I i !, 15 3 a if ; 1 ' 1 1 isM II i -St I . li r iin, 1 1 "i 1 1 it,,, i i 'i i i " i .i. I ' i ( ' ' 1 1 , .l l I II U 1 Ml tl I- I Ii'', lit ' , iiV'l II I II:! I. Ii " V " , ii' i" I : ;! "ir'l i ' i, , in i.. I Mfi.i I 't..-f t , ...i, ni . n't'i' i! 1'' I. I'll ' n tla i ii it 'I id" 'ii !.mii V i In f i U hi 'h,i 1 1 n tVl'A r ill I' II ' -'f "I ' ll I lli I'I fl HI' i" I mi, i. II. i. I ll , i -r I I II , !'t. I II . il it, I.. I j A i'i). .1,1 .1 II. or I lie A in' , i ,n ,, . Ill ' ! Mt hi II mi ' I ' 1 i ; , ., I ' ' ' 1 fli' Ill' I Ii I' n "ill 1 1 1 i ii r, 'i n i.i., i . i l- . I ,i ,.n ' i r i". It mi iw !! t ,li I, u.i. h'l . -Hi ', ' 1 . i n'l. ; I. IliC, 1 1 I f 1 li d ',i t : i i ii'ii l. Il l' 1. ! I'll,'., ' I I,. I it- i',i l'i i' Vl j ii 1 1 ,'. ii ill , Ii it'll hi ll, il' I ll'llV ') Old !. I ,;. II .1 L I I II I III,' ' ,., 1,1. I II I, I I I 1 1 (ill I 1,1 II'; llli. V. i' r ii ii i.i' Eoaocnti i-ci;.. ; iiii HtViC 1 I ,-lV i i l.i -ii a 'ill' i , ' b.m ..-.i i i.ii- i, ..:! 1 1.1 :.cd tli.ui lit ,.i iki f ml ft , I ' ,.. .. , , ' I. .. i i "i , nul : . l'i , re', 3 I . II t I I' Il , ll '..111. I ' . i u ; ! i . ' n ! In I. '. U , I'll,. r 1. I .! il ' ' ' ' ' I, I'. I I I i , I Ml. " 1 (Il i ii I t nil I ill' '1 :i ; i. I i,i,. i n I !,,ui r.-rr i ' i; "j. wjiliah A ror,irJ. I,i I UII l"'t ' VAN Al. '';. 'Il---i"M l' WEftEY FUCRT, ft I .M I 1 I I ' I-HtMAi! i i 1 - i - -1 i 'N.. I In. 1'i iin.iry KU.vu"iii I"!' ti in i"'" f M:kvim,T cnndiil.it'.'ii f'.T tl.o v,n'ini olti e:: to lo fil!.-'l at thr .-!.v ti,,n in O t , 1. 1 r wci, vill I." hoMly tl kimwn f Iho Oi-uni'urd Cotu,?y .i-ti m, 'ii S:'' unl:,yri''''"'i''iiv :'m A'vn-: T- rm "l '!. Uing th'' 1 Mi .! -f A-:'-. ! Min ) lii'-.'n ;y tii'i v;r.i.nt.i tii'-N. Tlio f'.'.ini jmli'C's i: I i- tl. ukI i. mil nn I I t,,' ( ).; i II fill IV Mil kin: I. 1 1 f!i. i f "J-'l-ll Hi' I I . ii: lil.i.'l i, . : I I! Ii I i" ' ?'! " ''' ,1 : In- ii! 'i i t "I l.'ii, t: all mi - hi' -i ii.i.i'y xllilllld 1,.' I l ,lu,ll-(l Up, HI lll-il IH'W ului IlilVi' illl'f.l'lv l;l' 'l.ll'' MH'll rid j t j i tin ir I'm hut i-ik muv i-r iiii'. iM-tTrd, t'i ".iy tin -,'f. ft .. I. ,.!,,!. I, :,i i'.i mh'.i a ln'iin, , J'l'.V I'. Mines .inri- nti'l I'-VTI' 'll IVn fi,l' ul n'll;'ll i i;i,iii.il i'lii1, ul il nt ! i"t it Iiii" l.ii'ii.i' tl." li:. re ft'" Kj' I I i r in 1 1:.' i l.iiln i- I'fi' 'll'i'v i.ii'l i.'Vit, witliout a-Mii;:!!' I'lU'tifU' 'ul' li'.nc1' f r li"ii'"-ty, or i-vfii tlic ;:inl "I ". i, .; i .i" i i . ii".,-.... ty c :ii ti..!i.. I..,t. r 1 "m s l'i' i i Kim " iti'ii"'i lift-ii 'If llill.l ill inlti'll ill'Uoh ntl'l I'l'Vl'l ""'I" III llldil' till' Kl'ilil 'l'... ill 11 (' S.'ill ' l.uvo 1."-n J' i'iwti'd 01 t''.wil:"l', l-y (! Ifl'lK Etiprerae Convt of rcnusylvanki .,;, jw.i.ii'. im. '' 'v-' -' y.-' -'' , ' I 't! 1 1 I , l ' ' ' ' i , i , , . , 1 I ii: I i . h i ) i. ii t i I Mi. I" i .! ill f I t ) ,i li i i" I ' 11 I ' 1.1. ,,i . li .1 li ' i' "" ' " x tr. ii ' 1 1 t r ;r 1 1 i. ' ii . i" 'ii'" ul ' " ii, r,; i 1 1 - ii. i,' i 'ii' i -I, , ii i 1 1 ,i n . i.i. Mid '.inn . it : ..! ' 1 ' 1 ...i ii'n i nt r tl. J'i'tntt l;, .,1", Ii ', " il' ' 'I'1 I"."' i,. I,.; u. iw ui i.i I ii i-1'1''- I,' , n.. i. j ii ' " ii t'i- ..'-"i'H" ,.i , j.'l.li I, "I '' il.i'H i' ii" " 11 1 .., ,i, i .mi.,, il,. i. il in. A I i"! i.'.i i 1 ' i'-n n,.,... n,,. ;p rill , ,1 Lv ;.!!;. I iiv: t'l C t I; I i .1 ! ...... . I l.;.n I A I HI'-' '..li!-' f'lil-l' , i. . I,,,,, i. i. i.M.ifi'' -1 .ii-ii'i'iuiii'1.'.' Ad-; II. p '' . I ' ! ii, i I .'..,. 1.. "i . 1 tl I I . I . 'III I Iff fcil lb i ii I.'''i . , . i ii i' , i III n . I il,., !! ., il lit I i I til I" ..l C:l I' II- I f ' i . I '..I ) 'l I ! . . l'. ' I I I'M ll I' I 'III , I ' I I i r Hi-- ii At ,.f . l ii,. " , i i 1 -, i , 1 1 i i .ii i. M . il 1 : ,.). I i I , I,. I I (. fit I. li 1 l ,', ' vl i- . i I i.i . ' . i i I i.. , ,1111', "I I I,-.. Him I , , , I I' Ml. V, I I , ,, I I I ,, II 1,11 V ' ' 'II V i I ' 1 1 , ijl ,, ! I li'lll ( I' . Ill f l I,. I I I ' . ll ' I 1,-' iij'l , r.t i'i" H" :r;: tl-. r I- i l l . i l' ' H l ,1' .1 , 'I 1 1 -1 i ii-1. , . (,. ' - !! i i 1 1 l , j i, ' "ll ul till 11,,,, f' -I. 'I t'l t lii lll if. ' i I il,., '!l 'l.'l 1 . 1,1- I I ' I if l III. .' I ll 'It -'1. 1 1 Iff l l ,l , ,l ,, ill, I I',, I' I I if ".II I'll' I " I I ft to till' ll 1, 1, 1 liiiinl .-I- i I .I'llt . Ci. tu il lii-i.l in i. in. (Mi i. .1 ll'.lt tlr.ttl! l - J-. Kill. i ,'. K, , o I I it-; 1 1 1 1 i it ii 1 1 i- fi ili'i-i i ii Muut-.M.d in r, t in tin- in in' i 'C-ii i i 1 1 " " ii' mi! ,c lllinlf llllDil'fr ff MllU t- ill flil' (.'Kilt Ml,r t . . , , ... , III I IIP 1 lnfll. 11'H H'K I IL' MM I or (Miy I itv Mule, tiiiisfiiii;'ii rM;.iiiiniiiu li.iim. Iit-'.'lt t't ii- ;' - .- i.l-i. -....i ui,u ..,, ,i;1,, SVi,,l,l;, illv i.m,i..v.,I .. Ill- ".-"' ' J I '', i -i i iiu i ill fill;! ll- I -"1 i ' ,1 iiiiMi;'. i'i ii f i- .i .'i.: : . , . .. 1 . . 1 1 Mil 11 HI I.' II U III. i 11, vt , , . . 1 1 l ,,1, -in MM.-.' limy ll. liliuf "iiiii, . , ,', .,,1 ; 1,i,,,11. i.:., .1 I ,, i Miiii'l- " -' - 1 ' ".i a jH-.u'ti-'ul ,i in'i If -i'Hi:tiiiiiiji tu K-cnin ;;,,,,. A..i.il ti..ni tin' I'mn "' liii'tiil it t. u I lit' f: Vi l, Tr tl.i' l'i mum nifin Mi'iis '! t'!. allii Ul (Vniiily. I"l'- (,i.i!y. t i ii.- lV0, ' tie i-ii ty tin' fyts of thf uuiinii lui'iin, in '.i .: i. i...... r. ..... 1 1,.. ..ill! v nnil i-1. ivnsl.it h- 11,1 " ' ""I"' ' .' of il ' I'.ll'l f I', till-'. 1' UI.K1 ."s 11 i :,. fii'.-i i',ti fi- to inrcl tin' Tuewlnv .i!t,)ii'n fl'Cttirt. rf tni !''". I ,'lllt V 'l Mi.il I'lu'li '"-t -"!lt!l-:ll I'lU fiii'l liMiiL'ry ili''.".'i'l 'is. ...:ii.-:lii:i:' !,".;, li-liy .litV.futt to inlly . "ii.-. The Kttiua Election. .i','!ii-n l. It may I.ii' ' l"'f ii iiK'i'flv :'' i-' I'lic "N av Vi", k '1'i ilam,''' und kimli-i '1 ili-iital, it i t'tif, fi-it ni"y lniv '"'fi' S-''11-: jo ii:!-, tiro yviitly f.vi'iriscil nl.mit tin: run -lv finii'f Ifil ! tlic - ti-'in.i."'!''' lif I im I pi-"! :il -If ;ii'tii.ii '.'.'tlii' j" " 'If f I' K' aii-ai on t".i nf1 ,)ii". , -l'H 1 1 in' t: .ta.-v n. i.Ar.niMr:K. t'll.MP.M.! .Kills MA'-'JA'TiV. '-''' Aiii'ii'iin !; I . i Ijl i--:t 11 - Iv II ' W-X t ilill;! Il')il-i''i'H'l Hi ri.iiit i,l" .-..'il' il.'iivin' li '-;.it iliiy : ff l'i, ta: 1'ut lit:iit n- 'i-. A 1 .'. I tliUU " yf - r i ; ('Oil Iff c I I .ic may haw I'ffil .1 iia :h ;'. I'ai' "tf'i'"'l to a iii--.v 1'iiity, c.lii,.'ii lia-a.-fi; i4 i:i.a:n;.iy if.i.Mi'iiOf ill the Iraim of a low I . i i u i 1 1 1 - ni'Mi ulio il.-'-iro tin- I'Vi'i-thl'i'iv of I lif IV--nioi i-a'i,' j-at ty ninl tin-' A ! 1 1 i i 1 1 i -1 : 1 i i llhilll tl'fV llt'i-l'lliit. ov 1,'iiiaiii. ia-.-iu iiil::. (-li'"- V ('ait ol' ln't V.'il.-oll I'll' tlii-i. will ktvji 0,1,-1, nil, , 11'.' a a liio; it T.'l'i-iioiy, at t!'.' aj :t ti.ill 1 I"' In !'l ill ill'' '-a'. 1 in. .in !i. Wo ran im TIk' ' I'lil'ini"" mi, 'lit a- t -f i(i't.t) ol' Kan -as lii'Vo tlio l i.L'lit to dii-id'' iu tlu'V I'lfii-o, and v. hati-vi'!' tln-y : ; 1 l V l!.', O.'.ll !!!?' 'ft l!n ill.-i h ohlv. ft is .inru liio iunl'i.-fvn---l I.MVHI..O o.tifeiii.'.l liioli it hi-tain.-, uimli to.-.v il'-'Vi"11'' wiu-U J.,'. Or. i ty lm-iiif..-. ii.-r ol imr. in tlm iiiai..ilnctit of tl.is jiajifi', Vi-t w.tl.- l-y a :'-nul.iv tin- ln.tiit'l' vnu-i hj-mui j w ii.il tni.ir iu-i i.-a -n i.i- if. n o:'.ii i.a .-. ' w- Id tbat brief 1'orinil iuil-ortant cvonH in lioinm-rats." Whii-li .av:y -tij...Mii'-' u p,., n-.ur in j-.'"' !:.: it, ai. I n-'ii" in .'a-'-a-i tl, l,J-torv of his Mat, if the ctuiro tu liam an c -'r-iu"', w-niiil lift I'f '.ik.'- ! -ii-i-iinin-' i;-1 -n- -.iiii ii,i.'r. i'urnuix'U f- ' ''"'' litti-.? d.'-iL: that lli'.ir (Uci-;i.ii til. I tin-y have ll iTCt'i- t j.; tu ;l,:ain.' t at-itf. 1 In ; 1 oSt-nt ;:lo.Vny n m atnl t.iit.' iiccii ln.iii'.-lly and o .net-ton ly n-.o- ij.i,.-jnvt.s .'!' n.c j . i ii -i y aiv u;i 1111:11-; tu. -idoi, ivas 'H..,j. willi this laltfi' vif.v it nvr, have I ikii l:r :::ir.d ! "-,'. i-rfaliv in ll-;tL du i-etimi. wi:ii.-ti-.v- ,;i, a tK.nl !f and ilffj i-v iiniio-.'. 'i Ii j U i it:,:o.i with 1 . in .1' .'in.c I'm-.'.' i y m!. 'l-t'! wtive-t ' taw ol'tii.; ti.'kot lu.-y wo.v uOntit iifinini jHiiuai.il u; 11 o ! ail -. .'.'!'.."-. ti:,:t tlic est-. ..- . .. ti"ii'!y 1 u,, w v fal. tVii 11 hfini a -n i!,"i- ol'i'.'!a n ) ,f., of u stirt- f-.r.-niiu.-nt, on a i.;,iii;'..i-:ii ; '-i', 1 ;in :t . j i-. t if it i,p;-r,.achf,l that in? in Jof 1 or I'V 1'''. v, I ''" ,;i' . c.i , and I...;., i.ii raitl any ci'.Hi'.'t'.'-ii it w.i-til-on tin id-' ,'.' ilf- , oi.-s.-i'.,- i:i t'.;o ..'.u,!i!'; that ii,,i,....i ,.t -li.'.-s it i.- ..on-oniiciuli- it would niakf hv- dill' I""' i-'l'id iiji'iVao in' o(.iii..li,.n tliat ii 1 0 li, ..nd con- 01.(.1Rl. jf tiioir nominee, not JMIt'iN,.. In toe -"Ull i-i'i.fi inn va il hill in K'luiti. I'laiiiiL! for an 1 1.', 1 . 1 1 - f i u l l'1'.-tl-itih ihf ' Ll. 'to) - (-! I'.i ii.:" t. 11 l.:l' tu. in (ulli-i'iiiin lav l.'Mid in 1'1't . ior til.' J lil J I'M 'I 1 I lllllill'f M hli'.l I.OII-''- in that ui-tii.'t. In iifi-'i-'datn'e with the j, rav.-r of the hill the df t.'iidanl-. vv-fif 011 jiiini"! iiyaiii-l i'.w."'."lill:t to e -lleel the tax I.a ied I'M- I. nil. Iiu..' nn'o-.-, and tie-.-lnue reni'.ved tl:'- 'i-f I'V ni'"-.'l l' Un r..inl. The o:i I i ,v I.i-. )-'. -din i- i'.h'' dii'i'ly ii'- 1 ... 1 'f.... 1 :'i ulal iiin I I' 'IIII' -1 Of ; 11 i.iiin-ii. 1 i'- "i. . v lor no I'ln.'." of Mil'i u'iia: none ,,.,,.., ,;, ,,! ,,-nl, l-iit V' t,t. tin ,li, ot , .mill t ,ext ,-, 11, th.y 1.1-liU ala .it .. l.ii.hni.df ol lad m.JVmt,.,..m IVon. le-ullM. Iftheif 1-0 i,-mH rnli who ! . si,jn o.ioili;! aliV I'OI lion 01 their tl. fi t, 1 St. M vlil'f. I.il-t Week tl o Juid our i' I'M'lt tl.eiu t'.ha.t -lid l' i.' ' t t'l'on tin; 'nl yjsit; to the hoinllfli of St. .Min v's, ju ,.,nif. .('leni 'i-. li there il IV'nl'.ei itt who y k cl),Vi 11IK .1; l.oti Ii Wf haio heunt vi.. ad . -. r-r t'ue ri'iiiiiii'iitnm ol his mn.-li mid' ahout the iof,itidity ox lil.it"l vi.lll.'l in-'I' l-eii.e- to the stieo.'f- ol 111" l,v i. inh.'lhitailt to ftMliiililH. the lllli-n. 1 1 I . I . I 1 I . , -Mri'.iniidiii ( ireimi'.'iin-- of wi-il..iii i.i-d ii.i'.ri.it- Cnlon anil tf the. tranfjiirod. Th nist iir.t oviair. j civa-i, to u i.tr,;o p'- rii.)ii oi'tlf world tho rwecpiiu' liionetiiiy er.-: . ("il.'iit, dosf rnctive .i:ii in i. liKc-ft wit ,1 -t'.ii'i!it..; v. ; . . .. tho outirc c i mil " :.; 1: ' i' i . track (re ti.-.v,-r.-n' .. -' -and dWrifS. Oi i .- c. :,--c.1 Oaclwi to ijieak, wo a; lia'.e lv t-i vote fur liieii to '.vho-e avovveil an I . w e l,),i : e'li'i idied d - -".il.i t!n-y have h n c''-- v, i.i JV at:uiu -: aMati i.ii wa- 1--11.1l. am I the re.-oi'l H"t 'li""' that the l-iiily den'iidaiitH v ere in ( '. aii t . or i-Vcll had ll" 1 tee of t he )'i'lidilii' hill. lln-.v. iij.i.ll -li. ll aiee...d, tin ili.lilieti"li eould I." i':.' .. ! a: i 1 1 - i til" Si I I I'i- li l-;, 11 ; ,.!' I-, :' m-IiooI th-tlii I. wearo lift ini'.is iu,-il, ;,i.d vv, a-f mi, ,;!,- t" tli. ',". !,;;'. u ii ,;, ; ' an. I 1 iiii-id'.-iii;' the j;- ii., .v, ui !.- 1 I f"ii i.-;'0 ..: - ;,. :: .1 j., i five 1 Hat IfV.vn.j . r h'.iihliii;.' 1 11; "-.-' 1- fiii -1 ia.V "f I 1 eillilieial to t'li. i'..,,!).! linant.-.. hi. tii' d in ueli a Int ; 1 un i'.i. U.'i ' i.al tv '.' In vi-v, 0 fall tl ee.i it i the t t'l i'.ni to Vole Im- 11ml .-.il-ioi-t tlie Wlioie lii-ket. We led confide It 1 1,1.1 wiii'l-lcf di-ali-fiii Hell may i xi-tnow, will nil ho .ii-., 'll.-. I I'i'I'.ri' ( I. I- l-er. an 1 the whole 1 1. 1,1, ,1 u".ie In. k"t wiii If triiiiii.i.aiit ly , 1 , 1 1 . 1 1 . h'eiif'iiil'f r ii-'l'iel: leiit.'inliei ;,,, i-iiif tii-H ha-, i lodlieed Hi maliv t iii shown to vh i'.ors nttd tho location of the .la,-o, wrt nui-t iidiiiit that wo worn .joiih vv hat. nei'i uhly il'.Mi.-ti!!ltel. TLo town i m hitilt in n Ktitti ted iii.aiii.'i fiver a disti iet ot country Mini" two n, : ; 1 -t- in (.;;. tent , 11 nd the inli il.il a.,: -.,! ii i. -i -mi, . ; ll.cy li.'IU' H'Vi-f.ll line hi., .. or , ial, i 1.0 e.1 oHti'-t. iittraeiion is ino f.,!' htone ehufi'li siiiiali'd on an eminence and coin- inaiidini: u v'n-w of a fical di-iinire. 'fliit 1"" mild lVliliieiatie V ietoliis ; iilid let US r,, ,,.,.), ', -ZH loot loi'if. 111,(1 .') fi-ct i i,Je illi 'I'J lii'M t'eluii ill the 1-li-t. Viilf 1 t'u Let. Wo chilli 11 1 iu we icivo ii"iK hi- whole l)eliio,'..il.ie v i-r lime finl-'f'to ve- j;iet. thi.- 10. 1-e. All O.-o.-lle eolir-e we liliu ana., tiay have i iinse t. l'i;ret. I (ir I .111 1 liii- in ail tini'- sin, i,l in r eonnli y .i.i-l advanced iis in-ere-ts : .-t u- in turn Sii.ml hy nr i i!.V iukI -ill or: ii-t tiim! i ,i ,'l ii-a",-. ' ' !.:! ' a sciiooi 1. ci c-ntiai -, i-iuht- 01 tl The Qv ;-l' I'.'.l. 1. i;.f !''th 0 ti j;i ac foi i-'Ul. 1-. Hi a ii'-ei 11 in til ti ' h.'. ! ti K. n-.i Z"ll OV i.. v ; ' " or 1 : 1 1 1 1 . -rion .scr,- 1'i-iiv dei'lar- is ul an end 1 :,!-- I- ill -.' as .1 I.' li ill 1 and ii-t'..cntH an iiiieiir(iiice l-4li oxtcrim! iiinl internal, Kiii'iaMii in j.'nniienr any olher ehiiich cdilice ill , he. lion It uctcrii ,i,lion "I the Stale. In the (.aheri MatiiU ioioi. -an 1, nill in the toun, 1,11,1 alniii-t fVfi-y thin;! ah'int the hnild.ny han l.ccii linislii'd hy the citieiis re idin' 1 hi 1 o . () al;o,t in li li oin onr horse in front of Mr. I.lihr's- hotel, we felt that we were at home, and dm in;.' our may recciii d liio liint In-.-j-i'Li-iil.' tiitiilineiit I'roni tiioM, with vviiouj ,: chained to meet; we retiii-in-d inniu. 0:1 Tiinr-diiy evcoin", fully conviiicpj that tho aci'oiinls lie lane so oltt-n hcial ( ; S(. Miify'a had lint l-eeii exa'Lci iitod, ulal we iio.e that vie n,t-y HK111 haw un oinuiiiy t-l'iVj-. .r.i:i,.( "arvi-i:. V:-k-.'.-.'.'' Tlie 'Is iiii Ui.Ci'.ion. "fiie Ki o n Am f. ti n-n'.-'j.o of t1.c J Ll I'-,! 11 r, 1,1' 111' 'th I'll lein;: tnll - oeon anlii'11'aU.M, eiiiuratinn Inn lit m innn tn fool them. Lvc-n now tli,iiit!li ten t-1,,,1,,,,,1 l..,..,h cuiii or hiiow-.v.ntiiiius, oca-en .inn in,, "onvrai powi tae 1 or-, lor Midi yea. month, havo c'.ai.a'l siiice th;- tomatlo lv.(.w'(l,'t'oati'tl If any r-acritices v.-.-ie to , eitory has l.ocn Mi.-tn'inl.-d ; that ttmier hi.-'0-i- ol pin , .....'. 11 . , -. , ...1. 1' 1. .,: .1 0 0 u'l'-.ind aii'l il pas.-'(.tt OVf'l' 11 , iu' e.iin i aio ..-. Jie e'i - i. nunletOtlie laav 01 ll.in mwiis 1 1 li , 11. . i,, 1 1 . it ii.. ..... 1 " wbero. ind avo only lu-inninj in u fe'.v :(lill.U hmtcrns. thev had heliei' he ivner'ade .' ''' 1'""1" '"' '"- platoilUi,,'!',-!.!'. ' Iiemoerat-, in whose devotion to their in j ' t!'" Vl U' ll!'1" l" ,r, ... t :.. . ..... I..t . I . ... , . i;..t. r..:,l. ii'-, O.IV tlio I'Mn-n-P". It is not delilrd that to ai , , 1 i - i , 1 !v- t,. 1. 1 li-l. C n '. I '.', I'mI. iia-ni or o iuiil ini'j r 1 tcrosts they could have h'.it littif somtoitioar eili.oi-iiil enteri'iise undo 1-! M1(.l,,M " lllKl 011 who nt tachment tliey they can cm., in !..!. r too l.,...i,.t. .1, t(K)k tho l.ttl'licatifll of the "(kai'li.'Miu,1U aot del-elHlifdeleMted. than tlt.'ir !"""""" "I':'r"' ll'ili'-liately .M) Kei'.ul.lioaii," our i-tusi.ei.-ts wero ll.ater- Mth(n hrethren, on whose d"vo- ,'" inicrdi-.-l hlaveiy ; hut the iimimiii.1 iNg tn a high (legi-ee. JUisines of tJl;tio t,oy cmM ;.hvnys i.-iy. is .gainst heoomin-it stale under ai:y Con Vin.la l.vUlc and active: a FOason of, T 1 t v 1 . ,c T'I . ;i,'rl..1 1 .1, - i,.s un-'-'-itiilion. Tliere aie throe, of th, -e iu-t 1 li- " "w-' - ' .JUlilt .U. It, vi ."..-. 'I ..'.-: ;on ". -cliool l-'iif iii,'- li'--:-f"ii. which i-.tid l.t. shall 1'" I'A ied and coiice!,-.! 11' the -auie time, in t'c s mi.' m inni'i. mid with like 1,,,; ho; itv :. '.h'' i-c;:tdar iiiiuad t.i. ' I il,"!f on 1 Il li. Kali s', ,0' 0!' 'I'hc i--.'illllei:t oi t: l-oavd of d l"c!'i.'- 1 1 01 is only a fo.v,, md not on" in an; ,.1, :-. lit'c- i.-. that tie ohm ,.f in Il.i.-. in a city or oil.,:' di-'ri !.. l-.J . .11,.. 1 tvttn I uuesaaiia; ji u.'j.- nj. jjh ,,.. , til on a .J (l.n rt..,.,lt. tit ll.tt f.lllt.1' Tlllt ' iaju mm vi tuu 1.1.U1111J ,u --..v alaii! tho ccne coou changed, mid ere we bad boon two iiionth in husiiiesx, nil had bcane dark mid chimin' in the extreme. Thn "bard tiiii'M" 1 10110 i,nd -.ared none U recently acted with the Deinocra-; .a ,.i.,,i'..-s..ii to lava it untiei . 1 .... : 1- 1 i.,.i,.,. ; ith.s t:mu. A pies. liv lie is now uniim n tv...... ... the ranks of the opposition, we davesay it would i'iu.li' him nearly as much as our mntitb novV in existence', and it uhvious that no oiifi oi theal would 1k acceotcdat th 1 -,sl made t!ie I..-.iv- t-nwith. it is luiiiiversal'y eon.-f -,.'1 io 1 - tho most otijcclioii-ibi,' ; aud tii.it '.vero th-.' ale clear, iicweu t. t.1.11 11a- - ken view nf the act of a--cm',! . -i'n win to roi ide a L' -o.iid s 1-,. ui, ion .'-1 -h 1 ,. I vdtie-iti'.n 111 v i ail 1 no 01 In'' : 1 ' 'i.i ra.-v . I :i ' aiV'-j.t th" 'i','" .-.is I'm, 111 ih.i: ti',, 111 '1,1. I.ei -'ili tie' I'litoi', and li-'.l- li ' ii li r Vo.-y ii i.iiiia'i-. W'l.c.her t hey iduil .if' e:-t , r ii;,-,-! ihf .-,'ot..i-iiioti 1- a ''., t;oa lor ilc j .';.- i f -iii;.f,i. l, dtviile lor tiiein-i-li f -, a'.id v. ah u i.ii. it licit her ( 'on 1.1 1'--, nor t hi ,. tlir M-lrii.l .Vi'lo, unr miy 1 !' .!-,i:.,l ! 1 'Uii'i-.v ;.'. oiit-i, 10 I ho 1 ori'f !,.;- any iii.t to i .:' i 1 1 -ll .-'li.; ' 11 nil "V eis'. i-at an v iiil lc '.V a! ! ! 1- V. t'.e :,'. "J 1 ( !, ;i ; ; ,' -ifa o .' I ::, . h:,.. ,i u'tV "' r-virc tae ! u . f .'ni.'.-iinii a:,.l 1 1 ii-k e 1 1 an i --n, 1 the ii'iniii;! clu lion. vi ill h,'i,i 11' iiohooy. 1,1, ,1 can only tcsuli in iii!ii;y toiho-c ,1.1 1 ..,! lv h,' c a j cvkv 11,1 i ll, ; -,-'! Ml 'oil,; o -i' 1 ml 1 eta 11 "1 1 I i.i. i'ie- ',, 11. Tic : Coal and i'. -in men. (ire nr tl ear- ;. H-r.v the ;:ii.i fi.iiy ol tlr-lg- u'.n ' l ii" li'.'.-i't ifH-iioa :n,i i-tiiv la-liti t, It 1 ''' -on. to- 1 li. ! r ; I lie nun i-i-i ii'li-iil a" id wi-h to iio 11 1 1 . ... , .... , I. . . i 1 .1 . 1 lim, 1 1 en 1 it no. 11 r 111 ii, ...t 1 ,111,111. ar mill III t 1 if all I-iil t ie.-, I. in-1 he I'l-iiii' lit ,l..df I, 1: i li' hitiuii ' jt'"Hl''essioiial io o.-i-i,.a rdta.ihed to it, ;.nld i e l-v ,,.1...... 1,. 1..11 !i:-i,.i,.,.,:i:,-.l am uliiiiii'i-c not hcvmi'l their reach. Wo;'. . , ., ., 1. 1 tlie tied don ii.riiii.--t it , , , . Us a l-Ul'tl-lu, (loanucM ''" "' ""' iinfortuniitfl; wrre not. Wo Idt their, , ,. ,. Wm. i "" l'" InHuonee K'voiely from th" l.eitiiiiiiiig; 1 ,. ,,, ,.. . , .. frt i. ,,f the "old "l:i.v l'1'' H g. at :tv ing to 'rociv,' that t.a iv.-ei-.l'li. are (ti'li '! lift OV l I look C' 1 ' wonl l have I -ecu - the, thmodit '-f lhiJ in-ccs ity '0"(-'i"ll . i.-!:i;i o; ; a ,- stcia . --nil thfir hy the f. I'MWOUil' ( .tl. iiM,-he'" -cat. Pail, vv hi-.tev r th- and iilt!iot:"!i our I'atrom did nil that could r"aonahly have heeii (.Apeoted un- uyr the ciii'iiiiistiiiict's : it was ii'.ituro of tniiVM :,,;lt '!'"' '""'' fti'ii' iy V v,.,t.tp iii l,v nnift said to bo of the "0 j .'..,,,. I., .a- t.- I,.,,,. ,, 1. 1, 1.....,,, , while others call ,r'T"- v' '..-.' talk iibotit their own ailau- like a'.en line vv'nij?" iiersna-ioii loerat. ot testinionv sepals to ne on in rouicdy the 1. e ftii.ttiatio.i in bia i- . . I : .:!'... I T , .r, " Tin. .1H It no, in the . . ,, j , ,,r' souse, and that the on, .-thai is to wcili i.i .... ,... n-i . 1 ...Hutu ,11 ,1 - ,'" ''"' "' i n ai , lion . in,, 1 1. 1 - .... the I nter. .'iav - dome-tie concern, aiU th'".- nad 1 la and !oi"'i-hs .'. "' v-' oil,. ': .: , toivn-hi.s in the I ' .!!!:. eiiwc of such iiejleef h'-v verf ;".i. roiisirne! ion of ll"' ell b ciin-tria ti.-n. In 111 "tla-r 1 a" than I he..''' I so."., on 1- any j tor icr-.iaincni 11 .- : . . 1 ; -1 -V w r . -i . V.-.ti! th. II'. .;',! I ' . .' Vet v. i.al, ... in. I-ioii u. W i .11 1, v. ii ti..' . .Ml I t.l their v. ' all l' ''.- Ola .- l! I!,CCI Is .'. Illi- I'.I 1 ! j.i ii,. i 'a i-, 1 : , 1 ,-c - li'. d.-'fu r :.ii c a.vcnii'.lK-c.-, vvhiih thai ', ' ' 1 ,. 1, ,,,ril, i iny thiir own w , if ne liner, in: nas ttn. ui.i- ... . . . . . .l.i.-n an.i tlie M-au lly ol , , , , ; .,1. ... ol partisan Cat. Hid ior imii-i with the party that i-idceied hiia aid not a iiia' -idi tits. money ei-il us. (:o:eMiK-iitly, wo dmvcj t , ii(1 fwll. ; few hackneyed p l-cen i-d'Oriii-, undor cii. nnistiinccs ol tin InOHt liiscourainj chtiriictei' ever lance the "money j-aiiie'' ( ccurred ; and it should j Uot creato f. ii 1 i-.e that tia". :noi,l'l nave i:ati-cd many shnrlooiiiiii.os "ii "in" nart in tho disclnu oi our w hole duty to onr patniis. We t. i'd to do onr hc-t with the Iiiir.ms at foiaiii.ind. hut we did not suc ceed to onr lii'.i-'action and we took it for prnnte. 1, not 10 i.-c sulisfaction of the at rrii i t t.e "7 1 , ii' '' an." t'tid'-r all lh'.-e co'i.-c '' 'i i' as dc'.'i niiiH'.'l to make .- 0 . . p.c at ti.e closo olnircr.i- rt'tit ' (-. 1. .. I. 1 . 1 1 1 1 d j'l'o'i ah'.y Le for ike Ifti'-ii' ' a' - 'ics coin crue l ; and K. F. Wi-iu .'i ..i Il.i'' Hinioi-l.ditor con tlu led t'i : i.e if 11 that position. in the present campaign, and bo made the. 'Teople'i Convention'' for one ' cot.iplinifnt, though not the first one the kind that lias been paid to tic party hy tl e opposition ; that "f en- itician-. ire attempting to make political capital ut of tho result, kit the great mass treat r rais;n,' the means to ,t:i -' d , 1 1 . . . ... 1 .... . 1 cliit-e 1 .o'lii'i i".i'i 10 cici-i -'. i-,...i - ,11-, -. . . True, t h Olivet-ii-" are loitlnv.:."! 1.1 1 i-o w niote-v for s-ncli pnrpo-es. I'-.-t t'.i- lid only . 1 few, ma tempt rary expedient. Without to" 1 : rower to levy a special tax. Ml' Ii 101111- could never l-c 1 cm. Mi"-e-l. ior V.-c yner- cai-eHt of their dct'eal. . ,.iv. f,u ... b., .... "",, t.,y Miniit,.,l ,v ,), nrt 'o an . ',:(-(,; Ik.t'wo ought to be grateful to this , " 'eHn i expediency lor themsel- .,.,,.;,., ,) ,,coa-.,rv to lie;, th' ,.-r 1. f,i, es inoii'". .ueii 01 an pui ii'"', I'cmocrais sel.ools o( III" !;-; lie 111 o er.oa'r.. nr ..r'iind KeiaiMtcans- I ree .state and i-ro-shr intention "1 toe 1.1 .1. , Domocia-; vet')' tue found rra cd far, n.'tn'ell as aainit the pro'0it 1011 suhiiatted hy coiiares : .-o 1 .1.... .1. .1 .: ...1 ... : -11 doi sin : fionio of tho principles ol govern ' .,,','.' II ia Ua liuinriiMi 11., mi,. . . 1 ll,.,.',l i...i,i..., which had tdwavs been a . l"' "'"'."I " r-. - l.iil be I li,' ju-liriiii.'i 1 1 ol tlie liiajm ity on I . I: (.-'. I - .m' In., l.:.!!."!.. W'f I aii :.i-.'.. I 1. tl a haii 1 the J 1 0 j h id K.a.sii . iiiay 11. id -' i, ,-ti.,ii 011 the 111 '. M.'iidav ai Ati- 'c l. ;i-.t- I Ll. .- . 11 Hi.. o ia-.l-:t-riie II li-V ; 1 i i.ii ! 1. .iii-!ii ,11 III of.i., 1 1 ior -I'tlli.r icy'oi al-l to-,.) lot., 1 1. in 1- -t, in U 1 I lil Hit .. ny iici .'ace to the 'nil I'er- ! Jll Illi, , I u- P ti'J It wa- n ' i FtiUlid a- 1 elite.-. 1 i, ttsj C'.'-: ' i J- V3:il 1. th-tt, Aiv ' . ray . No:"-' my . how 1 visiter lliU I i" " m.j'.-o v am ( i .. Hut l to pro' (less .1. ,' , to the l " ing the patron a tlii.ir hall feeling tl. mid gene. ,.s;,iry that panic one ... re-poiisil.-li.'. duties ol ; ' 1 'lief '.hat on e year's ,, i iia w illiout ltn ad--li; my kiio-v 'ledice Oi ! upon k'ing that per- 1 coin so of tho pa- .-il, it is lifcdiesi to) .lc its hei etolore. in approbation, or -. t iiiiH I would say it A more rea ilar -.- tv fvm.ee, than it mi'iitid policy . . ,,.i ,.1 ,,n t- ui', iwl-n fa i III. anil which t hev ; , . , .... , , ,1 ... . , he r eid om-stioii at 1 --lie, had i icv.ouslv bitterly opporcd. And if1 1 , '.,,11 HO pruillli-Cll SllOU 'I e 1 .. i.,.,, 1. . Iw. tlmntiil. Iioivci'v l-c . I r- ' lO it 11" t ll,.--. .V , , , , , , Vltoff. Ul'irliiiliie atl'l inc"osiii'-iii 11 m.11 ifwin, ! th'U for the last ten or Gften years, the op" ; TSfE Sl.WS. position to the National Peiaociacy, by I lien. John A. iiituian died at his re-i - whatever name styling itcelf, has never tlence near Natchez, 011 la-t Saturday met in convention for tho purpo-e of ma ' moi -niug a week, lie had been in failing taif-ict'.tving n platform inleiided to bo , health lor come time. national, without endorsing, adoptine, or (.icn. O-.-olo, Commiiiider in chief of the sim in? tome one or more 01 tlie caraiiiiii .vicmc ui .inm , a,eii on ine iu;n 01 jnn oi" iie.ii ilen of the Mirtv t'nev were aro-cs. Ht San Louis I'otosi in the :ith 1 1 - - . sing t.i opjtoiio. And now wo eo tiiom. his age, llo was tin; most conspicuous ai't-'i' all their lofty ..f;ini.'l:on pbnut publie man in Mexico of tlm present day. protection to American industry," rnlop-, The Atlantic 'I'd. .graph tl,-t made Ihr, iy. .i-.ie : i... niii..ii ami li'-.n 1 1 c flit the l'I cat ohj. el of the 1 1'.-iiioci a: c in iati 'li. 7 ..! 1 ve . y 1 t rm a 1 ' i.: 1 i-ol I.I i - .', 1 , , I,:--''' 1 1 ' V iVci ; 1 ta il illil" -11, 1 :' ! I Tin: '.,'.. i a 'liall .Vl; '', - dan d I'm : Mr. lVmiel ii ill", now I 11 C til 1 on ti.o direct"! - ; f. ". ' .( ' " 1 the I OWel' "I levy illi; il -pe. ml t . ... :''. pia poses i-ho-vcv er 1. 10 11 ppai en 1 to 1, the aid of sm-h 11 presumption. With eiitclirrr into a niiinpe anal v -is ti.e -ladi! -. it til'iv be ol-.'rved tlia: tie-i - ai . tv, 1 cla-.-'-s ol' ,i:iii'- ei-c.i'.c l I il and iin- 11 pi .11 the l.i- fl t"l' wic -, . i."li ,,.V1-!,.1I 1- IUl'1''. 1 If'-" ,:ili,., i'i" I 1,0 , ,-..-. ,, ihf sa' 00! . an I the calf t . -ho, .1 .r.' ir'v. Ill all ihe to.-. 11 -hip-til, -y ai'" united and impo-cd upon ihf I, oar 1 ol ilii, i-t' l-s. In th" eiii.'s and l-.r- iiiL'hts, ill,- 1 ill of the school, divol.'.l upon the hoard of control!. as, .an, I licit oi' tic school property, the coplvo'h ---have no authority overil. the power to lew a tax. ciilc r 10 build or to k ai in repair. Hut hen t ho -flu ol 1 or'. ;. of vcar (,(' idi the wards has hccn cmv . y.-d to tin- lu.ar.l or coiill-oiicrs, me warn .iiii-cois i-Oiix' to oi-t as a board, and l"'(h ch'.'--c-i of dul i"s ai c mated in tic hoard "1 cou ..!!. tl ... iv 1. 1-. 1 1 1. .111 1;.',!, ll (ll ncvi-r in th" ,-et rf n-semhly i- il- v..--. tr t-iei li'ceiici'.i, i.tit an ,1, (,- 11-,., I as svi,n..iiiolis '.villi ,',.11- leeliscni 1 f -1 Pc-t a 1' I. is fi 1 1 Hollers, vv lien, t'.icii-iore, in 1 ne .cat -.' I ' at ., pari v is le w in pom cr n;i,i '-.ill -'. 1 . i 11 in in piiucr tor at li-.i-1 ilu.r veils to come, and whatever iritioiie r.'!.". liv 1 1 a t :ui 1 1 taii.-t I." d ii- by tin- Itcniiv I . If I '!!' "lv iiVillihlifitll lllCitlluT- of ii.-iii 1 1 a:" not!, in,.; for l'e:;i;-yl'.it-, - ta and cm (1 ,t he oyj cct t to lor il.i in. '.if t,;y , a-1 t" rt'i:- oil-.- : iio'.ad coip. nice a . At -plr vi tiisj higil i ,i-!if is n it I -:e l'eiiii-l ,' f(tt w,!i -o-P k ...a- i.eiintiv to .Tosp.-iity. We wan! 1 v -l e(i'i'.v-a-jlie. an.! l.vire conlliion i"ic . . v . ; i 01 i' ! 'ti. .,.' I'-tldetie.'. Wi lai.ll .i . -.; eet to recover ill a few lunlitil h i'iii tiic c,.i-.-,s el y.'.'iii ef i'f(-kle---i over ti. ulna . niid ov er-l 1 II. 'in.'! 'if we tuny u the word.) aiiv i,i";e iluin a j'l.licnt 'in, 1 I et to ii'iiai i- in iwei.ty-lour lii u-i f.om an illne::. 1 I many months." 1 TJlli l.ATii'iliMih'AI ULTIMAS'. We 1 ' p'.'i'heu 1 '. hut ' Iici-.. is a mil ink I ill ll-f lliAVspl.li, r sto'V (( ':"!i,Ktilig la -1 N a-.'. 1 oik join mi!. I y ' tio-hv, ) aitriliutii): i u e i i ol t ne hmi" aed (J.itm-m to t!.'i- "Nt'ii'.iii I 1 ".; 1 tfifr.iM'.'' I'niii'gLi ; U ; e S ', III 11 Ci ;. I'irt - port ion of VI Jf i' Iii cp v. i' mil him daily, nr, ' j 1 1 1 1 nt heal "I'lhuted Hie y i-t bis sir. n (I. to any Mlt we 1 o ne oiier tti a lie , 1 i-.i'ii' a 01:..; h'ili: . u--c. k ir : 11 . r- I- va 11 finest of tl c N.ii.'.ii.d. Ilis iiilir,; Ac' M. d in ... rt ,' "i. r . .1 .1 , , ting lilt" tint time 01 a tailll lor reveaic . nnsiieees.-uu attempts m laying tiie c.ii'ie. t-Iili ineidelitid l.i'otetjtion, which is even The fleet all j-ul into the cove of Cot k now the system of revenue- uut ie- timler a wheuce they ivill sel out in a lew days to Ivmoertitie Atlniinistration ; idtorall their tniike aiiotlu r trial. fretting ttlid fuming about foreign infill- 1 The news from X'tah are that a peace ciicj ; wo behold them niioply declaring ; has been concluded between tho Uovern- ... ..... , 1, ... .... ... ........ I t ,, 1, ,r , 1 i-,ai n . .1.. ....... . ,v . . ., . j . , , . .... .1 1 1 1 f , 1 . 1 . IV "II liltlio il ol"'-"'" " "'"'fo' ' 'I "" " incut, uiiiiiin-.iuiii:u,iiiiii tu-.- I'li.i'ivi. tie Do Slle.l lioiiia oi Oil O, tills. Un :, , , . I in? landeit uiviii ourshorec, when tliey well mormon?. The hitter art to return to i-i)v follows, that the w.a.is. h.-i s '' ' ' 1 kmnv that the fi,.-t caigo of thai class of , their capital and posxession. ' s.-'nool property is ve-ted in them ngiaci ' in- i .. i, '.. , , i.,,.,. 1. c x- ... 1- .1. , . blv to the lU'ov i-iou.s of sa'cli'-n tceond,' ' , I'll Mill L' v l-.l t.tl 1 . 1 ". it-, , ,eii . ,t ;ii ,1 1 , 1 tiei i. ,11 .M'W I K 1 .is . . . . I'liHllil'.:: tin I" '111'!'.- !;iie!.cil'.V.-!l I lie t'l 01 -l.,-.v : la 1 I hi. !i:l-.i -.' comitry i-ll'l Il.i' tract. 1 p.,. e I I v ihe rave; line lit for the . 1 1 1--im nt o! the Washitii and ctle'r lchan , -latiiiL' In; t thf 1 'oniaiiflifs wi ro nightly eiigsgci in c tcu-ive depved.o ion-. Tu cu lt h"','-( s 1 ad hen I it' ly - t..'..-n from a 1 '!, ick a-a v e-i-lin : only fv1 -s tv. .-! "I foil Aal'ii' -klf, and dttnng the in-M nipi.t I'fltV tc.oic Wfle stolen from p..ni,- at a shoi'l di-tnnce c-.-1 of the toil. ( h. ' oral 1 'nop, r, tin 1 'h'-a'taw- and Chiek.v.'ot au-' nt, had il-t stalled I'"!' W-i-hita when tin' o.pris h 'd l). r. .vlieor -as there '.'l-e 1 111 as; vv I -a e 1. oii!pi elien. 11 corlcctiv, wiis siiui'.'K 1 a .li'c-'.v or vM-iii-il,? mil 01' the ooiis-,itiil;o e.iiisef i-enl on the h.ct ih-it he had liv, -ne lime dining which his delicti e firp'-j, i,(.,t icn could hot. His habits of life ! al'.va' -: remial ably priii'tclit : as t hoc ell U .if ii well aware that to to'.olig his lili S.." was iici'-.'-nirv lor him to guard them oar- 4 I'ullv. ' ' ; ll Die iltll ili-'i 1 lii p. At Kvlcit'T. l-'.l I'Mll rn. ilit:,nt dall"-;-.-!' of ANNItlH1 i 1 I it . 'i. I H - aged one i- ir. , k i Oi tui Ii w 1 Up kia.l.i 11 of la-ii.'O." 1 $ I t A K ii 111 1:1111 fi Sit,!. 11 frmii li e n! rtiril.iT ill lt' nt .ir t-iwutih ..11 i!iu iilvla u July --ml "no litru Imyn"' ii's-.n ha i.-ii j ':i in. til, linl- liirirr riir. i rvitj p" 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 . r, i .-. very 111 111 li hai, iiinl in l.cr Minui't' ..n t n.eii'j r-i.li vtay." in i.'i.'ng ''"'it1 1.'1 A'1' :.l r.'wniil nill l-n pivt'ii l'"r I lie ilrhioiy "I K iinni' nr minr rt'linl'lo inf'Tin nli"ii nf l:t-r ulittt 1..., , . 11,., ,l,i.,f ,.!. ,,..,L n I,,.,,, ,,,1,1 ntiviU- lion, power is ,.ivcn t . l.-v'v a spc i.d la.x m-'n at I'.-r! A.'huekle, and that the ,,,-s, . ,o,. t .,.' ri im l.ri.llo -n ,1 """'H t f a linldiia: purples, it is' not .ivc, 10 a mi,hf Ie taken at any moment The. ; ' hoo.tl "fdireclors in vv hem the M-hool ( 'oti iiti. he- a'-v t-rv much ,-,',-,. at, d hy the : ..1";"n" 1"l' J l, :','" '' 1 f p,-o city l,as been vested agreeiil.ly to llic !";.- t In ; Mi-lmnn I ... the ..vent v-l.lhct' x a , i-n-vi-ioiis of.-waii(ii scci.liil, for thcic ('t-li ' with the I exan t-iiig 'r3. 4 !V; am-' n . .V, 1 j v il tl . ' i!t " M"if i tie 110 such hoard of duet 1, .is. It ip.-ffv-a- 'i'he Mirveying pally eon-l-ls 01 : li, ui I, ; , v. i,- in th c . sr--i,.n of H.i,.'.- lt.nl 1 rilv follows that the vv.a.ls. 'u here the 'thirty-.-! men too large n for, e, ilr. Ma-,ii (.rnpiTi.v UnM Ly n c, 1 1 il ttfl'i J nd, n it hv words were designed l" refer only to controllers oritY iii.d i-artit-'11'" el a 11,'inocratio A-uninisiratioa : aoeii nppointea .Survy.-.-(..nul ct Ki-.u- ; ci,ies and bor.-ihs, nd wcio inirodu- jot' thifiks. t" ni."'t with ."ny M-riotis mt'-r-Mij'tioii in go; n st m 1 h to 1 ed river. The Amciicau Flair. We pubViaii yctirial III'. 'tea'.. Til - i) .iiua ..11 ti,..;.. ;,,ui,. ,.l....,f tl,,. .1 1 . . ..... . . ...1 - .. 1. i- 1 r.. .... . .- : n 1 1 .. 1 ", 1. . i' A , .;! lsl-, .1.1 ,,w.v,.,., 11 iv .ha v I t-'tt-it in-.-"!'- t.t, . ........ t.t. nt, j,i ,jci;iti 111, iiic 10 iiikc ciii'llt" , 'i ecu It i: -1 logins 1 1 1 nciu 11 01 11 .unci con- ' ...... v ... ;, . ,, . . , . , . j ,; i..-,eiioim 11 J n y )vi of M.lvp.V) nu, .,1(i. (,.,,it(.(1 H,o f.tiit-0. troilei'S t,. whom the school pr.ip. iVv of Hag of iho Uniictl Sii.lcs was hoi-,... , '.':i..Q ailiUties,' 111 U1IIK-1 . . r ..1 . ' ... . ' the wants Iiml let boon ooiivvi cd .Hid tho that t'llie 0,-r tl:,' hall t'l 111,' house i,' , ,. ., , . ..,-termiiialioii to resist to the extent of "let- A det -ucttvo f,ve ocouired in Iit-avoti- 111 .!',, , ui ,.n , loiuc. .1 un .... , ,, s -1, h, an " whnJ iV . , w . ... ,, t. ... , . ,V , ' ' , -.., had thei-u..ns lu.thiini U wilh Ihe representatives, I h,- day is cot,se,iietit ly ' "'.'uiilv paper.. Into j U" H- ""''" 'H ' ih? l,ll"lss,n worLity Kansi. .week helore la-t. About Wu CirU, ,,f iU.ir Uatricts. 'I im i,..in tlm lortietli i,i,i,ivei-,iry ol th. Hag as dop- .. .' ' laiiVliioro slave territory into the Union, :;0,(lTlO worth of property was h rovl ' ",.,i,r.l of .hrectors" in that .! ion is ted und t"tal.ish,.i hv an ad ol 'tumr.-s imi.o ropmanoi. . , ... ,.....:;,.,.:'., : , . - ..... .. ".... "..,... , ', 1 1 i;u..... .1 Islsi I, i ...... I , .',t f 1 1 VJi.,.,1,1' .1 .' I j - .. - . . iat ol i"iv toivii- hy t.npl. riirilfl 1 . to;. I, vvlio. m (Ml, i i hen 111 ct'iiiinnnd ol ihe pi ii I'tecr (it ner- b.teiidanls ant id Ailll-troni.'. fotl'dil w'.i .h il lll'itish licet ' Ci , ., I , ...(.1. .... ...ill.r..., 1. ....li... .1,., I.A.. T I . .. . - O 4 - . I . . 4 . - 1 ' . . . .I'I.- . . , ... ... , . Jajj , '-'one, till Ol I, Itllt.llv -I.HVIJ, us a... nr. lit .. 1 llll U. O. llliops Ul U II null l l'i I H! COIIM'1 IIPII t IV 111 StllCt ilt'C1 ll't tllll CO Willi till' lilt' lllO-l, I'l'llil.'ini IIII VII I Cllgageil It'll! 1 0 00 1 ,i? a matter of ''lf may choose, and for which the iJeinfi- withdrawn. VYepiivatioim nre n.ak:ii2 to law, mid Ihcy should not havo boon re- found on record. H.ivoig thus sustained 'cisioii of the Sii-, eratie imrtv h,ii nhvavs contended. Thin trntfoeute the internal iiaprovciuents ,,f siraine.l from collecting it. the honor ..I hi- count iy's eM'uicaeon, no - - - . ........ .,t...l t I ... r.,, ,., , , ,1 iitVIt l,l, I 1,1,11,1 r. ., tt-. ... I . ur- 1 1 11 . 1 lit I. tu, I i.tuiti. .I.lllist v... i ... , . .....in. tl It'll 1IOW mill pmpiTiv i, l.nnM hy n (-, 1 1 il tit" tl-i' .ii i .1 hi-fi y i.ii li-iiii, iil.ii'i-t i'- U'T "'''r 1 Hiiy i iiir", I hlm-k nr UrnMii lloisc, ; Wii,'i.i ni.tl one Tuiitti'i-bk'l. Mny 1st. lUf, M'M.l'Clilffi; 7"AXTKI To e.i-lnn(;i c ""I t""1 i .i-iiuri c-irriiiui' l'r n lmrn' nn tniiiii'ii Inr family ii. i vhv wmi',1 Ui' prffffi.t P r fiirt h.'.r iiiiti'iiilui j.lv lo May in, l.si.s. Jfl.Shl'II lllWl'. AV imi.u ropiaiibioii i ,. ., , , , ' , . - " . i' le d jii-tlv bv it tl"'yl"'VU'ly endorse I the doetrino of Affair in K-nnsas are all tpiiet nil kinds of tuci e!oi a unri-trii-teil by i'"' ' " i't ir ' " ' ' 'PClHr MTcieignty, which declare? tho business! are idowly reviving, and the .eo.''Y,.'"K' "'jj' l',at ' ' 11. LvtiiiiMfcH. I'V'"1 r'f a territory to be admittetl ai n j,;? celebrated tho 4th in a patriotic inan- 'y,,'," leviedbv tho d A i- I. O f nf r-ifiiii" ftnvf.-, nnil A 'fit cf ',' sioli. in Lv 12, f. r salt' I'V ' H liru-irv 11. .li.in:Kl.l.i ('Aurai eti' 0 ; ' h'i Hi 1 ' - u." plus rarty," which m flowing bombast exists about the fate of the Knglish bill, .li.solved. and the bill tlismis.-cd at, the lloals over the I nioii. vs th'J S ! 1 1. U.r.';' r .1' 1. fg. tp., upon deeliii'O itcelf the "fmntlation of a grea1 but if not agreed to it will bo hceausq tho test of the appellees. previous to the adoption oflh -ted 1? . .. .. ... IT.- ., ..II 1 " 4 .... .1. ... i .1 1111 at id' iron lit i"cuiiion liens rioiiiicia aariv, wnii-ii ij if. overiurovv people tiro airaiu limy canuol support a ,r, , ,. ... .. .,'' , .. ... , c t-,,i , . ..... R,r.,.I he atelilitui ol the J III .11 una ,.smii.j. .ne. 'inu.ii v. .uni;i.- (avi u ucriy an ii i la late e vc ry tiling iti.it ib ttato tovunmi'iif . . Stmiiil ii .very iuc.d, and establish-1 i ..t...",.,,-.;,,., :, t,1,1,.1.i1 . ..,,, ti... .,.r.i.t-i .1. i.i: - . , . , ! 1 . , , t t 1 t'. 4 I O'VIII.. V - --.t tv .. ..4, .. ...... V... t, K. M.lllt,-., UV .IV.TI. , ,111 lilt II I t'l tl I' HH,,l 11 1 fl 3. . , , , I t o? hilly tu .' rlitht ol tun .Sell, Mil Diroetor?1 . ... ,, . , ton. t" 1 e huind in anotla r roliimn. nt'ii dist.i.u 10 lay mux, wii hin tlm pro-. plunder, in ltO. - .' ; t ih i nllehasfc? liave at last agreed to r- , l.;i.in ot'th Un. f"f Inkling piirpo-e. AltrvrlhiT th plutforin "ft.hl 'l,vpli mitre beyond (he MUsiisipjii., ! !iooi K, 11. Th lor'!" ioo-rre.mi. ie present bv foiiiiess, the number of stripes in the in- ..i.i ii,... (...a l 1 ,.. ..;..i vitcd lo the advertisement of Ir. J.-uk- ..ccordiug to the laimber t,f Stiiii-sidmit- A J ( nil, inn s. l'l.'ii.-v I'l-.'t iiie ,'in"..lri. f"'', lir. i.KiiliUK ltUaWX. Harrr, .M", in one dav SW; IN TWO invs, I Wert" fl.-.ir,'. l.v iiu'.'tils. ri'liiiliuit mV l't"' r S.'inl linir lniiii9 lor It'ttiTsninl lii' ik. I K. liltOV.'N, .(.wtll.M'' ted into the Union, thus de-troving the i bounty and pelpiciiiiy of the tlag ; and, while I his ord.ir f ? i.',"i'rvo;l iti totne. PA".K ec MI'.RRKLL. . CAIiKlAGE ttnil SbKIUIl M AKElH. on Foarlh in II. K. liiyHr aflt bail" t. .lulv 2, Is .rt..v. J