1)1 U I i ltlU. i . a . I i ! :i i I if l 'fin u I i . I i i k i n I 1 ' " i' n the li ir'nica ftl CD tit n I 1 I, lie II In. . if rf"l to lit." f ."'n i riin t, fn nff'Bffi il 1. 1 m v .1 I 1 1 - n In n "! mnii ik tti-tiifi'-r. ,,;r tit 1 t t iii i K d me In a licet M' i. li'.-. mnr. r mi i i' t- 'i,. i'. ' I i.i-u:n roorr.n. rvi.vl, ! i:. i i. loot' U.noato-4 Lnndi. ,. , , ,.r I shi mill I",'i7. No urn ihnl In piirsuattpe iif an i I ii. l .' li il ir l J nni, A. t. v I- r i II. ,. I. I ' l'l'l .. I nf .,i i. My i '., I k li, 1 1 tlm d " A " act ! s m- d en tU'l direc ting the nmle nf iiin : un- nted hinds fur tax Ac, tlni l 'I'lH'iif It ni "I unseated Inmli iu CDnilielil uii'.v wi,l Ii" ''M !! I public sale nr iiul-i r , l.r the In . in' I' ll. I nil due therein; nl Urn Court Ii .ii n in tin- b .ruii!i vt CUatUcld in tin; sicuiid Men l.;y of .June ii"M ; !i II lWns,hip. a. A r. ( ; ISI T". ! t fiiii t.fi.' Oal- h-y, JjCi'ii i li'M'i) 1 li-iit y I'l-cL, Mill!) plili) llfiir'v L' i'k, -- I ADMINISTKA! I'MK'S NOTICE. IKTTKKS of nilntii i-'nitiii J Aliinliaui 11 '.', 1k nl 'nitinn rn Ilia otnto rl j nf iiiirTi Inwn.-hip t ikci'aMiil, Imvin;; l...n nniutcil In t'i inil..i'i ilm , j nil )ii:r.ii!i.i kii'iwiiiir il'i'iii'.-lvoh iniio"U"i to aiii I . is nlo mi! r.'i!iii-ii.il tn imikr iininciliatc pnymon , Hiiil tlime linvini. rlniuta or dfijiinulti ni;nin.st llio ! r.11,,0 will jircai lit limn ur gtltkiiienl nillutul uf liy. June 5. lSS. WM. POUTER, Adni'r. P I S SO I, UT I 0 N". T SIii; Tni tn.. i- !.ip rxUtiii'' o'..-.voiii tha unJur. .,'iieil 1:1 liie lirai'lion nf law, In llm day btco tUU ui.suiml hy 'tt:i;l coiaenl. A 1VALI.AC", .'. WALLACli. -"in. Cioarf.c'.d, . i:iui.!..i f. ay 1st if.:- .'.. nl tl-is i.r.i' VMH AGAIN IS Iii.: ClU SI:0P. T PI1K ubcribcr ii.d.ru.n hi-i liicmla nnd thai pi.l.iie jjcin'rnlly :: -it i.o i.-. now rc-cttalili-h-1 cd in the o',.i .-l."j. ...i I l ucly i-.'ci'picd liy Jin ol l-'Sinrkwilcr '..-io be h .pcs ly ctrict at-! toi.tiuii, run I upii ; r. f .. t!k ut i.soVtciI iruu to in, lit Iho li.vi'i' nl l!:. ; i i h". C'i iinlry piniliiei' t I .! never rcfuff l. An apprentice IViiii. I1', lo Is j-.rtr ni'ntio will r.uct with a MiJ titiiiili'.iti ,.j plitnti- n bftiuado soou. i.O. W. OKU. Xav 9, 1 ;.'i7. I. t; :.I ,J Tji-ouc, Pa nnin; ti,'.., ri' 1. nil f,!.nd :-r woiilil reiic-'...tiiiiT inform hi! C!i':ir!!'..ld en., nnd tho nuhpc p". " '.i. ; .' 1." I, on in' eu tiio ubi t.! U suae, v In re !; e "iil-l 1 c l.M.py l aeeoinminiiuo all w bo iav favor tsiu v.-itU tli-.r I'ustoui. WM. 11. UliXDLUKOS. Juno 10. ISjT. i d. it. t-Aiiit'inn. i. rrsr LAKIM.V'KK & TEST, Attorlieyi at Law Clciii.i' .-Id, Pn., will utluhd promptly to Col tAiubs, Lull 1 A.'jenoioj, Ac, do., in Clearfiold, Cabtre and Kilt Louhtiea. July 30. y DR. R. V. WILSON, II AA'IXO removed his oflice to tha new dwel. lin2 on Second atreet, will promptly answer professional calls as licrctofnra. FREDERICK ARNOLD, Merchant mid Traduce Dealer, Lnthen bur Cloiirdcld county, Pa, April 17, 1852. rARK & M ERR ELL. CARRIAGE and P LEIGH MAKERS. Shop on Fourth t in H. E. Snyder'a now buildinc. July 2, lSJfi.-y. TO LUIIEEHMEN AND OTHERS. THE iindersinhed would r.ertfu!i iin'orin tha citizens of Clearfield and tha adjoining co's. that he has just stored in Pbilipburg, very Inrije quantity of grain, inoluding Eye, Oats, Wheat and Flour. Buckwheat Corn and Barley. which he will sell in large or small lots on the most rca'oniiblo terms and at the lowest prices. The attention of those needing anything in this line Is called to the stock, belicviug it would be to their advantage to givo him a call. Como along then nud bo supplied by O. W. KEPLER. Philipslmrg, Hatch 3, 1857.-tf. FA1ICY THUS FOE LADIES. 'JOHN FA Kill A 4 CO. SI 8 (.Vcie A'o.) Jfnriel t PHILADELPHIA. ffywrM, Urtwwturers ami dealers in La dies, Gi-r-lfi nien nnd ( 'liidrens' rANVY FUJI'S. Wholesale and Retail. JF. 1 CO., would call the attention of )- bif, nud th f'ultlir generally lo thoir im uiento Slock of Jnr.ev Fura ror Ladies, Oentlo- tnen and Cnildntt; their nasortment en, braces avery taricty and Kiud of 'aney i' r, that will ra worn during (bo leuson, such as ci, Qwtrter Capes, Tul- vMs, Victoria-:;, it, Mtijfs (f- Xlujj'a tees, rem the finest Jaissian SW L'e, to tht tcrest yrire I)tnc.itic Furs. For Orrtleipi-n :1m; 1ir.ra.t sainrlinant of FUJI! COLL A V. ?, 0 1.0 V 1 IS, tlAVN'JXETS, Ac. being tho direct iinnnrK r of nil our Turj and Manu facturers of ilum under onr own supervision, we feel m t.l i-Met! wotrnoTer belter indiiecmonti to dcilnra ftr.d tl.o p. .'.Iif rc-ncral'v tl'fin Pnv otb.er house, bi in ,' i.n ii.'.i;i(.i!:.e arsrtnicnt to select from an I n! t.;c i jiiufacturcrV iricni U'c cu'.y it a ef . Sipt. 1", i;; i.'.wi. A"1; in cry way ini.rt-.lsa lo too Ann of !'. v .iV A Ako, by jml rrTnoi-1 nolo or j 11 1 -.!; 1 dico t'fiit I, the sub-cri-1 i.-1 1 te. jivcr !Vr a-iil lirtn I .:i 1 k.:s id Clcarf.U conn-1 .1. I'i-..er A Ai.e. t. Ill bo at the i tiii.i'f, iu Sew V ii diitigton, -. mi Fiidry thi 4 tl day of June f'.r the purpose of reeai'ri ' tcf . on nrld iky nnd no longer. All book nci 1 n: t, v. . ' ber. I ave b. ,.1 : by the l'"U . : 1 1 '. tv. 11 ud lb. 11 I v . f fi -c r.f .iitM-.. C'learliebl cninty next, at li A. M. f.V;;if jiih, l e. il'c. thi.se iiiteiestid w 11 please altera and savo cost, cs I c.it.iml 11 vj lift a second lime. Those ne i,4.c'.i; j n-ny tai. ri.ite. uu cmninK to Rc rcfl. WM. PORTEIl, rcc-iver iu tie rjiitncraliip Estate ef Dowlcr A Ai.e. C:.;u.'M, Mivll. U.-.8. P. W. P, Ml RETT, TtirrniANT, iTif-nrcE and lumber XL Hi.AI.ER, AND JUSTICE OF THE 1 LACE, Luther-burg, Clearfield Co., Pa, cTkratzkr, aj feriliatit nnd Lumber Dealer, corner of it 8 Front and Locust alieeta, Clfnrlield. Dec. 29. 3.'il. ROBERT McNAUL, f Panner, at the old stand in Curwentville.. Cwo. 1, ISM. D. O. CROUCH, I )HYSICIAN Office in Curwonsville. 5y "VT ATI OVA I, i:CIIANGE HOTEL.- 1 The subscriber having takon the above well known stand, formerly krpt by Wx, A Vason, ' in Curwensville, IV., i. ready to aecounioodate all ! ; . 'V , r i ; Vr'' ," table will always bo supplied wilh the best the "lr .no tin ol i ei.Uie h' 'tlerf. i '-rw-i-sv '.I--, Apt ii 2. 1 imviii smith, k: It, ftii-n l if it and rf i i'i'H hit mh I'luaae ifi"iif rlS'-ular iatl (if I'r. Uli'HUiK I'K'iM'N, llntt.., Mci nXOT,(0 n omb hay 55AOO l TWO tUVS, Wi-ri cleared by ag'-nts, retailing nty patent. -lead four stuuij I ''ur letters and honk. ;. HKDWK, Lowell, Mo. Restaurant nd Eating Saloon. 1) H. TAYLOR, beg leave to Inform Mi aid t film, l and the public, tlint li linn Just replenished Iiin stock of atnblea, In hi' nn aa loi id in th" basement of Messrs. Mcrrcl A Car ter's Iron nnd Tin-Ware store ; and (lint herruf tcr lie Hill always be prepared tofiirnlsli his cus tonieia wilh trery thing usually found In such es i tnblishmenta to it" lee Cream, A I.agnr Boer. Tobacco n4 Olrnr uf Uid vrry hent qunl i t y, l'rult mi l I'unfretiuuary of all kind', ilo, Thiiiiliful fur (mat lurora, bo anlidt f.iitiiiii, nnru nl uulilic iiatronoira. fniHV 12, '5?. At'TION" A peranna aro hcrnlit cautioned ai?nin"t medillinir with tlm foll'iitinir prunpr ; IV, I1UW 111 HIV pif9VltniUII VI I UUIHIM IIVTI.'S, I ... . i i. . . . . ; . r T i, . . . it, nuitl proiiertt wa boiiL'ht by oie, nti'l left with the i-uiil lli'era on loan, luhject to my ordnr . Ouo Uny rume, 1 Clack or Brown Home, I Two Horn YViifrnn nnl nn Timber bIciI. Muy 19, 18, WM. POIITKU. .. w 7"ATKI) To oxcliiiiigo a good twn-liorsa I'li'iHiiro carnneo fur a liorae OUO Mull tiiiini'il fur family acrvice would bo preforraJ. fur ftntli.'ir purticulari a;.plv to May !'J, 1553. JUSDPH IUWIX. i LOT of rafting tove, and a nott of window XV. , iu by 12. for eulo by icbiunry 11. .Ii:riiei.LiI Cautcb. LIST OF IiETAlLEKS, Or rOREION AND DOMESTIC HEIICII.1N DIZC, I In tho Ciinnty of C'IciiTk-KI, for the yvar IjS, subject to jiiiviiicnt of License. Townships tluts.-Am't. BRADFORD. Kdwnrfl Williutns 14 Matthew Forney, 14 BECARI A. Jerniinli Cooper, 14 William Lewis, 14 Samuel IInerty, 14 John Covoii. 14 nn u" . 7,00 ; 7.00 7,00 7,00 7,00 BRADr. John Tlohrrling & Son, Parrot & Urolliors, V. It. Arnold, A. II. Mooro, Carl ilo t Co., Jacob Kuntz, BELL. George Smith & Ikother, Geddes March & Co., BURSSIDE. James McMurrny, Patclien & .Sons, Russell MeMuriay, AllifOH A; Co. 1 John Cuuiings, CLEARFIELD BOnOl'GH. W. F. Irvin. Richard Mossop, 11'. L. Moore, C. Kratzor, Keed & Weaver, Charles TTatson, Thomas Robins, 7,00 7,00 7,00 7.00 7,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 7,00 ' 7,00 j 13 10,00 , 14 7 00 i 1a on I 13 10,00 13 10,00 14 7.00 14 7,00 COVIVGTOMf. J. A. Mulon fc Co. 14 Francois Godry, 14 A. Leeont, .14 7,00 7,00 7,00 CERW'ENSVILLS BOROCCn. Thompson 4 Dale, 14 14 11 11 14 11 7,00 7,00 15, 15. 7, 15, A. Montgomery 4 Co., John Tatton, Eliza Irvin & Sonn, inilinm McBride, ll'tn. Irvin, DECATUR TP. Ban man & Terks, J. F. Stinnr, Goshen tp. A. B. Shaw, E. Irwin &, Son, 7, Hot'STON TP. David Trior, JORDAN TP. David Megan, Henry .Swan, John McJurray & co. (Knox Township. JAirtin Stirk, Lawrence Townshiip. J. Forrest 4 ro. 14 4 11 14 14 14 14' 14 14 14 M P.renner, Drcnner, lit township. E. F . F Pe Township. II. M. Snvdor, TI i.. V. ' i Aivaiiy iv .v. Union Township. Daniel JJrubnker, Woodward townabip. J. A. Ileparty, lliomiis iff nderson, 7. 7, John J. Cha?o, Graham Township, J. B. Graham, 12 12.50 Those interosted will take notice that there will be an Appeal at the, Comnii.-i- . , . " loner s umco in me isoroiicu ot uiearneia- on inc mil uay 01 dune, lKon.nt iuo'ciock p.m., S. II.SIIAEFNER, MercnntilA Annrniser. a a C1ATTI0N All persons are hereby cautioned against uiedd itig with tha following prop erty ro in possession of Daniel S, Dunlap : two Cows, 1 Vf'agun nud a lot of sheep, as tho same belong to me, and subject to mv order. 1 May 19, 1S5S. SAMUEL SII0TF. cuba hotelTjaynesville, ta7 HE above Hotel, having recently been fitted a up for a house of entertainment, is now open the accommodation of tha public. Tiavelers j 1 11 ui tins a convenient nnuse. ' 1 May 19, lf5,, .OIIN JORDAN. 1 A. H. SMITH Cc CO Y"'. Deileri in V'A HOOTS. SHOES and TFiVXES. t-fea or EVERY I-CStTlIPTIOS. WfllOLE'ALK and Retiil, al fr.c to auit 11 nt' s.n 1,0 ftttin.l &t thi'ir now Ptnot A ,"lm. Store, So. " U Siirtif Second St., a few doors be low tho lUnck Horse Hotel, Puiln,. I iTn e try lo ptoase and-cll cue.ip. otlea ; tu country merchants. Constantly on band a - large as.ortmont of Man and Boys' Boots, Gaiters land Brogani, coarse and fine ; also, Wi-nien's A ' Misses' Lace Boot, Gaiters, Slippers, Ao., and a well selected stock of Yoothaand Children1! wear generally. We would respectfully luvile you to 1 call and examine for yourselves. X. B. Trunks manufactured and for sale whole ; sale and retail at No. 344 North Second sU i April 17, 1863. 3m. JOSEPH PETERS, Justice ef tht Pence, CunrcnsvWe, Penna. ONE door east of Muntolius t Ten Eyck 's Siora. All business entrusted to hiiuwill ba promptly attended to, and all instruments o I writing dona on short notice. March. SI, 18iH.-y. A.T. SCIIRYVER, , TTS "" Pe "f medicine, and I I ,;m ,i. , .it .n. i hi. daTor'nighLRosideacoppoaih. l . u i...i:.i .1...1. u. i uu i -"'"""'"- '7; P--7r,TiJ" weitm l drv.ber is bol 8 mos. 1.1 Trnrt of t anil nl trlnlt Suit. IIK tit. f'"'l.lll I IM "'I "l f" J Infl tin. I nf I'll. I, ....i!fltiln " Htl l'H .. lth hIkii.I Si 1'ti e-l-nrnil - Wit- "ii Hi" WihI l ini.tli, liiir llm ...rnii(:h I 'I'Mfi.'M. ilh ifii'..l lin "l 'ry il.linn Iviii"., I. ! s.n-. Hii.l mlnr tuiil lliiu". .An (in liiir.) nf ymniir Inc ri'fntilljr filiinlnl, ii'l n 1 ' f " frni nf f""l H"'B In iifi n li.li r il tn!n nl.U nti.l i. .it.,l.,. irn. ii. nn in;it h ni.iri:. April !?, 1 I I A II lW A It I uf ev. tV'U -. i i ltim fur rule lain mn luraU a lrnitrii at llm Mnrn nl w. f. ii; ii i siih!:t M'i!- VMNU i.iiiirr i in a .1 l.CT. I I! A Xh" KlluliT iiMimuiii 1. r. ..i..f tl.nl hi. I.irn r.ilui.i.M 'il imnii i.' lii.i alock fnuil tli 'filiurt ''lino "linp' nn almrl ili-. ' tiiiu'O fnuil nlJ Mmi l, In t!ic .-Imp formerly ' ni-i'iipii'd oa a Wiitoli on. I .Ii ..dry Stnri-, l.y 1!. , 1!, Wulh. d' c'd., nmu ly nppuaiti tn lincl iiu.l Winner' fturn, wliero ho will In' I'mmd at nil all liiiica rcii'ly to iii'i'umiiiuil ln lii old curloiiii'i and n inuny ni'r nnc-n n may fiivnr liiui with n cull, nnd do tlioir mirk on n hliurt notic us it can bo dniif. elt-cwlinio, nn I n hliui t oi'coimt.s ! make Ioiik frii'iidi, lie will anil rhoap for CAS 11. j Uoiiio-inndo wmk constantly on liund, an i war- j rantod nut to rip, rnvnl or cut In the nyo. And . aa tliit i tba time fur nilliuir up, mi.l Slmrt ro- I iiicVi all pcraona indebted to him to come for ward and FcttliliK up llioir neouiinls, and pay the cash or Klvo l" i " lintoa, and they will auve. costs. Clcnrlinld, April Till, IS.'.?, ".in. N 11. 'Ilia iiei-iion thnt I'linml loin fttn lino' r. . ft ,.n ,, ,nnrlll., rvt- llm fir,.. e:in Imvn ill r I Liate of it by culli: at tlo .lino Shop of ("Ali'lTOX Ail persons nri hereby cautioned J aqninit purchasing a ecrtuin cuituty onl"r, I Si. SSI, dated July 17, I S3 7. payable t Ivlwatd 1 Perku, nnd I. 0. liemiinj;, for tnn hnudred and j dollaia, nil the aule has been lost or luitlaiil, I ami n diiplicato order given the auhserlher. 1 June II, ISM. riliWA!!!) PlillK?; A. MONTBOltCIIV, N W FIRM K. A. IlII'i'LS AND NEW GOODS. Just Received at th store ol Montgom- AV Tj ;,sl cuinv KNs VILLI-:. PA.. Pnnlnlinr nf ni'nrv lliiti" iitti-illv IfiMil In nnn tin try more also a lart-e quanlitv c.(' HKL'tiS, t.. -l.l..i h invil.,. llm ultnnliim .'.I' I'll vaieinnu ."...,.1 I a largo quantity of PA'lll.NT M libit I .V Er among which luny bo fouud Hie following : Jh: June's Medicines, J)r. iS'nnwdca's " l)r. II'jFinuie's German Hitlers. h; Curlisc't lbijeima Inhalir.g Yupor. Jr. Cork's Fumde I'il's, Dr. Acre's (Jherry l'iefnra end ril'.s. Ih. Thoiujmim' Mcdieines, Jh, llolawoy' Ointment and PU's, J)r, Traak't y.gnetic Ointment, Dr. Wright't Indian Yrgttallc I'dts. Dr. Bcaty's Arabian Ointment fur Spain and Linylonc a certain cure. a Ian. Fbiiir. drain. Viuh. fbepurt linnnn. Ilcatii Erycd Apples, bait, Ac, on hands, and fur tale at all times. The above we offer low for CASI7 or LEAHY PAY. As we wi icily to adhere to the Uea- dy Pay System, fier our goods as low as 111 "west, and in e ntje will tnke all kinds of P"duce at trie Hichest Cash Prices. Wo wish all to give us a call and judge for themsGives. fcb. 3, '53. 3m. i Price reduced to suil the Times-Tr.r.ns SI 5 ! per eluy. ! NATIONAL 110 TELA (LATE WHITE SWAN.) Race st. above Third, Fhila. r1 HE proprietors of the abovo well known c- J. tablishmont being Ihnnkful for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon them tho past ( year, fake this method nf informing tTicir friends and the public that they arc still prepared to oc eommodute them if favored with a cull. During tho summer months the house bus been I thoroughly renovated, improvements made and other extensive nlterntiins in contemplation. We are determined to devote, onr wholo men tion to business and flutter ourselves with tho conviction that we shall bo able to give satisfac tion. SIDES A STOVER. N. B. Carriages will always be in readiness to convey passengers to and from Steamboat Land ings and Railroad Depots. S. A S. March 31st, 1858.y, f nbinct, CTialr ?lal;I;i"C, . ANBHOUSE PAINTING. JOHN C.l'LICII A DANIEL BEN'SETt h.-ivin? entered into partncr-biii in the nbovo bn.-i. noss, will be prepared at all times to intend to any business in the above line on short notice and in a proper manner. They will also keep constantly nn hnnd nt their shop on Market st., nearly nppo oite the Jew store, a largo assortment of Mnhngo. sy and Cane Bottom Cliuirs, r.nd ( nbi::et ware of every description which they w ill be found evo ready to dispose of on ns reasumib'.e terms as the same articles can I - I ad elsewhere in the county. '1 eir stock of Cubiuct V. mo nun on hand, cor. sis in part of Oressing and Common Bureaus, Sofas, Senine a. I Wash Stands, Desks mid Hook l a. C", French a- 1 F'ie'.d Post Bedsteads, Dining, l'ie-.l;l'att, fen tr Card and Tier Tables, Ac. OFFIX3 manufactured and dolivorod at any lp '.e desired. May 2.1. 1851 ' . A tOr-The. liillowing nuiiii's ol' retailers nf , i,,i; !.,. .;,, ,.,1 ,1.,. 1:. , " , , v " "' l"v i"""""- ' , brady TOWNsinr. Pnmuel Arnold, Clas 11 57.00 7,1-0 F. K Arnold, 14 COVINRTOV TOWNtlUP. IIumpbie!i. Hale & Co., CUij-s 14 r,oo SUSGUEIIAITlffA HOUSE, Curwcnsvillo. lennn. T he subscriber, formeily nf tji E.t:!i.iho Ho tel, Philipsburg, linviug taken tin abovo new stand sit'into nn tho hjiik of iho river, in the lewar end of Curw e nsvillc, wnnld iiiniiuiiiee thnt lie is now ready for the aecoiutno'latioii of strari. gera and ell nlhrs who miry favor liini with a cull. The bnuse is birgo nnd ciiiuoirtnhiu. and Irnvclcrs will find every convenience ncces nry to their comfort. Axip'.e stabling is attached pi the premise. DAVID J0!IX.c0X. I ' A tT ni rersnns'aro I.inbv c.nitierrd ng.i'ni-t eddiing with a certain nu-e, gin n by ho 1.11,1 nil neil In 1-isrtllololm IV tleililen. rbid ,1 s, 1st ISiS, fof $12j, nt mid note hn been a'd. I THOMAS MAHAli'EY. S'cw Washington, March HI. l.i.iS. cavtIcu. XLL persons tire hereby rnutlnne l np.iinst buy. ingo- mcfldling with u culnin nolo given by the undcrsicned to Jnim-s M. Leonard, dated December 8, 1ii7, calling for S2U, '. ui we have not received value for and which e will not pay unless compelled bv law. JOSEPH DETPERT, junel, '5S. x. JACOB KERIC1INER. CAUTION. LL persons are hereby rnutianed against giving or selling intoxicating liiiiors of any d to Jonathan Weisor at the'r peril, either in enrfield or Ihe adjoining counties, as they will bo prosecuted for sudoiug. juno 2, U 8. 5000 AGEYfsWTEDT 'PO sell four new inventions. Agents havomndo ovor 25,000 dollars on one, better than all other similar agencies. Send four stamps and get Jll pages particulars, grntis, EPHKA1M nnWN, Lowell, Mna. s i i.f 1 1 i . I , ... . Ml i. .1 I.V I'l l1 'I I: In Ifvlr if., h.-ni tlin im in r rmil ).. ii ij l In k il nl.ii'ii l.ii a r II I .ilnni'i. In i.n'h i Lin i, ill l.n ", I ...i.tn i.iii.'l i"U '. -Ii Hi. . I .1 . r in.. I Ii n i .iiin ' I i ill i l Intnl. at. "ill mm I'l l I" lf' i- Hi... I. 'I Inn' l a ti- n I" '' "I'll. (Im .ln Ilmj: nml Midi, irul atiililinv n'l li'' l i" Hi" i O.hi I innlitial f'.r lii" m inn' i' '.mo "I ft'iiin tiiiii. im J iiluiii'liiiti'. i rr ii i ' 1 1 v . l'i r (..rma in rh in urn nil llm I.. J.'t UA.N.', I'L arliil l. m.iv :. i- j)1 I!. I ITI II 'H I'AIX I Hill. AMI H 1 1 I - IMS II KM KIM' nn I l!l T'.ii.A I U I.. Im I.I.- ri.in.h. fri.iin. .1 iv Si 1 111 .l.m. Iini.tl a Slim Mmii, t Irarlli'l-I. . '-". A i ' 1 1 VI'.IIMIV IIHI'M', l.tnnliiT eily, Innrllelil in., I'll. Till' Ul.et-I;.'ln..l noli Iii n Ino Mililie llial he Im ni..ieil . ill lite a'"ive liaiiu il Iioiimi, nml that lie is Hi ll pn pnivil I" lie eiuiiiiiii.lalii all who 1'iny f.n or Itiin with a eall.--Tili hmi'i' in llirn" htnriea 1 I ; -1 1 . in enuilnoiliollJ and well Inriii.-heil. nnd. lie paina will ho fjnireil In" reluler hfil it'.'u't inn 1 lti-nela, Hi l.ar ii nlwaya iiipplicd with clmiee liijuoia nf all kilidi Hiero in plenty of Unhliiif; crniici'tcd with tho hiiiio. llu Bulicii! n than- of public patronu;; J. L. CUTTLH, A tliiriicv at Law nnd l.ainl Ajrt'iil, ofTo M.-tiket i.tmo oiljoining hia roHidunce, nn I nielli ueiu. MarchM, ISW. I) r.MlOVAI.. The undersigned anonneos I.) the "wholo woil, 1 an 1 the ret of luaiiitiliil," I thnt be has removed lo the simp ro-eiiily neeupi ! cd by Iladebiiii';li A .Shea, as a tailor shop, in 1 Shan's I'.ow, wliein be nt nil times l e found i renily nnd r.i'ilin? tn attend to the soles' of tho booties!, part uf creation, His wink neci'is no re" ; commend a lion it r. common. Is i!.-,c!f, nnd he c on ! ivi'h m iii c i.oii:t to l.i- 1 : i r Iv it" reused custom I in pionf. ilemly- kept constantly oi iiriee paid for bide (le woi k ut' all kimls, w ill be liatid. Tiu- l ihes! luniket JllS. Ii OU.N. May liOi isiji. I ) AILIIOAH IIOV.-'K ; cnriier of Main and 11 W t'hito iStrcels, lliinoicrti.i.i:, fell 2-1. 'j. 11. 11. MEANt PinTiriotur. BOOKti! JiO'JJuS!! I)1.' LniX(J the roc-ont iiro tlio un lcri-'ncfl hit-t initnber tif M i e i I 11 oo u Ironta. in tUo '""t-v, l-cmoya ol Ins lilnaiy. I'u.nns having "'I V bunks 1 C lull ' I II g tn It I 111 111 a r Ii Oil W I til Ilia i"'ile " hclhnr not nn loan ur oiheriu-c, will I coiner a luvor by icluiniii" them in.iiie. II. 11. .iWOOPE. March Ml, ISiS. CUM.MINGS & MEM A FIT, MEIIC1 Lor, EIIC1I AXTS nud Extensive Dealers in T.itri Ac, Sew Washington, Clearfield conn rep. 2.1. 'oi ly.- I l'a. HEN'RV V. OVERMAN". Xo. 14 (0 .V. .0) iS'.ofi Third Sir Market, riULADELl'lllA. LEATIltill DilALi: M C'ulf tkins, Moruccos, Linings, Litidiugs, RKD & OAK SOLE LEATHER. N', B, change Rou gli Leather b.iu'-b t i 3 1 -ir. r taken in ex it ::, l.-'.-.r y. Max.sios iiousr.i XKW AHIIAXGEX'EXT. , Tho subscriber respectfully announce! to tbe pub. j lie that he has taken tho abovo stand, in the bur- ougn ni ' icarnei.i, ami is prepareit to nccnmnio- (,al "U who 7 "!'n . The public may rest assured that it will bo conducted in the best manner possible. His table will bo supplied , with tho belt the niarkot affords. His Bar filled; with tho choicest brands of wiucs and liqnnrs, and his stables will be under tho care nf attentive and . careful ostlers. DASTEi M. WEAVER. 1'ob. 1 1, lS57.-y. jr-vy-MaLM-d rales' and Cnii.stuhlr. or sale, at this ollice. I. Links GREAT DISCOVERY OF THE AUE, Important to TOBACCO CHEWEES. DR. GUSTAV LINXARD'S TASTK i;e,stji:ativk TitoaiM. The (iTeut svUiltite for 'I'd wen. It i' i well known and itifOTitmvi rilbli) f.ie' that the use nf Toba"co is the j'roiuutiii.r c in-e ol many of the timt seierc JiENTAL AND PIM S ICAL DISORDERS to which the race of uiau is subject, ns cart ill nnniyf is nnd leng and p-tL.Tu! experi s neo have cle.irly provn -h.it it cnnlaiin c rtain ii-iic-.ti? ati.l ii:oi:'ms pruperiii m .-t il.i n.-iTu us iu tu.'ir c.V-. ..t. which by cutcri: g in;., , tl.o bio 1 1 d.-ruiiges i lie fni.-'i.ii.s an I np-rit-i-i:- ol the liciut, t-ausiiig ttitmy lo su; pose that or,; in ; tJ be sel;ini;ly ili. i :i-e.. i TOBACl 0 afieets nlm t!:o (ntlrc nei vou.' i v 1 ti m, manifesting it-c'.!' as a". bo Lave itsoil tlm i,o.iin:s weed wi;l bear test jimmy in Lus.-itmlo. Xeivous Iriitabilitv, Waier i'.r.i-'li, D;, .-p.'p-'..i, .V. many mbcr i.i-.ider. of a siniit.tr cban, 'i.-r. I 'J UK TA.-'l UESTORATIV E TKOcHES nr. ; ile.-igi.ed tn ccanti ruct tl:e.-e l aneii;! iulluenei ' Mid have pr iced enmplcl.-l, m -ssful in a 1.1..I- tiiudi nf in sc.. a n.l w hirevcr u. .1. lb mg bvi in . 1c s in l hi in - tin i t!.y ex 1 I a l.i l.i ti. inl 1 11, 1 1 .pi a the 1 11, Ire .-,1 n:. it to; lug j '';itc u ,;, !i li.is become viti.tt oil 1 r d "li -.i 1 .1 bv j rent iuilul-,.-io,e.... c)i:i!itly removing tho irntiitii.ii mi l in ci.-.riai.yii'g ti. !:l ng nn- ti;,.u of the TI r wl.iil. i:re iilvnvMiii.-rii-fM npi.n il;..' a!i.-!.ii!..ity 1 Iioui tin' use el iuiuiccn. mm by giving n 1 en. mm by giving n l.n 111; ivigorate the w I olc im 111 irretrievably underiniiiiug I tune tu itie tt'imaeh inv 1-irsotiii who are irre their coiishtutioin nnd rhorleuiiig '.heir liV"s, "" ' i"v ircnes imtne.ii.n .oy a-.l Ihr tjioii "I u-e these 1 ruches imined i i ll thu injnrious und unpie ismt hubn of Tuh. eo chewing, Thcie Tioc'.icj or Lnr.engr.s are p-it up in a ccnimient and pmt:;b!j form at i.ij 1 ,iv pr'icj of 10 cints j cr box. A 111 oral discuiil to llietr ib.i. Pnpaied solely by ibe undersigned l-iul.i.a ail orders should be alii.o -c I. J.X KS E. BOWEP.S. Druggl.-t. Cur. Vd and Race streets, l'a;i:i. April 1C, 15i . ly. t'OODM, h: changed 1 i loea t,i Clearfield, re-:. J tioii frmu Ciirweusvi pcettully niters Ins prulessiiinal services to tl.a cili.i lis uf the latter place and vicinity. l!e-idcnce on Second stieot, oppusi't li it of J. trans, n. my : v;:i. p. cir.Mi!!:::s. e -aAHRTrS. f.n ! j'm:.,Vi;, Wh-:ril V. Im t'leniy Jan. ni.,1 'ii- ri pihitngnt Cir,.- ii orc.i s druuiptly 1; ;i -j 1 tj 11 Di". ?.!. C 7 1 ."UP I.I, linvii g Inna ted ns ' :;yl.rt"wn, tenders bis prile -ionn 1 set vice, ! In Inc ciii'.-lis of Mortis and the toljuiiii'ig town-i ships. 11c will always be found at tho residi-iico i of 11; .. Kyl.r. when nut prufcssloualiv ciicaged. 1 May 21, lain. " I ELLIS IRWIN At SONS. A Vi '0 ?'IV 3v m'1''" fr:,n,'in lb p.Ksessii.n oi Joseph Millw.rd. of Decatur i-i''."..vi'ii .', -v.. . w-, nuu CAUUS1VO Maiiiiliictnrers of Lumber, Julv 2.1, 1S52. J. 1). THOMPSON, I PrK,nu" "n'un!; W-"..-. ironed I ) on short no ice, and Iho very be I ,'yle, rt h jl, stand in the borough of Curwonsville. lP'.'I i CAUTIOII ALL persons aro hereby cautioned againrt! meddling with tho fol'vwing Jiroperty, now j in possession of Wm. Askey, of Hoggs tp., as Said I proper y belongs to me, and was left with aaid Askey subject lo my order : ' Rray hnr?-. I ..t of double hai :-1 brown horse, 1 harness, and one 2 hair., four beds, one horse wagou, one dnr.cn of chairs, I tame, tnirty yarns ol carpet, jun' , '68. LENJAMIN D. LOVS Oi rhnrt' Conit Rnl, r A I I I' I V Hrl'l Milt, Pa Milt, ar-.t a iiiail- lily nl I iHiUr I anil. U. 1liHi nf m or j ..i nl I Im ml I'fii.f' nl nl ( I' nini'lil mi . nl Mat I,. in. :A. I It "r. wit' ln n."'i"Mi i tii.iif aiin In llu. I. a n i f .. W anliinnl'in. "n Unlut urn '..I ,ln i f .luh. I ,-.i. at 2 n i l iik, P. M. "I aaid iltiv, (ill thnt line llri-l ll.ill, IniiiberitiK i"liil.li-li-lu.'nl, and liind ei.nni etnd lhi'rc I'll, f"M In I liini? in nil nl. .-nl three Immlied acroa, Iho prnperiy of .Im, ail, nil I'lline, ibi d., aillllill' In t lie-ttuwil-,l,i., t Ii ii r II i Id in., binin led a follow Vir hy land" nl Joaeph M'.Miirruy, Aarml I'carea, Thna. 1 M.ihiili",' . I'ii I I W '" la and nlbcr", which prem i;iv wi re Vfiliinl and nppraiu'd under a writ f pnitiiii ii, p uiiicd nt line. Icrin. I . nnd the lieira of" mini .1 mill I Iihii Pcniee, ilec'd.. Iinvliig re- ' hired I" t.'Vi' Ih" mi mo nl llm vnliiali.n, thin "t j iler uf Mile waa 'ladi'. Tho property la alluiiln upon t'he-t crerk, in a pupuloua iiciKhborhood, ' nml in nn I'Xi elleiil location for liiniberitip;, d e. 1 1 be lam! ia heavi t limbered with while pino 4 ciik tiuilnr. Several hoien, Inldv cutbuild- iii-' upon i lie prctiuies. . Trims n S h i:. Ten per cent of tho whole inireba nii iiev to l o paid iu eiifh When the i nun rlv is alrieken down. One Ihiid of the ro niniinler In be secured upon the premises by bond and mortine, the Interest pnyable anmuilly lo Varbanl Wager, Into widovt ol Jonathan Penrec, 1 ilm-injr life, mid at her decease, the principal to be paid In the heirs of tho docoused. One.thlrd of the balance cash when Iho anlo is continued l.y the court mid the remainder in two equal un ; nual payments thercol'ter with interest, to be sa ! cured liy jmlgciiienl bmul and iinutgnge. Pos session of iho premises given at the conlirinnlion nf the sale. May 1'.', IS03. .'NO. KOU ALA IT. II, True. nn: wTKASii-.:!! akctic rousm n 'Iif front Window of Ulcrrel I k fnrlrr's Thrcf-Sltiry riiiildiiij, on Senmil Street, j ill t!ic l!urongli of llt'iirfiilil. HERE Ihev nre prepared to inniiustieture all kinds nl TIN nkd SHEET IKON WAKE. They are ii'-n prepared to furnish, at reduced pri ces, 'the I'olliMviiiL' articles, in all their varieties UAK-I11U.N, SAILS nnd STEEL. Also Thrash n g innehiiies, Pluiighs, Patent Cutting iiuxes, Chain I'un ps, Patent Sausage-cutters. und Fun nels, Self Scaling Cans for Preserving Fruit, As well urn largo variety of housekeeping utensils too umiiuruus to mention. Slnves. They have also a largo assortment of both Cuok and Parlor Stoves, of tho heat and most nppi oved patterns, ami among them will bo found the eld ruled SEW WUlU.D COOK STOVE. All orders for curlings will bo thankfully recei ved and promptly attended to. Ifniisc-piiutili'jr dotio lo order. As thev occupy n iutgo and couiinodinns house, is well im out-buililings, thoj are well prepared to ,l,i a Commission Diimucss und all onicrs, eitucr ta;lers or vi holcsalo Healers will bo tliunK- lolly received, anil nt.cudod to with despatch. O. II. ME1U1ELL. i.i.iy 1(1, 1;.C. L. K. CAUTEK. IlL.MiV I.olr.UV. J- O. IIA11TSW1CK. MEDICAL PAETSER8UIP. IIEXUV LOUA1.V, having associated D"i rith iii in in the nravlica ol MuUicino l'r. J li. JIAIUUilK i, they oiler their prul'ossiunul licus of Cleat field and vicinity ,in .", v to t in I II 1e l'brv w ill attend to professional calls at all hour.-1 Inclose S.i to the publishers nnd you will con. i i: 1 innll seasons. ' nier.ee receiving tho Mngaiine by return mail. Dr. H.iri: wick will be found during tho day at You ill also receive with the first copy a num their i.lbco uiiuusilo Dr. Lurnin'e residence, and at !bcrcJ eubscriptinn receipt, entitling youtithi rii-'ht at his residence, oue Joor norlU of Ileid A Weaver's store C'.oarQcld, June 18, 18:6. I.r.ATllCR I I.r.ATHi;i! ! JJi:XIlY W. OVER MAX, TJ1 PORTER of French Calf skins, nnd general leather dealers, So. Il South Third si., Pbila. A general assortment of all kinds of leather; morocco, Ao., Ac. 7,'ed and Oak Solo leather, March 1, l!.'i7.-lv. ' fil.VUH I.H ,fc lIMtl.KV Cheap Walcltcs and Jewelry. HOLSALE nnd RETAIL, nl the "Philadd pbi.i Wat. li nnd Jewelry Store," So. 118 old So. Mil Xorlh Second Street, corner of (Juar- ry, J hilinl a. (i.ld Lover Watches, full jeweled IS c.cfcs$2S 00 li., Id Lapine, IS caiHt 21 Silver Lever, full jeweled, - - - - - - 12 r ilver i.apnin, jewels, -Si:i'nrier IJnni tiers, - -li.i'bl Speelndes, - - . l'ine .--'ilvcr Spectacles, . iJiild Bracelets, -Daily's liobl Pencils. - - . . 9 110 j - - - 7 00 ; . - - 7 00 - - . 1 JO- . . . :t on . . . 1 on . . . 5 no 1 1 --. er I en pu..ns, pi r set, Oold Pen-, wilh Pencil nnd Silver Holder, 1 00 Gold Finger Rings 374 cents to fSO; Watch Classes, pi- in 12 cents, patent 1SJ, Bullet 2ii ntli'ir i'.rtiei in proportion. All goods warranted to bo whi-.t lucv are sol 1 iur. Si'.', L'FFEil a IlAKl.KY, Su-cessors tn O. Conrad. 1,1 1: 11 11 '1 snine Guid nnd Silver Levers a. id l.e lines. Mill lower than tile above prices. October 7, lsjj.-ly. II. P. THOMPSON, T");iiT.ill, may be fnund cither jit his o!Tie 1 at Sc'i!i:!d's hotel, Curivensvilb', when not liy absent. Dee. 2'J, lS.il .fx Ml li::AS nnd frtPP'-'U tnhen in ex- f elnisige f..r TIN and II.1. U J',V A.".E nt the l i lu lj li - li ;r. nt of. fTr-'R. 1 r .-1 1 t I -S - 1 , X.J niAice th .OIU.K WILSON res ti tilv --iv. at he bus resinned the 1'i.u lii c lu ii.e, an. I will promptly uttend to all cal.s he 1 rofessinu. l.utiiersburg.Ap'l 2, IbiO. THOMPSON. IIARTOCJv X CO. im I'liiiiidrs, Cut wcnsville. An extensive i-s(,i-!inent nl Castings uiiulo to nrdciu r inc. 2D, i.-;i. L. JACKSON CR A Nrf, TTOP.XEY AT LAW, oflice ad'-'ning t resilience nn Second Street, Clca 2 I June 1 1P.il. IUBLIC IIOTICE. V SY persons knowiug tliciusulves indebted by " note or book ii"count of one Yenr or wore standing, are positively requested to call and pay ! nlT, nthetw ise they will bo treated according to i law, without respect to persons. I FKAXblS CONDRIET. rrenchvil'o. May 6. ISiS. to liy cr.r.Dirorks. rr.:'G r.rc.l nnd infirm in boiiy, I am desirous t-i a.-ttle und c'.ue up nil my worldly business Ail crsous liniig el-tins n,;a:nst WE are there fore re'jiie;red tu present tliein nt oneo for settle ment. I desire to bo my own executor, may 10, iS. JAMES REA, Sr. C--1 L"770.V. VLL pi rsonj rc hereby cautioned afaintt buying, or in any way meddling with 2 Milch Cows, one red and the other brindln. now tp., - the said cows belong to me, and arc in Ins i possession on loan only, luojcctto my cruel and ; control. 1 DAVID GOSS. 1 Sept. 2.1, ISi. 3t pd. AUT'ON-AU person, are hereby cautioned inU rurrhnsin)? ccrl,v nt0 ,irBWn ,,. ; lnn in Kfjl..nr . r SlJ1(.v w Th(in.,n. d.llAj ,, I " " ' August, 1R&7, for tl2.i, as I Leva not received value therefor and will not pay it. April . .'..i ... u uun,nA.i it. vim nriirinv 7th. 181.7. 31-rd. JOHN TROUTMAN O TILL continues the business of Chair Making, j Rnj 8VP,.y liinJ Df printing HEUally dot kj and House, Sign and Ornamental Painting, at; . . :,i , n? v ... .j1 a j Ibo shop formerly occupied by Troulman A Riiwa, n country job oQice. Your Orierl .t Ih nml nf M.rb.l trunt. a short ili.LanAa I west of Lili'l Foundry. June 13,1855. !j KMI'tlHiS .i V ) 7K, rUTNAM 8 MONTHLY. tun ain ii.li niiiiiit l n. 'Mtliiill ( f ll I.M .III I. I ' . i "').Y77f , MA(1MKHT".NT I'liml HA M MK fun ln.., J 12". l'i'" in Mi.iku nf Arl. I l 11 lull, 1, AH K I t)H WIMI tortnry aiil.'erili-r. THE llftt if j J.IIIRAHV HI Vt ti. Aitmita Kettinu rich, The union nf Ilmern.n'i .M:i!iiinn aad Kiiliim,', I .Monthly hn piten In Ilia ciinm.liilnled wotk I ! eireulntlon aecond to lull nn aiinilar fahliratlm in the rminlry, and ha aeeured for it a CoinM , not inn of lilcrary and nrtialie talent probably nn 1 rivaled bv ant other Mazarine in the world. ring tha fimt tin. nth, Ilia aula in tha Inula mi demand from aub'eriber.1 eaeeednd fid.OliO ecpiu and tha number already iaaued of the pnnrnliiuv, ted work aro unlveraally aoneeded n have iBr, i.iiMril, in the ncbiionMif their literary conteau j and tho beauty and profnaeneaa of their pirtorutl ' II 1 1 1 nil a anr ti n a ti i nv a 1 jk I , a 1 ....... j ' ' " h- ) from tho Aniancun pre. hnoouraKed by thM j evineuci-a oi ia or, uie pnou,n-i a iihto ieiornil. netl in romini'iieii uiu new Tinuinn m .fanua. ry with additional attractions, and to offer suck inducements to subscriber: as cannot fail to plc. It, in circulation, nt the head of American Msg, tines. Willi this view they now announce lbs following splendid programme. J bey have pur chased that superb and costly alecl-plate Edgrv ving, "THE LAST SUPPER," and will present a copy of It to etery three, dol lar subscriber for the year .. It was engr. veil at a cost of over $fl,0U0, by (he lute eelebrt. ted A. L. Dick, from tho original of l'aph&ej Morghcu, after Loonardi 1 Vinci, and is tht larcont stccl-plute engraving ever exocutcd ia this country, being three times the sire of till ordinary thre-o-dullar ongrnvmgs. Tho lust impressions of this engraving an hold at Sill, ami it w-.n tho intention of tha tr list that none of tho Engravings should eterhs offered for u less sunt than being richly worth that a in. m ii t . Thus every three-dollar subscriber will receive tho Magazine one year cheap at $3 and this splendid engraving, richly worth S thus getting for JH tho value of $!. We shall commence striking off tho cngratinm immediately, yet if can hardly be expected that impression;! ol so large a plate can bo taken 11 fast as they will bo called for by subscribers. We shall there I ore, furnish them in the ordor It which subscriptions are received, Those was desire to obtain their engravings early, aad front the first impressions, should send tn their suV scriptions without delay. Tho engravings an be rent on rollers, by mail, or in other niannir, s suusenbers shall order. ?20,000 IX WORKS OF ART. ' In addition to tho superb engraving of "THI LAsT SUMMER," which will be presented to il,r,.n.,ll.Lr subscriber for I.HjR. tlm mil- flirliers have completed arrangements forthadii tribution, on the ilJlh of December, 18j8, uf series of splendid works of art, con.istiug of ant hundred rich nnd rare oJ paintings, valued tt iroui ?iov to stun. euen. aiso, ,uyu magnm cent Sleel-l'liilo Engravings, worth rrom 3t $ j each, and 1,000 choice holiday books, wortk lr.nn fl to J each, making in all, oyer TllKbS THOL'SASD li IFTS, worlli T WES' TV SA.N1) DOLLARS. TJiOU. l Engraving of "THE LAST SUPPER." and i chance to draw on uf these "THREE THOUS AND PRIZES." ensons why you should subscribe EMEU-SOX'S MA GAZIXE for 1858. First: Becauso Its literary conteuta will, da. ring the yenr, einbraco conslributious from orst ono hundred dillerent writers and thinkers, num bering among them the must distinguish id of A morican authors. Second : Because its editorial department!, "Our Studio," "Our . Window," and '-our Olia," will eai Ii be conducted by an abb) editor ani' it will surpass, in the variety and richness of its editorial contents, any thcr magazine. Third: Becuiiso it will conta'n, du'ing tha I yenr, nearly six hundred uriginnl picioi il i 1 1 ua-1 Heltons, from designs by the urst American r- 00lists. 00 1 Fourth He.'.v.iso fur Ihe sum of $U you ill receive this splendid monthly, more richly wortl thnt sum than niiy other lniign. ine, and the in perb Engr.iving of "The Last Supper," Fifth : Because you will veiy iikcly draw o( rf the three thousand pn.es tn be distributed w the li.'ith day of Oeceinbcr, ISiS perhops om tknt is worth SI. 000. j Sotwitl. standing that these extraordinary is I iliiccmints can baldly fail lo ncenniplish the ob jiits nf ll c pii'i.i.-b. is witl.ui.t luri' er v:' they have de'.ei mined te leiit.i.'i" ton.' the i-ni j THE GREAT LlhPAKV Ul-Tl.l:'. I To any p-Cfeii w Im w il; g. : op a el-it- oftn-.s. t-.-foiir si.bser.b.TS, eitner nl o:ii' or ! lore "i: i lin e.-, we will present a spii-n. Il l -'lir,,iy, em si ting ot in tr Furly Lafi. 15-oi.id V..' i a t e:s brii'ing tin.' ino.-t popular wnike ia the inarKi-L j the chili luny ic f. rmed at tit a club riee, ill ycur, iviihniit ihe engraving, or at the full nri. 1 $.1 a year, wilh the cngnvnig of tlm last Snpjw tn ca , h tvbscribcr. List aad deseiintiun of ih' I Library, and spoiiinon c .py of ihe Magu-.ine '!' . I"' Ibrrtiinlcd en re'eipt of tlrenta. Over "!' : Libraries, or t,lili0 volumes, have already heel liisiribu led in accordance wilh this oR'er, ami s sliou d be glad to fiirnt-h a library to every eler . gyuinn, lo every sehnul-iniister, or tu aoiueoosst every jnist otliee iii tho co-intry. j A0EX1S GETTING RICH. Tho success which our agents are inertia' wi-b is alii'ost n't inisliit'g Amnn tha insii; n i b uei's of this laet, wj mo porinittnl to )H1-li.-h the l'i low iig : Gr.sTl i.m i.i . Tin Wowing facts Iu reloti'it to whit. your ngciit are doing in this section may bo of use to some enterprising young raw in want ol ("lip.i.ymeut. Tho Rev. John h. Ju l dim, nf this pliu e, has made, siuce last Chriti F inns, over tl fll b in I is ogeiiry. Mr. David it L'chIIi, of Iliilj,ly, .Mo., your general agent fr Plntt rounty, is lnnkiiiS JS per day on each lull agent employed liy him, nnd illassrs. Ytclmrr' Evans, ul Oregon, Mo., your agents for Holt as. me making Iioui $i to $25 per day, and yn-" bumble s. rvmil bus made, since the leventb '' uf Inst January, over $1,700, besides hay,ngf' '100 acres nf In nil out of the business wertb '' $1,1)1 0. You nre nt liberty tu publish this sua mint, and to refer to any uf the parties named. DANIEL GREGfl, Carrollton, Mo. I With such iudufcments ns we offer, anybe! can obtain subscribers. n invite any goDtu 1 man nut of empluyin uit, and evorv lady whoih . sires a pleasant Mux iv milking ncciip-ui m to f piy at once lor an agem y. Applicants sliosli inclosa 2 j cents fur a speei le-i opy of tha rof C nunc, which wi.l always bi furwardod with ; ' iircr lo application by return tn'il. 1 ; SPECIMEN EXGR AVIXO. At wo desirsul .place iu the hands of every pirsnn whopropossl j to get up a dub, and also of every agent, a eopjf 1 of the engraving ur the "LAST SC PPER," ' ' speciuien, each applicant enclosing ua ti will rt ceive the Engraving, post paid, by return mai also sf.eeimcns of our publications nd one old1? numnerea Kiitiscrnitinn recetiiU. enlit In t.-a i , der to tha Magazine on j tear and to t cnilcsii. . tho distribution. Thi offer is made only to lbs"; who desire to act as agents or to form Clubs. Address, (MKSMITU t, CO., f ray, .N.l Ko. 371 Broadway, Jnn II, 1S5S REPUBLICAN JOB OFFICE, j The rubliwliers of the Jtr.puMimv kincarranirementi to larcelv increase theij ! stock of Jobbing material, and will d pfj ! ,)area to do all kinds of i Posters, lil.A N K .3, La ii els, Fan I'll LETS, Paper Hooks, Ball Ticket, rROGRAlUB ClRCCLAi I Haxdriu. ) . r- in u irnunuiii w LARRIMl 4 Wlff ).