Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 14, 1858, Image 4

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    1 i
i r
It j
! :
't! ; ;
' ' '
'"it v
i tv vtrirs dower
lift ii nimur,
' I n, I t n
li, I I i 1 ' I til' -1
i' i i it v i i mil Ii 'I
III brother 1'clei IMI'I
ii that il would ;i I :!
.11 t! ! l..nii! .
M II nil', . t I' I'- lli;n
. . i : . w te
rn v M.- ill i:n ' :
linil ei.-t i.''ni ei;'l 1
did 1 1 t t i . ' !' I till),
from the li'.ii' hi in
J'OII: Ps I ll'l'l V. Ili'll
will', il Was cnly :.
Iiolli'l.i f I IT.
Mr", ( ii irilnii w .(
i in
' '" 1
vl ,n ii i . , 1 1 1 1 1 1 lin n
V ill' .11-1111. 1 lli'llill i. Ill'
I lie w n- forty. i nl.iilily
in rinjf uniieiv--nrv (N
liimily. lie- did I a be- il
Would IlllVe taken 11
ii !
n' U ill
III, lltl'l llU'l
I, i- il livili;'
i.l in I. Hi i ll
been ol lij
i v. in k v.'i y ln:i'
ll :.'l'ii-il (ill 1 '!.
I. !
ii coin' I lii. i hum' p'
i n:i nl. i. lii. n i'I'm in: n
. i .i . .
hil ly lovi-.l
n ilclin i. m i I. .i
lief l,i.l..iii., t.
di'M r i ll, mi'l
S'lio til'.'; ;:mi'I r'.l i" nl
Iiilil l'l'tlci' 1 1 1 u 1 1 In'
ill I'Vl'l'Y l'ii.'t nil (''"
dii'iit, li'iilil'iil
ictnni hhs i In'
llllxl Illl'l'f linn
Wlicn tiny
v. il.'. Ail li' li-crivcil in
in. n::n' siiip.irt liirli li'T
. h.T.
1 1 : I lii'iMI lll.U'ril'il MUlIf
tlirco yoiii -i, .li.lin win liiki'ii l
f;ci-ol en I'm- a yr.ii', liiii'iii;; wli
Uift) W.1M H 1 1 I'M'i'ik'tlt I'.lol ltc
Ilrr wlinli.' aim M'l'iin' 1 t" In' I
mi'l lin
i ll I inn1 liis
it 01 1 II 1.11 p. .
her duti.'S to hci' knit w ii
luu! liiiiili' n l.:ir.iiii u illi I
!i Ii. I.hly. Mic
i i hi. nml kIic l.ri'-
tormiHl lii'i' pin t i.l tlii coi Ir.ict wit ii mtii-
pIllolW I'Xlli't lll".
Olid tiny I hciinl lint 1 1 Mi i fimilon was
(k'U'l- It wus n i-innll lii Id tlu- l oinnni
nity, .'ititl I could nut think of pitying lii-
wil'p, lor lior lot wn ( (M t iinly nincliornlcd
hy Lis (lciuiture. Slic would I.f entitled
to (iiic-tliird ol' ll:? iiu'oiiic ol' Lis mil es
tate, which, tor a poor woman a- she had
been, and having no luxiuioiis tnste.i to
gratify, would he a princely stipend.
I neither thought nnr heard anything
tnor of John liordon or his will.-, lor two
nioiith'. when a woman iippeared at my
ollicc and introduced herself as Mrs. (lor
don. 'Mino is n verv liml crise. "Miiekel."
said she, seatiiihersi If hy my side.
'Indeed, liiadiitii, I thought you were
very coinfortalily pr.iided for. You have
one-third of the incoiuo of your lm-Land's
estate, or nhout one thousand a year.
"It seems that 1 am not to have this,"
replied she-.
,'Not have it ':"
"Toter (iordon has taken po.jM':.i,in oi
the estate, declarinc it helon's to him.
He Paid my hiisliand oold it to him a few
weeks before lie died-"
"How could that he?"
'Toter showed mo the deed and nays it
has been recorded."
"Does he? So much the hotter for you
madam. The law gives one-half of his
personal estate "
"But he sold it for one dollar," inter
rupted sho
"Ho could not sell it 'vithout yout con
currence. Did you relcaso your right to
dower in the premises
"No, sir; l'eter diiys I did, though, nod
showed uie my name dulv Mfmed on the
"Did you sij'ti it V
"No sir."
"Then it La lorpeiy."
"You nro cuiilideiit you did not sign
j'our n.iuic to the iiied
"i ii hi veiv sure I Hid not, and for n very
'! , :: : . .vn: ; I I..-1.-, e.eii wiotemv
r , : i v.. i . Mit up in the country, I
. . ,.,:;. i not ..of , in. tell noltoolin'.r !
! .... My 'ol ks were very poor, and I
: . . ;.ad a chiince to go to school,'' said
. . i :-('ii w ith some confusion.
'1'id your know that you could !
not write?" I
"No, I never lold him ? I
I dismissed her w ith the request that ;
Bhn would call the next day. I went (it
once to the Registry of eeds, and found
that Mrs. ( Iordon told a straight story.
Mer miserable husband had given his pro
perty to his brother in his last days, so as
to cheat his wife, who had cared for him
in health, and nursed hini in sickness, of
her just claims upon hii cstati
He was a villain! 1 need not sav I felt I
li deep interest in the case of my client, I
and resolved to bring matters to an issuw
ut once. The next day when she railed,
he directed me to her sister, hy whom it
could he proved tint Mrs. (.iordon could
not write her name; who had seen her
make a mark often, and within a very
short time.
The peuon who professed to Lave wit
nessed the signature of Mrs. (Iordon, was
a clerk in the ollice of Peter. My first
move was to take, steps to arrest him on a
charge of fraud, and to sue his employer
for my client's share of the rents, which
he had just collected, and w hich he had
refused to pay over to her.
H'hen I had proceeded thus far, I recei
ved a visit from I'eter (iordon.
"What do you mean, sir?'' he asked
rather sourly.
"1 mean to get justice for the widow."
'dler husband was worth nothing when
he died,"
"How so?"
"It wn sold to me and he signed away
her right to dower."
"Iid she?"
"Certainly sho did."
"Did you see her sign it?"
"To he sure 1 did; so did mv clerk."
''There is a warrant out for the arrest of I
vour clerk, and I have some hopes that
.. :n ....... v.... , :.i i 1 ... ....
rir . , "vc in."
P He started back with a look of astonish -
iiirnt nnd terror. don't im,,!
you," ho stammered out. i
Tv'i ".,,1,1 ,., ...lf ..!... :
you w ill understand
1 it nil in good time."
f.-.. fi...i' ..L.-.!...,' ... 11
h" oiiii,
lie will bo the ruin of me '
lie will DOtlie rum Ol me.
''You should have thought of that be
fore," said I.
"You don't mean to say that everything
isn't all light about my brother's iid'iirs.
Ilei-nnai. if if ivii'f I .fill IiioLa if nil ....!, '
make it nil right,
you know."
l on say that iiri. tiray sicnea thai
. w
'V i ell-no : not exactly j but I suppose
she signed it.
") ou knovy she didn t. '
'llow should 1 know T"
".Mio can t write. fho can t write her
own name. (ministration of tho government of New ' ""'bod talktaboui g witht lt
Gracious 1 ... , I York. jnonosensI thai doen not b-i. utMfrs
I pressed he rascal closely and made, j it, because if man or woman either ia
him acknowledge that his clerk had sign-! man who married Mim Take, Bf- hungry, they will forego the condiment-
ed the name for a con-iderutioii. I would ter having courted Mis I.oyd, was told by but I rleclare if I was on the point of escu
1 uve caused both of them t be sent to the a friend that it wa.s reported that he was latory starvation, I would die decently
ebttep'ison, if Mrs. Gordon had not beg- married to Miss I.oyd. land make no sort of sign, rather tluin
(,ed u.e to fipare them. ' As it wob I eeeu- j "It wa a Min Tuke. 1 assure you." he take a kis without ita aceomr-ni' e-nt Hrir wuieoL the f.tat for my rejilid. tUe nioustnche "
ilu nt, mi. I rhnn-id lnv Mil io 1'rlrr, will
wan l t'" glad b pny il.
Clin pi rref FintlTiing.
I'piillii.. in fn-t brought into I ndian. I
M.iH Ii '.i.lli, I 171.
lln-lii-t Tiiii'l At-lirii.iK-o irit-t) wa
I. 'i mii . I I VI'. I'l, lOi.
Mi. mi nut iinilii'tt was lirst sueecssfiilly
n; lii-il I'll'. II. ll,i'1.'.
I'l.- f i -1 piititing M done Aj lil CI,
lii-'t I"iH'lih it.Miiier that siih'd for
i, V, im All;'. I i'i, I '.'.".
The lii -t cnniiui iieeineiit of Harvard
college took place, I M. '.,
The tilst Ciiidinnl was niado Nov. tl'tli,
111.'. I.
The lir.-t nuiriiii r'.- enmpass wa made
in l::n'.'.
liuiipowder was llrnt used December l'.'"'.,
I :!::'.
( hii tinas wilt liist cclebraled Decem
ber .Vith. A. D.. '.is.
The tir.-1 trial bv jurv look place M.w
I I. '"li.
T!i( 111' t debate in the 1'lliled States
lloil'o of Kepi cseiit.'it ives, ias on the sub
ject of a tal ill'. In the .h balc, one if the
members I'roni South ('arolinu lavore.l a
protection on hemp. The tirst woollen
mad on the Tiicitic coast has been started
in operation at Salem, Oregon, with "IsH
The lirst building erected in Anuricn to
collect the King's duties: occupied the
silent the corner of Iiicliinond mirl North
street, l'lo-ton.
The earliest reference to music ve have
is in the book of (ienesis, chap. iv where
.lubal, who lived before the deluge, is
mentioned as the father of nil Blioh as han
dle the harp ami the organ.
Tin; first religious newspaper ever issued
Wiis the 'Herald ofliospel Liberty," which
was published by I'.lias Smith, in Ports
mouth in I WIS.
The lirst daily newspaper printed in Vir
ginia, was in and the subn'iiption
was s 'iO per anuiini.
The first cut nails ever niado were pro
duced in Kliode Island, and the historical
j society of that Stale has the machinery
employed at their introduction. The nails
were made during the revolution.
I The lirst Iron Works established in
i New I jigl.tnd. were at I.ynn. The lir.-t
attempt to melt the ore was in ll'i-l.'i.
I The lir.-t paper made in New England
jwas produced at .Milton ; the first linen at
(Londonderry; the first blankets at Ips
jwiiili ; the first scythes and axes at llridgo
! water; the lirst powder at Andover ; the
j first glass ut Ijuincv,
The Fatiiek or Watehs. The vastness
of the great Mi-si.-sippi river, is thus giv
ei: by a nowspnper correspondent, who
writes from Maiden liock, Wisconsin :
"While 1 look upon the river throe
miles wide nt thi.- point, my mind seems
to take in at one grasp the magnitude of
the stream. From the frozen regions of
the north to the sunny south, it extends
samo twenty-threo hundred miles, and
with the Missouii is -1,500 miles in length
It would reach from New York across the
Atlantic, nnd extend from Franco to Tur
key and tho Ciw-pinn sea. It average j
depth from its source in Lake Itnscn, Mi-;
nesotn, to its delta in the Gulf of Mexico, :
is fifty feet and half a mile w ide. The
trapper on the 1'j.per Mississippi, can
take the furs of the animals that inhabit
its sources nnd exchange them for the tro- j
pu al h ints that are gathered on the bank
i low. Slaves toil at one end of this great
flinrnn,.' I'o.o tvliil.. t l,o fee,, ro.l mn.i nf
the forest roam at tho other end. The
floods are more than a month in traveling
from its source lo its delta. The mini
number of steamers afloat on this river and
its tributaries are 1,50(1 more than twice
the entire tonnage of England, nnd equal
to 'hat of all other parts of -he world. It
receives a score of tributaries, tho least of
which are stronger than tho vaunted
streams of mighty empires. It might fur-
nish natural boundaries for all Europe,
:m.lyet leave lor every country a river
longer than the Seine, It engulfs more
every year than the revenue of many petty
kingdoms, and rolls a volume in whose
lopths the cathedral of St. raid could be
stlllk- Ollt .III' siirllt H lll.,nr,r. ii. n.,
" i f.-"" " i
year, more water than has issued Irom the
Tiber m five centuries : it swallows nr. fit
ty river which have no mimes, each of
which are longer than the Thames. TI
addition of tiie waters of the Danube
11 ... .. . .
, ,,-,. -, ,. 1
single reservoir, (lVpm) 2...00 miles Irom;
inie i in't i-L.ii il linn u notioHi : in line.
the sen, the navies might safely ride at
anchor. It washes the shores of twelve
powerful States and between its arms lie
spaces for twenty more."
Br,.Mr. Brandytoddy three reasoiiK for
not drinkiiiirnre verv rhiiriietoristie nftl,( I
gentlem in " doubt that Harry would not move from
"Take something to drink ?" said his llis l",st ,U1 ,l.e "I'l'W"'"!- Lionel at
fl iend to him one day. 1 01",' n " '''' to be called, and,
"No thank you," replied Mr. 15. ?s 1C w'nt 101 1 1 to 'livor his son from
"Xo! why not ?" inquired his friend, ni,,w1w;m,1r? "lWh 011 '"'"n 'Vli-'',lio tur
great nma.ement. ne 1 to his visitor, saying : " nn see, sir,
' "In the first place," returned Mr. Bran-! ,ho ,1,f,(',l;,l"c of a soldier's family."," 1 am secretary of a temperance 1,1 ''0. 'i"Ulse oi,',xn 1"n"' ,,l,c ''0,,,,u'1 , otl" '
organization that meets to-day, nnd I must ,vl, l'onl' J lliri'.v, who although he
preserve m v temperance character. In the i M't;,n1c"1 K0I;"'V "Heeled with the cold
second place this is the anniversary of mv ! , ' "l, to R,' 1,10 in ,1C'
father'B death, and out of respect 'to him ! V"1' , V"1'"1, "l 1,0lnP' fi(,f'"10(l t
1 have promised never to drink on (his 1 1,ave V"Sf-cI l'y-'l' Iittlo iil'tn-nooirM
i . . , . ... . . . . n v I iiii'inii on ii' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t . 11
..iv. Ana in the third Mace 1 have nut
taken something.
An ArrF.cTioxATK Hi'sband, Harlan
Ilvde. of (ireeitville. f'oiineotieiit li.vf
third wifo one year ago. About a week
T ' , v' ,llUf,"'"'"'v
; the L'lave, oiiened the collin. and look out
1 1 1 it . 1
iwilllt nf Mm ,,,m fnt(U Sid.f of
! "MJU V"
i "'. ls ",.",ul oi ugo, a
1 . i... i . .
nuur: cm j it-11 1 it i' 1 ifi if, 111 rircunihinii-
1 1 11s io pro icily, linn II memiicr ol
. . . A .. - . . i . 1 1
! .'
ill e inn 1. It is eiii iont v r....nrt
.1.1 ..t...- 1 . . . 1 . , - .
1 01 11,111. ne 11 leu 10 cot 1 1:0 teeth out asshe
' l.ul in his house before the funeral ;
i. .. . .. . , , . . 'l
oiiL uie r t'i'i iiiusetos womii nor i-ei v
The women of (irecnville wish to tar and U1" n"1 Iirol"r to liave him she
mid feather him. , could go to the clergyman and forbid the
, 7 'banns. After a moment's pause she took
WllMI'v's I'll. M'tS I.tSSL'YIVrt A CnK.i tt'it ill lll.P IIIiiti.i. ,l ...M il.... .'. 1 1
foniia corros.ondcut writes as follows : 1 '
. coiisiuci ii my uiti io siaie dokiiv that .
m, a .,.,(, ;., .,.ni L..i ; i .i : i..
.,.........'...... ..t.inv.b to rii.i..ililgl v
Li.,11 pi,., ,..oa .., .,., JTU
j n dry goods, went off rapidly at high fig-! jUlt 0W) cyfn 1)u ;U) an(1 tpn
dor CBtnlidates co otl slowlv.andas tortiil
I ...v ...... ...... ...,, nviiini, Illi.J
nn r.ll' .h.n.1.. I .1.-1
p)(pr ,! tougher ones, there'i no ehow
Emit Cutti iir of Hut.
! y,.nr, p , ,,, , V,,1V (,,
1 1 ii t 1 -gin-' hcloio lnuvot, nnd h. b ro
(n bloV-oiin liu.l i nlitily Inlii'ii nil. It
, , j,, . v, , v .'h( nitiiim r, and
plan. I in n iiinwtn nhich 1 could nt any
(j,,,,, ,ae iinv-n. Alter hnrvit, and
Inn tin1 -I'til liml become mi rip n I'1
'(.lull mil i on-iil. i abl v, I i u( I lir mi i in' I, ill' I
'of i;i-aif in tin' .-. 1 1 1 1 1 lii'M, nml i.nri-. it in
a m an Ii mow . At a lavoralile tniK , (in
the follow ing w iuK r.) fi r making u lair
c ciiiin nt, I carried out to my c.ulle,
liny from the mow in which I hud stored
that wl,i''h had been cut whilst green, (be
fore harvest,) mulled to ench a separate
parcel. A ft i r they had fairly commenced
feeding upon it, I carried to each a parcel
of that which had been cut after harvest,
und from which the seed shelled when it
was bundled. In every iii.-tniieo the cat
tle inline. lialelv (jnit the "beautiful green
ll.lf " .....1 ..I.. .'... .. tl...l 1.I..I o ...,l
""' 1,1. I, ..I,.-. .11,
,irr i,iit,s, before again touching the for-
in.-. . iii'i' "i in in. oiy iiiMaiii i's, ine
thieiv fioni their mouths the green hay,
t he sooner to get at the other. I repeat
edly tried the same experiment, and the
result was the same in evely instance. The
reason of the prefereiic? shown by the
cat Mo for the buy cut aUr liurimt, I suppo
sed to be this; it was much inoro easily
mastiraled, and sweeter in llavor than the
other, that it retained in the stem, leaves
and .vim's', all the nutritive matter which
it possessed when green, and probably w ith
nunc additions, derived from the earth
and atmosphere, over iind above that of
t he green hay.
I he green, early cut hay, although it!"I'''- i;'tM)i IIOI SI'.. LiuhIhm- city,
retained its green and beautiful appear-1 1' 1 (Ti'iirfiolil en., I'n. 'i'lu' mt.lei i)riie. nuti-
anre, was tough and dillicult to masticate; ,w l,H' llU,,lk' '"' "1 (1 '" ,1"
and very probablv the crude and unelabo-; "'"'; "" l''-T''r,.'a i" c-
. i ' i -i i i -.. i colli niiHin ti nil who innv luiur linn null n rail.
rated san iieiiiured uii acid and bitterish Tlp lllJllH(. u llir0L, hlf.hi ,,,!,
taste wliicli wa.s ilisagrecal.le to the palate, , w,. (uiiii-lnol. ninl nc mns will In- ntmreil
and deleterious to the health of the cattle, i to rcmler sut is) notion to hi om-t-, His lau- if
lie this us it may the experiments t'ullv I lny suiiplicl willi choice liiium ol nil kimls
satisfied luo that the cattlo were mo.-t fonil 1 'i l"r,' I'L'i'ly "'' Mitl.Miig cniicctnl with
of the laiter cut hay ; that thev would eat ! "1C 1"""1'' llu8"l't''1" lmro of iml.lic inttroinigi'
more ol it, and kceji in bettor condition I
mum it than upon the, earlier cut green I
nay. 1 liilVo Hot so periectly experiment
ed ill regard to horses mid sheep, lint I
have observed that they always made the
same choice with the cattle, when oppor
tunity offered, no doubt for the .same rea
sons. J. II. 11. ,VI.,'( C'!"''. Co" II 'IW
(ii-ii.'.'Wia, April
How t3 Hake a Earn-Yard-
The Lest way in my opinion to form :
tnrn-ynrd for the preservation of manure
without its becoming muddv, wheie tin
I ground is higher than some ot its siirroun
(nin parts, is to jiloiigh and,, si rape
jl'rom Ihe centre to the oi:'. :de, lual.iu.' a ,
: gradual descent from the? out--ido lo tiie
;einti'e. l ot the fall bo one half 1'oot in j
ten, and falling a little more ns you near
the centre. J ig a drain from the centre
to some suitiible, nlaee without tho var.-l.
where you ran construct a vat to put in
leaves, sods, niii'- Ac., w!:ieh w ill absorb
and retain the linuid from the vntd. Tbei
linlloill nml liit,.u nine l,n fro r.1,1 r.1.,.,1.- i
or may he moresuiistaiit'ally l.uill ol itone
find mortar. The top of tin; vat should be
made so as to mmid against rains and stir-
lace water
drain shou1.
be made of
a.s much as possible. The.
I fall considerably, and should I
dank ei'ht inches hig'.i and!
e in.sido. Tho head of the
"m. w'"
Irain should be covered over with a good I
'sU'"r! "'Oil V'- 'J'1"-' '' 1 ought to be
iWCIipiH OH Wit 11 Collide StOllC, iUKl With a
"u'"l""ns ,u .wn.Ys "voa dry
I ',al'a'1 . J he water romthe barn and sheds
!ould never he allowed to run into the
yard, but should be carried by good cave
troughs to a large cistern for the purpose
of watering stock. Cur L'nral Xcw lW:,r.
Gen. Havclock upon.Faniily Discipline.
The following from one who enjoyed
much neri-onal communion with the tie.
ceased (ienerid, will be regarded nn il-
lustration of 1 1,.. mon'i .dm ...).. .,t .vol..
out significance, liming his stay in Enu
land, the narrator of this anecdote went ' f.1 ll,l. ,.lll,.,t 1 ;,.
e .- . w I
course oi conversation Jirs. Jiave oeic 1 11 -1
,,,.,1 suddenly to her husbnnd nml s,.i.l
"Uv the way. mv dear, w here is I m i .- "
referring to her son whom sho had not
seen during the whole afternoon. The co
lonel finite, I fn liw IV.i.f "U'.,!! ...w... J..1
....-. .VH, M.,.'I l.i-
I .....,,..,. Ia... 1 - 1 i
"J" ",; '""" l'" i-oii'ioii oi ma iy and .
in thin cold, too ; I told him to wait for !
me there at 11' o clock to-day and in. the
pressure of business at , 1 quite for-
got i no appointment. ihe lather and
Bon were to hnvo met at 11' at noon, and it
was now after seven o'clock in the even-
m i ei uie lanier st a-ined to have no
! . ' . ,1 . I'. , I. i
, , . "l t :""" s'"'i"ir,
,n,i, I,
nml the feeling that all wus right. Edin-
bury Jm(yKrprfgs.
rtv t :. . . .
ftiTA )oung man having entertained a
U'1"1lI' l"Csio" fo1' a ycmig woman, felt
Hllf'll IIKI1 I'llinil tl 1 ll I (I llli, .,1. nn .. . .
h s , v ,li" lii , , 1
ml "M ' ur tisclosing the same to the
latr empress of his h-art, resolved on nn
I Cl1',!
" ' . ' "- ' 'orgyman
jiikI roniioKf tlm l.'ina kr w...,.;..,.., .1
: "u,"" mhiu
1 11 lllll.llt.111111 llOI.M,ll..l I ll'l. .1
, i """ tu nnv. oiientiic
, 1'uuin .nioii wits inougnt 10 tier ears s u
1 tvnu 11 11, 1 u, 1 1 I, ...... I. ........ . .
. """ "ii.eiu, iinu went, to
"! tov',U 1"'r p'"' "'"' '' tho
U i ,r.,i.iii,J., ,.i : i. ......
j i-,noi,n-, ci-riviiiL' u i n sin.
done, it is a pity' that the sluliwy ilwM
mrown air ay.
MorsTcnrs. A ludy writer in firaham's
the mouida
e, lia th following in regard to
.' taehe :
"Did VOU Vr bniw . n... U-
kna' aJ ai'B bot k woull
1.1 'MM KM I.N
A. i.7 t',i ii ii I'if'fti'tt I'li.'.in.r nl'
The Mi. "I simple, dniiildc nml eflccine Mill tor
Hiifdntg nil kin.l nl Kiniii liitu linn or mm'!
mi nl A doirc 1 - I t i. r, t id.
A i.iri, w.m. I,. iinM.ii a n runn rrt,
Miiniilii. Infer, i.f A n 1 1 iillnri'l liiiplrnicot-,
Nil 1 1 in, Mail,. I : (., riiiludclphln.
i Vikl Mii-li'l', Mi r limit, ninl fxt.-n
x f in-
.t in
niii.iii' timiii-r, i'..oi.'
iiintcp, e.t
II l llll
I!iinll..r.l em ir liiii.
LM, is.iii.
X Tim Milin'i il.ii- I, mint; In lien llii' nlmve i'il
kiionu fliinil. Iiirnii'ily lo'l'i L.v II in. A. .Mni'iii
in Curwi'iiMiili', I'n., i- ii'inly I.. iieom iihiiIjiIk nil
lin liny lnnir liininiln .iilninn;'i.
tnlilo ill nlna.VH Im ni.j.l.u I W illi t lio le-l ll.e
iniirka ufli.nts. Hint lii- bur willi llio i''..-t
liiiniip. Ilin slnl)li w ill Im iimler :lii) cnri' f ii 1
tfiilivf ln.Ml.'iH. IAV1H SMITH,
t'lirivi'iimilli', April 21. Ij.
TON' 'l t
.llf iri lll
ahi: i'orri:i:v von st.
rl v i"('ii.ii'il I')' Purler A boi. in
Hi ml v tn.. iii-nr l.u'liei'liui.', will In' .villi low on
llm uBiiiT (.iiiiti'!i' ri'tii'.viiis wfslH'iinl) the
iulli'ry is in gumi uiiler iin.I Iiiim i-inuieel.-il willi
it ljiiut lin in-res of Ian. I, nlnnil inn' liulf in itin.-s
llm l.iili.iuic in There is n nt lvi' se.iy
ilwi'llin nml .-ull'.i ient ulnlilin ninl hlieils mi llm
.h'.;'c. (in.i.l iinili'i iiil lur Ihu niiiiiiiru'.'lni'u ul
Hlono wnro ninl iiliniuluiii'i' ut t' uiu en the
juojuMt v. Fur ternm 1 1 1 1 1 v t'i
b. J. I'liANS, (Ti-aiticlJ.
Miiv 2. 13.i7.-lf.
it. brn u s i' a i rniKii. anti iiti.r-
(U S lli;.li;i'V nml ItliSTOF.ATlVi:. for
(ul. Is, C.inli, Crniii, Ac 3'jIJ lit J us. s
.Slmo Shu., C'K-iit iieKl. ret. 2S, 'i7.
.1. h cuttli:,
Vtlorncy at
al 1 aw ana Land Aec:i!, nSr
bin rcsiilcnrc, on .Market slrc
(.'Ii in In
el,;;. is;,:t.
I ) I
.MS )V.l Tiie lui.lcisineil iiiiineicc to
ihe "wit. lie . 1 1 1 nn 1 l In: i ci I ill lieu, kill. I."
i Unit lif lias reniiiv. .1 t.. ihe .-hop re oil t y oi'.-iipi-j
el ly loolehiii:;;!! A Mien, ns it t it i lur rlmp, in
! Sliii.ii- H ov, where he will nt nil times he loiuul
I i-ii.iy nn. I wiliii:' to iitleiid lo tic '.. .!e' ol ihe
1 I lle-s purl i f ermlioii. llis work i,,eii-
j eiiii.nieii.l.-iin.ii it icci. uiiii, nds it.-clf, rind he can
it.illi prid c point lo hi- Inii.iiy im n n.-c.l eit.-l.itu
in pioi.f. I'.eady made v.i.rli ol'iil! k::nls, ill hu
' kept eenstatitly i.u Intnl. The hiln-I mniket
price paid for hide-. Jj.. UOON.
-May '.'ill 1:,,7.
AII.110AD ilul'Si: ; corner ol' Siiiin nud ',
k v 1 1 . i . i : .
. M !: A X,
I While Street, lice
fob. 2i. '.s. r.. n
;, I'lepr'TtiT.
K!X:i ll.e meat lii.. H,o iin,er,ienr 1 loyt !
iii'.niher of Mi,eei;ai:eo'.i.i book, ill tho 1
'"i.v runem! of l.i. hho
I'lirnotia hitviii
marked with hut
""V boolo ll('iol.-ill)J (o llim
Iimuo hellter trot on hua in- nihorwise, will
cjnfer n 1
II. ii. Mvuifi'i;. "
Mn I eh .".l, Is;,:?.
. ber, Ae., -Ne
iml Kxt.-n-Ite Ivnlcrs in Ia n:
ew Wa;.hini-ton, Clearfield com,
Al I'n.
p. 21).
il lv.. I
Ikn;;v v. ov Kit max."
Xo. 11 (f.-A.v.. r, A:,-', '.',;.-., ,sw. &..,
Cii'.f skin-, Mor.iecr,.-,'n;;?, Iliiidinpn.
LEI) .1 OAK SOLI-: LKAT1I Kit, ,U.
X, II. Itou;l) Leiithwr'lit or takon in ox.
?1"l,'0 March .1, 1 S.- y.
m: ir a i:i;a.;i:me.t.
Ihe siil.seiihcr resncetl'iillv niinoiinee. lo tl,. !
lie that he hn. taken the above, stand, in the hor
(MlL'll III ( learficl.l. nild i llietl.-l r,-.l In ,iee.,m,n- I
dnto nil nhuninveirr him n ..nil. 1 i,a ,..,1.11..!
,.,v r...f l".!" o. ...I ......
nitll tin. lo.l t ll.n t. I... ..II .1. n- .".. , 1
. -.. ....,.,,,,. , ,,,,, ,UH unci
.... enoiccM iiranns oi wines nml hi.nois. nnd ;
ruion-f ma ue miner iin c u e of ntl,.nti e nnd
cnrelttl nutler... I AM K . M tl PlVI'H
Feb. 11, lsi;.,.
Magistrates' and ( 'onstiddes blmks1
... t .... i ...
ur tiate ai nil" (.nice
Iii'port.n.t to
1K. (il'STAV 1. IN. SARD'S
The d ' sils'i .ite fur T ' lja. ro.
It is 1 well known and in.-onlr.n i tihle fnrt
Ihnt the use of Tobacco is the proutoliin' runse of
many of the most severe MKNTAb AMI 1'IIYS
ICAI. HISOKHUKS to t.hiidi the race of man is
subject, its ent iiil analysis and hint; nml painful
oxp(risnco luive eharly proven licit it eoatain
certain nine, .tie und poi.-otioiis pi opi i lie in...-t
(langeriuif. in their ci'i ct. which hv cuieiiinr iul'i
the blood deranges ihe funeii.,ii ln,, operations
of the heart, causing many to mppose that ot em
to bp periim-ly ili.-ensed.
T'lHACro iilTtcts iiln, the nitire iicrvous n
tetn, miinifesling itsidf,,, all who have used the
noxioin weed will heir IcMiiuoiiv in I.n.--it.ide,
Nervous Irritability, Water Mra-h, )lv-peo;ii, ,t
innny oilier disonlers of n similar chain -lor.
THE TASTE KES'lullATlVE Tltnril ES nro
"' "S"1" " ""....eiiict oie.-e naneiui in tienccs,
and have prove! c,leiclv H,eeessfl in .i
ilesigned to counteract these baneful
.., ins, -, 110,1 neicver use. 1. iicuig iiarin
less ill thcmsclvcK they exert n beneficial eli'vl
upon the entire system, resloiing tile Tasle w hieli
bus become vitiated or d. s-lroyc.1 ! y reat iniltil
geiiee, ciimpletidy removing the irritation nnd
accompanying tickling cnnitiun of the 'i hr..a
which me ulwnys eoiiseiiicut upon the tibslniiiinv
from the lif e of Tobinco. und by givin g it l ielii:
tone to Ihe stomach invigorate the w hide tyi-ti in
rer.-oiii who are irretricvablv nndernrioi: .
I heir e,,wl,l..t ...... I . 1 . ..: .1 ,-
, " ' ' """ icnioir aieir nves,
' i",", 1 '!"'se 1 T'v' ""-'"';'? l.r..w
"1 tho iiijnrtoui. and unn eiiMini ,.r T..I,
co chewing,
These Troches or bon ngen nro put up in a
rmveiiicnt and portable form at the low price of
60 cents per box. A liberal ili-cunt to the Irudo.
Prepared r-olely by the undersigned to whoin
all orders should be inldressed.
Cor. 2d nnd Hace streets, 1'liiln.
April 18, lS.r.'. ly.
Merrriant ami I'rorlure Dealer, Luthcrs
brg CUnrfloll eouiity, Pa.
April 17.1HA2.
July 2, 18j(!.-y.
TTORXEV AT LAW. Clearfield. P(iin,..
for th present in the eastern end of .....
ty buildinpi. mtJ Vt lm I
'..I ''..'.I.
1) llKAl.Y A 111., MiiiHfiu'lnri'tii .f Hii.Vi
f I mm 'i I'M rp mm mm, nn " .. n
Ill-lin n ' llnniitli l". Hmrrln(, Hwiinl nml I'tii ln't
(il...-., lin. kill rhil In mi. I lrni'in, lll.loi(( A
Hnii.tilijF l.eit riii'i, MiilkiiiR (iiiilum. iiT I'I'illi
nml Lrntlii'i, llm k-kiii nml In. lin Itiil.h.'r Su.
..'iiili'M. it let Ili'll", .M.uii'V Hrltn nnl I'liric,
Mi'i;h I'. In J, nml Hnlliilu hkinn ol fifty rln,'iii
li M, II. llm knUiiii i f nil i'iiIiiik riul (jiinlll'fi,
I'nnnii'li"! 1', 1 ul urtel of I'linnim", h.iui
yt'ft A..
'' The ntlcnllnn nf tlu nu'relinntr of Clcnr
fn l.1 iMiniity in nl'i linlly "i iillf.l t'i the nliove
iiiUfrliM'ini'iil. I' llcnly A re- miiniiliirtnro llm
itli, .to k.iiiiIk llu nifflvK. nml ill roci'im in ex-
I'lnni;!' lib Hit !sK INS, nml nlliiw tin liiglict
riisli ii ico lor Iho Miiuo.
!Si'.l. 2, nii.-IT.
(' h p IV a I r li c s u n il Jcnclry,
r llul.SA I.i: nml ItKTAIb, nltlia "1'hilinlcl-
i. hiit Wali'lt nml Jewelry Stun1, Nn. lis
(olil No, titij N'oi lli St-cuiul Mrcd, corner of liuitr-
ry, I'ltiltnl ii.
(iolil l.i)vi'rViitclifi.fnlljiiwi'lo(l 13 c.ct$2S fl)
Hold l.u.ini, IS eiirnt, 21 U()
Silver bcvi r, full jeweled, li 00
Silver .it pi id . ji'Hi'ln, ...---.9 (in
Su.erioi' itiiii'tierii, - 7 111)
(lulil Sicetiieli" 7 Oil
Finn Silver Sn'Ctticli'i., 1 60
Hold liriieclel :i On
laidv i. (iolil l'eiiciln 1 Oil
I Silver Ten Spoons, per yet 5 Of
ijol.l Pens, willi I'cncil nml Silrer Holder, I llu
tiold I' ine,cr I'.ins :!74 cents In $81); Willi li
(llns.-es, plniti 12J ruiitti, pntont lSj, biuiel 2.'.:
oilier nilielcs in proportion. All tfooila ivuiiuntcil
jtu bo nhut lliev n rr soi l lor.
i Siieci'SsorH lo 0. Conrnd.
; (In Imiid oin liold und Silver bevcm mid I.e.
1 pitieii, still lower lliiin the nhove priceM. 7, ISjo.-I.v.
J)!iyslrlaii, innv ln fniiml either nt kin nfTiee
nt Seotield's hott-l, .'iirwcnvil!'', when nol
prolessiiiiiiilly absent.
Due. 2'J, IS.'. I
I) UitASM nml fO I' : t:,ken in ex
i hniiL-e lor TIN ami II .'. H . YV A ME ut lite
' ri-l.thlhiin'iit of.
.v i; 5 1 f ' c rr vn
July io. ::.
nit. ;i.oi
noli, t- ih:
.Oitf.i; WII.SOV rcpeetfnllv eir
it he lilts r"SUllied tin- I'lui uee
iie pM
Hiniwill proiiiptly intend lo nli .-illii
ion. l.iilliei sl.iii j-.ApT 2, I Soli.
rim I'lMiadcrs, Ctirwensville. An r.xtciiaivo I
orlineiit of Cn-tiii".- niinlii to ordi re I
bVc. 2'.l, lsil.
TT0K.1-:Y AT LAW. nllice mil. tins I I
i-i. lease on Second Street, Cien 1 ..j, t
June 1. l",j. I
- - - - I
XY r.rsons knonini; t It t-m so I v i r indebted hv !
note or hook H'Tonnt of one yejir or inort. '
lumlili'. tire positively n iine.-teil loeitll nnd lev '
!:"' """J"' 1"".V will bo tiealeil lu'eoidin,; to;
w nhout io.-.eet to per.-i ns.
riiAAun iu.M.iiit.1, l
Krenrlivillc, May 5, ISjS. I
I;kiu med iiiel ii.fiin in, j mn
lo eitl nml i-lon; up nil m .- c,i ;di v b
illl ss -
tin ie-
! i. i i 0
: All I'r-i.i havia - 1 :i : it: s a,'ain-t mi: a
I '"re reij.'e- teil to ,- n,..,,, at ,a;ee n t.-i
i l.lellt. 1 de-ire t ', - an own i .'.eeul ,-.
! way K'. ls;.. ' JA All'.- lii: , P
nr..' hereby rami. ins, 1 n.iimi
in any way ineddl.n with
1.1, er.-oris
i il biiMii)r, ur in
i .Much Com s. on; red
lid toe oilier bundle, now
I in tl.f p.l.".-CMiot (li Jo
pit .Milhvaid, of lieeatar
I lp., ns the nud con l.eli.ntr to me. and
me in hi-
I pii.-se.-Moii on loan only, .-iihjecl to my uriies al,
j eontrul.
i DAY 111 (JOSS.
I Sept. 2.-i, i sir. r,t pd.
i:'l"0 All fiorstiits ii lu herein-
jjninst pnrcha-injf n certain note drawn I v !
me in favor of Stacy W. Thoiiipsou, dated li'llh '
Aiigimt, ISir, for SI2.'i, ns I have Imt received I
vi.Ute tliercl'or and will n..t pnv it. '
April nil. 18i7. ?-t- pil.
miiv TDfiti'i'ii i m
-v.l.l J I.VU I .. .A .
M ""'Id
louse, iSi'-ii nml Ornamental I'liintite-. al
i ... v
Miop loiinerly ucciuuei bv Tiniitiieiii .t l;,...
t ,lu
ii-t end nt uliort di.sin
west of Lit.'f l't.iindry. Juno i.l, ISii.
DH. M. IVtKHIS, haviiif
tion from ('iirneimville
hiiltgcil his locit
lo ( learfield. res.
peelfully elfers bin profcs.-ioiml n-rvien to !
, v."..., ii- ,,i mv inner puieo anil VlclllllV.
I Ilesidence on fccolid street, .pwi,
It of
i. (. ran.-, i-.sip Wy
4 . ATiltlES on Cliiiiiiiinking. Wheelwright, nnd
lnnue an t Sign paint, ngi.t Curw en-ville,
I. .rai'.icld co. Ali orders droniptiv stti nded lo
Jan. , 1?;,S.
Dit. u . M. t: iUMtj;i.i. i,
K'ylertoH ti, tenders his niofi
ving located n-:-iona!
mm vice.
io uie citizen
of Morris und the inlioiiii'i.. .,,.
of Tlio;
lie win iiiways be found nt the roiden
kyler. when not mefessioimlle i
. May 21. I
. ' -'"H"r"- '
VI I lis 'njUMv'T'eCv I
I.M,I lltli &
T the nioiiih o Lies Hun. ti mile. iv...l
Clearlield, M Kill 'HA NT
Manni'iii'tiiiers (if Lumber,
July 2d, IS.'.2.
rilllE iindcrsighed would repectfi:ll inforiii the
X citiitetis of t lenrliehl und the iidjoining Cu-s
that he ha just stored in I'hilipsburg, a very
large ipiimtiiy of grain, including
Rye. Oats, Wheat and Flour. Buckwheat
Corn and Barley.
which lie will sell in large (ir , mull lot on the
most lcnsoiiiibli" terms and lit the lowest prices.
The niletitinn of tl,o,e needing anything in thi
line is callnl to the ti.,l;, believing it would be
toibcir iiilviintnge In give In 111 a call. Come
iiloti then and bo supplied by
fi. w: ki:im.i:i!.
I'hilipsburg. March 2, lN')7.-tf.
1)1IYSICIA. Oll'iie in (itrwen.rille.
Lb rersonstnro liercbv enntiin.l . : .
incildliiie with a certain note, iriven k .1..
unil rsigned to Hanhololucw Iladden, dated Sep
1st 18i, for $125, assaid note Im been paid
I nshington, March 10. 1S58.
' rr ... . 1 1 . .
' r 17 ,r" ' LlT 01 va,e Sn"-
1' .met of I.U eontainil .UVJ.i,.B.
acres, with ab..a 25 acres clearodyig on tho
Wen Branch, near tho borough of Clearfield,
with a good two story dwelling house, log barn.
nrl rtll. as- K11 tl.l!.. . a . n '
anil nthr hrill.ll... 1 l . " '
d.w land render il a valuable .ml desitable nro.
11. lll'CllKH SWOOl'K.
April 22. 1S57.
KAK1HV Alii; 0f everydescription for sale
at a moderata idvne.'t the .toioof
'' ! II I" V t K A il A 1 1 1 1 II l..
.i,t0tH) CK7 .V Till'. Vi'.V' .1ATJ
MMlMlli i:T riloillUMMK lull hM.
fn,(iim In urnki el Art. I I I! Iml, I, Alt fv
1 It A INH tiii'Viiv iiiLmllur. Tllli UlttAT
l,n:n m nn't.ii. vi nn gi-uwg rh.h.
Tli mil. m of llim i 'i 'H' Mnn'i'ini' nml I'utnum
Mi.lillilv linn uii.'ii .i llu' roiipiiliilntnl rw
rii nihil inn Koi nml In Iml on.' niiniliir I'ltl.llriili,,,
,11 till r.illllllV, till. I IlltH Hl'l'lll'i'll fur II ft Cum!,
I it I i . nt nf liti'imy nn. I nilisiii' t.ili'iil itulililj 0ll
nvnli'.l nv nn t iiiiier .iin.' in iiif w.irl.l. lin
nun (In' lir.-t in. mill, llm ml" in the trn.l uJ
, . I r .1 ...'I I I ......
lii lilltll.l unlit pun-eriin-rs i-s i-et'iu'.i nn, u tin otii ,l
nml ui( ntiininn wrcmy ii""' i ino idiihiIiJ,
i . I
U''l worn nru imivi-r.niu e-oiieenon vi lint e iur
'iisrii, in llto rielniessof their lilornry cuutonti
nml the l.eaiilv nnd pmlimcncn ol llieir pieturii!l
illiistrnlioiis, nny inniiimiie ever before inmirjl
from the Aniericiin .res. I'tieoiirned by tliiiJ
evuieticfK nl tavor, the puiili.-lii luive ' l errat
ned In cuinineiiee ihe new volume in Janui
ry H it It mid i I inn ft I lit' t actions, nnd to nflcr iuc!:
iiidnc'iiieiilH to piihiicrihcr it-cuniiol fail lo plit,l
it, in cnctiliilion, nl I li e I: e a.l ol American .Mn..
lino. Willi thii v'.ww they nuw nntiotinee thul
followiiii; ipleudid IHVirrntn in. 1 bey hnvo nv
ehnnj I liml rnperb and costly atecl-plitt K Ign
ntnl will preK-r.l n copy of it to ctery thret do(
lar mtlncribcr for tlio year ISa'', It wm engri
ved nt n cnt of over Jill, (inn, by Im lute eidbri
tod A. L. liick, frnai tlm nri(.'liml of lCitpha!
Mi rj.hen, nlier Da inei. and ia the
lurc.-t hti id-piale eni'rn.'ing over e.Necuted In
this eoitiiii'.v, heiiu' three times tha nine of thi
ordinary three dollar cnravins.
1 he lir.-t iiiipressiiins ot tlim cnntviii in
held al lll, ninl it wm tlio ml. 'till hi of the v-
tist that noun of t Ii e K n ra v i n is should ever bi
(iti'ered for it less stun tltiin .'i, beine richlv wnrtb
t Ii :i 1 iiiiiounl. 'l lins every threo-dolliir Kttbueribir
will receive the iMiiga.inu one year cliiiipal
n d this splendid enravin, richly worth J
thus getting for $d the viiltio of f1.
We shall eoniiuenee htrikiui; nil the cngravingi
iinmediatcly, yet if can hardly be expected thii
iiiipre.-sion.-. of so large n pin to ciin ho token it
fust as they will be vailed for by fiihueriben.
We cliiill therel'iire, liiinislt them in tint order ii
ithieb subscriptions nro received, lh'mo who
ilctire to obtain their engravings curly, nnd from
tlte lir.-l iiiipre."i..!i.s. slioiii l send in their tub.
rciiptioi,.-! .liiiiouf d. 'ay. 'J'lic t ngravingi car.
be sent on roll, if, by nr..,, or m other manner,
I, me.M rihci s shall d.-r.
?-j'i,i" .i .v ii''..:;.v op a nr.
In nddilioii to the siii..'r'i engraving of "TIIE I
LAST Sl.'.'d MKIl," '.vlie-li vi:l l. presented t I
eveiy ll:r,.e I .l..n' .-a'l-.'i .ii.-r for I s.,s, t!iu iub- have c lao.eied n r. :i n m i . t . for the (lii-
ti .but ion. on the -. '.ii of lieci inner, I -ij.S, of .1
feries ol' sj.lendid t -o !i.- of iir. coih, -iiu ' of utie I
hundred i o h mid rare old jnt i n t i ti l; -, va.ttuditl
from $ inn to t'-lun oi.eli. A!n i. L'.ii 1 1 nnignifi.
cent .lcci-I'i ito lairav ing-, woiiii from $;) tn
.i each, and 1.0 II clmi. o Holiday ! U :, worth
Irom to cn-h. la.ilcing in all, ovr TIIItEK
'I'll" I .-AMI (iii'i'.-, Horn TWK.NTV Tllljf.
SAN D Iml, I. ;s.
Iiiclo.-n to tiie publishers and you nillcQm- receit in- llm .Maga.'.itit' by reluni mail. I
Vou ..'ill also reeeive wiih tin) frt copy a nurn
bered nil.-cnpln.ii ree-ipt, eetitln.g j mi ti th( I
Ktigr.iving of "M1E ,:i .s'l'l'l Kli," nnd I
i-'iaiiee to draw on. of :!ie.m "TIIHKK THOL'S
AXI I'lllZKS."
eas.ja wiiy you hnuld lali.Jeiibe
i:mi:l'.s(jx;s mauazixe u- &.
Firnt: Ileertune its literary contents will, da.
ring tlio year, en.biAce cotiMribuiious from over!
one hundred different writers nnd lit ink err, num-1 ion oi,- them t':- mo ,t i!i-::ii;;ai!,h id of A
nn rieaii : 'iti"n-.
Se .1. 1 : lecai..,, i: editorial dep'tit nienti,
"Our . -1 . -1 1 . "(lur '.V iilit, ' nml 'our Olio,"
v, ti! caei, he eoade-ted by an aid' editor sill
il vvid Mil) in t!ij variety and rielinefs of iti
edii.n i.ii e.iitf, i:i-, any oth ! iiiag'tziiu.
ll.iid: I .c -a ti-,.- it u..!!.t n, d, iiig the I
yenr, nearly six hundred original pi.'ioi i! illul-1
'"ilioiti, I ruui d"-igns by the liist .uienenn V-I
l'octh: In'eau-.i f,,r the iirii nf S3 yon will
receive llos .phi'did, mine richlv worth
that sum limit nay oilier iiiiigii.ine, nnd the io.
peib of "Tiie l,a-t ."'upper,"
lilt..: I.e.'iie-e on ill very lilo'ly draw flnf I
of tiie lb ice tinu.-aiid prize- to I.l dish ibuted on I
the .'..111 day of Oei cnibor, 1 f;S perhajn em I
iHiu is t" i ri'i i .tii'ii.
.Notivul. -tanning that thev-c cxlraordinnrr ln-1
I lint eiui'1,1.- caa hai.ily fail to iicennipli-li tlio ob-
jcels id the publi.-hers without further cfu.rU
I they luive delei inined t i .incline thru' tlm yoilf
To any p. r.-cu nhu ill get ut) a d,,!, oftwen-
jty-four .- il..-eribcis, cither al into or more poll
unices, ho i:i jne-ei,t ii splcmlel Iii.ra ry, cm--i'ting
of over l'orly l. trgu limiitd Voliinies em-
bracing tiie ino.-t popular or!;c in die market.
The club may ae fortaed nt the club prion, $2 I
I year, vilioiit llm engiiu ing, or nt the full price,
! f I ti year. Willi the engraving ef tho last Snpptr
! l.ihinrv. nml sue inien foi.v ,.r il,.. l :... -ill
to cacii fvuseriner. last nnd ilescr fit on of thi
be Pinvaidcd en le'eipt of 2.'. cents. Over 200
Libraries, ur S.IMlll voliiinos, have ulrendv been
d. sun .a led in necoidaiice with this offer, nnd l
-hold. I be glad to furnish n library to en.rv clrr.
gyimin, to every school master, or to aoino one at
eveiy n,.-t ollico ill the country.
AfiliXTS 'iKiriNi
The sueees" "which our njjentii are incetifif
nidi is nlit'ost ii-toiii-liing. Aiming tlio many
evi I lice , if ilos fa.-t, are permitted lo pub-li.-h
the to'.!. nvii, - :
(.KSTI ::m :Th following facts n relntinl
, to nni.i oiu ageiitj are (bung in this nectins,
j may I e nl u-e to nunc enterprising young mas
'in "an: "f e". '.lovini nt. The li,.v .I..!,., V A.r-
' "i;rl'. It" ininle, since last fhrirt-
li ns. . vcr l t'i li in lis ngi ncy. Mr. Havid M
Hi nth. of liii'- lv. Mo., vmir 't-cnrrnl f
und exit usive ! t'i"11 e'liinty. is maliintl $S per day on each sub
j ng.nt cinplo.ud hy llim, and .M..f!.i.. Wvlmtri
bums, id Oiegnii, M yr agents for Holt co.,
are niiiKing iiom s to jt'j yr, ,Ryt ,11(t ynK
buiiible -ei viiiit lias made, kiiie Ihe 'seventh dJ
o! last Jaiuiary, over l, 7(1.1, besides hoy ng for
ollll acres of lainl out of the bii-niess worth rM
$1,111.0. Vuu are nt liberty to publish this Stals
went, and to refer to any of the parlies named.
DANIEL, (JltlilJiJ, Carrollton, Mo.'
With such inducement ns we offer, anytiod;
tan obtain Mih-crihcrs. Wo invite any gentls
mull out of employment, nnd every who d
sires a plea-iinl ne JV-inakiii oe'eupation to p
ply nt once for an agency. Applicants should 2.. cents f ir a spi-ei -0"i copy of the insg
n.ine, which will always hi fortviirded wilh ao
sirer to nppiiciition bv return in il
M'KCI.MKX i:.(iitAVl.(i.A, wo desire to
pluee in Iho Itiiuds ,,r every person who propone!
to gel up a club, and also of every iiL'ont, a copy
of the engraving r the "LAST Sli "I'EK," ns I
specimen, each applicant en.tlosiiig us $:1 will re
ceive the Engraving, p.o-t paid, by return mail
also specimens of our publication und one otthl
numbered subscription receipts, entitling t.'e hoi.
der to the .Magazine one year and to a cimce lo.
the (limritiution. This otler is made only to thoss
who desire lo net as agents or In form Olubs.
Address, OAKS.MITIl k CO.,
No. 37 1 llroudwa;, X. y.
Jan 11, im
. .T,,B of the Jicpublican are ma-
KI,f-''Tangementt to lareely inerenso their
Kto'k of' ''obbing matet i,d, and will da pre-
V'lTc do U kiiuN of
I H I'll LETS, P 110(1 R A 11 MM
I' Hikiks, Circulars,
Bah Th ijETS,,
i r '
and uvcrv kind of neintinr. ...i.uiiu Ann
" country job ollice. Your orieri
trnnted to u will be faithfully mmu1 ad.
' i
LA RBIM Vi4 'f IB ).
may 1.