! if 'I. ,1 Ml! t' id) i hi 5 1? i r,; i1 1 mi on i t I I . In , I I 1 1' " d" I S , .i V (i I ( I I I. ' . I - , I V t .. Mi ... I I I ii ' t - -.1 M .1 -1 I I i ) i-l i r ii 'a ' ... i M I i-'lnv He I- I-. r M i I .m l nl t -I S i .1 ll- ' .It i I 't . ill. ,' 1,1 I !!., .. , III" ! ril ii 1 1 '.' i I n . I : I : r I .! . ' , . I - ': . nil i i.l 1 1 r i, i i I i I .it nil.! i I if I i . ..,,' .i, Pen... .1, I ii. i, I i. I I' ll ! ii. . I hi. I., in I ti i ! ..w ii . ni bnl". I I - In Vni'li I'. nr. 1 In... l.'l . ! hi I i f i I i ,( .1. i, J. .. , , M Mttrint Mill ., - , . II in, -In I'll I . (hct, W hi h I i Mill .i .(. wiiiii l nnil n mn l ii i I " r m il if (.Hlilinri, tli.l.li I M p. ! Trim, I'M, and tin In ta .1 iii. Jonathan Pinrcc, I -" I , Inn Intf re fer.! to lii kr ilii' mine (il Id t nliii'H"ii, this .ir l( r 1. 1 'H i' win -iS'le. I ho , 1 1 r v I" (Hunt" ii.n(i.t iroik, in it . 1 1 1 1 1 ii i 1 1 i r 1 1 1 I- , mil in ih iv.lb-.it tin Rim. i Inr lumbering, ii 1 In- Ii '. i l.i'in i , llmli. i. .1 mill ii lull. . in, null tiinhi r. Sctiinl Ii..ii..i., -IiiIj.im. nuliiuil il ; i: i h Ilii ii nr.. . -a. it : u i r ti i: - Ten fr n ui i.f t ! wln.'o ir.lili-.1 Hi' IK V I'l I i1 II, I ill Cllfll when llie ."pirir ii Mii'.-I i ii il.mn. Unit ll.tr) .if the ie n.nir !. r ! I-.- . nr. .J upon Ilii-1 r i - i f If bond and tfrVi'-e, lli U'torot .ii.ihi. Hinit-nlly it. tf ii 1 1 1. rl iij-i r, If I e widow ul Jmiutlmn Pcsi.c, t'.uriiig lilf, mill til hat i.'t- i .' o. 1 1) -iit-i i tl M I piud It, ll.ti !n in of the decon-nl. One. third ul the 1 iilinifn ,-n-h m It it tl c f,i ; .. u I'.iiitiniii-.l ly tl.u t-t i.il mi, I tlm iviniiiinli-r in ntn equal nn. Iit'.il pti itit-nti tliurctitlnr Willi interest, In ho so- i. rod ly ji,ilo,tii,rii liuii.i nml nmi I (jiijj . l'i..-. i" "inn i.l llii' i ' r . 1 1 1 : - n gu on til llif t uiinriiiiilnin ul Hit fill,.. Miiy ly, ISjK. JM.i. I.OP. AIIAUUII, Tru-. iiiw HTi:t.itr.i Aitcnc iduno n "lie front Wiwluw of .Hfrrdl k Corlcr's Tlirif-Slnry Iliiililine, on Scrim d Slrrct, in I Ii e Borough of llrurfiilil. ITJIt'Ui; thov tiro irrinroil In iiiiintiniii'litro till h.i-.U ol 'j'I.V akd JillEKT IKUX U AH):. Thry r.rnliu irctareil to t it rn if Ii , at rvjuoeil ri-t'.-ti, lii I'.illiiWinn nrtii'lva in nil tltuii' vanities IIAK-JJ(.i., AAM.SniidSTLtL,. Also Thrvuh iiiiioliint1., l'lnuhfi, I'lttt'lit Cultiii IJuxt-., 'li.iin Puihiin, I'mt'til fBUKtiiro-vuttura ntid Kun ni'lf, o!f Suttling Cans fur Frostrvini: l rnit, us we n i.-tru variity of liousekecuing utenaiU td.1 lMtllU'rol..' tO llll'litlllll. SltiVi s, Tln-v liuvn u!o a argc tiisnrltnont ol Imth Cc-uk nml l'nrlor Sluvus, of tliu beat nii'l muft approved pntlornn, nml numnx tltain will In- t . 1 1 1 1 , 1 Mix reie'.riiteil XKW W'OKLI) I'OOK 8TOVK. All oid t. lot- cutdiii), will lio thankfully reirei t 1 hi I promptly attoiided tu. U(in.c-puuliii dona to ordor. At liuy ui'fitpy ii Inrue uttd cutuiii.idinus huiino, t ul nut liiiiltlins, I hey are woll prupiirud In tu a t.'uiiinii.-fii.ii, liuiuesft and till tirdrri, oilltor M.i lli'ttiiiiT.- nr M'hulfMilii liftilcm will bo tlitink tully .-nv-i i..l, nml nticndml l i:h ilfspiilidi. 0. 1!. JiKKHtLL. m.-iy 1", 1S.1i!. L. II. CAilTliK. HBVHT IOKAIX. J, 0. KABTSWIl'K J1KPICAL PARTNFJSIIIP. DH. IIKN'KY LOItAlX, Imvinj; .isnociutiMl Willi him in tht1 .rucliio uT .Mittiirine Ir. J. i. HAKTSU'Jt K, ilifv offer their pii.flfin,r orvics lo the oiluons of Cleni fl.-. . -i n i t v Jnoy will iittend In proftisi.,ti,il tn'i-i mi ii,I htitti nijd in.'til cfUHiin?, l)r. llnrtftrick will br fnund during iho tiny at I'noir iiflioe iippi'sito Dr. Loruin'a resini'in...., ,ni i il'1 1 tit hi? reatdi'iire, nue dnor mirlit ul K... ! t. Huvt'r' i"re. Cl-'arfteld, June lrt, 1 .,(. I r.A i in it ! i.r.vuii.;. : HESR V W. OVi:il!lAN, Imt'ikti-i: .-i ri,.n..h oiir-iim. ai,.i v-n,r leather J.-aiu.-, Xn. -.mh I hir l ti.,' I'hila A p :nr.ii avuTluent of oil kind1, nf lialher. :ortc-:. if., ic. lud anH Unk l-.1 kutlier. MinL I, lr?J7.-Iy. S rA Ul'K Ji rtt M V i Li V . " Cheap at flies and Jewelry. VyilOLSALK and ItETAIl., t il,u "Philndtl T l'hia VVati'h and Jewelry htnro," Xn. 1 (old No, Iff'.) Norili Second Street, comer ot Quar ry, riiiiad'n. (lold I.BVPrWiitt hes, full jeweled 13 c.casefc$2S On Uold J.uptne, IS curat 21 On iMivcr l.ever, lull jeweled, 12 00 Silver T tipiiic,,iewolii 9 on Superior (jiiarliiTH, . .......7 till Oold Ppoetiiflfi', .........70(1 Fino Silver tpeetnvlea, J J( Utild llriifOlet.', 3 Lady's Gold Pcnoiln, Joe (Silver '1 en SlIOO 111.. tl,r ( ft ,ui tlold I'eng, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 00 iiotu riiiRer ntngs ;;71 ccnln to ?80; Wnteli tilni-feii, pltiin 121 ceiitu, psicnt 1SJ, I.unet 2j; other nrliele, in prnpnrtion. All goods warranted to be what thev are void for. stalh-kk a hari.ev, .Sueeessor to 0. Conrad. Ou liiuid some Gold and Silver Levers 11 ml l,e pines, itill lower than the above pricoa. Oetobiir 7, ISii.-ly. II. P.TI10MPSON, 1)liyslrlaii, may be found either at his oflieo at iScnliold's htrtel, Curw-iiville, when nol lirufeM-iiiiiiilly uhmm. Ke.1. 29, 18J1 OLD KHASS nnd COrPn tnken in rx change fr TIN and UAJWARK at the establishment of. I ily 1 ), 1 1 ,7. DH. f.I.OHCil-: U II,S) respectfully giv, notice that he has resumed tho Practice Medicine, nnd will promptly intend to all calls in he prolession. Lulhcrpburg,Ap,l 2, 1856 THOMPSON. TI A iriNilfU' v in I roil I'-oundcra, Curwcnsville. An extensive assorlmeiit of Cnitina L. JACKSON" CKANS, ATTOUX-IOY AT LAW, office adjoining , residence on Second Street, Clca,1 v'.l, 1 ,1 Juno 1. 1S54. CA VTIOX. A LL persons are heroby cautioned ngaiuaf JA buying, or in any way meddling with 2 Milch Cows, one red and tho other hrindle. now in the possession oi Josoph Millwnrd, of Decatur tp., as the said cows belong to me, and r0 j possessioa on loan only, subject to my ordes and control. DAVID 0 OSS. Sept. 1SS7. 3tpd. (1 it:T'f) All persons are hereby enntioned against purcliating a certain note drawn by tiio in favor of Stacy W. Thompson, dated 2Hlh August, 18.17, for $125, as I have not received xslue therefor and will not pay it. . ! L . . DAXIEL BOWMAN'. Annl 7th. 19i7. Sl-pd. PUBLIC NOTICE. i NY persons knowing themselves indebted by note or book acount of one year or more standing, are positively requested to call and ,,. rr, otherwise they wdl be treated nccording to law, w ithout respect to persons. FR ANCIS C0XDRIET. Frenchvillo. May 5, 1858. TO MY CREDITORS. rinrj nt-ed ntid infi nil ii, 1....1.. T 1 ... ..1 j . urn ocsirous to settle ad elo-o up all my worldly b.i.iiio.s All persons having claim, against tir. r ,,ere. 1 fore requested to presen1 them t oci f,- ,lMtU- 1 moBU I d, a re to be my own executor jmny 10. m;,a JAMES HE A. Sr. i JOHN 'FrciSfan OTILL continues the business of Chair Makinir IO and House, i-ign and tlrnamental Painiing. It the .hop formerly oeeupiH by Tro.,n i 1t,,we, at.h. ea.tend of M .rket street, a abort dlaiance rmuif Lits's Foundry .run, fcaTBlankt for aaivat this offioe. V 111 llll II. .1 11 I 4 .. t . . .1 K II A I ATI 0.1 IN irnH'MMlCll l"AI Mill I MM Vlll 1 l. mi I ill rl I'... I.e I."'! Ii I 1 tl. -il. -I. ., e.l f.,'n I..V. -I I ih- 1,1 ,Ki , ri i.l V-4I- 4 ,1 p. ..i.l. l. ii,,i, (,,,,1 ,.i,,.i. (.. .(hi I-iVi il I, m m 'l-.-lM ll.e Muilr :i(it S' si If. 1. nit,-. S. ,,,1, ,1, li e I ice ( 1 tt 1, fi , n.n lid I, , (t,l. i,,,.,l .,, ,, ei.iiiifK li..,.. i, M, l.niitf' oil I 1 li( ,. b is in In, 1 I ... ,, ,.n. I,-,,,,, 1.111 ii-ii-il .- .ri , nml mml ,.in.. i ... .. tl,., r... muni i.f ih.. pri.i., in in ..r I 1 Ininii it In tlm I' ! I In 'H.-li nfli linn.. Hi.. dnti of I i I'll', r dm I.... ul 1. iikiIi sinM-d fi r the I nn Hlli.ll : the il.i.-lt itii-s nf lli.i in. ill ifnlity i.f rnii.iiinplii.n limit.; nl I r u r h pi,l tmnv. " V liiil.. iinliil.lliilile i,...l it, mi, ,,,,...,,,, tn,T C'.vsi mi'tii "! i ai 1 11 s si tuts iiiiiii nrti, ,n tl-e fir. by In ernili-r nl..iirliii.iti ; In .,. .froml, by the t r n f ' , r it 1 1 r j . t s nl tin. I'.l.i 1. oe itiin 1 ky and 111 b 11 renin emiei 1 11 m ; in h iliinl, ,y . 1 1. iitrifi- nr ft lit'. 'II.,,... w e l.lril In l,e ' im nl lh 1 ,i. miiy a-'i rt, H ut en 11 n..w end. n.in.i:,in i iiii iii..l,li. ; (m l, in,. I'l.liiii.l ilia are. 1 'I'., ml this rivnr i.-utfi m,. I-,. n,,nrent, (it : ' Hint i.e in, .lii ,n.-H iiih.ili .l in ti e l'..i tn ,,r npfr ir inmiler dir,-e(!y into tin. luni;., 1,111, t lie 111111 h inure 1 (lei live II ;m ;hnt liikrn into tlm .siiimuch, ' where the di.eus,. does dm 11,, I im-i. 'I he ml. viiiiinpe of Inl.til.iiinn in I udmiiii , iiii A 'J'hroitt I1'1' .' -- i'. that iite lirltii. in ilii. ..rni of Vnp..i i applied diiei-liy In llie iuiik1 . w here Ihe diMnt.-f 1 i-xi.-i: the -I. ,111, 11 h ii thm i-t tree to aid in re loiii.K he; Ith, by iiiiiiiniiirin! t.i ii healthy and ! Iiti-Kivinj( lund. iheru m mi r.t k,,),, lftha ' l,iliiilntit, will imldiie. The ineans, loo, an jlimi ht wilhin the renth of all, Ihen11111111.ro 1 n.lniitiisti-i nijf Ihe v:i,r beinir an aiuiple Hint tin I invalid ih never required to lenio home, w here I the hi nd nf nfleetiou teutla ao inui-h to aid the ! phyiiuia i rfl'oits The iiihalutton. method is looiltinti, tuft aud ; "''. n I consists in lite adiuiniatrtition nf ined I icine in stub a miiiim.r, that ihty are rnnrayed , into ihe Luni in the form of Vnpor, and produce I their action at the mat of di.ieaae. In practical j sense is destined to revolulionii" the opinioua nf the medical world and tttuLlilh ikt ritim uruhii- 1 1 y " CoillltHptiott. I I earnestly nppcul to tho comman sense of all ( nlli'ctf tl with Luiix diaeaaea, to etnbriiee at once I flie iidcniit.iife of Inhalation, and no loi,)rer apply medicine to the iinotl'ciHlitijr stomach. I claim Inr Jiihiilution a place itinniijr lh priceless g'HM that 1 alure aud art hath pven us. thai "our day may be Ions in the hind,'' aud 111 tht mil; ark ,, 'iijeiy for tht Oj 11 mm pi ire; u inelhod not only rutiimiil, hut nimplt nml rHciit nun. Such of Ihe prnfesiinti (hut have udnptcd Inhn laliun have found it tfitmciniir in the AiirAa.f tit irre, nrrrttinij the pruijrtn vf tht iif,ie umi icnr it Kuiidert in ninny tlnprrate ciisct, in voritv, a hi'tial Iriuniph of our art over this fell destroy er nl our species. Xotk I'hyslciiius wishing to make theimelTes aetuniiited with the ptnetiee, art- infnrtncd that, our time being 11lunble, we can only reply, as Ui ilie;redianta uaed. to audi lett-rs ttiiit toiiliiin a lee. I The fee in all em. ' ' will be $10 nn re. .-in. rtruinents and mediein. v i plicillltS Will SiulH Me;.', f. I l.lkM. I,,n.. nil'...... .1 11- .. .. mil iry A tl.'i-t tune i'-' ry iu die 11. 1 1-.-... ,orw ,..'. ,lr. ri ' f ir liiiti... ..m ..'"K "'ni l, 'I. 11 lii .11 J his iu toe 11a 1 11 1 iv lllfl ,il( ! mi the mime town mid M.ilc l-.- pi: Pining" for reti.rn nn-wci n,i,,-t I, Ti.lv L, wr.-tc en- i-ire-l. .efc- i,t.i v. l. en rei.-tcred if mir n.ik Ail letters must b'1 :idd, '.'... -d to v I.L.K -. Mi:n!i)i'. r.. .-. M Ilsi .,. Y.-.tk. Nov. 11, l-V.T-ti in. i). n. fK.ircn, I)TnICIA. Oflitu iu 1 urwi unille. Say N' ATlOVAl. KXCIliXOF. IIOTI-.I The subscriber having luken Ihe ubovu well Mi.iwn stand, formerly kept by H'm. A. Mason ill Curwenaville, Pa., is ready tu acoouitnodute all who may favor Li 111 wiln th. ir patronage. takle wi.l always U auppliid with the belt Ihe ark.t nfjords, aud In liar with the choices duuurs His stable wi 1 be under :he cure of (unlive hostlers. DAVID SMITH. Curwensviilc, April 21. IMji. NOTIC ; VLL perions in any way indebted to the rm of Dnwler A Ako, by judgment note or nook account, will take notice that I, thesubri. bur, have been appointed receiver for said linn hy the Court ef (,'omnioH Picas of Clearfield conn ty, and that I with Dowler it Ako, will be at the office of Samuel Sebrinjr, in New Washington, Clearfield county, on Friday the dth day of Jttue next, at U A. .M. for the purpose of receiving ttt. tlemcnlr, ir. it. on said day and no longer! All Ihoso interested w II please attend and save coat, as I cannot ;o up there a second lime. Those ne glecting may calculate on coming lo see me. W.M. POKTKR, Iteo'ivcrin the Partnership Kstate ef Dowler & Ake. Clearlicld, May 21, ISM. DR. LITC1CS PAI.V CI HKK, ANTI IilLI Ol'S Hli.MEDY and HIOSTORATIVK r. tolds, Cough, Croup, Ac Sold at Jos. Oonn's Shoe Shop, Clsurfluld. oct. 2. 'l7 J. L. CUTTLK, at l.nw and Land Ai.enl .ss, 4 ttornev 2. adjoining bis residence, on Market strec Cluarfield. March,'!, lbj.'f. RI'.MIll A I.. Tho undersigned anotinccs to the "whole world and the rest of mankind," Ihnt he has removed to tho thop recently ocottpi ed by Kndcbaugb A Mien, as a tailor shop, in Minws Row, whore he will at ull times be found ready and willing to attend to the 'soles' of tho bootless part of creation, His work neods no re eoinmciidntinn it recommends itself, and he can with pride point to his largely increused custom in proof. Heady-made work of all kinds, w ill be kept constantly on hand. The highest market price paid for hidoi. J)$ G00N May 9lb 1857. FANCY TUBS FOR LADIES. JOHN FAKKIKA CO. eii (.Veie jVo.) Market at,, PHILADELPHIA. lir porters, Manx.hicturrra and d'ahm in Zu- ", GmtUmen ami Chihrfj' FAXVY FVll.S. Wholesale and Retail F. i CO., would cull the utlention ef Goa lees, and the 'ublir goncrallv lo th.ir .1. mouse Slock of Fancy Furs ror Ladies, (lentle men nun vDiiuren; tnoir assortment every variety aud kind of Wy ' ,-, eivbrnces thut will Full Capes, Half Cape, ChiarhT Capes, Til as, Vktminti, Boas, Amj if- M.qTa tets. from the finest liussian .S'i- .A In lk A...s r.. ..- .. 1,11 . 11 1 fitre j ipmssHc J urn. For (icntleillcn the lnr,r.l m, eea Hi. His A tS' XTLKW, Ac. being the direct importer, of all our Furs and Munul f! - '.Tr 4 m U,"UZ ou: """ "P"vii,.n, e fee satlslied w. can otTer b.-.er inducement. U. house, having an immense a.soriinent to select rotn ann at the uianufu i..n r ..... 11 . nit a eall. ' Sept. I, 1857. 4ro. TO LUMBERMEa" AWD OTHERS. THE nnder-ighed would respeeifull inform the citir.ons ..I ( Icnr ield ami the adjoining co'a Unit he has Jta-t store I in Philipsburg. a v, ry lnr'e qu inlity nfgraio. in dul n R79. Gate, Vt'h utsnd?! r. Buciv,-li' it Ccrn which he will se l , .. 1: bits on t most roisoin.ble tern1 , -i The attention of tvm r. line is called . the lolhcr advantage tn . along then and be S'i-.,i. .I-.C". I ' t.l S " - I -e Con? 1 1. ivEPI.KR. j I'ndijiHburg, JIsmuU 3, lio7.-tf. Milt IM 11 VI 1 Ii i 1ln ' i il Vn V7IM., 1V1NAM I MONIIILV. 1 H i iiMit itatmiiilniF !mi,i).hi n,l f v Hit fU, T V'i. 77. M I'lMIH I T iMt'iufl MMI I nil l .1 - "' ,1'ifn lii wi iki i. All. I l K Iml.l.Ah I N (lit I N i .. 1 ,,v nil .. iil.er. 1 UK (till A I 1 inrum m i i n. Au. hu c,iin,tf 11,1,. 1 be (iti..n nf I tin r-mi's Mnjrniini. and l iittinin's li.(illil) li n itlt (ii I 1 1I,,1 1 im... Ii. Inlet work 1 In iila lb 'ii s inl In bttl 1.1,1. in I '11 r I ublii attnti In the e..iiiitr, nml li 1, eiu,., f, r 11 n i-.-mhi Tllltinn nf liteilliy II If I II 1 1 1-1 1 1- Iu'elil prnlmblv 1111 livtiled by any nlln r Miiyiifiiie In the world." I'u rinjr the Ii if t im. nth, the nil,, in the trade and I, inn. I limn .ul. i-ril. rr fti ,-, lln.ltiltl t-eplri ; the iiiiniln is 11ln n.lv issued nl III,-eotisiilidii , .1 ' ilk are unit e null) enneedi d in hate snr 'l.'i ill Ihe l it liliess nf tln ir Ill. riirV rnt.li lit., 1.1 1 . t 11 it 1 nml pniliifetii'.s nl their pictoriiil ' in 1 v lliiieiiiine i-v, r In Inr., ifiued i . tie Amen, nn nit,.. l.'neoiiinL'ed bv Ih ,-i.ieiiees nl lumr, Iho pnhliih m Imve 'eleiini tied lo .-nn 111 11. 0 ihe new vnlinne in J 11 11 1 1 is -ry enliiiii.iiiii.mil mirm-iimn, and to nfler such iiiiltii enieiils In subscriber us cannot fail lo place il, iu circulation, at Ihe head nf American Muga linos. With Ibis iew they i,nw annouiieo tho 1 fnllowiiig splendid pronraiinne. Tiny have pur chnscd tii.il superb and costly steel pluto Fdgru- j Villi'. i "THE LAST SUITER," . and will present a copy of It Id every Ihreo did I lur subscriber fnr the your I S.iM. It was enifra i d at n cost of over jli,IMi(l, by (he Into eelebra I led A. L. Dick, from Ihe original of Ittiphaol I .Morghcn, nfler I nr li Da Vinci, and is Ihe j largest stool-plate engraving ever executed in ' this country, being three limes the sue. of the j oiiliiitii v Ihrce-diillnr engravings. Tho first impressions of Una engraving are : held til $10, and it win Ihe iiilenti .11 of the ar tist that none of Ihe Kngruviugs kIhhiIiI ever bo offered for a less ruin limn $,', being richly worth that amount. Thus every threo-dollar subscriber will receive the Miignina one year cheap at $.1 a d this splendid engraving", riehlv worth A; thus getting for $.1 Ihe value of We shull commence sinking nil the engravings inline. lintely, yd if . nn hardly bo expected that impression., i f so large a plate can bo tnken us fust as Ihoy will be culled for by subscribers. We shall therefore, furnish them in the order in which subscriptions are received,' Those who desire lo obiuin their engravings enrlv, and from Ihe first impressions, should send in' their sub. scriplions wilhoul delay. The engravings ran be sent on rollers, by mail, or iu other manner, f suttscribcrs shall order. :?-.'' UK 10 7.V WOllK.S OFAirr. Iii addition to the .mperb engraving of "TUB LAST SI' MM KI!," which w ill lie presented In every three d illar snb-eribcr i,r I i.,S. tlt. ,u,. iishi rs hnvp ciinipleted arraiigetiients for the 4is- -n 1 . 1 ; . i - . -, 1.1, tin. V.i t It of December, Is I ,,,, ii., M.iS. i,c 'or - . f i-i-'ii li.t works ..f art, eoli.lsllllg nt' .1111 11 I rare old p'l'lltings, Vllitlel ' 10' each. Aim, .',0110 in;i..-iii'. - . 'o i.ugniviiigH, woiin rrnui S tu I". -" :. Ml ch'iiee II. il,, lay l,.,!., ,-.,,.;!., ,J ' i.i(U(i in nil. ..v..r 'i'l! i: K r . Nn r, , 1 is, ur;i nr l-v fv 1 1 Ui : :i K .-AM Inc i;i; 1 a ;.s. i. e pill i,sl..'is ;:l,d .Mill will C 'rn be Miign.itio by return inaii. c -ivc with the lir-i oopv a t.ii'ii i-i-'i lee. inl, eiilitnii ; toil 1 1,, llll. .A:T s-UM'l-.l:.' , , ., lllt'fce I Oil ..II. tier11! 1 If .III'. I .-ha.u-e AXi I'l 1-1 V Ill's,) "I'lldi:!-; TlloTS- ca'on-t win- T'.u ilmiid si'uaJiibu EMFIiSOX'M M. I oa ZXf.: for IK). rtrst: Hecatise ils literary contents will, du ring Ihe year, embrace cnnstribuiiotis from over one- hundred ditleient writers and Ihinkcrs, num. boring among ihuiu ihe imt distinguish nl of A lliermin uuliiors. Sioon.l; HecMiise its editorial department. "Our Studio." -uur Window," n,l "our Oiio." will .nrh be coi.duetcd by Un abl editor and it will surpass, in tho variety .mil richness of its editorial contents, any other uiiiiimne. Third: liecuuse it will couiu n. d. ing the year, nearly six hnndred original piciot il iU8 ittious, lrotu designs by the lit.it American ar- fourth : Ilecatise for tho sum of $1 y(, will thly mor r hiVwh ' .".aga,ine, and" the .!, .vvvi.c .iho 9nfuuiu 111011 that sum than any other pern I'.ngriiviiiir ol " l ie Last Niu,t Fifth 1 : Lectiuso you will very likely ,Irw nno or the three thousand prir.es to be distribute,! he 2.h day of (lecemher, I85S-perhaps one tkttt is worth $1,000. 1 Notwithstanding Ihnt these extraordinary in dticeuicnts can hardly fail t accomplish Hie ob jeets ol tho publishers without further efforts lliey have determined to tontinuo thro' the year THE ORKAT I.IItHAHY OFFKIt. To any person who w ill got up dub of twen-ty-four st.bscril.crs, either at one or more post offices, e will present a splendid library, con-si-ting of over Forty Largo Hound Volumes cm bracing the most popular worke in tho market. Tho club may So formed at tho club price, $2 a yenr, wuhoul (ho engraving, r nt the full price, f.i a year, will, the engraving of tho last Supper to each svbscriber. List and description of the Library, and spe-iinen copy of the Mngimno will r,rr?ro0.8' 8'U" V'1U,"e'' huve aheny ,ei'" distributed 111 aceordanco will. H.i ,.fr... . j snould bo glad to furnish a library to PVurr tfr l i.a 1- -1 . . - . linn gywan, to every sohn. master, or to some one at every post ofheo in the country. AliKNTS (JKTTlXa RICH. ft. 1 . a iiiw Pucress MUi.h our nennu ro uieotinj . . . V , . 11 H' nrnonff tu many Willi H llllltllair nilloltK .a evidences f t.. fact, wo are permitted to pub lish tho fnllowiiig : ' , Vi T following facts in relation nay ho ol use to some enterprising , llmn in want of cmjdoymenL Tho liev. John E. Jar don, of this place, has made, ,iure nn v,rhl. mas, over 4 (Mil. j his agency. Mr. David M Pli is . ""!'' ""r K''"crnl agent f Plait county, is makinft 8 " "1 . .. 1 a. ni empioycu ny iitfl Mossrs. Welinor A 1 a , , , a ---j "(ii run .... gon, .tin., y,,r agents for Holt co., are making ho... S to $25 per day, aud yo r humble servant lias niiide, since tho seventh day of lust January, over. 1,700, beside, hay ng for t)Z!e,viMni 0Ut,,.'r tl18 l""""t'1" rth over e : I ." "c0 1,l"""ty ',ul,li"h " tnent, and to refer to any of the parties named. DAN ftL C!RE(i(i, Ciirrollton, Mo. ennVi!h. !Uuh i"(lu(;l,"",1" offer, anybody can obtain mbsenbers. Wo invito any gentle man out of ctnidovmeut. and imn l..i.. .. i. .. . sires a pleasant Moxav-makinir occunmion . ply at once for an agency. Annlionn,. .1..... .1 1 inclose 25 cents for a spcei len ei.ne r d, arnie, which will alwny, b! forwarded with an 5"IT nl'l""-"'n by return mill, iilaciu!,"? E1X0"AVINO.-A. we desire ,0 'loZrT'':: ."'''''rroposes bieb Bill !.. u. ... of the rnsnvin.,,. .,.. ..( ... 7 ""n.V..B..'',P.v '1.100,1, each applicant enolnsing u. $d wiU " the Engraving, post-paid, by refurn maU !' 'Pccincs of our puldj, ti0, in,l one ol 1, ""lTed subscription receipts, entitling it i ol distribution.. his ofTer Is made only to ib, ' , who desi.- 1 1 act as agents or lo form Clubs. OAKSMITII 4 CO.. Addrc. No. ,!71 Proudway, X. y. Jan II, ls.,8 KIxLELICAN JOB OFi'ICE. I l.e 1 .!. ;. (. ol flie ..-...;..:. .... Ii'.nv.iniiii siook of ... :.HV(i 10 1' 1 l.tts, I.t.i'S .... ... f,, ,t,,,t Xifi U1 e 111:1 i.iriiMo iiirp-lyiiiereasetnei! .ii.,.. ..1....:.. 1 .. 1 , . .- .'' 1 1111, tiini Will !e k II. Is of I te I'M I.f. in. 1 11 1'mhiks, n I'lt KlCT-, I'ltOHKAUMF.S ClKCl'Ltll.s. Ha.NIiUII.LS. nn : I. .. f I . ill lij 11 t i'! il .1 .. nr olile.M en 1 : .1 I l.illiiUlilf e .,11 1., 1 I-AKUIMLu A WARM ' aTA le LuautU ol oaU foitartTn. ! 11 I III.IH.IUi N Mtn H, lllllinl Snrl I'iniliitf tti, tailitil iM !' '"It ' ' air.flfl "imH, l'. If, IT l A I'M I N M It AV'tll Ni'l Irl:. Ir' 1 1 I III nf a liiiinl'liili'.ii in Ids .!! . t xbllihinn He. a, Ilia nf I'K InKn.lill il. , 1 ii.s. I, b it ins l.ern gtmils.l In Hie aiib-eilhs , Sll pet. 1, u, an iajiiif Ibsin.oli ... lii b,.. n mI ea ale are rr.it .is I inn he itninelirila nrtnsn , sn l ih". bnving elnliii. nr demanda ai-am-t Hie sins will priet, them fur ellleiiisul will I da I' June 2. H:,. W M . Pf'IIUIt, Adin'r. i) 1 smii 1. v r ion. rpllK Piiiinrr.hlp en.. ling botneen Ilia nn.ler. I signed In the prneli.-e nf the l.iw, has ihn day besu Ihii duaulvs'l hy mutual en ul. W. A. W U.LAI I!, II. I. WAI.LAl li. 'lenruehl, May I it Ntn. 1 Treasurer's Saleof Unseated Lands, lill taxes for the yenra ln.r) nml I1.17. X. liee is hereby given Dial in pursuance, of nn ! "r Asaeinbly, ,o( the 12th day of June, A. I Ml 4, entitled "An act to amend an aol diroe ' ting the mo.iii of selling unsetited lauds for tut 1 ei," Ac., Ihe following trticls of unseated land, in I Clearfield county will b exposed lo public snla or oul-cry, for Ihe taxes unpaid ami duo thereon, j at Iho Court lb. use in the borough of CUorlleld ou the second Monduy of June next : Jlell I own.iliiii. i P. tieorpo Onklcy, 1 l'"K) Henry Hei-lt, fS.T 7.) I 10(10 Homy IWk. H.H 7,i ridi'ii'i ,Milif'i C1 Al'TIO All persons are hereby nnuli'ined against meddling with ihe following proper ty, aa the same has hem purchased by me, and is I nailed to lietijMlnin Itishel, subject lii my order oily: One Cow and Calf. .'I Stoves and Pipe. 1 llureait, I stand, 1 Clock, 7 Chairs. ,'l li.ds & Hi d ding, 21MI0 feet of (Ink plank nml Scantling, .,110 set of wiigon maker tools 1 the House and im provements w here ho now lives. Junes', ISMt. JOHN ltlSHEL. XOTK E. 4 LL persons having accounts against (loo. J. 1 1 hvler. or Lersons km, win,. ih-- ...I....- 1.. ilehtcd In him are hereby noiilinl to come for- I ward and seiilc the sumo with the euuiiutitee appottiled bv the ci.ori. UOIitltT MITCHELL, Juno SO, IS iS. St. CAUTION. LL persons arc hereby cautioned against A i,uniiiisiiig or in any wise nie. Idling win, (tie M,l I ; Inl inwi:,; nn ' .'. I " , ! li 1 property, now in pns-e.-111 v Ann Miller, .,: I- ' 1 1 I: nn. I !'! ., 'fl nl'Jl.o. 1 . . : i' . I 1 ! t 1 A -t-.-l 1, 1- Id I. Mil! -L.y J. l. TII().MI;sO, IV Jfi s Do !neki.iiiltli. Wagons, iii.g' ies. Ac it, on short nnlicc. and the . rt b... Jfi stun. I iri the boniugh ol l'.mit, .. Dec. 2!'. ISO. M. DUDS, hlivina olinnen.! I.i- I,... Hon from Curwensville to fl.,rH..i,i ... pecllully oHers his professional i-rvices tJ ihe ciiicns of the latter place and viunilv. iiesiiience on Accund street, "I posi's f, It of M6. 0 . (.runs, r.sq. my " WM. r. CIIAMHI'KS. (RIES " n-i-aking. W, ,wrigl, Xn '"' l " t. ami ! I'lnstl..l.l ... Ill " I ' , " ". ""S'll.e, . Jan. 5, 1858. ' 1'1,1. ii oruers urotlitil v nn,.n.l...l ... M. C lMIMJi:i I , . Kylcrtnwn, lenders his iirof...i......i :.. . lo Iho citizens f Morris nnd Ihe adjoining Urn,,'. (hips. Ho will always be found at tho r..i,l..n... ol 1 1 hos. kyler. when not professionally oncaed JMjiy 21, 1850. ' h -' OH EAT DISCO VEI1V OF THE A (IE, ' Important to TOBACCO CIIEWERS. DI!.(iLSTAV I.INNAliDS TASTE JtEMTOIlA TIVE T1HH JIEM .'. inutmiii,: it'' libitcrn. n,1! '.I' Wl'n,kJ":n'n Bn'1 intonlrovertible fact f that the use of Tobacco is the promoting cause of " many of tho most severe M EXTAL AND PIIVS- H AL DISORDERS to which Iho race of X I ",,,j'c, " ul n"'i8 nnd long n a nf, levi.or cno. . .i...i ' lainiiu expert -nee nave clearly proven that it contains yum., nareutjc nnd poisonous properties most ZZ'l"1! ".eringinto the blood deranges ll.e functions and oneraiions , . rr - hi,., i.iieriiiions 01 the lieurt, causini ninnv in .,,,,.... .1. 10 ne seriously Uncased. T0HACC0 affects also the tntire nervous srs-' i . . .. - "-i i'vc-v niufc uririio win, inaniicsnng Itself as all who havo used the ecu., inaniicsnng itself as all who havo used he noxious weed will bear tcstimony-in Lassitude, Nervous Irnlabiliiy, Wator Urash, Dvsnensia i many other disorders of a similar charaMer ' THE TASTE RESTOIt ativk Tuoeuei. ... designed to counteract these baneful inflnoneea. . j .imi win naneiui 11 VT 7 1 ' ",ou rompioieij successful in a mill-' iiuu, 01 cases and wherever used. Ik-intr harm- ... ...i inscives acy exert a benelieiol ..n..i ."' . V'tem. restoring tho Tasle w Inch IIWR UltUlU is vitiated or ileslmvud l .,.. 1...1..1 genco, con.pleti.ly removing the irritation and "V. . 1 "cKiing icnsulion of the Thrnn which are always consequent upon Ihe abstaining .oiii wio usooi ioiiacco, and by giving health tone to the sto.nneh iv " """" ,,,1'tn.F I.. .1,1. Persona ,!. . -s, -"" nolo system Znr"rTrr .h.ll.l .1 T. . V- . '"l,r "' .1 " ' "'" immediately and throw off the injurious and unpleasant habit of Tobao co chewing, Theaa Tmnt, ... .. t . . .......v. , wos.enges are put up in a cenvon.out and portable form at the low price of oO cents per box. A liberal discount to the trade. .11 TT k"I,,.,3 b'Jthe '"ignid to whom all orders should be addressed. .AMES E. BOWERS. Druggist. APrill, l84!;r",yf "J Hl.NRY W. OVKRMAN. .V.. I J ( Old (',) .Sn,,?, Third Street hchu Market, 1'IULA DELPHI A LtiATUKIl DKALK 11- Calfskins. Moroccos, Linings, Binding., RED OAK SOLE r.KATHE'f A V n T. .. .1 .. ' ..''ii i "attie. u - ...', , Chang., , if 'r 1.11 li "il i e I 7 1I A .' 'i Mil! 1 I lie -III A A . I"", tful v anm un-... ,. ,(, lie l'-iil I; nog:. .. , date nl: i.iny r- put. 1 l.or. 1. him aimve s,a,, . ,., .1, ..nd pr -par-. to 'icr, , 'icr.irn,! ;ii-e i"i(l 11 1 II. Ihe pi,)' "'fin. I. l in t', H.I! I,- !!;s Hi.-' 1,:;. wil' l. Mis I 'M ,i';o. I 'r W'l'l II . -I ,1' A. i SI I V W a v iiui.iii.uao rormifi. ....I u .. I. 1 .1 I i.LK Ot rormifi. ....I &Z.??Zr$'l!wM cnu iii. .lM I II I I IIIih, ,);'. I lit l I l' ! ', Vi I I l 1 'It, '1 (!. I' i ..t aal nf M-iiileli t asl nf M ititelini I 1 mi 1 1 fit M.. 1,. All I mmii,... rtiiffii'l I . l.lni aill b. I I I t an. n l.-1 In an I all In . It umr nt n I WiitmS d' lis 1 n tbi.tt h'lHee. M 11. b, II. I a, f A, I. M llllVN I. II, A 1. 111111. d lbs pirn line nl imdielne, ati-l will all, inl pr 'inl lit In all i-a'la In hi. -rn- II li "I ,n. by ,lfl nr lllgbl. Ile.idenof ,. ..i. it,. Ihe Mlllindisi ell It it. MiV 4. IVi" n tnoa. 1 S. II. I IK. MIA M, I )"al Mnatrr, tlcii liaiit, and etlonslve i'os I lor la a 1 11 11 rL limber, beatda ahiiiglis, lor la 10. , 1 1 t il III! Ill Urn, II. .(. I 1'iwnsliip. Van. 21, IHfi. '.'UN. I UiillT n sllMUT M'U . .n:c I'. Vi'.LVA- MW HIT iiiihtiiiiici a to his friends thnl he lias remot ed lome of his stock from the 'Short Shoe Shop' on short (lis. tame from his old stand, In Ihe simp funnel ly occupied as a Watch ami Jewelry Store, by It. II. Welsh, ib c'd., m arly opposite lo lice i and Weaver's Store, where he will be found at all till times ready tu accoinmod ,te his old customers and as many new ones as may favor him with a call, and do llieir work on as short notice as it can be ibnio elsewhere, and as short accounts make long friends, he will sell cheap for CASH. Home made work constantly on hand, tin I war. rnnteil not lo rip, rotel or cul in the eye. And as this is Ihe time for settling up, said Short re ques's all perrons indebted to him to come for. ward and selllihg up llieir accounts, aud pay the cash or give their utiles, aud they will savevoata. Clearfield, April 7lh, LS;i. ,1m. N. H The person that found ono fine boo Nr.. n, on the morning ul'cr the fire, can have tho mate of it by oillLg at the Shoe Shop of FUAXK SH0KT. (lAiri'lOX All persona are hereby cautioned J against purchasing n certain county order, N 9 1, dated July 17. 1S57. payable to' Edward Porks, mid I. C. Donning, foi two hundred and six d illiirs, us Ihe same has been lost or mislaid, and a dnplicato order given Ihe subscriber. June K, IS58. KDWAUD PKUKP UOXTnoKKHT. t. A. HlPPta NEW FIRM AND fV 1 1 If t W W iTVO ci v & HiDDle. cuiavl;.sviM.K, r... Consisting nf overy thing usually kepi in a eo un try mure also a large uitnntity of Dlil'liS, it, 1 wliieh ho invilcs the nlleininn of Pht sicinns ;nd 1 a large iimntit of PATKXT M KDICIJ E5 union; w Im-h nmy be found the folluwiiiv ; .1 1 '('tf 'w " , '." t;.n " . I',. Ih-. ,7. 1 I White !!reet,. feh. 24. 'S8. ". " of .Wain ai d 1 , IlilllliKVII i.b. Pa. K li. MEAN'S. Proprietor. ;ooa's ' io'jk.s.'.' . lb, r.-e.-i.t (!c 1 1 -, nrdervi;..-.-.) n.fi I or .. V 1. -1'aiii --;i. bo.il:. ;i the! n'!v:. -.- 1.1! ol bis,. ,..r, P. i...-t. .1 any books belonging to him marked wilii bis 111 nie-whether got on loan or otherwise, will confer a favor by returning them iii.inediiiiriv. , Jl. H. SWOUPE. March 31, 1 858. CUM M I NGS &TmL' I IA FY, I EUCIIAXTS ami Extensive Dealers in Luni ill ber, Ac, Now Washington, Clearfield conn "'" !'" sap. 2:1. Ml ly.. f iinliitt, Cliuir Making, A M II otr si: PAI Nil su. I OIIN (il LICH A DANIEL IIENN'EH h itivine entered into partnershiii in tho above Im.i. ncss, w ill bo prepared at ull times lo aMcnd to any ,.wi. ui mi- jiinive nue on snort iioiteeanu in a l'r"l"'r nanner. They will also keep conslnntly nn luind nt their shop on Market St., nearly oppo- .-..t nit- sinro, 11 large assortment ol Alubogo 1 sy nnd Cane linttom Chairs, nnd Cabinet ware ol j every description which they will be found eve I ready to dispose of on as reasonable terms as the Sinne articles can be had elsewhere in the county. virstocK 01 V.UUHIVI arc now on hand. Is in pnrt of dressing and Common liureaus, Sofas, Sewing I Wash Stand.i, Desks and Look Cases, French I Field Post Itedsleads, Dining, Ilreakfust, Con- - urn nun nor 1 antes, Ac Ol FINS manufactured and delivered at any O U'-Sllt',. .day 2.!, 1851 SUSaUEHANNA HOUSE, iurwensvLUe. renna. rrbe ful,.',''ril,'r f"nery of tho Exchange Ho- Tl I'l., 1,.1.... I.- ! .1 . .. -. - . ..,,,,.miiK, nnving omen tna above now siann situate on the bank of tho river, in the b'Vr cn'' ufCur','vilo, would announce that " " . Tny """ the KC,V ""l1 "" otb? h" The h"u"0 1"rl-' ,rnV,,,rs wil1 "' "'y c, , r,a"y """ the "minodation of stran may lavor hi 111 with a and comfortable, and convenience necos.-nrv tn their comfort. Aaijde stabling ii attached to the Prt'n!"i DAVID JOHNSON'. Fobrunry 10, 18j. nw.Tho following niiine.M of retailers of mereliiindise Imve boon omitted in the list ptihlitshed : nRADV TOH NM1IP. S'"l Arnold, Chuss 14 $7,00 r. JV At'tli-lll. I. 11 - Arnold, . " TOVIXCTON TO N?niP. ".."iphies, Halo it Co.. Clan. 14 7,00 5000 AGKNTS WANTED, 'I'O sell four new inventions. Agents have made over 25,000 dollars en one.-better than all other similar agencies. Send four stamps and got 80 pages particulars, gratis, li'M HK3WN, Lowell, Ma.j CAUTION. ' A. persons are hereby cautioned against buy. ing or meddling with a certain note given by the undersigned to James M. Leonard, dated ""ul'r". "'. calling Tor $20, which havo not received value for nnd which we not pay unless comnelb.il bv 1.. we will , ,co JOSEPH DEPPERT, June 2, '58. JACOB KERICHXEIl. CAUTION. VI I IW (. ,r. !.. ,, 1 111. ddliHt t ,-t , I, It., . 1 1 r, i,.r,oil ! I arh n 11.... cniiti-rod against given by the "ii'i'i.-ti. dated Sep. Im. been paid. - MAIUFFEY. I - ', foi $125. as. i .i 1 1 Id v inn, M 1 - ! 1 ' W sh r.'OTf L, JAV.NiSVILir. pa. 'i li!' II..:. 1. In r. i , itl.t 1, tl fitted " ' T . Ill ' nf the I, ii.tn-'i , open tiers ibiic. I'N .: TV; f-i ,1 ii. '1- DA :i'iy-. ii-.r -i:,' (I t .,. I p no ei; i.f ''' n.l nrde SAM I'LL n.v IV, 1 1.1S. SH')KF. fasrCoeaubU'BblaDki for mle here. h r.', xa nox.it, it an lid iU1h Hllh M1 1 Hire at, brV Tliiid, Thil, flMlr: I I. I Mil, ra n Ibrsbft. 1 11,1. II. I, III. Ill I I ltl( 11,1,1,1, fill I,,.. .l ,.lr. ...... I.. -1 1 ... . II,. I ,1 ,... Ili.aji.i eai. talc (his li rllnd id Inlofnilnml,,,, , and Ihe ,ul lic ibal lin y at alill prep,,' ooiiiiin,.i,lo Ihiin If fatnri'l with ,, Dining il.t slimmer nmntbuhe I,.. . . tin. roughly n imt aieil. Itcpiuvi niriiis ,4 iiihcf exli n.lvo all, rail ! s in ei niemi laii, ' We ate don ttnli.cl lo iletnte our (,), ":; tlnn In l.uainess and llallor nursehea i.i'' ronvlolii.n that we shall I s able to ait , M I lion. MIi:s A 8l0VKir'i 3 X. II. Carriages will alwas le in a...i..' ,s fonvey pnisengcrs to and Irrnn SKambuat K iuga and Kailrond Depots. 11 . ' i.. 1. in., 1. .. . ' f ..iiiivii nisi, io.isi.y, LIST OF KETaAILRIiS, nr ritnriiu a.. . . ' 1 Kuatsno alEKl IIandu, In the County of (.".eui field, f.,r the xj lHiH, Kuhject to iiaj inent of LirenJ I liieense. Towntitpt URADroHD. Ktlvrnnl Williams MnitliL'vr Foraey, HECARIA. Jenniuh Cooper, William Latvia, Sitimiel Ilacferty, John Covtxt. URADr. Jchn Ilelioi linx & .Son, l'.uliet & Jliotlieia, V. it. AmolJ, A. II. Mrcrl ' Curlilo Ai C'J., '1 ,'t 1 Vi v Jucob Kan 1 1 n. Siiutrii r.ti.L. George Kniitf A l ioll.cr. Oeuiics Miiicli I, l'i - 1 iV Co.. JU'ItN'Sliif, JutiK'si McMui'Liy, I'ntehen Jt Sim," itUHM-ll McMmiay, Allison & Co. John Cnmin'i, CLEARFIELD UOItHlXH. T.y. f. ltvui, Kit-hurtl Mo.-soo, L. Jiooie, C. Kratzer, Keetl & Weaver, Chillies llnt.-i,n, 'l'liomus Ift.ljin.,, ii t is.: ii.r. .'. A. .''.iiii- 11 X 1. 1,. T,i.i IH 13 11 13 1."! 10, la io,ii Climles liaison, 14 -tt 'l'liomus Rt.ljiii., 1 t 7',!l ' 14 11 II II ;-t I .. i:s- ir ni .... B ' i:ii P' A. R. S; t i". Irwin . . ...... . ' 1 1 it-. D..v. : J. -.. . r,- f-1. t r- it,, llcnn .- Wiiii. .lohll Mt'.)iirt:;v A co. jKin.x Tov.iishiii. -Viirtin Siirk, I.iuviciiee 'IWti.sliijj, I. Fori tnit A. co. .'. I it 14 14 Ii 4 14 Ii 14 II 14 .V I'. F. IVenner, K. F. llreiuier, Po H. .V. Snvth-i'. li township. Tox rii-liip. 7, Ileg.irty it eo. I'liinii Totviiship. l:iniel j'l til -iiki r, li'iuitltvard totvnshiii. A. lleirartv. 14 14 14 7, Tlioniiis lletiilciMon, Inlin M. Cliti-e, (ifuliiiin Townsliii ). V. d'rahnin, J2 jojo Those inlcie-ted will take notit'e that there will I,,. an Appeal at Ihe Cotniiii. loner a Oflioe in the I!oroti,;h of Cleat tiel,l on the l'Jthday of .lime, ls;,8.nl Klo'clotk P-"'-. S. II. SHAKFNER, Mercantile Appraiser. CAITION .411 persons nre hereby cautioned i b against meddling wllh Ihe following proper. I w. ly, now in the possession of Thomas Peerei. si ' U emu properry was bought by me, and left witi the said lit ers on loan, suhjoet to my order . Out Hay mare, 1 Illnck or lirown Hone, I Two Horn Magon and ono Timber sled. May 19, Je5S, WJ. T0RTER. AV 1 exchange a good two-horss ' 1I'lo,urirrriiiKo for a horse-one dell trained for family service would bo preferred. For funh5r particulars aiply to . May 19, 1858. JOSEPH IRWIX. XX. sash, 10 hy 12, for salo by Jebmary II. .Vr.naitM.4 CATit. ALL friends of Imkcili and Fr.fBLR-jii,M CHiLimrn. Please procure circulars grati. ot r- OEOlttiE HR0WN, narre, Mass. lLTi'JA00 IN t.'.VK DAY $52,00 ; in two days, 'ero clenred by agents, retailing my patenli. Senil four stamps for letters and hook I'KOWN, Lowell, Mas.. Restanrant and Eating Saloon. 1 B; JAVLOR. begs leave to inform his el i J.V. friends and tho public, that be has juit J replenished his stock ,.r ..t.,1.1... : 1.: , - . ...,..-n, ,11 ma new as 1 oon in tho baseiue.il of Messrs. Merrel & Car- ter. Iron a, Tin-Ware store ; and that hereaf. ter bo will always be prepared to furnish his cul- ' nrners with every thing usually fonnd in such es- t tahlishmentu to wit 1 Ice Cream. Al t.. . Iicer. Tohnnn.. ..ln: .... ' . ' . s . .. , ,KTS OI Re V(,r beJt ti. ity, Fruit, and Confectionary of all kinds, ate. lliankful for past favors, b. .oliii. . nnce of public patronage. fniay 12, '58. CTt)!VKVARI I'llTTKRY IR KAI.B 1 n-i . a no liruporiv ncctlli ed h Port.. A Ttsn le Hrady fn, near i,iiH,..r.hurc-. will be add lo' tile ow ner "oni pi.tler is 1,, g it about ' K ,,. , , ihe baii.1,1 1 i 1, dwelling i,n i . ' the r:tli irs' .n'.r . itie nre "f II tllS plaoe ii stono w;ii- 1 property, i,. if, norm! nl no. 1.1 apply :iiA;?, C't.iri.eld May i, i'.i 18.'. 7 Ml'MlTl nr.n..-ll ha-.-irs ...rtii.il ll-'i l.ltl.llfil il. Ill,, iitiT'M Hie pi.'nli lii 1 ho ,'llnf. ii ,i ., 11 .11 f- 11- .11.1 , Cleuriield. rtji.-il 17, I:. 1 '.y. '" " "" '"'" CuJob Triutiug ntustly eAtcuid Itxo. V jr if ir t Or Ti Ih Or Ti Tl Ft Hi Or t eet ln ch. In fn Wi Ci w; su rii tli ec Co J( 1" dt nt (i It tl er I) 111 T' fit r,i w tli C.I tL w a b ti ti it tl h Ii hi k le L'I in tC in ' 101 '13 c il 1 1