Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 21, 1858, Image 3

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    Vt Villi' O VMM Ml 1 I
1 ,f Ii in i ! i' ' '"im I ' '"in mil t i' 1 1
I ,i, I ili" l"il '"in)f n,i n ! . i -(.it"
, ivin '"'ii'ii. i . r..i- tli... i t-..
i "i' '" i,n''M I 1,1 li"l Ih'k ili"
ni!, I I..HH, cii cnlnt lii' li. I," I
' ... . , i
il'" IT
II. 'I III I'li'i'l I' 'It ""'I 'HI I"' I "(HI I"""
u-ii.iiU I ' ' 1
ill. ''I I'V 1 1 K (.' 'l ii tn il I
y;,, ,..,. Win. I(. I'i.'kiiivnn, .1, W
j ji s.iuil. S!i"ll'. .1. Iliimirniilm i'.
;,,. !. !, Inlly. .1. H'. ( ', ,iii,l...l!
I . I
. M i lice-
;,,J..,.Ali'li,w Ciios, .li me M yiia.v
,! 1 1 n- il " Sti ! 1 . I 'livid rici.;i!
lh,ii,r ..'-'. K U'lif' r. i !.i.; V .,
Jini, ( ll.ici--f.. I ..!.. .im.
2Jr,..,,. Will. N'hiv.-ni:,i. -V Im- A.
jor j,,., Pavii lli'lu'i !iii'', .1. V. Mui ii' !..iii.i
.Andrew IVnl z. .Ir !. Miles'"t
uii(M,i. .lames S.iHp John Viiuiig,
Jne)li 11. Hivlh, IMwunl King.
Chat. Diiiil. Gorman, Thomas Garthy,
Gilbert S.
CI, irjiMI!or.'n. Toiler Eq., Jno.
W. .Sliuput, 11- W. I'arli, Jl. Wri-K'v.
t'onyptmt. F.Coudriitl Esq., .lolin Ihvil,
,'..). Clir'n'V Sell.
Cur-. ''V ' . 'nil)"-Tliotnj-son, Will.
1'. l.'.,;;:.ihiis, J.ii.-.,1' I'lifi .
.:.'.(. I -Mc'iiirivn r.s.j.. B. (;.
;.,;. ,,i. S.f iicu Tot, Win. Iliinii.i Son.
J'.-.: N. Si. I'TOC'kwuy, 1'. L. IhtWi,.
J urtMcn. F. Cortiw Hell, David II'.
',l"Vi, Wm. McC'rnekcu.
fliwJ. If. J. llite, Abraham Ky
lcr, Daniel Kri.-o.
GWuvi- Col. A. 15. Shaw, John Flegul,
Givjrc Mori km.
O'ri. .".. Levi Hublor, Chirk Dale, M.
V. French. Win. Joliiiston.
JIuttoiuV. IIc ener Lv-q., Ilinim
tiiird, (' ni'-! 1 i i i wny .
.:;.;. - d. w. w r.-; i . r.-1 t
C in ;m K.''.et . ii Vi ill-. I -,--v.
L. M. Nieliois Jr.. S. il. :
iit, An h'-.v AdJlonvm, Ma'hv;v
,Tor.!,;ii I ; J . Juhn Datifihrr!;, .
.L;-rLi.ll-U-rt D.iuhoi ty, Ti.
son, IT
Fiv-lerir!: Nel"-1.
ni. K
Inhll: ! 'II,
J '!. 1 at i i'.k
Amm W. Hde.
'(.. T. C., I.-aac Cald'.veil, (i. '.
rassiiioiv, Wilson Hoover.
I'nt'jx. Y. II. Deoj, David Welty, Jin
I'm ; r. John Hare. . -pi , . ... , ,
. , , , 1 1 lieoi'ieers oi the I t.-.h arniv write home
II, ,(,-,,,,. -V in. D. Alexiiudrr, John iiidi-natu ly about the close of the .Mornmn
Jordan, S. Henderson. Farley Maheiv. war. They f.-el bad because they are dis
Should any of the members of the above "Dl'mnted of a liht.
committees not reside in tho township for! ur brains are sev. nf year chicks.
which they have been tii.jiointed, they The au;:e nf lil.. win, Is them tip oner for
.. ill ...,r.. r-.v.r i.,,r,i, il, .,i,. ..-.
lnittce by In f oriiiinfr their secretaiy at an
early il.ue.
l!y 1'i'd. r of the coinniillee.
JAS. H. LAlilMF.U.
John M a.-.uii.v, Sic.
Sin ;i i n OiiTt snv. Tho Louisville
Joiirnul. New Cik Kvetiing Fost, and
other jotiriinU which labi.i.-d to ovi'tthniw
Lewis a-s and Daniel Webster on the
ri;'ht of visit (iic-tinti, ii i-evident, ate
not iq. recmled in l.nghiiid. ll- r .ilblic
men do nut au'i t c with I he LmiisV .lie Jour
ll al that Web-tor ilen.ohtu n nt Hie ills-
tim lion set up betwet n the ri;'ht of visit
and search 4s an evidence of u disastrous i
"poise" in his faculties! All the labor of
thi'sp procioim :ntriiits, on the Lritish
hide, has been thrown away, and i- even i
unin knolcdcd by the itrilis'i. Was there!
ever known such ingratitude? I'.o.-ton :
Fost. I
BPS1'he interference of the Adiiiinis-'
(ration in defeat Ioughis and tho regular!
I'ciiiocrai ic oi iratii?atioii of Illiiioi , i" a
iiiuliertoo veil known to admit of denial 1
or di-avow ;d, much as some leincrats;
nitr. de-ire to avoid the ell'ects of thi-
ktlu'vleih.'e 'ia.ette. !
Mr. lliichaiian has been ni'i'nint ino n ieiuls !
o! .,,,s all over Illinois, and tin- Wash-i
injiinti I'nion 1:uh not. to this dav, :ml-!
ll.-hed the liioceeditios o, the 'bolt
convention, held al S,riiiL'field on the (ith !
hist. That is lather n queer way liir the
Administration to interfe iioa'mst Ihniohis.
''in. FiU.
lyihe editor of the Joiitnal calls S. S.
C'i. of Ohio, a traitor. That is all fudo. j
C'n voied to fend the Constitution back j
t ' Kansas, that the people there miirht -
have an onioirt iinil v to accent it. orrciect
H, n ih'.'V chose. That is all he was pled.;-!
e'ltiid,.; Hii vote ..ccompli-hed the pit.-'
,i ,. . i , ' ,. ' I
pnse. Jt hmshed the mat tor in to.) -re-s; .
mui iihu-ed it where it ouht to be, m the .
hands of the propleol KatlMW. Louisville
I'l'iuerat. j
The Editor of the Journal doesn't think ;
tlTi..:i ii i... i.: ti I
'" i '.-1 ii inn ill lllilKi- llllll .1 I '.'ill", i ii I .
Lu Sal im io M.iie-tv i n't uoiiiii to try. 1 1 c
'toe. n 1 iiiahe lienioi'i'ats anv nmre than
he 1. lakes Christians. lie is Ion Well ile:i
f"d w iili hi 1 work apnn th" editor as i(e
Is. .-in-! d n't v ish in ehaliirc it Louis.
Ville ll -Ml ..'IMl.
A i, :,, r. n resiih-nt e lhii'Li nd, mice,
' ; '' in;.' an Air km 11 n-" in,'. , nine
11 to 1 ,v'o l-'.' . il.i -n 1. Inii-j h' co"l lie-
.'i'o, Iviiii: under In, jnlin tree. . hut
stood in the distance, and his (in-
incuts consisted of a liicech clnlh, a Low
nnd fniisoned iirrows. "Who are yon,"
wiid Ihe trnvrler. "I nni de kiiiu Xfdis
jirovince," said the colored per-on, ,oint-
llltf to lil lint and wenjiotis : "Do they
talk much almtt mc tn I-.uuiiitl f
A leadinc; mcmlicr of tho rreshyterian
church, nt New Jtriphton. Ph., who is (lis-
ll., ..L..1 c... -.1 i I c..
f religion 11:
l .. . 1 . . . .
n iNitronneo ot rei.-.on ..n.i u.o ciiurcii,
.(iiuuienced n r.r'iyer ut a revival nieeiniit
the other day 111 I hose, .words: "O, Lord!
We would not Iissntne to dictate to Iheo, hut
Would only otl'er a few t'nttjettiniis ! "J
There i HO OCCslsion t? truniulo uoou
tho nieancst renUle- nor tn K.wuih (nil...
..wLvr.' 1 1 ' T Hw',lt0 t,,e,
j;reatoKt punee. Insnlencxj lod bnsenpis
7irn oqiially nnmftnly.
"""" ''. A In." in,! M....r.'
l( fi'l - 'lilia . lli- ,,,, ,
"" - i'iii'l. , wild ,,.w. ' T
"Hi . I mil
' li
" ili" i', 1 1, in , , I,!,!,,. (,
I . Hi. lot . I rl In
I l. "II
'I f '
' Mil !'
I In Ul.itil, nirl
ui, i
n "M n inn .,. 1 .i. i. i n i"
,""M '" , i"" 'i''k"-ll-'.lMVl,.,,,1J .
f,,u: ,,,, y !-. up ..i,.mi,..,i
.'. inil'l I.l I..T ..-k..t. ,t (ho,.,,,.,!.
".' ' I V I.l nl --". lm, VI
tiller i tti v
I'c l inkc.
I'l'i'vcnl your li-iir fimn roiv.iin.nnt.
i hi" h i
' ti ll...
' II
I'l 'I.
i'' ':' li
l i- 'I
'" lllilt -ll
III.''f I.
i' ' 1
1 11 1
l'.;. ,.,,t
llllll CII lllV 1 i.i I l
IlilV III. ill
I-- l"l I'll.
1 I'. , ll
J.-iv Lijjlitninjr ivhIs (iik,. ii,,. .;.,.
out of the floiul hickoi v;iU i:
01 lllUl Iiiim,
J hit olili.t rlork in Aniorir.a in our in
the J'liiliidrlphin I.iln-.irv. " Iiieh i inviilv
two ccntuvio old. It ni.ide in I.nii-
rlon, ki'(..w (.,,,,,1 (;, Hn,j j . SIlilj t() ,.lvo
bern (.wncl l.y Oliver Crmmvell.
rr .Ii.i.t
.ii: i,-ii
on th' H'll jert of
A esieliil ii n :(
M;is., lint run inn1
M'nn .' nt Cii.o O d.
i n -Licks mui n l,i-,'-
KI-l.'i itv I'll Ii nic 'iilli'd n j.M'ovc.
Ir 's slid t i . u t ii man who is lui tiu (loon
not I ii v the debt of nature, but jretn
ihi exiciiii.n. ' 1
i'l Ncn s;iys Unit "A Ji.-s is us pood ns
a inilln" in fiicuinlerelice.
Da in Wkiistkr Kso.. has been iiimnint.
ed by (iov. J'neker one ol the ComiiiiJii--
Moners !n n-iw Im' lVniil Coile, in a(.(.
of lion. C. K. litickiiiew, iiiicninted In the
I resilient l.
iiiisier to Fcuii.lor .S'ltuii Ainer-
, ( iv,
"I Nttl
il'll il-e
ii. deiir wife,
11 ' ivill ("III
' iil'. lieiu liu
.iv, tl.e bei .
1 1:
iimw:;.d .'Vuir was seventy-two
id "ii the 11th, iiist., lie has been
An.iy hall a centuiv.
- ii- tiiev have 'M b' cweries,
itin.i! a.ii'.'ity for lner of'.ll,
.. and bcln'iK'li 71, Din barrels.
7-' U,:-i
in lid ; y.
n.lic'lie v.
HI lik-rebv
lal you cannot enni'i e
bettav vour own i;'tio-
Av nld b.i-hei.T d. iihi-.-, lovn to le' n
lit'le M-hiu', :i little cry inr'. . lut!,. living,
and.i -re it di al nf IviiiL'. The next ' lady
he r.iioses to will bo likelv to send hiiii
'.a lis in-"
"i"i ni'-" cinses me case, Hint l'IVi s tin
key into the hand of the angel of the i ?s
n erection.
PriE'inrvr Ft ( iianan is n .w at Itrdfurd
springs, his usual summer re-ort. He Iias
not omitled visiting it when not absent
Iroiu the United Sates for more that
quarter of a century.
more tiiat a
B'-v.-Tiie atention of the aflli.'ted is
vited to the advertisement of Dr. Jack
son, to be found in another column.
' 1 -
List of Grand Jurors for August T. 1S59-;
Leienii;!, Henry Whilesiilo.
Ttofit,'". Isnne Rothro'.'k.
lir.nly. lien. KUiiiL'el.
Ilradfor.l. John Wnoliide, JJ. Cenrhnrt.
'learfii'l.l. Siiimn II. Huh.
rnrivciireil1!', .Io-i;ih lvan-.
lleeiiliir. .Iiinie. I'iirsnn.
liriihriin. Ju-eih 'i'h(nii)ison.
Ionian. Joseph MeCnlly.
Imvrenio. II. Aiiejieiihiuih. A. Kecd.
Morrii., J-dui II. Irwin.
l'lke. II. F. .nle.
l'enii. .loi ih Sjieneer.
rhe-f A. i'iiitv. I). We-itover. W. Jaek'on.
Unriifid". .Tai'l-son lloliinon.
rer'.iis,.n. Luther barrett. .lohn I. Ilovt.
fniin. I'.t.r Lahord.', .1. II. II, .Hope! .-'r,
W ii'idw.-ird. .tuslin Cline.
. , . T . ,
Ll5t raV18 JurO3.for Aug. T. 1857.
. I irl I II. .H lit" Illlt
liell. Ira Snl.iiii.. M. Miller, T. A. Metihe.
Ilrinlford. Wm. Alliert, Kmnein (irahinu, ir.
lira y. .'"hn rinli.-le, Jereininh Kriner, I'eter
SehnfT. r. .1. II Seyler, John .1. it'oaver.
Ilurnsnle. .li.riihani Vinlinj;, Jim. M'Ctilly,
fieorpe .tlel einiii.
l!o);es. Ucnrj.'!.' II'. Phiinel, Peter Gearh.irt.
(Ticct. A. S. Toier.
f'leiirficld. I, F. Klziveiler, Gennr.i Tlmrn.
Ciirweiivil!e. ll'm. TenKvek, John Irvin.
Decatur. John ,V. Hunk, Isauu I'ruweli, John
,0?'""'n. Il'arren If. Bell, John ILnry. ,
C;vii.Rtii. t llikclmnn.
(.irnrd. .ilex Murrev, lex Irrtj.
,io?lR,u yMf ,rwin ,
(jrmm. Tlinmns II. Foreeo. Jamen E. Wat-'
son. Smmiel Spider.
.'ordan. R-.hort Ptleron Jr.
Karlhaim. rm. Bridgen, IIut;h Mcflonesal.
';"''.""' A- M. Smith, Zaek OUn.
Morris. M le Telton.
l'enn. Willinm Wull, M-met O-nf,
f?. Spencer.
I'k-. Jnine n. Culdwe'l Jr., David Miller.
Simon ThempsoM. lie-u.e It,n.
V.'oodwanl, Conrad liii.ter.
. rnriiT rRnri.niiTiiix.
T H!.l'i s. ti... 11, ,1.,, iai.!,' .1 a P.iT.V-
t .-II'F. 1.- .. Prc-id'-t.t ,1,1-i e of liie Court
f C ! Ol I' ol li.eMi .-nly lif'h Judie'el Die
Iri-.'l. ii! d of the e., untie.- oft !ei Ii .!.!. C. -,.
I'-" ni'd Cliiilou ai .1 tl-.- lloiionililr W.M. I.
.MOOHEnnd HKX.I. PON'SAL, Associate ,Tu Ue
in Clearlield county, have issued their precept
hearing, dale tho twentieth day of May hist,
to me directed, for the holding of a Conn of Coin-
.... ll..nU (1... r I (',...... .if (l,.n..... u...
sions, CoiiM of dyer nnd Terminer, and Court of
Ueneral Jail Delivery, nt Clearlield, in nnd for
Clcarnchl eountv, on the T1IIKD MOXDAY ol
An,;...! next. I.ei'i,? the 1 til It day of Ihe monlh.
Notice Is, tlicrrf..rc. l.rreliv civen.
T the Cronor, Justice, of the Peace, nnd Cons... -
hies. In and for Ihe said eounlv of Clearfield. t
niilK'lir in llli-ir (inn rrninip iwirnti with tliAir
u,;,,,,, l,,,,,;,;,,,,,,,' Kxa,ni..a.ios, d
n,er llenieii.l.rH,.e.... i ,1.. n,n... .hi.. ...
th-ir offices, and in llieir hehnir, pertain to he done,
nnd Jurors nnd Witnesses nre roquefted to be then
and there attending, and nut to depart without
leave nt their peril.
v'',, under my hand at Clearfleld, thel7tli
-ay "f July, '"tlie year nf our Lord one thou-
rand eight Hundred and filly eight, and the eigh.
ty ,uirrt of Amorir.n ludependenee.
J. R. 1IEKD. Pheriir.
lIUIInS K ., . , h, ,,i , ,i,fr,.
V . a-tin.t ti". 'li.n ith II (..ileum . ,,.,
, .. In . ..M... n i.l M ili.Din W. U ,i...n ,.f
' " l I . l,.l, ,g 1,1, (1, n I
n I. fl Kllli ml 1 1 "Mil mI.j. ,.
to I, iv i.i . I r 1 - - , , i, ) l ,, iIpi ilr luid,
'mi n, limn'
r. mi 1. 1. mi.
II In . ,ti I i- ,'(i. I'll.
V 'lt il N-iirc l Ii.t. I.i ,),. H,.,i lw
1 "' f A -1 it. i t ; -f t n t i . ii Inn.. Una iv i
.rillil... tu ill. Ill"l l.i.'ln mi ll,, i .fiii,. ,, s ii iii
i i'l l i'c. line i.r I iiwu n.. .1, i i. All m i
mi" li.iiiiif nny I n,.ii,,,.. in r, ,,i,,n i,, ,,, ,.,(
til.., will nil ii,..ii in nin imikp n III. in. i,l.
M t T. 1 ATK.
w m. im i; i:i,i
'I'.ii: i-;,:t;r
J l',. I.'ii- ill
.Hill, Ml III'!'- 1I
i l l ,
i.'l..'.t nil .-Ill mi;
Ii' I'"" in II I' il-flii "ll iwy .,)' M.,r,u. ;i i l,i,i)
ll.' i'IiiIi'. I II. .t I, nil..-,, iii ii Im I.ii.imI rv, ; v
i'l' IM V III tin i'ii-..ii, -tl -Il IM I 'I; CriMlll. .:.n lir..--,
' !'' 'I ''i i '.' r . l.di' i ii.l... A !,-, I , i- I..
' !..,. I'm. ii'i' ii.inini .'. rim., .Sul', ii, ., ,v
111! );. . In,.'! i,lili.. i ,. 1 ,.,H : l..
in.::il, i.'.i, I ict'lio, u t.T ,iil,iii :iir.;i:iMo.
A. C. I'l.ANMiiA.N.
jf, lS. Siu
II, 11. MUlillUU', l'nil,..
y II'I Im ie lUli'1 tin- Ii.iiw thi-i.u.-h i' i In
mi.til Htvii., iin.l I'litniylii. I wuli i-v..rv run
Vi'lllt'llii. lii'i-ci.-.!.", !'ir I'll' t-nnilnrt ,.l il .im. vi I . .
limy finer Inn v iili n ci!f ;.- i.,l,.. ill n ,v -ji s
Im mii.iii.. mill ll'cv.ri- ;. . .
Rll.inl. His It All :l '-'i 1... ,n. ! .: .
I"' ft l,IIH:lty 1,1' ll.f.l " '. ,'llll- lli ,- ,.
la. III'. I III tilt, piviil;"!'-..
Jlil l' Till ! H..S.
"nr.ANMKS, Win,..-, Wlii-key, (iin, Ac, uf l :
i very lic-t ijimlily i'.r suIh I. v
thus, noiiixs.
Juno no, IS"i.
S I' Or 1. 1 "IT E US n-ui oiling in iu lV,t
(IHkt ui ( li.nrliil,l l-ir the ijiiiirtcr inli i,;
Juno Jill, lSi'.s.
Siiinii.'l Shmv. Mis. rn.inr, I- it" Kiinrip. .l is
(' (in, J.itm 11. Kim.'?, Win. I,. Iin ki.y. S.-iii.ii.-I ,.
Iliiilinc, lli'iirv Iii it, llonry l,'iuli ii..-!i, Jin,
lui.-li.'l Ann .Ii.Iiiihiiii, S,,n --, ,l,i,.,,li II.
Siine. Clirisliini I'nUir'f t'. I. Il.'ii-ii, MMIiua
.Murpliy, Iti'V. V, J. M,niny.
l' culling fa: k.,i,-.i o i ilin ,-i'iivli t
will i.v lln'y urn n;li-.r'is-.' 1.
I""" .'i'i. c. n. va i'so;; P. M
J KTTKUS of Ailniii isinii..a i.'i t!,.- i mic . f
l.j t'liriflinii l'i, tlni-li, lut nt' i ii'urii. 1,1 I.-.I-..U-!i
il.-cM. Iiiivini; l.i'i'ii niaiiti',.1 I.i tli- i,I,,1i-;Ii-i- m,
I'lM.'HH kiiunin' tin in-i-li. in.l,''.i .1 to ai I i s
liilcau. ri'iiit'sK"l In iimk.. (.iniiii'ii!'- iiiitrly
Illlli tlli'..l llll till clliilll ;l..riil.-L iii.' ll'- Mil
f.rt-sent tlivir u.-i-i.urii.i li-S.y ui.i.i. i ii- .it, !
t It- in. u I .
June IC, 15..S.
Iron Depot, Kept by Ilcrrell & Carter.
o.i iV-.-oii. ,s'-,y, ciurii-:j,
S tho iIih-m iiliern ii'l t li o ''!; io" t'.rii'l.'i
c:in e Iniil at ro liui'it ,rircs :
ixtr Juki i.l ai! .;. '-.v ! raw: i-r ty 0-r'
'"''"';'.v; .i"t i-..-.'-im oi.' li.-t
'jmi't'i ; a ii'.r osw. rtn.cut "f .V,'..''c.v. uwumi
icnc; in ',.,: I t; A'.' H'.'i'; i-'k
Otii; I'mi-hnn, ll fmUh; l!:i,',';'.t I'ut-
nil, flhtl tin' Cm l!l' Mll'ifi.ii.Ul. A'.-O, ll
.ii.V 1.-..VI, III, I lit tit Hit -I Jcti 2 (llhl '(Ml'
SVi. i'., ami Air-trilti.i a i,'ii..i'.i J'di'in.s.
A'io, ', . n tl,'.- I:t',i,t,:-t ;., ni..
. I-'.'", t.J tl.rtr turn . IAmm '.,-'", '" a I irnr cs
Siirtmri.t . ''o.-vorr, 'rr i.'y.,'. Shi ,-t-in.ii
fiti-t M all tizff, tunl all irrtirrs t.d-c l;',)nl In
thrir line l.rjit ii!u;ti.i on i,.i,,. ...i.v- .","-
tii ij ilmic tn unir, find Tin . t.n.r n-i'li
ili.tpittrh. ALto, u I'trie its'riinint nf ad
()...( nf li';rrpi,..i itlriitil.i c.i,xt,ti:tli c-i
nro iiiiilcil to mil, an tliry e :t u In) iicriniiinniliiti' J
lit htv low ligu res with luiytliini; in unr lini-.
All unlirs will l.o liuinkluii y received nnJ
iroiiiii;y uttemled tu.
o. ii. mi-,iiiik;.l.
L. 11. t'AllTMIl.
X. I!. Tlu'V n ill nlso rci ive every variety nf
rtielo mi e .iiiiiiif.ion. al Imv rnte. M. 4 0.
"HOME A;.WN" !
It f. an mm reei-iiin.j and
oieniii' a Inrpo mid well i"eleeli"l isioel; cl"
; iiuUll.S, l'1'll'i.-lill!; of J
, Dry (iiiiids. (iruct'i'Ies, llai i'.w arc, (iucrm;
I vare, KimiN anil Shoes, Oils, I'ninU it
'. Drills, Hals ami It.uiuets, Nails w
J Spikes, sad and,
1 n w.-ll as every olli. r arlieln u-u;illy r"iiii e,l in
the country, nhieh they oHi-r to the ),nl,lic on as
fair term" as can ho hud ia the county. Call
j and see Ihe new, hcaulifiil nudum I'ul.
jutie 9, 1S5S.
" ".-i hui.xi.sniA Toitsxofivi-:.
JT F.TTFliS of Adinini-traiion on the elati of
i . lieore (.inter, Into of Iltinly tp.. d.-e'd, liav
iii): lii eii L'n.i'ted (o the undu - i L'licd, all persons
iiid-'I'tcd to Ihe eslate ale m-tilied lo cine for
wa:d a settle, mid having claims ao.-iiiift
I lie same i,ill presei.l llieir iieeonii'- nniy iinilieu.
tu-iitcd for .-"lih.-iiunt, J.VCOI! 'VOAS.
, Jjil.' IC, I-f j pd.
! xotic:.
1-TTLIlS .f adiii ill inn on the t.-l:i!o of
Alirahain Ili;h. lule of Laurence tp., dee d.
Inn int; heen grunted to the .imler.-iiiiicl. all pcr
cons knoniui; thein-elve itidel.ted to said e-tnte
are re,iHled lo niake ayiiieiit innncdiaielv and
those hniiiiir claims anirit the same will pre
sent them duly aulhi'iiticnted for settlement.
I JilsFlMI I'ATTKIl-illX,
June Hi, ls6s. rd. A l'ii'r.'.
1") 1IKALY k CO., Manvliicliirers of H.n.!;:
t skin (.lot eg and Milts, Ladies' and (len
tlonien'n (inuntlets. Sparring, Sword and Cricket
(ih.ves, Shu t" nnd Hiawer-.. Ili-.liii A
ShiM'tinu Le.'ins. V.'alkiii"; (iaiior-. of l loth
and Lei'tl..r, Hiiekskin mi l Indi 1 llul.her Sus
penders, Waist lioH", M ,iiey Pelts mid lVrJ. ?.
bleiKh Hohi s, nnd llinialo Skins of every do-.Tip-tioii.
X. P. I.iick-knis of all clorii nnd i iih! i f
Foam. Ic I 1 ' oide, ! . , orieri of ClianiMs, Sp.ia-
,r-r l'i:
"llt.,!l '
'f Clear.
fl.'l I - Il.tV '- I"
inU-erii-i in. nt.
nhove tie
-': ..ii:a.- !! Kli
.-'iv INS.'
a t
.11 r.
e-i-li i-ri.'e l'..r iii" 1. .i.o.-ly.
1SV11, fur a dcr.rrijilir,: Cirruhir nf
The most simple, ilnrsl-le and elleelivn Mill for
(.'""'( , V"';."1 Vnm lm0 "n0 "r e,mrta
ma dl"" r ' "Z .''''.. . T,nTIIIMf
A'V r'": w M' 1) K 1 .rn U'
1 aMyZ?F 7 VI i ,7 hi"
Xo. 1 1 111, Market St., J hila-li-lphia.
Tract of LiiihJ ot Private Sal: n.i...-.i0-0,i ;n ..11
1 tract of land, cuntnininjr about ' sixty, two
acres, with about 2i acres cleared lyiiiR (in (he
West P.raiieli, nenr the liorouj.'h uf Clearlield,
with a Rood two Morjr dwelling hoiine, lojr ham,
nnd other buihliiiKs. An orchard of you 11 tree
recently planted, and a large scope of Kon. men.
d,w laud render it a valuable nnd desiiuble pro.
1 April :?. 1S7.
i M. II; i'Mi im h. ii.. r..M tMit..
Im i,.H I im .t.. i . r n n..n.l ,tP,t
'ni, c.uiil) mi. I ,,,i i i, I ,,:,,!., ,,,,,
I' l(..'l. 1 I" II I I, III C tKi li'tMllnti . ),
l'i" I fi"'k Mi. ii I In. In.i ii i!,,. ii
''.iliit n'..n I In II I.i i v I . r f. I;.., A M..
1 1 -ii.i . in I im,i .1. nr. n ( n , ,,, , .i,,.,,,
'" I - 'I ll I II. lie I'll, in ni, i,, -im... ),, I ,.
, , I I !.' Ill, i. I, I , . I,.,. I ,rt ,.. ,,, ,,
v,,i lil 'ii.ii li ..nil, ll,,. I... In ( , ,, ,ri,
ill. . M .. Iii. v. il, m..! ,,-ij nni,.,il f r,.,
Al-.. ll, in.' (ii-i-r imi. I.i ..r lei. mi l i.f .mi
''.'ii't" i nl. ii Jli.m.ic.i. 1'i.mi, h . nil,
mui I'm iIih.I .i.iiiii c 1 1 ii ni n ii t j v mi IhiiiiI
1 L l m.'i . kit i jo,. i, i All .,rk li.v
iiiul ie ln,i iiiiui,. not to iii. 'ii.i.inni
.-..i;ll . (. I. -ll i,.. I, I i.i (t l.,. (,,,., I, I,.,,. .
I.l ii.ll I., I Im I! I!. Wi!-!:. ,,,.', H .,.,,
' ' . ll l " 'lil.'l: 1. ll-.-lll . II. HI ,y U. 1 1' I ; .'-! IHI I
ii , .ii i in.-, it., i, iii I.UV1 hiiiI k-i ii ell- m:..-.
.. tu- i li. i i,- inir l. , i iiu ol ;li,-:i, n u,.j
ii. -ii-.ii i i., il - it.
Hi A NIC Mini: r.
.lull.- ,.i), t'.l ,.',. .! i.
I'. .". 'li.- iijii... niiiji ln r,.fifiin' i'xi..iin l.i
I .... :i .l..l:ii "!.- ..t... .1 H...ri! .S'iM'.ii n ih.i
ii, .i-.-.vici. In- mi. null ci.i;..-iil, nlel iliu i ..U ,
,i,i r.'-", mi l ,i ; i. a.-,, inn,- in !,,. Imuil
'.I I'. M."il !. i i.-iili-nioi.t. I lie In -im-.. ii l,t.
c.ii'iicj ula in fu n ic l.y 1'. Short. Alii, i nr. V...
! J"ll M, (' Uli.
. ui:i'i;(ii; xr.w.sox.
Trial Liiit lor August term, 1357.
I.e'iimi'd M i.'io, vs. Alice D'lV.
F.ueliin v -. 1 .!....:.
ti I1-, I.r" V
m ! -,.i;i.
; i
I'l i'-y, i :. id.,
I '
.-. ' i', i i i'l ,i , '
.ii ti.v.-.-a..'M
L. Al.'l .-, (.'a dwell
l-ii!,' . ei al v- La i de . el ul
!i, ,v. ii
.Mllciii i; . I'l'llllill-inn
1'iiMi'ii n.-e vs j; I . s ct al
1 'o:d .V; Luiii. Co. V.s Fclll)ir.;;lon
Sabin vs .'.i-lih.-i-H
l'.e-more vs llli'.iin
Irvins heii- v- Mi.Mastir.-!
'.'"Oper V- Kclley
I i'.- i ii v- Mi-Ghee.-
(i..i.cs & Mur-ii v r.'iin'.ngU.ii
M' Kee v- I'.loom
om-i v.s McF.-t'in
'.'u:; in
' 'in -on
v .
' s
K urthaus
Michael, i Worrell
Ji rciiie:'
lirfilcr in
I?. HOOTS. S11U1-.S ,,. TUV.XKS.
ATlIoI.i: '-MX and P.-tnil. at piieos to sail
y nil. can l.e l'i. mui at llieir new liool Mine
St" i". X". .".li Xorih S"c "id st., a few doors h
..w the flack llor.-.' Ilol -1. I'oila.
, ''.' Vv Iiv t" picas" and ."ell cheap. X"tie
to eouiiliy iio'i 'linni.-. Const. uiilv on Innid a
lar.v as.-o-O: i ot of .Men and Hoys' Moots, (iiiit"rii
mid liroiins, conr.v and fine : also, 'i nieu's ii.
Misses' l.aee Ko.,1", Ciitiirs Slipper-, Ac. and a
w ell H'!ccti."l "lock of Youths an-l I hildren's wear
generally. Wo would respectfully ii.viU you to
call and cxnniino for yourselves.
X. P. 'l'i unks manufactured and fer.-eile whole
sale and retail nt Xo. ;4 I .Yjrth Sceond it.
April 1", IS.s. ",ni.
(1 P.AIX" Ci! AbLl'S. A lew of FenreiV csie
J hint'.'d Crain Cra-lie" f'rsale hv
.Mi;iti:i:i.L l calt bi.
CIAI'TIOX. All perrons am hcrchy .-I'lilioncd
aitiiin.-t tne l lliiu; with a yoke of oxen no v
in the jiossession nf James Miles, of llrady Ip. as
Ihe said oxen heloni; to me, and are in his 0"-f!s-ioii
on loan nnlv.
Julys, ' ADAM MILK-'.
HEW FIRH:-IJEW""G00D3-ani"
n : w .i u u a xc; km i.ixt.
J,..;t .('(( ..! '.'I 'm i., i ml In ll..: ih n
i.t 'M)i)i:i:' r.T.wu.K.i:
L.IIliil; and well "h'ete,l iC'iel. of Cnn Is,
eouiprisiu"; a spl-ndi-l ns.-orliaeni of Sw.-sos
llislinp law ts. Plaid Muslin., Camlirie.., liehiiii'i
Holies, Lawn rohes, MoiiriiiiiK and fancy lawns,
in treul variety. A hirjju assortment of Fancy
Prints, Xinikeei.s, liuek and Irish Aineii'. toid
a ijeiieral nssor'inent of Dry (loods, llo-i-.'ry.
(roccries, Hardware, IJo its and Shoes of every
description. Hats nnd Car", Drills and Matiuu
ary, and Sell.. .1 Hooks ..f every kind,
i ALSO, a larre and splendid f-ipply of cloth
inf. ailap'o ,1 to the eiir.iate, Hakes, Harvest Can-.,
Ornss Seytiie",'s Ceieli'-.ited (inici Cr.,
dles, liraiii Scoops, (i.iiiu I-'oild, (m'os- "lit an I
Hand i.iw, Xail", Spikes, Haei.n an I l'lour l.y
the l,arr,'l, m't l.y the sa.-ic or lni;-!iei, nn-i every
otiier ariiile usually lici t in a country s t e " .
IV e would r.'-peetfully advi-o nil to ca.l and
i einiuii:" his s: ock, w hicli has heen s-'l. !--'l wi ! li
, ;;rcat care t-i pleas-' the t.-i-t--s ',,' all, wl.i.-'l i,'-
will sail in ehciip, "r a little die ipcr for C
; li ii they enn l-e pur.'l.'i-. il cl.-e lici e. l'ou't
fur(5'.'t to cull and exniniii ' our stock
MOiiKF .t IiTZVi'ILIvlt.
X, P.. Alfi n fine lot of linnd-toneii with L
Inr, - for ale elieai for cash, hy Ihe new firm.
Clearlield, l'n., .lime il", )fbK
( KNOWN' .1 THE (il)ilil INTENT,
(.'lii'rtii d t'oido'y, 7V,iioiVio;ni. ;
The suhsei iher beg leave tu inform his n!J
euslomein, nnd tlie public generally that ho has
recently taken the above well known ftiind, and
that he has intiicly relitlj.l and refurnished il in
a style .nl- pted tu (ho ne, and tho wnuts uf the
entire trnveling eonnminity.
we! always be rr .vidi d v. il h erery luxury the
niaiki-lf and siirrouinliu'i country wiil allnrd.
will he ni! plied v ith the ehoieert ir inei nnd li.
which rre the be t nii'l luo-t emiininilioii on tlie
i ad Til!, in a day's travel, will n'w-y- he in
.I: -v; " of r.-'i-ful und alteiili'." h -;.,-!. In
-ii,-, I
Ii ii .! ; 1 niei,t of liis L' tahi i.i, ,1, ' at wii!
I-.. 1 1 -! u h iii! Cie i-nin !'i r!i- in i 1 i -.i.i..n
ri,. il.. v. I'm traveller colli, I ilciri'.
ione -1. W.M. A. M '.- '
Ci Al Itl All pevdoiia nre brn 1 y eauiKiii.'.l
nainsl purebaiing or (radin (or Wliite
Slullioii. I Iron (irev II. r-e, 1 ell l,i,i,i,. liar
ne.-s. 1 long Sled, 1 Tin.h r tied, I :- .:..-h p.ii: '
ed green, with willow box, 3 I ,, 1 v. i.!i" h- .'"
fer. I red yen rl i f 1 if i.eirs, now in oi, o(
Kdaard King of llurr.side tp, ru iliev I., it.. to
tue and are in his 't,tcsi"n "" losn n'v.
KLLIOll L'Nil.
June .10, lS.iR pd.
1 jn. it. i.AiuiiMiin. 1. rnT t TI'.XT, Atlurheyn at Law
J Clearfield, Pa., will attend promptly to Col
Ui"H., Lalul Agencios, Ac., At., in Clearfield,
Centre and Elk eoulitieii. July SO. y
""puflv" W1,S0N,
HAVING romoved hit office to (lie new dwel
ling on Second street, will promptly answer
j jirofeiionnl cnlli a? baromfoT.
A I I" A I t I ii, .i M
1 (' "I I II I I ' I .
i M Mi'., "i i t
i ' f - 1 1 - -1
- -' i f '',-.; i . -.
; 1 i
U , -- , I , ,,i .
il. r '-I HiK in inn
'I i, l-f. -. ll,,--.'
ill i i- i mi ,
l l .l.i if .lui , I
'111! . -, I ll'nl I If I 1, I ,, , ' .r' I
ii i ', i- in I I I : .
ill :l I III" I'l I I.-- I , I . i . ,
.' ll I". 1 e, l' . .. , ' ;, ,, ..,
li . I'l' inlieM e ... I.m-ii, ,,. :w i ., ,
It I -i. i t J,,. j I, M'Miin.ii. A,.- 'i I i
MiTi' i. I mill V. . ., !-. in I i i i
i'l I'lO l Ii'l'. .1 M. 1 "i ' ' ,' ,..
III till en. ui- lll.J I .'It i 'I , ; , . I
I i e
Iii ir i, no, I .'oiKiiln n J'.-rr-
(ll'eil I.. (:il i . k,i,.,. n 1
iler l, I' iKie 11111 Jin if. Ti
ll ' II t" U Ct CO l-!,, i.l !, Ml, i
I . ll. I
I . I:
,' I llll. 'I
I Ml..
.''MM t I'l ':,
c; 'I in nn ex, e,..n I.i, a;,.
'I l'i' Ninl Iii lii-in i y liiiil)..)
(ink tinil ,-r. S..-1 1 , -il 1,.,-j-
-,l I" I' lllll.l'i-l
1 iiilli t,l,.;
.. i ;..i in, .
in;;., iii-t n II, ii i i n. i. rs.
Ti t-iis (-I- .-.h i:. Ten f.-r n-,t i-f il.e n
pun-lion, in i tu l.o ;n I in i , .n nlim
. .i. tv i,- I llil-k.'ll .I'.l'.ll. ll,,!' i,:., (,r ti-'
II nil ill I t" to n-( UI-.J ll f nn Ii'i- ,l :n..--! ),y i
fii'l i.n.ri('iv.-, i!:u iiii- ,..-( i I. nnuiini'
Villi. "I-I V- -.,-.'l . Iiil" v 1,1, Ml ! ,t .;iiili,.ni J
'iiirh ImV, mui I't I., r e. ii. i rii-i -,)
',1 I--
i-i'i'ii (., tl I;ii; -.1 liis 'l.-tv. ,"... in- V:-i
uf ii)-.- l.-:iliiiio.i e.:-!i wl.ei. Iii-. ,l e i.. e-'-rluvJ ,
ll ll.e (..nit nii.l tliv 'l-l i 11 1 iv t .;'!: '. im
ln. ill " in i , ' t ii, i-t. .oi- r ,ili iii:.-n-: t, t.i 1 o l,y ilalp tu- l.i 1 . nlul i.,',, U.l. 1', i.
le-'i-m i-f tliu jir-. ! ii-i . .i a .1 tin.- i-.-niii y-i.t: -n
of ;he .-i'e.
iiuy iv. i j :(.. j.or. i' vr.;;i, Tru.
Tisn i t'i v licit -tii enc I'lit. vi)
il !( !r,..t WhiJ.rv nf :,!rrrc!l tiukr'
riiri'i'-si.,ry Ktiililinc, on Scftmil Strctl,
i;i tii'c iJiinu'sli cf fliarfirM.
11 K.KK tli ev in e pi i-LHi-i-'i t.i maiiiHiM'tiii" si
t nl "UN idol SI1LI-; I' I l.u.S' N'.-llli-:.
i'a,y iri'),iii-,l to I'nini-li. nt r..,,.r.f., j i i.
m. liie ..!l"vin' ni livli'M in :il! ',!:,-ir i .-ii-i.'ti.'.
liAll 1 HON, XAII.S mui STKKI,. A I,',. Tlir.'-li-luii.'liiiiee,
l'l-u-li , J'alei: I (.'iiitii,,' li- ' -,
L'll.lil) rillll.n, I'llli'lll S.llls.l'.'I'-Cllttl'I'K U'i.I 1 l: -
ni'N, Sell ."-'i-iilln- Ciiii.i for I'lT'-i'i viu ; Fruit, m
"ell i'mi Inr,-;,. variety ul li.iietke..'.in uU-u :.':!.
too timm-rou- to iu,'iiti,,.i.
S'l.VCs. j'lli-y lllivv lli.-o II ;1I;m: I:':'l--;t ni
lintli ( noli iiiiiI I'nrl'.r Slevi-.i, nf ilio l.e-l .mil i,,.,-t
ni,r.ivi,l .iiIi.t:. mel :n:i-.i,;, l!:...,i mil ... .,.,nJ
die ee!.-l,r:ileil XLW Wlil',1,1) (.1.1 1 Ili i't'V!i.
A, I (irili-is Im-i-ii-l':i:,- v.iil l.e liiii :iL t'o 1 1 v ii-. Vi
ve, 1 nn, I .r- in . 1 1 - iiit....l(-, .i.
Iluiis-riiiillili' (limn I., erJ'-r.
As tliey ie('iiiy a largK un l iiiiiiu.iili.tiis 1 1 -.-;--,
Is well .-in niil-li,j.iii... s, they well n-enu-...l to
tin ,i 'i.ililili..-i.,:l l.ii-ine. uii.l llll orili-i -, ei ..i: i f
ir ll 'til.iei i,r ll ii.iliv li.; !. .il.-i , lli:l -jo lii!',k.
flll.y ri'l'-.ivnl, ;; .1 i .i:.uei I j v.illl ile-'-nl "i:.
". I!. .MKK'iiKl.r..
amy l'h l.iSC. 1- lb CAJ'.'i I.'!!.
ursr wit. " : tuiawi,-,, V" U V ? tv"Vv- "f rc-''lU ,,,s ,'"cr""ry.:M
It I' li If' 1 1 Ii I t'TV I i 'll I n -ti '.menu mid meiliem. t v. ill l.e loi ward.-d. .
ih I'.II 1 1 Ah I ,i h I A Lhlll I . ...ieaiilH wi',1 s.iil,, nt , rvx, lunrncd or ii,sK.
DP.. IIIi.NHV I.H11A1X, hinin- ii-'s"'iaii-r Ik.w liini; utTcetcJ, if any hen-dilnrv disease "ex
with him in tlie irivtie oi .Me.'.ii-.iie Ir. .1. j isis in the lamilv, t.nd syiiipl.uH Keuer-dlv. Lei
u. II AI;T-H D. K. tlicy o'Vc- their pr,.f.--,i-jnal I the naiii,. towuVn-l Stale be pluiiilv written.
erviee' to tin- eiiieiis o" Ci. a i field mid vicinity ! 'V-'agt for remru sn'-. t must be u?!ueil. ti.
J'hey wiil a lie nd to profe.--ioi.iil eil at all Iiyitr J ti i i,. n re .-i-tered ni our risk,
und inuli seasons. . , Ai( i,.,;,., ',.,. t he a,"to
Dr. Il.i,l-icl; wii; he foul, 1 dyrinj. the lav al i l.LAC i M UP. TO L'N. M. 1)
their . Hii e opposite IV. I.orain' resilience, and nt r' yj l11jtiltf) Xtw Xv.'.i.
nielli at l.i-i..,i,i..-ii'.-e, one J"ui frtU of Heed A i Xov. 1 1 , 1S..'0 lu.
it em er - si-., u. ,
Clearfield, Ji'ce 1(1. ! ''P.
i.i: Tin;i: l i.t . nn it ! i
II US II V IJ'. UY 111: MAX,
IMPOHTlill of French Calf skins, and genera!
leather ih-al-rf, Xo. I', Soinii 'I l;inl st., I'hila. j
A Kciieral iissoi tnn lit of ail kii.-lsof lenlhcr,
morocco, .te., ,Se. ed aud Oak Sole leull.n. I
March 4, IsOT.-ly. j
sri;i''i'i:ii , si vur.tiv.
Cheap IV n ( c li c s a u il Jewelry.
IT1IHI.SAL1-: and HF.TA1L, nt the "Phllad. i. J
1 y phia Waleh nnd Jewelry Store," Xo. IIS,
(old Xo, '.Hi' North Second Strvot, comer of tjiiar-1
ry, I'lniii'la. j
Gold l.'vei' W.ilelii.-, fall jew eleil 1 S c. eas.' i.'S (a,
liold Lupine, IS carat, ,',
Silv-.r i.i ver, fnil ji'c. clod, l c;,
Silver I.npii.e, jewels, II in j
Superior liinrtieiv, 7 1111
(iold Special les 7 (n
Fine Silver Spectacle, 1 aii
iold linrcelef 3 l'.e
Lady's licdd 1'cnciN, ....... 1 1,1,
Silver Ten !(- 'oils, per r; t. ...... j uii
(iold Pent, with Pencil nu-1 Silver Ibihlei. 1 In,
liold 1-in-er Kins :I7J cents to ,SII; Wnlcl.
(lla-.-e-. 1 lain lL'Jeenis. palenl 1; J. Liim t i'.'i:
other articles in prnpnrtioii. Ail goods warrantou
lu he wlil'.t thev are sol I for.
.SlAlFFIilt i JIAI!LF,V,
Sncecscrs l-i O. V"Prad.
On hand sonie (Told and Silver Lever mid L
iine, still loicr than the nhove piirm.
Octolicr 7, ISj.i.-ly.
1 )liKir Liu, may ho f.iu-.l either nt liir o(Hec
at Scoliel l's hotel, turirensvills, when not
'prof.M.-ionally n!..'i:l. Uee, 2'.l, L'jl
I'.!! AS- nnd COI?'Ti tal-en in ex i
f .-i.m.' f..r TIN nnd LA .'"' V P n th.
M"1 ". i' r c ' 1 ; ;;.
,1 iiy : ). 1 ; , '
Dli.tdllki.i: V ' I !,()-,' r-i - ei-.i'.iiiy ;iv
not-"' lh! he i ns no aa-eil ;t.e Pi i-'m c
Me Heine, ami wiil i a',t - n.i t-. mi
lie pri.iV' 101,. Let mis! .i.y.Aj, 1 :', If .-.
TIIUMl'M.'X, IIALT-Oi'-: X v
I run I'oiinilcrs. Cai wonsville. An oMcn aire
11 - : Inn !.t .f '.'nsti'-j s ni'ole to k
Dee. 1.-..I.
ATTOIiXLV AT L.VW, oFw ai'j..,:, ,.- ! ii-
rei h IH ii Sei'ioid Siiieet, Cha,. ,. i, 1 :i.
June I. I vi I.
t .i vi ids:
Vl.I. -'.'r-ui: in;.' hereby cniilioned n,air-t ,
lui.', iu,t, o,- in any nay inediilini with 'J
aiueli ( on., one red and ll.o i-thi-r brindle, now
in Ihe p "'ssio.i oi .ios, .ph M illw.n I. of Drearer
Ip , as tin- t,- id t, w l,el- ng lo i-..., nn, are In h;
j-osscsi n .-'I I'-aii only, liubjei't !-. ir.y 0:0.. s and '
Sept. 1J,',7. 3! p-l.
C1 VrT'OX All pcr.cns r-re her 'by e-iiitienid
a"niii"t ,'ii'!,i'-in',' 11 ci-iiain note iln.iui l.
tne in favor of Sl ice W. 'I iiouips-oi, i!al,,l 2'ii.
Aii'.-n-l, Is.'iT, for sjl'.'.i. a- 1 liaic not received I
vai'.iii ther-r and Will not p.-v
April Ttli, C'-m. ' 1 -t 1 i . 1
NV ..r .-!," V ..-. ei: Cm mm!-,,, ia i,.l,
ri"ie or l'i-,s .,,,1-t i.i ., , i
'1 hy
ilol' ae . ,n e i" ,-i: 11 e,
' I 0" V
oil, ol It. 1 il i-e I hey 1 ,1 ',.'!
Ink, w ilhoitl t to , .,.,u-.
1 ! .; i 0 .:hii-:T.
l'r.-i ' ii'n, y,n ... s.. 1.
T.nir. ai;i il anil Inf mo 10 ! -. 'y. I run desirens
to ..oil... iiiiiI c.i. iiji ii my w .rldly h.i-iiie-4 '
All per-ons having i-iiian- m-ain-l mf. nro there
fore req le, to pie m iti- ,1, at ,,.. . r,r i.,.ti.
nu-iil. I il."ire to hii 11, own e.:i-.. iof.
may 1(1, l.i;is. ' .'. MKS PTA, S-.
STILT, enntinnes Ihe liiines ol ''i.nlr Mahin'r,
nnd House, Sign and Ornamental Painting. . it
the "hop formerly occupied l.y Trouiiniiu .! T!i,w,
nl the ei..en,l of M'tt k.-I sli'uel, u h!i..i i dNtiinee
west of Lit.'s Foundry. .lime :i. ls.'i.'i,
fcST't.InuKc Pit fillcit (hie oiTi'fr,
i III 1 1 I " M l V , hn ,
t' f i
Ii. i. I 1 r
.. ,, I ',
ll. t'll ' ! I
'. nl I mil mii. ,
I M'l,,. ..
" I -I n I tl in. (il, rr...
' t. I,',i;.!:. S . I Mr,:.-t..
. I i !' 1 1 li ,n li, I run. III.
1 1 'i . l ft 1 ti e MliiyiniiHt
V'"i , i ;, i iiv.
I I mii,,.. i I e Si , i t l.i, h I kt
I", M', "I ..I .M-. -illll liM-,., ,f i,t
i n-lm - I e. to .-. ii I f- m
I i.v i I . ,-nv .-'( i, tl, i c -i
i , , l-r to I.. In;; i t.i llll
nl'i'.ii. p. Tlie iimu uf ft
I ii'l
-1 I.l
i IM 111 t l.'ll lOlivcl f..r til 0 I'u'"
'ic - -i ,- r ,,e iii, iir.iliilitf s
I. Hi!
i -.I.-, a. ,,1 . 'i i,-! , . -i: ; iv.i;( ,i nmiT. W
I, n e in,l, I,,;, ,' i i .- . . i r", f" .'.nn tint
foxscti -,; i A. it i.oi H uvtr ct tim, ill
lie' In -i ev In er. iiier iil..--,i,-.iiiii ; in (, i.i,init,
I , I1,. In i-.;. m.iti.ini. ..f l' toLereiile Into t.bttl
' -i .in t ei.V-ui.' , o e ei . ft-. t -1 , r in luu liiir.l, l'J
. .". il !" ei l,... 'II-.. '. e it',1 tu tliu CiiU'
.- ... ' 1' i Ii" ,,-! ir.:i v n , . i , t ti-"n ur c'.tl
ii i ',..ii is inviri'l.;.. , r..'li tnv bi liiuil liiK (g.
i '-nii il,i.;:,uii trnJi i,ni-i In.- n (ui rcii t, It :
i'-iit '' " i ' ' !!eii!?i in!.:,!- .1 in ! e form or Viipor
. r ) uler ilir'Tily iw'o ti-e hi,.o.'. taf( Im imieli
ii tu' ,f:V -tive thi.ii tl'r.l I n ken inlu t!, SkiiiiucU,
,-,!, r.i IM' 'livMl'ie iti.i.j ii not rti-t. Tl: nil-
"ilio-.e .(' In!-iiir:in in t . m f in) . t ion tt Throat
I'. -i M-s i, t'ait tiieiiieine in Ihr fi.rai of V)ui
i- "i'l"' 'I .iir. i'M;: t i tiiehiugs, wlicre the Ui9M
, '' ': C' ' !" h ii till!!. Ie:t Ire toui'l in !
' ..- I, Uli, l.y n I'liiiii'tering tu it her.ltliy mi l
!if' i i in .; fci, I. II-cio i't no em.. tidrj. ii.ft :!u
-i'iim'. ,'iom ir,V nvt cut. The u,":'.n!(, loo, n.-
i.iui , 'nt v. i t ii in tli.. rmieti nf ill!, the innrMrol
I. i'lilii'-'l .'mii tliu niiiDrs l.ei.i'; so thct th.'
ioi.-ili i .' ni'.er ri-i,uirij.l to leuvj huuie, wber
t':c hrn-i if .'UVi'eiioii teo-.ln so iiun-h to uij thu
j i y.'ii'ia V eliorin
The Inhalation, melli 1 is -nt'iiinj, n' ii.i
r irtj, r.nil eon-iM in die o iiiiiiiij'liiilu.ii nf nud
ieiit . in -.ii-'li n I'i'iniier, inn! ii-y ere eonvuyod
into Iii-! Li'iij in tlie I'orin . f . v. mi I i-ro'inee
tin ir r"ii m at liie .---i t i f 'li..' i, ". I ji-n t i -1 1
en,,! i.i ilK.siini'il l.i revolu!io:iiZ'.' tho ;.,iii..n3 ..f
Ihe ineilicnl nnrl.l an-l if.jllith '':t .s.'i-o t-u-iili'-
.'( f i oTlnti.ljititnt.
J oi riK .-tly n.ieiil to the rc-micar. un.e of nil
"iIum'H 1 wiiii Lunjt ilihOK'. , f eiiihrin'c t one
lli'i irlve.r':ij;c ol Inhiiliitinii, anil nu lengor rily
i',. ii.-iii" in the nniilieiiilin.; sloniaeh. 1 clnim
i .1 J o! ,-i 1 oi ni n I'ltien unions tl'C jiriuele't girtu
, I n.i I ii' l'.e nii'l in I Imili '.-ii i-n it-,, that "our day
( limy ', ho k i'l ihe hind." and n tie miy ark nf
lo,-., t Cininimiiitr : a method not only
; ro.'.o.oii, ,n' fi iiji K nuit tjtinu iuu.
Sinn il i'l- '.loi.-s.-ioii Unit liavu ndopted Inh-
lilt, - II Ii !, .. ;',,!!, I ll rljh:tr;,,iir ill the i, ! lit
;,'." . " , ', ' ,; mil' .n..jrtH v f the Uiirilxti unti
l,ni , i-o.i in ;,i i ij Utnttrute cu.en, in voriiy,
ii .-iiiii' ii.ia.ij-h v.-; uur nn over tltii fell detirvy-
i-l our -.i.cii .
ilK 1'iijsicinns wiaiiin. to uiukc lhemSilv
j . i'mi. -1 wuli tiu- ,iul-..h e, me inf irined thut,
r iinit- l.i-iiij; viilii.ilile, nr enn only reiily. n. I .
::iod::.:,t- used, to hucd letter that e'oi'.iiiin n
Tho Ire in all eas.-s of Pulnionarr A6Vs:tiui.
0. O. CROL'Cfl,
)HY::'.ICTAX fjllivc in C'unvonsville.
"V- ikix.vl i;xcii vGn (n;i;i
X 1 'I he fuhd-riher havinj; taken tlie Hhove we :
known nan. I, fi.rnici ly kept hy ll'm. A. Maor.
in (.ui -wennille, Pa., is ready to ne Mm mo'liuo u .
who may laior liiin witn iheir patrorm-e. Ki
tul in will always I s fiipplied with the best the
:ik t aO. rJs, and hi linr with the choiw
li-iuort. His sislilnri'l bo uader the ear of r
teulive h-.'tieri'. DAVID SMITIi.
Curwc'usi iile, April SI. 13iK.
VLL porfoim in eny way indebted to the till"
of Dnwler A Ake, hy judgment note ,
i-. 1. neeoiint. will take notice- thut I, thoiuhwcr.
lur, haio hei 11 npi-oinled receiver for tinirl firi:.
hy ti e l oui t el t omiiioii Pleaa ol Clearfield com,
ty. and tint I with Howler A Ake, will be nt tin.
tl. e ( f Saini.el ."el ritij, in New Wnshinlot.
1. Ii-a 1 field county, ou Friday tho -Hii day of Jui
next, nt 11 A. M. fer the purpose of reeeioiw f
jeun', J .-. ic. on .aid duy und uo longer! A
'.l.i.o intci-.'.-ti -il iv 11 pleaso attend and lave em
a- 1 enii'iot ijn nyi ihrc 11 second time. Tbos9lH
tlctim may cuitulatc ou coming lo ree me.
Pee ivcr in the Partnership LilitUi ef Dn r
A Alio.
t.lei rf,ei,l, X.,y n, !Sj3.
L:i. LiTcll - I'll.',' (TRTIt, AXTI BILl
t s i.'EMI.DV nnd HL-TyF.ATlVK, I
1 I, 011,-11, ( rniui. Ac Sold at Jos. Onan
loe Mi'.p, (Jlc.irlieid. ncU iS, '47.
ttorney at Lawajd Luid A";ctit,oE
l a i'o.nins hit. residence, on Markut 'ti,.
- Tho und'triiigned nouiOfi ti
e world nnd the rest oi'mankid,
oved to th i nhop rooontij oocuji
Ai 'k .shoa, as n tailor nbop, in
r ' ne w ii. a! nil time ba fottl i
. ' a" 'lid In ihe Vilca' of lu
'; - ork neede no re.
a'' '' (!!'. (I' d he p-".
' ' '.;"' iio-rensod eu.'t-,.-
!'" nf nil kinds, Willi.
"ii hi"!. Tli highen! mark '.
! ar r
It -.
.'.': J-iJS LADIES.
Mii iK A $ CO.
, " .'.'. . Mnrkn t
:;.,' (Ljifm in J, .
ni CUudrtum'
" nt'oocion f It
.Ti.:.y lo Iheir i -,
or I .id'ei, (J.'ni.
oi ,-f -rii,i. nt i-nibrte-o
.-" i' r, thai ;.
.KJ! I.N
yi'i :r Unnr. T
j. wan .S'?-
t llnlln.m.l 1. 1 II I
' 1 : '
F,-! i,-,;
lnVKS, CAVNTI.ETS, Ao. beie
tie.' d'reci ii,,n ,,',-r, r rli nn. r .r.-. .
lacturers "f !- tn iind"r onr own anparriainn, '
t-'i'l aatlsCcd .- eiiii oiier bttr Itidueemonlf
'' r''M" and toe publie genrrnlly than any olli 1
noiisi . h ii ;ng an iuimcime oortment lo side
iro.a ninl nt ihe maoulueturom' prieM H'
a mil. "
, Si j 1. m, rs;.r. im. ,
!1 1" rnder-ighed would retpecifnll inform !
citiieii" of Clearfield and the adjoining .,
t.M lie has J-i-t nored in Philipsburg, a re
!'ir,;e ' 1 mlity of giain, including
Byo, 0?t.t, '"'licni and Flour. Buckwb'' it
Cora tad Barlny.
'', he will ndl in large or amall lots on -i"
ii leiMomlil,, (. rins and at (ha lowest prie
I ii" aiteiiriei of thine needing nntohing In t .
ni " 1,4 ei!ie. 10 Iho Ktoek, bolievluj it wjuld
"iili n- ndi-iintage m givo hitu a call. 6uV'
'''"!. th u and bo supplied by
b Jirwlnti-jjH Mvrch jV, t r7e-lf.