraui ! regularly, once in from one. 0 tire, moth i nialter in very many ciuiea iudiepensible ia i ! !orminS cure- fr any phvui no proaonue a eonrao or medicine by only 1 aecing bis patient, to effect a permanent aa Minccure. , I ....... . h SHOILD MARK WhIX Tl iMK-aurt call early a. noaaible. Th. tn limited, and the appoialinenta will be puacu; I kept at above. ' If lick with any eb ronic direaaei. do ret 4 aa time only lends lo cuiilirm and render a more rrolractod aud difficult. Dr. Jackaon will make aiaminti-.n nfLh H and Cheat, by the uae of tne Slethoeoop., frj '"'S- Dr. JuckrfOU. altbouzb ravinr annrinl alia to Lung, Throat, Heart and Feiuai. diaeaaraj inxitea conaulutiom tn all CUKO.MC di.j incident to the human ryatrin. Koning I thouaand eaaea every year, he ts well ptci iv Bi u t.pinmu aa to tUo curability 01 A. C. JACKSON. 7 44, 11.19. A LL fri.nds of IxticiLt aud Faaai i . CiLliat.. Plraa. procure circulara (raj nr. utOKUK BROWN, Barre, Jna lAUTH)X All pemonaare hereby caelii W againal purobaaiug or trading for wj Stallion, 1 Iron Grey Unrae, 1 ott Ionbl. I neaa, 1 long Pled, 1 Timber iled, 1 Sleigb p ed frrppn. with willrtw l. . . e r-. t .Li. ii . ,. ' ' I U'a' "i'?'XD m" ana art in nil poaeeaslon on loan only. KLLIUTT KIN' June 30, 1868 pd peAUTlON XII peraeiia are bfby twM I !..a m . 7. . " ..J I 7n,,Z "o ZXi '"V M d wn fheaaid Beera oa loei, aubiert to my order uay mare, i mack or irwn Horse, I To v Waiton aud one Timber il.d. I May 1, la.va, TM. PPFlK"v