s u jTij i V I"'- I II 13' M Wl II II WIS m Pi II VI llv M X II II tl II 11 11 M Ml - t s f 1 w y . ii a b' H ''it n jinn h n h . v j. ir. LAimr.7v.ii. It. FEN r WAHD. Jr., VOL Villi. NO JG. 2 if.- fi: Publishers. "i:'rj.l.'dui 'ii'iiM. '( fcl 25 per Annum. CLKAIU'IKLI), WKI)NKs).Y JUNK (). V I.' Ik fpiililicui. Tri ms of Siibsri'lpi Ion. If pni.l in l'.r.n,-,-, or within three month 'f paid any limp wiiuiu tl,p ycnr, . . f paid alter tho expiration of tin- year, i 2.1 1 .Ml 2 (10 Term of Advert Kin;;. AJvcrtixoniKtitii are inserted in tho lii-iiublioau at the following nitcs : 1 Inner-linn. 2 .In. 3 ,1,,. One iqunro, (14 lines,) $ .'hi $ j mJ Two iiinn, (28 linos,) 1 in) j-,u 2 1)0 mt . in i . . v ... lureo B'nuuus, linen. , i :,,, -7 (III 2 jO ;! months. mo's. 1 2 inn. Ono r-quari". : : : : $2 :'iil i no TwoS'innres, : ::::! tin f, o Thri'O loiuiir.'", : : : : fi no k (ni Four squares, : : : : i! (Ml l o no Haifa column, : : : : s tin 2 (in $7 mi 10 Oil vi on I I 10) IS (HI no Vino column, : : : : 1 I oil 20 no Over three weel;s ami loss than three mouth? 2,1 cents per npi-ire for oi.th insi'iiio;,. Uusine.is not not i .tcecilin,- S lines are in lorted for $2 n v r. Advertisements not marked with the nmnher of insertions ih'sire.l, will oe emitii.iied till I'nrlid and cburgctl according to these t.-rin..-. lakkimkk & waki THK D0VI-: ov thi: -n'ouu. II V DO!( II XK! i.i.r.. (li'iitly and tii-t'y th. nio'it f. d,l, ! its win,'s over a j.los.mt In, me aii)M;i' th I ) on Mountain.-;, u-lu-i-o hni.i.v cir.-lc Wl'i L' ,"lt iH'l'fl 1 ilf' .till.! il , jilo wood. 1 1 was nil,' of ionod hoini'stoads ,,) wh:, .., .ill : H. I h o :i ovciv Oi 111:1 1 l'.isl,- oiio has a l,ii,'lit i'l.'.i: tall tious h, i;t over il us i! to shoh'i' tin-yoir.ii In-ai ts t hal ho it 1 . i j jiily under that ro f, and l.o.i.-eliillv even as the hir ls that -iiiil; to tli.in tliroir.di the lour' utiimi.'r davs. dw.-lt the little mountaineers in their seelud"d homo. Their lilii-nt.s had no-.v hei-n iilisent :i week on n visit to friends nt -i dist.ineo, though it was midwinter, and the hroad evei irreeti forests were thickly covered with snow. They were not .the jicoj.le w ho sj.ciit in pleasure the loveliest .season lio.i -.ive.-i u. for li'.tlo thought could ti.cv take of iour- iioviii for aiiiu-emci.t wi.,n i, h :' and waving jrrain v.iis to 'iather. It was the fanccr's now : the Jiisi v. -' en el,::,; r li.itin- .on w.1110,1, ami . 1 r. jrranary. 'J'h' ic Were si,,;--,-.!-,-; , to 1,-avn at home. -a 1... ko, . 1 .!,. v. , : it Ciire wa lc- i: ;. - .11:1! ! ..' j ; . 1, ' ', t feared to leave lia ii,ile ! .;,,d ..; ;:. r ,'; out nny I ro;,-, ;i, 11 hut tl,,;.' ,.wi. m , ,. fence, and the car.- ol' lii;u ,i: ,n u. ., trusted. Trained n-- th, v had he. 1, ; i , ivc :il storm and dan;rer, caring httle ,,r oilier, the hardy children had enjoyed the inde pendence of hein": lett "to take caw of thems'.lvo;," as .iui"s (iraliam e-pre--, h it, and now they v, re lecountin nil the lioniC duties tlicv had filit li full v el lol tile, 1, for the ul .cut ones vn-re e.pc.to,l h m, that iiijjht, and , .1 ii litiie hear! I-.U iiao J,ily in tin; coin i t n 1 ns c! ha in ' hi.e riht. "Well," .-aid .'anus. - vv. f.u)A.r don't expect t find ail then :n hin;;..d when he ,'ct home." "No, nor the old shed hoarded s,- i:;ec ly," said Kicii ud. "What have you jjot to tell father. Am nie?" said Jiiui'-s to a little ,' 'iide crea ture, who looked like a little nio: nin r-.io-ry with Hue eves. "Oh ! I shall tell how ,-ood we've all boon, and how 1 helped you fee, I tie? Umhs 1 very day." "You'd tell him we've ! -n , 1 1. to , won't yo 1, eotnin M iri on ?" inke 1 Ui,-!i-ard, for tho roguish hoy he,' ui to reai-'in-ber certain instances of his t -nin and fun, which ho tho:i,dit iir,dit not sound very well in the account. A pay nnd brilliant ,'irl was 0:1 in Ma rion, who had e-caped from the .'.ii!l re st rain t r f the city, tor a li: 1 le u i,i!e, to en joy the lre.'i,.m .-;.,- h'Ved. tih, it Was stranje'liow she c.oud 1,-ivea .-chore of p-iietv and f'-.uoii, wl,ere site e n the b:ioi,.es: -::o-. to -it 011 til it old s;...o-)i--iita in 1 ' 1 uor's kitchen, and crack birtern u ..r .1 ', t. one .i..;.l -s 1 ,,i ii , I', de h in Is i , I !,i 1 eo .a.'.i . Ini: - he did 1 1 ,. i'. an 1 diciv t..e,' ail heel he,: she in- mi -ii.e an I si kind, -o IV.Itil,',.' to iill : a. id tilell. . .1 I lie- -ai l. "-ii" v, as 11 iir ( 1 .1 e hand at m ikiu l can dv and i , -lii cm. Hut Marion Norveile ,v,n not L'en'.O 'l indeed she wasn't ! She had ri.lher j.lay the roiiijiinj: pinies of the coaiory ,:rl , const with J. lines '.ii-iiiiiim of a i.io oiliht niuht, that: dance tho hew itchin,' polka in ber spleiulid city home and why should slio not? for the shadows of old ben linir trees were on the frozen lake, and the moon shines brighter there than as-Iilit I m in c,-o.vd"d rojin on b -iiu v which God did not make, l'crhaps, Marion bad holier thoughts than thoso of mere enjoy ment, for every ni,ht she had ,'athered tho children around her, and with them repeated a praver, so earnest in its few - simple words, that their youno cy Cs dosed fervently iw they knelt, and all her mirth and gaiety was tor a lew moments lot-gotten. Now, as phe sat on a rude, low seat, with Annie's sweet face rest mp in her lap, tho plowing h're-lipht iit ui her face with the, truest pladnoss as sho answered Rich ard: 'Yes, on., you havo been good almost nil the time, and " While sho was thus spo.ikinp , tlie whole group were startled by a low, dis tinct rnppinp on the window p ine, and there w it li it s whito breast to e-- 1 el, 1-0 'Ik'D'.usI l.,c ',as', w.i s 11 ti j,f, kiiiu 1 In- :'r .-t-c v.-r - 1 v. ,1 plead i.-r ;A'l tl." , lllid Hie'.. f in T id '. I, -.-' ;- ".ter 1 .-oni I :.ii ill - - -, 1 th. .; .... oi, lie. ':. :-,- 1 : . i y !..-; i : ... IlUllllg Mjow. d wrciithevi , : a a.- .a.. i n:x in that I,,,,e!y ,,!;,. to s,. ,,,,,.. ';:;'.'-' l. night. n. tho over rosil,. Isichnrd oxolaii I ; "You carry in tli, ,,.v.. warm i( " ,, ' " '111 out .111.1 so,- who tli. V fire. , ""''"!'J '''-ed that ha!f.,,ve dove t'Who kind ones who had rescued it. ! nestled close il, Minion's Los,,,,,, there win gleam , its opening eves that soeni o,l almost human mi oain.t that to. I of I"i; t iMtitu.l.. a.i.I c.nt.Mit. Tl,..vsn,oo(l,. the milled while plumes earossi,,.rv miKiug on mo win;,, to "P.r j,., knew their meaning, xiicy ,.,.', '! Hi." 'iilniii,.,. r Kiri,,-,,-,! mi i, MS it il : waul ! ' 1 Ho,e lolks wofo I '( slltlllM I;,Vh (1(.,n ii.i .. . ".real's, an, I over niLdit. hit ' 'J i iikmii in Intlicr vnvs !:,.:. that ev, ioi u I.i.lK fill-. its own iionr. on, I if 1 1,, had !aid at home Ihov needn"l suH'er." 'U'J.e ,v. ,., c they '. how did theV ,,'ok " Here iii.i tlicv come from at oi oe. iiiMiiirod all fiioiiol,, Tiicvo not so hii us Mo. "Oh, thoy looked ha.l wa ; ni old man and "il l !-l on ' , . , 1 1 . . c.ime iroin sonic 1 ,lac 1 (town in-low that I never heanl of 1 ..,('. oii'i'in ,w,:iT f:mi no was ,'om, to :oo ho ins I'l-otoor up .North ; hut made u;, (!,.,t stoev." 'Wliv. Hick, I didn't think you'd turn oil an old man and a poor shivering ,'irl. in such ;i ni,dit as this-." and in .lo-eph siioke ,,- went to the window, uddii. J don't think father and mother will c on..-. i! ifom - ro: iftliev arc t-n the wav t!,.-.-.. -i i . . . , . ...i' , will . Ill lli soniewiiei-L-. " I he old m.m's liv,,th -n,,- of rum," an-wcivd Ku hard, "111111 if he cm hity that he can huy lodoin::. I did ,ity the ,-irI. to l.c sine, for win n 1 told him that the tavern w;n two miles of!', s), !., ilcar, tiiiil M-cms a ,ivi.t ways." Hut, th, 11. lamer says tnat it is only cni-ourae;!),' folks to drink if you do anything tor them when they wander ahotit fo." li'ioliar rd did. indeed, repeat an oft heard lit of his father's when he -aid -eiitimi tins ; i,,r ti!ou,i: a worti.y man 111 many i-ej .v-ts, Mr. IJi-aham win on,. ,,' t,,IM. w ,o ren.cnil., red the l.oor onlv as far as t ne suitercr-are ,.,-,, ,t aiat virtuoti ana -tnuL liiLr il t, support anciv i ; n if. heitei m. , 1 .vol Id ;l the holier t, viv -:i t! ,' eiii! In n a-ioiiu' of I other i'lld ' 'l-ciel:.'" . . "1,1' it!. em h oi 1 i win 1, A ,11,; h: V -l-.il .. ; ' 11 from t M ti.,: IV .1.1 t, p:ilU. 1 in. I Al . ir 'Ah ii v, vo me." said A1..0., thin,': on never (illie; h"V in the , ' 1 ,'U lis . toi'l us bef, "1 1, 'i'C, aid a 1 1 1 11 0 L'nted .Marion Int't one power 1:1 pf'l f.'cti' 11, it was l!io ,i,-hh- nhi"d 'ait !?.: "iff of IclHni st.. He's, 'There -,-..n a a! ill t!,e kit, II, v ;:: .. lie -, , ; d ll.epln.'eol'il ' 1 it I'll -v, l-.ix and ,ou, in the winter eveliill.-. .-tei bc:n,' pitinic i bripht red and Vi.riii-! . it looi. ed i'ke a : md-n ;: ill d 'ace in trout M tie- Inc. (in this the ten rics. children 11-ed to sit for ho lo , ..n.-in Marion's ,-ni h: w'lic'., w, ie u u. 1 ily tiiriiii Hi.-toi , iliv -i a in her 1 i,o'.:';h is. S, inn-time.- -h,; fairy tale, or some w ihl h time.-; b'U to-iii,'ht. l!.c (1 ',e lay lovin.ly bv her I. u-' am! 1 n'in.,' t, ',i.,r lcliti oo ii i:l , o ill t'c -iied 1111 o! I ml ,,t en: Jy white-phimerj r.'itst, in it ut- loi-ed those nioaiiin.' sound-, -v h io!i n itln Mari m's lieart beat time lo tho mournful notes, for thei'o were noble feelinps striv- inp no-iin-t her woman's fearfulncss ; tlipu.'hts of the poor suH'erers in that wild storm, of their peril, and it mipht be, of their ic'.tll. S'l poin arose re.-o!u!e!y and lo lind those beo -m-s ;' said, 1 1,-1 I atn .-lie I'1 he l 111 10 w rai, a snawi aroitu her. wtnle In- lovely fiice plowed with COlll'il-.'e: ,',n feel, lip. "I'l.i't L'o," pleaded little Annie "you'll he 1;!! buried up in the storm." "(hid will lake c n e of me. Annie," sh, answer 'd, l.tj iup the h'.ue-cyed dove in t h child's Jap. "You ..ii.i not po alone, i.enin Mr.-i on." said lii"hard. who-e bet let- fcelin we: e ail awakened by a li! tie ivtloetion. ' I'll carry ihe lantern," said .lames; ',,. roupli boy he was, he knev how to ad mire heroic l esoiution. and knew the peri o such an err.iml. Whiie they were hiislily wrappinp roats and cloaks around them, we will follow the beppai's on their lowly path. S ' ' SS- Af "That house looked some like our own house, didn't it pa!" said the pule, sad, sa lhcarted pil l, as she looked back 011 ill" liphted hoil-o where shelter had been re fused them. "Oh ! how I wish we were liacK Wliere wo u-eu 10 live. slie a.l.te l, as the old man walked on silently. "You have forpotten, h.ivn't you. that the ol,l place vtoi'sn t helonp to us now. he iniswercil haishly : "don't worry : at 11, tor wo can 1 nei i ii. now. "1 know it," she said sadly, "we have no home anywhere." Oh! bow tiiiurn- full v those simple words were spoken I...'.; 1... ...1.. i.,.,, .. ,.!,... 1 I'l iiiiu UJU litiv ui n J"""fi "'-"i ii' ii1 and bliphted, of young hopes chilled for- ever. It touched even the heart of the hardened father, and ho drew his mother - less child dose to his side. iiitirniiirin!, "poor dove! poor Isabel:" Ay. th" b.-ir-1 ir ! L.r. .1... ,,.. t .,,,.1 , I... I l " "'. f--. ............. . ..- ...... grace. it in lia), pier .h.ys : when I. -t er w.n an honm e,l an 1 tr'i-'e 1 man : ) ,h 'o'tl Is ; ; 'i ;;; i1 ;;;;; ,sl;;;. r 'YuU"Uy o I r , I, ' ' 11 ll'S 1-lll'Cl, llill'llIlL'. fllll Villi ,l,'ir!vn n. ,i Hint I Inivo (Irj.iivcl you of lvn iin.l iiotno, inni ovi'i v tlitn,' on nrtli ' rll r)i',i o mo lor Imoiii; n (li iiiikiiiil?'' " li. I'titluT ! .lo'iiot t ill Iv .iftlio-.. now : I nin so 1 1 ; ; t . j . v in tlvin,' with -loiir loth, p." J'"" III.. ' oil, Shiiilowy iiiiiintoins :ith,'ivil dimly round th, i- j .t -ri t i 1 1 t,,;,n. .oiiiiiu '.,V luii'k to ;i lost homo i,i,, ri;ii:i ri , ; ,'i':,".. of ,1 l.i'okoii.l,, ..: ,, if. I ... ,!,,. 10 ;l flOHl,;; t yo-li.l . o' his ootillr , jt'T. Urokoii word; of iionv ami , tion niin,-!.'i willi tho ,o,,w ilho mli-inlri-1 linn ,IH' 0, 1 110 s vU, o dV,,,. ti,,, ,v tin. I -iitiors eves wo: o shut : the 1 i it hv hondiiV- his ! h ,1,.., ,. no ;, (. ' ' I hnx, imd ho I'olt almost -dad (li t : s,iw not th.-i losi,r of tlio-so .:i.,ti!n ,,u. o tii.'inv ., u- , ,!,.. ,..:.. l: -i . i . i I . . . Mr.,, ,1 . , i I e. I I ,:m since jiovrtv and dn:,, !.,.,, 1,,.. had driven him out to ceo fo, ,',a;!v h-,-.,d-they were clear and hhie'as the v.-'aior- o their own helovcd lake, and Ihev ever looked kindly on him. Now ih,.y uvp closed: the eyes of the weary .( hit el'c oielie,l, and 'he :aw sticli u !. i !e-w il: ",-d iiii;.,-1s a had oft, 11 (looted d:n;!v ;!,-,-, aie, :ilW SUCH w'.'i 11 (looted dim M:!i-hri;d,L !:, -'. and due!!;!-, laT liream.s, an :u- I:')!1.' loimtaii: Iron - heauly wer '1'hci ... tip -y are -I ha.. ciirm-'Iv '1 Wi ' hof,. jo hef. I I llCl .. ticv ill-. M-! , I, - 'I'l,,,., .' ! 'ori Ion.'. !on;.,.(i i,', ,! ha.. c.i;:ic-:1v l,v.-,i ', Y; aiid c : revives a link- 'ii oin' the d,-. l'h-1 ! !, ir " ' sh-nestles ckv-cr to her filherV l'o-om ' llkenit innr..v.it dove, and f, A it i-ol to lay down a ounu' life here in a li e:,V, tc:nrf'M, -o f.ir IVoni all of life and'.- '-s tie wil I '!on;vcouds j a; tin.' slow lv, an,! . star tivmhlim; in its di-'iant Iminc' ! 'tis 1101 a .'tar' 'tis a li'h! ,.,.(i ,1,,,'. one soundiiut footsteps and cheerful voices, The father roim d hiunclf at her J,,;.-,.;. arc 'l woi'.n. l ilt th y were too iieailycx innicd to call for help. Matioi, heanl 11 outcry, a- one pcridiii:,'; it win jc ; ike lio- liio.-itiiii,' of .1 i'oVc. "II,",., li'iehard. thi- w iv wi'di th.- !.: :- ' ov , 1 ,1 I w ha !, t er toei'i. .!.,r:o-i if t.1.1. if ido, ; le ii 'eve Hew- ill oil' "oil ...a : 11 ; dv I 1 the 1 o.) n , 'i:t. ; and entreat. .!.,!. oi:'. IV 1:1 :'r,:l , him to pi to her 1, tiier, hut ne win aire.i'iy s.aintui,' f,y I; is pre ervcr. ..nxiotisly iiimiiritw for his d:iii"htei'. 1 . 1 . . A'.d urov o! .1'" r.-',,i 'cue p: rdth. s,,,,. and !!: ia.i I bells, ; fit: 'U'.'h , by t ,-t ; an I mother !" sl.ti dcd to -ee so s(ra he road side, the -in id. I ail, an I the o!d man v.a fed in the .-1. i d,. v, !i :.i- 1 i.e lies , : : ii.rtnb!v p! iv t !', l'owe 1 in a tr 't home' would lc t pive up his le-cued and. h iiiiini! on his strong n:-!.i sin Miirioii'.-. ever jov, .us i-oii'n 1. '.-. :'. ii u - 1 pe in to a her .. ,r, I.vsl.el l'eit like one w. in 11, li,' . It win late on that eventful ni the bla.iiii; fire went out 111 on tl Id when 1 1 hearth, ! riid all were ,i-le,-.p. In vain tiiev soiv-ht for the res, tied ,l,.ve: it had llown none knew whither, for Utile Annie had fallen a-leep while the others wore awav. Mornin,' broupht new bloom to I.-abel, but not so to her father. ,V lev ihivs he hnpered, and those who watched tenderly Lv tlie dyiiip, saw the Iktshin,' forth ofn ylorious intellect even in deeav. When liie next Sabbat li sun was settin". tho sun I , of his life H-ent down also, not in tho j louds iin.l d.ii-knes.-', hut surrounded bv a . 1 1 ,.r 1...1.. i:..i.. . .... ........ , .i.r.y 11111 , even mat. nope ami ; trust in Heaven. I And w nut hcame ol the orphan. I-a- 1 k-i . 1 uev took t 10 sweet I. ini l i 1 1 lam to 1 heir pentle si-tcr lonii 11, -I. and sh'.' became a I lor the htt!e, a loved dan,'! 'iter to lier pro- lectors ; ami vv iumi nve l.n lit siinvm, 1 o had tlow 11 o,-u;ly by, sh become 1 ho wife I ot .lames ( iiahaui. ! Never was bridal praced by a fairer puo-t than the liplit-hearled and 1 e.-ely Mai ion : and thonsi, t!u white dove never returned to i.cMlo in hcrbo.-oin icaiii. "he alwayx callcl Isalnd. in tho hi 11 "lia so of her own lieai t-roui iueo- 1'iIG l.),)VE or tiie Storm. A DROVE OF IKISII BULLS. The followinp piece of composition, saw the riiilndelphia Sunday Ti.uncript, may be backed apain-t any tliinp ever ,r,nlu'. 1 1 . . a ... ' ,i. 11 was w rnien uaii ;i century ico. i... :.. n,.,. i,,.,i, ,., .,,,1,. ..,! . 1... 1..: 1. ' 1'.,, liament.' "ill ('he troubled times of "I'S," when a ban, Hull of men from tlie county ol oxlord, struck terror 111(0 the hearts of mnnv L'ltllaiit p .tis of Mar-. as wen as mo woi tnv w riier liiunel i. 1 ,e . letter was addressed to a friend in I.on- don, nnd it is old enoiiph to bo new to : ' nine ten'hs of our readers. 1 ! Ar. i. 11....:.. ,:,.,. j ' -.1 111 l .1 1 1 1,1 ii 1 ; ip i il I i L L l peace and ouietnos, 1 sit down to inform you of tho dreadful bustle we are nil in ! from those blood thirsty rebels, most of 1 ?lmm are, thank (lod, killed and disper- ' se.l. U'e are in a pretty mess, , an pet no-1 ll.i,, t, .,.,1 op .... r tvi .. I ..,)..:.. I- ........... ' ........ ... ........ ....... m...., ci.i, whi-ke ; nnd when we sit down tinner, .-a Is a: we re are obliged t, kec thi-. both' r -id w: : I 1 1 ' I 1 1 il -b. hi but h:v-u wi,h - !' Tl, 1,0,. 1,0,1 ..:.! 1 , .. . . , , , . elUetit. an, I l,y ,'ood hick tliere was n l,o dy ill it hut two outside a.vsen-ers. wl,o jhad noli, in,' forth,- thieves to take. l.:,-t I Tliursday. notice was civen that a o.nio ,,1 rehels was mlvaiicin; hi re under d., Kioiich Standard, hut llc-y had no c,,!, r , nor any ih iims ece,t h iopipes- I llilli.'di.itcly cveiy ncili in the j i n , hi, lit,,' men, women, and children, ran out to meet liieiu. U'e :.ooi, found our loiee much too lit;,. ; we were t,,o m ar to think of reli eaiiii l-e.iili w as in every face, hut to it v. c wri.!. and hejran to I,'.. nil alive toriiill. I'' rl i! natel y the rehels I'-'"-1 1 'in cm 1 )it 1 i ioN and t.ikes, and in we lia I plenty of minkets and anp'iu. liiiion. we put liieiu nil to the sword. Not a sot;! of loom o ca.. ' !, except some that were drowned i.i th" adjacent hoes: ,0, 1 I in a cry slci'l time noihh,:; was heard j'.iit silciic. 'I'lieii- uniforms were all oi j I : i 7 ' :-i at colors, hut mo-lly ,'rerMi. After j the action, we went to rummaoe a sort of .'c:;:ip which they had left hehind them. I All we found w;n few pikes without t lica-ii.il parcel of empty hottles of water, I iin d a loin die of Trench commissions filled wit h 1 nh nam i al! ::-.!!!, Ti are now str t:o;i. i 1 tuc eotmirv. tv.'ii, ::::;;.' -oiiarc-' w : till).' to.'!, 1, 1 thil I'. S. If y, id il liiii:l have ia ' h 1 1 iv ideas. I have olv I am in ore it ha-te. ll'.t le 'loe tin's, (,f coin's -carried, therefore. I I c von v. ill writ. oi' t m, m.w. Tlih I. T lee.tlM'l: ts Kk.VI. 1,1 It... Tin i'.ucyrin ii ihio) .hmrnal .-avs that a maul livino itoar , h,,! place lost his wife some j years sine: in lloin.-r, N. V.: lliaf thcvl had a little ,u l w hich he ,' ive to a frier,, I, and then left (he country, lie was ,',,iie ten years and rctuni'-d. Initcoitid lind 110 trace of hi; ,-Iiild. She had two m irks by lie mi jil l.iion' her one toe Wi"- Colic, man : lv Al.oo I.-. aicl -lie liaoa scai on ln-v arm. I he 'r up us i ist lo him, and (in 1!- , . ' i hi i.i .'" r-t .. ii1 l". 1 ; I I'l.'.i Tien. I d I-;,.,.- ; i:.i;. a o, opie'i iiy ii ; 1 ii" .v:n about . .' open, he saw i at it, and' e it,',- . ,,...,' i'j:i .lit notion:.'' .' tetirin r. th" I 11) i 'l, t I c I he I : 1 i lo . I ' 1 i e "so lot,.'. A it as iinpiu lf upon him m Wile t,, vr., whether there no 'ii !ier riudil s immense ,1 - w clV i.rtu. li.d.i. .. .01 tit, an 1 d that t 'i : there, 'i 1 i"- !T.. lU .lil.l-.ii 1 N 1. S I.., 1 a) c ne ,.,',. 11 n u .1 ... finiii'ii at a lair, vlmi c Ulan to ' tllel e. .Va man t-1 ;-o.. I have .1 f.losl.el to 1 1 i ' aiaiv. w ii Ii li i : n. ;' niiown a man die-1 f. mi a liiiicr to a low- 1 ;, lie .I:''.-1 oor ic.ar. to I. l(.4p. 1 e he was ,:-, I hav" iie.-er k-i nvn a merc!i:in! to rui tinuo iii, coiiv.-i-at'oii wiih ;i noor man when a li.-h loan enters his More. 1 have never known a while hei .led of. nee liunler lo lie very convor poor man after the election. int '.'it!i ;i 1 have never known any nun to admit any body to be better than hinnelf, I I have never known a rich man but was' reported tor his riches. have never known a man to be better 1 than he should he. I I have never known n fashion too ridie- nloiw tr. he I',.! I have never ,'ion too iih-rn r . ' ' known a system ol i-eli-to lind followers. The 1 ofh'.w, politician,! mod sa-.n. ;,.;, IlKIV ni Dr.i .i'-r uli. Ma-'., "Oil h'oek, e tre.isuiv- t.ier. place called lt.ui. rat-.'i are .-aid to h 1. :,ve that was o lo-i'i 1 up by the, rent e," !iiipiake that sho .k (hi- pa. 1 ,,,' (,,. world in ld"is. '.''he cave cloi-ill;: iol uied ;l tomhior il sili-po-cd , irate, 'i'i.oiii.n Veal, nnd whatever he lia. 1 with i.,1,1, le.-ts lo-d.iy with bis bom s. S uae seven y,iir., npo, a suppo sed lunatic, n. lined Marble, undertook to "lip down thtoiidi t! ne n dkt rock that co- vci'c.l tue suiipo-ed cavern, in seurcli of tho hidden treasure. Kver since he has been di;,'::in;j .away, under, ashesay, the direction oi' the spirits; mid if, at any time he retires, the spii its make new re velations to excite hi - hope and cheer him on. lie has i,uito a little room excava ted, 1i1idisst.il pur.-uir.p his work with undiminished faith in his spiritual ,'uid, s. I'oio ic.v;.. Iii U certain well known city il ioetic:il ,'"liiin , ;is hauled Up b -fore the magistrate f,..- kis--inp .1 girl mid ki.'k i:i .: ti, a ,1,1-' . iiu 1 the lollowini' dialogue ' Is vour name do!,n Jay?" "Y,-, vour honor so tl'iepcoi, w. J ii , ,,,, 1 1 o' 1 ; .. 1 1 1, . . " u'::1 K'"1 tllu say. girl and I'll'1 i UlO ill jU'MI "Yes, your honor, but I thoupht it was no harm." "You youns rascal, did von 101110 here (0 make rhviucs ' "No, you'i honor, but, it wiil l,r,i,i en ., ' 11 HOlileilliu s. "Bo oll'you scamp, po out of my sight." "Thank your honor, then I'll I id voi: v.';. .A; 1 ' ' TiJi-; Tiiri: ti: a iti;it. An Ail.lr.v-M rend 1,,'l'oie H,..c,.;irlj,.,j( ,,,,,,V ,,,, null School, nt Crwi',,svi:i,', Wr.hi'-.l.'i'v v, iiii.. Jinn' lil. Is.is, t,v itov. I.J. ,'rt! . ' i'l 111. is,:,:, 1 at Till-: linn kit oi- th k nohm vi. s.-iiu.ii., Vowe I. ('. - tl-nihmtn i- fie (",; ;,- '.... . '.. I e 1 . 1 . ' . .eiiii.it or. IOOI. I colllC ll'toli! Villi llliis cv.-oiiijr in the litst oil the Iim uf ii,',,so j who are to deliver 11 emirso of I, ot:.i 11, this in. 11 1,111 11, the lYiiininiiifr weeks of ,,m- pres et,! S' .ssaui. Why I have eims,",: ol ihm to iippe ir in your pivseneu why 1 am here. 1 11, 'el not citr-iini,. time 1,, snv ins. an. 101 , bin id, every mm has already fui iiii'il opinion. Uno 1 may iittiil.nli! it to 11 ilesiro ta he m-en nnl he tril, nnd another may view it in u coimiiei.d j.'ilile spirit of pleasure in ml, lino t n,,. i,t,.. i lei'tllal fcsllvilit'H of the session. A thiol ami .1 I'litirlii may have Mil ililK'ivnt views. T:.i, one limy say that it is loan a lj.t!:t l .-p - e in,', while l!, at 0110 may 'presiuni! taut u is just to let t!io people know that "the si-ie . ; m.ntcr is iiliin.el." 1 .shall quarrel wit,, n . 1 . ... hilt accept the opinions ot all ns ali.ov..:.c in a free eninilry. Who would he itsti.i'ceil to1 seen .mil heard in a pood cniss t Who v.,...' I not take pleasure in nihlin,' to the crijovi.a nt of others I Who that is not ilnmh vv'.oi'l.l i, .. speiil; for truth tm l virtue ? Ami who v. - 1, net let the 1 plo know for in some pi they not appear to have learned yet - ii .e. "the school-master nhroad Jh.t nsiiiii. I conic h.-foro yon, la, lies :,i petitleinen. as one of your own iiiiinlur. ma teacher. Vonr interests are my in!. 'rests ; your hopes aro my hopes; your .irood is lev ,'ooil. Anil 11, 1 iv ti,,: goiitlemeii 01 ty Mipp, Ihat from a Kny I, ,'oit !' liiel.itia-: t i-i.ii-h- -, Hie .speaker presumes on hio ripbt to Is- lie o .l ; ft Idle tlio holies will, iioiliiiiit. think :,..t 1 to iy nut read lh.-,r !li..np!iis, and niiist m ,:i ft in;, s.'ll Willi hoping the h,.,;. Lot it he st.lii.'i'.'iit, then, to s.tv tint I have accepted the vary lljlterino invitation of your wortiiy rteeeptur to address yon nt this lime, with leelins of iniii;rl.:il pleasure and regret. Of pleasure that I 11111 permitted to add iny iniU; to your intell 'Ctual enjoyments in your piesent e ipacity, ami to meet, for my mvii en jov inent, the preetinss ol .so many not.le hearts iit.d love-lit eyes ; of repret that I Intve had hat two days' time to pivpiun my address, and tint, in conse iiieiiee of this, ami more1 real ip die leneies, which Iniv he perceived perc as 1 proceed, I e.ilil.ot proti Th'; fe t.-: i f le.i-on a::-l the that .should alw.ivs iiecoiiip itiy 'trout ". 1 know 1 1 i:it tun it'i; use you fl e,v of soul'' an i n I .;'.-( ',.,1 d lore te"iii:ii: are tic-ess try to the product ion id' an a l-dtc-, .-.nital'le fur tii.,' cars of an association id' Te.ich . :. but I know, also, lii.it yon. as teachers, i. .vo Io.u-ned not to expect every thins fi'oin 01,0 wonk r.iotta! the prodiieiion of every intcllc? tital ll..wcr nnd fruit lioin one decnyinp hrain. And in the poet's lansnacre. sliirhtlv iiltL-ied. ! if I ehroieo to fill heliov I , A r-l-lcii liU oniluri,: ahuw. l'on't view me with ueritij'a oy Nor ii? s 111,: alto -ether l,y. for I 111 -i y ..v a tiling or two j 1 I Ini' ne ; new to smite uf yon lint I lind th . I I am 10 iking a little spec,-, of my inii'.i ia -lion, or, its my old school;, 1 n. tor used l.."i ' 1 1 , m.ik i up the poreli too In r for ti,.' i.i-ia,' '- i lii'ms by no iiieuiis prciuo I ilaiel . ;C "i .v,;.: .u'e .mxtuiis for the aniioiiiiee. n " "! 11 y fheli, let it he, 7,1," ',. ' - '- '. 10. i " .r o. "":!, to consider An ( ',1 . , . .; .',7;,.-.. , .. ','.',.". : And here let . s iv 01 it Ihi..' i-ih.vn this saljoct, not lie- i uiat I ci o'i. I Co ,1 justice, lei! iruit I':;!','..- , - !!,. shoi lac- ,.! I, "C. Ills the lift a 1 !. s. 1 : It: allowed fo I!' . I ir.'tio i of lav iniotr.sam; me thil 1 Iniitful s'ttijee't was iieei.s.s.uy. Tin: vvoi i; of th t to. hi an ordia 11 v lier n soii'.'t -lin-r more I 1111,1, to ,.,. Mice essfol. he needs to i o -een lhi'is' loot.) th in an ordi nary in. in 1 s-.tiieihin-r more th in an ordina ry out in. Net only i:i ti-j s.-ho jhrooia uo the t-'.u hei'.s p.iti.'iiee and po..l n.iiuru severe ly taxed; olleiitinns alic.i I !,o is f.uille 1 for his very virtues, mil pupils coino into the sehool-loon, with lb. ir he, ids s.) iiiim i; with false notion:! ol his ch iraeter nnd his worth, falsely instilled by falsely-judging parents and others, who were never inside of Am school- room in their lives. Yet the True Teacher i stands n mm amid all llies; vexations stri- viug to rh his duty, leaving tho ,,'iv to ollt.-rs. : Like Napoleon, but in a better cause, lie not ; only undertakes ; he accomplishes. His mot ' to is not lite cowardly one, '-I can't '' nor yet , Ihe timid one, 'd'Hlry;" but in all tho dip. itily of a man he. stands nnd proclaims, ' i t'.'."-' and Darkness recedes before him, Ip tioiaiiee hides her face in shitnc, and Sin skulks howling; b ick to tlie pit whence tirst she .spiling, while the glorious light of Science an 1 Trufli breaks in upon benighted minds lis his comes in contact with them, nnd they no. knowledse Virtue's reign. lint let Its s'peei t'y. And here a wont ol explanation hy way ol apology to the fairer side of the house, mav he advis ible, if not necessary. Whenever I use in litis address, the tiiuiio "man," I me il as a generic name, embracing both sexes, mi i so with the pro-name "he," ruietritu .to ; "teacher." Hid custom allow il, 1 should h, pleased to show my respect for the sua-.hiuy , side of litniumily.and especially for our vvla,!.--; souled lady teachers, by always pulling an "n'' , before that little in iseuilino iTo-nanie. Bi.t ' rust, an is arbitrary. 1. The first characteristic, of the True Teach. , cr which we notice. Is coe, f imimm vims.-. Of this lie needs no little store, in order to ran... nnd to overcome the trials nnd dniieiilt: -s in-1 cident to his profession. Trials r.re his. i!;,r life is a warlare. The enemy is ritiini ig nail treacherous, lie will not show las colors hi open day , hut while the sun .sunns he ii - in .n u 1 oi sh , and '-because his deeds ;ue evil stalks out in the darkncsi of li,-,- n::'i t. to. coon; sud l,.n'y upon th" object of his hat : .!. lint he who catches the f.ii'.liful .s.-ntim-l asleep nt his post, will have to visit thai post mor..; than once. Let biin be s igaciotis. Oarteach-j er is also fugacious sagacious with n wiser s.v ! pneity j nnd bis poo l comnion sense enables him to meet on more tlmii e,pu,l terms the wily ndvcruiry. , (hiod C'lininon sense is found necessary in '. relation to the assignment of every lesson and 1 tho hearing of every recitation every order, i every mot ion every word and ev tv loot; in side of tlie school room and outsi.1", with his pupi's vi, d w it a their , ireiits. - A f - . n -.. ristie of the Tr'u- i i-h- a -!' 1 ., e 1 ,: J'O" 'O'i'-- 11 : cm hod lit oi is I.lfiis Ot (e H-lee "i ri . per pi "'il ('f his pi, in :h 1 r W NKi; IKS VOL. III. No n;i. well its their Iio,,ch, tire tetoh'r tliinps, ,,,! must he tenderly dealt with. The Trim Teach er, observant of human imiiiro, is uwure ul this, ,1,1,1 liia uvvn annul, lo disposition naturally prompts him to a rlpht discharge of his duties in this respoet. Ho is not apt. to snarl, as u dunned dnp, ut every litt,. annoyance, ami even the pet! y f:iili:,KM , childliood soinetimo please Inin. Jlo sees in chihlren nothing less than men and women undeveloped. And while he possesses ahsohite aiitliorilv overlusscliooh lie eoininaiiils hy rcinesline. and this in n spirit td kindncsa nnd cheerfulness. And lieiii" kind and cheerful liimself, the same spirit per" v.ides his sehonl. There love and honor dwell, h M'I'Iucms is there, and the children think there is not on ourlli un-other such teactier us theirs, blessed atnoiiK tenclicrs is that 011c vdi . has rained tho ol.jecl and confidence of 1 is pupihs; t.itice hlessed is he who retains it. A sain the True T.oipIi..,- ;u i, -I - -.o.i .iLiia I:- y "..;.. Impatience uinl fietiilness in '. 'e -t- is a sure si, 11 ol his liavinR ii-n bv in" ilesisned lor some sterner culling tlnm ' Hc't of directinpthe tender mind ofcliild I m (he acpiisition of knowledge. ':'"'"1 ''tis many littlu lailinps, senrceiv : 'ii-- to faults, yet to meet which in the l"'"'i,ul' "'-"l'lh'cs no snt:,;i amount ot i.esi'ies, in rejinrd to -.lessons,'' ;-i Mhich to thu teacher appear vcrv itniile, are to II10 littlu I,.,. v c. th .in ai i.'iilt d :d intricate : and much In).,,.!.,.,. it explanation is iiecessnry. For instance. t is lo the child but .1 rr.nu.n.-ril. 1, tho diliercnt names and sound-i thinks a lieretilearitu.sk to learn, 'ies upon the open page, nnd scans 'i l then counts the Iuhv-hh of 11,., el wi.i. v .. ' I , I' ee l:nv many jf must turn niw ''. ' " ' ' 'Ihroii-li," without just at that '." ''' 1 :,t -s,"t "I" instruction cheerful ps lea! ii, -ti tn-ti-.n iL may come to thu conclu sion o! the '-idle hoy" in tlu hook, that '.that's too mif.'h to leirn to know so little." The thon.eht m ay arise that play is more pleasant th.,11 coiiims ovcrapnpe so dull ; for what is profitable or unprofitable, it does not enter tin mind of childhood to consider. So, ito.iin, who,, jt comes to form letters in to words, and words into sentences, the tlrnirs, thouph more pleasant, ure woiulerlu' liutip", thlhciilt thinps, and cause ni-inv an 1, .us heavinps of th i little heart, and the es eil'e of many hi-,,!;,.',, little sighs. And so K is thi-.ni Lii"iit Ihe whole course i.r h: .1:1, until the pupil has become of nit ml mind to know the importance of Oi'hlie. ati-l tin tiopocsa ,.f ......1: tii- lit il . ind ' xi -ti . ; ;v i'i'o- '"' l 10 ta.se noiioiiJ 'I ! ill. i, 1:1 r so iii.iii-,- tiiii-ent-' " ' n " e: . :e;-i m ,v i(h soini,. 1 : ) - te 1, U--I- is yeipiireii by " '' ; ,! l'l' results o bis 1.1 11" .. - .". nt once. They arc : 1 ' ''-" '' '"' ' -'-iko the husband ' ' ' ' ' I - - ! time, hut 11 1 u : 1 ( '- i; " ' !: 'i- l'o- the fruit. Mor ' t o-- !l . .-". s tin: Soed : th.- world reap - ' ; ' ' " ) ip i" lallilled, on. : ,:,d .nio.:. - e.'-ta.-' I r.-'.iver i'm'I-;-. Te teller is n man .. ' ",!:.. , II: en svniii.itl.in win. ie ones " i:l , . ', as wel : e I'l e..i!: ,'i -.'IITCWS, t s se tree .1 st 1': -!. se ire, ,'el t m. ia .-:i'. ,;. and their griefs ' s on met ; can cheer mi l n 1: :.i'n , n't tin 111 n thio and v. ,pe aiv.iv t t'le vex ir tears p between joy and aorro lawinkol V e eye lieiwee Sill I 1 A 'lehrated painter wis ,,nej piintinp in. ileitis aslicil why 10 nitn- 1 ' 1 ii ill that mood, bv mo. "i. t -sent . ' J" niu ions:, he clcit-ed away its frowns and tears, and pit I'pou its ca.iliietianeu a most bewitching smih Then, by another d ish ,, the brush, it appear ' I the stun as at !!istin frowns and tear "flcn.Mr," sai l tlie iiriiM to his iuterrop i tor, .-you see ho.v cisy n thing ii is to mak-' children cither I nigh or cry." And as th ' painter has power over the canvass, so lias tl. teacher power over the mind and the heart At bis will he can in ike bis children tithe' laugh or cry. Oh. then, how c.ireful shoui i lie be that because not grief and tears an i gloom, but joy and smiles aid happiness in stead. The Tine Teacher n nlso cipahle of sriiipi. tliming hath his pupils , tlteir sports at. pl tys. Not only do.-s he know how to mal the sad coiintenanc ch 'erttil, but also to mal. even caecriiunes, UmII more cheerlul. tnong childieil. he beeonies ii. i,ri i . A , - - ' i"" ' "' eiii nil I ut the h-oii-i- tun lot- thes- eni. if child again. He live, tin- season of ids rii , hood over. He is a poor teacher who can n-. iiiiiiu piiiy-iiouses wrh the girls, nnd nhv bi Willi the boys. Let ., ,. ,n afraid t,.,f 1, ' dignity" will be uou, promised by this Iim, conn tei. i no lea.'ocrs most successfu ai mas' respected in t j,- schools m-e thoso wl are the most faniili ir with their pupils out , Still another ,-', ,r.irtcri-,ti,: of ,e Trn le ieheris, 1,,',,,,, ,,. ,. s (), reai invention. Childre.i lyu novelty ronlu t o y hate. The teacher to be successful, ton e- nei oi an maiui"!- ,,l invent On. II ' ' a'''" '" ''"vise s.-ino "new thing" for tin ' inn tuns, liieiu ami instruction of his classes I iy. Me must be ablo to present cvei-v , eve C'SSIV" le.ssou ill a different lirrl,t il...r :.. I ' 511 must be able to shed still more light on ca: successive lesson, comparing it with form ones, and illustra'ing it by them. Anecdo te ,y also come in for a good share in jlluatr ti'ion. 'Ilcnee the teacher should be (amili : .. i.o .OS,,,,., , morapiiy, ami especially liunie natur. to or, ,., ion:, pnnses. science, also, illustrates mi,.H.,.r ..... One " i'..no, a se.,ctic.e nuothor iiart Hen, 'ssity, o-t Iim p,rt ol thu teacher , of i d ln:id of know ledge, nnd not only ' " " "i ins own a (hiiikinir , re ' -". ei 1 I'M i, iii hie tniii.l. oil.. . the Iiu le-Ji;,! .1 celehratn.l n.l,... ,i- .'.i. sort of locomotive piitcnt-otlicn." I wot, add, th it In- mint t,0 also a sort of walking e ey, dop.-dia living, mov ing being, full of o 8"i vii!iii, ot reflection, nnd of originality n iily lie und synthetic, deductive and Inductiv and productive. 0. But the T. uo Teacher is further and ci cully chtu aetei ,7.ed by friiinr,,; or, in oil, words, ,lfnmm vf eharartrr. With him .ye' alway s means y, d "no" always means v He iihvays iiitM.ns just what he say,-,,,, i,,o. rioless. IlispnpiUftniin beconu: wa,c th f iet ; Hi I hence thev lean. II. .. .1 .. . ;i '-,.!-c 1 1- : mo " y ii, "' 'o'.ol, lif coalman i'" kN r,ul he rn-mpl, ' ' '' i-. not a weak n 1 '--!'"l that ho nov . en. 'iis, nor forbi ; -I, ' ,;i pt for t:1(.jr ov , '"It ,-. very good rc.tsie, : cveji t,0 jlieht, ,.f ri.si th" fourth pa,'-..) -I T ' ' let