Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 07, 1858, Image 2

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l :.I!1IK!.D July 8. K.'.
. a .- - :r-r r;
Democratic State Ticket.
.n l i k or tjij: mtim.mi' conn".
or I'UII M'l I I'lll .
f'AN'.M. niMMlssltiNT.n,
m r.irn ik t o.
"Look upon
this Picture
and upon
. . , . , 1 ... ' "". " ..n iiniiiiiiiiui 1111. M ii
o roinso of coml'ict either ... the purl (nt lll0 cU,-uv County Union Mootinji, in
of iiuliviiluulM or of iissoeiittions of iinii- Uulj.-tnneo iin.l itlinost in laiipuniio, tho
vitluiil.s i';m bitik tlioin lower in tin? esti-sumo ii" llmt ornlntdieil in tlio Cinrinnuti
matioii of the worltl, thnn a time-serving, ll.''j'j'1" n,ul '" 1,0"S,M' KansnvX. l.iiif
viu iliitin, ami oontniJietory poliry upon
any cjiuflir ii, ndni'tid lncrclv for thoinir-; ThU b folloiieJ hy the Chester County of ohtaiiiing place, power, or
arv urotit. A more cle.'r:eleil eximiiilo oi" i
tins Kin.t im rarely Witne.M'il 111 polities
lhan the ono now jnesuiiunl to the poo.
jilr of lViiiiM lvuiiia, by tho two wings of
the oiposition in thin State, who in tliuir
a-llort" to oU'ect a fusion aro about ignoring
the main principles of thivr doctrines, o
Vi-liciueiiily proinulgHted in tho cum
1:tifn of Vi, and knocking from ut.der
their feet tho only plank ill tho plat
form of that cutnpuigii, which fiiriiihhnd
them a foothold. This, to say tho loast
of it is unkind and uir',rttr.. Hut as a
iiietion i.f pai l;-,;y, thorn ii still a
much n-.ore uiil.norabli. i;,.l,t in which it
cannot hut bovienci l-y ail 1.. iip4 men.
Ill ll'O 'i"i.!'.tl cn:i.j iii.. bictrine of
j.o.uliir K.vwwnty ;i.- (ir'"iiu-.i in thoCin
tinnati jihitfnrru, tti,. denounsed in the
slroi'i st lernia by li,e -v lf ttyled liopub-lii-an
paity. And an tifllitniteii amount
of pnper, piinter'a ink, and gis, iccx-
l.ciulcd by the press and tho demiigngues
in its serviee, in eiidavoi ing lodeludo the
people into the belief that Congress by
virtue of the Constitution of tho United
States "lias novereign jiower over the Ter
ritories for their government." Whilo the
Wcpul.lioan convention nt riiiladephia,
held the 17th June, JuM, which jilaced
John C. rremont in iioinination foi IYiv
Hident, and Wm. I,. )ayton for Vice Pre
Hident, nnd from which tho immortal
Lemuel Todd derived his authority, i-m.
bodied tho sentiment of their party 011
thnt issue in the following resolution
lUfMcai rtdvrn r.f the r,f Junt,
8"ii. Jiesolved, That tho Constitution
colliers upon Congress fovereign piwer
over the Territories of tho United States
tor tlinr government, and that in their
exercise of this power, it is both the right
huh me imperative tltity ot Congress tn
pnhthti in the territories tlioso twin relics of,
iiarharisin rolvcamv and Sluvcrv
'I'hat we iiViy the authority of Cbnyre, of a
rrtiiriat Legislature, or of ony 'individual
or itssooiation of individual!, to give Irijal ex
'.7 ..r to shivery in anv Territoi-v of ilm IT.
nited States, whilo the present IConstitu-
: .1.111. . ' . 1 a
n"ii sunn ue iiminiaineu.
Here is a plain nnd unequivocal decla
ration tlmt Congress lias full power under
the I '.institution to legislate for tho terri
tories', in contradistinction to the doctrine
that all power emenates directly from (ho
people, and that they alone have the
light to deti rniino what nlnill be their
own domestic institutions. And especial
ly is this resolution directed to tho prohi
bition in tho territories of those twin
relics of barbarism 'polygamy and
"hivery.' This is one picture, ihit" behold
what a change has come over the spirit of
the Republican dream in the short upaee
two years. At a Union nicetinc of the
united oppo.-ition in Chwter county on
the 14th ult., the following among other
resolutions was adopted, :
Resolved, That we recognize, nt-jert, and i
will niRintain, the right of t in iieonle of
every Tcn itorv of tho lT;i,lStaM Lln
lermine lor themselves, 'vhen prepared to
become a State, tho form mi l nl,i.iii.l.. ('
their Constitution, and that every attempt
on the part of the General Government to
control their choico or prevent in any way
the free enjoyment, of that right, is'an ir
regular nnd illegitimate, exercise of its au
thority, which deserves to reprobated, nnd
ought to be resisted by all constitutional
At another "Union"' Convention Held
in Montgomery county on the 20th ult.,
n similar one was adopted ns follows, al
though tho Xnrmbnrnlifpullir-a says there
were ninny tlimouting votes.
Iiei,lved, That we recognize tho (sacred
ightof tiio peoplo of x Territory, when
milking application for admission as a
.State, to foi 111 anil regulate their own con
stitution and laws without any interfcr
enco by Congress whatsoever; and any nt
tempt to force upon such a people a "con
stitution and laws, in opposition to their
lawfully expressed wishes, deserves nnd
should receive the severest condemnation.
Thisis to be the basis of their plat form
loriiiecfliiipaignol .preparatory to which
a State Convention of this "united oppo-
sition" party is to bo held at ll.niiil.,1,
, . ""'6 r"" n.ii nig 11 insnringoi captain
on the 14th inst., to nominate candidates Tage. that their lives nnd property were
for Supreme Judges, Canal Commissioner, secured, and consent given for their do
Ac.; nnd to devise ways and moans to se- pnrture from that Territory Tossports
cure their election. were given them, but tlnir goods could
This is the other picture. But, what is ' not be shipped untilthedeoUof their lands
not surprising, this somerset is too much 1 in raruguay should begiven up. This was
for tho inflexible Joints of many of the ' refusal, and Captain Tago finally after
more ultra of the liepublicans, ,! tho notice to that effect, took these i'eo,.lo
abo .umists, much as they hVo been with such of their property as could be
itrilleflia right-about faiMiic." nnd c-n.! kri. on Konrrl il. w.-ri'.-.-i. . .
elastics w.thin tU lm irw juaMJtoawj. from cert-ia threatoa-
Mil V of 111 lovling l!' llMi, nil fl i is In
lliU Slnli, runout ntltitu, Hit I'ii' fViit'i
M.i, tllr ,V '.rtin J;,fu,l H,Vn, this V
Vr i' '. ill', positively mil fi'-
triiiptnily refVfi ti tur . i ibe In mult )n.
" ' U' V ! tllllli Ai'Vr ,'.,y toaoi.
ens of tin ir eniiwiitinin y ho. . Here l
list the fjrt tiainc! of those prpirs my
'or, the subject! jotit other tinrtiilig tli.inllm luo hlsnk ml-j
"Wo nWro by (In-f'.iester county I .ft .blges, she was Winto1y filed into, (I,,,
per 'lint the united o.iliintt in llicir ! limn nl llio In lni killoil, tho wheel-rope
..,cci.,g .it Wot '..-trr. ..II the Ni l., j BWnv, mll ,. Vl.w. ten lim,
I f;1 """' ".U milmlly clidots- Rn .,.,,
ill, tl.ot..M-I..ul 1I..0 vino.. I .Hiiltoi-, .... . .
wvoroinnly, wlii. h wo l.,ko 10 I..- in tliot 1 1"' tr tho ottlrno vn, tlmt
toclh ol llio Ioii lic.n lmm of 1 .. mi'l
wliioh. il oiiilmilicl iii 11 Niitii.niil j.liitfnini
'.Tor 1M-.IJ, ..uiniit ....vivotM.rH,,,,,,,,,!.
1. inll l.r.ii I In I'l.t' i.tit il - t.ilmil
Unit we pa 11 mnviiKv any lioiiiililirnu tliftt
!it U a viitiuil iin.l iilmost lilen.1 levei'mil 1
or our tleolnnit ions two yon, npo : nn.l !
'Unit no nnli-flavciy 'vi.Iit enn co into I
Stilt or Nutloiial ( 'niiipiiiii upon ucli 11
1 ic..ilutiini w itlio;it KeH'-stultilioutkin, the
; llli.ft liljeot 1111(1 OUIiylDUS. .
peouiii-;r4,s(,tl,li,,1 Cincinnati re-volution
ule. I no lormer we liave given
above. Here is the Litter, with which our
readers can compare it.
Viifimtati Pit',rm. liesolved that wo
recognise the right of nil the Territories,
including Kansas ami Nebraska, acting
through tho legally and fairly expressed
will of n majority ofiietunl residents, and
whenever the number of their inhabitants
justifies it, to Jurm a Con-itiiition with or
without dmnrstie tfavrri, and fit' admittri in
to the Union upon terms of perfect equal
ity with the other States.
The Jxcjntldicun go'en on to prove in 11
lenghty argument that the resolution of
the Chester Co. Convention of 68 and that !juoky cnw,,h to ,mvo scvonty.f,ve .lollnrs
of tho rhiladolphu Fremont Convention j to los0( nlH .n.iuckily enough for him, did
of 51. upon the doctrine of popular sover-)lo8P j,, Wo sympathise with him in his
eigiiity flatly contrudict each other in j l.oreavmcnt as we know by sad experience
which wo entirely agree with it, but we io tlmt t)l0 ttfmt nf wvenJy..fivo dollars is c,f
riottloemit .iieccssaj-y to give its argu-j ten times a sad inconvenience to un editor.
niont nt length, as we feel assured that 1
anvoforrea,lcrswillbe,s,nvineedofth.,t -T1"' 41'ml il1 VU,mH'r ,,nI r0"10'
, ". , ,. .. 1
J f""!'... I"tillijj I""'
Now we do not objoct'to.the adoption
of the Chester County resolution by the
opposition upon the ground; that tho doc
trine contained therein is wrong. Upon
the contrary, we have always maintained
that it Vitu, the true intendment of the
Constitution ; and that tho people of heit. junctio with lll0 rolunibia, of the
Terr.tories nnd not CongreS9 had. the comll,m)(1 of Co, . Steptoe. The command
right o legislate upon; all 111.1110111 of inter-1 POn8istc(1 of fivo comrnnioSi or four hun.
naliKilicy. Hut we regard this attempt of jdre(j niPn Tl0 ,,,,, m,0 ,.Ppo,.tw to
tho leaders of tho opposition to steal ono ,,avo Wn firocn ,,,1,.! strongi nntI
of the principles of tho doinocrft-!eon,.)f)SC(l ofUlo SnakCi roiolIS0i n,i olh.
tic creed and substitute it Jor 0110 ofjor tl.ibos Th(, apti()n rcsllIk,j in tlircc
their own, for the purposeof catching tho ofrx.rR nn,i fiftv nion killo(1 Two of tl(
popular breath and securing votes, v by officers killed are C.ptain Mynders and
far tho moitt bold, barefaced, nudunblush- Lieut. Gazdcn. Tho Indians took two
ing piece of fraud and hypocricy that has howitzers which belonged to the command,
ever characterized its corrupt nnd shame- ftnd all but -ixty pack animals. In fact,
less existence? However, it has one con-lF0 complete has been tho rout that tho of
solation no future act of meanness can fieer j,, command was compelled to fall
ever bedeemed ndisgrace after this crown-: i.i, ...:,, n. .,ns. lire,.i,,it,.tinr, ti.
ing net of dcgrcslation. Then to the De
mocratic party and to the whole country
it nfl". ,,.1., Ai;tv:n.. ,!,, t.l
.u ....... ..,,i R...I..., ...j jt..i lum i.iBjtoe ,ncj proceeded into theSnako country
principle of the NationalDemocracy which peaceably to treat with them, or proceed
avows tho right of the people of tho Terri- t0 hostilities if necessary.
tories to exercise tho right of self-govern- ...
ment, nnd for which they have so long j A Sensiblo Fellow,
struggled through sunshine nnd through j The Unionville Journal contains the
storm, meets tho approbation of tho ho-'card of Col. W. S. Dogan, declining to be
ne t and intelligent masses eve.y where ; j acan(ij,illto for 10 Legislator. lie declares
and that no other doctrino can ever gain ; ,1;nt ll0 C(m Pvcr rnU.r tI)C fl(.d ft, ft pftn.
lavor with tuepoople. Hence the reason
why the Republican lenders so warmly es
pouse and so. fully endorse this jart of
our party creel,
This paltry little State whoso contempt,
ible weakness in her best protection, is
likely to give us trouble is securing ado
qtinto redress for the wrong its spite has
inflicted upon us and onr citizens. The
facts of the case, in brief, aro ns follows ;
In 152, General Crquiza, Trcsi lent of
tho Argentine republic, declared tho ri
r r t
I-!irjnUool,'n f"r '6" vessels, tl
1 "-"WB an Rvciiue to i'nrouay, not n
member of this confe lerntimi. In 1S.")3 I
Commander Tace. with the Water Witch i
was sent thither to explore the river and i
. . . . ' . ' 1
make a treaty with this State. On his or
rival, hefound that such a treaty had been
made by our Argentine minister ; this be.
ing found to contain such unusual nnd in
admissible terms as "the United States of
vii i . ii i..., . .
, " . , , . . '. "".""ibeen appointed Surveyor General, and the
" nangeinn unsparticu.
who refused to notice it, because it was
written in English. Here the matter
reefed for the present.
Previous to this time, at the instigation
of Lopez, nn American company hadcngng
ed in lare manufacturing nnd agricultur
al operations in Paraguay, and erected, nt
grent expense, valuable buildings, &c.
Some difficulty arose between Lopez und
the company s agent, when the former, in
'blind rag. destroyed their improvements
land drove away the people. It was only by
! b a... ...a i. i.
" " 1 1111 "
llifl In lii ntii n , I'll" "j'luin I'l'l nln.l f. it
lin-lltiilii, IlimU'li 'i'"Mlii(j iriy mil
nni. lien i'l JV'H'-i', mi'l tipnrt this
pmiiti'l .i it ti nici In Innkft rum-
( liilnl, ntul Viv his leictige fit t Y 1 1 dme-
rnnlof hi" ilotiif 'll.'poi'rr. Some til. tilth.
after, nlu n 11 ) t nn of lu t clew Were
nli'i iil, niul liiln In iu'iil)ril wal i, ;
llio VCol W"- ! n piiviiln olinimol ol llio '
!rivt.r, li1oniiijj to Piirtifiiiav, wlioroa.
!,.,, , , ,v rol.,lMl,,. to ' ot Tho ,rno
. r
IOI,SO" """i i .roviin. fi'Mllilou iii.IIKIU-
1 v, in (liMojinr.lili? liis iinaulti liiion lli '
rll,l, or Ainori,,,,, oi.i,o,. After the rc-i
e ,1,. .. vii-.l. i., uv, ..,'
tnissionor w.ih nont out to ol.tnin a ratilion. ;
tion of the treaty above alii'lixl to, hut wn
met willi a ileinnml for nUrowi for the ul
lej.'el nets of the Water Witch! Such is
;the case now pemlinj:. It reiuiiins to bo
cen whether roilresi ivill be obtained.
Tiik Ci.auiiin J t: Mont at made its appear
ance last neck considerably enlarged 111
size, and in tin entire new dre.s, heading
typo tie. The eiitcrprizo displayed by Col.
Alexander its gentlemanly editor, in thus!
incurring n heavy expent-e in improving
his paper fur the benefit of his patrons, is
commendable in tho highest degree ; nnd
should meet in the people of his county,
witli that patronage and cncotii agement it
so eminently deserves. We congratulate
the gallant Colonel upon tho line appear
anco of his j aper. nnd wish him unlimit
ed success in its publication.
We fRE by last ismie of tho ellefontc
"Whii? that its Junior editor bus been
rrnt, of May 2H, suvs
Just as we weregct-
ing our jiaper ready to press an express
arrived from Col. Steptoe, in the Simcoo
Valley, with despatches for Lieut. Col.
Cnscy nnd letters to his Excellency Gov.
McMullen, informing them of the defeat,
on the loth inst
at the first crossing of
the Snake river, about tliirtv miles nKovn
battle took place whilo the regulars were
in the act of crossing the river. Col. Step-
. . ... . ..
didate for the Legislature 60 long "us tho
treating niotleof electioneering is allowed."
The Colonel says if a candidate is elected
by treating, "his election signifies only
that he is a good drinker."' Ho says :
"Tho first twenty-five dollars I ever
made I gave to the church nnd education,
nnd if I hnd only twenty-five dollars in the
word, and the interests of the church nnd
the State of South Carolina required the
money, 1 would cheerfully give every dol
lar." lie adds:
'I must decline becoming a candidate
unless tho District is prepared to vote Jor
Dognn ns a non-treating candidate.
lms cnn ,J i"e, I shall not refuse the
UMJ of In-V Imme wI"?cinlly a 1 believo this
...... 1.1 ,1.. 1 : e ... . ,1 . ,, ....
would do good in reforming the District."
Interesting from Washington.
lAsniXiiTON, July 1. The entire Terri
tory of New Mexico has been constituted
n i.m I...., 1 ,ll..i.:.. llt1i: 1) 11 1
.... i.iit.i uiftiitt. ,1 iiiiiiiii j emain nai
lftnds will soon bo brought into market
I.o.,. Tho Land
0flkel)a1 r0(.(.ivod inronimtion Khowi.,B
the imtnenso richness of the soil in pre
cious metals, particularly tho Jcsilla Val
ley Tho 15 .'iron do Wetterslcdt, Minister
from Sweden and Norway, has presented
his credentials.
Josephs. Wilson isacting Commission
er of the Land oiticc in the absence ofMr.
Hendricks, who has gone to Indiana
Lieut; Gen. Scott has left Washington
for head quarters.
Monsieur Ilelly has arrived.
BS-At Iberville, Louisiana, nt a pub
lic sale recently, a free negro became the
purchaser of a sdgnr plantation in that
parish, at tho price of S240,0OO, making
him the owner altogether of 4,500 acres or
land and 2n0 negroes.
BTa.A gentleman at a tea party, over
hearing one lady sny to another, "I have
something for your private ear," immedi-
,aieiy exeiaunea, "i protest against that
I lor there it a law agnwst privateering.
rniMAnv unnoN.
n All mi.
We sin millii.tlrtil a unnnnti' IbM Vilim
I .1 I ........ 1.1. . te.:ll l. ...... .11.
r,. Dtp .1 n tar, , Hibj. rl .i llemncrnl It"
.. . , " . .. .
i. sr. .f Itrmly (o w 111 ht n onmllilnm Inr
llir lr((l.llMtr, H.I..I.-.I In l.'ino,mllc nil...
, illl(T nTOHM'V '
, r, t, ,,, , ,.. ,, U,r,nrJ.
Wai, , r. ..rtlr.rn.M,. U n
Micl..r l.i.lri.t Aimnifv, to Urn., rule,.
( li '
t Krr nulliorirod lo nnnrnmre Hat lmci,
Tt T, nf lrnili li Ix.riiucli tiill lie n ( iiniliiluU'
for I'iatrlct Atlnriiry, mlij.Ml lo Dvin. tiilfn.
Wre milhtriinl to tnnniitio thnt Join I,.
,of nrflcl.l l.rn.iKli, will br rnmlliliito
D'"rlCt AU"rBy'
ai,, ,,,!.!;
V'"",ri",, " -"'" J'"1' ''.'
I.I.TI.K, ni i.nwronoo inwnaniii, niii nc n en.iui-
dnts fur .Sbnrifl', aulijoot to Jlciu. ruloa, 1
We aro nullmritoil lo'iirnouncr I lint J a nr Vie.-1
IIKI.M. of lirulium Inn lifhin. will lu a CRinliiliito
j for tsbrrifT, mb:oct to Iiemuorntie riilfn.
I Vit nr millinrijcrl to tiiinonncts tlmt f!ro. Vi.
'Piini c, of Wowlwnnl tp., w ill bo a cninliila'o for
Miprilf, fulijoi't lo Ilouinrratic rule.
Wo nre imtlinriio 1 In ntinounco Hint Fio n. W.
Mii.i.kii, of Bell tp. will be n rnndiilnto for rilicritl"
mltjeet to Hoiiinenitic rule. ,
We nr Aiitliurirfd to niinounio tlmt M. H. I,r-
tu km, of Urnily lp.. will ho a cnndidnlo for Slier-,
ill, aiinjooi to 1 no i.finocruiic rule.
Wo nr nullioriied In announce tlmt Hr.u. I.
Ham.. Knrllmiia tp., will be n cnmlidnte forSher
ilTmibjeet to Domocrntic rule.
We nre nutliorited to niinounco thnt Wit. b,
Ociuks, uf Lawrence tp.. will be a eniidiilnto for
Sheriff iiil.joot to lienierrntie rule.
We nro nutlmrirt I to nnnntinco Hint .Iaiips
IIi.oom, nf I'ikc tp., will be n candidate for Slier
iff subject lo Deiuoern'ie rule.
Wo nro nullmritoil It nnnminee tlmt Kinvi nri
Pkiiks, of Morris tp., will lie a rniidi.lnte to
trhcrilT, subjoet to licmocrntic rules.
fni'HiTv i niiMiuintrii d"t ''' ,invi"i. I-'"'"'1"' I''" sul.eribfr nil
l,n 1,11 '"il!ll'.K. persons knoinK Iheuifolves inilobteil lo mid cs
Wo nre nulhori.ed lo mint. unco Hint W1t.11 am tnte, arc rdim yied to innlie pnynient iinnieilintely
Mkknki.1.. of Lnwrrnoe lp., will bo a candidate iiiki thoar having rliiims n'niiiM tho painn will
for County I'cuniiiisiioner, tubjeet to Jieiu. rules, preiumi tlu ir ni'i uiiuts duly initiieiilieiiled for sot-
Wo nro nulberi.i'd lo nnnonnce that Vini kst
It. iliil.T, of Itrndlord tp., will lie a candidate fur
County Coiuinisaionor, nubject to ilein. ruin.
We aro ntithnrixetl lo nnnniinrt tlmt IlArni
Dale, of Morris tn w ill bo a candidate for Co.
1 Commissioner, subject to Democratic rule.
aiuuo n, J.iJS,
Wo are niithoriied to announce thnt Jacob
Iloovr.a, of Lawrence township, will be n candi
date lor County Commissioner, subject to Demo
cratic ruies. June
We aro nutlmritcd to miiiouiiee that Jacob
Krsrs, of Ilrndf township, will be a candidate
for County Couiinissiont r, subject to Dem. rules
We nro authorized to announce thnt Damri,
Fatst, of Curwensville boro' will be n candidate
for Auditor, subjoet to Domocrnlio rules.
(- BAIX CHADLKS. A tew nf Fenr.r'i celo
JT brnlod lirnin Cradles for sole bv'
July S.
CAUTIOX. All persons nro hereby cautioned
against meddling with a yoke oi oxen noiy
in the insensioii of James Miles, of Hr.nly lp. as
the snid oxen belon.t to ine, and aro in his pos
session nn loan onlv.
Ju'j-8. ' ADAM MILKS.
ngainst meddling 2 horses. I litow. ii'iia
""KUJ, 1 Harro. gr.uu in tho ground, 2 Cows,
1 mnu's saddle. 1 Cook Stove bow in ilio pnsse.i
sion of Thomas Robeson, of Jnrdnn tp., ns Hit
suine belongs to tue nud are only left with lUo
isuid Robeson ou loan.
Jvst arAr'wri and Irint opeurd In the nnr linn j
of M001UJ & "
I lanr .j ii i . . , ,
IMltdE nnd well selected M,cl. of (.nod., 1
comprising a splendid assort.uentof Stripes. 1
llifhop.lawns, l'lnid Muslins, Cnmb.ics, Dolaino 1
Robes, Lawn robes, Mouriiiug nnd fancy lnwns, '
in grent ruricly. A large nsHirtiuent of Fancy I
I'riiits, Nnnkeens, Dutch and Irish Dinens. nnd:
a general nssor'nient of Dry Hoods, Hosiery, ,
Iroecries, Hardware, 1 oo.f and S , f every j
ilestri .lion. Hats and Cnna. Ilmna ,.n, k.i,,,;...,
rv .....I K ..I l H....L. ,r "
.,,..... l.l.l..,U lUUKll I-ICIJ KIUII
ai.wi, n larg
ing, nilnpli il to
(Iniss Sfvlhes,
dies, (Irnin Scoor
Hand sows, Nails,
the barrel, salt by
oiner article usually Kept In a country store.
We would rsspectfully advise nil to call and '
oxnniino Iiih slnrlt. mIi.kIi l,n. .j i
- "... xucti ruiuL-ien Willi
great euro to plense the tnstes of all. which we
will sell as cheap, or a little cheaper for CASH
tnnn nicy cnn be purchased elsewhere. Don't
mrgei lo cnn ami ex nun no our stock
X, B. Also n fine lot of (inndstones with fix.
tures lor sale cbonp for cash, by the new lirm.
Clcnilield, I'n., June 30, SSs.
ND BE fOXVEHTK t. Tho gnat rcvivnl
.' lms dono iinincnso good in nlino.-l every
Fiato, county nnd town in the 1'ninn, out.-ido of
Clearfield. Therefor,!, in consideration of the
above rumor, Frank Short has taken Hie respon
sibility upon himself to revive tho Boot A Shoe
business in Clcnrllcld, and ret n good exanip,,.
" " ti.. "mi. ne mis to announce to his
old customers, and ns many new ones ns innv fa
vor hiinwith a call.-tbnl he has on hnnd a liirgo
assortment of fin.- work und any amount or coarse
Also, dents' Gaiters uindo to ordor, and of anv
style to. ult customers. Morrocro. French calf,
nnd I'nt.nt calf pniteri conslnnllv nn hnnd
Finding for rnlo, kit excepted. All woik leav
ing liia hop warranted not to rip. Customers
coining .o town will find him nl the shop former,
ly ocou led hy It. R. Welsh, dee d as a ......1. i
clock es lahlishmenl, nearly opposite Reed nnd
Weaver's, .tors. Roll in boy. and get now soles
or your old ones repaired, ns some of them stand
in grent need of it.
t .,, ,,. . FRANK SHORT.
June SO, 1 058. 3m.
P. 8. The pailnership heretofore etiatim, b.
tween John MoCabo Georgo Newson ii this
day disssoved by mutual consent, abd the books,
accounts, and all offerm, are now in the hands
of F. 8hort for settlement. The business will bo
carried on In fa luro by F. Short, Alas, poor Y.
oEORuJi auwegN
e nnd splendid supply of cloth- those l,,i,llf clnims , ...iV.i .1... : i . - nrvl ,,. I, A l f... .i... ' . "- t
is. tirain Fork.. ,,. " " m' "l'.' "" '"".''".. w i pienso nttend nnd snve c.t,
, Rl-ikcs. Rncon nndVb,; " .1..... ,, k-, 'it . ! " '""!' " 1 lime. Tlinsene-
the sack or bushel, .-ZZ. ' 1 " ,Uu r3- '"""S cnleulato on c.i.iitig to B. e me. !
All 'i' M Nt In int. fn.illt.tinl
III . . llll Hp ( Pi K In p I r..r
, . . n V. Ih.,,n . V il mi . r
I ! 1. 1 III In I HI' In Inn. Rill
li I V .11 uil.i. 1 I 1" ' "t l" :
.,... i 'ta( mm liriOrr, mio
full fltiil llirir fli'.iil".
l:. i l... ,!i.i,f ::n. I'j
1. u mil 1, i n.
IVTIH'U f, Xnii.i. lali-nlit tiifil llmt l.'l
Irra nf A lii.iiii-ti nlii n ilnv hi rn
iriimlfl In llio 11t.1l i t .i" iio.l i ll (lit Mlnlft 1 ( 5 11 ill -
iio 'I nto, Intf f l.n loncf l... .li o il. All .or -
anna tin v ill tinv l.p'iiH .a In Iflfllinn In aniil i--t-
alo, will mil ii"ii 'a nlM mnko arlilomr M.
MATT. TA I i:.
Win. I'l. II I I I..
Jui.p r.fl, l, '' A'lin'ia.
II K tii'li i !(;imi1 rii'iu'i'tlnllv iiniii.iiii.'ca lo
llio imlilii' Hint li Ima niioiii'il 1111 rnt.ii!(
Ihiiimi III llio liiiai'inont Hi my uf Morrow' (Into
I Itiii)i1i ill a 1 llni I, w lii'i p liny do I1111111I vrr.v
luxury of llio Hoiismi, mi-li ua leo fronm, Snplinoa ,
1'li'kli'it l) Moo-, 1,1'iiinriiiilo, Aln, liijtor llocr,
Ciikt-a, Coi.f.'C liimiii ii a, J'niila, Nula, Ac, Ac.
llu Iiiiii', liy 11 mi' t nit 1 iilimi tu liia Imaiiii'ha to
infrit, nmf riioivp, n slinie of public piitrmiiicn.
Juno .",0, ItOS. 'Sin
II, II. .MOHKOW, l'rop..
110 lina rcfiMcil lb lioiiao I 11 rim ufli' tit In
oil alvlo, nnd fiirnislicd with 0Mry con-1
vvliit'Dro nr i t.-jiii v for tlio rnnil'nrt of tlioso wlio
limy fuvnr 1 . i 1 tt villi it villi.
Hit Initio w ill ninny
be nnpplic il willi tlio v ery bent tlio ni:lrU: l run Jlis 11AR will ulsu bo mipplio.l with tlio
bust iU'i!ily of li mi nr.s. AmpU Mtnblin is ut
tntrbo.l to tlio irc'.uiSL.n.
Juno :ill. H'tS.
"I ) ItAMilKS, Wines, AVbisKcy, (Jin, ,lo , of tho
; f very
belt j 11 :l 1 i t v for snlo by
'J'ilOS. ItOIilNS.
Juno Itn, 1 SOS.
Oi' LKTTKHS reiiininin.' in tlio I'nat
Onion nt ( lenrlii ld fur tlio iiiinrter endiiiz
June ,ai, ls.'ts.
Siiiniii l Shaw, Mrs. Cooper. Tsnnc Knupp, Jus.
C on, Join) It. Kimea, Win. L. liiekoy, Sinnni'l J.
liodiiie, lleury l)i or, llmirv l nilor(,'losb, Airs,
lln.'liel Ann il'tltii son, Sonea, Jn.mb II.
Stine, f'liristiiin l'ltltorfr C. I. Kobins, iniliiiu
Murphy, Key. W. J. Miirpny.
I'l'iaom cull i 11 : fur loltnrs on tlio nbove list
will K:iy llioy aro n lyertiswl.
Jiin.ixo, ('. I. M'ATSOX P.M.
iKTi nns nf A.lii.ini.-trntion on the csltitt of
j I'liiiitini) l'otlinlf, Int.- of t'lenrlii'ld borouirh
June Hi, IS.'t.
Iron Depot, Kept by Herrell & Carter.
0,i ,V-om Stmt, Ctvarjirld, Pa.
IS the place i.liere all llio 'oHuwiug nrtielel I
. cnn be hnd nt rcilured prices: I
li ir y,v,i till .,,'.- x ,. (,, wall or lnj ,cj
iiittiititij ; Cunt S'UyI tit' rnrimm xi:ft ami bent
ijHtdthj ; n liirir nxsorlmrnt of Stare, 10,10,17 '
i,',t'(7i trill 1,'c j'.umd the S'rtr World Cd; ,
Oil A Pre a, tutu, (! rent Jiemtlif, l!ur:',i Pot-
tut, iiml the Minnc."tii, ., a
lunje vnnrtihrut t;f iniir-jjiitf and J'uelor,
Store), m il Air-titlttx nf eur'tunt Pulleent. ;
. I .,!, Vi.ifj i t the lust 111,1 tilts' yw't'n,.?. '
'"' '!''i Mnniijnetiirniij a lnne at-!
foettneiit ot Ttii-tnire, Store iiie, Siret-irnn 1
t,( it'll sizes, and nil eirtieles uthe .it, din !
.,',', ,',..' Ir it i.Iuihi mi li'in d, llmxe sptoi- '
tint dime ti' ozd, e, nnd 'J in Jtvr,it,y di,i,e n it,
d,.iji,t'et,, a ltii;je ussnrfi.tent ,' oil
kinds 1 l,i,nse-.e,j.iiii utensils ct,)istui,li 0,1
.ire invited In ns they can bo neeouiinoiliiteil I
at very low tljiu re.- with imMbin in our line. j
All orders will bo Inunkfiilly received nnd
promptly ntleiitled to.
! 0. 1:. Mi:r,i!i:;.L. i
j L. 11. I'AliTKK. j
X. I'. Tiny will also rveoivo ciery vnriclv of 1
fci neies on coiuu.i.-Mi.n. nt low iiiUm. :. :
"Ho.Mi: AGAIN.
XV opening n Iwve ; i
are l.nw lee."
Pi;; i! i
."I'.t I, i !'
; lid w ell leu eini
(moils, cnli.-l.-IUig of
Dry tiiiiuis. (;i-t ( i ie. I'ariluai c, Cm ci:s
ware. I5oois and iils. S',.i:i s
Hiu. ilals iiml I Lin ne ? Sm.s
Siit.CS. au:; at lt l''i-ll.
ns i-ell ns every iiilie.i. nsuni y i .liiid in
H.e cunliy, iliuh liny nl:. r tu tin' nlmc m ns
I fair ii-rms ns can be bml in the county, (ml
. nnd sco llio new, be: liil'nl niuluseli:!.
I jane il. L.'.'iS.
l.TI I. IIS of Ailniiui.-trnlinii on the e.-l:ilo of
tii'iiri i, i::.ti,.i. i,,i.. ..( i. i. i
ing been .muted t H,0 ci.dorsi-'ned, nil prisons
indebted to Hie cstnlo nte nolitied to ( on.e for-
wnrd n :' sell le, and llinsc having cinims ncninsl
H,0 ,,,. will ,,r,-e,,t their neeon,,,. oul, nnih, .
ti 1 r lolili nirnt, J Af0ll oT
Jnu C, ls;.s. p,
KTTMI1S of nilinini-tniiiiin on ibe estate ,.f
1 Abruhiiiii High, Into of Lnwrei eo In d'e'd
bavmg been r,,,',l , ,,,;,. ;,;, ,. . , , ,, '
i t , . ,. I ' r
iiieuisencs iniienieil lo siiui
V Uk, O ialk I
' LS cX) 02 5- T Xi
I) IIEALY A CO., Mnnvlaeturei'S of lluek:
skin Gloves and Mitts, Ladies' and Gen
tlemen's Gauntlets, Sparring, Sword nnd Cricket
Gloves, Pucksin S.hi,s and Drawers, Hiding A
Shunting Leggings, Walking (iaitors, of Cloth
I lllnl Leitther. Illlekskin nn.l liwlin H.,1.1... c...
jpeinlei.., Waiit llelts, Money Dells nnd Purses" i
j Mcigh Rbis, nud ilutlalo Skins of ivory doscrip-,
N. It. r.uckfliiiis of nil colors nnd finalities,
l.nnnieled Cowhide, Importers of Chamois, Spon-'
"if''!,.. ... ,
X. ibe attention of tho iiiercbnntr of Clear-'
iinni eoiiiiiy is re-neetlu Iv ca ed lo lb.
advertise niont. P Ilealy A Co. inannfacture tho
nbove goods themselves, ami will re nin. in ...
flinugo DEER SKINS, and allow tho highest
cash price for Iho suine.
Sept. 2, 18j-.-ly.
Sendor a descriptive Circular of
The most simple, durable and efVective Mill for
grinding nil kinds of grain into fine or conrso
mem naieairo i rrice, j.,11.
Manufacturers of Agricultural Implement.
Jill!!0" W"rket 8t-. J'l'iladelphia.
jas. nTTrruffATMi
pofct Master, Merchant, and extensive dea
X lorm niuaro timber, boardt .hiiigle,, 4, .
Grnlmmlon, llrndford township. '
.'an. 2.1, 185B.
a. n siiAvy,
nf Forelen and Tin
I ETA I LEU of Foreign a ri- .
Jai, atidbe, Sbawtville, Clearfield eonnty. Pa
Jin. werilLo, August 15, 1866.
La, audi,.. Ki...:..,n.n.r.. '"'"
I ll 1 ins
I ftf filh-l l.i
, d m In I "
I 'M"l l. ,. n .
l"ll ill. 1
1 l I'nh t, 1 in
nro stcil In inn ic i.nv 1 1 ii,it,,..,l;t. i,- ...,,i (' rarlirbl riiui.ii-. I i.i.i .i. i.i. r i i
. --..j - veil iiiini'L.ii
I )l lll IHSf. Hi. ..A.,,!!,,,,
I I-., nt. i li Wii. . II In II, f. I. .(.."nil r . f ',
l I In! ..tin ll.n 1 ill l i' Hint In. It I f. fi( 4
1 1.1 V In llio nl m Miin, 1. m tain niiam.n.
tnl l.i H 1! ii tin In A m kiiMnllVn h kr't
,Mn liiii Himliint on 'I n(nliif)( H'.nf (n n mil
Intttiiiar aii'l on Irnniiitilili. Icrnia.
:x 1 oiitm
. ( li.nifi.M, ,i.iil 17. l-t't. y.
Tirnmit fil'i Balcof Undated Land
' I
4 " ' -..(,
.'nil Intra 1 , . r llif vi'iira .x.n nn. a,,
! in I i f Afi iiiMy, niai il llio K'lli ilny nf .Inna a
.T a...... ...I.. ... r'"-'i iiii-p n ,
., 1-1... i iilitl. 'l "An m l In nil. .ml nil nil ,1,...
I tinif llio 111111I0 nf ai llin litiai'iitcil Iiii.iI fr j,,
1 r," Ac, the fnllim inir tun la nf 1 .- ra I . I lamia in
I I'lcnrlii'l'l 1 til v nill bo Mix..'! lo iihI.IIo aal.
nr Mil-cry, ..r tl.e Intra iiiipniil ami ilnt ihorrnn
nl llio Court Jlnu In ll.o horniih nf Cl.nrlli
(.11 llio aucouil Momlny nl' Juno in t f
Hell Township.
A,.. .1
I ieoi'iro ( laklev,
MM liHIl) llein-V Hei'k, fiM
?. lil ill IIHHI Henry l.eck, r-.'i
A 1 M 1 X 1 ST I ! A Tl 1 1 ' S N t T 1 CK.
IKT'TKHS nf nilminlatintinn on llio ealnte tt
J Aliriilinin lli'xa, Into nl Horn tuwnaliip
ilt'cvnovil, hnvinjt; Leon irrnnled lo tlio ul.otib-r
nil portions knowiiiR tliciiiaelvcf inilobtt'il lo aaij
alnln ara rifinttoil to mill;, tiiiiaw.fliuli. ...... .
I nail lliuyc linring rlniinit or ilcninmls iiRiiiiiit ti(
j nuno will princnl tliciu lor settlement witlmiit it-
1 1 1
June 2. ms. WM. POitTKH, Adiu'r.
Tylll) I'nrlncr-liip existing betweoti (he nndef.
fiRiieil In llio priielieo of tlio law, bus tltii
day been Ibis diavolveil by iniiliinl consent.
fTmirriold, May 1st IS.'ifi. 8m.
lllnnks fossnle nt thin oll'ief.
'tl.M'HAI, )Ti:i.,ryronc,I' "
riUIK subscriber wnuld rospeesfully inform hit
I old friends in ClourReld co., nnd tlio public
Konorully, Hint ho hos I n li en tho abovo lluuae
whero ho wonld bo linppy to nccnniinodate nil who
niny favor him with their custom.
WM. 11. IIKNlilIItPON.
June 10, 1857. pd.
I. tht
I Alt li at TIT, AllorbeTs nt Law
) XJ Clenrlielil, l'a., will nllaud promptly to Col.
tAiolis, Lulu Agelicios, &c.t Ac, in Clearfield,
Centre nnd Elk counties. July 3D. y
Tm. u. v. Wilson,
nAVIXU removed his ollieo to the now dwel
ling on Second street, w ill prumptly nnawtr
fvstinnnl culls us hereiol'oic.
"f ercliant and rroilucc Dealer, Lutheri.
burs Clearfield comilv, I'n.
April 17, !Sj2.
" roanti st., in n. k. sny.'.TV new liuildin''. ., .0.,,,.-,-.
f!llK nnder-iche.l would rcapectfull inform tin
JL citizens of Cli nrlield nnd the adjoining eo'i.
Hint ho bus just stored in l'liilipsburj;, a xerj
largo ipi.iutily of grain, inelmlin
Rye, Oats, Wheat and Flour. Buckwheat
Corn and Barley.
which ho will sell in large or small lots on tfia
inost rensoual.lo terms nnd nt llio lowest prices.
The attention of those needing nnything in this
line is culled to the stork, believing it would be
lo Iheir advantage to give l,im a call. Cisuio
along then nnd be supplied by
rhilipslitirg, Mcrch ',), lS'j7.-tf.
el '' (.V, ic .V.) .lrcrat
Importer, .Matnu.-turees cvd ileners in Lor
dies, l.-i,t!t-,,i,-i, ,,.. t'lilileens'
', l... :;!;. ,t!, mi ' f
j.-! r-,:v 1 1
i'n. i i l.'i'ii.'. ,
. : rill' lit l i,:
1 1". A
tl . br-. i
II i'-Vll-.ll IV
I"' . V.I i.l I ,
11..! li ' '..
invn.-e rl
nit n iiml
everv m i
I. ,1 1 ,!!.. V
liiiMii-t. : Is
:.v in ! hind
.: h
II, ! I
1 e 11 hi n .Im iiij, li ... a,.,, .
In I Ci;-:. li.
f .y.v. I ..',-,,. . ;
II.,' I
' '' mm ''
Kit Hi nlii mi n ibe lursi-i iikmiiI hk hi ,f Ki r,
1 OLI.AIiS. Cl.OVKS. IJAI NTI.IIT -'. A... l,,r.j
Ibe direct iniporlers of nil our I'urs nii! "! nu.
iM tiireis nl iln in iin.b r onr own nipi ri.. 1,,
f. il nill.-!ieil we cm oiler b.licr ii.tln, 1. 1..
d.rl. rs liinl ihe iiiil.iic i.eneiiillv llttm .nn ml..,
h .iiiii: an iiiiint.iii, flstf,.rrin..i,i 1.. .,.i...i
from nn I nt l.i
111.11:11111. Hirers' .i U-e lV 1.11y
OS.'.' 11 full.
Sept. IG, Is;;. 4 in.
4 I.L persons in any way indebted to the firm
J ol li.wler A Ake, by judgment nolo or
' k "''I mini, will take notice ihnt I, the suWrri-
b i. l ave I een npi ointo I icrciver for said firm
by ll.o Cuurl el ('omintiii Plena ol Clearfield conn
ty. iiml tlmt I with Howler A Ake, will be nt the'
i flire ol Sniunrl Sebiiiu-. in 'ii- v.i.i.,..(
Reciiverin Iho l'lirtnersbin Kstato ef Dowler
Ake. t
Clearfield, May 21, Isig.
p. w. nruT.Yfn
j.ia i-i'.Ai.r.ii, and JI'STK'K UK
l ACi:, l.iilheisburg, Clearfield Co., Pa.
I crrl"u'1 "A Lumber Dealer, corner t
A , . "' n"'' L"CU-t streets, Clearfield.
Dec. 2it, 18S1.
rp""er,nt the old stand In Curwensville,
-L Dec 2S IK
Dec. 28, 1851.
pUYSICIAN-OlTico in Curwensville.
- Say
y :ATH)X U. i:XtH.C;U IIOTF.I.-
J. The riibscriber hnvitig token the nbove wsll
known Hand, formerly kept by ll'm. A. Mason,
in Curwensville, i'n., is ready to accommodate ll
who may Invor him witu their patronngo. Jlii
tulle will alwnva l.i. aiii.i.n,.,! -:.i. a. i i...
. ...f...vii n ibia 1 1 1 u aril in.
V "rka "fll""'l. nnd hi? Ilnr with the clioico
liquors. His stable will bo uader ihe cr of r
lentive hostler. DAVID SMITH-
Curwensville, Apill 21. 1848.
Tho property occtiplod hjr Porter i Bro. i
lirudy tp., near Ltithersburg, will be sold low (i
the owner conleinphites removing westward) tK'
pottery is in good order and has connocted wit
it about 00 acres of land, about on half in gru
the balanee in wood. There I a now Iwe-stor
dwelling and sufficient stabling and sheds on tk
plnco. Good uiatorial for the manufactar e-
i"un .w,r "na "Dundanoe of coal ore tn tb.
For term apply to
i. J. CHANS, Clearfield.
1 1867.-tt