1 t LOCAL KF.W8 lit Ol H' II"M, The ni'ioll t'I'll l.l II- limn of tlif'"il rnrj "f our lit i" mil In- .. .1.11 .... u..i... .1 ... I... i l ill i( It'loiicc iiri'i .-in hi mi'v iiii in inn virinilv with exceedingly ngt eeiih,i and ii'Hint nlVnii'i. Tin- one In ihe grove Ik Ioiv (i"i hear Liberty i-ittt, composed Of HOIIM f tin Sllll'lll)- Schools if Did' )-. Ollgll. I""' n H'lml'T Of OUT I'itli'lIX plted off delightfully. The ih'i hiriitinii of Inde- . I . - I . I . lidi'li'iK'1' a r.wi'i in mi ciegiiiii nmi lor J ..M.l.i kIvIp hv T. J. f-f ul Ion all. and ,.l,1.'l',,,li,'o. 1 1 i' heart swell, ftt the cont. J nuoiit 'iidiliesses were delivered l.y II. p,. .j... ... Vnoi,( nml K. Wnllin'0. Ivni'r. : iifii-r ' ' ' . which a proliiKO nml H.K-ii.li.l collation wni pi tiiUon of he n oath ncano,v orjirccn hoinM whii h, roinuiningon tho imrciit trunks in nature hml ilinposcd thorn, nd'nr-j1" tied nniplo irotci'tiiiii from the nnlent lienm-i of the poil of diiy. Mennwhilo the lii'.l livings croctei.1 for the cfnecial bciipfit jj of the juvelines luid hoen well cxereined find all the grassy promenades, nnd wind- 1,10 w'nmr, our i.hvis heeiune so keriluni ing avenues of the wroimdinj! forest lmd -'x?l that we luul to rave. Exit Junior. heon thoroughly explored hy roiniinp : ,i.,se.s.u.d sentimental young kdies and tl-eir "miv envnlier.-." Hv tho time ad P-nt had heen served.vi.h refreshments ' (henf.ernoonwnslar.pent.andtheeom- puny in the PrerUrst Koo.l humor and hi,d,. lii.l.led w th the manlier in tv i r i t hevln... .i .., .. V . - l,a,l spent another 'glorious fourth," eon-! I H'.dcd.to ljo"-n for a "year and a day." The one rear l'nrad.so was equally pleas-; ant and gratifying to th. pnrlieipnnK-1 Theremin declaration of Indepi'ndenee ' nll iu. t t,i i.f. ;., wa? re.vi in 1. le-t, i.-q., in a ei imnvessive ninnner. The amt.le stock of I i rifroslinionts whicli lml boon generously npmwdtwl hv tln 'itl1W U'tM'f (lisPUS0I in thoHhadowsoraprovcoflortv Wmlm whose cpreadin- brand.es and' thick fo'i- W hid tho company from the noort-hinir m, of the noon-dav sun. Afte,' dis.osin2 - -j . ... of this suniituous repast, under which the toblcs"gro.ined, nn eloquent address was n ' . . . . I delivered bv Mr. Test who had lieeninvi-; ......., .o .in- huhvm-, .. ... i.uiniy .mm- was eiectcu, ted to become the orator of the dav, which I of n ol,s- nn,, t,,e urrinS of veg-' has long sineegiven place to a slat, ly man w.n listened to with the profoundest uf , ,'",,lon sion worthy of the man. For forty two i ,,,,,1; w.rt cti.., f.... ' r..... r- k TiT..! t" i r yeai-s lio continued to rvMo there! To llIUK'l! '3 Htv hmviuiuvi iiii- titer amusemenls were then engngetl in. ! K after which tne company separated in tho1 greatest hilarity and slisfa.:tion lo return I to their homes. We understand that a very jilenwinl lit- i tlo nflair of a similar character came oil' nt Wolf Kiin: two miles below town. We have received but little information in ro gonl to it ; but we have no doubt that it was eqiml in nll respects, excepting num bers, to any of its eotomporarics. The de claration of Indevendenee was read by Mr. A. I Moore' and brief addresses were itisoticmuu'u uy ir. .uoorc and .nr ..l.. .1,1' l.. H r i -w Fulton. A Fisdi.vo Party, comprising a large number of tho young men and maidens of our quiet village went out lat Monday .'iiii.it i . .i t . . . andsiientthedayinamo.tngreeitbleniiil, happy manner on Lick I!un, some distance nbove'E. Irwin i Sons' lotvev.nills TI...5riso"M IK,.V8 wt,rc P"'.V'S mar'-ies ; t wo ol ; ,.,in,.i",,nl ., - ,...,-.(:. ': i.i r they neither caught or cnicd to catch w'1 f)S Callahan, .Tr..P exemplary man in all the verv gr.at number of the fhnu-inhabitant i" life He l.yod to rane Ins of the beautiful stream upon w ho e banks they pitched their (. nts. The iui,r-H-il- f'-.r ft most !i;:nv;i.i,'-- rej-ast f'i !,,, 'j ; :.ri of the pi I ( es-,;( i;. i.i.ii in ihe . iij'.yiu, nt of lhef:e, li,c((n,l 'IiihIc, :'-,d ihe invi;."-i a titig .".'.n-.o-pliore, 'i in- g. id. n h' t:is i n iii'..-( v. itr--," i sput rnpniiy i:v:.v, i.nd tl.i shn'-e:; ! ning b.--g.,n to lull, ere ticv we:e ti-! i 'f - 111 ',!- isiied of the prnj t :. (y ei re! 1..1 iij,.: If, ti e;; llf.Illf s. Cri.t )'' it.'i.x at Ct i. ii jv-1 :i -1:.- - A lav; . :' ui'liusihstie relfl-iai.i'n ;. ! i U- ei-' e in the vicinity ol Cti: v.. , i , n i"-.: .Mitt:rday. For want f ;:t (".. i.Ci.e ;i.'"riii.ition in regard to the e. 1 1. ;-r ue are unable to give a full in. count o; !nem. It was designed for the Sundav school H'holnrs of the town nnd i. inity. and v c! hnve l oci inioimed that six hundred chil- men sat ilown to n sumiitiious tnHe i,re- ,,.,.,11 ,. .-I ... .. ... , ' I'nied hy tlio blieralitv oi the citizens for I,..- ,., , . . ' . meir entertainment. , 'Ihe Declaration of Independence, was'cenls a pound : Putter I'l cents: Eggs (1 read nn 1 several nddr esses delivered, but cents a dozen ; Potatoes IS cents per bu sh we nro unable to give the nnmes of those . .... . , , to whom the company were indebten for this part of the entertainments of the da Rr.triv inn I?,.n,',v-,,TI. l.,;..t-M,,..i-r 11. a ,., i r t,' i ,, ii me new residence of in. A. Wallace ,, . " .nun!., r-'Sq., now m process of erection on the corner of Second and Locust streets is com- plctid, and tho Imilding ready for roofing. I Tins w ill be. when eoimileteil. nnn of tl.o ;i ---- - -. - horse lK-'longing to M. Shirk, ns he was bout being nttnehed to a carriage for the rurjios-c of conveying (some io of tho fishing eir enjoyments ...J-U,u 'ft itahty by kiek-l party to the scene of the sliowed his want of .orjc-pitnlit 'ing the top of the vehicle Into several' "dozen pieces, sotno of theiu very sninll. ! e nre happy to add that tho "inWoi, '.t- tmnl." for I,.. I,n,l Itniwlnisl tf.ia nnt ..Oflttif. . -. .-. .... .'U'l v.'lll,,,.,, ,W IIV. .', tllll, ted to cceompany tho pnrty. , . . . ' . . ' 1 ...v.. Handsomest dwellings wi'bin our knowl- of the Pittsburg Conference, will visit edge, and will add greatly to the appear- Clearfield circuit July 21th and 2oth, nt ence of our town. Great credit is duo to Palestine Grahanipton township. Mr. Smith, the contractor, for the cnerget-j JAMES CLARY. c niunner in which he pushed the work , in i . , . , . ,, i t i in- r io completion, during tho -unfavorable' lexan nml nn Illinois tanner weather in the early part of the sining. we Fpenking of raising corn, Ac., nnd Stnnrf T?l ,.i ; ' . 1 i i , , 'the Illinois mnn wns boasting Ol the Plllie- t-innrt Jioheitisnow ready to undertake rior vif.ld of Irtlirio land, and telling great another 'oh. stories, ns all western inen do, to which DisoBLiuiNo.-On hist Monthly morning ; "tlu. mnkL'lHri'fl rmn in vinv Kike WonKs. A grand display of fire' "-Vctyr tince 1 ua ,r(tj f" said Sum, nil of his duties connected with it. He nl- tht he hj "moved to the shop recently occi.pl , . , , b 1 ' MiiRl.iniT I . , . i , . . . ,, f d l.y ltadebaugh t Mies, a. n tailor shop, in Works took place on Saturday evening , , J, 8"lngJ .Tfnys hnd tune to meet his brother elders, fi,bW, Rw, where he will at all times Ihi found 1 .. i . . . ... i " i ,i i r. !., l . . ... .i .i :n;n. ... ... . ... . i. . . . .. r .... inoi upon uie common north west or town i ti v.. i , ....... . hy w."y of a closing np of tho festivities of I the day. Tlio exhibition phssed off with- I .... .', i,.y oiiiu ocoii i renee io f rriar the grnernllia-niony of the eelebr. : 1 tion. l5n. lUMit. -C..fi I'lmin hi ..l-nMrnhii,,, " " ''"'inn ri.tnnee, nnd enliven j i. i i. . ' IgVtltli lis I il l 1 1 in l I 1 , II. . .1.. ' i "I ""i 1 1-'! nci 1 1 ii -I x, iii nu nl'!"-"'t-iii!o vno stnnd., N ., r,,( j .,,. ,01t " I II I 'O'I'i' l, the gift f i,,,!,,,,,.,,, i,i l"'".. Language i toori...,,,w,,' ' recipient t.,epre through tfu.t me dium his profound jnaiii.nl,, , ,), .;,. 'hmnr, (wo know she must he, fair,) f,,r rc- ""iii..,.,-,,.,: in,,) Hini.l hs ear, .! ,.,.. P,",i" (th"to goes h button off my waist- ''OI ' ol 'fxpi'ftoil, nml iimli-sri'voil. ..... i . . ' r-io-i.c-ii)ir.ttt., Inkcn of of : , ,.U"MP "M's n"-l'or lmtton) rcniort. il " ''""''toil (hut it will i vor ho hil-l 1,10 kil,(ll'-;t i iiif-iiil.rnin o. 4vi''Wp. the Junior lmve nlso Ii.th the rcc?iiiont of u very hi'iiutil'ul lioijut't, for ;"liie we intended to indite ft stunner ..!, I ''llt "Iter reading tho ahoveirr..y.,'m;,.ii of t .... .. Jiolinruv. 1 he Klor.. n f ' Mnt -.... IV. of tl)is ,10ro , KaM,n iZ ,,i, ,,, 'i ,.i , ... V 0 T I CX(.qit a pairofeoin ,euleSi,n.issin,"The vulmw WM , , . - ' ; ,,. morninL, . . ' lnan in(el, ,vhn jm, .j' Illl(lt 1V0(.U, nnd had worki'd in this of- fic.0 n fVw dl,VSi Wlls !im.,u.(, M, . (f ,,.; oon'rned in the .,,; . .,, ... ,. otiM, ,,, uas ehnted tend mil' to eonlli'm ,i.. i.. i:.- iii.li ni'in'i . tPliThe weather, hinee the earlv part of ,a!it ,vet'k '",s uJ,,,,l?0"e a niost n-reeahle , ly1""1. The nights, mornings and even, i nre Jl1s''""ul. nnd tho Aij-b. although ' reireslnng nreezes ; and altogether the weather is exceedingly I pleasant, very suitable to tho season and ' in ..tw.vtf f,...i I',,. ...... .1.1.. , !. i. , i-iii.iii!i .1 PllUIlt MIlK'tl III Itlli earthquake was experienced on Tuesday, in the vicinity of New Haven, Conn., and , V- lllll, at Woodbriiltfo, "Westville, and Waterbe. - ,ry. There hnve been but two shocks of earthquakes in that vicinity for two litm- dred years B)u.Ms. Klizabeth l'arker, the oldest person in Maine, died in Piirliatn, Cum berland county, on the ld tilt. She w as horn iu 17-1.1, thirty-three years before the I'eclaration of Independence. Till she was about 110 she nos.-essed bodily vigori,. suflicient to enable her to work in the uar- '( en.nn emi lovment s he too ; creat .. .. it. . . . c YoiTiiru. Mi RKKitErt. TheCirnml Jury of Allegheny county, has found an indi , . ... . , ., . nicni ivainsi a ooy. less iiian iweivo e'li'i " ' uiuu ihiuo ilt.us) 01 n-0',,U n""'U01- Un u,u ,wu 01 April them had some dispute about the game. Norton. W. The I i'eiieh (..-.'."tte (Medical) stales . that J..-U', .::) bus !dei'.:'.l!y ecvci'o) io be i: en; i- lei but lis. a piece of tliareMil ( i. t !." b::in .1. el- s ,,; , 'i:r tie- vi ,',!ii, . j.y n will 1..' in'. on fi.r a It ii c, ; d'-.l. l .v. I '!:-; ', nr. 1., :..!). ha hen.-1 cf the a-.ids cf i'!e .".I have 11' I' -'i 'U-.'i' . 're ave his tin (, i :. .me it,-. . !.c v , V i . un n: Ml, ; c I journey. n. ii pi , He hn made u i,., .ii ' e, i' ut 1 siieifs , since li ci. ; '.in,C(i(l. CO One of our exchnnge 'ii)iers from ' the iniei ior of Indiana contains theful-' lowiii!T ist o inarket nriees in t hat vieini-, .... , r. . ,. . , : tv : heat fiti cents ; corn 3" cents ; oats ! .". . . - - ,. T. ,, I -j cents; Hav ner ton ?i Oil; Hams S el. , . , nr.itt ai.i.,iiI,i md i i . 1 . . I ..-1. ') l 'ui iiiiimi r liltiiitiiiiil1ttll',lin heell deprived ol a verv Valuable limln cl- hi. losted un tiie followini' notice: -Who "i" l"e L-eniiemaii who exenai i it -.i i hrelhis w ith mo the other day a to leave liii." . - PtELIGIOUS NOTICE, 'I'l. 1,... r.n:.. r . 1. t v r .1. i titrt . v.'iiiti, oi ii.ti a,, ouuiin clem imr. but it ain't a cireu.n.sl..ne'e to what we raise iu thu Colorado bottoms. V1,-v' the corn there averages thirty feet in r"M Vln, 1 gourd full of shelled corn on the toil!" . TXrAt a fnshionoble city parly, nf which low necked dresses were a pronii- n.ont iturc, Miss li. nitdi essed her cou- Mn ! 111" I I. 1", , (.,,""" h,, tiA...: c i'l , I (onsm Sam, did you over nee such a i-v-Yr,iii. lo.li,.. -im ., i .. n " ..".eiuiiiiu lo rendina newspapers, nre alwvs obser- vetl to possess winning wnys, most ntniii- me uispoxuuui, iiiviirinitiy make cootl wives and always select cood husbnnds. It jis a fact which cannot be disputed. :..t.i,..l,l.l.,l..ii:ji. ,..i I Innl t l'"' '"111 lllttl M.Ulltll It On ll,i. "Tit, i,li l. Ii,., t,, I Mill, Mi. u.nij;,, v, I ni,.j M ,iy A, Mill'-. both ol l'ililln , Mi-.i..n i,o a...), of .Tutu', m- , I.MIN K.IMII. IH... no,,,, ,,, ,, .. . .. i .', of l iliui fi'M r. MiitK tliiin nn oi'iliiuuy Ii ili. c sli.ml.l niToiin.niiy (ho nhnvo n it noil m citu 1 1 1 . linllii nvo iihviij" htiirtlirp, hut hoiiu inorp limn ntliciK. In tliii iiisliinro imt "nlv children, nnd r. l ut i. ti-. hut . n w 'oniinimilV fi'cl tlu lo.s.. Airi.o.l. . i . ... . V"" v.ini,iiiiy iili.cii has jj.nii nn, . it-linis. i.t,,,... .........i 1... .... .:i.. rn .1 ' " 1.1.111., v t-(t-.i iuiuh, To i,.t .. 1,1. Ill',, .....I i i ..: i , ' " " '. , ' I IllllltllU ion 11 I I, 'I I l, ... .i , . , ., e.Mllill.le. le to unv the ne hesl tr l.nl,. (,, ' f his inemorv. I, ,1.,, l i . l ... i r 'i .loltn Ii. Keel whs lion i in f ecil enillitv. M,,,,.!,.,,! i ii,! ri i i-., """Mil 4 ll linl t ll ll lit 1 1 1 djlll, IT'.i-l, and Hettlfd in l'l iinV 'nll.-v, in tVn- tie county, near l'otter'.s Fort, wlieie lie r,-ii,lfl i.t.lM il.r. In'l ...1.. .. 1 . in..- ..en i ' . " , itiii'ii oi.' r,.- . "e, to U-nrheM . oun.y. ,,,,d sek'd u',on tl,e ",lu ,,ow wv,,"tI 4" A11"" ! '' 'l' T'. , , ' " oU.v, hemfc- ,n h,s ih y,,,,., eommeneed '"'proemeiir on tne very ni ot wiirre .' "" I'cei'ml.er, IMi,, he was mar- ! l ' '" , , '-"m,wnw': ' 'mi"'"U; J here he eonliiiiii'd to conti nd "'"l lh har""V "1 P"y me,- ll,'nt to a new cmuitrv, until hi ' .... ,i'eom- pnsneii all ins heart eoul'l il.'sn c. J'i ir a iinie povuriy tiini nusioriune sceineii io nt- tend his ! est ed'orls, but he never became di-eour-eil. Iewas always .'heerl'ul and happy, nnd with an uncomplaining voice iivfVPi-od to tho end. and n bright and gionous eim u was. .Many eltanges have occurred there since that first small com ineneeineiit. The humble log house in .. i,;..i. l.:.. i:.... r....:i.. t ''I"1 11,0 l'1'00 1,11,1 n",1,'V 1,,,!,owwl " l i no L'reen h uox oi ins enviv ehoice . , , i , "' '"V""" """ " liermitted in the evening of his life to breath his last upon it. lie has, left il u priceless legacy to the partner of his lm sum, and the children who had blessed him md loved him while on earth. To tllcln t-Vf'I't' tree mill vine nli, .liln.l, it-ill '..!' . lui.in.iiii ,'u-i nuts iiiunioiieoi iu lie. ;n'll'll ti r ri. t t 1., memory. The fruit of his labor, and the ' i . p. ' , ! ,i p , , ..... !ii. 'ni i-t r, iu in II... 1.'...l.rl ..O....I ,,.,,. , .... ... .' ... , ., , ' - ,i.:, i,..,. ill i ;,. ,i (,. ,i. ,.ri,;.. , i.,. ...Li. i i - " rri 1 i .it, . j he deceased was nmong tho early set-' . . . ' . ' . tiers of Clearfield county, nnd engaging ns he did in agriculture,- he cleared up one mp.'.ti.. ,a vim in tiL.i, iiilum, mill.;', iim.hu " . .. r . r ... ' , liet- of the finest farms in the county, and1 o i-i i.-..., i :.. -..i i11 oi u h'h. u,i n, inei hi vh' i iu i.t , i ,-. ii.i . ' ' !" r- ; " .ei..,es i i,i ii- , . , , ' arft i.l nut i.t'o, 1 VA.ilt.l Ii.n. 1. irou l.-.,-.I..n.l hirge family of children, nnd see them sit tinted on farms around him, nnd almost in sight of hi-i own residence! ln life they gave him g: at Ci'lllfen ;.iid j'leasci e, and in the hour of dent h lin y (;: f.tii.; gnti.er-1 i :,r,,e,',id hi.- K d ,de, t inaii- !u hi- t.' i't -, and to ehrer himon bi'-j.iur-ney to a l.-.i-iiier and better w,.ild. Wiien de.i'.h f ume lie -v:is rei'ily; fnEv p:-"j'.t:td to I'lf. t ihe ;t';r.i ir.'s-er,'.-!-. - Ti. i ' v.-..s no pleading i';i mer-.' liner t.o deiaV W.'S FOUi'hl I-! i'r l',:!";l. 1 ; - i ' C : i ! t'l i' -.'-i : t e ,-' ';.;e iie-.'i'ed 1-ro. 1 ; i -a t ',' i : v ' ' ';. -i lie'ir: i.i" alHIc; ion'-, ilei.aii: f ); i.i-l !i:e impi.rtiiut work r.f prej a- 1,,'i 'ti Hi- peace, had been made with !' d f'.T many years, nnd that reeonei- ., ltatii ii was kept up by a life of piety and constant prayer. Naturally of a mild, gentle nnd amiable disposition, his temper was nlwnys within . . 1 ' ........ his rontiol. l.nsy and ennediating in his i , J , r. manner, he gave no cause for enmilv or . ,ard feeling to any one. Generous ard kind heat ted, he was tlwnvs rendv to do i i , i'i , good. Benevolent and charitable, his J" ' ... , ' iiaiin tt as ever ni en toieneve utc wants, .i .... ., . . r f, tlirt Llill.il'iiiit I l.oi-n t.iiAitiiitAiit (ii.til., " iwii. n.v ji vimin in hum; in his dial netev exerted nn iiifineiire on ,i. ...i...t i the whole communitv around him, nnd I. , ..,1 ,, t .... . neh will live in the heart oi his neigh- bors nnd friends to perpetuate his nietno ry. As n business man ho wns industrious nml iMtei m.ti, His farm was a model ... . j.. . . ho lull conviction that he was "an honat ""'" Ho lived for that character ; earn- 'cd it bv'a well spent life, and died h aving il fls a i,1'oll,, 1 to children. I i . . . . , As a Christian .ho set nn example wor- Uhy of imitation. In 1S34 or '35, ho con-' nected himself with tho Presbyterian church, and for the last eighteen years oe-! !.. . l,. ll.. 1. ...,! f..l.l :.. 1 t-Hl 'let! Plat ill iiiu it'iti i, I ,'itit'l? ill lllllL 1 ,. , , onregnlion. Ho attended punetiinlly Mo "' K,K ,ullr i"i'n "uatrs; ne eon- , .... n . r I . i , tnbutcd bberaFIy out of his means towards its support, and was always found in his pew an attentive listener to the preach- me- of the Gosnel. No we.itl.or. iL'ev.r : - . . . . inclement Kepi mm awny irom tbo placo - . farm, and his buildings dsiplaycd a neat- week the announcement of Col. J. L. Cut. ness nnd care that bespoke tor him the tie, as a onndidale for District Attorney. i character of a frugal husbandman. Seru- His name had been handed to us jirior to Ipulously honest in nil his transactions 'our last issue, but hy an oversight did not jwith his fellow man, he lived without the' niipear when it should hnve done so. We' I ' i eensure of a human being. No enemies- owo his friends this explanation as np np- lion(H, liU illto,.rilr. i0"was so far nbovc'oWv for the neglect. ! c ..... I K fc roProac1' 'l'1 npvcr CcjiJ-Jen Patton, of Curwensville has reached him. Years ngo he hn.l succeed-j the thnnks of the'senior for the hnndsoine ' od Jn,PrMi,n "l,on 1,11 ul' know lli,n ! lo of strawberries rent him last week. I .nt I ll I! M Ai l li l !n, . I 1,1 tt ,ii ..1, 1 1. I.I , M .1, . .. I. M-,.1. v , ,). ysli"!! kliew Ihn Hereof hi. , I. ,,,, ,. ... ,il,t Iiii tin. ,!.! ill . I .1 l ' 77, lr, ;,7,1" ' '"r t., r.mi nn. ,.,.ft. il' I'lil'lir w m "Iiii., 1. 0:-i.t n ! l!,.. Ii'- fO"t llllllilv IciUnhN ll ulio .iir,.,,.,l I. I, I.:,.. i r. t. i .... i i ii"'. ii'i'i n iiiiii i nnnvn fii'(.n In''', ti 1 1 ' I t li li 1 nli 1 liili'i'iil.. nut' in, .,1., nf Wi.l-liin im.l ... .1., . '. .' Woi.lii, Mill ih ,(, i.f in i-1 hum n.is,. ) . i t - nml Iflimn coin- .....ll.l . L .. . . 1 IH'I 11 1, Ml Ul I'm lo 1 1 m 1(. Ii1!!-h) ii Jin. I"' ,1 i ,i , ... "J' iiilh dny wns to him a ilnv of rit, and he deemed it n hii-li M ivile-e to il. v.,l. it I., .. f in .... , , rviee ol Iim (iod. ' f . .. . . . . . In Ins limn - hp was k nd and eolldiii" ' 1 1 ' ''"' ii..',... I I ... i: I . , , lnis('d under Ins pnienliil iidnionilions, lo- , , ,. .,, ' ,L''1 '"ln " 'lnleriu-sg ut alection death. His wile, at the sitme nioinel ti '"r,""',l "Hr lul1' "ll,w Jonntlina IVinco, . . ii,.-,' ..... j""-''"!' lir''. "I"' " - ili'Ci'imc. tlm iniiK'linl In Mletelieil Upon a heil ol Mi kliess, l(1d Inm l.mi, lo Iho hi ii'i. ol' Iho il.ci.,i.il. Une.lhiiil u Iohl; adieu in the ei oiiihi.'ih, nope ilia ..i'l . . . "her I. km ti ns l.i- ..I,.. I v;,i. .... ... """"I an U i.iii, nt relict, iu tlic inid.-t (.f kiml unci hvmjmt hi iinT friends, and with his i'aniilv Mitcbin;; roirsd his bi'iNide, ho breathed tliU hi:t in the "tiiiil of Chrihtian triumph. lleluiivcs nml friends will lnmurn thch-hv:-. Fk i;ns .f sorrow and anguish gush forth on such neci-ions. No huiii.in pow er can stay the lido of grief, and yet how weak and foolish! lie had lived hi,; allot ted tlllle, niid, hlit; "i'iii'1 fruit." was rendv i, 1... 1 1. I l.r..,n lr.i.. i . ' tol,e.atheicdhome. irdias only ooen taken from ft world ol' trouble, to dwell with the redeemed in heaven Ii ivin.' '-hi, " 01 ' ",r rrcorving irttit, nn; ,miiii'linti!ly, vet ifenn hnnlly he esi ecleil Hint -lone in., liltlHOr s will, lie lias gone lo reap ivoll Imp' vniiety of buunckoqiing utt nsil.t imprensiona of no' large n plnle em. ho InU'ti n his reward. As a citizen, a husband tmd ! Ul" "R'nti"IK ! fnut im thev will he enlleil for hy Kih.'cril.oi'ii. u lather, he Iiii th fully discharged his whole duty. Il should, on the contrary, boa matter of rejoicing that his toll has ended, and that his lnb ir is oer. How lew are prepared to follow him, and how sad a reflection ! For tho living tears of sorrow may bo shed, but not for those like John l. Keed, who died in the biigl.t hope of a happy resurrection, and with the full promise of a blissful never ending eternity. At hi residence in Woodward tp this county, on the HOst day of June, Ifecd Al exander, in th'j .Vlil year of his age. The deceased Was the eldest son of Win. Alexander, who fifty years ago, emigrated to this county from Kishoeoquillas valley, Jliilliii county, with his son. then a child, and settled on the Clearfield Vreek w here . ... ,, ....... lie Ft ill lives, Mirrountled bv Ins children, r . tn , ii.-iii it.'i.ue.i nii-iie, lm- Mini ee! oi v this notice being tin ''is notice Ix-iug the eldest. His early .life was identified with all the hardships I .,.,,1 .1 1.. mi't i "ui.iik.u t,i inn eiiriv neiiieiueiiis oi , . this county. Ho was a man of rare moral worth. His industry, benevolence, hon- . . esty nnd many virtues made hnn friends . . ,. wherever he was known, fur enemii s he , , . .. .... hail none. In linn society has lost one of its choicest members, and his friends are leu lo mourn an irreinrniile loss. ' ufjAi.i.ewisiow n jitqiers please copy. J'KIMAKY KbbCTIONS. The riimary Elections for the l'liri'ose f selecting candidates lor the various of!i. ee.s to bo filled at the 1 ne.t, eiil ... !.,.;.; 1 v etion in October , , i i ii'.1' ,e i lli.'U n t ( Va'.vf. , i Canity system, on th(,'sat itr.lay .i ec dill'; tin? Ac .".!"t '1' nn n Court, b. it:.-' the I l;li day of Au-iKt next, at the u ai.d plt'ccs in the vr.i ioM- ehv ti-.-n di-Irii-ts. 'I'j.e ictiiii, jiid-r.-.-s tn nuo! He", lay i.fterii vm ' by t-i-.tei i.f ih '"tn-.iiitte,.. Cot.rt. it. iii'ji t. 't:a' (.'..ir.itv ii i.AHiin-i r.i l II,.! i-.'ia.'v. (.'..iiimnUH-j v.- ; At.; e t-i Vlii. I'.-''- i l.liJ published next Week j Cci. ! he I'.rookviile ,'oii '' s;, ;;-es:s I that the IiOprosontulive Convention tor this liistrict meet nl liidgewavon the -Ith of An.-iisl. lur liruiiM'v elections are or- , , , , ., dered to be held on the 14th of the same , nioiith : our nominations will not be dt- hired until the 17th, consequently we "ill be unable lo participate in a confe- 1 , . i ree meeting held on the -1th ... . ,. ... . To the siigestion ol the t huion Demo crat that tho Congros.-ional Conferees meet at lhookville on the loth ot Angu; t, 1 n ll. ........... ......1,. In ,,,, ,l.-n Vil.i.lll.l 111,1 i: uiv riiuii. I. mi tv, l.ii... . . .j., ....... , . , , , i lliese Miggi sllolis ue w unurawn, ami any later day named, we would acquiesce in any day alter our nominations arc made. fsVExi'LANATOKV. We publish this .,v ,,. 1VT, t I ) y,.'s KKMEHY ml UESTOF.ATIVK, for t'olds, Cough, ( roup, Ac sfd ntJos. Hoim's Plloe oeU 2?.' ''II. r ,tT;r,r J. L. CUTTLE, i tto '' ttorncy at Law and I.nnd Agent, ofllc lioining bin resident , on Mm kit rtrce Clearfield. March 3, Uj.'k vB'K.tt. Tt i i 1 l-ll AI,. The undersigned unotmces J V tho "whole world and the rest of mankind," '"". " "'' uooiicss pari, oi rresrnon, Jlis wotk ni rommendation - it recommends itself, i with pride point to his largely Ihrreased custom . 1 . ' V . kept ronslnntlv on hand. The hi kinds, will be ghest market price rai.i ior uint.s. j JOS. liOOX. My t'th 1847 mummm n. . I . . t X t aI.VK""". v , " "?m... . I lit 1 (.,. r ) -. ' , , ., ,,f P ., m r in in.- ... nun. i .,, . ,. i i, , , n v , , i,7 T. ,,.,,,,' '.'.I .1..) i.f .Inly. I Li, nl , Ii, I'. M.,1 ..,,, 111 V , i tt (1,1,1 (t.i (lli. l. liir I.mIi,,, ,...,.i.,. Irl i'l, IH'.'I Int.. I i !.!. i I, tli.'i , nHli, i ..nlnliiii'i In nil nlii.ni fliiii. Iii! .i.. ft, i . . H,(. i,.,.tiv nl .li'lUlllllll l'l'llll .', ll.l''.!., .ll:ili. I III" l.itt n rliip, t li nrlli I I i'ii., I.i.iiii.Ii fl nn 1'iH.itt vii : v Iiiii'l" "I Jn'.'i'li M Alinrity, An run I'l'iiti'i", 1 lnv. MhIiiiIIc i , 1 1 i. i..rt nit.l cHlit'i1., I! Iiicli T. III I,,., ,i(,,u viiln.:. nii.l n iml nn.l'r. h. nf ",r"0n, j.'n.tiii'. nt I ... i.tiii, V ..J, nml Iho lli'ir. .,1 ktiiil .liiiill,i.ii i'vnrfn .!....'. I k... I,,.. ' .......... u , , In. cl .i IhUo thu rumo tit lh, vn Inn li.m. iIiIh ..r- i 1't "f nl win inuli'. Tim i.nii-rtr is liuni I "I";". '-tU, In n vml.,u iielcltlmrl- iin.il In nn ri'i llvnl li.i'iuiu.i fur Intnl. I'liiij;, ," jTI. ,1 , Inmi y tiitil.fi-eU Willi whilu in . is mm I y limiii'iou Willi whllo i-.n I . I . . ' . . , , ', I ""k 'vii'inl liiiin.fii, nnl.li'i., uinliinl ' 1 ,r ' '' 1 Ti:iims nl' J-Ai.r..- I i n ,pr cent of llio itlinlo imri-liuKO niiiiii y to lm puiil In cui-)i wlu-n rii ,rnii'iiy Miuiii'ii iluttn, llim Until of tho rc- iiiniinliT lo lie M't'tiri-il iimn t lio ,ri'iiiini'f l,y limul iinj iiiinti'ii",.. iliv liitunt l.nvnl.li' niiiiiitillv to t il tlm luiliiiii'o cnli wlti'ii I lie kiiIii Is cimliitiio'l I """""'. in.- ..luiu.i.r in iho r,tmi nn- , mini iviiiti)ls tli.'null.r with mtt-inHt. In ho n- l-"r-;l lv jinl-iiii.'iil Lund nml ihi.iiiixp. lm. TT" ' , l"'1'11"" K'via nt llio euuliriuiiliuu tho K.'ik', .May lit, l-;.s. .7X0. liOHAIIAUCn, Tins tui: sii'..vn-, ahctu: hhjmi ,. .1 t ..i i e ti i, i ii i Iip front Hiiiihnv of Illrrrt 1 1 k l.nrlnrs UlrCC-Mury I'llildinf, (111 SltnHll SlrCtl, ill Hit lluroiigli of tlrarficlil. Jll'.KI'. they nro prepnre.l to iminnsnetitre till liiml.'. of T1X nlul SlIKKT lliOX W AUK. I ' ' nronlso prrpnivil lo f'urnifli. nt ruliu'cil pii ' r,'" 'I1" followini iiilioli'ii in nil Ih.'ir vni'iul ins uAK.,Ji()Xi NA".B ,, HTK KIj. AlsoThrwMi- i "o nindiinc, 1'1ouk1i, I'utciit Outline J:'i i .'"! '' nt "iMi-o-eiitl.T" Ln.nn rump.'', l'tit, tit SiiiiMi;'i,-oiitlirH timl J un .-.inti's i n,.y nnvo uiso a itir-o nssoriiiieni oi both Cook nml I'm lor Stoves, of tlio host nml most nppiovoil piilleriis. nml niiiong thrill will lie found the lelihinteil MJW WllltU) COOK KTOVJ:. All orders for e.i-lins will l.o tliunlifiilly reeei - ved nml iioinpily iitli'iided tn. HoHse-Simiitlll d.nio to ordur. A tliey oieupv n lui'0 mid voinniodious liouse, is well t,.s out-luiiMiiiKf, they nro well prepared lo do n Cotiuiiissioii hiisineni and till order, cither ns IteluiltiM or Wiiolcsule Henlors will ho thank- fully received, and uUcndod lo with desp.iteli. 0. II. .MKllllJM.L. may 10, JSiO. b. 11. C.W.TKIl. ItUNItV 1.0111 IV. .1. (1. IIAIITItW K'K HirillCIT IU fTV ntv'tl I D DILUILAL I illil.MliMlll . HK.MIY LOUAIX, linviiiK nssoeintcd with him in the prndioo of iledieino I'r. J. U. HAUTSWlCh, they olfer their prolessioinil .crvicoB lo the eitizens of (Tenifield nml vicinity Thoy will attend to f.rofeiioniil calls ut ullour- nnd innll fcasoiis. . Ilr. Jtiirtswick will he found during the day nt their oflieo opposite I.'r. I,orin'8 resinonee, nnd at night nt his residence, one door north of lteed A Wcnver'f s tore. Clearfield, Juuo 10, lSjo. 1.1. Vi lli. K 1 M'.ATIII.lt I JJEMLY W. oris (MAN, I.MPOHTKH of French Calf nkinn, nml gencinl leather ilrnK-rs, Xo. 6 South Third St., l'hiln. A gniTal nsHOrtiileiit of all kimlt of lentliur, inorocco, Ae., Ac. Jtci nnd Unk S'llc luilther. March t, lSi.-ly. staui'I'i'.k .w ii vum:v. Cheap Hatches and Jf dry. rilOI-SAI.K nml KKTAIb, al the "l'hilndel yy phin Wnlch nmlJewelry Store," Xo. 118 (old Xo, i'l!) North .Second Street, corner of Ijmir i ry, l'liilnd'n. I ti.,1,1 1.evcrWatclieii, full jeweled IS e.cnsesf.'S 00 (lold l.aiiine, IS carat, 1 nn Silver I.ever, lull jeweled, Silver Lupine, jewels, . . Superior Quai'ticrs, - - l!. .1.1 c. t.. . - - 12 oo . . V (Ml - - " I'd - - 7 0U . . 1 61) - . 3 00 , pjc jsjvcr soici'incics -" Gold Ilrniolets, laelv's Cold 1', ill- 1 IHi Sili "r 'f' ,. ) ."'iv, n r ..., 5 !'.( I.. nld l'i n '. wi'ii l'eiicM nti'l Silver Ilohl.-r, 1 Oh (told I'iiil,,'!- I.ii;;s :,7i rent." to $S0j Wnleh (jia.-'iK, plain l.M cm.1., p:.t(iit Isj, lainet I'.'i: .ahcr iirtii'l.'S in pioportmn. All goodn wnrrnnti'd ti he vhiit t'orv air ! I l..r. STAI I 1 i:it ,t IIAItl.KY, .''.i rn."-ui to O. ('i.iirni'. On hit ml .-ci'i ',!,1 inn! ,":iver l.i'Vern ale! h. .'m-. H I' I' 7, li ' tli'ia ti.C I .'..-Iv. i :ve pnrin,. 11. I'.TIIOMPHOX, aii.l "lll'.T i u II. : I '.is a i o' is., I i.'iiii.iv nl'' 2,1, I I I!:: ASS rial Ci'l IV It taken In ex- ) .hiin-e ,r TIN nml 1IA ". .I'.VA .'! K nl lh li'hniL'iit of. -'"'y tb Hi Dit. (;l .)ll(.i: HII.S renpectrully gir, notice tlint he hn renuiued the Prnclieo Medicine, and w ill promptly ntteinl to nil culls ii he professiou. butlmishuig.AiiT 2, ISjO. TIIOMl'OX II I'T-sTK MC VCO ' ii'.'.u I J l A 1. 1 K . IO. iuii ,iut-i ?. t-iu tteiiRt inc. itn e.ieu"ive assortment of Curlincs inude to ordeta Ihe. JS.J1. L. JACKSON CUANS, T TO r.XEY AT l.AW, olTice nd.'t'iing t r 'sideneo on .Second Strf el, Clcn,'l t'.J, 1 June 1. Is..). PUBLIC NOTICE. KV persotni knowing llieiiiselccs imlulited hy nolo or l.ook account of one vonr or more riiiminii;, nro pi.Miiveiv ieiiie..te.i in ciiii nnu pny otr, oiherwiso ihejr will bo treated according to luw' wi,ll,'ut ro"l'ctt 'YaxcTS COXIHtllJT lVncLville, May !, is.is." TO MY CREDITOrS Tlriv. . ... . . . " Ilr.iNC njjed nnd infirm iii l.odv, I nni desirous tn .ettlo nml clone-up nil my w-o'ildly lmsineM A" "f ''"in r claims nninst .r. nre there- f"" reiiiestod to present Iheui nt once for settle- ment. I de-iro to h my own cxe,.tr. J''-Vt JAMES KEA, Sr. I'AVTIOX. 1 A P.nni nre hereby cautioned nSnintt i -, ,,"V,I1S ''r'". R"-v. ,mcd,Illi." wi,h 2 ; I if... . " : : . . , , 1 " " "7 tp., ns the said cows belong lo me, nnd nre in his possession on loan only, subject to my onli s nnd control. DAVID 00SS. Sept. 2.'), 1S07. St pd. CAUT OX-A1I persons nre hereby caution d tigniust purchasing n certain nolo drawn lit. mo in favor of Stacy W. Thompson, date.l Huh 1.. ...A lot) f. AIA- V I . .' ,L,'re i nnd wi n'Z LTu. " . DAXIEI, IiOWMAX. April 7th. ISj". 3l-pd. John tkoutman OTII.I, continues th business of Chair Milking, nd Douse. Sign and Ornuinenial I'uiniinff .J the s bop formerly occupied by Trout man & ltowe. at the east end nf Mirkot street, a short distance west ol Lltm 1 onn.lry. June n, Isj.V IT Ml I X A 1 I' VIUiAi I I'l-,-" ) I .Ml. Ii- " H M I'MIM', rt'TNAM S MONTHLY. T- i.iti t in imii i I.- r. '.'o.imki cnru.s 'mi: i m. r :xnt M WiNirn i:nt iMi'i'in vmi: i on i--,' . 1 .'j'.'i'.i'iiii in hi.iI., .. Ail. M II I'i't.l.Ml I V iiii I su i.i it ...I i i.,r, 'i in; i, ii i: i ! i.n.n va oi i A.;. ft. g i ii-.. 1 1,-,. Tin1 inn. ,n nf I " in ' i "ii ' Mii'ni i tin im.l r.ilnnri'' Mimililv Ii :H tit ntl , III.. . mi,. 1. lit I,1,! HTirtt ft r I rr ii In Iii ii f mcmii '1 l'i lull .tnc mi In r l"i'il ini li',n i ll.o ,,..,,, ,, .,., , , f,r it .-...nlii. nniimi .,r lii.'mry I mn-i,,' i,.i ,.,l,illv nn 1... . .I...- t. t . ' .. . r , .. mm. i,t .. ii(t .'i n.'i ..i i.'ii nil' ill I in' it . hi. i 1 1 - rl-.(t ll.o lit -t montli. ll... tlo In (he tin I., nml 1 1 1 IV.. in inili ri ili, i. i'M "i'ii"l (III, lliill 1'1'1,1,'i ll,' ininili.'m lllrnii.ly lMri ,,l lltv I'lifi-nliilu-lk ll re nni .t'rnll ri.ii.'i'iU' I n lint.' Fur ill lln' rii l, in'fr of ih.'ir lii.-niry i'iiit..iil, I'. iiiity nml ir,ilin.i'iii'. ,il Ihi'ir .ii'i,'i''iil um, irny iii:iiriiin.. cv.'i' IicIit.' u-iii' l ,i,e Aiii.Tii aii pichii, lliii'niiriii'i l,y llm.ii uL'tii-i's nl invor, iiic ,iiiiiiKiir. linv.i ii'ti-rnn- no,! cniniiii'iico thi new v.iluinu lu Jmiiin. rv wilh mlil ilimin! nliriiriiniiM, nml (n niter micIi iii.lnMinii iitri In niiliM'rtli.'r !nn.,i r.iil to i.hir- t , ( rii-.tilnlioii, nl tho In Tie,, Willi lliin vivw Hi f,,oii." uplcn rli.t -.roifi'n lu'iw of Amerlenii .iImlm- llicy ii hit ininiiitiicu llio I'ni.itii.' I In. v l.ii t-, imr. (-In, moiI tlmt Hit.i'rli nml I'l.-tly Mool-i'luti: Kli-r.i' villi', ' T'TT? T QT CTtnTirT) " : lilij JjAOI DUirjill,, n,l nill prcmul n ropy t f it tn rvoty tlirvo ilut ini rin."i'rim'r i".r inn yrnr l.i '.-.. i, wna pnni ' veil nt n r.i.l of over $11,000, l.y ihr Into rnleliin to.t A. 1.. J'ii'k, ti ini tlio iii iL'iiiiil of Kiiphaut i Mor!,'lii'ii, iillor J.eniinrili Ji:i Vinoi. nml is lht ' ikiui"i cti'i'i i.niio Tii.;niviii'' ever exeruiod in cot.i.irv, i'i.,g ii.n... tin,...- tho mo ..r th .nlimu-y tlino-ilollnr ', ?'!'" 'irri 'f Va" ' tll'Ml III 111,11 ,1 till'. LllO llll.'llll .ll OI IIIU III - t;st lmt uotio of the Kni-it vi upt. shouM ever It ..nvicil for n less cuni tlnni Jj. lieiicr vii lilv tvorT.li tlint iiinoiint. Thus every tliroc-ilollnr suh-efiher will reeeivo tlio lnj;iiiiio one yenr elienji nt unit this spleinli.l eiirn' ini;, rielily worth ill tltns rotting for $;i tho vnliio of ps. We cluill eonimeiiee MrikinR oll'tlie eni-n vinp , Hin 11 tin ruforo, fiiriiiili lliem in the onler in ! ,ieli Hihperiptioini lire reeeived, Those who j ,,.sir(, t ol.tniii their eiiKriiviinrs curly, nml frl. i ,,e firS impre.-ions, shntiM i-'eiid in their Huh 1 H.-i-ipliomi without ileluv. The enrnviiij;3 run i t,c FUIlt rn,.r ,v m':1il, or ill oilier iiuunor, I , EutiPf riljirro fIhiII order. i coooao rv nv ju-.i- i n'n I "V . ' J' 11 -"',AA "l :',tJ- . 1 T I,.,,!l'1',!,.'"n,," lh "V'.1'';'' Cn-",1V," "f " 1 1 j LAh 1 ,'Sl M,M, ,n" ho I"""';"'"'' J" every iiiree-unnnr ."m.enoer lor tj. t in: puu li:diers linv.i eonildi'lrd iirriiuj'ements for the dis till, lltion, on the I'.itli ol lieeeinher, ISjS, ol i I nerii'8 of splendid woiks of urt. cmsisliug of ono l humlrrii neh nml rnre old pnintine;.t, vnliu"! nt I C-1 ,l,k ... !,,. 1 1. 4'... O .,,1,1 ..:r. ,,',,,i fl'". i. s-i"" .-.iv... .t.pi., ..u"v ui.i.ni, ! cent Sleel-l'lnlo Kiininviu, worth jroin t- ! j oneli. nnd l.Oi'O ehoieo llolid.iv lionks. wort! from SI to Sj eneh. iimkio.' in nll. over TIIUKI- -fllfi L'SANII U I KTS, wortlt TWKXTV THOf HAXU DOI.l.AHS. Jndoso 3 to tho pnhlisliers nml y.,u will coin , tnence receiving tho .Ininzino hv return mail.- you wi) u0 reeeivo with the first copy u nuui i hcred nuhseription receipt, ciitillinir you t) tin' Dninvitig of "Tllli I-AST SlMM'lill," nml :i , ehiiueo to drnw otto of Iumo "i'lll!l'.l; TIlOL.S' ! AX I) ritlZES." Cn0D5 why you tltould subscribo EMEHSOX'S MA OA ZLXE for 1K08: 1'irct: Dccnupe its litrrnry content will, dn ring the yenr, embrace eoii-trilm tious from over ono liundred ditlerent writers nml lliinkei s, nuui bcring ninong them the most distinguish jd of A mericiin niithors. Second; liecnuse i I cditoviiil il.'pnrtuienl.-. "O.rr Slttdio," "Our Window," nnd our Olio,-' will eneh be conducted by nn tibfj editor nnd it will surpass, in tho variety .mil richness of it' editorial contents, nny nlher neiiuiiio. Third i Bocnu.c it will cnui.'i'n, dicing tin yenr, nearly six hundred original picioi il illu- ti'ttions, from designs by tin) tirat Atueiigiiti in lists. Fonrtlt : liecnuse for the sum of S3 you v.ii' receive this Fplcudid monthly, nioro richly wnrl i tlint sum t li it ii nny other luiinzinc, nml thu pit peril Engraving of "The hast Supper," l'itth : Uecnuso you wtll very likely draw or 1 of tho threo Ihou.'iilid pri.cs to bo distributed oa Ihe 2olh day of Oeceiuber, lSOS perhnpj ot. tknt is worth $1,000. Notwithstanding tlint these cxtniiril'niirr i i .an eim nts can baldly fail to accomplisb the ei jccls of the publishers without further etl'ort they l.avo delerinined to continuo thro' tho ye;: THE GREAT LIT3RARY OFFKIJ. To pay pir'euwl.o will get up a club of Iwei l.v f. iir nibscribers, either nt onit or more po i ir,,-,.,, ho will present n splendid library, oof sioia,' "I ever l'oriy barge Hound Volumes en' l.iuciiij; the must popular worke in the mark. The c'.ib limy ie foruied at tho club price, $2 ; year, wiihintt the engraving, or nt tho full pric f t ii year, with tho rngraviug nf Um 1 n s-1 Snpp . In eneh tvbscriher. List nnd dasoription cf ti. I.ibrnry, nnd spo -imen copy of the Magazine . lm forwarded en rereipt of 2a cents. Over I1 "' hihrnric, or S.OOO volumes, have nlrefidy I.e. distributed ill accordance with this cUer, nrri t. . should be glad to furnish a library to erory cl. gyninn, lo every school-master, er t" fomono i every post otlico iu llio country. AGENTS GETTING RICH. Tho fuccesi which our ngents tiro nieiilir : with is utmost tetoiiishiiig. Aiming the iiiim. evidences of this fact, wo aro pormittod lo pub lish tho following : Or.NTi.r.H .ill : Tin following facts in rolntii '' to whut your ngentt nro doing in ibis sectini may be of ttso to some oiKerprising youin; inn . in want of employment. The Kev. John E. J,": don, of this place, has luade, since last Chris' inns, over S 1.0(111 in bis agency. Mr. David Heath, of Kidgly, Mo., tour general agent I l'lutl county, is iiinkinfi i-S per day on each sn! sgctit cinployed by him, and Jlossrs. Weliuer l.vans. of Oregon. Mo., your agents fur Holt e nro making fiom $s to J25 p.r day, cad yo humble scrvntit hns inn. In. since Iho seventh d of last January, over $l,70i', besidi j haying f .100 ncres of laud out of tho business werlli ov: $1,(1110. You nre at liberty to publish this gtat incut, and to refer M miv uf (he partie nuiiieil liAXIEL (Jltniiii, Ciinollloii, aid. Willi hkIi indiireinents n we oTer, nntboo can oblnin lubscribers. We invite any genii, man out of employment, nn i evi ry la ly w ho ih sires pleasant M'i jr-tu ikiiig nccnpalioii to nt' ply nt once for an ngencv. Applicants shout I inclose, 2.'i cent" for n epci tci copy of iho inac arine, which will always hi f irwurded with at.' swer to application I v retiun unit. SPECl.MEN EXtiitAVIXU. At wo dwiro t -placo iu the hnnds of every person w ho (iropose to get up a club, nml nlso of every agent, a cop of the ciigr.ivingor tho "LAST f t Pl'Elt," ns specimen, eneh npplicnnt enili.sing us J3 wilt re 1 'Z.'TsIlVZlZI?" I!!? ceive ttie l.ngr.iving, post pnid, by return inn ini.iil,ercd i.l,.eiipti.. receipts, entitling t. e lm' I MI'I " IIIH ill .iii r.iuv U1IC V'iH Illl'l 'l ii rnwiT I ihe ditribi.ti,.n. This oiler is ma le onlv to Hue, who desire to net ns ngenls or to form litbs. A'Mres", OAKSMITH A CO., Xo. :i7l lii-iiitlwnv, X. Y. Jan 11, ISjS. REPUBLICAN JOB OFf ICE. The Publishers of the J,',-pn,!;,;,n art in i kingnrrnngenieiits to largely increase the I orJohh.n, .nate.ial. nnd will do pr. T ,n i e. I in no 11 i I. ini ot PdSTtllS, P-I.ANKS, Pivruivis, l'Al'tR I'm l IKS, P.iix Ti'Kt r-', PlttxntAMUi. ' 'iitcii.ns, H.vNpmi.Ls. I Laiiei.s, and every kind of printing iiiily (I jr. ill ft e'mtl'V job otliee. Your ?rifri t trust? O lis will be. fuithl'ullv rc'.rL LARIffM . A 1 V'