Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 14, 1858, Image 3

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-tt A 1 1 n T We ni pnitiod In
nrn lUt ft little ii uiglitcr of Mr. Nullum
i Mitt lrt rrl'le at Logans inilt f,nir
uie alnv till pWc was drmvcl l,it
Viniluv. I r fullitia from the saw mill Into
? ' .
, wafer beneath. Mio liul sinrtei t
,turn to the linti- from the mill and
Mo,n,i-l until .o,o time after,-
tnirr bfiifilli. She ! I suited
I I - I I - I I. I
lie n senrcll was niuiic, nnu ner inen".s
... . .... .i." -. i until inv Milieinlcs !
xiy was hhiii'i i" iw" inv nun, nrr in'i'rk
f i i.. i. a ... ii I... . I.
a lirkn In tho fall. Kho was about
. ' Hint' Jlll
,e.n l-fn informed r n ,,,o,t in -laneholy oo
flaoatfi ors. The door of the Com. c'lrrenco l.y which n worthy young mnn
nissionor'i office was broken open on lust v,'ry narrowly escaped, if indeed lie has cs
aondny night, Mid key taken which luy cl'wl. Inning his lir,., Mr. George Boal
naldc, nothing elte wu mis-ing. The " widow lady of thut name, living
yej u probably luken for rtituro opera-
Thi HARvrsT now fairly com,noncMl,
nd the weuther niiico the rninn lust Sun-
ily and Monday ha been eminently fa -
t .'. .i.r. 1....
'ti,. Brin croDorthi,euunty ia very cood
!1 ... .1 ! I
tnc, nd the rnvnge of the weevil have
en confined to a chunoeTlield only.
Thi Si'Rincj Croi-s, a'imuhited by tho
ecent rains, and tho genial warmth of the '
bo U't-!
LrkaUpted to vegetation thmi it is at
present, the com and oaU ure gromng
rith unnarallel.d rui.iditv, In fact the
iimeof day might be noted b;- the growth j
hf the corn, if it were precisely know bow j
r . . . i
Much it grows per hour.
, ,
Eobbibt.-I he post oflice ... Luththers-1
bur was entered on last Monday night,
nd number of vuluablearticles the proj:
rrly of A. L. Behnell Esq., stolen there-
'rom, consisting of 1 gold watch, several
ilver ones, Rcverul pair of enr-ring4 And
0 coppers, of the total vulue of about
CJ TI.a llii.if linrl nrtf l.Mi.n nlrul.l nl
hast accoiinta.
Coal Oil. A friend inforrua 11 that a
mnnll eizod apparatus for the tnnnufnctufe
of 'Tanifue" or "Coal Oil" i now in oper
ation at the Hawkins coiil bank in Morris
township in this county, and is proving
daily, thut the bituminous coal of Clear
field county contains as much oil as the
coal of any other region. A charge of 18
founds yieldod nearly 5 pints of oil. The
present trials are merely experimental.
Geo. T). Morgan leo. have the honor of
firH introducing thi machine into this
county, while the experiments aro made
under the dirccrtion of Mnj. Pavid Hough
of Fhilipsburg.
Fatal Mi?tke. A little son of Mr.
John Matley of Dccoturo tp., in this coun
ty, met his death on lact Sunday Morn
ing, by drinking a bottle of Laudanum
which had been caielepslv left within hi
reach. He win about three years old and
was an onJv wni.
Messrs. Kuitors.
In tho last number of t!:e
Republican I observe mv name announced
4uacundidate for the nomination foi Conn
ty Auditor.
I would take occnsRion to thank my
frieiulu who hnve montioncd me in c nnn'
'ion with that po-itiun, but at tin- su...
time am compeJIed to decline boinj e n
jsldered a candidate.
I Althoii;.')! willing to serve my country i i
fciny c.inucity , yefwiib f noli an ubiindtiiicf
sr.ft'ood materiaiin Clearfiield cnunry '
fivliich to manufacture publ'c o!Vi.'"r'. I
lliope I may be permitted to remain e 1 i 1 1 -
nicer a lngli private in the ranks c) tue
:ret Democratic .arty.
lours truiv.
urwensvillc July 13th 1 H,r8.
The Newt-
The tekgmph fleet has not Leon l.e.inl
The fusion convention held at Ilnii:-'
ur2 on the 14th inst.. nominaied .l,n,n
V. Keed of Philadelphia for .'udgo of tin
.Supreme Court and WirT. E. Fi asier of
Fayette for Canal Commission.
I TLe news from Europe are unintorest-
I The last arrival from California brings
ne million and a half of specie, and con
firms the intelligence of the defeat of Col.
I Mayor Henry of Philadelphia was arres
Jed on lost Saturday for resisting an oflicer
n discharge of hia duties. Judge Thomp
son however dischargel him on a writ t;f
Habeas Corpus on Tuesday.
The Turkish Admiral failed for Europe
n last Wednesday (14th inst.) in the Ara-
I Mexican affairs are still as unsettled as
iffver, Sunta Anna ia still intriguing to be
A married man named Coons was tarred
fund Teni I, erArt in Inrliunit & four rltirt nun
for attempting to deceive and destroy nn
iinnocent young lady.
-no Hoods at tlie west have nearly sub-
ided and the submerged towns nnd vil.
sges are getting their heads above water
Gen. Johnston received an express from
the peaco commissioners at Salt Lake City
that the army would be neucablv received
lt the Mormon capital.
I The army would resume its march on thi
i J"th ult. There is a report thnt the U. S.
commissioners have concluded a peace
"nn me Mormons.
I .A distinguished editor was in his
j study. A lone thin, chostly visnrerl inrli.
1 . '- : '
.riuual was announced. V ith an asthmat-
e yoioe. but in the toneof studied eiviliiv .
for otherwise the editor would have assur
edly transfixed him with a fiery paragraph
he next morning the stranger said :
1 "Sir, your journal of yesterday contain
ed false information."
"Impossible, air; but what do you al
lude to sir."
I ' You anid that Mr. M had been
I "True."
' "Very true." t
l 'TTllnn "
"Xoty, air, I am that gentleman.'
);j'ill.oMnli,tHl,t,ou hat.
"l'l llil III, Mil. "
mnJlT" " ,,"',",,mn? Von are do-
i i i . .
iimy nc air. MIL I Hill ., i..l. n
ii'ifc uinn ii
...... . .
m complain to n magistrate."
" m complain to n magistrate "
T1 '''" l';. Hut I never ret
! I " ' ' '"" V'tl III
Voil life now
i n -l'l ct health.
II. ' . ,v
i imi or I '
..i,ni. r.nifiirn pavur.
DinniEMniMi" 'atT-v u-.. i . . . : .
" if Jtnige near thin place, na hcwa
mg to tho funeral of Mr. liailvV ehihl. on
!.... 'l'l 1 '
. iiiiirntiay, wus thrown from tho cur
ringonml very dangerously injured. At
ast nooouiiU ho win ulive, hut it in not
wa uhvo. but it m i
iknow" whether he sun recover or not
Anotl,er "fc' '' wm in him, but
was not serioiiKly injured
The School, Joi rnal, U the titlo of a
monthly publication edited byTownnend,
u 4 J-"k('ns. tlio July number of
"'Ji;4 '1 " 'v ujion om- table, It is print-
CM 111 -ui"" sm-ei or royal quarto pages,
"n""kos u yearly volume of 132 pageF,
1,1 1,10 lovv l"ic of 70 cents a year, tho
'' copy ia udvunce.
It !j ...I... . . v. , . .
" ""l inuicaies, a scnooi
journal, ami it columns arc hlled with a
. f
lirofVs8m. llm .,. . ..,
The number before us contains an en
graving and biographical sketch of John
5. UartL. L. V. Principal of the Phila
delphia high school.
1 he "Woman's Advocate" is the titlo
of a weekly paper published in Philadel
phia at ?2. per nnunin by Anne E.
McDowell. It is devoted to tho opening
out of new spheres of employment for fe
niaks ; such as are better suited to thorn
than the unhealthy occupations upon
which in our large cities, they are obliged
to depend for existence. It is a neatly
printfd, and interesting woekly paper,
tilled w ith a variety of agreeable and en
tertaining matter original and selected.
Address Anne E McDowell, Philadelphia.
Tile American- Aoriciltirist. This
valuable monthly farmer's magazine, pub
lished by Orange Judd Esq. at the low
price of 1. peranum t 189 Water t
New York, Is now printed in two editions,
one English and one German. The No.
for July, in Germnn, is now on our table
and bears the appearance of being equally
as interesting and important to German
farmers, as its English sister is to his Anglo-Faxon
T. Newton Buvle Esq. tho Junior Edi
tor of the Bollefonte "Whig" has retired
from his connexion with that paper. His
career in the profession lux been brief.
but we trust agreeable. May his future
r't;n,' in which ever sphere iii- is .A;t?!ed
!! n) a -t, i'i : ! r.;: ',.,-t i-v eeta-
. I'ut. Aifpi, as M rci
been and i .. 'I :
t Vr
lulv I as
v inter-
-ling n :tn' ii It is riiil '.
engraved li!.cness of ll,e U.
Co e Pro, of I'liH; i!eli ia
by nn intern tin.: fUetch of I
tl.'-tiiu' l to 1 ceou-.e an i'i
Ii 1 'f .1 with fill
e Thomas V.
yt,i .'.nVfi
i l:tV.' ThU
ii en- o'v , cm ,
j ' .l.'-n.-i.-i i Iv, 1" hat?),,. liiMi!;
j.S.'jii'ir I'tr the svrtMi'Iiv .-!'
j Ii'h b r to. lie . , cM.tte iiii-1 re-i'.-ts ti.;.' i' i
k 'nd i 1 i'i li;. i' ii;. I ti'i t .,:. too J:ti-.
as long ere her dainty missive rrnelie';
him. the dismembered garment had been
unromantically repaired by his own clumsy
yet patient fingers. They were only bach
elor's buttons.
BP$,.We have been detained much be
yond our usual day of publication this
week on account of the illness of the Juni
or Editor. "l c hope our patrons will boar
with us a "short season," and we w ill en
deavor to prevent the recurrence of delays
in future.
Ever Chascin vet Ever the Same. The
chameleon party ore about to undergo a
new transformation. A writer in the
Trention American details some of the
facts ax follows :
"It is very evident that the "Oppo
sition' snake is again about to change its
skin. This has come to be a yearly oper
ation with the animal, and ceases longer
to excite surprise. A month aco it was
all Anti-Lecompton ;' to-day it is all tar
ill-.' With nil its shameless treachery to
principle, and all its change of tactics, it
is the same dirty pnrty of expediency:
marshalled by tho same wretched crew of
"After twenty years of uninterrupted
prosperity, the country finds itself in the
midst of one of those businets revulsions
which are the inevitable consequences of
extended trade nnd commerce, and which
human l.iws are inadequate to prevent.
The enemies of the Democratic party, ever
on the alert for political capital, arc now
nil tin- nn-it ,0, 1,1711111 ui till, 11111, Hit; llljtv
proceeding to press this new element into
I a. d... ...:i. .1
their service. But will tho country trust
these reckless ana unprincipled Sche
mers? Who stood higher in the old
Whig party, as the advocate of a protect
ive tariff, than Ashman of Mass., and Vin
ton of Ohio T And yet, only two years ago,
these men, in conjunction with other lead
ing men of theprotectivepoliey, organized
themselves into a regular lobby rwnocia
!ion nt Washington, with the avowed ob
ject of admitting iron (the loudest inter
est for Jngli tanft) duty free! They
sent circulars to all (be mammoth railroad
corporations, ottering their service to lob
by for low duties or no duties for the stip
ulated hire 1 Look at the revelations of
the late rariffinvestigaHngcommitvee, and
"l hill fin., I do pn.., Ihmlmt Wiet to-
oiling Mhhi ,.,t ,, Il.,,r .,mi.
l l'l M ln,b, nl'ilill' t i. Ilii i,f ,,. ri .,,,1 .
lii'ulliniil intuitu of the 1 mi. I Wf,,
Ai"l jet. thin nitin. In lih e,i,,iin i npiii i
ly. in eliitiiiit-nm Inr hli li
piiin' inn Iho emmty tru-t -m l, r ()f
' 'I '"' t-"iivieiei m, mi, ii i.,).
.tiiesr ii'ith tiii'in, tu tM.:r,no ot'ihn
iinuiliy U KtM'otnliiry to ,crni,i nfurrnn-
M.Ulfli:i-ln Danville, on Tne.ilnv,
thoOilmf July, h;,h, hr l!ev. J. W. Yi.
man, D. D Mr. J a mi. M tv TimnNMN ami
Mis Anna M tsv Tatk, eldest (laughter of
-'l. L. .. 'I'm, Editor of the t thnulm
iJtiiincrnl, both parties of Illo'imnlmi'f .
In Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the fitli
inst., by It,v. H. S. Clarke, Samikl H.
Wallace, to Miss Caiihie b. T. daughter
of the late Aaron Itnss of that city.
Trial List for August term, 1857. '
Leonard A Moore, vs. Alice Dale.
Pateliin vs. hamboni.
(inllaher vs. MuliaU'ey, et. ill.,
ii. rarun vs. oet.
Hinds vs. Mason,
Draueker vs. Hartshorn.
Feltwell & wifo vs, Maholl'ey, ft. a!.,
Wilson's Ex'rs. vs. Same.
Schnell's heirs vs Julian Dense.
Cadbury and wifo vs Adams, Powel ct al.
' -row et al vs .John Ovcriiurl
' L. Abbess vs Ca dwell
I Jones et al v.' liiil iles et al
Kiddle vs Swan
.Mitchell vs Pennington
' Patton use vs Ellis et al
.'oal & bum. Co. vs Pennington
iSabin ys Metihces
; Passmore vs Kloom
j Irvins heirs vs McMasters
Cooper vs Kellev
Prown vs MoGhces
(ieddes k Marsh vs Pennington
MeKee vs Kloom
Post vs McFaiiin
Askoy vs
K renter
Curtin vs
I Curson v
; Faggart vs
I Drunker vs
Carlislo vs
GRAIN' CHADL.KS. A few of Fearer', t sU
bruted liruiu Cradle for mile by
i July 8.
C ACTION. All per,in am hereby cautioned
ngMnst tued ,1 1 i n (f with a yoke of oxen now
in the possession of Jiimen Milei, of ISrndy tp. in
the said oxen belong to me, and arc in hi poe
etii,n on loon only.
CAL'TI0X AH pereona aro lierpliy cautioned
againet meddling with i horse. 1 plnw, one
HuRKy, 1 Harrow, frrain in the ground, 2 Cows,
1 inuu'i enddle. 1 Cook Stove how in ihe poase
ion of Thomas Koboaon, of Jerdan tp., a the
same belong to me and aro only left with the
said Robeson oil loan.
ND UK COXVERTEP. Tho great revival
baa done immense good in almost fvery
r-tate. county and town in the Union, tmtsido uf
Clenrflnid. Therefore, in consideration f the
almve tsitieor, Frank Short hns taken the repiin
eibility upon hiiu'elf to revive he Cunt k Shoe
businese in ( liarliild. and set a good example
to Lis fellow uiin. He hn to announce to hi
old customers, nnd as many new one as may fa
vr liruwitli n cull, thut ho bus on hand a large
assortment of fin work ami any amount of rimrse
AIm,. O. nis' Uni'ir inuile to order, and of unv
Kjle In a. it i ntioiucrs. JJorroeeo. Frem-h i-ulf,
ai.d I'm i t calf frnilers oii-.tttni lv on hand.
l'imlit g for lale, kit i-.vci pu-d. All work leuv
il'C Mr' liu' aitan:i'l tim l rij,. ( ii-t,.n,er.
ciiiMT u ton I. v i'i l'.i.i !. i,i ut ii,,- i-i.,.), :, r,..r
Ij i.ini i-l ! It I'. Wfl.-b. ilie',1 ut. a w.ii. ,. ,i e Mh'isl u'i ii;. nfii iy opp file Re-, : n 1
Wcuver'ss utore. lloli in lioj mid gel n. roie.
i,r jour old mi, s r, paired. 113 souie of tt.eiii rt mil
iu great tin d ul it.
11110 .' . 19 'S. "in.
i' .-. T' ii pu inn iship bvrttofore ex! tin lie
'i.. -i, .J.'i.ii MeCah," A lieoc,.. Nenon is ihi.t
''; ' ''1 by 111 ut 1111 1 consent, and Ihe lio,.k,
;." anil ail i f.e, Is. uie n ,w in tlio ha rlt
; i . .-1 rl f. i- .-ett'eii'eiit. The buaim-s wi.l be
ii .vi .. in fu urc by F. Short. A In-, poor i'o.
) .T'HI M-i'MIS,
;i:ii.ii: m.w- u.s,
1)1 M(. The MiWritx-r. baviig
!, ,..n',. i I. him If in the borough uf f l,-i, li 'id
i ,-.' r i inklie that he is prepared to
I i; tl t noi r iine. from plain tu omanien-
ml ol any ii, , : .ti. n in a w..rkiiiaii iko manner.
Also wl itet.a-liii'j 1111, 1 ri paiii g done iu a iieut
manner . 1, 1 i..i,u!.le terms.
Clearfield, rtfiil 17, I.SP7. y.
CAUTION" All persons aro hereby cautioned
against inedd ing with tho following prop
erly now in possessicn of David T. Dimlap : two
Onws. 1 Wagon and a lot of sheep, as the same
belong to me, and subject to my order.
Denlera in
hoots; shoes ami tiiuxks.
VI7 1' LEGALE and Retail, at prices to suit
y J all. can he found at their new Hoot a Shoe
Store, No. K44 North Second st a few doors be
low Ihe 'thick Horse Hotel, I'hihi.
t5TWe try to please and sell che.ip. Notice
lo country merchant. Constantly on hand a
large assortment of Men and Hoys' Hoot, (Jailers
ami Brogans, coarse and fine ; also, Wrmen's A
Misses' Lace 1'ools, (outers, Slippers, 4c, and a
well selected stock of Youths and Children's wear
generally. We would respectfully iwvito you to
call and examine for yourselves.
N. H. Trunks manufactured and fer sale whole
sale and retail nt N'o. U44 North Second it.
April 17, ISSS. 3m.
THE above Hotel, having recently been fitted
up for a house of entertninmcnt, is now open
for the accommodation of Ihe public. Traveler!
will find this a convenient house.
May 19, 18S8, .OHN JORDAN.
'10 sell tour new inventions. Agents have uiado
over 2.V0O0 dollars on ono, better than all
other similar agencies. Send four stamps and
get 80 page particulars, gratis,
EPHKA1M BR3WN, Lowell, Mass.
LL persons are hereby cautioned against buy
ing or meddling with a certain note given
bv the tinderaiirnnil In Jims! M Ijuink. n t. .1
Decembers, 18i7, calling for $20, which we
have not received vattie for and which we will
not pay unless compelled by law.
june 2, 'i8. JAC0I1 KERICHNER.
VLL peraonsjara hereby captioned against
meddling with a certain note, given by the
unit rsigned lo I'.artholonicw Hadden, dated Sep.
1st 1858, for $125, as said note baa been paid.
Xew Wablrgfnn, March 1(1. 18l.
lit 1I0N . Atl) KM III t,ll t r,l.,hi.,
ii,i"l llil 'Mllli ltl llil. fli i,t .,,, ,
H, How l ),.,..,..,,, ,, nnm ttn.i.fii.f
tp M'.ii'l 1 1.. ..r l.i I r R i (hi., hi,
I' CI mil, tni, ,!, .nl.j,,,.) r ..
ln (', ,. ,,f rllli jPfl,,f( nN
Klf n. lliir li,.m.
r. it. Mii.t.tii. !
Hrll li., .Time 'l. It,',.
Till II I Vilim In lirrrdv tltrn hht li.l-
lri, nf A'liiilnl'lifttjnn ! tl,, ,v fx-rn
grniiloil In llm lil,, u (,M, ,,'f Sihii
....l 'I .,. I .... r i .-
.iis Imvlnv any I.,..).,,., I r.-Uil.-n t. ..i-
ih," ,'i r"i,rr III., i w ,i .t i,pr-
alu, i!l cull lip-m in n Ii 1 nnko vill,.,,,,, u,.
Win. POII KI.b.
Jiinn :ifl, Is.iS Ailiu'i
ii,,.,. . .... ... .. .
T' f' n.liT.iKni"l r..PpiTlfully annuuiicoi to
1. tlm pal, Mr I lint Ii hut uppiiril on vsliiiE
limine in tlm Imti'iiu-nt ,ny of Murraw'i (Into
lliinpl,iir) llotl, h,TintT Ik fuuiiil ry ,.r,,, ., .,...h . 1.... ! C....I... '
7' ' - . v.i..ii,
l'lckleil (Ivslcn, I.cincnin,U. Alo. Linrer lii-or
lki, tunlVe t ioiiiirlt'. Fruits. Nult. Ao.. Ac
lis hnpi'ii ).r a , rid nllcnlimi tn hi Imimiicm to
merit, and receive, a rharc of ul.lic patr,iuai;n.
j Juno so, i sja.
II, 11. MOltltOW, I'rop..
nl IK iiu ro fitt,l tlio liuuio tlirouL. ut iu
Kol tlvlo, and turnir.lioil with rvry con
TCiili'iicu iipcotmiry for tlio oninfurt ef llioto who
limy I'nvur him ill. a cull. Hi Inlilo will alwayi
be mipplicii Willi li.o very limt I ti n market cun
it h the
nlliinl. 1 1 1 m l!Ai; will also be i,ii,.i.,,
bet qunliiy of li,iiurd.
tucli,.,! to he preuiii'ii.
I June 30. 1.S..J.
Auiplu atnllio Ia at-
1) RANDIES, Wines, Whiskey, (Jin, 4c , oftio
) very bcit quality for sale by
June SO, 1 953.
LIST OF TETTERS remaining in the Post
Ollire nt Clearfield for the quarter ending
Juno ;it, 1 sVS).
Samuel Shaw. Mr. Cooper, Itnae Kaupp, Jan.
C on, John It. Kimc, Wui. L. Dickey, Samuel J.
llodine, Henry Iti er, Henry l'ndergloh, Mrs.
Rachel Ann Julia
Ktiuo, Christian I'ott-trtr C. I. Robins, H'illiim
Jlurphy, Rev. W. J. Mjrpny.
reiwas culling for letter on the abort list
will say thoy are advertised.
June 30, C. D. WATSON" P. M.
FTTF.US of Administration on the estate of
Christian Potlurll, lat) uf Clearfield borough
duc'd. having boon granted lo the subscriber all
persons knowing themsvlres indebted to said es
tate, are requested tu uiuke payment immediately
anii those having claim against the same will
present their account duly authenticated for set
June le.JSiS.
Iron Depot, Kept by Merrell & Carter.
On Second Street, L'lcarfieU, Pa.
IS the place where all the 'ollowing article!
ran be bad at reduced prices :
7r ra;i of all sizei bu the small or lu the
quantity', (.'ast Steel of various sizes and Lest
jvatiti ; a large assortment of S'oves, amimg
u kirh mil he found the Xew World Cook
Oak Premtiiui, Great JlepuLlic, Buck's Pat
ent, and the. clceaUd Minnesota. Also, a
latye. assortment of mne-jdatei and Parlor
Stores, ami Air-tiyhls of various J'atternt
Also, Pious of the Lent and latest patterns.
Also, of their otcn Manufacturing a large as
sortment of Tin-u arc, Steve pipe. Sheet-iron
pans of all sizes, and all articles of the kind in
tlieir line kept alu nus cm hand, Jlousc 4)ok-
I ", oni. ui otiii , ami j tn jiiMniiy none wtlft
i despatch. Also, a tarye assortment of alt
1 kinds of house-keepina utensils constantly on
i hand. ' CO I'XTlt )' M KUCHA STS'
are invited to cull, lis tiny can be noeomru d ited
ut very low f,gu res with anything 'm Mir .'inc.
All orders will be tnatikfuliy received and
prompt - attended to.
0. Tt. ME;ii:nr.T..
1. R CA II i 'i;!.
N. Tl. y a ill also receive cut. it, 1;. .-.
"nicies 011 ciuiLisri, ui. at low rates, M. C
1) FED A WEAVER are now rc-civing an I
opening 11 largo and well fleeted Stuck ol
(loudiS coti'i.-tit g of
Dry ;uoiis. Crnierir-, Hardware, O.uccris
vare, limits ai.d .-i.uts, ii-. it , , ,v
li unt. li.t.'t, ami Itomie's, .N1-h V
Spikes, and I'i h.
as w. 11 ns every other arlic'c usually required ii,
the u uiitry, which ti.ey i.fl", r to tin. public 1,11 Hh
t'uir i' -iii ii eat, lie hud in the county, i.'ni:
ti,. I ice 1 u nw. beautiful andu.'iTul.
jiin- 1'. I
.1 :UMS TP. 1 y ops ,VO Tit t.
J Ell i'i!-' r .AdmiriKtration on the ai i to ol
.s titoige (jimer. Into f Dindy "p.. dn !, i,v
in,, been granted tn the undersigned, all persons
indebted to tho estate aie notified to come for
ward an ' settle, and those having claims against
the same will present their accounts aulv nulhen
ticuted for sottlcment, JACOB V0AS.
June 111, 1S5S. pd.
f KTTERS of Bilininistralion on lb
estate of
li Abraham High, late of Lawrence tp., dee'd.
having been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate
aro requested to make payment immediately and
those having claims agairst the same will pre
sent I li fin duly authenticated for settlement,
June IB, 1858, pd. Adin'ri.
I) HHALYA C0.. Manvfecturers of Buck:
e skin Gloves' and Mitts, Ladies' and Gen
tlemen's Gauntlets, Sparring, Sword and Cricket
Gloves, Ruckait-in Shirts and Drawers, Riding A
Shooting Leggings, Walking Gaitors, of Cloth
and Leather, lluekskin and India Rubber Sus
penders, Waist Helta, Money Helta and Pursra,
Sleigh Robes, and Iluflalo Skin of every dorrrip
tion. N R. Tluckskina of all color and qualities,
Knameled Cowhide, Importers of Chamois, Spon
ges, Ae.
fl-The attention of the merrhantr of Clear
Hold county is respectfully called to the above
advertisement. P. Healy A Co. niannfacture Ihe
above good themselves, and will receive in ex
change DEER SKINS, and allow the highest
cash price for the same.
Sept, 2, 1857.-ly.
Send for a descriptive Cireulttr of
The moat simple, durable and effective Mill for
ffrindins. all kind nf mln IntA 1.. .
n. r .uw uuv wi V, ' H , rC
moal aa desire i Price, (50.
Mnnufacturora of Agricultural Implement,
ito. inn, itiarsei ru, rtnladelphia.
Trart of Land at Private Sale.
THE undersigned will sell on easy terms a
tract of land, containing about sixty-two
acres, with abot 25 acres cleared lying on the
West Branch, near the borough of Clearfield,
with a good two story dwelling boose, log barn!
and other buildings. An orchard of young trees
recently planted, and a largo icopa of good mea
dow laud render It a valuable and dcsiiahle pro-
it. muitii r.yi Q)PE
Arrrt i3T.
nt t lH II n Mt i t M -ft, AMI l it
i't M MHV mwl II - tot VI 1 1 I . ft
I ,,l,. I'i. nh. I i nit e.
' oi l HI ,1,..,
Mum Mi,, I I, n i ft I . .
J. I.. curn.H,
Vttmiif v it I ntv mift I uml Ariil, i,ffi
.Jntilii lil rrnM.nri., ,,n .M, .,1,1.1 pint'
MOV AI Tk uinli-r ii xnrt bii, nn,',. ,i
Mm "k,ilo t,,r!. nu I 1 1,.. r,t ,.1'iiihiiIi iii.l,
' 17L , 'V r1"n",,1"V" " -v
. . , . i - . .
ihliawi ll.iw, Ik ill m n ! I tllnit In .,,n,.i
j rra'ly sinl llliiit to nil. to ( U- ' ,, I lie
( l.ouilc" ml i.f crmiimi, II it ,.tk m-i-iis n i ri
' coiiiini-nilHliiin It rii'iiiiiniinls Itm-ir, siM l,c mil
I with prlil f int In liit liiri'ly Inri'in I ii't,m,
I tu pruuf. traty-iii ilo Hurli of nil, will l.n
k..K, ....,...!. 1 I 1 . I I I . ... I .
"l" r""",i,ii.,i iiiiu. tut niKurni mnrKil
, ,,rl pni, fr ,,0,, J(IS. 000N.
My Dili Isi7.
' IMIl'W''
- i KiiriiivT. vnoiii-i'i.'
1'KACK, I.ulhfiatairg, ITrartlclit Co., Pa.
H'rcliant and Lumber Dealer, corner of
f 1 Knnit and l.ocutt etrctftn, Clearfiold.
Dec. JU, 1841.
f T Alt !)V A 11 of everyduacripliun fur sale
IX at a moderate advance it the ftore of
may H.l
pHVSICIAN OITico in Curwonat ille.
A'IKIMI, r.Xt JIANtil- hoti:i,.
The suliscriber linving taken Ihe above woll
known stand, formerly kept by II ia. A. Mason,
in Curwensvillo, l'a., is ready to accommodate nil
who may fuvw him witn iheir patromige. His
talle will always Iw sirfiplied with Ihe best the
ark.t afford', and hit liar with tho choices'
t li,iiors. His stable will be uader : he car of
unlive hostler. DAVID S.M1T11.
Curwentville, April 21. lSJS.
A LL persona in any way indubted to the firm
Ix. ofDnwler A Ake, by judgment note or
book account, will take notico that I, tho subscri
be, have been appointed receiver for anid firm
by tho Court ef Common Pleas of Clearfield coun
ty, and thut I with Dowler A Ako, will be at the
oflice of Samuel Sobring, iu New Washington,
Clearfield county, on Friday the 4tli day ol June
next, at U A. M. fer the purpose of rccci'n'117 tri.
tttmvnli, i c. rf c. on said day and 110 longer! AJI
those interested w 11 please attend nnd save cost,
aa I caunot yo up there n second time. Those lie
glecting may calculate on coming ,0 see me.
Rcctirar in the Turtncnihip Estute ef I)wlvr
A Ake.
Clearfield, May 21, 1869.
818 (AW So.) Uutlet .t
Importers, Manufacturers and dealers m La
dies, (rentenien and Children'
Wholesale and Retail.
F. A CO., would cull the attention of ho
lers, and tho I'ublir. gonorallv lo their im
mense Stock of Fancy Fur ror Ludiea, Gentle
men and t'nililren ; their assortment embraces
every variety and kind of 'micy ' r, that will
Ve worn during tlio season, such aa
Full Capes, Half Capes, (Quarter Cape, Tol
mas, Victorines, Jioas, Muj's f- Mitjf'u-
tees.from the finest Uu.sian Si
lie, to the lou est price Ikmettie Furs.
For Ocntlemcn the largest assortment of FUU
Ihe direct importers of all our Furs and Manu
facturers of Ihem under our own supervision, we
feel satisfied wc cun offer bstter inducements to
d, rlei and the public generally than any other
house, having nn immense assortment to teloct
from and at the manufacturers' prices Hi oafy
tisv a cun.
Hipt. !, ISi7. 4m.
n Fourth .!.. iu II. K. Snylrr'e Lint building.
J'llj 2. ls.,(i.-y.
to lu?ibeiiiie:7 a:td."otiiers7
ril'IH uielcrsighcd would rrrpoctfull inform the
I citizens ot Clearfield and (lie adjoining eo's.
tnat he has just stored in I'liilipa'jiirg, a very
rge qu intity of grain, including
Hye. Cat.?, Wheat and Flor.r. jluckwh' tt
Com and Barley.
wliicli ho will acll iu large or small lots on (it
most rissonable teini- Mini n l.- .-t prices.
Tne altintion uf those inv,lii,! m yd. Ing in thi,
line is call,-,! to the M 1, i.,i. v:l,.; it would be
'o Iheir iidvantiie to ; iv I 1.1 a fall. Uuuie
Along tiica ant l,c Mip-,,i, Lv
(.. W! K Kri.ER.
ri il j'.-biiig, March ii, l.";i7.-tf.
CICXTH U.'liOTl l , ljruic.l'a
fp HE subscriber would rcspecsfully inform hi
X friends iu Clearfield Co., and tho publ'c
generally, that he ho taken (ho above House,
where he would be hiippv In accommodate all who
j fsj favor him with their custom.
l.n. ii. ur.. nr. rt.-n..
June 10, I7. pd.
Jtt. n. i.tnuiwrn. i test
T A It It I SI I'.R & TK.ST, Attorbeva at Law
j Clearfield, Pa., will attvhd promptly to Col-
lAion. i.anfl Agencies, ac, c, in Clearfield,
Centre and Elk counties. July Jtl. y
orTr . TvTTvT lsonT
TTAVIN'Q removed hi office to the new dwcl-
M.X. ling on Second street, will promptly answor
professional ealls as heretofore.
A reliant and Produce Dealer, Lnthori
11 L burg Clearfield county, Pa.
April 17, 1852.
TETTERS of administration on the estate t(
J Abraham lleia Uu r.r Tl... . i.:.
...... v, IUTCIIS1II 1
deceased, hnvtnir l,n r.,Bnt.l n i. ..i m..
all persona knowing themselves Indebted to saii
w.m. ,s reipiteieu m maae luiuiooiate paymen:,
and thnae haviow elaitnH n ,1 .l. .1
- - " ru,oM.,n ifuui uie
same will present them for settlement without de-
june 2. 1858. WM. PORTER, Adm'r.
THE Partnership existing betwoeu. tho under
siguod in the practice oftba law, has Ihis
day been this dissolved by mutual consent.
W. A. v ALL ACE,
n e ,, , , K J- WALLACE.
Cleareeld, May 1st ISiS 8m,
Treasurer'! Saleof Unseated Lauds.
IOR Uxei fur the year 1856 and lxi7. So
X jioa is hereby given that in pursuance of an
act of Assembly, passed the ljth day of June. A
D.. I81S. entitled "An i 1 1. ... ? ' A-
- - - - - ', nu nui airec
ting the morte nt selling unsealed lands for tax
es, Ac. the" following ir,.i. f i. .
Clear field county will be emoaai! t,, ..l.n i-
or out-crr. fur the Lit hi nnnnirf .a ,i... ,i
at lbs tourt House in the borough of Claarfleld
on rtie second Monday oi June next i
I Ball Township.
sV, A P. 1
George Oakley, MOO Henry B.vk, $ 7,',
56 1000 Henry Beck, J 75
tt'oftMitii y kSfiwi tt tun liooii m,m,
CfltW 11.1,1;.
f f .... r.. ',
The iit, it,r hrf li'at-a tultirniin ln ,.
cntl'.nM'it, and (lie i.tilillc crcrnllr 1 1a i t t" I,, it
ii-in, Inken tli l"vi wi ll kli"n Unn l, Mid
llitt he hut tMirely H Hlt.'d uml r, fiunll,rd II In
r Hvln adupied to the an", ni, l the llm
viitire liniellng cniiimnTiitv.
II, elitsyt l,i i r 1,1, d wliS er, ry In xm v tint
iimikui sad tiiriuuii lii, cuntrr will efiui.l.
w U ' fU '.it w i(b Dia rli'ticol n ft v- tilitl li-
wh',,-1i are tho licut nnd int couuuuiliuiig ti ll,e
riiail witliln a ilny'a trawl, will always lo in
chari'u uf careful and atti-nlito hoftlcrt. Iu
Kvtry d.iarlinrnt of liie Kutalillelnncnt will
l,e eu,plicd with all Ilia com fori and conveiiicu
cie the wcarr traveller euuld ilekire.
juuo 2, '4.1. WM. A. MASOtf.
(1 A l'l ION All persons are heroby eautlnnoil
J against purchasing or trading for a White
Stallion, 1 Iron Grey Horse, I sett Double Har
ness, 1 long Sled, 1 Timber sled, 1 Sleigh fmiiit..
cd green, with willow box, 2 Cows, 1 while, helf
fcr. 4 red yearling steers, now in possession of
Edward King of Iturnside tp., na they belong ti
mo and are in hia possession on loan onlv.
June .10, 19jS pd.
CAUTIOX All persons aro hereby oimlionod
against meddling with the following proper
ty, at the same has boen purchased by mo, mid
is loaned to Henjamin Rishel, subject to uiy order
oily: One Cow and Calf, 3 Stoves and Pipe, 1
Itnroau, 1 stand, 1 Clock, 7 Chairs, 3 He, Is A Hod
ding. 2000 foot of Oak plank nnd Scantling, one
set of wagon-maker touU nnd the House and im
provements whero houow lives.
JuneU, 1868. JOHN TlISIIEL.
VLL persons having account nguiiiel Goo. J.
Kylcr, or person knowing too a selves in
debted lo him are hereby notified to ooiae for
ward and settlo the sumo with the undersigned
committee appointed bv Ilia court,
R 0 B E V. T .Ml T 1" HELL.
June HO, 18J8. .11.
VLL persons nro liuieby cautioned sgulust
purchasing or in any wiso meddling with
rhe folloiving property, now in possession of J110,
Millei an I .Mary Ann Miller, of Hojri tp., vi,-:
I pair Spreads, 1 Log l.'nain. 1 Plough, 4 Ittitt
chains. 1 Hnr-ow, I Mowing Scythe, 1 making
Stove, 2 Sinks, 2 clocks, 1 lot carpet, 2 Stands,
8 Reds uml Redding, 1 pair double trees and sin
gle trees, 1 parlor Stovo. 2 Tables, 1 Cup'joard,
1 Desk, 1 black Mare, I Wagon nnd 2 Urindl,'
Cowj, as the sumo belong to us aud are left with
them subject tu our oritur.
June 21, 1853.
VT the mouth of Link Run, live miles from
Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive
Manufacturer of Lumber,
July2:t, ISii
1 )lnrksiiii(li, Wngous, Ruggie, Ac, Ac, ironed
JL) on short notice, nnd the vory best stylo, at his
ld s, tn n .1 iu the borough of Curwensvillo.
Dec 20, 1 85.1.
DR. M n OOI)!S, having changiM his loca
tion from Curivensvillo to Clearfield, res
peclfully oilers hi professional services; to tla of the lultor plnco and vicinity.
Residence on Second street, oppusi; d it of
J. Craus, Esq. my : ijj,
"VM. P. CHAldliEKs!
f tARItlES on Chairmaking, M'hoelwriglit, nu-i
J house and Sign paint, ng at Curwensvilli.,
Clcart'eld co. All orders dromptly attended to
tian. o, i;j3.
DK. Vi. M. CAMPnKLL having located n
Kylcrtonn, tenders hia prolcFi,inal aorvic . .
to the citizens nf Morris and tlm ailjoini'ig town
diips. Ilo will always be found nt the rcsidum
ul Thos. Kylur, when not professionaHy enrarco.
May 21, IS56. " h 6
Important to
The. Great snlsiitate f.r T lacco.
It is i well knonn and inrontrovfrf i'do fa
that ihe use of Tobacco i the promoting enino
many of tho most severe MENTAL XI) PHY"
K M. DI-ORDER? lo wlii. h tho race f rrnn '
-uljeet. nB earful nnnl.VMs nnd long and pnin!o
expert nee have clearly proven that it contai
certain narcotic nnd poisonous properties m,
dangerous in their efTecl, which ly entering in'
ihe blood deranges Iho functions nnd operalio;
nf the heart, causing ninny to suppose, that org ,
to be seriously diseased.
TOBACCO ofiects also the rntira nerrona 3
tern, manifesting itself ns nil who hare used
noxious weed w ill bear testimony ia Lassitude
Nervous Irritability, Water Hras'h, Dyspepsia, ..
many other disorders of a similar chara-tor.
designed tu counteract these baneful infliicufli
and have proved completely successful in a nm
tituda of casus, and wherever used, llainghnro,
less in themselves they exert a bonoticial etlVi .
upon tho entire system, restoring tho Tasto whi, .
has become vitiated or destroyed by great indn
genco, complctoly removing tho irritation ni
accompanying tickling sensation of tho Thro
which are always consequent upon the ahitainii
from the use of Tobacco, and by giviug a henli
tone to Ihe stomach Invigorate Ihe, whole svs( , ,
Persona who are irroirlavnl.l .,.,.1.,. .
their constitutions and shortening Iheir li vt .
should usn these Troches n,l thi...
off the injnriouaand unpleasant bnii'it of Tobu ...
co rhewinj.
These Troches Or I.n?cn"et nm rnt n !n .
convenient and portable form at tho low prico
ov cents per nox. a liberal disosmnt to tho trad
Prepared solely by tho undersigned to who
all orders should bo nd, tressed.
J A M ES E. DOWER.S, Druggist.
C'or. 2d ami Race streets, Phili,.
April 111, W ly.
Xo. 14 (07 X. C) ,SW. Th.ed StrcJ, be
Calfskins, Momcoot, Liuingt, Bindings,
X. B.-.Tintiirh Leather hntl.rht ..r t ....
''I'sneo March 3, 1857 y.
r.vxxio uoim: i
ihe subscriber resneetfutlv nmiin... n.. ..i.
. , i ... v ... ti, , i
lie that he has token Ihe abovo stand, in the b
ongh of Clearfield, and ia prepared to accomin
date all who may give him a call. Tho pub
may real assured that it wili bo conducted in ti,
best manner possible. Hia table will ha aupnli,,
with the belt the market aflenU. Jlia liar fill,
with the choicest brand of wines and liquors, au.
his stables will be under the oar of attentive e i
careful ostlers. DANlKt M. WEAVER
Feb. 11, 1857.-T.
A. n SHAW,
T RETAILER of Foreign and Dmnestio Merc!
.., cnpiiur, s. irnrnniii cOUtliy, J'a
fhrwivllle, K itt l , I4j.