Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 30, 1858, Image 2

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i 1
-;,,. '-. . ;
( ,tl(uil)li(;ni.
..i-l l.v
Dcmocratic Etalc Ticket.
jrixiic (f Tin: si i'immk ci-i i: i
Ol I UT...MH ..
io.' r t I. 'i ti: on.
i.1 I ' ' ' " """
Tlu liito-'t J'ii !,! 0:111 nriivalM l.iin;-' 11"
iifws ol' iinpoi tiiui'f. Tliin;:s in ponoinl
loiniiiii in sitii'i u.,. i
The 1to,...l.ii. Now York wiw wrooko-l'
on the J.lli Juno, mi I lit! .V'Ottl--li cim-t
. .
wlien one .lav out from (jlr.sjrow. 'w hieh should ho fresh in ihn minds of nil
Nothing fuiilior is known of the Atlati-.days when in union and luirniony they
tic tfloii'iiph e. edition. The allfgutioli , murehed to eerlain nnd Oasy vicloiy. I.ol
th trt tlieuiidertakinwascxpfeted toprove 110 0110 despoiiiliii)fly imagine that the
a failure is denied, und tlio entire success,' glory and prestijje of the I Vmoeratie party
of the alli.ii' pi edielod. ; hus doparated Her j.rineiples mf as im-
The Liverpool rot ton market wu.s dull ! mutahlo nnd as fiiduring as time nay, as
nnd priees lower, llrendstutl's were dull 'eternity. All then that the Democracy of
without fl.nnge. The money market was this Slate require to ensure them their
without material rhan'o since last advices, usual success, is harmony and action, with
Tlio news from Sunta. Fe nre not so fa- these niiother glorious victory in letoher
vorahle. Capt. Marey's train was caiii-ht : next is certain, without, nothiiifr hut dis
in a enow storm on the 1 "J 1 1 1 of April, ilnd astermid defeat can rensonahlyheexjiected.
six of his men frozen to death, ho had also
lost 2.r)0 mules and a lar.'o of sheep. William A. Porter.
m .1 t. r .-ii 'i'i
Tlio e.v.l war ... Mexico Ht.ll rages. I he;
a ... a - I 1 1 1 .. ..
iiinei'iciin luiniscer mis hit: aimen ninii r-
ceived his pnssi.ort.. The liheral pallv
.... . ,, i -i t '
seemH tohega.n.ngMrength, vh,lo onion-
go lind to neek reluge m Inmpieo. 1
A letter wiiter from Washington savs '
that the national eapitol instead of hcing
deserted, as i.! usual alter (he adjournment
of Congress, is still crowded with visitors!
from alKparts of the count ! V. j
Advices from Utah to the Ml. June nrc ;
., , , , ., ... I
furnished hy the mails, (.ov. C umimng j
and the l'l ireo Cominis.-iotiors were al.out
returning to Salt Lake City from Camp j
Scott. Gen. JiLiudon would proceed to
tno luoiiiiun cap,,.! nssoen as ne ....
joined hy Col. Hoflman and dipt. Marey's
commands. Provisions wero plenty at '
I ftJ ti na Im wnc'
,m.., q,.0ii
A Jv'eform Convention is now in
in llutland, Vt. Their Mi'joets of diseus-
sion tire the institutions of marriage and
slavery. Mrs. Julia Iliaiiiji introdu.'ed
, .- ... r ., ., . ., ,
a resolution setting lorth that, the degra -
dattnn of women proceeded from the n -
stHution of niarriage; nnd that hy the
marriage contract "woman loses control ofi
her n tine, personal property and labor,
affections, children and freedom." In re
gard to slavery, one J. S. Foster said that
"sooner than one slave he held in bondasre
down with the ur.ion, the constitution, re
ligion, the church nnd the bible! Let all
go to hell and damnation."
The Moses Taylor from A spin wall arrived
at New York on Satntday last. She brings
important news and $1,SO0,(H.() from Cali
fornia. There is u great excitement about the
gold recently found on F razor's river in
the Kritish possessions north of Washing-
ton Territory. That precious metal prom- General Johnson. District At'torney for
ises to bo as as ever it was in i Philadelphia, which brought him in con
Cftlifornia. The Hudson l!v ( 'otnr.uiiv tact with some of the ablest members of
claim the exclusive right to trade on Fra
zer's river, and a collision between them
and the miners is not improbable.
A detachment of V. S. troops from the
command of Col. Stcptoo, under Lieut.
Col. Casey, had an encounter with a body
of Snake Indians in Simcoe Ynllev. The
former were driven hack with the loss of
four officers und fifty privates. A general
cominfiicenient of hostilities by tho In
dians in that region is apprehended.
The statements of the Mormons leaving
Salt Lake City are fully corroborated by
tho California mails. A few still remain in '
the northern jmrt of Ctah for the purpose . day. The notable riots of that period com
of harvesting their crops. ! moneed about this time. One of the most
, i exciting occurred in Kensington. Dopart-
U he waters seem to be abating in tlio illg frfm tj10 cust0m of his 'predecessors,
west, although the amount of damages !shei iff Porter placed himself at the head
. i. ' I 1 . .1 ...1.1 I . ..!..!..
susiauiei. i.i uiiuosi mc lieu initio, a inv mil:"1
is still more melancholy, many lilo have !
, wiesconcot iiisturnance. i no newspaper :
' . , . .accounts are still fresh in our minds. At ;
I he prospect for crops in the is.e first discharge of firearms, the posse .
said to bo unusually nroniisiin:. In our i left the sheriff with but a handful ol sup-
own State however, in many places thei
weevil bus ron,oncod iu ilciavl,, . ions . i
... v. . ... .. 1 ,. ' i prominently mvicw one ot the witnesses , 101. ,l(.:i(i,. The murderer was iminediate-
Imt the extent of tho injury cannot be as-, tetifi.l that, after a long search, he found ly f(.rm, ,,y t,,os(, wl0 ,vpr attracted to
cerlained until the harvest is gathered. the sherifl in the midst of tho fight, sur-la',,. SJ f,t t ,i ),l,)rc ti,0 arrival of the of-
Ho'.t now seems to h ive taken the tuW rollntlp,d hi' S0J'C1:M. l'"''1" pl".l"? Ticers, his fellow-laborers commenced beat
Ik. .1 io,v .ecu s to have taken the pi ice S(.VOI,,ly lnnl.etl. being urged !im? llinl in .,, ,,. (lll(t, ho ooulll
of moisture, nnd the complaints oi hot ; to r; t,, ho replied, not until the riot )10t have survived for any length of time
weather are as general now as those of wet ! quelled, in the presence of the witness , lil(i j)0 not n,,.n rescued." At one moment
weather wero some weeks ago. 1 l,p was again knocked down and very much j ,ll0 ln0, rvjn(Vd disposition to hang
. .r-r .-1-af-.-T j , ! ; " 1 ' ' " . I he result was a long illness. 1im int(.llso Wfl!) . f,ym BJ,ainst,
Major Noah snid that Adam and Lve, c have Irequently hettrd Mr. Porter say, ,,inl . in ,, -, .i.ilit v, would
w hen they were married had " nothing but , that on recovering Irom his illness a new ; ,,1V(, )0cn accomplished but for the timely
love nnd Eden." These ought to have been , world seemed to open upon him, for all , interposition of the murdered girl's fathei'.
. i . opposition to his administration as sherill I 'l lm conduct of (liU u ioi. linil nmn ..ft,.,.
I'lioui'li Give us those when wo iret mar-1 tv. r .1 1 i i i.ouhiu i oi mis wick neu man, aitet
a iioiuu. ma ns i i- i- in." ,,.., m-me. 1 he frowns with which he. was i ...i :..i ..i i. j
ia.,1 a. ...!I1 lr.. 1a 1... a.,..,l...,l
The Circuit Com t for the Western Dis...
trict of Pennsylvania, win in session at
. , ,. ......
iiiiatnsport last wceK, tion. Hunt. i..., of tho Hipremo Bench of tho V. S.,
Tho thermometer Indicated fahren-
heitinthesl,,.eoI,1,,s,,uurday,inri,ila -
.lnl,,l,; '
Martin Korrv. the
rwited frcm. the Autri
l.V'?, bvCa; .fiin Ingtab.,, of the navy,
.1 .M ...K. ai.A:... . . ... i- -'...
i"i ...iw.t -.iui mu i4,i Ol ..lUltlCIllHlH, l.'n
. -
a tugar plantatron.
Mn .H I ' T " 11,1 ' "" 1 '"' 1
1)d Otlonrr I'lrrt inn (m , wo r the tin"i ' of M"ri.hlh, L' m
N r i ,M ,, ,',.i it in ih,i .i -ii. l.i.i.n,,, m,ii,.v. i-..iw. .Mifin,
M ' . I'liee, Keel, lv-,n, I nl'. ll II.
tl,.. I', in.ximy i.l tin- ..M hel-tolio wife ., ,, ,,,, , I,,,, ( 'M,.,t,,d.T. In . I
,Tlllillg lliHII-f'hl'l f.'f tin1 riillli"-!. Va-otl, 1 1 I1.1m1I. I'i I kill, UllMH.I, HII. I
Hint Miir.-i ii iii ardently ill 'in .1 no ii viiiI liim.lii .l i".ii.'llv ilitiiif-'ulliP-l nii.l
- ' il M U:UM ' ,Ul U ,V''o!! Zrt M,l
" "'.V tni.ii.t.i.n cur p.uly nrgntn-.
.i.l ion ii uii.l.iiinl.l.'. Ili 1 -rim H rut ii
t v of rrin.M Ivanm ulimilil
iai I )....! in.vl l,v nil menus. No ver w in
it I osrt .y llHUi' in-i'hlols, HUM i llrii.ll
l- '.' 1 1 ! 'Il l.'. Ml Mil' Illl'S. I " 1 11 1 t
llnit "nno fin. 'glide is worse than
. .. T....I ........ I 1...1 .. :, I. .. ..1,.
n.'iioK in tlio (nint..:ii''ii wliioli is nliiiut
OiTiiliL', w liioli it lias not ln'i'li our ini'l. 1-
limn liai'i.iil'nra 'n oiia-iiiniiaT In nliv ox-
tent. Ami never
will iloinoiiine exultation
I with its iliiiliolionl lii'iivo. rem! the nir will,
loiiilof slnxitx tlnin will tin1 monj.'1'ol fi..i.-
it ii 11, it' tlioy mioom.I in lo!'e:il inr the
ft fi'lili): 111. 11 V 1 1 a now Ininl the Iiolno-
'untie liokot. in tliiM State.
1 TI1011 lot I -oiiiooriits ocry vlioio nilly
uml nr?:inii lot tliom luny till jmst 1I1I-
Cfi'tMict's, innl lot t lii'in onnio lorwin.! 11s i
I Vmorn.ts Imvo l.oon wont toil., in . L, s
, , , , - , 1 1 r '
nun are (.'one, mu 1110 roiiioiniir.'iiiee
. . ,. , .
s,.ne ounos.ty is usually felt to know
.1 i" 1 .....!
int .. : nio insioi y .i ui. ii nun mo I'I
'1-oswl lor puhlicolliee. .lunge 1 orternient
:n eo.isideral.le portion ol his lilo in tins
(mvn 0., his appointmmt to the Supreme
UAu h. we ptihlished a short sketch of
him. which wins copied hy some of our ox-
,1'hnn- Vc ft.f'7 ni0ry ".''!
known to Ins mends here, which mav
1)rnvc ilt01.ost-n to others.
o was horn in Huntingdon county,
lVnnsylvmiia, in lt-121, and is now nl.out
years of , He is the son of the lion.
P.ivul h. Tortor, whose name has long
,.,, r.1!uililll. t(, ,. ,ipoili(.. jiis mu1(.,.
WiW the daughter of Mr. MeIerniott, who
emigrated from Scotland during the last
century, for the purpose of engaging in
,, JVing Irish on one side, and S-oKh
OI1 t, other. Judge J'orter has n good
right to the title of Scotch-Irish, so much
IllIIIIJ(lt till t- U II I'll, III 1H,II III II I I I" I
. ... . . . . .
leuiogiseit in ins me ot .nidge iiinson.
1 lis e T'lv life was passed in Huntingdon,
llmt vn have no inforniiil Ion rrsiuetini' it.
1Io (.amo to Ka.ston more than twenty
: years ago, and spent several years at the
leollege in this town. His teachers speak
of li i til as a hoy of quick and active mind;
i ' , 1 . , ,. ,
!a persevering student, and exceedingly
i trutliTul and honorahle in Lis thoughts
and feelings. Huring Ins college course,
1' maintained a position at the head of
his class, lie early showed a talent for
debate, and represented the h'ernry socie
ties of the col lego on several occasions.
Ho becamo proficient also in moral and in
tellectual philosophy. In the ancient lan
guages he was particularly distinguished,
so much fo, that on giaduating he deliver
ed an original speech in Greek and Latin.
In Mr. Porter commoncod the study
of law in tho ofiiee of Hon. J. M. Porter,
j w ho bns turned out more lawyers than
isome of our bars contain. Several vears
were here devoted to the study of the law.
During this time he became a general fa
vorite of our citizens, nnd they will vote
for him with a unanimity which few pub
lic men could command.
In 1812 he was appointed by Attorney
I that bar. We hnvealwnvs understood that
he discharged the duties of the ofliec with
ability. Tho sheriff of Philadelphia hav
ing died, a violent contest for the remainder
of bis term ensued. Unable to please either
faction, Judge Porter's father, then Gov
ernor, appointed him to the office. This
was an uncomfortable position, for the up
roar of all sides whs great. Besides the
political discontents, proceedings were
commenced to test his eligibility, on the
ground of ago. Hut the character of the
office was soon changed. Order was
brought out of confusion, and all ille
gal fees abolished. Money was prompt
ly paid over, and the business was con
ducted with an exactness and precision
which are suid to bo memorable to tnis
.1' n ....I'nnl 1, 1 1 1-. , 1 .., 1 i-...,! o , t
i "'." iiimiucii
flramst "" remonstrances procooiloil in
l'ortl l's- T1"" testimony afterwards given
,n co."rt A0."''!' l,?!'"'". ,ll,'ts
' 1. I i
formerly met were changed for congrattt-
hit ions. J hose whom Ins amiable, temper
Jm- V r
:won bv h:
... i i
:rity hail hilled to influence) were
won by his disposition to do bis duty.
Uthft oloPO of lli8 t,.1In M sheriff the
menihers of the bar without distinction thnt )0 j)ai determined to kill some one floor above came down, with a quantity of;
i of party, presented to him on address . TIl0 lnurderer was taken to the ofliec of, '"tier's fanningmills.lumber, Ac., burying
V'10". WM -Vuhhtih?1 P'M-cr nt:fr. Justice White, in this city, who com-1 1,', m,l?s of ,ho V i" the ruins. For-
;!!!rl, - r i'L
.. . e 1 .. . . , . '..
- to the faithfulness nnd purity with which1 BruAt a recent term of tl
Ivouhnvedischargedyourresponsibletrtists.'Court of tho Ihiited States, Pon
' , a. i i i . , . . Y :
to the faithfulness nnd purity with which1
r. fugee, who tas ', to the decorous manner in which tho af-jsissippi, the father of Nancy Wilson, of ' fendenoe ; Mrs. Johnson of Friendship; fJ KTfen wi,h will"" box, 2 Cows, 1 whito hoif
ri io ntithorities. in ; fairs of your oflico have been managed, Virginia-, a young lady about sixteen vears i Mrs. Colvin of Piinidiam. Pa., nre renorte.1 4 ' .7enrVin? l,'". nw in posossion of
and to the promptness and correctness
1 1. ,biob .1 U. Lnoinnc. k. I... I
".. .-.;...'... ,,.r. n.n-
ii l. i-. . f .-.i ....
ducted." fn turning to tho list of slgna-j
....,..,., ,,, ,iv..1.n the law. in
in 1. i jii, nil. I continued il ill. sue-
Vi - for hlteoii or sixteen v"ir-, n it-1 until
his I'l'l i tl t III. 'Ill In the bench. His me-.
ir-s w 1 1 1 ' 1 1 Was lllltio-l 1 1 1 1 1 ' - !
tiiiu'lit lo'Vi' been o.pi il.-.l I'i "in Lit- : i 1 1 ,
industry. iiimI legal know Io.Il-.'. !
n s'.l, tho trustees of the Into Link oftho ITlh from SI. I -oieing... I ho I . N
I io Tiilo. Miiton so Co oi mil us I ion-!
iiiiii-i l. N.ino ol Iih oi'iioiif .its, vo hi'o,
l.iin iis tlio solicitor of tlio liiink. 1
'',: ,..,., .a II,, ,.,,mw,.l (,f tlio
tin. !.... ulm kit. Ini-lil,. to tin I'oiTilor
inuna.'ois i f (lie l.iuik, :in. wore f iiL'ii"e.l
ill Mills nimnist ninny ol them. Ihis itji-
I'oinlniont, w hich l.lTUht lnlil ill eotita.'t h
vvilli lnf vers in iiriii'K' ovrrv 001 n 1 1 v in ttii.
I'nilo.l Slates ami niany of the eitios ofj (i.n. Sa.ilalin liadpi', 'Ti Cuiulnojli.i'o Me-Kiii-ope
; I 1 1 a 1 to his praetioe. Sovoral him-1 Intosh the Mioniro' t asMiialieos ol the .ro
ilroil tlioiisaml ilollais wore thus eolloeted, I teetion of Atuoriean eilizeus, mid ilo.-ired
tiiiil in the end the notes mid deposits ofi him to express to his ( ioverninent, hit
the Tank wore inn. I in full, Minennil mul
intovo.-t, (11 n-siilt lit lir-t Imlly linoxiio
toil.) uml tin lonimn.loi' of tin? nssots woro
I i-'i ai-u-i.r U,. . L, iim. n t s
111 I'"', i. Ill II III. ('1 1 IIII'l'.'.
I phia, had Leon jtreatly rediicod.iind 11 viiror
otis ellort to overthi'iAv I he dominant party
ha.l heon iletei ininoil 011, .Vlr. l oi ter was
M'lootod us the I lemocratio candidate for
( 'ily Solicitor, and the ticket, was elected
l.y a liirj'e inajori'y. His skilful, enei'ire'.
ie, and independent course in (hat olliee,
is well known. His letter to Councils,
composed of 11 majority of his own party,
in which he refused to interfere, at their
request, iii 11 cane pendinj; in court, inw
generally read and applauded hy men of
all pHities.
"Alien Judge Knox resigned from the
liench of the Supreme Court, (invornor
1'aoker, in acco'd.ince with the wishes
of the party throughout the Stale, appoint
ed Mr. roller to his piosont, position; and
the convention which ns.seinl.loil at Ilarris-
1 1. . . r. 11. . i" M 1. I .. . 1: 1
oiirii . ni 1 110 11 .mi 11 i in ai 011 nisi , 01 'ii n 1 mo. 1
t, gl.,,.,(ion ,,y ,m ,llln(,,t llnal,ill!(,Us
Such has heon his political m.d profes
sional course. His lite has not, however,
been wholly devoted to profcFsioiiiil occu
pations. At college ho oxhihitod much
literary taste. His address l.elore our lit
erary societies, in l."-l.'!, were highly in
structive. We l'lTneniliei' also his deliver
ing an address hefore the Law Academy
of I'hiladolphia, of which he was one of
the ri'evoMs, hut the Mil.j.'.'t has escaped
us. His most Mioeessful pill 'licat ion is his
work on the character of Judge (iih-on,
who il seems from the preface, showed him I
much kindness in early life. This work
was extensively noticed hy the reviews,
throughout the eoinitrv. and had a rapid'
sale. ' j
He has heon engaged in other hil.ors I
somewhat peculiar for a lawyer. He was1
several veins one of the manager.- of thej
,n. .i'i... i n S"i i li , I .i -st,.l . . .1 l'niAM "iii.l M '
ineinlier of the coi'imil tee of pul.Iicalion,
In this capacity he seloeted, supervised,
or assisted in the puMioation of some of
the important treatises published by that
institution, which nave exorieit so much ;
influence on the minds ol tlie yun: .
throughout the eountrv.
In private life the character of Judge
Porter is without a blot. In his deport
ment and disposition he is frank and cor
dial. In private charity he is liberal to a
limit. As mi advocate he was exceedingly
clear and forcible. The books tire fuli of
his arguments. Of his fidelity to clients,
the citizens of this county, of whose busi
ness in Philadelphia he had the almost ex
elusive charge, require nothing to be said:
and besides a safe adviser, they have al
ways found him a courteous and hospita
ble gentleman. As a judge we ure told lie
leans much toward the common law, and
that his views are very conservative. In
religion he is a Presbyterian. In politics
he was, when he was here, nnd always lias
been a Democrat. As a judge, he may,
and probably does, suppose it improper to
take any rait in the political questions
now under discu3ion, but those who knew
him best are sure that he will be found af
all times on the side of the right. Eiloti
Horrible Murder in Washington City.
The vicinity of Georgetown was thrown
into considerable excitement yesterday
morning, by the brutal murder of a pret
ty, interesting young lady named Mary
Shehoy, by William Nugent, an Irish Li
borer en tlm Washington aqueduct. It is
reported that Nugent became enamored of
the young girl, and because she refused to
marry him, took her 1'u'e in a fit of jealousy
w liilst under the iiiliuei;ce of liquor. 1 1 is
conduct previous to the commission of the
deed was certainly very singular. He was
frequently heard to mutter incoherently
to himself, and behaved himself in so ex
traordinary a manner, t hat he was on Tues
day last taken to Georgetow n and placed
in confinement, from which be was releas
ed ns soon as he evinced signs of returning
Shortly after his release he returned to
work, and was heard to complain of the
1 .. ..
sevctit v o tho
tasks imposed noon him.
Tu,.,,iay night he went quietly to bed
,lt a.oso,.(.n ur and five o'clock,
,m1 mIllH(( ,vitl n ,i1.ll.,,(-.ned cose knife,
OMto,,,. tll0 n , , t t m.-i. t of the de. easedand
i.r throat. She live. 1 but ton minutes
land when her faihor reached her side was
just able to inform him of the manner of
Lxoito thedeenest iiulignntion and distrust
I " VmV" " " " "l j . "S . lull lia I
je ftl,p0ared to be nerfeetlv unconcerned I
aUi HtP a , ;r j10 Kl(i nfit ))COn rriltv
i of the most, inhuman act a man can liovins. '
.... . . ...
I 1 1 i i ... "i .' . J
. i
Bt-At a recent term of tho Federal ,
old, obtained a judgement of i?,ii.000 dam-
. .!.. r .w -!i ..r m: .. . .
pi, who was, and is n nwrrlod man, for de-
iaa;c9 nuiaiiisi, lauecil, taaisoll, Ul aallS.S.Ssl It-
. . . ..
' 11 '
i o Inj. d uightd n.Am limn homo nnd
...,i-in I,,,, n t. ;ii tin. the ,hd, mb
Mill l!i t i(lir'l I -t Jiih Mli1t. til"!
nothing cm ho nit l him. nlthou..i
III till' lillH' III" Committed tin- deed In'
win a wealthy niiin.
Two Week." Later ffom California.
Nn York, .limn SIT.-Tli.. M.mnshi
Mi Tnylor, from A
linwnll, will. II..'
I nhlm nm limits ol tin
: 1 1 in-l.. Iini nr-
Nhr hriii'.-s one million oiidil hiin-
ilrcl tl.oiMili'l ..III Mil goin.
'Hi,''' . 'I'm ho- . II :it A j ii.w .iJt ll.o
I'. f si. inner 'ohi.ndo. u hi.-li m riv. d i n
' ntm-nt-wiir .liiim- loivii, iroin i.nuii,
imiolioii liio
lIllV, l.llil 'I'.il. il I.T' 1 lll-
Tin ColoiM.l.i l lolU'lit ilili Hie. Tie.' llmt
Pi'esi.lelit liar., of tin' I .mini. 11 II Keliill'-
lie, lia.t rni.itulaleil 1 .Nin'aiin. was
tn lonvi' rnu iHHiiins'i mi me I 1 11 i"i ' "ajWi nr.-nutlioriiil t nmnn'O that mmiii.
aeoa. lost ol Jus ailli.Tviitw 1. T t I no ua (
1 l..v Inns 1
wish to maintain the 1.10-t iiniieniiie n Ti
tions. II, is saw I that thc( omni'Miore suc
ceeded in ol.lainin.' from l'n sidotit Haez
all the doounionis for which he had l.oen
The Colorado was to sail on the 21st in
tanl for Havana.
The Cnited Stales t-1 earner Saranai' and
the Yandalia wore lying at I'aiiaina. Tin'
Hccntur sailed on the l.'.lh and the Moi ri
inae on tin' I'.'t ll install! .
The excitement in Caliiornia relative t
' I
t-io I'l'ii'ier Hivcr gol.l mines coiitiim.--. Wo nio miiliori.'.! to iinn.mii.'o that Hkv.i. I'.
Three thousand persons have already loft iAI,, KrtlnoiM tp.. will l n ooiulidate f.-r
San Francisco for that region. ! iir fuil.jtvt t' PiMiioiTaiii' rulo.
The California mines are all yielding j
largely, ami the accounts iron, every sec
tion are highly lavorahlo.
The agricultural prospects were never
lii'ighter. A fuM harvest is confidently an-
t icipateil.
The fire at Nevada, on tin
Id Mav, de
stroyed nearly all the biisiin-s portion of
the 'city. Loss. !?l.",(l,tllHI.
The 'town of San Andreas'. Caluver;
county, was entirely destroyed by fire on
the 'Jd of June.
Ten buildin:.M were burned nl San Fran-oi-co,
May ols't. Lo.-s, ii,liiili.
The Cnited Stales surveying si. auier
Shubriek, from rhiladolihia via i'anamit,
arrived at San Francisco, .May 1.7th.
The ( 'alil'ornia paj.ei'-' contain nun e than
the usual iniiouiit of murders, ns-a:-sina-tions,
casualities, At.
It Si. i Ms that Mr. II. W. lb ;1 o'.t'. last
wife was in Indiana, preparing to obtain a
divorce from him under t ho ii-.-o-and cay
laws of that aooohinioilating Slate, when
ho killed hitu-elf l.ocau-e of her. 'I'he
State Journal I I ndi.n.ap..!:--! of tho -:7th
says :
"We do not know what b
edge of Mi'-. 11, ..!.,( '.s a, I :
upon the mi I fate nf In r l.u
allV, it ought b b.' a ti lie b;
ght a km. wi
ll mav tin. u
b..nd : 1 ot. if
l.t, nlnl liu' a
nioie go-.-iping glimmer, .'it the time oi
the suicide, she was living in t hi- oi'v.
having taken rooms in tin1 I'ulinor ll..uo,
nnd had inade some preliminary aratige
nemts for e.-labli' hing herself hoi e j.e: nia-
nontlv uur law lequirin
a "roMileno"
n for its relief.
us a condition of applieati
She had boon hero a week or two at the
time of the suicide, and had, by her solici
tor (J. W. Gordon) filed a etition for a
divorce immediately after reaching hero.
The notice required by the law was pub
lished in the Journal of the Till inst., and
news of the suicide reached here before
the term of publication had expired. All
the nouossary steps to secure a divorce
had been taken. It win the knowledge
of this fact that probably determined the
fatal resolution of tlio suicide. Her com
plaint, we believe, set forth ill usage and
actual violence as the chief cause of divorce.
She probably had nn particular reason to
lament the death of her husband, but a
very general fooling is expressed hero that
a becoming sense of her situation should
have restrained some of her public demon
strations of inditl'erenoo. The day the
news reached hero, or the day after, her
presence on the streets was frequent
enough to excite remark, and at night she
accomtianieil a gentleman to mo i nut n i-
lows' festival, and liiiiainod n considera
ble time. Thole was nothing improper
in it, to be sure: but it did not evince ex
actly the degree of delicacy that one likes
lo associate wit !i the idea of a "beautiful,
young and fascinating . man.''
Another Fatal Railroad EiiJc Acci
dent More Cross Iiclitftiice.
Kteii Moxn, Ind., .1 tin
-A torioll'- .IO-
cident occurred hereon the bal'.'i. Il ini
and Kiehinoiid 1! nilrond, Stimhiy lnni iiiiig.
whieh is attributed to gross nogligeiioe on
the part of the proper authorities, who
had boon repeatedly warned of the unsafe
condition of the bridge. Il appears that
a construction train was pas'sin;' toward
Cincinnati, when, at Comer's l'l-aneli. the
trestle work of a bridge gave way, by
whieh the entire- train including the loco
motive, .vas precipitated into the sir. .mi
and down the embankment.
Mr. James L. Harris, of l,'iolriviid. a
well known citizen, was instantly killed,
and Patrick Glenn, road master, was se
verely injured, while several others had
limbs broken.
The scene presented at the time of the
accident was dreadful, and it is almost a
miracle how any escaped alive. It is gen-
orollv n ml. .rstnoil hero that, the inoin ob-
ii,,fil, ii..,;,. .... i in- in.w.l.i.,
, . . , ,. !, , ,'
(itl.av.iigju.stcome from the shop,) and;
to lake some of them on a hunting and
lishiiu: excursion. i
The master machinist of Iho road was
running the machine at the time,
loss is estimated at about I 'i.OOO.
lUxnxU'r at a Mn-'niiii: ('t-lel.ral'wn
Fm-t;i or Fify H'wooi'..
Wr.i.t.svu.i.F, N. Y. June 2.1.
The Masons celebrated St. John's Dnv,
vesterdav, and after nn oration adjourned
to a large hall for dinner. About seven
hundred persons had entered the room.'gle trees, I imrlor Stove, 2 Tables, 1 Cupboard, ;
when about half of the floor gave way, pro-j
cipitatillg about three bun li ed to (1,0
a i
floor lenent 1. At t ie nmn iistnnt ll,,.
, ... ...... ,...'..,v i "in ,
tv serious v. Mr. and Mr... Metenlf. of
dangerously injured. At noon to-dav, all
Li. , . ,!,' w"
wero alive, and most of them 1
omfot table
llllt 111 UrtH '
rlUMAIlY tt l X'TION
NOTH'l (4 t M'll-A1lA
1 1 t t'iAinn,
t nt mitlii.tln"! to nrninim.' tlmt Whi.m
V. .t,nii..i, ift nl-n ..iMi-l.l., will l.i riii.H
ilnlel'..f the lPKl'I'iliir.'. mil.j. i't to l-oni.'i riil I.'
Wo Hie Ntt.nrir.'.l t'i niiimmir. !r. T. .t.
Ii. ...... ..I I1, a, I. 1,,1.1,-lin . mil lie ii ill' I'T
lln' I.i'i.i-'nturi'. Mil'.j.'.'l I" Ii. tii'.rnili.' nil.".
ii.t ui( f nonr.i .
W,. nrf iililln.ri.'i"! t'. n HI i' Hint IS f III
V I I A. r, nl ( Inn li.'l.l Hini'iii:
.till.' fur ii?lii. t Alluiiii'', Mil''
will I'I' nm . I.-
I to lll'lll. I lilt M.
W'o nr.' iiiillimizi'.l li Hiiinin ' tin.' Isiui-l., i.l rlimli.l.l liiiri.ii.'li will '"' f 11 11 " I i !. to liirlrii't Ati.'iii.'y, mtjcft l" I'i''".
Ml '..
c' of l.nKnii. o t..w iifiii. win i.f 11 i-n.i.u-
,f I.nwr.iii o, will -'
n c-nnili
iluti' f'T
slu'iiir, fail.j.'.'t to D.'Ui. riilLS,
Wo nrr iiiilli.iri.. .l to'iii.iii.iiiiro llmt Jacob V'lt.-
nia.M, of (iniliiim ti.HTo-lii)., "ill l.c ii riniiliiliit"
fur Slier ill', ti.lia'it to Di'inoiTiitio rules. i
. nrft nutlmiizoil to niinniinrp Unit tiro. W. 1
.... , 1 ... Ill I... .. .,,l;,li,'n for
Ml"!-'!'. "I wi".nwni.i i. , -. -
Hlii rilf, Mil'ji'ii lu 1-i'iaoi rntic rulr. (
Wi; nri- iiiitlii.riri. 1 t.i iininiali.'i' llmt Fiirn. W .
Mil l i u, of Hi ll t).. will l.o a fiimliiliitiMor Klinill
i e-1 to li.'ini.i'riilii' rule. (
Wo r iiilli.)i'i.'.l to niiiiotimclliiit M. II. T.r
tiirii. of lp.. will lio ii cniuli.latn for Siior
ill, f ul ") oc t In tin.. Iipinncrntic nil.'.
Wo nrc iiiillioriieil lo nniiniinro tlial Wm. b.
OiUiKN, of l.nwri'ii.'C tp.. will In a ciui'liil.iti. fur
SliorilV iiil.joot to Pdinti'riilii' rulo.
We tiro iiiitlinri.o.l to nniiniinoo llmt .Iahrs
IIi.iiom, nf l'iKo iii., will Ix ti runilitUto for Shcr-
j ill' suljci t to Doiiiooru' ii' rule
cCNri )iiissiof'ii.
We mo iiiillii.ri.i'.l to HiinoiiiM-o that Wii.iiam
.Miaiuia I., of l.uwri'iii'o tp., will lio a riiiiiliiliit.' j
f.r Coiniiy 'oiiiiiisii..nt'i', tulijoct to linn. ruli-... '
j Wo are iiulhi'i'iz.'d to nnniniiioo that Vixckxt
i II. llni.T, of lir.'i'll'oril lp., will ho a euiuliiliito for
Cmmty loi!i!i.i-ii'i.rr, sulyeot to Deal. rulo. .
Wo nr.' Mii'.lioi'i. il to iinn.'Uiiee that Davui
liAi.K. of .Vorris t;i., w ill l.o a i for Co.
('oiniiiissioin'r, nihj. ot to Il. in'i.'r.i!ii rule.
June 1 .-..,
Wo ere .'nilli.ii'i. ed to biiiioiiih'S that Jac n;
lio.'V i:n. of l av. itii.'c low n.-hii, w ill l.o a fundi-
.ha.' f.r county roimni.-iianT, suhie.-t to Homo-
iTiitie no.'.-'. ' Juno H.
I We
iiuthoriT.'d to iinnouiico llmt .Tcnn
Kimi. nl' Urn. It township, will 1 e a oainliditti
Inr County I '..a.iiii.-.-ionor, pulyei I lo Jleni. ruh
.oV'.'' tlnil , 01 (Ji'lo'' f t7"' lit' il' t:''ll
I. .Vnoi'H' i;tavua;.i;
A :
L.tUliK nnd woil seloeted Hod. of tionds.
ciprisini; a splendid assortment of Si ripen.
Li-hop-lawn". I'll. i.l Muslins, Cninbriea, llelaino
Holies, Limn Mourning nnd fancy lawns,
in great variety. A Inrge lomrliiient of Fancy
l'lintf, Nankeens, Dutch nnd lri.-h Ilinetn". and
a general nssor'niei.l of Dry (ioods, Hosiery,
tiroeerie?, Hardware, liootf nnd Shoos of every
doMriptiori. Hats and Caps, 1'rugs nnd rtali'..u
nrv. nnd Sell. ml II. inks i,f every kind.
AI,st). a lari;o and splendid supply of eloth
injr, adapted to I lie climate, llooki1, Harvest Cans,
lirass Scythes,'fl l olilnaled tirain Cra
dles, (train Se .opi, tirain Fork, Cross-cut and
Hand yaws, Nails, Spikes, Ilaeon and Flour by
the barrel, sa't hy tho fjai k or bushel, nnd every
oilier nrtielo usually kept in a country store.
We would rfspretfnlly advise all to call mid
esaiuine his stoi k. whieh lias been seloeted with
(Treat euro to ph a .o the tastes of all. wli'n'h wo
will sell ih eln'iip, or a little cheaper for CASH
than they ean bo puroha.-ed elsewhere. Don't
forget to eall and examine our stock
Jllilllti: Si KTZWIl.l.K.
X, It. Also n fine lot of llrindstones with fix
tures for sale cheap for cash, by the now firm.
Clearfield. Ta., Ji.iic Jit', IsiiS.
Read! Read?
The (rent revival
l as done iminon-e '-.iod in aim. st everv
Stile, entity and t-nvn in tlio t'nion. outside ol
Cli-aifi.-M. TlH-refori'. in e-T.-i-levation ol" the
above rumor, Frank Short hn taken the respon
sibility upon himself to revive iho Hoot A Shoo
lusiness in Clearfield, and set a good example
to his fellow men. lie has to announce to hi;
.!.! ens', -iners, and as many new ones as ni.t fa -
v,,r l.iinivilii ii eall. that be has on ban I ii lar -,i
.. . , , t ,,!' fin . ,,rk a ml an V mil nil M t nl' en.i I'-i.
Also, dents' (laiters made to order, and of any
style to . nit eus-toniers. Morrocco. French .-all',
and Tat lit en!f gait. rs eorislantly mi hand.
Finding f'T Mile kit excepted. AH work leav
ing bis . hop warranted not to tip. Cust-iiuers
coining .o li.wn will tied him at Iho shop IVnner
ly eci-u ied by I!. 1!. Wel-h, ! as :i watih A
eluel. cs fablislimeul. nearly opposite lied mi l
Weaver's". tnro. Hull in hoys und gt new solos
or your old onos repaired, as snine of tlu in stand
in great need ol it.
Juno 'if. I'.i.'iS, "in.
V. S. Tl.o partnership herotofnro existing 1
tweon John .Mcl'aho A lieorgo Xows.m in i U i s
day dis-sovod by iniitiial consent, and llie hooks,
nooounls, and nil etl'eets, nre now in the liands
of'. Short for settlement. Tho business will bo
onrried on ill fu'urc by F. Short. Alar, poor Yo.
tiKOirni; nkwsox,
I t Lb persons having iioenunts ngaiit ti
on. J.
t. Kvler, or iiorsons knowing theuselves in-
,,,.,,,, ,,,, 'rc, h,r,hv nnt-,,i to ,nlllo f,.r-
ril , settle the same with tho undersigned
eoiumitloe in. pointed bv tho court.
June ..(I, 1S5S. 31.
LL persons nre hereby enutioncl against
purchasing or in nny wise meddling with
(ho following property, now in possession of .Inn
Millei an I Mary Ann Miller, ol Hoggs tp., vi.
I pair S. roads, 1 Log Chain. 1 Hough, 4 Ilutt
,.,' k;,.i,. o'i,.i. . i i, ' ' n w i
M, 1 it..VH,..P i i un...t. i t.:...-
! s Hod's and bedding. 1 pair double trees and sin- i
1 I("' 1 h'ne Mare, 1 Wagon and 2 Hrindlo
! w. tho santo boloug to us nnd nre left with
i "u'jeei io our uiuei.
jne 21, ' ' '
. ngiiinsi. luireunsiug or irauing tor a w into
Stallion. 1 Iron timv li.r. i .mi iii,u n.F.
i-liUTn"uU. ''" R! belong to
, nn(l n Possession on loan only.
June SO, 1S.'8 rd.
t U 1 I""' Alt .. 'I." r. i ' In i. I t 'iilr,i,,al
a.i.lii-l I"' 'I'I Hi. i ii-. '" f-ll"HHif ". r
I,, ii.. In ...'.'-i.'H i't ltllm Wll...4
( '!l'"l 1. ,. I" "il'' ."l "'"I l'.'1"f.f t" . ftdaj
Kilt Ml lili "-I'I llf"" I'.l'.'t t" tuy iT.)...
r,,. oil" "f l.i". "ii" li.'inr. il
rif (,n, ilnri.".
f.'l Mtl,t,V.H.
, f J11I1P ril, 1 1 .'..
XtOIK I' N.ili'-i If lii'ri'l'jr (tiipn llmMfl-
l trr, i.f A.t.nli'iMrnl..n I...J. .1,1- .! W
uiiinl"'! I
tlio iui.l'riiit.i"l . II." f'liitK of Fmni
Tut... Int.' "I '.l.i.Hi'. ni'i' il' . l,,r . All (or'-
luiviiur iinv l.niii. -" In I''ii In mill rU
n ii;in hiiiKi' .'iiii'nn'in.
MA 'IT. I A IT!,
Win. I'll 111.1,1,.
.) !- ..11, If.'i1 AiIiii'h.
riMK iiii.U'ii.i(.'ii.'.l ro (fully iiiiii.niiioin td
1 tlio I'lil. Hi' llmt )' liu" "Ik'uvmI Hit ruling
lii.aihC in tlio l.ii!i'iiii nt uti.rv .if M.irr'i (luia
ll.'inpliill'...) Hot, I, wlmre nmy lie limn. I every
livnrv f n,0 ?,iisin, sucli l.o rt'iim, Munlintui,
i,.k tual tlyslcrj, l.i''. Ui', l.uur IJCur,
t'nk. H. Oonfoc tiiiiniriiM, Kniit, Nul, Ao., 4c-
Jt Imiicii liy 11 Mrict nil .'11I1..11 ti Inn lnn1.1t.111 t
ir.Til nni rivi'ivc, 11 sliiirc of .ulillo iHlroniiire.
A. I'. TI.ANXItjiA.N.
Juik. 1(0, IS.'.S. .tin
II, 11. MiTKItoW, Prop..
110 lias ro-littoil ill.' Iiiiiimi tlirnugli' lit in
Cuoil slvli , mul lurnii-lii'ii w ild ovory eon-
vi'iiii'iiio iioi'onsiiry lor I lie c. nil. ill ot llinsn who
inny favor liiui w illi a call. Hi" (alilc nilliilwayj
I..- 'yiipplii'il w illi tin' vor.v Im'sI lln iiiirlt-l can
nllii.l. His II A K will ii I s.i Li' snppli'iil willi tlm
i.o.-t quality of !i.ii"rs. Aiu.'.. st tilling ia l
ta.'li.'il In tlm liroii.ifii;s.
Jinio 311. IS.'iM.
II AX 1)1 KS, Win.'s, Wliislo v, (Jin, ie., of tan
y luvt iniiiliiy lor sal" l.y
Iiiiio Hi), I SOS.
T 1
1ST 01- LKTTDltS roinainin
the lmt
J (Hiiro lit I'ltarlii'M
Juno ;i0, ls;iS.
for tlio .iiurti'r ending
Sannu'l Slinw. Mm. Coupor, Iano Knupp. Jan.
(' na, John It. Kiln.'.', Win. I., liii koy, Samuel
lio.liiii', ll.'ur.T Hi it, lloar.v t'iiilori;lo.'.h, ilrn.
Uiii'hi'l Ana Johnson. liini..l Smios, Jneoli 1.
Slino, 'li ii s t in ii l'.itl.ti-ir C. 1. Iloliin-., H'illiuu
Mu. pliy, Ki'v. Vi'. J. Murpny.
1'oi'soiu calling fir lo; I'T on tlio uhove lint
will say tin v are aJwi'ti-ml.
Juno 3.1, " l'. 1). WATSON 1'. M.
r i:tti:i:s ..f
I A I'hri.-tni'.i 1'.
Ailiniai.-ti'iilioii on the vstute of
rlf, hit of Clearfield I. . .rough
,. , i,,,,,., .,. nntcl to the alt
persons kino. in" tin uiM-Ives inilohlod to paid en-
i a,., mt r.'ii. -U"! lo nciko payment iliiinuiliutolv
nm t;H,-.. ImviiiLT c iiiinis tho nuuo will
1 , ,.,..,;.,,( iU'ir iicoiuit:- duly uuthelitieuled fur rntt-
j lU'i.nut.
June 1 il, 1 S.i
1 " , r . ' c n "2I""
jlron Eepot, Kept by ii.erred & Larter.
I I)., ,S ,.,,.,, ,s'.,., , rmrfir'i!,
I T'S i'u. i.l n o Jn-r,. :,':! the 'ollowin;' nrtlclol
euti ho had at rodin "d pili ou :
' Jin- 1,
1 1 i
; (':
: '',
a ri I.i'
I 1 1,,'
'.'.'in : h i
hi,. .lo
'. ii ll.,- nntiU er li lie
ijn, i1.',
li nil''
liu.': i
ml. m
I. ,'.,.
A'.'.. .-,..
,V, ., (' nn e Imt
us. .,.'., nl uf aS7l', UMHg
h.i.,,.1 tin: Sin- Wirfld Civ'k
t :.y.,l :'.',,.,, Ituck' Pat-
i rt' il Jiiniiivi'ti. .1), a
i.i if i .mi -jJuf, i in d Purlr
-'ill's i'i io)'o..1 Ittll I'll.
. I ' ',
l inn s i,i' il , he.'t i hi iiili:l jmtlcrtii.
, ,, it !. .1 tit' I'licliniuif a Imijt it
nl i.f '1 ih-ii,n .Vvi'i '(. c, iS A rrt-irm
if nil ..'.-.. ('' ill' i ' i'i i .'I t'X nl'trf I. mil in
ml. tjHiH'
tin i tlniir Iii "nil ',: t. f 1 1 Tlti lliiifina ilfDtr witk
il, .-i:,it. i. .l '.so. a iii'iii) uSxnrtMfnl ' till
i h'mih i.f lii-mii'-ki t pin;! ulnisii'x mmfaNlli o
are invit.'d to eall, an they fun In nreommoiltitMl
at very low fiiru res willi niivtbiiii; in onr line.
i All orders will be UixiiklullT mecived anl
pioinplly attended to.
1 O. T,. MKHUKL.
L. It. v'AKTKR.
' N. 15. They will also ru. ' " i very inriotyof
Titii'les on eominission, nl low rate. M. & v.
1) i:i;il WEAVi'.It m
V openini; a luige and
are now reeeivinj; nnil
well neleetod frWK'k ef
tioo'ls, eon-i.-ling of
Dry tJonils, JniciT'ics, Ilaidw are, )Lue cn-
wnrc. Un its, and Shoes, Oils. Paints it
Drills, Hals and Itniiiit'K, Nails at
Spikes, salt anil Kish,
as well a? every other article ufitnlly required" i
(he ictinii y, w hich they offer to the puhlie en m
fair terms as ean be had in the ruuitv. till
and see the new, beautiful uiidusefiil.
juno '.I, Is.'.s.
. i nu.XiSTi;. i -lull's .vt . ru i:.
7 I'.n t.KS of Adiiiinislraiioii on the estate of
k (ieorjc lliiiter, late -.! i ia l I .. dee'd. Imr
ing been grained to the iiiiiliTsi.-ncd, all porsam
Hi. I. 1.1 cd p. the esluie
w ard ux, sell lo, and lb
ll,-' .-am,' n iii pres. Mil ;i
Iii HI...I I'.f 1 1 1 -. 1 1 . -iii.
aio notified tu eoino for-
having claims ngninK
.-.-eounis ntilv aiiiliu
.1 A CO 15 '"r.
.1 line I i. I ...
.V'.-'. '.
V'iTI"i'. "(';r,iti'n on tlio rntjit of
limn li-tc oi' jinr'iice doe'd-
h:u lit;' Ift n jii; tt tht niiilcriiu'tl, till cr
sol.- Liio. iii;c i iion;.-rl cs ii..hl,-i-tl to .ni.l eUilt
nio ii"Ufe: I lo iiiiiiu- itiivtiHMil iniint'tliiitcly ao-thoM-
l:;ivinji; clitiiiM :iiuu M tilt' ,!iinc will pre-
-CUl ti."!;l 'illlv Uilllli.';ltcl for Hi'tlU-tMf'llU
-i i j i I'attkkson,
.hiia-5 ii., A'lm'rs.
LRiJ -0 U-l LL'ZJ&Zl'
NO. .ill W A I.N IT ST UF FT.
I 11 DALY A CO., Ma
skin (iloves and Mil
invfaolurors uf llurk
itts, Ladies nnd Hen
Hemon's llniintlets, Sparring, Sword and Crirkf'l
iloves, liin-ks.iii Shirts and Drawers, Hiding
Slnioling Loggings, Walking (iaitnrs, of Cloth
and l.calhcr, liiiekskin nnd India Huhuer sus-i
piTi.lors, Waist Holts, Money Holts and Purse',
Sleigh Itobcs, and llufl'iilu Skins of every doscrif
N. It. Ituck sk in si of all eolors nnd qualities
Knani.'lod Cowhide, Importers of Chamois, Spon
ges, Ae.
TsC 'Tho nltontion nf tho men hnntr of Cler-
field eounty is rcspeelfully failed to tho abovH
n.lverliseinent. 1". llonly A Cn. innnafaeture WI
ni.ove goods tbeniselves, and will reeeive in ei
change SKINS, nnd nllow the highn
cash price lor tho same.
Sept. 2, lSja.-ly.
Si h.liir u ti's-rrlilivc Cirrulttr of
( TI
io most simple, durnblo and effective Mill '"j
i pending all kinds of grain into Cqo or Cowl
meal ns desire! l'riee, t?.Sil
j Mniiufaeturers of Agrieultural ImpleDietih
j No. 1140, Market Ft., Philadelphia.
1)imt Master, Mcrrhant, and extensive i''
lor in Bqiiare timbor, beards shingles, --i
lirahainton, Hrndford township.
Jan. 2:1, ISifl. .
1 y ETAILF.Hnf Foreign and Domestifl Merfb-
.1 V amino, Shnwsvillo, Clearfield county, ra.
buawsvillo, August 15, 18.'..'..